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The Terrans
The terrans are a young technology species    frequently purified by the protoss) while
with psionic potential. The terrans of the    facing the Sons of Korhal. The Sons
Koprulu Sector descend from the survivors     eventually destroyed the Confederacy by
of a 23rd century colonization mission from   using emitters to summon a wave of zerg
Earth. Compared to the protoss and zerg,      upon the heavily-populated Tarsonis and
the terrans are highly factionalized and      created a new government to rule the
endure frequent wars amongst themselves       terrans called the Terran Dominion, ruling
in addition to the more recent conflicts      from the world of Korhal.
with their alien neighbors.
                                              Unknown to the terrans of the Koprulu
The term terran generally refers to the       Sector, the humans of Earth were aware of
humans descending from the survivors of       their existence. However, no interference
the "Long Sleep" and consequently to the      came from Earth until the discovery of the
human inhabitants of the Koprulu Sector.      alien invaders, sparking panic. to the
The term may be used synonymously with        damage it had taken, Mengsk was forced
human and terrans of the Sector may           to assemble a coalition of "special interest
extend its meaning to encompass those         groups". The attempt failed. Kerrigan
not descending from the "Long Sleep".         allowed the Dominion to survive, however.
                                              Four years later the Dominion became the
Overview                                      strongest terran force in the Koprulu
The terrans are physically similar to         Sector, vying with the Kel-Morian Combine
humans of the twenty-first century, but are   and the Umojan Protectorate for influence.
slowly evolving into a psionically potent     Kerrigan launched a major attack against
race although they are still generations      the Dominion, resulting in "billions" of
from reaching their full potential. The       terran casualties. The new Earth
genetic basis was brought from Earth          government, the United Earth Directorate,
during the "Long Sleep". At present, only a   dispatched an Expeditionary Fleet to take
small number possess psionic powers.          control of the sector and defeat the aliens.
                                              After approximately six months of stability,
While technologically more advanced than      the Dominion came under attack by the
their twenty-first century counterparts       UED. The Dominion was quickly countered.
many technologies remain familiar rather      However, they proved useful to Infested
than exotic. For example, bullets, rockets,   Kerrigan, the leader of approximately half
and missiles remain prominent in the          of the Zerg Swarm, who was engaged in a
terran arsenal, while energy comes from       civil war with the rest of the zerg... which
mined fuels and nuclear sources.              the UED had taken control of. Striking an
                                              unlikely alliance with Dominion emperor
                                              Arcturus Mengsk, with whom she shared
Terran history                                an adversarial relationship, they defeated
The terrans arrived in the Koprulu Sector     the UED forces on Korhal. Kerrigan quickly
via super carriers circa 2300, landing on     betrayed her former ally before going on to
three separate planets—Tarsonis, Moria        defeat the rest of the UED fleet. The
and Umoja. They were cut off from Earth.      Dominion launched a counterattack against
                                              the zerg when Kerrigan was in a weak
Prior to the Great War, the terrans were      position, but due
divided into three factions in the Koprulu
Sector, each based on one of the original
settled planets— the Terran Confederacy,      Physiology
Kel-Morian Combine and Umojan                 Physically, terrans are much the same as
Protectorate. The Confederacy was the         they were half a millennia ago, standing at
strongest faction.                            1.5-1.8m on average and having a wide
                                              variety of physical features (pigmentation,
During the Great War the Terran               eye color, etc.). Genetic material has
Confederacy, experimenting with psi           remained within in the gene pool, blond
emitter technology, bore the brunt of         hair and blue eyes still occurring naturally,
attacks by the zerg (infested planets were    despite being carried by recessive genes.
Due to advances in medical science,              Terran Factions
human life expectancy has been extended          The terrans are a heavily factionalized
to at least 150 years, without any mental        species, with many different governments
degradation.                                     and even more groups trying to overthrow
                                                 said governments. The three dominant
Physically, terrans are inferior to races        factions in the Koprulu Sector are the Kel-
such as the zerg and protoss and for all         Morian Combine, Terran Dominion and the
intents and purposes, mentally as well.          Umojan Protectorate, the Dominion having
However, terrans are known for their             taken the place of the now defunct Terran
tenacity and ability to adapt to harsh           Confederacy. Earth and its colonies are
circumstances. In addition, terrans are          controlled solely by the United Earth
only a few steps away from developing into       Directorate.
a formidable psionic power.
                                                 Terran space also have a significant
Beliefs                                          number of pirate militias the most famous
Before the founding of the United Powers         being Raynor's Raiders, which have caused
League, terrans possessed a diversity of         conflict with the Terran Confederacy and
beliefs; beliefs that were subsequently          the Terran Dominion. The Confederacy
repressed. This remained true with the           considered the Kel-Morian Combine and
Terran Confederacy, which had limited            the Umojan Protectorate to be pirate
tolerance for "other faiths." However, a few     militias, as well.
planets in the Koprulu Sector, notably the
Fringe Worlds, have resurrected old Earth        Terran Technology
religions, Christianity among them, in           The terrans have greatly advanced their
addition to creating cults, the Church of        technology since the 21st century. The
Besainted Pelagius being one example. For        descendants of the Long Sleep have the
more agnostic societies, some terrans still      ability to create space stations, modify
believe in the existence of a monotheistic       memories, teleportation technology, and
deity, though others are distinctively           embark on faster than light travel and
skeptical.                                       communication holograms.

Despite fragments of Earth's history being       Terrans have developed advanced weapons
absent from terran records, some ancient         of war, such as the battle cruiser, siege
mythologies are still remembered. These          tank, nuclear weapons, Ion Cannons,
include tales of various after lives and their   effective spacecraft, such as the Wraith,
dark alternatives, including Hell, Tartarus      the Viking and the science vessel, and
and Sheol. "Warrior women" are                   recently the powerful Thor. Some of their
remembered from at least one mythology           combat ships and even troops have access
also.                                            to cloaking devices.

One belief, or rather hope that has              Militarily, terrans have developed the
remained more-or-less constant for               ability to quickly repair their vehicles and
humanity is a fascination with the               structures in the field. The key in terran
existence of other sentient life -- a hope       warfare is their flexibility. Their primary
that remained unfulfilled until contact was      structures are equipped with jet engines
made with the protoss and zerg. The rulers       which enable flight to other places.
of the United Powers League were of a
different mindset than their Koprulu             Terrans have access to artificial intelligence
counterparts, demonstrating a purely             that is widespread in use and is reasonably
militaristic and xenophobic approach to the      sophisticated, at least in software. The
discovery of alien species.                      Adjutants seems to be the most
                                                 widespread artificial intelligence of the
Forces of the Terrans
This section of the supplement details the      Unique Equipment
forces used by the Terrans – their weapons      Some items of Terran Wargear are unique
and the units you can choose. Each entry        to particular units, while more than one
describes the unit and gives the rules to       unit uses others. If an item is unique, it is
use them in your of Warhammer 40,000.           detailed in the entry for its owning unit;
                                                otherwise it is detailed in the wargear
The Forces of the Terrans section describes     section.
all of the troops and vehicles fielded by the
Terrans. The Terran armory, including
details and rules for all the advanced and
deadly weapons used by the Terran,
follows immediately afterwards.

         Terran Special Rules
  The units in the Terran army use a
  number of special rules that are
  common to more than one Terran
  unit. Given here are the details of
  those rules.

  Nuclear Strike
  Most Terran units have the
  authority to call down a
  bombardment from a Strike
  Cruiser. This ability can be used
  once per game per unit in their
  Shooting phase, providing that the
  unit did not move in the preceding
  Movement phase (though they
  may later assault if the controlling
  player wishes). Calling down a
  Nuclear Strike otherwise counts as
  firing a ranged weapon and uses
  the following profile:

  Range       Str   AP   Special
  Unlimited   10     1   Ordnance 1,

  "You called down the thunder, now
         reap the whirlwind."
Ghosts were chosen from psychically-gifted
individuals who were quarantined by the Terran
Confederacy and trained from infancy to channel
their psionic energies to augment their natural
physical strength and endurance. Conscripts who
successfully completed the Ghost Program's
rigorous training and augmentations then served
as commandos and assassins.

Ghosts are trained in target shooting, close-
quarters combat (martial arts and possibly other
techniques) and vehicular expertise. Ghosts are
also trained to move quickly and are desensitized
to combat; an example would be Sarah
Kerrigan's training, who had a gun placed to her
head by a guard and was ordered to kill the
guard before he killed her. Kerrigan was
subjected to this training at age twelve.

Ghosts were frequently tasked to locate targets
for and provide targeting for tactical nuclear
strikes. Their reconnaissance role was aided by
cybernetic enhancements to their eyes.

Ghosts 150 points
HQ: A Ghost is an HQ choice for a Terran Army

             WS       BS   S T W   I   A Ld   Sv    Psi-Round:
 Ghost        5        5   4 4 2   5   3 10   4+    ▪ During the player’s Shooting Phase the Ghost
                                                    may opt to use a Psi-Round: Make a psychic
                                                    test prior to shooting but after selecting a
Unit Composition:                                   target: If successful, the Psi-Round will inflict
▪ 1 Ghost                                           Instant Death as well as ignoring any
                                                    invulnerable saves.
Unit Type:
▪ Infantry                                          EMP Round:
                                                    ▪ During the player’s Shooting Phase the Ghost
Wargear:                                            may opt to use a EMP Round: An EMP round
▪ Sniper Rifle                                      acts as a normal sniper rifle against vehicles,
▪ Psi-Round                                         except it has an armor penetration value of 3D6
▪ EMP Round                                         (with no base strength).
▪ Personal Cloaking
▪ Carapace Armour                                   Personal Cloaking:
▪ Psi-tracker                                       ▪ Each time an enemy unit fires at a unit of
▪ Neural Shredder                                   Ghosts it must check if it can see them. Roll
                                                    3D6 and multiply the result by 3, giving a
Special Rules:                                      number between 9 and 56. This is the number
▪ Psyker                                            of inches the Ghosts can be spotted at, and if
▪ Independent Character                             the unit is within this range then firing is
▪ Nuclear Strike                                    conducted normally. A unit which fails to detect
                                                    Ghosts misses its chance to fire at an
                                                    alternative target in the confusion.
The goliath was originally manufactured by Lars
Corp Technologies for the Kel-Morian Combine.
The Combine was using it by 2480.

The goliath was intended for the infantry support
role, especially in urban environments. The
walker became widespread throughout the
Koprulu Sector when the blueprints were stolen
by corporate spies and sold to Confederate
interests. The Confederacy was using goliaths by
2485 at the Battle of Noranda Glacier on Onuru
Sigma, which began the Guild Wars.

The Confederacy placed goliaths in the
Confederate Armored Vehicle Corps, pilots
requiring a PEB (Preferred Experience Base) of
six months combat experience to be trained in
their use. Not that goliaths were entirely
confined to a single corps however, being found
within many Confederate units and often
attached to mechanized infantry. As such,
Goliaths became well known throughout the
Koprulu Sector.

Terran Goliaths 45 points per model
Elites: A Marauder squad is an Elites choice for a Terran Army

           WS   BS   Front    Side    Rear   I    A
 Goliath    3    4    11       11      10    3    1

Unit Composition:
▪ 3-5 Terran Goliaths

Unit Type:
▪ Vehicle (Walker)

▪ Autocannon
▪ Two Hellfire AA-Missile Launchers
The marauder is equipped with dual missile
launchers that are effective against armored
targets and slows the speed of enemy units.
Slowed units are briefly covered in purple light.
The marauder can only slow one opponent at a

Terran Marauders 40 points per model
Elites: A Marauder squad is an Elites choice for a Terran Army

              WS    BS    S T W     I   A Ld    Sv        Options:
 Marauder      3     4    4 4 2     4   1 8     2+        ▪ The entire squad may exchange their
                                                          Grenade Launchers for two Missile
                                                          Launchers for +5 points per model.
Unit Composition:
▪ 3-5 Terran Marauders

Unit Type:
▪ Infantry

▪ 2 Grenade Launchers
▪ Marauder Armor
▪ Offensive Grenades
▪ StimPacks
▪ Targeter
Marines compose the bulk of most terran front-
line forces, ranging from officially government-
sanctioned units and local militias to renegades
and mercenaries. Koprulu Sector marines are
generally equipped with powered armor suits and
rapid-fire C-14 rifles. The suit provides full life-
support and NBC protection, allowing marines to
deploy into environments that would otherwise
be inimical to human life.

Despite such material investment into each
marine, they tend to have extremely short
combat lives. To improve their effectiveness and
odds of survival, many marines make heavy use
of StimPacks.

Firebats are "armored assault troopers". Firebats
are often attached to provide support for marine
squads. They are typically armed with dual arm-
mounted flame throwers and wear armor similar
to those used by marines, except heavier and
providing additional resistance to heat and

Terran Marines 12 points per model
Troops: A Terran Marine squad is a Troops choice for a Terran Army. Squads entering play via Deep
Strike are an Elite choice for a Terran Army.

              WS     BS    S T W       I   A Ld    Sv    Options:
 Marine        3      4    3 3 1       3   1 7     3+    ▪ The entire squad may be armed with
 Sergeant      3       4   3   3   1   3   2   8   3+
                                                         Ballistic Alloy Combat Shields for +10
                                                         points per model.
 Officer       3       4   3   3   2   4   3   9   3+    ▪ Up to two Marines may exchange their C-
                                                         14 Rifle for one of the following:
                                                         - Grenade Launcher…+5 points per model
Unit Composition:
                                                         - Missile Launcher….+10 points per model
▪ 4-19 Terran Marines
                                                         ▪ Up to half of the squad may be upgraded
▪ 1 Sergeant
                                                         to Firebats for +5 points per model,
                                                         exchanging their C-14 Rifle for dual
Unit Type:
▪ Infantry
                                                         ▪ The sergeant may be given any of the
▪ C-14 Rifle
▪ Powered Armour
                                                         - Auspex…………………………………….+2 points
▪ Offensive Grenades
                                                         - Bionics……………………………………+10 points
▪ StimPacks
                                                         ▪ One sergeant per army may be upgraded
▪ Targeter
                                                         to an Officer for +80 points. An Officer is
                                                         an HQ choice, rather than a Troops unit,
Special Rules:
                                                         and his squad counts as a retinue in all
▪ Nuclear Strike (Officer Only)
▪ Independent Character (Officer Only)
▪ Deep Strike
Historically Confederate marine forces suffered
high casualties, but retained their strength
through aggressive recruitment practices.
Confederate medics remained at bases to care
for wounded soldiers but were sometimes
attached to squads/platoons. Confederate medics
had a distinct appearance (white armor with a
red cross). Raynor's Raiders medics operated on
the front lines, at least on some occasions.

As conflict escalated to include the protoss and
zerg, marine losses became prohibitive. The
United Earth Directorate pacification fleet
included combat medics in its front lines.
Recruitment for medics drew in mostly women.

The UED's technological prowess included the
field of medical science. Medic tools have been
expanded to chemical modifiers increasing
marine survival rates and the use of nano-
conveyed anesthetic and attenuated lasers to
carry out on-site surgery. However, casualties
will still occur and for dying marines, medics
administer a drug known as the "Final Protocol."

Terran Medics 45 points per model
Medics do not occupy a slot on the Force Organization Chart, but are chosen as a Troops
choice. They cannot hold ground or contest objectives.

              WS     BS   S T W     I   A Ld   Sv
 Medic         3      4   4 5 1     4   1 8    3+

Unit Composition:
▪ 1 Terran Medic

Unit Type:
▪ Infantry

▪ Grenade Launcher
▪ Powered Armour
▪ Offensive Grenades
▪ Ballistic Alloy Combat Shield
▪ Med-Stims

Special Rules:
▪ Independent Character
The Hellion is a four-wheeled buggy-like vehicle.
Like the vulture it fills the fast-attack, anti-
infantry role. Unlike the vulture, it is armed with
a flamethrower.

The fast movement speed of the Hellion allows it
to quickly chase down retreating opponents, or
to readily escape an unfavorable situation. Unlike
the Vulture, the Hellion cannot attack while on
the move and must stop before the attack can

The mounted flamethrower deals an area of
effect in a straight line and is ideal for taking out
light armored units. Combine this with the quick
speed and increased range, the Hellion can easily
perform hit and run tactics on a much slower
enemy group.

Hellion Squadron 35 points per model
Fast Attack: A Hellion squadron is a Fast Attack choice for a Terran Army

                BS    Front     Side       Rear
 Hellion         4     10        10         10

Unit Composition:
▪ 1-3 Hellions

Unit Type:
▪ Vehicle Squadron (Fast, Open-topped)

▪ Heavy Flamer
▪ High Capacity Barrels
Reapers specialize in hit-and-run, close-quarters
combat. They are more mobile than marines as
their jet packs allow them to surmount obstacles
independently. Reapers are clad in self-contained
body suits, and are armed with dual P-45
"Scythe" gauss pistols and deuterium-eight
demolition charges.

Reapers are drawn from marine recruits that
could not be successfully subjugated by neural
resocialization. These resistant recruits tend to
be among the most hardened of criminals, and
are sent instead to the "Icehouse" in the Torus
system to be inducted into the Reaper Corps.
Reaper recruits are chemically altered to make
them even more aggressive before being
subjected to brutal training in close-quarters
combat and the use of their jet packs.

While theoretically a reaper who survives two
years of duty will be pardoned and released back
to civilian life, in its five years of operation the
Reaper Corps has yet to have a single recruit
survive for more than six months.

Reapers 18 points per model
Fast Attack: Reapers are a Fast Attack choice for a Terran Army

              WS     BS    S T W       I   A Ld    Sv      D8 Charge:
 Reaper        4      4    4 4 1       3   1 8     3+      ▪ The reaper throws a demolition charge on the
                                                           ground. If the charge is not destroyed within
 Sergeant      4       4   4   4   1   3   2   9   3+
                                                           five seconds, it detonates damaging friendly
                                                           and hostile ground units and buildings in the
Unit Composition:                                          vicinity. A red timer bar shows how long until it
▪ 9-20 Reapers                                             detonates. A Reaper squad may throw their
▪ 1 Sergeant                                               charges, counting as a single demo charge in
                                                           the Shooting Phase.
Unit Type:
▪ Jump Infantry

▪ Powered Armour
▪ Dual Pistols
▪ D8 Charges
▪ StimPacks
▪ Offensive Grenades

▪ The sergeant may be given any of the
- Auspex…………………………………….+2 points
- Bionics……………………………………+10 points
In use by 2478, the vulture is a lightly-armored
one-man hover bike primarily used for scouting
and patrol, designed with speed and reliability in
mind. Its limited gravity hover technology allows
the bike to travel over rough terrain with little
loss of traction or speed, and reach speeds up to
230 miles per hour; an onboard computer and
sensors mounted in the "nose" of the cr aft keep
it at a steady pace for most of the time. These
features make the vulture suitable for patrolling
the vast wildernesses typically found around
terran colonies. They produce a humming whine
as they move.

Vultures are ill suited for heavy combat, given
their light frame. However, they make excellent
skirmishers, especially against lightly armored
targets. Vultures are also tasked with scavenging
("scavenger hover bike" is a term occasionally
used). In some occasions, vultures may be
formed into small squadrons, usually attached to
mechanized infantry. Given the speed at which
the bikes move however, it is difficult to maintain
cohesion The vulture's driver seat can be
enclosed depending on model, customization, or
operating environment and can be configured for
someone to ride shotgun.

Vulture Squadron 15 points per model
Fast Attack: A Vulture squadron is a Fast Attack choice for a Terran Army

              WS     BS   S T W       I   A Ld    Sv
 Vulture       3      3   3 4 1       3   1 7     4+

 Sergeant      3     3    3   4   1   3   2   8   4+

Unit Composition:
▪ 4-10 Vultures
▪ 1 Sergeant

Unit Type:
▪ Jetbikes

▪ Spider Mines
▪ Grenade Launcher

▪ The sergeant may be given any of the following:
- Auspex…………………………………….+2 points
- Bionics……………………………………+10 points
The Banshee is a terran aircraft designed by
Procyon Industries in response to the Terran
Dominion's requirement for a dedicated ground
attack aircraft. Experience had shown that it was
unlikely that adapting an existing design would
prove satisfactory. Thus, Procyon designed an
entirely new craft.

The design was heavily optimized for its intended
role. Armament was limited to air-to-ground
Backlash cluster rockets, eschewing any anti-
aircraft weapons. As the Banshee was never
intended to operate outside of an atmosphere,
only relatively low-thrust turbofans were fitted,
wholly unable to achieve escape velocity, but
much cheaper than engines capable of achieving
space flight. Later Banshees were fitted with
cloaking devices taken from Wraiths.

The Banshee has proven successful in service.
Easily transported from world to world, its
mobility and firepower has proven most useful,
especially in inhospitable terrain and against
hostile irregular forces. The Banshee has also
acquired a reputation as a Dominion terror
weapon, a result of a significant number of
civilians being killed by Banshees employed in
urban combat.

Banshee Gunship 150 points per model
Heavy Support: A Banshee is a Heavy Support choice for a Terran Army

               BS       Front    Side    Rear
 Banshee        4        12       11      10

Unit Composition:
▪ 1 Banshee

Unit Type:
▪ Vehicle (Skimmer, Fast)

▪ 2 Missile Launchers
▪ Cloaking Field
The dual-mode siege tank concept was a
response to the Guild Wars and the goliath. Prior
to the war, work had progressed on a static "final
defense" cannon. However, the conflict
demonstrated the need for mobility and as a
result an effort was made to make the cannon
more mobile. The solution was creative. An
existing tank design was modified so that it could
operate as a conventional tank in addition to
being able to deploy the cannon and become a
static artillery emplacement at will. Mobile siege
tanks were in existence by 2480, several years
before the official beginning of the Guild Wars.

Siege tanks function in two modes. First is the
"tank" or "assault mode" in which the vehicle
may be used in the familiar armored support role
using relative light weapons. The second is the
more radical "siege mode" in which the vehicle
becomes a static emplacement able to deploy a
much more powerful and longer ranged weapon.

Siege Tank 120 points
Heavy Support: Siege Tanks are a Heavy Support choice for a Terran Army

                               Armour                   Siege Mode:
                  BS   Front    Side     Rear           ▪ A Siege Tank may enter its Siege Mode during
 Siege Tank        4    14       12       10            the Movement Phase. Once initiated, the Siege
                                                        Tank may not move, becoming an immobile
Unit Composition:                                       vehicle. During the Shooting phase its main
▪ 1 Siege Tank                                          battle canon may fire indirectly as if it were a
                                                        barrage weapon.
Unit Type:
▪ Vehicle (Tank)

▪ Battle Cannon

Special Rules:
▪ Siege Mode
Terran Wargear
This section of lists the deadly weapons and equipment used by Terran armies, along with all
the details you’ll need for using them in your games of Warhammer 40,000. Note that
weapons and equipment that may be used by more than one type of model or unit are
detailed here, while equipment that is unique to a single model or unit is detailed in the
appropriate entry in the Forces section.

Ranged Weapons                                    Missile Launcher:
                                                  ▪ The missile launcher is a favored weapon
C-14 Rifle:                                       amongst heavy weapons teams due to the
▪ The C-14 Impaler gauss rifle is the terran      tactical flexibility afforded by a range of
standard issue weapon to marines of the           warheads. Each time the missile launcher
Confederate Marine Corps and the                  fires, the controlling player can decide
Dominion Marine Corps, and is common              which round is being used.
throughout the Koprulu Sector. In use by
2478, the C-14 fires hypersonic 8 mm.             Frag Grenade
armor-piercing metal "spikes" which may           Range       Str   AP   Special
penetrate two inches of steel plating? The
                                                     48”       4     6   Heavy 1, Blast
weapon is fully automatic with a rate of fire
of 30 rounds per second. Fully automatic
fire is discouraged under most conditions.        Krak Grenade
Instead a capacitor system is used to fire
                                                  Range       Str   AP   Special
the weapon in short bursts, conserving
ammunition and minimizing power                      48”       8     3   Heavy 1
requirements and has the following profile:
                                                  Heavy Flamer:
Range      Str    AP   Special                    ▪ The heavy flamer is the weapon of choice
  24”       4     5    Rapid Fire                 for sweeping fortifications clear and
                                                  purging the ranks of the enemy.
Dual Flamers:
                                                  Range       Str   AP   Special
▪ Dual Flamers are wrist mounted weapons.
They are twin-linked and have the                 Template     5     4   Assault 1
following profile:
                                                  Demo Charge:
Range       Str   AP   Special                    ▪ Small, compact, but extremely
Template     4     5   Assault 1                  destructive, demolition charges are used to
                                                  destroy fortifications and enemy armor
Grenade Launcher:
Grenade Launchers are versatile, man-
                                                  Range      Str    AP   Special
portable weapons capable of firing a range
of deadly rounds. Each time the grenade               6”      8     2    Assault 1, Large
launcher fires, the controlling player can                               Blast, One Shot Only
decide which round is being used:
                                                  Dual Pistols:
Frag Grenade                                      ▪ Used as the primary weapon of the
                                                  Reapers, they count as twin-linked and
Range       Str   AP   Special
                                                  have the following profile:
   24”       3     6   Assault 1, Blast
                                                  Range       Str   AP   Special
Krak Grenade                                         12”       4     5   Pistol
Range       Str   AP   Special
   24”       6     4   Assault 1
Neural Shredder:                                  Med-Stims:
▪ The Neural shredder uses the Flame             ▪ Med-Stims is a catch-all phrase used to
template and is fired just like a flame          describe the medicinal concoctions and
weapon. Roll to wound as follows: the            tools used by Terran medics on the battle
neural shredder has Strength 8 but, rather       field. They confer the Feel No Pain
than using the targets’ Toughness values,        universal special rule to any unit the Medic
their Leadership is used. Other than this,       is attached to, including the medic herself.
the To Wound chart is used as normal. A
roll of a 1 always fails to inflict a wound.     Psi-tracker:
Against vehicles, roll a D3 on the Glancing      ▪ If a model has a psi-tracker, one roll to
Hits table, as the crew’s brains are partially   hit made by any model in the Terran army
protected by the vehicle’s armour. The           may be re-rolled once per Shooting phase,
Neural shredder has the following profile:       so long as the target is a Psyker, or is a
                                                 squad with a Psyker attached to it.
Range       Str   AP    Special
Template     X     1    Assault 1                Targeter:
                                                 ▪ Models equipped with a targeter are
                                                 allowed to pre-measure the range to a
                                                 target before they decide who to shoot at
                                                 in the Shooting phase. After you have used
                                                 a targeter then any Guess range weapons
Carapace Armour:
                                                 may not be fired that turn.
▪ Carapace armour is made up of large
rigid plates of armaplas or ceramite
                                                 Spider Mines:
molded to fit the wearer. A model with
                                                 ▪ Spider mines count as Defensive
carapace armour has an armour save of
                                                 grenades in all regards.
Powered Armour:
                                                 ▪ An auspex is a short-ranged scanner used
▪ Made from thick ceramite plates and
                                                 to detect hidden enemy troops. If enemy
electronically motivated fibre bundles,
                                                 infiltrators set up within 4D6” of a model
power armour is amongst the best
                                                 with an auspex, then that model is allowed
protective armour available to the Terrans.
                                                 to take a ‘free’ shot at them (or sound the
A model with powered armour has an
                                                 alarm in a Raid scenario). If the model is
armour save of 3+.
                                                 part of a unit then the whole unit may
                                                 shoot. These shots are taken before the
Marauder Armour:
                                                 battle begins, and may cause the
▪ Due to the powerful exoskeleton and
                                                 infiltrators to fall back. The normal
power sources built into their armour,
                                                 shooting rules apply.
models in Marauder armour have the
relentless universal special rule and has an
armour save of 2+.

Other Equipment
Ballistic Alloy Combat Shield
▪ The Ballistic Alloy Combat Shield is a
widely used shield distributed amongst
Terran Marines. It increases the toughness
of the Marines by 1

▪ StimPacks increase the combat efficiency
of Terran Marines exponentially. The unit
may use StimPacks at the start of any
assault phase and will benefit from the
Furious Charge universal special rule for
that turn but each model takes a S1 hit
with no saves of any kind allowed
Bionics:                                         Cloaking Field:
▪ Bionics allows a character who has             ▪ Cloaking Fields count as Smoke
suffered a crippling injury to return to         Launchers in all regards.
service. To represent this, if a model with
bionics is killed, instead of removing it,
place the model on its side. Roll a D6 at
the start of the next turn. On the roll of a 6
the model is stood back up with one
wound, but on any other result it is
removed as a casualty.

Vehicle Armoury
Hellfire AA Missile Launcher:
▪ Hellfire missiles are a terran explosive
projectile used as standard anti-air
armament for goliaths.

Range      Str    AP   Special
  48”       8     1    Assault 1, Melta

Battle Cannon:
▪ The main armament on the siege tank
has the following profile:

Range       Str   AP    Special
   48”       8     3    Ordnance 1

High Capacity Barrels:
▪ The installation of high capacity barrels
on a Hellion allows it maintain a constant
torrent of flame. It may reroll all rolls to

▪ Autocannons fire large caliber, high
velocity shells at a prodigious rate. They
are the heavy weapon of choice for
commanders facing large infantry
formations and lightly armored vehicles. It
has the following profile:

Range       Str   AP    Special
   48”       7     4    Heavy 2

Heavy Flamer:
▪ The heavy flamer is the weapon of choice
for sweeping fortifications clear and
purging the ranks of the enemy.

Range       Str   AP    Special
Template     5     4    Assault 1

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Codex terrans

  • 2. The Terrans The terrans are a young technology species frequently purified by the protoss) while with psionic potential. The terrans of the facing the Sons of Korhal. The Sons Koprulu Sector descend from the survivors eventually destroyed the Confederacy by of a 23rd century colonization mission from using emitters to summon a wave of zerg Earth. Compared to the protoss and zerg, upon the heavily-populated Tarsonis and the terrans are highly factionalized and created a new government to rule the endure frequent wars amongst themselves terrans called the Terran Dominion, ruling in addition to the more recent conflicts from the world of Korhal. with their alien neighbors. Unknown to the terrans of the Koprulu The term terran generally refers to the Sector, the humans of Earth were aware of humans descending from the survivors of their existence. However, no interference the "Long Sleep" and consequently to the came from Earth until the discovery of the human inhabitants of the Koprulu Sector. alien invaders, sparking panic. to the The term may be used synonymously with damage it had taken, Mengsk was forced human and terrans of the Sector may to assemble a coalition of "special interest extend its meaning to encompass those groups". The attempt failed. Kerrigan not descending from the "Long Sleep". allowed the Dominion to survive, however. Four years later the Dominion became the Overview strongest terran force in the Koprulu The terrans are physically similar to Sector, vying with the Kel-Morian Combine humans of the twenty-first century, but are and the Umojan Protectorate for influence. slowly evolving into a psionically potent Kerrigan launched a major attack against race although they are still generations the Dominion, resulting in "billions" of from reaching their full potential. The terran casualties. The new Earth genetic basis was brought from Earth government, the United Earth Directorate, during the "Long Sleep". At present, only a dispatched an Expeditionary Fleet to take small number possess psionic powers. control of the sector and defeat the aliens. After approximately six months of stability, While technologically more advanced than the Dominion came under attack by the their twenty-first century counterparts UED. The Dominion was quickly countered. many technologies remain familiar rather However, they proved useful to Infested than exotic. For example, bullets, rockets, Kerrigan, the leader of approximately half and missiles remain prominent in the of the Zerg Swarm, who was engaged in a terran arsenal, while energy comes from civil war with the rest of the zerg... which mined fuels and nuclear sources. the UED had taken control of. Striking an unlikely alliance with Dominion emperor Arcturus Mengsk, with whom she shared Terran history an adversarial relationship, they defeated The terrans arrived in the Koprulu Sector the UED forces on Korhal. Kerrigan quickly via super carriers circa 2300, landing on betrayed her former ally before going on to three separate planets—Tarsonis, Moria defeat the rest of the UED fleet. The and Umoja. They were cut off from Earth. Dominion launched a counterattack against the zerg when Kerrigan was in a weak Prior to the Great War, the terrans were position, but due divided into three factions in the Koprulu Sector, each based on one of the original settled planets— the Terran Confederacy, Physiology Kel-Morian Combine and Umojan Physically, terrans are much the same as Protectorate. The Confederacy was the they were half a millennia ago, standing at strongest faction. 1.5-1.8m on average and having a wide variety of physical features (pigmentation, During the Great War the Terran eye color, etc.). Genetic material has Confederacy, experimenting with psi remained within in the gene pool, blond emitter technology, bore the brunt of hair and blue eyes still occurring naturally, attacks by the zerg (infested planets were despite being carried by recessive genes.
  • 3.
  • 4. Due to advances in medical science, Terran Factions human life expectancy has been extended The terrans are a heavily factionalized to at least 150 years, without any mental species, with many different governments degradation. and even more groups trying to overthrow said governments. The three dominant Physically, terrans are inferior to races factions in the Koprulu Sector are the Kel- such as the zerg and protoss and for all Morian Combine, Terran Dominion and the intents and purposes, mentally as well. Umojan Protectorate, the Dominion having However, terrans are known for their taken the place of the now defunct Terran tenacity and ability to adapt to harsh Confederacy. Earth and its colonies are circumstances. In addition, terrans are controlled solely by the United Earth only a few steps away from developing into Directorate. a formidable psionic power. Terran space also have a significant Beliefs number of pirate militias the most famous Before the founding of the United Powers being Raynor's Raiders, which have caused League, terrans possessed a diversity of conflict with the Terran Confederacy and beliefs; beliefs that were subsequently the Terran Dominion. The Confederacy repressed. This remained true with the considered the Kel-Morian Combine and Terran Confederacy, which had limited the Umojan Protectorate to be pirate tolerance for "other faiths." However, a few militias, as well. planets in the Koprulu Sector, notably the Fringe Worlds, have resurrected old Earth Terran Technology religions, Christianity among them, in The terrans have greatly advanced their addition to creating cults, the Church of technology since the 21st century. The Besainted Pelagius being one example. For descendants of the Long Sleep have the more agnostic societies, some terrans still ability to create space stations, modify believe in the existence of a monotheistic memories, teleportation technology, and deity, though others are distinctively embark on faster than light travel and skeptical. communication holograms. Despite fragments of Earth's history being Terrans have developed advanced weapons absent from terran records, some ancient of war, such as the battle cruiser, siege mythologies are still remembered. These tank, nuclear weapons, Ion Cannons, include tales of various after lives and their effective spacecraft, such as the Wraith, dark alternatives, including Hell, Tartarus the Viking and the science vessel, and and Sheol. "Warrior women" are recently the powerful Thor. Some of their remembered from at least one mythology combat ships and even troops have access also. to cloaking devices. One belief, or rather hope that has Militarily, terrans have developed the remained more-or-less constant for ability to quickly repair their vehicles and humanity is a fascination with the structures in the field. The key in terran existence of other sentient life -- a hope warfare is their flexibility. Their primary that remained unfulfilled until contact was structures are equipped with jet engines made with the protoss and zerg. The rulers which enable flight to other places. of the United Powers League were of a different mindset than their Koprulu Terrans have access to artificial intelligence counterparts, demonstrating a purely that is widespread in use and is reasonably militaristic and xenophobic approach to the sophisticated, at least in software. The discovery of alien species. Adjutants seems to be the most widespread artificial intelligence of the terrans.
  • 5.
  • 6. Forces of the Terrans This section of the supplement details the Unique Equipment forces used by the Terrans – their weapons Some items of Terran Wargear are unique and the units you can choose. Each entry to particular units, while more than one describes the unit and gives the rules to unit uses others. If an item is unique, it is use them in your of Warhammer 40,000. detailed in the entry for its owning unit; otherwise it is detailed in the wargear The Forces of the Terrans section describes section. all of the troops and vehicles fielded by the Terrans. The Terran armory, including details and rules for all the advanced and deadly weapons used by the Terran, follows immediately afterwards. Terran Special Rules The units in the Terran army use a number of special rules that are common to more than one Terran unit. Given here are the details of those rules. Nuclear Strike Most Terran units have the authority to call down a bombardment from a Strike Cruiser. This ability can be used once per game per unit in their Shooting phase, providing that the unit did not move in the preceding Movement phase (though they may later assault if the controlling player wishes). Calling down a Nuclear Strike otherwise counts as firing a ranged weapon and uses the following profile: Range Str AP Special Unlimited 10 1 Ordnance 1, Barrage "You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind."
  • 7. TERRAN GHOSTS Ghosts were chosen from psychically-gifted individuals who were quarantined by the Terran Confederacy and trained from infancy to channel their psionic energies to augment their natural physical strength and endurance. Conscripts who successfully completed the Ghost Program's rigorous training and augmentations then served as commandos and assassins. Ghosts are trained in target shooting, close- quarters combat (martial arts and possibly other techniques) and vehicular expertise. Ghosts are also trained to move quickly and are desensitized to combat; an example would be Sarah Kerrigan's training, who had a gun placed to her head by a guard and was ordered to kill the guard before he killed her. Kerrigan was subjected to this training at age twelve. Ghosts were frequently tasked to locate targets for and provide targeting for tactical nuclear strikes. Their reconnaissance role was aided by cybernetic enhancements to their eyes. Ghosts 150 points HQ: A Ghost is an HQ choice for a Terran Army WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Psi-Round: Ghost 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 10 4+ ▪ During the player’s Shooting Phase the Ghost may opt to use a Psi-Round: Make a psychic test prior to shooting but after selecting a Unit Composition: target: If successful, the Psi-Round will inflict ▪ 1 Ghost Instant Death as well as ignoring any invulnerable saves. Unit Type: ▪ Infantry EMP Round: ▪ During the player’s Shooting Phase the Ghost Wargear: may opt to use a EMP Round: An EMP round ▪ Sniper Rifle acts as a normal sniper rifle against vehicles, ▪ Psi-Round except it has an armor penetration value of 3D6 ▪ EMP Round (with no base strength). ▪ Personal Cloaking ▪ Carapace Armour Personal Cloaking: ▪ Psi-tracker ▪ Each time an enemy unit fires at a unit of ▪ Neural Shredder Ghosts it must check if it can see them. Roll 3D6 and multiply the result by 3, giving a Special Rules: number between 9 and 56. This is the number ▪ Psyker of inches the Ghosts can be spotted at, and if ▪ Independent Character the unit is within this range then firing is ▪ Nuclear Strike conducted normally. A unit which fails to detect Ghosts misses its chance to fire at an alternative target in the confusion.
  • 8. TERRAN GOLIATHS The goliath was originally manufactured by Lars Corp Technologies for the Kel-Morian Combine. The Combine was using it by 2480. The goliath was intended for the infantry support role, especially in urban environments. The walker became widespread throughout the Koprulu Sector when the blueprints were stolen by corporate spies and sold to Confederate interests. The Confederacy was using goliaths by 2485 at the Battle of Noranda Glacier on Onuru Sigma, which began the Guild Wars. The Confederacy placed goliaths in the Confederate Armored Vehicle Corps, pilots requiring a PEB (Preferred Experience Base) of six months combat experience to be trained in their use. Not that goliaths were entirely confined to a single corps however, being found within many Confederate units and often attached to mechanized infantry. As such, Goliaths became well known throughout the Koprulu Sector. Terran Goliaths 45 points per model Elites: A Marauder squad is an Elites choice for a Terran Army Armour WS BS Front Side Rear I A Goliath 3 4 11 11 10 3 1 Unit Composition: ▪ 3-5 Terran Goliaths Unit Type: ▪ Vehicle (Walker) Wargear: ▪ Autocannon ▪ Two Hellfire AA-Missile Launchers
  • 9. TERRAN MARAUDERS The marauder is equipped with dual missile launchers that are effective against armored targets and slows the speed of enemy units. Slowed units are briefly covered in purple light. The marauder can only slow one opponent at a time. Terran Marauders 40 points per model Elites: A Marauder squad is an Elites choice for a Terran Army WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options: Marauder 3 4 4 4 2 4 1 8 2+ ▪ The entire squad may exchange their Grenade Launchers for two Missile Launchers for +5 points per model. Unit Composition: ▪ 3-5 Terran Marauders Unit Type: ▪ Infantry Wargear: ▪ 2 Grenade Launchers ▪ Marauder Armor ▪ Offensive Grenades ▪ StimPacks ▪ Targeter
  • 10. TERRAN MARINES Marines compose the bulk of most terran front- line forces, ranging from officially government- sanctioned units and local militias to renegades and mercenaries. Koprulu Sector marines are generally equipped with powered armor suits and rapid-fire C-14 rifles. The suit provides full life- support and NBC protection, allowing marines to deploy into environments that would otherwise be inimical to human life. Despite such material investment into each marine, they tend to have extremely short combat lives. To improve their effectiveness and odds of survival, many marines make heavy use of StimPacks. Firebats are "armored assault troopers". Firebats are often attached to provide support for marine squads. They are typically armed with dual arm- mounted flame throwers and wear armor similar to those used by marines, except heavier and providing additional resistance to heat and flame. Terran Marines 12 points per model Troops: A Terran Marine squad is a Troops choice for a Terran Army. Squads entering play via Deep Strike are an Elite choice for a Terran Army. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options: Marine 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 3+ ▪ The entire squad may be armed with Sergeant 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 3+ Ballistic Alloy Combat Shields for +10 points per model. Officer 3 4 3 3 2 4 3 9 3+ ▪ Up to two Marines may exchange their C- 14 Rifle for one of the following: - Grenade Launcher…+5 points per model Unit Composition: - Missile Launcher….+10 points per model ▪ 4-19 Terran Marines ▪ Up to half of the squad may be upgraded ▪ 1 Sergeant to Firebats for +5 points per model, exchanging their C-14 Rifle for dual Unit Type: flamers. ▪ Infantry Character: Wargear: ▪ The sergeant may be given any of the ▪ C-14 Rifle following: ▪ Powered Armour - Auspex…………………………………….+2 points ▪ Offensive Grenades - Bionics……………………………………+10 points ▪ StimPacks ▪ One sergeant per army may be upgraded ▪ Targeter to an Officer for +80 points. An Officer is an HQ choice, rather than a Troops unit, Special Rules: and his squad counts as a retinue in all ▪ Nuclear Strike (Officer Only) regards. ▪ Independent Character (Officer Only) ▪ Deep Strike
  • 11. TERRAN MEDICS Historically Confederate marine forces suffered high casualties, but retained their strength through aggressive recruitment practices. Confederate medics remained at bases to care for wounded soldiers but were sometimes attached to squads/platoons. Confederate medics had a distinct appearance (white armor with a red cross). Raynor's Raiders medics operated on the front lines, at least on some occasions. As conflict escalated to include the protoss and zerg, marine losses became prohibitive. The United Earth Directorate pacification fleet included combat medics in its front lines. Recruitment for medics drew in mostly women. The UED's technological prowess included the field of medical science. Medic tools have been expanded to chemical modifiers increasing marine survival rates and the use of nano- conveyed anesthetic and attenuated lasers to carry out on-site surgery. However, casualties will still occur and for dying marines, medics administer a drug known as the "Final Protocol." Terran Medics 45 points per model Medics do not occupy a slot on the Force Organization Chart, but are chosen as a Troops choice. They cannot hold ground or contest objectives. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Medic 3 4 4 5 1 4 1 8 3+ Unit Composition: ▪ 1 Terran Medic Unit Type: ▪ Infantry Wargear: ▪ Grenade Launcher ▪ Powered Armour ▪ Offensive Grenades ▪ Ballistic Alloy Combat Shield ▪ ▪ Med-Stims Special Rules: ▪ Independent Character
  • 12. HELLION SQUADRON The Hellion is a four-wheeled buggy-like vehicle. Like the vulture it fills the fast-attack, anti- infantry role. Unlike the vulture, it is armed with a flamethrower. The fast movement speed of the Hellion allows it to quickly chase down retreating opponents, or to readily escape an unfavorable situation. Unlike the Vulture, the Hellion cannot attack while on the move and must stop before the attack can commence. The mounted flamethrower deals an area of effect in a straight line and is ideal for taking out light armored units. Combine this with the quick speed and increased range, the Hellion can easily perform hit and run tactics on a much slower enemy group. Hellion Squadron 35 points per model Fast Attack: A Hellion squadron is a Fast Attack choice for a Terran Army Armour BS Front Side Rear Hellion 4 10 10 10 Unit Composition: ▪ 1-3 Hellions Unit Type: ▪ Vehicle Squadron (Fast, Open-topped) Wargear: ▪ Heavy Flamer ▪ High Capacity Barrels
  • 13. TERRAN REAPERS Reapers specialize in hit-and-run, close-quarters combat. They are more mobile than marines as their jet packs allow them to surmount obstacles independently. Reapers are clad in self-contained body suits, and are armed with dual P-45 "Scythe" gauss pistols and deuterium-eight demolition charges. Reapers are drawn from marine recruits that could not be successfully subjugated by neural resocialization. These resistant recruits tend to be among the most hardened of criminals, and are sent instead to the "Icehouse" in the Torus system to be inducted into the Reaper Corps. Reaper recruits are chemically altered to make them even more aggressive before being subjected to brutal training in close-quarters combat and the use of their jet packs. While theoretically a reaper who survives two years of duty will be pardoned and released back to civilian life, in its five years of operation the Reaper Corps has yet to have a single recruit survive for more than six months. Reapers 18 points per model Fast Attack: Reapers are a Fast Attack choice for a Terran Army WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv D8 Charge: Reaper 4 4 4 4 1 3 1 8 3+ ▪ The reaper throws a demolition charge on the ground. If the charge is not destroyed within Sergeant 4 4 4 4 1 3 2 9 3+ five seconds, it detonates damaging friendly and hostile ground units and buildings in the Unit Composition: vicinity. A red timer bar shows how long until it ▪ 9-20 Reapers detonates. A Reaper squad may throw their ▪ 1 Sergeant charges, counting as a single demo charge in the Shooting Phase. Unit Type: ▪ Jump Infantry Wargear: ▪ Powered Armour ▪ Dual Pistols ▪ D8 Charges ▪ StimPacks ▪ Offensive Grenades Character: ▪ The sergeant may be given any of the following: - Auspex…………………………………….+2 points - Bionics……………………………………+10 points
  • 14. VULTURE SQUADRON In use by 2478, the vulture is a lightly-armored one-man hover bike primarily used for scouting and patrol, designed with speed and reliability in mind. Its limited gravity hover technology allows the bike to travel over rough terrain with little loss of traction or speed, and reach speeds up to 230 miles per hour; an onboard computer and sensors mounted in the "nose" of the cr aft keep it at a steady pace for most of the time. These features make the vulture suitable for patrolling the vast wildernesses typically found around terran colonies. They produce a humming whine as they move. Vultures are ill suited for heavy combat, given their light frame. However, they make excellent skirmishers, especially against lightly armored targets. Vultures are also tasked with scavenging ("scavenger hover bike" is a term occasionally used). In some occasions, vultures may be formed into small squadrons, usually attached to mechanized infantry. Given the speed at which the bikes move however, it is difficult to maintain cohesion The vulture's driver seat can be enclosed depending on model, customization, or operating environment and can be configured for someone to ride shotgun. Vulture Squadron 15 points per model Fast Attack: A Vulture squadron is a Fast Attack choice for a Terran Army WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Vulture 3 3 3 4 1 3 1 7 4+ Sergeant 3 3 3 4 1 3 2 8 4+ Unit Composition: ▪ 4-10 Vultures ▪ 1 Sergeant Unit Type: ▪ Jetbikes Wargear: ▪ Spider Mines ▪ Grenade Launcher Character: ▪ The sergeant may be given any of the following: - Auspex…………………………………….+2 points - Bionics……………………………………+10 points
  • 15. TERRAN BANSHEE The Banshee is a terran aircraft designed by Procyon Industries in response to the Terran Dominion's requirement for a dedicated ground attack aircraft. Experience had shown that it was unlikely that adapting an existing design would prove satisfactory. Thus, Procyon designed an entirely new craft. The design was heavily optimized for its intended role. Armament was limited to air-to-ground Backlash cluster rockets, eschewing any anti- aircraft weapons. As the Banshee was never intended to operate outside of an atmosphere, only relatively low-thrust turbofans were fitted, wholly unable to achieve escape velocity, but much cheaper than engines capable of achieving space flight. Later Banshees were fitted with cloaking devices taken from Wraiths. The Banshee has proven successful in service. Easily transported from world to world, its mobility and firepower has proven most useful, especially in inhospitable terrain and against hostile irregular forces. The Banshee has also acquired a reputation as a Dominion terror weapon, a result of a significant number of civilians being killed by Banshees employed in urban combat. Banshee Gunship 150 points per model Heavy Support: A Banshee is a Heavy Support choice for a Terran Army Armour BS Front Side Rear Banshee 4 12 11 10 Unit Composition: ▪ 1 Banshee Unit Type: ▪ Vehicle (Skimmer, Fast) Wargear: ▪ 2 Missile Launchers ▪ Cloaking Field
  • 16. SIEGE TANK The dual-mode siege tank concept was a response to the Guild Wars and the goliath. Prior to the war, work had progressed on a static "final defense" cannon. However, the conflict demonstrated the need for mobility and as a result an effort was made to make the cannon more mobile. The solution was creative. An existing tank design was modified so that it could operate as a conventional tank in addition to being able to deploy the cannon and become a static artillery emplacement at will. Mobile siege tanks were in existence by 2480, several years before the official beginning of the Guild Wars. Siege tanks function in two modes. First is the "tank" or "assault mode" in which the vehicle may be used in the familiar armored support role using relative light weapons. The second is the more radical "siege mode" in which the vehicle becomes a static emplacement able to deploy a much more powerful and longer ranged weapon. Siege Tank 120 points Heavy Support: Siege Tanks are a Heavy Support choice for a Terran Army Armour Siege Mode: BS Front Side Rear ▪ A Siege Tank may enter its Siege Mode during Siege Tank 4 14 12 10 the Movement Phase. Once initiated, the Siege Tank may not move, becoming an immobile Unit Composition: vehicle. During the Shooting phase its main ▪ 1 Siege Tank battle canon may fire indirectly as if it were a barrage weapon. Unit Type: ▪ Vehicle (Tank) Wargear: ▪ Battle Cannon Special Rules: ▪ Siege Mode
  • 17. Terran Wargear This section of lists the deadly weapons and equipment used by Terran armies, along with all the details you’ll need for using them in your games of Warhammer 40,000. Note that weapons and equipment that may be used by more than one type of model or unit are detailed here, while equipment that is unique to a single model or unit is detailed in the appropriate entry in the Forces section. Ranged Weapons Missile Launcher: ▪ The missile launcher is a favored weapon C-14 Rifle: amongst heavy weapons teams due to the ▪ The C-14 Impaler gauss rifle is the terran tactical flexibility afforded by a range of standard issue weapon to marines of the warheads. Each time the missile launcher Confederate Marine Corps and the fires, the controlling player can decide Dominion Marine Corps, and is common which round is being used. throughout the Koprulu Sector. In use by 2478, the C-14 fires hypersonic 8 mm. Frag Grenade armor-piercing metal "spikes" which may Range Str AP Special penetrate two inches of steel plating? The 48” 4 6 Heavy 1, Blast weapon is fully automatic with a rate of fire of 30 rounds per second. Fully automatic fire is discouraged under most conditions. Krak Grenade Instead a capacitor system is used to fire Range Str AP Special the weapon in short bursts, conserving ammunition and minimizing power 48” 8 3 Heavy 1 requirements and has the following profile: Heavy Flamer: Range Str AP Special ▪ The heavy flamer is the weapon of choice 24” 4 5 Rapid Fire for sweeping fortifications clear and purging the ranks of the enemy. Dual Flamers: Range Str AP Special ▪ Dual Flamers are wrist mounted weapons. They are twin-linked and have the Template 5 4 Assault 1 following profile: Demo Charge: Range Str AP Special ▪ Small, compact, but extremely Template 4 5 Assault 1 destructive, demolition charges are used to destroy fortifications and enemy armor emplacements. Grenade Launcher: Grenade Launchers are versatile, man- Range Str AP Special portable weapons capable of firing a range of deadly rounds. Each time the grenade 6” 8 2 Assault 1, Large launcher fires, the controlling player can Blast, One Shot Only decide which round is being used: Dual Pistols: Frag Grenade ▪ Used as the primary weapon of the Reapers, they count as twin-linked and Range Str AP Special have the following profile: 24” 3 6 Assault 1, Blast Range Str AP Special Krak Grenade 12” 4 5 Pistol Range Str AP Special 24” 6 4 Assault 1
  • 18.
  • 19. Neural Shredder: Med-Stims: ▪ The Neural shredder uses the Flame ▪ Med-Stims is a catch-all phrase used to template and is fired just like a flame describe the medicinal concoctions and weapon. Roll to wound as follows: the tools used by Terran medics on the battle neural shredder has Strength 8 but, rather field. They confer the Feel No Pain than using the targets’ Toughness values, universal special rule to any unit the Medic their Leadership is used. Other than this, is attached to, including the medic herself. the To Wound chart is used as normal. A roll of a 1 always fails to inflict a wound. Psi-tracker: Against vehicles, roll a D3 on the Glancing ▪ If a model has a psi-tracker, one roll to Hits table, as the crew’s brains are partially hit made by any model in the Terran army protected by the vehicle’s armour. The may be re-rolled once per Shooting phase, Neural shredder has the following profile: so long as the target is a Psyker, or is a squad with a Psyker attached to it. Range Str AP Special Template X 1 Assault 1 Targeter: ▪ Models equipped with a targeter are allowed to pre-measure the range to a target before they decide who to shoot at Armour in the Shooting phase. After you have used a targeter then any Guess range weapons Carapace Armour: may not be fired that turn. ▪ Carapace armour is made up of large rigid plates of armaplas or ceramite Spider Mines: molded to fit the wearer. A model with ▪ Spider mines count as Defensive carapace armour has an armour save of grenades in all regards. 4+. Auspex: Powered Armour: ▪ An auspex is a short-ranged scanner used ▪ Made from thick ceramite plates and to detect hidden enemy troops. If enemy electronically motivated fibre bundles, infiltrators set up within 4D6” of a model power armour is amongst the best with an auspex, then that model is allowed protective armour available to the Terrans. to take a ‘free’ shot at them (or sound the A model with powered armour has an alarm in a Raid scenario). If the model is armour save of 3+. part of a unit then the whole unit may shoot. These shots are taken before the Marauder Armour: battle begins, and may cause the ▪ Due to the powerful exoskeleton and infiltrators to fall back. The normal power sources built into their armour, shooting rules apply. models in Marauder armour have the relentless universal special rule and has an armour save of 2+. Other Equipment Ballistic Alloy Combat Shield ▪ The Ballistic Alloy Combat Shield is a widely used shield distributed amongst Terran Marines. It increases the toughness of the Marines by 1 StimPacks: ▪ StimPacks increase the combat efficiency of Terran Marines exponentially. The unit may use StimPacks at the start of any assault phase and will benefit from the Furious Charge universal special rule for that turn but each model takes a S1 hit with no saves of any kind allowed
  • 20. Bionics: Cloaking Field: ▪ Bionics allows a character who has ▪ Cloaking Fields count as Smoke suffered a crippling injury to return to Launchers in all regards. service. To represent this, if a model with bionics is killed, instead of removing it, place the model on its side. Roll a D6 at the start of the next turn. On the roll of a 6 the model is stood back up with one wound, but on any other result it is removed as a casualty. Vehicle Armoury Hellfire AA Missile Launcher: ▪ Hellfire missiles are a terran explosive projectile used as standard anti-air armament for goliaths. Range Str AP Special 48” 8 1 Assault 1, Melta Battle Cannon: ▪ The main armament on the siege tank has the following profile: Range Str AP Special 48” 8 3 Ordnance 1 High Capacity Barrels: ▪ The installation of high capacity barrels on a Hellion allows it maintain a constant torrent of flame. It may reroll all rolls to wound. Autocannon: ▪ Autocannons fire large caliber, high velocity shells at a prodigious rate. They are the heavy weapon of choice for commanders facing large infantry formations and lightly armored vehicles. It has the following profile: Range Str AP Special 48” 7 4 Heavy 2 Heavy Flamer: ▪ The heavy flamer is the weapon of choice for sweeping fortifications clear and purging the ranks of the enemy. Range Str AP Special Template 5 4 Assault 1