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CIA, FBI, NSA and all the king's men work to topple Brazilian President Rousseff
In Brazil, opposition is going to hold protest marches against Brazilian President
Dilma Rousseff. Actions of protest are expected to take place in more than 25
cities across the country on March 15. In São Paulo, a 200,000-strong rally is
expected under the slogan "Down with Dilma." Is it possible to mobilize the
population against the party that has been able to significantly raise the living
standard in the country during 12 years of rule?
It is quite possible that the CIA is involved in the plan to stage riots in Brazil
nationwide. Over the recent years, BRICS has become the main geopolitical
threat to the United States. One of today's top issues for the Western press is to
retrieve balance in the global monetary and financial system. This is a potent
threat that BRICS poses to the US and the US dollar.
The US has been trying to destroy and crush Russia
through the crisis in Ukraine, sanctions and
collapsing oil prices. They took effort to shatter
stability in China through the "revolution of
umbrellas" in Hong Kong. In India, the Common
Man's Party is trying to make way to power. In
Brazil, the Americans try to implement the scenario
of the Latin American spring, similarly to what they do in other sovereign countries of the region - Argentina and Venezuela.
On March 15, about 20 organizations will take to the streets of Brazilian cities under the auspices of opposition for a nationwide protest against the Workers' Party (PT) and its
leader - Dilma Rousseff. They are the movements of social networks. Many will be carrying slogans about the impeachment of the president. Media stars, such as singer Lobão, a
Russian Makarevich, are expected to participate as well. Opposition Senator from Sao Paulo, Aloysio Nunes Ferreira (PSDB-SP), said that he would prefer to see President Dilma
"bleeding" rather than retired.
CIA's plot against Dilma Rousseff
The reasons, for which Washington wants to get rid of Dilma Rousseff, are easy to understand. She signed the agreement about the establishment of the New Development Bank
with the initial registered capital worth 100 billion reserve fund, as well as additional $100 billion. Rousseff also supports the creation of a new world reserve currency.
In October 2014, Dilma Rousseff initiated the construction of 5,600 kilometer-long fiber-optic telecommunications system across the Atlantic to Europe. If successful, the project,
conducted with the participation of the state-owned company Telebras, will undermine the American monopoly in the field of communications, including the Internet. The new
communication system will guarantee protection against NSA's espionage. Telebras president told the local media that the project would be developed and implemented without
the participation of any American company.
Dilma Rousseff also prevents the return of USA's major oil mining companies to the oil and gas market of Brazil. The country is rich with huge deposits of oil, the
unconfirmed reserves of which exceed 100 billion barrels. However, it was during Lula's presidency, when Brazil opted for the Chinese state-run company Sinopec.
In May 2013, US Vice President Joe Biden paid a visit to Brazil in order to convince Dilma Rousseff to grant US companies access to Brazilian oil fields. Biden returned to the
USA empty-handed. Immediately thereafter, a wave of protests swept across Brazil as people were protesting against the rise in prices for public transportation by ten percent.
Dilma Rousseff's rating collapse from 70 to 30 percent. All that happened a year before the presidential election.® - Free
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CIA, FBI, NSA and all the king's men work to topple Brazilian Preside...
1 de 7 13/08/2015 21:33
During this period, the Americans were consistently destroying Rousseff's regime through other protests. They included large-scale protests against excessive costs on the World
Cup and insufficient funding of social welfare programs and health care. There were clashes with police and violence. All of a sudden, the Brazilians forgot that the Workers'
Party had taken around 30 percent of the population out of poverty with the help of public support programs. Hunger and illiteracy became history. Was it became of short
memory? No, as the CIA knows very well how to brainwash people through subordinate media.
Immediately after Biden's departure from Brazil, it was reported that Dilma Rousseff was implicated in the scandal connected with the state-run oil company Petrobras.
Rousseff was accused of receiving a commission on contracts with the oil corporation. The money was allegedly used to buy votes in the parliament.
The most recent attempt to remove Rousseff from power was made in the October 2014 elections, when PSDB candidate Aecio Neves could take office as President. If Neves had
been elected President, Brazil's new Finance Minister would have been Arminio Fraga Neto. Neto holds dual citizenship (second - US); he is a close friend and former partner of
George Soros and his hedge fund Quantum. The Minister for Foreign Affairs would have been Rubens Antonio Barbosa, a former ambassador to Washington, who currently
serves as the director of Albright Stonebridge Group (ASG) in Sao Paulo.
Preparing a color revolution in Brazil
The Foundation is headed by Madeleine Albright, a well-known maker of color revolutions. According to Wikileaks, Jose Serra, one of the leaders of the PSDB, promised his
protection to Chevron in case of election victory. However, despite of vote manipulation in Sao Paulo, Dilma Rousseff won a second mandate.
Gene Sharp, author of "From Dictatorship to Democracy," described 198 nonviolent actions to overthrow legitimate governments. If generalized, they can explain formulated as
Step 1: Processing public opinion on the basis of real disadvantages, promoting discontent through the media, emphasizing such perturbations as deficit, crime, unstable monetary
system, incapacity of state leaders and their accusations of corruption.
Step 2: Demonizing authorities through the manipulation of prejudice saying, for example, that all Brazilians (Russians, Chinese) are all corrupt, holding public actions in defense
of freedom of press, human rights and civil liberties, condemning totalitarianism, revising history in favor of the forces that must be brought to power.
Step 3: Working on the street: channeling conflicts, promoting the mobilization of opposition, developing combat platforms that embrace all political and social demands,
compiling all kinds of protests, skillfully playing on errors of the state, organizing demonstrations in order to block and capture state institutions for the radicalization of clashes.
Step 4: Combining different forms of struggle: organizing pickets and symbolic capture of state institutions, psychological warfare in the media and promotion of clashes with the
police, to create an impression of uncontrollability, demoralizing the legitimate government and law enforcement agencies.
Step 5: Staging an institutional coup on the basis of street protests, calling for the president's resignation.
What stage of the color revolution is happening in Brazil today? It is up to our dear reader to decide. The situation exacerbates in front of our very eyes and it appears that the
Brazilian authorities turn a blind eye on the activities of US intelligence under their noses. In Brazil, CIA, DEA and the FBI officers work legally under the guise of the struggle
against drug trafficking. NGOs and foundations sponsoring color revolutions work in the country as well.
Venezuelan journalist Jose Vicente Rangel reported that about 500 employees of US intelligence services arrived at US embassies in Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil,
Ecuador and Cuba to work as a network to destabilize democratic regimes in these countries. What will happen afterwards? We can already see an example of it in Ukraine.
Lyuba Lulko
Read the original in Russian
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CIA, FBI, NSA and all the king's men work to topple Brazilian Preside...
2 de 7 13/08/2015 21:33
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Ravier Masquerano в 03:22 24 июля
Ravier Masquerano в 03:17 24 июля
we figther in defense of Dilma, #LULA2018
Miguel Luksys в 02:03 15 июня
Good article.
Twitter_222299882 в 16:54 12 апреля
Cristiano Nunes в 04:07 09 апреля
from top to bottom a total nonsense...
Twitter_103891910 в 00:52 08 апреля
Americans will die in Brazil.
Paulo Henrique Netto de Alcântara в 14:44 29 марта
Please! Check the picture link of your sistem! As I try to share it on Facebook it published the Argentina's president with Putin picture!!
W-s8wqnoabcykFiqChKsuQ в 22:02 20 марта
É exatamente isso que está ocorrendo no Brasil. A mídia é a grande culpada, pois, mente, distorce para o povo. Estamos vivendo bem, mas, a cegueira dos que
acreditam na mídia pensam que o Brasil está ruim, estão fora da realidade. Nunca estivemos tão bem como estamos hoje, o poder de compra, o salário está
melhor, o desemprego praticamente sumiu. Mas, infelizmente, tem pessoas aqui que estão totalmente cegas e a classe média e a elite estão totalmente
desinformados. O pior é a mídia está gerando zumbis, ou seja antipetistas, super perigosos, agressivos, raivosos, cheio de ódio, violentos, fascistas, a coisa está
de um jeito que estamos acuados até de usar a cor vermelha, estamos sendo atacados pelos fascistas. Aqui no Brasil está perigosos ser petista. Até ameaça de
morte temos sofrido.
Jovs Lisboa в 02:03 21 марта
Por favor, eu poderia viver nesse país que você está descrevendo?Inflação descotrolada, taxa de juros aumentou, foi aprovado uma Lei para poder não
responsabilizar a presidente de gastar mais do que poderia, Petrobrás afundando, índice de desemprego crescendo., uma presidente que tem medo de falar
com o povo. Montadoras mandando funcionários embora, pois o brasileiro não está tendo poder de compra, sendo que as vendas de veículos e produtos
eletrônicos diminuíram em 30%.Cara, eu não sei quanto você está recebendo do PT, porém eu fico imaginando que tem gente que não sabe nem o que está
falando. Mas eu também não posso pedir muito, pois a educação do nosso é uma droga e acabam criando pessoas sem o poder de raciocinar.
Martha Terry в 03:48 18 марта
So much bullshit it's mindbogling. Who writes that stuff, should be writing Tom Clancy type fiction. I knew that the left was antiquated and loved to line, but the
level of paranoia here is out of this world. Have you guys actually been in Brazil or is it just a press realease from PT's PR?
Isabella Magalhaes в 22:25 20 марта
I DO live in Brazil, and I agree with what you call bullshit. And I do agree because I come from a poor family, and I FEEL in my LIFE and life of many
around me, who barelly had enough to eat before, and now live pretty well, the difference from the PSDB government and Pt government. I guess you,
my friend, have been manipulated to think we are not ok. There are many people who already lived well before this government complaining that the
country is worse. But that is because nothing changed for you, except for the fact that now we have poor people in universities, airports, shopping malls,
etc. But for us, whose lives got better after the government, is a huge difference.
Peter Hardy в 08:33 17 марта
Look at all the members of Brics Corruption is so ingrained that it will never be stopped At least the new guy in China is having a go to clean house India is
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CIA, FBI, NSA and all the king's men work to topple Brazilian Preside...
3 de 7 13/08/2015 21:33
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Cia, fbi, nsa and all the king's men work to topple brazilian president rousseff english pravda

  • 1. 13.03.2015 0 Tweet Print version Font Size Send to friend ENG RUS PT ITA® - Free Trial Unlimited access for 10 days. Thousands of courses. Try it free. Mail Register Now! Russia World Society Science Incidents Opinion Business Photo Advertising sections World » Americas CIA, FBI, NSA and all the king's men work to topple Brazilian President Rousseff In Brazil, opposition is going to hold protest marches against Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. Actions of protest are expected to take place in more than 25 cities across the country on March 15. In São Paulo, a 200,000-strong rally is expected under the slogan "Down with Dilma." Is it possible to mobilize the population against the party that has been able to significantly raise the living standard in the country during 12 years of rule? It is quite possible that the CIA is involved in the plan to stage riots in Brazil nationwide. Over the recent years, BRICS has become the main geopolitical threat to the United States. One of today's top issues for the Western press is to retrieve balance in the global monetary and financial system. This is a potent threat that BRICS poses to the US and the US dollar. The US has been trying to destroy and crush Russia through the crisis in Ukraine, sanctions and collapsing oil prices. They took effort to shatter stability in China through the "revolution of umbrellas" in Hong Kong. In India, the Common Man's Party is trying to make way to power. In Brazil, the Americans try to implement the scenario of the Latin American spring, similarly to what they do in other sovereign countries of the region - Argentina and Venezuela. On March 15, about 20 organizations will take to the streets of Brazilian cities under the auspices of opposition for a nationwide protest against the Workers' Party (PT) and its leader - Dilma Rousseff. They are the movements of social networks. Many will be carrying slogans about the impeachment of the president. Media stars, such as singer Lobão, a Russian Makarevich, are expected to participate as well. Opposition Senator from Sao Paulo, Aloysio Nunes Ferreira (PSDB-SP), said that he would prefer to see President Dilma "bleeding" rather than retired. CIA's plot against Dilma Rousseff The reasons, for which Washington wants to get rid of Dilma Rousseff, are easy to understand. She signed the agreement about the establishment of the New Development Bank with the initial registered capital worth 100 billion reserve fund, as well as additional $100 billion. Rousseff also supports the creation of a new world reserve currency. In October 2014, Dilma Rousseff initiated the construction of 5,600 kilometer-long fiber-optic telecommunications system across the Atlantic to Europe. If successful, the project, conducted with the participation of the state-owned company Telebras, will undermine the American monopoly in the field of communications, including the Internet. The new communication system will guarantee protection against NSA's espionage. Telebras president told the local media that the project would be developed and implemented without the participation of any American company. Dilma Rousseff also prevents the return of USA's major oil mining companies to the oil and gas market of Brazil. The country is rich with huge deposits of oil, the unconfirmed reserves of which exceed 100 billion barrels. However, it was during Lula's presidency, when Brazil opted for the Chinese state-run company Sinopec. In May 2013, US Vice President Joe Biden paid a visit to Brazil in order to convince Dilma Rousseff to grant US companies access to Brazilian oil fields. Biden returned to the USA empty-handed. Immediately thereafter, a wave of protests swept across Brazil as people were protesting against the rise in prices for public transportation by ten percent. Dilma Rousseff's rating collapse from 70 to 30 percent. All that happened a year before the presidential election.® - Free Trial Unlimited access for 10 days. Thousands of courses. Try it free. CIA, FBI, NSA and all the king's men work to topple Brazilian Preside... 1 de 7 13/08/2015 21:33
  • 2. During this period, the Americans were consistently destroying Rousseff's regime through other protests. They included large-scale protests against excessive costs on the World Cup and insufficient funding of social welfare programs and health care. There were clashes with police and violence. All of a sudden, the Brazilians forgot that the Workers' Party had taken around 30 percent of the population out of poverty with the help of public support programs. Hunger and illiteracy became history. Was it became of short memory? No, as the CIA knows very well how to brainwash people through subordinate media. Immediately after Biden's departure from Brazil, it was reported that Dilma Rousseff was implicated in the scandal connected with the state-run oil company Petrobras. Rousseff was accused of receiving a commission on contracts with the oil corporation. The money was allegedly used to buy votes in the parliament. The most recent attempt to remove Rousseff from power was made in the October 2014 elections, when PSDB candidate Aecio Neves could take office as President. If Neves had been elected President, Brazil's new Finance Minister would have been Arminio Fraga Neto. Neto holds dual citizenship (second - US); he is a close friend and former partner of George Soros and his hedge fund Quantum. The Minister for Foreign Affairs would have been Rubens Antonio Barbosa, a former ambassador to Washington, who currently serves as the director of Albright Stonebridge Group (ASG) in Sao Paulo. Preparing a color revolution in Brazil The Foundation is headed by Madeleine Albright, a well-known maker of color revolutions. According to Wikileaks, Jose Serra, one of the leaders of the PSDB, promised his protection to Chevron in case of election victory. However, despite of vote manipulation in Sao Paulo, Dilma Rousseff won a second mandate. Gene Sharp, author of "From Dictatorship to Democracy," described 198 nonviolent actions to overthrow legitimate governments. If generalized, they can explain formulated as follows. Step 1: Processing public opinion on the basis of real disadvantages, promoting discontent through the media, emphasizing such perturbations as deficit, crime, unstable monetary system, incapacity of state leaders and their accusations of corruption. Step 2: Demonizing authorities through the manipulation of prejudice saying, for example, that all Brazilians (Russians, Chinese) are all corrupt, holding public actions in defense of freedom of press, human rights and civil liberties, condemning totalitarianism, revising history in favor of the forces that must be brought to power. Step 3: Working on the street: channeling conflicts, promoting the mobilization of opposition, developing combat platforms that embrace all political and social demands, compiling all kinds of protests, skillfully playing on errors of the state, organizing demonstrations in order to block and capture state institutions for the radicalization of clashes. Step 4: Combining different forms of struggle: organizing pickets and symbolic capture of state institutions, psychological warfare in the media and promotion of clashes with the police, to create an impression of uncontrollability, demoralizing the legitimate government and law enforcement agencies. Step 5: Staging an institutional coup on the basis of street protests, calling for the president's resignation. What stage of the color revolution is happening in Brazil today? It is up to our dear reader to decide. The situation exacerbates in front of our very eyes and it appears that the Brazilian authorities turn a blind eye on the activities of US intelligence under their noses. In Brazil, CIA, DEA and the FBI officers work legally under the guise of the struggle against drug trafficking. NGOs and foundations sponsoring color revolutions work in the country as well. Venezuelan journalist Jose Vicente Rangel reported that about 500 employees of US intelligence services arrived at US embassies in Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador and Cuba to work as a network to destabilize democratic regimes in these countries. What will happen afterwards? We can already see an example of it in Ukraine. Lyuba Lulko Pravda.Ru Read the original in Russian Also read: Russia to sell its best air defense complexes to Brazil Brazil despises anti-Russian Western cliches Brazil's new face has no white color anymore Football and Olympics spark riots in Brazil Print version Send to friend Code for blog 6.4kLikeLike 17 2Reddit 0Flipboard 0 CIA, FBI, NSA and all the king's men work to topple Brazilian Preside... 2 de 7 13/08/2015 21:33
  • 3. Report error Ravier Masquerano в 03:22 24 июля CIA WANT ONE NEW WAR UKRANIE IN BRASIL, OPEN THE EYES. WAR = $$$ Abuse Ravier Masquerano в 03:17 24 июля we figther in defense of Dilma, #LULA2018 Abuse Miguel Luksys в 02:03 15 июня Good article. Abuse Twitter_222299882 в 16:54 12 апреля exactly!!DILMA IS UNDER US IMPERIALIST ATTACK BECAUSE SHE IS NOT FOLLOWING ROCKEFELLER CORPORATION ORDERS TO GIVE UP PETROBRAS AND AMAZONIA! Abuse Cristiano Nunes в 04:07 09 апреля from top to bottom a total nonsense... Abuse Twitter_103891910 в 00:52 08 апреля Americans will die in Brazil. Abuse Paulo Henrique Netto de Alcântara в 14:44 29 марта Please! Check the picture link of your sistem! As I try to share it on Facebook it published the Argentina's president with Putin picture!! Abuse W-s8wqnoabcykFiqChKsuQ в 22:02 20 марта É exatamente isso que está ocorrendo no Brasil. A mídia é a grande culpada, pois, mente, distorce para o povo. Estamos vivendo bem, mas, a cegueira dos que acreditam na mídia pensam que o Brasil está ruim, estão fora da realidade. Nunca estivemos tão bem como estamos hoje, o poder de compra, o salário está melhor, o desemprego praticamente sumiu. Mas, infelizmente, tem pessoas aqui que estão totalmente cegas e a classe média e a elite estão totalmente desinformados. O pior é a mídia está gerando zumbis, ou seja antipetistas, super perigosos, agressivos, raivosos, cheio de ódio, violentos, fascistas, a coisa está de um jeito que estamos acuados até de usar a cor vermelha, estamos sendo atacados pelos fascistas. Aqui no Brasil está perigosos ser petista. Até ameaça de morte temos sofrido. Abuse Jovs Lisboa в 02:03 21 марта Por favor, eu poderia viver nesse país que você está descrevendo?Inflação descotrolada, taxa de juros aumentou, foi aprovado uma Lei para poder não responsabilizar a presidente de gastar mais do que poderia, Petrobrás afundando, índice de desemprego crescendo., uma presidente que tem medo de falar com o povo. Montadoras mandando funcionários embora, pois o brasileiro não está tendo poder de compra, sendo que as vendas de veículos e produtos eletrônicos diminuíram em 30%.Cara, eu não sei quanto você está recebendo do PT, porém eu fico imaginando que tem gente que não sabe nem o que está falando. Mas eu também não posso pedir muito, pois a educação do nosso é uma droga e acabam criando pessoas sem o poder de raciocinar. Abuse Martha Terry в 03:48 18 марта So much bullshit it's mindbogling. Who writes that stuff, should be writing Tom Clancy type fiction. I knew that the left was antiquated and loved to line, but the level of paranoia here is out of this world. Have you guys actually been in Brazil or is it just a press realease from PT's PR? Abuse Isabella Magalhaes в 22:25 20 марта I DO live in Brazil, and I agree with what you call bullshit. And I do agree because I come from a poor family, and I FEEL in my LIFE and life of many around me, who barelly had enough to eat before, and now live pretty well, the difference from the PSDB government and Pt government. I guess you, my friend, have been manipulated to think we are not ok. There are many people who already lived well before this government complaining that the country is worse. But that is because nothing changed for you, except for the fact that now we have poor people in universities, airports, shopping malls, etc. But for us, whose lives got better after the government, is a huge difference. Abuse Peter Hardy в 08:33 17 марта Look at all the members of Brics Corruption is so ingrained that it will never be stopped At least the new guy in China is having a go to clean house India is Write a comment: Please log in through any social network: Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply ReplyToggle branch ⇓ ReplyToggle branch ⇑ ReplyToggle branch ⇓ ReplyToggle branch ⇑ CIA, FBI, NSA and all the king's men work to topple Brazilian Preside... 3 de 7 13/08/2015 21:33
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