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Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition

Challenges for the European renewables industry
amidst worldwide competition
Table of Contents

                    Editorial by Alain Chardon	                                                             04

                    Cleantechs are now a fully-fledged industry engaged 	                                   06
                    in worldwide competition	
                    ••Key metrics (global installed capacity and investments, 	                             06
                      generation costs and number of competitors) show that solar
                      PV and wind energy are now mainstream industries
                    ••Developing countries are catching up to the pioneer cleantech 	                       09
                      markets (Europe and the US)

                    Wind: a global competition with regional supply chains 	                                10
                    where Asian competitors are starting to emerge	
                    ••Onshore wind: a mature technology in a large size market	                             10
                    ••Offshore wind: the next frontier	                                                     12

                    Solar PV: an overheated market in 2008-2010 which should 	                              14
                    stabilize in the short term before grid parity takes over	

                    The next blockbuster cleantechs: their development 	                                    16
                    could be hampered by the economic crisis and the lack of
                    political momentum	

                    Key challenges ahead: innovation, operational 	                                         18
                    excellence, smart grid integration	
                    ••European players are more than ever engaged in an innovation 	                        18
                      race – which requires not only internal competition,
                      but also cooperation	
                    ••The European players need more than ever to look for 	                                18
                      operational performance
                    ••Solving the smart grid challenges is key to the success 	                             19
                      of the European cleantech industry

                    Conclusion 	                                                                            19

                                                                Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition    3
Editorial by Alain Chardon

2005-2010 was                                          Cleantechs, especially renewable                       technological maturity and expected
characterized by a faster                              energies, are a key provider of                        breakthroughs;
                                                       sustainable jobs in Europe, with                    n	 Manufacturing & industry: global
development pace. Growth
                                                       already over a million “green jobs”                    rankings and perspectives at a
rates were particularly                                at the end of 2011. 2012 may be at                     global level;
high for onshore wind and                              crossroads with on the one hand, the                n	 Utilities and consumers’ view: cost

solar photovoltaic (PV)                                potential for additional job creation                  components and regulatory drivers.
                                                       by 20201 and, on the other, the
with 27% and 49% CAGR
                                                       European financial crisis and                       While the preceding decade, 1995-
worldwide, respectively                                its impacts.                                        2005 was characterized by relatively
                                                                                                           slow development (8-9% CAGR in
Renewable energies                                     But cleantech markets are not just                  terms of global renewable generation4),
are now a mainstream                                   European or national markets.                       2005-2010 was characterized by a
                                                       Utilities and Manufacturers are now                 faster development pace. Growth rates
electricity generation
                                                       playing in the global market. That                  were particularly high for onshore
industry.                                              is why, in order to complement                      wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) with
                                                       our work on the renewable energy                    27% and 49% CAGR worldwide,
                                                       markets published every year since                  respectively5. Some technologies have
                                                       20062, we launched a new annual                     reached a commercial and industrial
                                                       study called Cleantech tracker in                   stage characterized by a high level
                                                       2009. This study aims to monitor the                of technological maturity, fair costs
                                                       development of renewable energies                   of production, installation and
                                                       as well as new energy technologies                  maintenance. Renewable energies are
                                                       on a global scale. Our definition                   now a mainstream electricity generation
                                                       of cleantechs includes renewable                    industry. The global cleantech market
                                                       energies (e.g. solar, wind, marine,                 proved to be resilient during the
                                                       biomass, etc.) and technologies that                2008-2009 financial and economic
                                                       may enable saving, producing or                     crisis (+0.4% in 2009 on 2008 for
                                                       distributing greener energy (e.g.                   global new investment in renewable
                                                       energy storage, carbon capture and                  energy and +32% in 2010 on 20096).
                                                       storage, etc.). To make it easier                   And while the pioneer markets were
                                                       to compare, we chose to focus                       Europe and the US, Asian countries,
                                                       exclusively on technologies that                    led by China (+29 GW of grid-
                                                       produce electricity, consequently,                  connected renewable capacity in 2010
                                                       the production of heat is out of our                and the leading market in terms of
                                                       scope3. Our approach mixes different                global investments since 20097) are
                                                       types of analyses and viewpoints:                   developing quickly and have ambitious
                                                                                                           plans (China targets 200 GW of
                                                       n	   Markets and technologies:                      onshore wind capacity by 2020 to
                                                            installed capacity and potential               generate 440 TWh of electricity
                                                            development, levels of R&D,                    annually8). Not only has China become

650,000 additional jobs compared to a business-as-usual scenario according to the European Commission

In Capgemini’s European Energy Markets Observatory (EEMO), an annual report that tracks the progress in establishing an open and competitive

electricity and gas market in EU-27
(+ Norway and Switzerland) as well as the progress on the EU Climate-Energy package objectives
    We fully acknowledge that renewable thermal energy is as strategically important – if not more – as renewable electricity. Yet heat markets are
highly fragmented and therefore difficult to study

a leading installer of renewable
energy, but also its Manufacturers have
surpassed those of Western companies
with, for example, Sinovel receiving
first place in 2010 for being the top
solar PV Manufacturer.

What factor will most influence the
European players – the European
crisis or the worldwide renewable
market growth? In both cases, it
is no longer about the market size
but rather about winning the three
industrial challenges listed below:

1.	 Innovation: for European players,
 how to grab new markets wherever
 in the world, to position in the top
 leading vendors and operators and
 to compete successfully against
 international players
2.	 Operational excellence: how
 to streamline the whole chain
 from purchasing, manufacturing,
 installation to operation and
 maintenance (O&M) to gain
 cost efficiency while improving
 operational performance and
 innovation capability
3.	 Smart grids: how to manage an
 efficient integration of renewable
 energy into the grid and what
 transformations in terms of market
 design should be implemented

In this paper, we will provide a
summary of our Cleantech tracker
study as well as provide some clues
relating to these crucial questions.

We wish you an enjoyable read.

    Hydro excluded
    Renewables 2011 Global Status Report – REN21, August 2011
    Global trends in renewable energy investment 2011, UNEP – Bloomberg New Energy Finance, July 2011
    Renewables 2011 Global Status Report – REN21, August 2011
    Country profile China – GWEC, 2011

                                                                                                        Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition   5
Cleantechs are now a fully-fledged industry engaged in
worldwide competition

Key metrics (global                    industry players envisage the                                          Costs of renewable energies
installed capacity and                 “green market” as a bubble.                                            have decreased, competing
investments, generation                However, these investments                                             sometimes with fossil fuel and
                                       weathered the 2008-2009 financial                                      nuclear generation costs
costs and number of                    crisis remarkably well, which
competitors) show that                 demonstrates, if need be, that                                         Drop in raw material prices,
solar PV and wind energy               renewable energy is a mainstream                                       technological improvements and
are now mainstream                     industry. In 2009, globally, new                                       manufacturing on a larger scale have
industries                             investments in large hydro and                                         pushed costs of some renewable
                                       other renewable energies even                                          energies down. In particular,
Renewable energy (hydro                surpassed new investments in                                           onshore wind costs (long run
excluded) accounted for almost         fossil fuel capacities. It is also                                     generation costs between €42 and
a third of the estimated 194 GW        worth noting that the 2008-2009                                        €80/MWh) are now close to fossil
of new electricity capacity added      financial crisis was a turning point                                   fuel (€48/MWh to €76/MWh) and
globally in 20109                      in the geographical polarization                                       nuclear generation (€34/MWh to
                                       of investments. Prior to the crisis,                                   €62/MWh) costs13.
Installation of new renewable          Europe and the US attracted the
energy capacities progressed on        majority of investments (mainly in                                     Solar PV still remains the most
almost all fronts in 2010, with        wind projects); during the crisis,                                     expensive renewable energy even
wind and solar energy having           emerging countries, in particular                                      if costs of modules have dropped
almost met or surpassed the            Brazil and China, took over the                                        by 80% in only eight years. In
most optimistic short-term yearly      US and Europe and lately, China                                        certain sun-rich regions of the
forecasts (onshore wind: 38.3 GW       confirmed its position of top                                          world with high electricity prices,
realized vs. 40.8 GW forecasted10      investor. In 2011, however, the US                                     grid parity is reached or very nearly
or solar PV: 16.6 GW realized vs.      moved back ahead of China12.                                           reached. Experts expect that due to
10.1 GW forecasted11). China alone
developed huge onshore wind
capacities, representing 50% of the
world’s newly installed capacity         Table 1 – Generation capacities added in 2010 in EU-27
in 2010 (vs. 36% in 2009). In
Europe, 2011 and 2010 have been             MW
outstanding years for solar PV

installations (especially roof-top),                                                                                 Installed
which come second after gas in                                                                                       Decommissioned

terms of new installed capacities
(see Table 1).

Investments have increased

more than six-fold between
2004 and 2010, reaching








US$260 billion in 2011



From 2004 to 2008, global new
investments in renewable energy






                                                                                                               Fu e








showed outstanding growth rates:












almost 50% on average even





though the evolution was different
from one type of renewable to           Source: Market outlook for photovoltaics until 2015, EPIA – April 2011
the other (see Table 2), making

further technological progress and the                    Table 2 – Year-on-year evolution of global new investments per type of renewable
continuous increase in electricity retail
prices, grid parity will be a reality for all
                                                                                                   2008                       2009                 2010
European countries by 2020.
                                                            Wind                                    23%                       16%                   30%
Moreover, wind and solar PV
capacities now significantly impact                         Solar                                   55%                         4%                  52%
the marginal price of electricity in                        Biomass                                -11%                       14%                   -4%
organized markets. Their marginal
costs being close to €0/MWh,                                Biofuels                                -7%                      -63%                  -20%
when these capacities produce a
                                                            Small hydro                             16%                      -29%                  -22%
substantial amount of electricity,
the most inefficient and expensive                          Geothermal                             -16%                      -13%                   43%
fossil marginal plants are not
run which therefore lowers the                              Marine                                 -75%                      100%                  -50%
spot marginal cost of electricity .
                                                            Total                                   23%                         0%                  32%
This was illustrated in July 2010
in Germany: the sunny weather                            Source: Global trends in renewable energy investments 2011, UNEP,
led the 10 GW of solar capacity                          Bloomberg New Energy Finance – July 2011 / Capgemini Consulting analysis

to produce a high output of
electricity14. This lowered the spot
prices which benefited buyers, but                     strategy towards renewable energies                         Renovables) being reintegrated by
decreased the margin of the hydro                      after the German government’s                               the mother company. Even oil majors
peak generators in neighboring                         decision to phase out nuclear                               (Petrobras, BP, Total) are selectively
countries (who usually make their                      energy, Areva, GE, etc). On the                             investing in cleantechs. Tender
profits during the summer).                            operators’ side, the same can                               processes for significant projects such
                                                       be observed with specialized or                             as the offshore wind tenders in the
Renewable Manufacturers and                            early adopters operators (Spanish                           North Sea and France, attract all of
operators as well as diversified                       Fotosolar, Iberdrola, Acciona,                              these players who, for submitting
Manufacturers and Utilities are                        French Compagnie du Vent) now                               their bids, get organized into
battling over market shares on                         followed or bought by larger                                consortiums gathering specialized
the cleantech market                                   Utilities (EDF GDF SUEZ, E.ON,
                                                                      ,                                            companies in design, development,
                                                       Enel, EDP or RWE Innogy) who                                construction and operation of
Renewable Manufacturers (German                        all have ambitious plans to further                         renewable energy projects, turbine
Q-Cells or Enercon, Danish Vestas,                     develop their renewable energy                              manufacturers, engineering and
Spanish Gamesa, etc.) have first                       capacities. It is worth noting that                         construction companies, power
emerged on the market and have                         the last few years have seen many of                        cables manufacturers and installers
been followed by large and long-                       the independent players absorbed                            for a market of 140 GW, which is
standing Manufacturers (Siemens                        by large Utilities or renewables                            estimated to be between €400 and
who has recently revisited its                         subsidiaries (EDF EN, Iberdrola                             €500 billion by 2030.

    Renewables 2011 Global Status Report, August 2011 – REN21
     Global Wind report 2010, 2nd ed., April 2011 and Global Wind report 2009, April 2010 – GWEC
    Market Outlook for Photovoltaics until 2015, March 2011 and Market Outlook for Photovoltaics until 2014, May 2010 – EPIA
     Global investment in clean energy, January 2012 – Bloomberg New Energy Finance
     Refer to the 13th edition of Capgemini’s European Energy Markets Observatory
     From €4 to €6/MWh according to a German research institute (IZES), i.e. a price decrease for large industrials between €520 and €840 million in
Germany in 2011

                                                                                                                     Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition   7
Table 3 – Annual new financial investments in renewable energies worldwide and per region

                                       New financial investments (US$ bn)                                   Capacity added (GW)
                                       excluding Corporate and Government R&D,                             excluding biofuels and small hydro
                                       including distributed solar PV

                                        240                                                                  80
                                                                               202                                                               65
                                        200                                                  Other*                                                     Other**
                                                  153           153                                          60
                                        160                                                  Biofuels                                50                 Biomass
                       World            120                                                  Biomass         40       36                                Solar
                                                                                             Solar                                                      Wind
                                                                                             Wind            20
                                           0                                                                   0
                                                  2008           2009           2010                                 2008            2009        2010

                                        100                                                                  50
                                          80                                                                 40
                                                   63             66
                                                                                             Other           30                                  28     Other
                       EU-27              40
                                                                                                             20                       18                Biomass
                                                                                             Wind                      14
                                          20                                                                 10
                                           0                                                                   0
                                                  2008           2009           2010                                 2008            2009        2010

                                        100                                                                  50
                                          80                                                                 40
                    North                 60
                                                                                                             30                                         Other

                   America                40       34                            35
                                                                                             Wind            20
                                                                  22                                                    9                         8     Solar
                                          20                                                                 10
                                           0                                                                   0                                        Wind
                                                  2008           2009           2010                                 2008            2009        2010

                                        100                                                                  50
                                          80                                                                 40
                                          60                                                 Other           30                                  27
                    Asia &                         36
                                                                                             Solar                                   17
                                          40                                                                 20                                         Biomass
                   Oceania                20                                                 Wind            10
                                                                                                                       9                                Solar
                                           0                                                                   0
                                                  2008           2009           2010                                 2008            2009        2010

                                        100                                                                  50
                                          80                                                                 40                                         Other
                                          60                                                 Other           30                                         Biomass
         Rest of World                    40                                                 Solar
        Middle East, Africa and                                                                              20                                         Solar
                                                   20                            22          Wind
                South America             20                      16                                         10
                                                                                                                                       2                Wind
                                                                                                                        0                         2
                                           0                                                                   0
                                                  2008           2009           2010                                 2008            2009        2010

    Note: *Other: small hydro, geothermal, marine; **Other: Geothermal, marine
    Source: Global trends in renewable energy investments 2011, UNEP, Bloomberg New Energy Finance – July 2011 / Capgemini Consulting analysis

Developing countries are                Asian Manufacturers are now             and panels are massively imported
catching up to the pioneer              taking the lead over their              to it from Asia. Asian players have
cleantech markets (Europe               European peers, which have              managed to establish large companies
                                        been pioneers and industry              which produce at low prices. As
and the US)                             leaders for the last two decades        Asia now represents a major (and
                                                                                growing) share of the global onshore
From a geographical
                                        On the manufacturing front, there is    wind market, there is a trend for
standpoint, the potential for
                                        a clear shift in production from the    installing local/regional production
development has shifted from
                                        Western countries to Asia. Historical   sites in this region, for both Western
Western Europe and the US to
                                        European leaders now face a new         and Asian Manufacturers, in order
Central Eastern Europe and the
                                        and fierce competition from Chinese     to reduce shipping costs. The cards
                                        (and also Korean) players, for both     are reshuffled both in the wind and
Mirroring the investments’ trend,       solar PV cells and modules and          solar PV industries: there are some
the potential for development of        onshore wind turbines. Furthermore,     bankruptcies (Solon in Germany,
renewable energies projects is now      most European and American              Photowatt in France), companies
mainly located in areas presenting      Manufacturers are progressively         in difficulty (Danish Vestas or
high economic growth perspectives,      developing production capacities out    German Q-cells, which are laying
favorable governmental support          of their home countries in order to     off employees), Western companies
and the need for competencies. The      reduce costs and address new markets    investing in Asia (Gamesa conquering
situation in Europe has evolved         efficiently. Manufacturing solar PV     the Indian wind market), Asian
unfavorably, with an expected           has clearly become a global market.     Manufacturers receiving the top rank
slowdown in capacity added and          As Europe is the lion share of the      (JA Solar gaining four ranks in only
investments, and weaker economic        global solar PV market (80%), cells     one year).
perspectives for the coming years.

The playing field has thus become
international and many players
have well understood this shift as
reflected in their strategy:

n	Global wind Manufacturers shift
  their investment focus from Europe
  to the USA and China,
n	Enel wants to pursue its

  growth in renewable energies
  in Latin America, Russia and
  Eastern Europe,
n	GDF Suez or EDF are competing

  in their home market, both
  candidates for the offshore wind
  projects in France, but eye also
  foreign markets,
n	Iberdrola continues its development

  in Latin America and in renewable
  energies (investments for the
  period 2010-12 amounted to
  €5.3 billion, e.g. one-third of its
  whole investment program).

                                                                                 Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition   9
Wind: a global competition with regional supply chains
where Asian competitors are starting to emerge

Onshore wind: a mature                               Europe (for example Poland plans                               supporting the deployment of wind
technology in a large                                3,350 MW by 2015 and 5,600 MW                                  energy which is reflected by the
size market                                          by 2020 and Romania has currently                              increased number of projects under
                                                     2,624 MW of capacity covered by                                construction (over 100 projects for
On a global scale, on-track with                     connection contracts15 ).                                      8,300 MW).
aggressive targets
                                                     In the US, onshore wind installations                          Contrary to Europe and the US,
The aggressive targets established                   slowed down in 2010 after two                                  China has been booming in the last
by the Global Wind Energy Council                    record years, due to the improved                              few years (with a cumulative onshore
(GWEC) for 2010 have almost been                     profitability of gas-fired plants and a                        wind installed capacity doubling
met despite the economic crisis, with                lack of long-term investor confidence                          every year between 2006 and 2009
38.3 GW of capacity added globally (vs.              with unpredictable federal policies                            and a record level of investment of
a forecast of 40.8 GW) and 197 GW                    (no Production Tax Credit extension                            US$20 billion in 200916 ). This trend
of cumulative installed capacity (vs.                expected and no Federal Renewable                              was reinforced in 2010, with 50% of
a forecast of 200 GW). Long-term                     Energy Standard). However, 2011                                global capacity added in 2010 (vs.
forecasts announced in May 2011 are                  ended better than 2010 in terms                                36% in 2009). As a result, China
lower than those of 2009, but remain                 of installations (6,810 MW vs.                                 now has a cumulative capacity of
very high, with cumulative installed                 5,116 MW) as new generation                                    42 GW, higher than that of the US
capacity expected to double by 2014                  wind electricity costs progressively                           and half of that of the EU-27. The
(388 GW, instead of 409 GW                           became affordable. In addition,                                country plans to continue this same
targeted in 2009 forecasts).                         the State governments have been                                trend in 2012.

Europe leading the way, though
less dynamically, the US with                           Table 4 – Annual onshore wind capacity sold per manufacturer
ups-and-downs and China
catching-up rapidly                                        MW
Europe (EU-27) has remained the
biggest installer of onshore wind,                     6,000
with 84 GW of cumulative installed
capacity in 2010. This position is due                 5,000
to pioneer countries such as Germany
                                                                                                                                    4,386   Sinovel
and the Nordics that have developed                    4,000
                                                                                                                                    4,057   Vestas
capacities since the early 1990s.                                                                                                   3,743   GE
They have been caught up recently                                                                                                           Enercon
                                                       3,000                                                                        3,000
by massive adopters in Southern                                                                                                     2,900
Europe such as Spain. These are                                                                                                     2,450   Gamesa

now mature markets with stabilized                     2,000                                                                                Guodian United Power
                                                                                                                                    1,655   Suzlon
yearly growth compared to the past                                                                                                  1,460   MingYang
decade (around 10 additional GW                        1,000                                                                        909     Nordex
                                                                                                                                    788     REpower
per year in Europe in the past three
years). The best sites have been taken                    -                                                                                 Note: Dotted lines for
and projects often encounter public                                    2007              2008              2009              2010           Asian players and plain
                                                                                                                                            lines for Western players
opposition. The new growth area for
onshore wind in EU-27 is Eastern                      Source: Companies’ annual reports and websites, Eur’Observer, BTM Consult /
                                                      Capgemini Consulting consolidation

     Wind Barometer – Eur’Observer, February 2011
     Country profile China referring to UNEP/Bloomberg analysis – GWEC, 2011

China emerging as a major                             presence in growing markets,          European Manufacturers tried to
manufacturing base for onshore                        companies rebalance their workforce   adapt to the changing market focus
wind turbines                                         geographically (Vestas closed four    towards China and Eastern Europe:
                                                      factories in Denmark and one in       Gamesa is investing heavily in China
China has become a major onshore                      Sweden in 2010 and shifted part of    and India and RePower signed
wind turbines manufacturing                           its production to Asia). Other top    contracts in Turkey and Bulgaria18.
country, with four Chinese
companies in the Top 10
(see Table 4). American (GE) and
European Manufacturers (Vestas,
Enercon, Gamesa) are strongly
challenged by Sinovel, Goldwin,
Dongfang and United Power.
They benefit from a booming
domestic market and manage to
provide turbines of fair quality
and prices. The growth of China’s
wind energy sector is supported
by the government’s commitment
through implementation of national
renewable energy policies and
roll out of well-defined medium
and long term development plans.
Since 2008, due to a short supply
of wind turbines, a new breed of
Manufacturers emerged in the
market creating an oversupply in
2010 and making the market price
extremely competitive. India also
appears as a promising market, with
initiatives pushed by the
Indian government17 .

Western players adapting to a
changing industrial landscape

In a move to adapt to the changing
manufacturing environment,
Western companies such as Vestas
align their business strategy to focus
more on markets like China and
the US due to the sluggish pace of
development in mature European
markets. As a step to maintain cost
competitiveness and to increase

     Third quarter results 2011 and the years to come – Vestas, November 2011
     Renewables 2011 Global Status Report – REN21, August 2011

                                                                                             Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition   11
Offshore wind has a lot                                Offshore wind: the                   onshore wind projects, favorable
of advantages in the                                   next frontier                        natural conditions and strong
                                                                                            competencies from wind turbine
European context, with a
                                                       Until now, Europe remains            Manufacturers and Oil & Gas
higher social acceptance                                                                    offshore platforms operators. The
                                                       the only continent with
than for onshore wind                                  significant offshore wind            trend for bigger and bigger wind
projects, favorable natural                            installed capacities                 turbines and more concentrated
                                                                                            wind farms could allow bigger
conditions and strong
                                                       The European cumulative              economies of scale than for
competencies from wind                                 installed capacities stands at       onshore wind in the future,
turbine Manufacturers                                  3.8 GW installed vs. 84 GW           bridging the current cost gap.
and Oil & Gas offshore                                 for onshore wind. Historically,
                                                       the UK and Denmark have been         Injecting electricity within the
platforms operators.
                                                       pioneer countries, with installed    grid from offshore wind will also
The trend for bigger and                               capacities of 1.3 GW and 0.9 GW,     be easier than from onshore wind
bigger wind turbines                                   respectively, in 2010. The UK is     electricity, as it is more predictable
and more concentrated                                  changing scale with new projects     and has steadier regimes through
                                                       in the North Sea, amounting to       day/night periods and winter/
wind farms could allow
                                                       33 GW planned as part of its         summer seasons.
bigger economies of scale                              “Round 3 expansion”. Other
than for onshore wind in                               European countries also have large   Will major offshore wind
the future, bridging the                               plans to develop offshore wind       projects emerge in the rest
                                                       capacities in the North Sea, the     of the world?
current cost gap.
                                                       Netherlands and Germany, and more
                                                       recently in France (see Table 5).    Offshore wind projects, outside
                                                                                            of Europe, depend on the success
                                                       Higher costs, but nice               of flagship projects. Shanghai
                                                       perspectives and higher              Donghai (East Sea) Bridge project
                                                       social acceptance                    is currently the only offshore wind
                                                                                            farm outside Europe. Four other
                                                       Today, offshore wind remains         projects have also been launched
                                                       costly, with an average long run     by China and may be completed
                                                       generation cost of €100-170/MWh      by 2014. China’s offshore wind
                                                       (vs. €42-80/MWh for onshore          potential is estimated to be the
                                                       wind). Actually, installing wind     equivalent of the North Sea’s.
                                                       turbines in sea areas requires       Some analysts predict a strong
                                                       additional investments to assess     development in China by the end
                                                       the geological constraints and       of the decade, with an installed
                                                       to evaluate the environmental        capacity of 30 GW by 202019 (the
                                                       risks as well as higher O&M          official target set by the Chinese
                                                       costs. Still, offshore wind          authorities). North America is also
                                                       has a lot of advantages in the       developing pilot projects: Cape
                                                       European context, with a higher      Wind (US, 468 MW) and Nai Kun
                                                       social acceptance than for           (Canada, 1,750 MW).

     Offshore Wind Power report – Pike, October 2011
     The Worldwatch Institute’s Climate and Energy Blog, August 2011

A first-mover advantage for                               domestic markets. With no doubt,                                Still, Chinese Manufacturers have
European Manufacturers                                    the US and European players                                     started developing prototypes of a
                                                          have a competitive advantage on                                 large-size (5-6 MW) offshore wind
Today, European wind turbine                              advanced/complex technologies                                   turbines: XEMC, Sinovel, Goldwind
Manufacturers benefit from a                              and components that remain core                                 and Guodian United Power, to be
first-mover advantage on their                            elements for offshore wind turbines.                            launched in early 201220.

  Table 5 – Existing and future offshore wind capacity (MW)

                          UK                              DK                               NO                                       SE                            FI
         1,586                            854                         2                                      164                                   26

         48,596                           2,472                       11,394                                 8,279                                 4,293

                           IE                                                                                                                                    EE
         25                                                                                                                                        0
                                                                                            NO                            FI
         3,780                                                                                                                                     1,000

         0                                                                                                                 EE                                     LV
                                                                                DK                                         LV
         6,000                                                                                                                                     200
                          ES                                                                                                                                      PL
         0                                                                                                                                         0
                                                                                   DE                       PL
         6,804                                                                                                                                     900
                                                                FR                                                                                               DE
                          PT                                                                     AT                                                195
         0                                                                                                  HU
                                                                                                 SI                                                31,246
         478                                                                                                                   RO

                                                                                      IT                                        BG


      Capacity as of June 2011
                                                                 BE                                   NL                                  IT
                                                  195                           247                                   0

          11,394                                  1,857                         5,992                                 2,700

      Capacity in 2030

   Source: EWEA / Capgemini Consulting consolidation

                                                                                                                               Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition   13
Solar PV: an overheated market in 2008-2010 which should
stabilize in the short term before grid parity takes over

                                                Too much success kills success,         A progressive increase in the
                                                costly national feed-in-tariff          US, benefiting from sun-rich
                                                schemes revised down                    regions

                                                Solar PV has experienced by far         The situation is less gloomy in the
                                                the largest increase in global          US, with solar PV installations that
                                                installed capacity due to favorable     have progressively increased in the
                                                support schemes implemented by          past few years, thanks to federal
                                                governments over the last four years    schemes (declined at a State-level)
                                                and the dramatic drop in the costs      of production tax credit (PTC),
                                                of modules from 2009 onwards.           investment tax credit (ITC), the
                                                In 2010 and 2011, the bulk of this      treasury grant program (TGP)
                                                rapid and unexpected growth             along with the economic stimulus
                                                came from Western Europe, mostly        package. Additionally, the high
                                                Germany and Italy (both countries       solar radiation coupled with the
                                                accounted for nearly 60% of global      high electricity prices in States
                                                market growth in 2011). However,        like California is expected to make
                                                this growth proved to be very           solar PV quickly competitive. The
                                                costly for countries’ budgets driving   shift in projects from Concentrating
                                                several European Member States          Solar Power (CSP) to solar PV also
                                                (Germany, Italy, Spain, France,         stimulated the market.
                                                Czech Republic and the UK) to
                                                reduce their subsidies strongly to      Chinese Manufacturers now
                                                the solar PV industry which led to a    leading the world market and
                                                market downturn. Globally, capacity     benefiting from a promising
                                                of solar panels manufacturing is        domestic market
                                                now exceeding demand by 38%21,
                                                after a record capacity addition of     China has emerged as a leading
                                                60% in 2011.                            manufacturer by taking the Top 2

     Table 6 – Annual solar PV capacity sold per manufacturer

                                                                        1,507           Suntech
                                                                        1,460           JA Solar
               1,400                                                    1,412           First Solar
                                                                                        Trina Solar
                                                                                        Q Cells
               1,200                                                                    Motech Solar
                                                                        1,064           Sharp
                                                                        1,014           Gintech
               1,000                                                    945             Kyocera
                                                                        910             SunPower
                                                                        827             Canadian Solar
                800                                                                     Hanwah Solar
                                                                                        Neo Solar Power
                                                                        650             REC
                600                                                     584             Solar World
                                                                        500             Sun Earth Solar   Note: Dotted lines for Asian
                                                                        451             E-TON Solartech
                                                                        420                               players and plain lines for
                400                                                     405             Sanyo Electric
                                                                                                          Western players
                                                                        347             China Sunergy
                                                                                                          Source: Companies’ annual
                200                                                                                       reports and websites,
                                                                                                          Eur’Observer, European
                                                                                                          Commission / Capgemini
                 -                                                                                        Consulting consolidation
                            2007         2008           2009          2010

global positions in 2010 in terms of                   (China’s total installed capacity of                           n 	First Solar and SunPower have also
manufacturing capacity (see Table                      solar power reached almost 3 GW                                   opened facilities in Malaysia.
6). European Manufacturers were                        by the end of 2011), increasing its
taken short and did not actually                       installed capacity three-fold.                                 Grid parity is already a reality
benefit from the rapid growth                                                                                         in very sunny regions with high
of their home market, and the                          A trend for consolidation                                      electricity prices
majority of solar PV panels were                       and a shift to Asia for
imported from China (China &                           Western Manufacturers                                          When will grid parity happen? It is
Taiwan reached ca. 60% of global                                                                                      a matter of cost, insulation and the
production in 2010 compared to                         As a consequence of increased                                  level of local end-user electricity
19% in 2006). Suntech, JA Solar,                       supply in the global market, the                               prices. The European Photovoltaic
Yingli and Trina Solar more than                       trend towards sector consolidation                             Industry Association (EPIA)
doubled the capacity supplied in                       through M&As and the move of                                   estimates that grid parity is already
2010 compared to 2009. China’s                         a manufacturing base to Asia is                                a reality in sunny regions such as
aggressive move to become a global                     evident. For example:                                          Los Angeles or Dubai and that grid
manufacturing hub is witnessed by                                                                                     parity may be generalized in Europe
its increased capacity and reduced                     n	Q-Cells, German manufacturer                                 by 2020 to less sunny regions such
module price. Factory gate prices                        of crystalline silicon cells, almost                         as Berlin 23 (see Table 7). Solar PV
were down 33% year-on-year in                            doubled its production and moved                             may even be already at grid parity
early 2011 and are expected to                           about 50% of the production to its                           in the sunniest regions of Italy
fall further should the supply                           new factory in Malaysia between                              (Sicilia or Sardinia) since Italian
and demand imbalance continue.                           2009 and 2010;                                               residential electricity prices are
The Chinese Manufacturers have                         n	The Norwegian manufacturer REC                               amongst the highest in Europe.
managed to attain low prices                             closed three factories in Norway
due to many reasons, including                           and opened one in Singapore;
advantageous loans from Chinese
State-owned banks.
                                                            Table 7 – Solar PV grid parity per customer segment in selected European countries
China is also planning to install
solar PV capacities on its own                                                                         FR             DE              IT         ES          UK
land: the country launched the                                Residential            3 kW             2016           2017            2015      2017         2019
“Golden Sun” program in 2009
                                                              Commercial             100 kW           2018           2017            2013      2014         2017
(providing subsidies to solar PV
power generation projects)22 and is                           Industrial             500 kW           2019           2019            2014      2017         2019
now catching up with 2 GW of solar
                                                           Source: Solar PV – Competing in the energy sector, September 2011, EPIA
PV power installed capacity in 2011

 According to the Norwegian manufacturer REC, cited in « Solaire : les acteurs européens luttent pour leur survie », Les Echos, November 15, 2011

     China Golden Sun Programme (2009, revisited in 2011) – IEA, Policies
     Solar PV: Competing in the energy sector – EPIA, September 2011

                                                                                                                          Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition   15
The next blockbuster cleantechs: their development could
be hampered by the economic crisis and the lack of political

The three main regions                                   With major projects ahead, CSP                         implemented in the 1960s, none of
active in developing CSP                                 could take off in the next three                       the other marine energy systems
                                                         to four years                                          have been successful at a large scale
are the sunny US States
                                                                                                                until now. However, as 75% of the
(California, Florida …),                                 Today, CSP remains small in scale                      world’s surface is covered by oceans,
Spain and the Sahara                                     compared to solar PV with only                         marine energy represents one of the
desert.                                                  1.1 GW of installed capacity globally                  largest renewable energy sources.
                                                         and 2.6 GW of additional capacity                      The IEA estimates the ocean energy’s
                                                         planned to be operational by 201424.                   global potential to range between
                                                                                                                20,000 and 90,000 TWh/year.
                                                         The three main regions active in                       Demonstration projects are under
                                                         developing CSP are the sunny US                        operation across Europe, North
                                                         States (California, Florida …), Spain                  America and Asia. More than 45
                                                         and the Sahara desert. The US was                      wave and tidal prototypes have been
                                                         a pioneer market for CSP in the                        tested in the ocean25. Governments’
                                                         2000s but recently has changed                         interest is rising in the UK, France
                                                         in that some planned projects                          and Portugal. In France, a national
                                                         have been converted into solar PV                      partnership initiative, Ipanema, was
                                                         projects over the last few months,                     created to promote the creation of
                                                         due to dramatic reductions in solar                    marine energies. The UK government
                                                         PV costs. Spain developed its CSP                      gives Utilities that buy electricity
                                                         capacities in 2009 and 2010 at a                       from projects such as SeaGen
                                                         very fast pace, taking the lead over                   double credit towards meeting
                                                         the US. The favorable feed-in-tariff                   their renewable energy targets.
                                                         scheme in Spain provided the                           Additionally, financial incentives are
                                                         regulatory push for technological                      available in the form of capital grants,
                                                         development, but this move is now                      exemption from the Climate Change
                                                         hampered by the financial crisis and                   levy and the opportunity to sell
                                                         fewer investments. The Sahara desert                   renewable obligation credits.
                                                         could be a promising area for the
                                                         development of CSP (Desertec project                   Biomass remains
                                                         in Morocco and Saudi Arabia, Masdar                    under-exploited
                                                         City…). Plans for CSP development
                                                         are also being considered in                           In 2010, global power biomass installed
                                                         Australia, China and India.                            capacity was 62 GW26, e.g. 1.5 times
                                                                                                                the solar PV installed capacity. The
                                                         Marine energy is the next focus                        US and Brazil continue to lead the
                                                         of Utilities and Manufacturers                         power biomass segment, while Europe
                                                                                                                focuses on ensuring the sustainable
                                                         Today, marine (or ocean) installed                     development of this source of energy.
                                                         energy capacities are still rather                     The biomass market for electricity
                                                         small. Besides the French tidal                        generation picks up slowly. Major
                                                         barrage of La Rance (240 MW)                           reasons stem from the fact that:

     Renewables 2011 Global Status Report – REN21, August 2011
     Emerging Energy Research – IHS, October 2010
     Direct firing or co-firing (with coal or natural gas) of solid biomass, municipal organic waste, biogas, and liquid biofuels

n	Sustainability benefits and social
  acceptance are not always so easy
  to establish;
n	Arbitrating between producing

  heat or electricity from biomass
  is not always obvious neither at
  the investment stage nor at the
  operating stage for CHPs;
n	It is a complex market and supply

  chain with many stakeholders and
  actors to align;
n	Its development time is longer

  than that for wind or solar PV
  energy, for example.

Carbon Capture and
Storage (CCS) is still in a
demonstration phase

Although strongly pushed by the IEA
and all the stakeholders involved
in the low-carbon economy, CCS
is not taking off due to difficulties
to reach performing technologies
and too low carbon prices (short-
term certificate prices plunged from
€14/t on average, in 2010, to €7/t in
January 2012), while the long-term
perspective of a worldwide post-
Kyoto agreement on climate change
policies and higher global costs
for CO2 flies away. This explains
why there has not been noticeable
development over the last two years.

On the contrary, the hydro
storage is rejuvenating

The increasing share of intermittent
renewable energy sources coupled        storage systems account for 2 GW.      storage projects planned and under
with the volatility of electricity      In order to support a growing          construction as of May 2011 in
grids is also strengthening             share of intermittent renewables,      Europe. The leading countries
the need for additional energy          a number of European countries         are Switzerland, Portugal, Spain,
storage capacities. Pumped hydro        are rediscovering pumped hydro;        Austria and Germany. For instance,
is the only conventional and            this trend has been reinforced in      in Germany, new pumped storage
commercially mature grid scale          countries that decided to reduce       power stations have been added,
storage option with a capacity of       national exposure to nuclear power     bringing the total new capacity
136 GW worldwide at the end             after the Fukushima events. In total   in fast response technologies to
of 2010, while the other energy         there are around 17 GW of pumped       over 3 GW.

                                                                                Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition   17
Key challenges ahead: innovation, operational excellence,
smart grid integration

European players are more than          A key challenge for the European           budget optimization that renewable
ever engaged in an innovation           industry is to build “coopetition”,        energies are cost-competitive, against
race – which requires not only          i.e. internal competition but also         conventional power generation, and
internal competition, but also          cooperation between European               to gain new markets abroad.
cooperation                             players. However, in a context of
                                        crisis, projects opposing European         This suggests, for example, that
The playing field is now global. This   players and Member States can              operations should be streamlined,
is a threat to the home market (as      lead to value destruction making           as Enel Green Power has done
on the solar PV market) but also        this competition adversarial and           by reviewing its global portfolio
an opportunity to position oneself      counterproductive. Innovation needs        management process to identify
in new markets and to gain market       to be fostered by actively leveraging      improvement opportunities and
shares (as the onshore and offshore     the know-how and research                  to design new processes and
wind markets). To be competitive,       capabilities not only of the established   organization accordingly. Other
the European industry needs a           European cleantech supply chain,           Utilities are taking the same route:
strong domestic market to gain the      but also of the other European hi-         EDF has engaged in a transformation
operational, financial and innovation   tech industries (spatial, aeronautic,      program of its Generation and
momentum required to build its          automotive, etc).                          Engineering Division to improve
international competitiveness.                                                     processes and better make us of
                                        On the international front, European       digital tools, E.ON is now organized
The latest developments on the          operators explore new markets and          into five global units amongst which
offshore wind markets reveal the        entry strategies to gain market shares.    are “managing generation fleet”,
competitive spirit in Europe. In the    Obviously, the best target countries       “renewables business” and “new
UK, France and other European           are those combining significant            build and technology” and Iberdrola
countries, governments, local ports     GDP growth, a stable and favorable         launched a program to improve
and public authorities are getting      regulatory framework supporting the        the efficiency of its operations, in
organized to attract OEM and to         development of renewable energies          particular its O&M operations. On
build the Tier 1 and Tier 2 supply      and a favorable economic and legal         the Manufacturers’ side, Vestas is
chains. All the elements are there to   framework allowing the setting up of       implementing a transformation plan
initiate the emergence of a powerful    foreign companies. The organizational      with shared services and a new
industry that would see order books     structure of these companies should        marketing & sales organization,
filled up, employment revitalized       adapt to this international expansion      with more focus on key accounts
and operators positioned on high        making it mandatory to have                and a cost reduction target of €150
technology products and services.       clear commercial and partnership           million in 2012.
Technical entry barriers to the         strategies with efficient processes
international market of offshore        and aligned management.                    European Manufacturers are
wind equipment and components are                                                  continuously focusing on quality
higher but international competition    The European players need                  management and supply chain
should not be underestimated,           more than ever to look for                 optimization, in order to compete
as Asian Manufacturers are also         operational performance                    with low-cost Asian players. To
developing their own products. To                                                  maintain competitiveness and acquire
that end, transformation programs       European Utilities and                     complementary know-how, major
launched by some European               Manufacturers need to engage in the        Western Manufacturers have also
Manufacturers are a move in the         most efficient and performing way          undergone structural consolidation
right direction to professionalize      of manufacturing their products            and acquired a series of smaller
their marketing & sales processes       and piloting their services and            companies in the last few years. As
and organizations, in order to          operations. Improving the total cost       an example, Vestas improved lost
boost international sales and           of ownership from manufacturing to         production factor from 4.5% in 2009-
provide comprehensive offerings         service is now a must have, both to        2010 to ~2% in 2011, and GE Wind
to key accounts.                        demonstrate to governments seeking         acquired Scanwind in 2009 and Wind

Systems Tour in February 2011. Yet             €700 million in 2011. It has developed     exceptional UK and German incidents
lessons should be learned, for instance,       new offerings across the value chain       of early December 2011 showed how
from the automotive industry. Too              (“SiteHunt”, “SiteDesign”, “Electrical     rough measures could be implemented.
much pressure on cost optimization             PreDesign”, “Power Plant Controller”,      High wind speed led to a high wind
and a simplistic way of addressing             “VestasOnline Business – SCADA             electricity production in both countries.
purchasing processes, led to a loss            v.3.9”) and built partnerships with        UK and German operators were asked
of long-term relationships between             specialized companies (Caterpillar).       to shut down their wind turbines.
players and to a destruction of the            Now that the renewable installed fleets    UK operators received a £1 million
innovative capacity. As mentioned              have reached large sizes, much can         compensation from the TSO, while
above, innovation capability both on           be learned from benchmarks from            Germany tapped into its Austrian
products and processes is a must have          other decentralized industries such as     reserve capacity.
to maintain an advantageous position           automotive, air or rail services, etc.
within Europe and abroad.                                                                 The smart grid technological and
                                               Solving the smart grid                     market design developments should
In the onshore wind industry,                  challenges is key to the                   improve the grid efficiency and enable
developing O&M services is an integral         success of the European                    better integration of intermittent
part of the strategies of European wind        cleantech industry                         renewable energies through an array of
turbines Manufacturers, benefitting                                                       levers, ranked by increasing costs:
from a large installed base in Europe          The share of renewable energies in the
and their long-lasting experience              European electricity mix is increasing     n	Predictability of wind and sun
and knowledge. Today, Vestas clearly           significantly. However, grids were not       generation;
leads the global market in terms of            designed to receive a high production      n	Industrial and commercial flexible

cumulative installed base, with 48 GW          of intermittent electricity. To that         demand response;
(~25% of existing cumulative capacity          extent, experimentations are on their      n	Increased modulation of fossil power

in the world and a market share of new         way in several countries around the          plants;
added capacity of ~10% in 2010). Vestas        world to design the processes and          n	Hydro storage;

proved to be pro-active and successful         technical means (the so-called smart       n	Residential flexible demand response

in the field of services, since its “Service   grids) to integrate renewable energies       and;
business” now accounts for ~9-10% of           in an efficient manner into the existing   n	Other physical and chemical storage

its total revenues and should amount to        and future electricity grids. The            technologies.

To conclude, markets are moving                in all the value chain segments
quickly, segments have their own               and can compete internationally
specificities, competition is fierce           assuming that:
and European public support
is becoming more selective. Yet                n	They articulate cooperation with
renewable energies are here to stay              competition;
for a long time, and opportunities             n	Drive innovation;

have to be seized in and outside               n	Develop the proper strategy;

Europe. European Utilities and                 n	Implement it thoroughly;

Manufacturers have developed                   n	Operate efficiently.

competencies, they are often present

                                                                                              Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition   19
About Capgemini

          With around 120,000 people in 40            Capgemini Consulting is the global
  countries, Capgemini is one of the world’s          strategy and transformation consulting
  foremost providers of consulting,                   organization of the Capgemini Group,
  technology and outsourcing services.                specializing in advising and supporting
  The Group reported 2011 global revenues             enterprises in significant trans-
  of EUR 9.7 billion. Together with its               formation, from innovative strategy to
  clients, Capgemini creates and delivers             execution and with an unstinting focus
  business and technology solutions                   on results. With the new digital economy
  that fit their needs and drive the results          creating significant disruptions and
  they want. A deeply multicultural                   opportunities, our global team of over
  organization, Capgemini has developed               3,600 talented individuals work with
  its own way of working, the Collaborative           leading companies and governments to
  Business ExperienceTM, and draws on                 master Digital Transformation, drawing
  Rightshore®, its worldwide delivery model.          on our understanding of the digital
                                                      economy and our leadership in business
  Rightshore® is a trademark belonging to Capgemini   transformation and organizational change.

                                                      Find out more at:

Alain Chardon
Principal - Industry, Services and Utilities
Director Cleantechs & Decarbonate Your Business

Warm acknowledgments to
Sopha Ang, Subhash Jha, Inderraj Gulati and Laurent Saïag.

Capgemini Consulting
Tour Europlaza - 20, avenue André Prothin 92927 La Défense Cedex
Tel. : +33 (0) 1 49 67 30 00

Capgemini Consulting is the strategy and transformation consulting brand of Capgemini Group

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Cleantech Tracker 2011 2012

  • 1. Tr a n s f o r m t o t h e p o w e r o f d i g i t a l Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition Challenges for the European renewables industry amidst worldwide competition
  • 2.
  • 3. Table of Contents Editorial by Alain Chardon 04 Cleantechs are now a fully-fledged industry engaged 06 in worldwide competition ••Key metrics (global installed capacity and investments, 06 generation costs and number of competitors) show that solar PV and wind energy are now mainstream industries ••Developing countries are catching up to the pioneer cleantech 09 markets (Europe and the US) Wind: a global competition with regional supply chains 10 where Asian competitors are starting to emerge ••Onshore wind: a mature technology in a large size market 10 ••Offshore wind: the next frontier 12 Solar PV: an overheated market in 2008-2010 which should 14 stabilize in the short term before grid parity takes over The next blockbuster cleantechs: their development 16 could be hampered by the economic crisis and the lack of political momentum Key challenges ahead: innovation, operational 18 excellence, smart grid integration ••European players are more than ever engaged in an innovation 18 race – which requires not only internal competition, but also cooperation ••The European players need more than ever to look for 18 operational performance ••Solving the smart grid challenges is key to the success 19 of the European cleantech industry Conclusion 19 Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition 3
  • 4. Editorial by Alain Chardon 2005-2010 was Cleantechs, especially renewable technological maturity and expected characterized by a faster energies, are a key provider of breakthroughs; sustainable jobs in Europe, with n Manufacturing & industry: global development pace. Growth already over a million “green jobs” rankings and perspectives at a rates were particularly at the end of 2011. 2012 may be at global level; high for onshore wind and crossroads with on the one hand, the n Utilities and consumers’ view: cost solar photovoltaic (PV) potential for additional job creation components and regulatory drivers. by 20201 and, on the other, the with 27% and 49% CAGR European financial crisis and While the preceding decade, 1995- worldwide, respectively its impacts. 2005 was characterized by relatively slow development (8-9% CAGR in Renewable energies But cleantech markets are not just terms of global renewable generation4), are now a mainstream European or national markets. 2005-2010 was characterized by a Utilities and Manufacturers are now faster development pace. Growth rates electricity generation playing in the global market. That were particularly high for onshore industry. is why, in order to complement wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) with our work on the renewable energy 27% and 49% CAGR worldwide, markets published every year since respectively5. Some technologies have 20062, we launched a new annual reached a commercial and industrial study called Cleantech tracker in stage characterized by a high level 2009. This study aims to monitor the of technological maturity, fair costs development of renewable energies of production, installation and as well as new energy technologies maintenance. Renewable energies are on a global scale. Our definition now a mainstream electricity generation of cleantechs includes renewable industry. The global cleantech market energies (e.g. solar, wind, marine, proved to be resilient during the biomass, etc.) and technologies that 2008-2009 financial and economic may enable saving, producing or crisis (+0.4% in 2009 on 2008 for distributing greener energy (e.g. global new investment in renewable energy storage, carbon capture and energy and +32% in 2010 on 20096). storage, etc.). To make it easier And while the pioneer markets were to compare, we chose to focus Europe and the US, Asian countries, exclusively on technologies that led by China (+29 GW of grid- produce electricity, consequently, connected renewable capacity in 2010 the production of heat is out of our and the leading market in terms of scope3. Our approach mixes different global investments since 20097) are types of analyses and viewpoints: developing quickly and have ambitious plans (China targets 200 GW of n Markets and technologies: onshore wind capacity by 2020 to installed capacity and potential generate 440 TWh of electricity development, levels of R&D, annually8). Not only has China become 650,000 additional jobs compared to a business-as-usual scenario according to the European Commission 1 In Capgemini’s European Energy Markets Observatory (EEMO), an annual report that tracks the progress in establishing an open and competitive 2 electricity and gas market in EU-27 (+ Norway and Switzerland) as well as the progress on the EU Climate-Energy package objectives 3 We fully acknowledge that renewable thermal energy is as strategically important – if not more – as renewable electricity. Yet heat markets are highly fragmented and therefore difficult to study 4
  • 5. a leading installer of renewable energy, but also its Manufacturers have surpassed those of Western companies with, for example, Sinovel receiving first place in 2010 for being the top solar PV Manufacturer. What factor will most influence the European players – the European crisis or the worldwide renewable market growth? In both cases, it is no longer about the market size but rather about winning the three industrial challenges listed below: 1. Innovation: for European players, how to grab new markets wherever in the world, to position in the top leading vendors and operators and to compete successfully against international players 2. Operational excellence: how to streamline the whole chain from purchasing, manufacturing, installation to operation and maintenance (O&M) to gain cost efficiency while improving operational performance and innovation capability 3. Smart grids: how to manage an efficient integration of renewable energy into the grid and what transformations in terms of market design should be implemented In this paper, we will provide a summary of our Cleantech tracker study as well as provide some clues relating to these crucial questions. We wish you an enjoyable read. 4 Hydro excluded 5 Renewables 2011 Global Status Report – REN21, August 2011 6 Global trends in renewable energy investment 2011, UNEP – Bloomberg New Energy Finance, July 2011 7 Renewables 2011 Global Status Report – REN21, August 2011 8 Country profile China – GWEC, 2011 Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition 5
  • 6. Cleantechs are now a fully-fledged industry engaged in worldwide competition Key metrics (global industry players envisage the Costs of renewable energies installed capacity and “green market” as a bubble. have decreased, competing investments, generation However, these investments sometimes with fossil fuel and weathered the 2008-2009 financial nuclear generation costs costs and number of crisis remarkably well, which competitors) show that demonstrates, if need be, that Drop in raw material prices, solar PV and wind energy renewable energy is a mainstream technological improvements and are now mainstream industry. In 2009, globally, new manufacturing on a larger scale have industries investments in large hydro and pushed costs of some renewable other renewable energies even energies down. In particular, Renewable energy (hydro surpassed new investments in onshore wind costs (long run excluded) accounted for almost fossil fuel capacities. It is also generation costs between €42 and a third of the estimated 194 GW worth noting that the 2008-2009 €80/MWh) are now close to fossil of new electricity capacity added financial crisis was a turning point fuel (€48/MWh to €76/MWh) and globally in 20109 in the geographical polarization nuclear generation (€34/MWh to of investments. Prior to the crisis, €62/MWh) costs13. Installation of new renewable Europe and the US attracted the energy capacities progressed on majority of investments (mainly in Solar PV still remains the most almost all fronts in 2010, with wind projects); during the crisis, expensive renewable energy even wind and solar energy having emerging countries, in particular if costs of modules have dropped almost met or surpassed the Brazil and China, took over the by 80% in only eight years. In most optimistic short-term yearly US and Europe and lately, China certain sun-rich regions of the forecasts (onshore wind: 38.3 GW confirmed its position of top world with high electricity prices, realized vs. 40.8 GW forecasted10 investor. In 2011, however, the US grid parity is reached or very nearly or solar PV: 16.6 GW realized vs. moved back ahead of China12. reached. Experts expect that due to 10.1 GW forecasted11). China alone developed huge onshore wind capacities, representing 50% of the world’s newly installed capacity Table 1 – Generation capacities added in 2010 in EU-27 in 2010 (vs. 36% in 2009). In Europe, 2011 and 2010 have been MW 25,000 outstanding years for solar PV 18,000 installations (especially roof-top), Installed 20,000 which come second after gas in Decommissioned 13,246 terms of new installed capacities 15,000 (see Table 1). 9,295 10,000 Investments have increased 4,056 more than six-fold between 5,000 2004 and 2010, reaching 573 405 208 200 149 145 25 25 US$260 billion in 2011 - -45 -26 -107 -245 -535 -1,550 From 2004 to 2008, global new -5,000 investments in renewable energy s P ar at V te s al ro Fu e o d l al as CS Ga oi rP dr av in Pe le Co showed outstanding growth rates: as yd rm om W el hy uc w la W lh he So l& N Bi e al almost 50% on average even rg ot da Sm La Ge Ti though the evolution was different from one type of renewable to Source: Market outlook for photovoltaics until 2015, EPIA – April 2011 the other (see Table 2), making 6
  • 7. further technological progress and the Table 2 – Year-on-year evolution of global new investments per type of renewable continuous increase in electricity retail prices, grid parity will be a reality for all 2008 2009 2010 European countries by 2020. Wind 23% 16% 30% Moreover, wind and solar PV capacities now significantly impact Solar 55% 4% 52% the marginal price of electricity in Biomass -11% 14% -4% organized markets. Their marginal costs being close to €0/MWh, Biofuels -7% -63% -20% when these capacities produce a Small hydro 16% -29% -22% substantial amount of electricity, the most inefficient and expensive Geothermal -16% -13% 43% fossil marginal plants are not run which therefore lowers the Marine -75% 100% -50% spot marginal cost of electricity . Total 23% 0% 32% This was illustrated in July 2010 in Germany: the sunny weather Source: Global trends in renewable energy investments 2011, UNEP, led the 10 GW of solar capacity Bloomberg New Energy Finance – July 2011 / Capgemini Consulting analysis to produce a high output of electricity14. This lowered the spot prices which benefited buyers, but strategy towards renewable energies Renovables) being reintegrated by decreased the margin of the hydro after the German government’s the mother company. Even oil majors peak generators in neighboring decision to phase out nuclear (Petrobras, BP, Total) are selectively countries (who usually make their energy, Areva, GE, etc). On the investing in cleantechs. Tender profits during the summer). operators’ side, the same can processes for significant projects such be observed with specialized or as the offshore wind tenders in the Renewable Manufacturers and early adopters operators (Spanish North Sea and France, attract all of operators as well as diversified Fotosolar, Iberdrola, Acciona, these players who, for submitting Manufacturers and Utilities are French Compagnie du Vent) now their bids, get organized into battling over market shares on followed or bought by larger consortiums gathering specialized the cleantech market Utilities (EDF GDF SUEZ, E.ON, , companies in design, development, Enel, EDP or RWE Innogy) who construction and operation of Renewable Manufacturers (German all have ambitious plans to further renewable energy projects, turbine Q-Cells or Enercon, Danish Vestas, develop their renewable energy manufacturers, engineering and Spanish Gamesa, etc.) have first capacities. It is worth noting that construction companies, power emerged on the market and have the last few years have seen many of cables manufacturers and installers been followed by large and long- the independent players absorbed for a market of 140 GW, which is standing Manufacturers (Siemens by large Utilities or renewables estimated to be between €400 and who has recently revisited its subsidiaries (EDF EN, Iberdrola €500 billion by 2030. 9 Renewables 2011 Global Status Report, August 2011 – REN21 10 Global Wind report 2010, 2nd ed., April 2011 and Global Wind report 2009, April 2010 – GWEC 11 Market Outlook for Photovoltaics until 2015, March 2011 and Market Outlook for Photovoltaics until 2014, May 2010 – EPIA 12 Global investment in clean energy, January 2012 – Bloomberg New Energy Finance 13 Refer to the 13th edition of Capgemini’s European Energy Markets Observatory 14 From €4 to €6/MWh according to a German research institute (IZES), i.e. a price decrease for large industrials between €520 and €840 million in Germany in 2011 Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition 7
  • 8. Table 3 – Annual new financial investments in renewable energies worldwide and per region New financial investments (US$ bn) Capacity added (GW) excluding Corporate and Government R&D, excluding biofuels and small hydro including distributed solar PV 240 80 202 65 200 Other* Other** 153 153 60 160 Biofuels 50 Biomass World 120 Biomass 40 36 Solar Solar Wind 80 Wind 20 40 0 0 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 100 50 81 80 40 63 66 Other 30 28 Other 60 EU-27 40 Solar 20 18 Biomass Wind 14 Solar 20 10 Wind 0 0 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 100 50 80 40 Other North 60 Solar 30 Other America 40 34 35 Wind 20 12 Biomass 22 9 8 Solar 20 10 0 0 Wind 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 100 50 80 40 65 60 Other 30 27 Asia & 36 49 Solar 17 Other 40 20 Biomass Oceania 20 Wind 10 9 Solar Wind 0 0 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 100 50 80 40 Other 60 Other 30 Biomass Rest of World 40 Solar Middle East, Africa and 20 Solar 20 22 Wind South America 20 16 10 2 Wind 0 2 0 0 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 Note: *Other: small hydro, geothermal, marine; **Other: Geothermal, marine Source: Global trends in renewable energy investments 2011, UNEP, Bloomberg New Energy Finance – July 2011 / Capgemini Consulting analysis 8
  • 9. Developing countries are Asian Manufacturers are now and panels are massively imported catching up to the pioneer taking the lead over their to it from Asia. Asian players have cleantech markets (Europe European peers, which have managed to establish large companies been pioneers and industry which produce at low prices. As and the US) leaders for the last two decades Asia now represents a major (and growing) share of the global onshore From a geographical On the manufacturing front, there is wind market, there is a trend for standpoint, the potential for a clear shift in production from the installing local/regional production development has shifted from Western countries to Asia. Historical sites in this region, for both Western Western Europe and the US to European leaders now face a new and Asian Manufacturers, in order Central Eastern Europe and the and fierce competition from Chinese to reduce shipping costs. The cards BRICs (and also Korean) players, for both are reshuffled both in the wind and Mirroring the investments’ trend, solar PV cells and modules and solar PV industries: there are some the potential for development of onshore wind turbines. Furthermore, bankruptcies (Solon in Germany, renewable energies projects is now most European and American Photowatt in France), companies mainly located in areas presenting Manufacturers are progressively in difficulty (Danish Vestas or high economic growth perspectives, developing production capacities out German Q-cells, which are laying favorable governmental support of their home countries in order to off employees), Western companies and the need for competencies. The reduce costs and address new markets investing in Asia (Gamesa conquering situation in Europe has evolved efficiently. Manufacturing solar PV the Indian wind market), Asian unfavorably, with an expected has clearly become a global market. Manufacturers receiving the top rank slowdown in capacity added and As Europe is the lion share of the (JA Solar gaining four ranks in only investments, and weaker economic global solar PV market (80%), cells one year). perspectives for the coming years. The playing field has thus become international and many players have well understood this shift as reflected in their strategy: n Global wind Manufacturers shift their investment focus from Europe to the USA and China, n Enel wants to pursue its growth in renewable energies in Latin America, Russia and Eastern Europe, n GDF Suez or EDF are competing in their home market, both candidates for the offshore wind projects in France, but eye also foreign markets, n Iberdrola continues its development in Latin America and in renewable energies (investments for the period 2010-12 amounted to €5.3 billion, e.g. one-third of its whole investment program). Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition 9
  • 10. Wind: a global competition with regional supply chains where Asian competitors are starting to emerge Onshore wind: a mature Europe (for example Poland plans supporting the deployment of wind technology in a large 3,350 MW by 2015 and 5,600 MW energy which is reflected by the size market by 2020 and Romania has currently increased number of projects under 2,624 MW of capacity covered by construction (over 100 projects for On a global scale, on-track with connection contracts15 ). 8,300 MW). aggressive targets In the US, onshore wind installations Contrary to Europe and the US, The aggressive targets established slowed down in 2010 after two China has been booming in the last by the Global Wind Energy Council record years, due to the improved few years (with a cumulative onshore (GWEC) for 2010 have almost been profitability of gas-fired plants and a wind installed capacity doubling met despite the economic crisis, with lack of long-term investor confidence every year between 2006 and 2009 38.3 GW of capacity added globally (vs. with unpredictable federal policies and a record level of investment of a forecast of 40.8 GW) and 197 GW (no Production Tax Credit extension US$20 billion in 200916 ). This trend of cumulative installed capacity (vs. expected and no Federal Renewable was reinforced in 2010, with 50% of a forecast of 200 GW). Long-term Energy Standard). However, 2011 global capacity added in 2010 (vs. forecasts announced in May 2011 are ended better than 2010 in terms 36% in 2009). As a result, China lower than those of 2009, but remain of installations (6,810 MW vs. now has a cumulative capacity of very high, with cumulative installed 5,116 MW) as new generation 42 GW, higher than that of the US capacity expected to double by 2014 wind electricity costs progressively and half of that of the EU-27. The (388 GW, instead of 409 GW became affordable. In addition, country plans to continue this same targeted in 2009 forecasts). the State governments have been trend in 2012. Europe leading the way, though less dynamically, the US with Table 4 – Annual onshore wind capacity sold per manufacturer ups-and-downs and China catching-up rapidly MW 7,000 Europe (EU-27) has remained the biggest installer of onshore wind, 6,000 with 84 GW of cumulative installed capacity in 2010. This position is due 5,000 to pioneer countries such as Germany 4,386 Sinovel and the Nordics that have developed 4,000 4,057 Vestas 3,783 capacities since the early 1990s. 3,743 GE Goldwind They have been caught up recently Enercon 3,000 3,000 by massive adopters in Southern 2,900 2,640 Siemens Dongfang Europe such as Spain. These are 2,450 Gamesa now mature markets with stabilized 2,000 Guodian United Power 1,655 Suzlon yearly growth compared to the past 1,460 MingYang 1,182 decade (around 10 additional GW 1,000 909 Nordex 788 REpower per year in Europe in the past three years). The best sites have been taken - Note: Dotted lines for and projects often encounter public 2007 2008 2009 2010 Asian players and plain lines for Western players opposition. The new growth area for onshore wind in EU-27 is Eastern Source: Companies’ annual reports and websites, Eur’Observer, BTM Consult / Capgemini Consulting consolidation 15 Wind Barometer – Eur’Observer, February 2011 16 Country profile China referring to UNEP/Bloomberg analysis – GWEC, 2011 10
  • 11. China emerging as a major presence in growing markets, European Manufacturers tried to manufacturing base for onshore companies rebalance their workforce adapt to the changing market focus wind turbines geographically (Vestas closed four towards China and Eastern Europe: factories in Denmark and one in Gamesa is investing heavily in China China has become a major onshore Sweden in 2010 and shifted part of and India and RePower signed wind turbines manufacturing its production to Asia). Other top contracts in Turkey and Bulgaria18. country, with four Chinese companies in the Top 10 (see Table 4). American (GE) and European Manufacturers (Vestas, Enercon, Gamesa) are strongly challenged by Sinovel, Goldwin, Dongfang and United Power. They benefit from a booming domestic market and manage to provide turbines of fair quality and prices. The growth of China’s wind energy sector is supported by the government’s commitment through implementation of national renewable energy policies and roll out of well-defined medium and long term development plans. Since 2008, due to a short supply of wind turbines, a new breed of Manufacturers emerged in the market creating an oversupply in 2010 and making the market price extremely competitive. India also appears as a promising market, with initiatives pushed by the Indian government17 . Western players adapting to a changing industrial landscape In a move to adapt to the changing manufacturing environment, Western companies such as Vestas align their business strategy to focus more on markets like China and the US due to the sluggish pace of development in mature European markets. As a step to maintain cost competitiveness and to increase 17 Third quarter results 2011 and the years to come – Vestas, November 2011 18 Renewables 2011 Global Status Report – REN21, August 2011 Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition 11
  • 12. Offshore wind has a lot Offshore wind: the onshore wind projects, favorable of advantages in the next frontier natural conditions and strong competencies from wind turbine European context, with a Until now, Europe remains Manufacturers and Oil & Gas higher social acceptance offshore platforms operators. The the only continent with than for onshore wind significant offshore wind trend for bigger and bigger wind projects, favorable natural installed capacities turbines and more concentrated wind farms could allow bigger conditions and strong The European cumulative economies of scale than for competencies from wind installed capacities stands at onshore wind in the future, turbine Manufacturers 3.8 GW installed vs. 84 GW bridging the current cost gap. and Oil & Gas offshore for onshore wind. Historically, the UK and Denmark have been Injecting electricity within the platforms operators. pioneer countries, with installed grid from offshore wind will also The trend for bigger and capacities of 1.3 GW and 0.9 GW, be easier than from onshore wind bigger wind turbines respectively, in 2010. The UK is electricity, as it is more predictable and more concentrated changing scale with new projects and has steadier regimes through in the North Sea, amounting to day/night periods and winter/ wind farms could allow 33 GW planned as part of its summer seasons. bigger economies of scale “Round 3 expansion”. Other than for onshore wind in European countries also have large Will major offshore wind the future, bridging the plans to develop offshore wind projects emerge in the rest capacities in the North Sea, the of the world? current cost gap. Netherlands and Germany, and more recently in France (see Table 5). Offshore wind projects, outside of Europe, depend on the success Higher costs, but nice of flagship projects. Shanghai perspectives and higher Donghai (East Sea) Bridge project social acceptance is currently the only offshore wind farm outside Europe. Four other Today, offshore wind remains projects have also been launched costly, with an average long run by China and may be completed generation cost of €100-170/MWh by 2014. China’s offshore wind (vs. €42-80/MWh for onshore potential is estimated to be the wind). Actually, installing wind equivalent of the North Sea’s. turbines in sea areas requires Some analysts predict a strong additional investments to assess development in China by the end the geological constraints and of the decade, with an installed to evaluate the environmental capacity of 30 GW by 202019 (the risks as well as higher O&M official target set by the Chinese costs. Still, offshore wind authorities). North America is also has a lot of advantages in the developing pilot projects: Cape European context, with a higher Wind (US, 468 MW) and Nai Kun social acceptance than for (Canada, 1,750 MW). 19 Offshore Wind Power report – Pike, October 2011 20 The Worldwatch Institute’s Climate and Energy Blog, August 2011 12
  • 13. A first-mover advantage for domestic markets. With no doubt, Still, Chinese Manufacturers have European Manufacturers the US and European players started developing prototypes of a have a competitive advantage on large-size (5-6 MW) offshore wind Today, European wind turbine advanced/complex technologies turbines: XEMC, Sinovel, Goldwind Manufacturers benefit from a and components that remain core and Guodian United Power, to be first-mover advantage on their elements for offshore wind turbines. launched in early 201220. Table 5 – Existing and future offshore wind capacity (MW) UK DK NO SE FI 1,586 854 2 164 26 48,596 2,472 11,394 8,279 4,293 IE EE 25 0 NO FI 3,780 1,000 SE FR 0 EE LV 0 DK LV 6,000 200 IE LT UK NL ES PL 0 0 DE PL BE 6,804 900 LU CZ SK FR DE PT AT 195 CH 0 HU SI 31,246 478 RO ES IT BG PT GR 0 4,889 GR Capacity as of June 2011 BE NL IT 195 247 0 2 11,394 1,857 5,992 2,700 Capacity in 2030 Source: EWEA / Capgemini Consulting consolidation Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition 13
  • 14. Solar PV: an overheated market in 2008-2010 which should stabilize in the short term before grid parity takes over Too much success kills success, A progressive increase in the costly national feed-in-tariff US, benefiting from sun-rich schemes revised down regions Solar PV has experienced by far The situation is less gloomy in the the largest increase in global US, with solar PV installations that installed capacity due to favorable have progressively increased in the support schemes implemented by past few years, thanks to federal governments over the last four years schemes (declined at a State-level) and the dramatic drop in the costs of production tax credit (PTC), of modules from 2009 onwards. investment tax credit (ITC), the In 2010 and 2011, the bulk of this treasury grant program (TGP) rapid and unexpected growth along with the economic stimulus came from Western Europe, mostly package. Additionally, the high Germany and Italy (both countries solar radiation coupled with the accounted for nearly 60% of global high electricity prices in States market growth in 2011). However, like California is expected to make this growth proved to be very solar PV quickly competitive. The costly for countries’ budgets driving shift in projects from Concentrating several European Member States Solar Power (CSP) to solar PV also (Germany, Italy, Spain, France, stimulated the market. Czech Republic and the UK) to reduce their subsidies strongly to Chinese Manufacturers now the solar PV industry which led to a leading the world market and market downturn. Globally, capacity benefiting from a promising of solar panels manufacturing is domestic market now exceeding demand by 38%21, after a record capacity addition of China has emerged as a leading 60% in 2011. manufacturer by taking the Top 2 Table 6 – Annual solar PV capacity sold per manufacturer MW 1,600 1,507 Suntech 1,460 JA Solar 1,400 1,412 First Solar Yingli Trina Solar Q Cells 1,200 Motech Solar 1,064 Sharp 1,014 Gintech 1,000 945 Kyocera 910 SunPower 827 Canadian Solar 800 Hanwah Solar Neo Solar Power 650 REC 600 584 Solar World 522 500 Sun Earth Solar Note: Dotted lines for Asian 451 E-TON Solartech 420 players and plain lines for 400 405 Sanyo Electric Western players 347 China Sunergy Source: Companies’ annual 200 reports and websites, Eur’Observer, European Commission / Capgemini - Consulting consolidation 2007 2008 2009 2010 14
  • 15. global positions in 2010 in terms of (China’s total installed capacity of n First Solar and SunPower have also manufacturing capacity (see Table solar power reached almost 3 GW opened facilities in Malaysia. 6). European Manufacturers were by the end of 2011), increasing its taken short and did not actually installed capacity three-fold. Grid parity is already a reality benefit from the rapid growth in very sunny regions with high of their home market, and the A trend for consolidation electricity prices majority of solar PV panels were and a shift to Asia for imported from China (China & Western Manufacturers When will grid parity happen? It is Taiwan reached ca. 60% of global a matter of cost, insulation and the production in 2010 compared to As a consequence of increased level of local end-user electricity 19% in 2006). Suntech, JA Solar, supply in the global market, the prices. The European Photovoltaic Yingli and Trina Solar more than trend towards sector consolidation Industry Association (EPIA) doubled the capacity supplied in through M&As and the move of estimates that grid parity is already 2010 compared to 2009. China’s a manufacturing base to Asia is a reality in sunny regions such as aggressive move to become a global evident. For example: Los Angeles or Dubai and that grid manufacturing hub is witnessed by parity may be generalized in Europe its increased capacity and reduced n Q-Cells, German manufacturer by 2020 to less sunny regions such module price. Factory gate prices of crystalline silicon cells, almost as Berlin 23 (see Table 7). Solar PV were down 33% year-on-year in doubled its production and moved may even be already at grid parity early 2011 and are expected to about 50% of the production to its in the sunniest regions of Italy fall further should the supply new factory in Malaysia between (Sicilia or Sardinia) since Italian and demand imbalance continue. 2009 and 2010; residential electricity prices are The Chinese Manufacturers have n The Norwegian manufacturer REC amongst the highest in Europe. managed to attain low prices closed three factories in Norway due to many reasons, including and opened one in Singapore; advantageous loans from Chinese State-owned banks. Table 7 – Solar PV grid parity per customer segment in selected European countries China is also planning to install solar PV capacities on its own FR DE IT ES UK land: the country launched the Residential 3 kW 2016 2017 2015 2017 2019 “Golden Sun” program in 2009 Commercial 100 kW 2018 2017 2013 2014 2017 (providing subsidies to solar PV power generation projects)22 and is Industrial 500 kW 2019 2019 2014 2017 2019 now catching up with 2 GW of solar Source: Solar PV – Competing in the energy sector, September 2011, EPIA PV power installed capacity in 2011 According to the Norwegian manufacturer REC, cited in « Solaire : les acteurs européens luttent pour leur survie », Les Echos, November 15, 2011 21 22 China Golden Sun Programme (2009, revisited in 2011) – IEA, Policies 23 Solar PV: Competing in the energy sector – EPIA, September 2011 Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition 15
  • 16. The next blockbuster cleantechs: their development could be hampered by the economic crisis and the lack of political momentum The three main regions With major projects ahead, CSP implemented in the 1960s, none of active in developing CSP could take off in the next three the other marine energy systems to four years have been successful at a large scale are the sunny US States until now. However, as 75% of the (California, Florida …), Today, CSP remains small in scale world’s surface is covered by oceans, Spain and the Sahara compared to solar PV with only marine energy represents one of the desert. 1.1 GW of installed capacity globally largest renewable energy sources. and 2.6 GW of additional capacity The IEA estimates the ocean energy’s planned to be operational by 201424. global potential to range between 20,000 and 90,000 TWh/year. The three main regions active in Demonstration projects are under developing CSP are the sunny US operation across Europe, North States (California, Florida …), Spain America and Asia. More than 45 and the Sahara desert. The US was wave and tidal prototypes have been a pioneer market for CSP in the tested in the ocean25. Governments’ 2000s but recently has changed interest is rising in the UK, France in that some planned projects and Portugal. In France, a national have been converted into solar PV partnership initiative, Ipanema, was projects over the last few months, created to promote the creation of due to dramatic reductions in solar marine energies. The UK government PV costs. Spain developed its CSP gives Utilities that buy electricity capacities in 2009 and 2010 at a from projects such as SeaGen very fast pace, taking the lead over double credit towards meeting the US. The favorable feed-in-tariff their renewable energy targets. scheme in Spain provided the Additionally, financial incentives are regulatory push for technological available in the form of capital grants, development, but this move is now exemption from the Climate Change hampered by the financial crisis and levy and the opportunity to sell fewer investments. The Sahara desert renewable obligation credits. could be a promising area for the development of CSP (Desertec project Biomass remains in Morocco and Saudi Arabia, Masdar under-exploited City…). Plans for CSP development are also being considered in In 2010, global power biomass installed Australia, China and India. capacity was 62 GW26, e.g. 1.5 times the solar PV installed capacity. The Marine energy is the next focus US and Brazil continue to lead the of Utilities and Manufacturers power biomass segment, while Europe focuses on ensuring the sustainable Today, marine (or ocean) installed development of this source of energy. energy capacities are still rather The biomass market for electricity small. Besides the French tidal generation picks up slowly. Major barrage of La Rance (240 MW) reasons stem from the fact that: 24 Renewables 2011 Global Status Report – REN21, August 2011 25 Emerging Energy Research – IHS, October 2010 26 Direct firing or co-firing (with coal or natural gas) of solid biomass, municipal organic waste, biogas, and liquid biofuels 16
  • 17. n Sustainability benefits and social acceptance are not always so easy to establish; n Arbitrating between producing heat or electricity from biomass is not always obvious neither at the investment stage nor at the operating stage for CHPs; n It is a complex market and supply chain with many stakeholders and actors to align; n Its development time is longer than that for wind or solar PV energy, for example. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is still in a demonstration phase Although strongly pushed by the IEA and all the stakeholders involved in the low-carbon economy, CCS is not taking off due to difficulties to reach performing technologies and too low carbon prices (short- term certificate prices plunged from €14/t on average, in 2010, to €7/t in January 2012), while the long-term perspective of a worldwide post- Kyoto agreement on climate change policies and higher global costs for CO2 flies away. This explains why there has not been noticeable development over the last two years. On the contrary, the hydro storage is rejuvenating The increasing share of intermittent renewable energy sources coupled storage systems account for 2 GW. storage projects planned and under with the volatility of electricity In order to support a growing construction as of May 2011 in grids is also strengthening share of intermittent renewables, Europe. The leading countries the need for additional energy a number of European countries are Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, storage capacities. Pumped hydro are rediscovering pumped hydro; Austria and Germany. For instance, is the only conventional and this trend has been reinforced in in Germany, new pumped storage commercially mature grid scale countries that decided to reduce power stations have been added, storage option with a capacity of national exposure to nuclear power bringing the total new capacity 136 GW worldwide at the end after the Fukushima events. In total in fast response technologies to of 2010, while the other energy there are around 17 GW of pumped over 3 GW. Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition 17
  • 18. Key challenges ahead: innovation, operational excellence, smart grid integration European players are more than A key challenge for the European budget optimization that renewable ever engaged in an innovation industry is to build “coopetition”, energies are cost-competitive, against race – which requires not only i.e. internal competition but also conventional power generation, and internal competition, but also cooperation between European to gain new markets abroad. cooperation players. However, in a context of crisis, projects opposing European This suggests, for example, that The playing field is now global. This players and Member States can operations should be streamlined, is a threat to the home market (as lead to value destruction making as Enel Green Power has done on the solar PV market) but also this competition adversarial and by reviewing its global portfolio an opportunity to position oneself counterproductive. Innovation needs management process to identify in new markets and to gain market to be fostered by actively leveraging improvement opportunities and shares (as the onshore and offshore the know-how and research to design new processes and wind markets). To be competitive, capabilities not only of the established organization accordingly. Other the European industry needs a European cleantech supply chain, Utilities are taking the same route: strong domestic market to gain the but also of the other European hi- EDF has engaged in a transformation operational, financial and innovation tech industries (spatial, aeronautic, program of its Generation and momentum required to build its automotive, etc). Engineering Division to improve international competitiveness. processes and better make us of On the international front, European digital tools, E.ON is now organized The latest developments on the operators explore new markets and into five global units amongst which offshore wind markets reveal the entry strategies to gain market shares. are “managing generation fleet”, competitive spirit in Europe. In the Obviously, the best target countries “renewables business” and “new UK, France and other European are those combining significant build and technology” and Iberdrola countries, governments, local ports GDP growth, a stable and favorable launched a program to improve and public authorities are getting regulatory framework supporting the the efficiency of its operations, in organized to attract OEM and to development of renewable energies particular its O&M operations. On build the Tier 1 and Tier 2 supply and a favorable economic and legal the Manufacturers’ side, Vestas is chains. All the elements are there to framework allowing the setting up of implementing a transformation plan initiate the emergence of a powerful foreign companies. The organizational with shared services and a new industry that would see order books structure of these companies should marketing & sales organization, filled up, employment revitalized adapt to this international expansion with more focus on key accounts and operators positioned on high making it mandatory to have and a cost reduction target of €150 technology products and services. clear commercial and partnership million in 2012. Technical entry barriers to the strategies with efficient processes international market of offshore and aligned management. European Manufacturers are wind equipment and components are continuously focusing on quality higher but international competition The European players need management and supply chain should not be underestimated, more than ever to look for optimization, in order to compete as Asian Manufacturers are also operational performance with low-cost Asian players. To developing their own products. To maintain competitiveness and acquire that end, transformation programs European Utilities and complementary know-how, major launched by some European Manufacturers need to engage in the Western Manufacturers have also Manufacturers are a move in the most efficient and performing way undergone structural consolidation right direction to professionalize of manufacturing their products and acquired a series of smaller their marketing & sales processes and piloting their services and companies in the last few years. As and organizations, in order to operations. Improving the total cost an example, Vestas improved lost boost international sales and of ownership from manufacturing to production factor from 4.5% in 2009- provide comprehensive offerings service is now a must have, both to 2010 to ~2% in 2011, and GE Wind to key accounts. demonstrate to governments seeking acquired Scanwind in 2009 and Wind 18
  • 19. Systems Tour in February 2011. Yet €700 million in 2011. It has developed exceptional UK and German incidents lessons should be learned, for instance, new offerings across the value chain of early December 2011 showed how from the automotive industry. Too (“SiteHunt”, “SiteDesign”, “Electrical rough measures could be implemented. much pressure on cost optimization PreDesign”, “Power Plant Controller”, High wind speed led to a high wind and a simplistic way of addressing “VestasOnline Business – SCADA electricity production in both countries. purchasing processes, led to a loss v.3.9”) and built partnerships with UK and German operators were asked of long-term relationships between specialized companies (Caterpillar). to shut down their wind turbines. players and to a destruction of the Now that the renewable installed fleets UK operators received a £1 million innovative capacity. As mentioned have reached large sizes, much can compensation from the TSO, while above, innovation capability both on be learned from benchmarks from Germany tapped into its Austrian products and processes is a must have other decentralized industries such as reserve capacity. to maintain an advantageous position automotive, air or rail services, etc. within Europe and abroad. The smart grid technological and Solving the smart grid market design developments should In the onshore wind industry, challenges is key to the improve the grid efficiency and enable developing O&M services is an integral success of the European better integration of intermittent part of the strategies of European wind cleantech industry renewable energies through an array of turbines Manufacturers, benefitting levers, ranked by increasing costs: from a large installed base in Europe The share of renewable energies in the and their long-lasting experience European electricity mix is increasing n Predictability of wind and sun and knowledge. Today, Vestas clearly significantly. However, grids were not generation; leads the global market in terms of designed to receive a high production n Industrial and commercial flexible cumulative installed base, with 48 GW of intermittent electricity. To that demand response; (~25% of existing cumulative capacity extent, experimentations are on their n Increased modulation of fossil power in the world and a market share of new way in several countries around the plants; added capacity of ~10% in 2010). Vestas world to design the processes and n Hydro storage; proved to be pro-active and successful technical means (the so-called smart n Residential flexible demand response in the field of services, since its “Service grids) to integrate renewable energies and; business” now accounts for ~9-10% of in an efficient manner into the existing n Other physical and chemical storage its total revenues and should amount to and future electricity grids. The technologies. Conclusion To conclude, markets are moving in all the value chain segments quickly, segments have their own and can compete internationally specificities, competition is fierce assuming that: and European public support is becoming more selective. Yet n They articulate cooperation with renewable energies are here to stay competition; for a long time, and opportunities n Drive innovation; have to be seized in and outside n Develop the proper strategy; Europe. European Utilities and n Implement it thoroughly; Manufacturers have developed n Operate efficiently. competencies, they are often present Cleantech Tracker 2011-2012 – 3rd edition 19
  • 20. About Capgemini With around 120,000 people in 40 Capgemini Consulting is the global countries, Capgemini is one of the world’s strategy and transformation consulting foremost providers of consulting, organization of the Capgemini Group, technology and outsourcing services. specializing in advising and supporting The Group reported 2011 global revenues enterprises in significant trans- of EUR 9.7 billion. Together with its formation, from innovative strategy to clients, Capgemini creates and delivers execution and with an unstinting focus business and technology solutions on results. With the new digital economy that fit their needs and drive the results creating significant disruptions and they want. A deeply multicultural opportunities, our global team of over organization, Capgemini has developed 3,600 talented individuals work with its own way of working, the Collaborative leading companies and governments to Business ExperienceTM, and draws on master Digital Transformation, drawing Rightshore®, its worldwide delivery model. on our understanding of the digital economy and our leadership in business Rightshore® is a trademark belonging to Capgemini transformation and organizational change. Find out more at: Contacts Alain Chardon Principal - Industry, Services and Utilities Director Cleantechs & Decarbonate Your Business Warm acknowledgments to Sopha Ang, Subhash Jha, Inderraj Gulati and Laurent Saïag. Capgemini Consulting Tour Europlaza - 20, avenue André Prothin 92927 La Défense Cedex France Tel. : +33 (0) 1 49 67 30 00 Capgemini Consulting is the strategy and transformation consulting brand of Capgemini Group