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Blockchain - Knowledge Sharing
• What’s Bitcoin?
• Why Bitcoin is disruptive?
• What’s Blockchain?
• Internet of Value
• Public vs Private Blockchain
• What is Smart Contract?
• Economic Point of View
• Blockchain Application
• Blockchain for Money Remittance
• What’s next?
Today Agenda
Vorapoap Lohwongwatana
Blockchain Enthusiast
Online Business Director@TMC
“เทคโนโลยีตัวนี้ทำลำยตัวกลำง ตัวกลำงที่มีอยู่ในระบบกำรทำธุรกรรมต่ำงๆ มันไม่มีควำม
จำเป็นอีกต่อไปถ้ำเรำสำมำรถเอำ Blockchain เข้ำมำใช้ เช่น กำรทำสัญญำต่ำงๆ
กำรโอนเงิน กำรเปิดบัญชีโอนเงินต่ำงประเทศ ซึ่งมันมีวิธีเยอะแยะที่จะสำมำรถใช้
“อย่ำงที่ผมบอก ข้อมูลมันถำวร ตั้งแต่อำยุของรถคันนี้เริ่มขึ้นจนรถพัง ข้อมูลจะอยู่กับรถคัน
นี้ตลอดว่ำใครใช้เมื่อไหร่อย่ำงไรบ้ำง อีกทั้งมันปรับแก้ไม่ได้ทำให้มันมีควำมน่ำเชื่อถือ ไม่
เกิดกำรคดโกงกัน และมันเป็นสำธำรณะมันมองเห็น”
ธนาธร จึงรุ่งเรืองกิจ
“Blockchain is to Bitcoin, what the internet is to email.
A big electronic system, on top of which you can build
applications. Currency is just one,”
Sally Davies
Technology reporter @ Financial Times
“We will never hear about people's Bitcoin accounts being
frozen or seized by a government agency.”
Roger Ver
Early Bitcoin Investor,
owner of
“People ask me, ‘Are you going to sell your bitcoin [for fiat]?’
and I say, ‘Why would I sell the future for the past?’”
“I don’t know why anyone would want to go back to fiat when crypto is distributed,
secure and global, while fiat is subject to the whims of political forces”
Tim Draper
American venture capital investor
@600$ 30,000 2014 pd 10,000$ 2017 pd 250K 2022,
Vitalik Buterin
Founder of Ethereum
“In order to have a decentralised database, you need to have
security. In order to have security, you need to have incentives.”
Virtual currencies - This is not about digital payments
in existing currencies (Paypal, Alipay, etc..)
• Too volatile at the moment, so no risk to current fiat / bank
• Good for countries with weak institutions and unstable
national currencies
• Maybe one day easier and safer than obtaining paper bills
• No settlement risk
• No clearing delays
• No central registration
• No intermediary to check account and identities
Christine Lagarde
MD@ International Monetary Fund
Walmart Explores Blockchain for Connecting Automated Delivery Drones
Posted:Mon, 03 Sep 2018 15:01:05 +0000
Walmart's patent efforts have showcased how the retail giant is investigating blockchain, this time it's a
project that sees a way for drones to talk.
Former Estonian Prime Minister Becomes Blockchain Startup Advisor
Posted:Mon, 03 Sep 2018 14:00:34 +0000
Former Estonian prime minister Taavi Rõivas is joining cryptocurrency startup Lympo as the chairman of its
supervisory board.
Google Now Provides a Big Data View of the Ethereum Blockchain
Posted:Mon, 03 Sep 2018 13:00:54 +0000
Internet search giant Google is providing a Big Data window into ethereum after adding the network to its
analytics platform BigQuery.
World Bank Bond Blockchain Offers Key Insights
Posted:Mon, 03 Sep 2018 12:00:30 +0000
Is it time to rethink private blockchains? The World Bank's "blockchain bond" success has reinvigorated that
Bitcoin Price Faces Minor Drop After One-Month Highs
Posted:Mon, 03 Sep 2018 11:00:05 +0000
Bitcoin could be in for a minor price pullback as the short-duration charts are flashing signs of bullish
Alibaba, IBM Top Global Blockchain Patent Rankings, Says New Research
Posted:Mon, 03 Sep 2018 09:30:34 +0000
Major Chinese and American firms are leading a global blockchain push, with Alibaba and IBM having filed
around 90 patents each relating to the tech.
Nano Was August's Top-Performing Big Crypto Despite Yearly Low
Posted:Mon, 03 Sep 2018 08:01:25 +0000
Nano shone bright on the back of strong volumes in August, despite a yearly low experienced mid-month.
Japanese City Trials Blockchain Voting for Social Development Programs
Posted:Mon, 03 Sep 2018 06:00:20 +0000
The Japanese city of Tsukuba has tested a blockchain-based system that lets residents cast votes to decide
on local development programs.
Microsoft Is Connecting Its Major Products to Blockchain – Here's Why
Posted:Mon, 03 Sep 2018 04:00:11 +0000
The software giant's Azure cloud division is building bridges between its blockchain services and other,
widely used infrastructure and platforms.
Venezuela's Petro Cryptocurrency Is a Gift to Future Generations
Posted:Sun, 02 Sep 2018 10:30:43 +0000
The petro cryptocurrency may be one of the most ill-conceived blockchain projects. But it just might speak to
exactly why the tech is gravely needed.
The Fight Over Masternodes: The WTF New Way to Earn Money With Crypto
Posted:Sun, 02 Sep 2018 09:40:01 +0000
There's a battle going on and it displays how popular masternodes have become. But wait, what's a masternode?
And how can you earn money with one?
Crypto Trading 101: The Fibonacci Retracements
Posted:Sat, 01 Sep 2018 10:19:52 +0000
CoinDesk unpacks and explains Fibonacci retracements, a tool used to predict potential price support and
resistance, for crypto traders.
Bitcoin's Next Big Software Upgrade to Feature New Language for Crypto Keys
Posted:Sat, 01 Sep 2018 09:35:09 +0000
A new version of Bitcoin Core is coming, including a new key language and more. CoinDesk assembles the earliest
and most interesting details.
Former Ripple CTO's Blockchain Project Coil Enters Closed Beta
Posted:Fri, 31 Aug 2018 20:15:27 +0000
The new company, which incorporates the Interledger and Codius technologies Thomas helped develop at Ripple, is
now available to try out.
Firefox Plans to Block Crypto Mining Malware in Future Releases
Posted:Fri, 31 Aug 2018 18:00:08 +0000
Mozilla Firefox intends to add a function to block cryptomining scripts on websites by default in one of its upcoming
Ethereum Developers Move to Alter Blockchain's Economics In Next Upgrade
Posted:Fri, 31 Aug 2018 15:53:48 +0000
Developers agreed to reduce ethereum issuance from 3 ETH to 2 ETH in an upcoming hard fork, Constantinople.
Eminem's Latest Album 'Kamikaze' Features a Bitcoin Shout-Out
Posted:Fri, 31 Aug 2018 15:00:20 +0000
The rapper Eminem has given bitcoin's public awareness a boost with a mention of the cryptocurrency on his just-
launched album "Kamikaze."
Neo Price Bleeds 40% to End August as Worst-Performing Big Crypto
Posted:Fri, 31 Aug 2018 13:00:57 +0000
NEO was the worst performing cryptocurrency over the course of August out of the world's 25 top cryptocurrencies
by market valuation.
Japanese Police to Fund Crypto Criminal Tracking Tool
Posted:Fri, 31 Aug 2018 12:00:54 +0000
Japan's top police agency is to fund development of new software aimed to help track individuals behind illicit crypto
Bitcoin Price Loses 10% In August But Long-Term Bottom May Be In
Posted:Fri, 31 Aug 2018 11:00:20 +0000
Bitcoin is reporting a monthly loss for August, but its quick recovery from lows below $6,000 likely indicates a long-
term bottom has been made.
Recently in the Headline
Recently in the Headline
What is Bitcoin?
Locomotive Act 1861, 1865
Ask who?
Why Bitcoin is disruptive?
Money Remittance Disruption
Micro Payment & Transfer
 No Commission
 No Credit Card Fraud,
 Charge-back Risk (Irreversible)
 Global Payment Network
 Wikipedia Expedia,
Payment Disruption
Not internet centric
Content Monetization
Donation & Funding
Why is Blockchain Disruptive
Source: Prabhu Eshwarla
So what is Blockchain?
Source: Wallstreet Journal
Disruptive Technology
AM Radio, 1920s
Television, 1950s
Color TV, 1960s
Internet, 1990s
PC, 1970s
Cellular Phone, 1990s
Disruptive Technology
Social Media
First layer of Internet
Instant Information Transfer
Internet of Information
Second layer of Internet
Instant Value Transfer
Internet of Value
TCP/IP Blockchain
Internet of Information
Internet of Value
You can’t copy money
Satosh Nakamoto solved “Double Spent Problem”
• Decentralized
• Distributed Ledger
• Immutability
ง่ำยๆก็เหมือน ทุกๆคนในเครือข่ำย ถือสมุดบัญชีเล่มเดียวกันหมด และแก้ไขไม่ได้
ใครจะมำเติมรำยกำรบัญชี ก็จะเพิ่ม(เกือบจะ)พร้อมกันๆทุกคน
Blockchain Characteristic
How it works?
How it works?
ประกำศกำรค้นพบ ยืนยันว่ำถูกต้อง
อ้ำงอิง Block ก่อนหน้ำ
How it works?
Blockchain Layer
Source: Prabhu Eshwarla
How does Blockchain Work?
Source: Prabhu Eshwarla
Miner gets incentive by
helping securing
the network
Consensus: Proof of Work
Buy coin from exchange
(using fiat or other coin)
Transaction goes to blockchain
Common Cryptocurrency Life Cycle
Create a transaction
(sending coin)
(Pay a small fee)
Help create new block,
Confirm transaction.
Secure network
Reward = New Coin + Fee
Miner sells his new coin
= increase supply in the ecosystem
Service/DappSmart Contract Recipient
Road to Internet of Value
Internet of Money
Bitcoin, Ripple, Litecoin, Dash, Monero, ….
• Gold (Digix)
• Diamonds (Everledger)
• Food Traceability
• Health-care
• Bond Registry
• Stock Registry
• Insurance Industry
• Gambling
• Trade Finance
Internet of Asset
Internet of Entity
Traditional Centralized Entity
Blockchain Use Cases
Debt Financing (Bank Loan)
Equity Financing
Crowd Funding
Initial Public Offering
Initial Coin Offering
Initial Coin Offering
ICO Time-lapse (video)
is shifting
Internet of Value
Interoperable (Cross chains)
Internet of Blockchains
Type of Blockchain
Type of Blockchain
14 ธนาคารไทยเตรียมนาเอาหนังสือค้า
ประกันไปใช้บนระบบ BlockchainR3CEV
Private Blockchain
What is Smart Contract?
First Generation
Store of Value
Distributed Ledger
Second Generation
Smart Contract
Decentralized Application
Generation of Blockchain
Smart Contract Address
Smart Contract – Perfect for Financial Goods
Perform simple actions such as
1. Redistribution
2. Issuance
3. Locking and unlocking
Perfect fit for services handling security/derivative/digital assets
Smart Contract – Real World’s Simple Use Cases
We call the part interact with real world : Oracle
Smart Contract Smart Contract Smart Contract
Smart Contract – Digix
1# ผู้ค้ำ (Vendor) จะเอำทองคำไปเก็บไว้กับผู้รับฝำทรัพย์สิน (Custodian)
และมีผู้ตรวจสอบ (Auditor) ผู้ค้ำจะได้ใบรับรองที่เรียกว่ำ Proof of Asset โดยจะมี
ลำยเซ็นต์ดิจิตัลของ Vendor, Custodian, และ Auditor
2# ส่วนที่สองคือกำรพิมพ์ (Mint) DGX Token ออกมำ
โดยในกระบวนกำรนี้ผู้ค้ำจะส่ง Asset Card ไปที่ Minter
ซึ่งจะรับ Asset Card ไว้และออก Gold Token ส่งคืนให้ผู้ค้ำ
โดย 1 Gold Token เป็นตัวแทนทองคำ 1 กรัม
3# DGX Tokenสำมำรถถูกส่งไปหลอม (Recast) กลับเป็น Ownership Card ซึ่งเมื่อได้มำแล้วก็สำมำรถนำไปแลกเป็น
ทองคำจริงๆ จำกผู้รับฝำกทรัพย์สินได้
Economic Point of View
Bitcoin Inflation
Bitcoin vs Dollar
Bitcoin vs Bolivar
Bitcoin vs Other Assets
Other Top Cryptocurrencies
821,403,000,000+ USD
Cryptocurrency Total Market Capitalization
7,700 Global Stock
Global Money Supply
Global Market Value (Billions USD)
Large room to grow!
Global Stock Market Value: 73 trillions
7.4 18
Crypto Currency Market: 300 billions
Large room to grow (vs Stock Market)
What does this mean?
Percentage of Total Market Capitalization
Blockchain Application
Real World Usage?
• 14 Thai Banks Back Blockchain Platform to Digitize Letter of Guarantee
“Digitizing the documents and shifting them to the blockchain can reduce the turnover time to just
30 minutes”
• SCB, Ripple launch first blockchain-powered payment service between Japan and
“Ripple solutions lower the total cost of settlement by enabling banks to transact directly and with
real-time certainty”
• Dubai Land Department (DLD), Smart Dubai Project – DLD becomes world’s first government
entity to conduct all transactions through Blockchain technology, “Our aim is to unite all real
estate and department services on a single platform”
By 2020, the emirate wants all visa applications, bill payments and license renewals, which
account for over 100 million documents each year, to be transacted digitally using blockchain.
Real world Blockchain
Dubai – Dubai has set sights on becoming the world's first blockchain-powered state. In 2016
representatives of 30 government departments formed a committee dedicated to investigating
opportunities across health records, shipping, business registration and preventing the spread of conflict
Estonia – The Estonian government has partnered with Ericsson on an initiative involving creating a new
data center to move public records onto the blockchain. 20
South Korea – Samsung is creating blockchain solutions for the South Korean government which will be
put to use in public safety and transport applications.
Govcoin – The UK Department of Work and Pensions is investigating using blockchain technology to
record and administer benefit payments. – This is an open-source project aiming to enable the creation of democratically
structured organizations, and potentially even states or nations, using blockchain tools. – Allows the creation of secure, transparent voting systems, reducing opportunities
for voter fraud and increasing turnout through improved accessibility to democracy.
Government Sector
Blockchain for Financial Institution (vs existing)
แสนสิริผนึกบีซีพีจี เปิ ดโครงการนา
ร่องแลกเปลี่ยนไฟฟ้ าสะอาดแบบ
เรียลไทม์ด้วย Blockchain
Peer-to-Peer Energy Exchange
Power Ledger
ฝ่ำยจัดซื้อ ฝ่ำยผลิต …… ฝ่ำยขำย
ทันทีที่ของขำยที่ผลิตขำยออกไป App จะบอกให้ฝ่ำยจัดซื้อสั่งซื้อวัตถุดิบใหม่ได้ทันที
แต่นี่มันไม่ต้องทำบน Blockchain ก็ได้นี่!
เพิ่มควำมสำมำรถในกำรจัดกำร Inventory
Sample App: for Single but Very Big Organization
ฝ่ำยจัดซื้อ ฝ่ำยผลิต …… ฝ่ำยขำย
ผู้ผลิตรำยย่อย บริษัท ขนส่ง Auditor บริษัท ประกันภัย ชิปปิ้ง ลูกค้ำ
Ideal App for Blockchain
Be prepared!
Blockchain Use Cases
So which app is good with Blockchain?
• Similar thing can be implemented on (traditional)
centralized technology (Client-server Application)
• There is at least trustful party which can provide
the centralized platform
• No party can fully trust each other
• Security and Immutability
• Perfect transparency
• Replacement of old tech that require open
Blockchain overkill if… What does Blockchain fit?
Blockchain Application Summary
Blockchain for
Money Remittance?
Traditional Money Remittance
1. Alex goes to his local hawala agent and gives him
some cash and a password, which he and Beth
2. The agent telephones Beth's local agent and tells him
to release funds to someone who can provide the
3. Beth walks in to her agent, says the password, and
receives cash. Commissions can be taken from either
or both agents.
• Alex has to trust that his agent will do the right thing, as
he is handing over cash.
• Beth has to trust that her agent will do the right thing, as
she is expecting to receive cash.
• The agents need to trust each other over the repayment
of the debt (IOUs).
Look at Ripple
• Real Time Transaction
• P2P Finance Transaction
• Cross currencies/assets
• Cross national borders
• Cross corporate ledger
OmiseGo – Road Map
This is the most
important component in
my opinion
Why OmiseGo’s Vision is so important?
Unbanked the banked
• It will disrupt the current payment landscapes
• Enable user to trade any value (currencies, store
loyalty, points, rewards, in-game point) efficiently and
at low cost across internet
“Cross-platform transactions means
grocery points could one day be
exchanged for air miles.”
Speed does matters!
Speed does matters!
Speed does matters!
So what’s next?
We are here!
Tipping Point
Early Adopters
Your future customer
Question?Thank you very much

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  • 4. “Blockchain is to Bitcoin, what the internet is to email. A big electronic system, on top of which you can build applications. Currency is just one,” Sally Davies Technology reporter @ Financial Times
  • 5. “We will never hear about people's Bitcoin accounts being frozen or seized by a government agency.” Roger Ver Early Bitcoin Investor, owner of
  • 6. “People ask me, ‘Are you going to sell your bitcoin [for fiat]?’ and I say, ‘Why would I sell the future for the past?’” “I don’t know why anyone would want to go back to fiat when crypto is distributed, secure and global, while fiat is subject to the whims of political forces” Tim Draper American venture capital investor @600$ 30,000 2014 pd 10,000$ 2017 pd 250K 2022,
  • 7. Vitalik Buterin Founder of Ethereum “In order to have a decentralised database, you need to have security. In order to have security, you need to have incentives.”
  • 8. Virtual currencies - This is not about digital payments in existing currencies (Paypal, Alipay, etc..) • Too volatile at the moment, so no risk to current fiat / bank • Good for countries with weak institutions and unstable national currencies • Maybe one day easier and safer than obtaining paper bills • No settlement risk • No clearing delays • No central registration • No intermediary to check account and identities Christine Lagarde MD@ International Monetary Fund
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  • 10. Recently in the Headline
  • 14. Why Bitcoin is disruptive?
  • 16. Micro Payment & Transfer
  • 18.  No Commission  No Credit Card Fraud,  Charge-back Risk (Irreversible)  Global Payment Network  Wikipedia Expedia, Payment Disruption ? Not internet centric
  • 21. Why is Blockchain Disruptive Source: Prabhu Eshwarla
  • 22. So what is Blockchain?
  • 23. Source: Wallstreet Journal Disruptive Technology AM Radio, 1920s Television, 1950s Telephone Color TV, 1960s Internet, 1990s PC, 1970s Cellular Phone, 1990s
  • 24. Disruptive Technology 1970s Mainframe 1980s PC 1990s Internet 2010s Blockchain 2000s Social Media First layer of Internet Instant Information Transfer Internet of Information Second layer of Internet Instant Value Transfer Internet of Value TCP/IP Blockchain
  • 26. Internet of Value You can’t copy money Satosh Nakamoto solved “Double Spent Problem”
  • 27. • Decentralized • Distributed Ledger • Immutability ง่ำยๆก็เหมือน ทุกๆคนในเครือข่ำย ถือสมุดบัญชีเล่มเดียวกันหมด และแก้ไขไม่ได้ ใครจะมำเติมรำยกำรบัญชี ก็จะเพิ่ม(เกือบจะ)พร้อมกันๆทุกคน Blockchain Characteristic
  • 30. ประกำศกำรค้นพบ ยืนยันว่ำถูกต้อง อ้ำงอิง Block ก่อนหน้ำ How it works?
  • 32. How does Blockchain Work? Source: Prabhu Eshwarla
  • 33. Miner gets incentive by helping securing the network Consensus: Proof of Work
  • 34. Sender Buy coin from exchange (using fiat or other coin) Transaction goes to blockchain Common Cryptocurrency Life Cycle Create a transaction (sending coin) (Pay a small fee) Miner Help create new block, Confirm transaction. Secure network Reward = New Coin + Fee Miner sells his new coin = increase supply in the ecosystem Service/DappSmart Contract Recipient
  • 35. Road to Internet of Value
  • 36. Internet of Money Bitcoin, Ripple, Litecoin, Dash, Monero, ….
  • 37. • Gold (Digix) • Diamonds (Everledger) • Food Traceability • E-KYC • Health-care • Bond Registry • Stock Registry • Insurance Industry • Gambling • Trade Finance Internet of Asset
  • 38. Internet of Entity Traditional Centralized Entity
  • 40. Debt Financing (Bank Loan) Equity Financing Crowd Funding Initial Public Offering Initial Coin Offering Initial Coin Offering
  • 41. ICO Time-lapse (video) Blockchain is shifting INTERNET of Information to INTERNET OF VALUE
  • 42. Internet of Value Interoperable (Cross chains) Internet of Blockchains
  • 46. What is Smart Contract?
  • 47. First Generation Store of Value Distributed Ledger Second Generation Smart Contract Decentralized Application Generation of Blockchain
  • 48. Smart Contract Address TX IN TX OUT Smart Contract – Perfect for Financial Goods Perform simple actions such as 1. Redistribution 2. Issuance 3. Locking and unlocking Perfect fit for services handling security/derivative/digital assets
  • 49. Smart Contract – Real World’s Simple Use Cases We call the part interact with real world : Oracle Smart Contract Smart Contract Smart Contract
  • 50. Smart Contract – Digix 1# ผู้ค้ำ (Vendor) จะเอำทองคำไปเก็บไว้กับผู้รับฝำทรัพย์สิน (Custodian) และมีผู้ตรวจสอบ (Auditor) ผู้ค้ำจะได้ใบรับรองที่เรียกว่ำ Proof of Asset โดยจะมี ลำยเซ็นต์ดิจิตัลของ Vendor, Custodian, และ Auditor 2# ส่วนที่สองคือกำรพิมพ์ (Mint) DGX Token ออกมำ โดยในกระบวนกำรนี้ผู้ค้ำจะส่ง Asset Card ไปที่ Minter ซึ่งจะรับ Asset Card ไว้และออก Gold Token ส่งคืนให้ผู้ค้ำ โดย 1 Gold Token เป็นตัวแทนทองคำ 1 กรัม 3# DGX Tokenสำมำรถถูกส่งไปหลอม (Recast) กลับเป็น Ownership Card ซึ่งเมื่อได้มำแล้วก็สำมำรถนำไปแลกเป็น ทองคำจริงๆ จำกผู้รับฝำกทรัพย์สินได้
  • 58. Cryptocurrency 300 Gold 7,700 Global Stock 73,000 Global Money Supply 90,400 Derivative 544,000 Global Market Value (Billions USD) Large room to grow!
  • 59. Global Stock Market Value: 73 trillions 4.9 7.4 18 3.2 3.4 3.4 4.5 3.1 Source: Crypto Currency Market: 300 billions Large room to grow (vs Stock Market)
  • 60. What does this mean? Percentage of Total Market Capitalization
  • 62. • 14 Thai Banks Back Blockchain Platform to Digitize Letter of Guarantee “Digitizing the documents and shifting them to the blockchain can reduce the turnover time to just 30 minutes” • SCB, Ripple launch first blockchain-powered payment service between Japan and Thailand “Ripple solutions lower the total cost of settlement by enabling banks to transact directly and with real-time certainty” • Dubai Land Department (DLD), Smart Dubai Project – DLD becomes world’s first government entity to conduct all transactions through Blockchain technology, “Our aim is to unite all real estate and department services on a single platform” government/#13800475454b By 2020, the emirate wants all visa applications, bill payments and license renewals, which account for over 100 million documents each year, to be transacted digitally using blockchain. Real world Blockchain
  • 63. Government Dubai – Dubai has set sights on becoming the world's first blockchain-powered state. In 2016 representatives of 30 government departments formed a committee dedicated to investigating opportunities across health records, shipping, business registration and preventing the spread of conflict diamonds. Estonia – The Estonian government has partnered with Ericsson on an initiative involving creating a new data center to move public records onto the blockchain. 20 South Korea – Samsung is creating blockchain solutions for the South Korean government which will be put to use in public safety and transport applications. Govcoin – The UK Department of Work and Pensions is investigating using blockchain technology to record and administer benefit payments. – This is an open-source project aiming to enable the creation of democratically structured organizations, and potentially even states or nations, using blockchain tools. – Allows the creation of secure, transparent voting systems, reducing opportunities for voter fraud and increasing turnout through improved accessibility to democracy. Government Sector
  • 64.
  • 65. Blockchain for Financial Institution (vs existing)
  • 66. แสนสิริผนึกบีซีพีจี เปิ ดโครงการนา ร่องแลกเปลี่ยนไฟฟ้ าสะอาดแบบ เรียลไทม์ด้วย Blockchain Peer-to-Peer Energy Exchange Power Ledger
  • 67. ฝ่ำยจัดซื้อ ฝ่ำยผลิต …… ฝ่ำยขำย ทันทีที่ของขำยที่ผลิตขำยออกไป App จะบอกให้ฝ่ำยจัดซื้อสั่งซื้อวัตถุดิบใหม่ได้ทันที แต่นี่มันไม่ต้องทำบน Blockchain ก็ได้นี่! ลดกำรโกงและข้อผิดพลำด เพิ่มควำมสำมำรถในกำรจัดกำร Inventory ลดควำมล่ำช้ำจำกเอกสำร ลดค่ำขนส่ง อื่นๆๆๆ Sample App: for Single but Very Big Organization
  • 68. ฝ่ำยจัดซื้อ ฝ่ำยผลิต …… ฝ่ำยขำย ผู้ผลิตรำยย่อย บริษัท ขนส่ง Auditor บริษัท ประกันภัย ชิปปิ้ง ลูกค้ำ Ideal App for Blockchain
  • 72. So which app is good with Blockchain?
  • 73. • Similar thing can be implemented on (traditional) centralized technology (Client-server Application) • There is at least trustful party which can provide the centralized platform • No party can fully trust each other • Security and Immutability • Perfect transparency • Replacement of old tech that require open standard. Blockchain overkill if… What does Blockchain fit? Blockchain Application Summary
  • 75. Traditional Money Remittance 1. Alex goes to his local hawala agent and gives him some cash and a password, which he and Beth share. 2. The agent telephones Beth's local agent and tells him to release funds to someone who can provide the password. 3. Beth walks in to her agent, says the password, and receives cash. Commissions can be taken from either or both agents. • Alex has to trust that his agent will do the right thing, as he is handing over cash. • Beth has to trust that her agent will do the right thing, as she is expecting to receive cash. • The agents need to trust each other over the repayment of the debt (IOUs).
  • 77. OmiseGo • Real Time Transaction • P2P Finance Transaction • Cross currencies/assets • Cross national borders • Cross corporate ledger =
  • 78. OmiseGo – Road Map This is the most important component in my opinion
  • 79. Why OmiseGo’s Vision is so important? Unbanked the banked • It will disrupt the current payment landscapes • Enable user to trade any value (currencies, store loyalty, points, rewards, in-game point) efficiently and at low cost across internet “Cross-platform transactions means grocery points could one day be exchanged for air miles.”

Editor's Notes

  1. World War I PH, China, INDIA, Mexico , Indonesia 30% Economy 15% Western Union 5 cent – internet 515 B$
  2. 8 decimal points
  3. World War I PH, China, INDIA, Mexico , Indonesia 30% Economy 15% Western Union 5 cent – internet 515 B$
  4. 2.5B people unbanked M Pesa Kenya
  5. 2.5B people unbanked M Pesa Kenya
  6. 2.5B people unbanked M Pesa Kenya