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员工关系管理 互联网服务解决方案 2009.09.01
议程 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
人力资源管理常见挑战 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
全球趋势 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],21 st   世纪趋势 20 th   世纪企业 全球化 (the world is flat) 组织动态化 法规严谨化 HR  角色战略化   IT 方案服务化 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
公司简介 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
产品研发历史 2002~2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 R&D: > $1.5  亿美金
I. 「宏大明晰 2.0  」 解决方案
C-L-E-A-R  管理信息化框架
宏大明晰  C-L-E-A-R  愿景 :  企业  2.0 C ollaborate   L earn   E xecute   A pply   R each 协作   学习   执行   应用   交流
员工个性化首页 提供员工自助服务平台,增强薪酬管理的透明度,体现公司人性化管理
员工档案管理 完善的员工档案管理
HR 信息发布平台 提供 HR 发布公司制度,战略及通知的平台,有助于建立完善的企业文化
部门架构 HR 能随时了解部门架构及人员岗位情况
组织结构图 提供人力资源需求信息以便调整招聘策略
部门统计分析报表 提供高层管理者人力资源分布报表以便调整战略
灵活定义薪资项目 可灵活定义的薪资项目,满足复杂的薪资计算要求
薪资项目设置 薪资项目设置简洁明了,易于维护
薪资数据维护 在线查看与修改薪资数据,方便快捷
薪资报表与工资单 薪资统计报表与工资单,减轻 HR 薪资处理的工作量
行业薪资对比 提供人力资源行业薪资对比以便及时调整公司薪资体系
薪资预算 提供人力资源薪资预算以便与实际薪资成本进行对比
薪资报表 提供全方位的、多角度的薪资报表,可及时分析掌握公司的薪资状况
考勤基础设置 便捷的设置考勤规则及假期,以适应市场的变化及政策的调整
工作月历 全局性的掌控各部门出勤情况,以利于部门工作的安排及人力资源的调配
休假规则设置 灵活的设置多样化休假规则,支持多地区多国家休假政策
休假月历 全局性的掌控各部门休假情况,以利于部门工作的安排及人力资源的调配
休假申请及审批 提方便的在线休假申请及审批流程,提高了休假管理工作效率
加班规则设置 提方便的在线休假申请及审批流程,提高了休假管理工作效率
加班申请及审批 提方便的在线休假申请及审批流程,提高了休假管理工作效率
流程化的绩效考核 在 CLEAR*Wiki 中为 HR 提供可参考的绩效考核流程,提高绩效管理工作效率
完善的考核体系 为 HR 提供全方位多角度的考核方式,可实现对不同层级员工的个性化考核
目标模板 提供大量的目标模板,提高绩效考核工作效率,将 HR 的工作量降到最少
个性化的考核目标 提供全方位多角度的考核方式,可实现对员工的个性化考核
员工自评 使考核者可以方便快捷的进行评分,提高绩效考核工作效率
考核者评分 使考核者可以方便快捷的进行评分,提高绩效考核工作效率
推荐评语 提供大量的评语模板,提高绩效考核工作效率
实时追踪,及时反馈 对绩效考核过程和结果进行实时追踪,提供高效的双向反馈机制
绩效奖惩 提供绩效奖惩模板,依据考核评分结果实施有 效的 绩效奖惩
高效的决策支持 提供完善的绩效考核报表,为高层管理者有效决策提供支持
团队管理 高层制定目标
团队管理 中层细化并分配任务
团队管理 一线员工执行并汇报进度
团队管理 管理者通过看板可以及时了解整体进度
解决方案组合 解决方案  #2 CLEAR*DWM 动态团队管理 Dynamic Workplace Management 时间管理 团队管理 全方位自助服务 员工管理 解决方案  #1 CLEAR*E2E 企业 2.0 基础 建设 Enterprise 2.0 Essentials 报酬管理 组织管理 解决方案   #4 CLEAR*Premium 全方位解决方案 Total Solution 解决方案  #2 CLEAR*DWM 动态团队管理 Dynamic Workplace Management 时间管理 团队管理 解决方案  #3 CLEAR*HOM 高效 产能 管理 High Output Management 绩效管理 目标管理
无可比拟的经济效益 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
平台优势 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],技术优势 管理优势
易用性 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
运营层面 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
文化层面(员工) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
II. 华美宏大「明晰谷 2.0  」
企业文化  2.0 :  转型与磨合  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
企业文化  2.0  落实典范  企业社区协议   邻里互信规范 / 守望相助手册  自律公约 / 行为准则 CSN ESN 网络 参与者 个人 团对 公司
企业级门户网站演化过程 B2B/B2E 门户 B2C/B2B 门户 CSN ESN 1.0 网站 功能  互联网 外网 内网  社区网络  目录 / 内容管理  知识管理  ESN 2.0
多类别的内容 相  册 视  频 博  客 推  特 社  区 留言板
日历 公司活动 日历视图 多用户视图
文档管理   ,[object Object],[object Object]
文档管理 :文档版本 ,[object Object],[object Object]
文档管理:权限   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
投票统计 ,[object Object],[object Object]
明晰谷 * 团 队 管理之效益 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],明晰谷 * 文档 管理之效益
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],ESN 2.0 平台五大亮点   ( “5C”)
III.  典型案例汇总
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],BroadVision :全球电子商业的先驱
CLEAR 案例: 新浪公司   ( 纳斯达克股票代码: SINA)  是一家服务于中国大陆及全球华人社群的领先在线媒体及增值资讯服务提供商。新浪拥有多家地区性网站,以服务大中华地区与海外华人为己任,通过旗下五大业务主线:新浪网 ( 、新浪无线 (SINA Mobile) 、新浪互动社区 (SINA Community)  、新浪企业服务 (  、新浪电子商务 (SINA E-Commerce) ,为广大网民和政府企业用户提供网络媒体及娱乐、在线用户付费增值 / 无线增值服务和电子政务解决方案等在内的一系列服务。新浪在全球注册用户超过 2.6 亿,日浏览量最高突破 8 亿次,是中国大陆及全球华人社群中最受推崇的互联网品牌。新浪在全球拥有超过 2,000 名的在职员工。 新浪选用 CLEAR ,并布署了以下重要功能:
CLEAR 案例: 济宁市质量技术监督局 1 、个人能力素质胜任通用模板 2 、局机关 11 个科室的分类层级模型 3 、局内设科室(含总工岗位)的分类分层模型 4 、局直属机构的 6 个部门的分类分层模型
CLEAR 案例:部分客户名单 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
IV.  结论 / 问答
华美宏大 「 企业 2.0 专案 」 :  三位一体  员工关系管理 解决方案 公司门户网站 客户 / 合作伙伴 社区 企业级社区网络
华美宏大 「企业 2.0 专案」竞争优势 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
华美宏大 「企业 2.0 专案」效益非凡 使用前 HR/IT 专业人员   痛苦 满意 领导 / 管理层 / 员工   失望 物超所值

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Bvod Overview Ch 20090715

Editor's Notes

  1. Unless there are any other question, I would like to introduce you to CLEAR the Performance Management methodology and some of the best practices CLEAR is based on. Then Dr. Wu will showcase the application.
  2. BroadVision has a significant global presence with multiple offices in North and South America, Europe, Middle-East, and Asia Pacific regions.
  3. BroadVision has a significant global presence with multiple offices in North and South America, Europe, Middle-East, and Asia Pacific regions.
  4. BroadVision has a significant global presence with multiple offices in North and South America, Europe, Middle-East, and Asia Pacific regions.
  5. Could show this as a timeline.
  6. This slide sums up our vision… Marry traditional business processes with the many benefits of Web 2.0 features Many benefits… for the client and BV Intranet/portal out of the box Many HRMS features companies need Leverage the power of Web 2.0 technologies
  7. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  8. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  9. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  10. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  11. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  12. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  13. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  14. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  15. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  16. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  17. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  18. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  19. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  20. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  21. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  22. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  23. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  24. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  25. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  26. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  27. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  28. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  29. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  30. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  31. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  32. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  33. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  34. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  35. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  36. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  37. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  38. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  39. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  40. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  41. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  42. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  43. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  44. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
  45. This is an overview of CLEAR from a technical and functional perspective Build on our proven platform technology that is powered thousands of portals and extremely complex business process The core HRMS features Workforce and Self-service functionality Compensation and Organization management Time and team management Performance and competency management Supporting & surrounding these core features are tools that make the CLEAR Vision come to life KB’s for learning and applying, GIC for business and intelligence gathering, etc. Last but not least are our GPN, Forum and Salon – Community & Reach
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  48. To understand what we are doing with CHRM you need to know about our legacy. For over 16 years we have been the backbone of some of the most complex business processes around. CHRM is simply another application of our platform technology… it is the marrying our portal/portal on-demand service and process.
  49. To understand what we are doing with CHRM you need to know about our legacy. For over 16 years we have been the backbone of some of the most complex business processes around. CHRM is simply another application of our platform technology… it is the marrying our portal/portal on-demand service and process.
  50. To understand what we are doing with CHRM you need to know about our legacy. For over 16 years we have been the backbone of some of the most complex business processes around. CHRM is simply another application of our platform technology… it is the marrying our portal/portal on-demand service and process.
  51. To understand what we are doing with CHRM you need to know about our legacy. For over 16 years we have been the backbone of some of the most complex business processes around. CHRM is simply another application of our platform technology… it is the marrying our portal/portal on-demand service and process.