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Rugged Majesty of Mount Kenya:
                                       KENYA           1
         A natural symbol of the birth of the nation
National Anthem
                   O God of all creation,
              Bless this our land and nation.
            Justice be our shield and defender,
                   May we dwell in unity,
                     Peace and liberty.
            Plenty be found within our borders.

                   Let one and all arise
            With hearts both strong and true.
            Service be our earnest endeavour,
              And our Homeland of Kenya,
                  Heritage of splendour,
              Firm may we stand to defend.

                   Let all with one accord
                  In common bond united,
              Build this our nation together,
                   And the glory of Kenya,
                    The fruit of our labour
            Fill every heart with thanksgiving.

KENYA is the world’s favourite safari destination. The           to succeed. The numerous athletes and medalists give a true
economic giant of the Eastern and Central African region and     testimony of the resilience of the people of Kenya.
the main gateway to Africa, Kenya is a hospitable and friendly
country, with a thriving economy and unmatched natural           In terms of trade, industry and investment, Kenya has some of
attractions.                                                     the most competitive and attractive incentives and resources in
                                                                 Africa. This young African democracy, which has been a haven of
It boasts picturesque landscapes adorned by the Great Rift       peace since its independence in 1963 is arguably one of the best
Valley, the snow-capped Mount Kenya and numerous tropical        places in the world to visit, live and invest.
forests, rivers, lakes and coastal beaches. Kenya is home to
the largest species of wildlife in the world.                    Kenya – A holistic indescribable experience.

The Kenyan people besides being warm-hearted and
friendly are renowned for their hard work and determination

                                                                                                                         KENYA      3
Foreword from
            the President

            I am pleased to write a foreword for
            this attractive and insightful publication
            about Kenya.
               In this book, you will find many
            things said about Kenya, some of
            which may be new, and others that you
            already know. It is my hope that the
            book will enable readers to broaden
            their knowledge of our country and
            experience a new understanding and
            perception of Kenya and its people.
               Kenya remains a relatively stable and
            peaceful nation, despite the challenges
            we have faced over the years. The
            stability and success of our nation
            demonstrates that we are a resilient
            people, and we are always ready to
            find solutions to our problems. And
            more importantly, we have been swift
            to seize the challenges that confront us
            and transform them into opportunities
            for enhancing the political, social, and

economic development of our society.         the government has implemented a            highly talented and skilled labour.
In this respect, the Grand Coalition         variety of reforms to make our country      This publication is, therefore, also an
Government, working together with            investor-friendly. We welcome investors     invitation to investors, friends and
Parliament, passed various legislation       to take advantage of the unique and         well-wishers to visit Kenya. I assure
this year to enable the government           abundant opportunities we offer to put      you that you will not be disappointed.
implement various reforms to ensure          their money in various sectors of our       Kenya is a land of contrasts
transparency in the management of            economy.                                    – of enchanting landscapes, a snow-
the affairs of our nation. I am confident         Indeed, Kenya is today one              capped mountain on the Equator,
that as a people, we are capable of          of Africa’s most well endowed               expansive savannas that are home
overcoming the problems we face,             countries in terms of human capital,        of the big five and countless, varied
and building a united, stable and            entrepreneurship and work ethic.            wildlife in their natural habitats that
prosperous nation.                           The country has a large portfolio of        make Kenya a true safari country.
    I therefore want to assure our friends   investment opportunities, ranging               Moreover, Kenya’s coastal region
and well-wishers that Kenyans are            from the diverse natural resources          tells the story of hospitality and of
determined to uphold our nationhood.         and a vibrant agricultural sector to        timeless contacts with the rest of the
We are committed to living in unity,         sophisticated infrastructure as well as     world, a story that is still eloquently told
while recognizing the diversity of our       the financial and information services       by the numerous historical monuments
people. Indeed all of us, regardless         sectors.                                    and sites, while the beautiful, white
of ethnicity, race or religion, are              In this regard, Nairobi has grown to    sandy beaches and an all-year round
inextricably tied together, with a           become the region’s financial, transport     warm climate assure our visitors a fun-
                                                                                         filled holiday experience.
common destiny. That destiny, as spelt       and tourism hub, while Mombasa is the
out in Vision 2030 aims at building a        gateway to the Eastern Africa region.
                                             Investors will find well developed           Welcome to Kenya.
prosperous and equitable nation that is
an example to the region, and the world      infrastructure, including roads, railway,
of what Africa is capable of achieving.      air transport, and telecommunications
Accordingly, the theme of this               linking Kenya to the rest of Africa and
                                             the world. Investors will also be happy     H.E. Mwai Kibaki
publication is not only appropriate, but
                                             to know that Kenya has a large pool of      President of the Republic of Kenya
also timely. Over the last six years,

                                                                                                                             KENYA      5
Foreword from the
            Prime Minister
            It is my pleasure to write the
            foreword to this useful fact-book
            on Kenya, especially at this
            particular time when our country
            has regained its balance following
            the political crisis that engulfed
            it in early 2008. Kenya is back in
            business as the gateway to the vast
            and fast growing African market
            on the eastern seaboard. We
            have reclaimed our reputation and
            position as the destination of choice
            for investment, trade and tourism in
            Eastern and Central Africa.
                We in Kenya firmly believe that
            the private sector provides the main
            engine for sustainable economic
            growth. The Government of Kenya
            is firmly committed to working
            closely with the both the domestic
            and foreign private sector to
            generate wealth in the fight against
            poverty and underdevelopment.

Kenya offers guaranteed lower          • a 100 per cent investment                 transport for East, Central and Southern
production and operational costs         deduction on capital expenditure          Africa, offering daily air connections
and faster business set-up than          within 20 years.                          to West Africa and other parts of the
most other countries, through the                                                  world.
following measures:                    • exemption from Stamp Duty.                   As a founder-member of the East
                                                                                   African Community (EAC) and the
• a one-stop-shop system for           The Government places great                 Common Market for Eastern and
  required licenses upon entry.        emphasis on providing a conducive           Southern Africa (COMESA), Kenya
                                       and enabling environment for business.      offers access to a vast market of more
• a ten-year Corporate Tax holiday     Maintaining Kenya’s highly skilled          than 400 million people.
  and a 25 per cent tax rate           labour force is a top priority alongside       Kenya hosts a large number of
  reduction for 10 years thereafter.   issues of security, affordable energy       regional bodies, multinationals and
                                       supply, responsiveness of the public        international organizations. This,
• a ten-year withholding Tax           sector to business needs, upgrading         together with the multi-racial fabric of
  holiday on non-resident              infrastructure and ensuring a pleasant      Kenyan society, makes most cities and
  remittances.                         multicultural environment to live in.       urban centers in the country global in
                                           Kenya’s unique geographical             matters of faith, education, culture,
                                                                                   cuisine and character.
• duty and Value Added Tax             position offers time flexibility in cross-
                                                                                      Welcome to Kenya! You will enjoy
  (VAT) exemption on imported or       interaction with businesses in other
                                                                                   visiting or doing business in Kenya.
  locally sourced raw materials,       time zones from Auckland in New
  construction equipment and           Zealand to Los Angeles here in the
  other business inputs except         U.S., without the loss of sleep! Nairobi    Raila Amolo Odinga
  motor vehicles and some fuels.       is the regional hub for air and sea         Prime Minister of the Republic of Kenya

                                                                                                                    KENYA     7
Magnificent Kenya

Complete in its splendour:
                        KENYA                  9
The unparalled breathtaking Kenyan landscape
Elephant: Majestic giant of the Kenyan wild
10    KENYA
Kenya at Glance
POPULATION                               LANGUAGES
Estimated in 2007 at 37,183,924          English and Swahili are the main and
                                         official languages but there are over 40
                                         other local dialects.
591,383 square kilometers
CAPITAL CITY                             BEST SAFARI TIME
Nairobi                                  A visit to Kenya is a truly unique and
                                         unforgettable experience. The best times
                                         to fulfill one’s lifetime dream for a great
Nakuru                                   Safari to Kenya (ideally for two to three
Kisumu                                   weeks) is July to February, although the
                                         country is hospitable and attractive to the
                                         visitor throughout the year.
Free market enterprise
                                             Time for an idyllic game viewing safari
                                         is July to September when a one of the
Multi-party democracy
                                         greatest spectacles on earth takes place
                                         as more than a million wild animals,
A single chamber of 210 elected and 12
                                         mainly wildebeest and zebras cross the
nominated members whose life lasts five
                                         Mara River into the world-famous Masai
                                         Mara National Reserve.
                                         NATIONAL CARRIER
Jomo Kenyatta International Airport
Moi International Airport                Kenya Airways, which is affectionately
Wilson Airport                           tagged “The Pride of Africa” flies to more
                                         than 48 different destinations in Africa,
                                         Europe, the Middle and the Far East and
Kenya shilling (Ksh75 is equivalent to
One US Dollar)                           is soon to fly to the USA.
                                                                                       Fort Jesus:                              KENYA   11
                                                                                       Memorial to Kenya Coast’s rich history
Savour the savannah:
     Open, inviting plains of the hinterland

     Land of infinite variety                                       583 000 kilometers square, lying at the centre of the
                                                                   eastern part of the African continent.
     Renowned globally as the cradle of mankind, Kenya                 Like its spectacular variety of wildlife, physical and climatic
     is a land of great variety and spectacular physical and       conditions, Kenya is a linguistic and cultural melting pot, with
     climatic contrasts usually found in entire continents, from   at least 42 different tribes and people of different races who live
     high snow-capped mountains with alpine forests to hot         harmoniously together.
     dry deserts and lovely sandy beaches.                             The rich vegetation that acts as cover for some of Kenya’s
         There is so much to be seen and enjoyed in Kenya,         spectacular landscape also provides shelter for the great variety
     ranging from the pre-historic splendour of the Rift Valley    of wildlife.
     to the beautiful shores of the Indian Ocean, lined with           The varied altitude of kenya gives the country unique
     unique mangrove forests and to Lake Turkana, the              climatic features. The lower areas of the country have high
     world’s largest desert lake.                                  temperatures, with humidity dependent on proximity to water
         From the modern social and cultural hub of Nairobi        bodies. The highlands are mild and cool with relatively high
     (the only city with a national park within its boundaries),   rainfall patterns.
     to the vast breathtaking expanses of wildlife parks such          The popular Kenyan coast along the Indian Ocean and the
     as the Tsavo, Mt Kenya, the Masai Mara and Amboseli,          regions around Lake Victoria, the second largest freshwater
     a visit to Kenya presents the ultimate dream for any          body in the world, and the source of the River Nile, are usually
     traveler.                                                     hot or warm and humid. A visitor to Kenya can experience and
         In the words of famous author Ernest Hemingway,           enjoy these varied climatic conditions within a short time.
     “Kenya is unknowable, unimaginable, and unbelievable.”
     In terms of size, this great East African country is some

12      KENYA
Sun and splendour: Kenya’s fascinating
                                                                                                               500 kilometre-long coastline has fabulous beaches

Brilliant vision for a beautiful country                                  opportunities for both public and private investors areas. Apart
                                                                          from a visionary political leadership, Kenya has a number of
Vision 2030                                                               advantages that make it one of the few countries on the African
KENYA’S vision is to become a middle income industrialised                continent that are most likely to achieve a socio-economic
economy by the year 2030 and the government has developed a               transformation in the near future. A well-educated, youthful and
comprehensive blueprint - the Vision 2030. The Government is              vibrant population, vast, largely untapped natural resources,
determined and committed to making Vision 2030 a reality through          enormous investment in infrastructure and a well developed
a series of planned and well-coordinated initiatives that will increase   private sector are among the country’s assets.
productivity and ensure that the living standard of the majority of
the population is positively transformed. In this respect Vision          Small country, big reputation
2030 clearly spells out the social, economic and political priorities     Although a relatively small country in the world in its
that the country needs to focus on in order to achieve rapid              geographical extent and population size, Kenya has often been
industrialisation and economic self-reliance within the next 25 to 30     at the centre of global attention and affairs. Kenya’s prowess in
years. The government is already putting in place measures for this       sports, peace keeping missions and a safe haven for refugees
transformation notable among these is the creation of a favourable        have positioned Kenya as a visible and impactful global player.
investment climate for both local and external entrepreneurs.             In addition Kenya holds some of the most valuable treassures
                                                                          on the origins and global distribution of various life forms giving it
A great vision for the future                                             unique potential to positively contribute to the future of the world
In order to realise the goals of Vision 2030, Kenya requires              and human kind. As a young and vibrant developing nation,
massive investments from both domestic and external sources.              Kenya is determined to forge ahead and join the developed
The priority areas in the Vision present, enormous investment             post-industrial countries.

                                                                                                                                                   KENYA           13
Major Cities and Towns
                                      Green City in the Sun

                                      Nicknamed the green city in the sun, the modern
                                      city of Nairobi, with a population of around 4.5
                                      million inhabitants, occupies a unique place in the
                                      world, being the only global metropolis with a large
                                      wildlife park, close to its central business district!
                                           It is also the only city of a developing country
                                      that hosts the global headquarters of several
                                      United Nations specialised agencies.
                                          Its moderate climate, rich history, modern
                                      facilities and central location makes it the most
                                      ideal starting point for the Kenyan Safari adventure.
                                          Situated just 140 km south of the Equator,
                                      494km west of the port of Mombasa on the Indian
                                      Ocean and 338km east of Lake Victoria, at an
                                      altitude of 1670 m., Nairobi is not only Kenya’s
                                      principal city but also East Africa’s economic and
                                      business focal point.
                                          In 1907, the British moved the colonial
                                      administration from the port of Mombasa to
                                      Nairobi and since then what was once a small
                                      group of huts, has grown spectacularly into East
                                      Africa’s most modern city. Nairobi attained city
                                      status in 1950.

     Nairobi: Green City in the Sun
14    KENYA
City of Nairobi in the future
                                KENYA   15
                                                       Romantic, historic island port

                                                       The island town of Mombasa is the main sea gate on the
                                                       Eastern African coastline and is Kenya’s oldest and second
                                                       largest metropolis. It has a rich romantic history dating back
                                                       over a 1,000 years.
                                                            The unrivalled beauty of the Kenyan coastline is truly a
                                                       distinctive feature of the country’s tourism industry.
                                                            Mombasa is home to a rich historic civilization that gave
                                                       East Africa the Swahili language, Kenya’s lingua franca
                                                       that has evolved to be spoken across half of Africa. One of
                                                       the most famous Swahili words that has not only found its
                                                       way into the english dictionary but also is a brand name of
                                                       several products ranging from perfumes to sports is Safari.
                                                            Close to the palm-fringed beaches lies the natural marvel
     Mombasa: The historic gateway to Eastern Africa   of the coral reef, which runs uninterrupted for close to 500
                                                       km. The Kenyan coast teems with various wonders of marine
                                                       life, mysterious lagoons and creeks that attract exploration.
                                                       There are also the mangrove forests and awesome cliffs
                                                       overhanging some of the beaches. Another great coastal
                                                       spectacle is the variety of wildlife, especially birds.
                                                            With such exciting features, together with a wide variety
                                                       of entertainment, a visit to the Kenyan coast is a must for
                                                       any visitor. The experience is truly memorable.
                                                       Fort Jesus, built by Portuguese adventurers during the 16th
                                                       Century, is one of the most important historical monuments
                                                       in the city of Mombasa.

16     KENYA
Lively Lakeside Fishing City

The lively lakeside city of Kisumu, formerly
known as Port Florence is situated along Lake
Victoria, the world’s second largest freshwater
body and only about 80 km southeast of
Nyang’oma Kogelo, the ancestral home of
the father of the 44th President of the United
States of America, Barack Obama. Kisumu is
Kenya’s third largest city.
    Kisumu is a thriving fishing and commercial
city which is steadily positioning itself as the
commercial hub of Western Kenya, Tanzania,
Uganda and the Great Lakes region.
    The surrounding region is rich in culture and
history, with many intriguing and historic sites
among them the Rusinga Islands, the crying of
stones and forests of Kakamega and a variety
of wild flora and fauna.
    For a visitor looking for a warm and tranquil
resting place, Kisumu is the ideal place.
    Kenya Airways, the national carrier operates
daily flights between Nairobi and Kisumu.

                                                    Kisumu: City on the lake

                                                                   KENYA       17
The Great Rift
                                      The Great Rift Valley is one of the most
                                      breathtaking and awesome natural physical
                                      phenomena on earth estimated to have formed
                                      some 20 million years ago.
                                          The name “Great Rift Valley” was coined by
                                      the Scottish explorer John Walter Gregory in
                                      his book The Great Rift Valley (1896)
                                          With its steep and jagged escarpment walls,
                                      mountains and flat floor, the Great Rift Valley is
                                      one of the most attractive and popular parts of
                                      Kenya. It is also among the most agriculturally
                                      productive, providing most of Kenya’s wheat,
                                      maize and dairy products.
                                          The floor of the valley is at its lowest near
                                      Lake Turkana where there is virtually no
                                      distinction between the Great Rift Valley and
                                      the surrounding desert. Lake Turkana is the
                                      largest desert lake in the world.
                                          As it heads south, the Great Rift Valley walls
                                      form sheer cliffs rising to 1,900 km (6,232
                                      ft) at Lake Naivasha, thereafter the valley
                                      descends again to 580 metres (1,902 feet) as it
                                      approaches the border with Tanzania.
     Hell’s Gate:
     Mystery of the power of nature
18    KENYA
Rising to the heavens:
Subterranean movement is still common as the Rift                The hot springs of Lake Bogoria
Valley is home to 30 active and semi-active volcanoes
and countless hot springs. This string of alkaline lakes
and boiling springs include lakes Baringo, Bogoria,
Nakuru, Elementaita, Naivasha, and Magadi in the
    These lakes are rich in sodium carbonate which
creates an ideal breeding ground for algae. Several
species of fish, tilapia in particular, thrive in this
environment. As a result, millions of birds flock to these
soda lakes to feast on the abundant algae and fish
making these lakes a unique spot for bird watching, the
most spectacular being the flamingos of Lake Nakuru.
    Then there is the dramatic Hell’s Gate near Lake
Naivasha, a truly awesome natural wonder.
    Among the Great Rift Valley’s unique features is Lake
Turkana. Also known as the Jade Sea for the unique
turquoise colour of its waters, it stretches 250km and
has shores longer than the entire Kenyan coast.
    This lake not only has an abundance of the delicious
tropical fresh-water fish, the Tilapia, but also contains
the world’s largest crocodile population. Fishing and
livestock rearing and agriculture are among the activities
within and around the lake.
    There are numerous spectacular natural wonders
that surround the lake, with fantastic opportunities for
the intrepid adventurer.

                                                                                     KENYA         19
Spectacular wildebeest migration:
20    KENYA
     Eighth wonder of the world
Major national
parks and game

                                               Balloon safari:
The Masai Mara                                 Stunning aerial view of the Masai Mara
Eighth wonder of the world

The Mara provides one of nature’s most dramatic and awesome spectacles; the annual
migration of over a million wildebeest and zebra, teeming from the south to cross the
Mara River into the Masai Mara Game Reserve. The migration which has come to be
has come to be known as the eighth wonder of the world takes place between July and
september making this the most ideal time for a classic safari.
   The stunning Savannah grasslands with scattered shrubs stretches for as far as the
eye can see and is an endless spectacle of natures best highlights. In the vast landscape
can be seen the cheetah, the fastest animal on earth, chasing antelope and gazelle,
   in the Mara River hippos bathe, and on the banks, crocodiles sun themselves.
   It is in this predator infested waters of the mara that thousands of wildebeest,
hundreds of zebra, eland and gazelle must fight for their lives... this is truly the jungles law
of survival for the fittest.
   For the nature loving and adventurous visitor, the wildebeest migration is a “must
see”. While at the mara a balloon safari provides an exciting view of this mighty African

                                                                                        KENYA     21
Lake Nakuru National Park

                                                         Lakes Nakuru and Naivasha and the
                                                         thousands of flamingos that reside
                                                         in them, together form a bewitching
                                                         spectacle beloved of many a local and
                                                         foreign visitor. Naivasha is best seen by
                                                             Eight kilometres south of Nakuru town
                                                         and covering an area of 200 square
                                                         kilometres, Nakuru National Park is
                                                         unquestionably a great ornithological
                                                         wonder of the world.
                                                             It is the congregation point of an
                                                         estimated 100,000 to two million
                                                         flamingos and over 400 species of birds.
                                                         With the park greatly enlarged since its
                                                         creation in 1961, and extensive ecological
                                                         cleaning up of the area, wildlife of a wide
                                                         variety can now be seen in the park.
                                                             Lake Bogoria to the north of Nakuru,
                                                         features enticing hot springs, made even
                                                         more inviting by the sight of fishermen in
                                                         papyrus boats and the rare greater kudu.
                                                         Nakuru boasts the rare Rothschild giraffe
                                                         and an extraordinary rhino sanctuary.

     Flight of delight:
22    KENYA
     Graceful flamingos of the Great Rift Valley lakes
Mothers love:
                                                                                                   Total protection for the young

                                                     Samburu & Buffalo Springs
                                                     A tale of three game reserves

                                                     The arid and semi-arid regions of northern Kenya, framed by
                                                     volcanic mountain ranges and dotted with lakes, provide a
                                                     uniquely picturesque holiday for the visitor. Throughout the region,
                                                     rare animals such as the reticulated giraffe, oryx, Grevy’s zebra,
                                                     and long-necked gerenuk abound.
                                                        Between the drier northern region and the imposing, densely
                                                     forested Mt Kenya lies the serrated and beautiful Meru National
                                                     Park, home of Elsa the Lioness befriended by Joy and George
                                                     Adamson and featured in Joy’s Book and the film, Born Free.
                                                        Almost similar in the variety of flora and fauna are the three
                                                     wildlife reserves of Samburu, Shaba and Buffalo Springs located
                                                     along the Uaso Nyiro River, the Meru National Park is home to the
                                                     rare species of grazing white rhino in Kenya. It lies in a semi arid,
                                                     open savannah plain broken occasionally by small rugged hills.

Lodge in nature:                                                                                                         KENYA      23
Luxury and unique wildlife are a tourist’s delight
Mount Kenya
                                                                                    Snow and Wildlife on the Equator

                                                                                    Snow-capped Mount Kenya is Africa’s second highest
                                                                                    mountain, a stunning and challenging destination for the
                                                                                    adventurers tourists, climbers and trekkers.
                                                                                        Below the mountain’s alpine meadows roam elephant,
                                                                                    black rhino, Cape buffalo and antelope. On its lower
                                                                                    slopes is Ol Pejeta, a private ranch and rhino sanctuary
                                                                                    and nearby is the famous Mount Kenya Safari Club.
                                                                                         The Aberdare Ranges sport high alpine moorland
                                                                                    and primeval aloe forest. Here one can visit the famous
                                                                                    Treetops Hotel where leopards are regular visitors and
                                                                                    can be viewed in the act of refreshing themselves. The
                                                                                    Treetops is renowned because reigning Queen Elizabeth
                                                                                    visited in 1952 and went up the Treetops as a princess,
                                                                                    but word came that the King had died, she came down
                                                                                    a Queen.
                                                                                        The Aberdares were named by Joseph Thomson in
                                                                                    1883 after Lord Aberdare who was the then president of
                                                                                    the Royal Geographical Society. Lying in these mountains,
                                                                                    this park covers an area of 770 square kilometres.
                                                                                        A tantalising mixture of mountain rain forest, moorland,
                                                                                    thick bamboo forests and sub alpine plants make up the
                                                                                    vegetation in this park. Giant heath and tussock grass
                                                                                    cover the moorlands which are crossed by wandering
                                                                                    trout-filled streams that often cascade into beautiful

     Snow in tropics:
24    KENYA
     Africa’s second highest, Mt Kenya is historically and culturally significant
King lion: Confident, strong and powerful
Expansive Pride of the Maasai

The imposing, ever present view of Kilimanjaro is the
main feature of this wildlife habitat which has some of
Kenya’s largest herds of elephants.
   Hemingway once wrote of the Amboseli as “the
essence of Africa,” where elephants rummage the lower
forests, leopards prowl the salt flats while antelope graze
the expansive grasslands; all these against the backdrop
of Kilimanjaro’s majestic peak. Few natural scenes
around the world are more inspiring.
   Apart from the patches of acacia forest, Amboseli
grasslands are dotted with shrubs and fragile saline
grass. The dry volcanic ash can support little more.
   The melting snows of Kilimanjaro feed rivers and
springs that supply water to the swamps and the
Amboseli, which is usually completely dry. Occasional
flooding of the rivers occurs during rainy seasons.
   A wide variety of wildlife, including antelope,
wildebeest, giraffe, zebra, elephants, rhino and buffalo,
the predatory lion, the cheetah and occasionally the
elusive, secretive leopard are attracted to the rivers and
   As much a part of the Amboseli spectacle are the
Maasai people who graze their cattle here. Amboseli is
home of the colourful Maasai, with their rich and proud
                                                             Tower of nature: Amboseli is the peak of the wild       Iconic maasai: A proud, courageous people
cultural heritage.

                                                                                                                                                KENYA        25
Tsavo East & Tsavo West
                                                                                                            World’s largest game sanctuary

                                                                                                            The entire Tsavo ecosystem is possibly
                                                                                                            the world’s biggest game sanctuary. It
                                                                                                            is an expansive model wildlife sanctuary
                                                                                                            in terms of geographical and ecological
                                                                                                            features, with a wide variety of plant and
                                                                                                            animal life. Tsavo is situated half way
                                                                                                            between Nairobi and Mombasa.
                                                                                                            The Tsavo National Parks are ideal for
                                                                                                            visitors who wish to include both wildlife
                                                                                                            safari and coastal luxury on their itinerary.
                                                                                                            Sunsets in the Tsavo offer their own
                                                                                                            peculiar spectacle, filling the sky with an
     Speed, stealth and ferocity:                                                                           incredibly beautiful spectrum of colour
                                                                                                            and splendour.
     Cheetah, leopard and buffalo are among the Big Five of found in Tsavo and other wildlife sanctuaries
                                                                                                            In Tsavo East roam ‘red’ elephants,
                                                                                                            so called because of the colour of rich
                                                                                                            volcanic soils that they throw over their
                                                                                                            skins with their trunks in order to diminish
                                                                                                            the effects of the hot tropical sun.
                                                                                                            The Tsavos have the world’s largest
                                                                                                            and most important concentration of
                                                                                                            elephants, with a population estimated at
                                                                                                            more than 20,000.

26     KENYA
Special treassure:
                       KENYA                  27
The rare white rhino graze our nature parks
Kenya’s esteemed place on the world map

     Welcome to Kenya:
     A model of Nairobi’s ultra-modern international
28       KENYA
     airport currently under expansion
KENYA   29
Kenya: The peace maker                        as a peace-loving nation. Whenever the      More recently, Kenya has also
     Kenya has and continues to play               international community seeks a suitable    spearheaded successful peace
                                                                                               processes for the Sudan and Somalia
     important roles on the international          place in which to hold talks on matters
                                                                                               under the leadership of former President
     scene. Over the years, the country has        ranging from war to climate change,
                                                                                               Daniel Moi and current President Mwai
     been a regional peacemaker. Peace talks       Kenya is usually among the countries to
     to end internal and external conflicts         be considered.                              Kibaki.
     in various African countries have been
                                                   Visits by world leaders                     The UN in Nairobi
     held in Nairobi, with Kenya playing a vital
                                                   Prominent world leaders have been to        Kenya’s capital Nairobi is the only city
     mediation role. In recent months, peace
                                                   Kenya on various occasions to attend        in the developing world that hosts the
     talks on the conflicts in the Democratic
                                                   both regional and global events or simply   global headquarters of a number of
     Republic of Congo (DRC) and Burundi
                                                   for holidays. In November 2008, UN          United Nations Specialised Agencies.
     have been hosted by Kenya.
                                                   Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon was               It is the world headquarters of
         As a result of its engagement in
                                                   in Kenya to help broker peace in the        the United Nations Environmental
     numerous efforts to end conflicts around
                                                   Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).         Programme (UNEP) and the United
     the world, Kenya has gained a reputation
                                                   Kenyan soldiers and police officers have     Nations Centre for Human Settlements
                                                   served on numerous peace-keeping            (UN Habitat). It is also the regional
                                                   missions on the African continent and       headquarters for Africa of several
                                                   around the world.                           other UN bodies. Kenya is a full and
                                                      Through the United Nations, Kenya        committed member of the United Nations
                                                   has sent peacekeeping forces to Bosnia,     Organisation since independence in
                                                   Namibia and Sierra Leone. During the        1963.
                                                   past four decades, Kenya has initiated,
                                                   guided and hosted peace talks for           Rich, diverse heritage
                                                   troubled African countries, starting with   From the pre-historic times during the
                                                   Angola, during the rule of the country’s    evolution of humankind through the
                                                   internationally respected first President,   eras of slavery, voyages of discovery
                                                   the late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta.                and colonisation to the modern
     UN chief Ban Ki-Moon

30     KENYA
post-independence period, Kenya has
always occupied a unique place in human
   In fact, Kenya and the East African
region are often referred to as the “cradle
of mankind” due to the discovery by world
renowned paleontologists of several pre-
historic remains of the ancestors of modern
“homo sapiens.”
   The Museums of Kenya are among the
most interesting places to visit for a view of
the development of humankind and African

Melting pot of culture
Inhabited by different races and a total of 42
ethnic communities with varying historical
and cultural backgrounds, Kenya is a prime
example of harmony in diversity, a true
melting-pot of religions, races and culture.
   The majority of its people are black
Africans from different linguistic and cultural
stocks, with migrant minorities of Middle
Eastern, European (Caucasian) and Asian
extraction. More than 40 different languages
are spoken in Kenya, but Swahili (a mixture of
Arabic and local vernacular languages) and
English are the official languages.
                                                   Rich KENYA
                                                        culture:             31
                                                  Dance to melt your heart
Dominating distance athletics
                                                                       Kenya is a global giant in long-distance athletics, having
                                                                       produced a long line of world class runners since 1968. At the
                                                                       Beijing Olympics in 2008, Kenya led Africa with a record harvest
                                                                       of 8 gold, 8 silver and 5 bronze medals. Kenyan athletes have
                                                                       won almost every known city marathon or road race in the
                                                                          Track sensation Pamela Jelimo won not only an Olympic gold
                                                                       medal in her 800m specialty, but also the International Amateur
                                                                       Athletics Federation (IAAF) US$1.0 million Golden League
                                                                          Kenya is now also one of the top swimming nations in Africa
                                                                       with several continental titles. Other major sports in the country

     Sporting prowess: Resilience, determination bring great success
32    KENYA
include football (most popular), sport    There are sufficient world-class
shooting, sport sailing, motor rallying   conference facilities, excellent
(the world famous Safari Rally), horse    accommodation, entertainment and
racing, golf, boxing, angling, among      lovely cuisine in all the major cities and
others.                                   within the wildlife parks.

Conferencing (in) Kenya                   Centre for international media
Many important global conferences         All major international media
have been held in Nairobi, including      organisations and news agencies have
the UN Conference on Climate Change       their Africa regional offices based in
in 2006, the UN Women’s Decade            Nairobi.
Meeting in 1985, joint World Bank/IMF         From the Kenyan capital, which
Meeting in Nairobi in 1975. There was     enjoys excellent communication
also the UNCTAD conference in 1979.       with the rest of the world, media
    In 2007, there was the World Social   representatives from around the world
Forum, one of the largest conferences     can cover events and transmit news
ever held anywhere on earth, with         across continents.
more than 20,000 delegates from               Local media are among the
around the globe.                         most vibrant and diversified in the
    Conference facilities in Kenya        developing world. Media freedom
include the famous Kenyatta               is guaranteed in the country’s
International Conference Centre           Constitution.
(KICC) in Nairobi. Various regional and       The Nation Media Group is the
global meetings take place in Kenya       largest in Eastern and Central Africa,
on a regular basis since it is the main   with the Daily Nation being by far the
organisational and communications         most widely read daily newspaper in
                                                                                       KICC: Africa’s premier meeting place
hub in the entire Eastern African         the region.

                                                                                                                  KENYA       33

                                                Beaches and Big Five
                                                The famous “Big Five” wild animals, the
                                                elephant, rhino, lion, leopard and buffalo
                                                are all found in Kenya’s national parks
                                                and game reserves.
                                                   The lion is known for its strength and
                                                power, speed and stealth, which make it
                                                a menacing predator and give it the the
                                                nickname king of the jungle.
                                                   The rhino is one tonne creature with
                                                a lone horn for which it is hunted by
                                                poachers. It is often found a lone.
                                                   A leopard is also a solitary animal but
                                                its strength is such that it can haul its
                                                prey vertically up a tree. It is also known
                                                for speed, surprise and stealth.
                                                   The buffalo has a fierce temper and
                                                   will fearlessly stand up to the lion. Lions
                                                prey on buffalo which is why the two are

     African sunset: Enhances beauty of Coast
34    KENYA
Grown under the sun

mortal enemies. Elephants move in a herd       freshness and beauty. A wide variety of     Free, The rise and Fall of Idi Amin, Tomb
and like buffalo keep the calves in the        juicy tropical and temperate fruits and     Raider, Cradle of Life, Walk With the Lions.
middle of the group to fend off predators.     vegetables are also produced in Kenya          Kenyan film-makers, with the the
It is this unique behaviour of these animals   for both domestic consumption and for       Kenya Film Commission, are making their
that make them a joy to watch.                 export.                                     presence felt on the international stage.
                                                                                              The city of Nairobi is teeming with art
Best tea, coffee and flowers                    Art and film out of Kenya                    galleries; Gallery Watatu, Ramoma, African
Kenya produces the best tea, coffee and        As a filming destination, Kenya has few      Heritage and Elimo Njau’s Paa Ya Paa
cut flowers in the world.                       equals, with spectacular landscapes and     claiming the better name recognition.
   As a leading producer and global            a wide variety of flora and fauna, natural      Theatre is popular in Kenya which
exporter of very high quality aromatic         light, pool of talent and warm-hearted      has seen the recent revival of the Kenya
Arabica coffee and excellent brown teas,       people.                                     National Theatre and both upsurge and
Kenya is well-placed to supply large               The spectacular landscape of Kenya      resurgence of local programming on all
quantities of the popular beverages to any     has featured in many internationally        leading television channels in the country.
market around the world.                       acclaimed films. Notable among them             Visitors to Kenya will enjoy the
   Kenya is the leading exporter of            King Solomon’s Mines of the 1950’s,         numerous theatre events especially the
cut flowers in the world. Its flowers            Sydney Pollack’s Oscar winning Out          popular Kenyan School and College
are renowned, particularly in the large        of Africa, The 2005 box office hit The       Drama Festival that takes place every
European Union market, for their               Constant Gardener, White Mischief, Born     August.

                                                                                                                              KENYA       35
Nobel for noble cause
                                     Kenya’s first and so far only Nobel laureate Prof Wangari
                                     Maathai was so honoured because of her crusading for the
                                        The country hosts the global headquarters of UNEP, but
                                     in Professor Maathai, has the first African woman to win the
                                     Nobel Peace Prize. She was a Member of Parliament and
                                     assistant minister for environment and natural resources
                                     (2003 – 2007).

                                     United we share power
                                     Kenya is the first, and so far the only country in Africa to
                                     have succeeded in reaching a power-sharing agreement
                                     between the government and the opposition after the
                                     General Election of December 2007.
                                        The power sharing agreement and coalition government
                                     have become models for Africa and enhanced Kenya’s
                                     reputation as a politically stable country on a turbulent
                                        The coalition also underscored the undying desire of
                                     Kenyans for peace and security and an environment that
                                     enables them survive and thrive in business.

                                     Investing in education
                                     In preparation for Kenya’s transformation in line with its
                                     economic blueprint, the government introduced free
                                     primary and secondary school education in 2003 and 2008
     At one with nature:
36    KENYA
     Wangari Maathai plants a tree
Kenya has 26 universities, some of which are branches or affiliates of
well-known American, Australian and from other centres of learning in
the world.
    In almost every field of endeavour, Kenya has a well-focused, highly
skilled and hard-working talent pool.
    Kenya also has the world’s oldest primary school pupil Kimani
Maruge whose feat has taken him to the UN in New York and made
him a permanent feature at national events besides being entered in
the Guinness Book of World Records.

Curios and curiosity
The best and most popular wood carvings depicting the country’s rich
wildlife and cultural heritage are on sale in almost all major towns in
                                                                          School and business: Education and small business
the country.
                                                                                                     point the way to a bright future
   Some of the most exquisite carvings are made from Kisii
soapstone, a unique natural stone that lends itself well to the mallet
and chisel.
   Kenya is also renowned worldwide for its hand-made traditional
baskets known as “kiondos” from various materials, including sisal
fibre, reeds and grass.

Tips for quality tipples
Kenyan beers, especially the Tusker, Tusker Malt, White Cap and
Pilsner brands have won several awards at the International Monde
Selection for their excellent taste, high quality and purity.
The Tusker lager, especially which embodies our heritage has found
its place along other world popular lagers in America and Europe.

                                                                                                                        KENYA           37
Investment opportunities in Kenya

     Mombasa harbour:
     The most modern and busiest port in Eastern Africa
38     KENYA
KENYA   39
A great testimony
                                         The World Bank described Kenya as one of the best investment
                                         and business locations in sub-Saharan Africa in 2007.
                                            This investor and business friendly environment has been
                                         created by a reformist government guided by its acclaimed long
                                         term development blue-print called Vision 2030.
                                            The plan seeks to transform Kenya into a middle income
                                         economy and put the country firmly on track to becoming an
                                         industrialised country in the next 20 to 30 years.
                                            Kenya’s thriving and vastly diversified economy, the largest
                                         and most vibrant in the East African region, makes it an
                                         investment destination of choice.

                                         Agriculture is the mainstay of Kenya’s economy. It employs
                                         about 75 per cent of its 37 million people.
                                             The sector represents 24 per cent of Kenya’s Gross Domestic
                                         Product (GDP) and about a third of its produce is exported.
                                             Agriculture, therefore, offers plenty of investment
                                         opportunities in technological infrastructure, transport and
                                             There are abundant investment openings in improvement of
                                         and value addition to agricultural produce such as processing,
                                         packaging and storage.
                                             Livestock development, seed improvement, manufacture of
                                         fertiliser, production of technical equipment and other support
                                         services are areas of great attraction to investors.

40    KENYA
     The driving force for Vision 2030
Investment opportunities in agro-processing revolve around the
production of edible oils such as butter, ghee, and margarine as
well as sunflower, cotton seed, coconut and corn oil.

There are impressive investment opportunities in the core
components of the agricultural sector, such as coffee, which was
Kenya’s fourth leading export commodity in 2007.
   The government welcomes investments in the coffee farming
industry particularly in its processing and packaging plants, instant
                                                                        Coffee: The solid rock of Kenya that drives other economies worldwide
coffee processing, Robusta coffee growing, infrastructure and
value addition in production of Ready to Drink (RTD) coffee.
   Roasting, grinding and the production of decaffeinated coffee
for export are areas with a tempting investment pull.

Tea, otherwise referred to as Kenya’s green gold, has for long
been considered a health-enhancing beverage. It was the
country’s third leading foreign exchange earner in 2007.
   As a natural drink, without additives and preservatives, it has
over the years dominated the world market because of its flavour
and taste.
   A wide range of investment opportunities exist in the tea sector
because the government encourages value addition to its growing
and production.
   Processing of the crop, storage and packaging are areas
                                                                        Tea: The green gold of Kenya
which have plenty of opportunities for investment.

                                                                                                                                 KENYA          41
                                                        Horticulture is one of the fastest growing areas of the Kenyan
                                                        economy. It was Kenya’s leading foreign exchange earner in 2007.
                                                           Myriad investment opportunities in horticulture exist in the
                                                        production and export of cut flowers, French beans, pineapples,
                                                        mushrooms, asparagus, mangoes, macadamia nuts, avocado,
                                                        passion fruit, melons and carrots.

                                                        The Indian Ocean and Lake Victoria provide vast fishing potential.
                                                        Deep sea fishing, prawn and trout farming are in their infancy, but
                                                        have great potential for growth.
                                                            Investment opportunities exist in fish meal, fillet and leather
                                                        processing, as well as fisheries-support infrastructure, that is,
                                                        refrigerated transport, cold storage

                                                        The liberalisation of Kenya’s dairy industry has opened up
                                                        investment opportunities in livestock development and milk
                                                        processing for local and regional markets.
                                                           There is also non-conventional livestock farming of ostrich
                                                        and crocodiles while bee keeping and honey processing are an
                                                        untapped potential.

                                                        There is high potential for investment in yarn and garment making,
                                                        textile equipment, dyes and chemicals and overall development of
                                                        textile industry.
     Grown Under The Sun:
42    KENYA
     Kenya produces the best cut flowers in the world
Leading the way:
Tourism                                                            Kenya poised to become regional ICT hub
Tourism was Kenya’s third largest foreign exchange earner in
2007. It is a robust and vibrant industry, reinvigorated through
the government’s liberalisation strategy.
    The diversification of tourist generating markets coupled
with successful promotion has had a positive impact on the
growth of the industry.
    The sector is a potential growth area that has an avalanche
of investment opportunities in conferencing, eco-friendly
tourism in the parks and cruise ship tourism.
    Kenya has sumptuous investment opportunities in cultural
tourism and traditional arts and craft development. The same
goes for highway bed and breakfast outlets, resort cities and
sports tourism.
    Medical, tour, travel and aviation tourism are no doubt fast
growing segments of the industry that offer varied investment
    Domestic and regional tourism together with construction
and expansion of tourist hotels and game lodges present
alluring opportunities for investment in Kenya.
    Kenya’s Great Rift Valley, one of the natural wonders of the
world with fantastic scenery, provides a fascinating panorama
for film creation and entertainment.

Kenya’s telecommunication policy enacted in 1997
underscores the government’s desire to have a well-developed
communications network by 2015.

                                                                                                KENYA        43
The policy aims to bring down communication costs, improve accessibility
                                                  and create jobs by positioning the country as a regional ICT outsourcing hub.
                                                     With a liberalised telecommunications sector and an accelerated internet
                                                  growth and mobile telephony, Kenya prides itself on being firmly on the road
                                                  to becoming the regional leader in Information Technology services.
                                                     Great opportunities exist for the provision of IT and related services,
                                                  development for incoming/outgoing call centres and software.
                                                     The completion of the laying of broadband fibre-optic cables by the
                                                  end of 2009 will instantly position Kenya as a strategic Business Process
                                                  Outsourcing (BPO) hub by the 2010.
                                                     The government supports investments in disaster recovery software, ICT
                                                  habitats, education/ training and development in broadband infrastructure.

                                                  Knowledge Industry
                                                  The government is keen to attract reputable educational institutions,
                                                  universities and training centres to help develop Kenya’s knowledge industry.
                                                     Great investment opportunities exist in expansion of science and
                                                  technology centres, IT centres of excellence and training centres for the
                                                  hospitality industry.
                                                     Fashion and design and Research and Development Institutes (RDI) form
                                                  an attractive are of investment.

                                                  Kenya has a deregulated energy sector which offers abundant investment
                                                  opportunities in, oil exploration, LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) supply and
                                                     Kenya has embraced a rural electrification programme and created
                                                  opportunities for investment in generation of power in the rural areas,
     Information technology:
44    KENYA
     Government policy aims to bring costs down
manufacture of transformers and management of water
service and levels.

The realisation of the government’s economic blueprint
- Vision 2030 - is dependent on development of
    Government is therefore fully committed to improving
this crucial sector by enhancing Kenya’s road network,
electricity and water resources by encouraging
                                                                     Construction: Has huge investment potential
investments in it.
    The government provides an enabling environment
for investments in development of high capacity urban
transport, construction of roads, railways, training in road
safety and supply of equipment.
    Investment opportunities also exist in rehabilitation and
management of airports, railway lines, and seaports in
Lamu, Mombasa and Kisumu.

Kenya’s manufacturing policy is export oriented. The
sector adds value to agricultural output and provides
forward and backward linkages to accelerate overall
There are ample investment opportunities in
manufacturing including garment-making, assembly
                                                                Garment making: Targeting the US market
of automotive components and electronics and the
production of plastics and paper.

                                                                                                      KENYA        45
There are also avenues for investment in the manufacture of
                                            chemicals, pharmaceuticals and metal export and engineering

                                            Banking and finance
                                            Kenya’s financial sector is the largest and most developed in the East
                                            and Central African region.
                                               The industry is regulated by the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK),
                                            which oversees fiscal liquidity and the operations of the industry.
                                               Kenya has a vibrant and investor attractive stock exchange and
                                            brokerage. Insurance, finance and banking and also have huge
     Favourite tipples:                     potential for investment.Though a steady growth is experienced in
                                            the micro-financing sector, significant investment is required to help
     Kenya’s beers are gold medal winners
                                            realise its full potential.
                                               Investment banking, lease hire and housing finance are growth
                                            areas awaiting substantial investments.

                                            Kenya produces excellent beers using locally grown barley. The
                                            country has recently developed papaya and grape wines that can be
                                            exported to regional and international markets.

                                            There is a fast growing demand for electronic goods in Kenya and
                                            investors are sought in the production of equipment such as motors,
                                            circuit breakers, transformers, switch gears and irrigation pumps.
                                            Other items for manufacture in Kenya include capacitors, resistors
                                            and insulation tapes.

46      KENYA
Kenya has a rapid growing demand for paper made from
timber. Its forests are fast diminishing hence the need for
more investments in the production of paper manufactured
non-traditional raw materials such as sisal waste, straw and
waste paper.

Motor vehicle parts
There are opportunities for investment in metal and
engineering works, especially as regards development of a
nucleus foundry making precision castings, manufacture of
vehicle parts and assembly, manufacture of components for
use by local assemblers for export.

Kenya has untapped mineral deposits and multiple
investment opportunities are on offer in prospecting and
mining of gold and precious stones.
   The country also has an extensive area for exploration
of petroleum oil. There exists potential for production of
sanitary-ware and insulators as well as manufacture of
ceramic pottery, tiles and glass.

Development of sporting facilities such as golf courses and
gymnasiums provides lucrative investment opportunities.
   Investors could help in developing sports facilities and
nurturing talent, especially from the grassroots.

                                                               Steep chase: Steeplechase is Kenya’s specialty
                                                                                               KENYA            47
Home of world achievers

48    KENYA
     Kenyans gathered to applaud their heroes
KENYA   49
The lovely tunes of a nation
Kenyans are a resilient, proud, innovative and hardworking
                                                       Global surveys conducted by the BBC in 2002 and 2006,
                                                    ranked Kenyans among the most optimistic people in the
                                                       A strong sense of national belonging and excellent
                                                    international linkages give Kenyans great advantage in seeking
                                                       Kenya proudly boasts of some of the best and brightest
                                                    in diverse fields, including writers, technologists, technicians,
                                                    scientists, researchers, poets, paleontologists, musicians,
                                                    lawyers, athletes, artists, and academics, among other
                                                    disciplines, around the world.
                                                       They are a source of inspiration to many locally and globally.
                                                    Sample a few:

                                                    Prof Wangari Maathai
                                                    Undoubtedly one of the most recognisable Kenyan faces
                                                    around the world. She is a top celebrity as Kenya’s first only
                                                    Nobel Peace Prize laureate, (and so far the only African woman
                                                    to win the coveted award), for her work for the environment.
                                                       A long-time academic who taught veterinary anatomy at the
                                                    University of Nairobi, she was the first Kenyan woman to obtain
                                                    a PhD, become a lecturer and then a professor in any field of
                                                    academic study. Maathai was a Member of Parliament and
                                                    an assistant minister for environment and natural resources
                                                    between 2003 and 2007. Maathai has won 20 international
                                                    awards since 1983.

     Global acclaim:
50    KENYA
     Proffesor Wangari Maathai gets another prize
Prof Miriam Were
Another internationally celebrated Kenyan and a former
chairperson of the National AIDS Control Council (NACC) that
coordinates Kenya’s HIV/AIDS response, Were has served in
several UN bodies, including the World Health Organisation,
UNICEF and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
   A highly regarded chemist, biologist and medical doctor,
with a string of qualifications in Public Health from the Johns
Hopkins University in the USA, she taught medicine at the
University of Nairobi before taking up international assignments.
Were won the UNICEF Maurice Pate Award) for her work in
community health in 1978 and in 2008 won the Hideyo Noguchi
Africa Prize for her work in medical services.

Kipchoge Keino
He won Kenya’s first gold medal at the Olympic Games in
Mexico City in 1968.
   Keino won the 1500 metres race and put Kenya firmly on the
global sporting map as home of the long distance runners.
   He repeated the feat in Munich, Germany, by winning
another gold medal for Kenya in the 3,000 metres steeple
chase race in 1972 and, once again, set Kenya on the road to
claiming the race as its specialty.
   In 1965, Keino became the first Kenyan to win the 1500
metres and 5000 meters respectively at the All Africa Games
held in Brazzaville Congo.
   He was crowned the sportsman of the year in 1987 and
characterised as among “Athletes Who Care” for his work with
                                                                                          Sporting pioneer:
                                                                                                   KENYA                 51
                                                                    Kipchoge Keino, Kenyas first Olympic gold medalist
orphans by the well-known Sports Illustrated magazine.
                                                          In 1996 Keino was inducted into the world sports
                                                          Humanitarian Hall of Fame.

                                                          Michael Werikhe
                                                          When he visited Kenya in 2006 as Illinois Senator, President
                                                          Barack Obama was gifted a rhino carving by the Standard
                                                          Group media house.
                                                             Smiling, Obama said the rhino is a stubborn animal.
                                                          Perhaps that is one reason the rhino still graces Kenya’s
                                                          wild, but could there be another reason?
                                                             Yes. Before Wangari Maathai became Kenya’s best
                                                          known campaigning ‘green’, there was the world famous
                                                          walker for the preservation of the rhino – Michael Sampson
                                                             “The Rhino Man” to media and conservationists around
                                                          the world”, Werikhe became famous through his long
                                                          fundraising walks.
                                                             He began his first walk on December 1982 from
                                                          Mombasa to Nairobi, a distance of about 500 kilometres.
                                                          In 1985, he walked from Kampala to Dar-es-Salaam and to
                                                             Werikhe took his campaign to Europe in 1988 and to
                                                          the United States in 1991. In 1993 he was in Taiwan, a
                                                          consumer nation of rhino horns.
                                                             Werikhe won 10 international awards for his efforts.
                                                          August 9, 2009 will mark the tenth anniversary of Werikhe’s
                                                          passing. This article is a tribute to a brilliant conservationist.
     Rhino man:
52    KENYA
     Michael Werikhe walked the world to save the rhino
Pamela Jelimo
The first African woman to win the
US$1 million International Association of
Athletics Associations (IAAF) jackpot in
September 2008.
     Jelimo is also the first Kenyan
woman to win the 800 metre Olympic
gold (Beijing Olympics in 2008).
     Before exploding into fame, Jelimo
had won the junior national 400 meters
title in 2007 at the age of 17 and also
set a junior record of 24.68 seconds in
200 meters the same year.
     She is now undoubtedly Kenya’s
most renowned female athlete,
and greater athletic achievements
are predicted of this highly talented
     Inspirational Pamela embodies the
determination of the Kenyan youth
poised to take their place in national
and international affairs.

                                            Athletic queen:                        KENYA   53
                                            Pamela Jelimo in another victory run
The Kenyan roots of US President

     Close family ties:
54    KENYA
     Obama meets relatives at Nyang’oma-Kogelo village
KENYA   55
Elders bless Obama:
     President Obama is presented with traditional regalia during
56       KENYA
     his visit in 2006
Nyang’oma-Kogelo is perhaps                Already, there are a number of local
Kenya’s most celebrated rural village      tour companies offering services
– known by Kenyans themselves              to bring the international visitor, not
and the world at large. But it was not     only to Kenya, but also, and more
always like that.                          importantly, to Nyang’oma-Kogelo.
     This is the village where Barack          In Kogelo, Obama has become
Hussein Obama, Snr, father of              a role model and an inspiration
Barack Hussein Obama, Jnr, the             for the youth. His principles and
44th President of the United State of      values are likely to remain the key
America, was born, bred and buried.        driving force for the youth of this
Some now think Kogelo is Kenya’s           village and it is perhaps this that will
village of the future.                     propel Kogelo into a popular tourist
     In 2006 when Obama, then an           destination.
Illinois Senator and his wife Michelle         President Barack Obama’s
visited Kogelo, it was a sleepy little-    philanthropic trait appears to have
known village in Kenya’s Nyanza            been inherited from his late father
Province. Not anymore, the senator’s       who donated the land on which the
visit awakened the village where his       two village schools named after the
step-grandmother Mrs Sarah Obama           president stand.
lives.                                         As the ancestral home of
                                           the father of 44th President of
     Local and international journalists
are regular visitors to Nyang’oma-         the United States, Kogelo will
Kogelo and their stories of the joy of     undoubtedly remain the focus of a
Kogelo people continue to grace the        lot of international attention and an
screens of the local and international     interesting destination to visit long
media.                                     after Obama has left office.

                                                                                      KENYA   57
The last word
             The release of this booklet on Kenya and what it has to offer to the world is
             a momentous milestone for us as a nation in our continuous efforts to build a
             strong, attractive and globally visible country-brand.
             This booklet presents in a simple, succinct and attractive format, the very
             best of what makes Kenya irresistible in terms of tourism, trade, investment
             opportunities, lifestyle, heritage and culture.
             It is impossible to capture the great variety and essence of this great African
             nation on the pages of a small booklet like this one. The warmth, the
             inventiveness, the industry, the hospitality, the friendliness, the varied and rich
             African cultures of the people of Kenya are indescribable and can only be
             experienced personally.
             To fully enjoy and appreciate the unique landscapes with authentic, enchanting
             sites; the immensely rich heritage in plant, bird and animal species (some found
             nowhere else on earth); the virgin splendour of the coastal beaches; the exciting
             variety of sports; and the luxurious offerings of the resorts, hotels and lodges,
             one has to pay a visit to Kenya.
             A visit to Kenya presents an opportunity to experience first-hand what makes
             the country the most enchanting holiday destination in the world and one of the
             best places on earth to work, visit, live and invest.
             It is our hope that by reading this booklet, you have got useful insights to help
             you make the decision to visit or invest in this great country.

             Mary Kimonye
             BRAND KENYA BOARD

58   KENYA
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Brand Kenya Booklet Final

  • 1. Rugged Majesty of Mount Kenya: KENYA 1 A natural symbol of the birth of the nation
  • 2. National Anthem O God of all creation, Bless this our land and nation. Justice be our shield and defender, May we dwell in unity, Peace and liberty. Plenty be found within our borders. Let one and all arise With hearts both strong and true. Service be our earnest endeavour, And our Homeland of Kenya, Heritage of splendour, Firm may we stand to defend. Let all with one accord In common bond united, Build this our nation together, And the glory of Kenya, The fruit of our labour Fill every heart with thanksgiving. 2 KENYA
  • 3. KENYA is the world’s favourite safari destination. The to succeed. The numerous athletes and medalists give a true economic giant of the Eastern and Central African region and testimony of the resilience of the people of Kenya. the main gateway to Africa, Kenya is a hospitable and friendly country, with a thriving economy and unmatched natural In terms of trade, industry and investment, Kenya has some of attractions. the most competitive and attractive incentives and resources in Africa. This young African democracy, which has been a haven of It boasts picturesque landscapes adorned by the Great Rift peace since its independence in 1963 is arguably one of the best Valley, the snow-capped Mount Kenya and numerous tropical places in the world to visit, live and invest. forests, rivers, lakes and coastal beaches. Kenya is home to the largest species of wildlife in the world. Kenya – A holistic indescribable experience. The Kenyan people besides being warm-hearted and friendly are renowned for their hard work and determination KENYA 3
  • 4. Foreword from the President I am pleased to write a foreword for this attractive and insightful publication about Kenya. In this book, you will find many things said about Kenya, some of which may be new, and others that you already know. It is my hope that the book will enable readers to broaden their knowledge of our country and experience a new understanding and perception of Kenya and its people. Kenya remains a relatively stable and peaceful nation, despite the challenges we have faced over the years. The stability and success of our nation demonstrates that we are a resilient people, and we are always ready to find solutions to our problems. And more importantly, we have been swift to seize the challenges that confront us and transform them into opportunities for enhancing the political, social, and 4 KENYA
  • 5. economic development of our society. the government has implemented a highly talented and skilled labour. In this respect, the Grand Coalition variety of reforms to make our country This publication is, therefore, also an Government, working together with investor-friendly. We welcome investors invitation to investors, friends and Parliament, passed various legislation to take advantage of the unique and well-wishers to visit Kenya. I assure this year to enable the government abundant opportunities we offer to put you that you will not be disappointed. implement various reforms to ensure their money in various sectors of our Kenya is a land of contrasts transparency in the management of economy. – of enchanting landscapes, a snow- the affairs of our nation. I am confident Indeed, Kenya is today one capped mountain on the Equator, that as a people, we are capable of of Africa’s most well endowed expansive savannas that are home overcoming the problems we face, countries in terms of human capital, of the big five and countless, varied and building a united, stable and entrepreneurship and work ethic. wildlife in their natural habitats that prosperous nation. The country has a large portfolio of make Kenya a true safari country. I therefore want to assure our friends investment opportunities, ranging Moreover, Kenya’s coastal region and well-wishers that Kenyans are from the diverse natural resources tells the story of hospitality and of determined to uphold our nationhood. and a vibrant agricultural sector to timeless contacts with the rest of the We are committed to living in unity, sophisticated infrastructure as well as world, a story that is still eloquently told while recognizing the diversity of our the financial and information services by the numerous historical monuments people. Indeed all of us, regardless sectors. and sites, while the beautiful, white of ethnicity, race or religion, are In this regard, Nairobi has grown to sandy beaches and an all-year round inextricably tied together, with a become the region’s financial, transport warm climate assure our visitors a fun- filled holiday experience. common destiny. That destiny, as spelt and tourism hub, while Mombasa is the out in Vision 2030 aims at building a gateway to the Eastern Africa region. Investors will find well developed Welcome to Kenya. prosperous and equitable nation that is an example to the region, and the world infrastructure, including roads, railway, of what Africa is capable of achieving. air transport, and telecommunications Accordingly, the theme of this linking Kenya to the rest of Africa and the world. Investors will also be happy H.E. Mwai Kibaki publication is not only appropriate, but to know that Kenya has a large pool of President of the Republic of Kenya also timely. Over the last six years, KENYA 5
  • 6. Foreword from the Prime Minister It is my pleasure to write the foreword to this useful fact-book on Kenya, especially at this particular time when our country has regained its balance following the political crisis that engulfed it in early 2008. Kenya is back in business as the gateway to the vast and fast growing African market on the eastern seaboard. We have reclaimed our reputation and position as the destination of choice for investment, trade and tourism in Eastern and Central Africa. We in Kenya firmly believe that the private sector provides the main engine for sustainable economic growth. The Government of Kenya is firmly committed to working closely with the both the domestic and foreign private sector to generate wealth in the fight against poverty and underdevelopment. 6 KENYA
  • 7. Kenya offers guaranteed lower • a 100 per cent investment transport for East, Central and Southern production and operational costs deduction on capital expenditure Africa, offering daily air connections and faster business set-up than within 20 years. to West Africa and other parts of the most other countries, through the world. following measures: • exemption from Stamp Duty. As a founder-member of the East African Community (EAC) and the • a one-stop-shop system for The Government places great Common Market for Eastern and required licenses upon entry. emphasis on providing a conducive Southern Africa (COMESA), Kenya and enabling environment for business. offers access to a vast market of more • a ten-year Corporate Tax holiday Maintaining Kenya’s highly skilled than 400 million people. and a 25 per cent tax rate labour force is a top priority alongside Kenya hosts a large number of reduction for 10 years thereafter. issues of security, affordable energy regional bodies, multinationals and supply, responsiveness of the public international organizations. This, • a ten-year withholding Tax sector to business needs, upgrading together with the multi-racial fabric of holiday on non-resident infrastructure and ensuring a pleasant Kenyan society, makes most cities and remittances. multicultural environment to live in. urban centers in the country global in Kenya’s unique geographical matters of faith, education, culture, cuisine and character. • duty and Value Added Tax position offers time flexibility in cross- Welcome to Kenya! You will enjoy (VAT) exemption on imported or interaction with businesses in other visiting or doing business in Kenya. locally sourced raw materials, time zones from Auckland in New construction equipment and Zealand to Los Angeles here in the other business inputs except U.S., without the loss of sleep! Nairobi Raila Amolo Odinga motor vehicles and some fuels. is the regional hub for air and sea Prime Minister of the Republic of Kenya KENYA 7
  • 9. Complete in its splendour: KENYA 9 The unparalled breathtaking Kenyan landscape
  • 10. Elephant: Majestic giant of the Kenyan wild 10 KENYA
  • 11. Kenya at Glance POPULATION LANGUAGES Estimated in 2007 at 37,183,924 English and Swahili are the main and official languages but there are over 40 LAND AREA other local dialects. 591,383 square kilometers CAPITAL CITY BEST SAFARI TIME Nairobi A visit to Kenya is a truly unique and unforgettable experience. The best times PRINCIPAL TOWNS to fulfill one’s lifetime dream for a great Mombasa Nakuru Safari to Kenya (ideally for two to three Kisumu weeks) is July to February, although the country is hospitable and attractive to the ECONOMY visitor throughout the year. Free market enterprise Time for an idyllic game viewing safari GOVERNMENT is July to September when a one of the Multi-party democracy greatest spectacles on earth takes place PARLIAMENT as more than a million wild animals, A single chamber of 210 elected and 12 mainly wildebeest and zebras cross the nominated members whose life lasts five Mara River into the world-famous Masai years. Mara National Reserve. MAIN GATEWAYS NATIONAL CARRIER Jomo Kenyatta International Airport Moi International Airport Kenya Airways, which is affectionately Wilson Airport tagged “The Pride of Africa” flies to more than 48 different destinations in Africa, CURRENCY Europe, the Middle and the Far East and Kenya shilling (Ksh75 is equivalent to One US Dollar) is soon to fly to the USA. Fort Jesus: KENYA 11 Memorial to Kenya Coast’s rich history
  • 12. Savour the savannah: Open, inviting plains of the hinterland Land of infinite variety 583 000 kilometers square, lying at the centre of the eastern part of the African continent. Renowned globally as the cradle of mankind, Kenya Like its spectacular variety of wildlife, physical and climatic is a land of great variety and spectacular physical and conditions, Kenya is a linguistic and cultural melting pot, with climatic contrasts usually found in entire continents, from at least 42 different tribes and people of different races who live high snow-capped mountains with alpine forests to hot harmoniously together. dry deserts and lovely sandy beaches. The rich vegetation that acts as cover for some of Kenya’s There is so much to be seen and enjoyed in Kenya, spectacular landscape also provides shelter for the great variety ranging from the pre-historic splendour of the Rift Valley of wildlife. to the beautiful shores of the Indian Ocean, lined with The varied altitude of kenya gives the country unique unique mangrove forests and to Lake Turkana, the climatic features. The lower areas of the country have high world’s largest desert lake. temperatures, with humidity dependent on proximity to water From the modern social and cultural hub of Nairobi bodies. The highlands are mild and cool with relatively high (the only city with a national park within its boundaries), rainfall patterns. to the vast breathtaking expanses of wildlife parks such The popular Kenyan coast along the Indian Ocean and the as the Tsavo, Mt Kenya, the Masai Mara and Amboseli, regions around Lake Victoria, the second largest freshwater a visit to Kenya presents the ultimate dream for any body in the world, and the source of the River Nile, are usually traveler. hot or warm and humid. A visitor to Kenya can experience and In the words of famous author Ernest Hemingway, enjoy these varied climatic conditions within a short time. “Kenya is unknowable, unimaginable, and unbelievable.” In terms of size, this great East African country is some 12 KENYA
  • 13. Sun and splendour: Kenya’s fascinating 500 kilometre-long coastline has fabulous beaches Brilliant vision for a beautiful country opportunities for both public and private investors areas. Apart from a visionary political leadership, Kenya has a number of Vision 2030 advantages that make it one of the few countries on the African KENYA’S vision is to become a middle income industrialised continent that are most likely to achieve a socio-economic economy by the year 2030 and the government has developed a transformation in the near future. A well-educated, youthful and comprehensive blueprint - the Vision 2030. The Government is vibrant population, vast, largely untapped natural resources, determined and committed to making Vision 2030 a reality through enormous investment in infrastructure and a well developed a series of planned and well-coordinated initiatives that will increase private sector are among the country’s assets. productivity and ensure that the living standard of the majority of the population is positively transformed. In this respect Vision Small country, big reputation 2030 clearly spells out the social, economic and political priorities Although a relatively small country in the world in its that the country needs to focus on in order to achieve rapid geographical extent and population size, Kenya has often been industrialisation and economic self-reliance within the next 25 to 30 at the centre of global attention and affairs. Kenya’s prowess in years. The government is already putting in place measures for this sports, peace keeping missions and a safe haven for refugees transformation notable among these is the creation of a favourable have positioned Kenya as a visible and impactful global player. investment climate for both local and external entrepreneurs. In addition Kenya holds some of the most valuable treassures on the origins and global distribution of various life forms giving it A great vision for the future unique potential to positively contribute to the future of the world In order to realise the goals of Vision 2030, Kenya requires and human kind. As a young and vibrant developing nation, massive investments from both domestic and external sources. Kenya is determined to forge ahead and join the developed The priority areas in the Vision present, enormous investment post-industrial countries. KENYA 13
  • 14. Major Cities and Towns Nairobi Green City in the Sun Nicknamed the green city in the sun, the modern city of Nairobi, with a population of around 4.5 million inhabitants, occupies a unique place in the world, being the only global metropolis with a large wildlife park, close to its central business district! It is also the only city of a developing country that hosts the global headquarters of several United Nations specialised agencies. Its moderate climate, rich history, modern facilities and central location makes it the most ideal starting point for the Kenyan Safari adventure. Situated just 140 km south of the Equator, 494km west of the port of Mombasa on the Indian Ocean and 338km east of Lake Victoria, at an altitude of 1670 m., Nairobi is not only Kenya’s principal city but also East Africa’s economic and business focal point. In 1907, the British moved the colonial administration from the port of Mombasa to Nairobi and since then what was once a small group of huts, has grown spectacularly into East Africa’s most modern city. Nairobi attained city status in 1950. Nairobi: Green City in the Sun 14 KENYA
  • 15. City of Nairobi in the future KENYA 15
  • 16. Mombasa Romantic, historic island port The island town of Mombasa is the main sea gate on the Eastern African coastline and is Kenya’s oldest and second largest metropolis. It has a rich romantic history dating back over a 1,000 years. The unrivalled beauty of the Kenyan coastline is truly a distinctive feature of the country’s tourism industry. Mombasa is home to a rich historic civilization that gave East Africa the Swahili language, Kenya’s lingua franca that has evolved to be spoken across half of Africa. One of the most famous Swahili words that has not only found its way into the english dictionary but also is a brand name of several products ranging from perfumes to sports is Safari. Close to the palm-fringed beaches lies the natural marvel Mombasa: The historic gateway to Eastern Africa of the coral reef, which runs uninterrupted for close to 500 km. The Kenyan coast teems with various wonders of marine life, mysterious lagoons and creeks that attract exploration. There are also the mangrove forests and awesome cliffs overhanging some of the beaches. Another great coastal spectacle is the variety of wildlife, especially birds. With such exciting features, together with a wide variety of entertainment, a visit to the Kenyan coast is a must for any visitor. The experience is truly memorable. Fort Jesus, built by Portuguese adventurers during the 16th Century, is one of the most important historical monuments in the city of Mombasa. 16 KENYA
  • 17. Kisumu Lively Lakeside Fishing City The lively lakeside city of Kisumu, formerly known as Port Florence is situated along Lake Victoria, the world’s second largest freshwater body and only about 80 km southeast of Nyang’oma Kogelo, the ancestral home of the father of the 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Obama. Kisumu is Kenya’s third largest city. Kisumu is a thriving fishing and commercial city which is steadily positioning itself as the commercial hub of Western Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and the Great Lakes region. The surrounding region is rich in culture and history, with many intriguing and historic sites among them the Rusinga Islands, the crying of stones and forests of Kakamega and a variety of wild flora and fauna. For a visitor looking for a warm and tranquil resting place, Kisumu is the ideal place. Kenya Airways, the national carrier operates daily flights between Nairobi and Kisumu. Kisumu: City on the lake KENYA 17
  • 18. The Great Rift Valley The Great Rift Valley is one of the most breathtaking and awesome natural physical phenomena on earth estimated to have formed some 20 million years ago. The name “Great Rift Valley” was coined by the Scottish explorer John Walter Gregory in his book The Great Rift Valley (1896) With its steep and jagged escarpment walls, mountains and flat floor, the Great Rift Valley is one of the most attractive and popular parts of Kenya. It is also among the most agriculturally productive, providing most of Kenya’s wheat, maize and dairy products. The floor of the valley is at its lowest near Lake Turkana where there is virtually no distinction between the Great Rift Valley and the surrounding desert. Lake Turkana is the largest desert lake in the world. As it heads south, the Great Rift Valley walls form sheer cliffs rising to 1,900 km (6,232 ft) at Lake Naivasha, thereafter the valley descends again to 580 metres (1,902 feet) as it approaches the border with Tanzania. Hell’s Gate: Mystery of the power of nature 18 KENYA
  • 19. Rising to the heavens: Subterranean movement is still common as the Rift The hot springs of Lake Bogoria Valley is home to 30 active and semi-active volcanoes and countless hot springs. This string of alkaline lakes and boiling springs include lakes Baringo, Bogoria, Nakuru, Elementaita, Naivasha, and Magadi in the south. These lakes are rich in sodium carbonate which creates an ideal breeding ground for algae. Several species of fish, tilapia in particular, thrive in this environment. As a result, millions of birds flock to these soda lakes to feast on the abundant algae and fish making these lakes a unique spot for bird watching, the most spectacular being the flamingos of Lake Nakuru. Then there is the dramatic Hell’s Gate near Lake Naivasha, a truly awesome natural wonder. Among the Great Rift Valley’s unique features is Lake Turkana. Also known as the Jade Sea for the unique turquoise colour of its waters, it stretches 250km and has shores longer than the entire Kenyan coast. This lake not only has an abundance of the delicious tropical fresh-water fish, the Tilapia, but also contains the world’s largest crocodile population. Fishing and livestock rearing and agriculture are among the activities within and around the lake. There are numerous spectacular natural wonders that surround the lake, with fantastic opportunities for the intrepid adventurer. KENYA 19
  • 20. Spectacular wildebeest migration: 20 KENYA Eighth wonder of the world
  • 21. Major national parks and game reserves Balloon safari: The Masai Mara Stunning aerial view of the Masai Mara Eighth wonder of the world The Mara provides one of nature’s most dramatic and awesome spectacles; the annual migration of over a million wildebeest and zebra, teeming from the south to cross the Mara River into the Masai Mara Game Reserve. The migration which has come to be has come to be known as the eighth wonder of the world takes place between July and september making this the most ideal time for a classic safari. The stunning Savannah grasslands with scattered shrubs stretches for as far as the eye can see and is an endless spectacle of natures best highlights. In the vast landscape can be seen the cheetah, the fastest animal on earth, chasing antelope and gazelle, in the Mara River hippos bathe, and on the banks, crocodiles sun themselves. It is in this predator infested waters of the mara that thousands of wildebeest, hundreds of zebra, eland and gazelle must fight for their lives... this is truly the jungles law of survival for the fittest. For the nature loving and adventurous visitor, the wildebeest migration is a “must see”. While at the mara a balloon safari provides an exciting view of this mighty African wilderness. KENYA 21
  • 22. Lake Nakuru National Park Lakes Nakuru and Naivasha and the thousands of flamingos that reside in them, together form a bewitching spectacle beloved of many a local and foreign visitor. Naivasha is best seen by boat. Eight kilometres south of Nakuru town and covering an area of 200 square kilometres, Nakuru National Park is unquestionably a great ornithological wonder of the world. It is the congregation point of an estimated 100,000 to two million flamingos and over 400 species of birds. With the park greatly enlarged since its creation in 1961, and extensive ecological cleaning up of the area, wildlife of a wide variety can now be seen in the park. Lake Bogoria to the north of Nakuru, features enticing hot springs, made even more inviting by the sight of fishermen in papyrus boats and the rare greater kudu. Nakuru boasts the rare Rothschild giraffe and an extraordinary rhino sanctuary. Flight of delight: 22 KENYA Graceful flamingos of the Great Rift Valley lakes
  • 23. Mothers love: Total protection for the young Samburu & Buffalo Springs A tale of three game reserves The arid and semi-arid regions of northern Kenya, framed by volcanic mountain ranges and dotted with lakes, provide a uniquely picturesque holiday for the visitor. Throughout the region, rare animals such as the reticulated giraffe, oryx, Grevy’s zebra, and long-necked gerenuk abound. Between the drier northern region and the imposing, densely forested Mt Kenya lies the serrated and beautiful Meru National Park, home of Elsa the Lioness befriended by Joy and George Adamson and featured in Joy’s Book and the film, Born Free. Almost similar in the variety of flora and fauna are the three wildlife reserves of Samburu, Shaba and Buffalo Springs located along the Uaso Nyiro River, the Meru National Park is home to the rare species of grazing white rhino in Kenya. It lies in a semi arid, open savannah plain broken occasionally by small rugged hills. Lodge in nature: KENYA 23 Luxury and unique wildlife are a tourist’s delight
  • 24. Mount Kenya Snow and Wildlife on the Equator Snow-capped Mount Kenya is Africa’s second highest mountain, a stunning and challenging destination for the adventurers tourists, climbers and trekkers. Below the mountain’s alpine meadows roam elephant, black rhino, Cape buffalo and antelope. On its lower slopes is Ol Pejeta, a private ranch and rhino sanctuary and nearby is the famous Mount Kenya Safari Club. The Aberdare Ranges sport high alpine moorland and primeval aloe forest. Here one can visit the famous Treetops Hotel where leopards are regular visitors and can be viewed in the act of refreshing themselves. The Treetops is renowned because reigning Queen Elizabeth visited in 1952 and went up the Treetops as a princess, but word came that the King had died, she came down a Queen. The Aberdares were named by Joseph Thomson in 1883 after Lord Aberdare who was the then president of the Royal Geographical Society. Lying in these mountains, this park covers an area of 770 square kilometres. A tantalising mixture of mountain rain forest, moorland, thick bamboo forests and sub alpine plants make up the vegetation in this park. Giant heath and tussock grass cover the moorlands which are crossed by wandering trout-filled streams that often cascade into beautiful waterfalls. Snow in tropics: 24 KENYA Africa’s second highest, Mt Kenya is historically and culturally significant
  • 25. King lion: Confident, strong and powerful Amboseli Expansive Pride of the Maasai The imposing, ever present view of Kilimanjaro is the main feature of this wildlife habitat which has some of Kenya’s largest herds of elephants. Hemingway once wrote of the Amboseli as “the essence of Africa,” where elephants rummage the lower forests, leopards prowl the salt flats while antelope graze the expansive grasslands; all these against the backdrop of Kilimanjaro’s majestic peak. Few natural scenes around the world are more inspiring. Apart from the patches of acacia forest, Amboseli grasslands are dotted with shrubs and fragile saline grass. The dry volcanic ash can support little more. The melting snows of Kilimanjaro feed rivers and springs that supply water to the swamps and the Amboseli, which is usually completely dry. Occasional flooding of the rivers occurs during rainy seasons. A wide variety of wildlife, including antelope, wildebeest, giraffe, zebra, elephants, rhino and buffalo, the predatory lion, the cheetah and occasionally the elusive, secretive leopard are attracted to the rivers and swamps. As much a part of the Amboseli spectacle are the Maasai people who graze their cattle here. Amboseli is home of the colourful Maasai, with their rich and proud Tower of nature: Amboseli is the peak of the wild Iconic maasai: A proud, courageous people cultural heritage. KENYA 25
  • 26. Tsavo East & Tsavo West World’s largest game sanctuary The entire Tsavo ecosystem is possibly the world’s biggest game sanctuary. It is an expansive model wildlife sanctuary in terms of geographical and ecological features, with a wide variety of plant and animal life. Tsavo is situated half way between Nairobi and Mombasa. The Tsavo National Parks are ideal for visitors who wish to include both wildlife safari and coastal luxury on their itinerary. Sunsets in the Tsavo offer their own peculiar spectacle, filling the sky with an Speed, stealth and ferocity: incredibly beautiful spectrum of colour and splendour. Cheetah, leopard and buffalo are among the Big Five of found in Tsavo and other wildlife sanctuaries In Tsavo East roam ‘red’ elephants, so called because of the colour of rich volcanic soils that they throw over their skins with their trunks in order to diminish the effects of the hot tropical sun. The Tsavos have the world’s largest and most important concentration of elephants, with a population estimated at more than 20,000. 26 KENYA
  • 27. Special treassure: KENYA 27 The rare white rhino graze our nature parks
  • 28. Kenya’s esteemed place on the world map Welcome to Kenya: A model of Nairobi’s ultra-modern international 28 KENYA airport currently under expansion
  • 29. KENYA 29
  • 30. Kenya: The peace maker as a peace-loving nation. Whenever the More recently, Kenya has also Kenya has and continues to play international community seeks a suitable spearheaded successful peace processes for the Sudan and Somalia important roles on the international place in which to hold talks on matters under the leadership of former President scene. Over the years, the country has ranging from war to climate change, Daniel Moi and current President Mwai been a regional peacemaker. Peace talks Kenya is usually among the countries to to end internal and external conflicts be considered. Kibaki. in various African countries have been Visits by world leaders The UN in Nairobi held in Nairobi, with Kenya playing a vital Prominent world leaders have been to Kenya’s capital Nairobi is the only city mediation role. In recent months, peace Kenya on various occasions to attend in the developing world that hosts the talks on the conflicts in the Democratic both regional and global events or simply global headquarters of a number of Republic of Congo (DRC) and Burundi for holidays. In November 2008, UN United Nations Specialised Agencies. have been hosted by Kenya. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon was It is the world headquarters of As a result of its engagement in in Kenya to help broker peace in the the United Nations Environmental numerous efforts to end conflicts around Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Programme (UNEP) and the United the world, Kenya has gained a reputation Kenyan soldiers and police officers have Nations Centre for Human Settlements served on numerous peace-keeping (UN Habitat). It is also the regional missions on the African continent and headquarters for Africa of several around the world. other UN bodies. Kenya is a full and Through the United Nations, Kenya committed member of the United Nations has sent peacekeeping forces to Bosnia, Organisation since independence in Namibia and Sierra Leone. During the 1963. past four decades, Kenya has initiated, guided and hosted peace talks for Rich, diverse heritage troubled African countries, starting with From the pre-historic times during the Angola, during the rule of the country’s evolution of humankind through the internationally respected first President, eras of slavery, voyages of discovery the late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta. and colonisation to the modern UN chief Ban Ki-Moon 30 KENYA
  • 31. post-independence period, Kenya has always occupied a unique place in human development. In fact, Kenya and the East African region are often referred to as the “cradle of mankind” due to the discovery by world renowned paleontologists of several pre- historic remains of the ancestors of modern “homo sapiens.” The Museums of Kenya are among the most interesting places to visit for a view of the development of humankind and African culture. Melting pot of culture Inhabited by different races and a total of 42 ethnic communities with varying historical and cultural backgrounds, Kenya is a prime example of harmony in diversity, a true melting-pot of religions, races and culture. The majority of its people are black Africans from different linguistic and cultural stocks, with migrant minorities of Middle Eastern, European (Caucasian) and Asian extraction. More than 40 different languages are spoken in Kenya, but Swahili (a mixture of Arabic and local vernacular languages) and English are the official languages. Rich KENYA culture: 31 Dance to melt your heart
  • 32. Dominating distance athletics Kenya is a global giant in long-distance athletics, having produced a long line of world class runners since 1968. At the Beijing Olympics in 2008, Kenya led Africa with a record harvest of 8 gold, 8 silver and 5 bronze medals. Kenyan athletes have won almost every known city marathon or road race in the world. Track sensation Pamela Jelimo won not only an Olympic gold medal in her 800m specialty, but also the International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF) US$1.0 million Golden League jackpot. Kenya is now also one of the top swimming nations in Africa with several continental titles. Other major sports in the country Sporting prowess: Resilience, determination bring great success 32 KENYA
  • 33. include football (most popular), sport There are sufficient world-class shooting, sport sailing, motor rallying conference facilities, excellent (the world famous Safari Rally), horse accommodation, entertainment and racing, golf, boxing, angling, among lovely cuisine in all the major cities and others. within the wildlife parks. Conferencing (in) Kenya Centre for international media Many important global conferences All major international media have been held in Nairobi, including organisations and news agencies have the UN Conference on Climate Change their Africa regional offices based in in 2006, the UN Women’s Decade Nairobi. Meeting in 1985, joint World Bank/IMF From the Kenyan capital, which Meeting in Nairobi in 1975. There was enjoys excellent communication also the UNCTAD conference in 1979. with the rest of the world, media In 2007, there was the World Social representatives from around the world Forum, one of the largest conferences can cover events and transmit news ever held anywhere on earth, with across continents. more than 20,000 delegates from Local media are among the around the globe. most vibrant and diversified in the Conference facilities in Kenya developing world. Media freedom include the famous Kenyatta is guaranteed in the country’s International Conference Centre Constitution. (KICC) in Nairobi. Various regional and The Nation Media Group is the global meetings take place in Kenya largest in Eastern and Central Africa, on a regular basis since it is the main with the Daily Nation being by far the organisational and communications most widely read daily newspaper in KICC: Africa’s premier meeting place hub in the entire Eastern African the region. region. KENYA 33
  • 34. Fearless Beaches and Big Five The famous “Big Five” wild animals, the elephant, rhino, lion, leopard and buffalo are all found in Kenya’s national parks and game reserves. The lion is known for its strength and power, speed and stealth, which make it a menacing predator and give it the the nickname king of the jungle. The rhino is one tonne creature with a lone horn for which it is hunted by poachers. It is often found a lone. A leopard is also a solitary animal but its strength is such that it can haul its prey vertically up a tree. It is also known for speed, surprise and stealth. The buffalo has a fierce temper and will fearlessly stand up to the lion. Lions prey on buffalo which is why the two are African sunset: Enhances beauty of Coast 34 KENYA
  • 35. Grown under the sun mortal enemies. Elephants move in a herd freshness and beauty. A wide variety of Free, The rise and Fall of Idi Amin, Tomb and like buffalo keep the calves in the juicy tropical and temperate fruits and Raider, Cradle of Life, Walk With the Lions. middle of the group to fend off predators. vegetables are also produced in Kenya Kenyan film-makers, with the the It is this unique behaviour of these animals for both domestic consumption and for Kenya Film Commission, are making their that make them a joy to watch. export. presence felt on the international stage. The city of Nairobi is teeming with art Best tea, coffee and flowers Art and film out of Kenya galleries; Gallery Watatu, Ramoma, African Kenya produces the best tea, coffee and As a filming destination, Kenya has few Heritage and Elimo Njau’s Paa Ya Paa cut flowers in the world. equals, with spectacular landscapes and claiming the better name recognition. As a leading producer and global a wide variety of flora and fauna, natural Theatre is popular in Kenya which exporter of very high quality aromatic light, pool of talent and warm-hearted has seen the recent revival of the Kenya Arabica coffee and excellent brown teas, people. National Theatre and both upsurge and Kenya is well-placed to supply large The spectacular landscape of Kenya resurgence of local programming on all quantities of the popular beverages to any has featured in many internationally leading television channels in the country. market around the world. acclaimed films. Notable among them Visitors to Kenya will enjoy the Kenya is the leading exporter of King Solomon’s Mines of the 1950’s, numerous theatre events especially the cut flowers in the world. Its flowers Sydney Pollack’s Oscar winning Out popular Kenyan School and College are renowned, particularly in the large of Africa, The 2005 box office hit The Drama Festival that takes place every European Union market, for their Constant Gardener, White Mischief, Born August. KENYA 35
  • 36. Nobel for noble cause Kenya’s first and so far only Nobel laureate Prof Wangari Maathai was so honoured because of her crusading for the environment. The country hosts the global headquarters of UNEP, but in Professor Maathai, has the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. She was a Member of Parliament and assistant minister for environment and natural resources (2003 – 2007). United we share power Kenya is the first, and so far the only country in Africa to have succeeded in reaching a power-sharing agreement between the government and the opposition after the General Election of December 2007. The power sharing agreement and coalition government have become models for Africa and enhanced Kenya’s reputation as a politically stable country on a turbulent continent. The coalition also underscored the undying desire of Kenyans for peace and security and an environment that enables them survive and thrive in business. Investing in education In preparation for Kenya’s transformation in line with its economic blueprint, the government introduced free primary and secondary school education in 2003 and 2008 respectively. At one with nature: 36 KENYA Wangari Maathai plants a tree
  • 37. Kenya has 26 universities, some of which are branches or affiliates of well-known American, Australian and from other centres of learning in the world. In almost every field of endeavour, Kenya has a well-focused, highly skilled and hard-working talent pool. Kenya also has the world’s oldest primary school pupil Kimani Maruge whose feat has taken him to the UN in New York and made him a permanent feature at national events besides being entered in the Guinness Book of World Records. Curios and curiosity The best and most popular wood carvings depicting the country’s rich wildlife and cultural heritage are on sale in almost all major towns in School and business: Education and small business the country. point the way to a bright future Some of the most exquisite carvings are made from Kisii soapstone, a unique natural stone that lends itself well to the mallet and chisel. Kenya is also renowned worldwide for its hand-made traditional baskets known as “kiondos” from various materials, including sisal fibre, reeds and grass. Tips for quality tipples Kenyan beers, especially the Tusker, Tusker Malt, White Cap and Pilsner brands have won several awards at the International Monde Selection for their excellent taste, high quality and purity. The Tusker lager, especially which embodies our heritage has found its place along other world popular lagers in America and Europe. KENYA 37
  • 38. Investment opportunities in Kenya Mombasa harbour: The most modern and busiest port in Eastern Africa 38 KENYA
  • 39. KENYA 39
  • 40. A great testimony The World Bank described Kenya as one of the best investment and business locations in sub-Saharan Africa in 2007. This investor and business friendly environment has been created by a reformist government guided by its acclaimed long term development blue-print called Vision 2030. The plan seeks to transform Kenya into a middle income economy and put the country firmly on track to becoming an industrialised country in the next 20 to 30 years. Kenya’s thriving and vastly diversified economy, the largest and most vibrant in the East African region, makes it an investment destination of choice. Agriculture Agriculture is the mainstay of Kenya’s economy. It employs about 75 per cent of its 37 million people. The sector represents 24 per cent of Kenya’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and about a third of its produce is exported. Agriculture, therefore, offers plenty of investment opportunities in technological infrastructure, transport and irrigation. There are abundant investment openings in improvement of and value addition to agricultural produce such as processing, packaging and storage. Livestock development, seed improvement, manufacture of fertiliser, production of technical equipment and other support services are areas of great attraction to investors. Infrastructure: 40 KENYA The driving force for Vision 2030
  • 41. Agro-processing Investment opportunities in agro-processing revolve around the production of edible oils such as butter, ghee, and margarine as well as sunflower, cotton seed, coconut and corn oil. Coffee There are impressive investment opportunities in the core components of the agricultural sector, such as coffee, which was Kenya’s fourth leading export commodity in 2007. The government welcomes investments in the coffee farming industry particularly in its processing and packaging plants, instant Coffee: The solid rock of Kenya that drives other economies worldwide coffee processing, Robusta coffee growing, infrastructure and value addition in production of Ready to Drink (RTD) coffee. Roasting, grinding and the production of decaffeinated coffee for export are areas with a tempting investment pull. Tea Tea, otherwise referred to as Kenya’s green gold, has for long been considered a health-enhancing beverage. It was the country’s third leading foreign exchange earner in 2007. As a natural drink, without additives and preservatives, it has over the years dominated the world market because of its flavour and taste. A wide range of investment opportunities exist in the tea sector because the government encourages value addition to its growing and production. Processing of the crop, storage and packaging are areas Tea: The green gold of Kenya which have plenty of opportunities for investment. KENYA 41
  • 42. Horticulture Horticulture is one of the fastest growing areas of the Kenyan economy. It was Kenya’s leading foreign exchange earner in 2007. Myriad investment opportunities in horticulture exist in the production and export of cut flowers, French beans, pineapples, mushrooms, asparagus, mangoes, macadamia nuts, avocado, passion fruit, melons and carrots. Fisheries The Indian Ocean and Lake Victoria provide vast fishing potential. Deep sea fishing, prawn and trout farming are in their infancy, but have great potential for growth. Investment opportunities exist in fish meal, fillet and leather processing, as well as fisheries-support infrastructure, that is, refrigerated transport, cold storage Livestock The liberalisation of Kenya’s dairy industry has opened up investment opportunities in livestock development and milk processing for local and regional markets. There is also non-conventional livestock farming of ostrich and crocodiles while bee keeping and honey processing are an untapped potential. Apparels There is high potential for investment in yarn and garment making, textile equipment, dyes and chemicals and overall development of textile industry. Grown Under The Sun: 42 KENYA Kenya produces the best cut flowers in the world
  • 43. Leading the way: Tourism Kenya poised to become regional ICT hub Tourism was Kenya’s third largest foreign exchange earner in 2007. It is a robust and vibrant industry, reinvigorated through the government’s liberalisation strategy. The diversification of tourist generating markets coupled with successful promotion has had a positive impact on the growth of the industry. The sector is a potential growth area that has an avalanche of investment opportunities in conferencing, eco-friendly tourism in the parks and cruise ship tourism. Kenya has sumptuous investment opportunities in cultural tourism and traditional arts and craft development. The same goes for highway bed and breakfast outlets, resort cities and sports tourism. Medical, tour, travel and aviation tourism are no doubt fast growing segments of the industry that offer varied investment opportunities. Domestic and regional tourism together with construction and expansion of tourist hotels and game lodges present alluring opportunities for investment in Kenya. Kenya’s Great Rift Valley, one of the natural wonders of the world with fantastic scenery, provides a fascinating panorama for film creation and entertainment. ICT Kenya’s telecommunication policy enacted in 1997 underscores the government’s desire to have a well-developed communications network by 2015. KENYA 43
  • 44. The policy aims to bring down communication costs, improve accessibility and create jobs by positioning the country as a regional ICT outsourcing hub. With a liberalised telecommunications sector and an accelerated internet growth and mobile telephony, Kenya prides itself on being firmly on the road to becoming the regional leader in Information Technology services. Great opportunities exist for the provision of IT and related services, development for incoming/outgoing call centres and software. The completion of the laying of broadband fibre-optic cables by the end of 2009 will instantly position Kenya as a strategic Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) hub by the 2010. The government supports investments in disaster recovery software, ICT habitats, education/ training and development in broadband infrastructure. Knowledge Industry The government is keen to attract reputable educational institutions, universities and training centres to help develop Kenya’s knowledge industry. Great investment opportunities exist in expansion of science and technology centres, IT centres of excellence and training centres for the hospitality industry. Fashion and design and Research and Development Institutes (RDI) form an attractive are of investment. Energy Kenya has a deregulated energy sector which offers abundant investment opportunities in, oil exploration, LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) supply and distribution. Kenya has embraced a rural electrification programme and created opportunities for investment in generation of power in the rural areas, Information technology: 44 KENYA Government policy aims to bring costs down
  • 45. manufacture of transformers and management of water service and levels. Infrastructure The realisation of the government’s economic blueprint - Vision 2030 - is dependent on development of infrastructure. Government is therefore fully committed to improving this crucial sector by enhancing Kenya’s road network, electricity and water resources by encouraging Construction: Has huge investment potential investments in it. The government provides an enabling environment for investments in development of high capacity urban transport, construction of roads, railways, training in road safety and supply of equipment. Investment opportunities also exist in rehabilitation and management of airports, railway lines, and seaports in Lamu, Mombasa and Kisumu. Manufacturing Kenya’s manufacturing policy is export oriented. The sector adds value to agricultural output and provides forward and backward linkages to accelerate overall growth. There are ample investment opportunities in manufacturing including garment-making, assembly Garment making: Targeting the US market of automotive components and electronics and the production of plastics and paper. KENYA 45
  • 46. There are also avenues for investment in the manufacture of chemicals, pharmaceuticals and metal export and engineering products. Banking and finance Kenya’s financial sector is the largest and most developed in the East and Central African region. The industry is regulated by the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), which oversees fiscal liquidity and the operations of the industry. Kenya has a vibrant and investor attractive stock exchange and brokerage. Insurance, finance and banking and also have huge Favourite tipples: potential for investment.Though a steady growth is experienced in the micro-financing sector, significant investment is required to help Kenya’s beers are gold medal winners realise its full potential. Investment banking, lease hire and housing finance are growth areas awaiting substantial investments. Beer Kenya produces excellent beers using locally grown barley. The country has recently developed papaya and grape wines that can be exported to regional and international markets. Electronics There is a fast growing demand for electronic goods in Kenya and investors are sought in the production of equipment such as motors, circuit breakers, transformers, switch gears and irrigation pumps. Other items for manufacture in Kenya include capacitors, resistors and insulation tapes. 46 KENYA
  • 47. Paper Kenya has a rapid growing demand for paper made from timber. Its forests are fast diminishing hence the need for more investments in the production of paper manufactured non-traditional raw materials such as sisal waste, straw and waste paper. Motor vehicle parts There are opportunities for investment in metal and engineering works, especially as regards development of a nucleus foundry making precision castings, manufacture of vehicle parts and assembly, manufacture of components for use by local assemblers for export. Mining Kenya has untapped mineral deposits and multiple investment opportunities are on offer in prospecting and mining of gold and precious stones. The country also has an extensive area for exploration of petroleum oil. There exists potential for production of sanitary-ware and insulators as well as manufacture of ceramic pottery, tiles and glass. Sports Development of sporting facilities such as golf courses and gymnasiums provides lucrative investment opportunities. Investors could help in developing sports facilities and nurturing talent, especially from the grassroots. Steep chase: Steeplechase is Kenya’s specialty KENYA 47
  • 48. Home of world achievers Cheerful: 48 KENYA Kenyans gathered to applaud their heroes
  • 49. KENYA 49 KAYAMBA AFRICA: The lovely tunes of a nation
  • 50. Kenyans are a resilient, proud, innovative and hardworking people. Global surveys conducted by the BBC in 2002 and 2006, ranked Kenyans among the most optimistic people in the world. A strong sense of national belonging and excellent international linkages give Kenyans great advantage in seeking excellence. Kenya proudly boasts of some of the best and brightest in diverse fields, including writers, technologists, technicians, scientists, researchers, poets, paleontologists, musicians, lawyers, athletes, artists, and academics, among other disciplines, around the world. They are a source of inspiration to many locally and globally. Sample a few: Prof Wangari Maathai Undoubtedly one of the most recognisable Kenyan faces around the world. She is a top celebrity as Kenya’s first only Nobel Peace Prize laureate, (and so far the only African woman to win the coveted award), for her work for the environment. A long-time academic who taught veterinary anatomy at the University of Nairobi, she was the first Kenyan woman to obtain a PhD, become a lecturer and then a professor in any field of academic study. Maathai was a Member of Parliament and an assistant minister for environment and natural resources between 2003 and 2007. Maathai has won 20 international awards since 1983. Global acclaim: 50 KENYA Proffesor Wangari Maathai gets another prize
  • 51. Prof Miriam Were Another internationally celebrated Kenyan and a former chairperson of the National AIDS Control Council (NACC) that coordinates Kenya’s HIV/AIDS response, Were has served in several UN bodies, including the World Health Organisation, UNICEF and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). A highly regarded chemist, biologist and medical doctor, with a string of qualifications in Public Health from the Johns Hopkins University in the USA, she taught medicine at the University of Nairobi before taking up international assignments. Were won the UNICEF Maurice Pate Award) for her work in community health in 1978 and in 2008 won the Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize for her work in medical services. Kipchoge Keino He won Kenya’s first gold medal at the Olympic Games in Mexico City in 1968. Keino won the 1500 metres race and put Kenya firmly on the global sporting map as home of the long distance runners. He repeated the feat in Munich, Germany, by winning another gold medal for Kenya in the 3,000 metres steeple chase race in 1972 and, once again, set Kenya on the road to claiming the race as its specialty. In 1965, Keino became the first Kenyan to win the 1500 metres and 5000 meters respectively at the All Africa Games held in Brazzaville Congo. He was crowned the sportsman of the year in 1987 and characterised as among “Athletes Who Care” for his work with Sporting pioneer: KENYA 51 Kipchoge Keino, Kenyas first Olympic gold medalist
  • 52. orphans by the well-known Sports Illustrated magazine. In 1996 Keino was inducted into the world sports Humanitarian Hall of Fame. Michael Werikhe When he visited Kenya in 2006 as Illinois Senator, President Barack Obama was gifted a rhino carving by the Standard Group media house. Smiling, Obama said the rhino is a stubborn animal. Perhaps that is one reason the rhino still graces Kenya’s wild, but could there be another reason? Yes. Before Wangari Maathai became Kenya’s best known campaigning ‘green’, there was the world famous walker for the preservation of the rhino – Michael Sampson Werikhe. “The Rhino Man” to media and conservationists around the world”, Werikhe became famous through his long fundraising walks. He began his first walk on December 1982 from Mombasa to Nairobi, a distance of about 500 kilometres. In 1985, he walked from Kampala to Dar-es-Salaam and to Mombasa. Werikhe took his campaign to Europe in 1988 and to the United States in 1991. In 1993 he was in Taiwan, a consumer nation of rhino horns. Werikhe won 10 international awards for his efforts. August 9, 2009 will mark the tenth anniversary of Werikhe’s passing. This article is a tribute to a brilliant conservationist. Rhino man: 52 KENYA Michael Werikhe walked the world to save the rhino
  • 53. Pamela Jelimo The first African woman to win the US$1 million International Association of Athletics Associations (IAAF) jackpot in September 2008. Jelimo is also the first Kenyan woman to win the 800 metre Olympic gold (Beijing Olympics in 2008). Before exploding into fame, Jelimo had won the junior national 400 meters title in 2007 at the age of 17 and also set a junior record of 24.68 seconds in 200 meters the same year. She is now undoubtedly Kenya’s most renowned female athlete, and greater athletic achievements are predicted of this highly talented sportswoman. Inspirational Pamela embodies the determination of the Kenyan youth poised to take their place in national and international affairs. Athletic queen: KENYA 53 Pamela Jelimo in another victory run
  • 54. The Kenyan roots of US President Close family ties: 54 KENYA Obama meets relatives at Nyang’oma-Kogelo village
  • 55. KENYA 55
  • 56. Elders bless Obama: President Obama is presented with traditional regalia during 56 KENYA his visit in 2006
  • 57. Nyang’oma-Kogelo is perhaps Already, there are a number of local Kenya’s most celebrated rural village tour companies offering services – known by Kenyans themselves to bring the international visitor, not and the world at large. But it was not only to Kenya, but also, and more always like that. importantly, to Nyang’oma-Kogelo. This is the village where Barack In Kogelo, Obama has become Hussein Obama, Snr, father of a role model and an inspiration Barack Hussein Obama, Jnr, the for the youth. His principles and 44th President of the United State of values are likely to remain the key America, was born, bred and buried. driving force for the youth of this Some now think Kogelo is Kenya’s village and it is perhaps this that will village of the future. propel Kogelo into a popular tourist In 2006 when Obama, then an destination. Illinois Senator and his wife Michelle President Barack Obama’s visited Kogelo, it was a sleepy little- philanthropic trait appears to have known village in Kenya’s Nyanza been inherited from his late father Province. Not anymore, the senator’s who donated the land on which the visit awakened the village where his two village schools named after the step-grandmother Mrs Sarah Obama president stand. lives. As the ancestral home of the father of 44th President of Local and international journalists are regular visitors to Nyang’oma- the United States, Kogelo will Kogelo and their stories of the joy of undoubtedly remain the focus of a Kogelo people continue to grace the lot of international attention and an screens of the local and international interesting destination to visit long media. after Obama has left office. KENYA 57
  • 58. The last word The release of this booklet on Kenya and what it has to offer to the world is a momentous milestone for us as a nation in our continuous efforts to build a strong, attractive and globally visible country-brand. This booklet presents in a simple, succinct and attractive format, the very best of what makes Kenya irresistible in terms of tourism, trade, investment opportunities, lifestyle, heritage and culture. It is impossible to capture the great variety and essence of this great African nation on the pages of a small booklet like this one. The warmth, the inventiveness, the industry, the hospitality, the friendliness, the varied and rich African cultures of the people of Kenya are indescribable and can only be experienced personally. To fully enjoy and appreciate the unique landscapes with authentic, enchanting sites; the immensely rich heritage in plant, bird and animal species (some found nowhere else on earth); the virgin splendour of the coastal beaches; the exciting variety of sports; and the luxurious offerings of the resorts, hotels and lodges, one has to pay a visit to Kenya. A visit to Kenya presents an opportunity to experience first-hand what makes the country the most enchanting holiday destination in the world and one of the best places on earth to work, visit, live and invest. It is our hope that by reading this booklet, you have got useful insights to help you make the decision to visit or invest in this great country. Mary Kimonye CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER BRAND KENYA BOARD 58 KENYA
  • 59. Prod uced in association with Inter m a c C om m u n ic a tion s L im ite d Te l: 020 2359919 E m a il: k e n ya @gvpe dia .c om