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March—April 2010 
In this issue:
In this issue:

  Educational Research                    Sources of Educational Research and How to Use It
 Workforce News
  PAACE Membership                                                                                         National Institute for Literacy
  CNEPDC Spring
 Agency Spotlight: Institute                                                                     
  Program Spotlights
     Marywood University
  Workforce3 One
 3rd Annual CNEPDC Spring                 Both the Workforce investment Act (WIA)              search‐based information to educators. The 
                 Institute                  and No Child Left Behind (NCLB) define roles  primary subject of its research‐related work 
                                            for the  National Institute for Literacy (NIFL)      has been reading, although the Institute also 
       Central Northeast                    across the research process. WIA authorizes          has integrated projects on learning disabili‐
 Professional Development 
Central Northeast                           the Institute “to coordinate the support of          ties, basic skills, and research methods into 
Professional Development                    reliable and replicable research on literacy         the research portfolio. 
 8 N. Grove Street,  
Center                                      and basic skills in families and adults across 
                                                                                                 The Literacy Research Initiative (LRI) is a 
 2nd Floor, Suite #1 
8 N. Grove Street,                          federal agencies…and to carry out basic and 
                                                                                                 comprehensive online collection that will 
 Lock Haven, PA 17745 
2nd Floor, Suite #1                         applied research and development on topics 
                                                                                                 highlight the most recent research and most 
Lock Haven, PA 17745                        that are not being investigated by other or‐
 Phone: 570‐893‐4052                                                                             rigorous research studies on adult and adoles‐
                                            ganizations or agencies.” 
 Fax: 570‐748‐1598 
Phone: 570‐893‐4052                                                                              cent literacy — specifically reading, writing, 
                                            Two separate sections of NCLB legislation            and math ( 
Fax: 570‐748‐1598 
 Newsletter Staff                           direct the Institute to identify and disseminate 
                                                                                                 The Institute envisions that the LRI will bring 
 Newsletter Staff 
Dawn Rafter                                 reading research findings, and a third directs 
                                                                                                 together information on federally and non‐
Mary Mingle                                 the Institute to conduct scientific research to 
                                                                                                 federally funded research, including evalua‐
Contributors:                               “determine the most effective ways of im‐
Melissa Adams                                                                                    tion research on literacy and basic skills to 
Dawn Rafter                                 proving the literacy skills of adults with read‐
                                                                                                 create a comprehensive picture of the knowl‐
Contributors::                              ing disabilities.” 
Mary Mingle                                                                                      edge base on literacy. 
Ann Janowicz 
                                            Over the past several years, the Institute has 
Jacci West 
Melissa Adams 
                                            played an important role in bringing research           Understanding and Applying Research  
The Central Northeast                       to the forefront of the government’s efforts to                     in the Classroom:  
Professional Development                    strengthen adult literacy services and reading               A Guide to Today’s Educators 
Center is a project of the PA               instruction for all ages. Guided by its statutes, 
Department of  
                                            the Institute has participated in all aspects of  
Education, Bureau of ABLE 
                                            the research process from infusing research           A 30‐60 minute self‐paced online course from 
and CIU #10  Development 
                                            findings into current services, building the 
Center for Adults.                                                                               NIFL that introduces users to information about 
                                            knowledge base, preparing for the next gen‐
                                                                                                      scientific research and its relevance to  
                                            eration of research studies, to providing re‐
                                                                                                          educational decision‐making 
                             Unit #10
Page 2                                                                                                CNEPDC Newsletter 

 PAACE Membership—Not Just an Annual Conference 
  What do you actually know about         its program division director on          ers, and classmates who also have 
  PAACE and it’s importance in            the board of directors.                   a LinkedIn profile.   
  adult education?  When someone 
                                                    Member Benefits                 Collaborations, contracting, job 
  mentions PAACE, the first thing 
                                                                                    opportunities, and mentoring are 
                                             Discounted fee for the Annual  
  that comes to mind is the annual 
                                               Conference                           just a few of the many possibilities 
  conference.  But PAACE is so 
                                                                                    LinkedIn offers it’s growing mem‐
  much more!                                 PAACE Quarterly Newsletter, 
                                                                                    bership of over 55 million profes‐
                                               PAACE News 
                PAACE’s Mission              PAACE Journal of Lifelong  
                                               Learning                             There are also groups of like‐
  PAACE is a nonprofit educational 
                                                                                    minded individuals that you can 
  association whose mission is to            PAACE Member Directory 
                                                                                    join, such as PAACE. Some groups 
  enable its diverse members to help 
                                             Membership in a Program              are open for anyone to join, while 
  adults achieve educational goals, to 
                                                                                    others require approval from the 
  exercise leadership for adult edu‐
                                             Membership in a Geographic           group administrator. In the case of 
  cation, and to advocate lifelong 
                                               Regional Group                       the PAACE group, it is for current 
  learning as vital to economic secu‐
  rity and social equality.                  Membership in PAACE e‐mail list  PAACE members only. The 
                                                                                    PAACE group offers job postings 
                                             Opportunity for involvement in 
                                                                                    for adult and continuing education 
        A Piece of PAACE History               the advocacy, professional devel‐
                                               opment, and leadership activities    positions in PA, discussions on 
                                               of the organization.                 upcoming conferences, websites, 
  PAACE was created in 1978 and is 
                                                                                    and more! Joining groups of like‐
  the only statewide professional 
                                               A New Benefit to PAACE               minded individuals is another way 
  organization in PA which serves as 
                                                          Membership                to expand your professional net‐
  an advocate for adult and continu‐
                                                                                    work beyond your contacts list. 
  ing education.  The membership          This year there is another benefit 
  includes professionals and volun‐       for PAACE members: a members‐             After you create your free LinkedIn 
  teers from all aspects of adult con‐    only group in               profile, the fastest way to find the 
  tinuing education, that is adult ba‐                                              PAACE group is to click once on 
                                          LinkedIn is a professional social 
  sic and general education, English                                                the word Groups at the top of the 
                                          networking site. With a LinkedIn 
  as a second language, continuing                                                  page, then click on the blue “Find a 
                                          account, you can have a free profile 
  higher education, literacy educa‐                                                 Group” link on the upper right 
                                          to showcase your education, ex‐
  tion, and workforce development.                                                  portion of the page. In the Search 
                                          perience, credentials, and areas of 
  These cohort groups are the basis                                                 Groups box on the left side of the 
                                          professional interest. LinkedIn of‐
  for the association’s programming                                                 screen, type in the keyword 
                                          fers opportunities to connect and 
  structure, with each group having                                                 PAACE and click the blue search 
                                          network with colleagues, cowork‐
March—April 2010                                                                                                            Page 3 

                           CNEPDC Spring Institute
                                        May 6 & 7, 2010
 Have you penciled us in on your         drawings.  At the conclusion of               * “Always the nicest people and 
 calendar for May 6 & 7?                 each training session prizes were                            attitudes.” 
                                         given to at least one lucky partici‐
 Last year’s Spring Institute was the                                                      “Appropriate and generous  
                                         pant, each with a value of  
 most successful institute the                                                                         give‐aways.” 
                                         approximately $25.  At the conclu‐
 CNEPDC has offered. On each day, 
                                         sion of each day there was a grand‐
 training began with a served 
                                                                                  This year’s Spring Institute prom‐
                                         prize drawing as well, each with a 
 breakfast (eggs, bacon, muffins, 
                                                                                  ises to be just as satisfying and re‐
                                         value of approximately $70.  And 
 fresh fruit, juice and coffee), fol‐
                                                                                  warding to participants.  The an‐
                                         let’s not forget the goodie bags that 
 lowed by a choice of four presenta‐
                                                                                  nual event will again be held 
                                         every participant received for  at‐
 tions.  Session topics varied in an 
                                                                                  “centrally” at the Pine Barn Inn, 
                                         tending, which included a thumb 
 attempt to reach all areas of adult  
                                                                                  located just off of Interstate 80 in 
 education, including learning  
                                                                                  Danville.  The CNEPDC staff is 
 differences, mind mapping, direct  
                                                                                  currently working out the details 
 instruction, diagnostic reading  
                                                                                  and asked all ABLE‐funded  
 assessment, learning to learn,  
                                                                                  practitioners to take an interest 
 classroom observations skills, 
                                                                                  survey to better serve  
 health literacy, and an adult  
                                                                                  professional development needs 
 education seminar.   
                                                                                  across the region.  The results are 
 A buffet lunch was provided to all                                               in and the following are topics of 
 participants who had the                                                         interest for this year’s institute: 
 opportunity to eat, socialize, and 
                                                                                          Workforce Education 
 network either inside or on the 
                                                                                          Transitioning 
 shaded patio.  Susan Reeve from 
 the Bureau of ABLE joined the                                                            Learning Differences 
 group as a guest speaker  to dis‐
                                         Some of our participants shared                  Tutor Training 
 cuss with practitioners the Bureau 
 of ABLE’s new Professional Devel‐
                                         their responses to last year’s Insti‐            ESL 
                                         tute on  their evaluations: 
 opment Policy.                                                                           Professional Development        
                                             * “Excellent cross‐section of                  Planning 
 Each day participants were entered 
 into an institute drawing, as well 
                                                                                                   For more details, watch the
 as individual training session               * “Cutting‐edge training.” 
                                                                                       CNEPDC web site at
Page 4                                                                                                   CNEPDC Newsletter 

  Women’s Perspectives:
  A Journal of Writing and Art by Adult Learners
  WE LEARN – Women Expanding Liter- How do women leaders change the
  acy Education Action Resource Net-         world?
  work – has announced the publishing                                                      Pennsylvania Career Guide 
  of a fifth collection of writing and art- What are the most pressing issues
  work by adult literacy and basic educa- affecting women today?
  tion students.                            And what would you do to address           
  Women’s Perspectives #5: What                 one or many of these issues?
  Would You Do? Creative Ideas for
                                            *In a position of authority or as a
  Difficult Times showcases writing by       decision-maker, what would you do to       
  students across all levels. The            solve the big issues of the day where
  Women’s Perspectives collections pro-                                                The 2009‐2010 Pennsylvania Career 
                                             you live or work?
  vide a forum for ABE learners to de-                                                 Guide is now available in print and 
  velop their knowledge of an issue rele-   Additional information about the publi-    online. The Career Guide can be 
  vant to the experiences of women and      cation and how to order #5, as well as     downloaded from the PA Workstats 
  express their learning and experiences    previous issues, is available online at    Web site. Visit www.paworkstats. 
  in writing.                     
                                                                              and click on Products. 
  For this edition of Women’s               index.html.
                                                                                       Choose the link “PA Career Guide.”  
  Perspectives, student writers and art-
  ists were encouraged to reflect and       WE LEARN has also published a re-          Printed copies can be ordered from the 
  share ideas in response to the follow-    source kit for using the student writing
                                                                                       Center for Workforce Information & 
  ing prompts:                              and art collections – Teaching and
                                            Learning with Women’s Perspectives.
  What would a “better world” look like?                                              1‐877‐493‐3282 
   What would you do to make this hap-       

  Pennsylvania Green Jobs Report-Part 1
  Published February 2010
          The PA Department of Labor and Industry has
          published the first part of a detailed look at green
          careers and industries in the state. The report also
          examines how both state and federal government is working with the
          private sector to make good policy and wise investments to help
          speed economic recovery and position PA as a green economy

          Additional information is available on the PA
          Workforce Development Web site --
March—April 2010                                                                                            Page 5 

                    Spotlight On:    Lauren Drey 
        Marywood University Adult Basic Literacy  

 Sometimes the smallest things provide the greatest inspiration. For Lauren Drey, it was an ultrasound image of 
 her baby boy. The 22‐year old single mother, who never finished high school, knew she wanted to give her son 
 a better life ‐ and she knew that investing in herself and her education would provide them both with greater 
 opportunity. After leaving high school at age 16 and community college after just a few classes, at Marywood, 
 Lauren finally found the support to complete her high school diploma and the encouragement to pursue her 
 dream of a college degree.  

 Through Marywoodʹs Adult Basic Literacy Education (ABLE) program, which has served nearly 3,000 students 
 over the last 25 years, Lauren learned not only to believe in herself, but also to trust others. ʺMarywoodʹs pro‐
 fessors were so positive and supportive. They worked one‐on‐one with me and never let me lose sight of my 
 goal. They believed in me when I did not believe in myself and encouraged me to continue my education. Iʹm 
 excited and proud to be reaffirming their belief.” 

 Funded through the U.S. Department of Education, Marywoodʹs ABLE program provides general education, 
 pre‐vocational training, and English language learning for some 200 students from the region every year, in 
 addition to the GED instruction they provide at the Lackawanna County Prison. As an immense benefit to 
 the many students who work and care for children full time, Marywood provides ABLE students access to all 
 campus resources, including library, daycare, dining, and shuttle services.  

 According to Program Coordinator Ann Janowicz, MS, ʹ09, what makes the program so effective is a unique 
 approach to teaching and learning. ʺMany traditional high school classrooms move too fast. We utilize alter‐
 native instructional methods and invest our time in teaching students one‐to‐one as often as possible.ʺ  

 This support helped Lauren complete fifty hours of intensive instruc‐
 tion in just one month, and score exceptionally high on her equiva‐
 lency test. Since receiving her GED, Lauren has enrolled at McCann 
 School of Business and Technology, where she made Deanʹs List her 
 first semester. A sophomore in the medical assistant program, the full‐
 time student and mother never imagined she would be studying bio‐
 chemistry in between nap tirne and 3 a.m. feedings.  

 Lauren recently returned to Marywood to share her story with last 
 yearʹs ABLE graduates. ʺMy experience at Marywood has taught me 
 that learning is truly lifelong. It does not matter whether or not you 
 follow a traditional academic path. You just need to follow your heart 
 and find something worth believing in ‐ no matter how small.ʺ  

   Thank you Ann Janowicz, Program Director of Marywood University, for 
            supplying the CNEPDC with this article and picture. 
Page 6                                                                                     CNEPDC Newsletter 

                           Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles (ASRP)
                           ASRP provides research‐                   directions for administering
                           based assessment strate‐      readingprofiles/index.htm .     and interpreting them.
                           gies to improve reading       Using ASRP and the site         Match your adult learners’
                           instruction for ABE and       resources, you can:              test scores to research-
                           ASE learners. Hosted by                                        based adult reading pro-
                                                          Learn about the compo-         files.
                           the National Institute for     nents of reading.
                           Literacy (NIFL), the ASRP                                     Get instructional sugges-
                                                         Learning about reading          tions for teaching your
                           Web site provides a 
                                                          profiles and instruction.       learners based on their pro-
                           wealth of resources for 
                           diagnosing reading chal‐      Watch videos of a teacher       file matches.
                                                          giving diagnostic reading      Access additional resources
                           lenges and instructional 
                                                          tests to an adult learner.      and references on reading,
                           strategies. The ASRP Web 
                           site can be found at          Download free tests with        assessment, and instruction.

                          “The Best” Sites for Teaching English Language Learners
                          Larry Ferlazzo is a California high school teacher of English Language Learners 
                          (ELLs) on a mission to share “The Best” resources on the Web for teaching ELL, ESL 
may end in the            and EFL. Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day ( is 
                          one of Larry’s educational blogs designed to share web resources he has found use‐
                          ful to teach a variety of topics (international holidays and festivals, math and science 
classroom, but            for ESL learners, and economics and jobs, just to name a few). His resource lists in‐
                          clude strategies for using YouTube videos in education, the best advice for making 
education ends            good digital presentations, and how to use Web 2.0 technologies with learners. 
                          Some of Larry’s famous “The Best” lists include: 

only with life.”          The Best Art Websites for Learning English 
                          The Best Websites for Students Exploring Jobs and Careers 
                          The Best Sources for Ideas On How to Use Technology with ELLs 
  ~Unknown                The Best Places to Find Online Video Games for Language‐Learning 
                          The Best Listening Sites for ELLs 
                          The Best Sites to Help ELL’s Learn Idioms & Slang 

                          The Workforce Alliance /
                          The National Skills Coalition
The Workforce Alliance (TWA) has  cations on workforce skills devel‐
a new name, The National Skills       opment at   www.nationalskills          opment, the American Recovery 
Coalition.  It also has a new web‐  Through its website,  and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), 
site and several new staff mem‐       the National Skills Coalition is an     WIA Title I, the Sectors Act, and 
bers.  Check out their revamped       excellent source of information and  other legislation that bears on 
site and check out numerous publi‐ analysis on workforce skills devel‐        workforce development.  
March—April 2010                                                          Page 7 

Workforce3 One Community                              

Throughout 2009, Workforce3 One has provided the staff of the pub-
licly-funded workforce system with a "virtual" place to go to for the
latest summary information on new Employment and Training Ad-
ministration policies, system best practices, community discussions
and announcements on new grant opportunities. Workforce3 One
registrants surpassed 62,000 in 2009. Over 22,000 individuals at-
                                                                           A Chinese
tended the nearly 165 Webinars held this past year, and many more
individuals have viewed the archived Webinars following the live             proverb
Workforce3 One is looking forward to an even more exciting 2010
and hope that participants will continue to provide suggestions for            says
new content and improvements to the site. If you have a best prac-
tice, resource or tool that could be replicated across the country,
please submit it to Workforce3 One. To do this, just e-mail them at:      "Learning is
Tools for America's Job Seekers Challenge Update                           like rowing
The U.S. Department of Labor officially announced the kickoff of the
second phase of the "Tools for America's Job Seekers Challenge."
From January 4 – 15, workforce professionals and members of the
public were invited to visit to explore
online career resources and recommend their favorite sites from               not to
among nearly 500 job search and career Web sites. Users are in-
vited back to the Challenge Web site to see which tools received the
most recommendations. The Department of Labor will also post the           advance is
results of the Challenge on its Web site.
The Department notes:
                                                                             to drop
“The Challenge Web site provides direct access to job boards and
other tools that allow users to apply for open positions across indus-
tries at companies and organizations around the country. What’s               back."
more, everyone who logs on to the site will have an opportunity to
cast votes for the tools they find most useful, and post com-
ments. This feedback will help the workforce system identify valu-
able tools to make available through the One Stop system, and will
help future job seekers quickly find online tools that meet their
For the past few weeks we have been reaching out to businesses and
organizations around the country and asking them to enter their
online tools in the challenge. The response has been impressive,
with nationally known companies, regional and niche tools, and new
and emerging sites joining the challenge. Now is the time for work-
force professionals and job seekers to provide feedback on these
online career resources, and of course, to use the sites to find jobs
and help explore career opportunities …”
Spotlight on Wayne‐Pike Adult Literacy Professional Development 
                      From Wayne‐Pike Adult Literacy’s Write On! Tutor Newsletter . . . 

       Rosemary Clist, Madeline Coppola, Sharon McCreary, Annette Petry, Carol Rick, and Jacci 
   West attended the ABLE Learning Differences Academy in State College November 16 – 18, 
  2009.  This three‐day workshop focused on meeting the needs of adult students with learning 
   differences.  Much information was gathered and the process of disseminating all the tips, 
                            helps, and ideas to our tutors has begun. 
        WPALP held their second professional development tutor networking luncheon at the  
  Mt. Haven Restaurant in Milford.  The topic was “Lesson Plans Created by our Volunteers.” 
  Tutors presented their individual plans to each of the four groups in a “round‐robin” setting.  
   Folders were also provided for each tutor containing some of the information from the LD 
   Academy we thought would be helpful to our tutors for their student’s individual needs.   
     Tutor presenters were Donna Jennings, Sandy Meagher, Annette Petry, and Jacci West. 
         For more information, or to have the lesson plans shared by Jacci’s tutors, please contact 
                      Jacci West at 570.253.3221, or via email at 

  This publication was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Education through the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Adult 
  Basic and Literacy Education. However, the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or the 
  policy of the U.S. Department of Education or the Pennsylvania Department of Education.  No official endorsement of 
  these agencies should be inferred. 

Central Northeast Professional Development Center
8 North Grove Street
2nd Floor, Suite #1
Lock Haven, PA 17745



 The Workforce Alliance/
 National Skills Coalition 
 PAACE Membership  
 PA Green Jobs Report Part 1 

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CNEPDC Newsletter, March-April 2010

  • 1. March—April 2010  In this issue: In this issue:  Educational Research Sources of Educational Research and How to Use It  Workforce News  PAACE Membership National Institute for Literacy  CNEPDC Spring  Agency Spotlight: Institute  Program Spotlights Marywood University  Workforce3 One  3rd Annual CNEPDC Spring Both the Workforce investment Act (WIA)  search‐based information to educators. The  Institute and No Child Left Behind (NCLB) define roles  primary subject of its research‐related work  CNEPDC  for the  National Institute for Literacy (NIFL)  has been reading, although the Institute also  Central Northeast   across the research process. WIA authorizes  has integrated projects on learning disabili‐ Professional Development  Central Northeast   the Institute “to coordinate the support of  ties, basic skills, and research methods into  Center  Professional Development  reliable and replicable research on literacy  the research portfolio.  8 N. Grove Street,   Center  and basic skills in families and adults across  The Literacy Research Initiative (LRI) is a  2nd Floor, Suite #1  8 N. Grove Street,   federal agencies…and to carry out basic and  comprehensive online collection that will  Lock Haven, PA 17745  2nd Floor, Suite #1  applied research and development on topics  highlight the most recent research and most  Lock Haven, PA 17745  that are not being investigated by other or‐ Phone: 570‐893‐4052  rigorous research studies on adult and adoles‐ ganizations or agencies.”  Fax: 570‐748‐1598  Phone: 570‐893‐4052  cent literacy — specifically reading, writing,  Two separate sections of NCLB legislation  and math (  Fax: 570‐748‐1598  Newsletter Staff  direct the Institute to identify and disseminate  The Institute envisions that the LRI will bring  Newsletter Staff  Dawn Rafter  reading research findings, and a third directs  together information on federally and non‐ Mary Mingle  the Institute to conduct scientific research to  federally funded research, including evalua‐ Contributors:  “determine the most effective ways of im‐ Melissa Adams  tion research on literacy and basic skills to  Dawn Rafter  proving the literacy skills of adults with read‐ create a comprehensive picture of the knowl‐ Contributors::  ing disabilities.”  Mary Mingle  edge base on literacy.  Ann Janowicz  Over the past several years, the Institute has  Jacci West  Melissa Adams    played an important role in bringing research  Understanding and Applying Research   The Central Northeast   to the forefront of the government’s efforts to  in the Classroom:   Professional Development  strengthen adult literacy services and reading  A Guide to Today’s Educators  Center is a project of the PA  instruction for all ages. Guided by its statutes,  Department of   the Institute has participated in all aspects of   Education, Bureau of ABLE  the research process from infusing research  A 30‐60 minute self‐paced online course from  and CIU #10  Development  findings into current services, building the  Center for Adults.  NIFL that introduces users to information about  knowledge base, preparing for the next gen‐ scientific research and its relevance to   eration of research studies, to providing re‐ educational decision‐making  Central Intermediate Unit #10
  • 2. Page 2  CNEPDC Newsletter  PAACE Membership—Not Just an Annual Conference  What do you actually know about  its program division director on  ers, and classmates who also have  PAACE and it’s importance in  the board of directors.  a LinkedIn profile.    adult education?  When someone  Member Benefits  Collaborations, contracting, job  mentions PAACE, the first thing  opportunities, and mentoring are   Discounted fee for the Annual   that comes to mind is the annual  Conference  just a few of the many possibilities  conference.  But PAACE is so  LinkedIn offers it’s growing mem‐ much more!    PAACE Quarterly Newsletter,  bership of over 55 million profes‐   PAACE News  sionals.                PAACE’s Mission   PAACE Journal of Lifelong   Learning  There are also groups of like‐ PAACE is a nonprofit educational  minded individuals that you can  association whose mission is to   PAACE Member Directory  join, such as PAACE. Some groups  enable its diverse members to help   Membership in a Program   are open for anyone to join, while  adults achieve educational goals, to  Division  others require approval from the  exercise leadership for adult edu‐  Membership in a Geographic  group administrator. In the case of  cation, and to advocate lifelong  Regional Group  the PAACE group, it is for current  learning as vital to economic secu‐ rity and social equality.   Membership in PAACE e‐mail list  PAACE members only. The  PAACE group offers job postings             Opportunity for involvement in  for adult and continuing education        A Piece of PAACE History  the advocacy, professional devel‐ opment, and leadership activities  positions in PA, discussions on    of the organization.  upcoming conferences, websites,  PAACE was created in 1978 and is    and more! Joining groups of like‐ the only statewide professional  A New Benefit to PAACE   minded individuals is another way  organization in PA which serves as             Membership  to expand your professional net‐ an advocate for adult and continu‐ work beyond your contacts list.  ing education.  The membership  This year there is another benefit  includes professionals and volun‐ for PAACE members: a members‐ After you create your free LinkedIn  teers from all aspects of adult con‐ only group in  profile, the fastest way to find the  tinuing education, that is adult ba‐ PAACE group is to click once on  LinkedIn is a professional social  sic and general education, English  the word Groups at the top of the  networking site. With a LinkedIn  as a second language, continuing  page, then click on the blue “Find a  account, you can have a free profile  higher education, literacy educa‐ Group” link on the upper right  to showcase your education, ex‐ tion, and workforce development.   portion of the page. In the Search  perience, credentials, and areas of  These cohort groups are the basis  Groups box on the left side of the  professional interest. LinkedIn of‐ for the association’s programming  screen, type in the keyword  fers opportunities to connect and  structure, with each group having  PAACE and click the blue search  network with colleagues, cowork‐ button.  
  • 3. March—April 2010  Page 3  CNEPDC Spring Institute May 6 & 7, 2010 Have you penciled us in on your    drawings.  At the conclusion of  * “Always the nicest people and  calendar for May 6 & 7?    each training session prizes were  attitudes.”  given to at least one lucky partici‐ Last year’s Spring Institute was the   “Appropriate and generous   pant, each with a value of   most successful institute the  give‐aways.”  approximately $25.  At the conclu‐ CNEPDC has offered. On each day,    sion of each day there was a grand‐ training began with a served  This year’s Spring Institute prom‐ prize drawing as well, each with a  breakfast (eggs, bacon, muffins,  ises to be just as satisfying and re‐ value of approximately $70.  And  fresh fruit, juice and coffee), fol‐ warding to participants.  The an‐ let’s not forget the goodie bags that  lowed by a choice of four presenta‐ nual event will again be held  every participant received for  at‐ tions.  Session topics varied in an  “centrally” at the Pine Barn Inn,  tending, which included a thumb  attempt to reach all areas of adult   located just off of Interstate 80 in  drive!   education, including learning   Danville.  The CNEPDC staff is  differences, mind mapping, direct   currently working out the details  instruction, diagnostic reading   and asked all ABLE‐funded   assessment, learning to learn,   practitioners to take an interest  classroom observations skills,  survey to better serve   health literacy, and an adult   professional development needs  education seminar.    across the region.  The results are  A buffet lunch was provided to all  in and the following are topics of  participants who had the   interest for this year’s institute:  opportunity to eat, socialize, and   Workforce Education  network either inside or on the   Transitioning  shaded patio.  Susan Reeve from  the Bureau of ABLE joined the   Learning Differences  group as a guest speaker  to dis‐ Some of our participants shared   Tutor Training  cuss with practitioners the Bureau  of ABLE’s new Professional Devel‐ their responses to last year’s Insti‐  ESL  tute on  their evaluations:  opment Policy.   Professional Development         * “Excellent cross‐section of  Planning  Each day participants were entered  courses.”  into an institute drawing, as well  For more details, watch the as individual training session   * “Cutting‐edge training.”  CNEPDC web site at
  • 4. Page 4  CNEPDC Newsletter  Women’s Perspectives: A Journal of Writing and Art by Adult Learners WE LEARN – Women Expanding Liter- How do women leaders change the 2009‐2010   acy Education Action Resource Net- world? work – has announced the publishing Pennsylvania Career Guide  of a fifth collection of writing and art- What are the most pressing issues   work by adult literacy and basic educa- affecting women today? tion students. And what would you do to address   Women’s Perspectives #5: What one or many of these issues? Would You Do? Creative Ideas for   *In a position of authority or as a Difficult Times showcases writing by decision-maker, what would you do to   students across all levels. The solve the big issues of the day where Women’s Perspectives collections pro- The 2009‐2010 Pennsylvania Career  you live or work? vide a forum for ABE learners to de- Guide is now available in print and  velop their knowledge of an issue rele- Additional information about the publi- online. The Career Guide can be  vant to the experiences of women and cation and how to order #5, as well as downloaded from the PA Workstats  express their learning and experiences previous issues, is available online at Web site. Visit www.paworkstats.  in writing. and click on Products.  For this edition of Women’s index.html. Choose the link “PA Career Guide.”   Perspectives, student writers and art- ists were encouraged to reflect and WE LEARN has also published a re- Printed copies can be ordered from the  share ideas in response to the follow- source kit for using the student writing Center for Workforce Information &  ing prompts: and art collections – Teaching and Analysis,,   Learning with Women’s Perspectives. What would a “better world” look like? 1‐877‐493‐3282  What would you do to make this hap-   pen? Pennsylvania Green Jobs Report-Part 1 Published February 2010   The PA Department of Labor and Industry has published the first part of a detailed look at green careers and industries in the state. The report also examines how both state and federal government is working with the private sector to make good policy and wise investments to help speed economic recovery and position PA as a green economy leader. Additional information is available on the PA Workforce Development Web site --
  • 5. March—April 2010  Page 5  Spotlight On:    Lauren Drey  Marywood University Adult Basic Literacy   Sometimes the smallest things provide the greatest inspiration. For Lauren Drey, it was an ultrasound image of  her baby boy. The 22‐year old single mother, who never finished high school, knew she wanted to give her son  a better life ‐ and she knew that investing in herself and her education would provide them both with greater  opportunity. After leaving high school at age 16 and community college after just a few classes, at Marywood,  Lauren finally found the support to complete her high school diploma and the encouragement to pursue her  dream of a college degree.   Through Marywoodʹs Adult Basic Literacy Education (ABLE) program, which has served nearly 3,000 students  over the last 25 years, Lauren learned not only to believe in herself, but also to trust others. ʺMarywoodʹs pro‐ fessors were so positive and supportive. They worked one‐on‐one with me and never let me lose sight of my  goal. They believed in me when I did not believe in myself and encouraged me to continue my education. Iʹm  excited and proud to be reaffirming their belief.”  Funded through the U.S. Department of Education, Marywoodʹs ABLE program provides general education,  pre‐vocational training, and English language learning for some 200 students from the region every year, in  addition to the GED instruction they provide at the Lackawanna County Prison. As an immense benefit to  the many students who work and care for children full time, Marywood provides ABLE students access to all  campus resources, including library, daycare, dining, and shuttle services.   According to Program Coordinator Ann Janowicz, MS, ʹ09, what makes the program so effective is a unique  approach to teaching and learning. ʺMany traditional high school classrooms move too fast. We utilize alter‐ native instructional methods and invest our time in teaching students one‐to‐one as often as possible.ʺ   This support helped Lauren complete fifty hours of intensive instruc‐ tion in just one month, and score exceptionally high on her equiva‐ lency test. Since receiving her GED, Lauren has enrolled at McCann  School of Business and Technology, where she made Deanʹs List her  first semester. A sophomore in the medical assistant program, the full‐ time student and mother never imagined she would be studying bio‐ chemistry in between nap tirne and 3 a.m. feedings.   Lauren recently returned to Marywood to share her story with last  yearʹs ABLE graduates. ʺMy experience at Marywood has taught me  that learning is truly lifelong. It does not matter whether or not you  follow a traditional academic path. You just need to follow your heart  and find something worth believing in ‐ no matter how small.ʺ   Thank you Ann Janowicz, Program Director of Marywood University, for  supplying the CNEPDC with this article and picture. 
  • 6. Page 6  CNEPDC Newsletter  Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles (ASRP) ASRP provides research‐ directions for administering based assessment strate‐ readingprofiles/index.htm .  and interpreting them. gies to improve reading  Using ASRP and the site Match your adult learners’ instruction for ABE and  resources, you can: test scores to research- ASE learners. Hosted by  based adult reading pro-  Learn about the compo- files. the National Institute for  nents of reading. Literacy (NIFL), the ASRP  Get instructional sugges- Learning about reading tions for teaching your Web site provides a  profiles and instruction. learners based on their pro- wealth of resources for  diagnosing reading chal‐ Watch videos of a teacher file matches. giving diagnostic reading Access additional resources lenges and instructional  tests to an adult learner. and references on reading, strategies. The ASRP Web  site can be found at   Download free tests with assessment, and instruction. “The Best” Sites for Teaching English Language Learners “Instruction  Larry Ferlazzo is a California high school teacher of English Language Learners  (ELLs) on a mission to share “The Best” resources on the Web for teaching ELL, ESL  may end in the  and EFL. Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day ( is  one of Larry’s educational blogs designed to share web resources he has found use‐ ful to teach a variety of topics (international holidays and festivals, math and science  classroom, but  for ESL learners, and economics and jobs, just to name a few). His resource lists in‐ clude strategies for using YouTube videos in education, the best advice for making  education ends  good digital presentations, and how to use Web 2.0 technologies with learners.  Some of Larry’s famous “The Best” lists include:  only with life.”  The Best Art Websites for Learning English  The Best Websites for Students Exploring Jobs and Careers  The Best Sources for Ideas On How to Use Technology with ELLs  ~Unknown  The Best Places to Find Online Video Games for Language‐Learning  The Best Listening Sites for ELLs  The Best Sites to Help ELL’s Learn Idioms & Slang  The Workforce Alliance / The National Skills Coalition The Workforce Alliance (TWA) has  cations on workforce skills devel‐ a new name, The National Skills  opment at   www.nationalskills   opment, the American Recovery  Coalition.  It also has a new web‐  Through its website,  and Reinvestment Act (ARRA),  site and several new staff mem‐ the National Skills Coalition is an  WIA Title I, the Sectors Act, and  bers.  Check out their revamped  excellent source of information and  other legislation that bears on  site and check out numerous publi‐ analysis on workforce skills devel‐ workforce development.  
  • 7. March—April 2010  Page 7  Workforce3 One Community Throughout 2009, Workforce3 One has provided the staff of the pub- licly-funded workforce system with a "virtual" place to go to for the latest summary information on new Employment and Training Ad- ministration policies, system best practices, community discussions and announcements on new grant opportunities. Workforce3 One registrants surpassed 62,000 in 2009. Over 22,000 individuals at- A Chinese tended the nearly 165 Webinars held this past year, and many more individuals have viewed the archived Webinars following the live proverb events. Workforce3 One is looking forward to an even more exciting 2010 and hope that participants will continue to provide suggestions for says new content and improvements to the site. If you have a best prac- tice, resource or tool that could be replicated across the country, please submit it to Workforce3 One. To do this, just e-mail them at: "Learning is Tools for America's Job Seekers Challenge Update like rowing The U.S. Department of Labor officially announced the kickoff of the second phase of the "Tools for America's Job Seekers Challenge." From January 4 – 15, workforce professionals and members of the upstream: public were invited to visit to explore online career resources and recommend their favorite sites from not to among nearly 500 job search and career Web sites. Users are in- vited back to the Challenge Web site to see which tools received the most recommendations. The Department of Labor will also post the advance is results of the Challenge on its Web site. The Department notes: to drop “The Challenge Web site provides direct access to job boards and other tools that allow users to apply for open positions across indus- tries at companies and organizations around the country. What’s back." more, everyone who logs on to the site will have an opportunity to cast votes for the tools they find most useful, and post com- ments. This feedback will help the workforce system identify valu- able tools to make available through the One Stop system, and will help future job seekers quickly find online tools that meet their needs. For the past few weeks we have been reaching out to businesses and organizations around the country and asking them to enter their online tools in the challenge. The response has been impressive, with nationally known companies, regional and niche tools, and new and emerging sites joining the challenge. Now is the time for work- force professionals and job seekers to provide feedback on these online career resources, and of course, to use the sites to find jobs and help explore career opportunities …”
  • 8. Spotlight on Wayne‐Pike Adult Literacy Professional Development    From Wayne‐Pike Adult Literacy’s Write On! Tutor Newsletter . . .         Rosemary Clist, Madeline Coppola, Sharon McCreary, Annette Petry, Carol Rick, and Jacci  West attended the ABLE Learning Differences Academy in State College November 16 – 18,  2009.  This three‐day workshop focused on meeting the needs of adult students with learning  differences.  Much information was gathered and the process of disseminating all the tips,  helps, and ideas to our tutors has begun.       WPALP held their second professional development tutor networking luncheon at the   Mt. Haven Restaurant in Milford.  The topic was “Lesson Plans Created by our Volunteers.”  Tutors presented their individual plans to each of the four groups in a “round‐robin” setting.   Folders were also provided for each tutor containing some of the information from the LD  Academy we thought would be helpful to our tutors for their student’s individual needs.    Tutor presenters were Donna Jennings, Sandy Meagher, Annette Petry, and Jacci West.       For more information, or to have the lesson plans shared by Jacci’s tutors, please contact  Jacci West at 570.253.3221, or via email at  This publication was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Education through the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Adult  Basic and Literacy Education. However, the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or the  policy of the U.S. Department of Education or the Pennsylvania Department of Education.  No official endorsement of  these agencies should be inferred.  Central Northeast Professional Development Center 8 North Grove Street 2nd Floor, Suite #1 Lock Haven, PA 17745   INSIDE:  The Workforce Alliance/ National Skills Coalition   PAACE Membership   Benefits   PA Green Jobs Report Part 1