SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Page 1Description of available navigation methods and layout elements
Project Name-Company internal use onlyFinal Delivery (incl. Appendix for the T1 device)
Dual screen tablet - Primary use cases
Interaction design wireframe document
- including appendix for the T1 device -
Page 2Two Paths - Use Case 1 - Sign up to SCP
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
SCP Demo movie (Start)
Takes the user through the setup process,
what the SCP is and why it’s needed to
register for the service...
Initial Setup Process - Sign up to SCP service and Login to social networks (Twitter and Facebook) (pt. 1)
Screen ID
02 01
Setup process - Android Setup Wizard
(Skip through setup)
The user has turned on his device and he is presented with the“Android
Setup Wizard”. He can skip through it without the need for setting up a
gmail account etc.
9:52 PM
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec turpis
quis eros consequat suscipit. Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor dapibus
tempus. Vivamus a quam ligula, at aliquet nibh. Integer egestas, tellus in
mollis rutrum.
Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui volutpat a. In
commodo ligula at dolor interdum eget convallis nunc
imperdiet. Nullam at mattis eros.
Aenean quis tellus purus, vitae commodo augue. Cum sociis
natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
ridiculus mus.
Integer malesuada massa a nunc varius congue. Suspendisse
felis velit, placerat at convallis vel, cursus non libero. In
consequat, massa a fermentum.
Customize your phone
9:52 PM
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec turpis
quis eros consequat suscipit. Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor dapibus
tempus. Vivamus a quam ligula, at aliquet nibh. Integer egestas, tellus in
mollis rutrum.
Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui volutpat a. In commodo
ligula at dolor interdum eget convallis nunc imperdiet. Nullam at mattis
Aenean quis tellus purus, vitae commodo augue. Cum sociis
natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
ridiculus mus.
Integer malesuada massa a nunc varius congue. Suspendisse
felis velit, placerat at convallis vel, cursus non libero. In
consequat, massa a fermentum.
Use Google location
Screen ID
02 02
Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Demo
movie of SCP setup + Create SCP account)
When the user has skipped through the“Android Setup Wizard”he is
presented with a short demo movie (Splash) explaining what the SCP is
and why it will be necessary to register for an SCP account.
When it has finished, the user will be on the“Create SCP account”screen,
where the user will need to enter his details (Username, Password, Email) in
order to create a new account. When this screen is presented to the user,
the QWERTY-keyboard will slide up from the bottom and the first
(Username) field will already be highlighted (with cursor in it).
When finished with entering his details he taps on the“Create”-button
The user has the possibility to login with an existing account from this
screen as well, by tapping on the [Login with existing account]-button.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
! @ # $ % & * ? /
_ “ ‘ ( )
; :
, .
Screen ID
02 03
Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Login
with existing account)
On the SCP Login screen, the user can login with an existing account (We
take into consideration that the user might already have an SCP account
and that this is not his first SCP device so he must have the possibility to
login with an existing account or that a user has reset his device and now
wants to login with the existing account).
Logging in from this screen will take the user to his SCP start screen.
After X amount
of seconds
(No user input)
After X amount
of seconds SCP Demo movie (End)
(No user input or skip)Tap on [Next]-button
(Skip customization)
Tap on [Next]-button
(Skip Google location)
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
! @ # $ % & * ? /
_ “ ‘ ( )
; :
, .
CreateBack Login with existing account
Tap on [Login with
existing account]-button
Types in details
on QWERTY keyboard
Tap on [Create]-button
Goes to
Screen ID
02 01
Create SCP account
Recieve promotional material from services
Enter your details to sign up for an SCP account
SCP Login:
Keep me logged in to SPC
Page 3Two Paths - Use Case 1 - Sign up to SCP
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
Initial Setup Process - Sign up to SCP service and Login to social networks (Twitter and Facebook) (pt. 2)
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Screen ID
03 01
Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Creation of
SCP account successfull - Add social networks)
If all goes well and the setup of the new account is successfull, this will be
what the user is presented with (Potentially there could be steps in
between this and the previous screen presented in this scenario).
The user will here be prompted to login or create an account to one of the
available social networks (facebook, twitter etc.).
This step can be skipped by the user but if one account to a social network
is added, the“Skip”-button seen on the bottom right will state“Continue”
The user taps on the“Facebook”-icon in order to login to that social
SCP account successfully created
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Login to Facebook
Login to use your Facebook account with SCP.
E-mail address:
Keep me logged in
Join Facebook
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
! @ # $ % & * ? /
_ “ ‘ ( )
; :
, .
Login Cancel
Screen ID
03 02
Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Login
to Social network accounts)
This is the facebook login screen where the user can login to his facebook
account or join Facebook (Create a new one).
The user enters his details using the QWERTY-keyboard and taps on the
“Login”-button (He can also cancel by tapping on the“Back”-button).
Facebook Twitter YouTube
Thank you for registering to the SCP!
Now please take a moment and connect to your social networks to
ensure you have the best experience with the SCP
Login or create an account for a social network by tapping on its icon Tap on
[Social network]-icon RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Request for Permission
SCP is requesting permission to do the following:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Ut nec turpis quis eros consequat
suscipit. Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor
dapibus tempus.
Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui
volutpat a. In commodo ligula at dolor interdum
penatibus et magnis.
Aenean quis tellus purus, vitae commodo augue.
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis
parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
mus.Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus
dui volutpat a.
In commodo ligula at dolor interdum eget
convallis nunc imperdiet. Nullam at mattis eros.
Aenean quis tellus purus, vitae commodo augue.
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis
parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Integer malesuada massa a nunc varius congue.
Suspendisse felis velit, placerat at convallis vel,
cursus non libero. In consequat, massa a
fermentum. Aenean quis tellus purus, vitae
commodo augue.
Logged in as Fredrik Andreasson (Not You?) Allow Don’t Allow
Screen ID
03 03
Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Logged in
- Connect to or grant permission (OAUTH))
When the user has logged in to his facebook account, he will be asked to
grant the SCP application the needed permissions in order to properly
connect his facebook account with his SCP account.
The user allows the request for permission by pressing on the
“Allow”-button (if he doesn’t allow the permission, he will be logged out
and returned to the previous login screen with his entered details intact).
Types in details
on QWERTY keyboard
Tap on [Login]-button
Tap on [Allow]-button
Goes to
Screen ID
04 01
Tap on [Create]-button
Goes to
Screen ID
04 02
Report Application
Page 4Two Paths - Use Case 1 - Sign up to SCP
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
Initial Setup Process - Sign up to SCP service and Login to social networks (Twitter and Facebook) (pt. 3)
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Screen ID
04 01
Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Creation of
SCP account successfull - Add social networks)
When the user has connected the facebook account he decides that he
doesn’t want to connect any more accounts at this moment so he taps on
Only one account can be added per social network.
SCP account successfully created
(Fredrik Andreasson)
Twitter YouTube
Thank you for registering to the SCP!
Now please take a moment and connect to your social networks to
ensure you have the best experience with the SCP
Login or create an account for a social network by tapping on its icon
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Screen ID
04 02
Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Creation of
SCP account successfull - Add trend packages)
When the user is finished with connecting his social network accounts, he
will be presented with Trend Packages offered by the SCP.
The user can tap on anyone of the Trend Packages in order to view a
preview of what they contain.
The user taps on the News Package.
SCP account successfully created
We would now like to introduce you to Trend Packages.
Trend Packages contain Official feeds from some of the major players
in the fields of News, Sports, Fashion and Media.
Whatever you are interested in - the chances are big that you will find
a Trend Package suitable for you.
Tap on the icon of a Trend Package to view a preview of it and recieve
the possibility to follow it instantly
Music Sports News Finance
Travel Games Fashion Furniture
Tap on [Continue]-button
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Screen ID
04 03
Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Creation of SCP
account successfull - Preview trend packages)
When the user taps on the News Package, he will be presented with the
preview of that Package on the top screen.
From there he will be able to recieve some information about what the
Package contains and which the default Official feeds he will follow if he
decides to Subscribe. The user will have the possibility to select or deselect
the default Official feeds and then Subscribe.
He does not make any changes to the default featured feeds but instead
decides to Subscribe to what the SCP offers.
SCP account successfully created
We would now like to introduce you to Service Packages.
Service Packages contain Official feeds from some of the major players
in the fields of News, Sports, Fashion and Media.
Whatever you are interested in - the chances are big that you will find
a Service Package suitable for you.
Tap on the icon of a Trend Package to view a preview of it and recieve
the possibility to follow it instantly
Music Sports News Finance
Travel Games Fashion Furniture
Tap on [News]-icon
<Name><Name> <Name> <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name>
Example services in package <Name>
Info about Service
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec turpis quis eros
consequat suscipit.
Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor dapibus tempus. Vivamus a quam ligula, at
aliquet nibh. Integer egestas, tellus in mollis rutrum.
Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui volutpat a. In commodo ligula at
dolor interdum eget convallis nunc imperdiet. Nullam at mattis eros.
Subscribe to
Trend Package
Tap on [Subscribe]-button
Goes to
Screen ID
05 01
Back Back
Page 5Two Paths - Use Case 1 - Sign up to SCP
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
Initial Setup Process - Sign up to SCP service and Login to social networks (Twitter and Facebook) (pt. 4)
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Screen ID
05 01
Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Creation of SCP
account successfull - Follow service package)
The user will recieve instant visual feedback that he is now subscribing to
the News Package (tick mark icon over Package icon).
The user taps on the“Continue”-button to move the process forward.
SCP account successfully created
We would now like to introduce you to Service Packages.
Service Packages contain Official feeds from some of the major players
in the fields of News, Sports, Fashion and Media.
Whatever you are interested in - the chances are big that you will find
a Service Package suitable for you.
Tap on the icon of a Trend Package to view a preview of it and recieve
the possibility to follow it instantly
Music Sports News Finance
Travel Games Fashion Furniture
<Name><Name> <Name> <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name>
Example services in package <Name>
Info about Service
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec turpis quis eros
consequat suscipit.
Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor dapibus tempus. Vivamus a quam ligula, at
aliquet nibh. Integer egestas, tellus in mollis rutrum.
Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui volutpat a. In commodo ligula at
dolor interdum eget convallis nunc imperdiet. Nullam at mattis eros.
Tap on [End Subscription]
Goes to
Screen ID
04 03 RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Screen ID
05 02
Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (SCP account
finalization - Manage “My Edition” or “Finalize account”)
This is the last screen of the SCP account creation and the user has two
choices - To learn more about how to manage“My Edition”or to begin
exploring the SCP.
The user taps on the Finalize account icon and is presented with the SCP
Start screen populated with his followed official feeds and posts from his
connected social network accounts.
SCP account finalization
Thank you for spending some time to personalize your SCP account!
Do you wish to learn how to make
your SCP experience even better?
Tap on the “My edition” icon...
Would you rather begin exploring
the SCP right now?
Tap on the “Finalize account” icon...
Tap on [Continue]-button
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Screen ID
05 03
SCP Application - Start screen
The user is on the SCP Start screen.
Tap on [My Edition]
Goes to
Screen ID
09 01
Tap on [Finalize]-button
Page 6Two Paths - Use Case 1 - Sign up to SCP
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My online edition
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
Screen ID
06 02
Discover mode (Featured)
The maximized Discover stream is shown with related content to it. The
Personal feed is accessible on the far left side (or right - if set in settings to
right handed use or device is rotated 180°)
Browsing of official feeds and social network feeds
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Screen ID
06 01
SCP Application - Start screen (Selecting
one of the two available paths)
This is the SCP Start screen. It’s divided into the Discover stream and the
Personal feed list. Discover is navigated horizontally and Personal vertically.
Access to stored content (tab in top right corner in the personal feed list)
and to the edition manager (piechart icon on the top left corner in the
personal feed list).
Indicators in the Discover stream to indicate that there is more. Slight
movement in the stream in right-to-left direction enhances the“stream”
Tap on “Discover” item takes
the user to Discover mode
Tap on “Personal feed” list takes
the user to Discover mode
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My onlinedition
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
Transition: Personal feed list slides to the
left but not completely. Entire Discover
article/ad/stumble upon content is
My feed headline
<First line>
My edition
The highlighted Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
8 hours ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas
dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris.
Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non
arcu. Mauris at enim magna, eu volutpat ligula. Praesent
pulvinar auctor congue. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam
tempor a pharetra turpis auctor.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Store it
Screen ID
06 03
Personal mode (Selected post in list)
The personal mode displays the entire article in relation to the highlighted
item in the feed list. This is placed ontop of the discover mode, so a simple
drag and swipe to the left goes back to the SCP Start screen, or using the HW
back key.
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
Transition: Personal feed full article slides in
behind the list and above the Discover
The highlighted feed headline
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My Edition
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
Store it
Friend activities
Screen ID
06 04
SCP Application - Layers (overview)
This layered overview tries to explain how the separate parts of the SCP
application relate to eachother. The SCP Start screen features the“Personal
feed”-list and the“Discovery mode”. All other parts can be displayed if
SCP Start screen
Page 7Two Paths - Use Case 1 - Sign up to SCP
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
Browse default SCP Start screen (When user has not Subscribed to Official feeds)
Screen ID
07 01
Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard
(Skipping vital parts of the SCP Setup)
The user has skipped through all vital parts of the SCP Setup Wizard
meaning that he has not connected any social network accounts or
Subscribed to any Service packages (containing Official feeds).
Screen ID
07 02
SCP Application - Start screen (default without
any user added social networks/feeds)
His SCP Start screen will be very un-personal only displaying posts from the
default Official feed from SCP in his Personal feeds list.
The Discover mode will still be able to display Info about Official feeds that
the user can follow and a shortcut to connecting his social network
accounts will be the topmost item in the personal feed until the user
connects atleast one account.
SCP edition feed can be deleted through the Customizer, SCP feed can't.
SCP edition is composed of major official feeds chosen by service manager
(according country and language).
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
! @ # $ % & * ? /
_ “ ‘ ( )
; :
, .
Create SCP account
Enter your details to sign up for an SCP account
Recieve promotional material from services
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
SCP account successfully created
Facebook Twitter YouTube
Thank you for registering to the SCP!
Now please take a moment and connect to your social networks to
ensure you have the best experience with the SCP
Login or create an account for a social network by tapping on its icon
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
SCP account successfully created
We would now like to introduce you to Service Packages.
Service Packages contain Official feeds from some of the major players
in the fields of News, Sports, Fashion and Media.
Whatever you are interested in - the chances are big that you will find
a Service Package suitable for you.
Tap on the icon of a Service Package to view a preview of it and recieve
the possibility to follow it instantly
Music Sports News Finance
Travel Games Fashion Furniture
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
SCP account finalization
Thank you for spending some time to personalize your SCP account!
Do you wish to learn how to make
your SCP experience even better?
Tap on the “My edition” icon...
Would you rather begin exploring
the SCP right now?
Tap on the “Finalize account” icon...
My edition
Skip connecting
Social networks
Skip following
Service Packages
Sucessfully create
SCP account
Tap on [Finalize]-button
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Connect to a social network account
in order to get the full experience
Page 8Two Paths - Use Case 1 - Sign up to SCP
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
Logout and Login to SCP
Screen ID
08 01
SCP Application - Start screen (Launching the
application menu)
The user is on the SCP Start screen and he presses the hardware
[Menu]-button in order to view the application menu.
Screen ID
08 03
SCP Application - Start screen (Login screen
when logged out from SCP)
The SCP Login screen that is only visible when the user has logged out
manually (default is to keep the user logged in even if the device is turned
off and then turned on again).
Logging in from this screen will take the user to his SCP start screen (with
all the users stored items intact, if another account is logged in, any
previously stored items will be cleared upon login).
The user has the possibility to create a new account from this screen by
tapping on the [Create new account]-button.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
! @ # $ % & * ? /
_ “ ‘ ( )
; :
, .
SCP Login:
Keep me logged in to SPC
If a new account is logged in, any previously stored items will be cleared
LoginCreate new account
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Screen ID
08 02
SCP Application - Start screen (Application
menu opened)
When the menu is displayed, the user taps on the“Logout”-icon after which
he is presented with a Confirmation dialog. Selecting to Logout again will
log the user out from the SCP application and the device itself because it
can’t be used without SCP running in the background.
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Search Discovery
Help Logout
Tap on [Menu]-
hardware button
Goes to
Screen ID
14 01
Goes to
Screen ID
12 02
Tap on [Create new
Goes to
Screen ID
02 02
Logging out from the SCP will require
you to login again next time you want
to use the device
Proceed with logout?
Confirmation dialog
This dialog is not traditional in the
sense that it will pop-up, instead
it will replace the are used for the
menu itself. Selecting logout will
log the user out of the SCP app.
Tap on [Logout]-icon
Logout after
confirmation dialog
Page 9Two Paths - Use Case 1 - Sign up to SCP
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
Setting up My Edition
Screen ID
09 02
SCP Application - Start screen (Edition
manager hint animation)
The user is presented with the SCP Start screen populated with his followed
official feeds and posts from his connected social network accounts as well
as with an animation that will provide the user with a hint to where he can
find the Edition manager.
Screen ID
09 01
Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard
(Manage “My Edition” information)
The“My Edition”manager information. The user should have a way to
familiarize himself with the way“My Edition”(his personal feed) works so
this screen will feature an Interactive Demo movie which will try to explain
to the user how the manager works. This step will try to provide the user
with some guidance with how the different parts (Social networks and
Service packages) are related to eachother.
When the user taps on the“Finalize”-button he will be in his SCP Start
screen but he should be guided visually that the piechart icon is where he
can manage his Edition.
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
Available offline
My online edition
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
The highlighted feed headline
Available contacts Social network <name>
Top contacts
<Name> <Name>
<Name> <Name><Name>
<Name> <Name><Name>
<Name> <Name><Name>
<Name> <Name><Name>
<Name> <Name><Name>
<Name> <Name><Name> FinalizeBack
My Edition manager information
The key to making your SCP experience great is in managing and
customizing your “Edition” to suit you and your lifestyle perfectly!
Tap on Finalize to finalize your account and jump straight into trying
out the Edition manager.
Social networks
Service packages
My Edition
Goes to
Screen ID
05 02
Tap on [Back]-button
to go back to SCP
account finalization
Tap on [Finalize]-button
Goes to
Screen ID
17 03
Interactive Demo movie
Consider “My Edition” the whole sum of your
connected social network accounts and the
Service packages you subscribe to.
The pieces that make up the pie will need
some maintanence by you because who other
than yourself knows what you are interested
in or who you usually communicate with
Tap on ”My Edition” to continue
Screen ID
09 03
SCP Application - My Edition management
(Social networks)
This is the“Edition manager”where the user can manage his“Edition”for
his content. It is split in to two parts - Social networks and Service
packages. The visual representation is different for each of the two parts of
which the Edition is comprised.
This is the Social networks part and from here the user can manage which
social networks he is connected to and which his top contacts are for each
connected account.
The user can also opt in for letting the Smartstream service display ranking
of the users contacts (Not available at first, but at a later stage when the
Smartstream service knows more about the user).
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
Available offline
My online edition
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
The highlighted feed headline
Available contacts
Social networks
To add one - drag in to your edition
Social network <name>
Top contacts
<Name> <Name>
The worlds most
famous video
sharing site.
Join now and
begin sharing
videos with the
rest of the world
<Name> <Name><Name>
<Name> <Name><Name>
<Name> <Name><Name>
<Name> <Name><Name>
<Name> <Name><Name>
<Name> <Name><Name>
Tap on [Service packages]
to manage them
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Tap on Edition manager
item (Perform
My Edition ON
Page 10Two Paths - Use Case 2 - Discovering new content
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
Entering the Discover Mode and a brief introduction to the 4 types of Discovery
Friends activities
The“Friends activities”category
are typically used to find Services
that other frineds have found intersting
(and follows) - potentially this service
could be intersting for you (the user) as
The“featured”category provides
the user with Editorial services
that are promoted by Buongiorno.
As the user consume content
through the SCP user habits and
intrest areas are recorded and stored in a
database. This information is then used to
inteligently provide the user with
probably matching Services according to
collected preferences.
The“Popular”category provides
the user with currently“hot”topics
based on ranking algorithms and know
traffic to curtain Services.
Parameters that could be taken into
account are both the users own network
as well as global activities through the
Buongiorno service and general internet
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Service tagline
Service name
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Friends activitiesPopular
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Subscribe to Engadget
Engadget is a web magazine with obsessive daily
coverage of everything new in gadgets and
consumer electronics.
Engadget was launched in March of 2004 in
partnership with the Weblogs, Inc. Network (WIN).
Lovefilm movie streaming now live on UK PlayStation 3 consoles
Samsung Galaxy Tab fulfills its destiny
SlingPlayer arrives in Windows Phone 7
TAT's Dimension S3D is a user interface
for stereoscopic TVs (video)
Palm Pre 2 swims across the English Channel
...more headlines
Persons you know, who are following this Service...
Mike, Martin, Cédric, Simon, Helena, Migge, Oscar + 10 more
Friend activities
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting
organisation in the world. Its mission is to
enrich people's lives with programmes that
inform, educate and entertain.
Haider retires following threats
Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma
Cameron's China visit 'fruitful'
Haiti tests capital for cholera
Bush defends White House record
...more headlines
Subscribe to BBC
Screen ID
10 01
SCP Start screen - accessing the
Discover Mode
This is the SCP Start screen. It’s divided into the Discover Mode and the Personal feed
list. The Discover Mode is navigated horizontally and has to be initiated by the user to
enable direct end user interaction.
When not activated The Discover mode provides a stream of smoothly presented news
feed“portals”(services) in the background, enabling the user to get interested and
eventually choose to follow the content published by the Publisher (Service provider).
The stream is moving smoothly and discreetly from right-to-left in a transition manner,
enhances the“stream”feeling.
Tap anywhere on
the discovery area
to enter the discover
Press [Home] to return
to the Start screen
Screen ID
10 02
Discover Mode - an introduction
Screen ID
10 04
Discovery types a brief introduction...
Featured, Friends activities, Personalized, Popular
Screen ID
10 03
Changing Discovery type
The user has entered the Discovery Mode. The Stream is put to a hold for approx. 2
minutes - allowing the user to interact without disturbing undesired movment on the
screen. At the bottom of the screen a navigation indicator shows the users current
position. Previous Services (official feeds) are shown as indicators to the left. Upcoming
(other non-visited) Services are shown to the right.
The latest visited Discovery type is still seclected (in this case:“Frinds activities”).
For more information regarding the content of the Discover Mode see next page.
The user has changed Discover Mode to“Featured”which is the default type shown when
the user starts the device.
The personal feed
is minimized and
stays at the right side
of the screen.
The user changes
Discovery Type
Page 11Two Paths - Use Case 2 - Discovering new content
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
Browse the service, peek preview it’s content and start a subscription (follow the service)
Friend activities
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting
organisation in the world. Its mission is to
enrich people's lives with programmes that
inform, educate and entertain.
You are subscribing to...
Haider retires following threats
Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma
Cameron's China visit 'fruitful'
Haiti tests capital for cholera
Bush defends White House record
...more headlines
Unsubscribe to BBC
Screen ID
11 03
A service beeing subscribied to (followed)
The user has just started to subscribe to the Service provider (BBC) and the
“Subscribe to BBC”-button (right lower corner) has changed to
“Unsubscribe to BBC”an Subscribtion indicator has been added to the
Service as well (above the Service name).
Friend activities
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting
organisation in the world. Its mission is to
enrich people's lives with programmes that
inform, educate and entertain.
Haider retires following threats
Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma
Cameron's China visit 'fruitful'
Haiti tests capital for cholera
Bush defends White House record
...more headlines
Subscribe to BBC
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting
organisation in the world. Its mission is to
enrich people's lives with programmes that
inform, educate and entertain.
Tap on a headline or
“...more headlines”
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec
turpis quis eros consequat
suscipit. Donec adipiscing
vestibulum dolor dapibus
tempus. Vivamus a quam ligula,
at aliquet nibh. Integer egestas,
tellus in mollis rutrum, magna
turpis adipiscing ante, sit amet
consequat orci nisi vel est.
Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui a. In
commodo ligula at dolor interdum eget convallis nunc
imperdiet. Nullam at mattis eros.
Aenean quis tellus purus, vitae commodo augue. Cum
sociis natoque
penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
ridiculus mus.
Phasellus egestas nunc eget eros laoreet sollicitudin. Duis
non augue eu tellus viverra ornare quis eget justo. Vivamus
a hendrerit nibh. Aenean nec urna neque.
nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam et blandit velit. Integer
Haider retires following threats
2 minutes ago
Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma
18 minutes ago
Cameron's China visit 'fruitful'
52 minutes ago
Haiti tests capital for cholera
Bush defends White House record
Leaks precede Myanmar vote results
In memoirs, Bush backs waterboarding
Zulqarnain Haider quits Pakistan amid death
BBC - International - Breaking, World, Business, Sports, Entertainment and Video News
Subscribe to BBC
Subscription started
Close the preview/reader
Screen ID
11 01
Interacting with a Service (portal) Screen ID
11 02
Sneak peek of available posts (articles)
The user has show interest in a Service (in this case BBC) and has tapped on a
news headline. An overlay screen is presented and allows the user to read
the latest news articles. If more then one headline (article) has been
published the user will be able to read another article by tapping in the
headline overview (upper left area).
The user could also choose to initiate a subscription of the Service and there
by recieve new publications (posts) directly into the“Personal feed”.
The user is at the Discover Mode (Type: Featured). The screen above shows a Service
“portal”in this case“BBC”. The user is presented with a brief description of the Service as
well as the latest headlines from the Service provider.
Just as described previously - the user will be able to navigate (browse) through the
Services by flicking left/right.
The user can also navigate rapidly between the different services
by holding the finger and dragging left/right (or tapping) at the
bottom of the the lower screen (on the navigator indicators):
The user has been transported to the 8th Service“portal”...
If the user starts a subscription to a service a
pop-up dialoge is displayed in the upper right
corner informing the user of the matter.
A subscription indicator is displayed on the
Service“portal”that indicates that it is beeing
subscripbed to. All feeds (posts) from the
Service will now be made available in the
“Personal feed”as they are published.
You have started to subscribe to BBC news You have started to subscribe to BBC news
The user manually goes back to the Discover Mode
Page 12Two Paths - Use Case 2 - Discovering new content
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
Discovering new and manage Services through a“Discovery Directory”
Friend activities
m ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
m ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
t line>
My edition
m ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
et headline
ed by <Name>
m ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
scing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
et headline
ed by <Name>
ebook headline
ed by <Name>
ebook headline
ed by <Name>
BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting
organisation in the world. Its mission is to
enrich people's lives with programmes that
inform, educate and entertain.
Haider retires following threats
Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma
Cameron's China visit 'fruitful'
Haiti tests capital for cholera
Bush defends White House record
...more headlines
Subscribe to BBC
Friend activities
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting
organisation in the world. Its mission is to
enrich people's lives with programmes that
inform, educate and entertain.
Haider retires following threats
Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma
Cameron's China visit 'fruitful'
Haiti tests capital for cholera
Bush defends White House record
...more headlines
Subscribe to BBC
Screen ID
12 01
Accessing the Discovery Directory Screen ID
12 02
Navigating within the Discovery Directory Screen ID
12 03
Unsubscribe to a Service through the
Discovery Directory
The user is at the Discover Mode and would like to get an overview of
available Services as well as manage his/her subscriptions.
The user presses the [menu]-button, and is presented with the following
menu options (displayed at the bottom of the screen):
The user is presented with a similar layout as to the one presented in the
setup procedure where the user could choose Service packages.
In this scenario the user is viewing the Music trend.
In the Discover Directory the user will be able to tap on one of the trends
provided at the top screen - at the same time the lower screen will be utilized
to show Available Services (subscribed and not subscribed to). In indicator
shows if the user is currently subscribing to a specific Service (in this case a
Services are presented in alphabethic order.
By tapping on a <serviceName> on the lower screen the user will be
provided with a brief description of the currently highlighted Service.
Pressing the [Back]-button will exit the Discovery Directory
Once an unsubscription has been initiated the user has to confirm the action.
Stored articles are keept as the user obviously once had some kind of interest
in the article.
Discovery Directory
Search Discovery
Help Logout
Tap on one of the Service trends below, to manage your subscriptions.
Music Sports News Finance
Travel Games Fashion Furniture
Friend activities
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting
organisation in the world. Its mission is to
enrich people's lives with programmes that
inform, educate and entertain.
Haider retires following threats
Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma
Cameron's China visit 'fruitful'
Haiti tests capital for cholera
Bush defends White House record
...more headlines
Subscribe to BBC
Music Sports News Finance
Travel Games Fashion Furniture
By unsubscribing to <serviceName> you will not recieve any post from this source in the future.
Articles from <serviceName> will still be available in your storage.
You will be able to subscribe to <serviceName> again when you so desire.
Start date: <subscriptionStartDate>
No. of stored articles: <number>
Close Discovery Directory
Tap on one of the Service trends below, to manage your subscriptions.
Discovery DirectoryDiscovery Directory
Goes to
Screen ID
13 01
Goes to
Screen ID
14 01
Description/Information about the currently
highligted service...
Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor dapibus
tempus. Vivamus a quam ligula, at aliquet
nibh. Integer egestas, tellus in mollis rutrum.
Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui
volutpat a. In commodo ligula at dolor
interdum eget convallis nunc imperdiet.
Nullam at mattis eros.
Unsubscribe to
Start date: <subscriptionStartDate>
No. of stored articles: <number>
Start date: <subscriptionStartDate>
No. of stored articles: <number>
Start date: <subscriptionStartDate>
No. of stored articles: <number>
Start date: <subscriptionStartDate>
No. of stored articles: <number>
Start date: <subscriptionStartDate>
No. of stored articles: <number>
Tap on
Page 13Two Paths - Use Case 2 - Discovering new content
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
Browsing available Services and and make a new subscription
Friend activities
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting
organisation in the world. Its mission is to
enrich people's lives with programmes that
inform, educate and entertain.
Haider retires following threats
Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma
Cameron's China visit 'fruitful'
Haiti tests capital for cholera
Bush defends White House record
...more headlines
Subscribe to BBC
Screen ID
13 01
Discovery Directory - Subscribing to a new
Subscribing to a Service through the Discovery Directory is very similar to
unsubscribing to a Service.
In addition to the subscription button the user is also able to peak preview
the currently highlighted Service“portal”in the“ordinary”Discovery mode.
Tap on one of the Service trends below, to manage your subscriptions.
Music Sports News Finance
Travel Games Fashion Furniture
Discovery DirectoryComes from
Screen ID
12 02
Description/Information about the currently
highligted service...
Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor dapibus
tempus. Vivamus a quam ligula, at aliquet
nibh. Integer egestas, tellus in mollis rutrum.
Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui
volutpat a. In commodo ligula at dolor
interdum eget convallis nunc imperdiet.
Nullam at mattis eros.
Subscribe to
Start date: <subscriptionStartDate>
No. of stored articles: <number>
Start date: <subscriptionStartDate>
No. of stored articles: <number>
Start date: <subscriptionStartDate>
No. of stored articles: <number>
Start date: <subscriptionStartDate>
No. of stored articles: <number>
Start date: <subscriptionStartDate>
No. of stored articles: <number>
Goes to
Screen ID
11 02
View example
Go to Service “portal”
Page 14Two Paths - Use Case 2 - Discovering new content
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
Searching for content within the SCP
Comes from
Screen ID
12 01
Friend activities
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting
organisation in the world. Its mission is to
enrich people's lives with programmes that
inform, educate and entertain.
Haider retires following threats
Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma
Cameron's China visit 'fruitful'
Haiti tests capital for cholera
Bush defends White House record
...more headlines
Subscribe to BBC
Screen ID
14 01
Searching for content within the SCP
When the user initiates a search he/she is instantly provided with a text field
and a QWERTY-keyboard which alows him/her to rapidly input a search
Once the user starts to type he/she is provided with a auto-complete
suggestions (predictive text) where proposed matching strings are displayed
(Android style).
The user can then tap on one of the strings to auto complete the word.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
! @ # $ % & * ? /
_ “ ‘ ( )
; :
, .
Type to search
Stock marketStoc Stocks Stock photos Stockholm
Friend activities
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting
organisation in the world. Its mission is to
enrich people's lives with programmes that
inform, educate and entertain.
Haider retires following threats
Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma
Cameron's China visit 'fruitful'
Haiti tests capital for cholera
Bush defends White House record
...more headlines
Subscribe to BBC
Screen ID
14 02
Matching search results are shown
As the user has to type matching search criterias are shown instantly
according to each of the SCP“domains”. (the user does not have to tap a
search-button. The search results are dynamically updated.
The user has typed“Stockholm”and is presented with an indication of
matching posts in each of the“domains”.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
! @ # $ % & * ? /
_ “ ‘ ( )
; :
, .
Stored posts 3 matching
My Edition (personal feed) 5 matching
Discover Services 6 matching
Friend activities
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting
organisation in the world. Its mission is to
enrich people's lives with programmes that
inform, educate and entertain.
Haider retires following threats
Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma
Cameron's China visit 'fruitful'
Haiti tests capital for cholera
Bush defends White House record
...more headlines
Subscribe to BBC
Screen ID
14 03
Extracted domain (browsing search results)
The user has expanded the“Stored posts”domain and the QWERTY has been
If the user finds what he/she is looking for - a single tap on the matching
element will automatically transport the user to the feed/article in it’s
corresponding context.
Tapping on the search field will bring up the QWERTY again and all domains
will automatically be returned to its previous“imploded”state (see previous
Stored posts (and My Edition) will provide matching posts, based on
the content within the post.
6 matchingDiscover Services
3 matchingStored posts
Tap the search field
Extract the domain
Goes to
Screen ID
14 02
Tap to implode
The domain will be
cotracted to it’s original
(no QWERTY keyboard
will be extracted)
Stored posts
<matchingPostSource (e.g. name of contact)>
<matchingPostSource (e.g. name of contact)>
<matchingPostSource (e.g. name of service)>
Tap matching post Transports the user
to the matching post
in it’s corresponding
Tap matching post Transports the user
to the matching
Page 15Two Paths - Use Case 3 - Browsing through content/feeds
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
Always being able to browse followed official feeds (Offline version of My Edition)
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
Discover headline
<Source (link)>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
My feed headline
<First line>
My edition
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Retweet Store it
13 minutes ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas
The highlighted Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Screen ID
15 01
SCP Application - Start screen (Select
Personal feed)
The user is on the SCP Start screen and he taps on one of the items in the
“Personal feed”list to select it (in example a Twitter post).
When the post is opened the strength of the WI-Fi network has dropped
and his connection has been lost.
If connection drops, some items in the list that the device has catched in
memory will be available to the user even if he has no online functionality
(some functions may not work properly but the user will still have access to
content in the pages).
Trying to navigate to one of the items that have not been catched in
memory, will provide the user with info about the loss in connectivity.
If the user has“stored”items, these will be available to certain extent
(possibly not the embedded media in them).
Screen ID
15 02
SCP Application - Personal mode
(Connection lost)
The SCP will try to provide the user with info regarding the sudden Wi-Fi
connectivity drop by displaying the small notification in the upper right
The item that the user has selected previously will still be visible because it
was catched in memory but all media connected to the post will not be
available (only potentially available if previously stored) and this will be
represented by the video in the background being faded as well as the
options that the user can perform on the post (Retweet, Reply) - they are
also not available. URLs featured in the post will become plain text in order
to not be confusing to the user and the user will not be able to post status
Potentially related content can or can’t be displayed.
The hint displayed for offline (connection lost) will be displayed until the
device is connected again or until the user taps on the hint itself to hide it.
Tap on
item (Perform
My feed headline
<First line>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Retweet Store it
13 minutes ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas
The highlighted Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Screen ID
15 03
SCP Application - Personal mode
(Connection found)
The SCP will provide the user with info about when there is full
connectivity again. The Video in the background will be available again as
well as the Option buttons, Status update field, the URL and the Related
The hint displayed for online (connection found) will be transient and
dissapear after X amount of seconds.
Connection lost Connection found
Offline - lost Wi-Fi
(No user input)
Online - found Wi-Fi
(No user input)
After X amount
of seconds
(No user input)
Page 16Two Paths - Use Case 3 - Browsing through content/feeds
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
Handling of content/feed updates
Screen ID
16 01
Accessing the manual update
The user has navigated to the top of the feeds list (by flicking downwards in
the feed list). Once at the top the list bounces back but if the user continues
to drag downwards (see next wireframe) the user is able to update the
feed list.
My feed headline
<First line>
My edition
The highlighted Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
8 hours ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas
dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris.
Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non
arcu. Mauris at enim magna, eu volutpat ligula. Praesent
pulvinar auctor congue. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam
tempor a pharetra turpis auctor.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Share Like
Store it
Screen ID
16 02
Initiating the feed list update
The user initiates the update by explicitly dragging the list down and
releasing the finger.
Before releasing the finger the user can“dismiss”an update by instead
dragging the finger upwards again (hiding the“update area”).
My edition
The highlighted Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
8 hours ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas
dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris.
Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non
arcu. Mauris at enim magna, eu volutpat ligula. Praesent
pulvinar auctor congue. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam
tempor a pharetra turpis auctor.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Share Like
Store it
Pull down to update
Screen ID
16 03
One new update has been fetched
The user is presented with new posts (in this case only one new post has
been found). The lastest post is automatically expanded so the user can
read it instantly.
New posts are added at the top of the“My edition”list.
My edition
The highlighted Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
8 hours ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas
dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris.
Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non
arcu. Mauris at enim magna, eu volutpat ligula. Praesent
pulvinar auctor congue. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam
tempor a pharetra turpis auctor.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Updating posts
The“update area”is changed to
let the user know that an update
is beeing performed (animated
Facebook headline (first sentence)
shared by <Name>
Share Like
Store it
Screen ID
16 04
Setting My editor (feeds) auto update
Search Discovery
Help Logout
By extracting the Menu (pressing the [Menu]-button, the user will be able
to reach the settings for Auto-update. Here the user will be able to set the
frequence of automated updates.
Once an update has been performed (manually
or automated) a notification toast dialog
appears in the upper right corner of the upper
The toast dialog informs the user of the matter
and provides information about how many new
feeds that have been downloaded/fetched.
If the update was initiated automatically and no
new updates has been fetched, then no
notification will be displayed.
But if it was initiated manually -“No new posts”
will be displayed to the end user.
3 new updates You have started to subscribe to BBC news
1 new update
Page 17Two Paths - Use Case 3 - Browsing through content/feeds
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
Managing My Edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Service tagline
Service name
Screen ID
17 01
SCP Application - Start screen (Select
manage My Edition)
The user is on the SCP Start screen and he taps on the“My Edition
manager”-icon in the“Personal feed”list to select it.
Screen ID
17 02
SCP Application - My Edition management
(Social networks)
This is the“Edition manager”where the user can manage his“Edition”for
his content. It is split in to two parts - Social networks and Service
packages. The visual representation is different for each of the two parts of
which the Edition is comprised.
This is the Social networks part and from here the user can manage which
social networks he is connected to and which his top contacts are for each
connected account.
The user can also opt in for letting the Smartstream service display ranking
of the users contacts (Not available at first, but at a later stage when the
Smartstream service knows more about the user).
Screen ID
17 03
SCP Application - My Edition management
(Service packages)
This is the second part (Service packages) where the user can subscribe or
unsubscribe to Service packages and manage which Official feeds he is
following from each subscribed Service package.
Tap on Edition manager
item (Perform
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
Available offline
My online edition
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
The highlighted feed headline
Example services
in package
Available services
Service packages
To add one - drag in to your edition
Service package <name>
Added services
<Name> <Name> <Name>
<Name> <Name> <Name>
<Name> <Name> <Name>
<Name>Package overview -
Add/Remove services
from package
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
Available offline
My online edition
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
My feed headline
<First line>
The highlighted feed headline
Available contacts
Social networks
To add one - drag in to your edition
Social network <name>
Top contacts
<Name> <Name>
Social network overview -
Add/Remove contacts
The worlds most
famous video
sharing site.
Join now and
begin sharing
videos with the
rest of the world
<Name> <Name><Name>
<Name> <Name><Name>
<Name> <Name><Name>
<Name> <Name><Name>
<Name> <Name><Name>
<Name> <Name><Name>
Service packages
Drag-n-drop to
piechart to
subscribe to them
Social networks
Drag-n-drop to
piechart to
connect to them
Drag-&-drop to
Service package
list (Add)
Drag-&-drop to
Social network
list (Top contacts)
Tap on [Service packages]
to manage them
Tap on [Social networks]
to manage them
My Edition ON
Piechart overview
Representing connected
Social networks
The user can either rotate or
tap on a “piebit” in order to
change its focus
My Edition ON
Piechart overview
Representing subscribed to
Service Packages
The user can either rotate or
tap on a “piebit” in order to
change its focus
Page 18Two Paths - Use Case 4 - Enjoying content
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
Reading content within a webview
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Service tagline
Service name
My feed headline
<First line>
My edition
10 minutes ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas
dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris.
Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non
arcu. Mauris at enim magna, eu volutpat ligula. Praesent
pulvinar auctor congue. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam
tempor a pharetra turpis auctor.
Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas
dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris.
Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non
Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam
tempor a pharetra turpis auctor.
Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas
In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Share Store it Like
The highlighted RSS headline
published by <Name>
Screen ID
18 01
SCP Application - Start screen (Select
Personal feed)
The user is on the SCP Start screen and he taps on one of the items in the
“Personal feed”list to select it (in example an RSS feed).
Screen ID
18 02
SCP Application - Personal mode
(Selecting an external URL in content)
By selecting the item in the list, the item which is an RSS feed will be
displayed on the right area across the two screens. The area where the item
was selected in the list will be overlayed with a set of option buttons
(Share, Store it, Like). The option buttons will be dependent of the kind of
item they relate to (in example - RSS feed).
The user reads through the RSS feed on the right area and selects an URL
by tapping on it.
Screen ID
18 03
SCP Application - Personal mode -
Webview overlay (External webpage)
The external content (in this example a website) will be opened in an
overlay which keeps the original content in the background as well as it
loads the website from where the article originates. The external content
will have related content, which uses the same paradigm as within the SCP
application (maximize/minimize).
The user can scroll the website within the webview itself independantly of
the related content on the bottom. The related content will have a fixed
position on the bottom and it will also be scrollable within that area but
expanding related content will enlarge the area to be used for interacting
with it (possibly the whole bottom screen but never across both screens).
The website behind the article can be navigated to by tapping on the
corner where it is visible (Closing the article).
A tap on the“Close”-button in the upper right corner will close the
webview overlay.
If the website contains URLs, these can be selected as well but navigation
will be very limited and only navigating back or forward will be possible
(the user will not be allowed to enter a new URL address in the address
field). The user will also have the possibility to refresh the webpage by
tapping on the“refresh”-button.
Tap on
item (Perform
Tap on URL (web link)
opens in overlayed
webview browser
My feed headline
<First line>
My edition
10 minutes ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas
dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris.
Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non
arcu. Mauris at enim magna, eu volutpat ligula. Praesent
pulvinar auctor congue. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam
tempor a pharetra turpis auctor.
Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas
dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris.
Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non
Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam
tempor a pharetra turpis auctor.
Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas
In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Share Favorite
The highlighted RSS headline
published by <Name>
Web page
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec turpis
quis eros consequat suscipit. Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor dapibus
tempus. Vivamus a quam ligula, at aliquet nibh. Integer egestas, tellus in
mollis rutrum, magna turpis adipiscing ante, sit amet consequat orci nisi
vel est.
Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui volutpat a. In commodo
ligula at dolor interdum eget convallis nunc imperdiet. Nullam at mattis
Aenean quis tellus purus, vitae commodo augue. Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Phasellus egestas nunc eget eros laoreet sollicitudin. Duis non augue eu
tellus viverra ornare quis eget justo. Vivamus a hendrerit nibh. Aenean
nec urna neque.
Integer malesuada massa a nunc varius congue. Suspendisse felis velit,
placerat at convallis vel, cursus non libero. In consequat, massa a
fermentum tristique, est nunc iaculis metus, nec euismod risus eros quis
Lorem Ipsum Dolorsit Amet Consectetur Adipiscing Necturpis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec turpis
quis eros consequat suscipit. Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor dapibus
tempus. Vivamus a quam ligula, at aliquet nibh. Integer egestas, tellus in
mollis rutrum, magna turpis adipiscing ante, sit amet consequat orci nisi
vel est.
Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui volutpat a. In commodo
ligula at dolor interdum eget convallis nunc imperdiet. Nullam at mattis
Aenean quis tellus purus, vitae commodo augue. Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Phasellus egestas nunc eget eros laoreet sollicitudin. Duis non augue eu
tellus viverra ornare quis eget justo. Vivamus a hendrerit nibh. Aenean
nec urna neque.
Integer malesuada massa a nunc varius congue. Suspendisse felis velit,
placerat at convallis vel, cursus non libero. In consequat, massa a
fermentum tristique, est nunc iaculis metus, nec euismod risus eros quis
Sed pellentesque arcu vel nulla sagittis congue at at tellus. Mauris sit
amet quam et lectus porttitor tincidunt. Mauris sed viverra enim. Lorem
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pharetra,
Engadget Article
Tap on “Close”-button
(To close webview overlay)
(Refreshes current content)
[Back] & [Forward]-buttons
(Navigation between websites)
URL address field
Overlay options
(Same as original post/feed)
Page 19Two Paths - Use Case 4 - Enjoying content
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
Playback of media within an embedded media player (pt. 1 - video)
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
My feed headline
<First line>
My edition
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Retweet Store it
13 minutes ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas
The highlighted Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Service tagline
Service name
Screen ID
19 01
SCP Application - Start screen (Select
Personal feed)
The user is on the SCP Start screen and he taps on one of the items in the
“Personal feed”list to select it (in example a Twitter post).
Screen ID
19 02
SCP Application - Personal mode
(Selecting an external URL in content)
By selecting the item in the list, the item which is a Twitter post will be
displayed on the right area across the two screens. The area where the item
was selected in the list will be overlayed with a set of option buttons
(Retweet, Store it, Reply). The option buttons will be dependent of the kind
of item they relate to (in example - Twitter post).
The user reads through the Twitter post on the right area and selects the
video (Shown behind the post) by tapping on the play button or the URL at
the bottom.
Screen ID
19 03
SCP Application - Personal mode -
Webview overlay (External video)
The external content (in this example a video) will be opened in an overlay
which keeps the original content in the background. The external content
will have related content, which uses the same paradigm as within the SCP
application (maximize/minimize).
The user can Play/Pause the video, interact with the progress slider of the
video and adjust the volume of the video. The related content will have a
fixed position on the bottom and it will also be scrollable within that area
but expanding related content will enlarge the area to be used for
interacting with it (possibly the whole bottom screen but never across both
A tap on the“Close”-button in the upper right corner will close the
webview overlay.
When the video has ended, the user will have a“Replay”-button centered
over the video area.
Tap on
item (Perform
Tap on video play/
URL (video link)
opens in overlayed
video player
My feed headline
<First line>
My edition
10 minutes ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas
dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris.
Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non
arcu. Mauris at enim magna, eu volutpat ligula. Praesent
pulvinar auctor congue. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam
tempor a pharetra turpis auctor.
Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas
dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris.
Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non
Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam
tempor a pharetra turpis auctor.
Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas
In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Share Favorite
The highlighted RSS headline
published by <Name>
Tap on “Close”-button
(To close webview overlay)
Swedish House Mafia Vs Tinie Tempah - Miami 2 Ibiza (Offi...
0:11 / 3:36
(Sets video volume)
(Displays the progress
of the video)[Play] / [Pause]
(Plays or pauses
Overlay options
(Same as original post/feed)
Page 20Two Paths - Use Case 4 - Enjoying content
Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept
Playback of media within an embedded media player (pt. 2 - music)
My feed headline
<First line>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Store it
Share Unlike
Store it
13 minutes ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas
dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris.
Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non
arcu. Mauris at enim magna, eu volutpat ligula. Praesent
pulvinar auctor congue. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam
tempor a pharetra turpis auctor. - Down on me.mp3
The highlighted Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Jeremih - Down on me.mp3
0:11 / 3:36
Goes to
Screen ID
21 01
(Sets music volume)
(Displays the progress
of the music track)RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
My edition
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
My feed headline
<First line>
My edition
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
RSS headline
<First line>
RSS headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem...
Tweet headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Store it
Share Unlike
Store it
13 minutes ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas
dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris.
Mauris magna tortor, Jeremih - Down on me.mp3, venenatis
non arcu. Mauris at enim magna, eu volutpat ligula.
Praesent pulvinar auctor congue. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae
quam tempor a pharetra turpis auctor.
The highlighted Facebook headline
shared by <Name>
Service tagline
Service name
Screen ID
20 01
SCP Application - Start screen (Select
Personal feed)
The user is on the SCP Start screen and he taps on one of the items in the
“Personal feed”list to select it (in example a Facebook post).
Screen ID
20 02
SCP Application - Personal mode
(Selecting an external URL in content)
By selecting the item in the list, the item which is a Facebook post will be
displayed on the right area across the two screens. The area where the item
was selected in the list will be overlayed with a set of option buttons
(Share, Like, Comment, Store it). The option buttons will be dependent of
the kind of item they relate to (in example - Facebook post).
The user reads through the Facebook post on the right area and selects the
music albumart (Shown behind the post) by tapping on the play button or
the music URL.
Selecting the web URL at the bottom will open a website (unknown at this
stage if it contains music) in a webview overlay.
Tap on
item (Perform
Tap on music play/
URL (music link)
opens in overlayed
music player
Tap on URL (web link)
opens in overlayed
webview browser
Screen ID
20 03
SCP Application - Personal mode -
Webview overlay (External Music file)
The external content (in this example an mp3 music file) will be opened in
an overlay which keeps the original content in the background. The
external content will have related content, which uses the same paradigm
as within the SCP application (maximize/minimize).
The user can Play/Pause the music, interact with the progress slider of the
music and adjust its volume. The related content will have a fixed position
on the bottom and it will also be scrollable within that area but expanding
related content will enlarge the area to be used for interacting with it
(possibly the whole bottom screen but never across both screens).
A tap on the“Close”-button in the upper right corner will close the
webview overlay and a tap on the“Minimize”-button will minimize the
music in a small music player.
When the music has ended, the user will have a“Replay”-button centered
over the music albumart area.
Tap on “Close”-button
(To close webview overlay)
[Play] / [Pause]
(Plays or pauses
music track)
(Music in miniplayer)
Overlay options
(Same as original post/feed)
Buongiorno tat dual_screen_tablet_concept_and_use_cases_final_delivery_t1_appendix_updated
Buongiorno tat dual_screen_tablet_concept_and_use_cases_final_delivery_t1_appendix_updated
Buongiorno tat dual_screen_tablet_concept_and_use_cases_final_delivery_t1_appendix_updated
Buongiorno tat dual_screen_tablet_concept_and_use_cases_final_delivery_t1_appendix_updated
Buongiorno tat dual_screen_tablet_concept_and_use_cases_final_delivery_t1_appendix_updated
Buongiorno tat dual_screen_tablet_concept_and_use_cases_final_delivery_t1_appendix_updated
Buongiorno tat dual_screen_tablet_concept_and_use_cases_final_delivery_t1_appendix_updated
Buongiorno tat dual_screen_tablet_concept_and_use_cases_final_delivery_t1_appendix_updated
Buongiorno tat dual_screen_tablet_concept_and_use_cases_final_delivery_t1_appendix_updated
Buongiorno tat dual_screen_tablet_concept_and_use_cases_final_delivery_t1_appendix_updated
Buongiorno tat dual_screen_tablet_concept_and_use_cases_final_delivery_t1_appendix_updated
Buongiorno tat dual_screen_tablet_concept_and_use_cases_final_delivery_t1_appendix_updated
Buongiorno tat dual_screen_tablet_concept_and_use_cases_final_delivery_t1_appendix_updated
Buongiorno tat dual_screen_tablet_concept_and_use_cases_final_delivery_t1_appendix_updated
Buongiorno tat dual_screen_tablet_concept_and_use_cases_final_delivery_t1_appendix_updated
Buongiorno tat dual_screen_tablet_concept_and_use_cases_final_delivery_t1_appendix_updated

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Buongiorno tat dual_screen_tablet_concept_and_use_cases_final_delivery_t1_appendix_updated

  • 1. Page 1Description of available navigation methods and layout elements Project Name-Company internal use onlyFinal Delivery (incl. Appendix for the T1 device) Buongiorno Dual screen tablet - Primary use cases Interaction design wireframe document - including appendix for the T1 device - 22-11-2010
  • 2. Page 2Two Paths - Use Case 1 - Sign up to SCP Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... SCP Demo movie (Start) Takes the user through the setup process, what the SCP is and why it’s needed to register for the service... Skip Initial Setup Process - Sign up to SCP service and Login to social networks (Twitter and Facebook) (pt. 1) Screen ID 02 01 Setup process - Android Setup Wizard (Skip through setup) The user has turned on his device and he is presented with the“Android Setup Wizard”. He can skip through it without the need for setting up a gmail account etc. 9:52 PM Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec turpis quis eros consequat suscipit. Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor dapibus tempus. Vivamus a quam ligula, at aliquet nibh. Integer egestas, tellus in mollis rutrum. Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui volutpat a. In commodo ligula at dolor interdum eget convallis nunc imperdiet. Nullam at mattis eros. Aenean quis tellus purus, vitae commodo augue. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer malesuada massa a nunc varius congue. Suspendisse felis velit, placerat at convallis vel, cursus non libero. In consequat, massa a fermentum. Customize your phone Next 9:52 PM Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec turpis quis eros consequat suscipit. Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor dapibus tempus. Vivamus a quam ligula, at aliquet nibh. Integer egestas, tellus in mollis rutrum. Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui volutpat a. In commodo ligula at dolor interdum eget convallis nunc imperdiet. Nullam at mattis eros. Aenean quis tellus purus, vitae commodo augue. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer malesuada massa a nunc varius congue. Suspendisse felis velit, placerat at convallis vel, cursus non libero. In consequat, massa a fermentum. Use Google location NextBack Screen ID 02 02 Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Demo movie of SCP setup + Create SCP account) When the user has skipped through the“Android Setup Wizard”he is presented with a short demo movie (Splash) explaining what the SCP is and why it will be necessary to register for an SCP account. When it has finished, the user will be on the“Create SCP account”screen, where the user will need to enter his details (Username, Password, Email) in order to create a new account. When this screen is presented to the user, the QWERTY-keyboard will slide up from the bottom and the first (Username) field will already be highlighted (with cursor in it). When finished with entering his details he taps on the“Create”-button The user has the possibility to login with an existing account from this screen as well, by tapping on the [Login with existing account]-button. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! @ # $ % & * ? / _ “ ‘ ( ) 123# - ; : + 0 E R T Y UW I O P A D F G H JS K L X C V B N , . Z M Screen ID 02 03 Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Login with existing account) On the SCP Login screen, the user can login with an existing account (We take into consideration that the user might already have an SCP account and that this is not his first SCP device so he must have the possibility to login with an existing account or that a user has reset his device and now wants to login with the existing account). Logging in from this screen will take the user to his SCP start screen. After X amount of seconds (No user input) After X amount of seconds SCP Demo movie (End) (No user input or skip)Tap on [Next]-button (Skip customization) Tap on [Next]-button (Skip Google location) RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! @ # $ % & * ? / _ “ ‘ ( ) 123# - ; : + 0 E R T Y UW I O P A D F G H JS K L X C V B N , . Z M Login CreateBack Login with existing account Tap on [Login with existing account]-button Back Types in details on QWERTY keyboard then Tap on [Create]-button Goes to Screen ID 02 01 Create SCP account Username: FredrikA_84 Password: Email: Recieve promotional material from services Enter your details to sign up for an SCP account SCP Login: Username: Password: Keep me logged in to SPC
  • 3. Page 3Two Paths - Use Case 1 - Sign up to SCP Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept Initial Setup Process - Sign up to SCP service and Login to social networks (Twitter and Facebook) (pt. 2) RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Screen ID 03 01 Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Creation of SCP account successfull - Add social networks) If all goes well and the setup of the new account is successfull, this will be what the user is presented with (Potentially there could be steps in between this and the previous screen presented in this scenario). The user will here be prompted to login or create an account to one of the available social networks (facebook, twitter etc.). This step can be skipped by the user but if one account to a social network is added, the“Skip”-button seen on the bottom right will state“Continue” instead. The user taps on the“Facebook”-icon in order to login to that social network. SCP account successfully created Skip RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Login to Facebook Login to use your Facebook account with SCP. E-mail address: Password: Keep me logged in Join Facebook Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! @ # $ % & * ? / _ “ ‘ ( ) 123# - ; : + 0 E R T Y UW I O P A D F G H JS K L X C V B N , . Z M Login Cancel Screen ID 03 02 Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Login to Social network accounts) This is the facebook login screen where the user can login to his facebook account or join Facebook (Create a new one). The user enters his details using the QWERTY-keyboard and taps on the “Login”-button (He can also cancel by tapping on the“Back”-button). Facebook Twitter YouTube Thank you for registering to the SCP! Now please take a moment and connect to your social networks to ensure you have the best experience with the SCP Login or create an account for a social network by tapping on its icon Tap on [Social network]-icon RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Request for Permission SCP is requesting permission to do the following: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec turpis quis eros consequat suscipit. Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor dapibus tempus. Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui volutpat a. In commodo ligula at dolor interdum penatibus et magnis. Aenean quis tellus purus, vitae commodo augue. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui volutpat a. In commodo ligula at dolor interdum eget convallis nunc imperdiet. Nullam at mattis eros. Aenean quis tellus purus, vitae commodo augue. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer malesuada massa a nunc varius congue. Suspendisse felis velit, placerat at convallis vel, cursus non libero. In consequat, massa a fermentum. Aenean quis tellus purus, vitae commodo augue. SCP Logged in as Fredrik Andreasson (Not You?) Allow Don’t Allow Screen ID 03 03 Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Logged in - Connect to or grant permission (OAUTH)) When the user has logged in to his facebook account, he will be asked to grant the SCP application the needed permissions in order to properly connect his facebook account with his SCP account. The user allows the request for permission by pressing on the “Allow”-button (if he doesn’t allow the permission, he will be logged out and returned to the previous login screen with his entered details intact). Types in details on QWERTY keyboard then Tap on [Login]-button Tap on [Allow]-button Goes to Screen ID 04 01 Tap on [Create]-button Goes to Screen ID 04 02 Report Application
  • 4. Page 4Two Paths - Use Case 1 - Sign up to SCP Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept Initial Setup Process - Sign up to SCP service and Login to social networks (Twitter and Facebook) (pt. 3) RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Screen ID 04 01 Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Creation of SCP account successfull - Add social networks) When the user has connected the facebook account he decides that he doesn’t want to connect any more accounts at this moment so he taps on the“Continue”-button. Only one account can be added per social network. SCP account successfully created Continue Facebook (Fredrik Andreasson) Twitter YouTube Thank you for registering to the SCP! Now please take a moment and connect to your social networks to ensure you have the best experience with the SCP Login or create an account for a social network by tapping on its icon RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Screen ID 04 02 Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Creation of SCP account successfull - Add trend packages) When the user is finished with connecting his social network accounts, he will be presented with Trend Packages offered by the SCP. The user can tap on anyone of the Trend Packages in order to view a preview of what they contain. The user taps on the News Package. SCP account successfully created We would now like to introduce you to Trend Packages. Trend Packages contain Official feeds from some of the major players in the fields of News, Sports, Fashion and Media. Whatever you are interested in - the chances are big that you will find a Trend Package suitable for you. Tap on the icon of a Trend Package to view a preview of it and recieve the possibility to follow it instantly Music Sports News Finance Travel Games Fashion Furniture Skip Tap on [Continue]-button RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Screen ID 04 03 Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Creation of SCP account successfull - Preview trend packages) When the user taps on the News Package, he will be presented with the preview of that Package on the top screen. From there he will be able to recieve some information about what the Package contains and which the default Official feeds he will follow if he decides to Subscribe. The user will have the possibility to select or deselect the default Official feeds and then Subscribe. He does not make any changes to the default featured feeds but instead decides to Subscribe to what the SCP offers. SCP account successfully created We would now like to introduce you to Service Packages. Service Packages contain Official feeds from some of the major players in the fields of News, Sports, Fashion and Media. Whatever you are interested in - the chances are big that you will find a Service Package suitable for you. Tap on the icon of a Trend Package to view a preview of it and recieve the possibility to follow it instantly Music Sports News Finance Travel Games Fashion Furniture Skip Tap on [News]-icon <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name> Example services in package <Name> Info about Service Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec turpis quis eros consequat suscipit. Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor dapibus tempus. Vivamus a quam ligula, at aliquet nibh. Integer egestas, tellus in mollis rutrum. Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui volutpat a. In commodo ligula at dolor interdum eget convallis nunc imperdiet. Nullam at mattis eros. Subscribe to Trend Package Tap on [Subscribe]-button Goes to Screen ID 05 01 Back Back
  • 5. Page 5Two Paths - Use Case 1 - Sign up to SCP Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept Initial Setup Process - Sign up to SCP service and Login to social networks (Twitter and Facebook) (pt. 4) RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Screen ID 05 01 Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Creation of SCP account successfull - Follow service package) The user will recieve instant visual feedback that he is now subscribing to the News Package (tick mark icon over Package icon). The user taps on the“Continue”-button to move the process forward. SCP account successfully created We would now like to introduce you to Service Packages. Service Packages contain Official feeds from some of the major players in the fields of News, Sports, Fashion and Media. Whatever you are interested in - the chances are big that you will find a Service Package suitable for you. Tap on the icon of a Trend Package to view a preview of it and recieve the possibility to follow it instantly Music Sports News Finance Travel Games Fashion Furniture <Name><Name> <Name> <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name> Example services in package <Name> Info about Service Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec turpis quis eros consequat suscipit. Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor dapibus tempus. Vivamus a quam ligula, at aliquet nibh. Integer egestas, tellus in mollis rutrum. Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui volutpat a. In commodo ligula at dolor interdum eget convallis nunc imperdiet. Nullam at mattis eros. End Subscription ContinueBack Tap on [End Subscription] -button Goes to Screen ID 04 03 RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Screen ID 05 02 Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (SCP account finalization - Manage “My Edition” or “Finalize account”) This is the last screen of the SCP account creation and the user has two choices - To learn more about how to manage“My Edition”or to begin exploring the SCP. The user taps on the Finalize account icon and is presented with the SCP Start screen populated with his followed official feeds and posts from his connected social network accounts. SCP account finalization Thank you for spending some time to personalize your SCP account! Do you wish to learn how to make your SCP experience even better? Tap on the “My edition” icon... Would you rather begin exploring the SCP right now? Tap on the “Finalize account” icon... Back Tap on [Continue]-button My edition Finalize account SCP RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Facebook headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Facebook headline shared by <Name> Screen ID 05 03 SCP Application - Start screen The user is on the SCP Start screen. Tap on [My Edition] -icon Goes to Screen ID 09 01 Tap on [Finalize]-button
  • 6. Page 6Two Paths - Use Case 1 - Sign up to SCP Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept Discover headline <Source (link)> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My online edition My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> Screen ID 06 02 Discover mode (Featured) The maximized Discover stream is shown with related content to it. The Personal feed is accessible on the far left side (or right - if set in settings to right handed use or device is rotated 180°) Browsing of official feeds and social network feeds RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Screen ID 06 01 SCP Application - Start screen (Selecting one of the two available paths) This is the SCP Start screen. It’s divided into the Discover stream and the Personal feed list. Discover is navigated horizontally and Personal vertically. Access to stored content (tab in top right corner in the personal feed list) and to the edition manager (piechart icon on the top left corner in the personal feed list). Indicators in the Discover stream to indicate that there is more. Slight movement in the stream in right-to-left direction enhances the“stream” feeling. Tap on “Discover” item takes the user to Discover mode Tap on “Personal feed” list takes the user to Discover mode Discover headline <Source (link)> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My onlinedition My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> Transition: Personal feed list slides to the left but not completely. Entire Discover article/ad/stumble upon content is revealed. Transition: My feed headline <First line> My edition Related content Related content Related content Related content The highlighted Facebook headline shared by <Name> 8 hours ago Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris. Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non arcu. Mauris at enim magna, eu volutpat ligula. Praesent pulvinar auctor congue. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam tempor a pharetra turpis auctor. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Comment Share Store it Like Screen ID 06 03 Personal mode (Selected post in list) The personal mode displays the entire article in relation to the highlighted item in the feed list. This is placed ontop of the discover mode, so a simple drag and swipe to the left goes back to the SCP Start screen, or using the HW back key. Discover headline <Source (link)> Transition: Personal feed full article slides in behind the list and above the Discover stream. The highlighted feed headline Related content Related content My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My Edition My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> Transition: Comment Share Store it Like Featured Friend activities Popular Personalized Screen ID 06 04 SCP Application - Layers (overview) This layered overview tries to explain how the separate parts of the SCP application relate to eachother. The SCP Start screen features the“Personal feed”-list and the“Discovery mode”. All other parts can be displayed if needed. SCP Start screen
  • 7. Page 7Two Paths - Use Case 1 - Sign up to SCP Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept Browse default SCP Start screen (When user has not Subscribed to Official feeds) Screen ID 07 01 Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Skipping vital parts of the SCP Setup) The user has skipped through all vital parts of the SCP Setup Wizard meaning that he has not connected any social network accounts or Subscribed to any Service packages (containing Official feeds). Screen ID 07 02 SCP Application - Start screen (default without any user added social networks/feeds) His SCP Start screen will be very un-personal only displaying posts from the default Official feed from SCP in his Personal feeds list. The Discover mode will still be able to display Info about Official feeds that the user can follow and a shortcut to connecting his social network accounts will be the topmost item in the personal feed until the user connects atleast one account. SCP edition feed can be deleted through the Customizer, SCP feed can't. SCP edition is composed of major official feeds chosen by service manager (according country and language). RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! @ # $ % & * ? / _ “ ‘ ( ) 123# - ; : + 0 E R T Y UW I O P A D F G H JS K L X C V B N , . Z M Create SCP account Enter your details to sign up for an SCP account Username: FredrikA_84 Password: Email: Recieve promotional material from services CreateBack RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... SCP account successfully created Skip Facebook Twitter YouTube Thank you for registering to the SCP! Now please take a moment and connect to your social networks to ensure you have the best experience with the SCP Login or create an account for a social network by tapping on its icon RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... SCP account successfully created We would now like to introduce you to Service Packages. Service Packages contain Official feeds from some of the major players in the fields of News, Sports, Fashion and Media. Whatever you are interested in - the chances are big that you will find a Service Package suitable for you. Tap on the icon of a Service Package to view a preview of it and recieve the possibility to follow it instantly Music Sports News Finance Travel Games Fashion Furniture SkipBack RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... SCP account finalization Thank you for spending some time to personalize your SCP account! Do you wish to learn how to make your SCP experience even better? Tap on the “My edition” icon... Would you rather begin exploring the SCP right now? Tap on the “Finalize account” icon... Back My edition Finalize account SCP Skip connecting Social networks Skip following Service Packages Sucessfully create SCP account Tap on [Finalize]-button RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Connect to a social network account in order to get the full experience
  • 8. Page 8Two Paths - Use Case 1 - Sign up to SCP Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept Logout and Login to SCP Screen ID 08 01 SCP Application - Start screen (Launching the application menu) The user is on the SCP Start screen and he presses the hardware [Menu]-button in order to view the application menu. Screen ID 08 03 SCP Application - Start screen (Login screen when logged out from SCP) The SCP Login screen that is only visible when the user has logged out manually (default is to keep the user logged in even if the device is turned off and then turned on again). Logging in from this screen will take the user to his SCP start screen (with all the users stored items intact, if another account is logged in, any previously stored items will be cleared upon login). The user has the possibility to create a new account from this screen by tapping on the [Create new account]-button. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! @ # $ % & * ? / _ “ ‘ ( ) 123# - ; : + 0 E R T Y UW I O P A D F G H JS K L X C V B N , . Z M SCP Login: Username: Keep me logged in to SPC If a new account is logged in, any previously stored items will be cleared Password: LoginCreate new account Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Facebook headline shared by <Name> RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Screen ID 08 02 SCP Application - Start screen (Application menu opened) When the menu is displayed, the user taps on the“Logout”-icon after which he is presented with a Confirmation dialog. Selecting to Logout again will log the user out from the SCP application and the device itself because it can’t be used without SCP running in the background. Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Facebook headline shared by <Name> RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Search Discovery Directory Manage Account General Settings Help Logout Tap on [Menu]- hardware button Goes to Screen ID 14 01 Discovery directory Search Goes to Screen ID 12 02 Tap on [Create new account]-button Goes to Screen ID 02 02 Logging out from the SCP will require you to login again next time you want to use the device Proceed with logout? LogoutCancel Confirmation dialog This dialog is not traditional in the sense that it will pop-up, instead it will replace the are used for the menu itself. Selecting logout will log the user out of the SCP app. Tap on [Logout]-icon Logout after confirmation dialog
  • 9. Page 9Two Paths - Use Case 1 - Sign up to SCP Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept Setting up My Edition Screen ID 09 02 SCP Application - Start screen (Edition manager hint animation) The user is presented with the SCP Start screen populated with his followed official feeds and posts from his connected social network accounts as well as with an animation that will provide the user with a hint to where he can find the Edition manager. Screen ID 09 01 Setup process - SCP Setup Wizard (Manage “My Edition” information) The“My Edition”manager information. The user should have a way to familiarize himself with the way“My Edition”(his personal feed) works so this screen will feature an Interactive Demo movie which will try to explain to the user how the manager works. This step will try to provide the user with some guidance with how the different parts (Social networks and Service packages) are related to eachother. When the user taps on the“Finalize”-button he will be in his SCP Start screen but he should be guided visually that the piechart icon is where he can manage his Edition. My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> Available offline My online edition My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> Related content Related content The highlighted feed headline Available contacts Social network <name> Top contacts <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name><Name> FinalizeBack My Edition manager information The key to making your SCP experience great is in managing and customizing your “Edition” to suit you and your lifestyle perfectly! Tap on Finalize to finalize your account and jump straight into trying out the Edition manager. Social networks Service packages My Edition Goes to Screen ID 05 02 Tap on [Back]-button to go back to SCP account finalization Tap on [Finalize]-button Goes to Screen ID 17 03 Interactive Demo movie Consider “My Edition” the whole sum of your connected social network accounts and the Service packages you subscribe to. The pieces that make up the pie will need some maintanence by you because who other than yourself knows what you are interested in or who you usually communicate with Tap on ”My Edition” to continue Screen ID 09 03 SCP Application - My Edition management (Social networks) This is the“Edition manager”where the user can manage his“Edition”for his content. It is split in to two parts - Social networks and Service packages. The visual representation is different for each of the two parts of which the Edition is comprised. This is the Social networks part and from here the user can manage which social networks he is connected to and which his top contacts are for each connected account. The user can also opt in for letting the Smartstream service display ranking of the users contacts (Not available at first, but at a later stage when the Smartstream service knows more about the user). My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> Available offline My online edition My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> Related content Related content The highlighted feed headline Available contacts Facebook Social networks To add one - drag in to your edition Twitter Youtube Smartstream Social network <name> Top contacts <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> Servicepackages The worlds most famous video sharing site. Join now and begin sharing videos with the rest of the world <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name><Name> Tap on [Service packages] to manage them RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Tap on Edition manager item (Perform selection) My Edition ON
  • 10. Page 10Two Paths - Use Case 2 - Discovering new content Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept Entering the Discover Mode and a brief introduction to the 4 types of Discovery Friends activities The“Friends activities”category are typically used to find Services that other frineds have found intersting (and follows) - potentially this service could be intersting for you (the user) as well. Featured The“featured”category provides the user with Editorial services that are promoted by Buongiorno. Personalized As the user consume content through the SCP user habits and intrest areas are recorded and stored in a database. This information is then used to inteligently provide the user with probably matching Services according to collected preferences. Popular The“Popular”category provides the user with currently“hot”topics based on ranking algorithms and know traffic to curtain Services. Parameters that could be taken into account are both the users own network as well as global activities through the Buongiorno service and general internet traffic. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Service tagline Service name My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Friends activitiesPopular Personalized Featured RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Subscribe to Engadget engadget Engadget is a web magazine with obsessive daily coverage of everything new in gadgets and consumer electronics. Engadget was launched in March of 2004 in partnership with the Weblogs, Inc. Network (WIN). Lovefilm movie streaming now live on UK PlayStation 3 consoles Samsung Galaxy Tab fulfills its destiny SlingPlayer arrives in Windows Phone 7 TAT's Dimension S3D is a user interface for stereoscopic TVs (video) Palm Pre 2 swims across the English Channel ...more headlines Persons you know, who are following this Service... Mike, Martin, Cédric, Simon, Helena, Migge, Oscar + 10 more Featured Friend activities Popular Personalized RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting organisation in the world. Its mission is to enrich people's lives with programmes that inform, educate and entertain. Haider retires following threats Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma Cameron's China visit 'fruitful' Haiti tests capital for cholera Bush defends White House record ...more headlines Subscribe to BBC Screen ID 10 01 SCP Start screen - accessing the Discover Mode This is the SCP Start screen. It’s divided into the Discover Mode and the Personal feed list. The Discover Mode is navigated horizontally and has to be initiated by the user to enable direct end user interaction. When not activated The Discover mode provides a stream of smoothly presented news feed“portals”(services) in the background, enabling the user to get interested and eventually choose to follow the content published by the Publisher (Service provider). The stream is moving smoothly and discreetly from right-to-left in a transition manner, enhances the“stream”feeling. Tap anywhere on the discovery area to enter the discover mode Press [Home] to return to the Start screen Screen ID 10 02 Discover Mode - an introduction Screen ID 10 04 Discovery types a brief introduction... Featured, Friends activities, Personalized, Popular Screen ID 10 03 Changing Discovery type The user has entered the Discovery Mode. The Stream is put to a hold for approx. 2 minutes - allowing the user to interact without disturbing undesired movment on the screen. At the bottom of the screen a navigation indicator shows the users current position. Previous Services (official feeds) are shown as indicators to the left. Upcoming (other non-visited) Services are shown to the right. The latest visited Discovery type is still seclected (in this case:“Frinds activities”). For more information regarding the content of the Discover Mode see next page. The user has changed Discover Mode to“Featured”which is the default type shown when the user starts the device. The personal feed is minimized and stays at the right side of the screen. The user changes Discovery Type R L R L R < R L T L a T F F
  • 11. Page 11Two Paths - Use Case 2 - Discovering new content Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept Browse the service, peek preview it’s content and start a subscription (follow the service) Featured Friend activities Popular Personalized RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting organisation in the world. Its mission is to enrich people's lives with programmes that inform, educate and entertain. You are subscribing to... Haider retires following threats Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma Cameron's China visit 'fruitful' Haiti tests capital for cholera Bush defends White House record ...more headlines Unsubscribe to BBC Screen ID 11 03 A service beeing subscribied to (followed) The user has just started to subscribe to the Service provider (BBC) and the “Subscribe to BBC”-button (right lower corner) has changed to “Unsubscribe to BBC”an Subscribtion indicator has been added to the Service as well (above the Service name). Featured Friend activities Popular Personalized RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting organisation in the world. Its mission is to enrich people's lives with programmes that inform, educate and entertain. Haider retires following threats Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma Cameron's China visit 'fruitful' Haiti tests capital for cholera Bush defends White House record ...more headlines Subscribe to BBC RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting organisation in the world. Its mission is to enrich people's lives with programmes that inform, educate and entertain. Tap on a headline or “...more headlines” Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec turpis quis eros consequat suscipit. Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor dapibus tempus. Vivamus a quam ligula, at aliquet nibh. Integer egestas, tellus in mollis rutrum, magna turpis adipiscing ante, sit amet consequat orci nisi vel est. Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui a. In commodo ligula at dolor interdum eget convallis nunc imperdiet. Nullam at mattis eros. Aenean quis tellus purus, vitae commodo augue. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus egestas nunc eget eros laoreet sollicitudin. Duis non augue eu tellus viverra ornare quis eget justo. Vivamus a hendrerit nibh. Aenean nec urna neque. nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam et blandit velit. Integer veturpis. Haider retires following threats 2 minutes ago Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma 18 minutes ago Cameron's China visit 'fruitful' 52 minutes ago Haiti tests capital for cholera 11:14 Bush defends White House record 10:48 Leaks precede Myanmar vote results 10:22 In memoirs, Bush backs waterboarding 09:15 Zulqarnain Haider quits Pakistan amid death threats BBC - International - Breaking, World, Business, Sports, Entertainment and Video News Subscribe to BBC Subscription started Close the preview/reader Screen ID 11 01 Interacting with a Service (portal) Screen ID 11 02 Sneak peek of available posts (articles) The user has show interest in a Service (in this case BBC) and has tapped on a news headline. An overlay screen is presented and allows the user to read the latest news articles. If more then one headline (article) has been published the user will be able to read another article by tapping in the headline overview (upper left area). The user could also choose to initiate a subscription of the Service and there by recieve new publications (posts) directly into the“Personal feed”. The user is at the Discover Mode (Type: Featured). The screen above shows a Service “portal”in this case“BBC”. The user is presented with a brief description of the Service as well as the latest headlines from the Service provider. Just as described previously - the user will be able to navigate (browse) through the Services by flicking left/right. The user can also navigate rapidly between the different services by holding the finger and dragging left/right (or tapping) at the bottom of the the lower screen (on the navigator indicators): The user has been transported to the 8th Service“portal”... If the user starts a subscription to a service a pop-up dialoge is displayed in the upper right corner informing the user of the matter. A subscription indicator is displayed on the Service“portal”that indicates that it is beeing subscripbed to. All feeds (posts) from the Service will now be made available in the “Personal feed”as they are published. You have started to subscribe to BBC news You have started to subscribe to BBC news The user manually goes back to the Discover Mode RSS Lorem RSS Lorem RSS <First RSS Lorem Twee share Lorem adipis Twee share Face share Face share
  • 12. Page 12Two Paths - Use Case 2 - Discovering new content Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept Discovering new and manage Services through a“Discovery Directory” Featured Friend activities Popular Personalized headline m ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. headline m ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. headline t line> My edition headline m ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. et headline ed by <Name> m ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur scing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... et headline ed by <Name> ebook headline ed by <Name> ebook headline ed by <Name> BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting organisation in the world. Its mission is to enrich people's lives with programmes that inform, educate and entertain. Haider retires following threats Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma Cameron's China visit 'fruitful' Haiti tests capital for cholera Bush defends White House record ...more headlines Subscribe to BBC Featured Friend activities Popular Personalized RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting organisation in the world. Its mission is to enrich people's lives with programmes that inform, educate and entertain. Haider retires following threats Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma Cameron's China visit 'fruitful' Haiti tests capital for cholera Bush defends White House record ...more headlines Subscribe to BBC Screen ID 12 01 Accessing the Discovery Directory Screen ID 12 02 Navigating within the Discovery Directory Screen ID 12 03 Unsubscribe to a Service through the Discovery Directory The user is at the Discover Mode and would like to get an overview of available Services as well as manage his/her subscriptions. The user presses the [menu]-button, and is presented with the following menu options (displayed at the bottom of the screen): The user is presented with a similar layout as to the one presented in the setup procedure where the user could choose Service packages. In this scenario the user is viewing the Music trend. In the Discover Directory the user will be able to tap on one of the trends provided at the top screen - at the same time the lower screen will be utilized to show Available Services (subscribed and not subscribed to). In indicator shows if the user is currently subscribing to a specific Service (in this case a checkbox). Services are presented in alphabethic order. By tapping on a <serviceName> on the lower screen the user will be provided with a brief description of the currently highlighted Service. Pressing the [Back]-button will exit the Discovery Directory Once an unsubscription has been initiated the user has to confirm the action. Stored articles are keept as the user obviously once had some kind of interest in the article. Discovery Directory Search Discovery Directory Manage account General Settings Help Logout Tap on one of the Service trends below, to manage your subscriptions. Music Sports News Finance Travel Games Fashion Furniture Featured Friend activities Popular Personalized RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting organisation in the world. Its mission is to enrich people's lives with programmes that inform, educate and entertain. Haider retires following threats Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma Cameron's China visit 'fruitful' Haiti tests capital for cholera Bush defends White House record ...more headlines Subscribe to BBC Music Sports News Finance Travel Games Fashion Furniture By unsubscribing to <serviceName> you will not recieve any post from this source in the future. Articles from <serviceName> will still be available in your storage. You will be able to subscribe to <serviceName> again when you so desire. <serviceName> Start date: <subscriptionStartDate> No. of stored articles: <number> CancelUnsubscribe Close Discovery Directory Tap on one of the Service trends below, to manage your subscriptions. Discovery DirectoryDiscovery Directory Goes to Screen ID 13 01 Search Goes to Screen ID 14 01 Description/Information about the currently highligted service... Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor dapibus tempus. Vivamus a quam ligula, at aliquet nibh. Integer egestas, tellus in mollis rutrum. Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui volutpat a. In commodo ligula at dolor interdum eget convallis nunc imperdiet. Nullam at mattis eros. Unsubscribe to Service <serviceName> Start date: <subscriptionStartDate> No. of stored articles: <number> <serviceName> Start date: <subscriptionStartDate> No. of stored articles: <number> <serviceName> Start date: <subscriptionStartDate> No. of stored articles: <number> <serviceName> Start date: <subscriptionStartDate> No. of stored articles: <number> <serviceName> Start date: <subscriptionStartDate> No. of stored articles: <number> Tap on Service Unsubscribe Menu Cancel
  • 13. Page 13Two Paths - Use Case 2 - Discovering new content Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept Browsing available Services and and make a new subscription Featured Friend activities Popular Personalized RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting organisation in the world. Its mission is to enrich people's lives with programmes that inform, educate and entertain. Haider retires following threats Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma Cameron's China visit 'fruitful' Haiti tests capital for cholera Bush defends White House record ...more headlines Subscribe to BBC Screen ID 13 01 Discovery Directory - Subscribing to a new service Subscribing to a Service through the Discovery Directory is very similar to unsubscribing to a Service. In addition to the subscription button the user is also able to peak preview the currently highlighted Service“portal”in the“ordinary”Discovery mode. Tap on one of the Service trends below, to manage your subscriptions. Music Sports News Finance Travel Games Fashion Furniture Discovery DirectoryComes from Screen ID 12 02 Description/Information about the currently highligted service... Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor dapibus tempus. Vivamus a quam ligula, at aliquet nibh. Integer egestas, tellus in mollis rutrum. Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui volutpat a. In commodo ligula at dolor interdum eget convallis nunc imperdiet. Nullam at mattis eros. Subscribe to Service <serviceName> Start date: <subscriptionStartDate> No. of stored articles: <number> <serviceName> Start date: <subscriptionStartDate> No. of stored articles: <number> <serviceName> Start date: <subscriptionStartDate> No. of stored articles: <number> <serviceName> Start date: <subscriptionStartDate> No. of stored articles: <number> <serviceName> Start date: <subscriptionStartDate> No. of stored articles: <number> Goes to Screen ID 11 02 View example headlines Go to Service “portal”
  • 14. Page 14Two Paths - Use Case 2 - Discovering new content Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept Searching for content within the SCP Comes from Screen ID 12 01 Featured Friend activities Popular Personalized RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting organisation in the world. Its mission is to enrich people's lives with programmes that inform, educate and entertain. Haider retires following threats Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma Cameron's China visit 'fruitful' Haiti tests capital for cholera Bush defends White House record ...more headlines Subscribe to BBC Screen ID 14 01 Searching for content within the SCP When the user initiates a search he/she is instantly provided with a text field and a QWERTY-keyboard which alows him/her to rapidly input a search string. Once the user starts to type he/she is provided with a auto-complete suggestions (predictive text) where proposed matching strings are displayed (Android style). The user can then tap on one of the strings to auto complete the word. Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! @ # $ % & * ? / _ “ ‘ ( ) 123# - ; : + 0 E R T Y UW I O P A D F G H JS K L X C V B N , . Z M Type to search Search Stoc Search Stock marketStoc Stocks Stock photos Stockholm Featured Friend activities Popular Personalized RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting organisation in the world. Its mission is to enrich people's lives with programmes that inform, educate and entertain. Haider retires following threats Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma Cameron's China visit 'fruitful' Haiti tests capital for cholera Bush defends White House record ...more headlines Subscribe to BBC Screen ID 14 02 Matching search results are shown instantly As the user has to type matching search criterias are shown instantly according to each of the SCP“domains”. (the user does not have to tap a search-button. The search results are dynamically updated. The user has typed“Stockholm”and is presented with an indication of matching posts in each of the“domains”. Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! @ # $ % & * ? / _ “ ‘ ( ) 123# - ; : + 0 E R T Y UW I O P A D F G H JS K L X C V B N , . Z M Stored posts 3 matching My Edition (personal feed) 5 matching Discover Services 6 matching Featured Friend activities Popular Personalized RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> BBCThe BBC is the largest broadcasting organisation in the world. Its mission is to enrich people's lives with programmes that inform, educate and entertain. Haider retires following threats Pro-military poll 'win' in Burma Cameron's China visit 'fruitful' Haiti tests capital for cholera Bush defends White House record ...more headlines Subscribe to BBC Screen ID 14 03 Extracted domain (browsing search results) The user has expanded the“Stored posts”domain and the QWERTY has been dismissed. If the user finds what he/she is looking for - a single tap on the matching element will automatically transport the user to the feed/article in it’s corresponding context. Tapping on the search field will bring up the QWERTY again and all domains will automatically be returned to its previous“imploded”state (see previous screen. Stored posts (and My Edition) will provide matching posts, based on the content within the post. Stockholm Search 6 matchingDiscover Services <serviceDescription> <serviceProviderName> <serviceDescription> <serviceProviderName> <serviceDescription> <serviceProviderName> <serviceDescription> <serviceProviderName> <serviceDescription> <serviceProviderName> <serviceDescription> <serviceProviderName> 3 matchingStored posts Tap the search field Extract the domain Goes to Screen ID 14 02 Tap to implode The domain will be cotracted to it’s original state. (no QWERTY keyboard will be extracted) Tapon“Stockholm” Extractthedomain Stockholm Search Stored posts <matchingPostContent> <matchingPostSource (e.g. name of contact)> <date> <matchingPostContent> <matchingPostSource (e.g. name of contact)> <date> <matchingPostContent> <matchingPostSource (e.g. name of service)> <date> Tap matching post Transports the user to the matching post in it’s corresponding context. Tap matching post Transports the user to the matching Service
  • 15. Page 15Two Paths - Use Case 3 - Browsing through content/feeds Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept Always being able to browse followed official feeds (Offline version of My Edition) RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> Discover headline <Source (link)> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... My feed headline <First line> My edition Related content Related content Related content Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Reply Retweet Store it 13 minutes ago Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas dui. The highlighted Tweet headline shared by <Name> Related content Related content Screen ID 15 01 SCP Application - Start screen (Select Personal feed) The user is on the SCP Start screen and he taps on one of the items in the “Personal feed”list to select it (in example a Twitter post). When the post is opened the strength of the WI-Fi network has dropped and his connection has been lost. If connection drops, some items in the list that the device has catched in memory will be available to the user even if he has no online functionality (some functions may not work properly but the user will still have access to content in the pages). Trying to navigate to one of the items that have not been catched in memory, will provide the user with info about the loss in connectivity. If the user has“stored”items, these will be available to certain extent (possibly not the embedded media in them). Screen ID 15 02 SCP Application - Personal mode (Connection lost) The SCP will try to provide the user with info regarding the sudden Wi-Fi connectivity drop by displaying the small notification in the upper right corner. The item that the user has selected previously will still be visible because it was catched in memory but all media connected to the post will not be available (only potentially available if previously stored) and this will be represented by the video in the background being faded as well as the options that the user can perform on the post (Retweet, Reply) - they are also not available. URLs featured in the post will become plain text in order to not be confusing to the user and the user will not be able to post status updates. Potentially related content can or can’t be displayed. The hint displayed for offline (connection lost) will be displayed until the device is connected again or until the user taps on the hint itself to hide it. Tap on item (Perform selection) My feed headline <First line> My edition Related content Related content Related content RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Reply Retweet Store it 13 minutes ago Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas dui. The highlighted Tweet headline shared by <Name> Related content Related content Screen ID 15 03 SCP Application - Personal mode (Connection found) The SCP will provide the user with info about when there is full connectivity again. The Video in the background will be available again as well as the Option buttons, Status update field, the URL and the Related content. The hint displayed for online (connection found) will be transient and dissapear after X amount of seconds. Connection lost Connection found Offline - lost Wi-Fi connection (No user input) Online - found Wi-Fi connection (No user input) After X amount of seconds (No user input)
  • 16. Page 16Two Paths - Use Case 3 - Browsing through content/feeds Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept Handling of content/feed updates Screen ID 16 01 Accessing the manual update The user has navigated to the top of the feeds list (by flicking downwards in the feed list). Once at the top the list bounces back but if the user continues to drag downwards (see next wireframe) the user is able to update the feed list. My feed headline <First line> My edition Related content Related content Related content Related content The highlighted Facebook headline shared by <Name> 8 hours ago Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris. Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non arcu. Mauris at enim magna, eu volutpat ligula. Praesent pulvinar auctor congue. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam tempor a pharetra turpis auctor. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Comment Share Like Store it Screen ID 16 02 Initiating the feed list update The user initiates the update by explicitly dragging the list down and releasing the finger. Before releasing the finger the user can“dismiss”an update by instead dragging the finger upwards again (hiding the“update area”). My edition Related content Related content Related content Related content The highlighted Facebook headline shared by <Name> 8 hours ago Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris. Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non arcu. Mauris at enim magna, eu volutpat ligula. Praesent pulvinar auctor congue. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam tempor a pharetra turpis auctor. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Comment Share Like Store it Pull down to update Screen ID 16 03 One new update has been fetched The user is presented with new posts (in this case only one new post has been found). The lastest post is automatically expanded so the user can read it instantly. New posts are added at the top of the“My edition”list. My edition Related content Related content Related content Related content The highlighted Facebook headline shared by <Name> 8 hours ago Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris. Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non arcu. Mauris at enim magna, eu volutpat ligula. Praesent pulvinar auctor congue. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam tempor a pharetra turpis auctor. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Updating posts The“update area”is changed to let the user know that an update is beeing performed (animated eggtimer). Facebook headline (first sentence) shared by <Name> Comment Share Like Store it Screen ID 16 04 Setting My editor (feeds) auto update Search Discovery Directory Manage account General Settings Help Logout By extracting the Menu (pressing the [Menu]-button, the user will be able to reach the settings for Auto-update. Here the user will be able to set the frequence of automated updates. Once an update has been performed (manually or automated) a notification toast dialog appears in the upper right corner of the upper screen. The toast dialog informs the user of the matter and provides information about how many new feeds that have been downloaded/fetched. If the update was initiated automatically and no new updates has been fetched, then no notification will be displayed. But if it was initiated manually -“No new posts” will be displayed to the end user. 3 new updates You have started to subscribe to BBC news 1 new update
  • 17. Page 17Two Paths - Use Case 3 - Browsing through content/feeds Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept Managing My Edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Service tagline Service name Screen ID 17 01 SCP Application - Start screen (Select manage My Edition) The user is on the SCP Start screen and he taps on the“My Edition manager”-icon in the“Personal feed”list to select it. Screen ID 17 02 SCP Application - My Edition management (Social networks) This is the“Edition manager”where the user can manage his“Edition”for his content. It is split in to two parts - Social networks and Service packages. The visual representation is different for each of the two parts of which the Edition is comprised. This is the Social networks part and from here the user can manage which social networks he is connected to and which his top contacts are for each connected account. The user can also opt in for letting the Smartstream service display ranking of the users contacts (Not available at first, but at a later stage when the Smartstream service knows more about the user). Screen ID 17 03 SCP Application - My Edition management (Service packages) This is the second part (Service packages) where the user can subscribe or unsubscribe to Service packages and manage which Official feeds he is following from each subscribed Service package. Tap on Edition manager item (Perform selection) My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> Available offline My online edition My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> Related content Related content The highlighted feed headline Example services in package Available services Finance Service packages To add one - drag in to your edition Furniture Sports Fashion Service package <name> Added services <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name>Package overview - Add/Remove services from package <Name> <Name> <Name> Socialnetworks My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> Available offline My online edition My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> My feed headline <First line> Related content Related content The highlighted feed headline Available contacts Facebook Social networks To add one - drag in to your edition Twitter Youtube Smartstream Social network <name> Top contacts <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> Social network overview - Add/Remove contacts Servicepackages The worlds most famous video sharing site. Join now and begin sharing videos with the rest of the world <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name><Name> <Name> <Name><Name> Service packages Drag-n-drop to piechart to subscribe to them Social networks Drag-n-drop to piechart to connect to them Services/Official feeds Drag-&-drop to Service package list (Add) Contacts Drag-&-drop to Social network list (Top contacts) Tap on [Service packages] to manage them Tap on [Social networks] to manage them My Edition ON Piechart overview Representing connected Social networks The user can either rotate or tap on a “piebit” in order to change its focus My Edition ON Piechart overview Representing subscribed to Service Packages The user can either rotate or tap on a “piebit” in order to change its focus
  • 18. Page 18Two Paths - Use Case 4 - Enjoying content Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept Reading content within a webview RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Service tagline Service name My feed headline <First line> My edition Related content Related content Related content Related content 10 minutes ago Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris. Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non arcu. Mauris at enim magna, eu volutpat ligula. Praesent pulvinar auctor congue. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam tempor a pharetra turpis auctor. Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris. Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non arcu. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam tempor a pharetra turpis auctor. Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Share Store it Like The highlighted RSS headline published by <Name> Screen ID 18 01 SCP Application - Start screen (Select Personal feed) The user is on the SCP Start screen and he taps on one of the items in the “Personal feed”list to select it (in example an RSS feed). Screen ID 18 02 SCP Application - Personal mode (Selecting an external URL in content) By selecting the item in the list, the item which is an RSS feed will be displayed on the right area across the two screens. The area where the item was selected in the list will be overlayed with a set of option buttons (Share, Store it, Like). The option buttons will be dependent of the kind of item they relate to (in example - RSS feed). The user reads through the RSS feed on the right area and selects an URL by tapping on it. Screen ID 18 03 SCP Application - Personal mode - Webview overlay (External webpage) The external content (in this example a website) will be opened in an overlay which keeps the original content in the background as well as it loads the website from where the article originates. The external content will have related content, which uses the same paradigm as within the SCP application (maximize/minimize). The user can scroll the website within the webview itself independantly of the related content on the bottom. The related content will have a fixed position on the bottom and it will also be scrollable within that area but expanding related content will enlarge the area to be used for interacting with it (possibly the whole bottom screen but never across both screens). The website behind the article can be navigated to by tapping on the corner where it is visible (Closing the article). A tap on the“Close”-button in the upper right corner will close the webview overlay. If the website contains URLs, these can be selected as well but navigation will be very limited and only navigating back or forward will be possible (the user will not be allowed to enter a new URL address in the address field). The user will also have the possibility to refresh the webpage by tapping on the“refresh”-button. Tap on item (Perform selection) Tap on URL (web link) opens in overlayed webview browser My feed headline <First line> My edition Related content Related content Related content Related content 10 minutes ago Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris. Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non arcu. Mauris at enim magna, eu volutpat ligula. Praesent pulvinar auctor congue. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam tempor a pharetra turpis auctor. Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris. Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non arcu. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam tempor a pharetra turpis auctor. Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Share Favorite The highlighted RSS headline published by <Name> Web page Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec turpis quis eros consequat suscipit. Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor dapibus tempus. Vivamus a quam ligula, at aliquet nibh. Integer egestas, tellus in mollis rutrum, magna turpis adipiscing ante, sit amet consequat orci nisi vel est. Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui volutpat a. In commodo ligula at dolor interdum eget convallis nunc imperdiet. Nullam at mattis eros. Aenean quis tellus purus, vitae commodo augue. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus egestas nunc eget eros laoreet sollicitudin. Duis non augue eu tellus viverra ornare quis eget justo. Vivamus a hendrerit nibh. Aenean nec urna neque. Integer malesuada massa a nunc varius congue. Suspendisse felis velit, placerat at convallis vel, cursus non libero. In consequat, massa a fermentum tristique, est nunc iaculis metus, nec euismod risus eros quis velit. Lorem Ipsum Dolorsit Amet Consectetur Adipiscing Necturpis Related content Related content Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec turpis quis eros consequat suscipit. Donec adipiscing vestibulum dolor dapibus tempus. Vivamus a quam ligula, at aliquet nibh. Integer egestas, tellus in mollis rutrum, magna turpis adipiscing ante, sit amet consequat orci nisi vel est. Vivamus egestas iaculis sapien, ac dapibus dui volutpat a. In commodo ligula at dolor interdum eget convallis nunc imperdiet. Nullam at mattis eros. Aenean quis tellus purus, vitae commodo augue. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus egestas nunc eget eros laoreet sollicitudin. Duis non augue eu tellus viverra ornare quis eget justo. Vivamus a hendrerit nibh. Aenean nec urna neque. Integer malesuada massa a nunc varius congue. Suspendisse felis velit, placerat at convallis vel, cursus non libero. In consequat, massa a fermentum tristique, est nunc iaculis metus, nec euismod risus eros quis velit. Sed pellentesque arcu vel nulla sagittis congue at at tellus. Mauris sit amet quam et lectus porttitor tincidunt. Mauris sed viverra enim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pharetra, Engadget Article Tap on “Close”-button (To close webview overlay) [Refresh]-button (Refreshes current content) [Back] & [Forward]-buttons (Navigation between websites) URL address field Overlay options (Same as original post/feed)
  • 19. Page 19Two Paths - Use Case 4 - Enjoying content Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept Playback of media within an embedded media player (pt. 1 - video) RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... My feed headline <First line> My edition Related content Related content Related content Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Reply Retweet Store it 13 minutes ago Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas dui. The highlighted Tweet headline shared by <Name> Related content Related content Service tagline Service name Screen ID 19 01 SCP Application - Start screen (Select Personal feed) The user is on the SCP Start screen and he taps on one of the items in the “Personal feed”list to select it (in example a Twitter post). Screen ID 19 02 SCP Application - Personal mode (Selecting an external URL in content) By selecting the item in the list, the item which is a Twitter post will be displayed on the right area across the two screens. The area where the item was selected in the list will be overlayed with a set of option buttons (Retweet, Store it, Reply). The option buttons will be dependent of the kind of item they relate to (in example - Twitter post). The user reads through the Twitter post on the right area and selects the video (Shown behind the post) by tapping on the play button or the URL at the bottom. Screen ID 19 03 SCP Application - Personal mode - Webview overlay (External video) The external content (in this example a video) will be opened in an overlay which keeps the original content in the background. The external content will have related content, which uses the same paradigm as within the SCP application (maximize/minimize). The user can Play/Pause the video, interact with the progress slider of the video and adjust the volume of the video. The related content will have a fixed position on the bottom and it will also be scrollable within that area but expanding related content will enlarge the area to be used for interacting with it (possibly the whole bottom screen but never across both screens). A tap on the“Close”-button in the upper right corner will close the webview overlay. When the video has ended, the user will have a“Replay”-button centered over the video area. Tap on item (Perform selection) Tap on video play/ URL (video link) opens in overlayed video player My feed headline <First line> My edition Related content Related content Related content Related content 10 minutes ago Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris. Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non arcu. Mauris at enim magna, eu volutpat ligula. Praesent pulvinar auctor congue. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam tempor a pharetra turpis auctor. Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris. Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non arcu. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam tempor a pharetra turpis auctor. Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Share Favorite The highlighted RSS headline published by <Name> Related content Related content Tap on “Close”-button (To close webview overlay) Swedish House Mafia Vs Tinie Tempah - Miami 2 Ibiza (Offi... 0:11 / 3:36 [Volume]-slider (Sets video volume) [Progress]-slider (Displays the progress of the video)[Play] / [Pause] -button (Plays or pauses video) Video Overlay options (Same as original post/feed)
  • 20. Page 20Two Paths - Use Case 4 - Enjoying content Buongiorno Dual screen tablet concept Playback of media within an embedded media player (pt. 2 - music) My feed headline <First line> My edition Related content Related content RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Comment Share Store it Like Comment Share Unlike Store it 13 minutes ago Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris. Mauris magna tortor, cursus ut eleifend ut, venenatis non arcu. Mauris at enim magna, eu volutpat ligula. Praesent pulvinar auctor congue. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam tempor a pharetra turpis auctor. - Down on me.mp3 The highlighted Facebook headline shared by <Name> Related content Related content Related content Related content Jeremih - Down on me.mp3 0:11 / 3:36 Goes to Screen ID 21 01 [Volume]-slider (Sets music volume) [Progress]-slider (Displays the progress of the music track)RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> My edition RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... My feed headline <First line> My edition Related content Related content Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. RSS headline <First line> RSS headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Tweet headline shared by <Name> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula id sem... Tweet headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Facebook headline shared by <Name> Comment Share Store it Like Comment Share Unlike Store it 13 minutes ago Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut tellus ac purus pulvinar fermentum vel egestas dui. In in urna vitae justo vulputate laoreet sed quis mauris. Mauris magna tortor, Jeremih - Down on me.mp3, venenatis non arcu. Mauris at enim magna, eu volutpat ligula. Praesent pulvinar auctor congue. Nunc pulvinar nisi vitae quam tempor a pharetra turpis auctor. The highlighted Facebook headline shared by <Name> Related content Related content Service tagline Service name Screen ID 20 01 SCP Application - Start screen (Select Personal feed) The user is on the SCP Start screen and he taps on one of the items in the “Personal feed”list to select it (in example a Facebook post). Screen ID 20 02 SCP Application - Personal mode (Selecting an external URL in content) By selecting the item in the list, the item which is a Facebook post will be displayed on the right area across the two screens. The area where the item was selected in the list will be overlayed with a set of option buttons (Share, Like, Comment, Store it). The option buttons will be dependent of the kind of item they relate to (in example - Facebook post). The user reads through the Facebook post on the right area and selects the music albumart (Shown behind the post) by tapping on the play button or the music URL. Selecting the web URL at the bottom will open a website (unknown at this stage if it contains music) in a webview overlay. Tap on item (Perform selection) Tap on music play/ URL (music link) opens in overlayed music player Tap on URL (web link) opens in overlayed webview browser Screen ID 20 03 SCP Application - Personal mode - Webview overlay (External Music file) The external content (in this example an mp3 music file) will be opened in an overlay which keeps the original content in the background. The external content will have related content, which uses the same paradigm as within the SCP application (maximize/minimize). The user can Play/Pause the music, interact with the progress slider of the music and adjust its volume. The related content will have a fixed position on the bottom and it will also be scrollable within that area but expanding related content will enlarge the area to be used for interacting with it (possibly the whole bottom screen but never across both screens). A tap on the“Close”-button in the upper right corner will close the webview overlay and a tap on the“Minimize”-button will minimize the music in a small music player. When the music has ended, the user will have a“Replay”-button centered over the music albumart area. Tap on “Close”-button (To close webview overlay) [Play] / [Pause] -button (Plays or pauses music track) Music [Minimize]-button (Music in miniplayer) Overlay options (Same as original post/feed)