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Planned Parenthood Regina
Youth Educating About Health
The Birds and the Bees
Group Guidelines
1. This is a safe space for everyone
- Everything is confidential, no judgments
2. There’s no such thing as a stupid question
-Every question is a good one. If you’re thinking it, other people
are too
-If you’re uncomfortable asking out loud, write it down for the
Secret Question Box
3. Respect yourself and each other
-This is important stuff, ask questions and get involved so you
can protect yourself and help inform your friends, we’re all in
this together so help each other out!
• 4. Labels are for cans
-Labeling creates stigma, and that’s not cool. Don’t make
judgments because of someone's sexual orientation, race,
gender or background. It’s what you do that can put you at
risk, not who you are.
5. Sex isn’t bad
-No gross pictures or scare tactics here. Sex is a natural part of
life, we want you to have accurate information so you can
protect yourself and stay healthy
What is
Planned Parenthood Regina?
• PPR is a sexual health centre
• We offer nurse and doctor services and
education to promote positive sexual health for
youth in our community. All of our services
are free and confidential.
• We use peer education to inform youth about
sexual health through presentations like this
1431 Victoria Ave
Phone: 522 0902
What do we do?
Our nurses can...
Prescribe Plan B
Do pregnancy tests
Discuss unplanned pregnancy options
Birth control consults and starts
STI information, full testing and treatment
Answer questions and provide education on prevention & harm reduction
Our doctors & Nurse Practitioner can...
Do pap tests
STI testing
Swabs and physical exams and treatments
IUD consults and inserts
Birth control consults and prescriptions
Let’s talk about
• Puberty is the time in life when your body begins to change
from a child to an adult.
• Our bodies change a lot in a short amount of time, during
puberty our bodies grow and change faster than any other
time! (besides when you’re a baby of course)
• Puberty changes are triggered by hormones that our bodies
• Puberty is different for everyone, it can start at different times
and happen at different speeds
• Girls usually start going through puberty before boys, but…
Everyone goes through puberty!
Puberty Changes
Males: body hair, deeper voice, muscle development,
oily hair and skin, sperm production
Females: breast and hip development, body hair, oily
hair and skin, menstruation
• Thoughts and questions about sex, relationships or
romantic feelings and other new emotions
Puberty is different for everyone, it’s normal!
Body Basics
The Female Reproductive System
(Aka your period)
• Hormones tell the ovary to
release an egg (ovulation)
• The egg travels down the
fallopian tube where one of two
things will happen…
• If the egg is not fertilized,
special hormones tell the
body to shed the uterine
lining, this is called a
period. Periods are different
for everyone but last about
5-7 days
• The cycle begins again!
• Most menstrual cycles last
between 25-35 days, but
everyone is different
• Its common for young
women to have irregular
cycles for the first couple
years after getting their
• If there has been
unprotected sex close to
ovulation, the egg can be
fertilized by the sperm
• The fertilized egg will travel
into the uterus and implant
itself into the uterine lining
where it will grow into an
embryo and then a fetus
• 9 months later different
hormones trigger labour.
The cervix will open and the
baby will be delivered
through the birth canal.
The Male Reproductive System
Sperm Production
• During puberty, hormone in the male body trigger
sperm production. Now males can get an erection
(when the penis gets hard) followed by ejaculation
(release of sperm)
• Sperm are made and stored by the testicles. The
sperm and fluid from the prostate gland mix together
to form semen, this helps the sperm survive once they
have left the body
• Each ejaculation during vaginal sex can lead to a
possible pregnancy.
When can pregnancy happen?
• Most women can only become pregnant around the
time of ovulation (about 3 days a month)
• Unlike women, men are fertile every day!
• It’s hard to know exactly when women are most
likely to get pregnant…so if you don’t want to be
pregnant it’s important to learn about birth control
and choose a method that is right for you and your
What about birth control?
Birth control can help women control their
reproductive systems to prevent pregnancy.
There are 6 types of birth control:
1. Hormonal
2. Barrier
3. Chemical
4. Surgical
5. Emergency
6. Abstinence
Hormonal Birth control
• This method of birth control uses hormones
(progestin and estrogen) to prevent ovulation, thin out
the uterine lining (prevents implantation) and thicken
cervical mucus (to stop sperm)
• These methods work really well, when used perfectly
some are up to 99% effective.
• Hormonal birth control does not protect against any
Here are some different types of hormonal birth
The Birth Control Pill
How it works:
•You take hormone pills for 21 days then have no hormones for 7
• At some time during the 7 hormone free days you will have
your period
28 day Pack
contains 21
hormone pills
and 7
placebo pills
21 day pack
contains 21
pills and no
The Patch
How it works:
• You apply a new patch to your hip, arm,
back or bum every week for 3 weeks.
Hormones on the patch are absorbed
through your skin.
• Remove your patch and leave it off for one
week to have your period
The Ring
How it works:
• The ring is inserted into your vagina and the hormones are
absorbed into your body
•The ring stays in place for 3 weeks, then you remove it for 1
week to have a period
The Shot
How it works:
• Depo-Provera is a hormone injection given once
every 3 months.
• A nurse or doctor uses a needle to inject the hormones
straight into your body
How it works:
• A T-shaped device is
inserted into the uterus
by a doctor
• Some IUDs use
hormones to prevent
pregnancy, others do not
• IUDs work for 3-7 years
but can be removed by a
doctor at any time
Copper IUDs are $60 or $80 at PPR
Barrier Birth control
• A barrier is a material or object that prevents
sperm and the egg from meeting each other
Here are two common barrier methods…
External Condom
Internal Condom
used to
cover the
that is inserted
into the body
used to cover
the area where
the penis/ object
is inserted
• Internal and External condoms should never be used at the
same time
• When used correctly they are between 95-97% effective.
• The only form of birth control (besides abstinence)
that helps protect against STIs
Chemical Birth Control
This type of birth control uses chemicals that destroy
the sperm
These are called Spermicides and they come in gel,
foam and film. Some condoms have spermicide pre-
Spermicides are not effective when used alone, they
should always be used along with a barrier method
They can also cause skin irritation that can
make it easier to get an STI, including HIV
Surgical Birth Control
• This type of birth control cuts off the transportation
route between the sperm and the egg
• It is permanent and irreversible
Tubal Ligation Vasectomy
Emergency Contraceptive
How it works:
• Plan B contains the same hormones as birth
control pills and can help prevent a pregnancy if
taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex
• It has no effect if you are already pregnant and
should not be used as a regular form of birth
control…emergencies only!
Pop Quiz!
What’s the only method of
birth control that offers 100%
protection against pregnancy?
AbstinenceHow it works
• Making the decision to not have sex until
you are 100% ready (emotionally,
physically, mentally)
• Everyone has their own definition of
abstinence, decide what’s right for you
• You can choose abstinence at any time
• Having sex comes with big
responsibilities and consequences, it’s ok
to wait!
• Abstinence is the only form of birth
control that is 100% effective at
preventing pregnancy and STI’s
We all know abstinence is the best form of birth
control and protection against STIs, but if/when you
choose to have sex….
The best Protection Plan is:
Hormonal Birth Control
One Partner
Routine STI testing
This is the best plan to protect yourself and your
partner from pregnancy and sexually transmitted
Healthy Relationships
• All relationships should
be based on respect,
honesty, acceptance,
feeling safe and having
• Talk with your partner
about your boundaries
before you get into a
sexual situation,
communication is
• Sex does not equal love,
there are lots of ways to
express your feelings
without having sex
• There are tons of fun
things you can do with
your partner that don’t
include sex…
How many can you
think of?
How do I know when I am
ready for sex?
• It can be confusing and overwhelming to make
decisions about sex. It’s a big decision and there
are lots of different things to consider.
• Here are 11 important questions to ask yourself
to help decide if you’re ready or if you should
• Here are a
1. Am I feeling pressured to have sex by my partner, my friends or television and movies?
2. Will having sex fit with my religious or moral beliefs?
3. Will I feel guilty if I have sex?
4. Do I want to have sex to get love, affection or attention?
5. Do I want to have sex to prove that I am sexually attractive?
6. Am I afraid that my reputation will be hurt if I have sex? Or if I don’t have sex?
7. Do I think sex will bring my partner and me closer together, both emotionally as well
as physically.
8. Do my partner and I both want the same things from sex?
9. Can I talk to my partner about birth control and can we share the responsibility for
birth control?
10. Can I talk to my partner about sexually transmitted diseases and how we can protect
11. If birth control fails, are we ready to deal with an unplanned pregnancy?
Pop Quiz!
What’s the most important
part of sex?
• Everyone has the right
to say no to sex at any
• It’s illegal to have sex
without consent
• You can’t give consent
if you are drunk
• No always means no,
only “yes” means yes
• Consent should be out
loud and enthusiastic!
• Never pressure anyone
into having sex
• Beware of Red Flag
“You would if you loved me”
“Everybody’s doing it”
“Come on, it’ll feel good”
“I know you want it…stop teasing me”
Some people use these lines to pressure others into
having sex, even when they say no…but they’re not
true and they’re not fair. Someone that loves and
respects you would never use a Red Flag Line
How could you respond?
Everyone is different, and that’s a great
thing! It doesn’t matter if you’re gay,
straight, bisexual, transsexual or anything
in between…every healthy relationship
should include trust, honesty and
Everyone deserves respect.
Healthy Decisions
Do what’s best for you
• Don’t make decisions for
anyone else, be honest with
yourself and set your own
• If you’re not sure you’re
ready for sex…there’s a
good chance you’re not. If
you feel pressured or unsafe,
step away from the situation
and ask for help.
Stay sober
• Alcohol and drugs can make
it hard to stick to your
decision not to have sex and
can put you in danger. Try to
stay out of situations that
will test your limits, such as
using alcohol and drugs
when you are alone with
your partner.
• Always use the buddy
system to keep each other
accountable and safe
What does STI stand
Pop Quiz!
STI stands for Sexually Transmitted Infection
• STIs can be bacteria, a virus or parasite that is passed
on through sexual activity, skin to skin contact or
exchange of bodily fluids like blood.
• Some types of STIs are curable, some are not, but most
can be treated or managed
Getting an STI can be prevented by:
1. Not having sexual contact
2. Getting tested before you have sexual contact (both you and
your partner)
3. Getting treatment and using barriers
4. Only having one sexual partner
5. Not participating in risky behaviours and activities (alcohol
and drugs, etc.)
Here are some common STIs that you
should know about….
What is it? Chlamydia is a
sexually transmitted bacterial
Not so fun Fact: Regina is the
Chlamydia capital of Canada.
Woo Hoo.
How do you get it?
•unprotected sex with a person
who has it.
How can you tell if you have it?
• not everyone has symptoms, so
the only way to know for sure is
to do a urine test.
What is it? Gonorrhea is a
sexually transmitted bacterial
How do you get it?
•unprotected sex with a person
who has it.
How can you tell if you have it?
• Like Chlamydia, some people
don’t have symptoms, the only
way to know for sure is to get a
urine test.
What is it? a sexually transmitted bacterial infection
How do you get it?
•unprotected sex with a person who has it.
How can you tell if you have it?
• It can cause painless sores in the mouth and genitals,
but you need a blood test to know for sure.
•Untreated syphilis can lead to damage of important
organs like your heart or brain.
What is HPV?
•HPV is a very common sexually
transmitted virus
•There are over 80 types of HPV.
There are often no symptoms, but
it can cause warts and abnormal
cell changes.
•Pap tests help monitor cervical
cell changes, talk to your doctor
about when and how often you
should have a pap
How do you get it?
•HPV is passed on through
unprotected sex and skin to skin
• Warts can be treated, but a
healthy body will likely shed
the virus within 2 years
• There are now vaccines that
can prevent some HPV
What is it?
• Herpes is a virus that is
passed on by skin to skin
• There are 2 types: Herpes
simplex 1 & simplex 2.
• Can cause sores around
genitals or the mouth but
many people show no
How do you get it?
• Skin to skin contact with
an infected area, even if
there are no visible
•Herpes isn’t “curable” but
can be treated and
What is it?
• HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is
the virus that can lead AIDS (Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome) if left untreated
•It attacks the immune system making it hard for your
body to fight off other infections.
Getting Tested
• Any doctor can order an HIV blood test. PPR nurses
can order and draw blood for HIV testing in a quick
• HIV testing is not automatically included in routine
testing, you must give your consent to be tested,
except for prenatal blood work.
• It can take up to 3 months after an at-risk exposure
for blood work to test positive for HIV
•Always use condoms and minimize high risk behaviours
•People that are HIV positive can live long healthy lives with proper treatment
and a healthy lifestyle, but there is still no cure or vaccination for the virus.
How do you get HIV?
the Transmission Equation
Hepatitis C
What is it?
• Hep C is a virus that attacks the liver. In
some cases it can lead to serious liver
-Hep C is not contagious, it can only be
passed on through blood to blood contact.
How do you get it?
•Usually through sharing needles (injection drugs, unsterile tattoos, piercings)
•It is possible to get Hep C through sharing a toothbrush, nail clippers or razors
with someone who is Hep C positive
Getting Tested
•Any doctor can order a blood test for Hep C. PPR nurses can order and draw
blood for Hep C testing.
•It takes at least 3 months after an at-risk exposure for blood work to test
positive for Hep C
•Don’t share needles or personal hygiene tools. Always use Universal
Pop Quiz!
What’s the only way to protect
yourself from STIs if you choose to
have sex?
Using a barrier method!
• Condoms (Receptive and Insertive)
• Dental Dams
STI Testing
• STI testing is confidential, no one (including your friends and
parents) has the right to your health information without your
• You can get tested at…
 Your family doctor
 A walk in clinic you are comfortable with
 Planned Parenthood Regina
 The STI clinic
It’s simple…
Just leave a urine and blood sample and have a physical exam if
you have an unusual symptom
This is important….
• STIs are very common, but there are ways to stay safe
• Having an STI does not make you dirty or a bad person.
• Having an STI is a medical issue, just like any other
• If you have an STI your life is not over…there are lots of
ways to manage or cure some STIs, the first step is
getting tested
• Prevention is best!
There are 4 easy ways to reduce
your STI risk…
Can you remember what they are?
Pop Quiz!
1. Wait until you and your partner are ready,
informed and prepared for sex
2. Use a barrier every time you have any kind of
sexual contact with anyone
3. Be honest, communicate and get tested before
having sex and on a routine basis
4. Don’t take part in risky behaviours like using
needles, homemade tattoos and piercings or
using drugs and alcohol.
Get and give consent!
Sex can be a great thing…when you’re ready!
Having sex comes with responsibilities and consequences
There is nothing wrong with waiting
Unplanned pregnancy is not the only risk
STI’s don’t discriminate
No one deserves to be pressured into anything they don’t want to do
Alcohol and drugs can affect your decision making and safety
It’s good to ask questions!
Don’t just it!
Make sure information is from reliable websites. , Sex, etc. & are great ones to
try out
Call us to talk to a nurse!
Let’s get social!

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Birds and the bees

  • 1. Planned Parenthood Regina THE SEXUAL HEALTH EDUCATION PLACE Y.E.A.H. Youth Educating About Health The Birds and the Bees
  • 2. Group Guidelines 1. This is a safe space for everyone - Everything is confidential, no judgments 2. There’s no such thing as a stupid question -Every question is a good one. If you’re thinking it, other people are too -If you’re uncomfortable asking out loud, write it down for the Secret Question Box 3. Respect yourself and each other -This is important stuff, ask questions and get involved so you can protect yourself and help inform your friends, we’re all in this together so help each other out!
  • 3. • 4. Labels are for cans -Labeling creates stigma, and that’s not cool. Don’t make judgments because of someone's sexual orientation, race, gender or background. It’s what you do that can put you at risk, not who you are. 5. Sex isn’t bad -No gross pictures or scare tactics here. Sex is a natural part of life, we want you to have accurate information so you can protect yourself and stay healthy
  • 4. What is Planned Parenthood Regina? • PPR is a sexual health centre • We offer nurse and doctor services and education to promote positive sexual health for youth in our community. All of our services are free and confidential. • We use peer education to inform youth about sexual health through presentations like this one….
  • 6. What do we do? Our nurses can... Prescribe Plan B Do pregnancy tests Discuss unplanned pregnancy options Birth control consults and starts STI information, full testing and treatment Answer questions and provide education on prevention & harm reduction Our doctors & Nurse Practitioner can... Do pap tests STI testing Swabs and physical exams and treatments IUD consults and inserts Birth control consults and prescriptions
  • 8. • Puberty is the time in life when your body begins to change from a child to an adult. • Our bodies change a lot in a short amount of time, during puberty our bodies grow and change faster than any other time! (besides when you’re a baby of course) • Puberty changes are triggered by hormones that our bodies release • Puberty is different for everyone, it can start at different times and happen at different speeds • Girls usually start going through puberty before boys, but… Everyone goes through puberty!
  • 9. Puberty Changes Body Males: body hair, deeper voice, muscle development, oily hair and skin, sperm production Females: breast and hip development, body hair, oily hair and skin, menstruation Mind • Thoughts and questions about sex, relationships or romantic feelings and other new emotions Puberty is different for everyone, it’s normal!
  • 12.
  • 13. Menstruation (Aka your period) • Hormones tell the ovary to release an egg (ovulation) • The egg travels down the fallopian tube where one of two things will happen… Pregnancy or Menstruation
  • 14. Menstruation • If the egg is not fertilized, special hormones tell the body to shed the uterine lining, this is called a period. Periods are different for everyone but last about 5-7 days • The cycle begins again! • Most menstrual cycles last between 25-35 days, but everyone is different • Its common for young women to have irregular cycles for the first couple years after getting their period Pregnancy • If there has been unprotected sex close to ovulation, the egg can be fertilized by the sperm • The fertilized egg will travel into the uterus and implant itself into the uterine lining where it will grow into an embryo and then a fetus • 9 months later different hormones trigger labour. The cervix will open and the baby will be delivered through the birth canal.
  • 16. Sperm Production • During puberty, hormone in the male body trigger sperm production. Now males can get an erection (when the penis gets hard) followed by ejaculation (release of sperm) • Sperm are made and stored by the testicles. The sperm and fluid from the prostate gland mix together to form semen, this helps the sperm survive once they have left the body • Each ejaculation during vaginal sex can lead to a possible pregnancy.
  • 17. When can pregnancy happen? • Most women can only become pregnant around the time of ovulation (about 3 days a month) • Unlike women, men are fertile every day! • It’s hard to know exactly when women are most likely to get pregnant…so if you don’t want to be pregnant it’s important to learn about birth control and choose a method that is right for you and your partner.
  • 18. What about birth control? Birth control can help women control their reproductive systems to prevent pregnancy. There are 6 types of birth control: 1. Hormonal 2. Barrier 3. Chemical 4. Surgical 5. Emergency 6. Abstinence
  • 19. Hormonal Birth control • This method of birth control uses hormones (progestin and estrogen) to prevent ovulation, thin out the uterine lining (prevents implantation) and thicken cervical mucus (to stop sperm) • These methods work really well, when used perfectly some are up to 99% effective. • Hormonal birth control does not protect against any STIs Here are some different types of hormonal birth control….
  • 20. The Birth Control Pill How it works: •You take hormone pills for 21 days then have no hormones for 7 days. • At some time during the 7 hormone free days you will have your period BirthControlPills BirthControlPills 28 day Pack contains 21 hormone pills and 7 placebo pills 21 day pack contains 21 hormone pills and no placebo pills
  • 21. The Patch How it works: • You apply a new patch to your hip, arm, back or bum every week for 3 weeks. Hormones on the patch are absorbed through your skin. • Remove your patch and leave it off for one week to have your period
  • 22. The Ring How it works: • The ring is inserted into your vagina and the hormones are absorbed into your body •The ring stays in place for 3 weeks, then you remove it for 1 week to have a period
  • 23. The Shot How it works: • Depo-Provera is a hormone injection given once every 3 months. • A nurse or doctor uses a needle to inject the hormones straight into your body
  • 24. The IUD How it works: • A T-shaped device is inserted into the uterus by a doctor • Some IUDs use hormones to prevent pregnancy, others do not • IUDs work for 3-7 years but can be removed by a doctor at any time Copper IUDs are $60 or $80 at PPR
  • 25. Barrier Birth control • A barrier is a material or object that prevents sperm and the egg from meeting each other Here are two common barrier methods… External Condom Internal Condom
  • 26. Condoms External Condom used to cover the penis/object that is inserted into the body Internal Condom used to cover the area where the penis/ object is inserted • Internal and External condoms should never be used at the same time • When used correctly they are between 95-97% effective. • The only form of birth control (besides abstinence) that helps protect against STIs
  • 27. Chemical Birth Control This type of birth control uses chemicals that destroy the sperm These are called Spermicides and they come in gel, foam and film. Some condoms have spermicide pre- applied Spermicides are not effective when used alone, they should always be used along with a barrier method They can also cause skin irritation that can make it easier to get an STI, including HIV
  • 28. Surgical Birth Control • This type of birth control cuts off the transportation route between the sperm and the egg • It is permanent and irreversible Tubal Ligation Vasectomy
  • 29. Emergency Contraceptive How it works: • Plan B contains the same hormones as birth control pills and can help prevent a pregnancy if taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex • It has no effect if you are already pregnant and should not be used as a regular form of birth control…emergencies only!
  • 30. Pop Quiz! What’s the only method of birth control that offers 100% protection against pregnancy?
  • 31. AbstinenceHow it works • Making the decision to not have sex until you are 100% ready (emotionally, physically, mentally) • Everyone has their own definition of abstinence, decide what’s right for you • You can choose abstinence at any time • Having sex comes with big responsibilities and consequences, it’s ok to wait! • Abstinence is the only form of birth control that is 100% effective at preventing pregnancy and STI’s
  • 32. We all know abstinence is the best form of birth control and protection against STIs, but if/when you choose to have sex…. The best Protection Plan is: Hormonal Birth Control + Barrier + One Partner + Routine STI testing This is the best plan to protect yourself and your partner from pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections
  • 33. Healthy Relationships • All relationships should be based on respect, honesty, acceptance, feeling safe and having fun! • Talk with your partner about your boundaries before you get into a sexual situation, communication is important! • Sex does not equal love, there are lots of ways to express your feelings without having sex • There are tons of fun things you can do with your partner that don’t include sex… How many can you think of?
  • 34. How do I know when I am ready for sex? • It can be confusing and overwhelming to make decisions about sex. It’s a big decision and there are lots of different things to consider. • Here are 11 important questions to ask yourself to help decide if you’re ready or if you should wait… • Here are a
  • 35. 1. Am I feeling pressured to have sex by my partner, my friends or television and movies? 2. Will having sex fit with my religious or moral beliefs? 3. Will I feel guilty if I have sex? 4. Do I want to have sex to get love, affection or attention? 5. Do I want to have sex to prove that I am sexually attractive? 6. Am I afraid that my reputation will be hurt if I have sex? Or if I don’t have sex? 7. Do I think sex will bring my partner and me closer together, both emotionally as well as physically. 8. Do my partner and I both want the same things from sex? 9. Can I talk to my partner about birth control and can we share the responsibility for birth control? 10. Can I talk to my partner about sexually transmitted diseases and how we can protect ourselves? 11. If birth control fails, are we ready to deal with an unplanned pregnancy?
  • 36. Pop Quiz! What’s the most important part of sex?
  • 37. Consent! • Everyone has the right to say no to sex at any time • It’s illegal to have sex without consent • You can’t give consent if you are drunk • No always means no, only “yes” means yes • Consent should be out loud and enthusiastic! • Never pressure anyone into having sex • Beware of Red Flag Lines…
  • 38. “You would if you loved me” “Everybody’s doing it” “Come on, it’ll feel good” “I know you want it…stop teasing me” Some people use these lines to pressure others into having sex, even when they say no…but they’re not true and they’re not fair. Someone that loves and respects you would never use a Red Flag Line How could you respond?
  • 39. Everyone is different, and that’s a great thing! It doesn’t matter if you’re gay, straight, bisexual, transsexual or anything in between…every healthy relationship should include trust, honesty and acceptance. Everyone deserves respect.
  • 40. Healthy Decisions Do what’s best for you • Don’t make decisions for anyone else, be honest with yourself and set your own boundaries • If you’re not sure you’re ready for sex…there’s a good chance you’re not. If you feel pressured or unsafe, step away from the situation and ask for help. Stay sober • Alcohol and drugs can make it hard to stick to your decision not to have sex and can put you in danger. Try to stay out of situations that will test your limits, such as using alcohol and drugs when you are alone with your partner. • Always use the buddy system to keep each other accountable and safe
  • 41. What does STI stand for? Pop Quiz!
  • 42. STI stands for Sexually Transmitted Infection • STIs can be bacteria, a virus or parasite that is passed on through sexual activity, skin to skin contact or exchange of bodily fluids like blood. • Some types of STIs are curable, some are not, but most can be treated or managed
  • 43. Getting an STI can be prevented by: 1. Not having sexual contact 2. Getting tested before you have sexual contact (both you and your partner) 3. Getting treatment and using barriers 4. Only having one sexual partner 5. Not participating in risky behaviours and activities (alcohol and drugs, etc.) Here are some common STIs that you should know about….
  • 44. What is it? Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection. Not so fun Fact: Regina is the Chlamydia capital of Canada. Woo Hoo. How do you get it? •unprotected sex with a person who has it. How can you tell if you have it? • not everyone has symptoms, so the only way to know for sure is to do a urine test. Chlamydia
  • 45. Gonorrhea What is it? Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection. How do you get it? •unprotected sex with a person who has it. How can you tell if you have it? • Like Chlamydia, some people don’t have symptoms, the only way to know for sure is to get a urine test.
  • 46. Syphilis What is it? a sexually transmitted bacterial infection How do you get it? •unprotected sex with a person who has it. How can you tell if you have it? • It can cause painless sores in the mouth and genitals, but you need a blood test to know for sure. •Untreated syphilis can lead to damage of important organs like your heart or brain.
  • 47. HPV (HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS) What is HPV? •HPV is a very common sexually transmitted virus •There are over 80 types of HPV. There are often no symptoms, but it can cause warts and abnormal cell changes. •Pap tests help monitor cervical cell changes, talk to your doctor about when and how often you should have a pap How do you get it? •HPV is passed on through unprotected sex and skin to skin contact Treatment • Warts can be treated, but a healthy body will likely shed the virus within 2 years • There are now vaccines that can prevent some HPV infections
  • 48. Herpes What is it? • Herpes is a virus that is passed on by skin to skin contact. • There are 2 types: Herpes simplex 1 & simplex 2. • Can cause sores around genitals or the mouth but many people show no symptoms How do you get it? • Skin to skin contact with an infected area, even if there are no visible symptoms Treatment: •Herpes isn’t “curable” but can be treated and controlled
  • 49. HIV What is it? • HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is the virus that can lead AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) if left untreated •It attacks the immune system making it hard for your body to fight off other infections. Getting Tested • Any doctor can order an HIV blood test. PPR nurses can order and draw blood for HIV testing in a quick appointment. • HIV testing is not automatically included in routine testing, you must give your consent to be tested, except for prenatal blood work. • It can take up to 3 months after an at-risk exposure for blood work to test positive for HIV Prevention •Always use condoms and minimize high risk behaviours •People that are HIV positive can live long healthy lives with proper treatment and a healthy lifestyle, but there is still no cure or vaccination for the virus.
  • 50. How do you get HIV? the Transmission Equation
  • 51. Hepatitis C (HCV) What is it? • Hep C is a virus that attacks the liver. In some cases it can lead to serious liver damage. -Hep C is not contagious, it can only be passed on through blood to blood contact. How do you get it? •Usually through sharing needles (injection drugs, unsterile tattoos, piercings) •It is possible to get Hep C through sharing a toothbrush, nail clippers or razors with someone who is Hep C positive Getting Tested •Any doctor can order a blood test for Hep C. PPR nurses can order and draw blood for Hep C testing. •It takes at least 3 months after an at-risk exposure for blood work to test positive for Hep C Prevention •Don’t share needles or personal hygiene tools. Always use Universal Precautions!
  • 52. Pop Quiz! What’s the only way to protect yourself from STIs if you choose to have sex?
  • 53. Using a barrier method! • Condoms (Receptive and Insertive) • Dental Dams
  • 54. STI Testing • STI testing is confidential, no one (including your friends and parents) has the right to your health information without your permission. • You can get tested at…  Your family doctor  A walk in clinic you are comfortable with  Planned Parenthood Regina  The STI clinic It’s simple… Just leave a urine and blood sample and have a physical exam if you have an unusual symptom
  • 55. This is important…. • STIs are very common, but there are ways to stay safe • Having an STI does not make you dirty or a bad person. • Having an STI is a medical issue, just like any other infection • If you have an STI your life is not over…there are lots of ways to manage or cure some STIs, the first step is getting tested • Prevention is best!
  • 56. There are 4 easy ways to reduce your STI risk… Can you remember what they are? Pop Quiz!
  • 57. 1. Wait until you and your partner are ready, informed and prepared for sex 2. Use a barrier every time you have any kind of sexual contact with anyone 3. Be honest, communicate and get tested before having sex and on a routine basis 4. Don’t take part in risky behaviours like using needles, homemade tattoos and piercings or using drugs and alcohol.
  • 58. Get and give consent! Sex can be a great thing…when you’re ready! Having sex comes with responsibilities and consequences There is nothing wrong with waiting Unplanned pregnancy is not the only risk STI’s don’t discriminate No one deserves to be pressured into anything they don’t want to do Alcohol and drugs can affect your decision making and safety It’s good to ask questions! Don’tforget…
  • 59. Don’t just it! Make sure information is from reliable websites. , Sex, etc. & are great ones to try out Call us to talk to a nurse!