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                 ASSIGNMENT 3 (REPORT)
                   AND TECHNOLOGY
                Semester I : Session 2012/2013

   NAME AND ID NUMBER   NOR HASHIMAH BT         D20101037458

         LECTERER                MR. AZMI BIN IBRAHIM

           GROUP                          C

    DATE OF SUBMITTED               3 December 2012

Task Problem

You are the manager of a small but thriving natural wilderness area. Key species in the
wilderness include snowshoe hare and lynx. Over the past several years, the two populations
have coexisted in peace, harmony and equilibrium. Life's been good. Now, however, there's a
proposal on the table from the Baffin's Bay company to humanely harvest some portion of the
lynx population. This is intended to be a one-time event. You've been assured that nature will
compensate for this action to once again balance the populations. Use this simulation to test
this assertion. What really happens to the lynx and hare populations after a one-time harvest?

1.0    Introduction

In era globalization today, the world develops rapidly and has grown together with the
development of education and technology. Focusing on a Malaysia, education has been
challenged with the promise of educating all children. Fulfilling this promise may require more
innovative use of computers. In fact, computers have been used in teaching and learning for
several years. Teachers have been using them for many purposes beyond word processing.
One type of computer application is simulations. Although the use of computer technologies in
the schools is still debated among scholars, computers can play important roles in the
classroom and laboratory science instruction (e.g., Lazarowitz and Huppert, 1993; Akpan and
Andre, 1999).

       Before we elaborate in more details, we need to know what is actually meaning of
computer simulation and computer system. Have you even been hear before? Thompson,
Simonson and Hargrave (1996) defined simulation as a representation or model of an event,
object, or some phenomenon. In science education a computer simulation according to Akpan
and Andre (1999) is the use of the computer to simulate dynamic systems of objects in a real or
imagined world. A Simulation of a system is the operation of a model, which is a representation
of that system. The model is amenable to manipulation which would be impossible, too
expensive, or too impractical to perform on the system which it portrays. The operation of the
model can be studied, and, from this, properties concerning the behavior of the actual system
can be inferred.

       Alassi and Trollip (1991) describe simulations in educational context that is :“A
simulation is a powerful technique that teaches about some aspect of the world by imitating or
replicating it. Students are not only motivated by simulations, but learn by interacting with them
in a manner similar to the way they would react in real situations. In almost every instance, a
simulation also simplifies reality by omitting or changing details. In this simplified world, the

student solves problems, learns procedures, comes to understand the characteristics of
phenomena and how to control them, or learns what actions to take in different situations.”
Computer simulations give students the opportunity to observe a real world experience and
interact with it. Simulations are useful for simulating labs that are impractical, expensive,
impossible, or too dangerous to run (Strauss and Kinzie,1994).

2.0    Use of Computer simulation in teaching and learning process

       Have you ever been able to have your students vary the force of gravity and determine
the effects on an object’s motion? Explore nuclear fission at the molecular level and discover
whether the daughter atoms are always the same? Move tectonic plates while investigating the
differences between divergent and convergent boundaries? Computer simulations make these
types of interactive, authentic, meaningful learning opportunities possible. Learners can
observe, explore, recreate, and receive immediate feedback about real objects, phenomena,
and processes that would otherwise be too complex, time-consuming, or dangerous.

       Broadly defined, computer simulations are computer-generated dynamic models that
present theoretical or simplified models of real-world components, phenomena, or processes.
They can include animations, visualizations, and interactive laboratory experiences. In a
simulated environment, time changes can be speed up or slowed down; abstract concepts can
be made concrete and tacit behaviors visible. Teachers can focus students’ attention on
learning objectives when real-world environments are simplified, causality of events is clearly
explained, and unnecessary cognitive tasks are reduced through a simulation. Technological
advances have increasingly brought instructional digital technologies into the science
classroom. Teachers may have greater access to Internet connected classroom computers,
wireless laptop carts, computer projectors, and interactive whiteboards than ever before. As you
consider how these resources can be used to enhance science teaching and learning, you may
find yourself turning often to computer simulations, especially since they are tools frequently
used by scientists in their daily work.

       Besides that, computer simulation also gives students to observe a real world
experience and interact with it. In science classrooms, simulation can play an important role in
creating virtual experiments and inquiry. Problem based simulations allow students to monitor
experiments, test new models and improve their intuitive understanding of complex phenomena
(Alessi and Trollip, 1985).Simulations are also potentially useful for simulating labs that are

impractical, expensive,     impossible,   or too dangerous to run (Strauss and Kinzie,
1994).Simulations can contribute to conceptual change (Windschitl, 1995); provide open-ended
experiences for students (Sadler et al. 1999); provide tools for scientific inquiry (Mintz, 1993;
White and Frederiksen, 2000; Windschitl, 2000;Dwyer & Lopez, 2001) and problem solving
experiences (Woodward et al., 1988;Howse, 1998).An appropriate way for simulations in
science education is to use them as a supplementary material (McKinney, 1997).

       The combination of simulations and laboratory offers advantages in time so that the
laboratory portion can be reduced in length and students using the simulations have a slightly
better knowledge of the practical aspects directly related to laboratory work. On the other hand
in some situations simulations are the only tools to use like experimenting for dangerous or
long-term situations. According to Mintz (1993) one of the most promising computer applications
in science instruction is the use of simulations for teaching material, which cannot be taught by
conventional laboratory experimentation But can a simulation be as effective as a conventional
laboratory or replace it? The answer would be that it depends on the concept or the situation.

       For example Choi & Gennaro (1987) compared the effectiveness of computer-simulated
experiences with hands-on laboratory experiences for teaching the concept of prey predator on
junior high school students. They found that computer simulated experiences were as effective
as hands-on laboratory experiences. This suggests that it may be possible to use a computer
simulated experiment in place of a laboratory experience in the teaching of some topic. For
examples in the topic prey predator between population Lynx and Snowshoes in one area. This
may suggest that computer simulations may be used to replace those laboratory activities that
require cognitive interactions with the content rather than psychomotor interactions so that they
not require much physical (e.g., taste, smell, touch) interactions.

3.0    Steps in Designing a System Dynamics Simulation.
In designing this type of simulation, there are four steps that need to be done.
1. Create a focus for the simulation consistent with district curriculum.
2. Design and build the computer model.
3. Choosing and programming (if necessary) the software that students will use.
4. Design the activity that “wraps around” the simulation.

We used an example for explained the step in designing a simulation. Focusing on a topic prey
predator, teacher wants to learn about prey predator between Lynx and Snowshoes in a class.
As we know, it is difficult to give explanation between these interactions using the lecture. So it
is easy for the teachers to learn by using the computer simulation. It might be some interesting
teaching and learning process and easy to understand what we want to learnt. By choosing a
suitable programming to illustrate this topic, it will easy and save time for doing experiment
without going at that place. For examples, we choose to use STELLA software. This software
we need to download and install in the computer. After it is finished, it can used for teaching and
learning process on simulation topic in a class or laboratory. The last step is designing activity
that includes the simulations.

       For example prey predator of Lynx and Snowshoes population. We use simulation of
prey predator in a learning process to identify the result outcome of the population of Lynx and
Snowshoes after one time of harvest by using the simulation, the students can adjust the
reading of the size of one time Lynx harvest, run the experiment and give complete the graph.
From the graph it can make prediction when from the experience before. So it might be
interesting for students to explore and take a time to predict the reading. At this stage, students
more motivated to explore and learn it by using simulation and can make prediction when they
repeated the adjustment to the reading of size of the population. By doing this simulation, they
might more interesting and attractive learning process compared to the lecture style learning.
Besides, they can see the relationship between Lynx and Snowshoes after the simulation finish
up. It easy to the teacher to teach/demonstrate in the class to their student without goes to
those places.

       After finish up the simulation, finally we got the result. There are for graph that we get to
see the variation and make prediction about the relationship of the prey predator. By looking to
the graph, the students related to the topic that we want to learn in the class which is Prey

Figure 1

   Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

4.0     Discussion and Analysis of the Graph.

Based on the graph 1, the population of hares and lynx is constant. That’s means there is no
interaction of prey predator. The number of hares and lynx shows same through the increased
of time. Based on figure 2,3, and 4 we can summarizes that, When the population size of the
hare increases there is more food for the lynx to eat. As a result the lynx population also
increases. The large lynx population will kill more hares so the hare population decreases. This
will also cause the hare population to decrease. The population sizes for the lynx and hare
fluctuate every few years. Neither population gets too big as the predator and the prey keep
each population in balance. As a conclusion every point of the graph has their own reading.
When we adjust the reading of the time, and run the data and finish. It showed a graph. From
the graph we can seen the pattern of the Lynx and Snowshoes and can make prediction for two
or three years ago. It encourages students to explore more detail to know and get information.
So it will give motivated to the students to learn and difficult to forget what we have learn. Some
scientist said that, when we do by itself, it is difficult to forget.

5.0     Modeling and Simulation

        A predator-prey model proposed by Ward et al. in which the agent model is dedicated to
represent schooling behaviors and in teaching process. We are interested in analyzing the really
happens to the lynx, and hare populations after a one-time harvest. We choose to use Stella
software to test or make prediction to the population of Lynx and Snowshoes. Stella enabler’s
students to make an make an assumption about the process that governs a particular dynamic
phenomenon. As a result students can easy to build their understanding of how it works.

        This is the one from the others simulation suitable to use in a class to teach student.
Actually simulation is a system is the operation of a model, which is a representation of that
system. Simulations are a useful teaching strategy for illustrating a complex and changing
situation. Simulations are (necessarily) less complex than the situations they represent. In a
simulation, the learner acts, the simulation reacts, the learner learns from this feedback.
Examples of simulations: prey predator simulators. Note that in each of these cases, the
“simulation” involves rules, and the students must make decisions. Each decision a student
makes affects the outcome of the results.

        Simulation is used in many contexts, such as simulation of technology for performance
optimization, safety engineering, testing, training, education, and video games .Simulation is

also used with scientific modeling of natural systems or human systems to gain insight into their
functioning. Simulation can be used to show the eventual real effects of alternative conditions
and courses of action. Simulation is also used when the real system cannot be engaged,
because it may not be accessible, or it may be dangerous or unacceptable to engage, or it is
being designed but not yet built, or it may simply not exist.

       We use simulation of prey predator in a learning process to identify the result outcome of
the population of Lynx and Snowshoes after one time of harvest By using the simulation, the
students can adjust the reading of the size of one time Lynx harvest and can make prediction
when they repeated the adjustment to the reading of size of the population. By doing this
simulation, they might more interesting and attractive learning process compared to the lecture
style learning. Besides, they can see the relationship between Lynx and Snowshoes after the
simulation finish up. It easy to the teacher to teach/demonstrate in the class to their student
without goes to those places.

       The advantages to use the simulation are it can be used in one period. They can be
done in one class period. It can save time to the teacher and students because it does not take
a long time to set up the materials. They require very simple equipment to carried out the
simulations. About fifteen minutes they can make prediction about the simulation that they make
before. So the teacher acts as facilitators during the teaching and learning process. After all the
students finish their activity, they can make a presentation in a small group to discuss about the
results in front of the class. At this time, teacher will make correction anything wrong about their
result. By doing this way, they can change the idea and their learning process is more effective.

       We apply this simulation in prey predator in a class. After finish up the simulation, finally
we got the result. There are for graph that we get to see the variation and make prediction about
the relationship of the prey predator. By looking to the graph, the students related to the topic
that we want to learn in the class which is Prey Predator.

6.0     Advantages and Disadvantages of educational computer simulation

Many advantages can be cited with respect to the use of computer simulation programs in
education. A number of these do not specifically relate to simulation only but also to the validity
for practical laboratories or the use of the computer in education in general. There are some
specific advantages connected with computer simulation. First, some general advantageous
aspects of simulation as a form and method of learning will be indicated.

       Computer simulation offers the opportunity to experiment with phenomena or events,
which for a number of reasons, cannot normally be experimented with in the traditional way.
Bork (1981) remarks: 'Simulations provide students with experience that may be difficult or
impossible to obtain in everyday life'. In class it is e.g. not possible to experiment actively with
an economic system. The only things,        teacher can discuss the nature and content of the
system. Experimenting would surely be useful because this can generate an insight into the
functioning of the economic system. Computer simulation programs can be used in education to
give the student more feeling for reality in some abstract fields of learning. Foster (1984) says
about this: 'Simulations can be entertaining because of dramatic and game-like components'.

       When a teacher tries to explain a difficult interrelationship, such as a hybridization
experiment with fruit flies in the traditional way it is likely that part of the class will fail to
understand. Execution of the real experiment is impossible because this would take a number of
weeks and can therefore not be integrated as such within a lesson. When, after the necessary
theoretical discussion of the material, a simulation experiment follows there will be a greater
chance that more students will understand a complete relationship, such as a hybridization

       According to Elron (1983) the best simulation does not have to resemble reality in the
most accurate way. The power of simulation often lies, according to him, in the simplification of
reality. Good simplifications provide students with a better insight into reality than by examining
all components of a complex situation .While working with a computer simulation program the
student is experimenting, so he or she is playing an active rather than a passive role. This active
engagement contrasts with the situation students often experience during 'face-to-face' teaching
when they listen passively. Working with a computer simulation program often evokes
enthusiasm in the student and as such it has a positive influence on his motivation. Spitzer
remarks on this: Simulations are highly motivating, both intrinsically and extrinsically.' However,

no educational tool is effective for everyone. A differentiated supply of educational support tools
is therefore important. A computer simulation program is one of them. Working with a computer
simulation program can increase the interest of a student about a subject. This can express
itself in the fact that students will often study relevant literature concerning the subject after
using a simulation more than they would have done with the traditional approaches to learning.

       Students are then offered the possibility to experiment with the real world system,
though it is simulated. Computer simulation also offers the possibility to repeat the experiment
as often as necessary, i.e. until the intended insight into the system has been acquired. It is also
possible to do extreme things in computer simulation and to observe the results, contrary to
many traditional experiments. However, when experience with aspects of a real experiment is
considered important but a practical laboratory only has a limited capacity, and then working
with a computer simulation program can increase the impact of practical work. As was said
earlier there can be different reasons why the traditional experiment cannot be used in the
educational situation, even though the experiment would be desirable because the student's
insight could be positively enhanced by doing so. Then computer simulation can be a blessing.
We now mention some possible advantages as well as some disadvantages of computer
simulation as an educational tool for instruction and training.

There are not only advantages connected with the use of computer simulation programs in
education and training. Limitations are in some cases the result of the wrong or inappropriate
use of such programs. Possible limitations of a general and educational kind are:

       Simulation concerns the manipulation of a number of variables of a model representing a
real system. However, manipulation of a single variable often means that the reality of the
system as a whole can be lost. Certain systems or components of a realistic situation are not
transparent. Some factors have a lot of influence on the whole, but they have indistinct relations
in the whole and can therefore not be represented in a model. These factors, however, cannot
be forgotten in the learning process.

       A computer simulation program cannot develop the students' emotional and intuitive
awareness that the use of simulations is specifically directed at establishing relations between
variables in a model. So this intuition has to be developed in a different way. Besides, Computer
simulation cannot react to unexpected 'sub-goals' which the student may develop during a

learning-process. These sub-goals would be brought up during a teacher-student interaction but
they remain unsaid during the individual student use of a simulation.

       Computer simulation programs may function well from a technical point of view, but they
are difficult to fit into a curriculum. Often a computer simulation program cannot be adapted to
take into different student levels into account within a group or class. A computer simulation
program can certainly be made to adapt to different circumstances if the designer bears that in
mind; however, for many computer simulation programs this has not happened.

       During the experience of interaction with a computer simulation program, the student is
frequently asked to solve problems in which creativity is often the decisive factor to success.
The fact that this creativity is more present in some pupils than in others is not taken into
account by the simulation. Mutual collaboration and discussion among students while using the
software could be a solution for this.

7.0    Conclusion

As a conclusion, Computer simulation is suitable to use in a school based on some factors. As
we know the computers play important roles in the classroom and laboratory science. They can
be used with instructive or constructive pedagogy. Computer simulations give students the
opportunity to observe a real world experience and interact with it. Computer simulations are
potentially useful for simulating labs that are impractical, expensive, impossible, or too
dangerous to run. Simulations can contribute to conceptual change, provide open-ended
experiences, and provide tools for scientific inquiry and problem solving. Computer simulations
also have potentials for distance education. They implied that computer simulations are good
supplementary tools for classroom instruction and science laboratories. Multimedia supported,
highly interactive, collaborative computer simulations appealing growing interest because of
their potentials to supplement constructivist learning. They offer inquiry environments and
cognitive tools to scaffold learning and apply problem solving skills. The literature suggests that
the success of computer simulations use in science education depends on how they
incorporated into curriculum and how teacher use it. The most appropriate use of computer
simulations seems that use them for a supplementary tools for classroom instruction and
laboratory. Computer simulations are good tools to improve students’ hypothesis construction,
graphic interpretation and prediction skills.

8.0      References
Akpan, J. P., & Andre, T. (1999). The Effect of a prior dissection simulation on middle school
students’ dissection performance and understanding of the anatomy and morphology of the
frog. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 8, 107-121. Retrieved December 10, 2003
from :

Coleman, F. M. (1997). Software simulation enhances science experiments. T.H.E.
Journal, 25, 56-8


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  • 2. You are the manager of a small but thriving natural wilderness area. Key species in the wilderness include snowshoe hare and lynx. Over the past several years, the two populations have coexisted in peace, harmony and equilibrium. Life's been good. Now, however, there's a proposal on the table from the Baffin's Bay company to humanely harvest some portion of the lynx population. This is intended to be a one-time event. You've been assured that nature will compensate for this action to once again balance the populations. Use this simulation to test this assertion. What really happens to the lynx and hare populations after a one-time harvest? 1.0 Introduction In era globalization today, the world develops rapidly and has grown together with the development of education and technology. Focusing on a Malaysia, education has been challenged with the promise of educating all children. Fulfilling this promise may require more innovative use of computers. In fact, computers have been used in teaching and learning for several years. Teachers have been using them for many purposes beyond word processing. One type of computer application is simulations. Although the use of computer technologies in the schools is still debated among scholars, computers can play important roles in the classroom and laboratory science instruction (e.g., Lazarowitz and Huppert, 1993; Akpan and Andre, 1999). Before we elaborate in more details, we need to know what is actually meaning of computer simulation and computer system. Have you even been hear before? Thompson, Simonson and Hargrave (1996) defined simulation as a representation or model of an event, object, or some phenomenon. In science education a computer simulation according to Akpan and Andre (1999) is the use of the computer to simulate dynamic systems of objects in a real or imagined world. A Simulation of a system is the operation of a model, which is a representation of that system. The model is amenable to manipulation which would be impossible, too expensive, or too impractical to perform on the system which it portrays. The operation of the model can be studied, and, from this, properties concerning the behavior of the actual system can be inferred. Alassi and Trollip (1991) describe simulations in educational context that is :“A simulation is a powerful technique that teaches about some aspect of the world by imitating or replicating it. Students are not only motivated by simulations, but learn by interacting with them in a manner similar to the way they would react in real situations. In almost every instance, a simulation also simplifies reality by omitting or changing details. In this simplified world, the 2
  • 3. student solves problems, learns procedures, comes to understand the characteristics of phenomena and how to control them, or learns what actions to take in different situations.” Computer simulations give students the opportunity to observe a real world experience and interact with it. Simulations are useful for simulating labs that are impractical, expensive, impossible, or too dangerous to run (Strauss and Kinzie,1994). 2.0 Use of Computer simulation in teaching and learning process Have you ever been able to have your students vary the force of gravity and determine the effects on an object’s motion? Explore nuclear fission at the molecular level and discover whether the daughter atoms are always the same? Move tectonic plates while investigating the differences between divergent and convergent boundaries? Computer simulations make these types of interactive, authentic, meaningful learning opportunities possible. Learners can observe, explore, recreate, and receive immediate feedback about real objects, phenomena, and processes that would otherwise be too complex, time-consuming, or dangerous. Broadly defined, computer simulations are computer-generated dynamic models that present theoretical or simplified models of real-world components, phenomena, or processes. They can include animations, visualizations, and interactive laboratory experiences. In a simulated environment, time changes can be speed up or slowed down; abstract concepts can be made concrete and tacit behaviors visible. Teachers can focus students’ attention on learning objectives when real-world environments are simplified, causality of events is clearly explained, and unnecessary cognitive tasks are reduced through a simulation. Technological advances have increasingly brought instructional digital technologies into the science classroom. Teachers may have greater access to Internet connected classroom computers, wireless laptop carts, computer projectors, and interactive whiteboards than ever before. As you consider how these resources can be used to enhance science teaching and learning, you may find yourself turning often to computer simulations, especially since they are tools frequently used by scientists in their daily work. Besides that, computer simulation also gives students to observe a real world experience and interact with it. In science classrooms, simulation can play an important role in creating virtual experiments and inquiry. Problem based simulations allow students to monitor experiments, test new models and improve their intuitive understanding of complex phenomena (Alessi and Trollip, 1985).Simulations are also potentially useful for simulating labs that are 3
  • 4. impractical, expensive, impossible, or too dangerous to run (Strauss and Kinzie, 1994).Simulations can contribute to conceptual change (Windschitl, 1995); provide open-ended experiences for students (Sadler et al. 1999); provide tools for scientific inquiry (Mintz, 1993; White and Frederiksen, 2000; Windschitl, 2000;Dwyer & Lopez, 2001) and problem solving experiences (Woodward et al., 1988;Howse, 1998).An appropriate way for simulations in science education is to use them as a supplementary material (McKinney, 1997). The combination of simulations and laboratory offers advantages in time so that the laboratory portion can be reduced in length and students using the simulations have a slightly better knowledge of the practical aspects directly related to laboratory work. On the other hand in some situations simulations are the only tools to use like experimenting for dangerous or long-term situations. According to Mintz (1993) one of the most promising computer applications in science instruction is the use of simulations for teaching material, which cannot be taught by conventional laboratory experimentation But can a simulation be as effective as a conventional laboratory or replace it? The answer would be that it depends on the concept or the situation. For example Choi & Gennaro (1987) compared the effectiveness of computer-simulated experiences with hands-on laboratory experiences for teaching the concept of prey predator on junior high school students. They found that computer simulated experiences were as effective as hands-on laboratory experiences. This suggests that it may be possible to use a computer simulated experiment in place of a laboratory experience in the teaching of some topic. For examples in the topic prey predator between population Lynx and Snowshoes in one area. This may suggest that computer simulations may be used to replace those laboratory activities that require cognitive interactions with the content rather than psychomotor interactions so that they not require much physical (e.g., taste, smell, touch) interactions. 3.0 Steps in Designing a System Dynamics Simulation. In designing this type of simulation, there are four steps that need to be done. 1. Create a focus for the simulation consistent with district curriculum. 2. Design and build the computer model. 3. Choosing and programming (if necessary) the software that students will use. 4. Design the activity that “wraps around” the simulation. 4
  • 5. We used an example for explained the step in designing a simulation. Focusing on a topic prey predator, teacher wants to learn about prey predator between Lynx and Snowshoes in a class. As we know, it is difficult to give explanation between these interactions using the lecture. So it is easy for the teachers to learn by using the computer simulation. It might be some interesting teaching and learning process and easy to understand what we want to learnt. By choosing a suitable programming to illustrate this topic, it will easy and save time for doing experiment without going at that place. For examples, we choose to use STELLA software. This software we need to download and install in the computer. After it is finished, it can used for teaching and learning process on simulation topic in a class or laboratory. The last step is designing activity that includes the simulations. For example prey predator of Lynx and Snowshoes population. We use simulation of prey predator in a learning process to identify the result outcome of the population of Lynx and Snowshoes after one time of harvest by using the simulation, the students can adjust the reading of the size of one time Lynx harvest, run the experiment and give complete the graph. From the graph it can make prediction when from the experience before. So it might be interesting for students to explore and take a time to predict the reading. At this stage, students more motivated to explore and learn it by using simulation and can make prediction when they repeated the adjustment to the reading of size of the population. By doing this simulation, they might more interesting and attractive learning process compared to the lecture style learning. Besides, they can see the relationship between Lynx and Snowshoes after the simulation finish up. It easy to the teacher to teach/demonstrate in the class to their student without goes to those places. After finish up the simulation, finally we got the result. There are for graph that we get to see the variation and make prediction about the relationship of the prey predator. By looking to the graph, the students related to the topic that we want to learn in the class which is Prey Predator. 5
  • 6. Figure 1 Figure 2 6
  • 8. 4.0 Discussion and Analysis of the Graph. Based on the graph 1, the population of hares and lynx is constant. That’s means there is no interaction of prey predator. The number of hares and lynx shows same through the increased of time. Based on figure 2,3, and 4 we can summarizes that, When the population size of the hare increases there is more food for the lynx to eat. As a result the lynx population also increases. The large lynx population will kill more hares so the hare population decreases. This will also cause the hare population to decrease. The population sizes for the lynx and hare fluctuate every few years. Neither population gets too big as the predator and the prey keep each population in balance. As a conclusion every point of the graph has their own reading. When we adjust the reading of the time, and run the data and finish. It showed a graph. From the graph we can seen the pattern of the Lynx and Snowshoes and can make prediction for two or three years ago. It encourages students to explore more detail to know and get information. So it will give motivated to the students to learn and difficult to forget what we have learn. Some scientist said that, when we do by itself, it is difficult to forget. 5.0 Modeling and Simulation A predator-prey model proposed by Ward et al. in which the agent model is dedicated to represent schooling behaviors and in teaching process. We are interested in analyzing the really happens to the lynx, and hare populations after a one-time harvest. We choose to use Stella software to test or make prediction to the population of Lynx and Snowshoes. Stella enabler’s students to make an make an assumption about the process that governs a particular dynamic phenomenon. As a result students can easy to build their understanding of how it works. This is the one from the others simulation suitable to use in a class to teach student. Actually simulation is a system is the operation of a model, which is a representation of that system. Simulations are a useful teaching strategy for illustrating a complex and changing situation. Simulations are (necessarily) less complex than the situations they represent. In a simulation, the learner acts, the simulation reacts, the learner learns from this feedback. Examples of simulations: prey predator simulators. Note that in each of these cases, the “simulation” involves rules, and the students must make decisions. Each decision a student makes affects the outcome of the results. Simulation is used in many contexts, such as simulation of technology for performance optimization, safety engineering, testing, training, education, and video games .Simulation is 8
  • 9. also used with scientific modeling of natural systems or human systems to gain insight into their functioning. Simulation can be used to show the eventual real effects of alternative conditions and courses of action. Simulation is also used when the real system cannot be engaged, because it may not be accessible, or it may be dangerous or unacceptable to engage, or it is being designed but not yet built, or it may simply not exist. We use simulation of prey predator in a learning process to identify the result outcome of the population of Lynx and Snowshoes after one time of harvest By using the simulation, the students can adjust the reading of the size of one time Lynx harvest and can make prediction when they repeated the adjustment to the reading of size of the population. By doing this simulation, they might more interesting and attractive learning process compared to the lecture style learning. Besides, they can see the relationship between Lynx and Snowshoes after the simulation finish up. It easy to the teacher to teach/demonstrate in the class to their student without goes to those places. The advantages to use the simulation are it can be used in one period. They can be done in one class period. It can save time to the teacher and students because it does not take a long time to set up the materials. They require very simple equipment to carried out the simulations. About fifteen minutes they can make prediction about the simulation that they make before. So the teacher acts as facilitators during the teaching and learning process. After all the students finish their activity, they can make a presentation in a small group to discuss about the results in front of the class. At this time, teacher will make correction anything wrong about their result. By doing this way, they can change the idea and their learning process is more effective. We apply this simulation in prey predator in a class. After finish up the simulation, finally we got the result. There are for graph that we get to see the variation and make prediction about the relationship of the prey predator. By looking to the graph, the students related to the topic that we want to learn in the class which is Prey Predator. 9
  • 10. 6.0 Advantages and Disadvantages of educational computer simulation Many advantages can be cited with respect to the use of computer simulation programs in education. A number of these do not specifically relate to simulation only but also to the validity for practical laboratories or the use of the computer in education in general. There are some specific advantages connected with computer simulation. First, some general advantageous aspects of simulation as a form and method of learning will be indicated. Computer simulation offers the opportunity to experiment with phenomena or events, which for a number of reasons, cannot normally be experimented with in the traditional way. Bork (1981) remarks: 'Simulations provide students with experience that may be difficult or impossible to obtain in everyday life'. In class it is e.g. not possible to experiment actively with an economic system. The only things, teacher can discuss the nature and content of the system. Experimenting would surely be useful because this can generate an insight into the functioning of the economic system. Computer simulation programs can be used in education to give the student more feeling for reality in some abstract fields of learning. Foster (1984) says about this: 'Simulations can be entertaining because of dramatic and game-like components'. When a teacher tries to explain a difficult interrelationship, such as a hybridization experiment with fruit flies in the traditional way it is likely that part of the class will fail to understand. Execution of the real experiment is impossible because this would take a number of weeks and can therefore not be integrated as such within a lesson. When, after the necessary theoretical discussion of the material, a simulation experiment follows there will be a greater chance that more students will understand a complete relationship, such as a hybridization experiment. According to Elron (1983) the best simulation does not have to resemble reality in the most accurate way. The power of simulation often lies, according to him, in the simplification of reality. Good simplifications provide students with a better insight into reality than by examining all components of a complex situation .While working with a computer simulation program the student is experimenting, so he or she is playing an active rather than a passive role. This active engagement contrasts with the situation students often experience during 'face-to-face' teaching when they listen passively. Working with a computer simulation program often evokes enthusiasm in the student and as such it has a positive influence on his motivation. Spitzer remarks on this: Simulations are highly motivating, both intrinsically and extrinsically.' However, 10
  • 11. no educational tool is effective for everyone. A differentiated supply of educational support tools is therefore important. A computer simulation program is one of them. Working with a computer simulation program can increase the interest of a student about a subject. This can express itself in the fact that students will often study relevant literature concerning the subject after using a simulation more than they would have done with the traditional approaches to learning. Students are then offered the possibility to experiment with the real world system, though it is simulated. Computer simulation also offers the possibility to repeat the experiment as often as necessary, i.e. until the intended insight into the system has been acquired. It is also possible to do extreme things in computer simulation and to observe the results, contrary to many traditional experiments. However, when experience with aspects of a real experiment is considered important but a practical laboratory only has a limited capacity, and then working with a computer simulation program can increase the impact of practical work. As was said earlier there can be different reasons why the traditional experiment cannot be used in the educational situation, even though the experiment would be desirable because the student's insight could be positively enhanced by doing so. Then computer simulation can be a blessing. We now mention some possible advantages as well as some disadvantages of computer simulation as an educational tool for instruction and training. There are not only advantages connected with the use of computer simulation programs in education and training. Limitations are in some cases the result of the wrong or inappropriate use of such programs. Possible limitations of a general and educational kind are: Simulation concerns the manipulation of a number of variables of a model representing a real system. However, manipulation of a single variable often means that the reality of the system as a whole can be lost. Certain systems or components of a realistic situation are not transparent. Some factors have a lot of influence on the whole, but they have indistinct relations in the whole and can therefore not be represented in a model. These factors, however, cannot be forgotten in the learning process. A computer simulation program cannot develop the students' emotional and intuitive awareness that the use of simulations is specifically directed at establishing relations between variables in a model. So this intuition has to be developed in a different way. Besides, Computer simulation cannot react to unexpected 'sub-goals' which the student may develop during a 11
  • 12. learning-process. These sub-goals would be brought up during a teacher-student interaction but they remain unsaid during the individual student use of a simulation. Computer simulation programs may function well from a technical point of view, but they are difficult to fit into a curriculum. Often a computer simulation program cannot be adapted to take into different student levels into account within a group or class. A computer simulation program can certainly be made to adapt to different circumstances if the designer bears that in mind; however, for many computer simulation programs this has not happened. During the experience of interaction with a computer simulation program, the student is frequently asked to solve problems in which creativity is often the decisive factor to success. The fact that this creativity is more present in some pupils than in others is not taken into account by the simulation. Mutual collaboration and discussion among students while using the software could be a solution for this. 7.0 Conclusion As a conclusion, Computer simulation is suitable to use in a school based on some factors. As we know the computers play important roles in the classroom and laboratory science. They can be used with instructive or constructive pedagogy. Computer simulations give students the opportunity to observe a real world experience and interact with it. Computer simulations are potentially useful for simulating labs that are impractical, expensive, impossible, or too dangerous to run. Simulations can contribute to conceptual change, provide open-ended experiences, and provide tools for scientific inquiry and problem solving. Computer simulations also have potentials for distance education. They implied that computer simulations are good supplementary tools for classroom instruction and science laboratories. Multimedia supported, highly interactive, collaborative computer simulations appealing growing interest because of their potentials to supplement constructivist learning. They offer inquiry environments and cognitive tools to scaffold learning and apply problem solving skills. The literature suggests that the success of computer simulations use in science education depends on how they incorporated into curriculum and how teacher use it. The most appropriate use of computer simulations seems that use them for a supplementary tools for classroom instruction and laboratory. Computer simulations are good tools to improve students’ hypothesis construction, graphic interpretation and prediction skills. 12
  • 13. 8.0 References Akpan, J. P., & Andre, T. (1999). The Effect of a prior dissection simulation on middle school students’ dissection performance and understanding of the anatomy and morphology of the frog. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 8, 107-121. Retrieved December 10, 2003 from : Coleman, F. M. (1997). Software simulation enhances science experiments. T.H.E. Journal, 25, 56-8 13