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Recipient: The Mayor and Council of Hamilton Township, Mercer County NJ
Letter: Greetings,
Repeal Ordinance 15-023 - Imposing monthly rental fee's on Non Profits
Name Location Date Comment
Thomas Garofola Hamilton Township, NJ 2015-06-19 Our kids are dying and an organization like City of Angels is needed more than
ever to help those dealing with. Stop the politics!!!
Loraine Jopko Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 I am signing this because I believe that an organization like City of Angles that
are helping our children should not pay rent.. They donate they're time and give
so much love and caring. Stop charging!!!
Joanne Whalen Hamilton Township, NJ 2015-06-19 As a taxpayer I totally disagree with this ordinance.
Kristeb Smith Hollywood, FL 2015-06-19 I am in recovery almost 9 years and work in the field of addiction treatment.
Although I currently live a sober life in South Florida, I grew up down the street
from that center. I believe in what COA does and hope that they will be able to
continue helping others. Please repeal the ordinance. What is $195 coat the
township? One less golf outing for some councilman.
John Rotondo Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 How can the leaders of a township whose community is being impacted by this
epidemic on a massive scale believe that this is the answer. Did you ever think
that that money you are charging could save a life of someone you love who is
dying fromthis disease.
briam mccarthy mercerville, NJ 2015-06-19 This is a great cause It would be criminal if COA wasn't located in Hamilton!
amy scott Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 This is totally unfair and disgusting
Deborah Thompson Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 I am an Advocate for drug intervention and recovery...This organization has
helped with saving peoples lives with drug addiction as well as facilitates
meeting area for meetings for 12 step recovery for both the addict as well as
the loved ones to g et support as well as become educated on thd disease of
RENT...ADDICTION==Silence No More
Kathy Hilbert Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 We need this building for our kids and our family's
Kathy kaluzny Chesterfield, NJ 2015-06-19 People need a place to go to obtain help and support to help people with
addiction issues.
Marion Mclaughlin Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 I'm signing because I know City of Angels saves lives. We need more people
to step up and help this place so we stop losing all these young people to drugs
and alcohol. Please support them, not charge them.
Kathy Boehm East Windsor, NJ 2015-06-19 were loosing too many kids. COA does amazing work
Elizabeth Bruno Lawrence Township, NJ 2015-06-19 I'm signing because i feel that the people who run non-profits are doing so not
to make money or be a hero but because they care about others and should
not be charged to do so.
Rosa Fazzolari Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 City of Angels saves lives.
Lauren Brennan Mercerville, NJ 2015-06-19 Township doesn't do much to help with anything and are only interested in
money. No non profits will want to operate or have events in this township!!
Jennifer baglivi east windsor, NJ 2015-06-19 Too many too soon.
vince provenzano Edgewater park, NJ 2015-06-19 It's the right thing to do
Name Location Date Comment
Laurie Latham Hamilton, NJ 2015-06-19 I'm signing because we have a drug problem in Hamilton, NJ. City of Angels
operates from donations and fundraisers. If Hamilton charges City of Angels
rent, you are taking away money that could be used to get someone help.
Please find it in your hearts to do what is right for our town and cancel the rent
fee for City of Angels.
jennifer Fowler Bordentown, NJ 2015-06-19 The community should work together, alot of us are affected and a lot
not..however, we are the ONLY hope for these children/people. Only hope, they
lose that, whats left??? We do so many fundraisers to keep it going now
this???? Dont you want your community united and help these poor soldiers of
addiction??? A lot have lost the battle, but we save much much much more. I
have stayed anonymous over the years. No longer...So I JEN FOWLER totally
sign this petition
Art Ackerman Hamilton, NJ 2015-06-19 I'm signing and I started this petition because the precious donations City of
Angels NJ receives should be used to continue to save lives, not paying a
minimal rent to Hamilton Township. The service to the community that City of
Angels NJ provides at no cost through volunteer effort deserves a donation
from Hamilton Township.
Please Mayor Yeade and Council, do the right thing here. You can not believe
in your hearts this ordinance benefits anyone. It hurts our community. One last
Arthur J. Ackerman
Cheryl Stankov Mountainside, NJ 2015-06-19 I volunteer at City of Angels and I lost a son to the heroin epidemic that is
plaguing this state..We are helping you help the community and should be
recognized in appreciation by helping to lighten the financial load so all our
donations can serve the community at large.
Linda Molnar Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 am signing the repeal because I lost my son to a drug overdose and I do not
want a0nyone else to feel the anguish we felt, I am part od CofA and the kids
we help will be better served if we do not have to pay rent. After you all voted
yourself a raise you have got to be kidding e that you are going after the
5013c's that are all about helping others. You should be ashamed~
Carly Brooks Hamilton Square, NJ 2015-06-19 I support non profits position on taxes
Melissa Rizzo Bordentown, NJ 2015-06-19 My mother is in recovery and COA has helped her tremendously! The money
being charged for rent could be the money used to help another person!
Lynn Joseph Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 these places run on volunteers. Monies should be used to help the people who
really need it. The measly thousand dollars a year they plan to collect can be
absorbed in other manners. Or better yet if the township is so greedy for it let
them sponsor ways for these organizations to raise the monies needed. I
personally have been affected by this awful heroin and drug epidemic in the
township. These people are trying to help and should be left alone.
Stephanie Carney Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 because it's the right thing to do
Danielle Skoglund Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 It is absolutely the craziest thing o ever heard making non profit organizations
pay rent. They are there to help.. why make it difficult.....
Jane Platt Cream Ridge, NJ 2015-06-19 We need to have awareness, support, guidance for families touched by this
disease. Most affected are already financially streched to their limits.charging
rent will possibly mean charging people to help them. Less people might decide
to not reach out for help. How many people need to die before we as a
community get it and do everything in our power to help and stop this
Name Location Date Comment
Alysa Wilson Lawrence Township, NJ 2015-06-19 The dollar amount in time and resources that the people of City of Angels
contribute to the community is priceless on many levels. This resource should
be encouraged to flourish in the community, meaning rent-free. The services
provided would cost so much more than the hardship that rent could create
and, hence, prevent the organization from delivering on its mission. Charging
rent would be counter productive and, in the end, could cost so much more in
possible suffering, dollars, institutionalization of citizens. Revenue can and
should be raised elsewhere--not by a non-profit all-volunteer organization. The
township should be grateful for the resource--especially given the astounding
rise in drug-related overdoses and deaths specifically in Hamilton Township.
Coleen Carr Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 In the middle of an epidemic it is unthinkable to charge rent. We need more
organizations like this. This is not an area you should be wasting time. No rent
Elizabeth Brocka Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 I disagree with the decision to charge City of Angel for rent!!!
Lorraine Swope Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Mom of addicts
lisa karlik-battaglia Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Non profits are a value. They also helped my family get my daughter help when
you didn't know where to turn also tender hearts has helped. Getting help
locally is invaluable. A value to living in Hamilton with services available locally
a community coming together for struggles of life in a private manner for non
profits are not making money no forms information just help
Matthew Ostergaard Hightstown, NJ 2015-06-19 They are saving lives and operating 100% on volunteers and donations...
Samantha Reed Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Because alot of people have problems and they need help.
Jonathan Macciocca Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 City of Angels has ALWAYS HELPED me tremendously!
Kathleen Neiderman Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Non-profit organizations are providing services that would otherwise become
another tax burden on the public.
Crista O'Neill Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Don't turn a blind eye to the drug epidemic in Hamilton. And don't push a great
organization out.
Lisa Wright Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 I believe City of Angels is a not for profit that help out a lot of people in our
community. Seeing how we have had soapy overdoses in the past couple of
months, the money that they have should go to helping people and not paying
rent for space they need to do what they do.
Leah Fusco Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 I'm signing because In these past weeks we have people who are dying left
and right. They need help people. That's what they are asking for.
Stacy Moon Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Too many people are struggling and dying from drug addiction and if there is an
organization willing to help them....I stand by them.
Kimberly Hopkins Stratford, NJ 2015-06-19 We have lost so many people in the last 3 months that were near n dear to my
heart we have to start educating ourselves on this and city of angels has
helped so many.
Sharon Shelton Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 I have a family member with drug issues and so do many people I know. It
seems we pay a lot of taxes in this township and important things get taken
away every year.
Lisa Lewis Wrightstown, NJ 2015-06-19 Iam a drug and alcohol counselor and see the devastation that drugs cause
daily and we need more places for people to go!!
Andrea Wright Groveville, NJ 2015-06-19 I know many who have been helped by COA......and there are MANY more in
HAMILTON alone that need saving. Hamiltons kids are dying. Dying....isn't that
enough to want to help and not make it impossible for them to do what they
do? How about helping COA them more!!! We need to address
our drug problems in this town...not make the ones helping our families have
to pay now!!! Please don't make them have to pay rent. Thanks
Name Location Date Comment
Jennifer Imburgia Medford, NJ 2015-06-19 hamilton politicians you should be ashamed of yourself... You should be paying
city of angels money for helping your community that struggles with addiction...
I'm sure many have 1 or 2 in their family!!
Don't you charge enough in property taxes? For what the 3/10 educational
system you provide? Or wait your overpaid corrupt police force?
Alisha Kusenko Hamilton, NJ 2015-06-19 Addiction is a disease that I have seen first hand take control of people.
it takes destroys, kills, makes one homeless, and so much more. Organizations
like City of Angels can help.people overcome their struggles and get them on
the right track. Addiction is a disease although many see it as a choice. It is not
a choice. These chemical take over your mind, body and soul. An addict loses
control of oneself and it takes alot foe them to feel better .
Regina Ratzlaff Hamilton Square, NJ 2015-06-19 Non-profits should put their money into the people they help.
jakki kerr Lawrence Township, NJ 2015-06-19 The service they provide is invaluable to many!!
william zima Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 I just lost my sister who was a mother of 4 to this horrible addiction to drugs
Brndi DiStephano Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 City of Angels has saved me. If they weren't around to help me when I needed
it most, I would be another young life gone too soon. They shouldn't be
charged rent to save lives. They are NON-profit so why charge them. Bet if
they were helping a council men's family member, they wouldn't be trying to
charge them.
Helen Hoff Ewing, NJ 2015-06-19 The Non-Profits NEED ALL THE HELP THEY CANGET! They should not be
charged rent! Give them a break for ALL THE GOOD WORK THEY DO for
YOUR community!
Nicole Federici Manasquan, NJ 2015-06-19 The services this organization provides is invaluable to the community and the
state. Hamilton should be proud to have the opportunity to house such an
Jamie Nichols Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 City of Angels is a non profit organization that would be effected. They literally
changed my life and I will always fight for them to remain operational and
continue to do the amazing work they do at cost to the people they help.
dalia seidl Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Charging rent, even a small amount, can significantly affect non profit
operations. I am angry and shocked that Hamilton Twp would charge City of
Angels, causing downsizing which will decrease efficacy of this program and
the countless individuals they serve. This rent will not, however, significantly
improve the lives of township citizens. I say no to charging rent.
Muriel Mac Innes Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 I am signing because I do not think City of Angels should have to pay rent. This
money will take away help they might be able to give someone who needs it.
Debbie len Bridgewater, NJ 2015-06-19 I'm signing this because my son died from heroin. This is an epidemic. COA is
trying to save lives. Every cent donated needs to go to help people in trouble
.... not to pay rent!
tina treptow Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Me amongst friends and family have suffered thru addictions I know what it's
James W. Moore Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Hamilton Needs to Provide Options for Addicts, or the Current Amount of Drug
Related Robberies, Public Safety, and Most importantly, The Lives of Addicts,
Their Families, and Neighborhoods will Continue to Decline In Rapid
Anthony Innocenzi Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Well because quite frankly this is a greedy tough township to live in and to live
you have chased businesses out because of it and your taxes are high this is a
Charity leave it alone.
Stacy Manners Hamilton Township, NJ 2015-06-19 City of Angels benefits the community and Hamilton NEEDS them.
Name Location Date Comment
Kathleen Dobbs Barrington, NJ 2015-06-19 You will be taking treatment awsy from many who need it and YOU WILL BE
josephine manzo Lawrence Township, NJ 2015-06-20 City of Angels has helped so many of our children and has given a place for
those affected by our childrens addiction to meet and gain strong. We are all
volunteers to make this organization what it is today
Jon Dilisa Irving, TX 2015-06-20 they are helping hamiltonians get the help they need and they need every
dollar they can save
Chris Cunnane Marlton, NJ 2015-06-20 COA is an exceptional group pf people dedicated to helping people recover
from the Great Epidemic of our Generation.
Michele Schreffler-Perez Williamstown, NJ 2015-06-20 This is bullshit! Caring more about a dollar than a non profit that is devoted to
helping others at no cost. Penalizing a group of Real human beings that are
caring for others and not even contemplating about getting paid, yet the local
government wants to be compensated. May God have mercy on their souls.
Nicole Grice Trenton, NJ 2015-06-20 Wanted to help
Julia Helder Bridgewater, NJ 2015-06-20 This non-profit is working hard to save the lives of our precious young people
and support those who have been affected. The cost of loss in both emotional
(the pain, suffering and therapy needed) and financial (impact to the first aid,
fire, police and hospital responders) when we lose someone to these
overdoses is far greater than the monthly rent.
Please waive this fee and allow this organization to continue at it's original
venue. They are making a difference! Every last cent City of Angels receives
needs to go to supporting their cause.
Cheryl Mulliken Hamilton Square, NJ 2015-06-20 COA and any other non profit or not for profit committed to helping others
should be exempt from paying any kind of rent...everything they do is out of
pocket and for the betterment of Hamilton Township and local communities.
Michael Ridolfino Allentown, NJ 2015-06-20 City of Angels saved my life. They offered me help when I was at my lowest. I
will never be able to repay COA for what they did for me, but because of them I
now have the opportunity to pay it forward and help the people put in my life
who struggle the way I struggled. May 30, 2014 was my chance for a fresh
start. I now have a better, beautiful life thanks to the members of COA and
what they did for me that day.
Tracy Downs Trenton, NJ 2015-06-21 I know the mother of one of theses Angels! There are NOT enough good
causes in the world today. Everything is not always about money! Life is more
precious then any amount of money!!!
Diane nickerson Levittown, PA 2015-06-21 I don't think it's right to charge rent to an organization that does such amazing
work to help the entire community and the entire state of N.J. Shame on
Hamilton Twp.
Katie Carvin Hamilton Township, NJ 2015-06-21 Bcz COH has saved so many lives and families from utter despair. This is an
epidemic that needs organizations like COH. Other towns across the country
look up to COH. I have friends in Cali who post COH videos in social media.
They are making an enormous impact
Mike Driber Trenton, NJ 2015-06-21 This is what our taxes are for!
Kelly Lazo Trenton, NJ 2015-06-22 with the epidemic of overdoses lately it really makes no sense to take away
what may be someones last lifeline right now
James Hofmann Trenton, NJ 2015-06-22 Thank you Hamilton Township for making an investment in our community by
allowing CoA to use the Dwier Center these past several years rent free. CoA
saves lives and heals families, making our community stronger. While NJ law
does allow Hamilton to lease unused property, why do this now?
Name Location Date Comment
Debra Montervino Trenton, NJ 2015-06-22 Our young people need all the help they can get to battle addiction. I lost my
only child to this disease. My beautiful son who had a heart of gold. He
committed suicide at the age of 21.
Lynne Brown Trenton, NJ 2015-06-22 Several of my kids friends committed suicide -
Colleen David Bensalem, PA 2015-06-22 COA saved my life and countless other lives with all their funds going toward
this amazing cause.
Vicki Biddulph Bordentown, NJ 2015-06-22 it will be 5 years in August that I lost my son. City of Angels came to me. I had
no idea who they were or what they did. Today we are heard of loud and clear.
Iris Tonti Trenton, NJ 2015-06-23 I believe charging rental fee to this Non-Profit does more harm than good. City
of Angels is saving the lives of Hamilton residents and supporting their families.
This space is needed to continue this vital work.

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Comments 1435279226

  • 1. Recipient: The Mayor and Council of Hamilton Township, Mercer County NJ Letter: Greetings, Repeal Ordinance 15-023 - Imposing monthly rental fee's on Non Profits
  • 2. Comments Name Location Date Comment Thomas Garofola Hamilton Township, NJ 2015-06-19 Our kids are dying and an organization like City of Angels is needed more than ever to help those dealing with. Stop the politics!!! Loraine Jopko Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 I am signing this because I believe that an organization like City of Angles that are helping our children should not pay rent.. They donate they're time and give so much love and caring. Stop charging!!! Joanne Whalen Hamilton Township, NJ 2015-06-19 As a taxpayer I totally disagree with this ordinance. Kristeb Smith Hollywood, FL 2015-06-19 I am in recovery almost 9 years and work in the field of addiction treatment. Although I currently live a sober life in South Florida, I grew up down the street from that center. I believe in what COA does and hope that they will be able to continue helping others. Please repeal the ordinance. What is $195 coat the township? One less golf outing for some councilman. John Rotondo Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 How can the leaders of a township whose community is being impacted by this epidemic on a massive scale believe that this is the answer. Did you ever think that that money you are charging could save a life of someone you love who is dying fromthis disease. briam mccarthy mercerville, NJ 2015-06-19 This is a great cause It would be criminal if COA wasn't located in Hamilton! amy scott Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 This is totally unfair and disgusting Deborah Thompson Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 I am an Advocate for drug intervention and recovery...This organization has helped with saving peoples lives with drug addiction as well as facilitates meeting area for meetings for 12 step recovery for both the addict as well as the loved ones to g et support as well as become educated on thd disease of addiction..WE ARE IN A CRISIS OF DRUG EPIDEMIC AND ARE LOSING PEOPLE IN LARGE NUMBERS DAILY..WE NEED ORGANIZATIONS LIKE THIS TO STEP UP AND HELP THE COMMUNITY...POLITICS NEED TO OPEN THEIR EYES ON WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND US IN STEAD OF WORRYING ABOUT MAKING A REPUTABLE ORGANIZATION PAY RENT...ADDICTION==Silence No More Kathy Hilbert Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 We need this building for our kids and our family's Kathy kaluzny Chesterfield, NJ 2015-06-19 People need a place to go to obtain help and support to help people with addiction issues. Marion Mclaughlin Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 I'm signing because I know City of Angels saves lives. We need more people to step up and help this place so we stop losing all these young people to drugs and alcohol. Please support them, not charge them. Kathy Boehm East Windsor, NJ 2015-06-19 were loosing too many kids. COA does amazing work Elizabeth Bruno Lawrence Township, NJ 2015-06-19 I'm signing because i feel that the people who run non-profits are doing so not to make money or be a hero but because they care about others and should not be charged to do so. Rosa Fazzolari Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 City of Angels saves lives. Lauren Brennan Mercerville, NJ 2015-06-19 Township doesn't do much to help with anything and are only interested in money. No non profits will want to operate or have events in this township!! Jennifer baglivi east windsor, NJ 2015-06-19 Too many too soon. vince provenzano Edgewater park, NJ 2015-06-19 It's the right thing to do
  • 3. Name Location Date Comment Laurie Latham Hamilton, NJ 2015-06-19 I'm signing because we have a drug problem in Hamilton, NJ. City of Angels operates from donations and fundraisers. If Hamilton charges City of Angels rent, you are taking away money that could be used to get someone help. Please find it in your hearts to do what is right for our town and cancel the rent fee for City of Angels. jennifer Fowler Bordentown, NJ 2015-06-19 The community should work together, alot of us are affected and a lot not..however, we are the ONLY hope for these children/people. Only hope, they lose that, whats left??? We do so many fundraisers to keep it going now this???? Dont you want your community united and help these poor soldiers of addiction??? A lot have lost the battle, but we save much much much more. I have stayed anonymous over the years. No longer...So I JEN FOWLER totally sign this petition Art Ackerman Hamilton, NJ 2015-06-19 I'm signing and I started this petition because the precious donations City of Angels NJ receives should be used to continue to save lives, not paying a minimal rent to Hamilton Township. The service to the community that City of Angels NJ provides at no cost through volunteer effort deserves a donation from Hamilton Township. Please Mayor Yeade and Council, do the right thing here. You can not believe in your hearts this ordinance benefits anyone. It hurts our community. One last time, DO THE RIGHT THING! Arthur J. Ackerman Cheryl Stankov Mountainside, NJ 2015-06-19 I volunteer at City of Angels and I lost a son to the heroin epidemic that is plaguing this state..We are helping you help the community and should be recognized in appreciation by helping to lighten the financial load so all our donations can serve the community at large. Linda Molnar Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 am signing the repeal because I lost my son to a drug overdose and I do not want a0nyone else to feel the anguish we felt, I am part od CofA and the kids we help will be better served if we do not have to pay rent. After you all voted yourself a raise you have got to be kidding e that you are going after the 5013c's that are all about helping others. You should be ashamed~ Carly Brooks Hamilton Square, NJ 2015-06-19 I support non profits position on taxes Melissa Rizzo Bordentown, NJ 2015-06-19 My mother is in recovery and COA has helped her tremendously! The money being charged for rent could be the money used to help another person! Lynn Joseph Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 these places run on volunteers. Monies should be used to help the people who really need it. The measly thousand dollars a year they plan to collect can be absorbed in other manners. Or better yet if the township is so greedy for it let them sponsor ways for these organizations to raise the monies needed. I personally have been affected by this awful heroin and drug epidemic in the township. These people are trying to help and should be left alone. Stephanie Carney Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 because it's the right thing to do Danielle Skoglund Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 It is absolutely the craziest thing o ever heard making non profit organizations pay rent. They are there to help.. why make it difficult..... Jane Platt Cream Ridge, NJ 2015-06-19 We need to have awareness, support, guidance for families touched by this disease. Most affected are already financially streched to their limits.charging rent will possibly mean charging people to help them. Less people might decide to not reach out for help. How many people need to die before we as a community get it and do everything in our power to help and stop this epidemic?
  • 4. Name Location Date Comment Alysa Wilson Lawrence Township, NJ 2015-06-19 The dollar amount in time and resources that the people of City of Angels contribute to the community is priceless on many levels. This resource should be encouraged to flourish in the community, meaning rent-free. The services provided would cost so much more than the hardship that rent could create and, hence, prevent the organization from delivering on its mission. Charging rent would be counter productive and, in the end, could cost so much more in possible suffering, dollars, institutionalization of citizens. Revenue can and should be raised elsewhere--not by a non-profit all-volunteer organization. The township should be grateful for the resource--especially given the astounding rise in drug-related overdoses and deaths specifically in Hamilton Township. Coleen Carr Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 In the middle of an epidemic it is unthinkable to charge rent. We need more organizations like this. This is not an area you should be wasting time. No rent Elizabeth Brocka Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 I disagree with the decision to charge City of Angel for rent!!! Lorraine Swope Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Mom of addicts lisa karlik-battaglia Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Non profits are a value. They also helped my family get my daughter help when you didn't know where to turn also tender hearts has helped. Getting help locally is invaluable. A value to living in Hamilton with services available locally a community coming together for struggles of life in a private manner for non profits are not making money no forms information just help Matthew Ostergaard Hightstown, NJ 2015-06-19 They are saving lives and operating 100% on volunteers and donations... Samantha Reed Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Because alot of people have problems and they need help. Jonathan Macciocca Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 City of Angels has ALWAYS HELPED me tremendously! Kathleen Neiderman Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Non-profit organizations are providing services that would otherwise become another tax burden on the public. Crista O'Neill Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Don't turn a blind eye to the drug epidemic in Hamilton. And don't push a great organization out. Lisa Wright Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 I believe City of Angels is a not for profit that help out a lot of people in our community. Seeing how we have had soapy overdoses in the past couple of months, the money that they have should go to helping people and not paying rent for space they need to do what they do. Leah Fusco Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 I'm signing because In these past weeks we have people who are dying left and right. They need help people. That's what they are asking for. Stacy Moon Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Too many people are struggling and dying from drug addiction and if there is an organization willing to help them....I stand by them. Kimberly Hopkins Stratford, NJ 2015-06-19 We have lost so many people in the last 3 months that were near n dear to my heart we have to start educating ourselves on this and city of angels has helped so many. Sharon Shelton Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 I have a family member with drug issues and so do many people I know. It seems we pay a lot of taxes in this township and important things get taken away every year. Lisa Lewis Wrightstown, NJ 2015-06-19 Iam a drug and alcohol counselor and see the devastation that drugs cause daily and we need more places for people to go!! Andrea Wright Groveville, NJ 2015-06-19 I know many who have been helped by COA......and there are MANY more in HAMILTON alone that need saving. Hamiltons kids are dying. Dying....isn't that enough to want to help and not make it impossible for them to do what they do? How about helping COA them more!!! We need to address our drug problems in this town...not make the ones helping our families have to pay now!!! Please don't make them have to pay rent. Thanks
  • 5. Name Location Date Comment Jennifer Imburgia Medford, NJ 2015-06-19 hamilton politicians you should be ashamed of yourself... You should be paying city of angels money for helping your community that struggles with addiction... I'm sure many have 1 or 2 in their family!! Don't you charge enough in property taxes? For what the 3/10 educational system you provide? Or wait your overpaid corrupt police force? Alisha Kusenko Hamilton, NJ 2015-06-19 Addiction is a disease that I have seen first hand take control of people. it takes destroys, kills, makes one homeless, and so much more. Organizations like City of Angels can help.people overcome their struggles and get them on the right track. Addiction is a disease although many see it as a choice. It is not a choice. These chemical take over your mind, body and soul. An addict loses control of oneself and it takes alot foe them to feel better . Regina Ratzlaff Hamilton Square, NJ 2015-06-19 Non-profits should put their money into the people they help. jakki kerr Lawrence Township, NJ 2015-06-19 The service they provide is invaluable to many!! william zima Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 I just lost my sister who was a mother of 4 to this horrible addiction to drugs Brndi DiStephano Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 City of Angels has saved me. If they weren't around to help me when I needed it most, I would be another young life gone too soon. They shouldn't be charged rent to save lives. They are NON-profit so why charge them. Bet if they were helping a council men's family member, they wouldn't be trying to charge them. Helen Hoff Ewing, NJ 2015-06-19 The Non-Profits NEED ALL THE HELP THEY CANGET! They should not be charged rent! Give them a break for ALL THE GOOD WORK THEY DO for YOUR community! Nicole Federici Manasquan, NJ 2015-06-19 The services this organization provides is invaluable to the community and the state. Hamilton should be proud to have the opportunity to house such an organization. Jamie Nichols Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 City of Angels is a non profit organization that would be effected. They literally changed my life and I will always fight for them to remain operational and continue to do the amazing work they do at cost to the people they help. dalia seidl Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Charging rent, even a small amount, can significantly affect non profit operations. I am angry and shocked that Hamilton Twp would charge City of Angels, causing downsizing which will decrease efficacy of this program and the countless individuals they serve. This rent will not, however, significantly improve the lives of township citizens. I say no to charging rent. Muriel Mac Innes Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 I am signing because I do not think City of Angels should have to pay rent. This money will take away help they might be able to give someone who needs it. Debbie len Bridgewater, NJ 2015-06-19 I'm signing this because my son died from heroin. This is an epidemic. COA is trying to save lives. Every cent donated needs to go to help people in trouble .... not to pay rent! tina treptow Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Me amongst friends and family have suffered thru addictions I know what it's like James W. Moore Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Hamilton Needs to Provide Options for Addicts, or the Current Amount of Drug Related Robberies, Public Safety, and Most importantly, The Lives of Addicts, Their Families, and Neighborhoods will Continue to Decline In Rapid Succession. Anthony Innocenzi Trenton, NJ 2015-06-19 Well because quite frankly this is a greedy tough township to live in and to live you have chased businesses out because of it and your taxes are high this is a Charity leave it alone. Stacy Manners Hamilton Township, NJ 2015-06-19 City of Angels benefits the community and Hamilton NEEDS them.
  • 6. Name Location Date Comment Kathleen Dobbs Barrington, NJ 2015-06-19 You will be taking treatment awsy from many who need it and YOU WILL BE DESTROYING FAMILIES! !! josephine manzo Lawrence Township, NJ 2015-06-20 City of Angels has helped so many of our children and has given a place for those affected by our childrens addiction to meet and gain strong. We are all volunteers to make this organization what it is today Jon Dilisa Irving, TX 2015-06-20 they are helping hamiltonians get the help they need and they need every dollar they can save Chris Cunnane Marlton, NJ 2015-06-20 COA is an exceptional group pf people dedicated to helping people recover from the Great Epidemic of our Generation. Michele Schreffler-Perez Williamstown, NJ 2015-06-20 This is bullshit! Caring more about a dollar than a non profit that is devoted to helping others at no cost. Penalizing a group of Real human beings that are caring for others and not even contemplating about getting paid, yet the local government wants to be compensated. May God have mercy on their souls. Nicole Grice Trenton, NJ 2015-06-20 Wanted to help Julia Helder Bridgewater, NJ 2015-06-20 This non-profit is working hard to save the lives of our precious young people and support those who have been affected. The cost of loss in both emotional (the pain, suffering and therapy needed) and financial (impact to the first aid, fire, police and hospital responders) when we lose someone to these overdoses is far greater than the monthly rent. Please waive this fee and allow this organization to continue at it's original venue. They are making a difference! Every last cent City of Angels receives needs to go to supporting their cause. Cheryl Mulliken Hamilton Square, NJ 2015-06-20 COA and any other non profit or not for profit committed to helping others should be exempt from paying any kind of rent...everything they do is out of pocket and for the betterment of Hamilton Township and local communities. Michael Ridolfino Allentown, NJ 2015-06-20 City of Angels saved my life. They offered me help when I was at my lowest. I will never be able to repay COA for what they did for me, but because of them I now have the opportunity to pay it forward and help the people put in my life who struggle the way I struggled. May 30, 2014 was my chance for a fresh start. I now have a better, beautiful life thanks to the members of COA and what they did for me that day. Tracy Downs Trenton, NJ 2015-06-21 I know the mother of one of theses Angels! There are NOT enough good causes in the world today. Everything is not always about money! Life is more precious then any amount of money!!! Diane nickerson Levittown, PA 2015-06-21 I don't think it's right to charge rent to an organization that does such amazing work to help the entire community and the entire state of N.J. Shame on Hamilton Twp. Katie Carvin Hamilton Township, NJ 2015-06-21 Bcz COH has saved so many lives and families from utter despair. This is an epidemic that needs organizations like COH. Other towns across the country look up to COH. I have friends in Cali who post COH videos in social media. They are making an enormous impact Mike Driber Trenton, NJ 2015-06-21 This is what our taxes are for! Kelly Lazo Trenton, NJ 2015-06-22 with the epidemic of overdoses lately it really makes no sense to take away what may be someones last lifeline right now James Hofmann Trenton, NJ 2015-06-22 Thank you Hamilton Township for making an investment in our community by allowing CoA to use the Dwier Center these past several years rent free. CoA saves lives and heals families, making our community stronger. While NJ law does allow Hamilton to lease unused property, why do this now?
  • 7. Name Location Date Comment Debra Montervino Trenton, NJ 2015-06-22 Our young people need all the help they can get to battle addiction. I lost my only child to this disease. My beautiful son who had a heart of gold. He committed suicide at the age of 21. Lynne Brown Trenton, NJ 2015-06-22 Several of my kids friends committed suicide - Colleen David Bensalem, PA 2015-06-22 COA saved my life and countless other lives with all their funds going toward this amazing cause. Vicki Biddulph Bordentown, NJ 2015-06-22 it will be 5 years in August that I lost my son. City of Angels came to me. I had no idea who they were or what they did. Today we are heard of loud and clear. Iris Tonti Trenton, NJ 2015-06-23 I believe charging rental fee to this Non-Profit does more harm than good. City of Angels is saving the lives of Hamilton residents and supporting their families. This space is needed to continue this vital work.