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The Local Government Commission (LGC) is a non-profit
organization that works to build livable communities and
local leadership nationwide.
CaliforniaVolunteers addresses state and community
challenges by investing in high-impact service solutions
while leveraging public, private, and nonprofit
partnerships and resources.
Stockton is one of several host cities for the California
Climate Action Corps Pilot Program. This has been made
possible by funding from Americorps, the California
Volunteers Fund, and support from the Local
Government Commission. Stockton Service Corps, Third
City Coalition, and Edge Collaborative were instrumental
in advocating for Stockton as a host city and bringing
partners together.
CCAC Stockton Lookbook
Climate Action Corps
Host Sites
The goal of this lookbook is to be a reference document for
coordinating partners, gaining more understanding about
specific projects, and highlighting the work of Stockton's
California Climate Action Corps Fellows. This is a document
that will be updated and archived annually by new Climate
Action Fellows after the previous cohort of fellows departs.
And their efforts to combat environmental
injustice in Stockton, California
CCAC Stockton Lookbook
Stockton Overview - 1
Environmental Justice - 2
Greater Valley Conservation
Corps - 3
San Joaquin County Office of
Education - 4
Little Manila Rising - 6
Stockton Service Corps - 11
Third City Coalition - 13
Conclusion - 16
Located in the heart of San Joaquin County, Stockton is home to over
300,000 people. Stockton has been recognized as the most diverse
city in America, with significant Mexican, Filipino, and African-
American populations. One of two inland ports in California, and
situated amidst plentiful farmland, Stockton was uniquely positioned
for prosperity.
In the early 20th century the city was one of the cultural hubs of the
United States. Urban renewal and the New Deal wiped out many
historic landmarks, including Historic Little Manila. Although the long-
term impacts on the community were never taken into consideration,
the environmental and social degradation these construction efforts
wrought on the area remains today in the form of higher temperatures,
noise, air and water pollution, a lack of access to healthy, affordable
food, concentrated poverty and a lack of affordable housing.
CCAC Lookbook | 01
The EPA defines Environmental Justice as the fair treatment and
meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national
origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and
enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.
CCAC Lookbook | 02
The NAACP believes the
neighborhoods that are adversely
affected most are low-income,
communities of color. Data shows
this to be true in San Joaquin
County as can be seen in the graph
to the left.
The organizations highlighted in this
document are working to reverse
these effects. They operate with
the belief that all people are entitled
to the same degree of protection
from environmental and health
hazards and deserve equal access to
the decision-making process to
have a healthy environment in
which to live, learn, and work
“Our purpose is to inspire, educate, and serve our local youth and
communities by providing opportunities to practice a strong work ethic
and environmental stewardship. Our vision is to be a global model in the
effort to unite communities, conserve the environment, and support our
GVCC corps members receive
environmental education and learn
valuable skills in recycling and
waste management.
Crews work on projects involving
environmental conservation,
ecological restoration, public safety
issues and public land
minimize cities' environmental
impact through litter abatement,
graffiti removal, pressure washing,
and more.
GVCC partners with SJCOE Come
Back Kids (CBK) to assist young
men and women between the ages
of 18 to 25 by giving them a second
chance to earn a high school
diploma or GED.
Greater Valley Conservation Corps, further referred to as
GVCC, became a certified local corps in 2010. The GVCC is
unique because they are the only recognized conservation
corps that is operated by a county office of education, the San
Joaquin County Office of Education. The GVCC helps youth
ages 18 to 25, with academic instruction, employment
opportunities, green job training, and the development of life
skills. The GVCC serves businesses, schools, special events,
nonprofits, municipalities, public works departments, and cities
throughout San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Calaveras, Amador, and
Tuolumne Counties.
"To inspire, educate, and serve our local youth"
CCAC Lookbook | 03
CCAC Lookbook | 04
The goal of the CPEL network is to connect city,
county, federal organizations, non profits, green
businesses etc. and the environmental work you
are doing in the real world to the students,
schools and districts in San Joaquin County.
This series of workshops promotes awareness
for the CA Green Ribbon Schools Award. This
award recognizes schools for their commitment
to reducing environmental impact, improving
health and wellness, and providing effective
environmental education.
This network aims to builds a community of like-
minded high school students that are passionate
about local environmental issues, eager to share
about environmental projects and clubs at their
schools, and keen to explore careers in the
environmental field.
K-12 educators in this network help lead the charge
for environmental literacy in San Joaquin County. The
focus of this network is all things environmental
literacy ranging from the CA Green Ribbon Schools
Award, the CA Seal of Civic Engagement, California's
water network, experiential place-based learning,
environmental justice, climate change education, and
"Equitably educate and empower school communities to
understand the intersections between human and natural
systems in the past, present, and future, and to inspire civic
responsibility on local and global environmental issues in
order to innovate solutions towards a more sustainable
Sophie has spearheaded several projects which aim to enhance the
network between GVCC, SJCOE-STEM, and regional stakeholders in
order to promote equitable climate action education in Stockton and San
Joaquin County. For her first project, Sophie has been working with the
planning team for SJCOE’s environmental literacy networks and
advocates for equitable outreach to ensure that all K-12 students have
access to these environmental education programs. For her second
project, she will provide climate action education to GVCC’s corps
members by facilitating three workshops - one on environmental justice,
one on workforce development, and the last on climate action planning.
Finally, as a career development project of her own and something that
would be beneficial to San Joaquin County, she has decided to take on a
final project of researching and strategically planning for climate action
and sustainability in schools through curriculum and facilities. She has
learned that schools are a major part of our nation’s public infrastructure
that has a vast influence to not only reduce their greenhouse gas
emissions, but also to lead by example to educate and raise the next
generation of green leaders.
“What inspired me to serve with CCAC is their focus on environmental
justice and community engagement. What is special about service is that it
is not about working for communities, but with communities. Many
communities are faced with environmental injustices which are
exacerbated by climate risks and disasters, and it is imperative that these
communities are first served in terms of climate programs and solutions.”
CCAC Lookbook | 05
The activists of Little Manila are dedicated to bringing multifaceted
equity to Stockton. After generations of neglect of communities in
the margins and the notion that diversity is a hindrance to progress,
LMR believes in cherishing all communities and that diversity is our
city’s greatest asset.
They work to address the root of much of Stockton’s problems - the
consistent disenfranchisement of the poor and institutionalized
racism. LMR continues their work through programs promoting
Ethnic Studies, Culturally Rooted Healing, Cultural Arts, and now,
Environmental Justice.
"We are rooted in history"
Multifaceted Equity
CCAC Lookbook | 06
In Nicholas’s role with LMR, he will research what it could look
like to revamp air monitoring resources in Stockton. Expanding
air monitor support not only provides proof of poor air quality,
but it can also drive grant funding to the areas that need it most.
He will specifically be working to support the AB 617 Steering
committee and its sub-committees to ensure that the money
allocated to Stockton has worthwhile impacts for the residents of
Stockton and does not go directly to big companies to buy new
Having been a part of LMR’s after-school Ethnic Studies program,
Nicholas has a deep understanding of the histories of
disinvestment that have contributed to cycles of poverty in
South Stockton. He wants to contribute to the spirit of the
Boomerangs that are making a change in their hometown and be
part of that generation, as an example for youth.
Air Quality Monitoring
Climate Action Corps Fellow
CCAC Lookbook | 07
"I want to continue the
trend of people not only
going away for college,
but coming back, and
making their own
individual difference."
Evan Fern will be assisting Little Manila rising with the
implementation of the TCC Grant, working directly with Bianette
Perez to carry out the Youth Advocates program associated with
the grant’s Community Engagement Plan. Evan will work with 10
Youth Advocates, meeting weekly and training them on
Environmental Justice.
Evan appreciates Little Manila Rising’s explicit focus on racial
justice and histories of oppression that contribute to the
importance of the work we are engaged in today. The main
priority in his work, as part of LMR’s mission, is to ensure that
South Stockton is included in narratives surrounding Stockton
and the investments that are coming to the city. South Stockton
experiences disproportionate climate impacts and needs
Working for the Community
Climate Action Corps Fellow
CCAC Lookbook | 08
"I chose to join CCAC
because I recognize the
threat that climate
change poses to our
most vulnerable and
communities. I was born
and raised in Stockton,
and I want to contribute
to the work being done
to protect our people!"
Ashley will spend most of her time assisting with the implementation
of Decreasing Asthma Within Neighborhoods (D.A.W.N.) Asthma
Initiative. This program was created to increase air monitoring
strategies in South Stockton by educating, engaging, and training
residents and community leaders to advocate for change. She will
also coordinate with the Youth Health Advocates on Asthma
Prevention Day, collaborate with LMR's Mental Health Initiative, and
advocate for the LMR AB617 effort.
She is currently working on creating a resource guidebook to assist
in managing stressors and psychosocial issues associated with
asthma. This guidebook is informed by the need to move from the
medical model of asthma treatment to a social justice model. She will
think through how we can provide the community with better
education, tools, and resources for asthma treatment and prevention.
Climate Action Corps Fellow
Climate Health
CCAC Lookbook | 09
"You cannot get
through a single day
without having an
impact on the world
around you. What you
do makes a difference,
and you have to decide
what kind of difference
you want to make."
CCAC Lookbook | 10
“Effectively addressing
climate change requires that
we also address past and
present injustices, and work
toward healing
intergenerational trauma. I
joined CCAC because
community engagement and
empowerment are essential
to that process. Holistic
solutions aren’t developed
from the data alone – they’re
built in collaboration with
those who are most
& Data
Sarah will work closely with Ashley in the implementation of
Little Manila’s Decreasing Asthma Within Neighborhoods
(D.A.W.N.) Asthma Initiative. She will be an advocate for resident
needs, especially around air quality monitoring. Part of her role
will be to get more air monitors in schools in South Stockton
which will positive impacts, including: increasing public health
through informal air quality alerts, leveraging air quality data in
conversations with funders, and increasing air quality data
accessibility overall. Sarah is currently working on outreach to
community partners, including doctors and clinics, for D.A.W.N.,
recruiting for virtual home visits. LMR is looking for patients that
need help mitigating the risk of Asthma at the household level.
In her time with LMR so far, she has been reminded of the
importance of speaking out and holding people accountable. She
has been inspired to confront the issues of historical injustice
that still plague our communities in Stockton, and is committed
to asking what's missing and what we can do to make change
Climate Action Corps Fellow
CA Climate Action Corps
Directly address and seek to mitigate climate change or otherwise
contribute to climate resilience and recovery.
Foster more equitable outcomes for the State's disadvantaged communities.
Create new opportunities for service and pathways into professional
CA Reading & Math Corps - Tutoring Program
Changeist - Youth Civic Engagement
College Possible - College Perseverance & Graduation
Improve Your Tomorrow - Break the School to Prison Pipeline
Teach For America - Teach in Underserved Communities
CCAC Lookbook | 11
Stockton Service Corps
aims to drastically increase
the number of AmeriCorps
Fellows serving the
Stockton community to
improve educational
outcomes and address
social inequities in
Since 2019, AmeriCorps
Fellows have provided
services to over 5,000
students between
Kindergarten and post-
secondary contributing
nearly1.7 million hours of
service to young people in
underserved communities.
Current Fellow Placements:
Alejandro has dedicated much of his life to the
National Park Service and U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service doing interpretation and
environmental education. He’s excited to
return to his hometown of Stockton and work
closely with the local community and
implement positive climate changes for the
city moving forward.
"Everyday I get the chance to work hard at
hard work worth doing. Having the privilege of
supporting a community that supported me so
much growing up is an honor. I'm excited to be
working here and for the future of climate
action in Stockton!"
Determining cost effective
interventions and
identifying various sources
of funding for urban
Developing a workforce
plan for a smooth
integration of climate action
Building community and
collaboration between all
Stockton fellows by hosting
biweekly fellow check ins.
Conducting a listening tour of
various Stockton
organizations to gauge
interest and capacity to host
a CAC Fellow in future years.
Climate Action Corps Fellow
CCAC Lookbook | 12
Facilitate launch of climate service in Stockton.
Documenting and retelling an inclusive historical record as a way of changing
the narrative and building civic pride.
Third City Podcast
Sustainable Neighborhood Plan (SNP)
Creating a platform of shared spaces for learning about civic issues.
Nonprofit Collaborators of San Joaquin
Climate Leadership Forums
Regional Transportation Plan & Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS)
Supporting and empowering neighborhood advocates who work to improve
Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Grant
Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP) Grant
Cultivating opportunities for human capital investment.
Stockton Urban Revitalization Fellowship (SURF)
Workforce Development Planning
Third City Coalition is a small non-profit founded in 2016 by a small but mighty
group of Stockton 'boomerangs' and newcomers as a volunteer-driven initiative to
bring people together in the heart of the city.
Now, Third City Coalition connects local change-makers across all backgrounds to
form strong, lasting partnerships. Third City believes that we can design our
communities in ways that prioritize people and our planet so future generations will
Connecting local
Focus Areas
"People, Place, Prosperity"
CCAC Lookbook | 13
Resource Map - creating pathways for residents to
get involved with urban greening
Process Map - researching laws and policies at the
city level related to urban greening
Workforce Development Plan - indicating decent
career paths for youth and low-wage workers
Steven grew up in Huntington Beach, CA but was
never a stranger to the great outdoors. Camping with
his family every year introduced him to the fragility of
our ecosystems and the need to protect them. Shortly
after graduating university in rural Oregon, he
discovered a passion for community development and
interned at a nonprofit dedicated to strengthening
underserved neighborhoods.
Coming onboard with CA Climate Action Corps he will
be focused on three key areas:
CCAC Lookbook | 14
Climate Resilience
Climate Action Corps Fellow
"Every day is your chance to make this
city a little greener. Many small acts
of care will surely create a caring
Urban greening monitoring and evaluation framework
Coordination Structure and Communications Plan
Climate Action Stockton asset map
Mia will be engaging with partners and stakeholders to
develop an urban greening monitoring and evaluation
framework. Through this, she will work to examine
current data, extract metrics, and select indicators of
urban greening success. Another aspect of her role will
be to document how partners and stakeholders are
working to support urban greening, update and maintain
a log of what their capacities and capabilities are, and
how they all interact in the most mutually supportive
way through an asset map. And as the Climate
Coordination Fellow, she will define the preferred
structure for coordination and communications of
California Climate Action Corps (CCAC) fellows, host
organizations, and CCAC broadly.
Mia will be focusing on the following deliverables:
"Climate Action
Corps is a great
opportunity to build
the capacity for real
change in Stockton."
Climate Action Corps Fellow
CCAC Lookbook | 15
In San Joaquin County and Stockton, residents are feeling the impacts of
climate change. The impacts to our environment and health are worsening as
we experience longer and more frequent droughts, devastating wildfires, and
more. Each of us has a role to play. Community members need opportunities to
learn and participate in decisions that affect the places they live.
We are doing this work but it's far from being over, working towards our goals
every day. Part of the work of this pilot cohort of fellows is exploring potential
future partnerships to continue the impact of the program and expand capacity
in Stockton.
We hope this lookbook has provided information for you, the reader, to gain
valuable knowledge about the specific projects and work of Stockton's
California Climate Action Corps Fellows.
CCAC Lookbook | 16
C C A C S T O C K T O N L O O K B O O K | 2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1

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CCAC Stockton 2021 Look Book

  • 2. The Local Government Commission (LGC) is a non-profit organization that works to build livable communities and local leadership nationwide. CaliforniaVolunteers addresses state and community challenges by investing in high-impact service solutions while leveraging public, private, and nonprofit partnerships and resources. Stockton is one of several host cities for the California Climate Action Corps Pilot Program. This has been made possible by funding from Americorps, the California Volunteers Fund, and support from the Local Government Commission. Stockton Service Corps, Third City Coalition, and Edge Collaborative were instrumental in advocating for Stockton as a host city and bringing partners together. CCAC Stockton Lookbook ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
  • 3. 2020-2021 Climate Action Corps Host Sites The goal of this lookbook is to be a reference document for coordinating partners, gaining more understanding about specific projects, and highlighting the work of Stockton's California Climate Action Corps Fellows. This is a document that will be updated and archived annually by new Climate Action Fellows after the previous cohort of fellows departs. And their efforts to combat environmental injustice in Stockton, California CCAC Stockton Lookbook TABLE OF CONTENTS Stockton Overview - 1 Environmental Justice - 2 Greater Valley Conservation Corps - 3 San Joaquin County Office of Education - 4 Little Manila Rising - 6 Stockton Service Corps - 11 Third City Coalition - 13 Conclusion - 16
  • 4. Located in the heart of San Joaquin County, Stockton is home to over 300,000 people. Stockton has been recognized as the most diverse city in America, with significant Mexican, Filipino, and African- American populations. One of two inland ports in California, and situated amidst plentiful farmland, Stockton was uniquely positioned for prosperity. In the early 20th century the city was one of the cultural hubs of the United States. Urban renewal and the New Deal wiped out many historic landmarks, including Historic Little Manila. Although the long- term impacts on the community were never taken into consideration, the environmental and social degradation these construction efforts wrought on the area remains today in the form of higher temperatures, noise, air and water pollution, a lack of access to healthy, affordable food, concentrated poverty and a lack of affordable housing. BRIEF STOCKTON OVERVIEW CCAC Lookbook | 01
  • 5. Environmental Justice The EPA defines Environmental Justice as the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. CCAC Lookbook | 02 The NAACP believes the neighborhoods that are adversely affected most are low-income, communities of color. Data shows this to be true in San Joaquin County as can be seen in the graph to the left. The organizations highlighted in this document are working to reverse these effects. They operate with the belief that all people are entitled to the same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards and deserve equal access to the decision-making process to have a healthy environment in which to live, learn, and work
  • 6. GREATER VALLEY CONSERVATION CORPS “Our purpose is to inspire, educate, and serve our local youth and communities by providing opportunities to practice a strong work ethic and environmental stewardship. Our vision is to be a global model in the effort to unite communities, conserve the environment, and support our youth.” GVCC corps members receive environmental education and learn valuable skills in recycling and waste management. Crews work on projects involving environmental conservation, ecological restoration, public safety issues and public land beautification. minimize cities' environmental impact through litter abatement, graffiti removal, pressure washing, and more. GVCC partners with SJCOE Come Back Kids (CBK) to assist young men and women between the ages of 18 to 25 by giving them a second chance to earn a high school diploma or GED. RECYCLING NATURAL RESOURCES CITY ACTION EDUCATION Greater Valley Conservation Corps, further referred to as GVCC, became a certified local corps in 2010. The GVCC is unique because they are the only recognized conservation corps that is operated by a county office of education, the San Joaquin County Office of Education. The GVCC helps youth ages 18 to 25, with academic instruction, employment opportunities, green job training, and the development of life skills. The GVCC serves businesses, schools, special events, nonprofits, municipalities, public works departments, and cities throughout San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Calaveras, Amador, and Tuolumne Counties. "To inspire, educate, and serve our local youth" PROJECT FOCUS AREAS CCAC Lookbook | 03 Mission
  • 7. CCAC Lookbook | 04 CPEL - COMMUNITY PARTNERS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACY The goal of the CPEL network is to connect city, county, federal organizations, non profits, green businesses etc. and the environmental work you are doing in the real world to the students, schools and districts in San Joaquin County. CA GREEN RIBBON SCHOOLS - VIRTUAL WORKSHOP SERIES This series of workshops promotes awareness for the CA Green Ribbon Schools Award. This award recognizes schools for their commitment to reducing environmental impact, improving health and wellness, and providing effective environmental education. SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION YEL- YOUTH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACY This network aims to builds a community of like- minded high school students that are passionate about local environmental issues, eager to share about environmental projects and clubs at their schools, and keen to explore careers in the environmental field. TEL - TEACHERS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACY K-12 educators in this network help lead the charge for environmental literacy in San Joaquin County. The focus of this network is all things environmental literacy ranging from the CA Green Ribbon Schools Award, the CA Seal of Civic Engagement, California's water network, experiential place-based learning, environmental justice, climate change education, and more. "Equitably educate and empower school communities to understand the intersections between human and natural systems in the past, present, and future, and to inspire civic responsibility on local and global environmental issues in order to innovate solutions towards a more sustainable future." EDUCATE • INNOVATE • INSPIRE PROJECT FOCUS AREAS
  • 8. SOPHIE CHERTOK Sophie has spearheaded several projects which aim to enhance the network between GVCC, SJCOE-STEM, and regional stakeholders in order to promote equitable climate action education in Stockton and San Joaquin County. For her first project, Sophie has been working with the planning team for SJCOE’s environmental literacy networks and advocates for equitable outreach to ensure that all K-12 students have access to these environmental education programs. For her second project, she will provide climate action education to GVCC’s corps members by facilitating three workshops - one on environmental justice, one on workforce development, and the last on climate action planning. Finally, as a career development project of her own and something that would be beneficial to San Joaquin County, she has decided to take on a final project of researching and strategically planning for climate action and sustainability in schools through curriculum and facilities. She has learned that schools are a major part of our nation’s public infrastructure that has a vast influence to not only reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, but also to lead by example to educate and raise the next generation of green leaders. “What inspired me to serve with CCAC is their focus on environmental justice and community engagement. What is special about service is that it is not about working for communities, but with communities. Many communities are faced with environmental injustices which are exacerbated by climate risks and disasters, and it is imperative that these communities are first served in terms of climate programs and solutions.” CALIFORNIA CLIMATE ACTION CORPS FELLOW SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION C L I M A T E A C T I O N C O R P S F E L L O W S P O T L I G H T CCAC Lookbook | 05 +
  • 9. LITTLE MANILA RISING The activists of Little Manila are dedicated to bringing multifaceted equity to Stockton. After generations of neglect of communities in the margins and the notion that diversity is a hindrance to progress, LMR believes in cherishing all communities and that diversity is our city’s greatest asset. They work to address the root of much of Stockton’s problems - the consistent disenfranchisement of the poor and institutionalized racism. LMR continues their work through programs promoting Ethnic Studies, Culturally Rooted Healing, Cultural Arts, and now, Environmental Justice. "We are rooted in history" LITTLE MANILA RISING Multifaceted Equity PROMOTING ETHNIC STUDIES CULTURALLY ROOTED HEALING CULTURAL ARTS ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE FOCUS AREAS CCAC Lookbook | 06
  • 10. In Nicholas’s role with LMR, he will research what it could look like to revamp air monitoring resources in Stockton. Expanding air monitor support not only provides proof of poor air quality, but it can also drive grant funding to the areas that need it most. He will specifically be working to support the AB 617 Steering committee and its sub-committees to ensure that the money allocated to Stockton has worthwhile impacts for the residents of Stockton and does not go directly to big companies to buy new equipment. Having been a part of LMR’s after-school Ethnic Studies program, Nicholas has a deep understanding of the histories of disinvestment that have contributed to cycles of poverty in South Stockton. He wants to contribute to the spirit of the Boomerangs that are making a change in their hometown and be part of that generation, as an example for youth. NICHOLAS AROSEMENA Air Quality Monitoring Climate Action Corps Fellow CCAC Lookbook | 07 "I want to continue the trend of people not only going away for college, but coming back, and making their own individual difference." CCAC TESTIMONIAL
  • 11. Evan Fern will be assisting Little Manila rising with the implementation of the TCC Grant, working directly with Bianette Perez to carry out the Youth Advocates program associated with the grant’s Community Engagement Plan. Evan will work with 10 Youth Advocates, meeting weekly and training them on Environmental Justice. Evan appreciates Little Manila Rising’s explicit focus on racial justice and histories of oppression that contribute to the importance of the work we are engaged in today. The main priority in his work, as part of LMR’s mission, is to ensure that South Stockton is included in narratives surrounding Stockton and the investments that are coming to the city. South Stockton experiences disproportionate climate impacts and needs investment. EVAN FERN Working for the Community Climate Action Corps Fellow CCAC Lookbook | 08 "I chose to join CCAC because I recognize the threat that climate change poses to our most vulnerable and underserved communities. I was born and raised in Stockton, and I want to contribute to the work being done to protect our people!" CCAC TESTIMONIAL
  • 12. Ashley will spend most of her time assisting with the implementation of Decreasing Asthma Within Neighborhoods (D.A.W.N.) Asthma Initiative. This program was created to increase air monitoring strategies in South Stockton by educating, engaging, and training residents and community leaders to advocate for change. She will also coordinate with the Youth Health Advocates on Asthma Prevention Day, collaborate with LMR's Mental Health Initiative, and advocate for the LMR AB617 effort. She is currently working on creating a resource guidebook to assist in managing stressors and psychosocial issues associated with asthma. This guidebook is informed by the need to move from the medical model of asthma treatment to a social justice model. She will think through how we can provide the community with better education, tools, and resources for asthma treatment and prevention. ASHLEY PEARL PANA Climate Action Corps Fellow Climate Health Intervention CCAC Lookbook | 09 "You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." CCAC TESTIMONIAL
  • 13. CCAC Lookbook | 10 “Effectively addressing climate change requires that we also address past and present injustices, and work toward healing intergenerational trauma. I joined CCAC because community engagement and empowerment are essential to that process. Holistic solutions aren’t developed from the data alone – they’re built in collaboration with those who are most affected.” CCAC TESTIMONIAL Asthma Mitigation & Data Analysis Sarah will work closely with Ashley in the implementation of Little Manila’s Decreasing Asthma Within Neighborhoods (D.A.W.N.) Asthma Initiative. She will be an advocate for resident needs, especially around air quality monitoring. Part of her role will be to get more air monitors in schools in South Stockton which will positive impacts, including: increasing public health through informal air quality alerts, leveraging air quality data in conversations with funders, and increasing air quality data accessibility overall. Sarah is currently working on outreach to community partners, including doctors and clinics, for D.A.W.N., recruiting for virtual home visits. LMR is looking for patients that need help mitigating the risk of Asthma at the household level. In her time with LMR so far, she has been reminded of the importance of speaking out and holding people accountable. She has been inspired to confront the issues of historical injustice that still plague our communities in Stockton, and is committed to asking what's missing and what we can do to make change happen. SARAH INSKEEP Climate Action Corps Fellow
  • 14. CA Climate Action Corps Directly address and seek to mitigate climate change or otherwise contribute to climate resilience and recovery. Foster more equitable outcomes for the State's disadvantaged communities. Create new opportunities for service and pathways into professional development. CA Reading & Math Corps - Tutoring Program Changeist - Youth Civic Engagement College Possible - College Perseverance & Graduation Improve Your Tomorrow - Break the School to Prison Pipeline Teach For America - Teach in Underserved Communities STOCKTON SERVICE CORPS CCAC Lookbook | 11 MISSION: Stockton Service Corps aims to drastically increase the number of AmeriCorps Fellows serving the Stockton community to improve educational outcomes and address social inequities in Stockton. Since 2019, AmeriCorps Fellows have provided services to over 5,000 students between Kindergarten and post- secondary contributing nearly1.7 million hours of service to young people in underserved communities. Current Fellow Placements:
  • 15. Alejandro has dedicated much of his life to the National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service doing interpretation and environmental education. He’s excited to return to his hometown of Stockton and work closely with the local community and implement positive climate changes for the city moving forward. ALEJANDRO CRUZ "Everyday I get the chance to work hard at hard work worth doing. Having the privilege of supporting a community that supported me so much growing up is an honor. I'm excited to be working here and for the future of climate action in Stockton!" Project Deliverables Current Projects Determining cost effective interventions and identifying various sources of funding for urban greening. Developing a workforce plan for a smooth integration of climate action fellows. Building community and collaboration between all Stockton fellows by hosting biweekly fellow check ins. Conducting a listening tour of various Stockton organizations to gauge interest and capacity to host a CAC Fellow in future years. Climate Action Corps Fellow CCAC Lookbook | 12 Facilitate launch of climate service in Stockton.
  • 16. Documenting and retelling an inclusive historical record as a way of changing the narrative and building civic pride. Third City Podcast Sustainable Neighborhood Plan (SNP) Creating a platform of shared spaces for learning about civic issues. Nonprofit Collaborators of San Joaquin Climate Leadership Forums Regional Transportation Plan & Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS) Supporting and empowering neighborhood advocates who work to improve Stockton. Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Grant Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP) Grant Cultivating opportunities for human capital investment. Stockton Urban Revitalization Fellowship (SURF) Workforce Development Planning Third City Coalition is a small non-profit founded in 2016 by a small but mighty group of Stockton 'boomerangs' and newcomers as a volunteer-driven initiative to bring people together in the heart of the city. Now, Third City Coalition connects local change-makers across all backgrounds to form strong, lasting partnerships. Third City believes that we can design our communities in ways that prioritize people and our planet so future generations will prosper. THIRD CITY COALITION Connecting local Changemakers Focus Areas "People, Place, Prosperity" CCAC Lookbook | 13
  • 17. Resource Map - creating pathways for residents to get involved with urban greening Process Map - researching laws and policies at the city level related to urban greening Workforce Development Plan - indicating decent career paths for youth and low-wage workers Steven grew up in Huntington Beach, CA but was never a stranger to the great outdoors. Camping with his family every year introduced him to the fragility of our ecosystems and the need to protect them. Shortly after graduating university in rural Oregon, he discovered a passion for community development and interned at a nonprofit dedicated to strengthening underserved neighborhoods. Coming onboard with CA Climate Action Corps he will be focused on three key areas: CCAC Lookbook | 14 STEVEN HUNTER STEVEN HUNTER Fostering Climate Resilience Climate Action Corps Fellow "Every day is your chance to make this city a little greener. Many small acts of care will surely create a caring community."
  • 18. Urban greening monitoring and evaluation framework Coordination Structure and Communications Plan Climate Action Stockton asset map Mia will be engaging with partners and stakeholders to develop an urban greening monitoring and evaluation framework. Through this, she will work to examine current data, extract metrics, and select indicators of urban greening success. Another aspect of her role will be to document how partners and stakeholders are working to support urban greening, update and maintain a log of what their capacities and capabilities are, and how they all interact in the most mutually supportive way through an asset map. And as the Climate Coordination Fellow, she will define the preferred structure for coordination and communications of California Climate Action Corps (CCAC) fellows, host organizations, and CCAC broadly. Mia will be focusing on the following deliverables: CLIMATE COORDINATION "Climate Action Corps is a great opportunity to build the capacity for real change in Stockton." MIA WEITZ Climate Action Corps Fellow CCAC Lookbook | 15
  • 19. In San Joaquin County and Stockton, residents are feeling the impacts of climate change. The impacts to our environment and health are worsening as we experience longer and more frequent droughts, devastating wildfires, and more. Each of us has a role to play. Community members need opportunities to learn and participate in decisions that affect the places they live. We are doing this work but it's far from being over, working towards our goals every day. Part of the work of this pilot cohort of fellows is exploring potential future partnerships to continue the impact of the program and expand capacity in Stockton. We hope this lookbook has provided information for you, the reader, to gain valuable knowledge about the specific projects and work of Stockton's California Climate Action Corps Fellows. CCAC Lookbook | 16 CONCLUSION
  • 20. C C A C S T O C K T O N L O O K B O O K | 2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1 STOCKTON, CA