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  A personal invitation
  for you to attend this

  exclusive summit for
  Asia based CEOā€™s and


The APAC Chief Executive Officer's Summit

               Organised by
  Executive Intelligence Asia Pte Ltd,
      (a member of the Ei group)
          Tel +65 6241 7302
                                          THE FULLERTON HOTEL

                                            April 23rd, 2009
CEOā€™s, now more than ever, need to network with CEOā€™s
The business world is going through a new evolution which means change on a grand scale.
Every successful business is constantly evolving but what has just taken place in the financial
markets has altered the normal pace of our evolution. The days of organic business growth are
over, or at best on hold. Why? In a bull market we have time to decide what needs to be
changed and how. But with the present pressure in the globalised market, itā€™s the outside
influences driving our need to adapt and change. This means that we have to quickly focus
on the next move while taking the time to minimise the risk.

When asked what the key word in the last sentence would be, it is interesting how the answer differs
depending on the role of the individual answering. Senior executives such as department heads or regional
managers pick up on the word ā€˜riskā€™ as it seems to be the first port of call when evaluating the consequences of
change. However, CEOā€™s highlight a word that is far more important to them; as they lack it the most; ā€˜timeā€™.

The other aspect for a CEO is that during periods of forced change, as the ultimate decision maker, it becomes
a lonelier role. The management team, without realising it, become so risk averse they slow down on the
upward stream of departmental data: ā€˜The the boss has enough on his plate, letā€™s minimise the bad newsā€™ or
the complete opposite by burying the bad news amongst a huge data dump in spreadsheets and KPI reports.
Either way, itā€™s the data needed to be able to make an informed decision.

Of course most CEOā€™s have extremely capable management teams who have been through enough together to
continue a transparent line of communication. But what about the next tier down? Whoā€™s managing that
stream of data and under what agenda? And tier below that? And so on..

The purpose of this overview is not to promote paranoia, merely to establish that every decision is only as
good as the information given prior to its execution. This data is made of many components, some of which is
of an emotional nature (such personalities) but as a CEO it is the culmination of data and personal business
experience that allows the transition from problem to solution. This leads to a new issue; What if the
experience required in confidently executing the right adjustments for the businesses success have yet to be
gained? None of us have direct experience of the present financial situation. Therefore for us to be able to
generate a complete picture, we are going to need more access to data and experience from others that are in
a similar role ā€“ for a CEO this is far from easy to find the time or platform to openly discuss business altering

Nothing above is new news to a CEO. I have merely reiterated some of the additional difficulties the present
market climate creates for a CEO to fulfil the role as an inspirational leader who drives confidence within the
business by constantly making confident decisions.

This is where Executive Intelligence will be of tremendous assistance by putting you into a networking
environment of executive peers. On April 23 at the Fullerton Hotel in Singapore, CEOā€™s from Asian MNCā€™s will
spend one day networking, brainstorming, knowledge sharing and building key relationships to weather
through the existing downturn together. There will also be interactive workshops facilitated by the top
practitioners of their respective field.

The rest of this document is an overview of the structure of the Summit and how will work for you. Let me
reiterate a very important point; this CEO Summit is only for CEOā€™s and Managing Directorā€™s, there will be no
dilution, thus allowing for the highest standard of networking and knowledge sharing.

Tudor John, CEO, Executive Intelligence Asia

EMPĀ© processes are the property of Executive Intelligence Asia Pte Ltd registration number 200703611D (a member of the Ei Group).
                                              All rights are reserved.
Are we as good as we say we are?
           This is what our some of the facilitators said about our last Summit:

  quot;With the CFO Asia Summit, EI has created a unique environment to present the
  latest thought leadership insights to a perfectly sized audience of Senior Executives
  from leading organisations. We found that this arrangement worked far better than
  the typical larger sized audiences associated with presentations at most conferences.
  As a result, the interaction with the audience and amongst the audience was
                                                                                                              quot;The CFO Summit is a great opportunity to
  dynamic, valuable and fun! This structure is clearly a winner - well done to EI!quot;
                                                                                                              meet and share expertise with very senior
                                                                                                              financial professionals from large foreign
                                                                                  Brett Hall
                                                                                                              multinationals and Asian Corporateā€™s. The
                                                                          Executive Director
                                                                                                              small working group style of the conference
                                                                                                              is far more conducive to learning than the
                                                                                                              traditional large auditorium based
                                                                                                              seminars. I highly recommend it.quot;

                                                                                                                                          Philippe Jaccard
                                                                                                                                       Managing Director
                                                                                                                       Head of Liquidity Management and
                  quot;The EI organsied CFO Summit provided a great opportunity to connect with
                                                                                                                            Investment, Asia Citibank N.A
                  CFOā€™s of many of the leading organisations both in SEA and globally. The
                  event was well organised, although even more importantly, the participants
                  came ready to interact, participate and share their own insights...this lifted
                  the value and depth of the discussions to a higher level than I have seen at
                  any other events. I would recommend EI for a high impact eventquot;

                                                                           Greg Unsworth, Partner
                                                                         Price Waterhouse Coopers

                                                                                   quot;Working to a room of genuine high level executives is both a
                                                                                   challenge and a pleasure. The EI summit structure of having
                                                                                   smaller groups as opposed to a large auditorium type presentation
                                                                                   means every CFO and Facilitator can interact. In these groups the
                                                                                   experienced senior business executives really contribute to the
ā€œTalent management/retention is far more easily said than done,
                                                                                   dialogue and interaction is more open and relevant. It is simply
as many Global/Asian Companies are learning at great cost.
                                                                                   the best event of its kind.
Standing on a stage and addressing a large audience in a seminar
environment is only conducive to ā€˜tellingā€™ and not very user
                                                                                                                                      John McFarland
friendly to an individual participant. The Ei focused workshop
                                                                                                            Managing Director - Singapore & Malaysia
format along with their integration of technology as the conduit
                                                                                                                    Hill & Associates Risk Consulting
for the attendees to gather information and support is
refreshing and highly effective. Out of the qualified C-Level
Executives, we knew well in advance who was in our workshops
and why. This allowed for a truly informative and interactive
atmosphere benefiting each individual to walk away with
potential solutions, and not just ideas. The future of the events
industry is definitely the Ei Format. I recommend Executive
Intelligence Asiaā€™s Summits.ā€
                                                                                   quot;MasterCard was a delighted sponsor of the CFO Asia Summit.
                                                                                   The Summit provides us access to local and regional key
Anand Shankar
                                                                                   decision makers where we showcase our market leading
Group Director Corporate Development
                                                                                   payment solutions. The recent Singapore Summit was well
Talent2 International
                                                                                   organised with the right level and number of delegates. We
                                                                                   prefer the quot;smallishquot; workshops (15 - 20 delegates). These
                                                                                   interactive workshops are important to MasterCard as we
                                                                                   benchmark our current and future payment solutions.ā€

                                                                                   Peter Gordon
                                                                                   Vice President Asia Pacific
                                                                                   MasterCard Worldwide

            EMPĀ© processes are the property of Executive Intelligence Asia Pte Ltd registration number 200703611D (a member of the Ei Group).
                                                          All rights are reserved.
The Summit is about the individual attendee needs and not generic overviews. Every presentation
and biography is available in advance so executives can make educated choices and what is
personally applicable and what is not.

                             YOUR PERSONALISED ITINERARY
                             Unlike any other event, the Summit works around your needs and challeges. Prior to the Summit you will
                             choose which workshops and sessions YOU wish to attend and more importantly, point out which are not
                             relevant to you. Therefore as every attendee has a tailored itinerary, you will be attending workshops
                             with peers who have similar challenges which means real networking around shared issues.
                             None of your valuable time is wasted

                             YOUR OWN DEDICATED CATALOGUE PAGE
                             Each delegate gets a full page enetered into the summit catalogue. Without being too personal, the
                             catalogue allows peers to understand what the common trends are and who is dealing with similar
                             challenges. This means that the Summit's networking activities are maximised as you can meet with peers
                             and gain some private time disussing how to overcome specific issues.

                             PRE WORKSHOP SURVEY
                             Workshops are not small presentaion platforms for sponsors or suppliers. They are facilitated by market
                             leaders within the subject focus. To ensure that the workshops are trully focused towards the attendee's
                             needs, the host posts a comprehensive questionnaire prior to the summit. This allows each executive to
                             highlight the areas they need to be covered, which keeps the workshop relevant and applicable.

                             An integral requirement of the Summit is that every delegate is ā€˜Cā€™ class. We pre-qualify each attendee
                             and do not allow for replacements or dilution of middle management. This ensures a real peer to peer
                             environment that allows for high level networking and collaborations. Workshops are kept to a maximum
                             attendance of 20 executives. This allows for an interactive environment in which everybody will have
                             their input and the facilitatorā€™s attention.

                             The Summitā€™s environment reflects exclusivity and excellence. This is why we only host our events in the
                             best available Hotels such as the Fullerton. The workshop is facilitated in a fully equipped room (audio
                             visual, environment lighting, independent air-con etc.) Laid out with 6 executives per round table for ten,
                             this allows for a relaxed and comfortable session.

                             FOCUSED NETWORKING & KNOWLEDGE SHARING
                             The lunch and dinner* are pre-seated to further the networking with executives that share the same
                             challenges or that wish to spend more time with a particular workshop host. In the morning break,
                             delegates are requested to submit their seating preferences keeping the networking relevant and
                             building on new relationships. The Cocktail reception is a relaxed time to share the days experience and
                             allow for a less formal networking period. The breakout periods (morning and afternoon) allow for
                             delegates to have some private time with fellow peers or workshop facilitators to discuss in more detail
                             challenges they may not wish to share publicly.

                             THE BANKING PANEL
                             Reflecting on the present financial issues, a panel of senior executives from the banking industry is
                             present during lunch to give an internal overview within the financial industry and have a transparent Q
                             & A session. This is a very valuable session to get answers from the top without spin.

EMPĀ© processes are the property of Executive Intelligence Asia Pte Ltd registration number 200703611D (a member of the Ei Group).
                                              All rights are reserved.
The Executives attending are CEOā€™s & Managing Directors of MNCā€™s from the Asia Pacific Region.
The key areas to be discussed will have workshops covering the following topics:

          Long-term scenarios for China's future to 2015

          ā€¢China has contributed close to half of global GDP growth since 2001 and absorbs the bulk of attention
           from AP regional head offices. And over the past 10 years or so, most international firms have been
           shifting towards a domestic market focus in the Mainland rather than an export platform focus. Which
           makes the quesion of the sustainability of China's growth in the mid-to-long term (post-Shanghai World
           Expo 2010) a question of burning importance. How will issues like the widening income gap, political
           opening, environmental degradation, ethnic insurgencies and a weak banking system play out in the long-

          Economic and Market Analysis

          ā€¢An overview of the Asia-Pacific economy, addressing the short-to-mid term drivers of economic growth
           and health in the key economies
          ā€¢Forecasting growth prospects and risks affecting the operating environment in Asia going forward into
           2010, taking into consideration the evolving economic, political, fiscal, technology, demographic and
           security environment
          ā€¢Identifying the external market forces that will shape potential growth and increase competitive edge

          Talent Management & Retention

          ā€¢Understand and leverage Talent Mega Trends of the Immediate Future
          ā€¢Managing talent and growing them for the future
          ā€¢Engaging hi performers and leveraging hi potentials better
          ā€¢Creating and engaging a focused talent work force during the present global insecurity

          India: how real is the potential for manufacturing and retail?

          ā€¢India is widely seen to be undergoing both an organized retail revolution that will move the organized
           sector to 20% or more of total retail sales, as well as a manufacturing revolution where political and
           business elites are pushing to mimic China through India's Special Economic Zones. But will the
           government be able to deliver on the radical infrastructure improvements and de-regulation that will be
           necessary to ensure that these really take off?

          Tomorrow's Green industry - where is Asia's role?

          ā€¢The development of the next generation of environmental and renewable energy technology is now a
           global business and political priority. President-elect Obama and Democratic party think tanks have long
           called for massive federal government support for this sector, while Asian governments have not been far
           behind. Singapore and China have made a promising start in solar energy, Malaysia in biofuels & India in
           wind power. What will be the emerging Green technology business opportunities in Asia

          FTAs: how they might change the business architecture in Asia

          ā€¢Recent intra-Asian FTAs, such as China-ASEAN, India-ASEAN and China-Singapore, have the potential to
           change the rules of the game and lead to a restructuring of global value chains. How will these FTAs impact
           the attractiveness of the various Asian countries for business functions like assembly, R&D, distribution
           and services?

          Managing rising costs in China

          ā€¢The coastal cities of China are no longer a low-cost manufacturing location in comparison to Vietnam,
           India, Indonesia, Bangladesh and other countries. Will this push low value-added production further inland
           or out of China altogether? How will the coastal cities reposition themselves vis-a-vis global business?
           What should companies do to cope with rising costs and labor/management scarcity in these zones?

EMPĀ© processes are the property of Executive Intelligence Asia Pte Ltd registration number 200703611D (a member of the Ei Group).
                                              All rights are reserved.
Addressing the threat from low-cost competition

          ā€¢Made-in-Asia products, generic/unbranded merchandise and counterfeits are winning increasingly large
           segments of global markets away from established international vendors. How must MNCs cope in future?

           The government as customer

          ā€¢Government spending is on the rise, due to the rush towards fiscal stimulus by cash-rich Asian
           governments. This increases the importance of servicing the government and government-liked bodies as a
           customer segment. What are the best practices that can be gleaned from recent developments?

           Managing financial risk

          ā€¢Amidst the current crisis, managing financial risk - related to commodity prices, component prices, foreign
           exchange movements, equity prices and macroeconomic factors - is a key competitive success factor. What
           are the nascent innovations in this field?

           Managing in a slowdown

          ā€¢Every economic slowdown presents considerable risks as well as opportunities. How can both be best
           managed and exploited in the context of a recessionary OECD coupled with a wobbly but still healthy
           emerging world?

           Re-defining Corporate Strategy

          ā€¢Change is happening and information is doubling faster than ever. The winners will be those organizations
           that can identify opportunities and threats faster than their competitors, understand the implications,
           update strategy quickly and then execute it consistently across the organization ahead of the market.
           Organizations are expected to do more with less to improve value to shareholders and stakeholders. Given
           the nature of current incentives (meeting quarterly or annual targets), they risk pursuing short-term
           targets at the expense of strategic growth initiatives. Organizations need to optimize resources (people,
           financial and technology) to execute strategy efficiently in the short term while investing for the future and
           improving resilience.
           ā€¢ Increase revenue and profits
           ā€¢ Drive innovation, improve agility
           ā€¢ Maintain competitive differentiation
           ā€¢ Are enabled by strategic IT investments
           ā€¢ Meet the needs of internal and external stakeholders

           Cloud computing for CEOs

          ā€¢The IT world is moving towards the transformation of computing power into a commoditized service
           brokered and provided through aggregators - a sharp shift away from the traditional model of large and
           cumbersome internal IT and data center divisions. What challenges and opportunities does this pose to

           Mergers & Acquisitions

          ā€¢Capturing the Value of Your Deal: A Focus on People
          ā€¢While integration issues vary greatly, people issues are often cited as the culprit in deal failure. They are
           also the hardest but one that makes a strong case for managing from the earliest deal stages.
          ā€¢Identifying HR liabilities in the early deal stages
          ā€¢Planning the integration of HR: the First 100 days and beyond
          ā€¢Harmonizing organization and remuneration systems
          ā€¢Managing change and integrating cultures

EMPĀ© processes are the property of Executive Intelligence Asia Pte Ltd registration number 200703611D (a member of the Ei Group).
                                              All rights are reserved.
Attending the APAC CEO Summit
The 2 pacakges avaiable have been created to meet previous client demands. The Platinum Package
gives access to the entire Summit, materials and networking activities.

The Gold package is to meet the desire of a few clients who do not wish to network but only attend
the relevant workshops that will assist in their specific challenges.

                                                        ā€¢Access to entire day of the Summit:
                                                        ā€¢Attendance of 6 pre-selected workshops
                                                        ā€¢Networking Lunch
       Platinum                                         ā€¢Cocktail Reception
                                                        ā€¢Banking Panel
                                                        ā€¢Best Practice Mangement Module
                                                        ā€¢All Workshop Slides and Notes (from all 18 workshops)

                                                        ā€¢Attend 6 pre-selected Workshops
                                                        ā€¢All workshop materials from 6 attended
                Gold                                    ā€¢Networking Breakout periods

                                                        ā€¢Excludes Networking Lunch & Cocktail Recption

Attendance pricing
Being the only company in Asia that organises genuine C Class Summits, we are extremeley cost
effective to bring such a hugley powerful group of hich level executives hosted by recognised
leading practitioners to facilitate the ultimate knoledge sharing and brainstorming sessions.

However, in recoginition of the present economic market and diminishing budgets, we have
responded by reducing our fees by 30% without any reduction in the Summit quality or delivery:

                         Package                                                          New 2009 Prices
                         Platinum                                                           USD $3,500
                           Gold                                                             USD $2,500

Pease call us on (+65) 6241 7302, during office hours, email or visit our
website (please write the word ā€˜browseā€™ in the email and login boxes on the
bottom left of the homepage to have access to the site)

Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand..
                                                                                                                   Chinese Proverb

EMPĀ© processes are the property of Executive Intelligence Asia Pte Ltd registration number 200703611D (a member of the Ei Group).
                                              All rights are reserved.

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Ceo Delegate 2009

  • 1. ļ£ļ¤ A personal invitation for you to attend this 2009 exclusive summit for Asia based CEOā€™s and MDā€™s ļ¢ļ” The APAC Chief Executive Officer's Summit Organised by Executive Intelligence Asia Pte Ltd, (a member of the Ei group) Tel +65 6241 7302 Email THE FULLERTON HOTEL Web Singapore April 23rd, 2009
  • 2. CEOā€™s, now more than ever, need to network with CEOā€™s The business world is going through a new evolution which means change on a grand scale. Every successful business is constantly evolving but what has just taken place in the financial markets has altered the normal pace of our evolution. The days of organic business growth are over, or at best on hold. Why? In a bull market we have time to decide what needs to be changed and how. But with the present pressure in the globalised market, itā€™s the outside influences driving our need to adapt and change. This means that we have to quickly focus on the next move while taking the time to minimise the risk. When asked what the key word in the last sentence would be, it is interesting how the answer differs depending on the role of the individual answering. Senior executives such as department heads or regional managers pick up on the word ā€˜riskā€™ as it seems to be the first port of call when evaluating the consequences of change. However, CEOā€™s highlight a word that is far more important to them; as they lack it the most; ā€˜timeā€™. The other aspect for a CEO is that during periods of forced change, as the ultimate decision maker, it becomes a lonelier role. The management team, without realising it, become so risk averse they slow down on the upward stream of departmental data: ā€˜The the boss has enough on his plate, letā€™s minimise the bad newsā€™ or the complete opposite by burying the bad news amongst a huge data dump in spreadsheets and KPI reports. Either way, itā€™s the data needed to be able to make an informed decision. Of course most CEOā€™s have extremely capable management teams who have been through enough together to continue a transparent line of communication. But what about the next tier down? Whoā€™s managing that stream of data and under what agenda? And tier below that? And so on.. The purpose of this overview is not to promote paranoia, merely to establish that every decision is only as good as the information given prior to its execution. This data is made of many components, some of which is of an emotional nature (such personalities) but as a CEO it is the culmination of data and personal business experience that allows the transition from problem to solution. This leads to a new issue; What if the experience required in confidently executing the right adjustments for the businesses success have yet to be gained? None of us have direct experience of the present financial situation. Therefore for us to be able to generate a complete picture, we are going to need more access to data and experience from others that are in a similar role ā€“ for a CEO this is far from easy to find the time or platform to openly discuss business altering decisions. Nothing above is new news to a CEO. I have merely reiterated some of the additional difficulties the present market climate creates for a CEO to fulfil the role as an inspirational leader who drives confidence within the business by constantly making confident decisions. This is where Executive Intelligence will be of tremendous assistance by putting you into a networking rd environment of executive peers. On April 23 at the Fullerton Hotel in Singapore, CEOā€™s from Asian MNCā€™s will spend one day networking, brainstorming, knowledge sharing and building key relationships to weather through the existing downturn together. There will also be interactive workshops facilitated by the top practitioners of their respective field. The rest of this document is an overview of the structure of the Summit and how will work for you. Let me reiterate a very important point; this CEO Summit is only for CEOā€™s and Managing Directorā€™s, there will be no dilution, thus allowing for the highest standard of networking and knowledge sharing. Tudor John, CEO, Executive Intelligence Asia EMPĀ© processes are the property of Executive Intelligence Asia Pte Ltd registration number 200703611D (a member of the Ei Group). All rights are reserved. 2
  • 3. Are we as good as we say we are? This is what our some of the facilitators said about our last Summit: quot;With the CFO Asia Summit, EI has created a unique environment to present the latest thought leadership insights to a perfectly sized audience of Senior Executives from leading organisations. We found that this arrangement worked far better than the typical larger sized audiences associated with presentations at most conferences. As a result, the interaction with the audience and amongst the audience was quot;The CFO Summit is a great opportunity to dynamic, valuable and fun! This structure is clearly a winner - well done to EI!quot; meet and share expertise with very senior financial professionals from large foreign Brett Hall multinationals and Asian Corporateā€™s. The Executive Director small working group style of the conference KPMG is far more conducive to learning than the traditional large auditorium based seminars. I highly recommend it.quot; Philippe Jaccard Managing Director Head of Liquidity Management and quot;The EI organsied CFO Summit provided a great opportunity to connect with Investment, Asia Citibank N.A CFOā€™s of many of the leading organisations both in SEA and globally. The event was well organised, although even more importantly, the participants came ready to interact, participate and share their own insights...this lifted the value and depth of the discussions to a higher level than I have seen at any other events. I would recommend EI for a high impact eventquot; Greg Unsworth, Partner Price Waterhouse Coopers quot;Working to a room of genuine high level executives is both a challenge and a pleasure. The EI summit structure of having smaller groups as opposed to a large auditorium type presentation means every CFO and Facilitator can interact. In these groups the experienced senior business executives really contribute to the ā€œTalent management/retention is far more easily said than done, dialogue and interaction is more open and relevant. It is simply as many Global/Asian Companies are learning at great cost. the best event of its kind. Standing on a stage and addressing a large audience in a seminar environment is only conducive to ā€˜tellingā€™ and not very user John McFarland friendly to an individual participant. The Ei focused workshop Managing Director - Singapore & Malaysia format along with their integration of technology as the conduit Hill & Associates Risk Consulting for the attendees to gather information and support is refreshing and highly effective. Out of the qualified C-Level Executives, we knew well in advance who was in our workshops and why. This allowed for a truly informative and interactive atmosphere benefiting each individual to walk away with ļ£ļ¤ potential solutions, and not just ideas. The future of the events industry is definitely the Ei Format. I recommend Executive Intelligence Asiaā€™s Summits.ā€ quot;MasterCard was a delighted sponsor of the CFO Asia Summit. The Summit provides us access to local and regional key Anand Shankar decision makers where we showcase our market leading Group Director Corporate Development payment solutions. The recent Singapore Summit was well Talent2 International organised with the right level and number of delegates. We prefer the quot;smallishquot; workshops (15 - 20 delegates). These interactive workshops are important to MasterCard as we benchmark our current and future payment solutions.ā€ Peter Gordon Vice President Asia Pacific MasterCard Worldwide ļ¢ļ” EMPĀ© processes are the property of Executive Intelligence Asia Pte Ltd registration number 200703611D (a member of the Ei Group). All rights are reserved. 3
  • 4. The Summit is about the individual attendee needs and not generic overviews. Every presentation and biography is available in advance so executives can make educated choices and what is personally applicable and what is not. YOUR PERSONALISED ITINERARY Unlike any other event, the Summit works around your needs and challeges. Prior to the Summit you will choose which workshops and sessions YOU wish to attend and more importantly, point out which are not relevant to you. Therefore as every attendee has a tailored itinerary, you will be attending workshops with peers who have similar challenges which means real networking around shared issues. None of your valuable time is wasted YOUR OWN DEDICATED CATALOGUE PAGE Each delegate gets a full page enetered into the summit catalogue. Without being too personal, the catalogue allows peers to understand what the common trends are and who is dealing with similar challenges. This means that the Summit's networking activities are maximised as you can meet with peers and gain some private time disussing how to overcome specific issues. PRE WORKSHOP SURVEY Workshops are not small presentaion platforms for sponsors or suppliers. They are facilitated by market leaders within the subject focus. To ensure that the workshops are trully focused towards the attendee's needs, the host posts a comprehensive questionnaire prior to the summit. This allows each executive to highlight the areas they need to be covered, which keeps the workshop relevant and applicable. 20 C CLASS EXECUTIVES PER WORKSHOP FACILITATED BY A RENOWNED PRACTITIONER An integral requirement of the Summit is that every delegate is ā€˜Cā€™ class. We pre-qualify each attendee and do not allow for replacements or dilution of middle management. This ensures a real peer to peer environment that allows for high level networking and collaborations. Workshops are kept to a maximum attendance of 20 executives. This allows for an interactive environment in which everybody will have their input and the facilitatorā€™s attention. A DEDICATED AND FULLY EQUIPPED WORKSHOP ROOM The Summitā€™s environment reflects exclusivity and excellence. This is why we only host our events in the best available Hotels such as the Fullerton. The workshop is facilitated in a fully equipped room (audio visual, environment lighting, independent air-con etc.) Laid out with 6 executives per round table for ten, this allows for a relaxed and comfortable session. FOCUSED NETWORKING & KNOWLEDGE SHARING The lunch and dinner* are pre-seated to further the networking with executives that share the same challenges or that wish to spend more time with a particular workshop host. In the morning break, delegates are requested to submit their seating preferences keeping the networking relevant and building on new relationships. The Cocktail reception is a relaxed time to share the days experience and allow for a less formal networking period. The breakout periods (morning and afternoon) allow for delegates to have some private time with fellow peers or workshop facilitators to discuss in more detail challenges they may not wish to share publicly. THE BANKING PANEL Reflecting on the present financial issues, a panel of senior executives from the banking industry is present during lunch to give an internal overview within the financial industry and have a transparent Q & A session. This is a very valuable session to get answers from the top without spin. EMPĀ© processes are the property of Executive Intelligence Asia Pte Ltd registration number 200703611D (a member of the Ei Group). All rights are reserved. 4
  • 5. The Executives attending are CEOā€™s & Managing Directors of MNCā€™s from the Asia Pacific Region. The key areas to be discussed will have workshops covering the following topics: Long-term scenarios for China's future to 2015 ā€¢China has contributed close to half of global GDP growth since 2001 and absorbs the bulk of attention from AP regional head offices. And over the past 10 years or so, most international firms have been shifting towards a domestic market focus in the Mainland rather than an export platform focus. Which makes the quesion of the sustainability of China's growth in the mid-to-long term (post-Shanghai World Expo 2010) a question of burning importance. How will issues like the widening income gap, political opening, environmental degradation, ethnic insurgencies and a weak banking system play out in the long- term? Economic and Market Analysis ā€¢An overview of the Asia-Pacific economy, addressing the short-to-mid term drivers of economic growth and health in the key economies ā€¢Forecasting growth prospects and risks affecting the operating environment in Asia going forward into 2010, taking into consideration the evolving economic, political, fiscal, technology, demographic and security environment ā€¢Identifying the external market forces that will shape potential growth and increase competitive edge Talent Management & Retention ā€¢Understand and leverage Talent Mega Trends of the Immediate Future ā€¢Managing talent and growing them for the future ā€¢Engaging hi performers and leveraging hi potentials better ā€¢Creating and engaging a focused talent work force during the present global insecurity India: how real is the potential for manufacturing and retail? ā€¢India is widely seen to be undergoing both an organized retail revolution that will move the organized sector to 20% or more of total retail sales, as well as a manufacturing revolution where political and business elites are pushing to mimic China through India's Special Economic Zones. But will the government be able to deliver on the radical infrastructure improvements and de-regulation that will be necessary to ensure that these really take off? Tomorrow's Green industry - where is Asia's role? ā€¢The development of the next generation of environmental and renewable energy technology is now a global business and political priority. President-elect Obama and Democratic party think tanks have long called for massive federal government support for this sector, while Asian governments have not been far behind. Singapore and China have made a promising start in solar energy, Malaysia in biofuels & India in wind power. What will be the emerging Green technology business opportunities in Asia FTAs: how they might change the business architecture in Asia ā€¢Recent intra-Asian FTAs, such as China-ASEAN, India-ASEAN and China-Singapore, have the potential to change the rules of the game and lead to a restructuring of global value chains. How will these FTAs impact the attractiveness of the various Asian countries for business functions like assembly, R&D, distribution and services? Managing rising costs in China ā€¢The coastal cities of China are no longer a low-cost manufacturing location in comparison to Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh and other countries. Will this push low value-added production further inland or out of China altogether? How will the coastal cities reposition themselves vis-a-vis global business? What should companies do to cope with rising costs and labor/management scarcity in these zones? EMPĀ© processes are the property of Executive Intelligence Asia Pte Ltd registration number 200703611D (a member of the Ei Group). All rights are reserved. 5
  • 6. Addressing the threat from low-cost competition ā€¢Made-in-Asia products, generic/unbranded merchandise and counterfeits are winning increasingly large segments of global markets away from established international vendors. How must MNCs cope in future? The government as customer ā€¢Government spending is on the rise, due to the rush towards fiscal stimulus by cash-rich Asian governments. This increases the importance of servicing the government and government-liked bodies as a customer segment. What are the best practices that can be gleaned from recent developments? Managing financial risk ā€¢Amidst the current crisis, managing financial risk - related to commodity prices, component prices, foreign exchange movements, equity prices and macroeconomic factors - is a key competitive success factor. What are the nascent innovations in this field? Managing in a slowdown ā€¢Every economic slowdown presents considerable risks as well as opportunities. How can both be best managed and exploited in the context of a recessionary OECD coupled with a wobbly but still healthy emerging world? Re-defining Corporate Strategy ā€¢Change is happening and information is doubling faster than ever. The winners will be those organizations that can identify opportunities and threats faster than their competitors, understand the implications, update strategy quickly and then execute it consistently across the organization ahead of the market. Organizations are expected to do more with less to improve value to shareholders and stakeholders. Given the nature of current incentives (meeting quarterly or annual targets), they risk pursuing short-term targets at the expense of strategic growth initiatives. Organizations need to optimize resources (people, financial and technology) to execute strategy efficiently in the short term while investing for the future and improving resilience. ā€¢ Increase revenue and profits ā€¢ Drive innovation, improve agility ā€¢ Maintain competitive differentiation ā€¢ Are enabled by strategic IT investments ā€¢ Meet the needs of internal and external stakeholders Cloud computing for CEOs ā€¢The IT world is moving towards the transformation of computing power into a commoditized service brokered and provided through aggregators - a sharp shift away from the traditional model of large and cumbersome internal IT and data center divisions. What challenges and opportunities does this pose to CEOs? Mergers & Acquisitions ā€¢Capturing the Value of Your Deal: A Focus on People ā€¢While integration issues vary greatly, people issues are often cited as the culprit in deal failure. They are also the hardest but one that makes a strong case for managing from the earliest deal stages. ā€¢Identifying HR liabilities in the early deal stages ā€¢Planning the integration of HR: the First 100 days and beyond ā€¢Harmonizing organization and remuneration systems ā€¢Managing change and integrating cultures EMPĀ© processes are the property of Executive Intelligence Asia Pte Ltd registration number 200703611D (a member of the Ei Group). All rights are reserved. 6
  • 7. Attending the APAC CEO Summit The 2 pacakges avaiable have been created to meet previous client demands. The Platinum Package gives access to the entire Summit, materials and networking activities. The Gold package is to meet the desire of a few clients who do not wish to network but only attend the relevant workshops that will assist in their specific challenges. ā€¢Access to entire day of the Summit: ā€¢Attendance of 6 pre-selected workshops ā€¢Networking Lunch Platinum ā€¢Cocktail Reception ā€¢Banking Panel ā€¢Best Practice Mangement Module ā€¢All Workshop Slides and Notes (from all 18 workshops) ā€¢Attend 6 pre-selected Workshops ā€¢All workshop materials from 6 attended Gold ā€¢Networking Breakout periods ā€¢Excludes Networking Lunch & Cocktail Recption Attendance pricing Being the only company in Asia that organises genuine C Class Summits, we are extremeley cost effective to bring such a hugley powerful group of hich level executives hosted by recognised leading practitioners to facilitate the ultimate knoledge sharing and brainstorming sessions. However, in recoginition of the present economic market and diminishing budgets, we have responded by reducing our fees by 30% without any reduction in the Summit quality or delivery: Package New 2009 Prices Platinum USD $3,500 Gold USD $2,500 Pease call us on (+65) 6241 7302, during office hours, email or visit our website (please write the word ā€˜browseā€™ in the email and login boxes on the bottom left of the homepage to have access to the site) Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand.. Chinese Proverb EMPĀ© processes are the property of Executive Intelligence Asia Pte Ltd registration number 200703611D (a member of the Ei Group). All rights are reserved. 7