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DAY 1 abandon ~ tangible

  abandon                      ,           desert, leave, give up

  astonish                                 surprise, shock

  bare                             ,       naked, uncovered

  capacity                 ,               ability

  capitalize on                            take advantage of

  decay                    ,               decompose

  discern                                  perceive, distinguish

  eager                            ,       avid, enthusiastic

  extinct                                  die out, outdated

  fertile                                  productive

  flourish                                 prosper, thrive

  grateful                                 thankful, appreciative

  habitat                              ,   dwelling, home

  ideal                                    model, exemplary

  immense                                  enormous, tremendous

  improvised                               unplanned, spontaneous

  in charge of                     ,       responsible for

  judicious                                wise, sensible

  kin                      ,               relatives

  likely                                   possible, probable

  literally                    ,           really, actually

  measure                                  determine, mark out

  mature                       ,           ripe, fully-developed

  nature                   ,               characteristic

  observe                                  notice, perceive

  on hand                      ,           available

  passionate                               zealous, enthusiastic

  radical                          ,       drastic, extreme

  sacred                       ,           holy, religious

  separate                                 divide, part, split

  taboo                                    prohibition

  tangible                     ,           material, physical
DAY 2 abandon ~ tangible

      ,              abandon         adopt

                     astonish        expect, bore                    ,
          ,          bare            dressed, covered

  ,                  capacity        incapability

                     capitalize on   treat fairly
  ,                  decay           develop, grow

                     discern         neglect

          ,          eager           apathetic, disinterested

                     extinct         alive, thriving

                     fertile         infertile, barren

                     flourish        decline


                     ideal           attainable, real

                     immense         small, tiny

                     improvised      arranged, planned
          ,          in charge of    irresponsible for,

                     judicious       careless, foolish

  ,                  kin             unrelated

                     likely          unlikely, improbable

      ,              literally       figuratively, ambiguously

                     measure         estimate, guess                 ,
      ,              mature          immature, growing

                     observe         fail to see, overlook

      ,              on hand         unavailable, unobtainable

                     passionate                                          ,

          ,          radical         conservative, moderate

      ,              sacred          cursed, profane

                     separate        bring together, unite       ,
                     taboo           allowance
      ,              tangible        intangible, conceptual
DAY 3 access ~ scrutiny

    access                        ,           approach

    adapt                             ,       adjust

    ban                                       prohibit

    barren                    ,               arid, unproductive

    captivity             ,                   bondage

    carry                     ,               transmit, transport

    clarify                               ,   elucidate

    defect                                    blemish, flaw

    elaborate                 ,               complicated, detailed, detail

    eliminate                 ,               remove, get rid of

    facilitate                                make easier

    famous                                    well-known, celebrated

    gather                                    collect, aggregate

    harsh                                     rigorous

    incorporate                               combine

    interfere                                 intervene

    invaluable                                precious, priceless

    keen                          ,           sharp, intelligent

    lack                                      deficiency, want

    legitimacy            ,                   authority

    maintain                                  sustain

    meager                                    lacking, short

    monotonous                ,               boring

    needless to say                           obviously

    neglect                                   disregard, ignore

    ordinary                  ,               routine, customary

    particular                ,               specific

    partially                                 incompletely

    random                                    arbitrary

    scrutiny                                  examination
DAY 4 access ~ scrutiny

         ,           access            egress, depart                       ,
             ,       adapt             disarrange, dislocate

                     ban               approve

     ,               barren            fertile, fruitful                    ,
     ,               carry             hold, withhold                       ,
                 ,   clarify           confuse, obfuscate

                     defect            merit, strength              ,
     ,               elaborate         simple, plain

                     facilitate        hamper, hinder

                     famous            infamous, unknown                        ,
                     gather            scatter

                     harsh             mild, friendly                       ,
                     incorporate       exclude, separate                    ,
                     interfere         leave, withdraw

                     invaluable        dispensable, worthless
         ,           keen              blunt, stupid                ,
                     lack              abundance, sufficiency           ,
 ,                   legitimacy        injustice                    ,
                     maintain          release, let down

                     meager            large, abundant

     ,               monotonous        varied

                     needless to say   unclearly, vaguely

                     neglect           attend, care

     ,               ordinary          abnormal, extraordinary          ,
                     partially         completely, wholly

                     random            planned, ordered, intended                   ,
                     scrutiny          cursory look, glance                     ,
DAY 5 abundance ~ vanish

       abundance           ,               plenty, profusion

       account for                         explain, describe

       bend                                curve

       catastrophe                         disaster, calamity

       chaotic                             messy, disorganized

       detest                              abhor, strongly dislike

       discrete                ,           separate, distinct

       eminent                             outstanding, distinguished

       establish                   ,       institute, found, set up

       frustrate                           disappoint

       govern              ,               regulate, control, manage

       industrious                         diligent

       innovation                      ,   change

       launch                              establish, initiate

       lay off                             fire, discharge

       melt                                fuse, dissolve

       mourn                               lament, deplore

       nurture                             raise, nurse

       overcome                    ,       defeat, surmount

       perennial           ,               persistent, year-round

       prospect                            perspective, outlook

       reputation                          repute, fame, renown

       respond             ,               react, answer

       shrink              ,               contract, become smaller

       simultaneously                      at the same time

       slight                              minor

       territory           ,               land, region

       tragic                              mournful, pathetic

       transparent                         clear

       unique                  ,           particular, original

       vanish                              disappear
DAY 6 abundance ~ vanish

 ,                abundance        scarcity, dearth                ,
                  account for      confuse, obscure                        ,
                  bend             straighten

                  catastrophe      miracle, wonder

                  chaotic          calm, harmonized                ,
                  detest           adore, cherish

     ,            discrete         connected, linked, united

                  eminent          inferior

         ,        establish        unsettle

                  frustrate        encourage

 ,                govern           mismanage

                  industrious      indolent, lazy                  ,
             ,    innovation       tradition, custom           ,
                  launch           end, finish

                  lay off          employ, hire

                  melt             freeze, chill

                  mourn            rejoice

                  nurture          deprive, neglect                    ,
         ,        overcome         surrender

 ,                perennial        fleeting, temporary             ,
                  reputation       dishonor                        ,
 ,                respond          ask

 ,                shrink           expand, increase                    ,
                  simultaneously   apart

                  slight           big, considerable               ,
                  tragic           blessed, fortunate                  ,
                  transparent      opaque

     ,            unique           standard                        ,
                  vanish           appear, arrive, come
DAY 7 ambiguous ~ stand for

    ambiguous                                     unclear, vague

    amplify                   ,                   increase, enlarge

    burden                ,                       load, cargo, responsibility

    classify                          ,           categorize, group

    coincidence               ,                   occurrence at the same time

    devote to                         ,           concentrate on

    dilute                            ,           reduce, thin, weaken

    empower                                       permit, authorize

    exchange                                      barter, interchange

    figure                    ,               ,   shape, sculpture, number

    fluctuate                     ,               move up and down, vary

    fragrant                                      aromatic, scented

    fraud                                         deceit, deception

    guilty                                        criminal, culpable

    hazardous                                     dangerous, risky

    heal                                          cure

    intentional                                   purposeful, planned

    invent                                ,       devise, create

    jeer                                          mock, ridicule

    laborious                     ,               demanding, diligent, industrious

    look                      ,                   gaze, stare

    maxim                                         saying, proverb

    make sense                        ,           be logical to

    ornamental                        ,           decorative

    odor                                          smell, scent

    perish                            ,           disappear

    pioneer                           ,           take the lead

    qualify           ~                           entitle

    replace                                       substitute

    request                                       entreat, supplicate

    slavery                                       bondage, enslavement

    stand for                         ,           symbolize, represent
DAY 8 ambiguous ~ slavery

                       ambiguous     certain, clear, definite          ,
     ,                 amplify       compress, abridge, decrease       ,
                                     declassify, disorganize,
             ,         classify

     ,                 coincidence   design, plan                  ,
             ,         devote to     disregard, neglect                    ,
             ,         dilute        thicken

                       empower       disallow                              ,
                       exchange      hold, keep

         ,             fluctuate     steady, unchanging                        ,
                       fragrant      stinky, unscented

                       fraud         integrity, honesty

                       guilty        innocent

                       hazardous     safe, secure

                       heal          get worse, aggravate

                       intentional   accidental, unintentional

                       jeer          applaud, cheer                        ,
         ,             laborious     effortless, easy

             ,         make sense    dispute

             ,         ornamental    plain

                       odor          stench

             ,         perish        live, survive                 ,
             ,         pioneer       follow, succeed                   ,
~                      qualify       disqualify

                       request       answer, reply

                       slavery       liberty, emancipation         ,
DAY 9 adverse ~ wealth

    adverse                  ,       negative, unfavorable

    alternative          ,           option, substitute

    beneficial                       advantageous

    cautious                     ,   careful, prudent

    contemporary                     current, modern

    discriminate                 ,   distinguish

    deter                            preclude, prevent, inhibit

    encourage                        motivate, promote

    exotic                   ,       unusual

    familiar                         close, friendly

    fidelity                         loyalty

    guide                        ,   direct, lead

    humble                           unassuming, modest

    illusion             ,           impression

    impartial                        unbiased, disinterested

    magnificent              ,       superb

    manifest                 ,       obvious, apparent

    nervous                          uneasy, excitable

    operative                        effective, efficient

    originate                        initiate, emanate

    potential                ,       possible, promised, possibility

    primitive                ,       prehistoric, early

    retire                           withdraw, retract

    retrospect           ,           looking back

    span                             period, duration

    soar                             rise, ascend

    tease                            irritate, bother

    trade                ,           barter, exchange

    vertical                         upright, erect

    valid                            just, logical

    wealth                           abundance
DAY 10 adverse ~ wealth

     ,             adverse        agreeable, beneficial                ,
 ,                 alternative    necessity

                   beneficial     harmful, useless                 ,
         ,         cautious       incautious, careless

                   contemporary   ancient, historical              ,
         ,         discriminate   indiscriminate                       ,
                   deter          stimulate, help                      ,
                   encourage      dampen, discourage

     ,             exotic         familiar, native                 ,
                   familiar       alien, strange

                   fidelity       disloyalty, unfaithfulness   ,
         ,         guide          follow

                   humble         arrogant, bold

 ,                 illusion       reality                      ,
                   impartial      biased, partial
     ,             magnificent    uninspiring

     ,             manifest       hidden, secret

                   nervous        calm

                   operative      inactive, invalid

                   originate      terminate

     ,             primitive      modern, recent                       ,
                   retire         advance, go forward

                   soar           plummet

                   tease          appease, mollify

                   vertical       horizontal

                                  invalid, unacceptable,                   ,

                   wealth         poverty, paucity             ,
Day 11 announce ~ witty

  announce                                proclaim, declare
  anticipate                              expect, foresee, forecast
  anticipated                     ,       foreseen
  barrier                     ,           obstacle
  behavior                                conduct
  competent                               qualified, capable
  confirm                                 assure, verify
  decline                             ,   refuse, decrease
  deliberate                              careful
  embarrass                               confuse, perplex
  emphasize                           ,   stress
  faith                       ,           pride, belief
  favor                       ,           approval
  gorgeous                                wonderful, magnificent
  hollow                                  empty
  impede                              ,   hamper, prevent
  integral                                essential. crucial
  jeopardize                              endanger, threaten
  laud                                    praise, applaud
  levy                                ,   impose, draft
  meticulous                              careful
  moderate                                temperate
  negligence                              carelessness
  object                      ,           goal, aim
  pride                                   self-esteem
  refrain from                            cease
  share                   ,               portion
  significant                     ,       important, remarkable
  terrestrial                 ,           earthly, land
  thoroughly                              completely
  witty                                   clever
DAY 12 announce ~ thoroughly

                       announce       conceal, keep secret
                       anticipate     be surprised, doubt
       ,               anticipated    unnatural, exceptional           ,
   ,                   barrier        passage, opening
                       confirm        deny, cancel                     ,
           ,           decline        accept, progress                 ,
                       deliberate     unconcerned, careless
           ,           emphasize      de-emphasize, soften                 ,
   ,                   faith          disbelief, skepticism    ,
   ,                   favor          disfavor, disapproval    ,
                       gorgeous       ugly, unattractive           ,
                       hollow         full, solid
           ,           impede         facilitate, help                         ,
                       integral       incidental
                       jeopardize     protect, shield                  ,
                       laud           condemn, criticize               ,
           ,           levy           pay
                       meticulous     sloppy
                       negligence     energy, willingness      ,
   ,                   object         purposelessness
                       pride          shame
                       refrain from   carry on, start                  ,
       ,               significant                                             ,
   ,                   terrestrial    cosmic, heavenly
Day 13 affection ~ yearning

  affection                                       love, amity
  agree                                           assent, accede
  condemn                                         blame, censure
  comprehend                                      understand, grasp
  delicacy                        ,               sensitivity, frailty
  dim                             ,               faint
  effect                                          result, outcome
  element                                         component
  frighten                                        scare, terrify
  fusion                      ,                   union
  gradual                                         slow, steady
  hybrid                      ,                   combination, mixed breed
  incredible                                      remarkable
  inherent                                        inborn
  jealous                                         envious
  lavish                                          waste, squander
  modification                ,           ,       alteration, change
  multiplicity                                    variety
  noxious                                     ,   noisome, striking
  obedient                                        submissive
  palliate                                        alleviate
  patience                                        endurance
  rage                                            anger, fury
  revolutionize                                   dramatically change

  seize                                           grab, grip
  sequence                                        succession
  typical                                         common, usual
  universal                                       general
  vulgar                                          coarse, mean
  withstand                                       resist
  yearning                                        desire
DAY 14 affection ~ yearning

                          affection       coldness, hatred             ,
                          agree           decline, disagree, dissent

                          condemn         compliment, praise           ,
                          comprehend      misapprehend, misconceive

     ,                    delicacy        durability

     ,                    dim             illuminated, shining

                          effect          cause, reason                ,
                          element         composite, compound              ,
                          frighten        calm, soothe

,                         fusion          disconnection, separation

                          gradual         abrupt, sudden

,                         hybrid          pure-bred

                          incredible      normal, routine                      ,
                          inherent        acquired

                          jealous         unconcerned

                          lavish          economize

,            ,            modification    uniformity

                          multiplicity    simpleness

                 ,        noxious         innocuous, pleasant              ,
                          obedient        obstinate

                          palliate        exacerbate, intensify                        ,
                          patience        impatience

                          rage            calmness

                          revolutionize   remain, stay

                          seize           let go, relinquish                   ,
                          sequence        disintegration, dispersion   ,
                          typical         atypical                                 ,
                          universal       confined, local              ,
                          vulgar          decent, polite                   ,
                          withstand       surrender, yield                     ,
                          yearning        contentment, satisfaction    ,
Day 15 absolutely ~ wrap

  absolutely                       totally, ultimately
  conscientious                    honest, just
  curious                          inquisitive
  density                  ,       concentration
  dormant                          inactive
  encompass                        surround
  expertise                        skill
  fervor                           zeal, passion
  float                            drift along
  humility                         humbleness, humility
  ignite                           set fire
  indifference                     apathy
  mighty                           powerful
  old-fashioned                    outmoded, antique
  orbit                            path, course
  prevail                          triumph, master
  professional                     specialized
  reap                     ,       obtain, gain
  rigid                    ,       hard, still
  sophisticated                ,   complex, highly developed
  subjective                       personal
  terrible                         dreadful, awful
  transform                        convert, change
  urge                     ,       encouragement
  wrap                             cover, envelop
DAY 16 absolutely ~ wrap

                     absolutely      conditionally, doubtfully               ,
                     curious         incurious                           ,
,                    density         sparseness, thinness
                     dormant         active, awake                       ,
                     encompass       exclude, omit
                     expertise       clumsiness
                     fervor          lethargy                        ,
                     float           sink
                     humility        pride
                     ignite          extinguish, snuff out
                     indifference    care, heed
                     mighty          feeble
                                     fashionable, modern, up-
                     old-fashioned                                   ,
                     prevail         lose, surrender             ,
                     professional    amateur                                 ,
,                    reap            fail, give up                       ,
,                    rigid           flexible
      ,              sophisticated   naïve, unsophisticated          ,
                     subjective      objective
                     terrible        great, wonderful                ,
                     transform       preserve, stagnate
,                    urge            persuasion
                     wrap            uncover, unwrap
Day 17 accurate ~ versatile

      accurate                                precise, true
      appall                                  frighten, horrify
      bulk                                    great quantity
      companion                               partner, fellow, mate
      confer                                  bestow, give
      desperate                               hopeless, critical
      distribute                              supply, circulate
      extravagant                             wasteful, prodigal
      feasible                            ,   practicable, possible
      fortify                     ,           strengthen, reinforce
      glossy                                  shiny
      guarantee                               insure, warrant
      halt                                    stop, cease
      in fact                                 actually, virtually
      inauspicious                            unfavorable
      league                                  alliance
      minimize                            ,   reduce, decrease
      monopolize                              dominate, occupy
      overstate                               exaggerate
      overwhelming                ,           daunting, great
      penetrate                               pierce, enter
      profound                                deep
      recur                                   reappear
      reminisce                               recall, remember
      snatch                          ,       grasp, seize
      speculate                               suppose, hypothesize
      timid                                   shy
      tranquil                ,               peaceful, serene
      ultimate                                final, supreme
      versatile                               all around, adaptable
Day 18 accurate ~ versatile

                  accurate       inaccurate, vague                     ,
                  appall         comfort, embolden                             ,
                  companion      adversary, foe                                ,
                  confer         take away, withdraw               ,
                  desperate      hopeful, promising                        ,
                  distribute     accumulate, collect, gather           ,
                  extravagant    economical, frugal, stingy            ,
                  feasible       impossible, impractical

    ,             fortify        weaken
                  glossy         dull
                  halt           start
                  in fact        probably
                  inauspicious   auspicious
            ,     minimize       exaggerate, maximize                  ,
                  monopolize     share                                 ,
                  overstate      ignore, play down                     ,
    ,             overwhelming   trivial, unimpressive
                  profound       superficial
                  reminisce      forget
        ,         snatch         release
                  speculate      doubt
                  timid          bold, brave, fearless
,                 tranquil       loud, noisy
                  ultimate       beginning, first              ,
                  versatile      inflexible                                    ,
Day 19 accomplish ~ turbulent

   accomplish                               achieve, fulfill
   adversary                                enemy, opponent
   bite                                     chew
   benevolent                               kind, generous
   commemorate                          ,   celebrate
   cunning                                  tricky, sly
   damp                                     moist, humid, scale
   disgusting                               offensive, sickening
   drought                                  aridity, desiccation
   endeavor                                 strive, struggle
   eradicate                        ,       destroy, root up
   fundamental                              basic, essential
   generosity                               charity
   hypothesis                   ,           theory
   imaginative                              creative
   incisive                         ,       acute
   inclination                  ,           tendency, preference
   joyful                                   glad, delighted
   lift                                     raise, uplift
   migrate                              ,   travel
   opposite                                 contrary, reverse
   peak                                 ,   pinnacle, summit
   proficient                               expert, skillful
   render                       ,           give, make
   residue                          ,       remains
   solidify                                 harden
   sporadic                                 occasional, irregular
   transitory                               momentary
   turbulent                        ,       violent, agitated
Day 20 accomplish ~ turbulent

                        accomplish    fail, give up                         ,
                        adversary     ally, assistant, friend       ,
                                      malevolent, malicious,                    ,
            ,           commemorate dishonor
                        cunning       artless, gullible                 ,
                        damp          arid, dry
                        disgusting    attractive, pleasant                  ,
                        drought       wetness
        ,               eradicate     build, create, plant
                        fundamental   secondary
                        generosity    stinginess
                        imaginative   pedestrian, unimaginative         ,
        ,               incisive      dull, unintelligent
    ,                   inclination   disinclination                ,
                        joyful        miserable, sad
                        lift          push down
            ,           migrate       stay, stick around
                        opposite      identical, same
            ,           peak          bottom, nadir                 ,
                        proficient    inept, unskilled, untrained

                        solidify      dilute, liquefy                       ,
                        sporadic      continuous, regular                   ,
                        transitory    lengthy, time-consuming

        ,               turbulent     moderate
Day 21 agriculture ~ tumult

   agriculture                                farming
   attach                                     fasten, affix
   brook                                      stream, creek
   budget                                     estimate
   cede                                       yield, give away
   compulsive                     ,           compelling
   depict                                 ,   describe, portray
   doctrine                   ,               philosophy, principle
   erupt                                  ,   explode, break out
   evident                        ,           apparent, clear, obvious
   flawless                           ,       unblemished, perfect
   frank                                      candid
   gleaming                                   shining
   habitual                                   customary, regular
   irreversible                               permanent, stable
   obsolete                                   aged, out-of-dated
   opponent                                   enemy, foe
   periphery                                  boundary, edge
   proponent                                  supporter, advocate
   recognition                ,               awareness
   reverence                                  respect
   scrupulous                     ,           careful, cautious
   stamina                        ,           energy
   subsequently                               later, afterwards
   testify                    ,               give evidence to
   tumult                                     disturbance, turbulence
Day 22 accomplish ~ turbulent

                     agriculture    industry
                     attach         detach
                     cede           defend, fight                        ,
      ,              compulsive     controlled
              ,      depict         distort
              ,      erupt          contain, hold                            ,
      ,              evident        obscure, unclear                             ,
          ,          flawless       flawed, imperfect                ,
                     frank          dishonest                            ,
                     gleaming       dark, dim                    ,
                     habitual       infrequent, occasional               ,
                     irreversible   inconstant, temporary
                     obsolete       fresh, modern, young         ,                   ,
                     opponent       ally, colleague          ,
                     periphery      center, middle           ,
                     proponent      antagonist, opponent         ,
                     reverence      despise, scorn
      ,              scrupulous     careless
      ,              stamina        weakness
                     subsequently   previously
                     tumult         peace
Day 23 alien ~ volume

   alien                        ,       dissimilar, inconsistent
   arrest                               seize, capture
   blink                                wink, twinkle
   conclusive                           crucial
   crisis                               emergency
   diminutive                           smal
   dread                                fear, awe
   enchant                              charm, fascinate
   extol                        ,       praise
   foremost                             chief, leading
   foster                               promote, bring up
   genuinely                ,           truly, actually
   hoarse                               husky
   identical                ,           same, indistinguishable
   ingenuous                ,           innocent
   luxuriant                ,           thriving
   manipulate                           handle, ply
   mean                                 signify
   novelty                          ,   creation, innovation
   ongoing                      ,       continuous, developing
   outlive                              survive
   paradox                              contradiction
   patron                   ,           customer
   readily                  ,           easily, willingly
   remnant                              remains, trace
   spawn                ,               generate
   superficial                  ,       shallow, unimportant
   tedious                              monotonous, tiring
   transition           ,               change, move
   volume                               measure, size
Day 24 alien ~ transition

          ,            alien         akin, familiar                 ,
                       arrest        discharge, liberate                    ,
                       conclusive    inconclusive
                       crisis        serenity                   ,
                       diminutive    gigantic
                       dread         fearlessness
                       enchant       disenchant, disgust
          ,            extol         condemn, disparage
                       foremost      last
                       foster        suppress
                       hoarse        mellow, soft                       ,
      ,                identical     different, unlike          ,
      ,                ingenuous     dishonest, disingenuous                    ,
      ,                luxuriant     barren, meager
              ,        novelty       conservatism
          ,            ongoing       intermittent, occasional           ,
                       outlive       cease, die
          ,            superficial   comprehensive, profound        ,
                       tedious       entertaining, exciting             ,
  ,                    transition    sameness
Day 25 attempt ~ villain

   attempt                                         try
   authentic                           ,           genuine
   boast                                           brag, show off
   chronic                                         confirmed, habitual
   converge                            ,           meet, come together
   dependent                   ,                   reliable
   dwell                                           inhabit, live
   enact                   (               )       legislate, make laws, pass
   exceed                                  ,       go beyond, surpass
   fervent                             ,           passionate, ardent
   fractious                                       intractable, stubborn
   heighten                                        elevate
   implement                                       execute, perform
   infectious                                      contagious
   innumerable                                     myriad
   junction                                        union
   massacre                                        annihilation, slaughter
   mute                                            dumb, silent
   ominous                                         sinister, unlucky
   ponder                                          consider, think about
   proper                              ,           suitable, appropriate
   refine                                          improve
   reluctant                                   ,   hesitant, unwilling
   speck                       ,                   dot, particle
   surplus                                         extra, leftover, remainder
   terror                                          dread, horror
   tumultuous                                      chaotic, confused
   unanimity               (       )               agreement, concord
   villain                                         rascal, rogue
Day 26 attempt ~ villain

                           attempt       fulfill, succeed                  ,
              ,            authentic     artificial, fictitious        ,
                           boast         downplay
                           chronic       occasional, short-term        ,
              ,            converge      diverge                   ,
      ,                    dependent     independent
                           dwell         roam, wander                  ,
(                 )        enact         annul, reject, veto
                  ,        exceed        fall behind
              ,            fervent       dispassionate
                           fractious     manageable
                           heighten      drop, lower                       ,
                           implement     stop
                           infectious    noninfectious
                           innumerable   few
                           junction      division, separation      ,
                           mute          speaking, talkative                   ,
                           ominous       auspicious
                           ponder        ignore
              ,            proper        improper, unsuitable

                           refine        deteriorate, worsen
                           reluctant     eager, willing

                           surplus       lack
                           terror        peace
                           tumultuous    orderly, peaceful                 ,
(         )                unanimity     disarrangement, discord       ,
                           villain       hero, heroine
Day 27 anonymous ~ worship

  anonymous                              nameless, unknown
  atmosphere                 ,           air, mood
  bravery                                boldness, courage
  corpse                                 body
  denote                             ,   signify
  detrimental                    ,       harmful, damaging
  encroach                               invade, intrude
  fade away                      ,       diminish, disappear
  forge                                  copy, counterfeit
  grief                                  sadness, sorrow
  hang                                   dangle
  infrastructure                     ,   foundation
  intricate                      ,       complex, complicated
  lofty                      ,           high, sublime
  malice                                 enmity
  menace                                 intimidate, threaten
  narrow-minded                          insular
  operation                              affair
  overpower                              conquer, vanquish
  pecuniary                              monetary
  prophetic                              predictive
  proximity                      ,       closeness, nearness
  rely on                    ,           trust
  rudimentary                    ,       basic
  substance                              material, stuff
  torment                                bully
  trap                                   snare, trick
  undertake                  ,           assume
  worship                                venerate
Day 28 anonymous ~ worship

                   anonymous     identified, known              ,
                   bravery       cowardice, timidity        ,
          ,        denote        connote
      ,            detrimental   advantageous, beneficial               ,
                   encroach      pass over
      ,            fade away     enlarge, increase                  ,
                   grief         joy
                   hang          take down
      ,            intricate     simple
  ,                lofty         lowly                      ,
                   malice        benevolence
                   overpower     lose, yield
  ,                rely on       disbelieve, distrust
      ,            rudimentary   advanced, developed            ,
                   torment       please, take care of
  ,                undertake     relinquish, throw off              ,
                   worship       dishonor, disrespect
Day 29 amenities ~ weary

  amenities                        ,           facilities
  artisan                                      craftsman
  bond                                         association
  complement                                   supplement
  crest                        ,               peak
  devout                                       pious, saintly
  discreet                                 ,   wise, careful
  eminence                     ,               esteem, fame
  erratic                                      irregular
  flash                                        flare, glare
  frugal                               ,       economical, thrifty
  glee                                         exultation
  inhibit                                      hinder, restrict
  intrigue                                     conspire, contrive, scheme
  maneuver                                     plot, scheme
  murmur                                       mumble, mutter
  nasty                            ,           dirty, filthy
  overthrow                                    overturn, subvert
  plausible                (           )       believable, feasible, probable
  premise                      ,               assumption
  repel                                        drive away, repulse
  sanguine                         ,           optimistic, healthy
  sturdy                                       strong
  substantial                                  considerable, significant
  trigger                                      set off, cause
  tyrannical                                   despotic, oppressive
  warp                                         bend, twist
  weary                                        exhausted, tired
Day 30 artisan ~ weary

                         artisan       amateur
      ,                  crest         base, bottom                   ,
                         devout        irreligious

                  ,      discreet      careless, indiscreet                       ,
      ,                  eminence      insignificance
                         erratic       consistent, predictable            ,
              ,          frugal        extravagant, wasteful                  ,
                         glee          gloom, sadness
                         inhibit       allow
                         murmur        articulate, enunciate
          ,              nasty         charming, nice                 ,
                                       implausible,     improbable,
(             )          plausible
                         repel         attract, welcome                               ,
          ,              sanguine      pessimistic
                         sturdy        feeble, ill
                         substantial   insubstantial, unimportant         ,
                         trigger       block, halt, stop              ,
                         tyrannical    democratic
                         warp          straighten
                         weary         energetic, lively                  ,

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  • 1.
  • 2. DAY 1 abandon ~ tangible abandon , desert, leave, give up astonish surprise, shock bare , naked, uncovered capacity , ability capitalize on take advantage of decay , decompose discern perceive, distinguish eager , avid, enthusiastic extinct die out, outdated fertile productive flourish prosper, thrive grateful thankful, appreciative habitat , dwelling, home ideal model, exemplary immense enormous, tremendous improvised unplanned, spontaneous in charge of , responsible for judicious wise, sensible kin , relatives likely possible, probable literally , really, actually measure determine, mark out mature , ripe, fully-developed nature , characteristic observe notice, perceive on hand , available passionate zealous, enthusiastic radical , drastic, extreme sacred , holy, religious separate divide, part, split taboo prohibition tangible , material, physical
  • 3. DAY 2 abandon ~ tangible , abandon adopt astonish expect, bore , , bare dressed, covered , capacity incapability capitalize on treat fairly , decay develop, grow discern neglect , eager apathetic, disinterested extinct alive, thriving fertile infertile, barren flourish decline ungrateful, grateful unappreciative ideal attainable, real immense small, tiny improvised arranged, planned , in charge of irresponsible for, judicious careless, foolish , kin unrelated likely unlikely, improbable , literally figuratively, ambiguously measure estimate, guess , , mature immature, growing observe fail to see, overlook , on hand unavailable, unobtainable dispassionate, passionate , unenthusiastic , radical conservative, moderate , sacred cursed, profane separate bring together, unite , taboo allowance , tangible intangible, conceptual
  • 4. DAY 3 access ~ scrutiny access , approach adapt , adjust ban prohibit barren , arid, unproductive captivity , bondage carry , transmit, transport clarify , elucidate defect blemish, flaw elaborate , complicated, detailed, detail eliminate , remove, get rid of facilitate make easier famous well-known, celebrated gather collect, aggregate harsh rigorous incorporate combine interfere intervene invaluable precious, priceless keen , sharp, intelligent lack deficiency, want legitimacy , authority maintain sustain meager lacking, short monotonous , boring needless to say obviously neglect disregard, ignore ordinary , routine, customary particular , specific partially incompletely random arbitrary scrutiny examination
  • 5. DAY 4 access ~ scrutiny , access egress, depart , , adapt disarrange, dislocate ban approve , barren fertile, fruitful , , carry hold, withhold , , clarify confuse, obfuscate defect merit, strength , , elaborate simple, plain facilitate hamper, hinder famous infamous, unknown , gather scatter harsh mild, friendly , incorporate exclude, separate , interfere leave, withdraw invaluable dispensable, worthless , keen blunt, stupid , lack abundance, sufficiency , , legitimacy injustice , maintain release, let down meager large, abundant , monotonous varied needless to say unclearly, vaguely neglect attend, care , ordinary abnormal, extraordinary , partially completely, wholly random planned, ordered, intended , scrutiny cursory look, glance ,
  • 6. DAY 5 abundance ~ vanish abundance , plenty, profusion account for explain, describe bend curve catastrophe disaster, calamity chaotic messy, disorganized detest abhor, strongly dislike discrete , separate, distinct eminent outstanding, distinguished establish , institute, found, set up frustrate disappoint govern , regulate, control, manage industrious diligent innovation , change launch establish, initiate lay off fire, discharge melt fuse, dissolve mourn lament, deplore nurture raise, nurse overcome , defeat, surmount perennial , persistent, year-round prospect perspective, outlook reputation repute, fame, renown respond , react, answer shrink , contract, become smaller simultaneously at the same time slight minor territory , land, region tragic mournful, pathetic transparent clear unique , particular, original vanish disappear
  • 7. DAY 6 abundance ~ vanish , abundance scarcity, dearth , account for confuse, obscure , bend straighten catastrophe miracle, wonder chaotic calm, harmonized , detest adore, cherish , discrete connected, linked, united eminent inferior , establish unsettle frustrate encourage , govern mismanage industrious indolent, lazy , , innovation tradition, custom , launch end, finish lay off employ, hire melt freeze, chill mourn rejoice nurture deprive, neglect , , overcome surrender , perennial fleeting, temporary , reputation dishonor , , respond ask , shrink expand, increase , simultaneously apart slight big, considerable , tragic blessed, fortunate , transparent opaque , unique standard , vanish appear, arrive, come
  • 8. DAY 7 ambiguous ~ stand for ambiguous unclear, vague amplify , increase, enlarge burden , load, cargo, responsibility classify , categorize, group coincidence , occurrence at the same time devote to , concentrate on dilute , reduce, thin, weaken empower permit, authorize exchange barter, interchange figure , , shape, sculpture, number fluctuate , move up and down, vary fragrant aromatic, scented fraud deceit, deception guilty criminal, culpable hazardous dangerous, risky heal cure intentional purposeful, planned invent , devise, create jeer mock, ridicule laborious , demanding, diligent, industrious look , gaze, stare maxim saying, proverb make sense , be logical to ornamental , decorative odor smell, scent perish , disappear pioneer , take the lead qualify ~ entitle replace substitute request entreat, supplicate slavery bondage, enslavement stand for , symbolize, represent
  • 9. DAY 8 ambiguous ~ slavery ambiguous certain, clear, definite , , amplify compress, abridge, decrease , declassify, disorganize, , classify disorder , coincidence design, plan , , devote to disregard, neglect , , dilute thicken empower disallow , exchange hold, keep , fluctuate steady, unchanging , fragrant stinky, unscented fraud integrity, honesty guilty innocent hazardous safe, secure heal get worse, aggravate intentional accidental, unintentional jeer applaud, cheer , , laborious effortless, easy , , make sense dispute , ornamental plain odor stench , perish live, survive , , pioneer follow, succeed , ~ qualify disqualify request answer, reply slavery liberty, emancipation ,
  • 10. DAY 9 adverse ~ wealth adverse , negative, unfavorable alternative , option, substitute beneficial advantageous cautious , careful, prudent contemporary current, modern discriminate , distinguish deter preclude, prevent, inhibit encourage motivate, promote exotic , unusual familiar close, friendly fidelity loyalty guide , direct, lead humble unassuming, modest illusion , impression impartial unbiased, disinterested magnificent , superb manifest , obvious, apparent nervous uneasy, excitable operative effective, efficient originate initiate, emanate potential , possible, promised, possibility primitive , prehistoric, early retire withdraw, retract retrospect , looking back span period, duration soar rise, ascend tease irritate, bother trade , barter, exchange vertical upright, erect valid just, logical wealth abundance
  • 11. DAY 10 adverse ~ wealth , adverse agreeable, beneficial , , alternative necessity beneficial harmful, useless , , cautious incautious, careless contemporary ancient, historical , , discriminate indiscriminate , deter stimulate, help , encourage dampen, discourage , exotic familiar, native , familiar alien, strange fidelity disloyalty, unfaithfulness , , guide follow humble arrogant, bold , illusion reality , impartial biased, partial , magnificent uninspiring , manifest hidden, secret nervous calm operative inactive, invalid originate terminate , primitive modern, recent , retire advance, go forward soar plummet tease appease, mollify vertical horizontal invalid, unacceptable, , valid wrong wealth poverty, paucity ,
  • 12. Day 11 announce ~ witty announce proclaim, declare anticipate expect, foresee, forecast anticipated , foreseen barrier , obstacle behavior conduct competent qualified, capable confirm assure, verify decline , refuse, decrease deliberate careful embarrass confuse, perplex emphasize , stress faith , pride, belief favor , approval gorgeous wonderful, magnificent hollow empty impede , hamper, prevent integral essential. crucial jeopardize endanger, threaten laud praise, applaud levy , impose, draft meticulous careful moderate temperate negligence carelessness object , goal, aim pride self-esteem refrain from cease share , portion significant , important, remarkable terrestrial , earthly, land thoroughly completely witty clever
  • 13. DAY 12 announce ~ thoroughly announce conceal, keep secret anticipate be surprised, doubt , anticipated unnatural, exceptional , , barrier passage, opening incompetent, competent ineffective confirm deny, cancel , , decline accept, progress , deliberate unconcerned, careless , emphasize de-emphasize, soften , , faith disbelief, skepticism , , favor disfavor, disapproval , gorgeous ugly, unattractive , hollow full, solid , impede facilitate, help , integral incidental jeopardize protect, shield , laud condemn, criticize , , levy pay meticulous sloppy outrageous, moderate unreasonable negligence energy, willingness , , object purposelessness pride shame refrain from carry on, start , unimportant, , significant , insignificant , terrestrial cosmic, heavenly incompletely, thoroughly somewhat
  • 14. Day 13 affection ~ yearning affection love, amity agree assent, accede condemn blame, censure comprehend understand, grasp delicacy , sensitivity, frailty dim , faint effect result, outcome element component frighten scare, terrify fusion , union gradual slow, steady hybrid , combination, mixed breed incredible remarkable inherent inborn jealous envious lavish waste, squander modification , , alteration, change multiplicity variety noxious , noisome, striking obedient submissive palliate alleviate patience endurance rage anger, fury , revolutionize dramatically change seize grab, grip sequence succession typical common, usual universal general vulgar coarse, mean withstand resist yearning desire
  • 15. DAY 14 affection ~ yearning affection coldness, hatred , agree decline, disagree, dissent condemn compliment, praise , comprehend misapprehend, misconceive , delicacy durability , dim illuminated, shining effect cause, reason , element composite, compound , frighten calm, soothe , fusion disconnection, separation gradual abrupt, sudden , hybrid pure-bred incredible normal, routine , inherent acquired jealous unconcerned lavish economize , , modification uniformity multiplicity simpleness , noxious innocuous, pleasant , obedient obstinate palliate exacerbate, intensify , patience impatience rage calmness , revolutionize remain, stay seize let go, relinquish , sequence disintegration, dispersion , typical atypical , universal confined, local , vulgar decent, polite , withstand surrender, yield , yearning contentment, satisfaction ,
  • 16. Day 15 absolutely ~ wrap absolutely totally, ultimately conscientious honest, just curious inquisitive density , concentration dormant inactive encompass surround expertise skill fervor zeal, passion float drift along humility humbleness, humility ignite set fire indifference apathy mighty powerful old-fashioned outmoded, antique orbit path, course prevail triumph, master professional specialized reap , obtain, gain rigid , hard, still sophisticated , complex, highly developed subjective personal terrible dreadful, awful transform convert, change urge , encouragement wrap cover, envelop
  • 17. DAY 16 absolutely ~ wrap absolutely conditionally, doubtfully , conscienceless, conscientious dishonest curious incurious , , density sparseness, thinness dormant active, awake , encompass exclude, omit expertise clumsiness fervor lethargy , float sink humility pride ignite extinguish, snuff out indifference care, heed mighty feeble fashionable, modern, up- old-fashioned , to-date prevail lose, surrender , professional amateur , , reap fail, give up , , rigid flexible , sophisticated naïve, unsophisticated , subjective objective terrible great, wonderful , transform preserve, stagnate , urge persuasion wrap uncover, unwrap
  • 18. Day 17 accurate ~ versatile accurate precise, true appall frighten, horrify bulk great quantity companion partner, fellow, mate confer bestow, give desperate hopeless, critical distribute supply, circulate extravagant wasteful, prodigal feasible , practicable, possible fortify , strengthen, reinforce glossy shiny guarantee insure, warrant halt stop, cease in fact actually, virtually inauspicious unfavorable league alliance minimize , reduce, decrease monopolize dominate, occupy overstate exaggerate overwhelming , daunting, great penetrate pierce, enter profound deep recur reappear reminisce recall, remember snatch , grasp, seize speculate suppose, hypothesize timid shy tranquil , peaceful, serene ultimate final, supreme versatile all around, adaptable
  • 19. Day 18 accurate ~ versatile accurate inaccurate, vague , appall comfort, embolden , companion adversary, foe , confer take away, withdraw , desperate hopeful, promising , distribute accumulate, collect, gather , extravagant economical, frugal, stingy , , feasible impossible, impractical , fortify weaken glossy dull halt start in fact probably inauspicious auspicious , minimize exaggerate, maximize , monopolize share , overstate ignore, play down , , overwhelming trivial, unimpressive profound superficial reminisce forget , snatch release speculate doubt timid bold, brave, fearless , tranquil loud, noisy ultimate beginning, first , versatile inflexible ,
  • 20. Day 19 accomplish ~ turbulent accomplish achieve, fulfill adversary enemy, opponent bite chew benevolent kind, generous commemorate , celebrate cunning tricky, sly damp moist, humid, scale disgusting offensive, sickening drought aridity, desiccation endeavor strive, struggle eradicate , destroy, root up fundamental basic, essential generosity charity hypothesis , theory imaginative creative incisive , acute inclination , tendency, preference joyful glad, delighted lift raise, uplift migrate , travel opposite contrary, reverse peak , pinnacle, summit proficient expert, skillful render , give, make residue , remains solidify harden sporadic occasional, irregular transitory momentary turbulent , violent, agitated
  • 21. Day 20 accomplish ~ turbulent accomplish fail, give up , adversary ally, assistant, friend , malevolent, malicious, , benevolent unkind , commemorate dishonor cunning artless, gullible , damp arid, dry disgusting attractive, pleasant , drought wetness , eradicate build, create, plant fundamental secondary generosity stinginess imaginative pedestrian, unimaginative , , incisive dull, unintelligent , inclination disinclination , joyful miserable, sad lift push down , migrate stay, stick around opposite identical, same , peak bottom, nadir , , proficient inept, unskilled, untrained solidify dilute, liquefy , sporadic continuous, regular , , transitory lengthy, time-consuming , turbulent moderate
  • 22. Day 21 agriculture ~ tumult agriculture farming attach fasten, affix brook stream, creek budget estimate cede yield, give away compulsive , compelling depict , describe, portray doctrine , philosophy, principle erupt , explode, break out evident , apparent, clear, obvious flawless , unblemished, perfect frank candid gleaming shining habitual customary, regular irreversible permanent, stable obsolete aged, out-of-dated opponent enemy, foe periphery boundary, edge proponent supporter, advocate recognition , awareness reverence respect scrupulous , careful, cautious stamina , energy subsequently later, afterwards testify , give evidence to tumult disturbance, turbulence
  • 23. Day 22 accomplish ~ turbulent agriculture industry attach detach cede defend, fight , , compulsive controlled , depict distort , erupt contain, hold , , evident obscure, unclear , , flawless flawed, imperfect , frank dishonest , gleaming dark, dim , habitual infrequent, occasional , irreversible inconstant, temporary obsolete fresh, modern, young , , opponent ally, colleague , periphery center, middle , proponent antagonist, opponent , reverence despise, scorn , scrupulous careless , stamina weakness subsequently previously tumult peace
  • 24. Day 23 alien ~ volume alien , dissimilar, inconsistent arrest seize, capture blink wink, twinkle conclusive crucial crisis emergency diminutive smal dread fear, awe enchant charm, fascinate extol , praise foremost chief, leading foster promote, bring up genuinely , truly, actually hoarse husky identical , same, indistinguishable ingenuous , innocent luxuriant , thriving manipulate handle, ply mean signify novelty , creation, innovation ongoing , continuous, developing outlive survive paradox contradiction patron , customer readily , easily, willingly remnant remains, trace spawn , generate superficial , shallow, unimportant tedious monotonous, tiring transition , change, move volume measure, size
  • 25. Day 24 alien ~ transition , alien akin, familiar , arrest discharge, liberate , conclusive inconclusive crisis serenity , diminutive gigantic dread fearlessness enchant disenchant, disgust , extol condemn, disparage foremost last foster suppress hoarse mellow, soft , , identical different, unlike , , ingenuous dishonest, disingenuous , , luxuriant barren, meager , novelty conservatism , ongoing intermittent, occasional , outlive cease, die , superficial comprehensive, profound , tedious entertaining, exciting , , transition sameness
  • 26. Day 25 attempt ~ villain attempt try authentic , genuine boast brag, show off chronic confirmed, habitual converge , meet, come together dependent , reliable dwell inhabit, live enact ( ) legislate, make laws, pass exceed , go beyond, surpass fervent , passionate, ardent fractious intractable, stubborn heighten elevate implement execute, perform infectious contagious innumerable myriad junction union massacre annihilation, slaughter mute dumb, silent ominous sinister, unlucky ponder consider, think about proper , suitable, appropriate refine improve reluctant , hesitant, unwilling speck , dot, particle surplus extra, leftover, remainder terror dread, horror tumultuous chaotic, confused unanimity ( ) agreement, concord villain rascal, rogue
  • 27. Day 26 attempt ~ villain attempt fulfill, succeed , , authentic artificial, fictitious , boast downplay chronic occasional, short-term , , converge diverge , , dependent independent dwell roam, wander , ( ) enact annul, reject, veto , exceed fall behind , fervent dispassionate fractious manageable heighten drop, lower , implement stop infectious noninfectious innumerable few junction division, separation , mute speaking, talkative , ominous auspicious ponder ignore , , proper improper, unsuitable refine deteriorate, worsen , reluctant eager, willing surplus lack terror peace tumultuous orderly, peaceful , ( ) unanimity disarrangement, discord , villain hero, heroine
  • 28. Day 27 anonymous ~ worship anonymous nameless, unknown atmosphere , air, mood bravery boldness, courage corpse body denote , signify detrimental , harmful, damaging encroach invade, intrude fade away , diminish, disappear forge copy, counterfeit grief sadness, sorrow hang dangle infrastructure , foundation intricate , complex, complicated lofty , high, sublime malice enmity menace intimidate, threaten narrow-minded insular operation affair overpower conquer, vanquish pecuniary monetary prophetic predictive proximity , closeness, nearness rely on , trust rudimentary , basic substance material, stuff torment bully trap snare, trick undertake , assume worship venerate
  • 29. Day 28 anonymous ~ worship anonymous identified, known , bravery cowardice, timidity , , denote connote , detrimental advantageous, beneficial , encroach pass over , fade away enlarge, increase , grief joy hang take down , intricate simple , lofty lowly , malice benevolence narrow- broad-minded minded overpower lose, yield , rely on disbelieve, distrust , rudimentary advanced, developed , torment please, take care of , undertake relinquish, throw off , worship dishonor, disrespect
  • 30. Day 29 amenities ~ weary amenities , facilities artisan craftsman bond association complement supplement crest , peak devout pious, saintly discreet , wise, careful eminence , esteem, fame erratic irregular flash flare, glare frugal , economical, thrifty glee exultation inhibit hinder, restrict intrigue conspire, contrive, scheme maneuver plot, scheme murmur mumble, mutter nasty , dirty, filthy overthrow overturn, subvert plausible ( ) believable, feasible, probable premise , assumption repel drive away, repulse sanguine , optimistic, healthy sturdy strong substantial considerable, significant trigger set off, cause tyrannical despotic, oppressive warp bend, twist weary exhausted, tired
  • 31. Day 30 artisan ~ weary artisan amateur , crest base, bottom , , devout irreligious , discreet careless, indiscreet , , eminence insignificance erratic consistent, predictable , , frugal extravagant, wasteful , glee gloom, sadness inhibit allow murmur articulate, enunciate , nasty charming, nice , implausible, improbable, ( ) plausible unlikely repel attract, welcome , , sanguine pessimistic sturdy feeble, ill substantial insubstantial, unimportant , trigger block, halt, stop , tyrannical democratic warp straighten weary energetic, lively ,