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uncovering the Opportunity
in 22c-2 compliance

    Executive Summary
    Many mutual fund wholesalers are currently struggling with the expensive and time-
    consuming challenge of complying with SEC Rule 22c-2—a task that may appear to
    be all cost with no resulting benefit. This executive brief provides an overview of the
    regulation, what it means for your firm, and its costs and risks. But it also delves further,
    revealing ways mutual fund companies can leverage client relationship management
    (CRM) systems to facilitate compliance and uncovering an overlooked upside to 22c-2
    compliance: unprecedented insight into sources of profitability.
Introduction                                                     Omnibus Accounts
The basis for Rule 22c-2 is simple and decent: It’s              As part of the investigations into market timing, a further
founded on the notion that all mutual fund shareholders          issue was revealed: a fund’s inability to monitor individual
deserve fair and equal treatment. Smaller long-term              investor activities in omnibus accounts. Omnibus transac-
mutual fund shareholders using the instruments as they           tions register with a fund distributor as a single purchase
were intended should not be placed at a disadvantage             by a financial intermediary, though they in fact represent
due to manipulation of the system by larger players              an aggregate of multiple underlying shareholder accounts.
looking for short-term gains.                                    The fund lacks knowledge of the underlying shareholders’
                                                                 identities and transactions. Because only the financial
Responding to this regulation, however, is proving               intermediary (broker-dealer, bank, retirement plan
anything but simple for many mutual fund wholesalers.            administrator, or similar body) knows the sub-account
The costs, complexities, phases, and deadlines for com-          information, the fund is unable to effectively monitor for
pliance have many mutual fund wholesalers throwing up            market-timing activities and other violations. Since 35% of
their hands in exasperation. As with a lot of compliance         mutual fund accounts are held in omnibus positions, this
initiatives, compliance with Rule 22c-2 feels to many like       represents a significant “blind spot” for fund companies
a grudging necessity: a drain on resources that raises           that could be taken advantage of by those involved in
the cost and difficulty of doing business with little visible    illicit trades.
upside for the complying firm.
                                                                 In response, Rule 22c-2 requires funds to enter into agree-
But is it? This executive brief looks at the nature and          ments (known as “shareholder information agreements”)
impact of 22c-2 and examines how a flexible client               with their intermediaries that enable fund management
relationship management system can assist in managing            to identify investors whose trades contravene the fund’s
some aspects of 22c-2 compliance. Furthermore, it                short-term trading policies. Under these agreements,
uncovers a silver lining that a firm can find in 22c-2           which must be made with each first-tier intermediary, the
compliance using the right CRM solution: for the first time      intermediary must agree to provide shareholder identity
ever, total insight into sources of profitability.               (the taxpayer identification number or “TIN”) and transac-
                                                                 tion information at the fund’s request and to comply
                                                                 with the fund’s instructions regarding the restriction or
22c-2: The Basics                                                prohibition of future purchases or exchanges related to
                                                                 shareholders found to have violated the fund’s policies.
Rule 22c-2 is the Securities and Exchange Commission’s
                                                                 These agreements must be kept on file for six years.
response to the market-timing scandals that rocked the
industry in late 2003 and 2004, as then New York State
Attorney General Eliott Spitzer began to act on fraudulent
and illegal activities turned up by his office’s investigation
                                                                 What Does It Mean for You?
of the mutual fund industry. The industry’s traditionally        In a nutshell, Rule 22c-2 means a lot of work for mutual
spotless image was tarnished by a series of scandals,            fund companies. In addition to board decisions regarding
which centered on market-timing activities such as late          redemption fees (which should by now be complete,
trading and time-zone arbitrage.                                 given the October 6, 2006, deadline), fund companies
                                                                 must identify all of the bodies they interact with that fit
In response, the SEC first proposed prospectus disclo-           the SEC’s definition of intermediaries for the purposes of
sure of funds’ market-timing policies and procedures and         this rule—a formerly broad category that was mercifully
later proposed mandatory redemption fees. In March               narrowed in amendments to the rule that took effect late
2005, this culminated in the creation of Rule 22c-2 under        in 2006.2 Fund companies must then ensure that they
the Investment Company Act of 1940.                              have negotiated and signed shareholder information
                                                                 agreements with each intermediary and keep them
Redemption Fees                                                  readily accessible for six years. And that’s just the
                                                                 beginning—after that they must figure out how to receive
One of the industry’s primary tools for deterring market-        omnibus account information from these intermediaries
timing activities is the use of redemption fees, which raise     and how to effectively monitor this data for compliance
the cost of holding short-term positions in funds, render-       with their market-timing rules.
ing them less attractive and profitable for prospective
market-timers. While Rule 22c-2 ultimately did not make
redemption fees mandatory, it does require that if a fund
redeems shares within seven days (which most do), its             Delano, Peter. “Rule 22c-2, the SEC's Response to Market Timing:
board must consider whether to impose redemption fees              Implications for the Mutual Fund Industry.” TowerGroup, August 2005.
of up to 2% of the value of the shares redeemed.                 2 See Securities and Exchange Commission, 7 CFR Part 270, [Release
                                                                   No. IC-27504; File No. S7-06-06; File No. 4-52] for full details of the

                                                                                                             Pivotal CRM | Executive Brief
The original date for fund companies to have negotiated                      be $67.8 million—far higher than the SEC estimate of
            these agreements for compliance with 22c-2 was October                       $86.7 million.6 And evidence from individual fund compa-
            6, 2006, but the SEC extended it to April 6, 2007, in                      nies and intermediaries appears to confirm that the SEC
            response to widespread requests. They also extended                          grossly underestimated compliance costs—Oppenheimer
            by a full year (until October 6, 2007) the date by which                    Funds put the figure of $672,000 on its initial build and
            funds “must be able to request and promptly receive                          $3.7 million on its annual maintenance costs, and interme-
                                          shareholder identity and                       diary First Trust Corp. estimates its annual administration
                                          transaction information pursu-                 costs at four times the SEC’s figure.7
Mutual fund companies can                 ant to shareholder information
expect that the SEC will be               agreements.”3 These exten-
                                                                                         The Risk: Multi-Million-Dollar Fines
taking non-compliance with                sions were a brief reprieve,
                                          but mutual fund companies                      Since the deadlines for many components of Rule
Rule 22c-2 very seriously—                                                               22c-2 compliance have been extended and it has not
                                          are still scrambling to meet
and imposing fines                        22c-2’s requirements.                          yet come into full effect, no fines have yet been laid
accordingly.                                                                             for non-compliance. But if evidence from before the
                                         The technical demands are                       introduction of the new rule is any indication, fines will be
                                         daunting. To monitor activities                 substantial. Fines levied by the SEC for market timing and
             and identities in omnibus accounts, mutual fund compa-                      late trading before the implementation of 22c-2 included
             nies need to be able to receive a massive influx of data                    $675 million for Bank of America/FleetBoston Financial,
             from in many cases a large number of intermediaries, all                    $600 million for Alliance Capital Management, $350
             of which can have different data standards and systems.                     million for Massachusetts Financial Services, and $40
                                                                                         million for Capital Canary Partners.8 Now that a stricter
             A variety of technical solutions to this problem                            rule is in place, clarifying some of the previously existing
             have arisen. For example, some of the larger plan                           gray areas, mutual fund companies can expect that the
             administrators, including Fidelity, Charles Schwab, and                     SEC will be taking non-compliance with Rule 22c-2 very
             TD Ameritrade are offering portals into their omnibus                       seriously—and imposing fines accordingly.
             accounts that allow fund companies to view trade
             activities in real time.4 In addition, the Depository Trust
              Clearing Corp. (DTCC) added functionality to its                          What Role Can CRM Play in Helping You
             “Networking” service in 2006. The new features, devel-                      Meet the Challenges of 22c-2?
             oped in conjunction with the Investment Company Institute
                                                                                         With the staggering costs and complexities of Rule 22c-2
             (ICI), provide a standardized data format for the exchange
                                                                                         compliance, mutual fund companies need to look at what
             of individual account trade activity from omnibus transac-
                                                                                         systems they may already have in place that can assist in
             tions between intermediaries and fund companies. Other
                                                                                         managing the compliance process—or at ways they can
             software vendors have also developed rule-engine tools
                                                                                         justify the purchase of systems that will assist in compli-
             for monitoring trade data and outsourcing options for
                                                                                         ance initiatives while also delivering additional benefits.
             firms that want to fully offload 22c-2 compliance.
                                                                                         The problem with 22c-2 compliance initiatives, like many
             The Costs                                                                   compliance projects, is that they focus a firm’s efforts,
                                                                                         resources, and technology expenditures on meeting
             Whatever solution mutual fund wholesalers choose for                        certain very specific regulatory requirements. Of course,
             22c-2 compliance, the bottom line is a sizeable cost. The                   this is not optional: the requirements are mandated
             SEC estimated the bill for 22c-2 compliance as a one-time                   and firms must move quickly to comply or face severe
             cost of $00,000 and annual ongoing maintenance                             penalties. But what this does tend to do is focus the firm’s
             of slightly more than $6500 per fund company, with                          efforts narrowly on technology solutions and processes
             intermediaries incurring an initial cost of $50,000 and                    that will meet the regulatory requirements alone, rather
             ongoing annual costs of $60,000 each. Many other                            than on larger solutions that address business issues
             groups disagree with the SEC’s estimates. The ICI feels                     beyond just compliance. This sort of mindset can prevent
             the SEC’s figures underestimate the costs of ongoing                        firms from seeing larger opportunities in their compliance
             systems maintenance.5 TowerGroup estimates the full                         activities—or how other kinds of technology initiatives can
             three-year cost of compliance with 22c-2 (2005-2008) to                     play a role in meeting these demands.

             3 Ibid.                                                                     6 TowerGroup, “Rule 22c-2 Costs to Mutual Funds: SEC Estimates
                                                                                           vs. TowerGroup Estimates (2005-2008),” Exhibit #44: 5M-E7
             4 Levine, Cory. “Get On the Omnibus: The Mutual Fund Industry Gears up
                                                                                           August 0, 2005.
               for 22c-2.” Wall Street  Technology, August 22, 2006.
               URL:   7 Levine, Cory. “Get On the Omnibus: The Mutual Fund Industry Gears up
               =9220285pgno=.                                                          for 22c-2.” Wall Street  Technology, August 22, 2006.
             5 Ibid.                                                                     8 Atkinson, James. “The Mutual Fund Industry Scandal and What Is Being
                                                                                           Done to Correct It,” April 22, 2004.

                                                                                                                                  Pivotal CRM | Executive Brief   2
Client relationship management (CRM) systems are a                  information hubs, CRM systems can be integrated with
         case in point. CRM systems, however robust, are not                 the fund company’s portfolio valuation systems, market-
         compliance solutions and never will be, and it often                timing rule engines, back-office systems, and more to
         makes sense, given the complexities of meeting the                  provide a single point of information access for users,
         requirements of regulations such as 22c-2, to implement             offering a holistic view that provides insight beyond just
         a purpose-built system for compliance. But a good CRM               compliance data.
                                     system can nonetheless
                                     be instrumental in meeting
With aCRM system designed            aspects of 22c-2 compliance.
                                                                             The Opportunity: Better Insight into
to aggregate the kinds of                                                    Broker-Dealer Profitability
                                          As centralized repositories of
information that are most                 all a mutual fund firm’s rela-
                                                                             With all the costs and complexities of complying with Rule
valuable to fund wholesalers,                                                22c-2, it’s no wonder most mutual funds see no upside
                                          tionship data, CRM systems
                                                                             to their 22c-2 compliance initiatives. But if they look a little
fund companies have an                    are the perfect resource for
                                                                             harder—and have the right CRM system in place—there’s
unprecedented opportunity                 identifying which intermediar-
                                                                             a compelling opportunity underlying compliance with
                                          ies a mutual fund company
to achieve 360-degree insight                                                Rule 22c-2.
                                          must enter into shareholder
into sources of profitability,            information agreements with.       Because mutual fund companies sell to investors through
unfettered by the lack of                 Now that the SEC has               intermediaries, their intermediaries are effectively their
transparency of omnibus                   narrowed and redefined this        sales force. As with any sales force, the fund company
accounts.                                 group to include only first-tier   needs insight into which broker-dealers are perform-
                                          intermediaries and to exclude      ing—who’s making them money, who’s costing them—so
                                          small intermediaries that the      they can focus their efforts on maximizing their advantage
           fund treats as individual investors, the number of interme-       with their most profitable broker-dealers and attempting
           diaries with which funds have to enter into agreements            new strategies with those that aren’t performing. But the
           has dropped, but the importance of determining the                lack of transparency due to omnibus and super-omnibus
           relationship type has increased. Not only does the CRM            positions has traditionally stood in the way of true insight
           system house this kind of information, but a flexible CRM         into broker-dealer profitability. Once in compliance with
           system should allow fund companies to easily classify             22c-2, however, mutual fund companies have all the raw
           an account as an intermediary and to clearly identify the         information they need to fully assess their sources of
           account’s status with regard to shareholder information           profitability—if they have the right tools.
           agreements. Similarly, with a wealth of contact information
           for each account, the CRM system should enable the fund           This is where the right CRM system can be indispens-
           to easily identify the right contacts within each account to      able. With a CRM system designed to aggregate the
           engage in the process of negotiating a shareholder infor-         kinds of information that are most valuable to fund
           mation agreement, which can otherwise be difficult given          wholesalers, fund companies have an unprecedented
           the many layers of relationships that exist between a fund        opportunity to achieve 360-degree insight into sources
           company and the many arms of larger intermediaries.               of profitability, unfettered by the lack of transparency of
                                                                             omnibus accounts. The right CRM system will show fund
           Mutual fund companies can use flexible CRM systems to             wholesalers exactly how much they’re spending on each
           flag accounts that do not have shareholder information            broker-dealer, and how much each one is bringing in.
           agreements in place, referencing this flag in decisions           Sophisticated CRM systems will allow fund companies
           about whether to process omnibus trades from particular           to analyze this information at multiple levels, rolling it
           intermediaries. They can also put in place a detailed             up to the firm level or drilling down to assess individual
           milestone-based action plan for engaging the intermediary         branches and specific brokers. This gives fund company
           in a shareholder information agreement, ensuring the              executives exactly the kind of information they need to
           process is quickly and effectively carried out. A copy            analyze trends, top sources of profitability, and the effec-
           of the agreement can then be housed within the CRM                tiveness of different sales and marketing expenditures, as
           system for easy reference and retrieval in response to            well as to forecast sales pipelines and growth.
           SEC inquiries.
                                                                             Furthermore, fund companies for the first time have the
           Another important role CRM systems can play in comply-            transparency and information they need to gain insight
           ing with Rule 22c-2 is as information aggregators. As firms       into their end investors. Even if all they have is a taxpayer
           move to put multiple point-systems in place for different         identification number and trade activity records, they have
           aspects of their business and disparate compliance initia-        a new wealth of data to mine to learn more about how,
           tives, information can become fragmented and siloed,              when, and in what quantifies different investors are choos-
           with users needing to reference multiple systems to get a         ing to buy and sell their funds.
           clear picture of any given issue or relationship. As natural

                                                                                                                  Pivotal CRM | Executive Brief   3
Conclusion: Think Outside the (Regulatory) Box
Complying with SEC Rule 22 c-2 poses undeniable challenges and costs for mutual fund companies. But as
you work to find the most effective way to comply, don’t limit your opportunities by falling prey to tunnel vision.
Ultimately, Rule 22c-2 boils down to a reconfiguration of the relationships that underpin fund wholesaling. This
means that client relationship management can play an important role both in making these changes and in
deriving optimum value from the new insights they provide.

About Pivotal crM for financial Services
Pivotal CRM for Financial Services enables clear, competitive differentiation by addressing the customer-facing
needs of financial services enterprises in the capital markets, commercial and private banking, institutional
asset management, and mutual fund wholesaling industries. With distinct solutions tailored to the needs of
each of these lines of business, Pivotal CRM offers financial services companies superior client relationship
management (CRM) software that reflects industry processes out of the box, while also providing the flexibility
to easily model each company’s unique business practices. The Pivotal CRM software suite includes a
powerful application platform and solutions for marketing, sales force automation, customer service, analytics,
mobile CRM, partner management, and more.

Designed to produce meaningful increases in revenues, margins, and client loyalty, Pivotal CRM is used by
more than 2,000 companies around the world, including Allianz Dresdner Asset Management, Farm Credit
Services of America, Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta, Julius Baer Investment Management, Mellon Asset
Management, Morgan Keegan  Company, Vantage Credit Union, and The Ziegler Companies. For more
information about Pivotal CRM for Financial Services, please visit

For more information or a complete list of our worldwide offices, please visit
Copyright © CDC Software 2007. All rights reserved.
The CDC Software logo and Pivotal CRM logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of CDC Software.

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Pivotal CRM - Opportunity in 22c-2 Compliance

  • 1. ExEcutivE BriEf uncovering the Opportunity in 22c-2 compliance Executive Summary Many mutual fund wholesalers are currently struggling with the expensive and time- consuming challenge of complying with SEC Rule 22c-2—a task that may appear to be all cost with no resulting benefit. This executive brief provides an overview of the regulation, what it means for your firm, and its costs and risks. But it also delves further, revealing ways mutual fund companies can leverage client relationship management (CRM) systems to facilitate compliance and uncovering an overlooked upside to 22c-2 compliance: unprecedented insight into sources of profitability.
  • 2. Introduction Omnibus Accounts The basis for Rule 22c-2 is simple and decent: It’s As part of the investigations into market timing, a further founded on the notion that all mutual fund shareholders issue was revealed: a fund’s inability to monitor individual deserve fair and equal treatment. Smaller long-term investor activities in omnibus accounts. Omnibus transac- mutual fund shareholders using the instruments as they tions register with a fund distributor as a single purchase were intended should not be placed at a disadvantage by a financial intermediary, though they in fact represent due to manipulation of the system by larger players an aggregate of multiple underlying shareholder accounts. looking for short-term gains. The fund lacks knowledge of the underlying shareholders’ identities and transactions. Because only the financial Responding to this regulation, however, is proving intermediary (broker-dealer, bank, retirement plan anything but simple for many mutual fund wholesalers. administrator, or similar body) knows the sub-account The costs, complexities, phases, and deadlines for com- information, the fund is unable to effectively monitor for pliance have many mutual fund wholesalers throwing up market-timing activities and other violations. Since 35% of their hands in exasperation. As with a lot of compliance mutual fund accounts are held in omnibus positions, this initiatives, compliance with Rule 22c-2 feels to many like represents a significant “blind spot” for fund companies a grudging necessity: a drain on resources that raises that could be taken advantage of by those involved in the cost and difficulty of doing business with little visible illicit trades. upside for the complying firm. In response, Rule 22c-2 requires funds to enter into agree- But is it? This executive brief looks at the nature and ments (known as “shareholder information agreements”) impact of 22c-2 and examines how a flexible client with their intermediaries that enable fund management relationship management system can assist in managing to identify investors whose trades contravene the fund’s some aspects of 22c-2 compliance. Furthermore, it short-term trading policies. Under these agreements, uncovers a silver lining that a firm can find in 22c-2 which must be made with each first-tier intermediary, the compliance using the right CRM solution: for the first time intermediary must agree to provide shareholder identity ever, total insight into sources of profitability. (the taxpayer identification number or “TIN”) and transac- tion information at the fund’s request and to comply with the fund’s instructions regarding the restriction or 22c-2: The Basics prohibition of future purchases or exchanges related to shareholders found to have violated the fund’s policies. Rule 22c-2 is the Securities and Exchange Commission’s These agreements must be kept on file for six years. response to the market-timing scandals that rocked the industry in late 2003 and 2004, as then New York State Attorney General Eliott Spitzer began to act on fraudulent and illegal activities turned up by his office’s investigation What Does It Mean for You? of the mutual fund industry. The industry’s traditionally In a nutshell, Rule 22c-2 means a lot of work for mutual spotless image was tarnished by a series of scandals, fund companies. In addition to board decisions regarding which centered on market-timing activities such as late redemption fees (which should by now be complete, trading and time-zone arbitrage. given the October 6, 2006, deadline), fund companies must identify all of the bodies they interact with that fit In response, the SEC first proposed prospectus disclo- the SEC’s definition of intermediaries for the purposes of sure of funds’ market-timing policies and procedures and this rule—a formerly broad category that was mercifully later proposed mandatory redemption fees. In March narrowed in amendments to the rule that took effect late 2005, this culminated in the creation of Rule 22c-2 under in 2006.2 Fund companies must then ensure that they the Investment Company Act of 1940. have negotiated and signed shareholder information agreements with each intermediary and keep them Redemption Fees readily accessible for six years. And that’s just the beginning—after that they must figure out how to receive One of the industry’s primary tools for deterring market- omnibus account information from these intermediaries timing activities is the use of redemption fees, which raise and how to effectively monitor this data for compliance the cost of holding short-term positions in funds, render- with their market-timing rules. ing them less attractive and profitable for prospective market-timers. While Rule 22c-2 ultimately did not make redemption fees mandatory, it does require that if a fund redeems shares within seven days (which most do), its Delano, Peter. “Rule 22c-2, the SEC's Response to Market Timing: board must consider whether to impose redemption fees Implications for the Mutual Fund Industry.” TowerGroup, August 2005. of up to 2% of the value of the shares redeemed. 2 See Securities and Exchange Commission, 7 CFR Part 270, [Release No. IC-27504; File No. S7-06-06; File No. 4-52] for full details of the amendments: Pivotal CRM | Executive Brief
  • 3. The original date for fund companies to have negotiated be $67.8 million—far higher than the SEC estimate of these agreements for compliance with 22c-2 was October $86.7 million.6 And evidence from individual fund compa- 6, 2006, but the SEC extended it to April 6, 2007, in nies and intermediaries appears to confirm that the SEC response to widespread requests. They also extended grossly underestimated compliance costs—Oppenheimer by a full year (until October 6, 2007) the date by which Funds put the figure of $672,000 on its initial build and funds “must be able to request and promptly receive $3.7 million on its annual maintenance costs, and interme- shareholder identity and diary First Trust Corp. estimates its annual administration transaction information pursu- costs at four times the SEC’s figure.7 Mutual fund companies can ant to shareholder information expect that the SEC will be agreements.”3 These exten- The Risk: Multi-Million-Dollar Fines taking non-compliance with sions were a brief reprieve, but mutual fund companies Since the deadlines for many components of Rule Rule 22c-2 very seriously— 22c-2 compliance have been extended and it has not are still scrambling to meet and imposing fines 22c-2’s requirements. yet come into full effect, no fines have yet been laid accordingly. for non-compliance. But if evidence from before the The technical demands are introduction of the new rule is any indication, fines will be daunting. To monitor activities substantial. Fines levied by the SEC for market timing and and identities in omnibus accounts, mutual fund compa- late trading before the implementation of 22c-2 included nies need to be able to receive a massive influx of data $675 million for Bank of America/FleetBoston Financial, from in many cases a large number of intermediaries, all $600 million for Alliance Capital Management, $350 of which can have different data standards and systems. million for Massachusetts Financial Services, and $40 million for Capital Canary Partners.8 Now that a stricter A variety of technical solutions to this problem rule is in place, clarifying some of the previously existing have arisen. For example, some of the larger plan gray areas, mutual fund companies can expect that the administrators, including Fidelity, Charles Schwab, and SEC will be taking non-compliance with Rule 22c-2 very TD Ameritrade are offering portals into their omnibus seriously—and imposing fines accordingly. accounts that allow fund companies to view trade activities in real time.4 In addition, the Depository Trust Clearing Corp. (DTCC) added functionality to its What Role Can CRM Play in Helping You “Networking” service in 2006. The new features, devel- Meet the Challenges of 22c-2? oped in conjunction with the Investment Company Institute With the staggering costs and complexities of Rule 22c-2 (ICI), provide a standardized data format for the exchange compliance, mutual fund companies need to look at what of individual account trade activity from omnibus transac- systems they may already have in place that can assist in tions between intermediaries and fund companies. Other managing the compliance process—or at ways they can software vendors have also developed rule-engine tools justify the purchase of systems that will assist in compli- for monitoring trade data and outsourcing options for ance initiatives while also delivering additional benefits. firms that want to fully offload 22c-2 compliance. The problem with 22c-2 compliance initiatives, like many The Costs compliance projects, is that they focus a firm’s efforts, resources, and technology expenditures on meeting Whatever solution mutual fund wholesalers choose for certain very specific regulatory requirements. Of course, 22c-2 compliance, the bottom line is a sizeable cost. The this is not optional: the requirements are mandated SEC estimated the bill for 22c-2 compliance as a one-time and firms must move quickly to comply or face severe cost of $00,000 and annual ongoing maintenance penalties. But what this does tend to do is focus the firm’s of slightly more than $6500 per fund company, with efforts narrowly on technology solutions and processes intermediaries incurring an initial cost of $50,000 and that will meet the regulatory requirements alone, rather ongoing annual costs of $60,000 each. Many other than on larger solutions that address business issues groups disagree with the SEC’s estimates. The ICI feels beyond just compliance. This sort of mindset can prevent the SEC’s figures underestimate the costs of ongoing firms from seeing larger opportunities in their compliance systems maintenance.5 TowerGroup estimates the full activities—or how other kinds of technology initiatives can three-year cost of compliance with 22c-2 (2005-2008) to play a role in meeting these demands. 3 Ibid. 6 TowerGroup, “Rule 22c-2 Costs to Mutual Funds: SEC Estimates vs. TowerGroup Estimates (2005-2008),” Exhibit #44: 5M-E7 4 Levine, Cory. “Get On the Omnibus: The Mutual Fund Industry Gears up August 0, 2005. for 22c-2.” Wall Street Technology, August 22, 2006. URL: 7 Levine, Cory. “Get On the Omnibus: The Mutual Fund Industry Gears up =9220285pgno=. for 22c-2.” Wall Street Technology, August 22, 2006. 5 Ibid. 8 Atkinson, James. “The Mutual Fund Industry Scandal and What Is Being Done to Correct It,” April 22, 2004. Pivotal CRM | Executive Brief 2
  • 4. Client relationship management (CRM) systems are a information hubs, CRM systems can be integrated with case in point. CRM systems, however robust, are not the fund company’s portfolio valuation systems, market- compliance solutions and never will be, and it often timing rule engines, back-office systems, and more to makes sense, given the complexities of meeting the provide a single point of information access for users, requirements of regulations such as 22c-2, to implement offering a holistic view that provides insight beyond just a purpose-built system for compliance. But a good CRM compliance data. system can nonetheless be instrumental in meeting With aCRM system designed aspects of 22c-2 compliance. The Opportunity: Better Insight into to aggregate the kinds of Broker-Dealer Profitability As centralized repositories of information that are most all a mutual fund firm’s rela- With all the costs and complexities of complying with Rule valuable to fund wholesalers, 22c-2, it’s no wonder most mutual funds see no upside tionship data, CRM systems to their 22c-2 compliance initiatives. But if they look a little fund companies have an are the perfect resource for harder—and have the right CRM system in place—there’s unprecedented opportunity identifying which intermediar- a compelling opportunity underlying compliance with ies a mutual fund company to achieve 360-degree insight Rule 22c-2. must enter into shareholder into sources of profitability, information agreements with. Because mutual fund companies sell to investors through unfettered by the lack of Now that the SEC has intermediaries, their intermediaries are effectively their transparency of omnibus narrowed and redefined this sales force. As with any sales force, the fund company accounts. group to include only first-tier needs insight into which broker-dealers are perform- intermediaries and to exclude ing—who’s making them money, who’s costing them—so small intermediaries that the they can focus their efforts on maximizing their advantage fund treats as individual investors, the number of interme- with their most profitable broker-dealers and attempting diaries with which funds have to enter into agreements new strategies with those that aren’t performing. But the has dropped, but the importance of determining the lack of transparency due to omnibus and super-omnibus relationship type has increased. Not only does the CRM positions has traditionally stood in the way of true insight system house this kind of information, but a flexible CRM into broker-dealer profitability. Once in compliance with system should allow fund companies to easily classify 22c-2, however, mutual fund companies have all the raw an account as an intermediary and to clearly identify the information they need to fully assess their sources of account’s status with regard to shareholder information profitability—if they have the right tools. agreements. Similarly, with a wealth of contact information for each account, the CRM system should enable the fund This is where the right CRM system can be indispens- to easily identify the right contacts within each account to able. With a CRM system designed to aggregate the engage in the process of negotiating a shareholder infor- kinds of information that are most valuable to fund mation agreement, which can otherwise be difficult given wholesalers, fund companies have an unprecedented the many layers of relationships that exist between a fund opportunity to achieve 360-degree insight into sources company and the many arms of larger intermediaries. of profitability, unfettered by the lack of transparency of omnibus accounts. The right CRM system will show fund Mutual fund companies can use flexible CRM systems to wholesalers exactly how much they’re spending on each flag accounts that do not have shareholder information broker-dealer, and how much each one is bringing in. agreements in place, referencing this flag in decisions Sophisticated CRM systems will allow fund companies about whether to process omnibus trades from particular to analyze this information at multiple levels, rolling it intermediaries. They can also put in place a detailed up to the firm level or drilling down to assess individual milestone-based action plan for engaging the intermediary branches and specific brokers. This gives fund company in a shareholder information agreement, ensuring the executives exactly the kind of information they need to process is quickly and effectively carried out. A copy analyze trends, top sources of profitability, and the effec- of the agreement can then be housed within the CRM tiveness of different sales and marketing expenditures, as system for easy reference and retrieval in response to well as to forecast sales pipelines and growth. SEC inquiries. Furthermore, fund companies for the first time have the Another important role CRM systems can play in comply- transparency and information they need to gain insight ing with Rule 22c-2 is as information aggregators. As firms into their end investors. Even if all they have is a taxpayer move to put multiple point-systems in place for different identification number and trade activity records, they have aspects of their business and disparate compliance initia- a new wealth of data to mine to learn more about how, tives, information can become fragmented and siloed, when, and in what quantifies different investors are choos- with users needing to reference multiple systems to get a ing to buy and sell their funds. clear picture of any given issue or relationship. As natural Pivotal CRM | Executive Brief 3
  • 5. Conclusion: Think Outside the (Regulatory) Box Complying with SEC Rule 22 c-2 poses undeniable challenges and costs for mutual fund companies. But as you work to find the most effective way to comply, don’t limit your opportunities by falling prey to tunnel vision. Ultimately, Rule 22c-2 boils down to a reconfiguration of the relationships that underpin fund wholesaling. This means that client relationship management can play an important role both in making these changes and in deriving optimum value from the new insights they provide. About Pivotal crM for financial Services Pivotal CRM for Financial Services enables clear, competitive differentiation by addressing the customer-facing needs of financial services enterprises in the capital markets, commercial and private banking, institutional asset management, and mutual fund wholesaling industries. With distinct solutions tailored to the needs of each of these lines of business, Pivotal CRM offers financial services companies superior client relationship management (CRM) software that reflects industry processes out of the box, while also providing the flexibility to easily model each company’s unique business practices. The Pivotal CRM software suite includes a powerful application platform and solutions for marketing, sales force automation, customer service, analytics, mobile CRM, partner management, and more. Designed to produce meaningful increases in revenues, margins, and client loyalty, Pivotal CRM is used by more than 2,000 companies around the world, including Allianz Dresdner Asset Management, Farm Credit Services of America, Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta, Julius Baer Investment Management, Mellon Asset Management, Morgan Keegan Company, Vantage Credit Union, and The Ziegler Companies. For more information about Pivotal CRM for Financial Services, please visit For more information or a complete list of our worldwide offices, please visit Copyright © CDC Software 2007. All rights reserved. The CDC Software logo and Pivotal CRM logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of CDC Software.