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为了 33 名矿工兄弟: 智利科比亚波矿大营救 For 33 Miner Brothers: Chile Copiapo Mine Rescuing
The San José Mine is about 45 kilometres (28 mi) north of Copiapó, in the northern end of Chile. A collapse accident occurred on Aug. 5, 2010 leaving 33 miners trapped about 700m below the surface. 圣何塞铜矿位于智利北部科皮亚波以北约 45 公里。 2010 年 8 月 5 日发生坍塌事故, 33 名矿工被困于地下约 700 米深处。 。
Miners, relatives and rescue workers stand outside a collapsed copper and gold mine during a rescue effort for 34 trapped miners in Copiapo, Chile, Saturday Aug. 7, 2010. 8 月 7 日开始营救 33 名被困矿工,矿工亲友和救护工作人员站在矿外。
A second collapse occurred at the stricken mine on 7 August when rescuers were trying to gain access via a ventilation shaft and they were forced to use heavy machinery.   Out of concern that additional attempts pursuing this route would cause further geological movement within the mine, attempts to reach the trapped miners through previously existing shafts were halted and other means to find them were sought. 8 月 7 日救护队员使用重型机械企图通过通风井搜索被困矿工时发生第二次塌陷。担心继续干下去会导致进一步地质变迁,不得不放弃通过现有井巷搜索的打算,另找措施。
The families of the 33 trapped miners in Chile have set up home at the San Jose mine. 33 名矿工的家属在在圣何塞矿外扎营等候。
Relatives of trapped miners pray and light candles on an altar outside the San Esteban gold and copper mine, near the city of Copiapo, in the Atacama desert, 800 kilometers (480 miles) north of Santiago, on August 8, 2010. 八月七日被困亲属在矿位的祭坛上点起蜡烛祈祷。该矿位于阿塔卡马沙漠可比亚波夫近,在圣地亚哥以北四百八十公里。
Percussion drills were used to make 6 boreholes about 5.5 inches (15 centimeters) wide to find the miners.   On 19 August, one of the probes reached the area where the miners were  believed  to be trapped but found no signs of life. 用冲击钻钻 6 个 15cm 探索孔, 8 月 19 日达到矿工可能所处的地区,但没有找到生命迹象。
On 22 August at 07:15 CLT, another probe reached a ramp, at 688 meters (2,257 ft) underground, about 20 metres from a shelter where the miners were expected to have taken refuge.The miners had listened to the drills approaching for days and had prepared pre-written notes to their rescuers on the surface.  The no tes surprised the rescuers when they pulled the drill bit out and discovered  the letters. . 8 月 22 日当地时间 07 : 15 另一个探索孔钻到 688m 深,离避难室约 20m ,猜想矿工们可能在那里避难。矿工们听见他们已经盼望多日 的钻孔声音。 矿工们把早已准备好的字条绑到钻齿上。救护队员抽回钻杆时发现了字条。
Chile‘s President Sebastian Pinera holds a note from miners trapped in a collapsed mine in Copiapo, Chile, on August 22, 2010. The note says the miners, 33 of them, are OK in a refuge. Trapped since August 5, it may take several months to free them. 八月二十二日智利总统塞巴蒂安 · 皮涅拉拿着从坍塌矿井内传出的字条,上面写道 33 名矿工在避难室室里都 OK 。自从八月五日被困后,可能还要几个月才能把他们解救出来 。
Joy in Chile: 33 miners trapped 17 days are alive. 智利欢乐了: 33 名矿工被困 17 天还活着。
A child holds a sign as Chileans celebrate the news that 33 miners trapped for 17 days are alive in Plaza Italia, Santiago, Chile, on August 22, 2010. 8 月 22 日圣地亚哥意大利广场孩子们拿了旗帜欢庆。
Food, water, medicine, bibles, communication devices and others are supplied to underground via the boreholes.  食物、水、医药、圣经、通讯器材及其他通过钻孔输送到地下。
Trapped miners are seen underground in a copper and gold mine at Copiapo, some 725 km (450 miles) north of Santiago, in this frame grab taken August 29, 2010. 被困的矿工,这张照片是在 8 月 29 日摄取的。
Trapped miners held a Chilean Bicentenial celebration underground. 矿工在地下庆祝智利国庆 200 周年。
A piece of a letter retrieved from trapped miner Mario Gomez, addressed to his wife Lilianette Ramirez, is displayed outside the collapsed on Aug. 24, 2010. The letter reads in Spanish "Give a lot of kisses to all my daughters and grandchildren, tell them I love them very much. Also tell them not to worry. For you, my love, a huge kiss. I love you very much, we will be really happy with our family, forever. We'll see each other soon my love. I love you. See you soon. Kisses, Mario.“ 矿工马里奥 · 戈麦斯传给妻子的信。信上的西班牙文写道:“吻我的女儿们和外孙们。告诉她们我非常爱她们,不要着担心。我们快相见了,亲爱的。吻你,马里奥”
How rescuers will drill to save miners  The  Strata 950  raise borer drilling rig was the first to be used to drill the escape borehole.First, a small pilot hole was drilled, then a larger drill bit widens the hole. 先用 Strata 950 天井钻机钻救生孔的小先导孔,再用更大的钻机扩孔。 The Strata 950 raise bore machine that will drill the hole to reach the trapped miners.
Schramm T130XD air drill will be used to widen the borehole to 66cm, meaning each miner had to have a waistline of no more than 90 cm (35 inches) to escape. Schramm T130XD 将用来把钻孔扩大到 66cm ,意味腰围不大于 90cm 的矿工都得以逃生。 Arrival of new machinery brings hope to relatives of 33 trapped workers. 新机器的到来为矿工亲属带来了希望。
Engineers start tunnel-boring work as rescue efforts to free 33 miners trapped underground enter second week. 工程技术人员开始进行钻孔作业解救 33 名被困矿工。
T-130 drill at site of trapped. T-130 钻机在解救作业现场
Rescuers achieved a key breakthrough in efforts to rescue 33 trapped miners on Friday, reaching the caverns where they are imprisoned with a bore hole that will now be widened so that they can be pulled to freedom. The borehole is slightly inclined (about 82°). 10 月 8 日营救工作取得决定性突破,钻孔达到被困矿工所处的洞穴。钻孔略为倾斜,约 82° 。
2010, steel pipes are welded as rescue efforts continue to free the trapped miners at the San Jose mine near Copiapo, Chile, Sunday, Oct. 10, 2010.  十月十日星期日工人们焊接钢管。钢管系用作救生孔的衬套。
完成救生孔的钻进后, T 130 钻机工人将衬套管纳入孔中。 Workers of the T 130 drilling machine introduce casing tubes after completing an escape hole for the 33 trapped miners at San Jose mine near Copiapo city October 10, 2010.
Chile president Sebastian Pinera and Andres Sougarret, chief of the rescue operation inspect the completed escape tunnel. 智利总统萨伯蒂恩 · 皮涅拉和救护总指挥索加莱特检查已完工的救护通道。
US drill operator Jeff Hart is embraced by Elizabeth Segovia, sister of trapped miner Dario Zegovia, after the T-130 drill working to rescue the 33 miners finally reached their shelter in the San Jose mine, near Copiapo, Chile on October 9. 十月九日 T-130 钻机完成钻进任务后,被困矿工的亲属伊丽莎白 · 塞戈维娅热烈拥抱钻机手美国人杰夫 · 哈特。
Carolina Lobos, daughter of Franklin Lobos, one of the 33 miners trapped in San Jose mine, Saturday checks the capsule manufactured by the Chilean Army's Shipyards (ASMAR). Each miner will be brought to the surface near Copiapo, Chile, in late October or early November. 被困矿工弗兰克林 · 罗伯斯的女儿卡罗利娜在救生囊中体验。救生囊是由智利军船坞工厂制造的,将在十月底或十一月初将被困矿工带回地面。
This graphic shows the system that will be used to lower and raise the capsule which trapped miners will use to exit the collapsed San Jose mine near Copiapo, Chile.  救生囊升降系统示意图,该系统将用来解救智利被困矿工。
Manuel Gonzalez, a rescue specialist from Codelco, is the first rescuer lowered by the Phoenix 2 rescue capsule into the mine. “ Bring us back the miners” President Sebastian Pinera told Gonzalez live on state television channel TVN as he entered the capsule.  来自 Codelco (智利国家铜业公司)的救护专家马纽尔 · 冈萨雷斯是救护队员中第一个乘坐凤凰 2 号救生囊下井的人。 马纽尔 · 冈萨雷斯走进救生囊时智利国家电视台 TVN 频道直播,智利总统皮涅拉对他说:“把矿工带回来”。
Rescue worker Patricio Sepúlveda is being lowered to the enclosed miners using the Fénix 2 vehicle. 救护队员正将载人的凤凰 2 号降到地下。
The president of Chile has made it official, telling the mother of Florencio Avalos that he'll be the first of 33 men to be rescued from the collapsed mine where they've been trapped for 69 days.  His mother, Maria Silva, says he's not surprised he was chosen and that she's very proud of him.  President Sebastian Pinera teased the journalists gathered on a viewing platform to await the rescue, saying he‘s pretty sure the first one out will have the last name of Avalos. 智利总统正式通知弗洛伦西奥 · 阿瓦洛斯的母亲马丽亚她的儿子将第一个获救。 马丽亚说她并不觉得惊奇,她一直为他骄傲。总统对看台上的记者开玩笑地说,他肯定地个救上来的人的姓一定是字母 A 开头的。
智利总统萨巴蒂恩拥抱第一位获救矿工弗洛伦西奥 · 阿瓦洛斯。 Chile's President Sebastian Pinera embraces Florencio Avalos, the first miner to be rescued.
Mario Sepulveda , 40 ,  leads a cheer for Chile after being lifted from the mine early Wednesday. Sepulveda was the second miner to be rescued. 马里奥 · 塞普维达, 40 岁,升井后带领大家欢呼。他是第二个获救矿工。
Bolivian miner Carlos Mamani embracing his wife Veronica after reaching the surface in Copiapo October 13, 2010. The lone Bolivian, Carlos Mamani, was pulled out fourth 玻利维亚矿工卡罗斯 · 马马尼回到地面后拥抱他的妻子维洛妮卡,他是唯一的外籍矿工,第四名升井。
Miner Jimmy Sanchez is assisted in leaving the capsule as the fifth miner to be hoisted to the surface — the youngest of the 33 — has been rescued in Chile from gold and copper mine. Jimmy Sanchez is 19 years old and is the son, grandson and brother of miners. 杰米 · 桑切斯, 19 岁, 33 名被困人员中中最年轻的矿工,在别人帮助下走出救生囊,他是第五名提升到地面的矿工,他的祖父、父亲和哥哥都是矿工。
Miner Osman Araya hugs his wife after arriving as the sixth miner to be hoisted to the surface in Copiapo October 13, 2010. 奥斯曼 · 阿拉亚出井后同妻子拥抱,他是第六个提升到地面的矿工。
Rescued miner Jose Ojeda, left, is seen inside a Chilean Air Force helicopter. 获救矿工何塞 · 奥赫达在智利空军直升机中。
Mario Gomez, 63, the oldest of the trapped miners, was the ninth man to be rescued. He vowed never to go below again. 马里奥 · 63 岁 · 第九个获救,他是被困人员中最老的矿工,他发誓再也不下井了。
Journalists rest during the operation to rescue the trapped miners at the San Jose mine in Copiapo . 救援正在紧张进行时这位记者却睡着了。
The winch operator monitors the progress of the rescue capsule he is lifting with one of the 33 miners inside on a computer at the San Jose mine The winch operator monitors the progress of the rescue capsule he is lifting with one of the 33 miners inside on a computer at the San Jose mine. 绞车司机密切监视救生囊的提升,计算机显示的是 33 名矿工之一。
Edison Pena, 34, the 12th trapped miner to be rescued, kisses his loved one. 爱迪生 · 皮纳,第十二个获救矿工,吻他心爱的人。
伊斯特班 · 罗哈斯, 44 岁,走出救生囊后跪地祈祷,他是第 19 个获救矿工。 Esteban Rojas, 44, kneels to pray after stepping out from the capsule and becoming the 18th trapped miner to be rescued.
矿工弗兰克林 · 洛伯斯个获救后拥抱她的女儿。 Miner Franklin Lobo, right, embraces his daughter Carolina after he was rescued Wednesday from the collapsed San Jose gold and copper mine.
Miner Franklin Lobos (L), a former professional soccer player, plays with a ball given to him by Chile‘s President Sebastian Pinera (R), after Lobos became the 27th miner to be rescued from the San Jose mine in Copiapo October 13, 2010. Her daughter Carolina. 矿工弗兰克林 · 洛伯斯是前足球职业运动员(左)正在玩弄他的球艺,球是智利总统皮涅拉传给他的。他是第 27 个获救。中间是他的女儿卡露利娜。
Miner Luis Urzua, the last miner to be rescued, celebrates next to Chile's President Sebastian Pinera after being pulled to safety. 路易斯 · 乌尔苏尔是最后获救的矿工,他升井后站在总统皮涅拉旁边一起庆贺。
The last miner to be rescued, Luis Urzua, front row left, sings Chile's national anthem with Chile's President Sebastian Pinera and rescue workers The 69-day underground ordeal reached its end Wednesday night after 33 trapped miners were hauled up in a cage through a narrow hole drilled through 2,000 feet of rock. 最后获救的矿工乌尔苏尔(前排左)同智利总统皮涅拉及救护队员齐唱国歌。 33 名被困矿工在罐笼中通过 2000 英尺岩石的狭窄通道被吊起后终于在 10 月 14 日结束井下苦难生活。
Chile mine rescue worker Manuel Gonzalez, the first rescuer to reach the trapped miners and the last to be hoisted back to the surface. 马纽尔 · 冈萨雷斯是第一个下井接触被困矿工、最后升井的救护队员。
Relatives and friends of 33 freed miners celebrate the end of the successful rescue operation at the camp outside the San Jose mine. 33 名矿工的亲属在圣何塞矿外营地庆贺营救成功结束。
President Sebastian Pinera was applauded as he firmly placed a lid on the entrance to the rescue shaft at the San Jose mine in Chile. All 33 miners have been brought to safety after a 69-day ordeal trapped deep underground. 智利总统皮涅拉隆重地盖上救生井入口的顶盖。 33 名矿工在地下被困 69 台后全部获救。
Crowds gathered in the Copiapo town square cheer upon learning of the successful rescues. Copiapo is the closest town to the mine and a video screen was set up for residents to watch the rescue process. 得知营救成功,群众聚集在科比亚波镇广场上尽情欢呼。
Orthodox priest read prayers as Bulgarian miners gather for a mass in St. Nedelia Church to pray for the health, redemption and well-being of the 33 rescued Chilean miners, who were trapped underground for two months, in Sofia, on Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010. 保加利亚矿工在尼代里亚东正教教堂佐弥撒,祈祷获救矿工早日恢复健康。
Though China has a highest mining fatality toll, state television CCTV news channel reports the successful rescue operation with great emthusiasm, while the second trapped miner has just been hoisted to the surface. 中国 CCTV 新闻频道正在直播矿工获救消息。
'What pride to be Chilean': Rescue effort galvanizes Chilean citizens Chileans have turned the rescue effort to save the trapped miners into a national celebration. ‘ 光荣属于智利人民’:营救成就激发了智利公民 智利人将营救成就转向国家庆典。
Chileans see mine rescue as a rebirth for the country . 智利人将矿山大营救视作国家的复兴 。 zqPei

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AI and Covert Influence Operations: Latest Trends
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Chile mineresuing智利铜金矿大营救

  • 1. 为了 33 名矿工兄弟: 智利科比亚波矿大营救 For 33 Miner Brothers: Chile Copiapo Mine Rescuing
  • 2. The San José Mine is about 45 kilometres (28 mi) north of Copiapó, in the northern end of Chile. A collapse accident occurred on Aug. 5, 2010 leaving 33 miners trapped about 700m below the surface. 圣何塞铜矿位于智利北部科皮亚波以北约 45 公里。 2010 年 8 月 5 日发生坍塌事故, 33 名矿工被困于地下约 700 米深处。 。
  • 3.  
  • 4. Miners, relatives and rescue workers stand outside a collapsed copper and gold mine during a rescue effort for 34 trapped miners in Copiapo, Chile, Saturday Aug. 7, 2010. 8 月 7 日开始营救 33 名被困矿工,矿工亲友和救护工作人员站在矿外。
  • 5. A second collapse occurred at the stricken mine on 7 August when rescuers were trying to gain access via a ventilation shaft and they were forced to use heavy machinery. Out of concern that additional attempts pursuing this route would cause further geological movement within the mine, attempts to reach the trapped miners through previously existing shafts were halted and other means to find them were sought. 8 月 7 日救护队员使用重型机械企图通过通风井搜索被困矿工时发生第二次塌陷。担心继续干下去会导致进一步地质变迁,不得不放弃通过现有井巷搜索的打算,另找措施。
  • 6. The families of the 33 trapped miners in Chile have set up home at the San Jose mine. 33 名矿工的家属在在圣何塞矿外扎营等候。
  • 7. Relatives of trapped miners pray and light candles on an altar outside the San Esteban gold and copper mine, near the city of Copiapo, in the Atacama desert, 800 kilometers (480 miles) north of Santiago, on August 8, 2010. 八月七日被困亲属在矿位的祭坛上点起蜡烛祈祷。该矿位于阿塔卡马沙漠可比亚波夫近,在圣地亚哥以北四百八十公里。
  • 8. Percussion drills were used to make 6 boreholes about 5.5 inches (15 centimeters) wide to find the miners. On 19 August, one of the probes reached the area where the miners were believed to be trapped but found no signs of life. 用冲击钻钻 6 个 15cm 探索孔, 8 月 19 日达到矿工可能所处的地区,但没有找到生命迹象。
  • 9. On 22 August at 07:15 CLT, another probe reached a ramp, at 688 meters (2,257 ft) underground, about 20 metres from a shelter where the miners were expected to have taken refuge.The miners had listened to the drills approaching for days and had prepared pre-written notes to their rescuers on the surface. The no tes surprised the rescuers when they pulled the drill bit out and discovered the letters. . 8 月 22 日当地时间 07 : 15 另一个探索孔钻到 688m 深,离避难室约 20m ,猜想矿工们可能在那里避难。矿工们听见他们已经盼望多日 的钻孔声音。 矿工们把早已准备好的字条绑到钻齿上。救护队员抽回钻杆时发现了字条。
  • 10. Chile‘s President Sebastian Pinera holds a note from miners trapped in a collapsed mine in Copiapo, Chile, on August 22, 2010. The note says the miners, 33 of them, are OK in a refuge. Trapped since August 5, it may take several months to free them. 八月二十二日智利总统塞巴蒂安 · 皮涅拉拿着从坍塌矿井内传出的字条,上面写道 33 名矿工在避难室室里都 OK 。自从八月五日被困后,可能还要几个月才能把他们解救出来 。
  • 11. Joy in Chile: 33 miners trapped 17 days are alive. 智利欢乐了: 33 名矿工被困 17 天还活着。
  • 12. A child holds a sign as Chileans celebrate the news that 33 miners trapped for 17 days are alive in Plaza Italia, Santiago, Chile, on August 22, 2010. 8 月 22 日圣地亚哥意大利广场孩子们拿了旗帜欢庆。
  • 13. Food, water, medicine, bibles, communication devices and others are supplied to underground via the boreholes. 食物、水、医药、圣经、通讯器材及其他通过钻孔输送到地下。
  • 14. Trapped miners are seen underground in a copper and gold mine at Copiapo, some 725 km (450 miles) north of Santiago, in this frame grab taken August 29, 2010. 被困的矿工,这张照片是在 8 月 29 日摄取的。
  • 15. Trapped miners held a Chilean Bicentenial celebration underground. 矿工在地下庆祝智利国庆 200 周年。
  • 16. A piece of a letter retrieved from trapped miner Mario Gomez, addressed to his wife Lilianette Ramirez, is displayed outside the collapsed on Aug. 24, 2010. The letter reads in Spanish "Give a lot of kisses to all my daughters and grandchildren, tell them I love them very much. Also tell them not to worry. For you, my love, a huge kiss. I love you very much, we will be really happy with our family, forever. We'll see each other soon my love. I love you. See you soon. Kisses, Mario.“ 矿工马里奥 · 戈麦斯传给妻子的信。信上的西班牙文写道:“吻我的女儿们和外孙们。告诉她们我非常爱她们,不要着担心。我们快相见了,亲爱的。吻你,马里奥”
  • 17. How rescuers will drill to save miners The Strata 950 raise borer drilling rig was the first to be used to drill the escape borehole.First, a small pilot hole was drilled, then a larger drill bit widens the hole. 先用 Strata 950 天井钻机钻救生孔的小先导孔,再用更大的钻机扩孔。 The Strata 950 raise bore machine that will drill the hole to reach the trapped miners.
  • 18. Schramm T130XD air drill will be used to widen the borehole to 66cm, meaning each miner had to have a waistline of no more than 90 cm (35 inches) to escape. Schramm T130XD 将用来把钻孔扩大到 66cm ,意味腰围不大于 90cm 的矿工都得以逃生。 Arrival of new machinery brings hope to relatives of 33 trapped workers. 新机器的到来为矿工亲属带来了希望。
  • 19. Engineers start tunnel-boring work as rescue efforts to free 33 miners trapped underground enter second week. 工程技术人员开始进行钻孔作业解救 33 名被困矿工。
  • 20. T-130 drill at site of trapped. T-130 钻机在解救作业现场
  • 21. Rescuers achieved a key breakthrough in efforts to rescue 33 trapped miners on Friday, reaching the caverns where they are imprisoned with a bore hole that will now be widened so that they can be pulled to freedom. The borehole is slightly inclined (about 82°). 10 月 8 日营救工作取得决定性突破,钻孔达到被困矿工所处的洞穴。钻孔略为倾斜,约 82° 。
  • 22. 2010, steel pipes are welded as rescue efforts continue to free the trapped miners at the San Jose mine near Copiapo, Chile, Sunday, Oct. 10, 2010. 十月十日星期日工人们焊接钢管。钢管系用作救生孔的衬套。
  • 23. 完成救生孔的钻进后, T 130 钻机工人将衬套管纳入孔中。 Workers of the T 130 drilling machine introduce casing tubes after completing an escape hole for the 33 trapped miners at San Jose mine near Copiapo city October 10, 2010.
  • 24. Chile president Sebastian Pinera and Andres Sougarret, chief of the rescue operation inspect the completed escape tunnel. 智利总统萨伯蒂恩 · 皮涅拉和救护总指挥索加莱特检查已完工的救护通道。
  • 25. US drill operator Jeff Hart is embraced by Elizabeth Segovia, sister of trapped miner Dario Zegovia, after the T-130 drill working to rescue the 33 miners finally reached their shelter in the San Jose mine, near Copiapo, Chile on October 9. 十月九日 T-130 钻机完成钻进任务后,被困矿工的亲属伊丽莎白 · 塞戈维娅热烈拥抱钻机手美国人杰夫 · 哈特。
  • 26. Carolina Lobos, daughter of Franklin Lobos, one of the 33 miners trapped in San Jose mine, Saturday checks the capsule manufactured by the Chilean Army's Shipyards (ASMAR). Each miner will be brought to the surface near Copiapo, Chile, in late October or early November. 被困矿工弗兰克林 · 罗伯斯的女儿卡罗利娜在救生囊中体验。救生囊是由智利军船坞工厂制造的,将在十月底或十一月初将被困矿工带回地面。
  • 27. This graphic shows the system that will be used to lower and raise the capsule which trapped miners will use to exit the collapsed San Jose mine near Copiapo, Chile. 救生囊升降系统示意图,该系统将用来解救智利被困矿工。
  • 28. Manuel Gonzalez, a rescue specialist from Codelco, is the first rescuer lowered by the Phoenix 2 rescue capsule into the mine. “ Bring us back the miners” President Sebastian Pinera told Gonzalez live on state television channel TVN as he entered the capsule. 来自 Codelco (智利国家铜业公司)的救护专家马纽尔 · 冈萨雷斯是救护队员中第一个乘坐凤凰 2 号救生囊下井的人。 马纽尔 · 冈萨雷斯走进救生囊时智利国家电视台 TVN 频道直播,智利总统皮涅拉对他说:“把矿工带回来”。
  • 29. Rescue worker Patricio Sepúlveda is being lowered to the enclosed miners using the Fénix 2 vehicle. 救护队员正将载人的凤凰 2 号降到地下。
  • 30. The president of Chile has made it official, telling the mother of Florencio Avalos that he'll be the first of 33 men to be rescued from the collapsed mine where they've been trapped for 69 days. His mother, Maria Silva, says he's not surprised he was chosen and that she's very proud of him. President Sebastian Pinera teased the journalists gathered on a viewing platform to await the rescue, saying he‘s pretty sure the first one out will have the last name of Avalos. 智利总统正式通知弗洛伦西奥 · 阿瓦洛斯的母亲马丽亚她的儿子将第一个获救。 马丽亚说她并不觉得惊奇,她一直为他骄傲。总统对看台上的记者开玩笑地说,他肯定地个救上来的人的姓一定是字母 A 开头的。
  • 31. 智利总统萨巴蒂恩拥抱第一位获救矿工弗洛伦西奥 · 阿瓦洛斯。 Chile's President Sebastian Pinera embraces Florencio Avalos, the first miner to be rescued.
  • 32. Mario Sepulveda , 40 , leads a cheer for Chile after being lifted from the mine early Wednesday. Sepulveda was the second miner to be rescued. 马里奥 · 塞普维达, 40 岁,升井后带领大家欢呼。他是第二个获救矿工。
  • 33. Bolivian miner Carlos Mamani embracing his wife Veronica after reaching the surface in Copiapo October 13, 2010. The lone Bolivian, Carlos Mamani, was pulled out fourth 玻利维亚矿工卡罗斯 · 马马尼回到地面后拥抱他的妻子维洛妮卡,他是唯一的外籍矿工,第四名升井。
  • 34. Miner Jimmy Sanchez is assisted in leaving the capsule as the fifth miner to be hoisted to the surface — the youngest of the 33 — has been rescued in Chile from gold and copper mine. Jimmy Sanchez is 19 years old and is the son, grandson and brother of miners. 杰米 · 桑切斯, 19 岁, 33 名被困人员中中最年轻的矿工,在别人帮助下走出救生囊,他是第五名提升到地面的矿工,他的祖父、父亲和哥哥都是矿工。
  • 35. Miner Osman Araya hugs his wife after arriving as the sixth miner to be hoisted to the surface in Copiapo October 13, 2010. 奥斯曼 · 阿拉亚出井后同妻子拥抱,他是第六个提升到地面的矿工。
  • 36. Rescued miner Jose Ojeda, left, is seen inside a Chilean Air Force helicopter. 获救矿工何塞 · 奥赫达在智利空军直升机中。
  • 37. Mario Gomez, 63, the oldest of the trapped miners, was the ninth man to be rescued. He vowed never to go below again. 马里奥 · 63 岁 · 第九个获救,他是被困人员中最老的矿工,他发誓再也不下井了。
  • 38. Journalists rest during the operation to rescue the trapped miners at the San Jose mine in Copiapo . 救援正在紧张进行时这位记者却睡着了。
  • 39. The winch operator monitors the progress of the rescue capsule he is lifting with one of the 33 miners inside on a computer at the San Jose mine The winch operator monitors the progress of the rescue capsule he is lifting with one of the 33 miners inside on a computer at the San Jose mine. 绞车司机密切监视救生囊的提升,计算机显示的是 33 名矿工之一。
  • 40. Edison Pena, 34, the 12th trapped miner to be rescued, kisses his loved one. 爱迪生 · 皮纳,第十二个获救矿工,吻他心爱的人。
  • 41. 伊斯特班 · 罗哈斯, 44 岁,走出救生囊后跪地祈祷,他是第 19 个获救矿工。 Esteban Rojas, 44, kneels to pray after stepping out from the capsule and becoming the 18th trapped miner to be rescued.
  • 42. 矿工弗兰克林 · 洛伯斯个获救后拥抱她的女儿。 Miner Franklin Lobo, right, embraces his daughter Carolina after he was rescued Wednesday from the collapsed San Jose gold and copper mine.
  • 43. Miner Franklin Lobos (L), a former professional soccer player, plays with a ball given to him by Chile‘s President Sebastian Pinera (R), after Lobos became the 27th miner to be rescued from the San Jose mine in Copiapo October 13, 2010. Her daughter Carolina. 矿工弗兰克林 · 洛伯斯是前足球职业运动员(左)正在玩弄他的球艺,球是智利总统皮涅拉传给他的。他是第 27 个获救。中间是他的女儿卡露利娜。
  • 44. Miner Luis Urzua, the last miner to be rescued, celebrates next to Chile's President Sebastian Pinera after being pulled to safety. 路易斯 · 乌尔苏尔是最后获救的矿工,他升井后站在总统皮涅拉旁边一起庆贺。
  • 45. The last miner to be rescued, Luis Urzua, front row left, sings Chile's national anthem with Chile's President Sebastian Pinera and rescue workers The 69-day underground ordeal reached its end Wednesday night after 33 trapped miners were hauled up in a cage through a narrow hole drilled through 2,000 feet of rock. 最后获救的矿工乌尔苏尔(前排左)同智利总统皮涅拉及救护队员齐唱国歌。 33 名被困矿工在罐笼中通过 2000 英尺岩石的狭窄通道被吊起后终于在 10 月 14 日结束井下苦难生活。
  • 46. Chile mine rescue worker Manuel Gonzalez, the first rescuer to reach the trapped miners and the last to be hoisted back to the surface. 马纽尔 · 冈萨雷斯是第一个下井接触被困矿工、最后升井的救护队员。
  • 47. Relatives and friends of 33 freed miners celebrate the end of the successful rescue operation at the camp outside the San Jose mine. 33 名矿工的亲属在圣何塞矿外营地庆贺营救成功结束。
  • 48. President Sebastian Pinera was applauded as he firmly placed a lid on the entrance to the rescue shaft at the San Jose mine in Chile. All 33 miners have been brought to safety after a 69-day ordeal trapped deep underground. 智利总统皮涅拉隆重地盖上救生井入口的顶盖。 33 名矿工在地下被困 69 台后全部获救。
  • 49. Crowds gathered in the Copiapo town square cheer upon learning of the successful rescues. Copiapo is the closest town to the mine and a video screen was set up for residents to watch the rescue process. 得知营救成功,群众聚集在科比亚波镇广场上尽情欢呼。
  • 50. Orthodox priest read prayers as Bulgarian miners gather for a mass in St. Nedelia Church to pray for the health, redemption and well-being of the 33 rescued Chilean miners, who were trapped underground for two months, in Sofia, on Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010. 保加利亚矿工在尼代里亚东正教教堂佐弥撒,祈祷获救矿工早日恢复健康。
  • 51. Though China has a highest mining fatality toll, state television CCTV news channel reports the successful rescue operation with great emthusiasm, while the second trapped miner has just been hoisted to the surface. 中国 CCTV 新闻频道正在直播矿工获救消息。
  • 52. 'What pride to be Chilean': Rescue effort galvanizes Chilean citizens Chileans have turned the rescue effort to save the trapped miners into a national celebration. ‘ 光荣属于智利人民’:营救成就激发了智利公民 智利人将营救成就转向国家庆典。
  • 53. Chileans see mine rescue as a rebirth for the country . 智利人将矿山大营救视作国家的复兴 。 zqPei
  • 54. DEDICATED TO MINERS ALL OVER THE WORLD 献给前世界矿工 Edited by zqPei