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Mark Joseph B. Onsing
Ramona Pilar S. Cabuguas
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1.....................................................................................................1
The Problem and It’s Scope.........................................................................1
1.1 Introduction..........................................................................................1
Rationale of the Project.............................................................................1
Review of Related Systems........................................................................5
1.2 The Problem .........................................................................................9
Statement of the Problem .........................................................................9
General Objective .....................................................................................10
Specific Objective......................................................................................10
Significance of the Study.........................................................................11
Scope and Limitations of the Study........................................................13
Technical Background ...............................................................................13
CHAPTER 2..................................................................................................15
Project Methodology ....................................................................................15
2.1 Introduction.........................................................................................15
2.2 Planning phase.....................................................................................16
2.3 Analysis phase ....................................................................................25
2.4 Development Phase.............................................................................27
List of Figures
Fig. 1 Flow Chart Diagram for Administrator ................................................18
Fig. 2 Flow Chart Diagram for Shoppers ......................................................19
Fig. 3 Users Use Case Diagram ..................................................................21
Fig. 4 Admin Use Case Diagram.................................................................22
Fig. 5 Database Design Constructed Based on ER-Model ...........................26
Fig. 6 Log In Module Design .......................................................................29
Fig. 7 Sign Up Module Design ....................................................................31
Fig. 8 Shopping Module Design...................................................................33
Fig. 9 Product Module Design .....................................................................35
Fig. 10 MyCart Module Design ....................................................................37
List of Table
table # 1.....................................................................................................38
The Problem and It’s Scope
1.1 Introduction
Rationale of the Project
The twenty-first century has seen remarkable technological
advancements, which has resulted in a significant shift in how we go
about our daily lives. The Internet has transformed the globe into a
global community. It is now possible to communicate and connect with
people from all over the world in just couple of seconds. One of the
sectors that has benefited greatly by technology is the commercial sector.
Online shopping is a type of electronic commerce application system that
allows customers to buy goods and services directly from a vendor via
the internet using a web browser or a mobile application. It is currently
one of the most popular online platforms in the digital market, and
providing excellent services to buyers and consumers. In fact, according
to William, et al, (2006), customers would mostly prefer to buy online
because they feel there is no hassle and it is more convenient than
purchasing in a traditional store. Online shopping platforms such as
Amazon, Walmart, and Ebay are among the world’s leading shopping
platforms, generating revenue on a global scale.
Yet, nowadays, the majority of people are using mobile devices,
making feasible to buy and sell goods or services from almost anywhere
through utilizing mobile apps and even social media platforms ( Nabeena
Mali ). In addition, online shopping, which is a new avenue for business
in Malaysia especially in cooperatives, will gain more advantage and
progress in providing quick, simple, and trendy business tools. Moreover,
even if the application system exists, not everyone will use mobile
devices to make purchases because some consumers are not adapting the
new e-commerce platforms ( Perez-Hernandez and Sanches-Mangas, 2011).
Customers must consider and discover that trusting online purchasing is
useful and simple to use, with an easy-to-use interface, and that safety
measures are built into websites and that the vendor has nothing to gain
by cheating (Amoroso & Hunsinger, 2009).
Furthermore, following the introduction of group quarantine to
counter the rise in coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases in the
Philippines, there has been a significant increase in online purchasing.
The Shopee Philippines-Visa (SPV) program aims to enable customers to
support local businesses while also assisting small and medium businesses
in expanding their online presence. According to Wolbert (2020), the
effect of Covid-19 is a change in consumer habits toward e-commerce, as
well as a rapid growth shift to digital payments and a digital
transformation, as well as adapting to changing consumer behaviour.
However, despite the fact that the Shoppee business in the
Philippines is growing and becoming the most popular trend in the
market by utilizing the existing e-commerce platforms, consumers are still
denied the opportunity to become members or co-owners of the
company. Unlike cooperatives, which offer and allow anybody to join and
become a member of and a co-owner in a business group. As a result,
as in Republic Act 9520, being a member of a cooperative will benefit
the patronage refund annually as well as the customers.
A Boljoon Paglaum Consumers Cooperatives (BPCC), based in El
Pardo, is one of the few cooperatives that is still using its services and
conducting manual inventories. This procedure takes a long time to
complete and is inefficient. As a result, the researcher is motivated to
develop an Online Mobile Application with Inventory System (OMAIS) that
would assist the BPCC operate more efficiently, more productive, and
provide a better service to consumers. And selling their products, such as
commercial feeds, rice & corn grits, school supplies, canned foods,
beverages, and especially organic root crops, will be easy to sell through
the proposed system. With the aid of this OMAIS, not only the staff and
other participants, but also other users, would benefit. As a result,
introducing this OMAIS system would allow them to enter an ever-
expanding market while also providing better management, which will help
both the organization and its customers. Furthermore, by applying this
OMAIS system to the cooperative BPCC, not only will the cooperative be
able to run operations and services smoothly and quickly, but it will also
allow customers to apply and register to become members and owners
of the cooperative. In addition, you must register with the cooperative
and pay a fee of two hundred pesos to become a member. And, in
order to expand the cooperative, it will need to invest funds that will be
added to the collective capital. A member can receive a dividend from
the shared capital, but depending to the amount of money he/she has
invested. Members will earn a patronage refund every time they make a
purchase, in addition to the benefits of shared capital. This patronage
refund will be given not just to the cooperative’s members, but also to
customers who purchase products from the cooperative. And that
patronage refund will be given out once a year.
Review of Related Systems
Online marketing has a huge difference to traditional marketing
where you are selling your products through one or more customers
directly coming into your store. Whereas, online marketing supports one-
to-one communication through the Internet, which becomes more
comfortable and innovative (Johnson, Gustafson, Andreasson, Lervik &
Cha, 2001).
Online marketing is providing to be successful, particularly in
Western countries. As stated by Thomas, Davie, & Weidenhamer (2012),
online retail revenues in the United States increased to US329 billion in
2010 and increased to US1,076.9 billion in the second quarter of 2012.
That is why, even today, it remains at the forefront of the market trend
because it provides excellent services to people, especially to the modern
ones. Nowadays, online shopping is becoming more advantageous. The
majority of people are tired of going to the supermarket to purchase
their favourite products, and they choose to shop online.
Yet, there is research found that in Malaysia, small companies,
local firms or even co-operative businesses are unwilling to enter online
retailing because most customers are reluctant and not been convinced
by this platform (Khatibi, Haque, & Khaizurah, 2006). By innovating a
user-friendly application, good services and responsive design, the
unwillingness of customers to experience the online shopping platform will
change into an attraction and can help boost the market specifically in
this industry (Zetty Madina et al., 2011).
In today’s modernized and technological world, it is very important
for co-operative businesses to adapt to the e-business format, not just to
be competitive but also to provide them with a more advanced and
innovative way of managing and maintaining the business (Taylor,
McWilliam, Forsyth, and Wade 2002). According to So, Wong, & Sculli,
2005, when customers are familiar with the co-operative and its system,
the process of making online purchases through the application will grow
even more. Im & Ha, 2011 added that if a co-operative store will
integrate a website, fluidity and responsiveness must be the main
concern, especially when they are targeting the millennial. This study
concluded that most of the generation Y people are not more
knowledgeable about the modern technology trends. The integrity of a
certain application is very crucial. Some aspects, like relevant information,
customers transactions, payment of purchase, information about the
security of customers etc., should be the main spotlight in creating the
system. Providing contact information about the application like email,
telephone and fax numbers gives importance to the consumers to be more
confident in using the application (Teo, 2006). According to Delafrooz et
al., (2010), a good design implementation of a website or application will
attract the customers attention and turn their navigation activity into
buying. Good interaction between the consumers and the application
should be applied to be successful in e-business.
Khatibi et al., (2006) added that simplicity of the application or
website is enough to prevent confusion, especially for the first timers in
online shopping. The significance is that it provides customers with
convenience, dependability, and ease (Haque et al., 2006). In addition,
Haag et al., (2004), also pointed out that to become successful in the e-
shopping business, a company must apply the following; personalize the
shopping experience of your customers; make a website that customers
will visit more often; used an effective marketing strategy and last is to
advertise your site to gain popularity.
Today, most of the shopping platforms can be done using a
mobile. As a result, the addition of mobiles in the retail world is
changing the way of buying because it is easier for consumers to find
their needs whenever and wherever they are in the world. And this can
be done with help of the mobile shopping application installed in their
devices. According to Ngai and Gunasekaran, (2014), mobile phones serve
a lot to people, giving them convenience and great performance,
presenting the “new era of localization applications in our daily life”.
1.2 The Problem
Statement of the Problem
The main goal of this research is to implement an online mobile
application with inventory system in particular, that would
address to the following issues:
1. Difficulty in managing revenue and inventory since manual
calculations are still in use.
2. Due to the lack of a computer, printer, and database, it is
difficult to generate store documents.
3. Other consumers are hesitant to join the cooperative due to a
lack of confidence and awareness of the cooperative.
4. Due to traditional management, the administrator is having
difficulty overseeing and computing the sales and stocks in the
General Objective
For Boljoon Paglaum Consumers Cooperative, the researchers want to
create an Online Mobile Application with Inventory Management System
structure. The primary aim of this study is to demonstrate that
computerized information is more beneficial and accurate than manual
data. It also aims to find solutions to the problems that arise when
constructing an instant store record.
Specific Objective
1. It would be easier to alter and update the store’s sales record
if the administrator had access to a database that enabled them
to adjust and update data.
2. By incorporating a database into the program, the administrator
can easily forecast actual revenue and inventory in that
particular store.
3. Other customers who want to join the cooperative will do so
quickly and without delay using the online mobile application
that has been introduced.
4. It can easily provide a fast purchase of basic necessities
through the said application.
Significance of the Study
The following are important implications of this study’s findings:
Cooperative. The research is important to the cooperative in that , the
application would assist the cooperative in converting their manual
processes to computerized processes.
Member/Owner. The member/owner will benefit from the study because
he will be able to see results, sales revenues, stock inventory, and
overall cost of sales. The system can be used to view the overall store
records and it will also save time in promoting the business and goods.
Administrator. With the assistance of the sales management system
framework, the administrator will be able to monitor and handle the in
and out transactions.
Clients/Customers. The study is essential for customers or clients to be
able to purchase goods easily and receive good customer service.
Researchers. For the researcher, the thesis is meaningful because it acts
as proof of work, the study’s climax, and, most importantly, a sense of
Other Readers. Readers may find this analysis useful because it can be
used as a guide for future experiments, initiatives, and planned device
Scope and Limitations of the Study
The primary target of this research is to create an online mobile
application system that will provide a shopping experience to customers
and buyers for Boljoon Paglaum Consumers Cooperative. This mobile
application will also help them promote their products and services and
provide quick access registration for membership of the cooperative. The
proposed system will include an administrator inventory management to
keep track of the available stocks in the store. The following features are
also included in the proposed framework, which will provide quick
information and easy access to provide better service and that everyone
will be able to meet and have trust in transacting with.
Technical Background
The researchers had gathered all the relevant research and created the
technology that would be used. Since the project is still processing, the
researchers will continue to look for resources and applications that will
aid in the system’s growth. The research will be an IT – related study,
and terminology will be used. These terminologies are part of technical
terms that are being used by the researchers in the project, which are
namely; PhpMyAdmin, MySQL, Database, and SQLite. These terminologies
would aid in the growth and enhancement of the proposed cooperative’s
Project Methodology
2.1 Introduction
The proposed system, which is the Online Mobile Application with
Inventory System (OMAIS), will not be successful without applying some
methodological processes or techniques. To achieve the desired project
implementation, the researchers followed some steps and procedures on
how to create the project and precisely analyse the step-by-step process.
The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the standard methodology
for developing a system; there are many types of SDLC, and in this
project, the researchers agreed to use the traditional waterfall model to
meet the system's demand.
2.2 Planning phase
During this phase, the researchers plan and conduct research to
determine what is most feasible for the system. After gathering
information from interviews and sources about how the system will be
implemented, the researchers came up with an idea of how the system
will be created. The proposed system will be developed using the Visual
Studio Community Edition Toolkit and will use also Xamarin (cross-
platform mobile development framework that runs on either IOS or
Android) as its framework. The proposed system will have two distinct
users; an administrator who will manage the store’s inventory, and a
buyer or user who will use the app to shop or apply for membership.
Each user will have unique privileges and interactions with the application.
This implementation of the designed systems and requirements is mentally
planned and analysed to achieve the project's desired goal.
 Project flow chart
A Flow Chart is a systematic diagram that represents the
functionality and flow of the system. It helps the researcher to guide
through the development process. The flow and process of the system by
its specific users are depicted in the figures below.
Fig. 1 Flow Chart Diagram for Administrator
Login As
of Items
Fig. 2 Flow Chart Diagram for Shoppers
IF Register
Register as
New Member
Add to
My Cart
Date for
Profile Page
 Use Case Diagrams
These diagrams will show the various ways in which the user can
interact with the system. The following figures will show how each users
of the application will be interacting with its different privileges.
Fig. 3 Users Use Case Diagram
Login with the
Add to
Register for
Fig. 4 Admin Use Case Diagram
 System Feasibility
To determine whether the proposed system is feasible to develop,
extensive research and planning should be conducted, as well as an
analysis of the best suited requirements or framework to be used. The
process of describing, identifying, and evaluating proposed systems and
selecting the best system for proper operation is referred to as feasibility.
The feasibility of the system can be divided into the following sections:
 Economic Feasibility
The project will be economically feasible and more suited to users
especially in this cooperative since the application can be access through
a mobile app. The only cost involved is to have an internet connection
but the impact it will provide especially in this local community has a big
value since it can provide shopping experience through the mobile
application and will also enhance the cooperative business in their
business process.
 Technical Feasibility
The following are the only technical requirements for deploying the
For Developers:
Windows Operating System
MySQL Database
Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition
Xamarin Framework
For Users:
Computer, Internet Connection, Mobile Device
 Behavioural Feasibility
The application will provide a well-guided interface for its users. It
will also add warnings and error messages for all the actions taken. In
terms of platform availability, the mobile app is built using the Xamarin
Framework, which is available on both the Android and IOS platforms.
2.3 Analysis phase
In this phase, the researchers analyse the data that has been
collected from the previous phase. After carefully analysing the
requirements and functionality of the mobile application, the researchers
have constructed the ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) that is related to
the relationship and the entity of the business client. The following
figures will show the entity relationship diagram model of the database
management system.
Fig. 5 Database Design Constructed Based on ER-Model
2.4 Development Phase
The implementation of the graphical user interface design for the
application is done in this phase. The mobile application design and
coding will be developed using the Visual Studio Community Tool, and
will use Xamarin as its framework along with the C# programming
language. The coding of the interface design is achieved through XAML
(Extensible Application Markup Language), a Microsoft XML (Extensible
Markup Language) -based language for creating a rich GUI (Graphical User
Interface). The module walkthrough that follows will demonstrate the
functions of a specific module as well as the flow of the system with its
 Procedural / Modular Approach
 Mobile Application Implementation / Design
a. Login Module
This module is the main security of the application. It will
determine whether the user is genuine or not, as well as whether
the user is a member of the cooperative. It requires a username
and password before the user can proceed to the next page of
the application. This module's feature is that the user can login to
the application using his or her Facebook account. It will also
include security warnings and messages to assist the user in his or
her actions.
Fig. 6 Log In Module Design
b. Register Module
This module is where the user will register for an account. This
section will also include the registration for cooperative business
membership. The system will collect necessary information from the user
and will be used to find information about a certain user. After
registering, the application will return to the login module and the user
can now use his username and password and can now freely use the
app and its benefit.
Fig. 7 Sign Up Module Design
c. Shopping Module
After login, the user will be directed to the homepage of the
application. This is where the user can search for the product and can
also select the type of category of the product. This is also the page
where special offers and seasonal discounts are made available online.
Upon selecting the specific category of the product, it will direct to the
other page of the application where it will show all the products
available in the category as selected.
Fig. 8 Shopping Module Design
d. Product Module
This module will launch after the user selects a product category
from the homepage or searches for a specific product. The product can
also be added to the cart for a future transaction. Each item can also
be selected and it will be directed to the other part of the page where
it will display the entire information and image of its particular product.
Fig. 9 Product Module Design
e. MyCart Module
When the user views the shopping cart, this module is activated.
All of the products that the user has added to the shopping cart are
listed, along with their price and quantity. The total cost of all products
added to the cart is shown. A user can change the quantity of any
product or remove it from the shopping cart. The total price changes
accordingly when a user edits the quantity of a product or when a
product is removed from the cart.
Fig. 10 MyCart Module Design
 Gantt Chart
This is the schedule for the development of the system which is
represented via Gantt Chart. The y-axis of the graph is the task that we
should follow in creating the project. The bar on the chart represents
the duration of the project from its start date up to its end date while
the x-axis on the other hand , represents the data table of its particular
task and schedule.
table # 1 Timeline Using Gantt Chart
admin: person who will manage and handle all
incoming and outcoming transactions and responsible in
updating database
consumers cooperative: a group of individuals who
set up a community store
dashboard: provides to view and indicates all the
relevant transactions in one visual navigation
ERD (entity relationship diagram): this shows the
relationship and the entity related from constructed
based on the database
flowchart: a systematic diagrams that represents the
functionality and flow of the system
gantt chart: a chart that shows the schedule or a
timeline for the development of the system
login design: a design where the user can enter
his/her account to this page
mycart: a cart or a container which contains of all
ordered product from shoppers
module design: a design which is created and
organizing by its particular content structure
product: lists of all selling products in a cooperative
shoppers: persons or customers who are purchases
goods in a grocery
shopping page: this page shows the contents of all
products in a cooperative
sign up page: a page where users or customers can
register and creating an account to become a member
of a cooperative
use case diagram: a diagram shows the interactions
and relations from the admin and users
username: is a name that uniquely identifies and
represents someone to gain access to the cooperative’s
events and other activities
users: a person who can use to log in and can
register in a mobile app

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  • 2. i Table of Contents CHAPTER 1.....................................................................................................1 The Problem and It’s Scope.........................................................................1 1.1 Introduction..........................................................................................1 Rationale of the Project.............................................................................1 Review of Related Systems........................................................................5 1.2 The Problem .........................................................................................9 Statement of the Problem .........................................................................9 General Objective .....................................................................................10 Specific Objective......................................................................................10 Significance of the Study.........................................................................11 Scope and Limitations of the Study........................................................13 Technical Background ...............................................................................13 CHAPTER 2..................................................................................................15 Project Methodology ....................................................................................15 2.1 Introduction.........................................................................................15 2.2 Planning phase.....................................................................................16 2.3 Analysis phase ....................................................................................25 2.4 Development Phase.............................................................................27 GLOSSARY....................................................................................................39
  • 3. ii List of Figures Fig. 1 Flow Chart Diagram for Administrator ................................................18 Fig. 2 Flow Chart Diagram for Shoppers ......................................................19 Fig. 3 Users Use Case Diagram ..................................................................21 Fig. 4 Admin Use Case Diagram.................................................................22 Fig. 5 Database Design Constructed Based on ER-Model ...........................26 Fig. 6 Log In Module Design .......................................................................29 Fig. 7 Sign Up Module Design ....................................................................31 Fig. 8 Shopping Module Design...................................................................33 Fig. 9 Product Module Design .....................................................................35 Fig. 10 MyCart Module Design ....................................................................37 List of Table table # 1.....................................................................................................38
  • 4. 1 CHAPTER 1 The Problem and It’s Scope 1.1 Introduction Rationale of the Project The twenty-first century has seen remarkable technological advancements, which has resulted in a significant shift in how we go about our daily lives. The Internet has transformed the globe into a global community. It is now possible to communicate and connect with people from all over the world in just couple of seconds. One of the sectors that has benefited greatly by technology is the commercial sector. Online shopping is a type of electronic commerce application system that allows customers to buy goods and services directly from a vendor via the internet using a web browser or a mobile application. It is currently one of the most popular online platforms in the digital market, and providing excellent services to buyers and consumers. In fact, according to William, et al, (2006), customers would mostly prefer to buy online
  • 5. 2 because they feel there is no hassle and it is more convenient than purchasing in a traditional store. Online shopping platforms such as Amazon, Walmart, and Ebay are among the world’s leading shopping platforms, generating revenue on a global scale. Yet, nowadays, the majority of people are using mobile devices, making feasible to buy and sell goods or services from almost anywhere through utilizing mobile apps and even social media platforms ( Nabeena Mali ). In addition, online shopping, which is a new avenue for business in Malaysia especially in cooperatives, will gain more advantage and progress in providing quick, simple, and trendy business tools. Moreover, even if the application system exists, not everyone will use mobile devices to make purchases because some consumers are not adapting the new e-commerce platforms ( Perez-Hernandez and Sanches-Mangas, 2011). Customers must consider and discover that trusting online purchasing is useful and simple to use, with an easy-to-use interface, and that safety measures are built into websites and that the vendor has nothing to gain by cheating (Amoroso & Hunsinger, 2009).
  • 6. 3 Furthermore, following the introduction of group quarantine to counter the rise in coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases in the Philippines, there has been a significant increase in online purchasing. The Shopee Philippines-Visa (SPV) program aims to enable customers to support local businesses while also assisting small and medium businesses in expanding their online presence. According to Wolbert (2020), the effect of Covid-19 is a change in consumer habits toward e-commerce, as well as a rapid growth shift to digital payments and a digital transformation, as well as adapting to changing consumer behaviour. However, despite the fact that the Shoppee business in the Philippines is growing and becoming the most popular trend in the market by utilizing the existing e-commerce platforms, consumers are still denied the opportunity to become members or co-owners of the company. Unlike cooperatives, which offer and allow anybody to join and become a member of and a co-owner in a business group. As a result, as in Republic Act 9520, being a member of a cooperative will benefit the patronage refund annually as well as the customers.
  • 7. 4 A Boljoon Paglaum Consumers Cooperatives (BPCC), based in El Pardo, is one of the few cooperatives that is still using its services and conducting manual inventories. This procedure takes a long time to complete and is inefficient. As a result, the researcher is motivated to develop an Online Mobile Application with Inventory System (OMAIS) that would assist the BPCC operate more efficiently, more productive, and provide a better service to consumers. And selling their products, such as commercial feeds, rice & corn grits, school supplies, canned foods, beverages, and especially organic root crops, will be easy to sell through the proposed system. With the aid of this OMAIS, not only the staff and other participants, but also other users, would benefit. As a result, introducing this OMAIS system would allow them to enter an ever- expanding market while also providing better management, which will help both the organization and its customers. Furthermore, by applying this OMAIS system to the cooperative BPCC, not only will the cooperative be able to run operations and services smoothly and quickly, but it will also allow customers to apply and register to become members and owners of the cooperative. In addition, you must register with the cooperative and pay a fee of two hundred pesos to become a member. And, in
  • 8. 5 order to expand the cooperative, it will need to invest funds that will be added to the collective capital. A member can receive a dividend from the shared capital, but depending to the amount of money he/she has invested. Members will earn a patronage refund every time they make a purchase, in addition to the benefits of shared capital. This patronage refund will be given not just to the cooperative’s members, but also to customers who purchase products from the cooperative. And that patronage refund will be given out once a year. Review of Related Systems Online marketing has a huge difference to traditional marketing where you are selling your products through one or more customers directly coming into your store. Whereas, online marketing supports one- to-one communication through the Internet, which becomes more comfortable and innovative (Johnson, Gustafson, Andreasson, Lervik & Cha, 2001).
  • 9. 6 Online marketing is providing to be successful, particularly in Western countries. As stated by Thomas, Davie, & Weidenhamer (2012), online retail revenues in the United States increased to US329 billion in 2010 and increased to US1,076.9 billion in the second quarter of 2012. That is why, even today, it remains at the forefront of the market trend because it provides excellent services to people, especially to the modern ones. Nowadays, online shopping is becoming more advantageous. The majority of people are tired of going to the supermarket to purchase their favourite products, and they choose to shop online. Yet, there is research found that in Malaysia, small companies, local firms or even co-operative businesses are unwilling to enter online retailing because most customers are reluctant and not been convinced by this platform (Khatibi, Haque, & Khaizurah, 2006). By innovating a user-friendly application, good services and responsive design, the unwillingness of customers to experience the online shopping platform will change into an attraction and can help boost the market specifically in this industry (Zetty Madina et al., 2011).
  • 10. 7 In today’s modernized and technological world, it is very important for co-operative businesses to adapt to the e-business format, not just to be competitive but also to provide them with a more advanced and innovative way of managing and maintaining the business (Taylor, McWilliam, Forsyth, and Wade 2002). According to So, Wong, & Sculli, 2005, when customers are familiar with the co-operative and its system, the process of making online purchases through the application will grow even more. Im & Ha, 2011 added that if a co-operative store will integrate a website, fluidity and responsiveness must be the main concern, especially when they are targeting the millennial. This study concluded that most of the generation Y people are not more knowledgeable about the modern technology trends. The integrity of a certain application is very crucial. Some aspects, like relevant information, customers transactions, payment of purchase, information about the security of customers etc., should be the main spotlight in creating the system. Providing contact information about the application like email, telephone and fax numbers gives importance to the consumers to be more confident in using the application (Teo, 2006). According to Delafrooz et al., (2010), a good design implementation of a website or application will attract the customers attention and turn their navigation activity into buying. Good interaction between the consumers and the application
  • 11. 8 should be applied to be successful in e-business. Khatibi et al., (2006) added that simplicity of the application or website is enough to prevent confusion, especially for the first timers in online shopping. The significance is that it provides customers with convenience, dependability, and ease (Haque et al., 2006). In addition, Haag et al., (2004), also pointed out that to become successful in the e- shopping business, a company must apply the following; personalize the shopping experience of your customers; make a website that customers will visit more often; used an effective marketing strategy and last is to advertise your site to gain popularity. Today, most of the shopping platforms can be done using a mobile. As a result, the addition of mobiles in the retail world is changing the way of buying because it is easier for consumers to find their needs whenever and wherever they are in the world. And this can be done with help of the mobile shopping application installed in their devices. According to Ngai and Gunasekaran, (2014), mobile phones serve a lot to people, giving them convenience and great performance, presenting the “new era of localization applications in our daily life”.
  • 12. 9 1.2 The Problem Statement of the Problem The main goal of this research is to implement an online mobile application with inventory system in particular, that would address to the following issues: 1. Difficulty in managing revenue and inventory since manual calculations are still in use. 2. Due to the lack of a computer, printer, and database, it is difficult to generate store documents. 3. Other consumers are hesitant to join the cooperative due to a lack of confidence and awareness of the cooperative. 4. Due to traditional management, the administrator is having difficulty overseeing and computing the sales and stocks in the store.
  • 13. 10 General Objective For Boljoon Paglaum Consumers Cooperative, the researchers want to create an Online Mobile Application with Inventory Management System structure. The primary aim of this study is to demonstrate that computerized information is more beneficial and accurate than manual data. It also aims to find solutions to the problems that arise when constructing an instant store record. Specific Objective 1. It would be easier to alter and update the store’s sales record if the administrator had access to a database that enabled them to adjust and update data. 2. By incorporating a database into the program, the administrator can easily forecast actual revenue and inventory in that particular store.
  • 14. 11 3. Other customers who want to join the cooperative will do so quickly and without delay using the online mobile application that has been introduced. 4. It can easily provide a fast purchase of basic necessities through the said application. Significance of the Study The following are important implications of this study’s findings: Cooperative. The research is important to the cooperative in that , the application would assist the cooperative in converting their manual processes to computerized processes. Member/Owner. The member/owner will benefit from the study because he will be able to see results, sales revenues, stock inventory, and overall cost of sales. The system can be used to view the overall store records and it will also save time in promoting the business and goods.
  • 15. 12 Administrator. With the assistance of the sales management system framework, the administrator will be able to monitor and handle the in and out transactions. Clients/Customers. The study is essential for customers or clients to be able to purchase goods easily and receive good customer service. Researchers. For the researcher, the thesis is meaningful because it acts as proof of work, the study’s climax, and, most importantly, a sense of self-fulfillment. Other Readers. Readers may find this analysis useful because it can be used as a guide for future experiments, initiatives, and planned device developments.
  • 16. 13 Scope and Limitations of the Study The primary target of this research is to create an online mobile application system that will provide a shopping experience to customers and buyers for Boljoon Paglaum Consumers Cooperative. This mobile application will also help them promote their products and services and provide quick access registration for membership of the cooperative. The proposed system will include an administrator inventory management to keep track of the available stocks in the store. The following features are also included in the proposed framework, which will provide quick information and easy access to provide better service and that everyone will be able to meet and have trust in transacting with. Technical Background The researchers had gathered all the relevant research and created the technology that would be used. Since the project is still processing, the researchers will continue to look for resources and applications that will aid in the system’s growth. The research will be an IT – related study, and terminology will be used. These terminologies are part of technical
  • 17. 14 terms that are being used by the researchers in the project, which are namely; PhpMyAdmin, MySQL, Database, and SQLite. These terminologies would aid in the growth and enhancement of the proposed cooperative’s structure.
  • 18. 15 CHAPTER 2 Project Methodology 2.1 Introduction The proposed system, which is the Online Mobile Application with Inventory System (OMAIS), will not be successful without applying some methodological processes or techniques. To achieve the desired project implementation, the researchers followed some steps and procedures on how to create the project and precisely analyse the step-by-step process. The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the standard methodology for developing a system; there are many types of SDLC, and in this project, the researchers agreed to use the traditional waterfall model to meet the system's demand.
  • 19. 16 2.2 Planning phase During this phase, the researchers plan and conduct research to determine what is most feasible for the system. After gathering information from interviews and sources about how the system will be implemented, the researchers came up with an idea of how the system will be created. The proposed system will be developed using the Visual Studio Community Edition Toolkit and will use also Xamarin (cross- platform mobile development framework that runs on either IOS or Android) as its framework. The proposed system will have two distinct users; an administrator who will manage the store’s inventory, and a buyer or user who will use the app to shop or apply for membership. Each user will have unique privileges and interactions with the application. This implementation of the designed systems and requirements is mentally planned and analysed to achieve the project's desired goal.
  • 20. 17  Project flow chart A Flow Chart is a systematic diagram that represents the functionality and flow of the system. It helps the researcher to guide through the development process. The flow and process of the system by its specific users are depicted in the figures below.
  • 21. 18 Fig. 1 Flow Chart Diagram for Administrator Start Login As ADMIN Admin=TRUE DashBoard IF TRUE IF FALSE Manage Products Manage Inventory of Items Check Orders Manage Category DATABASE
  • 22. 19 Fig. 2 Flow Chart Diagram for Shoppers Start IF Register user User Login Register as New Member NO YES Homepage Select Items Category Search Products Product Page Click Add to Cart Shop More? YES NO Submit Orders My Cart Page Choose Payment Schedule Date for Delivery Profile Page Log-out? YES NO
  • 23. 20  Use Case Diagrams These diagrams will show the various ways in which the user can interact with the system. The following figures will show how each users of the application will be interacting with its different privileges.
  • 24. 21 Fig. 3 Users Use Case Diagram Login with the Application Search Products Add to Cart Edit Cart Register for Membership View Specifications Shoppers
  • 25. 22 Fig. 4 Admin Use Case Diagram
  • 26. 23  System Feasibility To determine whether the proposed system is feasible to develop, extensive research and planning should be conducted, as well as an analysis of the best suited requirements or framework to be used. The process of describing, identifying, and evaluating proposed systems and selecting the best system for proper operation is referred to as feasibility. The feasibility of the system can be divided into the following sections:  Economic Feasibility The project will be economically feasible and more suited to users especially in this cooperative since the application can be access through a mobile app. The only cost involved is to have an internet connection but the impact it will provide especially in this local community has a big value since it can provide shopping experience through the mobile application and will also enhance the cooperative business in their business process.
  • 27. 24  Technical Feasibility The following are the only technical requirements for deploying the application: For Developers: Windows Operating System MySQL Database Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition Xamarin Framework For Users: Computer, Internet Connection, Mobile Device  Behavioural Feasibility The application will provide a well-guided interface for its users. It will also add warnings and error messages for all the actions taken. In terms of platform availability, the mobile app is built using the Xamarin Framework, which is available on both the Android and IOS platforms.
  • 28. 25 2.3 Analysis phase In this phase, the researchers analyse the data that has been collected from the previous phase. After carefully analysing the requirements and functionality of the mobile application, the researchers have constructed the ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) that is related to the relationship and the entity of the business client. The following figures will show the entity relationship diagram model of the database management system.
  • 29. 26 Fig. 5 Database Design Constructed Based on ER-Model
  • 30. 27 2.4 Development Phase The implementation of the graphical user interface design for the application is done in this phase. The mobile application design and coding will be developed using the Visual Studio Community Tool, and will use Xamarin as its framework along with the C# programming language. The coding of the interface design is achieved through XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language), a Microsoft XML (Extensible Markup Language) -based language for creating a rich GUI (Graphical User Interface). The module walkthrough that follows will demonstrate the functions of a specific module as well as the flow of the system with its design.  Procedural / Modular Approach  Mobile Application Implementation / Design a. Login Module This module is the main security of the application. It will determine whether the user is genuine or not, as well as whether the user is a member of the cooperative. It requires a username
  • 31. 28 and password before the user can proceed to the next page of the application. This module's feature is that the user can login to the application using his or her Facebook account. It will also include security warnings and messages to assist the user in his or her actions.
  • 32. 29 Fig. 6 Log In Module Design
  • 33. 30 b. Register Module This module is where the user will register for an account. This section will also include the registration for cooperative business membership. The system will collect necessary information from the user and will be used to find information about a certain user. After registering, the application will return to the login module and the user can now use his username and password and can now freely use the app and its benefit.
  • 34. 31 Fig. 7 Sign Up Module Design
  • 35. 32 c. Shopping Module After login, the user will be directed to the homepage of the application. This is where the user can search for the product and can also select the type of category of the product. This is also the page where special offers and seasonal discounts are made available online. Upon selecting the specific category of the product, it will direct to the other page of the application where it will show all the products available in the category as selected.
  • 36. 33 Fig. 8 Shopping Module Design
  • 37. 34 d. Product Module This module will launch after the user selects a product category from the homepage or searches for a specific product. The product can also be added to the cart for a future transaction. Each item can also be selected and it will be directed to the other part of the page where it will display the entire information and image of its particular product.
  • 38. 35 Fig. 9 Product Module Design
  • 39. 36 e. MyCart Module When the user views the shopping cart, this module is activated. All of the products that the user has added to the shopping cart are listed, along with their price and quantity. The total cost of all products added to the cart is shown. A user can change the quantity of any product or remove it from the shopping cart. The total price changes accordingly when a user edits the quantity of a product or when a product is removed from the cart.
  • 40. 37 Fig. 10 MyCart Module Design
  • 41. 38  Gantt Chart This is the schedule for the development of the system which is represented via Gantt Chart. The y-axis of the graph is the task that we should follow in creating the project. The bar on the chart represents the duration of the project from its start date up to its end date while the x-axis on the other hand , represents the data table of its particular task and schedule. table # 1 Timeline Using Gantt Chart
  • 42. 39 GLOSSARY admin: person who will manage and handle all incoming and outcoming transactions and responsible in updating database consumers cooperative: a group of individuals who set up a community store dashboard: provides to view and indicates all the relevant transactions in one visual navigation ERD (entity relationship diagram): this shows the relationship and the entity related from constructed based on the database flowchart: a systematic diagrams that represents the functionality and flow of the system gantt chart: a chart that shows the schedule or a timeline for the development of the system login design: a design where the user can enter his/her account to this page mycart: a cart or a container which contains of all ordered product from shoppers
  • 43. 40 module design: a design which is created and organizing by its particular content structure product: lists of all selling products in a cooperative shoppers: persons or customers who are purchases goods in a grocery shopping page: this page shows the contents of all products in a cooperative sign up page: a page where users or customers can register and creating an account to become a member of a cooperative use case diagram: a diagram shows the interactions and relations from the admin and users username: is a name that uniquely identifies and represents someone to gain access to the cooperative’s events and other activities users: a person who can use to log in and can register in a mobile app