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Celluloid: Beyond Sidekiq
Marcelo Pinheiro
@salizzar -
Sunday, October 20, 13
Keynote Soundtrack

Sunday, October 20, 13
Intro to Actor Model
Rubinius: cores 4 Ruby
Celluloid: AM in Ruby
How it works
Supervisors, Supervision Groups
Linking, Observers
Futures, Pools, Notifications
Celluloid + Rails = ?
Simple Fractal Demo

Sunday, October 20, 13
Intro to Actor Model
Carl Hewitt paper from 1973
[OT] Two processors with
native support:
Cosmic Cube
Inspired well-known
Erlang (embraces at all)

Sunday, October 20, 13
Intro to Actor Model
Actor Model provides a abstraction to concurrency
Gained popularity today with multi-core programming
Better CPU use
More CPUs
Massive concurrency

Sunday, October 20, 13
Intro to Actor Model
Everything is a actor
Actors communicates between self by asynchronous
message exchange
Does sound familiar?
Mailbox to buffer incoming messages
Mailbox processing with pattern matching
Each actor runs as independent, lightweight process
No shared state

Sunday, October 20, 13
Intro to Actor Model
It sounds good, but is not a silver bullet (as
anything in Planet Earth)
Data *must* be immutable
Requires multi-core support to be effective
You need to be comfortable to change your way
of thinking :)

Sunday, October 20, 13
Rubinius: cores 4 Ruby

Sunday, October 20, 13
Rubinius: cores 4 Ruby
Created by Evan Phoenix
Implements concurrency support for Ruby (no GIL)
Better Garbage Collector
Uses LLVM for aggressive bytecode optimization with JIT
(Just-In-Time) machine code compiler
Written mainly in C++
Ruby STDLIB in pure Ruby (rubysl*)
Wraps native gems with FFI

Sunday, October 20, 13
Rubinius: cores 4 Ruby
Supports MRI 2.0 features, focusing on 2.1
Rubinius implementation was created RubySpec,
a executable specification for Ruby Programming
Used by JRuby too

Sunday, October 20, 13
Rubinius: cores 4 Ruby
To install in your computer:
$ rbenv install rbx-2.0.0
$ rvm install rbx
To install in your server:
No available OSs packages at this moment :’(
But I create one for Debian Wheezy 64 bits :D
Next target: CentOS ;)

Sunday, October 20, 13
Rubinius: cores 4 Ruby
HOT NEWS: Rubinius X was created in last week
Created by Brian Shirai
Roadmap to modernize Ruby
@polemiquinho: Ruby is dying

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: AM in Ruby

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: AM in Ruby
Created by Tony Arcieri
Inspired from Erlang
concurrency approach
Gooby pls, only thread-safe
Requires Ruby 1.9 support
MRI >= 1.9
JRuby >= 1.6
Rubinius >= 1.2

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: AM in Ruby
Celluloid contains a lot of features, check on Github Wiki Page
Main Features
Automatic Synchronization
Celluloid manages method dispatch and threads
Abstraction layer to Threads / Fibers, don’t worry to manage it
Let it crash Erlang philosophy
Celluloid offers mechanisms to handle crashed actors

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: AM in Ruby
require 'celluloid'
class FredFlinstone
include Celluloid
def scream(to)
@scream = "#{to}#{to[-1] * 10}"
@screamed_at =
def resume
"Screamed [#{@scream}] at #{@screamed_at}"

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: AM in Ruby

[1] pry(main)> fred =
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(FredFlinstone:0x1164f94)>
[2] pry(main)> fred.async.scream("Wilma")
=> nil
[3] pry(main)> fred.resume
=> "Screamed [Wilmaaaaaaaaaaaa] at 2013-10-13 17:12:59 -0300"

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: AM in Ruby
Let-it-crash Erlang philosophy
A crashed actor *must* be handled or your application will
be down
Celluloid have the following mechanisms:
Supervision Groups

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Supervisors
How actors crash? Simple, unhandled exceptions
Warning #1: async calls that raises an error
crashes the message receiver; posterior calls NOT
Warning #2: each actor spawn a native Thread,
that is not automatically cleaned by GC; you
MUST explicitly terminate this if not crashed
Supervise to the rescue

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Supervisors
require 'celluloid'
class Devops
include Celluloid
def initialize(name)
@name = name
def up_to_no_good
@bad_cmd = 'rm-f /'
@command = `#{@bad_cmd}`,
@executed_at =

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Supervisors
[1] pry(main)> supervisor = Devops.supervise "salizzar"
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(Celluloid::SupervisionGroup:0x104af14) (...)>
[2] pry(main)> salizzar = supervisor.actors.first
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(Devops:0x104c33c) @name="salizzar">
[3] pry(main)> salizzar.async.up_to_no_good
=> nil
[4] pry(main)> E, [2013-10-13T17:37:37.296348 #4829] ERROR -- : Devops
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - rm-f /
! (pry):9:in ``'
! (pry):9:in `up_to_no_good'
! (... backtrace error here ...)
[5] pry(main)> salizzar
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy:0x104be64>
[6] pry(main)> salizzar.terminate
Celluloid::DeadActorError: actor already terminated
from /vagrant/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/celluloid-0.15.2/lib/celluloid/
proxies/actor_proxy.rb:66:in `terminate!'
[7] pry(main)> salizzar = supervisor.actors.first
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(Devops:0xe81368) @name="salizzar">

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Supervision
Supervise many actors at once
Able to supervise other groups too
You can create pools of supervised actors
Transparent GC cleaning (automagically
terminates all supervised actors)

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Supervision
require 'celluloid'
class QuarryWorker
include Celluloid
def initialize(sound) ; @sound = sound ; end
def explode ; puts @sound.upcase ; end
class EyeOfSauron < Celluloid::SupervisionGroup
supervise FredFlinstone, as: :fred
QuarryWorker, as: :quarry_pool, args: [ 'boom' ]

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Supervision
[1] pry(main)> eye_of_sauron =!
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(EyeOfSauron:0x17b608c) (...)>
[2] pry(main)> fred = Celluloid::Actor[:fred]
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(FredFlinstone:0x17abf38)>
[3] pry(main)> quarry_pool = Celluloid::Actor[:quarry_pool]
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(QuarryWorker:0x14a2cc4) @sound="boom">
[4] pry(main)> quarry_pool.async.explode
=> nil
[5] pry(main)> fred.async.scream("Barney")
=> nil
[6] pry(main)> fred.resume
=> "Screamed [Barneyyyyyyyyyyy] at 2013-10-13 18:40:12 -0300"

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Linking
Suppose that you have two interdependent actors
and wants to be notified if one fails
Association by linking actor that commonly dies
and the receiver enables a simple callback when
failure occurs
Useful to catch exceptions

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Linking
require 'celluloid'
class RobertoBaggio
include Celluloid
class KickedFarAwayError < StandardError; end
def kick_penalty
raise(KickedFarAwayError, "OH MAMMA MIA! :'(")

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Linking
require 'celluloid'
class GalvaoBueno
include Celluloid
trap_exit :penalty_kick
def penalty_kick(player, reason)
puts "#{player.inspect} will kick and... #{reason.class}!"
2.times { puts "ACABOOOOOOU! "; sleep(1) }
3.times { puts "EH TETRAAAA! "; sleep(1) }

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Linking
[1] pry(main)> galvao =
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(GalvaoBueno:0x19808e0)>
[2] pry(main)> baggio =
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(RobertoBaggio:0x1984fe4)>
[3] pry(main)>
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(RobertoBaggio:0x1984fe4)>
[4] pry(main)> baggio.async.kick_penalty
E, [2013-10-13T18:46:41.512914 #4972] ERROR -- : RobertoBaggio
RobertoBaggio::KickedFarAwayError: OH MAMMA MIA! :'(
! (...) backtrace here (...)
#<Celluloid::ActorProxy(RobertoBaggio) dead> will kick and...
=> nil

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Futures
Lazy computation: calling method with .future
returns a Future object, that will be executed
when .value is called
When value is required, Celluloid synchronously
call method and returns
Transparent error raising

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Futures
require 'celluloid'
require 'restclient'
class LazyConsumer
include Celluloid
def retrieve

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Futures
[1] pry(main)> consumer =
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(LazyConsumer:0xf38284)>
[2] pry(main)> future = consumer.future.retrieve
=> #<Celluloid::Future:0x00000001f925d0>
[3] pry(main)> future.value
=> "<!DOCTYPE html>rn<html dir="ltr" lang="pt-BR">r
n<head>rnt <meta http-equiv="content-type" content=
"text/html; charset=utf-8" />rn <meta name="robots"
content="index, follow" /> (...) HTML (...)"

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Pools
Generalized pool mechanism
Default size: number of processors (Celluloid.cores)
Delegates method call to a worker in pool to execute
In MRI, performance is OK with async I/O
Two tips:
Synchronous call with concurrent actors accessing pool
Asynchronous call or Futures with parallel computation

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Pools
require 'celluloid'
require 'complex'
class ComplexFactory
def create(seed)
factor = seed + 0.1
a, b = 2.times.collect { srand() % factor }
Complex(a, b)

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Pools
[1] pry(main)> pool = ComplexFactory.pool
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(ComplexFactory:0x12d21d8)>
[2] pry(main)> (1..8).collect do |i|
[3] pry(main)*
[4] pry(main)* end.collect(&:value)
=> [

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Notifications
typeof Observer Pattern
Subscribe / Publish topics to be handled by actors
without need to explicitly make them known
Ideal for long-lived subscriptions, be careful with

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Notifications
require 'celluloid'
class HardWorker
include Celluloid, Celluloid::Notifications
def work(factor)
fibo = lambda do |x|
return x if (0..1).include?(x)
fibo[x - 1] + fibo[x - 2]
result =
publish('factorial_created', factor: factor, value: result)

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Notifications
require 'celluloid'
class LazyStudent
include Celluloid, Celluloid::Notifications
def on_creation(*args)
data = args.last
puts "Factorial of #{data[:factor]} is #{data[:value]}"

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Notifications
[1] pry(main)> student =
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(LazyStudent:0xda16c8)>
[2] pry(main)> student.subscribe('factorial_created', :on_creation)
=> #<Celluloid::Notifications::Subscriber:0x00000001ac20f0
[3] pry(main)> worker =
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(HardWorker:0xce6d64)>
[4] pry(main)> fibo = [ 30, 25, 28, 34, 11, 5 ]
=> [30, 25, 28, 34, 11, 5]
[5] pry(main)> fibo.each { |i| }
=> [30, 25, 28, 34, 11, 5]
Factorial of 30 is 832040
Factorial of 25 is 75025
Factorial of 28 is 317811
Factorial of 34 is 5702887
Factorial of 11 is 89
Factorial of 5 is 5

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: and Rails?

Sunday, October 20, 13


Celluloid: and Rails?
Honestly? Forget it when using MRI.
Rack not handle Fibers well
Since Celluloid uses Fibers a lot, it may be a big problem
Fibers in MRI 1.9 have 4kb of stack size, when exceeds Celluloid mad
With apps that uses ActiveRecord, you will work hard due for
concurrency issues related to DB connection management
Sidekiq have a AR middleware to handle DB connections
Some people runs Rails apps mounted in a Reel (Celluloid::IO
webserver) using reel-rack, but only with MRI 2.0 because of Fiber
stack size

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: and Rails?
It sounds very bad for MRI, but if you use JRuby or
No fear, but checks Celluloid Gotchas Github Page for
your sanity :)
In general, you can use it if:
Precise Timing is not a requirement (fire and forget)
Work is CPU bound
Work can be parallelizable

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: and Rails?
Here are some useful links talking about it:

Sunday, October 20, 13
Celluloid: Fractal Demo
Time to show!
Source code available on:

Sunday, October 20, 13

Sunday, October 20, 13
Thank you!

Sunday, October 20, 13

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Celluloid - Beyond Sidekiq

  • 1. Celluloid: Beyond Sidekiq Marcelo Pinheiro @salizzar - Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 3. Topics Intro to Actor Model Rubinius: cores 4 Ruby Celluloid: AM in Ruby How it works Supervisors, Supervision Groups Linking, Observers Futures, Pools, Notifications Celluloid + Rails = ? Simple Fractal Demo Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 4. Intro to Actor Model Carl Hewitt paper from 1973 [OT] Two processors with native support: J-Machine Cosmic Cube Inspired well-known languages: Smalltalk Erlang (embraces at all) Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 5. Intro to Actor Model Actor Model provides a abstraction to concurrency Threads Locks Gained popularity today with multi-core programming challenge Better CPU use More CPUs Massive concurrency Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 6. Intro to Actor Model Everything is a actor Actors communicates between self by asynchronous message exchange Does sound familiar? Mailbox to buffer incoming messages Mailbox processing with pattern matching Each actor runs as independent, lightweight process No shared state Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 7. Intro to Actor Model It sounds good, but is not a silver bullet (as anything in Planet Earth) Data *must* be immutable Requires multi-core support to be effective You need to be comfortable to change your way of thinking :) Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 8. Rubinius: cores 4 Ruby Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 9. Rubinius: cores 4 Ruby Created by Evan Phoenix Implements concurrency support for Ruby (no GIL) Better Garbage Collector Uses LLVM for aggressive bytecode optimization with JIT (Just-In-Time) machine code compiler Written mainly in C++ Ruby STDLIB in pure Ruby (rubysl*) Wraps native gems with FFI Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 10. Rubinius: cores 4 Ruby Supports MRI 2.0 features, focusing on 2.1 horizon Rubinius implementation was created RubySpec, a executable specification for Ruby Programming Language Used by JRuby too Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 11. Rubinius: cores 4 Ruby To install in your computer: $ rbenv install rbx-2.0.0 $ rvm install rbx To install in your server: No available OSs packages at this moment :’( But I create one for Debian Wheezy 64 bits :D Next target: CentOS ;) Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 12. Rubinius: cores 4 Ruby HOT NEWS: Rubinius X was created in last week Created by Brian Shirai Roadmap to modernize Ruby @polemiquinho: Ruby is dying Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 13. Celluloid: AM in Ruby Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 14. Celluloid: AM in Ruby Created by Tony Arcieri Inspired from Erlang concurrency approach Gooby pls, only thread-safe libs Requires Ruby 1.9 support MRI >= 1.9 JRuby >= 1.6 Rubinius >= 1.2 Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 15. Celluloid: AM in Ruby Celluloid contains a lot of features, check on Github Wiki Page Main Features Automatic Synchronization Celluloid manages method dispatch and threads Abstraction layer to Threads / Fibers, don’t worry to manage it Fault-Tolerance Let it crash Erlang philosophy Celluloid offers mechanisms to handle crashed actors Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 16. Celluloid: AM in Ruby require 'celluloid' class FredFlinstone include Celluloid def scream(to) @scream = "#{to}#{to[-1] * 10}" @screamed_at = end def resume "Screamed [#{@scream}] at #{@screamed_at}" end end Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 17. Celluloid: AM in Ruby [1] pry(main)> fred = => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(FredFlinstone:0x1164f94)> [2] pry(main)> fred.async.scream("Wilma") => nil [3] pry(main)> fred.resume => "Screamed [Wilmaaaaaaaaaaaa] at 2013-10-13 17:12:59 -0300" Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 18. Celluloid: AM in Ruby Fault-Tolerance Let-it-crash Erlang philosophy A crashed actor *must* be handled or your application will be down Celluloid have the following mechanisms: Supervisors Supervision Groups Linking Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 19. Celluloid: Supervisors How actors crash? Simple, unhandled exceptions Warning #1: async calls that raises an error crashes the message receiver; posterior calls NOT RAISES ANYTHING Warning #2: each actor spawn a native Thread, that is not automatically cleaned by GC; you MUST explicitly terminate this if not crashed Supervise to the rescue Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 20. Celluloid: Supervisors require 'celluloid' class Devops include Celluloid def initialize(name) @name = name end def up_to_no_good @bad_cmd = 'rm-f /' @command = `#{@bad_cmd}`, @executed_at = end end Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 21. Celluloid: Supervisors [1] pry(main)> supervisor = Devops.supervise "salizzar" => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(Celluloid::SupervisionGroup:0x104af14) (...)> [2] pry(main)> salizzar = supervisor.actors.first => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(Devops:0x104c33c) @name="salizzar"> [3] pry(main)> salizzar.async.up_to_no_good => nil [4] pry(main)> E, [2013-10-13T17:37:37.296348 #4829] ERROR -- : Devops crashed! Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - rm-f / ! (pry):9:in ``' ! (pry):9:in `up_to_no_good' ! (... backtrace error here ...) [5] pry(main)> salizzar => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy:0x104be64> [6] pry(main)> salizzar.terminate Celluloid::DeadActorError: actor already terminated from /vagrant/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/celluloid-0.15.2/lib/celluloid/ proxies/actor_proxy.rb:66:in `terminate!' [7] pry(main)> salizzar = supervisor.actors.first => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(Devops:0xe81368) @name="salizzar"> Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 22. Celluloid: Supervision Groups Supervise many actors at once Able to supervise other groups too You can create pools of supervised actors Transparent GC cleaning (automagically terminates all supervised actors) Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 23. Celluloid: Supervision Groups require 'celluloid' class QuarryWorker include Celluloid def initialize(sound) ; @sound = sound ; end def explode ; puts @sound.upcase ; end end class EyeOfSauron < Celluloid::SupervisionGroup supervise FredFlinstone, as: :fred pool QuarryWorker, as: :quarry_pool, args: [ 'boom' ] end Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 24. Celluloid: Supervision Groups [1] pry(main)> eye_of_sauron =! => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(EyeOfSauron:0x17b608c) (...)> [2] pry(main)> fred = Celluloid::Actor[:fred] => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(FredFlinstone:0x17abf38)> [3] pry(main)> quarry_pool = Celluloid::Actor[:quarry_pool] => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(QuarryWorker:0x14a2cc4) @sound="boom"> [4] pry(main)> quarry_pool.async.explode BOOOM => nil [5] pry(main)> fred.async.scream("Barney") => nil [6] pry(main)> fred.resume => "Screamed [Barneyyyyyyyyyyy] at 2013-10-13 18:40:12 -0300" Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 25. Celluloid: Linking Suppose that you have two interdependent actors and wants to be notified if one fails Association by linking actor that commonly dies and the receiver enables a simple callback when failure occurs Useful to catch exceptions Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 26. Celluloid: Linking require 'celluloid' class RobertoBaggio include Celluloid class KickedFarAwayError < StandardError; end def kick_penalty raise(KickedFarAwayError, "OH MAMMA MIA! :'(") end end Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 27. Celluloid: Linking require 'celluloid' class GalvaoBueno include Celluloid trap_exit :penalty_kick def penalty_kick(player, reason) puts "#{player.inspect} will kick and... #{reason.class}!" 2.times { puts "ACABOOOOOOU! "; sleep(1) } 3.times { puts "EH TETRAAAA! "; sleep(1) } end end Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 28. Celluloid: Linking [1] pry(main)> galvao = => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(GalvaoBueno:0x19808e0)> [2] pry(main)> baggio = => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(RobertoBaggio:0x1984fe4)> [3] pry(main)> => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(RobertoBaggio:0x1984fe4)> [4] pry(main)> baggio.async.kick_penalty E, [2013-10-13T18:46:41.512914 #4972] ERROR -- : RobertoBaggio crashed! RobertoBaggio::KickedFarAwayError: OH MAMMA MIA! :'( ! (...) backtrace here (...) #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(RobertoBaggio) dead> will kick and... RobertoBaggio::KickedFarAwayError! ACABOOOOOOU! => nil ACABOOOOOOU! EH TETRAAAA! EH TETRAAAA! EH TETRAAAA! Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 29. Celluloid: Futures Lazy computation: calling method with .future returns a Future object, that will be executed when .value is called When value is required, Celluloid synchronously call method and returns Transparent error raising Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 30. Celluloid: Futures require 'celluloid' require 'restclient' class LazyConsumer include Celluloid def retrieve RestClient.get('').body end end Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 31. Celluloid: Futures [1] pry(main)> consumer = => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(LazyConsumer:0xf38284)> [2] pry(main)> future = consumer.future.retrieve => #<Celluloid::Future:0x00000001f925d0> [3] pry(main)> future.value => "<!DOCTYPE html>rn<html dir="ltr" lang="pt-BR">r n<head>rnt <meta http-equiv="content-type" content= "text/html; charset=utf-8" />rn <meta name="robots" content="index, follow" /> (...) HTML (...)" Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 32. Celluloid: Pools Generalized pool mechanism Default size: number of processors (Celluloid.cores) Delegates method call to a worker in pool to execute In MRI, performance is OK with async I/O Two tips: Synchronous call with concurrent actors accessing pool Asynchronous call or Futures with parallel computation Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 33. Celluloid: Pools require 'celluloid' require 'complex' class ComplexFactory def create(seed) factor = seed + 0.1 a, b = 2.times.collect { srand() % factor } Complex(a, b) end end Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 34. Celluloid: Pools [1] pry(main)> pool = ComplexFactory.pool => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(ComplexFactory:0x12d21d8)> [2] pry(main)> (1..8).collect do |i| [3] pry(main)* pool.future.create(i) [4] pry(main)* end.collect(&:value) => [ (0.9320213390604204+0.6495975396265634i), (0.2192850934232697+1.3652569533895615i), (0.9544363040629293+1.5916591822692894i), (1.9770264674909868+2.9614915840843354i), (3.2629217852664585+1.3563783097433732i), (3.4472746283258061+2.7785173492567807i), (6.3050303460818099+0.3322862800371151i), (4.1685797344882974+4.5646328695454597i), (7.4257865062947812+6.2157473844634782i) ] Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 35. Celluloid: Notifications typeof Observer Pattern Subscribe / Publish topics to be handled by actors without need to explicitly make them known Ideal for long-lived subscriptions, be careful with short-lived Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 36. Celluloid: Notifications require 'celluloid' class HardWorker include Celluloid, Celluloid::Notifications def work(factor) fibo = lambda do |x| return x if (0..1).include?(x) fibo[x - 1] + fibo[x - 2] end result = publish('factorial_created', factor: factor, value: result) true end end Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 37. Celluloid: Notifications require 'celluloid' class LazyStudent include Celluloid, Celluloid::Notifications def on_creation(*args) data = args.last puts "Factorial of #{data[:factor]} is #{data[:value]}" end end Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 38. Celluloid: Notifications [1] pry(main)> student = => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(LazyStudent:0xda16c8)> [2] pry(main)> student.subscribe('factorial_created', :on_creation) => #<Celluloid::Notifications::Subscriber:0x00000001ac20f0 @actor=#<Celluloid::ActorProxy(LazyStudent:0xda16c8)>, @method=:on_creation, @pattern="factorial_created"> [3] pry(main)> worker = => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(HardWorker:0xce6d64)> [4] pry(main)> fibo = [ 30, 25, 28, 34, 11, 5 ] => [30, 25, 28, 34, 11, 5] [5] pry(main)> fibo.each { |i| } => [30, 25, 28, 34, 11, 5] Factorial of 30 is 832040 Factorial of 25 is 75025 Factorial of 28 is 317811 Factorial of 34 is 5702887 Factorial of 11 is 89 Factorial of 5 is 5 Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 39. Celluloid: and Rails? + Sunday, October 20, 13 = ?
  • 40. Celluloid: and Rails? Honestly? Forget it when using MRI. Rack not handle Fibers well Since Celluloid uses Fibers a lot, it may be a big problem Fibers in MRI 1.9 have 4kb of stack size, when exceeds Celluloid mad With apps that uses ActiveRecord, you will work hard due for concurrency issues related to DB connection management Sidekiq have a AR middleware to handle DB connections Some people runs Rails apps mounted in a Reel (Celluloid::IO webserver) using reel-rack, but only with MRI 2.0 because of Fiber stack size Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 41. Celluloid: and Rails? It sounds very bad for MRI, but if you use JRuby or Rubinius... No fear, but checks Celluloid Gotchas Github Page for your sanity :) In general, you can use it if: Precise Timing is not a requirement (fire and forget) Work is CPU bound Work can be parallelizable Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 42. Celluloid: and Rails? Here are some useful links talking about it: Gotchas Sunday, October 20, 13
  • 43. Celluloid: Fractal Demo Time to show! Source code available on: Sunday, October 20, 13