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Buy Used Screen Printing
Equipment and Save Money
Printavo – Simple, online shop management software
Mike Chong from Merch Monster returns with this comprehensive
guide for buying used equipment for your screen printing shop.
Whether you're starting out or looking to expand, you'll learn how
Mike has managed to save some serious cash.
Nice furniture, a fancy office, brand new computers, and the latest
printing equipment won’t win you any awards or make your screen
printing any better. You’ve got to hunt for deals on used equipment,
put in some work to find alternatives to expensive production
equipment, and be ready to take advantage of connections you have.
You don't want to have bad equipment – and you need to have things
that work well for a long time – but that doesn't mean that you should
just buy new and call it finished.
Pretty much everything in my shop is used. Everything runs and prints
just as well as if it were new. Buying new might be easier and faster,
but good used equipment ultimately offers the same value at a much
lower cost. Do your due diligence – thoroughly research, inspect, test,
and ask detailed questions about the equipment.
In a small business, your cash is a finite resource. If you run out of
cash, your business dies. So you have to balance acquiring the tools
and the equipment you need in order to run your business properly
with paying the lowest possible price.
I've been hustling since I was old enough to realize money makes the
world go 'round. So this is second nature to me – but not everyone
thinks about how much money they can save through used
Where to Find Deals on Used Screen
Printing Equipment
o Industrial equipment is great. It's built to last! That's also why it's
so expensive. If you want to really save money on startup costs (or
upgrade your shop) the number 1 rule to follow is simple: Never
pay the full retail price.
o You can find deals on used equipment and production supplies
through multiple channels:
• Dead Shop Deals
Screen printing shops that are going out of business are a
quick and easy way to save tons of money on equipment.
Keep tabs on competitors – big and small – in your area.
Where to Find Deals on Used Screen
Printing Equipment
• Liquidation Outlets
Almost every metropolitan area has a large liquidator for
furniture and office supplies. Get to know these people, let
them know what you're looking for, and keep coming back.
• Moving Sales
Businesses relocate all the time. Whether a small
manufacturer is moving, closing, or upgrading their
equipment – the odds are good they'll be happy to part with
things they don't want to haul off. You're likely doing them a
Where to Find Deals on Used Screen
Printing Equipment
o Internet Outlets (Screen Printing Industry Specific)
• Digitsmith is the screen printing and embroidery industry's
go-to resource for used gear. It's an old-school forum but it
has unbeatable deals.
• Screenprinting Products and its owner, Dave McLain, offer
rock-bottom prices on high-end equipment.
• Cosmexgraphics sell used screen printing equipment at fair
Where to Find Deals on Used Screen
Printing Equipment
o Internet Outlets (General)
• Craigslist is worth its weight in gold. Keep it bookmarked and
check often. Check major metro areas nearby if you're not
finding anything in your town.
• eBay always has something you'll want at a far lower cost than
• Facebook Marketplace is an easy and fast way to find deals
near you.
Where to Find Deals on Used Screen
Printing Equipment
o If you hear about a screen printing shop near you that's going out
of business – run, don't walk. Visit their location for better deals,
rather than relying on the internet. The bigger the shop, the better
deals you can find – they will have more stuff to get rid of. You
don't know what they might not have listed.
o Here in the Bay Area, we’ve bought used gear from Andy’s Tees,
Studio 1204, City Screen, CLP Embroidery and more. Don’t limit
your search to the city limits...we’ve even found deals from a shop
in Las Vegas.
Screen Printing Tools, Supplies, and
Machines to Buy Used
o You can save money on your next purchases by buying used. Here
are a few examples of supplies, tools, and machines I've bought
with deep discounts. Mull this list over and see if there isn't
somewhere that you can save money!
o Automatic press squeegee blade holders
• Squeegee holders retail for around $70 each! We bought a
bunch from Studio 1204 for $0.50 per inch – that’s $8 for a 16-
inch squeegee blade holder. That’s an 85% discount just for
going to a shop that’s closing. We even bought oversized blade
holders and flood bars from off eBay and then cut them down
with a miter saw.
Screen Printing Tools, Supplies, and
Machines to Buy Used
o Static screens
• This is the easiest and fastest way for a new screen printing
shop to save money: buy used screens. The sweet spot in
pricing for used screens is between $2-5 if they still have usable
mesh. The screen tension may not be ideal, but getting in the
game with 100 screens with various mesh counts for $300
really saves a young shop serious money. Later on, you can re-
mesh your used screens for around $10 each. Even after re-
meshing costs, you’re still getting a discount compared to
purchasing new screens.
Screen Printing Tools, Supplies, and
Machines to Buy Used
o Plastisol ink
• Plastisol, if it’s stored correctly, has no expiration date and
essentially lasts forever. We have picked up old Plastisol from
various places over the years. I’d recommend sticking to full
containers rather than half-empty leftovers because it’s less
likely the last guy did something weird to it (like adding in a
bunch of reducer).
Screen Printing Tools, Supplies, and
Machines to Buy Used
o Stock ink & Pantone matched ink
• Be aware that stock ink can often be had a steep discount. Even
better, shops often give away Pantone matched ink for free.
Just be aware that disposing of uncured Plastisol ink requires
following local regulations about hazardous materials. If you
can think of a use for it then free ink is an easy win. Maybe it’s
the perfect ink for live printing, a “Free Print Day” at your shop,
or cheap shirts for a promotional event?
Screen Printing Tools, Supplies, and
Machines to Buy Used
o Platens
• Platens are so expensive when they’re new. I virtually always
buy them used. Just check to ensure that they’re not warped
(you can eyeball it or bring a level along). I've found plenty of
used platens that cost about 50% less and work exactly like a
new set. You can also buy dramatically discounted new platens
from broker Dave McLain for about 20% less than what Action
Engineering and M&R will charge.
Screen Printing Tools, Supplies, and
Machines to Buy Used
o Flash cure units
• This is a great example of how a little work and a small
investment of your own time can save your business a lot of
money. I bought my Red Chili flash cure unit for just $1,400
from a nearby shop that was relocating. It’s an older model, so
it needed a little bit of work. It was missing a few bulbs (which
are around $100 each) but that’s still a lot cheaper than the
$2,500-3,000 asking price from online brokers!
Screen Printing Tools, Supplies, and
Machines to Buy Used
o Exposure units
• Reducing your exposure times is a huge area for possible
savings. While finding used exposure units that are in great
shape can be tricky, it's worth the time spent. We initially got a
big Ranar unit locally for $700, then sold that for about the
same price on Digitsmith. Then we upgraded to a Nuarc
MSP3140 from a shop in Louisiana for $2,500. They go for $2-3k
used, so I didn’t get a great bargain – but I got a great unit that’s
still in production.
Screen Printing Tools, Supplies, and
Machines to Buy Used
o Electric dryers
• Dryers are big enough that they require some grunt work to
transport. If you're willing to rent a box truck, you'll find that
dryers can be had at steep discounts since they're such a pain
to relocate – particularly if a shop is closing. I got a 48" BBC
electric dryer for less than $1,500 because of that exact
scenario. Just be prepared for the ventilation work and 3-phase
power requirements these dryers have.
Buying Used Screen Printing Presses
o Always be prepared to leap on a good deal, even if you don't have
a specific plan for what you'll do with the gear.
o You don't have to need a press to get a great deal on it – and the
reality is that you can likely flip it in due time.
o I kickstarted Merch Monster through an incredible bargain: I paid
just $1,000 for a Rototex 6/4, a Workhorse flash cure unit, and a
National 8’ Electric dryer. We used the equipment for the first year
and upgraded once it made sense. Sold the Rototex & dryer for
about $1,000. Later sold the flash for $800. Not only did this start
our business, but we also turned a profit after using it for
Buying Used Screen Printing Presses
o Don't want to just take my word for it? I’ve owned 5 manual
presses. Each one has a story. We just kept buying used manual
presses and then upgrading when I found a good deal. I didn’t
really see manual printing as the ideal long-term solution. Instead,
a used manual press is an affordable way to get off the ground.
Buying Used Screen Printing Presses
Here are some of the bargains on manual presses I've been able to take
advantage of:
o M&R Chameleon 6/4
Paid $4,000 for it, sold it for slightly more than $4,000. That’s 50% less
than the retail price.
o Workhorse Mach 6/4
Bought it for $1,100. Sold it for $1,400 later on when we started moving
to automatic. Its retail price is almost 4 times what I paid.
o Workhorse Mach 6/4 (#2)
Bought it for $250 off Craigslist. Will probably sell for around $1,000.
o M&R Kruzer
Bought it from a used equipment dealer for $2,200 while it retails for
$3,500. We still use this in production for difficult jobs.
Buying Used Screen Printing Presses
o There are even bigger bargains to be had with automatic presses.
While it's certainly a lot of work to break down and transport an
automatic press, you're saving thousands of dollars versus
purchasing it new.
o Here are two great examples of deals I've been lucky to get:
o Gauntlet RS 8/10 Automatic Press
• I paid just $10,000 for this high-end automatic press. A
dealer offered me the same model about 2 years earlier
for more than $25,000! I even financed the press through
the shop that was closing, spacing out payments over a
year. The shop also gave me a rotary screw compressor,
holding tank, and 48” Sprint dryer for a song.
Buying Used Screen Printing Presses
o Gauntlet RS 8/10 Automatic Press
• I traveled to Las Vegas for this deal (a 12-hour drive) and
saved more than $13,000. That makes it worth the trip!
Not only did I save a huge amount of money for a high-
quality press, but I also flipped the compressor for $1,000
shortly thereafter. I even picked up spare ink and a
washout booth while I was there.
I didn’t actually need these presses right away. I just stashed them in
my shop for a while. But since it was such a good deal, I knew I could
either flip them for a profit – or utilize it when my production needs
grew. Grab it, stash it, install it later!
Tips for Saving on Production Shelving,
Racks, and Furniture
o Desks, office chairs, filing cabinets, storage racks, shelving, and
tables all command a very high premium when you buy new. Since
you’re just going to subject the furniture to abuse – scratches, ink
stains, clumsy employees – get something that’s replaceable and
o Find your local furniture liquidators and get to know them well.
Look for moving sales and try to keep abreast of any large
relocations or business closures in your area. Stay informed about
auctions held by the government and local schools. There are
almost always great bargains to be had.
Tips for Saving on Production Shelving,
Racks, and Furniture
o Pushcarts
Industrial grade carts are surprisingly expensive, but they are a
must-have for every shop. Even a simple Rubbermaid cart retails
for more than $150! With patience and enough time online, you’ll
find plenty of bargains for used carts. I picked up a lot of ours in
the $20-40 range.
o Shelving and wire racks
We got a whole bunch of wire shelving when my neighbor moved
out. It’s ugly, but it’s just for production, so who cares? I bought a
set of nice shelves at an estate sale for $10 each. No one else
wanted them, and they easily cost hundreds of dollars when they
were new. Now they’re customer-facing on our showroom.
Tips for Saving on Production Shelving,
Racks, and Furniture
o Pallet racking
Brand new pallet racking is overpriced. A single 8 foot pallet rack
costs more than $350 from ULINE when you buy it new. What a
waste! I bought 64 linear feet (with shelving) for $600 just by going
to a moving sale for a local warehouse. I had to break it down and
relocate it – admittedly time-consuming – but it was easily worth
the $2,000 or so that I saved.
o Clothing racks
My neighbor runs a company that furnishes tradeshow
expositions. He gave me two clothing racks for free and I kicked
him over a few t-shirts for his Solar Eclipse party. I've also found
deals on clothing racks when local department stores go out of
business or relocate.
Tips for Saving on Production Shelving,
Racks, and Furniture
o When you visit a shop that’s moving or closing, look closely for
accessories like these. I bought a DTG machine from a dead shop
and was simply given two Rubbermaid carts!
o Don’t overlook garage sales, moving sales, estate sales, and other
opportunities for getting steep discounts on furnishings for your
shop – wire shelving, bookcases, and even office furniture like
desks and chairs are all extremely expensive when you buy them
new (and they provide so little direct production value). The best
way to save at estate sales: go on the last day of the sale to get the
best deals!
Tips for Saving on Production Shelving,
Racks, and Furniture
o Another tip: find ways to solve problems that don’t involve
expensive furniture or accessories. For example, I just use reams
of paper as impromptu computer stands. It’s a clever hack
because you’ve got paper easily accessible right from your
workstation and it only costs as much as a ream of paper (which
you were already going to use).
o You're not going to win any office design awards, but you will save
Save Big: Build Your Own Standing Desks
o Ergonomic standing desks make a huge difference in a production
environment. You don't want workers hunched over or sitting
down, because they’ll inadvertently waste a lot of time sitting
down and getting up. People also tend to get a little bit lazy when
they sit down.
o Standing desks are super expensive since they’re all the rage right
now. Instead of spending thousands of dollars for desks that are
just going to get abused, I did a little research and figured out how
to make our own standing desks. All of our standing desk units are
modified items we’ve re-made into standing desks.
Save Big: Build Your Own Standing Desks
o My personal favorite shortcut for saving money on a standing
desk is to use an inexpensive AmazonBasics wire shelf. It’s easy to
take a basic $20 wire shelf, add a piece of cardboard for your
keyboard and use a clipboard for a mouse pad. These are great
for computer terminals where users don’t need to place heavy
items on the shelves.
o In our receiving and ink mixing areas, we have more sturdy
standing desks made from modified Ikea items that cost around
$150. You can find the tutorial here.
Don't Buy New Computers – Buy Used
Enterprise-Grade Laptops
o We have a bunch of old computers that run like new. I've
purchased these off eBay for about $250 each. You want to look
for enterprise-grade Lenovo or Dell laptop computers – don’t
mess with consumer-grade computers in a production
environment. They’re subject to too much abuse!
o Enterprise-grade computers are built to last – and they still run like
new! We’ve been using them every day for the last two years with
no issues. Out of around 10, I’ve only had 1 machine break down
on us.
Don't Buy New Computers – Buy Used
Enterprise-Grade Laptops
o We have a bunch of old computers that run like new. I've
purchased these off eBay for about $250 each. You want to look
for enterprise-grade Lenovo or Dell laptop computers – don’t
mess with consumer-grade computers in a production
environment. They’re subject to too much abuse!
o Enterprise-grade computers are built to last – and they still run like
new! We’ve been using them every day for the last two years with
no issues. Out of around 10, I’ve only had 1 machine break down
on us.
o We outfitted our entire production area with these inexpensive
laptops: exposure rooms, ink stations, two screen printing
stations, DTG stations, shipping department, receiving
department, and even our marketing department.
Don't Buy New Computers – Buy Used
Enterprise-Grade Laptops
o Don’t buy mechanical disk machines.
Stick to SSD hard drives. They’re faster and more reliable in a
production setting.
o Look for computers that are Microsoft partner refurbished.
This will reduce the risk of lemons.
o Look for a refurbishment grade of B or higher.
o Buy laptops instead of desktops.
Laptops are great for production because they come equipped
with a screen and keyboard – and they're portable. Adding a
mouse is a trivial expense, while keyboards and monitors can be
far more expensive.
Don't Buy New Computers – Buy Used
Enterprise-Grade Laptops
o Buy used Macs (if you must).
If you’re a die-hard Mac user, you already know that Apple charges
a serious premium for their computers. We run older Macs. You
can easily buy used Macs for thousands less than the MSRP, and
they’re typically refurbished so they’ll provide years of use. Try
Macofalltrades for used Apple products.
o You don't need cutting-edge equipment.
I got more than 10 older LCD computer screens when a family
member’s office upgraded their computers. They upgraded to
bigger and better ones and had these wasting away in their
storage unit. I hauled them all out and installed one at every
computer station in our production. They’re not the highest
resolution, but they’re durable and work like they’re supposed to.
This easily saved us a few thousand dollars.
Don't Buy New Computers – Buy Used
Enterprise-Grade Laptops
o Between investing in enterprise-grade laptops and leveraging
eBay, I estimate I’ve easily saved north of $10,000 compared to
purchasing new equipment.
o It’s just not that important to have shiny and high-powered
computers in a production environment – certainly not ten
thousand dollars important!
Conclusion: Leverage Used Screen Printing
o Every screen printing shop is different.
o What's similar for everyone in our industry is this: there's tons of
great used equipment waiting to be purchased at very low prices.
o If you're starting out, you want to take advantage of this – and if
you're looking for ways to save money in 2019, this is a great angle
to start with. As delightful as new equipment is, I'd wager that
you'll find extra profit a lot more enjoyable.
Conclusion: Leverage Used Screen Printing
o Building your business is an uphill battle. You can speed up the
process by getting the gear you need for less.
o Do your due diligence: research, test, ask probing questions,
negotiate, and keep up with what competitors are doing. Always
be on the hunt for a deal, and be ready to snatch it up when you
find it.
o That dead shop might have the gently used equipment you've
been waiting for.
Buy Used Screen Printing Equipment and Save Money

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Buy Used Screen Printing Equipment and Save Money

  • 1. Buy Used Screen Printing Equipment and Save Money Printavo – Simple, online shop management software
  • 2. Introduction Mike Chong from Merch Monster returns with this comprehensive guide for buying used equipment for your screen printing shop. Whether you're starting out or looking to expand, you'll learn how Mike has managed to save some serious cash. Nice furniture, a fancy office, brand new computers, and the latest printing equipment won’t win you any awards or make your screen printing any better. You’ve got to hunt for deals on used equipment, put in some work to find alternatives to expensive production equipment, and be ready to take advantage of connections you have. You don't want to have bad equipment – and you need to have things that work well for a long time – but that doesn't mean that you should just buy new and call it finished.
  • 3. Introduction Pretty much everything in my shop is used. Everything runs and prints just as well as if it were new. Buying new might be easier and faster, but good used equipment ultimately offers the same value at a much lower cost. Do your due diligence – thoroughly research, inspect, test, and ask detailed questions about the equipment. In a small business, your cash is a finite resource. If you run out of cash, your business dies. So you have to balance acquiring the tools and the equipment you need in order to run your business properly with paying the lowest possible price. I've been hustling since I was old enough to realize money makes the world go 'round. So this is second nature to me – but not everyone thinks about how much money they can save through used equipment.
  • 4. Where to Find Deals on Used Screen Printing Equipment o Industrial equipment is great. It's built to last! That's also why it's so expensive. If you want to really save money on startup costs (or upgrade your shop) the number 1 rule to follow is simple: Never pay the full retail price. o You can find deals on used equipment and production supplies through multiple channels: • Dead Shop Deals Screen printing shops that are going out of business are a quick and easy way to save tons of money on equipment. Keep tabs on competitors – big and small – in your area.
  • 5. Where to Find Deals on Used Screen Printing Equipment • Liquidation Outlets Almost every metropolitan area has a large liquidator for furniture and office supplies. Get to know these people, let them know what you're looking for, and keep coming back. • Moving Sales Businesses relocate all the time. Whether a small manufacturer is moving, closing, or upgrading their equipment – the odds are good they'll be happy to part with things they don't want to haul off. You're likely doing them a favor!
  • 6. Where to Find Deals on Used Screen Printing Equipment o Internet Outlets (Screen Printing Industry Specific) • Digitsmith is the screen printing and embroidery industry's go-to resource for used gear. It's an old-school forum but it has unbeatable deals. • Screenprinting Products and its owner, Dave McLain, offer rock-bottom prices on high-end equipment. • Cosmexgraphics sell used screen printing equipment at fair prices.
  • 7. Where to Find Deals on Used Screen Printing Equipment o Internet Outlets (General) • Craigslist is worth its weight in gold. Keep it bookmarked and check often. Check major metro areas nearby if you're not finding anything in your town. • eBay always has something you'll want at a far lower cost than retail. • Facebook Marketplace is an easy and fast way to find deals near you.
  • 8. Where to Find Deals on Used Screen Printing Equipment o If you hear about a screen printing shop near you that's going out of business – run, don't walk. Visit their location for better deals, rather than relying on the internet. The bigger the shop, the better deals you can find – they will have more stuff to get rid of. You don't know what they might not have listed. o Here in the Bay Area, we’ve bought used gear from Andy’s Tees, Studio 1204, City Screen, CLP Embroidery and more. Don’t limit your search to the city limits...we’ve even found deals from a shop in Las Vegas.
  • 9. Screen Printing Tools, Supplies, and Machines to Buy Used o You can save money on your next purchases by buying used. Here are a few examples of supplies, tools, and machines I've bought with deep discounts. Mull this list over and see if there isn't somewhere that you can save money! o Automatic press squeegee blade holders • Squeegee holders retail for around $70 each! We bought a bunch from Studio 1204 for $0.50 per inch – that’s $8 for a 16- inch squeegee blade holder. That’s an 85% discount just for going to a shop that’s closing. We even bought oversized blade holders and flood bars from off eBay and then cut them down with a miter saw.
  • 10. Screen Printing Tools, Supplies, and Machines to Buy Used o Static screens • This is the easiest and fastest way for a new screen printing shop to save money: buy used screens. The sweet spot in pricing for used screens is between $2-5 if they still have usable mesh. The screen tension may not be ideal, but getting in the game with 100 screens with various mesh counts for $300 really saves a young shop serious money. Later on, you can re- mesh your used screens for around $10 each. Even after re- meshing costs, you’re still getting a discount compared to purchasing new screens.
  • 11. Screen Printing Tools, Supplies, and Machines to Buy Used o Plastisol ink • Plastisol, if it’s stored correctly, has no expiration date and essentially lasts forever. We have picked up old Plastisol from various places over the years. I’d recommend sticking to full containers rather than half-empty leftovers because it’s less likely the last guy did something weird to it (like adding in a bunch of reducer).
  • 12. Screen Printing Tools, Supplies, and Machines to Buy Used o Stock ink & Pantone matched ink • Be aware that stock ink can often be had a steep discount. Even better, shops often give away Pantone matched ink for free. Just be aware that disposing of uncured Plastisol ink requires following local regulations about hazardous materials. If you can think of a use for it then free ink is an easy win. Maybe it’s the perfect ink for live printing, a “Free Print Day” at your shop, or cheap shirts for a promotional event?
  • 13. Screen Printing Tools, Supplies, and Machines to Buy Used o Platens • Platens are so expensive when they’re new. I virtually always buy them used. Just check to ensure that they’re not warped (you can eyeball it or bring a level along). I've found plenty of used platens that cost about 50% less and work exactly like a new set. You can also buy dramatically discounted new platens from broker Dave McLain for about 20% less than what Action Engineering and M&R will charge.
  • 14. Screen Printing Tools, Supplies, and Machines to Buy Used o Flash cure units • This is a great example of how a little work and a small investment of your own time can save your business a lot of money. I bought my Red Chili flash cure unit for just $1,400 from a nearby shop that was relocating. It’s an older model, so it needed a little bit of work. It was missing a few bulbs (which are around $100 each) but that’s still a lot cheaper than the $2,500-3,000 asking price from online brokers!
  • 15. Screen Printing Tools, Supplies, and Machines to Buy Used o Exposure units • Reducing your exposure times is a huge area for possible savings. While finding used exposure units that are in great shape can be tricky, it's worth the time spent. We initially got a big Ranar unit locally for $700, then sold that for about the same price on Digitsmith. Then we upgraded to a Nuarc MSP3140 from a shop in Louisiana for $2,500. They go for $2-3k used, so I didn’t get a great bargain – but I got a great unit that’s still in production.
  • 16. Screen Printing Tools, Supplies, and Machines to Buy Used o Electric dryers • Dryers are big enough that they require some grunt work to transport. If you're willing to rent a box truck, you'll find that dryers can be had at steep discounts since they're such a pain to relocate – particularly if a shop is closing. I got a 48" BBC electric dryer for less than $1,500 because of that exact scenario. Just be prepared for the ventilation work and 3-phase power requirements these dryers have.
  • 17. Buying Used Screen Printing Presses o Always be prepared to leap on a good deal, even if you don't have a specific plan for what you'll do with the gear. o You don't have to need a press to get a great deal on it – and the reality is that you can likely flip it in due time. o I kickstarted Merch Monster through an incredible bargain: I paid just $1,000 for a Rototex 6/4, a Workhorse flash cure unit, and a National 8’ Electric dryer. We used the equipment for the first year and upgraded once it made sense. Sold the Rototex & dryer for about $1,000. Later sold the flash for $800. Not only did this start our business, but we also turned a profit after using it for production!
  • 18. Buying Used Screen Printing Presses o Don't want to just take my word for it? I’ve owned 5 manual presses. Each one has a story. We just kept buying used manual presses and then upgrading when I found a good deal. I didn’t really see manual printing as the ideal long-term solution. Instead, a used manual press is an affordable way to get off the ground.
  • 19. Buying Used Screen Printing Presses Here are some of the bargains on manual presses I've been able to take advantage of: o M&R Chameleon 6/4 Paid $4,000 for it, sold it for slightly more than $4,000. That’s 50% less than the retail price. o Workhorse Mach 6/4 Bought it for $1,100. Sold it for $1,400 later on when we started moving to automatic. Its retail price is almost 4 times what I paid. o Workhorse Mach 6/4 (#2) Bought it for $250 off Craigslist. Will probably sell for around $1,000. o M&R Kruzer Bought it from a used equipment dealer for $2,200 while it retails for $3,500. We still use this in production for difficult jobs.
  • 20. Buying Used Screen Printing Presses o There are even bigger bargains to be had with automatic presses. While it's certainly a lot of work to break down and transport an automatic press, you're saving thousands of dollars versus purchasing it new. o Here are two great examples of deals I've been lucky to get: o Gauntlet RS 8/10 Automatic Press • I paid just $10,000 for this high-end automatic press. A dealer offered me the same model about 2 years earlier for more than $25,000! I even financed the press through the shop that was closing, spacing out payments over a year. The shop also gave me a rotary screw compressor, holding tank, and 48” Sprint dryer for a song.
  • 21. Buying Used Screen Printing Presses o Gauntlet RS 8/10 Automatic Press • I traveled to Las Vegas for this deal (a 12-hour drive) and saved more than $13,000. That makes it worth the trip! Not only did I save a huge amount of money for a high- quality press, but I also flipped the compressor for $1,000 shortly thereafter. I even picked up spare ink and a washout booth while I was there. I didn’t actually need these presses right away. I just stashed them in my shop for a while. But since it was such a good deal, I knew I could either flip them for a profit – or utilize it when my production needs grew. Grab it, stash it, install it later!
  • 22. Tips for Saving on Production Shelving, Racks, and Furniture o Desks, office chairs, filing cabinets, storage racks, shelving, and tables all command a very high premium when you buy new. Since you’re just going to subject the furniture to abuse – scratches, ink stains, clumsy employees – get something that’s replaceable and low-cost. o Find your local furniture liquidators and get to know them well. Look for moving sales and try to keep abreast of any large relocations or business closures in your area. Stay informed about auctions held by the government and local schools. There are almost always great bargains to be had.
  • 23. Tips for Saving on Production Shelving, Racks, and Furniture o Pushcarts Industrial grade carts are surprisingly expensive, but they are a must-have for every shop. Even a simple Rubbermaid cart retails for more than $150! With patience and enough time online, you’ll find plenty of bargains for used carts. I picked up a lot of ours in the $20-40 range. o Shelving and wire racks We got a whole bunch of wire shelving when my neighbor moved out. It’s ugly, but it’s just for production, so who cares? I bought a set of nice shelves at an estate sale for $10 each. No one else wanted them, and they easily cost hundreds of dollars when they were new. Now they’re customer-facing on our showroom.
  • 24. Tips for Saving on Production Shelving, Racks, and Furniture o Pallet racking Brand new pallet racking is overpriced. A single 8 foot pallet rack costs more than $350 from ULINE when you buy it new. What a waste! I bought 64 linear feet (with shelving) for $600 just by going to a moving sale for a local warehouse. I had to break it down and relocate it – admittedly time-consuming – but it was easily worth the $2,000 or so that I saved. o Clothing racks My neighbor runs a company that furnishes tradeshow expositions. He gave me two clothing racks for free and I kicked him over a few t-shirts for his Solar Eclipse party. I've also found deals on clothing racks when local department stores go out of business or relocate.
  • 25. Tips for Saving on Production Shelving, Racks, and Furniture o When you visit a shop that’s moving or closing, look closely for accessories like these. I bought a DTG machine from a dead shop and was simply given two Rubbermaid carts! o Don’t overlook garage sales, moving sales, estate sales, and other opportunities for getting steep discounts on furnishings for your shop – wire shelving, bookcases, and even office furniture like desks and chairs are all extremely expensive when you buy them new (and they provide so little direct production value). The best way to save at estate sales: go on the last day of the sale to get the best deals!
  • 26. Tips for Saving on Production Shelving, Racks, and Furniture o Another tip: find ways to solve problems that don’t involve expensive furniture or accessories. For example, I just use reams of paper as impromptu computer stands. It’s a clever hack because you’ve got paper easily accessible right from your workstation and it only costs as much as a ream of paper (which you were already going to use). o You're not going to win any office design awards, but you will save money.
  • 27. Save Big: Build Your Own Standing Desks o Ergonomic standing desks make a huge difference in a production environment. You don't want workers hunched over or sitting down, because they’ll inadvertently waste a lot of time sitting down and getting up. People also tend to get a little bit lazy when they sit down. o Standing desks are super expensive since they’re all the rage right now. Instead of spending thousands of dollars for desks that are just going to get abused, I did a little research and figured out how to make our own standing desks. All of our standing desk units are modified items we’ve re-made into standing desks.
  • 28. Save Big: Build Your Own Standing Desks o My personal favorite shortcut for saving money on a standing desk is to use an inexpensive AmazonBasics wire shelf. It’s easy to take a basic $20 wire shelf, add a piece of cardboard for your keyboard and use a clipboard for a mouse pad. These are great for computer terminals where users don’t need to place heavy items on the shelves. o In our receiving and ink mixing areas, we have more sturdy standing desks made from modified Ikea items that cost around $150. You can find the tutorial here.
  • 29. Don't Buy New Computers – Buy Used Enterprise-Grade Laptops o We have a bunch of old computers that run like new. I've purchased these off eBay for about $250 each. You want to look for enterprise-grade Lenovo or Dell laptop computers – don’t mess with consumer-grade computers in a production environment. They’re subject to too much abuse! o Enterprise-grade computers are built to last – and they still run like new! We’ve been using them every day for the last two years with no issues. Out of around 10, I’ve only had 1 machine break down on us.
  • 30. Don't Buy New Computers – Buy Used Enterprise-Grade Laptops o We have a bunch of old computers that run like new. I've purchased these off eBay for about $250 each. You want to look for enterprise-grade Lenovo or Dell laptop computers – don’t mess with consumer-grade computers in a production environment. They’re subject to too much abuse! o Enterprise-grade computers are built to last – and they still run like new! We’ve been using them every day for the last two years with no issues. Out of around 10, I’ve only had 1 machine break down on us. o We outfitted our entire production area with these inexpensive laptops: exposure rooms, ink stations, two screen printing stations, DTG stations, shipping department, receiving department, and even our marketing department.
  • 31. Don't Buy New Computers – Buy Used Enterprise-Grade Laptops o Don’t buy mechanical disk machines. Stick to SSD hard drives. They’re faster and more reliable in a production setting. o Look for computers that are Microsoft partner refurbished. This will reduce the risk of lemons. o Look for a refurbishment grade of B or higher. o Buy laptops instead of desktops. Laptops are great for production because they come equipped with a screen and keyboard – and they're portable. Adding a mouse is a trivial expense, while keyboards and monitors can be far more expensive.
  • 32. Don't Buy New Computers – Buy Used Enterprise-Grade Laptops o Buy used Macs (if you must). If you’re a die-hard Mac user, you already know that Apple charges a serious premium for their computers. We run older Macs. You can easily buy used Macs for thousands less than the MSRP, and they’re typically refurbished so they’ll provide years of use. Try Macofalltrades for used Apple products. o You don't need cutting-edge equipment. I got more than 10 older LCD computer screens when a family member’s office upgraded their computers. They upgraded to bigger and better ones and had these wasting away in their storage unit. I hauled them all out and installed one at every computer station in our production. They’re not the highest resolution, but they’re durable and work like they’re supposed to. This easily saved us a few thousand dollars.
  • 33. Don't Buy New Computers – Buy Used Enterprise-Grade Laptops o Between investing in enterprise-grade laptops and leveraging eBay, I estimate I’ve easily saved north of $10,000 compared to purchasing new equipment. o It’s just not that important to have shiny and high-powered computers in a production environment – certainly not ten thousand dollars important!
  • 34. Conclusion: Leverage Used Screen Printing Equipment o Every screen printing shop is different. o What's similar for everyone in our industry is this: there's tons of great used equipment waiting to be purchased at very low prices. o If you're starting out, you want to take advantage of this – and if you're looking for ways to save money in 2019, this is a great angle to start with. As delightful as new equipment is, I'd wager that you'll find extra profit a lot more enjoyable.
  • 35. Conclusion: Leverage Used Screen Printing Equipment o Building your business is an uphill battle. You can speed up the process by getting the gear you need for less. o Do your due diligence: research, test, ask probing questions, negotiate, and keep up with what competitors are doing. Always be on the hunt for a deal, and be ready to snatch it up when you find it. o That dead shop might have the gently used equipment you've been waiting for.