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 Tech upgrade
                                                            Aakash to get more features,
                                                      prices may go down: Suneet Singh
                                                                     Tuli, CEO, Datawind
                                                                                                     Footballer Lionel Messi has been
                                                                                                     signed by EA Sports to be the poster
                                                                                                     boy for its 2012 release FIFA Street                                                   TECHNOMICS
                                   Internet is no child’s play: How                                                                                                                                                Kapil Khandelwal
Upgrade and setup have
                                   to keep children safe from it?                                                                                                                                                 A dose of IT
long been hurdles for
Windows OS owners, said
Steven Sinofsky, Windows
Live president. With the
                                   SANGEETHA CHENGAPPA
                                   BENGALURU, NOV. 27

                                   Shruthi Muddaiah, mother of
                                                                                                                                                    and Trend Micro have already
                                                                                                                                                    launched a range of Internet
                                                                                                                                                    security products for 2012 that
                                                                                                                                                    provide a suite of features like
                                                                                                                                                                                                In healthcare tech
upcoming Windows 8, he
said, Microsoft wants to
make installation an all-
                                   two teenagers, is constantly on
                                   the edge trying to keep a track on
                                   her children’s online activities
                                                                                                                                                    antivirus, anti-spyware, parental
                                                                                                                                                    controls, remote file lock, social
                                                                                                                                                    networking security, web threat
                                                                                                                                                    protection, data theft prevention,
                                                                                                                                                                                                cloud over the cloud
around simpler process.            and spotting potential dangers
Sinosky said the company           before they can inflict any dam-                                                                                 they are also working towards               The healthcare cloud-           ics cloud. Closer home, we
was looking into how best to       ages on them.                                                                                                    educating kids and families to              /mobility venture invest-       are still scratching the sur-
streamline the process for           “I have bought a licensed game,                                                                                ensure their safety online.                 ment hype is out of the bag!    face on how to implement
those updating from                Grand Theft Auto, for my son                                                                                       “We have been running the                 Valuations in healthcare        cloud/mobility solutions at
Windows 7 and customers            which includes cheats, but he                                                                                    ‘Internet Safety for Kids and               cloud/mobility business-        large. Do we need to
starting fresh with the new        still ‘Googles’ for cheat codes                                                                                  Families’ programme, to gener-              model driven companies          encourage users to adopt
OS.“Our aim in improving           from different gaming sites thus                                                                                 ate awareness about social media            have grown over 400 per-        such practices? We are also
setup is to reduce the time        exposing his computer to various                                                                                 sites like LinkedIn, Facebook,              cent in the last one year. If   in the process of figuring
from start to finish so that       malware attacks,” she says.                                                                                      Twitter and promote internet                these valuations continue       out the rules for such inte-
customers can get to                 Like Shruthi, another parent,                                                                                  security videos for kids online, in         to grow at the same rate, we    gration across the ecosys-
Windows and use the full           Vinay Kumar is worried that his                                                                                  India for the last two years,” said         are quickly going to hit the    tem.
power of Windows to further        tech-savvy, 9-year-old daughter                                                                                  Amit Nath, country manager,                 disillusionment zone of           Third: Clearing the regu-
customize and ultimately           may access graphically violent                                                                                   Trend Micro, India and SAARC.               this cloud/mobility, which      latory cloud. The players in
enjoy their new Windows            videos or pornographic sites                                                                                       “With tips from our experts,              will lead to another 'dot       our healthcare ecosystem
experience,” he said.              online.                                                                                                          parents can frame timelines for             com' burst-like scenario.       currently feel that the regu-
                                     The risks of growing up in the                                                                                 their kids to go online and stop            Rather than playing these       lation elephant is wearing
    Robot scan                     digital age are increasing every-
                                   day says cyber security experts.
                                                                                                                                                    them from posting sensitive per-
                                                                                                                                                    sonal information on social net-
                                                                                                                                                                                                valuations games, I have a
                                                                                                                                                                                                more pragmatic approach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                a     blindfold.     Pharma,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                devices, diagnostics and
                                   “Today, children are developing                                                                                  works, choose who they commu-               in investing and looking        other players are not sure if
                                   their online identity at an earlier                                                                              nicate with, and predefine which            into the inherent business      the tablets or mobile
                                   age than before. They need par-                                                                                  games and websites they can                 models of such ventures'        devices provided by them
                                   ents, teachers and others to help                                                                                access. A lost credit card can be           that can be disruptive and      to the doctors for data col-
                                   them figure out where to go,                                                                                     replaced, however, if your kid’s            stand the acid test of their    lection and closer integra-
                                   what to say, how to act, and per-                                                                                identity and personal informa-              valuation on five key fac-      tion is deemed as a gift as
                                   haps most importantly how not                                                                                    tion gets compromised, it is very           tors.                           per MCI norms. The ser-
                                   to act,” said Vanessa Van Petten,                                                                                difficult to undo the damage,”                First: The adoption of        vice providers have no clar-
                                   youthologist and author of            their parent’s credit card to shop                                         added Amit.                                 these technologies that dri-    ity on the rules for revenue
                                   Radical Parenting.                    online for music, magazine sub-
                                                                                                               Negative situations                    Consumer awareness about                  ves the revenue models.         recognition from the taxa-
                                     “Negative situations online can     scriptions and event tickets with-    online can have                      online security threats in India is         There have been umpteen         tion angle. Fourth: Intero-
                                   have repercussions in the real        out the knowledge of their par-                                            pretty much stagnating at a                 studies and surveys that        perability and standardisa-
                                   world — from bullying to losing       ents. While 26 per cent of kids       repercussions in the                 decade-ago level says Altaf                 have thrown in figures of       tion issues. While there are
                                   money on scams to giving              admitted to visiting adult con-       real world - from bul-               Halde, MD, Kaspersky Lab,                   current adoption on mobili-     several international stan-
                                   strangers personal information,”      tent sites when their parents are                                          South Asia.                                 ty and cloud-based busi-        dards that are well recog-
                                   she says.                             not around, 30 per cent had seen      lying to losing money                  “To increase awareness, we                ness models. The crux is        nised and adopted by a
A jail in Pohang, South              The Norton Online Family            violent images, games and videos                                           have initiated a student project            laptop and notebook PCs         large majority of the play-
Korea, will soon begin a one-      Report 2011 reveals that 60 per       online.                               on scams to giving                   this year where MBA and engi-               are common in the medical       ers, the issue is to bring all
month trial of three new           cent of kids in India have had          “The statistics show the real       strangers personal                   neering students from across the            community but the next          players on a single interop-
robots, which will be there in     serious negative experiences          need for further educating par-                                            country have been invited to pre-           wave of mobile adoption is      erable standard.
a support capacity to moni-        online, such as, receiving inap-      ents and teachers, who play an        information                          sent research papers on the                 well underway as health-          Finally: Managing the
tor for “abnormal behavior.”       propriate       pictures      from    enormous role in keeping their                                             theme, ‘IT Security for the Next            care workers turn to            disruptive business model
The robots, which stand            strangers, being bullied or           kids and themselves safe online”               –– Vanessa Van Petten,      Generation’ at the International            tablets, smartphones and        and the transition risks. I
about five feet tall, were         becoming the victims of cyber         said Effendy Ibrahim, Internet                           youthologist      Student Conference hosted by                applications to increase        have seen many innovative
developed by the Asian             crime. It said that 84 per cent of    Safety Advocate & Director,                                                Kaspersky Lab. The most innova-             productivity and improve        business models in this
Forum for Corrections. The         kids on social networks often         Consumer       Business,     Asia,   kids in a safe environment like at    tive IT security projects will be           patient care in a bigger        space. I prefer to steer clear
robots are wheeled, and            find themselves in unpleasant         Symantec.                            home or school can be much            chosen by the conference com-               way. Second: The scalabili-     of most assumptive and
equipped with cameras and          situations online, compared to 58       “While 57 per cent of Indian       more effective than secretly mon-     mittee, comprising of our in-               ty across the healthcare        dream-like scenarios. The
other sensors to monitor the       per cent who stay away from           parents say they talk to their       itoring. Parents should also arm      house experts and IT security               ecosystem that drives           cloud/mobility ventures'
inmates. If the robot notices      social networking.                    kids about online safety, 43 per     their children with tools to stay     professors, and the authors will            growth. There is enough         valuation expectations will
what it is programmed to             A further cause for alarm is        cent still secretly check their      safe online,” he said.                be invited to present their papers          hype on how cloud tran-         turn sour as their cloud
understand as “risky behav-        that 20 per cent of the kids have     children’s online activities.          Although IT security firms like     at the regional rounds early next           scended D2C (doctor to con-     bursts when the disruptive
ior,” then they will immedi-       admitted that they have used          Having an open dialogue with         Symantec, Kaspersky, McAfee           year.”                                      sumer) to all the other         business models meet the
ately alert the guards.                                                                                                                                                                         stakeholders such as phar-      harsh ground reality.
                                                                                                                                                                                                ma and device companies,
      Tech plus                                                                TIPS TO KEEP YOUR CHILDREN SAFE ONLINE                                                                           insurance, lab and diagnos-
                                                                                                                                                                                                tics and the government
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Kapil Khandelwal is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                leading healthcare and ICT
OVER 380 PHISHING                  ■ Work as a team to set bound-
                                     aries. Discuss with your chil-
                                                                           outward into the room so
                                                                           there is no secrecy.
                                                                                                                cyberspace for long periods of
                                                                                                                                                    ■ Don’t let your children open
                                                                                                                                                      attachments on emails from
                                                                                                                                                                                                health workers to integrate
                                                                                                                                                                                                a national health informat-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                expert.   Kapil@KapilKh-
INCIDENTS IN 2011                    dren exactly what is fine and       ■ Stress to your children that
                                                                                                                                                                                                We also have Siri-like
                                                                                                              ■ Make it clear to your children        friends or file-sharing services
                                     what is ‘out of bounds’               they need to tell you if they        that people in chat rooms are         without you being there to
                                     regarding the sites, chat             receive any odd or upsetting                                               approve and scan the content
                                                                                                                always strangers, no matter
                                     rooms they visit, and the kind
                                                                                                                                                                                                technology: Microsoft
                                                                           messages while chatting, and         how often they chat with              for viruses.
                                     of conversation they can have         that you will not be angry with
                                     there. Only let them use moni-                                             them, and no matter how well        ■ Install up-to-date security
                                                                           them or ban the Internet as a        they think they know them.            software on your PC.
                                     tored chat rooms. Avoid “.alt”        result.
                                     chat rooms as they focus on                                              ■ Make sure your child under-         ■ Learn how to save chat sessi-             Washington, Nov. 27: At         through Bing or send texts
                                     alternative topics that may be      ■ Set strict time limits for                                                                                           the Techonomy conference        while using natural lan-
                                                                           Internet use and enforce them.       stands that they are never to         on logs, how to block users,
                                     inappropriate for children.                                                reveal personally-identifiable        and how to report problems.               in     Tuscon,      Arizona,    guage. In fact, Tellme does
                                                                           Software is available that                                                                                           Microsoft’s Chief Research      things Siri does not as of
                                   ■ Position the computer in your         enforces these limits. Ban late-     information such as their real        You can save sessions by cop-
                                                                                                                                                                                                and Strategy Officer, Craig     yet, such as transcribing
                                     main living space and make            night use. Do not permit your        name, gender, age, school,            ying and pasting the message                                              voicemails       to     text.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Mundie, dismissed Apple’s
Over 380 phishing incidents          sure that the monitor faces           children to be left alone in         phone number, etc.                    text into a word document.                new voice recognition tech-     However, the Microsoft
have been reported in the                                                                                                                                                                       nology      as    something     official conceded the com-
January-October 2011 period                                                                                                                                                                     Microsoft has had for over      pany had a few things to
and 508 in 2010 to the                                                                                                                                                                          a year in Windows Phone 7.      learn about marketing.
Indian Computer Emergency
Response Team (CERT-In),
the government said Friday.
 “A total number of 508 and
                                 Is Facebook starting to lose its touch?                                                                                                                          In an interview with
                                                                                                                                                                                                Forbes discussing user
                                                                                                                                                                                                interfaces, Craig Mundie
                                                                                                                                                                                                was asked about Apple’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Craig Mundie suggested,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                “maybe we need to pick a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                feature and hammer on it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                harder,” while explaining
386 phishing incidents have      New      York,      Nov.27:    developers conference that     tionless experiences” and       that automatically opted       theme: This time, the prob-       personal voice assistant,       that Apple had little choice
been reported to CERT-In in      Facebook is steamrolling       it was upgrading its Open      “real-time serendipity.” At     all users into its sharing     lem is that Facebook is get-      Siri. Mundie replied, “as a     but to push Siri hard. His
the year 2010 and during         forward. It now boasts 800     Graph          technology.     the time, only a few            features.      In     time,    ting the social web wrong.        technological capability,       reasoning is that many peo-
January-October 2011             million active users. The      Facebook     CEO     Mark      observers found them to be      Facebook learned to allow      One of the key reasons for        you could argue that            ple were disappointed with
respectively,” Minister of       company is reportedly          Zuckerberg      introduced     scary. “They are seeking        users to opt in. But more      Facebook’s success is that        Microsoft has had a similar     the iPhone 4S. The disap-
State for Communications         preparting for an initial      Open Graph in 2010 to let      out information to report       importantly,      its   site   Zuckerberg didn’t try to          capability in Windows           pointment stemmed from
and IT Sachin Pilot said. The    public offering. It’s laying   web sites and apps share       about you,” wrote develop-      changed how its users          tell its users how to use a       Phones for more than a          the lack of substantial
minister also said a large       plans to sell a Facebook       information about users        er and blogger Dave             thought about privacy          social network. He kept           year, since Windows Phone       changes to separate it from
number of phishing incidents     phone, strengthening its       with     Facebook.     The     Winer. But suddenly, a          online. Today, it’s a given    things simple and made            7 was introduced”.              the iPhone 4. As a result,
leading to hacking of bank       presence on the mobile         revamped Open Graph            critical mass of critics are    that the web is evolving       changes only when the               Mundie went on to point       Apple had to focus on the
accounts have also been          web. But Facebook’s plans      takes sharing to a new         speaking up about the           into a social landscape        online behavior of users          out that Tellme, the eventu-    one thing that would turn
reported.                        may be hampered by a new       level, allowing apps that      changes, how they affect        where sharing personal         dictated them. Zuckerberg         al fruit of an acquisition in   eyeballs: Siri. Voice recog-
                                 backlash against the com-      automatically share what       users and publishers alike.     information online is          believed that, in time, peo-      2007, does what Siri does.      nition itself is actually far
 APPly yourself                  pany’s efforts to get its
                                 users to share more of
                                                                articles users are reading
                                                                or what music they’re lis-
                                                                                                 Facebook has had its
                                                                                               share of controversies in
                                                                                                                               increasingly common. You
                                                                                                                               either learn to share, or
                                                                                                                                                              ple would grow more com-
                                                                                                                                                              fortable sharing personal
                                                                                                                                                                                                Windows Phone 7 and even
                                                                                                                                                                                                Xbox users are most likely
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                from new but Apple would
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                certainly suggest that they
                                 their lives online.            tening to.                     the past. In 2007, it intro-    you stay off Facebook.         data on its site, even if they    already familiar with the       do it better, leveraging
                                   In September, Facebook         Zuckerberg said the new      duced Beacon, an early            The latest round of com-     found it creepy at first.         product. You can ask it for     decade-old technology from
                                 announced at its annual f8     feature would allow “fric-     version of Open Graph           plaints have a different                           —Reuters      directions, search the web      DARPA.            —Techspot

                                        The technology of fun: Four things to keep you going through the week
                                                    Rockstar announced a Special Edition of Max Payne 3, which includes exclusive multiplayer content. The popular Rage demo to be released soon on Xbox Live and PSN.

                                         GAMES                                                  WEBSITE                                               BORED AT THE OFFICE?                                      GIZMOS
 goFollow is an extremely
 simple app which allows
 you to instantly view
                                                                                          THERE I FIXED IT                                                                                               XPS 14Z
                                                                                           Link:                                                                  Developer: Dell
 your GPS coordinates,                                                                                                                                                                                   Price: From `48,900 to `67,900
 and easily send directions                                                                In the case of, we are talking                                                              The Good: Pleasantly light and compact.
 to friends.                                                                               about kludging to the tenth power! See some                                                                   Excellent keyboard and touchpad
 Android                                                                                   outlandish examples of how to fix automobile                                                                  The Bad: Needs more USB port. Could use
                                                                                           steering, toilet problems, and home renova-                                                                   slightly more pixels on screen
 COLOR MAIL                                                                                tions. These are not photoshopped images...
                                                                                           every submission here is a candid photo of            DREAMr:ZOO                                              The Verdict: Dell’s XPS 14z offers a balanced
                                                                                                                                                                                                         approach to thin-and-light, full featured lap-
 This web application                                                                      real-life DIY nightmares. This safe-for-work          Develope                                                tops, but has only two USB ports.
 helps you to create a
 colour styled email tem-
                                     SAINTS ROW: THE THIRD                                 site is guaranteed for good chuckles, and you
                                                                                           could probably show this to your boss and
 plate and then you can
 use it directly in your iOS
                                     Console: PS3/XBox 360/PC            8.5               have her/him laugh with you, too.           

 Mail app to send a color-
                                     Game type: Single-player, multi-
                                     player                                10                                                                    In Dream Zoo players create and expand their
                                                                                                                                                 zoo by breeding animals only found in their
 ful email to your friends.          Developer: Volition, Inc.                                                                                   wildest, most psychedelic dreams. Rainbow
 You can simply generate             The Good: ● Great assortment of vehicles and                                                                giraffes, polka dot baboons, and colorful
 a colorful email from               weapons with which to wreak explosive havoc                                                                 zebras roam around animal kingdoms that
 plenty of templates. Just           ● Outrageous story missions and fun activities                                                              players create and decorate. Players connect
 tap to choose a theme               ● Wonderful variety of customization options                                                                and visit their friends’ zoos to discover differ-
 from all categories, then           The bad: ● Visually unimpressive ● Occasional                                                               ent habitats and terrains for a truly social
 browse and choose your              glitches.                                                                                                   experience. Dream Zoo enables players to
                                     The verdict: Fantastic missions, outrageous                                                                 watch their animals grow from babies to
 favorite template, you              weapons, and awesome vehicles make the                                                                      adults, building emotional connections with
 can then use it directly in         open-world mayhem of Saints Row: The Third                                                                  the breeds they created themselves — thou-
 Mail App.                           an absolute blast.                                                                                          sands of animal varieties possible.

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Integrative medicine becons ICT vendors: Kapil Khandelwal, www.kapilkhandelwa...
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In healthtech, its cloud over cloud : Kapil Khandelwal,

  • 1. cmyk cmyk PAGE 13 BENGALURU MONDAY 28 | NOVEMBER 2011 Tech upgrade Aakash to get more features, prices may go down: Suneet Singh Tuli, CEO, Datawind Footballer Lionel Messi has been signed by EA Sports to be the poster boy for its 2012 release FIFA Street TECHNOMICS Internet is no child’s play: How Kapil Khandelwal MS TO STREAMLINE WINDOWS 8 Upgrade and setup have to keep children safe from it? A dose of IT long been hurdles for Windows OS owners, said Steven Sinofsky, Windows Live president. With the SANGEETHA CHENGAPPA BENGALURU, NOV. 27 Shruthi Muddaiah, mother of and Trend Micro have already launched a range of Internet security products for 2012 that provide a suite of features like In healthcare tech upcoming Windows 8, he said, Microsoft wants to make installation an all- two teenagers, is constantly on the edge trying to keep a track on her children’s online activities antivirus, anti-spyware, parental controls, remote file lock, social networking security, web threat protection, data theft prevention, cloud over the cloud around simpler process. and spotting potential dangers Sinosky said the company before they can inflict any dam- they are also working towards The healthcare cloud- ics cloud. Closer home, we was looking into how best to ages on them. educating kids and families to /mobility venture invest- are still scratching the sur- streamline the process for “I have bought a licensed game, ensure their safety online. ment hype is out of the bag! face on how to implement those updating from Grand Theft Auto, for my son “We have been running the Valuations in healthcare cloud/mobility solutions at Windows 7 and customers which includes cheats, but he ‘Internet Safety for Kids and cloud/mobility business- large. Do we need to starting fresh with the new still ‘Googles’ for cheat codes Families’ programme, to gener- model driven companies encourage users to adopt OS.“Our aim in improving from different gaming sites thus ate awareness about social media have grown over 400 per- such practices? We are also setup is to reduce the time exposing his computer to various sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, cent in the last one year. If in the process of figuring from start to finish so that malware attacks,” she says. Twitter and promote internet these valuations continue out the rules for such inte- customers can get to Like Shruthi, another parent, security videos for kids online, in to grow at the same rate, we gration across the ecosys- Windows and use the full Vinay Kumar is worried that his India for the last two years,” said are quickly going to hit the tem. power of Windows to further tech-savvy, 9-year-old daughter Amit Nath, country manager, disillusionment zone of Third: Clearing the regu- customize and ultimately may access graphically violent Trend Micro, India and SAARC. this cloud/mobility, which latory cloud. The players in enjoy their new Windows videos or pornographic sites “With tips from our experts, will lead to another 'dot our healthcare ecosystem experience,” he said. online. parents can frame timelines for com' burst-like scenario. currently feel that the regu- The risks of growing up in the their kids to go online and stop Rather than playing these lation elephant is wearing Robot scan digital age are increasing every- day says cyber security experts. them from posting sensitive per- sonal information on social net- valuations games, I have a more pragmatic approach a blindfold. Pharma, devices, diagnostics and “Today, children are developing works, choose who they commu- in investing and looking other players are not sure if their online identity at an earlier nicate with, and predefine which into the inherent business the tablets or mobile age than before. They need par- games and websites they can models of such ventures' devices provided by them ents, teachers and others to help access. A lost credit card can be that can be disruptive and to the doctors for data col- them figure out where to go, replaced, however, if your kid’s stand the acid test of their lection and closer integra- what to say, how to act, and per- identity and personal informa- valuation on five key fac- tion is deemed as a gift as haps most importantly how not tion gets compromised, it is very tors. per MCI norms. The ser- to act,” said Vanessa Van Petten, difficult to undo the damage,” First: The adoption of vice providers have no clar- youthologist and author of their parent’s credit card to shop added Amit. these technologies that dri- ity on the rules for revenue Radical Parenting. online for music, magazine sub- Negative situations Consumer awareness about ves the revenue models. recognition from the taxa- “Negative situations online can scriptions and event tickets with- online can have online security threats in India is There have been umpteen tion angle. Fourth: Intero- have repercussions in the real out the knowledge of their par- pretty much stagnating at a studies and surveys that perability and standardisa- world — from bullying to losing ents. While 26 per cent of kids repercussions in the decade-ago level says Altaf have thrown in figures of tion issues. While there are money on scams to giving admitted to visiting adult con- real world - from bul- Halde, MD, Kaspersky Lab, current adoption on mobili- several international stan- strangers personal information,” tent sites when their parents are South Asia. ty and cloud-based busi- dards that are well recog- she says. not around, 30 per cent had seen lying to losing money “To increase awareness, we ness models. The crux is nised and adopted by a A jail in Pohang, South The Norton Online Family violent images, games and videos have initiated a student project laptop and notebook PCs large majority of the play- Korea, will soon begin a one- Report 2011 reveals that 60 per online. on scams to giving this year where MBA and engi- are common in the medical ers, the issue is to bring all month trial of three new cent of kids in India have had “The statistics show the real strangers personal neering students from across the community but the next players on a single interop- robots, which will be there in serious negative experiences need for further educating par- country have been invited to pre- wave of mobile adoption is erable standard. a support capacity to moni- online, such as, receiving inap- ents and teachers, who play an information sent research papers on the well underway as health- Finally: Managing the tor for “abnormal behavior.” propriate pictures from enormous role in keeping their theme, ‘IT Security for the Next care workers turn to disruptive business model The robots, which stand strangers, being bullied or kids and themselves safe online” –– Vanessa Van Petten, Generation’ at the International tablets, smartphones and and the transition risks. I about five feet tall, were becoming the victims of cyber said Effendy Ibrahim, Internet youthologist Student Conference hosted by applications to increase have seen many innovative developed by the Asian crime. It said that 84 per cent of Safety Advocate & Director, Kaspersky Lab. The most innova- productivity and improve business models in this Forum for Corrections. The kids on social networks often Consumer Business, Asia, kids in a safe environment like at tive IT security projects will be patient care in a bigger space. I prefer to steer clear robots are wheeled, and find themselves in unpleasant Symantec. home or school can be much chosen by the conference com- way. Second: The scalabili- of most assumptive and equipped with cameras and situations online, compared to 58 “While 57 per cent of Indian more effective than secretly mon- mittee, comprising of our in- ty across the healthcare dream-like scenarios. The other sensors to monitor the per cent who stay away from parents say they talk to their itoring. Parents should also arm house experts and IT security ecosystem that drives cloud/mobility ventures' inmates. If the robot notices social networking. kids about online safety, 43 per their children with tools to stay professors, and the authors will growth. There is enough valuation expectations will what it is programmed to A further cause for alarm is cent still secretly check their safe online,” he said. be invited to present their papers hype on how cloud tran- turn sour as their cloud understand as “risky behav- that 20 per cent of the kids have children’s online activities. Although IT security firms like at the regional rounds early next scended D2C (doctor to con- bursts when the disruptive ior,” then they will immedi- admitted that they have used Having an open dialogue with Symantec, Kaspersky, McAfee year.” sumer) to all the other business models meet the ately alert the guards. stakeholders such as phar- harsh ground reality. ma and device companies, Tech plus TIPS TO KEEP YOUR CHILDREN SAFE ONLINE insurance, lab and diagnos- tics and the government Kapil Khandelwal is a leading healthcare and ICT OVER 380 PHISHING ■ Work as a team to set bound- aries. Discuss with your chil- outward into the room so there is no secrecy. cyberspace for long periods of time. ■ Don’t let your children open attachments on emails from health workers to integrate a national health informat- expert. Kapil@KapilKh- INCIDENTS IN 2011 dren exactly what is fine and ■ Stress to your children that We also have Siri-like ■ Make it clear to your children friends or file-sharing services what is ‘out of bounds’ they need to tell you if they that people in chat rooms are without you being there to regarding the sites, chat receive any odd or upsetting approve and scan the content always strangers, no matter rooms they visit, and the kind technology: Microsoft messages while chatting, and how often they chat with for viruses. of conversation they can have that you will not be angry with there. Only let them use moni- them, and no matter how well ■ Install up-to-date security them or ban the Internet as a they think they know them. software on your PC. tored chat rooms. Avoid “.alt” result. chat rooms as they focus on ■ Make sure your child under- ■ Learn how to save chat sessi- Washington, Nov. 27: At through Bing or send texts alternative topics that may be ■ Set strict time limits for the Techonomy conference while using natural lan- Internet use and enforce them. stands that they are never to on logs, how to block users, inappropriate for children. reveal personally-identifiable and how to report problems. in Tuscon, Arizona, guage. In fact, Tellme does Software is available that Microsoft’s Chief Research things Siri does not as of ■ Position the computer in your enforces these limits. Ban late- information such as their real You can save sessions by cop- and Strategy Officer, Craig yet, such as transcribing main living space and make night use. Do not permit your name, gender, age, school, ying and pasting the message voicemails to text. Mundie, dismissed Apple’s Over 380 phishing incidents sure that the monitor faces children to be left alone in phone number, etc. text into a word document. new voice recognition tech- However, the Microsoft have been reported in the nology as something official conceded the com- January-October 2011 period Microsoft has had for over pany had a few things to and 508 in 2010 to the a year in Windows Phone 7. learn about marketing. Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), the government said Friday. “A total number of 508 and Is Facebook starting to lose its touch? In an interview with Forbes discussing user interfaces, Craig Mundie was asked about Apple’s Craig Mundie suggested, “maybe we need to pick a feature and hammer on it harder,” while explaining 386 phishing incidents have New York, Nov.27: developers conference that tionless experiences” and that automatically opted theme: This time, the prob- personal voice assistant, that Apple had little choice been reported to CERT-In in Facebook is steamrolling it was upgrading its Open “real-time serendipity.” At all users into its sharing lem is that Facebook is get- Siri. Mundie replied, “as a but to push Siri hard. His the year 2010 and during forward. It now boasts 800 Graph technology. the time, only a few features. In time, ting the social web wrong. technological capability, reasoning is that many peo- January-October 2011 million active users. The Facebook CEO Mark observers found them to be Facebook learned to allow One of the key reasons for you could argue that ple were disappointed with respectively,” Minister of company is reportedly Zuckerberg introduced scary. “They are seeking users to opt in. But more Facebook’s success is that Microsoft has had a similar the iPhone 4S. The disap- State for Communications preparting for an initial Open Graph in 2010 to let out information to report importantly, its site Zuckerberg didn’t try to capability in Windows pointment stemmed from and IT Sachin Pilot said. The public offering. It’s laying web sites and apps share about you,” wrote develop- changed how its users tell its users how to use a Phones for more than a the lack of substantial minister also said a large plans to sell a Facebook information about users er and blogger Dave thought about privacy social network. He kept year, since Windows Phone changes to separate it from number of phishing incidents phone, strengthening its with Facebook. The Winer. But suddenly, a online. Today, it’s a given things simple and made 7 was introduced”. the iPhone 4. As a result, leading to hacking of bank presence on the mobile revamped Open Graph critical mass of critics are that the web is evolving changes only when the Mundie went on to point Apple had to focus on the accounts have also been web. But Facebook’s plans takes sharing to a new speaking up about the into a social landscape online behavior of users out that Tellme, the eventu- one thing that would turn reported. may be hampered by a new level, allowing apps that changes, how they affect where sharing personal dictated them. Zuckerberg al fruit of an acquisition in eyeballs: Siri. Voice recog- backlash against the com- automatically share what users and publishers alike. information online is believed that, in time, peo- 2007, does what Siri does. nition itself is actually far APPly yourself pany’s efforts to get its users to share more of articles users are reading or what music they’re lis- Facebook has had its share of controversies in increasingly common. You either learn to share, or ple would grow more com- fortable sharing personal Windows Phone 7 and even Xbox users are most likely from new but Apple would certainly suggest that they their lives online. tening to. the past. In 2007, it intro- you stay off Facebook. data on its site, even if they already familiar with the do it better, leveraging In September, Facebook Zuckerberg said the new duced Beacon, an early The latest round of com- found it creepy at first. product. You can ask it for decade-old technology from announced at its annual f8 feature would allow “fric- version of Open Graph plaints have a different —Reuters directions, search the web DARPA. —Techspot The technology of fun: Four things to keep you going through the week Rockstar announced a Special Edition of Max Payne 3, which includes exclusive multiplayer content. The popular Rage demo to be released soon on Xbox Live and PSN. GAMES WEBSITE BORED AT THE OFFICE? GIZMOS gOFOLLOW GPS goFollow is an extremely simple app which allows you to instantly view THERE I FIXED IT XPS 14Z Link: Developer: Dell your GPS coordinates, Price: From `48,900 to `67,900 and easily send directions In the case of, we are talking The Good: Pleasantly light and compact. to friends. about kludging to the tenth power! See some Excellent keyboard and touchpad Android outlandish examples of how to fix automobile The Bad: Needs more USB port. 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