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Celebrities Should Be Role Models
No matter what celebrities are looked up upon by somebody, making them a role model. Celebrities
should be considered role models. Celebrities can come in any shape or form or can be famous for
multiple reasons. The reasons behind celebrities being considered role models are as following, they
have a huge following of supporters, they can help with causes, and they are very inspirational.
Overall, celebrities should be role models. Out of the many reasons backing up celebrities being role
models one of the reasons would be that they have a huge following of people that either support
them or know of them. With this comes a lot of power that they can use for good. Celebrities could
use this following to help kids who look up to them. If the superstar stayed in school and did not do
drugs then the kids and teens that look up to them will do the same thing.They would think that they
do not have to ditch school and do drugs to be cool. Celebrities could also use their spotlight to
show people different experiences. For example, if a moviestar post on their social media platform
that they are going to go take a hike up to the hollywood sign, then the followers might want to do
the same thing that maybe they would have never done before. Which, by doing so may show the
person that they love hiking or being outside, giving them a new healthy hobby. Celebrities show
their followers different things all the time that they may not have known before making them a role
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Celebrity Activism
Anthony guidetti
English I
7 December 2012
Activism Awareness Do you think celebrity activism is a positive or negative thing? That's the
question. To me, I think celebrity activism has a very positive effect on society and should become
more popular. More celebrities should become activists because activists have a long successful
history, celebrity activism helps draw attention to all different kinds of issues & activism gives
celebrities an opportunity to use their wealth for the good of something greater than themselves.
Celebrity activism really helps out the less fortunate and gives back to the community. Since a lot of
celebrities got their fame from the fans & paparazzi, they should be thanking them anyways. As you
can see, ... Show more content on ...
As you can see, celebrity activism helps out a big variety of problems and issues. Lastly, celebrity
activism gives celebrities a chance to use their fame for something else besides benefiting
themselves. Activism is "an opportunity for celebrities to use their wealth and notoriety for
something greater them themselves." (Chittom) This means that way too many celebrities care about
themselves. They don't give any consideration for
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The Controversy About Celebrities
Celebrities Celebrities are misunderstood in several ways, people view celebrities as being snobby,
rude to fans, all that matters is being recognized by persons and having attention, also not caring
about the fans. People see celebrities as being rude and stuck up because on social media there is
persons that are rude and make up rumors about celebrities because the person might not like this
actor or actress. People make assumptions of celebrities because of rumors seen on the internet and
on magazines. These individuals always care about which celebrity is dating another celebrity and
what happens in the celebrity's personal life. When people view celebrities as being rude it is
because some are rude only because these stars want privacy, ... Show more content on ...
Actor, actresses, music artist can be seen as being rich, rude, and wanting fame because of the
money being paid. Celebrities can dress with designer clothes that is really expensive, but does not
mean that because the clothes that is worn is fancy these celebrities are rude and only care about the
attention. On the internet there are videos of celebrities greeting fans and are actually nice and
outgoing when meeting the fans. Although, not all celebrities are nice, do not like meeting fans, or
looks like they do not care about the fans, can sometimes not be intentional, but it is still rude when
celebrities ignore a fan that wants to take a picture or sign something. Some famous persons act this
way because of bad timing or might not want to give all the attention to one person and make the
other fans feel left out or can be because sometimes the celebrity is in a hurry or being protected by
the security guards. Celebrities can be as nice as a kitten, be respectful to all the fans, and give at
least a little attention by greeting or giving a smile to the fans. The characteristics given to
celebrities by persons that have never met these people are different when actually personally
meeting the famous person that has inspired and is loved by many people around the world. Fans
most of the time do not just like the actor, actress, or artist because they are really big in the fame
industry but because these celebrities give persons reasons to love them. Celebrities surprise fans
because these stars like seeing the fans happy and see the excitement they have when meeting them.
Fans like celebrities because at times these famous people inspire people to do big things in life and
also because fans might think that the actor or actress are good at
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Celebrity Attractiveness Model
According to business dictionary, brand is defined as a unique design, sign, symbols, words or a
combination of all of these, to creating an image that identifies a product and to distinguish it from
its competitors. A celebrity is known as a famous people or well–known people in certain
perspective of field. In detail, celebrities are the people who enjoy high degree of public recognition
and awareness by a large share of a certain group of people (Prof. Dr. G. L. Pedhiwal, 2011).
According to Kurzman et al, (2007), celebrity is an omnipresent feature of society, blazing lasting
impressions in the memories of all who cross its path. The use of celebrities to advertise the
company products as to increase sales and recall the value of a ... Show more content on ...
Other factors to select a celebrity as endorser or spokesperson included trustworthiness, expertise,
attractiveness or physical attributes, respect as well as similarity. The source credibility model
developed by Ohanian (1990) indicated that attractiveness, expertise and trustworthiness are the
sources of credibility. Ohanian (1990) stated that trustworthiness is determined by honesty, sincerity,
dependability and reliability, while the source of attractiveness is determined by similarity,
familiarity and also likeability. Yet, Goldsmith et al, (2000) argued that attractiveness is not
applicable and cannot be considered as a source to credibility. It is because the attractiveness of the
celebrity is hardly can be related to his or her credibility.
Figure 2: The Source Credibility Scale Adopted from: Celebrity endorsements
have been started long time ago from 1930s until now, and, it has become a basis of marketing
strategies to promoting the branded products (Klaus & Bailey, 2008) and supporting corporate or
brand image. Many companies use celebrity endorsement strategy to increase their market share and
to increase their profit in selling the products as well. Other than that, effectively used of celebrity
endorsements have the potential to enhancing a brand's competitive position
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Celebrity Endorsement Marketing Campaigns
Iba 550
October 20, 2008
Celebrity Endorsement Marketing Campaigns
Celebrity endorsement is a billion dollar industries today (Kambitsis et al., 2002) with companies
signing deals with celebrities hoping that they can help them stand out from the clutter and give
them a unique and relevant position in the mind of the consumer. According to Solomon (2002), the
reasons for using celebrity endorsement involves its potential to create awareness, positive feelings
towards their advertising and brand. Research has shown that celebrity endorsement can have an
impact on the consumer's attention, recall, evaluations and purchase intentions (Atkin and Block,
1993), Celebrity endorsement is a widely used tactic in marketing and much research ... Show more
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Self image has been research in the context of celebrity endorsement, and established that it is an
important factor in marketing (Fortini–Cambell, 1992). Some of the respondents told stories of how
they were influenced by celebrity endorsement when they were younger. One person referenced
Michael Jordan and his endorsement of the Nike shoes. This reflects self image when considering
what to buy and what influenced them. It also reflects a need to be different as well as the same time
identify with a group of people. Apparently this can go both ways. If one product gets too popular
among a certain group it can actually make others choose another product even though they like it.
Companies may also use celebrities to try to control or manipulate the consumer into buying the
endorsed product. This may have a negative impact, as consumers may view the celebrities as being
puppets for the company. Companies are using celebrities to influence the consumers' behavior in a
certain direction, at the same time the consumer often may perceive the celebrity to by lying when
indorsing certain products. For example, many a celebrity has been photographed while enjoying a
cold Pepsi much to the dismay of the marketing department for Coke that they are promoting. The
celebrity is no longer perceived as genuine and may loss
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Celebrities Are The Most Desirable
Celebrities are defined as any, "well–known or popular person," and by taking this definition into
consideration, we can think of many people who fit into this criterion: including doctors, lawyers,
and chefs to just name a few. However, these people are not necessarily considered celebrities. Our
society usually considers a "celebrity" to be an actor, a professional sports player, or a rich person
who has a television show about them and their life. Many people see celebrities as role models
whom they strive to look like or act like because celebrities have fancy cars and nice houses, or
because they get all the girls. Meaning, these are humans who are the most desirable, and many
"normal" people wish they could be like a certain celebrity because of all the fancy stuff they have.
But are these really characteristics people want to have, to be rich and famous? Do they think that
their life will improve if they are put in the spotlight and given millions of dollars to be a
"celebrity"? What most people do not see is the stress a celebrity is put under; whether it be about
their next role in a big movie, the big game coming up on Sunday, or even just trying to keep their
love life a secret. The media tries to capture all of these highlights of famous people's lives so that
everyone can see it, they use magazines, television shows, and social media to put out the next big
story to catch anyone's eye. Media also tends to bend the truth to make their story seem more juicy
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What Makes Celebrity Worship?
Troy Howard
Essay 1
Stop Following Celebrities! Everyone has that one friend who is head over heels in love with a
celebrity. They will always follow them and say that a celebrity is their hero; but there is a serious
difference between a hero and a celebrity. The people who seem like they can't stop following a
celebrity or can't tell the difference between following a celebrity or hero might have celebrity
worship syndrome. This is a real psychological disorder of the brain. According to Sensagent Online
Dictionary, Celebrity worship syndrome is "an Obsessive–Addictive disorder where a person
becomes overly involved in a celebrities personal life." Celebrity worship syndrome is a very
serious problem that people need to ... Show more content on ...
This means that they would constantly have fantasies about a celebrity and do thing that they might
not even realize they are doing. These people feel like if they needed any sort of help that their
celebrity would be there to save them. It is like they worship their celebrity as a god. Fortunately,
the majority of the people they tested fell within the first two categories, but the test that the
psychologists did revealed how prevalent celebrities were in people's daily lives.
Celebrity worship can develop from just being a psychological thing to actually hurting your brain.
Doctors Maltby, Houran, Ashe, McCutcheon suggest that if a person has a high level of celebrity
worship then they also have a high level of anxiety and depression.
They also state that people might very well want to change the way they look because in their eyes
the feel inadequate compared to the celebrity so they will body shame themselves and try to look
and act just like their favorite celebrities.
An example of this is a man by the name of Toby Shelton, who spent over $100,000 dollars in
plastic surgery to look like Justin Bieber. Not only was this man 33 years old, but he was also
obsessed with Justin Bieber in general. He ultimately ruined his body with plastic surgery (Daily
Mail Reporter).
Not much is understood about how people get to such a point of obsession or why people have the
reactions they do around celebrities in
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Celebrities In Adverts
Celebrities have a lot of power and as a result, they can have significant selling power as seen in the
commercials. This is because people are going to more likely to use the product associated with the
celebrity spokesperson for the product. For example, John Cena, a famous World Wrestling
Entertainment (WWE) wrestler advertised for a brand of garbage bags known as "Hefty Ultra
Strong" garbage bags. The message in the commercial is that these Hefty brand garbage bags are
mighty, strong, durable, and can withstand a lot of weight, like John Cena. In the commercial, John
Cena wore a tight shirt showing off his big muscles and endorsing Hefty garbage bags as the
superior, stronger garbage bags over competitors. As a result, many people will be more likely buy
Hefty brand garbage bags because they believe John Cena when he says that it is the best bag to
have, whether it is true or not. This commercial is one example of how celebrities can be influential
as to what product people buy everyday. ... Show more content on ...
Chris Paul is a Los Angeles Clippers' basketball player known for his role in being someone who is
a "team player" and good at "assisting" his teammates. State Farm Insurance wants viewers to know
that their insurance company can "assist" people and play a good "helping hand" just like Chris
Paul. In the commercial, State Farm explains that life has its ups and downs, and that there is a bad
moment for every good moment you experience. These moments include times when a tree falls on
your car, or skunks invade your home. At such times, State Farm insurance assisted Chris Paul in
providing insurance coverage for his loss. The audience would then have the general idea that State
Farm would be a wonderful choice for your insurance needs because of how reliable their coverage
was for Chris Paul in covering his loss and
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Celebrity Impact On Teenagers
The Celebrities have an impact on teens of nowadays inside the present media of which many
people are presented to the fabric they grasp or listen which influences their choices on an everyday
premise. Youths are the maximum casualties of this media, which favors such celebrities. Superstars
can exchange how a youngster takes a gander at him or herself inside the replicate. They can
likewise affect a youngster's selections in poor behavior patterns. They have the potential to steer
kids into dubious of self–esteem. Children can similarly begin feeling that it is something but trying
to come to be highly widely recognized by drawing in the incorrect attention (Cornog). Despite the
fact that young people can find out approximately their broad public thru great names, the media can
incite pessimistic problems in self–assurance, propensities, shopping, and identity. The essays, in
particular, discuss effects of celebrities on teenagers.
To start with, the more part of VIPs seen thru the media have 'excessively immaculate' bodies that
youth experience is the ideal photograph for his or her trendy public. The impact of this concept is
unwanted each candidly and bodily and might spark off several problems, for instance,
discouragement or anorexia. Michelle, Ph.D. scholar in children fitness states that "maximum
superstars are selling in motion pictures, tv, and games packages are skinny, and this can lead young
girls to assume that the proper of magnificence is extreme slimness.
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Satirical Essay: Celebrities
Celebrity Role Models A state in which the mind is elevated above the reach of ordinary
impressions, unconscious of sensible objects, and under the influence of overpowering emotions
celebrities find irresistible and enticing. Celebrities distinguish themselves in such ways that others
admire and want to emulate. Celebrities are worthy of imitation; "everyone needs a role model". The
immense amount of drug usage that celebrities, athletes, professionals, and politicians take part in
has improved society in countless ways and will continue to do so if everyone emulates these social
icons. The use of drugs has improved society by never having to worry about anything. It brings you
into a state of mind where you feel careless about ... Show more content on ...
Get Coke. Coke. So I did. It was great for dieting, partying and picking up my mood." Basically
stating that every girl in the world should go to rehab at least twice before becoming a teenager, if
they do not they are not going to live the lavish lifestyle she does and like many other famous
actresses. If you need to shed a few pounds, just use cocaine. It seems like the easiest way to lose
weight according to every female celebrity. Previous President Bill Clinton when asked if he has
ever smoked marijuana says, "Well, I did smoke pot, but did not inhale. I was in England, so it does
not really count." Last year more then half a million people got arrested for using marijuana, they
should not have inhaled and could have avoided jail and probation. If the former President of the
United States has smoked marijuana, it can not be that bad. Everyone should smoke marijuana if the
president has. NBA superstar Josh Howard of the Dallas Mavericks admits to smoking marijuana in
the off season and since it does not affect his job, it is not a big deal. He said this as a guest host on a
Dallas radio station a day before they played game three in the first round of the NBA playoffs. As
long as using drugs does not affect the way you do your job therefore its safe, healthy, and beneficial
to everyone. What would the world do without drugs? If there were not any drugs people would not
be able
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Celebrities Influence In Commercials
Celebrities can have significant influence in commercials because people are going to more likely
follow them due to his or her fame and/or popularity. For example, John Cena, a famous WWE
wrestler advertised for a brand of garbage bags known as "Hefty Ultra Strong" garbage bags. The
message in the commercial is that these Hefty brand garbage bags are mighty, strong, durable, and
can withstand a lot of weight, like John Cena, not to mention these bags are low priced. As a result,
many people may more likely buy Hefty brand garbage bags due to the commercial saying that they
can hold more garbage than any other garbage bag without ripping or tearing.
Another example shows Chris Paul, a talented and famous NBA basketball player advertising for
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Celebrity Culture : The Impact Of Celebrity Culture On...
Living in a technological era, we have access to the tabloids more than ever before. There are social
media platforms, magazines, online news sites, and movies screaming to be read and watched; and
they are covered with images of high profile celebrities. We are living in the century of media
innovation together with the development of celebrity culture.
When a life of parties, short–term relationships, drugs, and alcohol are leading celebrities like Miley
Cyrus, Justin Bieber and Lindsay Lohan to spiral out of control, you would think that their lifestyle
is far from the ideal. However, fans of these stars seem to disagree. Now, in an age where we have
more contact with celebrity gossip than ever before, we are faced with a question: what are the
effects that superstars have upon our society?
One of the most dramatic impacts of celebrity culture on consumer behaviour is the emphasis on
personal appearance and self–image. While some consumers may emulate the looks and style of
their icons, others simply feel pressured to look more muscular or glamorous to fit with the idealised
images of beauty in which they are bombarded with each day. From the full–figured beauties
depicted by Renaissance painters, to the hourglass figure prized by the Victorians, and from the
boyish physique of the 1920s flappers to the shapely curves of 1950s Hollywood stars, there have
always been changing fashions in body shape. In today's era of Twitter, Instagram, blogs, and
memes, the latest body
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Disadvantages Of Celebrities
In society, people take at least one role. Teenagers take a position as a student, a son or a daughter,
and adults take a position as a worker, a parent, and so on. Taking a position as a worker in society is
critical. There are various types of careers such as specialized jobs, manufacturing jobs, office jobs,
sales jobs, or self–employed. When people choose a job among various choices, they consider
diverse aspects such as income, prospect of future, interest, or working environment. It is hard to
find a job that can fulfill everything what a worker wants. Every job has its advantages and
disadvantages. People decide their career based on the comparison between advantages and
disadvantages. Among various jobs, in modern days, ... Show more content on ...
Such comments are not related to their job performance, people simply talk about them without
much though. They support that if the one wants to gain fame then the one must deal with
consequential results. Sometimes some actors might be good at negative comments, which follow
their fame, on them. According to a news website, Jimmy Kimmel's mean Tweets, which allows
celebrities to read out loud mean tweets about them by public in funny ways, shows that celebrities
are good at dealing with negative comments (Samotin, 2016). However sometimes, simple words by
public can kill others. In such cases, harsh judgment cause popular actor under a lot of psychological
stress. That can cause serious damage to the actor. For example, Choi Jin–sil, who was a famous
actress in South Korea, committed suicide. She was under a lot stress due to negative comments
about her divorce and rumor with her friend who also committed suicide (Choi, 2008). All over the
media talked about her private life such as divorce and people considered the rumor with her friend
is true without searching for factual evidences. This shows that reckless and un–thoughtful
comments can severe damage to somebody. Negative comments always follow popular
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Celebrities And Ordinary People
Celebrities and ordinary people are identified in different categories. Celebrities are the elite or ones
who have a prodigious influence on the public. Famous people range from artist all the way down to
politicians. Ordinary people are common citizens of the world. Conventionally, this refers to one
who conducts a rudimentary life with no authentic exposure to spotlight attention. This may
additionally mean ordinary people have not accomplished as much as a celebrity. Although
celebrities and ordinary people hold different designations and lives, they are not much different
from one another. Sure enough, celebrities and regular people are disunited by an abundance of
things. Of the many things many things, the more conspicuous are lifestyle, privacy, and wealth,
nevertheless, it is those very qualities that make famous people and mundane people homogeneous.
Celebrities and ordinary people both have kindred lifestyles. Celebrities carry out relationships just
like ordinary people and enjoy quality time with their friends and family. Every human longs for the
fundamentals of love and family and longs for a simple lifestyle when it comes down to desiring
healthy relationships. Most celebrities appreciate doing simple things such as staying home,
enjoying friends and family, and watching television. Similarly, ordinary people and celebrities both
face life trials and tribulations and experience an ample amount of stress. Life mistakes and
hardships are common matters for
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Celebrity Stereotypes
I have read through five articles of celebrity gossip on blogger, Perez Hilton's website. Some of the
articles were older and I also read the up to date gossip. In my opinion, the function of celebrity
gossip in today's society is to help the fame of any celebrity. The purpose of the negative or positive
information is only going to help or hurt the celebrity and in some cases, such as Janet Jackson's
breast being reviled at the Super Bowl, helped her more than it hurt her. As for blogs about
celebrities helping maintain stability and order in our society, I believe that it serves no purpose and
also create false perceptions of the real world. Today's youth can easily be influenced by the
celebrity gossip. The media and blogs create a distortion
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Influence Of Celebrities In America
American's Obsession with Celebrities
American's are becoming a celebrity obsessed society. Digital Technology and media has played a
big role in it, which has caused an up rise in narcissism. In result has caused bad morals, values and
has made a negative impact on expectations of self–image. It is important for us to understand the
consequences of narcissism and the destruction it is causing to our society. This can be seen through
digital technology and media. The constant stream of celebrity news is causing a celebrity obsessed
society. We can choose when, what and how we want to see entertainment, news and weather
through the internet. The internet has brought our society so much convenience, and now celebrities
are all over social ... Show more content on ...
This generation, majority doesn't know what respect is anymore, they don't respect themselves or
others. The Majority of our society is not disciplined and has no idea what their morals and values
should be. Our society is being destroyed by accepting these behaviors as long as everyone is happy.
Also celebrity culture has expectations for women to be thin, which has led to emotional and self–
image problems. Pinsky states "A similar narcissistic drive is the subtext of body– image shows
such as Dr.90210, The Biggest Loser, The Swan, Look–a–like, I Want a Famous
Face, and Celebrity Fit Club. These programs glorify the improvement of the body–by any means
necessary (550–568). This has resulted to women not feeling comfortable in their own body.
Which causes emotional and self–image problems such as low self–esteem, which may result in
health issues such as anorexia and depression. In conclusion this is the reason it's important for us to
understand the consequences of narcissism and the destruction it is causing to American society. I
feel that as an American and living in this society that having a high self–esteem and loving your
self would prevent
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Celebrities Should Not Be Free
As well, we all know that celebrities do not work for free. Celebrities are well praised in America
and having a celebrity such as Jennifer Aniston, for example, makes the commercial more watchable
simply because someone like, Jennifer Aniston, is an actress well–known and loved by many.
Having Ms. Aniston on a bed with a sick child is something that not only makes the viewers feel
guilty, because Ms. Aniston is spending her spare time with the child, but brings such worthy
publicity. According to an article, "Celebrity Advocacy" by Kenneth Jost states that, "Kobe Bryant
drew about 20 reporters to a homeless shelter in Hollywood last summer to hear him announce the
formation of a foundation dedicated to help disadvantaged youth and families, Bryant was not ...
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To others, it may seem that celebrity's only say what they want to say about the charities to make
themselves look like an involved person. When these charities take place, the organization throw
expensive gathering with so much entertainment going on and to get the public to donate money,
organizations invite well–known actors and singers. As said by Ilan Kapoor and Mark Wheeler in
their article, "Should Celebrities Promote Charities", Kapoor, who is against celebrities promoting
charities, states that, "charity allows social inequality to continue unabated, the problem is
compounded when celebrities are associated with it, their "star power" and spectacle only further
divert public attention from the real social and economic causes of inequality" (Kapoor). It is true,
having the face of celebrity on a charity only comes to show that instead of having the public aware
what the cause really is, all the public is going to be focusing on is who is going to be there. It is
almost as if they do not care for the cause at
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Celebrity And Image Of The Media
Ashley Gay
Mrs. Shaw
1 November 2016
Celebrity and Image–Selling
Musicians, actors, athletes, and models all depend on publicity from the media. Promotions through
magazines, newspapers, concerts, movies, CD's, sports networks and social media determine their
success. Not only do the musicians, actors, athletes, and models depend on social media, but also on
the fans. The media allows the public to be involved and interested in what 's happening in different
aspects of celebrity entertainment.The influence the media has on celebrity and image selling is very
effective in producing successful careers.
Musicians are one of many aspects of entertainment that are impacted by the media. "Possibly the
biggest shift in music has come through social media through an increased level of interaction
between musicians and fans" (Evans). Now that we have social media it benefits the artist and the
fans. The artist is able to broadcast, promote and share things that were not possible before. An
example of this would be the artist can share their latest news, achievements or plans with their
fans.The fans are able to keep up with the artist, be more interactive with them and communicate
with them better. An example of this would be they can message , leave comments, or watch videos
of the celebrity. These are just some of the ways that the media has impacted the music industry.
Not only does the media help the music industry connect with their fans but it also
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Celebrities Role Models
They may be the best of the best but they can be the worst for kids. Celebrities are all around us. It is
hard for us to get away from them unless we were locked in an empty room. As soon as we turn on
the T.V. we see a celebrity. When we walk in a shop, we see pictures of celebrities on the wall and
even on some food items. There are many celebrities known for doing good acts like donating or
helping charities. But, there are some celebrities doing bad acts such as doing drugs. There are also
celebrities changing themselves not with the intent to change others. At the end, celebrities can be
considered positive and negative role models. The difference is that the celebrities who do bad acts
will be focused on more than the celebrities who ... Show more content on ...
Since celebrities are role models for kids, when they are seen doing bad things may leave a child
with a bitter feeling toward them. When kids see celebrities getting in trouble, they may feel that
they don't want anyone as a role model. Celebrities can harm kids without even knowing it.
Celebrities have many things that most normal people don't have. One of those ways is how a lot of
celebrities are rich. In the article, "Should Parents Allow Celebrities to be Their Children's Role
Models?" by Christina Hamlett, she says, "In addition, children and adolescents who realize they
will never be as attractive, thin, rich, or accomplished as the celebrities they vicariously admire
might decide to give up completely instead of embracing their own uniqueness and talents." Some
kids might really want to be like their favorite celebrity. That is not always the easiest thing. That
might make a kid depressed because they can't be like their role model. Another thing celebrities top
us on is that some celebrities are known to be beautiful. Since they are famous they will be focused
on for being beautiful. According to Dorothy Briggs, the author of "Your Child's
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Celebrity Endorsement
Celebrity Endorsements
The importance of Celebrity Endorsements?
The most important aspect of celebrity endorsement has been finding the right synergy between
celebrity and product. It 's about selecting a spokesperson whose characteristics are congruent with
the brand image. It is insufficient simply to add a well known face to a food label and trust that there
will be enough devotees of that celebrity to generate sales. The consumer does not buy premium
priced products more than once on that basis, and so unacceptable quality cannot be masked by a
celebrity presentation. There 's one fact that advertisers need to keep in mind when using celebrity
endorsements—never let the celebrity become your brand. If so, you 'll run the risk of ... Show more
content on ...
Indeed, one of the respondents claimed that when a person is famous, people forget about what the
person looks like as everyone knows the face, it is hard to judge whether the person is pretty or ugly.
Managers believed that celebrities save time in creating the credibility a company has to build into
products. They argued that when consumers see a credible celebrity endorsing a product, consumers
think that the product must be at least ‘OK '. However, it was revealed that Nanette Newman was
used by Fairy Liquid for years because she was perceived as trustworthy, believed in, and motherly.
Four out of twelve advertising agency managers mentioned PR coverage as another reason for using
celebrities. Managers perceived celebrities as topical, which created high PR coverage. Indeed,
celebrity–company marriages are covered by most media from television to newspapers (e.g. The
Spice Girls and Pepsi). This particular reason has not been mentioned in the academic literature
previously to the researcher 's knowledge. (Erdogan & Baker 1999)
History of Celebrity Endorsements.
Since 1870 when the Reverend Henry Ward Beecher appeared in an advertisement in Harper 's
Weekly endorsing Waltham watches, companies have used characters of note to help market
products to consumers. Entertainment personalities were first employed by the cigarette industry in
1905 when Murad Cigarettes used comedians Fatty Arbuckly and Harry Bulger in its ads. Since
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Synthesis Essay On Celebrities
According to Source C, Celebrities are the "role models" that encourage the American Society with
their "free, on–the–go, non–constrained" lives. However, there has been an increase in incidents
where celebrities abuse their powers, willingly lying to the public about their past accidents.
Although it seems unfair to go against one's privacy and freedom the public should have the right to
know the truth about a celebrity they respect. Therefore, I challenge the claim that supports the idea
of celebrities having the the same right to privacy as other citizens. From the beginning of "celebrity
enterprise," many celebrities have lived in luxurious houses, filled with furniture and accessories
that regular citizens cannot encounter. These celebrities ... Show more content on ...
The author of Source C suggest that celebrities are the "epitome" for citizens, and they are the
"Chief Agents of Moral Change" in the United States. For example, many pop, country, and rap
songs are changing the beliefs of many American citizens daily. Various singers influence their
thinking to the citizens by composing their songs, which are heard through the nation without pause.
Also, many citizens are eager to watch their favorite actors/actresses performing on television shows
everyday. The American people have weaved celebrity lives into their own lives, and cannot live
without this entertainment. In television advertisements, top celebrities explain their belief in one
idea, and many citizens follow that belief. Celebrities are affecting the lives of the people daily, and
this idea has been accepted throughout history. Although privacy is important, a celebrity's private
belief, action, or lifestyle can change one person's life drastically. The society seeks celebrities
because they "humanize" daily life, and without celebrities, there will be no change in the repetitive,
detained lives of American
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Celebrities And Stereotypes
Do not get confused that how you can make your celebrity with you always whenever you want.
You know it is impossible . But there is one interesting fact that makes you feel close to your
celebrity and the fact is nothing but celebrity wiki makes the impossible as possible thing . It is a
blog created which gives you time to time updates and makes you feel lively with your celebrity as
it gives the updates of the celebrity actions at every instant makes you feel close to your celebrity
even like a close friend or a family member who will be always with you and whom you need the
Everyone wants to know all the information related to the celebrity bios . More interestingly people
are mostly connected
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Heroes And Celebrities By Social Media And Celebrities
In his article "Heroes and Celebrities" Davidson (2014) says that the media has killed the heroes and
replaced them with celebrities, but it's not the only component the democracy is responsible too,
also the psychologist and sociologist have confirmed that heroes from the past now. Heroes were
people who achieved something in their lives, people who had principles or fought for something,
while a celebrity only shows their useless life and surrounded by lots cameras and not doing
anything. With technology developments people now can become a celebrity by social media and
television shows. Firstly, social media did helped people to be celebrities and there are lots of apps
in social media that would make people celebrities such as, Instagram,
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Celebrities Right To Privacy
The Right to Privacy
Many individuals believe that when someone becomes a 'celebrity', they must give up their privacy
and personal lives. This statement, concluded by several people, is completely incorrect. Celebrities
do not want to give up their freedom or right to privacy when becoming famous, unfortunately, it is
their crazy, obsessive fans who want to know every single detail about what is happening in that
star's, not so secretive, life. They are continuously followed and stalked by reporters and the
paparazzi who never take a day off, leaving celebrities with constant claustrophobia. Digging into
the lives of celebrities and discovering their deepest, darkest secrets, is simply just entertainment for
those interested. Forgetting that those who are famous need privacy in their lives, is a serious issue
in society that is causing many conflicts with celebrities nowadays; individuals are invading their
privacy and not accepting this right, they are making them feel claustrophobic and watched at all
times, and they truly do not care for those who are famous, only for the entertainment they are
Modern day people continue to ask the following question; Seriously, they get paid loads of cash,
why do they get mad about pictures? The truth, however, is that everyone deserves their privacy,
after all, celebrities are just like everyone else, human beings. Being an actor or actress is an
occupation like any other. There is a difference between taking photos while they're working or
publishing information and taking photos of them with their children, families or friends on their
own time. Imagine being in their position and being watched all the time, while living their life and
sometimes making poor decisions. Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone's mistakes are all
over social media. People go through rough times when growing up, in order to become the best
version of themselves, but every celebrity is constantly reminded of every bad choice they have
made. Many celebrities including Justin Bieber have been in this type of situation. For instance, in
2012, Bieber was accused of battery by a photographer who claimed he roughed him up and left him
in need of medical attention after he tried to
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Celebrities As Role Models
Most people would say that in order to be considered a good role model, you first need to be
considered a good person. A good person is typically a person who has empathy for others, tries
their best to make good decisions, and follows the law. After reading this description, of what a good
person is, celebrities would not typically be the first group of people that would pop into your head
because of their bad reputations, but that doesn't mean that all public figures are known for their bad
choices. Celebrities should be famous for their talents and skills in some sort of field, or they could
just have a great life story and have done great things in their life which inspired people to do the
same. After all, everyday people run red lights all the time and no one would ever know, but the
moment a celebrity gets one traffic ticket, it will be instantly posted all over every single magazine
and news station. Public figures should be considered role models because, many public figures can
serve as inspiration to do great things and a great example of what can happen if you make bad
decisions. Public figures inspire children all over the world and give them the confidence to do great
things with their life. Many young girls today will look up to successful female athletes such as
Ronda Rousey, Gabby Douglas, and Serena Williams. They are not only great athletes, they are also
evidence to young women everywhere that if you work as hard as you can, then you can be as
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What Is The Credibility Of Celebrities
Jozui's argument is not right because she is completely ignoring any credibility that the celebrity
might have. She is claiming that the celebrities are only doing those commercials for the money and
in reality they have no credibility for what they are endorsing but that is not necessarily true.
Celebrities are mainly used to catch the eye of the viewer but just because they are used that doesn't
take away the credibility from the product. It may be true that the celebrity doesn't use that product
often or at all but that does not mean that they're not plausible consumers for it.
In fact, there are many reasons why celebrity endorsement is good and not necessarily misleading or
insulting the intelligence of the customer. A celebrity can attract attention to a new or failing product
and boost consumer ratings. While a celebrity usually does influence people to buy certain products,
this does not mean that they are manipulating a person to buy it. Usually the makers of the product
ensure that it looks appealing to the customers eye while the celebrity just advertises it and brings it
positive attention.
In fact celebrity endorsement wasn't very popular until Michael Jackson ... Show more content on ...
Since then popular celebrities weren't afraid to star in advertisements. Celebrity endorsement has
become increasingly more popular since then especially when the main target for customers is a
younger crowd, specifically teenagers. This does not mean that teenagers are being manipulated as
customers, it just means that the makers of the products know what they want and how to use
celebrity get their product to seem better than others. For example popular products like Beats
headphones and Sprite soda use celebrity endorsement to promote their products. Teenagers may
seem like easy targets but that is only because they want many different things and they care more
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Negative Effects Of Being A Celebrity
The Negative Effects of Being Famous
According to Ishikawa, " narcissism is a personality trait that involves regarding yourself as a
superior being. It brings, with it a sense of entitlement......" (as cited in Campbell, W, Keith &
Baumeister, R, F 2008, July 5)
As stated by Mark Young and Drew Pinsky in their research, " they did not find that narcissism was
related to how long someone had been a celebrity, which might suggest that narcissistic individuals
are drawn to the celebrity lifestyle (rather than the celebrity lifestyle gradually turning celebrities
into narcissists)." (as cited in Campbell, W, Keith & Baumeister, R, F 2008, July 5)
Teenagers often turn to their favorite celebrities for guiding them in their everyday lives. Celebrities
have become more mainstream role models for teens, as their images and lifestyles are normally
splashed across magazines, television movies, and all throughout pop culture. The other day, as I
turned on my TV, I saw a hit story where a ... Show more content on ...
Too much media attention to celebrities could give bad examples for audiences. Not all famous
people act and behave appropriately *despite being observed by the media; therefore, it is then
possible that celebrity fans, especially kids who do not have much life experiences would absorb
and follow these inappropriate actions and behaviors. For instance, partying is one of the very well–
known lifestyle that celebrities have. Paris Hilton is a very ~popular celebrity that almost everyone
would notice, not only because of her works, but also because of her personality and social behavior.
Apart from the partying lifestyle, celebrities are also easily exposed to drugs. Some use drugs to
help them maintain their work efficiency, to gain ~fame, or even to stay in shape. Thus, celebrity
influence may be negative on teenagers and
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Ethical Responsibilities of Celebrities
Do celebrities have ethical responsibilities to set good examples to young people?
Aainaa Azmi
Abigail Palmer
Raveena Devi
Soon Tsuey Jing
Sanjeetha Raja
Segi University College
American Degree Program
Summer 2012
Do celebrities have ethical responsibilities to set good examples for young people? Young people
nowadays need role models more than they ever needed before. We can see that crimes rates
involving youngsters are increasing worldwide. One of the possible causes is that parents are more
consumed with their careers and their children are left unsupervised throughout the day. Young
people spend their leisure time watching movies, updating themselves on the latest trends and gossip
concerning celebrities. With the ... Show more content on ...
If you want someone with good moral values and behavior then you should select a motivational
talker such as Deepak Chopra or Dr Phil since they are experts in their field. As human beings we
have a great gift and that gift is the gift of making choices. We have a choice on who we want our
role model to be and we should not impose a forced responsibility on celebrities. After all they are
merely human just like us so who are we to impose such demands from them? In this digital era, it is
not difficult to find information about celebrities. All sorts of information are up for public to read
and observe, no matter how personal it is. Even private addresses of stars have been posted in both
gossip columns and traditional media outlets like USA Today. As we all know, celebrities are in the
spotlight because of the media. Celebrities make news all the time. And when you have two birds of
the same feather, you can only expect bigger news. From an article Donna Freydkin implies that,
readers go to the tabloids for whatever information about their favorite artists. Almost all Most of
the information comes from an unknown source, whose may not be credible. For instance, former
child stars–turned–designer duo Mary–Kate and Ashley Olsen turned 26 years old this year.
Following their acting debut as infants, the twins appeared together in a variety of TV, film and
video projects throughout their child and teenage
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Celebrities Impact On Society
In the article " The Impact Celebrities on Our Lives" by Deborah King, It analyzes why American
Society is impacted by celebrities on our lives. According to King,she analyzes why "we are
obsessed with celebrities" (Paragraph 1). Dr.Charlotte DE Becker of the University of Leicester
discovered the younger the audience member than the more likely they would follow celebrity
gossip (Paragraph 7). Another,way gossip is quickly spread about is from the paparazzi, like when
Heath Ledger overdosed his death was quickly spread by the media rumors (Paragraph 13).Not all
celebrities have a negative impact on the contrary Angelina Jolie brings awareness to those living
conditions [of] children in various third world countries face (Paragraph 16). Lastly,King states that
society follows celebrities, because we are "fame–obsessed" since we compare ourselves to
celebrities and we like to see them fail so they seem more human. thus , King informs society is
obsessed with celebrities and gossip but we need to rise up and find our goal in life. ... Show more
content on ...
One can see by this that celebrities can have a positive impact to help the individual when members
of society. Celebrity obsession is okay when it is done to follow acceptable trends, but is the trend is
not acceptable then the celebrity is being a negative influence. In addition,King states that many
people must "sneak a peek at their favorite celebrity gossip website daily" (paragraph 1). If someone
in society needs to look at a celebrity social media everyday. Then they are obsessed which isn't
good. But many celebrities past things about their daily life that shows they are everyday people and
to promote themselves of their brands. Thus, if society follows celebrities on social media, then it
needs to be done in
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The Rhetoric Of Celebrity Rhetoric
The rhetoric of celebrity endorsement in the current US political campaign
In an age were social media sits at the forefront of global connectivity and communication, the
political arena has never had been more exposed the unpredictable nature of public engagement and
response. It shouldn't come as a surprise that the formality and ceremony of traditional political
engagement has, to an extent, been abandoned. Throughout the course of the 2016 US presidential
election, celebrities have used their status and personal platform to voice their stance in the debate
and name their preferred candidate. This essay will explore: The current trends of celebrity rhetoric
in the current campaign and how each respective party compares; how celebrity translates or carries
authority and creditability in this arena; and how social media and digital platforms have been
employed to share, spread and generate public debate based on this form of rhetoric. Therefore
measuring the public response, success and criticism towards current celebrity endorsements.
As prominent leaders of the digital sphere, the value of the celebrity voice as a vehicle for political
endorsement is rising. It is not the idea of celebrity endorsement that is new but the platforms and
the reach that they afford has expanded. Wheeler (2012) has described this shift as the 'interlinkage
between political rhetoric and behaviour' as 'part of a historical continuum which offsets the
modernist dismay directed to the
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Why Do Celebrities Be Paid?
Celebrities in the media today are making too much money for a job considered easy compared to
other jobs worked by middle class families. Celebrities earn what could be considered a maximum
for doing things achievable by anyone. Although some celebrities do have talent that can support
their argument about their paycheck, other celebrities are famous for little reason.
Celebrities made famous through the media receive too much attention and money for their little
efforts. Actors and actresses on television, in movies, and even on the internet grow their worth to
make millions through their work. While some may be extremely accomplished and may in some
people's opinions deserve their pay, there are also other actors and actresses that are paid
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The Credibility Of Celebrities
It has been discovered by scholars that the credibility of celebrities have a very positive impact on
the attitudes regarding brands, advertising and behavior intention of purchase. Furthermore, certain
studies have evaluated what activities exert an influence in enhance the credibility of celebrities. For
example, there was a recent charitable donation by celebrities of entertainment in South Korea. That
demonstrates the charitable giving by celebrities as an efficient personal public relations strategy for
enhancing, building and sustaining their credibility (Hwang, 2010). It should be noted that the
relationship between brands and celebrities are always altering. When someone turns the television
on, flipping through a magazine, surfing
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Encourage Celebrity Worship
The survey results shows us that 77.3% of the participants do not encourage celebrity worship in
which most of them agree that something must be done to stop celebrity worship. However, I also
noticed that even though some participants said that they do not encourage worship, a few of them
said that they have a celebrity they worship. This tells us that despite them not encouraging celebrity
worship, they still worship a celebrity. From this research, people can now understand why it is not
good to worship celebrities and those who actually worship them would know more about it. The
participants that do not encourage celebrity worship agreed with me that celebrity worship is
unhealthy and can cause fans to become overly obsessed over their
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Celebrities In The Celebrity Solution By James Traub
Nowadays there are many causes to fight for. Whether it be humanitarian, for the planet, or for the
animals, each cause requires a champion. A cause needs advocates and educators, but usually the
champions for these causes are people who have devoted their whole lives to righting these wrongs.
Recently, however, celebrities have joined the cause, and it raises many questions. While they do
bring publicity to the issues, celebrities should not be humanitarians
Celebrities shouldn't be humanitarians because they cloud the issues with their star power. In The
Celebrity Solution, by James Traub, Natalie Portman says "I'm not particularly proud that in our
country I can't get a meeting with a representative more easily than the head of a nonprofit can."
Portman's experience proves that her star power gives her an unfair leverage over other causes and
charities who may not have such powerful names to preach their causes for them. ... Show more
content on ...
If a star falls from grace, so does the authenticity of the cause they back. Except, just because the
celeb is no longer in the good graces of the public, it does not mean that the cause has ceased to
exist. Lance Armstrong, founder of the Livestrong Foundation, a charity that benefits people
suffering from cancer, lost his credibility after drug use allegations and so did the Livestrong
Foundation. "Livestrong does, however, continue today, after cutting ties with Armstrong and
undergoing a radical rebranding." says Jenica Funk in The Rise of the Celebrity
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Celebrity Stereotypes
We are living in an age where we have more access to celebrity gossip than we've ever had before.
Shouldn't we ask ourselves how much influence do these celebrities truly have on our lives? You
will often realize that celebrities have a bigger impact on you than you would like to admit. To most
of us, this effect can seem harmless at times but to some individuals it can become a very negative
thing. In the article, "The Impact Celebrities Have On Our Lives" written by Deborah King, she
states that no obsession is a good thing and that we should be very cautious about our involvement
in celebrity gossip. In Collin Palmer's response to Deborah, he argues that being obsessed with
celebrities is harmless and even has some benefits to it. I partially agree with Collin that being
obsessed is harmless, but to some it could hinder their self esteem. ... Show more content on ...
I believe this point is entirely true there are celebrities out there that can provoke the best in us.
These celebrities are the ones worthy of our attention because they are famous for their talent, and
not for scandals that surround them. For example, I look up to Angelina Jolie because she overcame
her troubled past and went on to do incredible work that helped so many people. These types of
celebrities make great role–models because they encourage us to strive for success and to be famous
for the right reasons.
Another one of Palmer's points was that celebrity watching has many social benefits. For example,
you may feel more confident in yourself if you are up–to–date on fashion trends. Palmer also says
that celebrity gossip can be a topic of conversation with friends and that it is an alternative to talking
about all the bad things going on in the world. I agree with him on this point, because I believe that
celebrity gossip can be something fun to talk about with your
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Mistreatment Of Celebrities
EXTRA EXTRA!! Pop sensation vomiting out of a nightclub! Scandal!! Actress loses it and throws
beverage at paparazzi! It's a bit amusing how entertainment media reports the lives of every
celebrity that steps "out of line," or is it the so called reporters that our stepping out of line?
The tabloids, magazines, and blogs work night and day to expose every little truth and/or lie about
the public figures we see in everyday media. In the articles "The Double Standard of Mental Illness"
by Emma Teitel, "Prying in Britney Spears' Medical Records May Cost Employees' Jobs; In
Violation of Privacy Rules, UCLA Health System Employees Reportedly Accessed the Pop Star's
Medical Records Without Authorization," "Choosing Passwords That Really Protect You" ... Show
more content on ...
The general public is in no way entitled to the lives of those who may be fortunate enough to be in
the public eye. It is almost just as bad as saying that someone "asks to be raped" for being
comfortable with their body. The entitlement of celebrities has reached an unbelievable and
despicable peak. Take Britney Spears, for example. She has endured having her every moment being
documented by the paparazzi everywhere she goes. Spears got to a breaking point and cracked under
the stress which resulted in shaving her hair in late 2007. After that, she was "involuntarily
hospitalized... so psychiatric staff could determine whether she was a danger to herself or others"
("Prying" 1). Apparently, Spears was kept for a week, which sent the world of pop culture spinning
after word of mouth leaked. Various staff member were reprimanded, as the confidentiality of the
patient, Britney Spears, was compromised ("Prying" 1). Not only was she put in a hospital but she
was humiliated due to the staff. About 25 individuals who worked with and around Spears could be
to blame for releasing information from her patient file without her consent, or knowledge. And
even though the employees of the facility she was staying at signed a confidentiality agreement, a
handful betrayed not only the establishment at which they worked, but a patient they were being
paid to help. The hospital, UCLA, began to scrutinize and inspect any and all loose ends, when word
leaked that 13 employees could potentially be let go due to the incident ("Prying" 1). An invasion of
privacy reached a new low when a person can not even manage to have a secure stay in a hospital,
especially when it is not in their control. This unacceptable break of trust especially when staff
members accessed "the pop star's records without authorization," the very same people who were
supposed to be there to care for her. ("Prying" 1). Yes,
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Deborah King Celebrities
Since ancient times, people have always admired celebrities, putting them above themselves as if
they were gods. In her article, The Impact Celebrities Have on Our Lives, Deborah King feels that
our "obsession" with celebrities is unhealthy. However, I agree with Collin Palmer's short essay
response, where he states that having an "obsession" with a celebrity isn't as deleterious as King
portrays it to be.
Most teenagers admire celebrities. Unfortunately, there are many celebrities that display negative
behavior. This heavily influences teens to act in negative ways as well. King states that, "The sad
fact is that we are more enthralled by celebrities who have bad reputations than celebrities who are
excellent role models. As parents or mentors,
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Celebrities As Role Models
Most people woe considered a good role model, you first need to be considered a good person. A
good person is typically a person who has empathy for others, tries their best to make good
decisions, and follows the law. After reading this description of what a good person is, celebrities
would not typically be the first group of people that would pop into your head because of their bad
reputations, but that doesn't mean that all public figures are known for their bad choices. Celebrities
should be famous for their talents and skills in some sort of field, or they could just have a great life
story and have done great things in their life which inspired people to do the same. After all,
everyday people run red lights all the time and no one would ever know, but the moment a celebrity
gets one, it will be instantly posted all over every single magazine and news station. Public figures
should be considered role models because, many public figures can serve as inspiration to do great
things and a great example of what can happen if you make bad decisions. Public figures inspire
children all over the world and give them the confidence to do great things with their life. Many
young girls today will look up to successful female athletes such Ronda Rousey, Gabby Douglas,
and Serena Williams because they are not only great athletes, they are also evidence of young
women everywhere that if you work as hard as you can, then you can be as strong and as wealthy as
any male
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Celebrities And Stereotypes
We see pictures of celebs all the time. They always look so glamorous and many women feel they
could never live up to the dazzling beauty of their favorite celebrities. What they don't know is that
this dazzling beauty is often a very clever illusion. In addition to Photoshop, celebrities are made
beautiful with lighting and of course, makeup. If you want to see what these so–called stars really
look like, you need to check out some pictures of celebrities with no makeup. Once upon a time this
was something you just couldn't find. These days, however, you can locate plenty of pictures.
Celebrities sans makeup.
These days we have a lot more access to additional pictures and information that in the past we
would never get to see. The Internet is a great place to find photos of your favorite stars with bare
faces. I have personally seen photos of celebrities like Madonna, Heidi Klum, Britney Spears,
Pamela Anderson, Goldie Hawn, Oprah Winfrey and more without a stitch of makeup on their faces.
And guess what? They look just like regular women, with flaws and imperfections. All you have to
do is use a search engine and look up a keyword phrase like celebrities without makeup. You will
find all kinds of choices. ... Show more content on ...
What is especially dramatic is to see a picture of a fully made up celebrity next to a picture of the
same celebrity with no makeup on. When you look at these pictures you will see the difference
expertly applied cosmetics can make. Once you learn the beauty secrets of the stars you can try them
at home on
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Celebrities Should Be Role Models

  • 1. Celebrities Should Be Role Models No matter what celebrities are looked up upon by somebody, making them a role model. Celebrities should be considered role models. Celebrities can come in any shape or form or can be famous for multiple reasons. The reasons behind celebrities being considered role models are as following, they have a huge following of supporters, they can help with causes, and they are very inspirational. Overall, celebrities should be role models. Out of the many reasons backing up celebrities being role models one of the reasons would be that they have a huge following of people that either support them or know of them. With this comes a lot of power that they can use for good. Celebrities could use this following to help kids who look up to them. If the superstar stayed in school and did not do drugs then the kids and teens that look up to them will do the same thing.They would think that they do not have to ditch school and do drugs to be cool. Celebrities could also use their spotlight to show people different experiences. For example, if a moviestar post on their social media platform that they are going to go take a hike up to the hollywood sign, then the followers might want to do the same thing that maybe they would have never done before. Which, by doing so may show the person that they love hiking or being outside, giving them a new healthy hobby. Celebrities show their followers different things all the time that they may not have known before making them a role model. ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Celebrity Activism Anthony guidetti English I 7 December 2012 Activism Awareness Do you think celebrity activism is a positive or negative thing? That's the question. To me, I think celebrity activism has a very positive effect on society and should become more popular. More celebrities should become activists because activists have a long successful history, celebrity activism helps draw attention to all different kinds of issues & activism gives celebrities an opportunity to use their wealth for the good of something greater than themselves. Celebrity activism really helps out the less fortunate and gives back to the community. Since a lot of celebrities got their fame from the fans & paparazzi, they should be thanking them anyways. As you can see, ... Show more content on ... As you can see, celebrity activism helps out a big variety of problems and issues. Lastly, celebrity activism gives celebrities a chance to use their fame for something else besides benefiting themselves. Activism is "an opportunity for celebrities to use their wealth and notoriety for something greater them themselves." (Chittom) This means that way too many celebrities care about themselves. They don't give any consideration for ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Controversy About Celebrities Celebrities Celebrities are misunderstood in several ways, people view celebrities as being snobby, rude to fans, all that matters is being recognized by persons and having attention, also not caring about the fans. People see celebrities as being rude and stuck up because on social media there is persons that are rude and make up rumors about celebrities because the person might not like this actor or actress. People make assumptions of celebrities because of rumors seen on the internet and on magazines. These individuals always care about which celebrity is dating another celebrity and what happens in the celebrity's personal life. When people view celebrities as being rude it is because some are rude only because these stars want privacy, ... Show more content on ... Actor, actresses, music artist can be seen as being rich, rude, and wanting fame because of the money being paid. Celebrities can dress with designer clothes that is really expensive, but does not mean that because the clothes that is worn is fancy these celebrities are rude and only care about the attention. On the internet there are videos of celebrities greeting fans and are actually nice and outgoing when meeting the fans. Although, not all celebrities are nice, do not like meeting fans, or looks like they do not care about the fans, can sometimes not be intentional, but it is still rude when celebrities ignore a fan that wants to take a picture or sign something. Some famous persons act this way because of bad timing or might not want to give all the attention to one person and make the other fans feel left out or can be because sometimes the celebrity is in a hurry or being protected by the security guards. Celebrities can be as nice as a kitten, be respectful to all the fans, and give at least a little attention by greeting or giving a smile to the fans. The characteristics given to celebrities by persons that have never met these people are different when actually personally meeting the famous person that has inspired and is loved by many people around the world. Fans most of the time do not just like the actor, actress, or artist because they are really big in the fame industry but because these celebrities give persons reasons to love them. Celebrities surprise fans because these stars like seeing the fans happy and see the excitement they have when meeting them. Fans like celebrities because at times these famous people inspire people to do big things in life and also because fans might think that the actor or actress are good at ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Celebrity Attractiveness Model According to business dictionary, brand is defined as a unique design, sign, symbols, words or a combination of all of these, to creating an image that identifies a product and to distinguish it from its competitors. A celebrity is known as a famous people or well–known people in certain perspective of field. In detail, celebrities are the people who enjoy high degree of public recognition and awareness by a large share of a certain group of people (Prof. Dr. G. L. Pedhiwal, 2011). According to Kurzman et al, (2007), celebrity is an omnipresent feature of society, blazing lasting impressions in the memories of all who cross its path. The use of celebrities to advertise the company products as to increase sales and recall the value of a ... Show more content on ... Other factors to select a celebrity as endorser or spokesperson included trustworthiness, expertise, attractiveness or physical attributes, respect as well as similarity. The source credibility model developed by Ohanian (1990) indicated that attractiveness, expertise and trustworthiness are the sources of credibility. Ohanian (1990) stated that trustworthiness is determined by honesty, sincerity, dependability and reliability, while the source of attractiveness is determined by similarity, familiarity and also likeability. Yet, Goldsmith et al, (2000) argued that attractiveness is not applicable and cannot be considered as a source to credibility. It is because the attractiveness of the celebrity is hardly can be related to his or her credibility. Figure 2: The Source Credibility Scale Adopted from: Celebrity endorsements have been started long time ago from 1930s until now, and, it has become a basis of marketing strategies to promoting the branded products (Klaus & Bailey, 2008) and supporting corporate or brand image. Many companies use celebrity endorsement strategy to increase their market share and to increase their profit in selling the products as well. Other than that, effectively used of celebrity endorsements have the potential to enhancing a brand's competitive position ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Celebrity Endorsement Marketing Campaigns Iba 550 October 20, 2008 Celebrity Endorsement Marketing Campaigns Celebrity endorsement is a billion dollar industries today (Kambitsis et al., 2002) with companies signing deals with celebrities hoping that they can help them stand out from the clutter and give them a unique and relevant position in the mind of the consumer. According to Solomon (2002), the reasons for using celebrity endorsement involves its potential to create awareness, positive feelings towards their advertising and brand. Research has shown that celebrity endorsement can have an impact on the consumer's attention, recall, evaluations and purchase intentions (Atkin and Block, 1993), Celebrity endorsement is a widely used tactic in marketing and much research ... Show more content on ... Self image has been research in the context of celebrity endorsement, and established that it is an important factor in marketing (Fortini–Cambell, 1992). Some of the respondents told stories of how they were influenced by celebrity endorsement when they were younger. One person referenced Michael Jordan and his endorsement of the Nike shoes. This reflects self image when considering what to buy and what influenced them. It also reflects a need to be different as well as the same time identify with a group of people. Apparently this can go both ways. If one product gets too popular among a certain group it can actually make others choose another product even though they like it. Companies may also use celebrities to try to control or manipulate the consumer into buying the endorsed product. This may have a negative impact, as consumers may view the celebrities as being puppets for the company. Companies are using celebrities to influence the consumers' behavior in a certain direction, at the same time the consumer often may perceive the celebrity to by lying when indorsing certain products. For example, many a celebrity has been photographed while enjoying a cold Pepsi much to the dismay of the marketing department for Coke that they are promoting. The celebrity is no longer perceived as genuine and may loss ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Celebrities Are The Most Desirable Celebrities are defined as any, "well–known or popular person," and by taking this definition into consideration, we can think of many people who fit into this criterion: including doctors, lawyers, and chefs to just name a few. However, these people are not necessarily considered celebrities. Our society usually considers a "celebrity" to be an actor, a professional sports player, or a rich person who has a television show about them and their life. Many people see celebrities as role models whom they strive to look like or act like because celebrities have fancy cars and nice houses, or because they get all the girls. Meaning, these are humans who are the most desirable, and many "normal" people wish they could be like a certain celebrity because of all the fancy stuff they have. But are these really characteristics people want to have, to be rich and famous? Do they think that their life will improve if they are put in the spotlight and given millions of dollars to be a "celebrity"? What most people do not see is the stress a celebrity is put under; whether it be about their next role in a big movie, the big game coming up on Sunday, or even just trying to keep their love life a secret. The media tries to capture all of these highlights of famous people's lives so that everyone can see it, they use magazines, television shows, and social media to put out the next big story to catch anyone's eye. Media also tends to bend the truth to make their story seem more juicy so ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. What Makes Celebrity Worship? Troy Howard Essay 1 Nesbitt 9/12/15 Stop Following Celebrities! Everyone has that one friend who is head over heels in love with a celebrity. They will always follow them and say that a celebrity is their hero; but there is a serious difference between a hero and a celebrity. The people who seem like they can't stop following a celebrity or can't tell the difference between following a celebrity or hero might have celebrity worship syndrome. This is a real psychological disorder of the brain. According to Sensagent Online Dictionary, Celebrity worship syndrome is "an Obsessive–Addictive disorder where a person becomes overly involved in a celebrities personal life." Celebrity worship syndrome is a very serious problem that people need to ... Show more content on ... This means that they would constantly have fantasies about a celebrity and do thing that they might not even realize they are doing. These people feel like if they needed any sort of help that their celebrity would be there to save them. It is like they worship their celebrity as a god. Fortunately, the majority of the people they tested fell within the first two categories, but the test that the psychologists did revealed how prevalent celebrities were in people's daily lives. Celebrity worship can develop from just being a psychological thing to actually hurting your brain. Doctors Maltby, Houran, Ashe, McCutcheon suggest that if a person has a high level of celebrity worship then they also have a high level of anxiety and depression. They also state that people might very well want to change the way they look because in their eyes the feel inadequate compared to the celebrity so they will body shame themselves and try to look and act just like their favorite celebrities. An example of this is a man by the name of Toby Shelton, who spent over $100,000 dollars in plastic surgery to look like Justin Bieber. Not only was this man 33 years old, but he was also obsessed with Justin Bieber in general. He ultimately ruined his body with plastic surgery (Daily Mail Reporter). Not much is understood about how people get to such a point of obsession or why people have the reactions they do around celebrities in ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Celebrities In Adverts Celebrities have a lot of power and as a result, they can have significant selling power as seen in the commercials. This is because people are going to more likely to use the product associated with the celebrity spokesperson for the product. For example, John Cena, a famous World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) wrestler advertised for a brand of garbage bags known as "Hefty Ultra Strong" garbage bags. The message in the commercial is that these Hefty brand garbage bags are mighty, strong, durable, and can withstand a lot of weight, like John Cena. In the commercial, John Cena wore a tight shirt showing off his big muscles and endorsing Hefty garbage bags as the superior, stronger garbage bags over competitors. As a result, many people will be more likely buy Hefty brand garbage bags because they believe John Cena when he says that it is the best bag to have, whether it is true or not. This commercial is one example of how celebrities can be influential as to what product people buy everyday. ... Show more content on ... Chris Paul is a Los Angeles Clippers' basketball player known for his role in being someone who is a "team player" and good at "assisting" his teammates. State Farm Insurance wants viewers to know that their insurance company can "assist" people and play a good "helping hand" just like Chris Paul. In the commercial, State Farm explains that life has its ups and downs, and that there is a bad moment for every good moment you experience. These moments include times when a tree falls on your car, or skunks invade your home. At such times, State Farm insurance assisted Chris Paul in providing insurance coverage for his loss. The audience would then have the general idea that State Farm would be a wonderful choice for your insurance needs because of how reliable their coverage was for Chris Paul in covering his loss and ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Celebrity Impact On Teenagers The Celebrities have an impact on teens of nowadays inside the present media of which many people are presented to the fabric they grasp or listen which influences their choices on an everyday premise. Youths are the maximum casualties of this media, which favors such celebrities. Superstars can exchange how a youngster takes a gander at him or herself inside the replicate. They can likewise affect a youngster's selections in poor behavior patterns. They have the potential to steer kids into dubious of self–esteem. Children can similarly begin feeling that it is something but trying to come to be highly widely recognized by drawing in the incorrect attention (Cornog). Despite the fact that young people can find out approximately their broad public thru great names, the media can incite pessimistic problems in self–assurance, propensities, shopping, and identity. The essays, in particular, discuss effects of celebrities on teenagers. To start with, the more part of VIPs seen thru the media have 'excessively immaculate' bodies that youth experience is the ideal photograph for his or her trendy public. The impact of this concept is unwanted each candidly and bodily and might spark off several problems, for instance, discouragement or anorexia. Michelle, Ph.D. scholar in children fitness states that "maximum superstars are selling in motion pictures, tv, and games packages are skinny, and this can lead young girls to assume that the proper of magnificence is extreme slimness. ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Satirical Essay: Celebrities Celebrity Role Models A state in which the mind is elevated above the reach of ordinary impressions, unconscious of sensible objects, and under the influence of overpowering emotions celebrities find irresistible and enticing. Celebrities distinguish themselves in such ways that others admire and want to emulate. Celebrities are worthy of imitation; "everyone needs a role model". The immense amount of drug usage that celebrities, athletes, professionals, and politicians take part in has improved society in countless ways and will continue to do so if everyone emulates these social icons. The use of drugs has improved society by never having to worry about anything. It brings you into a state of mind where you feel careless about ... Show more content on ... Get Coke. Coke. So I did. It was great for dieting, partying and picking up my mood." Basically stating that every girl in the world should go to rehab at least twice before becoming a teenager, if they do not they are not going to live the lavish lifestyle she does and like many other famous actresses. If you need to shed a few pounds, just use cocaine. It seems like the easiest way to lose weight according to every female celebrity. Previous President Bill Clinton when asked if he has ever smoked marijuana says, "Well, I did smoke pot, but did not inhale. I was in England, so it does not really count." Last year more then half a million people got arrested for using marijuana, they should not have inhaled and could have avoided jail and probation. If the former President of the United States has smoked marijuana, it can not be that bad. Everyone should smoke marijuana if the president has. NBA superstar Josh Howard of the Dallas Mavericks admits to smoking marijuana in the off season and since it does not affect his job, it is not a big deal. He said this as a guest host on a Dallas radio station a day before they played game three in the first round of the NBA playoffs. As long as using drugs does not affect the way you do your job therefore its safe, healthy, and beneficial to everyone. What would the world do without drugs? If there were not any drugs people would not be able ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Celebrities Influence In Commercials Celebrities can have significant influence in commercials because people are going to more likely follow them due to his or her fame and/or popularity. For example, John Cena, a famous WWE wrestler advertised for a brand of garbage bags known as "Hefty Ultra Strong" garbage bags. The message in the commercial is that these Hefty brand garbage bags are mighty, strong, durable, and can withstand a lot of weight, like John Cena, not to mention these bags are low priced. As a result, many people may more likely buy Hefty brand garbage bags due to the commercial saying that they can hold more garbage than any other garbage bag without ripping or tearing. Another example shows Chris Paul, a talented and famous NBA basketball player advertising for ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Celebrity Culture : The Impact Of Celebrity Culture On... Living in a technological era, we have access to the tabloids more than ever before. There are social media platforms, magazines, online news sites, and movies screaming to be read and watched; and they are covered with images of high profile celebrities. We are living in the century of media innovation together with the development of celebrity culture. When a life of parties, short–term relationships, drugs, and alcohol are leading celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and Lindsay Lohan to spiral out of control, you would think that their lifestyle is far from the ideal. However, fans of these stars seem to disagree. Now, in an age where we have more contact with celebrity gossip than ever before, we are faced with a question: what are the effects that superstars have upon our society? One of the most dramatic impacts of celebrity culture on consumer behaviour is the emphasis on personal appearance and self–image. While some consumers may emulate the looks and style of their icons, others simply feel pressured to look more muscular or glamorous to fit with the idealised images of beauty in which they are bombarded with each day. From the full–figured beauties depicted by Renaissance painters, to the hourglass figure prized by the Victorians, and from the boyish physique of the 1920s flappers to the shapely curves of 1950s Hollywood stars, there have always been changing fashions in body shape. In today's era of Twitter, Instagram, blogs, and memes, the latest body ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Disadvantages Of Celebrities Introduction In society, people take at least one role. Teenagers take a position as a student, a son or a daughter, and adults take a position as a worker, a parent, and so on. Taking a position as a worker in society is critical. There are various types of careers such as specialized jobs, manufacturing jobs, office jobs, sales jobs, or self–employed. When people choose a job among various choices, they consider diverse aspects such as income, prospect of future, interest, or working environment. It is hard to find a job that can fulfill everything what a worker wants. Every job has its advantages and disadvantages. People decide their career based on the comparison between advantages and disadvantages. Among various jobs, in modern days, ... Show more content on ... Such comments are not related to their job performance, people simply talk about them without much though. They support that if the one wants to gain fame then the one must deal with consequential results. Sometimes some actors might be good at negative comments, which follow their fame, on them. According to a news website, Jimmy Kimmel's mean Tweets, which allows celebrities to read out loud mean tweets about them by public in funny ways, shows that celebrities are good at dealing with negative comments (Samotin, 2016). However sometimes, simple words by public can kill others. In such cases, harsh judgment cause popular actor under a lot of psychological stress. That can cause serious damage to the actor. For example, Choi Jin–sil, who was a famous actress in South Korea, committed suicide. She was under a lot stress due to negative comments about her divorce and rumor with her friend who also committed suicide (Choi, 2008). All over the media talked about her private life such as divorce and people considered the rumor with her friend is true without searching for factual evidences. This shows that reckless and un–thoughtful comments can severe damage to somebody. Negative comments always follow popular ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Celebrities And Ordinary People Celebrities and ordinary people are identified in different categories. Celebrities are the elite or ones who have a prodigious influence on the public. Famous people range from artist all the way down to politicians. Ordinary people are common citizens of the world. Conventionally, this refers to one who conducts a rudimentary life with no authentic exposure to spotlight attention. This may additionally mean ordinary people have not accomplished as much as a celebrity. Although celebrities and ordinary people hold different designations and lives, they are not much different from one another. Sure enough, celebrities and regular people are disunited by an abundance of things. Of the many things many things, the more conspicuous are lifestyle, privacy, and wealth, nevertheless, it is those very qualities that make famous people and mundane people homogeneous. Celebrities and ordinary people both have kindred lifestyles. Celebrities carry out relationships just like ordinary people and enjoy quality time with their friends and family. Every human longs for the fundamentals of love and family and longs for a simple lifestyle when it comes down to desiring healthy relationships. Most celebrities appreciate doing simple things such as staying home, enjoying friends and family, and watching television. Similarly, ordinary people and celebrities both face life trials and tribulations and experience an ample amount of stress. Life mistakes and hardships are common matters for ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Celebrity Stereotypes I have read through five articles of celebrity gossip on blogger, Perez Hilton's website. Some of the articles were older and I also read the up to date gossip. In my opinion, the function of celebrity gossip in today's society is to help the fame of any celebrity. The purpose of the negative or positive information is only going to help or hurt the celebrity and in some cases, such as Janet Jackson's breast being reviled at the Super Bowl, helped her more than it hurt her. As for blogs about celebrities helping maintain stability and order in our society, I believe that it serves no purpose and also create false perceptions of the real world. Today's youth can easily be influenced by the celebrity gossip. The media and blogs create a distortion ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. Influence Of Celebrities In America American's Obsession with Celebrities American's are becoming a celebrity obsessed society. Digital Technology and media has played a big role in it, which has caused an up rise in narcissism. In result has caused bad morals, values and has made a negative impact on expectations of self–image. It is important for us to understand the consequences of narcissism and the destruction it is causing to our society. This can be seen through digital technology and media. The constant stream of celebrity news is causing a celebrity obsessed society. We can choose when, what and how we want to see entertainment, news and weather through the internet. The internet has brought our society so much convenience, and now celebrities are all over social ... Show more content on ... This generation, majority doesn't know what respect is anymore, they don't respect themselves or others. The Majority of our society is not disciplined and has no idea what their morals and values should be. Our society is being destroyed by accepting these behaviors as long as everyone is happy. Also celebrity culture has expectations for women to be thin, which has led to emotional and self– image problems. Pinsky states "A similar narcissistic drive is the subtext of body– image shows such as Dr.90210, The Biggest Loser, The Swan, Look–a–like, I Want a Famous Face, and Celebrity Fit Club. These programs glorify the improvement of the body–by any means necessary (550–568). This has resulted to women not feeling comfortable in their own body. Which causes emotional and self–image problems such as low self–esteem, which may result in health issues such as anorexia and depression. In conclusion this is the reason it's important for us to understand the consequences of narcissism and the destruction it is causing to American society. I feel that as an American and living in this society that having a high self–esteem and loving your self would prevent ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Celebrities Should Not Be Free As well, we all know that celebrities do not work for free. Celebrities are well praised in America and having a celebrity such as Jennifer Aniston, for example, makes the commercial more watchable simply because someone like, Jennifer Aniston, is an actress well–known and loved by many. Having Ms. Aniston on a bed with a sick child is something that not only makes the viewers feel guilty, because Ms. Aniston is spending her spare time with the child, but brings such worthy publicity. According to an article, "Celebrity Advocacy" by Kenneth Jost states that, "Kobe Bryant drew about 20 reporters to a homeless shelter in Hollywood last summer to hear him announce the formation of a foundation dedicated to help disadvantaged youth and families, Bryant was not ... Show more content on ... To others, it may seem that celebrity's only say what they want to say about the charities to make themselves look like an involved person. When these charities take place, the organization throw expensive gathering with so much entertainment going on and to get the public to donate money, organizations invite well–known actors and singers. As said by Ilan Kapoor and Mark Wheeler in their article, "Should Celebrities Promote Charities", Kapoor, who is against celebrities promoting charities, states that, "charity allows social inequality to continue unabated, the problem is compounded when celebrities are associated with it, their "star power" and spectacle only further divert public attention from the real social and economic causes of inequality" (Kapoor). It is true, having the face of celebrity on a charity only comes to show that instead of having the public aware what the cause really is, all the public is going to be focusing on is who is going to be there. It is almost as if they do not care for the cause at ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Celebrity And Image Of The Media Ashley Gay Mrs. Shaw English 1 November 2016 Celebrity and Image–Selling Musicians, actors, athletes, and models all depend on publicity from the media. Promotions through magazines, newspapers, concerts, movies, CD's, sports networks and social media determine their success. Not only do the musicians, actors, athletes, and models depend on social media, but also on the fans. The media allows the public to be involved and interested in what 's happening in different aspects of celebrity entertainment.The influence the media has on celebrity and image selling is very effective in producing successful careers. Musicians are one of many aspects of entertainment that are impacted by the media. "Possibly the biggest shift in music has come through social media through an increased level of interaction between musicians and fans" (Evans). Now that we have social media it benefits the artist and the fans. The artist is able to broadcast, promote and share things that were not possible before. An example of this would be the artist can share their latest news, achievements or plans with their fans.The fans are able to keep up with the artist, be more interactive with them and communicate with them better. An example of this would be they can message , leave comments, or watch videos of the celebrity. These are just some of the ways that the media has impacted the music industry. Not only does the media help the music industry connect with their fans but it also ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Celebrities Role Models They may be the best of the best but they can be the worst for kids. Celebrities are all around us. It is hard for us to get away from them unless we were locked in an empty room. As soon as we turn on the T.V. we see a celebrity. When we walk in a shop, we see pictures of celebrities on the wall and even on some food items. There are many celebrities known for doing good acts like donating or helping charities. But, there are some celebrities doing bad acts such as doing drugs. There are also celebrities changing themselves not with the intent to change others. At the end, celebrities can be considered positive and negative role models. The difference is that the celebrities who do bad acts will be focused on more than the celebrities who ... Show more content on ... Since celebrities are role models for kids, when they are seen doing bad things may leave a child with a bitter feeling toward them. When kids see celebrities getting in trouble, they may feel that they don't want anyone as a role model. Celebrities can harm kids without even knowing it. Celebrities have many things that most normal people don't have. One of those ways is how a lot of celebrities are rich. In the article, "Should Parents Allow Celebrities to be Their Children's Role Models?" by Christina Hamlett, she says, "In addition, children and adolescents who realize they will never be as attractive, thin, rich, or accomplished as the celebrities they vicariously admire might decide to give up completely instead of embracing their own uniqueness and talents." Some kids might really want to be like their favorite celebrity. That is not always the easiest thing. That might make a kid depressed because they can't be like their role model. Another thing celebrities top us on is that some celebrities are known to be beautiful. Since they are famous they will be focused on for being beautiful. According to Dorothy Briggs, the author of "Your Child's ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Celebrity Endorsement Celebrity Endorsements The importance of Celebrity Endorsements? The most important aspect of celebrity endorsement has been finding the right synergy between celebrity and product. It 's about selecting a spokesperson whose characteristics are congruent with the brand image. It is insufficient simply to add a well known face to a food label and trust that there will be enough devotees of that celebrity to generate sales. The consumer does not buy premium priced products more than once on that basis, and so unacceptable quality cannot be masked by a celebrity presentation. There 's one fact that advertisers need to keep in mind when using celebrity endorsements—never let the celebrity become your brand. If so, you 'll run the risk of ... Show more content on ... Indeed, one of the respondents claimed that when a person is famous, people forget about what the person looks like as everyone knows the face, it is hard to judge whether the person is pretty or ugly. Managers believed that celebrities save time in creating the credibility a company has to build into products. They argued that when consumers see a credible celebrity endorsing a product, consumers think that the product must be at least ‘OK '. However, it was revealed that Nanette Newman was used by Fairy Liquid for years because she was perceived as trustworthy, believed in, and motherly. Four out of twelve advertising agency managers mentioned PR coverage as another reason for using celebrities. Managers perceived celebrities as topical, which created high PR coverage. Indeed, celebrity–company marriages are covered by most media from television to newspapers (e.g. The Spice Girls and Pepsi). This particular reason has not been mentioned in the academic literature previously to the researcher 's knowledge. (Erdogan & Baker 1999) History of Celebrity Endorsements. Since 1870 when the Reverend Henry Ward Beecher appeared in an advertisement in Harper 's Weekly endorsing Waltham watches, companies have used characters of note to help market products to consumers. Entertainment personalities were first employed by the cigarette industry in 1905 when Murad Cigarettes used comedians Fatty Arbuckly and Harry Bulger in its ads. Since ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Synthesis Essay On Celebrities According to Source C, Celebrities are the "role models" that encourage the American Society with their "free, on–the–go, non–constrained" lives. However, there has been an increase in incidents where celebrities abuse their powers, willingly lying to the public about their past accidents. Although it seems unfair to go against one's privacy and freedom the public should have the right to know the truth about a celebrity they respect. Therefore, I challenge the claim that supports the idea of celebrities having the the same right to privacy as other citizens. From the beginning of "celebrity enterprise," many celebrities have lived in luxurious houses, filled with furniture and accessories that regular citizens cannot encounter. These celebrities ... Show more content on ... The author of Source C suggest that celebrities are the "epitome" for citizens, and they are the "Chief Agents of Moral Change" in the United States. For example, many pop, country, and rap songs are changing the beliefs of many American citizens daily. Various singers influence their thinking to the citizens by composing their songs, which are heard through the nation without pause. Also, many citizens are eager to watch their favorite actors/actresses performing on television shows everyday. The American people have weaved celebrity lives into their own lives, and cannot live without this entertainment. In television advertisements, top celebrities explain their belief in one idea, and many citizens follow that belief. Celebrities are affecting the lives of the people daily, and this idea has been accepted throughout history. Although privacy is important, a celebrity's private belief, action, or lifestyle can change one person's life drastically. The society seeks celebrities because they "humanize" daily life, and without celebrities, there will be no change in the repetitive, detained lives of American ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Celebrities And Stereotypes MAKE YOUR CELEBRITY TO BE WITH YOU ALWAYS Do not get confused that how you can make your celebrity with you always whenever you want. You know it is impossible . But there is one interesting fact that makes you feel close to your celebrity and the fact is nothing but celebrity wiki makes the impossible as possible thing . It is a blog created which gives you time to time updates and makes you feel lively with your celebrity as it gives the updates of the celebrity actions at every instant makes you feel close to your celebrity even like a close friend or a family member who will be always with you and whom you need the most. Everyone wants to know all the information related to the celebrity bios . More interestingly people are mostly connected ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Heroes And Celebrities By Social Media And Celebrities In his article "Heroes and Celebrities" Davidson (2014) says that the media has killed the heroes and replaced them with celebrities, but it's not the only component the democracy is responsible too, also the psychologist and sociologist have confirmed that heroes from the past now. Heroes were people who achieved something in their lives, people who had principles or fought for something, while a celebrity only shows their useless life and surrounded by lots cameras and not doing anything. With technology developments people now can become a celebrity by social media and television shows. Firstly, social media did helped people to be celebrities and there are lots of apps in social media that would make people celebrities such as, Instagram, ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Celebrities Right To Privacy The Right to Privacy Many individuals believe that when someone becomes a 'celebrity', they must give up their privacy and personal lives. This statement, concluded by several people, is completely incorrect. Celebrities do not want to give up their freedom or right to privacy when becoming famous, unfortunately, it is their crazy, obsessive fans who want to know every single detail about what is happening in that star's, not so secretive, life. They are continuously followed and stalked by reporters and the paparazzi who never take a day off, leaving celebrities with constant claustrophobia. Digging into the lives of celebrities and discovering their deepest, darkest secrets, is simply just entertainment for those interested. Forgetting that those who are famous need privacy in their lives, is a serious issue in society that is causing many conflicts with celebrities nowadays; individuals are invading their privacy and not accepting this right, they are making them feel claustrophobic and watched at all times, and they truly do not care for those who are famous, only for the entertainment they are creating. Modern day people continue to ask the following question; Seriously, they get paid loads of cash, why do they get mad about pictures? The truth, however, is that everyone deserves their privacy, after all, celebrities are just like everyone else, human beings. Being an actor or actress is an occupation like any other. There is a difference between taking photos while they're working or publishing information and taking photos of them with their children, families or friends on their own time. Imagine being in their position and being watched all the time, while living their life and sometimes making poor decisions. Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone's mistakes are all over social media. People go through rough times when growing up, in order to become the best version of themselves, but every celebrity is constantly reminded of every bad choice they have made. Many celebrities including Justin Bieber have been in this type of situation. For instance, in 2012, Bieber was accused of battery by a photographer who claimed he roughed him up and left him in need of medical attention after he tried to ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Celebrities As Role Models Most people would say that in order to be considered a good role model, you first need to be considered a good person. A good person is typically a person who has empathy for others, tries their best to make good decisions, and follows the law. After reading this description, of what a good person is, celebrities would not typically be the first group of people that would pop into your head because of their bad reputations, but that doesn't mean that all public figures are known for their bad choices. Celebrities should be famous for their talents and skills in some sort of field, or they could just have a great life story and have done great things in their life which inspired people to do the same. After all, everyday people run red lights all the time and no one would ever know, but the moment a celebrity gets one traffic ticket, it will be instantly posted all over every single magazine and news station. Public figures should be considered role models because, many public figures can serve as inspiration to do great things and a great example of what can happen if you make bad decisions. Public figures inspire children all over the world and give them the confidence to do great things with their life. Many young girls today will look up to successful female athletes such as Ronda Rousey, Gabby Douglas, and Serena Williams. They are not only great athletes, they are also evidence to young women everywhere that if you work as hard as you can, then you can be as ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. What Is The Credibility Of Celebrities Jozui's argument is not right because she is completely ignoring any credibility that the celebrity might have. She is claiming that the celebrities are only doing those commercials for the money and in reality they have no credibility for what they are endorsing but that is not necessarily true. Celebrities are mainly used to catch the eye of the viewer but just because they are used that doesn't take away the credibility from the product. It may be true that the celebrity doesn't use that product often or at all but that does not mean that they're not plausible consumers for it. In fact, there are many reasons why celebrity endorsement is good and not necessarily misleading or insulting the intelligence of the customer. A celebrity can attract attention to a new or failing product and boost consumer ratings. While a celebrity usually does influence people to buy certain products, this does not mean that they are manipulating a person to buy it. Usually the makers of the product ensure that it looks appealing to the customers eye while the celebrity just advertises it and brings it positive attention. In fact celebrity endorsement wasn't very popular until Michael Jackson ... Show more content on ... Since then popular celebrities weren't afraid to star in advertisements. Celebrity endorsement has become increasingly more popular since then especially when the main target for customers is a younger crowd, specifically teenagers. This does not mean that teenagers are being manipulated as customers, it just means that the makers of the products know what they want and how to use celebrity get their product to seem better than others. For example popular products like Beats headphones and Sprite soda use celebrity endorsement to promote their products. Teenagers may seem like easy targets but that is only because they want many different things and they care more about ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Negative Effects Of Being A Celebrity The Negative Effects of Being Famous According to Ishikawa, " narcissism is a personality trait that involves regarding yourself as a superior being. It brings, with it a sense of entitlement......" (as cited in Campbell, W, Keith & Baumeister, R, F 2008, July 5) As stated by Mark Young and Drew Pinsky in their research, " they did not find that narcissism was related to how long someone had been a celebrity, which might suggest that narcissistic individuals are drawn to the celebrity lifestyle (rather than the celebrity lifestyle gradually turning celebrities into narcissists)." (as cited in Campbell, W, Keith & Baumeister, R, F 2008, July 5) Teenagers often turn to their favorite celebrities for guiding them in their everyday lives. Celebrities have become more mainstream role models for teens, as their images and lifestyles are normally splashed across magazines, television movies, and all throughout pop culture. The other day, as I turned on my TV, I saw a hit story where a ... Show more content on ... Too much media attention to celebrities could give bad examples for audiences. Not all famous people act and behave appropriately *despite being observed by the media; therefore, it is then possible that celebrity fans, especially kids who do not have much life experiences would absorb and follow these inappropriate actions and behaviors. For instance, partying is one of the very well– known lifestyle that celebrities have. Paris Hilton is a very ~popular celebrity that almost everyone would notice, not only because of her works, but also because of her personality and social behavior. Apart from the partying lifestyle, celebrities are also easily exposed to drugs. Some use drugs to help them maintain their work efficiency, to gain ~fame, or even to stay in shape. Thus, celebrity influence may be negative on teenagers and ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Ethical Responsibilities of Celebrities Do celebrities have ethical responsibilities to set good examples to young people? Aainaa Azmi Abigail Palmer Raveena Devi Soon Tsuey Jing Sanjeetha Raja Segi University College American Degree Program Summer 2012 Do celebrities have ethical responsibilities to set good examples for young people? Young people nowadays need role models more than they ever needed before. We can see that crimes rates involving youngsters are increasing worldwide. One of the possible causes is that parents are more consumed with their careers and their children are left unsupervised throughout the day. Young people spend their leisure time watching movies, updating themselves on the latest trends and gossip concerning celebrities. With the ... Show more content on ... If you want someone with good moral values and behavior then you should select a motivational talker such as Deepak Chopra or Dr Phil since they are experts in their field. As human beings we have a great gift and that gift is the gift of making choices. We have a choice on who we want our role model to be and we should not impose a forced responsibility on celebrities. After all they are merely human just like us so who are we to impose such demands from them? In this digital era, it is not difficult to find information about celebrities. All sorts of information are up for public to read and observe, no matter how personal it is. Even private addresses of stars have been posted in both gossip columns and traditional media outlets like USA Today. As we all know, celebrities are in the spotlight because of the media. Celebrities make news all the time. And when you have two birds of the same feather, you can only expect bigger news. From an article Donna Freydkin implies that, readers go to the tabloids for whatever information about their favorite artists. Almost all Most of the information comes from an unknown source, whose may not be credible. For instance, former child stars–turned–designer duo Mary–Kate and Ashley Olsen turned 26 years old this year. Following their acting debut as infants, the twins appeared together in a variety of TV, film and video projects throughout their child and teenage ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Celebrities Impact On Society In the article " The Impact Celebrities on Our Lives" by Deborah King, It analyzes why American Society is impacted by celebrities on our lives. According to King,she analyzes why "we are obsessed with celebrities" (Paragraph 1). Dr.Charlotte DE Becker of the University of Leicester discovered the younger the audience member than the more likely they would follow celebrity gossip (Paragraph 7). Another,way gossip is quickly spread about is from the paparazzi, like when Heath Ledger overdosed his death was quickly spread by the media rumors (Paragraph 13).Not all celebrities have a negative impact on the contrary Angelina Jolie brings awareness to those living conditions [of] children in various third world countries face (Paragraph 16). Lastly,King states that society follows celebrities, because we are "fame–obsessed" since we compare ourselves to celebrities and we like to see them fail so they seem more human. thus , King informs society is obsessed with celebrities and gossip but we need to rise up and find our goal in life. ... Show more content on ... One can see by this that celebrities can have a positive impact to help the individual when members of society. Celebrity obsession is okay when it is done to follow acceptable trends, but is the trend is not acceptable then the celebrity is being a negative influence. In addition,King states that many people must "sneak a peek at their favorite celebrity gossip website daily" (paragraph 1). If someone in society needs to look at a celebrity social media everyday. Then they are obsessed which isn't good. But many celebrities past things about their daily life that shows they are everyday people and to promote themselves of their brands. Thus, if society follows celebrities on social media, then it needs to be done in ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Rhetoric Of Celebrity Rhetoric The rhetoric of celebrity endorsement in the current US political campaign In an age were social media sits at the forefront of global connectivity and communication, the political arena has never had been more exposed the unpredictable nature of public engagement and response. It shouldn't come as a surprise that the formality and ceremony of traditional political engagement has, to an extent, been abandoned. Throughout the course of the 2016 US presidential election, celebrities have used their status and personal platform to voice their stance in the debate and name their preferred candidate. This essay will explore: The current trends of celebrity rhetoric in the current campaign and how each respective party compares; how celebrity translates or carries authority and creditability in this arena; and how social media and digital platforms have been employed to share, spread and generate public debate based on this form of rhetoric. Therefore measuring the public response, success and criticism towards current celebrity endorsements. As prominent leaders of the digital sphere, the value of the celebrity voice as a vehicle for political endorsement is rising. It is not the idea of celebrity endorsement that is new but the platforms and the reach that they afford has expanded. Wheeler (2012) has described this shift as the 'interlinkage between political rhetoric and behaviour' as 'part of a historical continuum which offsets the modernist dismay directed to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Why Do Celebrities Be Paid? Celebrities in the media today are making too much money for a job considered easy compared to other jobs worked by middle class families. Celebrities earn what could be considered a maximum for doing things achievable by anyone. Although some celebrities do have talent that can support their argument about their paycheck, other celebrities are famous for little reason. Celebrities made famous through the media receive too much attention and money for their little efforts. Actors and actresses on television, in movies, and even on the internet grow their worth to make millions through their work. While some may be extremely accomplished and may in some people's opinions deserve their pay, there are also other actors and actresses that are paid ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Credibility Of Celebrities It has been discovered by scholars that the credibility of celebrities have a very positive impact on the attitudes regarding brands, advertising and behavior intention of purchase. Furthermore, certain studies have evaluated what activities exert an influence in enhance the credibility of celebrities. For example, there was a recent charitable donation by celebrities of entertainment in South Korea. That demonstrates the charitable giving by celebrities as an efficient personal public relations strategy for enhancing, building and sustaining their credibility (Hwang, 2010). It should be noted that the relationship between brands and celebrities are always altering. When someone turns the television on, flipping through a magazine, surfing ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Encourage Celebrity Worship The survey results shows us that 77.3% of the participants do not encourage celebrity worship in which most of them agree that something must be done to stop celebrity worship. However, I also noticed that even though some participants said that they do not encourage worship, a few of them said that they have a celebrity they worship. This tells us that despite them not encouraging celebrity worship, they still worship a celebrity. From this research, people can now understand why it is not good to worship celebrities and those who actually worship them would know more about it. The participants that do not encourage celebrity worship agreed with me that celebrity worship is unhealthy and can cause fans to become overly obsessed over their ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Celebrities In The Celebrity Solution By James Traub Nowadays there are many causes to fight for. Whether it be humanitarian, for the planet, or for the animals, each cause requires a champion. A cause needs advocates and educators, but usually the champions for these causes are people who have devoted their whole lives to righting these wrongs. Recently, however, celebrities have joined the cause, and it raises many questions. While they do bring publicity to the issues, celebrities should not be humanitarians Celebrities shouldn't be humanitarians because they cloud the issues with their star power. In The Celebrity Solution, by James Traub, Natalie Portman says "I'm not particularly proud that in our country I can't get a meeting with a representative more easily than the head of a nonprofit can." Portman's experience proves that her star power gives her an unfair leverage over other causes and charities who may not have such powerful names to preach their causes for them. ... Show more content on ... If a star falls from grace, so does the authenticity of the cause they back. Except, just because the celeb is no longer in the good graces of the public, it does not mean that the cause has ceased to exist. Lance Armstrong, founder of the Livestrong Foundation, a charity that benefits people suffering from cancer, lost his credibility after drug use allegations and so did the Livestrong Foundation. "Livestrong does, however, continue today, after cutting ties with Armstrong and undergoing a radical rebranding." says Jenica Funk in The Rise of the Celebrity ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Celebrity Stereotypes We are living in an age where we have more access to celebrity gossip than we've ever had before. Shouldn't we ask ourselves how much influence do these celebrities truly have on our lives? You will often realize that celebrities have a bigger impact on you than you would like to admit. To most of us, this effect can seem harmless at times but to some individuals it can become a very negative thing. In the article, "The Impact Celebrities Have On Our Lives" written by Deborah King, she states that no obsession is a good thing and that we should be very cautious about our involvement in celebrity gossip. In Collin Palmer's response to Deborah, he argues that being obsessed with celebrities is harmless and even has some benefits to it. I partially agree with Collin that being obsessed is harmless, but to some it could hinder their self esteem. ... Show more content on ... I believe this point is entirely true there are celebrities out there that can provoke the best in us. These celebrities are the ones worthy of our attention because they are famous for their talent, and not for scandals that surround them. For example, I look up to Angelina Jolie because she overcame her troubled past and went on to do incredible work that helped so many people. These types of celebrities make great role–models because they encourage us to strive for success and to be famous for the right reasons. Another one of Palmer's points was that celebrity watching has many social benefits. For example, you may feel more confident in yourself if you are up–to–date on fashion trends. Palmer also says that celebrity gossip can be a topic of conversation with friends and that it is an alternative to talking about all the bad things going on in the world. I agree with him on this point, because I believe that celebrity gossip can be something fun to talk about with your ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Mistreatment Of Celebrities EXTRA EXTRA!! Pop sensation vomiting out of a nightclub! Scandal!! Actress loses it and throws beverage at paparazzi! It's a bit amusing how entertainment media reports the lives of every celebrity that steps "out of line," or is it the so called reporters that our stepping out of line? The tabloids, magazines, and blogs work night and day to expose every little truth and/or lie about the public figures we see in everyday media. In the articles "The Double Standard of Mental Illness" by Emma Teitel, "Prying in Britney Spears' Medical Records May Cost Employees' Jobs; In Violation of Privacy Rules, UCLA Health System Employees Reportedly Accessed the Pop Star's Medical Records Without Authorization," "Choosing Passwords That Really Protect You" ... Show more content on ... The general public is in no way entitled to the lives of those who may be fortunate enough to be in the public eye. It is almost just as bad as saying that someone "asks to be raped" for being comfortable with their body. The entitlement of celebrities has reached an unbelievable and despicable peak. Take Britney Spears, for example. She has endured having her every moment being documented by the paparazzi everywhere she goes. Spears got to a breaking point and cracked under the stress which resulted in shaving her hair in late 2007. After that, she was "involuntarily hospitalized... so psychiatric staff could determine whether she was a danger to herself or others" ("Prying" 1). Apparently, Spears was kept for a week, which sent the world of pop culture spinning after word of mouth leaked. Various staff member were reprimanded, as the confidentiality of the patient, Britney Spears, was compromised ("Prying" 1). Not only was she put in a hospital but she was humiliated due to the staff. About 25 individuals who worked with and around Spears could be to blame for releasing information from her patient file without her consent, or knowledge. And even though the employees of the facility she was staying at signed a confidentiality agreement, a handful betrayed not only the establishment at which they worked, but a patient they were being paid to help. The hospital, UCLA, began to scrutinize and inspect any and all loose ends, when word leaked that 13 employees could potentially be let go due to the incident ("Prying" 1). An invasion of privacy reached a new low when a person can not even manage to have a secure stay in a hospital, especially when it is not in their control. This unacceptable break of trust especially when staff members accessed "the pop star's records without authorization," the very same people who were supposed to be there to care for her. ("Prying" 1). Yes, ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Deborah King Celebrities Since ancient times, people have always admired celebrities, putting them above themselves as if they were gods. In her article, The Impact Celebrities Have on Our Lives, Deborah King feels that our "obsession" with celebrities is unhealthy. However, I agree with Collin Palmer's short essay response, where he states that having an "obsession" with a celebrity isn't as deleterious as King portrays it to be. Most teenagers admire celebrities. Unfortunately, there are many celebrities that display negative behavior. This heavily influences teens to act in negative ways as well. King states that, "The sad fact is that we are more enthralled by celebrities who have bad reputations than celebrities who are excellent role models. As parents or mentors, ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Celebrities As Role Models Most people woe considered a good role model, you first need to be considered a good person. A good person is typically a person who has empathy for others, tries their best to make good decisions, and follows the law. After reading this description of what a good person is, celebrities would not typically be the first group of people that would pop into your head because of their bad reputations, but that doesn't mean that all public figures are known for their bad choices. Celebrities should be famous for their talents and skills in some sort of field, or they could just have a great life story and have done great things in their life which inspired people to do the same. After all, everyday people run red lights all the time and no one would ever know, but the moment a celebrity gets one, it will be instantly posted all over every single magazine and news station. Public figures should be considered role models because, many public figures can serve as inspiration to do great things and a great example of what can happen if you make bad decisions. Public figures inspire children all over the world and give them the confidence to do great things with their life. Many young girls today will look up to successful female athletes such Ronda Rousey, Gabby Douglas, and Serena Williams because they are not only great athletes, they are also evidence of young women everywhere that if you work as hard as you can, then you can be as strong and as wealthy as any male ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Celebrities And Stereotypes We see pictures of celebs all the time. They always look so glamorous and many women feel they could never live up to the dazzling beauty of their favorite celebrities. What they don't know is that this dazzling beauty is often a very clever illusion. In addition to Photoshop, celebrities are made beautiful with lighting and of course, makeup. If you want to see what these so–called stars really look like, you need to check out some pictures of celebrities with no makeup. Once upon a time this was something you just couldn't find. These days, however, you can locate plenty of pictures. Celebrities sans makeup. These days we have a lot more access to additional pictures and information that in the past we would never get to see. The Internet is a great place to find photos of your favorite stars with bare faces. I have personally seen photos of celebrities like Madonna, Heidi Klum, Britney Spears, Pamela Anderson, Goldie Hawn, Oprah Winfrey and more without a stitch of makeup on their faces. And guess what? They look just like regular women, with flaws and imperfections. All you have to do is use a search engine and look up a keyword phrase like celebrities without makeup. You will find all kinds of choices. ... Show more content on ... What is especially dramatic is to see a picture of a fully made up celebrity next to a picture of the same celebrity with no makeup on. When you look at these pictures you will see the difference expertly applied cosmetics can make. Once you learn the beauty secrets of the stars you can try them at home on ... Get more on ...