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China's New Tool: A Social Credit Score --- Beijing wants to
rate citizens on daily behavior to reward or punish
Chin, Josh; Wong, Gillian.Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition;
New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]29 Nov 2016: A.1.
The national social-credit system's aim, according to a slogan
repeated in planning documents, is to "allow the trustworthy to
roam everywhere under heaven while making it hard for the
discredited to take a single step." [...]far, the pilot data-
collecting systems aren't yet tied together into what Beijing
envisions as a sweeping system, which would assign each
citizen a rating.
Full Text
HANGZHOU, China -- Swiping her son's half-fare student card
through the turnstile here one Monday afternoon, Chen Li
earned herself a $6 fine and a reprimand from a subway-station
inspector for not paying the adult fare.
A notice on a post nearby suggested more-dire consequences. It
warned that infractors could be docked points in the city's
"personal credit information system." A decline in Ms. Chen's
credit score, according to official pronouncements, could affect
her daily life, including securing loans, jobs and her son's
school admission.
"I'm sure if it comes up, I can explain," Ms. Chen said, saying
she picked up the card accidentally. "It was unintentional."
Hangzhou's local government is piloting a "social credit"
system the Communist Party has said it wants to roll out
nationwide by 2020, a digital reboot of the methods of social
control the regime uses to avert threats to its legitimacy.
More than three dozen local governments across China are
beginning to compile digital records of social and financial
behavior to rate creditworthiness. A person can incur black
marks for infractions such as fare cheating, jaywalking and
violating family-planning rules. The effort echoes the dang'an, a
system of dossiers the Communist party keeps on urban
workers' behavior.
In time, Beijing expects to draw on bigger, combined data
pools, including a person's internet activity, according to
interviews with some architects of the system and a review of
government documents. Algorithms would use a range of data to
calculate a citizen's rating, which would then be used to
determine all manner of activities, such as who gets loans, or
faster treatment at government offices or access to luxury
The endeavor reinforces President Xi Jinping's campaign to
tighten his grip on the country and dictate morality at a time of
economic uncertainty that threatens to undermine the party. Mr.
Xi in October called for innovation in "social governance" that
would "heighten the capacity to forecast and prevent all manner
of risks." The national social-credit system's aim, according to a
slogan repeated in planning documents, is to "allow the
trustworthy to roam everywhere under heaven while making it
hard for the discredited to take a single step."
Thus far, the pilot data-collecting systems aren't yet tied
together into what Beijing envisions as a sweeping system,
which would assign each citizen a rating. It isn't clear Ms.
Chen's ticket infraction made it into any central system,
although the notice warned that fare-dodgers risked being
marked down starting Jan. 1; a station agent said only repeat
offenders are reported.
Zan Aizong, a Hangzhou human-rights activist, sees the system,
once fully operational, as an Orwellian exercise to keep closer
tabs on a populace already lacking basic liberties such as
freedom of speech. "Tracking everyone that way," Mr. Zan said,
"it's just like '1984.'"
China's judiciary has already created a blacklisting system that
would tie into the national social-credit operation. Zhuang
Daohe, a Hangzhou legal scholar, cites the example of a client,
part-owner of a travel company, who now can't buy tickets for
planes or high-speed trains because a Hangzhou court put him
on a blacklist after he lost a dispute with a landlord.
"This has had a huge impact on the business," said the client's
wife. "He can't travel with clients anymore." Added Mr.
Zhuang: "What happens when it punishes the wrong person?"
Hangzhou officials didn't respond to inquiries.
Driving the social-credit system are the State Council -- China's
cabinet -- and the central national-planning agency. A blueprint
the cabinet published in 2014 stated it aimed to "build
sincerity" in economic, social and political activity. It stressed
the need for fair and clean government and for punishing
polluting factories and bribe-takers.
Blacklists will expose offenders and restrict them from certain
activities, while well-behaved citizens will earn access to
"green lanes" that provide faster government services, the
blueprint said. Citizens in jobs deemed sensitive -- lawyers,
accountants, teachers, journalists -- will be subject to enhanced
scrutiny, it said. The State Council and national-planning
agency didn't respond to requests for comment.
China's government must overcome technological and
bureaucratic obstacles to build a system that can monitor 1.4
billion people. Government departments often guard their
information, undermining efforts to build a unified database,
and their systems often aren't compatible, said Meng Tianguang,
a political scientist at Beijing's Tsinghua University who
advises the government on applying "big data" to governance
issues but isn't directly involved in the social-credit system.
"Whether we can actually pull this off, we're in a state of
uncertainty," he said. "Either way, it's better than the traditional
era," until recently, he said, "when we had no data and policy
was based on the judgment of individuals."
The Shanghai government on an official website has identified
scores of violations that can incur credit penalties in its pilot
system, including falling behind on bills and breaking traffic
rules. State-media reports list penalties for not being filial to
one's parents. (Under Chinese law, parents over 60 may sue
children for not visiting regularly or not ensuring they have
enough food.)
Penalties for low scorers will include higher barriers to
obtaining loans and bans on indulgences such as luxury hotels,
according to state-media reports.
The Shanghai system appears to still be in an early phase.
Residents can check their social-credit records, but records
reviewed by The Wall Street Journal didn't show any
nonfinancial data. Shanghai city officials didn't respond to
inquiries. Despite official-media warnings and propaganda
promoting sincerity, dozens of people interviewed in Shanghai
weren't aware of the social-credit plan. Many agreed more
should be done to enforce higher moral standards, bemoaning
habits such as spitting, cutting in line and being cold to
strangers in need.
Research by Yang Wang, a Syracuse University expert on
internet behavior, has shown Chinese internet users, accustomed
to government snooping, are less concerned with online privacy
than Americans. The most common word for privacy, yinsi,
didn't appear in popular Chinese dictionaries until the mid-
1990s, he notes.
In the tree-lined Yangjing neighborhood, subdistrict authorities
maintain a database that gives a hint as to what elements of a
broader social-credit system might look like. The database
collects reports on locals' behavior from residential committees,
said Yuan Jianming, the head of the Yangjing Sincerity
Construction Office.
Since mid-2015, the office has published a monthly "red list" of
exemplary residents. Zhu Shengjun, 28, a high-school teacher,
was on a September red list. He said he didn't know why. While
he supported efforts to encourage better behavior, he hesitated
at the idea of linking that with financial consequences, saying
"it seems like too much of a stretch."
The office also maintains a "gray list" of people behaving badly
-- throwing garbage out of windows, say -- but the office hasn't
decided whether to publicize it, Mr. Yuan said.
In an area with a population of roughly 170,000, only around
120 have made Yangjing's red list. Officials there complained to
Chinese media this year that limited data sharing between
departments was hampering efforts to rate people.
Businesses, too, get surveillance in pilot cities, where anyone
can look up records on registered companies, though the records
are sometimes incomplete. One objective: turning around what
leaders see as a crippling lack of trust among citizens from
decades of corruption and bare-knuckle competition. So the
social-credit system aims not just to collect data on individuals
for official use, it seeks data on the behavior of businesses to
analyze and show the results to consumers.
One example is food safety, a major issue since anger erupted
over melamine-tainted milk powder that killed six infants in
2008. Subsequent scandals, including the sale of waste oil
scooped up from gutters, have continued to fuel mistrust.
Yangjing officials offer a solution: touch-screen displays they
installed this summer in some restaurants. The screens, part of a
local social-credit pilot system, offer an unusual level of
transparency for China. Lit up with slogans -- "Join heart to
hand, be a model of sincerity" reads one -- they display
information about where ingredients came from and when waste
oil was last picked up. Customers can watch videos on a mobile
app showing chefs working, and the system displays the eatery's
health-department rating.
One recent Monday at Jujube Tree, a vegetarian restaurant, the
food-safety console was partially obscured by poster board.
Manager Wang Dacheng said it was because the system had
erroneously downgraded the restaurant's health rating, and local
officials couldn't fix it. He said he supported the system but was
wary of its being applied without better controls.
Yangjing officials didn't respond to inquiries.
For initial social-credit efforts, local officials are relying on
information collected by government departments, such as court
records and loan and tax data. More-extensive logging of
everyday habits, such as social-media use and online shopping,
lies with China's internet companies, including e-commerce
giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.
A credit-scoring service by Alibaba affiliate Ant Financial
Services -- one of eight companies approved to pilot
commercial experiments with social-credit scoring -- assigns
ratings based on information such as when customers shop
online, what they buy and what phone they use. If users opt in,
the score can also consider education levels and legal records.
Perks in the past for getting high marks have included express
security screening at the Beijing airport, part of an Ant
agreement with the airport.
"Especially for young people, your online behavior goes
towards building up your online credit profile," said Joe Tsai,
Alibaba's executive vice chairman, "and we want people to be
aware of that so they know to behave themselves better."
Alibaba shares aggregate data about online sales with China's
statistics bureau but doesn't divulge personal data unless
required to by law, for example in criminal investigations, Mr.
Tsai said.
In the U.S., private concerns such as credit-reporting agencies
and ride-sharing services compile certain ratings based on
consumer data or reviews.
In China, the local-government trials aren't known to be tapping
private-sector data, although the social-credit system blueprint
designates internet data as a "strategic national resource" and
calls for internet companies to contribute data, without getting
into specifics.
Whether private and public data systems will be combined is
still being hammered out, said Zhu Wei, a China University of
Politics and Law scholar who has advised the government on
social-credit efforts.
In an October speech screened to 1.5 million officials, Alibaba
Chairman Jack Ma urged law-enforcement agencies to use
internet data as a tool to identify criminals, according to posts
on a Communist Party social-media feed. He didn't mention
sharing Alibaba's user data. His comments raised eyebrows for
broaching the notion that internet companies might share data
with government agencies. Alibaba declined to make Mr. Ma
available for comment. "We believe the application of machine
learning and data analytics for the purpose of crime prevention
is consistent with our core values: solving society's problems,"
the company said.
In an interview Nov. 1 with state media, a deputy head of
China's central-planning agency, Lian Weiliang, noted that
much of the government's credit-related data were stuck on
"isolated islands" and said a central data platform had been
established to encourage information sharing. He said the
platform had collected 640 million pieces of credit information
from 37 central-government departments and various local
The agency said the government has stopped untrustworthy
people, identified by the court system, from buying airline
tickets 4.9 million times.
Some advisers to the government, such as Mr. Zhu and Mr.
Meng, said they were skeptical the system would meet the 2020
deadline because of the immense task of integrating data and
keeping it secure.
In Hangzhou, where Ms. Chen used her son's pass, residents can
check their social-credit records at a government-services
center. Records the Journal viewed showed only whether people
had kept up with health-insurance and social-security payments
-- a far cry from the central government's goals.
Kersten Zhang, Alyssa Abkowitz and Qian Junya contributed to
this article.
Credit: By Josh Chin and Gillian Wong
(c) 2016 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Reproduced with
permission of copyright owner. Further reproduction or
distribution is prohibited without permission.
1. Individual Project: Job Analysis Exercise
Job Description JD/ Specification Analysis:
You are required to select HR Professionals job requirements
(Skill level A – Category 1121) from Canadian Government
NOC (National Occupation Classification) list. Follow the link
provided, enter the NOC Code 1121 for HR Professionals to see
federal JD/JS outlined for HR Professionals in general. For your
analysis you can pick any Job title from the list of HR
Professionals - outlined in the federal NOC list. Now lookup for
the similar role/ position/title’s Job Description, as adverti sed
by any BC (British Columbia) based company and analyse the
differences in the job description. For a sound analysis Choose
a BC based company with detailed JD/JS. Most of the big
corporate companies/Public universities will have a detailed Job
requirement. Do not select a small company specially if JD is
not clear enough.
Your task is to analyze the Job Description (JD) and Job
Specification (JS)- provided for HR Professionals - in the light
of theory/concepts/Canadian Laws learned in this course as well
as class discussions.
1. You are supposed to write down the similarities &
differences in JD & JS in Table format – Here’s the sample
table format.
1. Similarities
1. Differences or Add-ons
1. You can analyze job’s main role and sub tasks here
1. Provide the screen shots of both - NOC – Job requirements
and BC based Company’s JD in the appendix. This will help you
solve the similarity issue
1. Based on your analysis in part A. Create a provincial Job
Description along with Job Specification for HR professionals
of BC (This should be general job description just like NOC and
not for any specific position)
1. Your Job description/specification should be in bullet points
(Look at at-least 7-8 good JD samples for HR jobs posted within
BC and then recreate yours by following the same pattern). You
should not copy paste tasks/subtasks/requirements from these
jobs just use them for idea generation and then incorporate your
knowledge of HR profession to create yours.
1. Avoid unnecessary length but make sure you are covering all
the important points. All the real JDs are not more than 1.5
pages in length so keep it realistic.
Assessment Criteria
1. ANALYSIS - You will be marked on thoroughness of your
analysis and how well informed your analysis is. How creative
your JD is. How well do you know both federal and provincial
laws. How many important elements of employability are you
covering in your JD.
1. PAPER REQUIREMENTS – Whether students have fully
understood the paper requirements. If all requirements are
satisfactorily met/fulfilled. Whether or not all questions have
been answered.
information to be robust you have to use at least 12 references –
Google, Wikipedia will not be considered as authentic sources
you will be marked down for using them. You can use company
websites, Governmental & provincial websites of Canada,
Labour laws both federal and provincial, updated textbooks,
journal and industry papers etc.,
1. FORMATTING - You must include title page, list of
references and appendices for this Exercise. APA style of
formatting for font style, line spacing etc., must be used. NO
Abstract or Introduction needed start directly with part A –
1. Provide all your sources of information that you have used to
gather the numbers/figures along with hyperlinks that instructor
can access in the list of references. NUMBER the references in
your list.
Week 13 & 14
As expected, IT dept needs to split up development efforts
based on whether it is about maintaining backbone transactional
systems of old, as versus front facing/customer interface types
of apps/platforms. Dept ideally would separate them into
different units since they are fundamentally so different in
thinking. You can pick and review the articles you found useful
for yourself. In terms of overall IT trends, there are many
materials, I would recommend focus on the Mckinsey 2020 tech
trends and find articles that you want to review. Then post what
you think here, citing the article(s) you reviewed so we know
what you are discussing.
read the attached article. It shows how far data collection and
analytics can go. Do you think it is a good idea for us here in
US to do the same? Why? You can do your own research on
this type of efforts and talk about them too if you like
Chinas New Tool A Social Credit Score --- Beijing wants to rat

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Chinas New Tool A Social Credit Score --- Beijing wants to rat

  • 1. China's New Tool: A Social Credit Score --- Beijing wants to rate citizens on daily behavior to reward or punish Chin, Josh; Wong, Gillian.Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]29 Nov 2016: A.1. Abstract The national social-credit system's aim, according to a slogan repeated in planning documents, is to "allow the trustworthy to roam everywhere under heaven while making it hard for the discredited to take a single step." [...]far, the pilot data- collecting systems aren't yet tied together into what Beijing envisions as a sweeping system, which would assign each citizen a rating. Full Text HANGZHOU, China -- Swiping her son's half-fare student card through the turnstile here one Monday afternoon, Chen Li earned herself a $6 fine and a reprimand from a subway-station inspector for not paying the adult fare. A notice on a post nearby suggested more-dire consequences. It warned that infractors could be docked points in the city's "personal credit information system." A decline in Ms. Chen's credit score, according to official pronouncements, could affect her daily life, including securing loans, jobs and her son's school admission. "I'm sure if it comes up, I can explain," Ms. Chen said, saying she picked up the card accidentally. "It was unintentional." Hangzhou's local government is piloting a "social credit" system the Communist Party has said it wants to roll out nationwide by 2020, a digital reboot of the methods of social control the regime uses to avert threats to its legitimacy. More than three dozen local governments across China are beginning to compile digital records of social and financial behavior to rate creditworthiness. A person can incur black marks for infractions such as fare cheating, jaywalking and
  • 2. violating family-planning rules. The effort echoes the dang'an, a system of dossiers the Communist party keeps on urban workers' behavior. In time, Beijing expects to draw on bigger, combined data pools, including a person's internet activity, according to interviews with some architects of the system and a review of government documents. Algorithms would use a range of data to calculate a citizen's rating, which would then be used to determine all manner of activities, such as who gets loans, or faster treatment at government offices or access to luxury hotels. The endeavor reinforces President Xi Jinping's campaign to tighten his grip on the country and dictate morality at a time of economic uncertainty that threatens to undermine the party. Mr. Xi in October called for innovation in "social governance" that would "heighten the capacity to forecast and prevent all manner of risks." The national social-credit system's aim, according to a slogan repeated in planning documents, is to "allow the trustworthy to roam everywhere under heaven while making it hard for the discredited to take a single step." Thus far, the pilot data-collecting systems aren't yet tied together into what Beijing envisions as a sweeping system, which would assign each citizen a rating. It isn't clear Ms. Chen's ticket infraction made it into any central system, although the notice warned that fare-dodgers risked being marked down starting Jan. 1; a station agent said only repeat offenders are reported. Zan Aizong, a Hangzhou human-rights activist, sees the system, once fully operational, as an Orwellian exercise to keep closer tabs on a populace already lacking basic liberties such as freedom of speech. "Tracking everyone that way," Mr. Zan said, "it's just like '1984.'" China's judiciary has already created a blacklisting system that would tie into the national social-credit operation. Zhuang Daohe, a Hangzhou legal scholar, cites the example of a client, part-owner of a travel company, who now can't buy tickets for
  • 3. planes or high-speed trains because a Hangzhou court put him on a blacklist after he lost a dispute with a landlord. "This has had a huge impact on the business," said the client's wife. "He can't travel with clients anymore." Added Mr. Zhuang: "What happens when it punishes the wrong person?" Hangzhou officials didn't respond to inquiries. Driving the social-credit system are the State Council -- China's cabinet -- and the central national-planning agency. A blueprint the cabinet published in 2014 stated it aimed to "build sincerity" in economic, social and political activity. It stressed the need for fair and clean government and for punishing polluting factories and bribe-takers. Blacklists will expose offenders and restrict them from certain activities, while well-behaved citizens will earn access to "green lanes" that provide faster government services, the blueprint said. Citizens in jobs deemed sensitive -- lawyers, accountants, teachers, journalists -- will be subject to enhanced scrutiny, it said. The State Council and national-planning agency didn't respond to requests for comment. China's government must overcome technological and bureaucratic obstacles to build a system that can monitor 1.4 billion people. Government departments often guard their information, undermining efforts to build a unified database, and their systems often aren't compatible, said Meng Tianguang, a political scientist at Beijing's Tsinghua University who advises the government on applying "big data" to governance issues but isn't directly involved in the social-credit system. "Whether we can actually pull this off, we're in a state of uncertainty," he said. "Either way, it's better than the traditional era," until recently, he said, "when we had no data and policy was based on the judgment of individuals." The Shanghai government on an official website has identified scores of violations that can incur credit penalties in its pilot system, including falling behind on bills and breaking traffic rules. State-media reports list penalties for not being filial to one's parents. (Under Chinese law, parents over 60 may sue
  • 4. children for not visiting regularly or not ensuring they have enough food.) Penalties for low scorers will include higher barriers to obtaining loans and bans on indulgences such as luxury hotels, according to state-media reports. The Shanghai system appears to still be in an early phase. Residents can check their social-credit records, but records reviewed by The Wall Street Journal didn't show any nonfinancial data. Shanghai city officials didn't respond to inquiries. Despite official-media warnings and propaganda promoting sincerity, dozens of people interviewed in Shanghai weren't aware of the social-credit plan. Many agreed more should be done to enforce higher moral standards, bemoaning habits such as spitting, cutting in line and being cold to strangers in need. Research by Yang Wang, a Syracuse University expert on internet behavior, has shown Chinese internet users, accustomed to government snooping, are less concerned with online privacy than Americans. The most common word for privacy, yinsi, didn't appear in popular Chinese dictionaries until the mid- 1990s, he notes. In the tree-lined Yangjing neighborhood, subdistrict authorities maintain a database that gives a hint as to what elements of a broader social-credit system might look like. The database collects reports on locals' behavior from residential committees, said Yuan Jianming, the head of the Yangjing Sincerity Construction Office. Since mid-2015, the office has published a monthly "red list" of exemplary residents. Zhu Shengjun, 28, a high-school teacher, was on a September red list. He said he didn't know why. While he supported efforts to encourage better behavior, he hesitated at the idea of linking that with financial consequences, saying "it seems like too much of a stretch." The office also maintains a "gray list" of people behaving badly -- throwing garbage out of windows, say -- but the office hasn't decided whether to publicize it, Mr. Yuan said.
  • 5. In an area with a population of roughly 170,000, only around 120 have made Yangjing's red list. Officials there complained to Chinese media this year that limited data sharing between departments was hampering efforts to rate people. Businesses, too, get surveillance in pilot cities, where anyone can look up records on registered companies, though the records are sometimes incomplete. One objective: turning around what leaders see as a crippling lack of trust among citizens from decades of corruption and bare-knuckle competition. So the social-credit system aims not just to collect data on individuals for official use, it seeks data on the behavior of businesses to analyze and show the results to consumers. One example is food safety, a major issue since anger erupted over melamine-tainted milk powder that killed six infants in 2008. Subsequent scandals, including the sale of waste oil scooped up from gutters, have continued to fuel mistrust. Yangjing officials offer a solution: touch-screen displays they installed this summer in some restaurants. The screens, part of a local social-credit pilot system, offer an unusual level of transparency for China. Lit up with slogans -- "Join heart to hand, be a model of sincerity" reads one -- they display information about where ingredients came from and when waste oil was last picked up. Customers can watch videos on a mobile app showing chefs working, and the system displays the eatery's health-department rating. One recent Monday at Jujube Tree, a vegetarian restaurant, the food-safety console was partially obscured by poster board. Manager Wang Dacheng said it was because the system had erroneously downgraded the restaurant's health rating, and local officials couldn't fix it. He said he supported the system but was wary of its being applied without better controls. Yangjing officials didn't respond to inquiries. For initial social-credit efforts, local officials are relying on information collected by government departments, such as court records and loan and tax data. More-extensive logging of everyday habits, such as social-media use and online shopping,
  • 6. lies with China's internet companies, including e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. A credit-scoring service by Alibaba affiliate Ant Financial Services -- one of eight companies approved to pilot commercial experiments with social-credit scoring -- assigns ratings based on information such as when customers shop online, what they buy and what phone they use. If users opt in, the score can also consider education levels and legal records. Perks in the past for getting high marks have included express security screening at the Beijing airport, part of an Ant agreement with the airport. "Especially for young people, your online behavior goes towards building up your online credit profile," said Joe Tsai, Alibaba's executive vice chairman, "and we want people to be aware of that so they know to behave themselves better." Alibaba shares aggregate data about online sales with China's statistics bureau but doesn't divulge personal data unless required to by law, for example in criminal investigations, Mr. Tsai said. In the U.S., private concerns such as credit-reporting agencies and ride-sharing services compile certain ratings based on consumer data or reviews. In China, the local-government trials aren't known to be tapping private-sector data, although the social-credit system blueprint designates internet data as a "strategic national resource" and calls for internet companies to contribute data, without getting into specifics. Whether private and public data systems will be combined is still being hammered out, said Zhu Wei, a China University of Politics and Law scholar who has advised the government on social-credit efforts. In an October speech screened to 1.5 million officials, Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma urged law-enforcement agencies to use internet data as a tool to identify criminals, according to posts on a Communist Party social-media feed. He didn't mention sharing Alibaba's user data. His comments raised eyebrows for
  • 7. broaching the notion that internet companies might share data with government agencies. Alibaba declined to make Mr. Ma available for comment. "We believe the application of machine learning and data analytics for the purpose of crime prevention is consistent with our core values: solving society's problems," the company said. In an interview Nov. 1 with state media, a deputy head of China's central-planning agency, Lian Weiliang, noted that much of the government's credit-related data were stuck on "isolated islands" and said a central data platform had been established to encourage information sharing. He said the platform had collected 640 million pieces of credit information from 37 central-government departments and various local governments. The agency said the government has stopped untrustworthy people, identified by the court system, from buying airline tickets 4.9 million times. Some advisers to the government, such as Mr. Zhu and Mr. Meng, said they were skeptical the system would meet the 2020 deadline because of the immense task of integrating data and keeping it secure. In Hangzhou, where Ms. Chen used her son's pass, residents can check their social-credit records at a government-services center. Records the Journal viewed showed only whether people had kept up with health-insurance and social-security payments -- a far cry from the central government's goals. --- Kersten Zhang, Alyssa Abkowitz and Qian Junya contributed to this article. Credit: By Josh Chin and Gillian Wong (c) 2016 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Reproduced with permission of copyright owner. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission. 1. Individual Project: Job Analysis Exercise
  • 8. Job Description JD/ Specification Analysis: 1&ver=16 You are required to select HR Professionals job requirements (Skill level A – Category 1121) from Canadian Government NOC (National Occupation Classification) list. Follow the link provided, enter the NOC Code 1121 for HR Professionals to see federal JD/JS outlined for HR Professionals in general. For your analysis you can pick any Job title from the list of HR Professionals - outlined in the federal NOC list. Now lookup for the similar role/ position/title’s Job Description, as adverti sed by any BC (British Columbia) based company and analyse the differences in the job description. For a sound analysis Choose a BC based company with detailed JD/JS. Most of the big corporate companies/Public universities will have a detailed Job requirement. Do not select a small company specially if JD is not clear enough. Your task is to analyze the Job Description (JD) and Job Specification (JS)- provided for HR Professionals - in the light of theory/concepts/Canadian Laws learned in this course as well as class discussions. 1. You are supposed to write down the similarities & differences in JD & JS in Table format – Here’s the sample table format. FED – JD/JS BC – JD/JS 1. Similarities 1. 1. Differences or Add-ons 1. 1. You can analyze job’s main role and sub tasks here 1. Provide the screen shots of both - NOC – Job requirements
  • 9. and BC based Company’s JD in the appendix. This will help you solve the similarity issue 1. Based on your analysis in part A. Create a provincial Job Description along with Job Specification for HR professionals of BC (This should be general job description just like NOC and not for any specific position) 1. Your Job description/specification should be in bullet points (Look at at-least 7-8 good JD samples for HR jobs posted within BC and then recreate yours by following the same pattern). You should not copy paste tasks/subtasks/requirements from these jobs just use them for idea generation and then incorporate your knowledge of HR profession to create yours. 1. Avoid unnecessary length but make sure you are covering all the important points. All the real JDs are not more than 1.5 pages in length so keep it realistic. Assessment Criteria 1. ANALYSIS - You will be marked on thoroughness of your analysis and how well informed your analysis is. How creative your JD is. How well do you know both federal and provincial laws. How many important elements of employability are you covering in your JD. 1. PAPER REQUIREMENTS – Whether students have fully understood the paper requirements. If all requirements are satisfactorily met/fulfilled. Whether or not all questions have been answered. 1. QUALITY AND VARIETY OF SOURCES - For this information to be robust you have to use at least 12 references –
  • 10. Google, Wikipedia will not be considered as authentic sources you will be marked down for using them. You can use company websites, Governmental & provincial websites of Canada, Labour laws both federal and provincial, updated textbooks, journal and industry papers etc., 1. FORMATTING - You must include title page, list of references and appendices for this Exercise. APA style of formatting for font style, line spacing etc., must be used. NO Abstract or Introduction needed start directly with part A – table. 1. Provide all your sources of information that you have used to gather the numbers/figures along with hyperlinks that instructor can access in the list of references. NUMBER the references in your list. Week 13 & 14 As expected, IT dept needs to split up development efforts based on whether it is about maintaining backbone transactional systems of old, as versus front facing/customer interface types of apps/platforms. Dept ideally would separate them into different units since they are fundamentally so different in thinking. You can pick and review the articles you found useful for yourself. In terms of overall IT trends, there are many materials, I would recommend focus on the Mckinsey 2020 tech trends and find articles that you want to review. Then post what you think here, citing the article(s) you reviewed so we know what you are discussing. read the attached article. It shows how far data collection and analytics can go. Do you think it is a good idea for us here in US to do the same? Why? You can do your own research on this type of efforts and talk about them too if you like