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The Donnelley Cluster Spectrum
     Cluster Group                    Chateaux & Van Goghs                                      CEO with a Lexus to Go                                                                                                           Equity Builders
          Income                          Beyond Affluent                                           Most Affluent                                                                                                                Very Affluent
                                          Foundations and
  Financial Realities                                                                                 Estates & Trusts                                                                                                          Stocks & Bonds
                                     Dom Perignon & Chateau
        Favorites                                                                           Chateaux Margaux & Hummers                                                                                                 Wine Cellars & Humidors
                                         Lafitte Rothchild
                                Whether inherited or smartly earned, the        These conspicuous consumers live       Very similar to Cluster 2, this        Cluster 4 is the most         Married with children, these are    These are maturing             These are predominantly         These young families are
                                financial resources of this cluster are         well and enjoy buying luxury items,    segment also maintains elaborate       affluent retired population   younger families, building          families whose children        young families, well-           most likely to be
                                massive. These homeowners are very well-        gadgets and gizmos. They are           financial portfolios. Married,         segment. They have            homes, careers and more             are moving into teen age       educated, with their careers    leveraging their homes
                                educated, holding advanced degrees. They        homeowners, keenly devoted to          college educated, professionals        accumulated assets in         family! College graduates,          years. They drive SUVs,        on track. They purchase         with a second mortgage
                                consume luxury consumer goods and own           asset managment diversified across     and executives, they enjoy             CDs, annuities, tax           they are professionals. Their       enjoy family restaurants.      luxury cars, retain auto club   and home equity credit
                                top-of-the-line SUVs, convertibles, or luxury   investments such as real estate,       frequent foreign travel,               exempt funds, and             family car is often a van to        Once again, asset              membership and enjoy            line. The kids are pre-
 Cluster Descriptions           sedans. Unlike most American households,
                                instead of focusing on how to make money,
                                                                                preferred stock and whole life
                                                                                insurance. Married, college
                                                                                                                       purchasing their airline tickets on-
                                                                                                                       line. They frequent luxury hotels
                                                                                                                                                              expensive homes.              accommodate their young
                                                                                                                                                                                            children. Planning for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                managment is key, with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                diversified portfolios, home
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               upscale travel. With Asians
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               representing 10% of all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               school and in elementary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               school. They are
                                they devote part of their time to giving it     educated, they are most likely to be   and purchase luxury cars,                                            future is critical as they look     equity lines of credit, and    households, this cluster has    professionally employed
                                away to charitable causes.                      empty nesters.                         cruises, time shares, and mutual                                     ahead to their children's college   various life insurance         the highest concentration of    and regularly use the
                                                                                                                       funds.                                                               education.                          plans.                         Asians.                         internet.

    Cluster Number                                    1                                          2                                      3                                 4                                5                                 6                               7                             8

    Median Income                $                                364,000        $                       250,000        $                      225,000         $              176,000        $                   154,000         $                138,000       $                  136,000      $              134,000

                                                                                 Empty Nesters & Committed               Empty Nesters & Mature                    Active Seniors &                                                                                                                 Young Families &
         Lifestage                     Large Established Families                                                                                                                                 Growing Families                   Maturing Families                Young Families
                                                                                          Singles                               Families                            Elderly Couples                                                                                                                     Singles

       Own/Rent                                     Own                                        Own                                    Own                                Own                             Own                               Own                             Own                           Own

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Masters+ &
                                                                                                                         Masters+ & Executives &               Bachelors Degree &    Bachelors Degree &                           Bachelors Degree &                Bachelors Degree &
  Education & Employment                 Masters+ & Executives                       Masters+ & Executives                                                                                                                                                                                           Executives &
                                                                                                                              Professionals                          Retired      Executives & Professionals                          Executives                       Executives

Predominating Ethnicity                            White                                      White                                  White                             White                            White                             White                           White                         White

Significant Ethnic Minorities                      None                                        None                                   None                              None                             None                             None                             Asian                         None

  Head of Household                                                                            Male                                   Male                              Male                             Male                              Male                            Male                          Male

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          12/21/101:56 PM
The Donnelley Cluster Spectrum
                                                Online & On Credit                                                                                                                                                       Financial Planners
                                                         Affluent                                                                                                                                                      Upper Middle Income

                                                 Financial Planning                                                                                                                                                    Platinum Credit Cards

                                                 iPods & Car Seats                                                                                                                                          Happy Meals & Early Bird Specials
No wife, no kids, this group is       Unlike Cluster 9, these single     This is the youngest      This is one of two oldest      This youthful group is a   With almost the same age             This segment is in     These are empty nesters.    Overwhelmingly active seniors,      These motorcycle     These households
predominently single men who          men are slightly older, either     cluster. Young families   cluster segments. They are     mix of singles and         distribution as cluster 13, this     the throes of teen     The most liberal cluster,   these are mostly married and        enthusiasts are      are mostly Asian
enjoy their version of the "good      professional students,             with babies, toddlers,    active and elderly seniors,    married couples.           group has larger families (3-4       age life. Need we      professional, these         some single households. Over        married couples.     with some Hispanic.
life". Frequent foreign travelers,    professors, or simply drawn to     or pre-schoolers, they    and are mostly married.        Family size is small or    family members) with children        say more?              individuals buy regularly   50% have two family members;        They enjoy QVC       They tend to have
they stay at luxury hotels. College   academia. With over 50% living     are highly leveraged      They are high ticket mail      reduced to empty           12-17. They are family                                      on-line, especially at      over 30% are living alone. These    shopping.            large families. Some
educated, on-line travel planners,    alone, the balance live with one   juggling car loans,       order multi-buyers, donate     nester status. They are    restaurant frequenters, politcally                                 seniors are invested in state and                        of them have some
they also work at paying off          or more roommates. Preferring      education loans, home     to health related and          likely to work from        middle of the road, and enjoy                                                           municipal bonds, tax exempt                              college and work in
college loans, and their rent. They   college towns, they are liberal    equity line of credit,    politically conservative       home, do their banking     camping and their SUV or truck.                                                         funds, treasury notes, preferred                         mostly clerical
work from home. They enjoy the        and rent their homes. High         and do their banking at   causes. This cluster invests   on-line, and travel        These families often have                                                               stock, and corporate bonds.                              positions.
convenience of working at home        Asian ethnicity,                   a credit union.           in pension funds and state     regularly on business.     personal and/or home
and shopping on-line.                                                                              and municipal bonds.                                      improvement loans.

                9                                   10                             11                          12                           13                              14                             15                       16                              17                            18                   19
 $                      124,000        $                   118,000        $          102,000        $                99,000        $             94,000       $                      91,000        $          88,000      $                86,000     $                      84,000       $          83,000    $          72,000

                                                                                                        Active Seniors &           Singles & Married                                                   Married with                                                                                                Married with
             Singles                             Singles                      Young Families                                                                             Married                                              Empty Nesters                  Active Seniors                     Married
                                                                                                         Elderly Couples                  Mix                                                           Teenagers                                                                                                   Children

              Rent                                 Rent                           Own                         Own                          Own                             Own                             Own                     Own                             Own                            Own                  Own

                                                                                                                                        Masters &                                                   Construction &
       Bachelors Degree                 Masters & Professional                Some College              Bachelors Degree                                              Construction                                       Masters & Professional            Bachelors Degree                   Construction           Clerical
                                                                                                                                       Professionals                                                  Executives

             White                                White                           White                      White                        White                           White                           White                   White                           White                          White                White

              Asian                               Asian                           None                        None                       Chinese                           None                           None                     Asian                          None                           None          Asian & Hispanic

              Male                                 Male                           Male                        Male                         Male                            Male                           Male                     Male                            Male                          Male                 Male

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  12/21/101:56 PM
The Donnelley Cluster Spectrum
                                                              Blue Collar & Blue Wedgewood                                                                                                                                                       DINKS & Kinks
                                                                      Middle Income                                                                                                                                                           Lower Middle Income

                                                                        Gold Credit Cards                                                                                                                                                     Silver Credit Cards

                                                                   Sesame Street & AARP                                                                                                                                                         Travel & Tapioca
These folk are         This is Middle     This cluster is hard    These are active and    This blue collar         An older group, keenly interested   This is the second    These are younger families with 2 and 3      These are elderly consumers,       These college-educated            This cluster is quite         This cluster is mostly
White pro-             America's          core blue collar        elderly senior          cluster is weird: they   in antiques, books, stamps, and     youngest cluster of   children. Owning their home, they borrow     with almost 60% age 70+. The       professionals are renters,        diverse, Chinese, Asian,      elderly seniors, many
fessionals who         youngest cluster   families. They support couples. Nearly 40%      are elderly seniors      the like, Cluster 25 is             Middle America.       against it to make home improvements.        highest concentration of           Very liberal in their outlook,    Hispanic and Black, with a    of whom own a long
work at home.          with 40% age       their large families    are age 65+. Long       and score high on        predominently married couples.      Given their liberal   Vacations are also financed on credit.       seniors is in Cluster 28. Active   paying off college loans,         high incidence of English     term care insurance
They are some-         39 or younger      doing factory or        term care insurance,    motorcycles.             They are surprisingly consumers     bias, they are        They are big consumers of processed          mail order buyers, these           these folks do a fair amount of   as a second language.         policy. Well
what liberal, do on-   with growing       construction work.      and short term CDs                               of luxury goods, vehicles, and      mostly single but     foods: canned meats, snack cakes, and        seniors pursue hobbies such        foreign travel perhaps            Active seniors, these         educated, these
line banking, buy      families.          They drive trucks,      frame their financial                            vacations, despite their middle     living with a         the like. Given their income, they cannot    as stamps, sports cards, crafts,   because a high incidence of       individuals are active        seniors travel as
books online,                             chew tobacco, eat       status.                                          income status. They may have        partner.              afford investments and must rely on their    home décor, subscribe to their     foreign born defines this         foreign travelers, perhaps    much as their
collect frequent                          fast food, potato chips                                                  tremendous equity in their home                           home as their nest egg. They seem like       favorite magazines, and donate     cluster. No kids in these         visit family in their birth   finances permit.
flyer miles, and pay
                                          and snack cakes.                                                         which enables them to indulge                             the inverse of cluster 25. (Future Kinks).   to charitable causes. (Kinks)      households. (DINKS)               country. (Kinks)              (Kinks)
down student
                                                                                                                   their refined tastes.

       20                    21                    22                     23                       24                             25                          26                                27                                      28                                29                              30                          31
 $       65,000         $     64,000       $          60,000      $           52,000       $           51,000       $                      50,000       $        49,000       $                               46,000       $                    45,000        $                   45,000        $                44,000       $          43,000
                        Married with                               Married Singles        Married & Singles                                             Singles Living            Married with Children & Some                                                                                                               Singles, Widows &
   Singles &                                     Married                                                             Married & Empty Nesters                                                                                         Married                            Singles                        Married
                         Children                                   Widowed Mix                 Mix                                                       Together                       Single Parents                                                                                                                          Widowers
  Parent Mix

       Rent                 Own                    Own                    Own                      Own                           Own                          Rent                             Own                                     Own                                Rent                            Own                        Rent

                                                                                              Clerical &
Professional & Some College/                   High School/           High School /          Production &
                                                                                                                              Bachelors                 Professional &                    Some College                               Retired                   Masters /Professional                 High School             Masters/ Retired
  Executive     Construction                   Construction              Retired            Construction &
                                                                                             Some College

White & Ethic             White &                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              White & Asian
                                                  White                  White                   White                          White                        White                            White                            White & Asian Mix                         White                           Black
    Mix                  Ethnic Mix                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Mix

     Asian &
                            None                  None                   White                 Ethnic Mix                       Asian                        Asian                             None                                    None                              Asian                           White                       None

      Male                  Male                  Male                    Male                    Male                           Male                         Male                             Male                                    Male                               Male                           Male                        Male

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        12/21/101:56 PM
The Donnelley Cluster Spectrum
                                                                                               Juniors & Seniors
                                                                                              Below Middle Income

                                                                                              Secured Credit Cards

                                                                                      Jeopardy, Junk Food & J. Lo
These are the homebody            Another senior cluster , but this   Blue Collar thirty      These are black, single          These are died in the wool    With a strong Hispanic        The youngest cluster on the
seniors, quite content with       time 7 years older in median        somethings: not         parent moms. They survive        Hispanics, many of them       presence, this cluster is     spectrum with a median
their domestic activities:        age than cluster 32. They are       homeowners, not         on public assistance to feed     foreign born. They have the   usually not married. With a   head of household age of
quilting, crocheting and the      almost evenly divided between       married, love tobacco   and clothe their kids, usually   largest incidence of family   median age of 37, they        32, many are foreign born
like. Very conservative           married couples and live            products, highly        2-3. Highly processed, high      members in the household:     represent 23% age of head     which correlates with a high
politically, these seniors held   alones. They don't want to          processed food          fat content foods are their      almost 76% 3+ members;        of household less than 29     incidence of educational
blue collar jobs when they        know about online banking, air      items, sports drinks,   mainstay. They live in           almost 33% 5+members.         years of age; nearly 60% is   loans (perhaps to learn
were working. Roughly half        travel, and motorcycles, sports     and premium beer.       predominently black              They have no investments      less than 35 years. They      English as a Second
are 2 member households;          drinks and potato chips.                                    neighborhoods.                   and rely on some public       have children spanning        Language). They have little
the balance alone.                                                                                                             assistance.                   infancy through teens.        to no investments.

             32                                 33                             34                          35                              36                           37                             38
 $                   38,000        $                     35,000        $          34,000       $                  33,000        $                  30,000     $                29,000       $                28,000
                                                                       Married, Single
          Married                   Married & Singles Mix             Parents, & Singles       Singles/Single Parents           Married & Singles Mix             Single Parents                Single Parents

             Own                               Own                            Rent                        Own                             Own                          Rent                           Rent

                                                                                                                                      <12 Years /
                                                                                                                                                               < 12 Years / Highly           Some college grad. /
        High School                    High School/ Retired                Some College              High School               Construction/Blue Collar/
                                                                                                                                                                   Unemployed                   some clerical

            White                             White                           White                       Black                         Hispanic              Asian & Hispanic Mix              Black & Hispanic

            None                               None                           None                       White                       White & Asian                      Mix                          White

            Male                               Male                           Male                        Male                           Female                       Female                        Female

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          12/21/101:56 PM
The Donnelley Cluster Spectrum
                                                                                                                                   Ethnics and Elderly                                                                                                                                                                                     Public Assistance
                                                                                                                                      Low Income                                                                                                                                                                                            Lowest Income

                                                                                                                                Cash & Money Orders                                                                                                                                                                                         Too Little Cash

                                                                                                                                   Twinkies & Tobacco                                                                                                                                                                                      Meals on Wheels
The heaviest smokers,    This cluster is primarily     These are mostly Hispanic and      The oldest cluster, these folk are mostly 65+      These are           Very similar to cluster   Large families headed by a single parent female, this        Living in large         Very liberal, heavy    This cluster is        Predominantly Black
hands down. They eat     elderly Hispanics: 83%        Black single parents. Many are     years of age, with 43% age 75+. They are           overwhelmlingly     43, but they are          cluster has the highest concentration of foreign born        dwelling complexes,     smokers, junk food     predominently Black,   but elderly seniors living
highly processed foods   are 50+ years of age;         single mothers. They have no       mostly live alones or unmarried partners.          singles. They are   predominantly white.      individuals. Mostly Hispanic with a mix of Asian and Black   these are Black,        eaters, these single   living on public       alone or with one other
that have next to no     almost 35% age 65+.           investments or life insurance.     Their fixed pension income is low, but they        elderly, 46% over   They are also retired,    households, they also have the highest concentration of      Hispanic and Asian      mothers are            assistance, single     senior. They rely on
nutrional value. These   They enjoy domestic           They rely on public assistance     own their own home. Their investments must         age 70+ years of    elderly seniors, with a   other ethnicities. Relying on public assistance, these       single female head of   politically liberal.   mothers as head of     public assistance to
are mostly single        activities such as watching   for support. Though somewhat       be generating enough supplemental income           age.                female head of            households are unemployed perhaps due to their high          household families.     They rely on public    household.             supplement their
parents with children    Home Shopping Network,        similar to cluster 39, they have   for them to contribute to political, health, and                       household, perhaps        percentage speaking a foreign language (of whom many                                 assistance.                                   pension. They have
12-17 years of age.      crocheting, sewing. There     more children and a greater        religious causes, to(re)decorate their homes,                          widows.                   may not speak English well enough to work.) They also                                                                              lived in their home for a
                         are some Veterans in this     concentration of blacks.           to purchase high ticket items by mail.                                                           have young children who are not old enough to be left                                                                              very long time. High
                                                                                                                                                                                           alone so that the single mom can work outside the home.
                         cluster.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             incidence of veterans.

         39                         40                               41                                         42                                  43                    44                                          45                                        46                       47                    48                       49
 $             23,000     $                23,000       $                     21,000        $                                   21,000        $       20,000      $            19,000        $                                             18,000        $           18,000      $          17,000      $          15,000      $              14,000

  Singles & Single            Singles & Single
                                                                  Singles                                    Singles                               Singles              Singles                                    Singles                                    Singles                 Singles                 Singles          Singles & Married
       Parent                      Parent

        Rent                        Own                             Rent                                       Own                                  Rent                 Rent                                        Rent                                       Rent                    Rent                   Rent                     Own

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  <12 Years/ Blue                                     <12
                                                                                                                                                  <12 Years                                                                                                                                                 <12 Years/
     High School                 < 12 years                      < 12 years                         High School/ Retired                                         <12 Years/Retired                        <12 Years/Unemployed                               < 12 Years               Collar &                                 Years/Unemployed
                                                                                                                                                  /Retired                                                                                                                                                  Unemployed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Unemployed                                     & Retired

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Black & Hispanic
       White                     Hispanic                    Hispanic & Black                        Black & White Mix                       Asian & Chinese            White                                Hispanic & Other                                                           Black                 Black                    Black

                                                                                                                                              White & Black      Black & Chinese &
        None                       Black                            None                                       None                                                                                            Black & Asian                                   Asian                   White                 Hispanic                  None
                                                                                                                                                  Mix                  Asian

       Female                     Female                           Female                                    Female                                Female               Female                                      Female                                    Female                   Female                 Female                  Female

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12/21/101:56 PM
blic Assistance
Lowest Income

Too Little Cash

eals on Wheels
       Elderly seniors living    Living in large multi-
       in large multi-dwelling   family dwellings, they are
       units, they collect a     typically one and two
       pension check as          member households,
       well as apply for         elderly seniors living
       public assistance.        alone. Preceded by 50
                                 other cluster groups,
                                 cluster 51 is the poorest.
                                 They eat poorly and

                50                          51
        $           14,000        $               12,000

              Singles              Singles & Couples

               Rent                        Rent

       Years/Unemployed                  <12 Years
           & Retired

        Black & Hispanic
                                      Black & Hispanic
          Mix & White

              Other                       White

              Female                      Female

                                                              12/21/101:56 PM

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SIGMA-7i|Презентация системы контроля персонала Ход-Тест

Clusterspectrum detail

  • 1. The Donnelley Cluster Spectrum Cluster Group Chateaux & Van Goghs CEO with a Lexus to Go Equity Builders Income Beyond Affluent Most Affluent Very Affluent Foundations and Financial Realities Estates & Trusts Stocks & Bonds Philanthropies Dom Perignon & Chateau Favorites Chateaux Margaux & Hummers Wine Cellars & Humidors Lafitte Rothchild Whether inherited or smartly earned, the These conspicuous consumers live Very similar to Cluster 2, this Cluster 4 is the most Married with children, these are These are maturing These are predominantly These young families are financial resources of this cluster are well and enjoy buying luxury items, segment also maintains elaborate affluent retired population younger families, building families whose children young families, well- most likely to be massive. These homeowners are very well- gadgets and gizmos. They are financial portfolios. Married, segment. They have homes, careers and more are moving into teen age educated, with their careers leveraging their homes educated, holding advanced degrees. They homeowners, keenly devoted to college educated, professionals accumulated assets in family! College graduates, years. They drive SUVs, on track. They purchase with a second mortgage consume luxury consumer goods and own asset managment diversified across and executives, they enjoy CDs, annuities, tax they are professionals. Their enjoy family restaurants. luxury cars, retain auto club and home equity credit top-of-the-line SUVs, convertibles, or luxury investments such as real estate, frequent foreign travel, exempt funds, and family car is often a van to Once again, asset membership and enjoy line. The kids are pre- Cluster Descriptions sedans. Unlike most American households, instead of focusing on how to make money, preferred stock and whole life insurance. Married, college purchasing their airline tickets on- line. They frequent luxury hotels expensive homes. accommodate their young children. Planning for the managment is key, with diversified portfolios, home upscale travel. With Asians representing 10% of all school and in elementary school. They are they devote part of their time to giving it educated, they are most likely to be and purchase luxury cars, future is critical as they look equity lines of credit, and households, this cluster has professionally employed away to charitable causes. empty nesters. cruises, time shares, and mutual ahead to their children's college various life insurance the highest concentration of and regularly use the funds. education. plans. Asians. internet. Cluster Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Median Income $ 364,000 $ 250,000 $ 225,000 $ 176,000 $ 154,000 $ 138,000 $ 136,000 $ 134,000 Empty Nesters & Committed Empty Nesters & Mature Active Seniors & Young Families & Lifestage Large Established Families Growing Families Maturing Families Young Families Singles Families Elderly Couples Singles Own/Rent Own Own Own Own Own Own Own Own Masters+ & Masters+ & Executives & Bachelors Degree & Bachelors Degree & Bachelors Degree & Bachelors Degree & Education & Employment Masters+ & Executives Masters+ & Executives Executives & Professionals Retired Executives & Professionals Executives Executives Professionals Predominating Ethnicity White White White White White White White White Significant Ethnic Minorities None None None None None None Asian None Male Head of Household Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 12/21/101:56 PM
  • 2. The Donnelley Cluster Spectrum Online & On Credit Financial Planners Affluent Upper Middle Income Financial Planning Platinum Credit Cards iPods & Car Seats Happy Meals & Early Bird Specials No wife, no kids, this group is Unlike Cluster 9, these single This is the youngest This is one of two oldest This youthful group is a With almost the same age This segment is in These are empty nesters. Overwhelmingly active seniors, These motorcycle These households predominently single men who men are slightly older, either cluster. Young families cluster segments. They are mix of singles and distribution as cluster 13, this the throes of teen The most liberal cluster, these are mostly married and enthusiasts are are mostly Asian enjoy their version of the "good professional students, with babies, toddlers, active and elderly seniors, married couples. group has larger families (3-4 age life. Need we professional, these some single households. Over married couples. with some Hispanic. life". Frequent foreign travelers, professors, or simply drawn to or pre-schoolers, they and are mostly married. Family size is small or family members) with children say more? individuals buy regularly 50% have two family members; They enjoy QVC They tend to have they stay at luxury hotels. College academia. With over 50% living are highly leveraged They are high ticket mail reduced to empty 12-17. They are family on-line, especially at over 30% are living alone. These shopping. large families. Some educated, on-line travel planners, alone, the balance live with one juggling car loans, order multi-buyers, donate nester status. They are restaurant frequenters, politcally seniors are invested in state and of them have some they also work at paying off or more roommates. Preferring education loans, home to health related and likely to work from middle of the road, and enjoy municipal bonds, tax exempt college and work in college loans, and their rent. They college towns, they are liberal equity line of credit, politically conservative home, do their banking camping and their SUV or truck. funds, treasury notes, preferred mostly clerical work from home. They enjoy the and rent their homes. High and do their banking at causes. This cluster invests on-line, and travel These families often have stock, and corporate bonds. positions. convenience of working at home Asian ethnicity, a credit union. in pension funds and state regularly on business. personal and/or home and shopping on-line. and municipal bonds. improvement loans. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 $ 124,000 $ 118,000 $ 102,000 $ 99,000 $ 94,000 $ 91,000 $ 88,000 $ 86,000 $ 84,000 $ 83,000 $ 72,000 Active Seniors & Singles & Married Married with Married with Singles Singles Young Families Married Empty Nesters Active Seniors Married Elderly Couples Mix Teenagers Children Rent Rent Own Own Own Own Own Own Own Own Own Masters & Construction & Bachelors Degree Masters & Professional Some College Bachelors Degree Construction Masters & Professional Bachelors Degree Construction Clerical Professionals Executives White White White White White White White White White White White Asian Asian None None Chinese None None Asian None None Asian & Hispanic Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 12/21/101:56 PM
  • 3. The Donnelley Cluster Spectrum Blue Collar & Blue Wedgewood DINKS & Kinks Middle Income Lower Middle Income Gold Credit Cards Silver Credit Cards Sesame Street & AARP Travel & Tapioca These folk are This is Middle This cluster is hard These are active and This blue collar An older group, keenly interested This is the second These are younger families with 2 and 3 These are elderly consumers, These college-educated This cluster is quite This cluster is mostly White pro- America's core blue collar elderly senior cluster is weird: they in antiques, books, stamps, and youngest cluster of children. Owning their home, they borrow with almost 60% age 70+. The professionals are renters, diverse, Chinese, Asian, elderly seniors, many fessionals who youngest cluster families. They support couples. Nearly 40% are elderly seniors the like, Cluster 25 is Middle America. against it to make home improvements. highest concentration of Very liberal in their outlook, Hispanic and Black, with a of whom own a long work at home. with 40% age their large families are age 65+. Long and score high on predominently married couples. Given their liberal Vacations are also financed on credit. seniors is in Cluster 28. Active paying off college loans, high incidence of English term care insurance They are some- 39 or younger doing factory or term care insurance, motorcycles. They are surprisingly consumers bias, they are They are big consumers of processed mail order buyers, these these folks do a fair amount of as a second language. policy. Well what liberal, do on- with growing construction work. and short term CDs of luxury goods, vehicles, and mostly single but foods: canned meats, snack cakes, and seniors pursue hobbies such foreign travel perhaps Active seniors, these educated, these line banking, buy families. They drive trucks, frame their financial vacations, despite their middle living with a the like. Given their income, they cannot as stamps, sports cards, crafts, because a high incidence of individuals are active seniors travel as books online, chew tobacco, eat status. income status. They may have partner. afford investments and must rely on their home décor, subscribe to their foreign born defines this foreign travelers, perhaps much as their collect frequent fast food, potato chips tremendous equity in their home home as their nest egg. They seem like favorite magazines, and donate cluster. No kids in these visit family in their birth finances permit. flyer miles, and pay and snack cakes. which enables them to indulge the inverse of cluster 25. (Future Kinks). to charitable causes. (Kinks) households. (DINKS) country. (Kinks) (Kinks) down student their refined tastes. loans. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 $ 65,000 $ 64,000 $ 60,000 $ 52,000 $ 51,000 $ 50,000 $ 49,000 $ 46,000 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 44,000 $ 43,000 Married Married with Married Singles Married & Singles Singles Living Married with Children & Some Singles, Widows & Singles & Married Married & Empty Nesters Married Singles Married Children Widowed Mix Mix Together Single Parents Widowers Parent Mix Rent Own Own Own Own Own Rent Own Own Rent Own Rent Clerical & Bachelors/ Professional & Some College/ High School/ High School / Production & Bachelors Professional & Some College Retired Masters /Professional High School Masters/ Retired Executive Construction Construction Retired Construction & Clerical Some College White & Ethic White & White & Asian White White White White White White White & Asian Mix White Black Mix Ethnic Mix Mix Asian & None None White Ethnic Mix Asian Asian None None Asian White None Hispanic Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 12/21/101:56 PM
  • 4. The Donnelley Cluster Spectrum Juniors & Seniors Below Middle Income Secured Credit Cards Jeopardy, Junk Food & J. Lo These are the homebody Another senior cluster , but this Blue Collar thirty These are black, single These are died in the wool With a strong Hispanic The youngest cluster on the seniors, quite content with time 7 years older in median somethings: not parent moms. They survive Hispanics, many of them presence, this cluster is spectrum with a median their domestic activities: age than cluster 32. They are homeowners, not on public assistance to feed foreign born. They have the usually not married. With a head of household age of quilting, crocheting and the almost evenly divided between married, love tobacco and clothe their kids, usually largest incidence of family median age of 37, they 32, many are foreign born like. Very conservative married couples and live products, highly 2-3. Highly processed, high members in the household: represent 23% age of head which correlates with a high politically, these seniors held alones. They don't want to processed food fat content foods are their almost 76% 3+ members; of household less than 29 incidence of educational blue collar jobs when they know about online banking, air items, sports drinks, mainstay. They live in almost 33% 5+members. years of age; nearly 60% is loans (perhaps to learn were working. Roughly half travel, and motorcycles, sports and premium beer. predominently black They have no investments less than 35 years. They English as a Second are 2 member households; drinks and potato chips. neighborhoods. and rely on some public have children spanning Language). They have little the balance alone. assistance. infancy through teens. to no investments. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 $ 38,000 $ 35,000 $ 34,000 $ 33,000 $ 30,000 $ 29,000 $ 28,000 Married, Single Married Married & Singles Mix Parents, & Singles Singles/Single Parents Married & Singles Mix Single Parents Single Parents Mix Own Own Rent Own Own Rent Rent <12 Years / < 12 Years / Highly Some college grad. / High School High School/ Retired Some College High School Construction/Blue Collar/ Unemployed some clerical Unemployed White White White Black Hispanic Asian & Hispanic Mix Black & Hispanic None None None White White & Asian Mix White Male Male Male Male Female Female Female 12/21/101:56 PM
  • 5. The Donnelley Cluster Spectrum Ethnics and Elderly Public Assistance Low Income Lowest Income Cash & Money Orders Too Little Cash Twinkies & Tobacco Meals on Wheels The heaviest smokers, This cluster is primarily These are mostly Hispanic and The oldest cluster, these folk are mostly 65+ These are Very similar to cluster Large families headed by a single parent female, this Living in large Very liberal, heavy This cluster is Predominantly Black hands down. They eat elderly Hispanics: 83% Black single parents. Many are years of age, with 43% age 75+. They are overwhelmlingly 43, but they are cluster has the highest concentration of foreign born dwelling complexes, smokers, junk food predominently Black, but elderly seniors living highly processed foods are 50+ years of age; single mothers. They have no mostly live alones or unmarried partners. singles. They are predominantly white. individuals. Mostly Hispanic with a mix of Asian and Black these are Black, eaters, these single living on public alone or with one other that have next to no almost 35% age 65+. investments or life insurance. Their fixed pension income is low, but they elderly, 46% over They are also retired, households, they also have the highest concentration of Hispanic and Asian mothers are assistance, single senior. They rely on nutrional value. These They enjoy domestic They rely on public assistance own their own home. Their investments must age 70+ years of elderly seniors, with a other ethnicities. Relying on public assistance, these single female head of politically liberal. mothers as head of public assistance to are mostly single activities such as watching for support. Though somewhat be generating enough supplemental income age. female head of households are unemployed perhaps due to their high household families. They rely on public household. supplement their parents with children Home Shopping Network, similar to cluster 39, they have for them to contribute to political, health, and household, perhaps percentage speaking a foreign language (of whom many assistance. pension. They have 12-17 years of age. crocheting, sewing. There more children and a greater religious causes, to(re)decorate their homes, widows. may not speak English well enough to work.) They also lived in their home for a are some Veterans in this concentration of blacks. to purchase high ticket items by mail. have young children who are not old enough to be left very long time. High alone so that the single mom can work outside the home. cluster. incidence of veterans. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 $ 23,000 $ 23,000 $ 21,000 $ 21,000 $ 20,000 $ 19,000 $ 18,000 $ 18,000 $ 17,000 $ 15,000 $ 14,000 Singles & Single Singles & Single Singles Singles Singles Singles Singles Singles Singles Singles Singles & Married Parent Parent Rent Own Rent Own Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Own <12 Years/ Blue <12 <12 Years <12 Years/ High School < 12 years < 12 years High School/ Retired <12 Years/Retired <12 Years/Unemployed < 12 Years Collar & Years/Unemployed /Retired Unemployed Unemployed & Retired Black & Hispanic White Hispanic Hispanic & Black Black & White Mix Asian & Chinese White Hispanic & Other Black Black Black Mix White & Black Black & Chinese & None Black None None Black & Asian Asian White Hispanic None Mix Asian Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 12/21/101:56 PM
  • 6. blic Assistance Lowest Income Too Little Cash eals on Wheels Elderly seniors living Living in large multi- in large multi-dwelling family dwellings, they are units, they collect a typically one and two pension check as member households, well as apply for elderly seniors living public assistance. alone. Preceded by 50 other cluster groups, cluster 51 is the poorest. They eat poorly and smoke. 50 51 $ 14,000 $ 12,000 Singles Singles & Couples Rent Rent <12 Years/Unemployed <12 Years & Retired Black & Hispanic Black & Hispanic Mix & White Other White Female Female 12/21/101:56 PM