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Bitnorth 2009 recap
Well, Bitnorth 2009 is a wrap, and the results of our survey in. Thanks to those of you
who took the time to give us feedback. Since we’re big fans of transparency, and we
run Bitnorth for interesting rather than for pro table, we wanted to share some
statistics on the event, what you thought, and where money went.


                                                         Where did the money go?
 Expenses                      $ 12,322.67                                                          Paypal fee, 2%              Eventbrite fee, 2%
 Accommodations                 $ 6,715.00                                            Shirts, bags & swag, 6%
 Alcohol                        $ 1,393.77
 Equipment                      $   393.00                                         Travel & vehicles, 6%
 Taxes                          $ 1,094.95
 Baskets & food                 $   700.00                                         Baskets & extra
 Travel & vehicles              $   800.00                                               food, 6%
 Shirts, bags, & swag           $   800.00
 Paypal fee                     $   238.45
                                                                                      Taxes, 9%                                                                                   Accommodations,
 Eventbrite fee                 $   187.50
 Revenues                      $ 8,954.83
 Paypal                         $ 8,054.83                                         Equipment rental, 3%
 Check                          $   900.00
 Profit (loss)                  $ (3,367.84)
                                                                                                     Alcohol, 11%

 What should we charge?                       Should we have scholarships?                                                         How many people should attend?
                                                                                             People should pay                     Many fewer - I barely
$100                                                                                         their own way.                        chatted with anyone
                                                                                             This keeps out
                                                                                             the riff-raff.                            A few less - it was
$200                                                                                                                            crowded and "clique"-y
$300                                                                                         Nice idea but I’m               The number was just right
                                                                                             already paying a lot
                                                                                                                                    A few more people;
$400                                                                                                                           variety is the spice of life
$500                                                                                         Sure, I can subsidize              Lots more people - this
                                                                                             by paying a bit more             event needs to be shared!
       0         5       10     15    20                                                                                                                      0      3        6       9       12    15

   ...and how do we invite others?
   Have newcomers propose                     Make it invite only.
    topics, then alumni vote                  Alistair chooses. So there. (3)
                                                                                                                     Tough question. I’m really not sure.
    a few new attendees (3)
                                                                                                                     Mix of alumni friends and and Alistair invites.
                                                                                                                     Combination of newcomers propose topics and Alistair chooses.
                                                                                                                     Propose candidates. Get referals. More referals, the better the candidate.
                                                                                                                     Have a mystery vote/opinion.
                                                                     Other (6)
                                                                                                                     People can register and then a decision is made as to whether Bitnorth
                                                                                                                     is appropriate for them; and past attendees can bring people
       Let alumni invite one
                                                                                                                     Rednod proposes theme + picks speakers; everyone else can make
            friend each (12)                          Open registration up to anyone (1)                             suggestions. It can’t be by group consensus
                                                                                    Here’s how you said you’d describe the event to others. Boldface
                                                                                    emphasis are ours (stu that made us laugh or nod.) We love
                                                                                    that the words “not pretentious” made “pretentious” turn up in
                                                                                    the tagcloud, too.

It's a conference full of smart people that get to talk about things that make them
passionate as opposed to the things they may be used to talking about all the time.
                                                                                                    WHY DO YOU COME TO BITNORTH
Smart people disconnected so they're forced to talk to one another!                                 (Nobody said “for the party”, BTW)
An amazing and unique opportunity to chill out, talk to interesting people, be excited by
ideas, and to have a bit of a party.
A week end with lots of di erent people talking about lots of di erent things, good time                                  FOR THE
and funny games.
Brilliance on crack with ping pong.
Disconnect from the web to meet real people who will inspire you. Then get to know
them better even better while partying.                                                                                                OTHER
It's like a tech conference where people get to hang out instead of interacting with                          FOR THE
their laptops all weekend.
TED meets pyjama party
It's a get-together of people from di erent backgrounds in an informal setting
where everyone gets a chance to talk about something they are very passionate about.
You learn a lot during the day and party at night.
A place you should come (if you aren't a pretentious ass) to meet some interesting
people, get away for a weekend at a 2 star location (if you aren’t a pretentious ass), and be challenged (if you aren’t a pretentious ass). Bitnorth
is what you make it, not what you expect it to be (if you aren't a pretentious ass).
A kinda techy-ish retreat, where smart people talk about stu that matters to them, not necessarily tech. It's like camp for adults.
An inspiring get-together that will fuel your innovation for quite some time
A fun, interesting, eclectic party. A gathering of smart people with varied experiences and knowledge sharing subjects that interest them for
10 minutes, and if you are not engaged just wait 10 minutes.
During the “party” part you can have further discussions, or just have fun, sing, play wii or poker or ping pong.
An interesting diversion from your usual daily routine.
Hanging out with a bunch of dorks, being clever and witty at each other.
Great ideas that percolate, and cause you start up conversations with folks. In some cases, these ideas lead to actions, later.
Great weekend with really nice “intellectual” people talking about
interesting topics. Good times! Hard mattress.
Bitnorth is a part technology conference, part party for all sorts of people
to share ideas and have interesting conversations, whilst also relaxing
and getting away from it all for the weekend.
It's half a conference of interesting and eclectic topics, and half a
weekend getaway in the country with fun and activities and plenty of
people to meet.
A non-convention for broad idea exchange, soapbox and social
Good fun with smart people
Bitnorth lets me focus on being whatever or whoever I want to be,
though grounded in everyday reality while being undistracted by it as
A bunch of fun people together to share ideas / thoughts / knowledge
with others
Brilliant minds, big hearts.
Small group of smart people talking about what they're passionate
TED-like participatory conference, followed by geeky partying.
Content...                                                      What worked, what sucked?
        Should Bitnorth be more

                                                                                                                              Didn’t see/participate
                                                                                                          OK but not for me
          silly or more serious?

                                                                                         This was awful

                                                                                                                                                       Pretty good


                                                                 Powerpoint Karaoke       0                   3                     3                  13              6
 5                                                                       Table tennis     0                   4               11                          9            1
 0                                                                         Wii sports     0                   4               11                          7            3
     Make it more silly. I      Smarten up! I’ve had
     get enough talky-talk         it with poop jokes.                     Short bits     0                   0                     0                     7          18
     at regular conferences.
                                                                 “Invited” presenters     0                   0                     3                  13              9
Should we expect presentations                                            Kids’ panel     0                   4               18                          2            5
    a week ahead of time?
                                        10                               Game show        2                   0                     3                     7          13

  15                                   (40%)                       Poker tournament       0                   5               14                          5            1

 (60%)                                                                      Werewolf      0                   0                     5                  11              9

                                                                 Massage/meditation       0                   3               16                          3            3

Yes! Otherwise, we                That's a nice idea,            Horror movie brunch      1                   8                     8                     6            2
 waste everyone's                but it'll never work.
                                                                    Birds of a Feather    0                   4               11                          8            2
  time switching                 We're just too busy
  computers and                    to get it done in
                                                                                         This was awful

                                                                                                          OK but not for me

                                                                                                                              Didn’t see/participate

                                                                                                                                                       Pretty good


    finding files!                       advance.

 We’re leaving the logistical results (quality of food, rooms,
 etc.) out of this document because (a) it’s boring, (b) there
 were no surprises, and (c) that’s for us to go yell at CAMMAC
 about in future years.
For the two events you liked most: why?
The game show made me laugh my ass o . The short bits made             it's easy to tell when someone is presenting what they do for
me think. (longer bits were equally as insightful)                     living
Werewolf is a great icebreaker because it forces people to be          PowerPoint Karaoke is creative, spontaneous and gives a chance
social. Why? Otherwise you get eaten by ravenous lycanthropes!         to anyone to stand out. Very democratic and does not promote
This would work just as well on a Friday night to get to know          cliques. Same thing for Short Bits.
people.                                                                Game Show was fun to watch, but its very nature tends to
I always like the short bits and presentations. I think there should   highlight speci c people and elevate them. Tends to promote
be more emphasis on a theme for the event. In fact, I wouldn't         cliques as a result, IMHO.
mind if we always stuck with the “disconnect to reconnect” theme.      I got to understand who I was participating at the conference
It's always relevant for this crowd. This would make the presenta-     with.
tions even more interesting and would make it easier to attract
speakers. Don't be afraid to extend some sessions to Sunday (late)     I missed most of the event, so I am not a fair evaluator. Both of the
morning. It gives people a reason to stay overnight. I think people    things I liked were entertainment and fun. In some sense, the
are shy to suggest BoF sessions. Why not set those up beforehand       important thing in conferences is getting people to know each
so there are 3-4, chaired by one person, or a small panel, based on    other, so bitnorth's social events does a great job of doing that.
what they presented. We could even have a debate format.               Powerpoint karaoke: I never saw it before, and I loved the mix
I liked the longer presenters because they were polished speakers      between seriousness and fun. Shortbits: I loved the fact that some
who could hold a room and communicate e ectively, and                  talks were about pointing out speci c problems (oil-dependence,
because of the freedom of BitNorth they could present unusual          stupid rules, ...). It's inspiring to hear people who are not alter-
and o -beat topics.                                                    mondialists care about these issues.

The Poker tournament was great because it has been years since I       I like the varied topics, and the intelligent insights. The presenters
played and yet I was second in the nal showdown for the two            are passionate about their topics and that makes it interesting.
games I played.                                                        You can learn a lot from a 10 minute topic.
Because the game show was hilarious and the werewolf game              I really enjoy the social activities, you can play and interact. The
was a great way to get to know other people and have lots of fun!      “events” are pre-made and easy to join. The game show was
I liked the short bits because they were smart and not too long        high-larious. And the short bits were interesting and nifty and all
(except the ones that were too long, of course). It wouldn't be an     over the place.
exceptional experience without the clever content.                     I really like the diversity of the short bits. The guys doing the
I liked the kids panel last year because it was di erent; the          research regarding the censorship of the Internet in Iran really
answers weren't predictable and everyone seemed to work                resonated with me. I liked the opportunity of birds of a feather to
together to come to a better understanding of the distinct ways        follow up. There were so many good short bits from 1/2 through
kids interact with technology.                                         the oil age, to urban transportation, to radio carbon dating and
                                                                       problems with the lack of a dating scene for women in Mexico.
Because they're fast and need short attention from me.                 There were so many other bits that I have left out.
Powerpoint karaoke gave me a chance to get to know people in a         Perhaps, if the Birds of a Feather, could be a little more organized?
sort of fun way before sitting in a room with them listening to        Not sure how to do this, unless, you know that a topic will “need”
short bits stu .                                                       more exploration, the next day.
Game show was like nothing else I'd ever done/seen before. That        Game show. lmao. LOVE creativity and lmao. Longer guest
said, short bits seemed integral to the whole thing so I don't know    speakers. LOVE creativity and people who speak well. Side note:
if i'd rank them so much as say I couldn't imagine the event           NO ONE who attended was annoying. BIG BONUS.
without them.
                                                                       Werewolf is just such a great game, and quite a good way to get
I loved powerpower karoake, a fun chance to mess around and            to know a few people. The birds of a feather discussion was really
have fun - I would make it the second night though, to give a          interesting, once it got going. It was a good opportunity to
chance for people involve (read: pick on) people they might not        discuss ideas with new people and to hear di erent points of
have know when showing up friday                                       view.
The short bits give a chance for people who speak regularly to
speak about a topic with which they may not normally be associ-
ated - That's what needs to happen more - in fact, perhaps a
nudge to the presenters next year - choose something you're
passionate about, but please don't make it about your day job -
For the two events you liked most: why? (cont.)
The thing I liked best was the Short Bits. Some fascinating talks        Kids panel was a riot and very informative. Werewolf is just plain
and plenty of stu to broaden the mind and make you think. My             fun and appeals to many demographics.
favourites were:
                                                                         Short bits and birds of a feather were my favorite organized
Jonathan Ginter's bit about astrophysics (because it was clearly         things. Short bits not only had tremendous diversity, they often
explaining a very complex topic in a new way)                            allowed presenters to speak to something not bound or even
Angela Case's talk (because I wholeheartedly agree with the need for     in uenced by their everyday lives. Sometimes they did, but often
more “citation” type thinking,                                           it was about their future or a fantasy.

Bruce & David's talk (because I think net neutrality is an important     Birds of a feather simply provided some loosely organized,
issue and it was fascinating to learn DPI is already used in Iran)       blocked-o time for people to openly chat but with the purpose
                                                                         of chatting. It wasn't chatting while drinking (though we did that
Nicholas Kruchten's talk (because there is a direct parallel with a      at other times), it was purposefully talking about the BOF session
charity I am involved with and I can introduce them to him)              topic.
Also - Bob's, Ray's, Sean's & Patrick's were all very interesting, and   Karaoke: it was a lot of fun watching and doing it. Short bits: I
Pete's & Bryan's were both very entertaining .                           learned a lot! (new stu I didn`t know it even existed) Short bits:
The second event I liked most was Werewolf. It's always fascinat-        It's fun to learn in spurts. The presenters are always interesting.
ing and every game is di erent. Plus, you get to know people well.       ppt karaoke was a good way to loosen people up and get people
The presentations were what I came to BitNorth for. I liked the          to relax a bit before the 'serious' presentations the next day. The
variety of information and the passion folks put into their              short bits were generally informative, well delivered and captured
subjects.                                                                a wide range of topics.
The game show was fantastic though I'd cut it by about 5 minutes         I thought the game show was hysterical, but could have been a
and try to have ways of getting more audience participation.             bit more participatory for the audience. The short bits and
                                                                         presentations were pretty thought-provoking.

 For the two events you liked least: why?
Mostly because i didn't really participate in them. I'm not a big        Did not play poker, did not play table tennis. I am sure they were
poker or horror movie fan for example. But they were cool! just          wonderful but it seemed like the things you'd be least able to just
not for me :)                                                            jump in without knowing the people or how to play exactly.
There wasn't anything I didn't like. But I think the more you            Movies by design limit the opportunity to interact. I wasn't there
emphasize the “brains” part, i.e. making the theme and the               to watch a 2 hour movie, I was there to see people.
presentations better, the more the “party” aspect will take care of      BOF could use a bit more structure I think - left alone and
itself. I'm not there for the party (I could do that at home). I'm       hungover, there's not much pushing people into it - It wouldn't
there to be challenged, to challenge myself, and to learn. The fun       take much to make it work. Funny thing is, last year BOF was one
will happen automagically.                                               of the highlights..and this year it barely registered for me - go
The movie idea was ne, but the fact that it was shown in bright           gure.
sunlight meant that the picture was extremely hard to see.               Not a poker player. Although I like video games, I've never
I didn't really dislike any events. But I did not participate in         gravitated to the sports-oriented games. On the other hand, I
everything... I think everything was pretty good... except for           tend to play video games alone, which might explain it. :)
people who did not really get ready for what they were going to          Just not my style, but that's ok, because I was able to do my own
say. That's too bad if the point is to make people think about           thing without being harassed. But only because there were other
something or teach them something.                                       people I could hang out with who weren't pretentious asses.
I disliked the horror movies because they make me nauseous and           Table tennis: I'm really, really, really bad at that, so I avoid playing
it was too early. No objections to any of the other content.             it. Poker: I only play strip-poker with Samantha Fox
Didn't really dislike anything. Maybe more “o cial” get to know          Nothing was “mandatory” so I can't seriously dislike anything. At
everybody would be nice. Maybe a 2mins round table next time?            worst something was an amusing distraction, but nothing was
                                                                         interminable. I liked the relaxed atmosphere of “participation”.
For the two events you liked least: why? (cont.)
I'm just not that into wii-sports.                                        given in their short bits so you could have them ready to go and
                                                                          cut back on prep time in between
Powerpoint karaoke seems.. painful.. for the participants, for the
most part (uh, except for fuck twitter. That wasn't so painful)"          Didn't dislike anything, really, but if I had to bitch, I guess it might
                                                                          be that some things, like the game show, didn't really have much
I am not a game person, but others are-- so, I like the option of
                                                                          participation for those who weren't on the teams -- though it was
being able to opt out. In trying to please all, you have a good
                                                                          a hoot. In other words, maybe there were times when people
range of activities.
                                                                          wanted to be more interactive or participative, but they could not.
Missed some of it so I can't really say. nothing was bad.                 Dunno...have I complained enough?
I just don't like blood, guts and gore horror movies.                     I didn’t hate anything, I think everything was great, and super
The powerpoint karoke was ok, but not as funny as I was expect-           organized!
ing.                                                                      I did not participate in the wii thing or poker , `cause I don`t know
I think that the sunday morning was the weak point of the                 how to play.
weekend. I think it's telling that some people left sunday morning        We weren't there long enough to participate in enough stu .
- there wasn't a lot of “value” to stay for. It would have been nice to   That's what I disliked!
have some more activities - perhaps something outdoors like a
                                                                          The game show rapidly degraded to frat-boy humor. Ok if that's
walk or canoeing.
                                                                          what you like but notwhat you want if you have desires for
Watching a movie didn't seem quite right for a trip away - not            corporate sponsorship down the road.
very social and easily done at home.
                                                                          I'm just not really a horror-movie guy.
The birds of a feather was good once we got a discussion going,
but needed more structure and needed to be better
moderated/kicked o .
Game show was way too long. A little naughty humor is perfectly
 ne but this got a little blue - (not referring to the Mom comment
here!!) First, 2nd, 3rd time was funny but it got old after the
dozenth or so. A few folks “wandered” o to get drinks and didn't
come back.
No real criticisms, though it would help if people had actually

                                                                                      WILL YOU BE RETURNING NEXT YEAR?
                                                                                       (Nobody said “no,” so, yay, and such.)

                                                                                                                            IF POSSIBLE/
                                                                                                    YES                      IF INVITED
The year before Kim lead a yoga class. It was a good way to

 Other thoughts                                                                   transition to the day. If a formal class is impossible to arrange in
                                                                                  the future-- perhaps, just a self-study yoga/ stretch in one of the
                                                                                  music rooms?
 We got lots of feedback from people. Much of it was thanks, which we
                                                                                  Friday night - karoke powerpoint was ok, but I think a more
 really appreciate, but we’re not going to bother sharing here. Some of it        inclusive ice breaker would be a better way for people to get to
 was also intended in con dence and we’ll take it to heart, but we don’t          know names, peoples backgrounds and what sort of stu they're
 think it was supposed to be shared, so we’re not putting it in here. In other    in to.
 words, this is the only part of the results we’re editing.                       Short bits - the variety of talks and quality of speakers was very
 Several of you said you trust us to steward the Bitnorth vibe between party      high and spot on. However, I found the format of just talks all day
 and serious, and to weed out douchebags and keep the content free of             made it very di cult to digest what was being said and there
 sales pitches. While we’re grateful for that con dence, Bitnorth is all of us,   wasn;t really time to tink about a talk before having to switch to
 which is why we’re trying to make sure we collect and share feedback in          concentrating on the next one. And about 2/3 of the way through
 this way.                                                                        I found it a bit of information overload and I couldn't really take in
                                                                                  any more new information. Maybe interspersing the talks with
The conference was awesome. If only we had the ability to nd                      discussion time, or organsied practical workshops would make
the time to do this more than once in a year.                                     the quantity of talks more digestable. Also, you can gain di erent
                                                                                  knowledge and understanding from doing something, as
BitNorth has the potential to be a small but very enlightening and
                                                                                  opposed to just listening. Like Will's demonstration of the KiteAid.
in uential conference. It makes me think of Couchiching in
Ontario which has in uenced Prime Ministers and smart people                      Presentations - I agree that that idea of getting everyone to send
for decades. It may be that to have a better conference we need                   in their presentations beforehand probably won't work because
to compromise on some things, e.g.: 1) make it bigger to get more                 people are busy and used to being able to make last minute
critical mass (100?) 2) have less speakers but give them more time                changes. However, I think the constant swapping of computers
3) have more de ned themes 4) consider other venues (you'll                       etc. distracted from the talks themselves and prevented the
have to if you want to support more people).                                      sessions from owing. I heard mention of the idea of setting up a
                                                                                  network that speakers can upload their presentation to ahead of
Yes it's starting to look like a “regular” conference but for me three
                                                                                  time, then access from one computer connected to the projector.
things will keep it unique: no Internet/cell access (will be a
                                                                                  That sounds like a very good idea and perhaps the best of both
challenge!), the remote location, and the great core of people we
already have.
                                                                                  Birds of a Feather - this is a really good idea and when it eventu-
The silly-serious balance is about right. Game Show will be hard
                                                                                  ally got going, was very thought-provoking and interesting.
to top, but we will have to try.
                                                                                  However, I think it needed a bit more guidance and leaderhsip to
Bit of a di erent vibe, which isn't a bad thing.                                  get it started on the Sunday morning. I can understand the need
BTW, for those poor bastards who don't drink alcohol and do not                   for a balance between people who just want to chill out and
go for energy drinks, how about some fruit juice or sodas? They're                those who want more knowledge based activities, but many
cheaper to supply.                                                                people left early because there didn't seem to be anything going
                                                                                  on. The people who had volunteered to lead a discussion/activity
I'm ok with a scholarship, but the person better be brilliant...                  needed to be encouraged to nd an area and make themselves
Alcohol was awesome but the bar prices are a rip-o compared to                    visable, then other partcipitants noti ed that those people were
the volume they see from us. They normally get a bunch of                         ready to begin their groups.
teetotallers and we don't even compare, at all. Also, the “union”                 PPT karaoke - was clearly entertaining, but not the best icebreaker
mentallity was sometimes a turn o , but I can deal with it; some of               and perhaps not good enough to warrant the e ort that was put
the workers were very nice and accompdating while others were                     into it.
cranky and should be red - but you don't have any say in that.
                                                                                  Would like to see more icebreaking/introductions on Friday night,
Co ee should be accessible during the whole event. Should be                      and more opportunities to talk/chat through the weekend - many
able to opt out of swag - I don't want any.                                       people I didn't get to know and I would liked to have.
It would be fun to have one “main speaker” or a “panel”. Also, I                  Short bits - I think we need to mix up the format. Aim for say 40%
loved the mix between fun and seriousness.                                        not standard presentations. Sean's and Christine's nicely broke up
If people have to give you slides ahead of time, then they won't                  the ow, but there should be more “learn something”, “try some-
be working on the Friday night / during other peoples talks.                      thing” or other interactive things besides just presentations.
Technically, this year it was open to everyone, and it wasn't                     It was really good to have a nice chunk of free time on Saturday
overrun with hateable people.                                                     and a chance to walk around the site outside. I would have hated
                                                                                  to be in such a nice place and not had that chance.
Other thoughts (cont.)
And I nearly wet myself laughing so hard! Tell me there's a video         The main room is good, but a bit large for the size of the group.
of the gameshow!                                                          False dividers to shrink the room would help make the meet more
                                                                          intimate and collegial.
I like it when people network naturally, not when it's forced or too
salesy. At Bitnorth people connect naturally, I never feel like I'm       If your intention is truly to keep the event gender balanced, you
solicited or soliciting others. Some events are swarming with used        may want to consider curbing the frat-boy humor. It needn't
car sales-like people who make my skin crawl!                             become a PTA meeting, but there are limits beyond which you
                                                                          won't be able to attract guests of high repute. (Think TED)
You could add ‘keynote’ speakers, but not at the expense of
attendees. Find a sponsor and pay the ‘guest’ speakers out of that.

 Some conclusions from reading all this...
More Friday structure
(introductions, slide presentations,                  We have to balance democracy                       OTHER FORMATS FOR
icebreakers) is needed up front;                      (folks liked the equality of the event)
but this requires a lot of commit-                    with celebrity (people liked special               SHORT BITS WILL BREAK UP
                                                      speakers and invited guests)
ment to arrive earlier by
attendee and start at a formal
                                                                                                         THE TEDIUM: TEACHING A
time, which may be tough to                                                                              SKILL, DEMONSTRATING
                         People were polarized by the gameshow                                           SOMETHING.
                         (some loved it, some found it puerile.)
                                                                                                       Make better use of the facilities
 Some of you want more
                                                                                                       (canoeing, outdoors, etc.)
 organization and
 preparation of things                      WE EXPECTED PEOPLE
                                                                                           This year’s attendees

 like the Birds of a                                                                                               Less booze, more soft drinks
                                                                                           were more serious.

                                            TO BE MORE SELF-
 Feather sessions.
                                            ORGANIZING THAN THEY                                                   Less party, more content
 THE GAMESHOW                               WERE WILLING TO BE.                                                    Less hang time, more structure
 NEEDS MORE                       BRING BACK PANELS.                                                               Less swag, more icebreakers
 AUDIENCE                       We can prep some stu beforehand
 PARTICIPATION.                 (BOF moderators, new attendees,                                               SUNDAY HORROR MOVIE
  There’s some confusion
                                which Short Bits become longer
                                                                                                              BRUNCH: FAIL.
  about why we put on
  Bitnorth (mention of
  sponsorship, aspirations
  of becoming a “real”
  conference) so clarifying           OUTSIDE THE WEEKEND OF THE EVENT, AND FOLKS ARE BUSY.
  its goals and purpose
  may be useful.                                    NEED BETTER COFFEE LOGISTICS.

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BitNorth - Recap and survey results

  • 1. Bitnorth 2009 recap Well, Bitnorth 2009 is a wrap, and the results of our survey in. Thanks to those of you who took the time to give us feedback. Since we’re big fans of transparency, and we run Bitnorth for interesting rather than for pro table, we wanted to share some statistics on the event, what you thought, and where money went. FINANCES Where did the money go? Expenses $ 12,322.67 Paypal fee, 2% Eventbrite fee, 2% Accommodations $ 6,715.00 Shirts, bags & swag, 6% Alcohol $ 1,393.77 Equipment $ 393.00 Travel & vehicles, 6% Taxes $ 1,094.95 Baskets & food $ 700.00 Baskets & extra Travel & vehicles $ 800.00 food, 6% Shirts, bags, & swag $ 800.00 Paypal fee $ 238.45 Taxes, 9% Accommodations, Eventbrite fee $ 187.50 55% Revenues $ 8,954.83 Paypal $ 8,054.83 Equipment rental, 3% Check $ 900.00 Profit (loss) $ (3,367.84) Alcohol, 11% What should we charge? Should we have scholarships? How many people should attend? People should pay Many fewer - I barely $100 their own way. chatted with anyone This keeps out the riff-raff. A few less - it was $200 crowded and "clique"-y $300 Nice idea but I’m The number was just right already paying a lot A few more people; $400 variety is the spice of life $500 Sure, I can subsidize Lots more people - this by paying a bit more event needs to be shared! 0 5 10 15 20 0 3 6 9 12 15 ...and how do we invite others? Have newcomers propose Make it invite only. topics, then alumni vote Alistair chooses. So there. (3) Tough question. I’m really not sure. a few new attendees (3) Mix of alumni friends and and Alistair invites. Combination of newcomers propose topics and Alistair chooses. Propose candidates. Get referals. More referals, the better the candidate. Have a mystery vote/opinion. Other (6) People can register and then a decision is made as to whether Bitnorth is appropriate for them; and past attendees can bring people Let alumni invite one Rednod proposes theme + picks speakers; everyone else can make friend each (12) Open registration up to anyone (1) suggestions. It can’t be by group consensus
  • 2. WHAT YOU SAID Here’s how you said you’d describe the event to others. Boldface emphasis are ours (stu that made us laugh or nod.) We love that the words “not pretentious” made “pretentious” turn up in the tagcloud, too. It's a conference full of smart people that get to talk about things that make them passionate as opposed to the things they may be used to talking about all the time. WHY DO YOU COME TO BITNORTH Smart people disconnected so they're forced to talk to one another! (Nobody said “for the party”, BTW) An amazing and unique opportunity to chill out, talk to interesting people, be excited by ideas, and to have a bit of a party. A week end with lots of di erent people talking about lots of di erent things, good time FOR THE and funny games. CONTENT Brilliance on crack with ping pong. Disconnect from the web to meet real people who will inspire you. Then get to know them better even better while partying. OTHER It's like a tech conference where people get to hang out instead of interacting with FOR THE their laptops all weekend. PEOPLE TED meets pyjama party It's a get-together of people from di erent backgrounds in an informal setting where everyone gets a chance to talk about something they are very passionate about. You learn a lot during the day and party at night. A place you should come (if you aren't a pretentious ass) to meet some interesting people, get away for a weekend at a 2 star location (if you aren’t a pretentious ass), and be challenged (if you aren’t a pretentious ass). Bitnorth is what you make it, not what you expect it to be (if you aren't a pretentious ass). A kinda techy-ish retreat, where smart people talk about stu that matters to them, not necessarily tech. It's like camp for adults. An inspiring get-together that will fuel your innovation for quite some time A fun, interesting, eclectic party. A gathering of smart people with varied experiences and knowledge sharing subjects that interest them for 10 minutes, and if you are not engaged just wait 10 minutes. During the “party” part you can have further discussions, or just have fun, sing, play wii or poker or ping pong. An interesting diversion from your usual daily routine. Hanging out with a bunch of dorks, being clever and witty at each other. Great ideas that percolate, and cause you start up conversations with folks. In some cases, these ideas lead to actions, later. Great weekend with really nice “intellectual” people talking about interesting topics. Good times! Hard mattress. Bitnorth is a part technology conference, part party for all sorts of people to share ideas and have interesting conversations, whilst also relaxing and getting away from it all for the weekend. It's half a conference of interesting and eclectic topics, and half a weekend getaway in the country with fun and activities and plenty of people to meet. A non-convention for broad idea exchange, soapbox and social gathering Good fun with smart people Bitnorth lets me focus on being whatever or whoever I want to be, though grounded in everyday reality while being undistracted by it as well. A bunch of fun people together to share ideas / thoughts / knowledge with others Brilliant minds, big hearts. Small group of smart people talking about what they're passionate about. TED-like participatory conference, followed by geeky partying.
  • 3. Content... What worked, what sucked? Should Bitnorth be more Didn’t see/participate OK but not for me silly or more serious? This was awful Pretty good 20 Awesome! 15 10 Powerpoint Karaoke 0 3 3 13 6 5 Table tennis 0 4 11 9 1 0 Wii sports 0 4 11 7 3 Make it more silly. I Smarten up! I’ve had get enough talky-talk it with poop jokes. Short bits 0 0 0 7 18 at regular conferences. “Invited” presenters 0 0 3 13 9 Should we expect presentations Kids’ panel 0 4 18 2 5 a week ahead of time? 10 Game show 2 0 3 7 13 15 (40%) Poker tournament 0 5 14 5 1 (60%) Werewolf 0 0 5 11 9 Massage/meditation 0 3 16 3 3 Yes! Otherwise, we That's a nice idea, Horror movie brunch 1 8 8 6 2 waste everyone's but it'll never work. Birds of a Feather 0 4 11 8 2 time switching We're just too busy computers and to get it done in This was awful OK but not for me Didn’t see/participate Pretty good Awesome! finding files! advance. We’re leaving the logistical results (quality of food, rooms, etc.) out of this document because (a) it’s boring, (b) there were no surprises, and (c) that’s for us to go yell at CAMMAC about in future years.
  • 4. For the two events you liked most: why? The game show made me laugh my ass o . The short bits made it's easy to tell when someone is presenting what they do for me think. (longer bits were equally as insightful) living Werewolf is a great icebreaker because it forces people to be PowerPoint Karaoke is creative, spontaneous and gives a chance social. Why? Otherwise you get eaten by ravenous lycanthropes! to anyone to stand out. Very democratic and does not promote This would work just as well on a Friday night to get to know cliques. Same thing for Short Bits. people. Game Show was fun to watch, but its very nature tends to I always like the short bits and presentations. I think there should highlight speci c people and elevate them. Tends to promote be more emphasis on a theme for the event. In fact, I wouldn't cliques as a result, IMHO. mind if we always stuck with the “disconnect to reconnect” theme. I got to understand who I was participating at the conference It's always relevant for this crowd. This would make the presenta- with. tions even more interesting and would make it easier to attract speakers. Don't be afraid to extend some sessions to Sunday (late) I missed most of the event, so I am not a fair evaluator. Both of the morning. It gives people a reason to stay overnight. I think people things I liked were entertainment and fun. In some sense, the are shy to suggest BoF sessions. Why not set those up beforehand important thing in conferences is getting people to know each so there are 3-4, chaired by one person, or a small panel, based on other, so bitnorth's social events does a great job of doing that. what they presented. We could even have a debate format. Powerpoint karaoke: I never saw it before, and I loved the mix I liked the longer presenters because they were polished speakers between seriousness and fun. Shortbits: I loved the fact that some who could hold a room and communicate e ectively, and talks were about pointing out speci c problems (oil-dependence, because of the freedom of BitNorth they could present unusual stupid rules, ...). It's inspiring to hear people who are not alter- and o -beat topics. mondialists care about these issues. The Poker tournament was great because it has been years since I I like the varied topics, and the intelligent insights. The presenters played and yet I was second in the nal showdown for the two are passionate about their topics and that makes it interesting. games I played. You can learn a lot from a 10 minute topic. Because the game show was hilarious and the werewolf game I really enjoy the social activities, you can play and interact. The was a great way to get to know other people and have lots of fun! “events” are pre-made and easy to join. The game show was I liked the short bits because they were smart and not too long high-larious. And the short bits were interesting and nifty and all (except the ones that were too long, of course). It wouldn't be an over the place. exceptional experience without the clever content. I really like the diversity of the short bits. The guys doing the I liked the kids panel last year because it was di erent; the research regarding the censorship of the Internet in Iran really answers weren't predictable and everyone seemed to work resonated with me. I liked the opportunity of birds of a feather to together to come to a better understanding of the distinct ways follow up. There were so many good short bits from 1/2 through kids interact with technology. the oil age, to urban transportation, to radio carbon dating and problems with the lack of a dating scene for women in Mexico. Because they're fast and need short attention from me. There were so many other bits that I have left out. Powerpoint karaoke gave me a chance to get to know people in a Perhaps, if the Birds of a Feather, could be a little more organized? sort of fun way before sitting in a room with them listening to Not sure how to do this, unless, you know that a topic will “need” short bits stu . more exploration, the next day. Game show was like nothing else I'd ever done/seen before. That Game show. lmao. LOVE creativity and lmao. Longer guest said, short bits seemed integral to the whole thing so I don't know speakers. LOVE creativity and people who speak well. Side note: if i'd rank them so much as say I couldn't imagine the event NO ONE who attended was annoying. BIG BONUS. without them. Werewolf is just such a great game, and quite a good way to get I loved powerpower karoake, a fun chance to mess around and to know a few people. The birds of a feather discussion was really have fun - I would make it the second night though, to give a interesting, once it got going. It was a good opportunity to chance for people involve (read: pick on) people they might not discuss ideas with new people and to hear di erent points of have know when showing up friday view. The short bits give a chance for people who speak regularly to speak about a topic with which they may not normally be associ- ated - That's what needs to happen more - in fact, perhaps a nudge to the presenters next year - choose something you're passionate about, but please don't make it about your day job -
  • 5. For the two events you liked most: why? (cont.) The thing I liked best was the Short Bits. Some fascinating talks Kids panel was a riot and very informative. Werewolf is just plain and plenty of stu to broaden the mind and make you think. My fun and appeals to many demographics. favourites were: Short bits and birds of a feather were my favorite organized Jonathan Ginter's bit about astrophysics (because it was clearly things. Short bits not only had tremendous diversity, they often explaining a very complex topic in a new way) allowed presenters to speak to something not bound or even Angela Case's talk (because I wholeheartedly agree with the need for in uenced by their everyday lives. Sometimes they did, but often more “citation” type thinking, it was about their future or a fantasy. Bruce & David's talk (because I think net neutrality is an important Birds of a feather simply provided some loosely organized, issue and it was fascinating to learn DPI is already used in Iran) blocked-o time for people to openly chat but with the purpose of chatting. It wasn't chatting while drinking (though we did that Nicholas Kruchten's talk (because there is a direct parallel with a at other times), it was purposefully talking about the BOF session charity I am involved with and I can introduce them to him) topic. Also - Bob's, Ray's, Sean's & Patrick's were all very interesting, and Karaoke: it was a lot of fun watching and doing it. Short bits: I Pete's & Bryan's were both very entertaining . learned a lot! (new stu I didn`t know it even existed) Short bits: The second event I liked most was Werewolf. It's always fascinat- It's fun to learn in spurts. The presenters are always interesting. ing and every game is di erent. Plus, you get to know people well. ppt karaoke was a good way to loosen people up and get people The presentations were what I came to BitNorth for. I liked the to relax a bit before the 'serious' presentations the next day. The variety of information and the passion folks put into their short bits were generally informative, well delivered and captured subjects. a wide range of topics. The game show was fantastic though I'd cut it by about 5 minutes I thought the game show was hysterical, but could have been a and try to have ways of getting more audience participation. bit more participatory for the audience. The short bits and presentations were pretty thought-provoking. For the two events you liked least: why? Mostly because i didn't really participate in them. I'm not a big Did not play poker, did not play table tennis. I am sure they were poker or horror movie fan for example. But they were cool! just wonderful but it seemed like the things you'd be least able to just not for me :) jump in without knowing the people or how to play exactly. There wasn't anything I didn't like. But I think the more you Movies by design limit the opportunity to interact. I wasn't there emphasize the “brains” part, i.e. making the theme and the to watch a 2 hour movie, I was there to see people. presentations better, the more the “party” aspect will take care of BOF could use a bit more structure I think - left alone and itself. I'm not there for the party (I could do that at home). I'm hungover, there's not much pushing people into it - It wouldn't there to be challenged, to challenge myself, and to learn. The fun take much to make it work. Funny thing is, last year BOF was one will happen automagically. of the highlights..and this year it barely registered for me - go The movie idea was ne, but the fact that it was shown in bright gure. sunlight meant that the picture was extremely hard to see. Not a poker player. Although I like video games, I've never I didn't really dislike any events. But I did not participate in gravitated to the sports-oriented games. On the other hand, I everything... I think everything was pretty good... except for tend to play video games alone, which might explain it. :) people who did not really get ready for what they were going to Just not my style, but that's ok, because I was able to do my own say. That's too bad if the point is to make people think about thing without being harassed. But only because there were other something or teach them something. people I could hang out with who weren't pretentious asses. I disliked the horror movies because they make me nauseous and Table tennis: I'm really, really, really bad at that, so I avoid playing it was too early. No objections to any of the other content. it. Poker: I only play strip-poker with Samantha Fox Didn't really dislike anything. Maybe more “o cial” get to know Nothing was “mandatory” so I can't seriously dislike anything. At everybody would be nice. Maybe a 2mins round table next time? worst something was an amusing distraction, but nothing was interminable. I liked the relaxed atmosphere of “participation”.
  • 6. For the two events you liked least: why? (cont.) I'm just not that into wii-sports. given in their short bits so you could have them ready to go and cut back on prep time in between Powerpoint karaoke seems.. painful.. for the participants, for the most part (uh, except for fuck twitter. That wasn't so painful)" Didn't dislike anything, really, but if I had to bitch, I guess it might be that some things, like the game show, didn't really have much I am not a game person, but others are-- so, I like the option of participation for those who weren't on the teams -- though it was being able to opt out. In trying to please all, you have a good a hoot. In other words, maybe there were times when people range of activities. wanted to be more interactive or participative, but they could not. Missed some of it so I can't really say. nothing was bad. Dunno...have I complained enough? I just don't like blood, guts and gore horror movies. I didn’t hate anything, I think everything was great, and super The powerpoint karoke was ok, but not as funny as I was expect- organized! ing. I did not participate in the wii thing or poker , `cause I don`t know I think that the sunday morning was the weak point of the how to play. weekend. I think it's telling that some people left sunday morning We weren't there long enough to participate in enough stu . - there wasn't a lot of “value” to stay for. It would have been nice to That's what I disliked! have some more activities - perhaps something outdoors like a The game show rapidly degraded to frat-boy humor. Ok if that's walk or canoeing. what you like but notwhat you want if you have desires for Watching a movie didn't seem quite right for a trip away - not corporate sponsorship down the road. very social and easily done at home. I'm just not really a horror-movie guy. The birds of a feather was good once we got a discussion going, but needed more structure and needed to be better moderated/kicked o . Game show was way too long. A little naughty humor is perfectly ne but this got a little blue - (not referring to the Mom comment here!!) First, 2nd, 3rd time was funny but it got old after the dozenth or so. A few folks “wandered” o to get drinks and didn't come back. No real criticisms, though it would help if people had actually WILL YOU BE RETURNING NEXT YEAR? (Nobody said “no,” so, yay, and such.) IF POSSIBLE/ YES IF INVITED
  • 7. The year before Kim lead a yoga class. It was a good way to Other thoughts transition to the day. If a formal class is impossible to arrange in the future-- perhaps, just a self-study yoga/ stretch in one of the music rooms? We got lots of feedback from people. Much of it was thanks, which we Friday night - karoke powerpoint was ok, but I think a more really appreciate, but we’re not going to bother sharing here. Some of it inclusive ice breaker would be a better way for people to get to was also intended in con dence and we’ll take it to heart, but we don’t know names, peoples backgrounds and what sort of stu they're think it was supposed to be shared, so we’re not putting it in here. In other in to. words, this is the only part of the results we’re editing. Short bits - the variety of talks and quality of speakers was very Several of you said you trust us to steward the Bitnorth vibe between party high and spot on. However, I found the format of just talks all day and serious, and to weed out douchebags and keep the content free of made it very di cult to digest what was being said and there sales pitches. While we’re grateful for that con dence, Bitnorth is all of us, wasn;t really time to tink about a talk before having to switch to which is why we’re trying to make sure we collect and share feedback in concentrating on the next one. And about 2/3 of the way through this way. I found it a bit of information overload and I couldn't really take in any more new information. Maybe interspersing the talks with The conference was awesome. If only we had the ability to nd discussion time, or organsied practical workshops would make the time to do this more than once in a year. the quantity of talks more digestable. Also, you can gain di erent knowledge and understanding from doing something, as BitNorth has the potential to be a small but very enlightening and opposed to just listening. Like Will's demonstration of the KiteAid. in uential conference. It makes me think of Couchiching in Ontario which has in uenced Prime Ministers and smart people Presentations - I agree that that idea of getting everyone to send for decades. It may be that to have a better conference we need in their presentations beforehand probably won't work because to compromise on some things, e.g.: 1) make it bigger to get more people are busy and used to being able to make last minute critical mass (100?) 2) have less speakers but give them more time changes. However, I think the constant swapping of computers 3) have more de ned themes 4) consider other venues (you'll etc. distracted from the talks themselves and prevented the have to if you want to support more people). sessions from owing. I heard mention of the idea of setting up a network that speakers can upload their presentation to ahead of Yes it's starting to look like a “regular” conference but for me three time, then access from one computer connected to the projector. things will keep it unique: no Internet/cell access (will be a That sounds like a very good idea and perhaps the best of both challenge!), the remote location, and the great core of people we worlds. already have. Birds of a Feather - this is a really good idea and when it eventu- The silly-serious balance is about right. Game Show will be hard ally got going, was very thought-provoking and interesting. to top, but we will have to try. However, I think it needed a bit more guidance and leaderhsip to Bit of a di erent vibe, which isn't a bad thing. get it started on the Sunday morning. I can understand the need BTW, for those poor bastards who don't drink alcohol and do not for a balance between people who just want to chill out and go for energy drinks, how about some fruit juice or sodas? They're those who want more knowledge based activities, but many cheaper to supply. people left early because there didn't seem to be anything going on. The people who had volunteered to lead a discussion/activity I'm ok with a scholarship, but the person better be brilliant... needed to be encouraged to nd an area and make themselves Alcohol was awesome but the bar prices are a rip-o compared to visable, then other partcipitants noti ed that those people were the volume they see from us. They normally get a bunch of ready to begin their groups. teetotallers and we don't even compare, at all. Also, the “union” PPT karaoke - was clearly entertaining, but not the best icebreaker mentallity was sometimes a turn o , but I can deal with it; some of and perhaps not good enough to warrant the e ort that was put the workers were very nice and accompdating while others were into it. cranky and should be red - but you don't have any say in that. Would like to see more icebreaking/introductions on Friday night, Co ee should be accessible during the whole event. Should be and more opportunities to talk/chat through the weekend - many able to opt out of swag - I don't want any. people I didn't get to know and I would liked to have. It would be fun to have one “main speaker” or a “panel”. Also, I Short bits - I think we need to mix up the format. Aim for say 40% loved the mix between fun and seriousness. not standard presentations. Sean's and Christine's nicely broke up If people have to give you slides ahead of time, then they won't the ow, but there should be more “learn something”, “try some- be working on the Friday night / during other peoples talks. thing” or other interactive things besides just presentations. Technically, this year it was open to everyone, and it wasn't It was really good to have a nice chunk of free time on Saturday overrun with hateable people. and a chance to walk around the site outside. I would have hated to be in such a nice place and not had that chance.
  • 8. Other thoughts (cont.) And I nearly wet myself laughing so hard! Tell me there's a video The main room is good, but a bit large for the size of the group. of the gameshow! False dividers to shrink the room would help make the meet more intimate and collegial. I like it when people network naturally, not when it's forced or too salesy. At Bitnorth people connect naturally, I never feel like I'm If your intention is truly to keep the event gender balanced, you solicited or soliciting others. Some events are swarming with used may want to consider curbing the frat-boy humor. It needn't car sales-like people who make my skin crawl! become a PTA meeting, but there are limits beyond which you won't be able to attract guests of high repute. (Think TED) You could add ‘keynote’ speakers, but not at the expense of attendees. Find a sponsor and pay the ‘guest’ speakers out of that. Some conclusions from reading all this... More Friday structure (introductions, slide presentations, We have to balance democracy OTHER FORMATS FOR icebreakers) is needed up front; (folks liked the equality of the event) but this requires a lot of commit- with celebrity (people liked special SHORT BITS WILL BREAK UP speakers and invited guests) ment to arrive earlier by attendee and start at a formal THE TEDIUM: TEACHING A time, which may be tough to SKILL, DEMONSTRATING achieve. People were polarized by the gameshow SOMETHING. (some loved it, some found it puerile.) Make better use of the facilities Some of you want more (canoeing, outdoors, etc.) organization and preparation of things WE EXPECTED PEOPLE This year’s attendees like the Birds of a Less booze, more soft drinks were more serious. TO BE MORE SELF- Feather sessions. ORGANIZING THAN THEY Less party, more content THE GAMESHOW WERE WILLING TO BE. Less hang time, more structure NEEDS MORE BRING BACK PANELS. Less swag, more icebreakers AUDIENCE We can prep some stu beforehand PARTICIPATION. (BOF moderators, new attendees, SUNDAY HORROR MOVIE There’s some confusion which Short Bits become longer presentations.) BRUNCH: FAIL. about why we put on Bitnorth (mention of sponsorship, aspirations of becoming a “real” THIS WILL TAKE A LOT MORE COORDINATION AND PARTICIPATION conference) so clarifying OUTSIDE THE WEEKEND OF THE EVENT, AND FOLKS ARE BUSY. its goals and purpose may be useful. NEED BETTER COFFEE LOGISTICS.