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Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 1   10/19/2012 12:10:50 PM
Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 2-3   10/19/2012 12:10:50 PM

                Consulate General of the Republic of Angola                        Editing 编辑
                Hong Kong Special Administrative Region                            Louise do Rosário
                                                                                   Mark O´Neill
                Production 制作
                Macaolink News and Information Services                            Graphic Design 平面设计
                                                                                   Kautim Productive Creations
                Co-ordination 统筹                                                   Mafalda Botelho - Rita Ferreira
                Carine Kiala
                Gonçalo César de Sá                                                Printing 印刷
                                                                                   Welfare Printing-Macau
                Text 内容
                Courtesy of National Commission for the Expo 2010 Shanghai China   Cover 封面
                António Escobar                                                    Statue of the King Chibinda Ilunga-Angola Chokwé
                Carine Kiala                                                       Ethnological Museum of Berlin

                Photos 图片                                                          Print Run 印刷数量
                Agence France Press                                                1000
                Eric Lafforgue
                Getty Images                                                       Sponsors 赞助者
                Neil Breslin Jr                                                    China Sonangol International Holding Ltd.
                Nuno Martins                                                       Sonangol Sinopec International Ltd.
                Xinhua News Agency                                                 China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group Co. Ltd.
                                                                                   Pan China Construction Corporation Ltd.
                Translation 翻译
                Alison Qu                                                          Hong Kong
                Catarina Aleixo                                                    11 November 2012
                Xie Chen

                Map 地图
                United Nations
                Department of Field Support
                Cartographic Section - U.N.

Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 4-5                                                                                                          10/19/2012 12:10:50 PM
TABLE OF CONTENT                             目录

                               ForewOrd | 07                                序言 | 07
                               From the Consul General                      安哥拉共和国驻香港总领事馆总领事
                               of the Republic of Angola in Hong Kong SAR
                                                                            介绍 | 09
                               Introduction | 08                            安哥拉共和国
                               The Republic of Angola
                                                                            北部诸省 | 10
                               The North | 10                               罗安达
                               Luanda                                       本戈
                               Bengo                                        卡宾达
                               Cabinda                                      威热
                               Uíge                                         扎伊尔
                               Zaire                                        马兰热
                               Malanje                                      北宽扎
                               Kwanza Norte                                 北隆达和南隆达
                               Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul
                                                                            中部诸省 | 56
                               The Centre | 56                              南宽扎
                               Kwanza Sul                                   比耶
                               Bié                                          万博
                               Huambo                                       本格拉
                               Benguela                                     莫希科
                                                                            南部诸省 | 80
                               The South | 80                               威拉
                               Huíla                                        纳米贝
                               Namibe                                       库内内
                               Cunene                                       宽多—库帮戈
                               Kuando Kubango

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                               It is a great honour for the Consulate General of the Republic of Angola in Hong Kong
                               Special Administrative Region to commemorate the 37th Anniversary of the Independence
                               of the Republic of Angola with the release of this publication.

                               The book is a product of our mission to inform the Hong Kong community of our beautiful
                               Angola. We believe it will encourage greater dialogue and cooperation between Angola
                               and Hong Kong (SAR).

                               This illustrative hardcover provides a presentation of Angola, incorporating elements of
                               tourism and the promotion of business development. It celebrates the cultural richness of
                               all 18 provinces, as well as provides an overview of the main sectors of industry.

                               Through this book “ANGOLA”, we hope to provide a real glimpse of our part of the world
                               to the readers. We also trust that some of these readers will feel inspired to learn more
                               about Angola.

                               Cupertino Gourgel
                               Consul General of the Republic of Angola
                               Hong Kong Special Administrative Region







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                INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                                                    介绍

                The Republic of Angola, located in southern Africa, has a total area of over 1.2 million          The current territory of Angola has likely been inhabited since the Lower Paleolithic Age.    安哥拉共和国,位于非洲南部,土地面积超过120万平方公里,西临大西洋,北邻刚
                square kilometres. With the west coast against the Atlantic Ocean, the country is                 According to historians, in the sixth century BC Bantu-speaking people arrived from the       果(金)和刚果(布),东接赞比亚,南连纳米比亚。安哥拉行政区划分为18个省,人
                bordered on the north by the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Congo-Brazzaville,              north of Africa but the most important political union in the region, the Kingdom of Kongo,   口约1800万,其中超过50%人口居住于主要城市。首都罗安达居住人口约500万,超
                on the east by Zambia, and on the south by Namibia. Angola consists of 18 provinces               was only established in the 13th century AD.                                                  过总人口的四分之一。安哥拉官方语言是葡萄牙语,主要的当地语言包括姆本土语
                and has an estimated population of 18 million, of which more than 50 percent live in the                                                                                                        (Umbundu和Kimbundu)、刚果语、扎伊尔巧克威族语、菲奥特语和夸尼亚玛族语。
                country’s major cities. The capital Luanda is home to approximately 5 million residents,          The first contacts of the Kingdom of Kongo with Europeans took place in 1482 with
                just over one fourth of the country´s population. Portuguese is the official language, with       Portuguese navigator Diogo Cão who later established links also in the south with the
                the main indigenous languages being Umbundu, Kimbundu, Kikongo, Tchokwe, Ibinda                   Kingdom of Ndongo, a tributary to the Kingdom of Kongo.                                       燥凉爽。南部由于临近卡拉哈里沙漠又受热带气流影响,故气温变化较大。安哥拉有
                and Cuanhama.                                                                                                                                                                                   两个季节,雨季和旱季。雨季从9月持续到来年4月,旱季则较短从5月至8月。
                                                                                                                  Angola’s name derives from the word n’gola, the Ndongo word for a king or ruler. Over
                Angola can be divided into two geographical regions, the coast and the interior. The              the centuries, the pronunciation of n’gola changed to Angola.                                 三条主要河流贯穿安哥拉:宽扎河长约1,000公里,流入北部海岸;库内内河长约800
                coast is characterized by heavy rainfall with an average annual temperature of 23 degrees                                                                                                       公里,流入南部海岸;多库邦戈河长975公里,向南流向安哥拉纳米比亚边界。
                Celsius. The interior, meanwhile, has a more diverse landscape with three climatic areas.         After a long war of liberation against the Portuguese colonial government, Angola
                The north experiences heavy rainfall and tropical temperatures, while the central plateau is      proclaimed independence from Portugal on November 11, 1975 with the name of                   安哥拉地质多样化,有石油、天然气、钻石、磷酸盐、沥青、铁、铜、镁、黄金和观
                much drier and cooler. The third climatic area, the south, is subject to severe temperature       People´s Republic of Angola headed by late president António Agostinho Neto.                  赏石等矿藏。也有许多沉积岩石和矿物,包括沙、砂岩、石英岩、砂石和粘土等。
                variations as a result of its proximity to the Kalahari Desert and the presence of tropical air
                currents. Angola experiences two seasons, the rainy season, which lasts from September            General elections were held on August 31, 2012, which the ruling party MPLA (Movimento
                                                                                                                                                                                                                省的大黑山羚羊(又名Palanca Negra)。整个安哥拉拥有撒哈拉以南几乎所有非洲的
                to April, and the briefer dry season, or the cacimbo, which occurs between May and                Popular de Libertação de Angola) won a majority vote and nominated José Eduardo dos           珍贵动物物种。狮子、豹、鬣狗、河马、红色紫貂遍布各地。大象、斑马、长颈鹿、
                August.                                                                                           Santos for another term in office as President of the Republic of Angola.                     水牛、猎豹、跳羚羚羊、大羚羊、野山羊和非洲本地羚羊等动物生活于最干旱的地
                There are three main rivers that flow across Angola. The Kwanza River, almost 1,000               The book presents the country through illustrations of three main areas: the north, the       森林为大猩猩、黑猩猩和鹦鹉提供了栖息地。大西洋海岸则盛产海洋生物。
                kilometres long, runs to the northern coast. The Cunene River, 800 kilometres, runs to            centre and the south. It includes some historical background of main cities, as well as an
                the southern coast and the Kubango River, 975 kilometres, runs south to the Angola-               overview of key sectors of industry.                                                          早于早在旧石器时代,人们就开始定居于现今安哥拉的这块土地。据历史学家考证,
                Namibian border.                                                                                                                                                                                班图语族人于公元前6世纪就从非洲北部迁徙而来,但直到公元13世纪才建立了这块土
                                                                                                                                                                                                                地上最重要的政治联盟 :刚果王国。
                Angola’s geology is diverse with oil, natural gas, diamonds, phosphate, bitumen, iron,
                copper, magnesium, gold, and ornamental stones. There are also a number of sedimentary
                rocks and minerals, including sand, sandstone, quartzite, gravel and clay.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                “安哥拉”这个名字从 “n’gola” 派生而来,恩东戈语意为国王或统治者。几个世
                The wildlife in Angola includes some of the world’s rarest animals, such as the Palanca                                                                                                         纪以来,“n’ gola”的发音逐渐衍变成 “安哥拉”。
                Negra, which is a giant sable antelope that exists only in the province of Malange.
                The rest of the country contains nearly all the most prominent animal species of sub-                                                                                                           经过长年的抗击葡萄牙殖民地政府的解放战争,安哥拉于1975年11月11日正式宣布从
                Saharan Africa. The lion, the leopard, the hyena, the hippopotamus and the red sable are                                                                                                        葡萄牙殖民统治中获得独立,国名为安哥拉人民共和国,已故总统安东尼奥•阿戈斯蒂
                common. Elephants, zebras, giraffes, buffalo, cheetahs, springbok antelopes, gemsbok,                                                                                                           纽•内图是国家独立后的第一位领导人。
                gnus, and impalas can be found in the driest regions, while the golungo antelopes,
                duikers and elephants live in humid areas in the north, centre, and east. The Maiombe                                                                                                           2012年8月31日进行的大选中,安哥拉执政党安哥拉人民解放运动(MPLA)赢得了多
                                                                                                                                                                             HIS EXCELLENCY ENGINEER            数选票,任命现任总统若泽·爱德华多·多斯桑托斯为安哥拉共和国总统,履行第二任
                Forest in Cabinda provides a habitat for gorillas, chimpanzees and parrots, and marine                                                                      JOSÉ EDUARDO DOS SANTOS             总统任期。
                life abounds off the Atlantic coast.                                                                                                                          若泽·爱德华多·多斯桑托斯
                                                                                                                                                                                      安哥拉共和国总统                  本书以诸多插图表现了安哥拉三个主要区域:北部、中部和南部,包括那里一些主要

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10                                                                                                                                                                             11

                                          LUANDA PROVINCE                                                                                罗安达省
                                            ·  LUANDA                                                                                    · 罗安达

                                          Luanda, the administrative, political, and financial capital of Angola, is one of the oldest   罗安达是安哥拉的首都,政治和金融中心,是非洲最古老的城市之一,也是欧洲人在
                                          cities in Africa, and the first to be established by Europeans south of the Sahara. It was     撒哈拉以南建立的第一个城市。 1575年葡萄牙船长保罗 ∙ 迪斯 ∙ 诺瓦伊斯发现了这里
                                          founded in 1575 by Captain Paulo Dias de Novais and officially named St. Paul of Loanda        并正式命名为圣保罗 ∙ 德 ∙ 罗安达 (San Paulo de Loanda)。 保罗船长曾在1574年登

                THE NORTH
                                          (Sao Paulo de Loanda). The captain had originally landed in 1574 in the area of Luanda         陆过现今的罗安达角岛 (Cape Island)。1575年1月25日,保罗 ∙ 迪斯 ∙ 诺瓦伊斯为圣
                                          now known as llha do Cabo (Cape Island). Dias de Novais set the founding stone of the          塞巴斯蒂安教堂奠基,于是这一天成为罗安达的建都日。而现今的圣米格尔城堡(Saint
                                          St. Sebastian church on January 25, 1575. This date is still recognized as the day of the      Miguel Fortress)矗立之处就是圣塞巴斯蒂安教堂的始建地。
                                          foundation of Luanda; and today the Fortaleza de São Miguel (Saint Miguel Fortress)

                                          stands where the church was originally established.                                            Auxiluanda,意为 “岛上的男人”,意指罗安达岛的原住民。另一些人认为罗安达
                                                                                                                                         衍生于金本杜族语中的 “luandu” 一词,意为 “网” “垫” 或 “表示敬意”。刚果
                                          To date, there is no consensus on the origin of the name Luanda. Some attribute it to the      王国的人先于葡萄牙人来到罗安达岛,并在岛上采集贝壳等各种美丽物品。除了1641-
                                          word Auxiluanda - meaning “men of the isle” in reference to the original inhabitants of llha   1648年安哥拉被荷兰人占领外,罗安达自1627年以来一直是安哥的行政中心。在萨
                                          do Cabo. Others claim that Luanda is derived from the Kimbundo word luandu, meaning            尔瓦多科雷亚达萨的领导下,葡萄牙人于1648年8月15日,圣母升天节之日夺回了罗安
                                          “net”, “mat” or “tribute”. Prior to the Portuguese arrival, the Kingdom of the Kongo           达。该市因此改名为圣保罗圣母升天的罗安达(São Paulo da Assunção de Loanda)。
                                          collected its tribute at llha do Cabo in the form of zimbo or shells . The city has been
                                          Angola’s administrative centre since 1627, with the exception of the Dutch occupation          1550年罗安达只是一个港口,而到了1850年,罗安达已经发展成奴隶贸易中心,向美
                                          between 1641 and 1648. The Portuguese, led by Captain Salvador Correia da Sá, took             国、巴西和美洲其他各国输出奴隶。
                                          back Luanda on August 15,1648, the Day of the Assumption of the Virgin. Following
                                          this victory, the city was renamed St. Paul of the Assumption of Loanda (São Paulo da          街道和旧殖民地的特色建筑;前统治者的宫殿坐落在“上城”,现在是总统府和玛丽
                                          Assunção de Loanda).                                                                           亚皮娅医院的所在地。建于19世纪的输水管道网,不但能提供饮用水而且为后来城市
                                          From 1550, when it was only a harbour, until 1850, Luanda was a major centre of the
                                          slave trade to the United States, Brazil, and other destinations in the Americas.              现在的罗安达,掠过林立的名胜古迹,已向南部辽阔的土地远远延伸。 南罗安达住宅
                                          The city was originally divided into two parts: the older “Lower City” characterized by
                                          narrow streets and old colonial buildings, and the “Upper City”, home to the former            整个“上城”作为行政中心而言,是总统府和其他国家机关的所在地,呈现着安哥拉
                                          Governor’s Palace, now the Presidential Palace and the Maria Pia Hospital. With the            政治的今昔。遍布罗安达的地标建筑大都有着安哥拉旧时政治的烙印:第一任总统阿
                                                                                                                                         戈斯蒂纽 ∙ 内图(Agostinho Neto) 的陵墓和雕像,安哥拉女英雄的雕像、二四广场、
                                          opening of an aqueduct in the 19th century, the supply of water to the city cleared the
                                          way for growth.
                                          Today the city stretches over a vast territory beyond these areas of historical interest,      湾、露娜俯瞰观景点(Miradouro da Lua)、帕尔梅瑞哈斯海滩、布拉戈海滩、戈夸
                                          extending especially far towards the south. In Luanda Sul, residential condominiums and        科和圣地亚哥岛的诸海滩。
                                          office buildings predominate, interspersed with commercial, shopping, and leisure areas.
                                          The entire administrative area of the Upper City, where the Presidential Palace and other      市的发展,并成为现今罗安达面临的重大挑战。
                                          government offices are located, represents politics both past and present. The political
                                          past is also personified in landmarks across the city: the mausoleum and statue of             围城而居的首批居民是姆本杜族人和巴彭德人,他们皆以姆本杜语为母语。历史上,
                                          Angola’s first president Agostinho Neto, the statue dedicated to the heroines of Angola,
                                          the February 4th Landmark and the Kifangondo Memorial, the Slave Museum, as well as            离战乱而来到罗安达以寻求更好的生活。罗安达最普遍使用的语言是葡萄牙语,当然
                                          numerous religious monuments and churches, amongst others.                                     你也可听到很多其它语言。

                                          On the outskirts of the city, meanwhile, are many enjoyable sceneries, such as the Island      年度贸易博览会和狂欢节庆祝活动是罗安达文化生活的亮点,吸引着人们前来参
                                          of Mussulo, the Dande and Kwanza Inlets, the Miradouro da Lua (Lunar Overlook), and            加。罗安达也是国际体育赛事的主办城市,曾经主办过2007年的国际篮联非洲锦标
                                          the beaches of Palmeirinhas, Buraco, Cacuaco and Santiago.                                     赛,2007年及2008年的非洲男子手球锦标赛,以及2010年首次成为主办非洲国家杯足


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12                                                                                                                                                                                                                              13

                                                                                                       CABINDA PROVINCE                                                                               本戈省
                                                                                                        · CABINDA                                                                                     ·卡希托

                Originally designed for a population of only 500,000 people, Luanda now has a          The capital of Cabinda goes by the same name as its province. Nestled between the              卡希托是本戈省首府,本戈省环绕着整个罗安达。本戈省人口中大部分是姆本杜族
                population close to five million. This remarkable growth is what has most influenced   Atlantic Ocean, Congo-Brazzaville, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the               人,最普遍使用的语言是姆本杜族语(Kimbundu)。该省出产咖啡、特种木材及石
                the city’s dynamic evolution and at the same time is the primary challenge facing      province is an enclave geographically separated from the rest of Angola by a strip of          膏、沥青、花岗岩、长石和云母等建材。安国最大的天主教朝圣地——穆希马圣母堂
                it today.                                                                              land belonging to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The city became an official            (1641年至1648年)就在该省境内。这座教堂的庆祝活动会在每年的9月3日和4日举
                                                                                                       municipality on May 28,1956, when Portugal reconfirmed the administrative union                行,吸引着数以千计信众前来,本戈省更因此而闻名。临近穆希马圣母堂,另一引人
                The first inhabitants of the area surrounding the capital were the Mbundu and          between the province and Angola, a union originally established by the decree of the
                Bapende people, who are both native speakers of Kimbundu; historically it was          Portuguese King Don Luis I in 1887. Several historic sites grace the city. The ruins of        宾达和基巴西—皮瑞雨林保护区和吉萨玛国家公园等。吉萨玛国家公园位于宽扎河左
                the Mbundu who paid tribute to the Kingdom of Kongo. At present, Luanda is             the 16th century Episcopal cathedral, the regional museum, and the ruins of the ancient        岸,是安国最重要的自然保护区之一。
                a cosmopolitan city characterized by a diverse and vibrant culture. People from        fortress of Cabinda are all noteworthy.
                all regions and ethnicities coexist, as many current residents fled armed conflict
                seeking a better life in Luanda. The most widely spoken language is Portuguese,        The Kakongo Forest Reserve and the Maiombe Forest lie just outside the city with many
                although many speak other national languages as well.                                  species of exotic timber, such as blackwood, ebony, African sandalwood, rarewood (pau          卡宾达省
                                                                                                       raro), and ironwood.The Maiombe Forest, often referred to as a small African Amazon,           ·卡宾达
                The numerous annual trade fairs and the Carnival celebrations are the highlights       could potentially provide more than 200,000 cubic meters of wood per year. Its water
                of the cultural life of Luanda, which always promise lively participation. Luanda is   basin is a network of many different rivers and lakes, the most significant of which is the
                also a host of international sporting events, such as the AfroBasket in 2007, the      Chiloango River.                                                                               卡宾达省首府与该省同名,亦称卡宾达。卡宾达省坐落在大西洋、刚果(布)和刚果
                African Men’s Handball Championship in 2008, as well as hosting the opening                                                                                                           (金)之间。该省是一块被分离的土地,地理上由刚果(金)的一块条状土地将其与
                and closing ceremonies of the African Cup of Nations soccer championship for           The province is rich in oil as well as wood, and the oil sector employs a large portion of     安哥拉本土分隔。葡萄牙重新确认该省为安哥拉领土后,卡宾达于1956年5月28日正
                the first time in 2010.                                                                the population.                                                                                式成为行政区。此前,该区域由葡萄牙国王多恩路易斯一世于1887年颁布法令所确

                BENGO PROVINCE                                                                         UíGE PROVINCE                                                                                  卡宾达城外是卡刚果森林保护区和马永贝高原森林,有多种异域木材,例如黑木、乌
                 ∙ CAXITO                                                                               · UíGE                                                                                        马逊)有潜力每年提供超过20万立方米的木材。那里的水域由许多不同河流和湖泊所

                Caxito is the capital of the Province of Bengo, which surrounds Luanda. The            Uíge, the capital of the province of the same name, features many monuments, such as           该省盛产石油和木材,其石油经济解决了大量人口的就业问题。
                population in Bengo Province is mostly Mbundu and the most widely spoken               the 18th century St. Joseph’s Church and the 20th century Bembe Fort, and numerous
                language is Kimbundu. The province produces coffee, special woods, and                 significant cultural artifacts, including the Kisadi stone engravings, the Nzinga Nzambi and
                building materials like gypsum, asphalt, granite, feldspar and mica. One of Bengo’s    Kakula Quimanga stones, and the tombs of kings and warriors who resisted Portuguese            威热省
                distinguishing features is that it is the location of the country’s largest Catholic   colonial occupation.
                pilgrimage site, the Church of Our Lady of Muxima (1641-1648), whose festivities                                                                                                      ·威热
                are held September 3 and 4 and attract thousands. Nearby Church of Our Lady of         Endowed with fertile land and lush vegetation, the province relies on agriculture for much
                Muxima lies another noteworthy building, the Muxima Fortress, which was built in       of its economic activity. In fact, during colonial times Uíge was essential in making Angola
                1599. The fortress was established to protect goods and slaves that were waiting       a world leader in the production of Robust and Arabica coffee. Authorities are rebuilding
                to be shipped to the Americas. Another Bengo point of interest is the Ambriz           the industry to reach the levels of production and quality of the past, when it ranked as      的许多伟大的人文建筑。抵抗葡萄牙殖民统治的国王和勇士的墓地也得以保留。
                archeological site. Bengo province is also home to several natural attractions,        the world’s fourth largest coffee producer.
                the Kibinda and Kibaxi Piri Rainforest reserves and the Kissama National Park.                                                                                                        上天赐予了威热肥沃的土地和茂密的植物,因此该省的经济主要依赖于农业。殖民地
                Located on the left bank of the Kwanza River, the Kissama National Park is one of                                                                                                     时期,安哥拉在全球享有罗布斯塔咖啡和阿拉比卡咖啡产量领先国的美誉——其中威
                the most important natural reserves in the country.                                                                                                                                   热作出重要贡献。安哥拉正在重整咖啡业,希望重拾昔日的辉煌——当时安哥拉是世
                                                                                                        Miradouro da Lua

Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 14-15                                                                                                                                                                                                                10/19/2012 12:10:59 PM
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            15

                ZAIRE PROVINCE                                                                                      扎伊尔省                                                                                                                                            北宽扎省
                ∙ MBANZA KONGO                                                                                      · 姆班扎刚果                                                                                                                                         · 恩达拉坦多

                Mbanza Kongo is the capital of the province of Zaire and the former capital of the great            扎伊尔省的首府是姆班扎刚果,是刚果王国的旧都。13世纪至17世纪,刚果王国占           Palanca Negra – a giant sable antelope, which is now one of Angola’s most prominent            恩达拉坦多是北宽扎省省会。在殖民地时期被称为萨拉萨尔,坐落于宾达山脚下,离
                Kingdom of Kongo, which covered a large area of west-central Africa between the 13th                据了非洲中西部广袤的土地。姆班扎刚果在那时是该王国的实力核心地,也是统一各            national symbols. Other tourist attractions include the ruins of Cacumbi and the fortress      现今的恩达拉坦多7公里之遥。该省曾是咖啡主要生产地。 今天恩达拉坦多主要的经济
                and 17th centuries. Mbanza Kongo was the core of the kingdom’s strength and the                     王国贵族的动力源泉。在葡萄牙殖民统治时,姆班扎刚果亦被称为圣保罗萨尔瓦多,            of Pungo Andongo (built in 1671).                                                              活动仍然是农业。康邦贝镇已建造了一个大型工业园区和大型水坝为恩达拉坦多和北
                driving force behind unifying the various noble lineages of the kingdom. Also known as              这座城市在历史上曾被多次催毁和重建。姆班扎刚果遍布文化和历史名胜,是联合                                                                                                            部诸省份提供能源。北宽扎的主要历史和自然景点包括位于桑巴卡茹直辖市马坦巴的
                São Salvador under Portuguese colonial rule, the city was destroyed and rebuilt many                国教科文组织世界遗产名录城市之一。姆班扎刚果仍然保留着建于1491年库鲁姆比                                                                                                          金戈女王墓、建于1583年的马桑加诺堡垒、圣伊莎贝尔泉水、穆本基河瀑布以及戈隆
                                                                                                                    (Kulumbimbi)大教堂的废墟,该教堂是第一个建于赤道以南的天主教堂。若想追溯                                                                                                      戈奥扎和博洛恩戈恩戈森林保护区等。
                times throughout its history. The city is filled with points of cultural and historical interest,
                                                                                                                                                                     KWANZA NORTE PROVINCE
                and is a candidate to become an UNESCO World Heritage Site. It still preserves the ruins            馆(Kulumbimbi,曾是国王的故居),还可以参观被称为Yala Nkwu的树。姆班扎刚
                of the first Catholic church built south of the equator in 1491, the Kulumbimbi Cathedral.                                                           ∙ NDALATANDO
                                                                                                                    果的“Yala Nkwu”树已有五个世纪的历史,只生长在除安哥拉外的其他五个非洲国
                The history of the Kingdom of Kongo can be explored through the museum and the                      家,是非常罕见的树种。此外,如果要进一步探究历史,黎各和蓬达奴隶港口展现了                                                                                                           南北隆达省
                cemetery of the ancient kings of Kongo; the Kulumbimbi Museum, former home of the                   殖民时代的掠影。                                         Ndalatando is the capital of the province of Kwanza Norte. In colonial times it was called
                king; and the Yala Nkwu tree. Mbanza Kongo’s particular Yala Nkwu is over five centuries                                                                                                                                                            · 栋多
                                                                                                                                                                     Salazar and sat at the foot of Binda Hill, seven kilometres from its current location. The
                old and is an extremely rare species only found in five other African countries. Further history    自1965年以来,该省主要经济活动是石油勘探和开采,但大多数人仍然依赖渔业和农          province was once a major producer of coffee. Today its main economic activity is still
                can be found in the slave ports of Rico and Punda, which offer a glimpse of the colonial era.       业为生。                                                                                                                                            栋多是北隆达省省会, 位于安哥拉东北部。栋多博物馆是安哥拉最大博物馆之一。
                                                                                                                                                                     agriculture. The town of Cambambe has a large industrial park and massive hydroelectric
                                                                                                                                                                     dams that supply energy to Ndalatando and the northern provinces. Kwanza Norte’s
                Since 1965 the province’s primary economic activity has been oil exploration and                                                                     main historical and natural attraction are the tomb of Queen Njinga in Matamba, in the         北隆达省和邻省南隆达省曾是一个省份,于1978年分立为两省。北隆达省的经济以农
                extraction, but the majority of the population continues to depend on fishing and                   · 索约                                             municipality of Samba Caju; the Massangano Fort, built in 1583; the springs of Santa           业和矿产开采为主,特别是钻石开采。钻石贮藏量在两岸河床尤为丰富。巴拉巴拉、
                agriculture for livelihood.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         洛科和坎达拉考古遗址皆在北隆达境内。
                                                                                                                                                                     Isabel; the falls of the Muebenje River, and the Golungo Alto and the Bolongongo Forest
                                                                                                                    索约是扎伊尔省第二重要的城市。1482年4月5日迪奥戈曹指挥葡萄牙船队首次登陆          Reserves.
                                                                                                                    外,这里也是液化天然气项目(安哥拉LNG)的所在地。LNG项目,是石油工业中前                                                                                                         · 绍里木
                 ∙ SOYO                                                                                             所未有的可持续发展项目。石油并非索约唯一的天然资源,其农业环境也非常不错。
                                                                                                                    索约有许多自然景点,其中包括令人向往的海滩。                           LUNDA NORTE AND LUNDA SUL PROVINCES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    绍里木是南隆达省的省会。 该市以其建筑闻名,特别是总督官邸、前政府官邸、邮局
                Soyo, the second most important city in the province of Zaire, celebrates its founding on           索约还有值得关注的历史遗迹,包括罗德之地(斗点做帕德朗)和及斯帕尔之石(佩            ∙ DUNDO                                                                                        大楼、安哥拉国家钻石公司(恩迪阿马)大楼等。以隆达克韦族人为首的全省人民,
                April 5, marking the day that Portugal’s fleet, commanded by Diogo Cão, first landed in             德拉石杜费蒂苏)等。                                                                                                                                      因他们的木雕和沙石设计而闻名于世。钻石开采业是该省的经济命脉。
                1482. It is host to several major oil companies and home of an unprecedented sustainable-
                                                                                                                                                                     Dundo is the capital of the province of Lunda Norte, located in north-eastern Angola. The
                development project in the oil sector, the Liquefied Natural Gas Project (Angola LNG). Oil                                                                                                                                                          南隆达的主要景点包括圣母卢尔德宗教纪念碑(建于1930年)和天主教团宗教纪念碑
                                                                                                                                                                     city has one of the largest museums in Angola, the Dundo Museum.                               (建于1948年),艾伦戈和鲁瑞拉刚旅游区,以及莫纳金邦度、末司和艾腾朵等反殖
                is not the city’s only natural resource, for its agricultural conditions are excellent, and it      马兰热省                                                                                                                                            民战争遗址。
                offers a number of outstanding natural attractions, including stunning beaches.
                                                                                                                    · 马兰热                                            Lunda Norte and the neighboring province of Lunda Sul were once a single province, but
                                                                                                                                                                     they separated in 1978. The province’s economy is dominated by agriculture and mineral
                There are also several noteworthy historical sites located here, including the Ponto do
                                                                                                                                                                     extraction, particularly diamonds, which are abundant in the river beds. The archeological
                Padrão (Point of the Lord) and the Pedra do Feitiço (Stone of the Spell).
                                                                                                                    马兰热的省会也称之马兰热。19世纪中叶安哥拉的葡萄牙后裔和巴西后裔,以及葡萄           sites of Bala-Bala, Luaco, and Candala are all in Lunda Norte.

                MALANJE PROVINCE                                                                                    马兰热省拥有安哥拉最大的水电大坝——卡潘达水坝。这座大坝建于安哥拉独立初
                                                                                                                    期。马兰热省的主要自然景点有卡兰杜拉瀑布、在潘戈东戈的佩德拉斯拉斯岩山(英            ∙ SAURIMO
                ∙ MALANJE                                                                                           语翻译为“黑岩”)及坎戈达拉国家公园。这座天然公园是各种稀有动物的自然栖息
                                                                                                                    地,如巨型黑羚羊,牠是安哥拉的国家象征。其他旅游名胜还包括卡库比废墟和谱戈            Saurimo is the capital of the province of Lunda Sul. The city is known for its architecture,
                                                                                                                    东戈堡垒(建于1671年)等。                                  especially the residence of the governor, the former seat of government, the post office
                Malanje is the capital of the province of the same name. The city was established in the                                                             building, and the building of Angola’s national diamond company, Endiama. The people of
                mid-19th Century by Luso-Angolan, Luso-Brazilian and Portuguese traders.                                                                             the province, especially the Lunda-Tchokwe, are famous for their wood carvings and their
                                                                                                                                                                     sand designs. The province’s economy is centreed on diamond mining.
                It is home to Angola’s largest hydroelectric dam, the Capanda Dam, which was built
                shortly after independence. Malanje Province’s main natural attractions are the Calandula                                                            Lunda Sul’s main attractions are the religious monuments of Our Lady of Lourdes (built
                Falls, the Pedras Negras (in English, “Black Rocks”) of Pungo Andongo, and Kangadala                                                                 in 1930) and the Catholic Mission (1948), the tourist areas of Elengue and Luari Lagoon,
                National Park. The park is the natural habitat of various unique animals, such as the                                                                and the anti-colonial battle sites of Mona Kimbundu, Sueji and Itendo.

Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 16-17                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              10/19/2012 12:10:59 PM
Sonangol headquarters in Luanda

Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 18-19                       10/19/2012 12:11:03 PM
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        19

                OIL AND GAS                                                                                        石油和天然气                                                          Diamonds and Mining                                                                              钻石和采矿
                 · The Heart of a Vibrant Economy                                                                  ·活跃经济的核心                                                         · Untapped Wealth                                                                               ·未开发的财富

                The oil industry has long been the heart of the Angolan economy. With new oil wells                长久以来,石油工业一直是安哥拉经济的核心。在国家石油公司Sonangol                            Angola has vast and varied minerals resources, including diamonds, iron ore, bauxite,            安哥拉拥有各种储量丰富的矿产资源,包括钻石,铁矿石,铝土矿,铜,黄金和铀。
                coming on-stream and gas exports starting, the economic pulse is beating faster and                (Sociedade Nacional de Combustíveis de Angola, E.P.)的管理下,随着新油   copper, gold and uranium. However, the country’s mining industry is predominantly                但国家采矿业主要集中在钻石开采。
                faster under the care of the state owned company Sonangol — Sociedade Nacional de                  井陆续投产和天然气开始出口,安国经济的脉搏在加速跳动。Sonangol是安哥拉独家                       focused on diamonds. Angola is the third largest producer of diamonds in Africa and the
                Combustíveis de Angola, E.P.                                                                       享有石油和天然气勘探开发特许权的企业,负责国家石油工业的勘探、生产、加工、                           fourth largest global producer by value.                                                         Empresa Nacional de Diamantes (Endiama)是安哥拉国家钻石公司,独家拥有国
                                                                                                                   运输和营销。2011年安哥拉石油贸易额占总出口额的98%。毫无疑问,石油是安国经                                                                                                                         家钻石开采特许权。安国钻石主要储藏于北隆达省及南隆达省的东北部。那里的钻石
                                                                                                                   济的燃料。随着全球商品市场价格复苏,安哥拉石油生产保持在日均接近200万桶的水                                                                                                                          质量闻名于世,储量惊人,估计仅有40%至50%含有丰富钻石的矿区曾被勘探过。
                Sonangol is the sole concessionaire for exploration of oil and gas exploration on the                                                                              Empresa Nacional de Diamantes (Endiama) is the national diamond company and
                subsoil and continental shelf of Angola; it is responsible for the exploration, production,        日均超过200万桶。                                                      exclusively holds the concession of diamond mining rights in Angola. The main reserves           纵观钻石矿业的发展和新探明还未开发的各种其它矿藏,下一步的“绿地计划”将令
                manufacturing, transportation and marketing of hydrocarbons in the country.                                                                                        are situated in the north-eastern provinces of Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul. The quality is         安国采矿业走向多样化,并会先行集中于铁矿石和黄金领域。
                                                                                                                   前景持续乐观的石油销售,令石油成为安国国家贸易巨额盈余更为关键的因素。                             world renowned and the quantity is astounding; yet only an estimated 40 to 50 percent
                In 2011 oil accounted for 98 percent of Angola’s total exports. Evidently, it is the fuel of                                                                       of the diamond rich soil has been explored.                                                      近年来,随着Endiama公司持续探明新矿场,若干“绿地计划”已经开始展开。除了
                the economy. With the recovery of commodity prices in the global markets, Angola’s oil             安哥拉石油收入占国家收入比重很大,2011年约占国家收入的70%。这项收入被用于                                                                                                                         钻石业外,安哥拉开始恢复闲置矿井并启动新矿井生产。威热省的Mavoio铜矿已探
                production has levelled just bellow 2 million barrels per day. Forecast growth is estimated        国家重建和基础建设发展,为工业繁荣创造有利环境。过去几年油价的剧烈波动使安                           While digging the ground for diamonds, new discoveries are frequently made of untapped           明储量约达1,600万吨。卢班戈省的国营钢铁公司Ferrangol计划开办一个新铁矿石矿
                owing to new oil wells coming on stream, pushing production up a little above 2 million            哥拉更加坚持推动经济多元化和非石油产业的发展。                                         reserves containing various other minerals. Launching subsequent green field projects has        场。最近威拉省南部发现了大量新黄金储藏。
                barrels per day in 2013 and even further by 2016.                                                                                                                  resulted in a budding diversification of Angola’s mining industry, with growing prospects
                                                                                                                   除了石油,还有期待已久的位于卡宾达省索约的液化天然气(LNG)项目。耗资数十                          primarily in iron ore and gold.                                                                  虽然全球商品价格波动,2011年钻石平均价格保持在每克拉139美元,比2010年的平
                                                                                                                   亿美元的液化天然气项目预计年产量可达5,200万吨天然气。其客户群已在亚洲和欧洲                                                                                                                         均每克拉118美元有所上升。在此期间,Endiama公司的销售逐年增长。
                Sales continue to show positive growth prospects, making oil an even stronger component
                of the Angola’s trade balance with a significant merchandise trade surplus.                                                                                        Along with Endiama´s ongoing exploration of new mining fields, several greenfield projects       由此可见安国的钻石工业是非常有活力的产业。预计2012年钻石工业将继续增长10%
                                                                                                                   因为天然气不再在井内燃烧,LNG模式优化了绿色(环保)项目实行。这与国家力求                          have begun in recent years. In addition to the diamond industry, there are projects to           左右,之后到2015年年均增长约7%。钻石虽然仍然是主要的矿产产业,但黄金和其它
                Oil revenue thus provides the bulk of the state income, an estimated 70 percent thereof            符合全球环境危害最低化的工业标准是一致的。                                           revive the idle mines and launch new ones. The Mavoio copper mine in Uíge province               有色金属的采掘潜力巨大。矿产品加工业将成为另一个工作重点,旨在提升矿产品的
                in 2011. This revenue is being channelled into national reconstruction and infrastructure                                                                          has proven reserves of around 16 million tonnes. In Lubango province, the national iron          出口价值。钻石打磨业的建立正是为了实现这一方针。
                development, to create a favorable environment for industry to flourish. The intense                                                                               company Ferrangol plans to open a new iron ore mine. Significant new gold reserves
                volatility of the oil price in the last few years has reinforced Angola’s objective to diversify                                                                   were recently spotted in southern Huíla province.                                                由于全球市场(特别是亚洲)对矿物资源的需求不断增长,安哥拉采矿业的多元化和
                the economy and promote industry in non-oil sectors.                                                                                                                                                                                                                发展潜力巨大。
                                                                                                                                                                                   Despite the fluctuations in global commodity prices, the diamond price averaged US$
                In addition to oil, there is the much awaited liquefied natural gas (LNG) project in Soyo,                                                                         139 per carat in 2011. This is up from US$ 118 per carat the previous year. During this
                Cabinda province. The multi-billion dollar project is expected to have a yearly output of                                                                          period, Endiama recorded year on year growth in sales.
                5,2 million tonnes of gas. With a customer base already lined up in Asia and Europe, the
                plant will generate increased foreign exchange revenue and diversify trade exports.                                                                                Angola’s diamond industry thus proves to be quite dynamic. It is forecast to grow even
                                                                                                                                                                                   further over the next few years, thus generating substantial foreign revenue. Diamonds
                The LNG model also optimises a green method of practice, as gas will no longer be                                                                                  will also likely remain the main mining product, but the potential is vast for extracting gold
                burned at the well. This complies with Angola’s efforts to meet global industry standards                                                                          and other base metals. Additionally, new focus is directed towards processing some
                that minimise environmental damage.                                                                                                                                minerals in order to add value before export. Hence, there is already diamond polishing.

                                                                                                                                                                                   The potential for diversifying and further developing Angola’s mining sector is vast, owing
                                                                                                                                                                                   to the growing demand for mineral resources in the global market, particularly in Asia.

Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 20-21                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          10/19/2012 12:11:03 PM
Catoca Kimberlite project

Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 22-23                          10/19/2012 12:11:09 PM

                                    A Growing Surplus                                                                                增长中的贸易顺差

                                    While most economies struggle to balance budgets in the current depressed global                 在目前萧条的全球经济环境下,大部分经济体苦苦挣扎以求预算平衡,安哥拉的经济
                                    economic climate, Angola’s economic performance has been remarkable. Accounts                    表现却格外引人注目。安国贸易在2011年迅速反弹,录得顺差,并预计会在未来数年
                                    swiftly bounced back into surplus in 2011 and are projected to remain on course over the         保持这个势头。
                                    next coming years.
                                    By 2013, Angola’s total trade will reach record-breaking figures - further cementing
                                    the country’s position as one of the more vibrant economies in the promising African             2008年商品价格的下降对安哥拉贸易的影响仍然存在,造成出口收入和进口量的萎
                                    continent.                                                                                       缩。然而,由于石油价格的恢复,2011年贸易顺差强劲反弹,相信未来数年贸易顺差
                                    The drop in commodity prices in 2008 had a residual effect in Angola’s trade, shrinking
                                    both export earnings and import volumes. However, the trade surplus saw a strong                 随着持续增长的投资和国内需求,安国的进口将继续攀升。在此期间,虽然总体经常
                                    rebound in 2011, chiefly attributed to the recovery of the oil price. The surplus is set         收支保持盈余状态,然而由于消费品进口需求快速增长,利润率会有所下降。
                                    steadily to rise even over the next coming years.
                                    With increasing investment and domestic demand on the rise, imports are therefore                国,约占安国出口量的37%。安国对华出口主要由原油和其它矿产资源组成。美国排
                                    set to climb. Although the overall current account position will remain in surplus during
                                    this period, the margins will shrink due to the rapid growth in the demand for imported          安哥拉同样经历了进口贸易的变化。虽然葡萄牙仍然保持安国主要进口国地位,但在
                                    consumer goods.                                                                                  安哥拉进口商品中,中国商品的增长从未停止。中国以出口信贷促进了贸易增长,而
                                    Equally striking in these last few years have been Angola’s visible trade diversion. China
                                    has very quickly become the leading destination for the country’s exports, accounting            安哥拉刚刚起步的经济开始向世界开放,市场的吸引力正在增加。安哥拉举办越来越
                                    for approximately one third now. This consists mainly of crude oil and other mineral             多的国际商业活动,各国商业代表团成功地参与了这些活动。因而,随着安国新合作
                                    resources. After the United States in second place, India has become Angola’s third              伙伴不断涌现,预计其贸易关系将更加广泛。
                                    largest export destination.
                                    Similarly, Angola has also experienced trade diversion in imports. Although Portugal
                                    maintains its position as the main source of imports, Chinese goods have rapidly increased       投资者的眼光不仅限于安哥拉国内市场,他们选择在安国设立营运基地,通过这些营
                                    their share market. Since China owes a lot of the growing trade to export credits, Brazil        运基地将产品出口至有潜力的邻国。考虑到这种情况,诸多中国和巴西企业家大举投
                                    has followed suit with a credit line that is sure to stimulate the flow of Brazilian goods and   资农业企业和生物燃料。这些生产和创意为安哥拉多元化出口提供了许多机会。
                                    investment into the Angolan economy.

                                    With a budding economy opening up to the global community, there is growing attraction
                                    to the Angolan market. The country is increasingly hosting international business events,
                                    which are successfully attended by business delegations from assorted countries.
                                    Accordingly, trade ties are expected to become even more diverse as new partners

                                    Another trend for the near future will be the increasing complexity of emerging trade ties
                                    with some of the country’s traditional trade partners.

                                    Investors are also looking beyond the domestic market, opting to establish operations
                                    in Angola that will also channel exports into neighbouring countries. With this in mind,
                                    countless Chinese and Brazilian entrepreneurs are investing heavily in agri-business and
                                    biofuels. Such innovation and production in Angola offers opportunities for diversifying

                   Port of Luanda

Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 24-25                                                                                                                                            10/19/2012 12:11:10 PM

                Special Economic Zones                                                                         经济特区
                 · Building the future                                                                         ·打造未来

                Angola is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Its newfound growth               安哥拉是世界上经济增长最快的国家之一。正在兴建的工业基地体现出经济快速增长
                trajectory comes with a budding industrial base, which seeks to diversify the economy          的轨迹。工业基地为矿产业以外的经济多元化找到了方向,并创造了有技能的就业机
                beyond the mineral sector and create skilled employment. Fundamental to the sustainable        会。2005年安哥拉开始倡议并启动建立经济特区(ZEE),成为其内战后持续发展的根
                development of post-conflict Angola is the establishment of Special Economic Zones             本原因。
                (ZEE), an initiative that was launched in 2005.
                                                                                                               横跨罗安达省的Viana 和 Cacuacoin两市,及本戈省的Ambriz, Dande, Icolo 和
                The Luanda-Bengo ZEE was the first to be inaugurated in June 2011, covering                    Nambuangongo。
                approximately 8,500 hectares across the municipalities of Viana and Cacuaco in Luanda
                province, as well as Ambriz, Dande, Icolo and Nambuangongo in Bengo province.                  总统若泽·爱德华多·多斯桑托斯主持了首八家工厂的落成典礼。这八家公司分别制
                                                                                                               造和经销光纤电缆(Angolacabos)、塑料(Inedu Plastic)、油漆和清漆(Indutize)、电
                President José Eduardo dos Santos officiated the inauguration of the first eight plants.       器用品(Mateletrica)、PVC管(Pipelaine Angola)、电线和筑栅栏材料(Vedatela)
                These included manufacturers and distributors of fibre optic cables (Angolacabos),             等。越来越多公司已经开始进驻这个经济特区,并创造了3,600个就业机会。
                plastics (Inedu Plastic), paint and varnishes (Indutize), electrical supplies (Mateletrica),
                PVC tubes (Pipelaine Angola) and wires and fencing (Vedatela). Many more companies             安哥拉鼓励投资者在经济特区建立自己的公司。经济特区是工业生产和商业运作的集
                have increasingly been moving into the area, thus generating over 3,600 jobs.                  中地,公司在这里可以享有税务优惠,可与国家私人投资局(ANIP)逐个项目进行商
                Investors are encouraged to establish their operations in the ZEE, a prime industrial and
                commercial site where one benefits from tax breaks and financial incentives negotiated         Sonangol Investimentos Industriais (SIIND)是Sonangol的下属公司,这间公司在罗
                on a project-by-project basis with the National Private Investment Agency (ANIP). The          安达-本戈经济特区的发展中担当了领军角色。SIIND计划到2014年在该特区启动53家
                Luanda-Bengo ZEE aims to accommodate approximately 70 plants and generate over                 制造厂。
                10,000 jobs.
                Sonangol Investimentos Industriais (SIIND), a Sonangol subsidiary, has taken a leading         年一直关闭的工厂重开。特别是一些纺织公司正在恢复运营,其中包括罗安达的
                role in developing the Luanda-Bengo ZEE where it plans to launch 53 manufacturing              Textang II公司;本格拉África Têxtil公司,北宽扎和栋多的SATEC公司等。
                plants by 2014.
                There is a pressing need for modernisation and technology transfer in Angola. Peace in         济特区紧邻罗安达港和“二月四日”国际机场。
                the country is also prompting the reopening of several factories that remained closed
                during the last 20 years. Textile companies, in particular, are resuming operations -          罗安达-本戈经济特区是目前安国最先进的经济特区,全国各地还有另外的经济特区,
                namely Textang II in Luanda, África Têxtil in Benguela and SATEC in Kwanza Norte and           如卡宾达省Futilain,本格拉省Catumbelain和威拉省Matala。就特定行业来说,威
                Dondo provinces.                                                                               拉省的Cassinga经济特区有采矿业,而马兰热省Pungo-Andongo经济特区有农业企
                The Luanda-Bengo ZEE remains the most popular amongst investors, due to its logistical
                advantages. Within a 30 kilometre radius, it is connected to Luanda’s central business         为了广泛开展工业活动令经济多元化,在安哥拉投资框架中创建的经济特区,为投资
                district by rail and an expressway, as well as in close proximity to the Port of Luanda and    者提供了更大的回报和更多的财政奖励。
                the 4 de Fevereiro International Airport.

                The Luanda-Bengo ZEE is by far the most developed special economic zone in Angola,
                but there are others across the country: Futila in Cabinda province; Catumbela in Benguela
                province and Matala in Huíla province. By sector, there is mining at the Cassinga ZEE in
                Huíla province, as well as agri-business at the Pungo-Andongo ZEE in Malanje province.
                The deregulation of the mining law has also restored investor confidence, revitalising the
                procedures for granting exploration licenses.

                In an effort to decentralise industrial activity and diversify the economy, the creation of
                the special economic zones within Angola’s investment framework now offers greater
                rewards and financial incentives to investors.                                                                                                                   Medical School of Malanje

Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 26-27                                                                                                                                                                          10/19/2012 12:11:16 PM
26                                                                                                    27

                Pragmatic Among Partners                                              合作伙伴中的务实精神
                 · The Beijing Link                                                   ·与北京合作

                Marking ten years of peace in 2012, Angola has become a               战后和平发展十年,至2012年,安哥拉已成为外国投资者的热
                lucrative market for foreign investment. With an element of           土。安哥拉政府在务实的对外合作中,在全球经济发展传统领
                pragmatism, Angola balances its cooperation with traditional          先国家和具竞争力的新兴市场之间找到了平衡。战后,安哥拉
                leaders of the global economy and the competing emerging              外交政策以服务当今国家发展为重,同时也与其传统盟友保持
                markets. Although close ties with its long-established allies since   了良好关系。
                independence remain strong, its foreign policy has grown to
                mirror Angola’s contemporary national and economic interests.         者日益增强的信心。坐落在罗安达上城(Cidade Alta)的总
                The rising presence of multinational corporations in Angola is        作。近年来,贸易合作呈动态变化,外国投资者日益增长,亦
                evidence of its improved business environment and growing             呈现多样化趋势。
                investor confidence. Steered from the Presidential Palace at
                Cidade Alta, the reconstruction and development of Angola has         当今“BRICS”国家(即巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非)
                prompted a number of key partnerships. The outcome reveals            的发展反映了全球发展的趋势。其中最令人瞩目的是安哥拉与
                shifting dynamics amongst trade partners over recent years, as        中国的关系,在过去十年中得以深化。
                well as a growing diversification of foreign investors.
                Mirroring global trends, a few of these countries are amongst the     最大贸易伙伴。同时,安哥拉也是中国在全球市场最大的石油
                BRICS – namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.         供应国。
                Most important, Angola’s relations with the People’s Republic of
                China have intensified over the last decade.                          中国公司在安哥拉全国各地随处可见。他们参与一些主要基建
                The trajectory for cooperation between Angola and China is driven     购物中心和运动设施。
                by a remarkable growth in trade and wide-ranging development
                assistance. Angola is China’s largest trading partner in Africa, as   此外,中国投资者也在其它产业寻求机会。制造业的合资企业
                well as its leading supplier of oil in the global market.             正在推动技术转让和技能发展。这些合资企业包括一家汽车组
                On the ground and across the country, numerous Chinese                中国投资者在安哥拉的长期目标是,为安国提供促进工业化的
                companies are involved in major infrastructure projects building      资源和方法,从而进一步改善安国的生产流程和贸易前景。
                public amenities, such as roads, bridges, railways, airports,
                hospitals, schools, shopping centres and sports facilities.

                Furthermore, Chinese investors are also pursuing business
                opportunities in various sectors of industry. Joint ventures in the
                manufacturing sector are promoting technology transfer and
                skills development, some of which include a vehicle assembly
                plant and a cement factory.

                The long-term vision for Chinese investment in Angola is to
                empower the nation with resources and tools that promote
                industrialisation, thus forging even further modifications in
                Angola’s production stream and trade outlook.

Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 28-29                                                                                      10/19/2012 12:11:17 PM
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
Book about Angola
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Book about Angola

  • 1. Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 1 10/19/2012 12:10:50 PM
  • 2. Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 2-3 10/19/2012 12:10:50 PM
  • 3. ANGOLA 2012 Consulate General of the Republic of Angola Editing 编辑 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Louise do Rosário Mark O´Neill Production 制作 Macaolink News and Information Services Graphic Design 平面设计 Kautim Productive Creations Co-ordination 统筹 Mafalda Botelho - Rita Ferreira Carine Kiala Gonçalo César de Sá Printing 印刷 Welfare Printing-Macau Text 内容 Courtesy of National Commission for the Expo 2010 Shanghai China Cover 封面 António Escobar Statue of the King Chibinda Ilunga-Angola Chokwé Carine Kiala Ethnological Museum of Berlin Photos 图片 Print Run 印刷数量 Agence France Press 1000 Eric Lafforgue Getty Images Sponsors 赞助者 Neil Breslin Jr China Sonangol International Holding Ltd. Nuno Martins Sonangol Sinopec International Ltd. Xinhua News Agency China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group Co. Ltd. Pan China Construction Corporation Ltd. Translation 翻译 Alison Qu Hong Kong Catarina Aleixo 11 November 2012 Xie Chen Map 地图 United Nations Department of Field Support Cartographic Section - U.N. Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 4-5 10/19/2012 12:10:50 PM
  • 4. TABLE OF CONTENT 目录 ForewOrd | 07 序言 | 07 From the Consul General 安哥拉共和国驻香港总领事馆总领事 of the Republic of Angola in Hong Kong SAR 介绍 | 09 Introduction | 08 安哥拉共和国 The Republic of Angola 北部诸省 | 10 The North | 10 罗安达 Luanda 本戈 Bengo 卡宾达 Cabinda 威热 Uíge 扎伊尔 Zaire 马兰热 Malanje 北宽扎 Kwanza Norte 北隆达和南隆达 Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul 中部诸省 | 56 The Centre | 56 南宽扎 Kwanza Sul 比耶 Bié 万博 Huambo 本格拉 Benguela 莫希科 Moxico 南部诸省 | 80 The South | 80 威拉 Huíla 纳米贝 Namibe 库内内 Cunene 宽多—库帮戈 Kuando Kubango Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 6-7 10/19/2012 12:10:50 PM
  • 5. 7 FOREWORD It is a great honour for the Consulate General of the Republic of Angola in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to commemorate the 37th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Angola with the release of this publication. The book is a product of our mission to inform the Hong Kong community of our beautiful Angola. We believe it will encourage greater dialogue and cooperation between Angola and Hong Kong (SAR). This illustrative hardcover provides a presentation of Angola, incorporating elements of tourism and the promotion of business development. It celebrates the cultural richness of all 18 provinces, as well as provides an overview of the main sectors of industry. Through this book “ANGOLA”, we hope to provide a real glimpse of our part of the world to the readers. We also trust that some of these readers will feel inspired to learn more about Angola. Cupertino Gourgel Consul General of the Republic of Angola Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 前言 值此安哥拉共和国独立三十七周年之际,安哥拉驻香港特别行政区领事馆非常荣幸地 向读者奉送这本安哥拉国家介绍——《安哥拉》。藉此,向香港社会展示我们的美好 国家。 我们相信,此卷国家介绍会促进安哥拉与香港特别行政区间更广泛的交流与合作。 本书图文并茂,装帧精美,展示了安哥拉的方方面面,包括旅游业和商贸发展。本书 也展示了安哥拉十八个省份的丰富文化和主要产业概况。 我们希望凭着这卷《安哥拉》,安哥拉能够走进读者的心灵,继而更进一步了解安哥 拉。 铁诺.库佩蒂诺 安哥拉共和国驻香港特别行政区领事馆 总领事 Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 8-9 10/19/2012 12:10:50 PM
  • 6. 8 9 INTRODUCTION 介绍 The Republic of Angola, located in southern Africa, has a total area of over 1.2 million The current territory of Angola has likely been inhabited since the Lower Paleolithic Age. 安哥拉共和国,位于非洲南部,土地面积超过120万平方公里,西临大西洋,北邻刚 square kilometres. With the west coast against the Atlantic Ocean, the country is According to historians, in the sixth century BC Bantu-speaking people arrived from the 果(金)和刚果(布),东接赞比亚,南连纳米比亚。安哥拉行政区划分为18个省,人 bordered on the north by the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Congo-Brazzaville, north of Africa but the most important political union in the region, the Kingdom of Kongo, 口约1800万,其中超过50%人口居住于主要城市。首都罗安达居住人口约500万,超 on the east by Zambia, and on the south by Namibia. Angola consists of 18 provinces was only established in the 13th century AD. 过总人口的四分之一。安哥拉官方语言是葡萄牙语,主要的当地语言包括姆本土语 and has an estimated population of 18 million, of which more than 50 percent live in the (Umbundu和Kimbundu)、刚果语、扎伊尔巧克威族语、菲奥特语和夸尼亚玛族语。 country’s major cities. The capital Luanda is home to approximately 5 million residents, The first contacts of the Kingdom of Kongo with Europeans took place in 1482 with 安哥拉可分为两大地理区域——沿海和内陆。沿海区域特点是降雨量大,年平均气温 just over one fourth of the country´s population. Portuguese is the official language, with Portuguese navigator Diogo Cão who later established links also in the south with the 23摄氏度。内陆地域气候多样化,包括三个不同气候区。北部多雨高温,中部高原干 the main indigenous languages being Umbundu, Kimbundu, Kikongo, Tchokwe, Ibinda Kingdom of Ndongo, a tributary to the Kingdom of Kongo. 燥凉爽。南部由于临近卡拉哈里沙漠又受热带气流影响,故气温变化较大。安哥拉有 and Cuanhama. 两个季节,雨季和旱季。雨季从9月持续到来年4月,旱季则较短从5月至8月。 Angola’s name derives from the word n’gola, the Ndongo word for a king or ruler. Over Angola can be divided into two geographical regions, the coast and the interior. The the centuries, the pronunciation of n’gola changed to Angola. 三条主要河流贯穿安哥拉:宽扎河长约1,000公里,流入北部海岸;库内内河长约800 coast is characterized by heavy rainfall with an average annual temperature of 23 degrees 公里,流入南部海岸;多库邦戈河长975公里,向南流向安哥拉纳米比亚边界。 Celsius. The interior, meanwhile, has a more diverse landscape with three climatic areas. After a long war of liberation against the Portuguese colonial government, Angola The north experiences heavy rainfall and tropical temperatures, while the central plateau is proclaimed independence from Portugal on November 11, 1975 with the name of 安哥拉地质多样化,有石油、天然气、钻石、磷酸盐、沥青、铁、铜、镁、黄金和观 much drier and cooler. The third climatic area, the south, is subject to severe temperature People´s Republic of Angola headed by late president António Agostinho Neto. 赏石等矿藏。也有许多沉积岩石和矿物,包括沙、砂岩、石英岩、砂石和粘土等。 variations as a result of its proximity to the Kalahari Desert and the presence of tropical air 安哥拉拥有大量野生动物,其中包括一些世界上最稀有的动物,例如只生存在马兰热 currents. Angola experiences two seasons, the rainy season, which lasts from September General elections were held on August 31, 2012, which the ruling party MPLA (Movimento 省的大黑山羚羊(又名Palanca Negra)。整个安哥拉拥有撒哈拉以南几乎所有非洲的 to April, and the briefer dry season, or the cacimbo, which occurs between May and Popular de Libertação de Angola) won a majority vote and nominated José Eduardo dos 珍贵动物物种。狮子、豹、鬣狗、河马、红色紫貂遍布各地。大象、斑马、长颈鹿、 August. Santos for another term in office as President of the Republic of Angola. 水牛、猎豹、跳羚羚羊、大羚羊、野山羊和非洲本地羚羊等动物生活于最干旱的地 区,而奥石羚羊、小羚羊和大象生活于北部、中部和东部的湿地。卡宾达马永贝高原 There are three main rivers that flow across Angola. The Kwanza River, almost 1,000 The book presents the country through illustrations of three main areas: the north, the 森林为大猩猩、黑猩猩和鹦鹉提供了栖息地。大西洋海岸则盛产海洋生物。 kilometres long, runs to the northern coast. The Cunene River, 800 kilometres, runs to centre and the south. It includes some historical background of main cities, as well as an the southern coast and the Kubango River, 975 kilometres, runs south to the Angola- overview of key sectors of industry. 早于早在旧石器时代,人们就开始定居于现今安哥拉的这块土地。据历史学家考证, Namibian border. 班图语族人于公元前6世纪就从非洲北部迁徙而来,但直到公元13世纪才建立了这块土 地上最重要的政治联盟 :刚果王国。 Angola’s geology is diverse with oil, natural gas, diamonds, phosphate, bitumen, iron, 1482年刚果王国首次与欧洲接触,当时葡萄牙航海家迪奥戈曹第一个来访刚果王国。 copper, magnesium, gold, and ornamental stones. There are also a number of sedimentary 之后,他接着与南部的刚国属国恩东戈王国建立了联系。 rocks and minerals, including sand, sandstone, quartzite, gravel and clay. “安哥拉”这个名字从 “n’gola” 派生而来,恩东戈语意为国王或统治者。几个世 The wildlife in Angola includes some of the world’s rarest animals, such as the Palanca 纪以来,“n’ gola”的发音逐渐衍变成 “安哥拉”。 Negra, which is a giant sable antelope that exists only in the province of Malange. The rest of the country contains nearly all the most prominent animal species of sub- 经过长年的抗击葡萄牙殖民地政府的解放战争,安哥拉于1975年11月11日正式宣布从 Saharan Africa. The lion, the leopard, the hyena, the hippopotamus and the red sable are 葡萄牙殖民统治中获得独立,国名为安哥拉人民共和国,已故总统安东尼奥•阿戈斯蒂 common. Elephants, zebras, giraffes, buffalo, cheetahs, springbok antelopes, gemsbok, 纽•内图是国家独立后的第一位领导人。 gnus, and impalas can be found in the driest regions, while the golungo antelopes, duikers and elephants live in humid areas in the north, centre, and east. The Maiombe 2012年8月31日进行的大选中,安哥拉执政党安哥拉人民解放运动(MPLA)赢得了多 HIS EXCELLENCY ENGINEER 数选票,任命现任总统若泽·爱德华多·多斯桑托斯为安哥拉共和国总统,履行第二任 Forest in Cabinda provides a habitat for gorillas, chimpanzees and parrots, and marine JOSÉ EDUARDO DOS SANTOS 总统任期。 life abounds off the Atlantic coast. 若泽·爱德华多·多斯桑托斯 安哥拉共和国总统 本书以诸多插图表现了安哥拉三个主要区域:北部、中部和南部,包括那里一些主要 城市的历史背景和主要工业发展情况。 Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 10-11 10/19/2012 12:10:51 PM
  • 7. 10 11 LUANDA PROVINCE 罗安达省 · LUANDA · 罗安达 Luanda, the administrative, political, and financial capital of Angola, is one of the oldest 罗安达是安哥拉的首都,政治和金融中心,是非洲最古老的城市之一,也是欧洲人在 cities in Africa, and the first to be established by Europeans south of the Sahara. It was 撒哈拉以南建立的第一个城市。 1575年葡萄牙船长保罗 ∙ 迪斯 ∙ 诺瓦伊斯发现了这里 founded in 1575 by Captain Paulo Dias de Novais and officially named St. Paul of Loanda 并正式命名为圣保罗 ∙ 德 ∙ 罗安达 (San Paulo de Loanda)。 保罗船长曾在1574年登 THE NORTH (Sao Paulo de Loanda). The captain had originally landed in 1574 in the area of Luanda 陆过现今的罗安达角岛 (Cape Island)。1575年1月25日,保罗 ∙ 迪斯 ∙ 诺瓦伊斯为圣 now known as llha do Cabo (Cape Island). Dias de Novais set the founding stone of the 塞巴斯蒂安教堂奠基,于是这一天成为罗安达的建都日。而现今的圣米格尔城堡(Saint St. Sebastian church on January 25, 1575. This date is still recognized as the day of the Miguel Fortress)矗立之处就是圣塞巴斯蒂安教堂的始建地。 foundation of Luanda; and today the Fortaleza de São Miguel (Saint Miguel Fortress) 到目前为止,人们尚未对“罗安达”名称的起源达成共识。有人认为此名起源于词语 北部 stands where the church was originally established. Auxiluanda,意为 “岛上的男人”,意指罗安达岛的原住民。另一些人认为罗安达 衍生于金本杜族语中的 “luandu” 一词,意为 “网” “垫” 或 “表示敬意”。刚果 To date, there is no consensus on the origin of the name Luanda. Some attribute it to the 王国的人先于葡萄牙人来到罗安达岛,并在岛上采集贝壳等各种美丽物品。除了1641- word Auxiluanda - meaning “men of the isle” in reference to the original inhabitants of llha 1648年安哥拉被荷兰人占领外,罗安达自1627年以来一直是安哥的行政中心。在萨 do Cabo. Others claim that Luanda is derived from the Kimbundo word luandu, meaning 尔瓦多科雷亚达萨的领导下,葡萄牙人于1648年8月15日,圣母升天节之日夺回了罗安 “net”, “mat” or “tribute”. Prior to the Portuguese arrival, the Kingdom of the Kongo 达。该市因此改名为圣保罗圣母升天的罗安达(São Paulo da Assunção de Loanda)。 collected its tribute at llha do Cabo in the form of zimbo or shells . The city has been Angola’s administrative centre since 1627, with the exception of the Dutch occupation 1550年罗安达只是一个港口,而到了1850年,罗安达已经发展成奴隶贸易中心,向美 between 1641 and 1648. The Portuguese, led by Captain Salvador Correia da Sá, took 国、巴西和美洲其他各国输出奴隶。 back Luanda on August 15,1648, the Day of the Assumption of the Virgin. Following 罗安达最初分为两个城区:“下城”和“上城”。“下城”历史较悠久,拥有狭窄的 this victory, the city was renamed St. Paul of the Assumption of Loanda (São Paulo da 街道和旧殖民地的特色建筑;前统治者的宫殿坐落在“上城”,现在是总统府和玛丽 Assunção de Loanda). 亚皮娅医院的所在地。建于19世纪的输水管道网,不但能提供饮用水而且为后来城市 的发展清除了障碍。 From 1550, when it was only a harbour, until 1850, Luanda was a major centre of the slave trade to the United States, Brazil, and other destinations in the Americas. 现在的罗安达,掠过林立的名胜古迹,已向南部辽阔的土地远远延伸。 南罗安达住宅 公寓和写字楼林立,而商业、购物和休闲中心则穿插其中。 The city was originally divided into two parts: the older “Lower City” characterized by narrow streets and old colonial buildings, and the “Upper City”, home to the former 整个“上城”作为行政中心而言,是总统府和其他国家机关的所在地,呈现着安哥拉 Governor’s Palace, now the Presidential Palace and the Maria Pia Hospital. With the 政治的今昔。遍布罗安达的地标建筑大都有着安哥拉旧时政治的烙印:第一任总统阿 戈斯蒂纽 ∙ 内图(Agostinho Neto) 的陵墓和雕像,安哥拉女英雄的雕像、二四广场、 opening of an aqueduct in the 19th century, the supply of water to the city cleared the 基方戈达纪念碑、奴隶博物馆,以及众多的宗教古迹和教堂。 way for growth. 罗安达郊区有许多有令人心旷神怡、赏心悦目的风景区,如姆苏鲁岛、当德和宽扎 Today the city stretches over a vast territory beyond these areas of historical interest, 湾、露娜俯瞰观景点(Miradouro da Lua)、帕尔梅瑞哈斯海滩、布拉戈海滩、戈夸 extending especially far towards the south. In Luanda Sul, residential condominiums and 科和圣地亚哥岛的诸海滩。 office buildings predominate, interspersed with commercial, shopping, and leisure areas. 原设计容纳五十万人口的罗安达目前人口已接近五百万。人口猛增极大地影响了该城 The entire administrative area of the Upper City, where the Presidential Palace and other 市的发展,并成为现今罗安达面临的重大挑战。 government offices are located, represents politics both past and present. The political past is also personified in landmarks across the city: the mausoleum and statue of 围城而居的首批居民是姆本杜族人和巴彭德人,他们皆以姆本杜语为母语。历史上, 姆本杜族人是刚果王国的臣民。如今罗安达已成为融汇多元文化、充满活力的国际大 Angola’s first president Agostinho Neto, the statue dedicated to the heroines of Angola, 都会。来自各地不同民族的人民共同居住在这座城市。这里的许多居民都曾是为了逃 the February 4th Landmark and the Kifangondo Memorial, the Slave Museum, as well as 离战乱而来到罗安达以寻求更好的生活。罗安达最普遍使用的语言是葡萄牙语,当然 numerous religious monuments and churches, amongst others. 你也可听到很多其它语言。 On the outskirts of the city, meanwhile, are many enjoyable sceneries, such as the Island 年度贸易博览会和狂欢节庆祝活动是罗安达文化生活的亮点,吸引着人们前来参 of Mussulo, the Dande and Kwanza Inlets, the Miradouro da Lua (Lunar Overlook), and 加。罗安达也是国际体育赛事的主办城市,曾经主办过2007年的国际篮联非洲锦标 the beaches of Palmeirinhas, Buraco, Cacuaco and Santiago. 赛,2007年及2008年的非洲男子手球锦标赛,以及2010年首次成为主办非洲国家杯足 球锦标赛开幕和闭幕式的城市。 LUANDA 罗安达 Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 12-13 10/19/2012 12:10:52 PM
  • 8. 12 13 CABINDA PROVINCE 本戈省 · CABINDA ·卡希托 Originally designed for a population of only 500,000 people, Luanda now has a The capital of Cabinda goes by the same name as its province. Nestled between the 卡希托是本戈省首府,本戈省环绕着整个罗安达。本戈省人口中大部分是姆本杜族 population close to five million. This remarkable growth is what has most influenced Atlantic Ocean, Congo-Brazzaville, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the 人,最普遍使用的语言是姆本杜族语(Kimbundu)。该省出产咖啡、特种木材及石 the city’s dynamic evolution and at the same time is the primary challenge facing province is an enclave geographically separated from the rest of Angola by a strip of 膏、沥青、花岗岩、长石和云母等建材。安国最大的天主教朝圣地——穆希马圣母堂 it today. land belonging to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The city became an official (1641年至1648年)就在该省境内。这座教堂的庆祝活动会在每年的9月3日和4日举 municipality on May 28,1956, when Portugal reconfirmed the administrative union 行,吸引着数以千计信众前来,本戈省更因此而闻名。临近穆希马圣母堂,另一引人 注目的建筑是建于1599年的穆希马山城。兴建该要塞是为了保护等待被运往美洲的 The first inhabitants of the area surrounding the capital were the Mbundu and between the province and Angola, a union originally established by the decree of the 货物和奴隶。安布里什考古遗址是该省另一处名胜。本戈省也有若干自然景点,如基 Bapende people, who are both native speakers of Kimbundu; historically it was Portuguese King Don Luis I in 1887. Several historic sites grace the city. The ruins of 宾达和基巴西—皮瑞雨林保护区和吉萨玛国家公园等。吉萨玛国家公园位于宽扎河左 the Mbundu who paid tribute to the Kingdom of Kongo. At present, Luanda is the 16th century Episcopal cathedral, the regional museum, and the ruins of the ancient 岸,是安国最重要的自然保护区之一。 a cosmopolitan city characterized by a diverse and vibrant culture. People from fortress of Cabinda are all noteworthy. all regions and ethnicities coexist, as many current residents fled armed conflict seeking a better life in Luanda. The most widely spoken language is Portuguese, The Kakongo Forest Reserve and the Maiombe Forest lie just outside the city with many although many speak other national languages as well. species of exotic timber, such as blackwood, ebony, African sandalwood, rarewood (pau 卡宾达省 raro), and ironwood.The Maiombe Forest, often referred to as a small African Amazon, ·卡宾达 The numerous annual trade fairs and the Carnival celebrations are the highlights could potentially provide more than 200,000 cubic meters of wood per year. Its water of the cultural life of Luanda, which always promise lively participation. Luanda is basin is a network of many different rivers and lakes, the most significant of which is the also a host of international sporting events, such as the AfroBasket in 2007, the Chiloango River. 卡宾达省首府与该省同名,亦称卡宾达。卡宾达省坐落在大西洋、刚果(布)和刚果 African Men’s Handball Championship in 2008, as well as hosting the opening (金)之间。该省是一块被分离的土地,地理上由刚果(金)的一块条状土地将其与 and closing ceremonies of the African Cup of Nations soccer championship for The province is rich in oil as well as wood, and the oil sector employs a large portion of 安哥拉本土分隔。葡萄牙重新确认该省为安哥拉领土后,卡宾达于1956年5月28日正 the first time in 2010. the population. 式成为行政区。此前,该区域由葡萄牙国王多恩路易斯一世于1887年颁布法令所确 定。现存的历史古迹为卡宾达增色不少,16世纪天主教大教堂废墟遗迹、地区博物 馆、古卡宾达堡垒废墟等都极为引人注目。 BENGO PROVINCE UíGE PROVINCE 卡宾达城外是卡刚果森林保护区和马永贝高原森林,有多种异域木材,例如黑木、乌 木、非洲紫檀、稀有木(加索尔拉罗)和铁木。马永贝高原森林(常被称作非洲的亚 ∙ CAXITO · UíGE 马逊)有潜力每年提供超过20万立方米的木材。那里的水域由许多不同河流和湖泊所 组成,其中最重要的是芝兰哥河。 Caxito is the capital of the Province of Bengo, which surrounds Luanda. The Uíge, the capital of the province of the same name, features many monuments, such as 该省盛产石油和木材,其石油经济解决了大量人口的就业问题。 population in Bengo Province is mostly Mbundu and the most widely spoken the 18th century St. Joseph’s Church and the 20th century Bembe Fort, and numerous language is Kimbundu. The province produces coffee, special woods, and significant cultural artifacts, including the Kisadi stone engravings, the Nzinga Nzambi and building materials like gypsum, asphalt, granite, feldspar and mica. One of Bengo’s Kakula Quimanga stones, and the tombs of kings and warriors who resisted Portuguese 威热省 distinguishing features is that it is the location of the country’s largest Catholic colonial occupation. pilgrimage site, the Church of Our Lady of Muxima (1641-1648), whose festivities ·威热 are held September 3 and 4 and attract thousands. Nearby Church of Our Lady of Endowed with fertile land and lush vegetation, the province relies on agriculture for much Muxima lies another noteworthy building, the Muxima Fortress, which was built in of its economic activity. In fact, during colonial times Uíge was essential in making Angola 威热省的首府也称之威热,以林林总总的历史遗迹闻名,如18世纪的圣约瑟教堂和20 1599. The fortress was established to protect goods and slaves that were waiting a world leader in the production of Robust and Arabica coffee. Authorities are rebuilding 世纪的本贝要塞。同时威热也拥有包括基萨迪石雕、扎嘎恩赞比石和考库洛山石在内 to be shipped to the Americas. Another Bengo point of interest is the Ambriz the industry to reach the levels of production and quality of the past, when it ranked as 的许多伟大的人文建筑。抵抗葡萄牙殖民统治的国王和勇士的墓地也得以保留。 archeological site. Bengo province is also home to several natural attractions, the world’s fourth largest coffee producer. the Kibinda and Kibaxi Piri Rainforest reserves and the Kissama National Park. 上天赐予了威热肥沃的土地和茂密的植物,因此该省的经济主要依赖于农业。殖民地 Located on the left bank of the Kwanza River, the Kissama National Park is one of 时期,安哥拉在全球享有罗布斯塔咖啡和阿拉比卡咖啡产量领先国的美誉——其中威 the most important natural reserves in the country. 热作出重要贡献。安哥拉正在重整咖啡业,希望重拾昔日的辉煌——当时安哥拉是世 界上第四大咖啡生产国。 Miradouro da Lua 月亮般的岩石 Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 14-15 10/19/2012 12:10:59 PM
  • 9. 14 15 ZAIRE PROVINCE 扎伊尔省 北宽扎省 ∙ MBANZA KONGO · 姆班扎刚果 · 恩达拉坦多 Mbanza Kongo is the capital of the province of Zaire and the former capital of the great 扎伊尔省的首府是姆班扎刚果,是刚果王国的旧都。13世纪至17世纪,刚果王国占 Palanca Negra – a giant sable antelope, which is now one of Angola’s most prominent 恩达拉坦多是北宽扎省省会。在殖民地时期被称为萨拉萨尔,坐落于宾达山脚下,离 Kingdom of Kongo, which covered a large area of west-central Africa between the 13th 据了非洲中西部广袤的土地。姆班扎刚果在那时是该王国的实力核心地,也是统一各 national symbols. Other tourist attractions include the ruins of Cacumbi and the fortress 现今的恩达拉坦多7公里之遥。该省曾是咖啡主要生产地。 今天恩达拉坦多主要的经济 and 17th centuries. Mbanza Kongo was the core of the kingdom’s strength and the 王国贵族的动力源泉。在葡萄牙殖民统治时,姆班扎刚果亦被称为圣保罗萨尔瓦多, of Pungo Andongo (built in 1671). 活动仍然是农业。康邦贝镇已建造了一个大型工业园区和大型水坝为恩达拉坦多和北 driving force behind unifying the various noble lineages of the kingdom. Also known as 这座城市在历史上曾被多次催毁和重建。姆班扎刚果遍布文化和历史名胜,是联合 部诸省份提供能源。北宽扎的主要历史和自然景点包括位于桑巴卡茹直辖市马坦巴的 São Salvador under Portuguese colonial rule, the city was destroyed and rebuilt many 国教科文组织世界遗产名录城市之一。姆班扎刚果仍然保留着建于1491年库鲁姆比 金戈女王墓、建于1583年的马桑加诺堡垒、圣伊莎贝尔泉水、穆本基河瀑布以及戈隆 (Kulumbimbi)大教堂的废墟,该教堂是第一个建于赤道以南的天主教堂。若想追溯 戈奥扎和博洛恩戈恩戈森林保护区等。 times throughout its history. The city is filled with points of cultural and historical interest, 刚果王国的历史,可前往鲁姆比博物馆和古老金刚国王墓地,也可参观库鲁姆比博物 KWANZA NORTE PROVINCE and is a candidate to become an UNESCO World Heritage Site. It still preserves the ruins 馆(Kulumbimbi,曾是国王的故居),还可以参观被称为Yala Nkwu的树。姆班扎刚 of the first Catholic church built south of the equator in 1491, the Kulumbimbi Cathedral. ∙ NDALATANDO 果的“Yala Nkwu”树已有五个世纪的历史,只生长在除安哥拉外的其他五个非洲国 The history of the Kingdom of Kongo can be explored through the museum and the 家,是非常罕见的树种。此外,如果要进一步探究历史,黎各和蓬达奴隶港口展现了 南北隆达省 cemetery of the ancient kings of Kongo; the Kulumbimbi Museum, former home of the 殖民时代的掠影。 Ndalatando is the capital of the province of Kwanza Norte. In colonial times it was called king; and the Yala Nkwu tree. Mbanza Kongo’s particular Yala Nkwu is over five centuries · 栋多 Salazar and sat at the foot of Binda Hill, seven kilometres from its current location. The old and is an extremely rare species only found in five other African countries. Further history 自1965年以来,该省主要经济活动是石油勘探和开采,但大多数人仍然依赖渔业和农 province was once a major producer of coffee. Today its main economic activity is still can be found in the slave ports of Rico and Punda, which offer a glimpse of the colonial era. 业为生。 栋多是北隆达省省会, 位于安哥拉东北部。栋多博物馆是安哥拉最大博物馆之一。 agriculture. The town of Cambambe has a large industrial park and massive hydroelectric dams that supply energy to Ndalatando and the northern provinces. Kwanza Norte’s Since 1965 the province’s primary economic activity has been oil exploration and main historical and natural attraction are the tomb of Queen Njinga in Matamba, in the 北隆达省和邻省南隆达省曾是一个省份,于1978年分立为两省。北隆达省的经济以农 extraction, but the majority of the population continues to depend on fishing and · 索约 municipality of Samba Caju; the Massangano Fort, built in 1583; the springs of Santa 业和矿产开采为主,特别是钻石开采。钻石贮藏量在两岸河床尤为丰富。巴拉巴拉、 agriculture for livelihood. 洛科和坎达拉考古遗址皆在北隆达境内。 Isabel; the falls of the Muebenje River, and the Golungo Alto and the Bolongongo Forest 索约是扎伊尔省第二重要的城市。1482年4月5日迪奥戈曹指挥葡萄牙船队首次登陆 Reserves. 该地,于是4月5日成为每年人们为索约庆祝的诞生日。索约有多间主要石油公司。此 外,这里也是液化天然气项目(安哥拉LNG)的所在地。LNG项目,是石油工业中前 · 绍里木 ∙ SOYO 所未有的可持续发展项目。石油并非索约唯一的天然资源,其农业环境也非常不错。 索约有许多自然景点,其中包括令人向往的海滩。 LUNDA NORTE AND LUNDA SUL PROVINCES 绍里木是南隆达省的省会。 该市以其建筑闻名,特别是总督官邸、前政府官邸、邮局 Soyo, the second most important city in the province of Zaire, celebrates its founding on 索约还有值得关注的历史遗迹,包括罗德之地(斗点做帕德朗)和及斯帕尔之石(佩 ∙ DUNDO 大楼、安哥拉国家钻石公司(恩迪阿马)大楼等。以隆达克韦族人为首的全省人民, April 5, marking the day that Portugal’s fleet, commanded by Diogo Cão, first landed in 德拉石杜费蒂苏)等。 因他们的木雕和沙石设计而闻名于世。钻石开采业是该省的经济命脉。 1482. It is host to several major oil companies and home of an unprecedented sustainable- Dundo is the capital of the province of Lunda Norte, located in north-eastern Angola. The development project in the oil sector, the Liquefied Natural Gas Project (Angola LNG). Oil 南隆达的主要景点包括圣母卢尔德宗教纪念碑(建于1930年)和天主教团宗教纪念碑 city has one of the largest museums in Angola, the Dundo Museum. (建于1948年),艾伦戈和鲁瑞拉刚旅游区,以及莫纳金邦度、末司和艾腾朵等反殖 is not the city’s only natural resource, for its agricultural conditions are excellent, and it 马兰热省 民战争遗址。 offers a number of outstanding natural attractions, including stunning beaches. · 马兰热 Lunda Norte and the neighboring province of Lunda Sul were once a single province, but they separated in 1978. The province’s economy is dominated by agriculture and mineral There are also several noteworthy historical sites located here, including the Ponto do extraction, particularly diamonds, which are abundant in the river beds. The archeological Padrão (Point of the Lord) and the Pedra do Feitiço (Stone of the Spell). 马兰热的省会也称之马兰热。19世纪中叶安哥拉的葡萄牙后裔和巴西后裔,以及葡萄 sites of Bala-Bala, Luaco, and Candala are all in Lunda Norte. 牙商人共同建立了这座城市。 MALANJE PROVINCE 马兰热省拥有安哥拉最大的水电大坝——卡潘达水坝。这座大坝建于安哥拉独立初 期。马兰热省的主要自然景点有卡兰杜拉瀑布、在潘戈东戈的佩德拉斯拉斯岩山(英 ∙ SAURIMO ∙ MALANJE 语翻译为“黑岩”)及坎戈达拉国家公园。这座天然公园是各种稀有动物的自然栖息 地,如巨型黑羚羊,牠是安哥拉的国家象征。其他旅游名胜还包括卡库比废墟和谱戈 Saurimo is the capital of the province of Lunda Sul. The city is known for its architecture, 东戈堡垒(建于1671年)等。 especially the residence of the governor, the former seat of government, the post office Malanje is the capital of the province of the same name. The city was established in the building, and the building of Angola’s national diamond company, Endiama. The people of mid-19th Century by Luso-Angolan, Luso-Brazilian and Portuguese traders. the province, especially the Lunda-Tchokwe, are famous for their wood carvings and their sand designs. The province’s economy is centreed on diamond mining. It is home to Angola’s largest hydroelectric dam, the Capanda Dam, which was built shortly after independence. Malanje Province’s main natural attractions are the Calandula Lunda Sul’s main attractions are the religious monuments of Our Lady of Lourdes (built Falls, the Pedras Negras (in English, “Black Rocks”) of Pungo Andongo, and Kangadala in 1930) and the Catholic Mission (1948), the tourist areas of Elengue and Luari Lagoon, National Park. The park is the natural habitat of various unique animals, such as the and the anti-colonial battle sites of Mona Kimbundu, Sueji and Itendo. Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 16-17 10/19/2012 12:10:59 PM
  • 10. Sonangol headquarters in Luanda Sonangol罗安达总部 Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 18-19 10/19/2012 12:11:03 PM
  • 11. 18 19 OIL AND GAS 石油和天然气 Diamonds and Mining 钻石和采矿 · The Heart of a Vibrant Economy ·活跃经济的核心 · Untapped Wealth ·未开发的财富 The oil industry has long been the heart of the Angolan economy. With new oil wells 长久以来,石油工业一直是安哥拉经济的核心。在国家石油公司Sonangol Angola has vast and varied minerals resources, including diamonds, iron ore, bauxite, 安哥拉拥有各种储量丰富的矿产资源,包括钻石,铁矿石,铝土矿,铜,黄金和铀。 coming on-stream and gas exports starting, the economic pulse is beating faster and (Sociedade Nacional de Combustíveis de Angola, E.P.)的管理下,随着新油 copper, gold and uranium. However, the country’s mining industry is predominantly 但国家采矿业主要集中在钻石开采。 faster under the care of the state owned company Sonangol — Sociedade Nacional de 井陆续投产和天然气开始出口,安国经济的脉搏在加速跳动。Sonangol是安哥拉独家 focused on diamonds. Angola is the third largest producer of diamonds in Africa and the Combustíveis de Angola, E.P. 享有石油和天然气勘探开发特许权的企业,负责国家石油工业的勘探、生产、加工、 fourth largest global producer by value. Empresa Nacional de Diamantes (Endiama)是安哥拉国家钻石公司,独家拥有国 运输和营销。2011年安哥拉石油贸易额占总出口额的98%。毫无疑问,石油是安国经 家钻石开采特许权。安国钻石主要储藏于北隆达省及南隆达省的东北部。那里的钻石 济的燃料。随着全球商品市场价格复苏,安哥拉石油生产保持在日均接近200万桶的水 质量闻名于世,储量惊人,估计仅有40%至50%含有丰富钻石的矿区曾被勘探过。 Sonangol is the sole concessionaire for exploration of oil and gas exploration on the Empresa Nacional de Diamantes (Endiama) is the national diamond company and 平。新油井正陆续投产,预期石油产量会进一步增加,估计至2016年产量将会上升至 subsoil and continental shelf of Angola; it is responsible for the exploration, production, 日均超过200万桶。 exclusively holds the concession of diamond mining rights in Angola. The main reserves 纵观钻石矿业的发展和新探明还未开发的各种其它矿藏,下一步的“绿地计划”将令 manufacturing, transportation and marketing of hydrocarbons in the country. are situated in the north-eastern provinces of Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul. The quality is 安国采矿业走向多样化,并会先行集中于铁矿石和黄金领域。 前景持续乐观的石油销售,令石油成为安国国家贸易巨额盈余更为关键的因素。 world renowned and the quantity is astounding; yet only an estimated 40 to 50 percent In 2011 oil accounted for 98 percent of Angola’s total exports. Evidently, it is the fuel of of the diamond rich soil has been explored. 近年来,随着Endiama公司持续探明新矿场,若干“绿地计划”已经开始展开。除了 the economy. With the recovery of commodity prices in the global markets, Angola’s oil 安哥拉石油收入占国家收入比重很大,2011年约占国家收入的70%。这项收入被用于 钻石业外,安哥拉开始恢复闲置矿井并启动新矿井生产。威热省的Mavoio铜矿已探 production has levelled just bellow 2 million barrels per day. Forecast growth is estimated 国家重建和基础建设发展,为工业繁荣创造有利环境。过去几年油价的剧烈波动使安 While digging the ground for diamonds, new discoveries are frequently made of untapped 明储量约达1,600万吨。卢班戈省的国营钢铁公司Ferrangol计划开办一个新铁矿石矿 owing to new oil wells coming on stream, pushing production up a little above 2 million 哥拉更加坚持推动经济多元化和非石油产业的发展。 reserves containing various other minerals. Launching subsequent green field projects has 场。最近威拉省南部发现了大量新黄金储藏。 barrels per day in 2013 and even further by 2016. resulted in a budding diversification of Angola’s mining industry, with growing prospects 除了石油,还有期待已久的位于卡宾达省索约的液化天然气(LNG)项目。耗资数十 primarily in iron ore and gold. 虽然全球商品价格波动,2011年钻石平均价格保持在每克拉139美元,比2010年的平 亿美元的液化天然气项目预计年产量可达5,200万吨天然气。其客户群已在亚洲和欧洲 均每克拉118美元有所上升。在此期间,Endiama公司的销售逐年增长。 Sales continue to show positive growth prospects, making oil an even stronger component 引颈以待,该项目将为安国增加外汇收入并实现出口贸易多样化。 of the Angola’s trade balance with a significant merchandise trade surplus. Along with Endiama´s ongoing exploration of new mining fields, several greenfield projects 由此可见安国的钻石工业是非常有活力的产业。预计2012年钻石工业将继续增长10% 因为天然气不再在井内燃烧,LNG模式优化了绿色(环保)项目实行。这与国家力求 have begun in recent years. In addition to the diamond industry, there are projects to 左右,之后到2015年年均增长约7%。钻石虽然仍然是主要的矿产产业,但黄金和其它 Oil revenue thus provides the bulk of the state income, an estimated 70 percent thereof 符合全球环境危害最低化的工业标准是一致的。 revive the idle mines and launch new ones. The Mavoio copper mine in Uíge province 有色金属的采掘潜力巨大。矿产品加工业将成为另一个工作重点,旨在提升矿产品的 in 2011. This revenue is being channelled into national reconstruction and infrastructure has proven reserves of around 16 million tonnes. In Lubango province, the national iron 出口价值。钻石打磨业的建立正是为了实现这一方针。 development, to create a favorable environment for industry to flourish. The intense company Ferrangol plans to open a new iron ore mine. Significant new gold reserves volatility of the oil price in the last few years has reinforced Angola’s objective to diversify were recently spotted in southern Huíla province. 由于全球市场(特别是亚洲)对矿物资源的需求不断增长,安哥拉采矿业的多元化和 the economy and promote industry in non-oil sectors. 发展潜力巨大。 Despite the fluctuations in global commodity prices, the diamond price averaged US$ In addition to oil, there is the much awaited liquefied natural gas (LNG) project in Soyo, 139 per carat in 2011. This is up from US$ 118 per carat the previous year. During this Cabinda province. The multi-billion dollar project is expected to have a yearly output of period, Endiama recorded year on year growth in sales. 5,2 million tonnes of gas. With a customer base already lined up in Asia and Europe, the plant will generate increased foreign exchange revenue and diversify trade exports. Angola’s diamond industry thus proves to be quite dynamic. It is forecast to grow even further over the next few years, thus generating substantial foreign revenue. Diamonds The LNG model also optimises a green method of practice, as gas will no longer be will also likely remain the main mining product, but the potential is vast for extracting gold burned at the well. This complies with Angola’s efforts to meet global industry standards and other base metals. Additionally, new focus is directed towards processing some that minimise environmental damage. minerals in order to add value before export. Hence, there is already diamond polishing. The potential for diversifying and further developing Angola’s mining sector is vast, owing to the growing demand for mineral resources in the global market, particularly in Asia. Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 20-21 10/19/2012 12:11:03 PM
  • 12. Catoca Kimberlite project 卡托卡金伯利岩项目 Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 22-23 10/19/2012 12:11:09 PM
  • 13. 23 A Growing Surplus 增长中的贸易顺差 While most economies struggle to balance budgets in the current depressed global 在目前萧条的全球经济环境下,大部分经济体苦苦挣扎以求预算平衡,安哥拉的经济 economic climate, Angola’s economic performance has been remarkable. Accounts 表现却格外引人注目。安国贸易在2011年迅速反弹,录得顺差,并预计会在未来数年 swiftly bounced back into surplus in 2011 and are projected to remain on course over the 保持这个势头。 next coming years. 2013年安哥拉贸易总量将会创造新的纪录。贸易的增加将进一步巩固安哥拉作为非洲 大陆最活跃经济体的地位。 By 2013, Angola’s total trade will reach record-breaking figures - further cementing the country’s position as one of the more vibrant economies in the promising African 2008年商品价格的下降对安哥拉贸易的影响仍然存在,造成出口收入和进口量的萎 continent. 缩。然而,由于石油价格的恢复,2011年贸易顺差强劲反弹,相信未来数年贸易顺差 将会持续增长。 The drop in commodity prices in 2008 had a residual effect in Angola’s trade, shrinking both export earnings and import volumes. However, the trade surplus saw a strong 随着持续增长的投资和国内需求,安国的进口将继续攀升。在此期间,虽然总体经常 rebound in 2011, chiefly attributed to the recovery of the oil price. The surplus is set 收支保持盈余状态,然而由于消费品进口需求快速增长,利润率会有所下降。 steadily to rise even over the next coming years. 同样令人瞩目的是安哥拉近年来贸易方向的明显变化。中国迅速成为安国最大出口 With increasing investment and domestic demand on the rise, imports are therefore 国,约占安国出口量的37%。安国对华出口主要由原油和其它矿产资源组成。美国排 在第二,印度已成为安哥拉第三大出口国。 set to climb. Although the overall current account position will remain in surplus during this period, the margins will shrink due to the rapid growth in the demand for imported 安哥拉同样经历了进口贸易的变化。虽然葡萄牙仍然保持安国主要进口国地位,但在 consumer goods. 安哥拉进口商品中,中国商品的增长从未停止。中国以出口信贷促进了贸易增长,而 巴西学师中国,为巴西对安国的出口和投资提供信贷额度,以便刺激此等增长。 Equally striking in these last few years have been Angola’s visible trade diversion. China has very quickly become the leading destination for the country’s exports, accounting 安哥拉刚刚起步的经济开始向世界开放,市场的吸引力正在增加。安哥拉举办越来越 for approximately one third now. This consists mainly of crude oil and other mineral 多的国际商业活动,各国商业代表团成功地参与了这些活动。因而,随着安国新合作 resources. After the United States in second place, India has become Angola’s third 伙伴不断涌现,预计其贸易关系将更加广泛。 largest export destination. 在不久的将来,另一个趋势是:安哥拉与传统贸易伙伴之间的贸易关系将日益多元 化。 Similarly, Angola has also experienced trade diversion in imports. Although Portugal maintains its position as the main source of imports, Chinese goods have rapidly increased 投资者的眼光不仅限于安哥拉国内市场,他们选择在安国设立营运基地,通过这些营 their share market. Since China owes a lot of the growing trade to export credits, Brazil 运基地将产品出口至有潜力的邻国。考虑到这种情况,诸多中国和巴西企业家大举投 has followed suit with a credit line that is sure to stimulate the flow of Brazilian goods and 资农业企业和生物燃料。这些生产和创意为安哥拉多元化出口提供了许多机会。 investment into the Angolan economy. With a budding economy opening up to the global community, there is growing attraction to the Angolan market. The country is increasingly hosting international business events, which are successfully attended by business delegations from assorted countries. Accordingly, trade ties are expected to become even more diverse as new partners emerge. Another trend for the near future will be the increasing complexity of emerging trade ties with some of the country’s traditional trade partners. Investors are also looking beyond the domestic market, opting to establish operations in Angola that will also channel exports into neighbouring countries. With this in mind, countless Chinese and Brazilian entrepreneurs are investing heavily in agri-business and biofuels. Such innovation and production in Angola offers opportunities for diversifying exports. Port of Luanda 罗安达港 Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 24-25 10/19/2012 12:11:10 PM
  • 14. 24 Special Economic Zones 经济特区 · Building the future ·打造未来 Angola is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Its newfound growth 安哥拉是世界上经济增长最快的国家之一。正在兴建的工业基地体现出经济快速增长 trajectory comes with a budding industrial base, which seeks to diversify the economy 的轨迹。工业基地为矿产业以外的经济多元化找到了方向,并创造了有技能的就业机 beyond the mineral sector and create skilled employment. Fundamental to the sustainable 会。2005年安哥拉开始倡议并启动建立经济特区(ZEE),成为其内战后持续发展的根 development of post-conflict Angola is the establishment of Special Economic Zones 本原因。 (ZEE), an initiative that was launched in 2005. 罗安达-本戈ZEE是第一个经济特区,于2011年6月建立。该特区占地约8,500公顷, 横跨罗安达省的Viana 和 Cacuacoin两市,及本戈省的Ambriz, Dande, Icolo 和 The Luanda-Bengo ZEE was the first to be inaugurated in June 2011, covering Nambuangongo。 approximately 8,500 hectares across the municipalities of Viana and Cacuaco in Luanda province, as well as Ambriz, Dande, Icolo and Nambuangongo in Bengo province. 总统若泽·爱德华多·多斯桑托斯主持了首八家工厂的落成典礼。这八家公司分别制 造和经销光纤电缆(Angolacabos)、塑料(Inedu Plastic)、油漆和清漆(Indutize)、电 President José Eduardo dos Santos officiated the inauguration of the first eight plants. 器用品(Mateletrica)、PVC管(Pipelaine Angola)、电线和筑栅栏材料(Vedatela) These included manufacturers and distributors of fibre optic cables (Angolacabos), 等。越来越多公司已经开始进驻这个经济特区,并创造了3,600个就业机会。 plastics (Inedu Plastic), paint and varnishes (Indutize), electrical supplies (Mateletrica), PVC tubes (Pipelaine Angola) and wires and fencing (Vedatela). Many more companies 安哥拉鼓励投资者在经济特区建立自己的公司。经济特区是工业生产和商业运作的集 have increasingly been moving into the area, thus generating over 3,600 jobs. 中地,公司在这里可以享有税务优惠,可与国家私人投资局(ANIP)逐个项目进行商 讨,并享有财政奖励。罗安达-本戈经济特区的目标是容纳约70家工厂并创造逾10,000 个就业机会。 Investors are encouraged to establish their operations in the ZEE, a prime industrial and commercial site where one benefits from tax breaks and financial incentives negotiated Sonangol Investimentos Industriais (SIIND)是Sonangol的下属公司,这间公司在罗 on a project-by-project basis with the National Private Investment Agency (ANIP). The 安达-本戈经济特区的发展中担当了领军角色。SIIND计划到2014年在该特区启动53家 Luanda-Bengo ZEE aims to accommodate approximately 70 plants and generate over 制造厂。 10,000 jobs. 安哥拉迫切需要进行现代化以及取得技术转让。安国的和平环境促成了一些过去20 Sonangol Investimentos Industriais (SIIND), a Sonangol subsidiary, has taken a leading 年一直关闭的工厂重开。特别是一些纺织公司正在恢复运营,其中包括罗安达的 role in developing the Luanda-Bengo ZEE where it plans to launch 53 manufacturing Textang II公司;本格拉África Têxtil公司,北宽扎和栋多的SATEC公司等。 plants by 2014. 罗安达-本戈经济特区因其物流优势,最受投资者青睐。在30公里半径范围内,罗安达- 本戈经济特区通过铁路和高速公路可以抵达罗安达中央商业区。另外,罗安达-本戈经 There is a pressing need for modernisation and technology transfer in Angola. Peace in 济特区紧邻罗安达港和“二月四日”国际机场。 the country is also prompting the reopening of several factories that remained closed during the last 20 years. Textile companies, in particular, are resuming operations - 罗安达-本戈经济特区是目前安国最先进的经济特区,全国各地还有另外的经济特区, namely Textang II in Luanda, África Têxtil in Benguela and SATEC in Kwanza Norte and 如卡宾达省Futilain,本格拉省Catumbelain和威拉省Matala。就特定行业来说,威 Dondo provinces. 拉省的Cassinga经济特区有采矿业,而马兰热省Pungo-Andongo经济特区有农业企 业。采矿法的解除更恢复了投资者的信心,使发放勘探许可证的流程得以恢复。 The Luanda-Bengo ZEE remains the most popular amongst investors, due to its logistical advantages. Within a 30 kilometre radius, it is connected to Luanda’s central business 为了广泛开展工业活动令经济多元化,在安哥拉投资框架中创建的经济特区,为投资 district by rail and an expressway, as well as in close proximity to the Port of Luanda and 者提供了更大的回报和更多的财政奖励。 the 4 de Fevereiro International Airport. The Luanda-Bengo ZEE is by far the most developed special economic zone in Angola, but there are others across the country: Futila in Cabinda province; Catumbela in Benguela province and Matala in Huíla province. By sector, there is mining at the Cassinga ZEE in Huíla province, as well as agri-business at the Pungo-Andongo ZEE in Malanje province. The deregulation of the mining law has also restored investor confidence, revitalising the procedures for granting exploration licenses. In an effort to decentralise industrial activity and diversify the economy, the creation of the special economic zones within Angola’s investment framework now offers greater rewards and financial incentives to investors. Medical School of Malanje 马兰热医学院 Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 26-27 10/19/2012 12:11:16 PM
  • 15. 26 27 Pragmatic Among Partners 合作伙伴中的务实精神 · The Beijing Link ·与北京合作 Marking ten years of peace in 2012, Angola has become a 战后和平发展十年,至2012年,安哥拉已成为外国投资者的热 lucrative market for foreign investment. With an element of 土。安哥拉政府在务实的对外合作中,在全球经济发展传统领 pragmatism, Angola balances its cooperation with traditional 先国家和具竞争力的新兴市场之间找到了平衡。战后,安哥拉 leaders of the global economy and the competing emerging 外交政策以服务当今国家发展为重,同时也与其传统盟友保持 markets. Although close ties with its long-established allies since 了良好关系。 independence remain strong, its foreign policy has grown to 安哥拉日益增多的跨国公司表明了安国营商环境的改善和投资 mirror Angola’s contemporary national and economic interests. 者日益增强的信心。坐落在罗安达上城(Cidade Alta)的总 统府领导着安哥拉国家重建和发展,促成了许多重要的伙伴合 The rising presence of multinational corporations in Angola is 作。近年来,贸易合作呈动态变化,外国投资者日益增长,亦 evidence of its improved business environment and growing 呈现多样化趋势。 investor confidence. Steered from the Presidential Palace at Cidade Alta, the reconstruction and development of Angola has 当今“BRICS”国家(即巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非) prompted a number of key partnerships. The outcome reveals 的发展反映了全球发展的趋势。其中最令人瞩目的是安哥拉与 shifting dynamics amongst trade partners over recent years, as 中国的关系,在过去十年中得以深化。 well as a growing diversification of foreign investors. 安哥拉与中国的贸易关系以及领域广泛的发展援助显著增长, 并将安哥拉与中国的合作推入黄金期。安哥拉是中国在非洲的 Mirroring global trends, a few of these countries are amongst the 最大贸易伙伴。同时,安哥拉也是中国在全球市场最大的石油 BRICS – namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. 供应国。 Most important, Angola’s relations with the People’s Republic of China have intensified over the last decade. 中国公司在安哥拉全国各地随处可见。他们参与一些主要基建 项目,如公共设施——公路、桥梁、铁路、机场、医院,以及 The trajectory for cooperation between Angola and China is driven 购物中心和运动设施。 by a remarkable growth in trade and wide-ranging development assistance. Angola is China’s largest trading partner in Africa, as 此外,中国投资者也在其它产业寻求机会。制造业的合资企业 well as its leading supplier of oil in the global market. 正在推动技术转让和技能发展。这些合资企业包括一家汽车组 装厂和一家水泥厂。 On the ground and across the country, numerous Chinese 中国投资者在安哥拉的长期目标是,为安国提供促进工业化的 companies are involved in major infrastructure projects building 资源和方法,从而进一步改善安国的生产流程和贸易前景。 public amenities, such as roads, bridges, railways, airports, hospitals, schools, shopping centres and sports facilities. Furthermore, Chinese investors are also pursuing business opportunities in various sectors of industry. Joint ventures in the manufacturing sector are promoting technology transfer and skills development, some of which include a vehicle assembly plant and a cement factory. The long-term vision for Chinese investment in Angola is to empower the nation with resources and tools that promote industrialisation, thus forging even further modifications in Angola’s production stream and trade outlook. Angola BOOK Final 2.indd 28-29 10/19/2012 12:11:17 PM