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Chapter 4
Why do we need blockchain?
Issues that may arise
• High Transaction Fees: Banks may charge high transaction fees
for any transaction.
• Double Spending Problem: An error which allows you to spend
the amount twice.
• Frauds: Hackers may attack and gain unauthorised access to
secret information leading to fraudulent transactions.
• Poor Data Recovery: Retrieving lost data is difficult in
centralized system (single copy).
What is Blockchain?
• Blockchain is a distributed database of immutable records called
blocks, which are cryptographically secure.
• A block is a record book which
contains all the transaction details.
• Consists of 4 major elements:-
• Transaction data
• Hash: alphanumeric value used to
identify the block
• Hash of Previous Block
• Nonce: random value used to vary
hash value
Prevents data tampering
Features of blockchain
Blockchain Overview
What is Bitcoin?
• Bitcoin is a digital currency which is used to send and receive money
across the world in a decentralized manner with minimum transaction
• Bitcoin is software-based online payment system described by Satoshi
Nakamoto in 2008 and introduced as open-source software in 2009.
• Payments are recorded in a public ledger using its own unit of account
• It is a form of digital currency (physical form is absent), created and held
electronically. It can be used to buy things electronically and in that sense
it is no different than conventional dollars.
• Bitcoin is commonly referred to as cryptocurrency.
Bitcoin is based on
• It is based on mathematics unlike conventional currencies that had
been based on fixed quantity of metal (gold, silver…) or fiat
• Bitcoin has several features that set it apart from fiat currencies:
1. It is decentralized
2. It is easy to set up and it is fast
3. It is anonymous
4. It is completely transparent
5. Transaction fees are very less
6. Transactions are irreversible
7. Cryptographically secure
Bitcoin is Decentralized
• Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer system which means that there is no
need for a third party.
• Bitcoin network is not controled by central authority (fully
decentralized monetary system).
• Bitcoins are being created by a community of people that
anyone can join.
• There is no authority (financial institution) which can tinker
with monetary policy and in that sense devalue or revalue
Bitcoin currency.
Bitcoin is Anonymous & Transparent
• Bitcoins are stored in wallet with digital credentials
• Wallet uses public-key cryptography
• Public key can be thought of as an account number or name and the
private key, ownership credentials.
• Bitcoin is transferred to the next owner when the next owner gives
a public key and previous owner uses his private key to publish a
record into system announcing that the ownership has changed to
the new public key.
• Bitcoin protocol stores details of every single transaction that
occurred in the network in huge version of general ledger (Block
Private Keys in Bitcoin
• Possession and transfer of value in bitcoin network via transactions are reliant
upon private keys, public keys and addresses. Elliptic Curve Cryptography(ECC)
is used to generate public and private key pairs
• Private keys are kept only on the owners side. They are used to digitally sign
transactions proving ownership of bitcoins.
• They are fundamentally 256-bit numbers randomly chosen in the range
specified by the SECP256K1 ECDSA curve recommendation.
• They are usually encoded using Wallet Import Format(WIF). It is a way to
represent the full-size private key in a different format.
• Consider the following private key:
• When converted into WIR format, it looks as shown here:
Private Keys in Bitcoin
Interested readers can do some experimentation using the online tool
available at http://
Public Key in Bitcoin
• All network participant can see public key on the blockchain
• They are derived from private keys
• They are used to verify that the transaction has been signed with
corresponding private key
• Verification proves the ownership of bitcoin.
• CIA stand for Confidentiality,
Integrity, and Availability. They are the three
pillars of a security architecture.
• Confidentiality refers to the steps made by an
organization to keep its data private or hidden. In
practice, this involves limiting data access to prevent
unauthorized disclosure. This requires ensuring that
only authorized people have access to specified assets
and that unauthorized individuals are actively
discouraged from gaining access.
• Confidentiality might be breached accidentally as a
result of human mistakes or negligence too. For
example, failure to adequately protect passwords (by
users or IT security), failure to encrypt data (in process,
transit, and storage); physical eavesdropping (also
known as shoulder surfing), weak authentication
methods, etc.
• Integrity refers to the assurance that data has
not been tampered with and can thus be
trusted. Integrity contributes to the
dependability of data by ensuring that it is in
the correct condition and free of any
unauthorized changes.
• Example − Customers who shop online
demand precise product and price
information, as well as the assurance that
quantity, pricing, availability, and other
details will not change after they make an
order. Financial consumers must have
confidence in the security of their banking
information and account balances
• Networks, systems, and available applications are
functioning. It ensures that authorized users get
consistent and timely access to resources when
they are needed. Systems, programs, and data
are of little utility to a business and its customers
if they are not available when authorized users
require them.
• While hardware or software failure, power
outages, natural catastrophes, and human
mistake are all potential threats to availability.
• The 'denial-of-service' attack, in which the
performance of a system, website, or web-based
application is purposely and maliciously
degraded, or the system becomes unavailable, is
perhaps the most well-known assault that
threatens availability
Digital Signature using Public Key
Reduce Signature Size using Hash
Cryptographically Secured Hash Functions
•Is a hash function which takes an input (or
'message') and returns a fixed-size string of
•The string is called the 'hash value', 'message
digest', 'digital fingerprint', 'digest' or
•Hash Functions: Map any sized data to a fixed
Cryptographically Secured Hash Functions
• Cryptographically Secured:
• One way, given a x, we can compute H(x), but given
a H(x), no deterministic algorithm can compute x
• For two different x1 and x2, H(x1) and H(x2) should be
• Hashing is a mathematical operation that is easy to perform,
but extremely difficult to reverse.
• Most widely used hashing functions are MD5, SHA1 and
Cryptographic Hash Functions: Example
• MD5 is a cryptographic hash function algorithm that takes the
message as input of any length and changes it into a fixed-length
message of 16 bytes.
• MD5 algorithm stands for the Message-Digest Algorithm. MD5 was
developed as an improvement of MD4, with advanced security
• The output of MD5 (Digest size) is always 128 bits.
• MD5 was developed in 1991 by Ronald Rivest.
Use Of MD5 Algorithm:
•It is used for file authentication.
•In a web application, it is used for security purposes. e.g. Secure
Example: MD5
Cryptographic Hash Functions: Example
• MD5 : 128-bit (16-byte) hash value,
typically expressed in text format as a
32 digit hexadecimal number.
• SHA1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) : 160-
bit (20-byte) hash value, typically
rendered as a hexadecimal number, 40
digits long.
• SHA256: 256-bit (32-byte) hash value,
typically rendered as a hexadecimal
number, 64 digits long.
Cryptographic Hash Functions
• X is called the message and
H(X) is called the message
• A small change in the data
results in a significant change
in the output – called the
avalanche effect
Hashes are "digests", not "encryption"
• Encryption transforms data from a
clear text to ciphertext and back
(given the right keys),
• The two texts should roughly
correspond to each other in size
• Long clear text yields long
ciphertext, and so on.
• "Encryption" is a two-way
Hashes are "digests", not "encryption"
• Hashes compile a stream of
data into a small digest
• A one way operation.
• All hashes of the same type
have the same size no
matter how big the inputs
How are hashes used?
• Hashing passwords
• store a hash of the password
rather than the password itself.
• hashes are not reversible, there
is no way to find out for sure
How are hashes used?
• Digitally Signed Documents
• "signing" a document
electronically is the digital
equivalent of placing an
autograph on paper
• sign (encrypts with one's
private key) the hash of the
document, the result of
which is a digital signature.
Digital Signature in Blockchain
• Miner’s Role
 Join the network, listen for transactions, and Validate
the transactions
 Collect transactions for a predefined time and start the
mining process:- find the nonce value
 Construct a new block
 Add the new block to the existing blockchain
 Broadcast the new blockchain
 Earn a reward for successfully mining the block.
Mining Reward
 The miner who computes the new hash gets a reward.
 According to the rules of Bitcoin,
 the node that creates a block gets to include a special transaction in that
 the node can also choose the recipient address of this transaction
 Initially the block reward was set to 50 bitcoins
 The total number of bitcoins is 21 million.
 The block reward halves every 210,000 blocks created i.e
rate drops roughly every four years.
Mining Reward
Mining Reward
 When is the next Bitcoin Halving?
 Block #315,000 (estimated around 2024)
 Current mining reward is 3.125 BTC
 When was the last Bitcoin Halving?
 Block #630,000 (May 24th, 2020)
 Current mining reward is 6.25 BTC
 It is important to note that this is the only way in which new
bitcoins are allowed to be created.
Mining Reward
 With 21 million being the maximum bitcoin, New block
creation reward is actually going to run out in 2140
 The second incentive mechanism is called the transaction
Mining Difficulty
 Hash Value is 256 bits out of which atleast 64 bits are
fixed to have zero value.
 The difficulty changes for every 2016 blocks
 Desired rate : one block each 10 minutes
 Two weeks to generate 2016 blocks
 The change in difficulty is in proportion to the amount of
time over or under two weeks the previous 2016 blocks
took to find.
Setting Difficulty Level
• The difficulty is computed every two weeks using the below
= 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒚 ∗ (𝟐 𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒌𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒔)/(𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒔
𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒌𝒔)
 A byproduct of distributed consensus, forks happen anytime
two miners find a block at nearly the same time.
 The ambiguity is resolved when subsequent blocks are
added to one, making it the longest chain, while the other
block gets “orphaned” (or abandoned) by the network.
 But forks also can be willingly introduced to the network.
This occurs when developers seek to change the rules the
software uses to decide whether a transaction is valid or
• Forks represent changes to the bitcoin protocol that make
previous rules valid or invalid.
 Soft Fork
 is a rule change that is backward compatible which means
the new rules can still be interoperable with the legacy
 Hard Fork
 enables a rule change to the software, but it does not have
backward compatibility.
 Causes a permanent split from the legacy rule-set, or version,
of the blockchain before the fork occurred.
Soft Fork
Soft Fork
Hard Fork
Hard Fork
Block Chain Demo
• Open the web link given below:-
• Blockchain Demo (
• Reference:
Block Chain Demo
Block Chain Demo
Block Chain Demo
Proof of Work
Proof of Stake
Proof of Stake
The 51% Attack
• A 51% attack is a type of attack on a blockchain network where an attacker
gains control of more than 50% of the network's computing power, also
known as hash rate.
• This would allow the attacker to rewrite the blockchain history and
potentially double-spend or reverse transactions, leading to serious
problems for the network's integrity and security.
• In a blockchain network, transactions are validated and recorded by a
decentralized network of nodes that compete to solve complex
mathematical problems, and the longest valid chain of blocks is
considered the true ledger of the network.
• However, if an attacker controls more than 50% of the network's
computing power, they can create a longer chain of blocks faster than the
rest of the network, effectively invalidating previous transactions and
rewriting the blockchain history.
The 51% Attack
• To execute a 51% attack, the attacker needs to have a significant
amount of computing power and resources, which is not feasible for
most individual attackers.
• However, it is possible for a group of miners to collude and create a
large enough mining pool to control more than 50% of the network's
hash rate.
• To prevent a 51% attack, blockchain networks implement various
security measures, including proof-of-work algorithms, which make it
computationally expensive to execute such an attack.
• Additionally, some blockchain networks, such as proof-of-stake
networks, rely on a different mechanism to secure the network and
prevent such attacks.
The 51% Attack Private and public blockchains are two types of
blockchain networks that differ in terms of their
accessibility, permission, and transparency.
Public blockchains are open and
permissionless networks that allow anyone to
participate in the network and access the data
stored on the blockchain.
Examples of public blockchains include
Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.
Private blockchains, on the other hand, are
closed and permissioned networks that restrict
access to the data stored on the blockchain.
They are typically used by organizations or
groups of organizations to facilitate private
transactions or exchange of information.
Examples of private blockchains include
Hyperledger Fabric and Corda.
In summary, public blockchains are open and transparent,
accessible to anyone, and maintained by a decentralized
network of nodes, while private blockchains are closed and
permissioned, accessible only to authorized participants,
and managed by a centralized entity or a group of entities.
Ethereum Virtual Machine & Feature
• The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is the runtime
environment for executing smart contracts in the Ethereum
blockchain network. It serves as the decentralized computer
that processes and executes code written in Ethereum's native
programming language, Solidity.
• Decentralised: operates on a decentralized network of nodes,
meaning no single entity has control over the network
• Cryptocurrency (Ether): Ethereum has its native cryptocurrency
called Ether (ETH), which is used as both a digital currency and a fuel
to pay for transaction fees and computational services on the network
• Immutable Ledger: Transactions on the Ethereum blockchain are
recorded on an immutable ledger, meaning they cannot be altered or
tampered with once they are confirmed and added to the blockchain.
Advantages of Smart Contracts:
1.Trustless Transactions: Smart contracts enable trustless transactions by
automating the execution of agreements without the need for
intermediaries. Participants can engage in transactions directly with each
other, knowing that the terms of the contract will be enforced automatically
by the blockchain.
2.Cost Efficiency: Smart contracts eliminate the need for intermediaries
such as lawyers, brokers, or escrow services, reducing transaction costs
associated with traditional contracts. This cost efficiency is particularly
beneficial for cross-border transactions and microtransactions.
3.Transparency and Security: Smart contracts operate on a transparent
and immutable blockchain, providing full visibility into the terms and
execution of the contract. This transparency enhances security and
reduces the risk of fraud or manipulation.
4.Automated Execution: Smart contracts execute automatically when
predefined conditions are met, removing the need for manual intervention
and reducing the potential for errors or delays in contract execution.
Bitcoin scripting Ethereum smart contracts
Bitcoin scripting is primarily designed for
transaction verification and defining
conditions for spending bitcoins. It allows
users to create custom transaction
outputs with specific spending
Ethereum smart contracts are designed
to execute arbitrary code and automate
complex logic on the blockchain. They
enable the creation of decentralized
applications (DApps) with programmable
Bitcoin scripting language is a stack-
based, Forth-like language that is
intentionally limited to ensure security
and prevent certain types of attacks.
Ethereum smart contracts are written in
high-level languages like Solidity, which is
specifically designed for writing smart
contracts. Solidity resembles JavaScript
and is more expressive and flexible
compared to Bitcoin scripting.
Bitcoin scripting allows for basic
conditional spending conditions, such as
multisignature wallets, time-locked
transactions (e.g., CheckLockTimeVerify),
and hash-locked transactions (e.g.,
Ethereum smart contracts support a wide
range of functionalities, including
conditional statements, loops, data
storage, interaction with other contracts,
and even interaction with external data
sources (via oracles). This enables the
development of complex decentralized
applications and protocols.
Plug and Play (PnP) platform
In permissioned blockchains, Plug and Play (PnP) platform mechanisms are designed to enable easy
integration of various components or modules into the blockchain network. These mechanisms facilitate
interoperability, customization, and scalability of the blockchain infrastructure. Here's how PnP platform
mechanisms are typically distinguished:
1.Modular Architecture: Permissioned blockchains are built with a modular architecture, allowing
different components such as consensus algorithms, smart contract languages, data storage
mechanisms, and identity management systems to be plugged in or replaced easily. This modular
approach ensures flexibility and adaptability to evolving business requirements.
2.Standardized APIs: PnP platforms often provide standardized Application Programming Interfaces
(APIs) that define how external applications or modules can interact with the blockchain network.
These APIs abstract the complexity of the underlying blockchain technology, making it easier for
developers to integrate new features or functionalities.
3.Component Marketplaces: Some permissioned blockchain platforms offer component marketplaces
or repositories where developers can discover, download, and deploy pre-built modules or smart
contracts. These marketplaces foster collaboration and innovation within the blockchain ecosystem
by allowing developers to leverage existing solutions and focus on building specific features or
4.Dynamic Configuration: PnP platforms allow for dynamic configuration of blockchain networks by
enabling the addition or removal of components on-the-fly. This dynamic configuration capability
facilitates seamless upgrades, maintenance, and optimization of the blockchain infrastructure without
disrupting ongoing operations.
5.Interoperability Standards: PnP mechanisms in permissioned blockchains adhere to interoperability
standards that ensure compatibility between different modules or components. These standards
enable seamless integration with external systems, such as legacy databases or enterprise
applications, and promote interoperability across heterogeneous blockchain networks.
Hyperledger Fabric is a Permissioned
• Here's a detailed classification of its key features:
1.Permissioned Network:
Hyperledger Fabric supports permissioned networks, where participants must be
authenticated and authorized to access the blockchain network.
It provides fine-grained access control mechanisms, allowing administrators to
define roles and permissions for network participants.
2.Modular Architecture:
Fabric's modular architecture enables pluggable components, allowing
organizations to customize and configure the blockchain network according to
their specific needs.
Components such as consensus algorithms, membership services, and smart
contract engines can be swapped in and out to tailor the network's functionality.
3.Private Data Channels:
Fabric allows the creation of private data channels, enabling confidential
transactions between a subset of network participants.
Participants within a private data channel have access to a shared ledger
containing only the transactions relevant to them, enhancing privacy and
Turing completeness of a smart contract
• Refers to the ability of a programming language or computational system
to simulate any algorithmic process
• Turing completeness means that the programming language used to
write the smart contracts is capable of expressing any computable
function or algorithm.
• A smart contract platform that is Turing complete allows developers to
create complex and arbitrarily intricate programs within the constraints of
the platform
• Ethereum, for example, is often cited as an example of a Turing
complete blockchain platform. Its programming language, Solidity, allows
developers to create sophisticated smart contracts that can execute a
wide range of tasks, from simple token transfers to complex
decentralized applications (DApps).

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  • 2. Why do we need blockchain?
  • 3. Issues that may arise • High Transaction Fees: Banks may charge high transaction fees for any transaction. • Double Spending Problem: An error which allows you to spend the amount twice. • Frauds: Hackers may attack and gain unauthorised access to secret information leading to fraudulent transactions. • Poor Data Recovery: Retrieving lost data is difficult in centralized system (single copy).
  • 4. What is Blockchain? • Blockchain is a distributed database of immutable records called blocks, which are cryptographically secure.
  • 5. Block • A block is a record book which contains all the transaction details. • Consists of 4 major elements:- • Transaction data • Hash: alphanumeric value used to identify the block • Hash of Previous Block • Nonce: random value used to vary hash value
  • 8.
  • 11. What is Bitcoin? • Bitcoin is a digital currency which is used to send and receive money across the world in a decentralized manner with minimum transaction fees. • Bitcoin is software-based online payment system described by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and introduced as open-source software in 2009. • Payments are recorded in a public ledger using its own unit of account (Bitcoin). • It is a form of digital currency (physical form is absent), created and held electronically. It can be used to buy things electronically and in that sense it is no different than conventional dollars. • Bitcoin is commonly referred to as cryptocurrency.
  • 12. Bitcoin is based on • It is based on mathematics unlike conventional currencies that had been based on fixed quantity of metal (gold, silver…) or fiat currencies. • Bitcoin has several features that set it apart from fiat currencies: 1. It is decentralized 2. It is easy to set up and it is fast 3. It is anonymous 4. It is completely transparent 5. Transaction fees are very less 6. Transactions are irreversible 7. Cryptographically secure
  • 13. Bitcoin is Decentralized • Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer system which means that there is no need for a third party. • Bitcoin network is not controled by central authority (fully decentralized monetary system). • Bitcoins are being created by a community of people that anyone can join. • There is no authority (financial institution) which can tinker with monetary policy and in that sense devalue or revalue Bitcoin currency.
  • 14. Bitcoin is Anonymous & Transparent • Bitcoins are stored in wallet with digital credentials • Wallet uses public-key cryptography • Public key can be thought of as an account number or name and the private key, ownership credentials. • Bitcoin is transferred to the next owner when the next owner gives a public key and previous owner uses his private key to publish a record into system announcing that the ownership has changed to the new public key. • Bitcoin protocol stores details of every single transaction that occurred in the network in huge version of general ledger (Block chain).
  • 15. Private Keys in Bitcoin • Possession and transfer of value in bitcoin network via transactions are reliant upon private keys, public keys and addresses. Elliptic Curve Cryptography(ECC) is used to generate public and private key pairs • Private keys are kept only on the owners side. They are used to digitally sign transactions proving ownership of bitcoins. • They are fundamentally 256-bit numbers randomly chosen in the range specified by the SECP256K1 ECDSA curve recommendation. • They are usually encoded using Wallet Import Format(WIF). It is a way to represent the full-size private key in a different format. • Consider the following private key: AEDTEC8A03667180D01FB4251A546C2B9F2FE33507C68B7D9D41FA5714195201 • When converted into WIR format, it looks as shown here: L2iN7umV7kbr6LuCmgM27rBnptGbDVc8g4ZBm6EbgTPQXnj1RCZP
  • 16. Private Keys in Bitcoin Interested readers can do some experimentation using the online tool available at http://
  • 17. Public Key in Bitcoin • All network participant can see public key on the blockchain • They are derived from private keys • They are used to verify that the transaction has been signed with corresponding private key • Verification proves the ownership of bitcoin.
  • 18. CIA • CIA stand for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. They are the three pillars of a security architecture. Confidentiality • Confidentiality refers to the steps made by an organization to keep its data private or hidden. In practice, this involves limiting data access to prevent unauthorized disclosure. This requires ensuring that only authorized people have access to specified assets and that unauthorized individuals are actively discouraged from gaining access. • Confidentiality might be breached accidentally as a result of human mistakes or negligence too. For example, failure to adequately protect passwords (by users or IT security), failure to encrypt data (in process, transit, and storage); physical eavesdropping (also known as shoulder surfing), weak authentication methods, etc.
  • 19. CIA Integrity • Integrity refers to the assurance that data has not been tampered with and can thus be trusted. Integrity contributes to the dependability of data by ensuring that it is in the correct condition and free of any unauthorized changes. • Example − Customers who shop online demand precise product and price information, as well as the assurance that quantity, pricing, availability, and other details will not change after they make an order. Financial consumers must have confidence in the security of their banking information and account balances
  • 20. CIA Availability • Networks, systems, and available applications are functioning. It ensures that authorized users get consistent and timely access to resources when they are needed. Systems, programs, and data are of little utility to a business and its customers if they are not available when authorized users require them. • While hardware or software failure, power outages, natural catastrophes, and human mistake are all potential threats to availability. • The 'denial-of-service' attack, in which the performance of a system, website, or web-based application is purposely and maliciously degraded, or the system becomes unavailable, is perhaps the most well-known assault that threatens availability
  • 22. Digital Signature using Public Key Cryptography
  • 23. Reduce Signature Size using Hash
  • 24. Cryptographically Secured Hash Functions •Is a hash function which takes an input (or 'message') and returns a fixed-size string of bytes. •The string is called the 'hash value', 'message digest', 'digital fingerprint', 'digest' or 'checksum' •Hash Functions: Map any sized data to a fixed size.
  • 25. Cryptographically Secured Hash Functions • Cryptographically Secured: • One way, given a x, we can compute H(x), but given a H(x), no deterministic algorithm can compute x • For two different x1 and x2, H(x1) and H(x2) should be different • Hashing is a mathematical operation that is easy to perform, but extremely difficult to reverse. • Most widely used hashing functions are MD5, SHA1 and SHA-256.
  • 26. Cryptographic Hash Functions: Example • MD5 is a cryptographic hash function algorithm that takes the message as input of any length and changes it into a fixed-length message of 16 bytes. • MD5 algorithm stands for the Message-Digest Algorithm. MD5 was developed as an improvement of MD4, with advanced security purposes. • The output of MD5 (Digest size) is always 128 bits. • MD5 was developed in 1991 by Ronald Rivest. Use Of MD5 Algorithm: •It is used for file authentication. •In a web application, it is used for security purposes. e.g. Secure
  • 28. Cryptographic Hash Functions: Example • MD5 : 128-bit (16-byte) hash value, typically expressed in text format as a 32 digit hexadecimal number. • SHA1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) : 160- bit (20-byte) hash value, typically rendered as a hexadecimal number, 40 digits long. • SHA256: 256-bit (32-byte) hash value, typically rendered as a hexadecimal number, 64 digits long.
  • 29. Cryptographic Hash Functions • X is called the message and H(X) is called the message digest • A small change in the data results in a significant change in the output – called the avalanche effect
  • 30. Hashes are "digests", not "encryption" • Encryption transforms data from a clear text to ciphertext and back (given the right keys), • The two texts should roughly correspond to each other in size • Long clear text yields long ciphertext, and so on. • "Encryption" is a two-way operation.
  • 31. Hashes are "digests", not "encryption" • Hashes compile a stream of data into a small digest • A one way operation. • All hashes of the same type have the same size no matter how big the inputs are
  • 32. How are hashes used? • Hashing passwords • store a hash of the password rather than the password itself. • hashes are not reversible, there is no way to find out for sure “PASSWORD”
  • 33. How are hashes used? • Digitally Signed Documents • "signing" a document electronically is the digital equivalent of placing an autograph on paper • sign (encrypts with one's private key) the hash of the document, the result of which is a digital signature.
  • 34. Digital Signature in Blockchain
  • 36. Mining • Miner’s Role  Join the network, listen for transactions, and Validate the transactions  Collect transactions for a predefined time and start the mining process:- find the nonce value  Construct a new block  Add the new block to the existing blockchain  Broadcast the new blockchain  Earn a reward for successfully mining the block.
  • 37. Mining Reward  The miner who computes the new hash gets a reward.  According to the rules of Bitcoin,  the node that creates a block gets to include a special transaction in that block  the node can also choose the recipient address of this transaction  Initially the block reward was set to 50 bitcoins  The total number of bitcoins is 21 million.  The block reward halves every 210,000 blocks created i.e rate drops roughly every four years.
  • 39. Mining Reward  When is the next Bitcoin Halving?  Block #315,000 (estimated around 2024)  Current mining reward is 3.125 BTC  When was the last Bitcoin Halving?  Block #630,000 (May 24th, 2020)  Current mining reward is 6.25 BTC  It is important to note that this is the only way in which new bitcoins are allowed to be created.
  • 40. Mining Reward  With 21 million being the maximum bitcoin, New block creation reward is actually going to run out in 2140  The second incentive mechanism is called the transaction fee
  • 41. Mining Difficulty  Hash Value is 256 bits out of which atleast 64 bits are fixed to have zero value.  The difficulty changes for every 2016 blocks  Desired rate : one block each 10 minutes  Two weeks to generate 2016 blocks (24[hours]*60[mins])10=144*14[days]=2016  The change in difficulty is in proportion to the amount of time over or under two weeks the previous 2016 blocks took to find.
  • 42. Setting Difficulty Level • The difficulty is computed every two weeks using the below formula 𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒚 = 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒚 ∗ (𝟐 𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒌𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒔)/(𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒔 𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒌𝒔)
  • 43. Fork  A byproduct of distributed consensus, forks happen anytime two miners find a block at nearly the same time.  The ambiguity is resolved when subsequent blocks are added to one, making it the longest chain, while the other block gets “orphaned” (or abandoned) by the network.  But forks also can be willingly introduced to the network. This occurs when developers seek to change the rules the software uses to decide whether a transaction is valid or not.
  • 44. Fork
  • 45. Fork • Forks represent changes to the bitcoin protocol that make previous rules valid or invalid.  Soft Fork  is a rule change that is backward compatible which means the new rules can still be interoperable with the legacy protocol.  Hard Fork  enables a rule change to the software, but it does not have backward compatibility.  Causes a permanent split from the legacy rule-set, or version, of the blockchain before the fork occurred.
  • 50. Block Chain Demo • Open the web link given below:- • Blockchain Demo ( • Reference:
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  • 60. The 51% Attack • A 51% attack is a type of attack on a blockchain network where an attacker gains control of more than 50% of the network's computing power, also known as hash rate. • This would allow the attacker to rewrite the blockchain history and potentially double-spend or reverse transactions, leading to serious problems for the network's integrity and security. • In a blockchain network, transactions are validated and recorded by a decentralized network of nodes that compete to solve complex mathematical problems, and the longest valid chain of blocks is considered the true ledger of the network. • However, if an attacker controls more than 50% of the network's computing power, they can create a longer chain of blocks faster than the rest of the network, effectively invalidating previous transactions and rewriting the blockchain history.
  • 61. The 51% Attack • To execute a 51% attack, the attacker needs to have a significant amount of computing power and resources, which is not feasible for most individual attackers. • However, it is possible for a group of miners to collude and create a large enough mining pool to control more than 50% of the network's hash rate. • To prevent a 51% attack, blockchain networks implement various security measures, including proof-of-work algorithms, which make it computationally expensive to execute such an attack. • Additionally, some blockchain networks, such as proof-of-stake networks, rely on a different mechanism to secure the network and prevent such attacks.
  • 62. The 51% Attack Private and public blockchains are two types of blockchain networks that differ in terms of their accessibility, permission, and transparency. Public blockchains are open and permissionless networks that allow anyone to participate in the network and access the data stored on the blockchain. Examples of public blockchains include Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. Private blockchains, on the other hand, are closed and permissioned networks that restrict access to the data stored on the blockchain. They are typically used by organizations or groups of organizations to facilitate private transactions or exchange of information. Examples of private blockchains include Hyperledger Fabric and Corda. In summary, public blockchains are open and transparent, accessible to anyone, and maintained by a decentralized network of nodes, while private blockchains are closed and permissioned, accessible only to authorized participants, and managed by a centralized entity or a group of entities.
  • 63. Ethereum Virtual Machine & Feature • The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is the runtime environment for executing smart contracts in the Ethereum blockchain network. It serves as the decentralized computer that processes and executes code written in Ethereum's native programming language, Solidity. • Decentralised: operates on a decentralized network of nodes, meaning no single entity has control over the network • Cryptocurrency (Ether): Ethereum has its native cryptocurrency called Ether (ETH), which is used as both a digital currency and a fuel to pay for transaction fees and computational services on the network • Immutable Ledger: Transactions on the Ethereum blockchain are recorded on an immutable ledger, meaning they cannot be altered or tampered with once they are confirmed and added to the blockchain.
  • 64. Advantages of Smart Contracts: 1.Trustless Transactions: Smart contracts enable trustless transactions by automating the execution of agreements without the need for intermediaries. Participants can engage in transactions directly with each other, knowing that the terms of the contract will be enforced automatically by the blockchain. 2.Cost Efficiency: Smart contracts eliminate the need for intermediaries such as lawyers, brokers, or escrow services, reducing transaction costs associated with traditional contracts. This cost efficiency is particularly beneficial for cross-border transactions and microtransactions. 3.Transparency and Security: Smart contracts operate on a transparent and immutable blockchain, providing full visibility into the terms and execution of the contract. This transparency enhances security and reduces the risk of fraud or manipulation. 4.Automated Execution: Smart contracts execute automatically when predefined conditions are met, removing the need for manual intervention and reducing the potential for errors or delays in contract execution.
  • 65. Bitcoin scripting Ethereum smart contracts Bitcoin scripting is primarily designed for transaction verification and defining conditions for spending bitcoins. It allows users to create custom transaction outputs with specific spending conditions. Ethereum smart contracts are designed to execute arbitrary code and automate complex logic on the blockchain. They enable the creation of decentralized applications (DApps) with programmable functionality. Bitcoin scripting language is a stack- based, Forth-like language that is intentionally limited to ensure security and prevent certain types of attacks. Ethereum smart contracts are written in high-level languages like Solidity, which is specifically designed for writing smart contracts. Solidity resembles JavaScript and is more expressive and flexible compared to Bitcoin scripting. Bitcoin scripting allows for basic conditional spending conditions, such as multisignature wallets, time-locked transactions (e.g., CheckLockTimeVerify), and hash-locked transactions (e.g., HashTimeLock). Ethereum smart contracts support a wide range of functionalities, including conditional statements, loops, data storage, interaction with other contracts, and even interaction with external data sources (via oracles). This enables the development of complex decentralized applications and protocols.
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  • 67. Plug and Play (PnP) platform In permissioned blockchains, Plug and Play (PnP) platform mechanisms are designed to enable easy integration of various components or modules into the blockchain network. These mechanisms facilitate interoperability, customization, and scalability of the blockchain infrastructure. Here's how PnP platform mechanisms are typically distinguished: 1.Modular Architecture: Permissioned blockchains are built with a modular architecture, allowing different components such as consensus algorithms, smart contract languages, data storage mechanisms, and identity management systems to be plugged in or replaced easily. This modular approach ensures flexibility and adaptability to evolving business requirements. 2.Standardized APIs: PnP platforms often provide standardized Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that define how external applications or modules can interact with the blockchain network. These APIs abstract the complexity of the underlying blockchain technology, making it easier for developers to integrate new features or functionalities. 3.Component Marketplaces: Some permissioned blockchain platforms offer component marketplaces or repositories where developers can discover, download, and deploy pre-built modules or smart contracts. These marketplaces foster collaboration and innovation within the blockchain ecosystem by allowing developers to leverage existing solutions and focus on building specific features or applications. 4.Dynamic Configuration: PnP platforms allow for dynamic configuration of blockchain networks by enabling the addition or removal of components on-the-fly. This dynamic configuration capability facilitates seamless upgrades, maintenance, and optimization of the blockchain infrastructure without disrupting ongoing operations. 5.Interoperability Standards: PnP mechanisms in permissioned blockchains adhere to interoperability standards that ensure compatibility between different modules or components. These standards enable seamless integration with external systems, such as legacy databases or enterprise applications, and promote interoperability across heterogeneous blockchain networks.
  • 68. Hyperledger Fabric is a Permissioned Blockchain • Here's a detailed classification of its key features: 1.Permissioned Network: Hyperledger Fabric supports permissioned networks, where participants must be authenticated and authorized to access the blockchain network. It provides fine-grained access control mechanisms, allowing administrators to define roles and permissions for network participants. 2.Modular Architecture: Fabric's modular architecture enables pluggable components, allowing organizations to customize and configure the blockchain network according to their specific needs. Components such as consensus algorithms, membership services, and smart contract engines can be swapped in and out to tailor the network's functionality. 3.Private Data Channels: Fabric allows the creation of private data channels, enabling confidential transactions between a subset of network participants. Participants within a private data channel have access to a shared ledger containing only the transactions relevant to them, enhancing privacy and
  • 69. Turing completeness of a smart contract • Refers to the ability of a programming language or computational system to simulate any algorithmic process • Turing completeness means that the programming language used to write the smart contracts is capable of expressing any computable function or algorithm. • A smart contract platform that is Turing complete allows developers to create complex and arbitrarily intricate programs within the constraints of the platform • Ethereum, for example, is often cited as an example of a Turing complete blockchain platform. Its programming language, Solidity, allows developers to create sophisticated smart contracts that can execute a wide range of tasks, from simple token transfers to complex decentralized applications (DApps).