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Compassionate Seattle:
                 It’s Up to Us!
 Be a part of history
 April 24, 2010!

 Speakers                                          SHOWCASE
 KAREN ARMSTRONG                                   EXCHANGE

Personal and Intergenerational Compassion
A Panel with Opening Inspirational Talk from
Moderator Ruby Love
Compassion in Business, Institutions and Society
A Panel with Opening Inspirational Talk from
Moderator Courtney Martin

Thriving Communities and Caring for the Earth
A Panel with Opening Inspirational Talk from
Moderator James O’Dea

                            Action Network

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Dale Nienow!is Executive Director of the Center for Ethical Leadership, a nonprofit that
cultivates leadership and change capacity to create healthier, more just and inclusive
communities. He creates Gracious Space where people can work across boundaries to
form collective leadership. He is known for helping people open up to deeper dialogue
and new relationships that will move groups and communities forward on their
compelling issues.

Dale led the national Kellogg Leadership for Community Change program on behalf of
the W. K. Kellogg Foundation and is co-founder of the national Community Learning
Exchange. He is co-editor of the book, “Collective Leadership for Community Change"
and author of the article, “From Vulnerable to Powerful: Why Collective Leadership

Dale is passionate about tapping into the collective wisdom of communities and
engaging processes that help people get unstuck. He serves on a variety of community
boards, consults frequently with a broad range of organizations across sectors, and
connects social change agents nationally.
The Center for Ethical Leadership is the pioneering ethical leadership organization
in the Pacific Northwest, building collective leadership capacity for those advancing the
common good around the country. We are organized around the question: What kind
of leadership does the common good need at this time in this place?


Work is love made visible – Kahlil Gibran(
Libba says: I like to call myself an educator and social entrepreneur, and I am also at
age 67 a PhD student in humanistic approaches to organizational systems. In 2002, I
co-founded the Bainbridge Graduate Institute to help re-invent work (such as the work
of business) as a positive force for equity, peace, and a healthy planet. BGI offers
innovative, accredited MBA programs in sustainable and socially responsible business. I
still work at BGI in various supportive roles with the students, faculty, staff and board
who comprise its distinctive learning community. Sometimes my role is Ombudsman,
helping community members speak truth to power with love, from any position or
predicament they find themselves in.

In the last 15 years, I’ve also helped develop Channel Rock on Cortes Island, where I
love hosting groups who practice sustainability and social justice in a deeply natural
setting. In the preceding decades, I’ve worked in big companies and non-profits on
innovation and empowerment; as a family therapist in a public agency; on a biodynamic
farm; as the co-entrepreneur of a crafts business; and as the co-director of a head start
teacher training center.

My husband of almost 40 years and I have three children and two granddaughters.

The Bainbridge Graduate Institute’s mission is to prepare students from diverse
backgrounds to build enterprises that are financially successful, socially responsible and
environmentally sustainable.

We mean this mission in the broader sense – not only preparing our own students, but
also helping other business schools integrate sustainability (i.e., environmental and
social responsibility) into the heart of their programs.

Andy Smallman is the founding director of the Puget Sound Community School, an
independent school in Seattle’s International District for students in grades 6-12. Andy
started the school in 1994 to create a model for a new kind of education that helps
students build on their strengths and nurtures their intrinsic motivation. The school is
personalized to bring out the best in each individual student; for example, last year’s
graduation ceremony honored seven students and it lasted seven hours.

His work shows that when we provide young people with a nurturing educational
environment and stop trying to make them into something they’re not, amazing things

Andy has facilitated classes on the subject on kindness since the founding of PSCS, first
offering in-person classes for the school’s enrolled youth and then having the idea to
extend the concept globally via the Internet. A recent class drew the interest of the
media and people from all over the world.

Andy lives in Seattle with his wife Melinda and their two daughters, Chloe and Ella. His
two favorite television heroes are David Carradine’s character in Kung Fu and Mr.

Puget Sound Community School was founded on the principle that learning is best
fostered by self-motivation, self-regulation, and self-reflection. We believe that people
become empowered by being free to pursue the knowledge they want to possess, by
learning how to ask significant questions, and by structuring their time and activities as
they best see fit. In this way, PSCS promotes the development of critical and creative
thinking in students and helps them strengthen their sense of authority over what they
study. The central educational purpose of PSCS, and the basis of our curriculum, is to
help students learn to use their minds well while becoming thoughtful, sincere, and
respectful global citizens.

Joanne Conger has served many communities to support the compassionate treatment
of many: the homeless, those affected by domestic violence, interfaith communities,
immigrants, and the mentally ill. She has served as a development director, crisis case
manager and executive leader for over 10 years. She holds a Masters in Nonprofit
Leadership from Seattle University and a BA in Human Services from Western
Washington University. She began her experience in nonprofit work at FareStart, a job
training program for homeless men and women and now serves as the Executive
Director of Freedom Project, an organization taking Nonviolent Communication into four
Washington State prisons. An original Seeds of Compassion volunteer, she credits her
experience with that event in changing the direction of her life. She had been working
with the City of Seattle in the Human Services Department, but was moved to seek out
hand-to-hand compassion work after being inspired by those auspicious events of April,
2008. She resigned her position and finished her degree with the goal of leading an
organization dedicated to compassionate work. Freedom Project embodies compassion
at every turn, and she is extremely honored to fulfill the mission of Freedom Project.
Being at the April 24, 2010 event to establish Seattle as first city in the world to affirm
the Charter For Compassion is a gift for which she is extremely grateful.

The Freedom Project’s goal is to empower prisoners and "returnees" (to the
community) with the freedom of inner peace through trainings in Nonviolent
Communication (NVC) and mindfulness practice. This internal freedom enables us to
live in harmony and integrity with ourselves and each other, and to realize the unique
contribution we each make to the community. Nonviolent Communication, founded by
Marshall B. Rosenberg, transforms the divisiveness caused by habitual thought and
speech patterns into compassionate connections -- internally with ourselves and
externally with others. Mindfulness trains us to be fully present to our own lives. With
awareness of our intentions, thoughts, speech and actions, we are able to live lives of
conscious choice and to co-create a world embodying our deepest values and our
highest dreams.




Born and raised in Lyon, France, Isa D’Arleans moved to Seattle in 1985. Although
mostly known as an artist for her painting style with years of exhibits and travels, she
has also worked extensively in other artistic fields that have broadened her sensibility
and expertise in visual Arts. Reaching out to the community with projects like “live in
Colors for the homeless” (painting projects to improve homeless environment) and
“Peace, Freedom and Hope” the Mural created in the aftermath of September 11, Isa’s
work is truly known to uplift people’s spirit. Her artist’s statement speaks best about her
work: “There is no limit to what a human spirit can feel. The depth and power of some
extraordinary emotions can propel us into places where colors, space and time take on
a whole new and significant meaning. My pictures come from that world,
communicating values that make a difference in our communities- values such as
optimism, the appreciation of beauty, caring, sharing regardless of religion or race. My
work comes from a world where the mystery, the vitality and the brilliance of life, the
love of being and the need to rise above the norm prevail.”

Isa’s work has been highly praised and collected nationwide for the past fifteen years
throughout galleries and private events.
                         “Peace, Freedom and Hope” was created with relentless
                         energy and passion in 2001 in an effort to uplift people´s spirit
                         following the devastating experience of September 11. My
                         compelling need to share a greater vision of extraordinary
opportunities, offered for all of us to work together towards a better future, gave me
the drive to find sponsorship from a major airline to manage the Mural´s travels and
exhibits schedule. Peace, Freedom and Hope will be on display during 4/24 It’s Up to
Us! Seattle


Andrew Himes is a technology consultant, writer, director and producer. He has been
working for social change since the 1960's. During the 70s, Himes was a community
and labor organizer in Alabama. During the 1980s, Himes spent several years as a
technology journalist and editor, and in 1992 went to work for Microsoft, where he
helped pioneer the company's embrace of the Internet by managing the first web team
at Microsoft. In 2004, he produced his first film, Voices in Wartime, a documentary that
uses poetry to explore the trauma of war. He is the co-editor of the Voices in Wartime
Anthology, director of the short film on PTSD, Beyond Wartime, and founder of the
Voices Education Project, which brings the voices and stories of veterans and civilian
witnesses to a wider audience in classrooms and on the Internet via social media. The
Voices Education Project works to create peace one story at a time.

Voices Education Project helps people understand and transcend the roots of
violence by hearing and giving voice to personal stories.

Around the world, in neighborhoods and schoolyards, cities and countries, we can lay
the basis for a more hopeful world by creating a new type of conversation in which all
voices can be heard, and all points of view included, without engendering fear, hatred,
or anger. Difference can lead to dialogue and growth rather than violence. By
understanding the mechanism of conflict, we may be able to move beyond the seeming
inevitability of war. The Education Project offers tools, philosophies, and learning
methods that can help us transform the conditions under which conflict becomes
intractable and violent.

                          Deb Grover is the marketing and outreach manager for
                          Community of Mindful Parents™
                          ( Launched in
Sept 09, the website has become the go to interactive community for expectant
mothers, parents, and grandparents embracing the collective goal to nurture the
powerful relationships between parents and their children.

The online community promotes mindful conversation about issues including raising
compassionate kids, meditation and self awareness, values and much more. The daily
updated content includes exclusive articles from a panel of experts (including Joel
Levey, the "soul doctor,” Wisdom Common’s Valerie Tarico, Dr Lilach Rave MD and
many more).

Additionally, The Community of Mindful Parents offers two unique, professionally and
clinically designed programs (Listening Mothers™ and Reflective Parenting™) designed
to empower parents though promoting strong family bonds and long lasting emotional

In addition to her work with Community of Mindful Parents, Deb is the founder and
owner of BellySock™ LLC ( where she manages the supply
chain management and production of products (locally and internationally) and
strategically markets and sells the BellySock product suite in over 250 stores worldwide.
She is also a founder of Bliss To Business ™ Consulting for aspiring mommy
entrepreneurs. Deb has her MBA from Seattle University Albers School of Business and
is the proud mom of 2 little girls, ages 3 and 5.

Community of Mindful Parents mission is to empower parents of children under 5
years old to become more effective parents. The research based curriculums promote
strong family bonds and sets the foundation for long lasting emotional health.

We are an online community of expectant moms, parents, grandparents, extended
families and friends with the goal to nurture powerful relationships between parents
and their children.

Additionally, we offer two unique, professionally and clinically designed programs for
parents of young children in the Greater Seattle Area.



Ron Hertel is the Program Supervisor for Readiness to Learn (an early intervention
dropout prevention program in 500+ schools across Washington State) at the Office of
Superintendent of Public Instruction. He received his Bachelor of Science in education
in 1974 and simultaneously did part-time teaching in middle school, post graduate
studies, and inpatient psychiatric work with adolescents prior to beginning a career in
social work in Colorado in 1980. In that position he worked with schools and other
public agencies providing support and specialized educational opportunities for abused
and neglected children. In 1989, Ron moved to Washington State to work as the
statewide program administrator for out of home care for the Department of Social and
Health Services, and in 1994 moved to the Division of Mental Health as the
Administrator of Children’s Mental Health Services. In 2000 he moved to the
Washington State Education Agency where he was able to combine both his career as
an educator and as a social worker/supervisor. As the Program Supervisor for
Readiness to Learn, he has had the opportunity to administer a program that provides
support to students and families affected by adversities and trauma and, with support
from the Washington State Mental Health Transformation Grant, has taken the lead in
developing The Compassionate Schools Initiative in Washington State.
Ruby Smith Love’s years of experience in philanthropy and fundraising plus a personal
connection fuel her passion for her work as College Success Foundation’s (CSF) Chief
Development Officer. Along with a personal commitment to college success for all,
Ruby has a strong business development background. She came to CSF from United
Way of King County, where she served as Director for Major Gifts, helping lead a Gates
Endowment effort that raised $55 million, as well as other major campaigns. Other
fundraising positions have included Major Gifts Officer for Childserv in Illinois, West
Coast Regional Vice President for The Alford Group, and founder/principal of her
nationally recognized consulting firm.

She is a member of the Washington State Association of Fundraising Professionals,
Black Philanthropy Trust in Washington and People of Color in Philanthropy Network.
Ms. Love also serves on the boards of the Northwest African American Museum and the
Martin Luther King School Dream Foundation which provides scholarships to jumpstart
young people in their pursuits of higher education. She is an active lecturer and mother
of twin teen-aged boys.

The purpose of the College Success Foundation is to open educational opportunities
by increasing the number of college graduates among low-income youth. CSF
accomplishes its mission by offering an integrated set of academic, informational, and
financial supports to low-income students and their families and by advocating for
increased college readiness and college access. CSF’s targeted populations are low-
income and under-represented students, with focused supports for males, males of
color, and foster youth.




Susan Bradbury is the*Founder/CEO The Sound Essence Project, Sustaining Cultures,
Changing Lives, with college scholarships, microlending and film projects in Mongolia
and a sewing project in the Middle East. Designer and Producer of International
Children’s Art Shows, “What Does Peace Look Like? “What Does Compassion Look
Like?”, which was at the Seeds event in 2008, and the most recent, a Three Phase
“What Can the Earth Teach Us About Love?” President of The Flow Project Board of
Directors, Acupuncturist, and part of the Bellingham Compassion Movement.
The Bellingham Compassion Movement grew out of the Seeds of Compassion
event in Seattle, in April 2008, which drew over 150,000 people to hear His Holiness the
Dalai Lama and other spiritual leaders talk about compassion. Seeds planted in April
2008 took root and have grown into a bounteous harvest of programs and offerings for
the Bellingham community and beyond. The Sound Essence Project, a Washington
State Nonprofit Corporation, is a collaborative international gathering of people with the
intention to create a cross cultural network of resources in an environment of mutual
learning with an emphasis on cultural sustainability. Through the confluence of our
respective wisdom's, we hope to converge traditional practices with sustainable ways of
life to create a profound partnership which expands world community and peace
through education, herbal medicine, sound, color, and cultural communion. The Flow
Project is a non-profit corporation established to conduct research in the areas of
creativity, culture, community and organizational dynamics, leadership, and
sustainability, and to communicate the research findings through conversations,
publications, films, and art exhibitions.


             Bob Walsh is President & CEO of One World 2011 whose mission is to build
             positive relationships between people of the Muslim world and people of the
             United States by facilitating the exchange of knowledge, culture and ideas.
             A businessman and humanitarian with a career spanning 40 years, Walsh
             has traveled to three dozen countries, coordinating events and working with
             nonprofit organizations to bring medical care, nutritional support, education
             and community investments to different parts of the world.

            Bob is best known coordinating disaster relief for earthquake victims inside
the Soviet Union during the Cold War; and organizing the largest sports, arts, and
cultural program between the US and the USSR -the Goodwill Games in Seattle. Walsh
and his organization partnered with Ted Turner, the USSR Ministry of Sports, and USSR
Ministry of Television to organize the Games.

His persistence, courage and compassion, expressed through a wide range of political
and social efforts have earned him the Martin Luther King, Jr. Award, the "Supreme
Soviet Award" from Mikhail Gorbachev; the World Affairs Council Award; and special
recognition from Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. President
Shevardnadze of Georgia, a friend, bestowed the "Honorary Citizen of Georgia" title on
Walsh in 2002.

One World 2011 is a visionary global project slated to reprise the success of 1990’s
Goodwill Games. We hope to provide for US - Muslim world relations what the Goodwill
Games did for Soviet - US relations.

The Goodwill Games is often credited with being a key factor in the end of the Cold
War. Ted Turner has said, “A lot of things ended the Cold War. A lot of straws rode on
that camel’s back. Who is to say which one finally broke it? The Games occurred at a
very significant point in U.S.-Soviet history and opened a dialogue with the Soviets that
would not have occurred without the Games.” U.S. relations with Muslim nations and
people could benefit greatly from this model of cooperation and dialogue.

The U.S. Administration’s current position reflects and acknowledges the urgency and
opportunity for change. President Barack Obama stated on December 9, 2008, "I think
we've got a unique opportunity to reboot America's image around the world and also in
the Muslim world in particular."


Charles Z. Smith retired as a justice on the Washington State Supreme Court in 2002
after fourteen years on that court. He previously served as a judge on the Seattle
Municipal Criminal Court and on the King County Superior Court. Being inspired by
Father William Treacy and Rabbi Raphael Levine, he was one of the original
incorporators of Camp Brotherhood forty years ago and currently serves on its Board of
Trustees. Justice Smith has devoted a lifetime career in public service at the local,
national and international levels to human rights, religion, justice, peace, education,
military justice, children and families, and the arts. He has received numerous awards in
recognition of his service.

Father William Treacy was born in Borris-in-Ossory in south central Ireland in 1919.
In 1932, he left for St. Kieran's College, a boarding school 30 miles from his parents'
home. It was during that time that Father Treacy decided to become a priest and in
1937, entered St. Patrick's Seminary, Maynooth. He was ordained in June 1944. In
1945, while the Second World War was still raging, Father Treacy left for Seattle,
Washington to fill a temporary vacancy at St. Alphonsus Church. In 1989, he retired
after 50 years of service in Washington State. In addition to his duties within his
parishes and interfaith projects, Father Treacy was active in faith-based and service
organizations that provide aid to the poor as well as those in spiritual need, both at
home and overseas. He co-founded Camp Brotherhood, an interfaith retreat center in
Mount Vernon, WA that for 43 years has been fostering harmony in the human family.
Today, Father Treacy continues to deliver his message of the importance of service and
interfaith communication.
Camp Brotherhood fosters harmony in the human family by hosting retreats,
sponsoring interfaith events and collaborating in the design and delivery of programs
that promote dialogue and understanding on the cross-cultural, intergenerational issues
that disrupt and threaten our children, our families and our communities.


          Ann Butler is the Community Education Director for People for Puget Sound.
          Ann has twenty-five years experience as an environmental educator. Her
          professional work includes developing and managing professional development
opportunities for teachers and non-formal educators; community-based social
marketing; and leading and training teams to achieve their education, outreach and
public involvement goals and objectives.
People for Puget Sound is a citizens' group established in 1991 by Kathy Fletcher to
protect and restore the health of our land and waters through education and action.
Our members, partners and volunteers are located throughout the Puget Sound basin.
Our staff works out of offices in Seattle and Olympia and our board of directors
represents the communities we work in.


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  • 2. !"#$%&"#'()#*%+& & !"#$%&'&()#*+,-.&((%.,&/,0)(1,#2,0#'3&//)#*+,4+5678, 93.*)*:,;.1*#(.+,<678, =##>/):*)*:,?@&/(,A./(,=##>/,)*,B#CC1D+,<6+5678, E.2%.$()#*/+,F!8, ,,, G,=##>/):*)*:,)*,@H.*)*:+,()'.,I=7, ,, ;&".*,7"'/("#*:! "##$%&&'()*+,+$'-+.)/01&*+,+&2.0'(34056#0/(1! +6!7/8(-'0!/9!#"'!0J&"(.",2#",0#'3&//)#*, J((3+KKLLLM$J&"(."2#"$#'3&//)#*M#":,:,.(! /01.(+;.#+/(!*"/6'!9/8(-.#+/(.<!$0+(=+$<'6!.0'! >.6'-!/(!#"'!1/<-'(!08<'%!!"#$%&'(#)$*+'#$,#-+.,#/$ 0"10$2#$+/#$#3410"5$6$3&,1'$.317.)10.&)$6$0&$ 4+0$&+,/#'8#/$.)$&0"#,/9$/"&#/:$;#$/"&+'($1<0$ 0&21,($0"#3$1/$2#$2&+'($21)0$0"#3$0&$1<0$0&21,($ +/:$;#$/"&+'($,#=+/#>$+)(#,$1)5$<.,<+3/01)<#>$0&$ <1,,5$&+0$1<0.&)/$2".<"$2&+'($<1+/#$0"#3$"1,3:!?"'!@".0#'0!9/0!@/5$.66+/(!*/(!#"'!?AB!C0+;'!.(-! *.6!8(D'+<'-!#/!#"'!*/0<-!/(!E/D'5>'0!FG:!GHHI)! 2.0'(!".6!.<6/!*0+##'(!6/5'!D'0J!+(#'0'6#+(1!>//,6!/(!#"'!=/55/(.<+#J!/9!#"'!*/0<-K6!5.L/0! 0'<+1+/(6)!M(!#"0''!/9!#"'6'!>//,6:!!"#$?./0&,5$&=$%&(!NO.<<.(#+('!FIIPQ:!@#,+/1'#3A$B)#$C.05>$!",##$ D1.0"/$N2(/$9!FIIRQ!.(-!E100'#$=&,$%&(!N2(/$9!GHHHQ!6"'!-+6=866'6!#"'!#"'5'6!#".#!8(+#'! @"0+6#+.(+#J:!S8-.+65!.(-!#"'!M6<.5!9.+#")! T"'!6#.0#'-!/8#!+(!<+9'!.6!.!U/5.(!@.#"/<+=!.(-!'D'(!="/6'!#/!>'=/5'!.!(8(!.6!.!J/8(1!*/5.(V6"'! <'9#!#"'!=/(D'(#!=/5$<'#'<J!-+6+<<86+/('-!#/!#"'!$/+(#!/9!=.<<+(1!"'06'<9!.(!.#"'+6#)!M(!"'0!<.#'!GHK6! 6"'!6#0811<'-!+(!"'0!<+9':!'D'(!9''<+(1!68+=+-.<!.#!#+5'6!6+(='!6"'!-+-(K#!,(/*!"/*!#/!<+D'!/8#6+-'!.! 0'1+5'(#'-!<+9')! W+#"!.(!8(-'010.-8.#'!-'10''!+(!<+#'0.#80'!90/5!XY9/0-!Z(+D'06+#J!6"'!*'(#!#/!*/0,!#'.="+(1!FI#"! .(-!GH#"!='(#80J!<+#'0.#80'!.#!#"'!Z(+D'06+#J!/9![/(-/(!.(-!.<6/!6"'!*.6!*/0,+(1!/(!"'0!C"B)!?"0''! J'.06!<.#'0!6"'!5/D'-!/(!#/!.(/#"'0!#'.="+(1!L/>!6+(='!"'0!-+66'0#.#+/(!*.6!(/#!.=='$#'-!.(-!6"'! #"'0'9/0'!*.6(K#!8.<+9+'-!#/!=/(#+(8'!#'.="+(1!.#!#"'!8(+D'06+#J!<'D'<)!T"'!.=='$#'-!.!$/6+#+/(!.6! "'.-!/9!#"'!A(1<+6"!-'$.0#5'(#!/9!.(!.<<]1+0<6!6="//<!+(![/(-/()!
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  • 8. !"#$%&&'"()'()*+&'(,&&-).(&/'/+/'"(&)%(0) 1"2',/3) 4)5%(,6)7'/8)9$,('(:).(&$';%/'"(%6)<%6=)>;"#) ?"0,;%/";)!"+;/(,3)?%;/'() !"!#$%"##&'()*+,-.*/(01-23(%4+56(7)8(7939:-*+2;<(=*33( !"#$%&&'"()'&)*+,)&"-.)"/)0-&'(,&&)%(1)*+,)+,%2*)"/)&"3',*45)6() '(&*'*-*'"()7'*+"-*)3"#$%&&'"()'&)%(),#$*4)$2"#'&,5! ! '>?@A0B>A"(7;,-+<9/('*-+2<(( ) ( ?*39(C29<;D6(79<+9-(E;-(@+52F*3(89*.9-G521( ( Dale Nienow!is Executive Director of the Center for Ethical Leadership, a nonprofit that cultivates leadership and change capacity to create healthier, more just and inclusive communities. He creates Gracious Space where people can work across boundaries to form collective leadership. He is known for helping people open up to deeper dialogue and new relationships that will move groups and communities forward on their compelling issues. Dale led the national Kellogg Leadership for Community Change program on behalf of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation and is co-founder of the national Community Learning Exchange. He is co-editor of the book, “Collective Leadership for Community Change" and author of the article, “From Vulnerable to Powerful: Why Collective Leadership Matters.” Dale is passionate about tapping into the collective wisdom of communities and engaging processes that help people get unstuck. He serves on a variety of community boards, consults frequently with a broad range of organizations across sectors, and connects social change agents nationally.
  • 9. The Center for Ethical Leadership is the pioneering ethical leadership organization in the Pacific Northwest, building collective leadership capacity for those advancing the common good around the country. We are organized around the question: What kind of leadership does the common good need at this time in this place? "#$%#&!'(&!)%*+,-.!/#-0#&1*+2!($!%*#!3#45!*%%25663337#%*+,-..#-0#&1*+27(&8! )9-+.!:-.#5!!9-+.%(50$+#$(3;#%*+,-..#-0#&1*+27(&8!! ( 82::*(&2<F5;+6(H*2<:-2.I9(J-*.,*+9(K<G+2+,+9( ( Work is love made visible – Kahlil Gibran( ( Libba says: I like to call myself an educator and social entrepreneur, and I am also at age 67 a PhD student in humanistic approaches to organizational systems. In 2002, I co-founded the Bainbridge Graduate Institute to help re-invent work (such as the work of business) as a positive force for equity, peace, and a healthy planet. BGI offers innovative, accredited MBA programs in sustainable and socially responsible business. I still work at BGI in various supportive roles with the students, faculty, staff and board who comprise its distinctive learning community. Sometimes my role is Ombudsman, helping community members speak truth to power with love, from any position or predicament they find themselves in. In the last 15 years, I’ve also helped develop Channel Rock on Cortes Island, where I love hosting groups who practice sustainability and social justice in a deeply natural setting. In the preceding decades, I’ve worked in big companies and non-profits on innovation and empowerment; as a family therapist in a public agency; on a biodynamic farm; as the co-entrepreneur of a crafts business; and as the co-director of a head start teacher training center. My husband of almost 40 years and I have three children and two granddaughters. The Bainbridge Graduate Institute’s mission is to prepare students from diverse backgrounds to build enterprises that are financially successful, socially responsible and environmentally sustainable. We mean this mission in the broader sense – not only preparing our own students, but also helping other business schools integrate sustainability (i.e., environmental and social responsibility) into the heart of their programs. <-+$4&+08#!=&-0>-%#!?$1%+%>%#!($!%*#!3#45!*%%256648+7#0>6*(9#7*%9.!
  • 10. )9-+.!<=?5!9-+.%(5+$'(;48+#0>7(&8!! ( ( ( ( ( 0<./()L*33L*<6(&,I9+();,<.(7;LL,<2+/()F5;;3( ( Andy Smallman is the founding director of the Puget Sound Community School, an independent school in Seattle’s International District for students in grades 6-12. Andy started the school in 1994 to create a model for a new kind of education that helps students build on their strengths and nurtures their intrinsic motivation. The school is personalized to bring out the best in each individual student; for example, last year’s graduation ceremony honored seven students and it lasted seven hours. His work shows that when we provide young people with a nurturing educational environment and stop trying to make them into something they’re not, amazing things happen. Andy has facilitated classes on the subject on kindness since the founding of PSCS, first offering in-person classes for the school’s enrolled youth and then having the idea to extend the concept globally via the Internet. A recent class drew the interest of the media and people from all over the world. Andy lives in Seattle with his wife Melinda and their two daughters, Chloe and Ella. His two favorite television heroes are David Carradine’s character in Kung Fu and Mr. Rogers. Puget Sound Community School was founded on the principle that learning is best fostered by self-motivation, self-regulation, and self-reflection. We believe that people become empowered by being free to pursue the knowledge they want to possess, by learning how to ask significant questions, and by structuring their time and activities as they best see fit. In this way, PSCS promotes the development of critical and creative thinking in students and helps them strengthen their sense of authority over what they study. The central educational purpose of PSCS, and the basis of our curriculum, is to help students learn to use their minds well while becoming thoughtful, sincere, and respectful global citizens. @>8#%!A(>$0!"(99>$+%B!A,*((.!($!%*#!3#45!*%%2566333721,17(&8! )9-+.!@="A5!9-+.%(521,1;21,17(&8!! (
  • 11. ( M;*<<9(7;<I9-6(N-99.;L(&-;O9F+"(N-;L(&-2G;<9-G(+;( &9*F9L*P9-G( Joanne Conger has served many communities to support the compassionate treatment of many: the homeless, those affected by domestic violence, interfaith communities, immigrants, and the mentally ill. She has served as a development director, crisis case manager and executive leader for over 10 years. She holds a Masters in Nonprofit Leadership from Seattle University and a BA in Human Services from Western Washington University. She began her experience in nonprofit work at FareStart, a job training program for homeless men and women and now serves as the Executive Director of Freedom Project, an organization taking Nonviolent Communication into four Washington State prisons. An original Seeds of Compassion volunteer, she credits her experience with that event in changing the direction of her life. She had been working with the City of Seattle in the Human Services Department, but was moved to seek out hand-to-hand compassion work after being inspired by those auspicious events of April, 2008. She resigned her position and finished her degree with the goal of leading an organization dedicated to compassionate work. Freedom Project embodies compassion at every turn, and she is extremely honored to fulfill the mission of Freedom Project. Being at the April 24, 2010 event to establish Seattle as first city in the world to affirm the Charter For Compassion is a gift for which she is extremely grateful. The Freedom Project’s goal is to empower prisoners and "returnees" (to the community) with the freedom of inner peace through trainings in Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and mindfulness practice. This internal freedom enables us to live in harmony and integrity with ourselves and each other, and to realize the unique contribution we each make to the community. Nonviolent Communication, founded by Marshall B. Rosenberg, transforms the divisiveness caused by habitual thought and speech patterns into compassionate connections -- internally with ourselves and externally with others. Mindfulness trains us to be fully present to our own lives. With awareness of our intentions, thoughts, speech and actions, we are able to live lives of conscious choice and to co-create a world embodying our deepest values and our highest dreams. C&##0(9!@&(D#,%!($!%*#!3#45!*%%25663337'&##0(9E2&(D#,%7(&8!! )9-+.!C&##0(9!@&(D#,%5!9-+.%(5(2#&-%+($1E9-$-8#&;'&##0(9E2&(D#,%7(&8 ( )
  • 12. !"#$%&'()'&*)+&,"#-"&"#',.%&'()/%01'$$.%&2) 3)!'&"() !"#$"%!!#&'()*+,-./0,1*(2/34*5&-67*8+9*8:4:;/,-3<=*>,44* !"#$#%$&'(%$)"($"*%$'*"+,%($-.$+,%$/%0"12$")$&"/3'..-"*4$5$0-)%$ #-+,"6+$&"/3'..-"*$-.$'$."*7$#-+,"6+$'$/%0"124$ ! )?@AB(C?B#*B.;1*9<D:** E(FA9G+C+#* * GH,*@I(/4:,=H#*E:,J:7*K/::0<L*,=0*><2:*)./,4*(/-3H-* * Born and raised in Lyon, France, Isa D’Arleans moved to Seattle in 1985. Although mostly known as an artist for her painting style with years of exhibits and travels, she has also worked extensively in other artistic fields that have broadened her sensibility and expertise in visual Arts. Reaching out to the community with projects like “live in Colors for the homeless” (painting projects to improve homeless environment) and “Peace, Freedom and Hope” the Mural created in the aftermath of September 11, Isa’s work is truly known to uplift people’s spirit. Her artist’s statement speaks best about her work: “There is no limit to what a human spirit can feel. The depth and power of some extraordinary emotions can propel us into places where colors, space and time take on a whole new and significant meaning. My pictures come from that world, communicating values that make a difference in our communities- values such as optimism, the appreciation of beauty, caring, sharing regardless of religion or race. My work comes from a world where the mystery, the vitality and the brilliance of life, the love of being and the need to rise above the norm prevail.” Isa’s work has been highly praised and collected nationwide for the past fifteen years throughout galleries and private events. ! * “Peace, Freedom and Hope” was created with relentless energy and passion in 2001 in an effort to uplift people´s spirit following the devastating experience of September 11. My compelling need to share a greater vision of extraordinary
  • 13. opportunities, offered for all of us to work together towards a better future, gave me the drive to find sponsorship from a major airline to manage the Mural´s travels and exhibits schedule. Peace, Freedom and Hope will be on display during 4/24 It’s Up to Us! Seattle "#$!%&'()*$+#!,+!-.*!/*01.--21334#$5$()*$+#67,8! 98$4)!"#$1!8$4)-,14#$:4#$5$()*$+#67,8! M?G8A+*N*A0.J,-3<=*E/<O:J-*P* (=01*>3L:H7*M<3J:H*3=*A0.J,-3<=* * Andrew Himes is a technology consultant, writer, director and producer. He has been working for social change since the 1960's. During the 70s, Himes was a community and labor organizer in Alabama. During the 1980s, Himes spent several years as a technology journalist and editor, and in 1992 went to work for Microsoft, where he helped pioneer the company's embrace of the Internet by managing the first web team at Microsoft. In 2004, he produced his first film, Voices in Wartime, a documentary that uses poetry to explore the trauma of war. He is the co-editor of the Voices in Wartime Anthology, director of the short film on PTSD, Beyond Wartime, and founder of the Voices Education Project, which brings the voices and stories of veterans and civilian witnesses to a wider audience in classrooms and on the Internet via social media. The Voices Education Project works to create peace one story at a time. Voices Education Project helps people understand and transcend the roots of violence by hearing and giving voice to personal stories. Around the world, in neighborhoods and schoolyards, cities and countries, we can lay the basis for a more hopeful world by creating a new type of conversation in which all voices can be heard, and all points of view included, without engendering fear, hatred, or anger. Difference can lead to dialogue and growth rather than violence. By understanding the mechanism of conflict, we may be able to move beyond the seeming inevitability of war. The Education Project offers tools, philosophies, and learning methods that can help us transform the conditions under which conflict becomes intractable and violent. ;,47*#!4+!95<7$-4,+!,+!-.*!/*01.--2133///6=,47*#*5<7$-4,+6,(>! 98$4)!;,47*#18$4)-,14+?,:=,47*#*5<7$-4,+6,(>!! * * *
  • 14. * * @:;*Q/<D:/7*8<LL.=3-1*<R*)3=0R.4*E,/:=-H* Deb Grover is the marketing and outreach manager for Community of Mindful Parents™ ( Launched in Sept 09, the website has become the go to interactive community for expectant mothers, parents, and grandparents embracing the collective goal to nurture the powerful relationships between parents and their children. The online community promotes mindful conversation about issues including raising compassionate kids, meditation and self awareness, values and much more. The daily updated content includes exclusive articles from a panel of experts (including Joel Levey, the "soul doctor,” Wisdom Common’s Valerie Tarico, Dr Lilach Rave MD and many more). Additionally, The Community of Mindful Parents offers two unique, professionally and clinically designed programs (Listening Mothers™ and Reflective Parenting™) designed to empower parents though promoting strong family bonds and long lasting emotional health. In addition to her work with Community of Mindful Parents, Deb is the founder and owner of BellySock™ LLC ( where she manages the supply chain management and production of products (locally and internationally) and strategically markets and sells the BellySock product suite in over 250 stores worldwide. She is also a founder of Bliss To Business ™ Consulting for aspiring mommy entrepreneurs. Deb has her MBA from Seattle University Albers School of Business and is the proud mom of 2 little girls, ages 3 and 5. Community of Mindful Parents mission is to empower parents of children under 5 years old to become more effective parents. The research based curriculums promote strong family bonds and sets the foundation for long lasting emotional health. We are an online community of expectant moms, parents, grandparents, extended families and friends with the goal to nurture powerful relationships between parents and their children. Additionally, we offer two unique, professionally and clinically designed programs for parents of young children in the Greater Seattle Area. @,88<+4-A!,?!B4+5?<)!C$(*+-#!,+!-.*!/*01!.--2133///62$(*+-84+5?<))A67,8! 98$4)!@BC1!!8$4)-,14+?,:84+5?<)2$(*+-#7,88<+4-A67,8!!
  • 15. * * * B<=*>:/-:47*?RR3J:*<R*+.2:/3=-:=0:=-*<R*E.;43J*G=H-/.J-3<=* Ron Hertel is the Program Supervisor for Readiness to Learn (an early intervention dropout prevention program in 500+ schools across Washington State) at the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. He received his Bachelor of Science in education in 1974 and simultaneously did part-time teaching in middle school, post graduate studies, and inpatient psychiatric work with adolescents prior to beginning a career in social work in Colorado in 1980. In that position he worked with schools and other public agencies providing support and specialized educational opportunities for abused and neglected children. In 1989, Ron moved to Washington State to work as the statewide program administrator for out of home care for the Department of Social and Health Services, and in 1994 moved to the Division of Mental Health as the Administrator of Children’s Mental Health Services. In 2000 he moved to the Washington State Education Agency where he was able to combine both his career as an educator and as a social worker/supervisor. As the Program Supervisor for Readiness to Learn, he has had the opportunity to administer a program that provides support to students and families affected by adversities and trauma and, with support from the Washington State Mental Health Transformation Grant, has taken the lead in developing The Compassionate Schools Initiative in Washington State. ! D??47*!,?!-.*!E<2*(4+-*+5*+-!,+!-.*!/*01!!.--2133///6FGH6/$6<#3! 98$4)!I,+1!8$4)-,1!I,+6J*(-*):FGH6/$6<#! * * * B.;1*9<D:7*C6:*8<44:S:*+.JJ:HH*K<.=0,-3<=* E,=:4*)<0:/,-</* * Ruby Smith Love’s years of experience in philanthropy and fundraising plus a personal connection fuel her passion for her work as College Success Foundation’s (CSF) Chief Development Officer. Along with a personal commitment to college success for all, Ruby has a strong business development background. She came to CSF from United Way of King County, where she served as Director for Major Gifts, helping lead a Gates Endowment effort that raised $55 million, as well as other major campaigns. Other fundraising positions have included Major Gifts Officer for Childserv in Illinois, West
  • 16. Coast Regional Vice President for The Alford Group, and founder/principal of her nationally recognized consulting firm. She is a member of the Washington State Association of Fundraising Professionals, Black Philanthropy Trust in Washington and People of Color in Philanthropy Network. Ms. Love also serves on the boards of the Northwest African American Museum and the Martin Luther King School Dream Foundation which provides scholarships to jumpstart young people in their pursuits of higher education. She is an active lecturer and mother of twin teen-aged boys. The purpose of the College Success Foundation is to open educational opportunities by increasing the number of college graduates among low-income youth. CSF accomplishes its mission by offering an integrated set of academic, informational, and financial supports to low-income students and their families and by advocating for increased college readiness and college access. CSF’s targeted populations are low- income and under-represented students, with focused supports for males, males of color, and foster youth. K.*!@,))*>*!E<77*##!L,<+5$-4,+!,+!-.*!/*01!.--2133///67,))*>*#<77*##?,<+5$-4,+6,(>! 98$4)!@EL1!8$4)-,14+?,:7,))*>*#<77*##?,<+5$-4,+6,(>!! * ) ) !
  • 17. !"#$%$&'()*++,&$-$./(0&1()0#$&'(2*#(-".( 30#-"( 4(50&.6(7$-"(89.&$&'(:&/9$#0-$*&06(!06;(2#*+( <*1.#0-*#(=0+./(8>?.0( !"#$%&"&'()*+,-./0,1*23/45*6&-78*9+:*9;5;</,-4=>*?,55* !"#$%&&'"()*%+#&),-.)-.%+,-)"/)0"##1(',2)%(3)("1+'&-.&),-.) .%+,-4)) 5)*"+63)*',-"1,)0"#$%&&'"()'&)'(-"&$',%76.),")6'/.4) * )@ABC2D@C"*E,F;G*@HA;,** ( (2IB:J+D+"* * +.G,>*K/,0<./18*K;554>L7,F*9=F3,GG4=>*)=M;F;>-*N*+=.>0* BGG;>O;*(/=P;O-** * Susan Bradbury is the*Founder/CEO The Sound Essence Project, Sustaining Cultures, Changing Lives, with college scholarships, microlending and film projects in Mongolia and a sewing project in the Middle East. Designer and Producer of International Children’s Art Shows, “What Does Peace Look Like? “What Does Compassion Look Like?”, which was at the Seeds event in 2008, and the most recent, a Three Phase “What Can the Earth Teach Us About Love?” President of The Flow Project Board of Directors, Acupuncturist, and part of the Bellingham Compassion Movement. * The Bellingham Compassion Movement grew out of the Seeds of Compassion event in Seattle, in April 2008, which drew over 150,000 people to hear His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other spiritual leaders talk about compassion. Seeds planted in April 2008 took root and have grown into a bounteous harvest of programs and offerings for the Bellingham community and beyond. The Sound Essence Project, a Washington State Nonprofit Corporation, is a collaborative international gathering of people with the intention to create a cross cultural network of resources in an environment of mutual learning with an emphasis on cultural sustainability. Through the confluence of our respective wisdom's, we hope to converge traditional practices with sustainable ways of
  • 18. life to create a profound partnership which expands world community and peace through education, herbal medicine, sound, color, and cultural communion. The Flow Project is a non-profit corporation established to conduct research in the areas of creativity, culture, community and organizational dynamics, leadership, and sustainability, and to communicate the research findings through conversations, publications, films, and art exhibitions. !"##$%&'()*+,)-(..$,%*/,0")"%1*,%*1'"*2"34*'11-45566673"##$%&'()8,)-(..$,%7,9&** :,;%<*=.."%8"*>9,?"81*,%*1'"*2"34*'11-4556667.,;%<".."%8"-9,?"817,9&** @#,6*>9,?"81*,%*1'"*2"34*'11-4556667A#,6-9,?"817,9&******* =)($#*:;.(%4**)($#1,49,.".B#$A"C(,#78,)* ******* K=<*Q,5G78*@>;*Q=/50*6$##* Bob Walsh is President & CEO of One World 2011 whose mission is to build positive relationships between people of the Muslim world and people of the United States by facilitating the exchange of knowledge, culture and ideas. A businessman and humanitarian with a career spanning 40 years, Walsh has traveled to three dozen countries, coordinating events and working with nonprofit organizations to bring medical care, nutritional support, education and community investments to different parts of the world. Bob is best known coordinating disaster relief for earthquake victims inside the Soviet Union during the Cold War; and organizing the largest sports, arts, and cultural program between the US and the USSR -the Goodwill Games in Seattle. Walsh and his organization partnered with Ted Turner, the USSR Ministry of Sports, and USSR Ministry of Television to organize the Games. His persistence, courage and compassion, expressed through a wide range of political and social efforts have earned him the Martin Luther King, Jr. Award, the "Supreme Soviet Award" from Mikhail Gorbachev; the World Affairs Council Award; and special recognition from Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. President Shevardnadze of Georgia, a friend, bestowed the "Honorary Citizen of Georgia" title on Walsh in 2002. One World 2011 is a visionary global project slated to reprise the success of 1990’s Goodwill Games. We hope to provide for US - Muslim world relations what the Goodwill Games did for Soviet - US relations. The Goodwill Games is often credited with being a key factor in the end of the Cold War. Ted Turner has said, “A lot of things ended the Cold War. A lot of straws rode on that camel’s back. Who is to say which one finally broke it? The Games occurred at a very significant point in U.S.-Soviet history and opened a dialogue with the Soviets that
  • 19. would not have occurred without the Games.” U.S. relations with Muslim nations and people could benefit greatly from this model of cooperation and dialogue. The U.S. Administration’s current position reflects and acknowledges the urgency and opportunity for change. President Barack Obama stated on December 9, 2008, "I think we've got a unique opportunity to reboot America's image around the world and also in the Muslim world in particular." D%"*2,9#<*EFGG*,%*1'"*6"34*'11-4556667,%"6,9#<EFGG7,9&** =)($#*!,34*)($#1,436(#.'C,%"6,9#<EFGG7,9&* * * * * 97,/5;G*RS*+F4-7*N*T,-7;/*D/;,O18*9,F3*K/=-7;/7==0* * Charles Z. Smith retired as a justice on the Washington State Supreme Court in 2002 after fourteen years on that court. He previously served as a judge on the Seattle Municipal Criminal Court and on the King County Superior Court. Being inspired by Father William Treacy and Rabbi Raphael Levine, he was one of the original incorporators of Camp Brotherhood forty years ago and currently serves on its Board of Trustees. Justice Smith has devoted a lifetime career in public service at the local, national and international levels to human rights, religion, justice, peace, education, military justice, children and families, and the arts. He has received numerous awards in recognition of his service. Father William Treacy was born in Borris-in-Ossory in south central Ireland in 1919. In 1932, he left for St. Kieran's College, a boarding school 30 miles from his parents' home. It was during that time that Father Treacy decided to become a priest and in 1937, entered St. Patrick's Seminary, Maynooth. He was ordained in June 1944. In 1945, while the Second World War was still raging, Father Treacy left for Seattle, Washington to fill a temporary vacancy at St. Alphonsus Church. In 1989, he retired after 50 years of service in Washington State. In addition to his duties within his parishes and interfaith projects, Father Treacy was active in faith-based and service organizations that provide aid to the poor as well as those in spiritual need, both at home and overseas. He co-founded Camp Brotherhood, an interfaith retreat center in Mount Vernon, WA that for 43 years has been fostering harmony in the human family. Today, Father Treacy continues to deliver his message of the importance of service and interfaith communication.
  • 20. Camp Brotherhood fosters harmony in the human family by hosting retreats, sponsoring interfaith events and collaborating in the design and delivery of programs that promote dialogue and understanding on the cross-cultural, intergenerational issues that disrupt and threaten our children, our families and our communities. +()-*!9,1'"9',,<*,%*1'"*2"34**'11-45566678()-39,1'"9',,<7,9&* =)($#*+()-*!9,1'"9',,<**)($#1,4$%A,C8()-39,1'"9',,<7,9&** =)($#*@(1'"9*H9"(8I4*)($#1,46$##$()19"(8IC).%78,)* =)($#*+'(9#".*:)$1'4*)($#1,48J.)$1'C;.(7%"1* * * 2>>*K.-5;/8*(;=35;*U=/*(.L;-*+=.>0* * Ann Butler is the Community Education Director for People for Puget Sound. Ann has twenty-five years experience as an environmental educator. Her professional work includes developing and managing professional development opportunities for teachers and non-formal educators; community-based social marketing; and leading and training teams to achieve their education, outreach and public involvement goals and objectives. People for Puget Sound is a citizens' group established in 1991 by Kathy Fletcher to protect and restore the health of our land and waters through education and action. Our members, partners and volunteers are located throughout the Puget Sound basin. Our staff works out of offices in Seattle and Olympia and our board of directors represents the communities we work in. >",-#"*A,9*>;&"1*:,;%<*,%*1'"*6"34*'11-4556667-;&"1.,;%<7,9&* =)($#*K%%4*)($#1,4(3;1#"9C-;&"1.,;%<7,9&** * ( *