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  Children’s                                                b

Illustrated                                                 d

    robots noun
    a machine that can imitate some
    human actions. Robots are often
    used in factories, but can also be
    used in homes.
                                         bulb               o
                                         bulbs noun
                                         the rounded        p
                                         glass part of an
                                         electric light.
    skulls noun
    the bone frame of the head
    that protects the brain and                             u
    supports the face.
    sunflowers noun
    a tall plant with large,
    yellow flowers. The
    seeds can be eaten or
    used to make cooking oil.
       John McIlwain

B                                                     Contents
                       All about words                       4                Musical instrument                     133
D                      How to use this dictionary            6                Pet                                    148
E                      Dictionary games                      8                Plant                                  151
                       The dictionary                       12                Reptile                                168
F                      Full-page entries:                                     Sea life                               178
                         Alphabet                           16                Shape                                  182
G                        Bird                               28                Skeleton                               188
                         Boat                               31                Sport                                  197
H                        Car                                39                Time                                   216
                         Costume                            51                Transportation                         221
I                        Dinosaur                           61                Tree                                   223
J                        Fish                               79                Universe                               229
                         Fruit                              85                Vegetable                              233
K                        Growth                             94               Abbreviations                           246
                         Horse                             102               Spelling guide                          248
L                        Insect                            108               Word building                           249
                         Jewelry                           112               Facts and figures                        250
M                        Mammal                            124               Countries of the world                  252
P                                                         LONDON, NEW YORK,
                                                     MELBOURNE, MUNICH, AND DELHI

Q          Senior Editors Nicola Tuxworth,                       2009 Edition:                 First published in the United States in 1994
                      Susan Peach                        Project Editor Niki Foreman            This revised edition published in 2009 by
R           Senior Art Editor Rowena Alsey
              Project Editor Lee Simmons
                                                       Senior Art Editor Sheila Collins
                                                       Managing Editor Linda Esposito
                                                                                                              DK Publishing
                                                                                              375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014
               Art Editor Marcus James             Managing Art Editor Diane Thistlethwaite
S                 Editor Claire Watts               Publishing Manager Andrew Macintyre
                                                       Category Publisher Laura Buller
                                                                                                           Copyright © 1994, 2009
                                                                                                         Dorling Kindersley Limited
        Designers Cheryl Telfer, Diane Clouting                                                       09 10 11 12 13 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
                                                        Production Editors Maria Elia,
T           Managing Editor Jane Yorke                        Vivianne Ridgeway                                 CD207—05/09
                                                                                              All rights reserved under International and Pan-
                                                        Jacket Editor Mariza O’Keeffe
          Managing Art Editor Chris Scollen                                                   American Copyright Conventions. No part of this
U             Production Jayne Wood
                                                          Jacket Designer Akiko Kato
                                                    Geography Consultant Simon Mumford            publication may be reproduced, stored in a
                                                          US Editor Margaret Parrish          retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
V          Photography by Andy Crawford,
            Steve Gorton, Susanna Price,
                                                                    DK India
                                                                                              any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
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                   and Tim Ridley                    Head of Publishing Aparna Sharma          permission of the copyright owner. Published in
W          Illustrated by Grahame Corbett,
                                                     Design Manager Arunesh Talapatra           Great Britain by Dorling Kindersley Limited.
                                                     Editorial Manager Glenda Fernandes       A catalog record for this book is available from
X             Peter Dennis, Bill Le Fever,
          Nicholas Hewetson, Louis Mackay,
                                                         Assistant Editor Samira Sood
                                                        Designers Malavika Talukder,
                                                                                                         the Library of Congress.
                                                                                                         ISBN 978-0-7566-5196-1
           Roger Stewart, and Jolyon Webb                        Govind Mittal
Y   Language Consultants The Centre for Literacy
       in Primary Education, London, England
                                                       DTP Coordinator Sunil Sharma
                                                        DTP Designers Dheeraj Arora,
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                                                                                              Printed and bound by Toppan Printing Co. Ltd.,
      Pronunciation Consultant Sheila Dignen                    Preetam Singh                                     China
                                             Introduction                                                                             b
The Dorling Kindersley Children’s Illustrated                          In addition, this book will help children develop their
Dictionary is specifically aimed at children of                     awareness of words and the relationships between them.             d
                                                                   An introductory section explains the concept of parts of
seven years and up, an age when children are
becoming increasingly independent readers
                                                                   speech, such as nouns and verbs, that are also listed
                                                                   under each entry in the dictionary. The final section looks
and writers and when a dictionary can be                           at word beginnings and endings, spelling patterns,
                                                                   and common abbreviations.                                          f
a valuable companion.
Words and pictures                                                 A dictionary with a difference
Unlike many other dictionaries, The Children’s Illustrated         A unique feature of this dictionary is the 26 full-page
Dictionary is not just about words—it also contains pictures.
Children today are used to information being presented in
                                                                   entries, where words and pictures are grouped by theme.
                                                                                      Browsing through these word                     i
a visual form through television, movies, and computers, and                          collections, on subjects as diverse as
are skilled readers of images. As a result, they require books
to be increasingly visually sophisticated.
                                                                                      costumes and time, children will enjoy
                                                                                      recognizing known words and concepts
    The colorful photographs and illustrations in this
                                                                                      and discovering new vocabulary and
                                                                                      information. These pages offer many             k
dictionary are fresh, exciting, and highly relevant to                                opportunities for discussion and
children’s interests and concerns. These images will help
to draw young readers into the book; they also work with
                                                                                      provide the basis for further exploration
                                                                                      of a wide range of topics and themes.
the text to give clear and concise definitions.                                                                                        m
                                                                   A lasting work of reference                                        n
Vital skills for readers and writers                               The Children’s Illustrated Dictionary combines a core of
Using a dictionary can teach children many useful skills.
One of the most important is the ability to locate information
                                                                   common vocabulary with words that have a high interest
                                                                   level for children of this age group. It provides them with
that is organized in alphabetical order. Once acquired, this
skill will enable them to use many other reference books,
                                                                   both a rich source of information about the world and
                                                                   an important resource for developing their reading and
from telephone directories to encyclopedias, that are              writing skills.
organized along the same principle. The clear design and                                                                              q
layout of this dictionary make it easy for children to learn
how to look things up.
    The Children’s Illustrated Dictionary can also help to widen
vocabulary and improve spelling. Young readers and writers                                                                            s
can find out for themselves what an unfamiliar word means
or check any spellings about which they are unsure.                                                                                   t
    All about words
    In every sentence that we speak or write,                          entry has its part of speech printed below it
C   there are several types of word. They are                          in italic type. The parts of speech that are
    called “parts of speech.” Each of them has                         labeled in the dictionary (verbs, adverbs,
D   its own name and its own job to do in                              adjectives, interjections, prepositions, and
    the sentence. In this dictionary, each word                        nouns) are explained on these two pages.
G                                     Verbs are sometimes called “action words” because they are
                                      words that describe what a person or a thing is doing. Sit,
H                                     think, sleep, sing, and climb are all verbs. A sentence
                                      must contain a verb to make sense. There are a few special
                                      kinds of verb, such as “being” and “helping” verbs, that do
I                                     slightly different jobs in a sentence.

                                                                                                        They were both very angry.
L                                                                                                       Being verbs
                                                                                                        Being words, such as am,
M                                                                                                       is, are, was, and were, all
                                                                                                        come from the verb to be.
                                                                                                        They link someone or
N                       She runs to school
                        every morning.
                                                               The dog often lies
                                                               on the floor.                             something with the words
                                                                                                        that describe them.
    Helping verbs                                                      Verb tenses
P   Verbs such as have, be,                                            The form of a verb shows whether the action it describes
    will, must, may, and do,                                           takes place in the present, the past, or the future. This is
Q   are sometimes used with
    other verbs in a sentence.
                                                                       called the verb’s tense. When a verb, such as hang, appears
                                                                                                             in this dictionary, the
R   They show how possible or
    necessary it is that an
                                                                                                              entry looks like this:

    action takes place. Helping
S   verbs can also be used to
    show a verb’s tense.
T                                                                                                              hang
                                  It may rain tomorrow.                                                        hangs hanging hung
U                                                                                                              verb

W                                                                      The second line
                                                                       of the entry shows how
                                                                                                        Present tense:
                                                                                                        She hangs up her T-shirt.
                                                                       the verb is written in
X                                                                      three different tenses—          Continuous present tense:
                                                                       the present, the                 She is hanging up her
Y                                                                      continuous present,
                                                                       and the past tense.
                                        I do like
                                                                       These tenses are                 Past tense:
Z                                       sandwiches!
                                                                       used like this:                  She hung up her T-shirt.

Adverbs                                                     Nouns                                                              a
An adverb is a word that gives                               A noun is a word that names a thing, a person, or a place.
more information about a verb,
an adjective, or another adverb.
                                                             Cat, teacher, spoon, and city are all nouns. Nouns do not
                                                             have to be things that you can see—words like truth and
Adverbs can tell us how, when,
where, how often, or how much.
                                                             geography are also nouns.                                         c
Slowly, yesterday, upward,
and very are all adverbs.                                                                                                      d
Many adverbs end with
the letters “ly.”                                                                                                              e
These newspapers are all           They played happily      They often went to               The present came in a round
published daily.                   with the balloon.        the café for a snack.            box tied with ribbon.             j
Adjectives                                                                                   Interjections
An adjective is a word that is used to describe a noun.
Fat, yellow, sticky, dark, and hairy are all adjectives.
                                                                                             Interjections are words
                                                                                             such as hello and good-
                                                                                             bye that can be used on
                                                                                             their own, without being
                                                                                             part of a full sentence.
                                                                                             Exclamations, such as             n
                                                                                             Oh! and Ouch!, are
                                                                                             also interjections.               o
                  The car was big, red, and shiny.
                                                                        A tall, green,
                                                                        prickly cactus.
                                                                                             Conjunctions are words            q
                                                                                             such as and, but, and of,
                                                                                             that are used to join parts
                                                                                             of sentences together.
Comparatives and superlatives
If you want to compare a person or thing with                                                                                  s
another, you often use an adjective in the comparative
or superlative form. Taller, easier, better, and quicker                                     Prepositions                      t
are comparatives. Tallest, easiest, best, and                                                Prepositions, such as in,
quickest are superlatives. Comparatives
either end with the letters “-er,” or
                                                                                             with, behind, and on,
                                                                                             show how one person or            u
include the word “more.”                                                                     thing relates to another.
Superlatives either end with
the letters “-est” or include
                                                                                             She held
the word “most.”                                                                             the ball
                                                                                             above her
     This ball is big.
                              This ball is bigger.
                                                           This ball is the biggest.                                           z
        How to use this dictionary
B Read the information on these two pages                             shown below. There are also 26 full-page
C to find out how to get the most from your                            entries in the dictionary that provide a
  dictionary. Most pages in the book look like                        whole page of pictures and vocabulary on
D the double page from the letter R section                           a theme. The page shown here is about cars.

E What’s on a page
F Guide word                                    Headword                                              Guide word
  Use the guide word at the top of              This is the word you are looking up.                  The right-hand
G the page to help you find the page             The headword is printed in heavy,                     guide word, rate,
  a word is on. The left-hand guide             black letters at the start of the entry.              tells you that this
H the first word on the page.
  word, rabbi, tells you that this is           The definition underneath explains
                                                what the headword means.
                                                                                                      is the last word on
                                                                                                      this page.

I                                      rabbi                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            rate

J New letter
                                   A                                                                    radio                           rag                               railroad                          rake                                                                               rascal                                    a
                                                                                                        radios noun                     rags noun                         railroads noun                    rakes raking raked verb                                                            rascals noun
                                                                                                        a device that sends or          a small, torn piece of cloth.     1 a network of tracks that        to gather up leaves into                                                           a mischievous person.
                                   B                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    b
                                                                                                        receives electrical signals                                       trains run on.                    a pile or to smooth over soil.
                                                                                                        and changes them                                                  2 a transportation system that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               rash                                      c
  section                          C                                                                    into sound.                                                       uses rail tracks, together with
                                                                                                                                                                          trains, stations, and land.                                                                                          rashes noun
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               a patch of red, itchy spots
                                   D                                                                                                                                                                                                rake
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               on your skin.                            d
                                                                                                                        The photos and
K Each new letter
  section starts with
                                       rabbis noun
                                                                        rackets noun
                                                                                                                        illustrations   rage
                                                                                                                                        rages noun
                                                                                                                                        anger or uncontrolled temper.
                                                                                                                                                                          rains noun
                                                                                                                                                                          water that
                                                                                                                                                                          falls from
                                                                                                                                                                          the clouds
                                                                                                                                                                          in drops.                         rally                                      ran
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               raspberries noun
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               a juicy, red fruit that grows
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               on a bush with thorns.
                                       a teacher of the Jewish          1 a bat with
                                                                                                                        show you
                                                                                                        the energy released by the      In her rage, she slammed                                            rallies noun                               from the verb to run
L a big letter, like this R.
                                       religion and law.                strings used                    center of atoms breaking        the door shut.                                                      1 a large, public meeting held             1 Last week, he ran
                                        say rab-eye                     for playing                     up in some substances. High                                                                         to discuss something that is               a 400-meter race.

                                                                        sports such
                                                                        as tennis and
                                                                        badminton (see                                  exactly what
                                                                                                        amounts of radioactivity can
                                                                                                        be harmful to living things.    raid
                                                                                                                                        raids noun
                                                                                                                                                                          rain verb
                                                                                                                                                                          rainy adjective
                                                                                                                                                                                                            important or worrying
                                                                                                                                                                                                            to people.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2 She ran a bookstore.
                                   J   rabbits noun                     sport on page 197).                                             a sudden surprise attack                                                                                       ranch                                                                             j
                                       a small mammal with long
                                       front teeth that lives
                                       underground in burrows.
                                                                        badminton racket                                things look likeby a group of people.
                                                                                                                                        The police made a raid on the
                                                                                                                                        house, arresting two women.
                                                                                                                                                                          rainbows noun
                                                                                                                                                                          an arch of colors that appears
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ranches noun
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       a huge farm where cattle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       or other animals are reared.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                say raz-bair-ee

                                       Rabbits are normally active in                                                                   raid verb                         in the sky when the sun
                                   L   the evening or at night. They
                                       eat grass, roots, and leaves.
                                                                        2 a loud,
                                                                        annoying  noise.                                and help to     rail
                                                                                                                                                                          shines while it’s raining.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            The party held a political rally
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               rats noun
                                   M                                    He was making                                                                                                                       in the park.                                                                       a common rodent that looks               m
                                                                        a racket with
                                                                        his drums.                                      define the
                                                                                                        They tested for radioactivity
                                                                                                        outside the nuclear
                                                                                                                                        rails noun
                                                                                                                                        1 a long bar for holding on to,
                                                                                                                                        or for hanging clothes on.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            2 a long-distance car race
                                                                                                                                                                                                            that tests drivers’ skills.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               like a large mouse. Some
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               kinds of rat eat plants, while
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               others eat small animals.                n
                                                                                                        power plant.                    Use the rail to help you climb                                                                                                                         They can gnaw through
                                   O                                    radar
                                                                                                         say ray-dee-oh-ak-tiv-i-tee    the stairs.                                                         ram                                                                                stone, wood, and even metal              o

                                                                        noun                            radioactive adjective           2 a long line of metal track                                        rams noun                                                                          with their strong front teeth.
                                   P                                    a device that tells you
                                                                        the position and speed of
                                                                                                                                        that trains run along.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            1 a male sheep.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       rang                                                                             p
                                                                        ships, cars, and aircraft       radius                                                            raindrops noun                                                               from the verb to ring
                                   Q                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    q
                                                                        by sending out radio waves.     radii or radiuses noun                                            a single drop of rain.                                                       He rang the doorbell.
                                                                                                        a straight line drawn
                                   R   race
                                                                                                        from the center
                                                                                                        of a circle to                                                    rainfall                                                                     ranger                                                                            r

O Use the alphabet side
                                       races noun                                                       its outer                                                         noun                                                                         rangers noun
                                   S   1 a competition of speed.                                        edge.                                                             the amount of rain that falls                                                a person who looks after a              rate                                      s
                                                                                                                                        3 the railroad.                   over a particular area.                                                      forest or a wildlife park.              rates noun
                                   T                                                                    radius
                                                                                                                                        We traveled by rail
                                                                                                                                        around Europe.
                                                                                                                                                                          The chart shows the annual
                                                                                                                                                                          rainfall in South America.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        say rain-jer                           1 a speed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Ostriches can run at a rate
  running down the                 U                                    An airport radar screen.
                                                                         say ray-dar                    raft                                                              rain forest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               of 30 miles (50 km) per hour.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2 a level of payment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The vacation resort charges
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        u                                  car
                                   V                                                                    rafts noun                                                        rain forests noun                           car                              quick or swift.                         high rates for its apartments.            v                                         a

P of the page to place
                   help                                                                                 1 a floating platform            2 a hollow mat made of rubber     a dense, hot, wet jungle that               cars noun
                                                                        radiator                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        w
                                   W                                    radiators noun
                                                                                                        made of logs that
                                                                                                        have been tied
                                                                                                                                        or plastic and filled with
                                                                                                                                        air that can
                                                                                                                                                                          grows in tropical areas.                    a vehicle with wheels
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      that is moved by      rare                                                                                                                                   b
  you find your                     X
                                       A swimming race.
                                       race verb
                                       2 a group of people who
                                                                        1 a thin, metal tank with hot
                                                                        water flowing through it that
                                                                        heats a room.
                                                                                                        tightly together.               be used as
                                                                                                                                        a boat.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      an engine and used    adjective
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      to carry people from unusual or not common.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      place to place.       A rare blue
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         x                                         c
                                   Y   share the same ancestors         2 a metal tank that allows                                                                                                                                          morpho butterfly.                                                                             y                                         d
  in the dictionary.                   and may share some
                                       physical characteristics.
                                                                        air to cool the hot water in
                                                                        the engine of a vehicle.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 New York City taxicab

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         z          London taxi

Q The highlighted letter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        comparisons rarer rarest
                                   Z   racial adjective                  say ray-dee-ay-tor                                             life raft
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            tire                        opposite common fuel can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     plate                                         e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  antenna                        roof rack
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            163                                   tailgate
  tells you that you are                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           h

R in the R section.                                               Word box                                                                                                                                                 tow hook


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   wheel hub                           wheel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       minivan                       bumper
                                                                  Families of
S                                                                                                                                                                                                                              exhaust pipe                               tire
                                                                  linked words                                                                                                                                              rearview

                                                                  are enclosed in                                                                                                                                                                                          hood         wheel
    Alphabetical order
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           headlight                                       ornament

T The headwords in this letters of the words are
                                                                  a box. All the

                                                                  words in this                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             fan
    dictionary are listed in     used to decide which             box start with                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   s
U alphabetical order—            comes first. So cat               the same                                                                                                                                                       tire tread
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              vintage car

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  radiator grill

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             steering wheel
    the same order as the        comes before cot,                word, rain.                                                                                                                                                       trunk

V letters that begin with O in the A comes before
            of the alphabet.     because
                                          alphabet.                                                                                                                                                                           exhaust
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               sports car                                                         signal

W start of the dictionary, the same two letters,
    A are grouped at the         If words start with


    followed by B words,         then the third letter
X and so on up to Z.             decides the order. So                                   Full-page entries
    Where several words          radius comes before                                     All the pictures and labels on a full-page
Y letter, the second
    start with the same          raft, because D comes
                                 before F.
                                                                                         entry are linked to the main headword.
                                                                                         This page shows different car types,
                                                                                         with their various parts labeled.
How the entries work                                                                                                                        a
 The headword is printed
                               rams noun
                                                                  Part of speech
                                                                  This shows whether
                                                                                                              Tenses of verbs
                                                                                                              These three forms of
 at the start of the entry.
  This shows you how to
                               1 a male sheep.                    the word is a noun, verb,
                                                                  adjective, interjection,
                                                                                                              the verb share show
                                                                                                              how it is written
           spell the word.                                        adverb, or preposition.                     in the present,
                                                                  Find out more about                         continuous present,           d
                                                                  parts of speech on                          and past tenses.
     This tells you how to
                                                                  pages 4–5.                                  These tenses are
                                                                                                              explained on page 4.
 write a noun when there
  is more than one of the                                                                                                                   f
   thing it is referring to.
 Here, rams is the plural      2 a device for pushing against                                                                               g
    of the headword ram.       something with force.                  share
                                                                      shares sharing shared
                                                                      verb                                                                  h
           This part of the
                                                                      1 to have or
                                                                      use together.                                                         i
      entry explains what                                             2 to divide
     the headword means.
 If a word has more than
                                                                      something into
                                                                      parts to give
    one meaning, the first
         meaning given is      They used the log as a ram
                                                                      to others.
    normally the one that      to break down the door.
          is most common.
      Other meanings are
                               ram verb                               They shared the melon.                                                l
              listed below.                                                                                                                 m
                                                                             Sample sentence
                                                                             The sentence that follows the definition gives                  n
Comparisons                                                                  you an example of how the headword is used. In
The two forms of an adjective that are
shown here are called the comparative and
                                                                             the sample sentence the headword is always
                                                                             written in heavy, black type like this: shared.
superlative. They are explained on page 5.
Rarer means “more rare” and rarest
means “the most rare.”                                                        radioactivity
                                                                              noun                                                          q
                                                                              the energy released by the
                                                                              center of atoms breaking up
                                                                              in some substances. High                                      r
 unusual or not common.                                                       amounts of radioactivity can
                                                                              be harmful to living things.                                  s
 A rare blue
 morpho butterfly.
   comparisons rarer rarest
   opposite common
                                                                                                                    Related words           u
                                                                                                                     Other words that are
This tells you the word
                               Pronunciation guide
                               This guide helps you to pronounce
                                                                                                                     related to the
                                                                                                                     headword are listed
that is the opposite
of the headword. For
                               difficult words. It respells the
                               word so that you can sound out
                                                                                                                     here. This related
                                                                                                                     word, radioactive,
example, common                the letters. Part of the guide is in           They tested for radioactivity          is the adjective
is the opposite of             heavy, black type. This shows you              outside the nuclear                    that comes from        x
the headword rare.             which part of the word to stress,              power plant.                           the headword
                               or say more loudly.                              say ray-dee-oh-ak-tiv-i-tee
                                                                              radioactive adjective
                                                                                                                     radioactivity.         y
      Dictionary games
B See if you can solve these word puzzles,               with a friend. Try giving a point for each
C using your dictionary to help you. The games           correct answer and then see which of you
  will help you learn how to use the dictionary          gets the highest score. The answers to
D quickly and easily. You can play all of the            all the puzzles are somewhere in this
  games on your own, but you can also play               dictionary. Have fun!
F Alphabetical birds
  How quickly can you arrange these
G 12 bird names in alphabetical
  order? You could use the alphabet
H at the sideout.the page tohelp, turn
  sort them
                  For more
                             help you

I to page 6, where alphabetical
  order is explained in detail.                                                    flamingo

J                                              pelican
Q                                         peacock
R                                                                                             stork
T                                                        eagle

V                                           owl

Y                 ostrich

Z                                      duck               budgerigar       crane             penguin

Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
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Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
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Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
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Children's Illustrated Dictionary
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Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
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Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Children's Illustrated Dictionary

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Children's Illustrated Dictionary

  • 1. a Children’s b c Illustrated d e f g Dictionary robot robots noun a machine that can imitate some h i j k human actions. Robots are often used in factories, but can also be used in homes. l m n bulb o bulbs noun the rounded p glass part of an electric light. q r s skull skulls noun t the bone frame of the head that protects the brain and u supports the face. v w sunflower sunflowers noun a tall plant with large, x yellow flowers. The seeds can be eaten or used to make cooking oil. y z
  • 2.
  • 3. Children’s Illustrated Dictionary John McIlwain DORLING KINDERSLEY
  • 4. A B Contents C All about words 4 Musical instrument 133 D How to use this dictionary 6 Pet 148 E Dictionary games 8 Plant 151 The dictionary 12 Reptile 168 F Full-page entries: Sea life 178 Alphabet 16 Shape 182 G Bird 28 Skeleton 188 Boat 31 Sport 197 H Car 39 Time 216 Costume 51 Transportation 221 I Dinosaur 61 Tree 223 J Fish 79 Universe 229 Fruit 85 Vegetable 233 K Growth 94 Abbreviations 246 Horse 102 Spelling guide 248 L Insect 108 Word building 249 Jewelry 112 Facts and figures 250 M Mammal 124 Countries of the world 252 N O P LONDON, NEW YORK, MELBOURNE, MUNICH, AND DELHI Q Senior Editors Nicola Tuxworth, 2009 Edition: First published in the United States in 1994 Susan Peach Project Editor Niki Foreman This revised edition published in 2009 by R Senior Art Editor Rowena Alsey Project Editor Lee Simmons Senior Art Editor Sheila Collins Managing Editor Linda Esposito DK Publishing 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014 Art Editor Marcus James Managing Art Editor Diane Thistlethwaite S Editor Claire Watts Publishing Manager Andrew Macintyre Category Publisher Laura Buller Copyright © 1994, 2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited Designers Cheryl Telfer, Diane Clouting 09 10 11 12 13 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Production Editors Maria Elia, T Managing Editor Jane Yorke Vivianne Ridgeway CD207—05/09 All rights reserved under International and Pan- Jacket Editor Mariza O’Keeffe Managing Art Editor Chris Scollen American Copyright Conventions. No part of this U Production Jayne Wood Jacket Designer Akiko Kato Geography Consultant Simon Mumford publication may be reproduced, stored in a US Editor Margaret Parrish retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by V Photography by Andy Crawford, Steve Gorton, Susanna Price, DK India any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written and Tim Ridley Head of Publishing Aparna Sharma permission of the copyright owner. Published in W Illustrated by Grahame Corbett, Design Manager Arunesh Talapatra Great Britain by Dorling Kindersley Limited. Editorial Manager Glenda Fernandes A catalog record for this book is available from X Peter Dennis, Bill Le Fever, Nicholas Hewetson, Louis Mackay, Assistant Editor Samira Sood Designers Malavika Talukder, the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-0-7566-5196-1 Roger Stewart, and Jolyon Webb Govind Mittal Y Language Consultants The Centre for Literacy in Primary Education, London, England DTP Coordinator Sunil Sharma DTP Designers Dheeraj Arora, Color reproduction by Colourscan, Singapore Printed and bound by Toppan Printing Co. Ltd., Pronunciation Consultant Sheila Dignen Preetam Singh China Z 2
  • 5. a Introduction b c The Dorling Kindersley Children’s Illustrated In addition, this book will help children develop their Dictionary is specifically aimed at children of awareness of words and the relationships between them. d An introductory section explains the concept of parts of seven years and up, an age when children are becoming increasingly independent readers speech, such as nouns and verbs, that are also listed under each entry in the dictionary. The final section looks e and writers and when a dictionary can be at word beginnings and endings, spelling patterns, and common abbreviations. f a valuable companion. g Words and pictures A dictionary with a difference Unlike many other dictionaries, The Children’s Illustrated A unique feature of this dictionary is the 26 full-page h Dictionary is not just about words—it also contains pictures. Children today are used to information being presented in entries, where words and pictures are grouped by theme. Browsing through these word i a visual form through television, movies, and computers, and collections, on subjects as diverse as are skilled readers of images. As a result, they require books to be increasingly visually sophisticated. costumes and time, children will enjoy recognizing known words and concepts j The colorful photographs and illustrations in this and discovering new vocabulary and information. These pages offer many k dictionary are fresh, exciting, and highly relevant to opportunities for discussion and children’s interests and concerns. These images will help to draw young readers into the book; they also work with provide the basis for further exploration of a wide range of topics and themes. l the text to give clear and concise definitions. m A lasting work of reference n Vital skills for readers and writers The Children’s Illustrated Dictionary combines a core of Using a dictionary can teach children many useful skills. One of the most important is the ability to locate information common vocabulary with words that have a high interest level for children of this age group. It provides them with o that is organized in alphabetical order. Once acquired, this skill will enable them to use many other reference books, both a rich source of information about the world and an important resource for developing their reading and p from telephone directories to encyclopedias, that are writing skills. organized along the same principle. The clear design and q layout of this dictionary make it easy for children to learn how to look things up. r The Children’s Illustrated Dictionary can also help to widen vocabulary and improve spelling. Young readers and writers s can find out for themselves what an unfamiliar word means or check any spellings about which they are unsure. t u v w x y z 3
  • 6. A B All about words In every sentence that we speak or write, entry has its part of speech printed below it C there are several types of word. They are in italic type. The parts of speech that are called “parts of speech.” Each of them has labeled in the dictionary (verbs, adverbs, D its own name and its own job to do in adjectives, interjections, prepositions, and the sentence. In this dictionary, each word nouns) are explained on these two pages. E F Verbs G Verbs are sometimes called “action words” because they are words that describe what a person or a thing is doing. Sit, H think, sleep, sing, and climb are all verbs. A sentence must contain a verb to make sense. There are a few special kinds of verb, such as “being” and “helping” verbs, that do I slightly different jobs in a sentence. J They were both very angry. K L Being verbs Being words, such as am, M is, are, was, and were, all come from the verb to be. They link someone or N She runs to school every morning. The dog often lies on the floor. something with the words that describe them. O Helping verbs Verb tenses P Verbs such as have, be, The form of a verb shows whether the action it describes will, must, may, and do, takes place in the present, the past, or the future. This is Q are sometimes used with other verbs in a sentence. called the verb’s tense. When a verb, such as hang, appears in this dictionary, the R They show how possible or necessary it is that an entry looks like this: action takes place. Helping S verbs can also be used to show a verb’s tense. T hang It may rain tomorrow. hangs hanging hung U verb V W The second line of the entry shows how Present tense: She hangs up her T-shirt. the verb is written in X three different tenses— Continuous present tense: the present, the She is hanging up her Y continuous present, and the past tense. T-shirt. I do like These tenses are Past tense: Z sandwiches! used like this: She hung up her T-shirt. 4
  • 7. Adverbs Nouns a An adverb is a word that gives A noun is a word that names a thing, a person, or a place. more information about a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Cat, teacher, spoon, and city are all nouns. Nouns do not have to be things that you can see—words like truth and b Adverbs can tell us how, when, where, how often, or how much. geography are also nouns. c Slowly, yesterday, upward, and very are all adverbs. d Many adverbs end with the letters “ly.” e f g h i These newspapers are all They played happily They often went to The present came in a round published daily. with the balloon. the café for a snack. box tied with ribbon. j k Adjectives Interjections An adjective is a word that is used to describe a noun. Fat, yellow, sticky, dark, and hairy are all adjectives. Interjections are words such as hello and good- l bye that can be used on their own, without being m part of a full sentence. Exclamations, such as n Oh! and Ouch!, are also interjections. o p Conjunctions The car was big, red, and shiny. A tall, green, prickly cactus. Conjunctions are words q such as and, but, and of, that are used to join parts of sentences together. r Comparatives and superlatives If you want to compare a person or thing with s another, you often use an adjective in the comparative or superlative form. Taller, easier, better, and quicker Prepositions t are comparatives. Tallest, easiest, best, and Prepositions, such as in, quickest are superlatives. Comparatives either end with the letters “-er,” or with, behind, and on, show how one person or u include the word “more.” thing relates to another. Superlatives either end with the letters “-est” or include v She held the word “most.” the ball above her w head. x y Adjective: This ball is big. Comparative: This ball is bigger. Superlative: This ball is the biggest. z 5
  • 8. A How to use this dictionary B Read the information on these two pages shown below. There are also 26 full-page C to find out how to get the most from your entries in the dictionary that provide a dictionary. Most pages in the book look like whole page of pictures and vocabulary on D the double page from the letter R section a theme. The page shown here is about cars. E What’s on a page F Guide word Headword Guide word Use the guide word at the top of This is the word you are looking up. The right-hand G the page to help you find the page The headword is printed in heavy, guide word, rate, a word is on. The left-hand guide black letters at the start of the entry. tells you that this H the first word on the page. word, rabbi, tells you that this is The definition underneath explains what the headword means. is the last word on this page. I rabbi rate J New letter Rr A radio rag railroad rake rascal a radios noun rags noun railroads noun rakes raking raked verb rascals noun a device that sends or a small, torn piece of cloth. 1 a network of tracks that to gather up leaves into a mischievous person. B b Pictures receives electrical signals trains run on. a pile or to smooth over soil. and changes them 2 a transportation system that rash c section C into sound. uses rail tracks, together with trains, stations, and land. rashes noun a patch of red, itchy spots D rake on your skin. d The photos and K Each new letter section starts with E F G rabbi rabbis noun racket rackets noun radioactivity noun illustrations rage rages noun anger or uncontrolled temper. rain rains noun water that falls from the clouds in drops. rally ran raspberry raspberries noun a juicy, red fruit that grows on a bush with thorns. e f g H a teacher of the Jewish 1 a bat with show you the energy released by the In her rage, she slammed rallies noun from the verb to run h L a big letter, like this R. religion and law. strings used center of atoms breaking the door shut. 1 a large, public meeting held 1 Last week, he ran say rab-eye for playing up in some substances. High to discuss something that is a 400-meter race. I rabbit sports such as tennis and badminton (see exactly what amounts of radioactivity can be harmful to living things. raid raids noun rain verb rainy adjective important or worrying to people. 2 She ran a bookstore. i J rabbits noun sport on page 197). a sudden surprise attack ranch j K a small mammal with long front teeth that lives underground in burrows. badminton racket things look likeby a group of people. The police made a raid on the house, arresting two women. rainbow rainbows noun an arch of colors that appears ranches noun a huge farm where cattle or other animals are reared. say raz-bair-ee k M Rabbits are normally active in raid verb in the sky when the sun L the evening or at night. They eat grass, roots, and leaves. 2 a loud, annoying noise. and help to rail shines while it’s raining. The party held a political rally rat rats noun l M He was making in the park. a common rodent that looks m N a racket with his drums. define the They tested for radioactivity outside the nuclear rails noun 1 a long bar for holding on to, or for hanging clothes on. 2 a long-distance car race that tests drivers’ skills. like a large mouse. Some kinds of rat eat plants, while others eat small animals. n power plant. Use the rail to help you climb They can gnaw through O radar headwords. say ray-dee-oh-ak-tiv-i-tee the stairs. ram stone, wood, and even metal o N noun radioactive adjective 2 a long line of metal track rams noun with their strong front teeth. P a device that tells you the position and speed of that trains run along. raindrop 1 a male sheep. rang p ships, cars, and aircraft radius raindrops noun from the verb to ring Q q Alphabet by sending out radio waves. radii or radiuses noun a single drop of rain. He rang the doorbell. a straight line drawn R race from the center of a circle to rainfall ranger r O Use the alphabet side races noun its outer noun rangers noun S 1 a competition of speed. edge. the amount of rain that falls a person who looks after a rate s 3 the railroad. over a particular area. forest or a wildlife park. rates noun T radius We traveled by rail around Europe. The chart shows the annual rainfall in South America. say rain-jer 1 a speed. Ostriches can run at a rate t running down the U An airport radar screen. say ray-dar raft rain forest rapid adjective of 30 miles (50 km) per hour. 2 a level of payment. The vacation resort charges u car V rafts noun rain forests noun car quick or swift. high rates for its apartments. v a P of the page to place help 1 a floating platform 2 a hollow mat made of rubber a dense, hot, wet jungle that cars noun radiator w W radiators noun made of logs that have been tied or plastic and filled with air that can grows in tropical areas. a vehicle with wheels that is moved by rare b you find your X A swimming race. race verb 2 a group of people who 1 a thin, metal tank with hot water flowing through it that heats a room. tightly together. be used as a boat. an engine and used adjective to carry people from unusual or not common. place to place. A rare blue x c Y share the same ancestors 2 a metal tank that allows morpho butterfly. y d in the dictionary. and may share some physical characteristics. air to cool the hot water in the engine of a vehicle. New York City taxicab z London taxi Q The highlighted letter comparisons rarer rarest Z racial adjective say ray-dee-ay-tor life raft spare tire opposite common fuel can license plate e antenna roof rack 162 rearview 163 tailgate f mirror g tells you that you are h R in the R section. Word box tow hook muffler jeep wheel hub wheel trim minivan bumper i j k Families of S exhaust pipe tire spoke windshield wiper l m linked words rearview n mirror are enclosed in hood wheel o Alphabetical order headlight ornament T The headwords in this letters of the words are hatchback p a box. All the fender piston q words in this fan r dictionary are listed in used to decide which box start with s U alphabetical order— comes first. So cat the same tire tread vintage car starting handle hood windshield radiator grill steering wheel engine hood t u the same order as the comes before cot, word, rain. trunk v V letters that begin with O in the A comes before Words of the alphabet. because alphabet. exhaust turn w x y pipe sports car signal z W start of the dictionary, the same two letters, A are grouped at the If words start with light 39 followed by B words, then the third letter X and so on up to Z. decides the order. So Full-page entries Where several words radius comes before All the pictures and labels on a full-page Y letter, the second start with the same raft, because D comes before F. entry are linked to the main headword. This page shows different car types, with their various parts labeled. Z 6
  • 9. How the entries work a Headword The headword is printed ram rams noun Part of speech This shows whether Tenses of verbs These three forms of b at the start of the entry. This shows you how to 1 a male sheep. the word is a noun, verb, adjective, interjection, the verb share show how it is written c spell the word. adverb, or preposition. in the present, Find out more about continuous present, d parts of speech on and past tenses. Plural This tells you how to pages 4–5. These tenses are explained on page 4. e write a noun when there is more than one of the f thing it is referring to. Here, rams is the plural 2 a device for pushing against g of the headword ram. something with force. share shares sharing shared verb h Definition This part of the 1 to have or use together. i entry explains what 2 to divide the headword means. If a word has more than something into parts to give j one meaning, the first meaning given is They used the log as a ram to others. k normally the one that to break down the door. is most common. Other meanings are ram verb They shared the melon. l listed below. m Sample sentence The sentence that follows the definition gives n Comparisons you an example of how the headword is used. In The two forms of an adjective that are shown here are called the comparative and the sample sentence the headword is always written in heavy, black type like this: shared. o superlative. They are explained on page 5. Rarer means “more rare” and rarest p means “the most rare.” radioactivity noun q the energy released by the rare adjective center of atoms breaking up in some substances. High r unusual or not common. amounts of radioactivity can be harmful to living things. s A rare blue morpho butterfly. comparisons rarer rarest t opposite common Related words u Other words that are Opposite This tells you the word Pronunciation guide This guide helps you to pronounce related to the headword are listed v that is the opposite of the headword. For difficult words. It respells the word so that you can sound out here. This related word, radioactive, w example, common the letters. Part of the guide is in They tested for radioactivity is the adjective is the opposite of heavy, black type. This shows you outside the nuclear that comes from x the headword rare. which part of the word to stress, power plant. the headword or say more loudly. say ray-dee-oh-ak-tiv-i-tee radioactive adjective radioactivity. y z 7
  • 10. A Dictionary games B See if you can solve these word puzzles, with a friend. Try giving a point for each C using your dictionary to help you. The games correct answer and then see which of you will help you learn how to use the dictionary gets the highest score. The answers to D quickly and easily. You can play all of the all the puzzles are somewhere in this games on your own, but you can also play dictionary. Have fun! E F Alphabetical birds How quickly can you arrange these G 12 bird names in alphabetical order? You could use the alphabet H at the sideout.the page tohelp, turn sort them of For more help you I to page 6, where alphabetical order is explained in detail. flamingo J pelican parrot K L M N O P Q peacock R stork S T eagle U V owl W X Y ostrich Z duck budgerigar crane penguin 8