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                            By Edward D. Campbell, JD
This is taken from a paper originally developed for Amida Biometrics, L.L.C.,
in 2002, by Edward D. Campbell, and edited for use on the IBMBS web site in
                                         September, 2003.

                   BIOMETRICS FUTURE & PROFIT
        The International Behavioral and Medical Biometrics Society, exists to foster the
development of talent and foresight, to explore and understand the entire field of character and
medical diagnostics and human resource valuations through the skillful use of the computer data
processing and biometric scanning and observing comparative biological markers and behavioral
patterns and health conditions, for use in daily living, private industry, civil service, education, law
enforcement, military, medicine and psychology, throughout all aspects of human life. This paper
outlines some of the field, the potentials and the goals, including more immediate goals and hints
at the products that can be produced over the coming years.

Biometrics, A Definition:

         The terms "Biometrics" and "Biometry" have been used since early in the 20th century to
refer to the field of development of statistical and mathematical methods applicable to data analysis
of problems in the biological sciences. Statistical methods for the analysis of data from agricultural
field experiments to compare the yields of different varieties of wheat, for the analysis of data from
human clinical trials evaluating the relative effectiveness of competing therapies for disease, or for
the analysis of data from environmental studies on the effects of air or water pollution on the
appearance of human disease in a region or country are all examples of problems that would fall
under the umbrella of "Biometrics" as the term has been historically used. More recently the terms
have been used to refer to identification technologies.1

        Currently the principal use of the hardware and software dedicated to human biometrics is
for identification purposes. This requires recording in some fashion an image of the subject that can
later be utilized as a template to identify another image of the same part of that subject. It depends
upon a digital form of matching. In the future, behavioral and medical diagnostics will utilize much
the same type of equipment and pattern recognition and matching.


       IBMBS would like to see the expansion of the current identification technology to
recognize basic patterns that may be identified with certain character evaluations and/or medical
diagnoses. We believe that this will have immediate and potentially wide scale application in health

            Biometrics Journal
care delivery and human resource assessment                      intelligence contractor who reports that at least one
applications from career and educational planning to             of the agencies tried to do what we propose in either
medical diagnostics, job placement and labor skills              the 80's or perhaps early 90's but was not successful
auditing. For example many of us believe that                    with its attempt. At that time, the state of the art as
applications could, develop home m odules and be as              published in the west depended upon an
comm on as the current use of PCs for delivery of                incompatible approach to character analysis, failing
health care and hum an services significantly                    to take into account the other observers who had
improving the future delivery systems, effectiveness             more than a couple of thousand years of observations
and profit potentials of HMO’s health insurance,                 to their credit and w ho knew from this long
pharmaceuticals, and reducing the costly risks of                experience certain basic information that could be
mistakes that now plague the industry. Others see                derived from the observed human anatomy, and
the vast use in career development both in                       where this information could be found [hand analysts
educational curric ulu m         planning and job                - serious palmists].
placements, while still others can see the potential
use of this in governm ent, military and in profiling in                  How ever, scientists, working in the field
this age where security is of such importance.                   known as dermatoglyphics, had opened the door to
                                                                 more scientific and comm ercial use of the
          Fortunately, we do not have to reinvent the            information, through their repeated findings of
wheel. Much of the information to implement these                correspondences between the observed skin patterns
applications is already available, even if not well              and the human condition. Those of us familiar with
known. New processing programs are required to                   both approaches have found many more. A couple
fully integrate and test this data already available and         of the author’s experiences may help explain.
easily accessible.
                                                                          Some years ago Gloria came to see me.
                                     Your author has             Gloria had a very interesting middle finger. She had
                            been studying, developing            been born with no pattern (Figure 24) on her middle,
                            a n d w orkin g w ith,               the number 3 finger. In a subsequent examination, I
                            speaking and w riting                mentioned to her com panion, a chiropractor, that in
                            about parts of these                 palmistry this finger was know n as the balance or
                            protocols for close to               judgment finger. Gloria was notorious for being
                            twenty years. In late 1998           flighty, not knowing from day to day even where in
                            or early1999 he was asked            the country she would be. The Chiropractor replied
                            by an intelligence agency            that my observation about balance was interesting,
                            contractor if he would be            because every time Gloria shut her eyes, she lost her
                            interested in developing a           balance.     The eyes, the inner ears and the
                            program for one of the               proprioceptors control balance. His observation was
                            services w i t h h is                a clear indication to me that there this no print
know ledge in the area, as the major problem was not             developed by the 16 th week of gestation was a very
with the very good equipment we possessed, but in                probable indication of some abnormality in the base
choosing the hum an teams that use it. While that did            of the brain w here the proprioceptor information is
not proceed swiftly in a budget tight time during the            processed, because that area of the brain was being
Clinton administration, it is a use that perhaps the             developed during the period that the print was
Russians have subsequently considered.2                          developing.      Prints are influenced by both
                                                                 environment and genetics.
         We    have    also   spoken    with    another
                                                                          The next interesting print was seen on two
                                                                 persons, and involved distortions to the thumb print.
        2                                                        The first was on a lady who was accom panied by her
          See Appendix II, Selecting Military
                                                                 husband. The nail phalange of the thumb is related

to attention in palmistry, the attention needed for            identify or authenticate persons based upon their
taking action. I inquired if she ever found herself in         physical characteristics stored as graphical
the midst of doing something and suddenly couldn’t             information and/or digital data and templates about
recall why she was doing it. Her husband agreed this           a person for identification or verification purposes.
was common, as if it were far more common that is
usually experienced by most people. The next no-                            I. FACIAL SCANNING
print was seen on a young man in his mid or late
thirties. When I asked him about problems with                          A digital pattern image of certain facial
attention, he volunteered that he had been diagnosed           landmarks, chin, nose, mouth, etc, for later matching
as ADHD (A ttention D eficit Hyperactivity                     with the subject.       Currently they are captured
Disorder). The brain’s basil ganglia, consisting of            through a series of photographs.             Common
the caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus,                 distinctive features are extracted and recorded.
subthalam ic nucleus, and substantia nigra, besides
being know n for influencing movement and muscle                        Accuracy High but not fool proof. Masks,
tone, are also integral circuits mediating higher              chan ge of hairdo, surgery or ac cide nta l
functions of attention and affective states.                   disfigurement, weight gains or losses, and simple
Anomalies have been reported in male-predominant               disguises can currently thwart this technique.
pediatric disorders such as A DH D through brain
scans. 3                                                       METHODS

         We will explore in this paper the current                     Eigenface ("One's Own Face") MIT
uses of human biometric hardware and softw are with            patented technology based upon a series of gray
comments on how that may be expanded and even                  scale two dimensional frontal images.
some comments on the future of the markets,
because these developments will spawn many                            Feature Analysis Similar to Eigenface, but
markets while boosting others, most beyond the                 it can better accomm odate minor changes in
scope or the current paper.                                    appearance or facial expression.

                                                                        Neural Network M apping. Depends more
 Current Uses of Human Biometrics                  4           on matching and identification than scanning but
                                                               relies heavily on accurate facial scans to begin with.
        These use technologies that attempt to                 Can modify identification procedure to allow for
                                                               weight or facial expression changes.

                                                                       Automatic Face Processing (Afp) Very
        3                                                      basic process built on rations distances, directions
         Toga, A. W., Mazziotta, J. C., Brain
                                                               and sizes of key facial features. Not high quality but
Mapping, The Systems, ©2000, Academic
                                                               can use poor quality photographs for ID purposes.
Press, Harcourt Science and Technology
Company, pp 578-579.                                                   USES
         Sources for current biometric                                  Current uses include Forensics, to identify
technologies unless otherwise noted: Jenn                      persons of interest, Security as at ATM’s in Banks
Rosenberg,                                                     and governmental buildings, and Immigration                      Patrol to watch for people who try to come into the
ect/web/; Nanavati S, Thieme M, Nanavati,                      country.
R, Biometrics, Identity Verification in a
Networked World, ©2002, Wiley Computer                                 Health and Character Use Facial features
Publishing                                                     can also be observed for health conditions and

character evaluation. One of the oldest character          differences to measure such things as hemispheric
signs was the smile, or frow n. M any immediate            dominance. But the technologists point out that even
conditions of the body can be read on the face.            a scan taken during blinking, with the eyelid
Schools have arisen to tell character from the face,       covering two thirds of the eye, the error rate is still
the tongue and the ears.5 While in the West the            only 1/100,000. Of course the scan can be redone in
doctor might have the patient stick out his tongue, in     under a minute.
the east they have developed diagnosis from the
appearance of the tongue to a fine art. 6 The face,                 Uses.     Currently uses include security,
eyes, lips and ears are observed for diagnostic            monitoring prisoner movements, on line purchasing
purposes in the practice Ayurvedic medicine. 7             and banking, and it is envisioned as a replacement
                                                           for other identifications, such as driver’s and other
                                                           licenses, and ticket less air travel.
               II. IRIS SCANNING
                                                                        Fraud.     Because both iris and retinal
         Based upon the iris of the eye, recording the         (below) scanning involve images of the human eye,
fibers patterns, rings, furrows and/or freckles,               they are both highly resistant to fraud. Contacts will
pigment spots, is currently the most accurate of the           certainly be considered that might effect iris
biometric recognition programs. Digital images of              scanning.
these features are compared for recognition. The
actual scan takes about 30 seconds and is taken by a                     Health Signs The Iris has been used in
camera at about 3 feet from the subject while                  Europe and N orth America as a diagnostic tool for
recognition takes only a couple of seconds.                    well over a half century. It has been considered a
                                                               window into the health of the vital organs, and an
          Accuracy is the highest as the IrisScan              indicator of diseases of
program recognizes about 266 points in the template            the gastro-intestinal tract,
as opposed to other biometric scans that rely on 13 to         liver and gall bladder,
60 points. Only one Iris must be observed. The                 pancreas, resp irato r
Identification Technologist rely on the argument that          organs, cardiovascular
the differences between the left and right eyes is             s y s te m , ly mp hati c
statistically insignificant and that the error rate is         system, spleen, genitalia,
something like 1 in a million of 1.2 million,                  auto nom ic nervous
something like 1 in 10^52. Iridologist will point out          s ys te m , b r a i n a n d
that there can be and may be found significant                 disorders of the spinal
differences in the left ane right irises and use these         column. It has also been
                                                               considered a marker of
                                                               personality traits. While Iridology will not name
                                                               diseases from signs in the eye, iris examination is
        Example: Lee Siow Mong, The                            useful in determ ining the general health level,
Chinese Art of Studying the Head, Face and                     constitution, inherent w eakness or strength ,
Hands ©1989, Eagle Trading Sdn Bhd,                            biochemical deficiencies, toxins and their location(s)
Malaysia.                                                      and stages of inflammation.8 Two other forms of
                                                               noninvasive eye examinations are Sclerology and
          Lad, Vasant, Ayurveda, The                           pu pil tonus observations.            From recen t
Science of Self Healing ©1984, Lotus Press,                    correspondence on Sclerology we have seen claims
Santa Fe, N.M., 60-62; Ros, Frank, The Lost                    of the sclera clearly identifying what was medically
Secrets of Ayuvedic Acupuncture, ©1994,
Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, WI. 108-112.
                                                                          See Appendix IV and
            Ib Lad 62-68; and Ros, 112-115.           .

diagnosed as liver cancer that had metastasised from                      Current Uses. Finger scans can accomplish
the bowel. The sclera is the white area of the eye.               for use in identification in two to three seconds.
Of course the pupil is that dark spot in the middle               They are used in forensics, security and even at
that we look through and its shape and size, with                 home uses such as to lock ones computer.
total or partial deformations may be observed as a                Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems
sign of many things, including impending Cerebral                 (AFIS) are used throughout the country and
hemorrhages or clotting that could be accompanied                 Lockheed Martin recently completed a one hundred
by coma or paralysis. These are all capable of                    million dollar contract for the FBI to install and
biometric analysis.                                               implement this program for its vast records.

            III. RETINA SCANNING                                           Methods and Accuracy of Finger
                                                                  Scanning. Three methods of scanning are currently
        This technology has been around since the                 used, silicon plates, optical and ultrasound. The
                        1930 and is still one of the              ultrasound may be the most accurate as it reads
                        most accurate around,                     through the dirt and grime. The silicon plate is very
                        depending on the scanning                 cost effective and can be incorporated into small-
                        retinal patterns through                  scale devices. It depends on identification of the
                        the pupil by a viewer                     patterns from the the DC current passing between
                        placed about ½ inch from                  the finger and the silicon capacitor plate. Optical is
                        the eye. The eye follows a                the oldest method.
                        green light that illuminates
                        the inside of the eye to                          One aspect of finger scanning has long been
                        reveal the unique pattern                 used in medicine. That is the observation of
                         blood vessels.                           fingernails.   Using the fingernails for medical
                                                                  diagnostics is found in basic Physical Examination
                                   Uses.       Retina             handbooks. See Appendix II, Nail Diagnosis.
scans have historically be used for high end security
applications. They benefit from having the smallest                             V. HAND SCANNING
of the templates used in biometrics. They may be
more easily disturbed by eye damage that iris                              A typical hand scan is produced by a digital
scanning.                                                         camera taking a 100 digital measurements of the size
                                                                  and proportions of the hand and converting them into
            IV. FINGER SCANNING                                   a template Typically it reads the top and sides,
                                                                  identifying shapes, sizes and internal measurements.
          Finger Scanning as understood by                        In health technologies the scan w ould go beyond this
identification technologists and fingerprinting need              not only to identify these features, but also the
to be distinguished. The scanning equipm ent is still             complete palmar surface, details of the fingernails,
required to take an image of the entire fingerprint,              and add in the fingerprints. So health uses would
but the full print is not stored. Only certain key data           require some expansion of the current scanning
from the print is stored that is sufficient to match it           modalities.
to a later acquired image of the print, or partial print.
From an original scan identified features are                              Part of hand scanning involves comparisons
converted to a digital template and stored for later              of finger lengths. It has long been suspected by hand
use through mates by the computer softw are. This                 analysts that when the ring finger exceeds the length
differs from the need of the Health Technologists                 of the index finger that reaches a normal length, it is
who would require the storing for comparison
complete patterns for reference w ith pattern types for
diagnostic purposes.

a sign of a risk taker. 9 Interesting support for this           markers in the hands, such as bipolar mood disorder,
observation can be seen from the recent reports that             cancer, congenital defects, coronary heart disease
the length of the ring finger is specifically influenced         and diabetes just to get us
by the availability of testosterone during gestation.10          to D in the alphabet.

        Uses of Hand Scanning. Currently this                         The reason for this
method is used for lower level security clearances           can      be     found       in
where security is desired, but must live with                understanding the w ay
convenience and ease of use. Thus it is used in the          these patterns develop. At
INSPASS (Immigration and Naturalization Service              the top of each palm below
Passenger Accelerated Service System) at airports to         the fingers, in the areas that
speed frequent travelers and bypass passport control.        the palmists call the mounts
  Israel is considering or implementing such                 of Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo
technology (Basel) in turnstiles at check points             and Mercury, are the apical
between its territory and Gaza and the West Bank.            pads. At the end of the
Even Disneyland is considering using such a                  fingers, opposite the nails, on the distal phalange, the
technology to speed crowds. But it is new , not as           fingerprints form. On each site, the formation begins
accurate yet as other methods nor is it the most             at about the 10 th week of gestation at two places in
inexpensive.                                                 each of these areas, at the tip, or distal end, and in the
                                                             proximal (lower) third. In those locations we begin
         Health and Character Analysis. Parts of             to see ridge development. The prints grow in a radial
the hand have long been observed as a diagnostic             manner from these two central foci. On the
tool in medicine, and gesture has traditionally been         fingertips will form the arches, w horls, loops or other
observed in making character assessments. So using           pints as the twin growths interact and are influenced
the hand as a biometric diagnostic tool is not new.          no only by their genetics, but by the surrounding
Doctors are trained to observe the fingernails for           environment. This allows for the tremendous variety
signs of disease. (See nail diagnosis Appendix II).          of possible patterns. Prints can reflect problems that
The dermatoglyphics, those furrow s and ridges on            occurred during development as possibly illustrated
the palm side of the hand                                    in figures 15, 16, 19, 21, 22 and 24 below (Appendix
and the soles of the feet,                                   I). Theoretically one could count the num ber of
have long been the subject                                   different prints, estimated from three to 48 or more,
of diagnostic inqu iry.                                      and vary their location on the five fingers of each
Appendix III contains a                                      hand and estimate there w ould be a near infinite
long list of conditions that                                 variety of fingerprint hand types. But practically far
have been related to                                         fewer combinations have been found.11 Estimates
                                                             based on population studies appear to indicate that
                                                             considering the actual varieties of fingerprints
                                                             displayed in populations in combinations over all ten
       . Campbell, E.D., Encyclopedia of                     fingers, there will typically be for a little over of
Palmistry, ©1996, Perigee Division Berkley                   7,000 differential pairs of hands based on fingerprint
Putnam, N.Y. p. 60.                                          types. Some prints are very rare, and even more
           Manning, J.T. and P.E. Burdred (A
new predictor of disease predisposition?
Medical Hypothesis 54:855-7. 2000; and J. T.                              Avdeychik, Oleg S.& Lagerstrom,
Manning, J.T., Baron-Cohen, S. Wheelwright,                      Kenneth A., Dispensation of Dermatoglyphic
S., and G. Sabders, G., The 2nd to 4th digit                     Whorl Patterns on the Hands' Nail Phalanges
ratio in autism. 2001, Developmental Medicine                    © 1999
and Child Neurology 42:160-64.                         

comm on prints are rare rarer on certain fingers. To                    The new born baby is not a tabula rosa, a
see some of the wondrous prints that can be                    blank slate to be written upon by life’s experiences,
produced, refer to the Appendix I.                             or a blank hard drive to be programed.15 The child
                                                               comes into the world w ith a full set of basic drives,
          The time of formation is critical. The               character traits and abilities to react and programs
proximal and m iddle phalanges begin to develop                designed for his or her survival and propagation. He
their papillary ridges in the 12 th week of gestation.         or she has established biological templates of
There is strong evidence that the afferent neural              character at least since the establishment of the
development plays an important role in the spatial             flexion creases by the tenth or eleventh week of
and temporal sequence of the papillary ridge                   gestation, and the dermatoglyphics set as early as the
formation, thus, the dermatoglyphic map of the                 tenth to thirteenth week of gestation. We can read
hand.12 The flexion creases have established before            them in the fingerprints, the palmar dermatoglyphics
the prints.13 Dermatoglyphics are formed during the            and the flexion lines.16 The hand forms a true spring
last part of the embryonic period under genetic sway           board into modern biometric analysis of psychology
and do not change thereafter. They also reflect                and general health from the very birth of the child.
environmental factors present at the time. They thus           Individual identity is either a small part or the sum
give indication of the stability or otherwise of               total of all that, but current technologies are only
development at that early stage. As such we believe            focusing on the very smallest part of that puzzle.
they form markers for nonspecific insults during the
embryonic period that destabilizes the developmental                    Hand scanning for aptitudes and character
control systems and may result in congenital                   traits has many advantages over most other major
malformations of any organ undergoing current                  psychological assessments.17 The major tests can

                                                               Dermatoglyphics in Congenital Spinal
         Moore, SJ, Munger, BL, The Early                      Deformities
Ontogeny of the Afferent Nerves and Papillary                  Spine 1997, Apr 22:775-9; A. C. Bogle, T.
Ridges in Human Digital Glabrous Skin, Brain                   Reed, and R. J. Rose, Replication of
Res Dev Brain Res 1989 Jul 1; 48(1):119-41                     Asymmetry of a-b Ridge Count and
See also Dermatoglyphic books below and                        Behavioral Discordance in Monozygotic
Stevens CA, Carey JC, Shah M, Bafley GP,                       Twins, Behavior Genetics, 24 (1) Jan. 1994,
Development of Human Palmar and Digital                        pp. 65-72.
Flexion Creases, J Pediatr 1988 Jul; 113(1 PT
1):128-32.                                                               For example, see generally Ridgley,
                                                               Mat, Nature via Nurture, Genes, Experience,
         Kimura S, Kitagawa T,                                 & What Makes Us Human ©2003, Harper
Embryological Development of Human                             Collins, N.Y., N.Y.
Palmar, Plantar, and digital Flexion Creases,
Anat Rec 1986 Oct; 216(2):191-7. See also                                Encyclopedia of Palmistry, supra.,
Lacroix B, Wolff-Q uenot MJ, Haffen K, Early                   and bibliography therein, and
Human Hand Morphology: an Estimation of              
Fetal Age, Early Hum Dev 1984 Feb;                             m
                                                                          For descriptions of leading current
         Glodberg CJ, Fogarty EE, Moore DP,                    psychological assessments see generally
Dowling FE, Fluctuating Asymmetry and                          Major Psychological Assessment Instrum ents
Vertebral Malformation. A Study of Palmar                      2 nd Ed. Sharles S. Newmark ©1996, Simon &

typically take from twenty five minutes to an hour                           FUTURE MARKETS
and a half to adm inister. A hand scan should be
adm inistered in under a minute. Most psychological                      A full home health care appliances and
tests will depend on some language and                         software are possible long range future markets,
communication skills, which can bring in the need              either in modules or as complete units, probably
for interpreters , or m ake th em unfeasible                   directly interfacing with primary care organizations.
administering to persons who do not speak the                  This advance could follow           the clinical and
language of the tester. Hand scans do not depend on            institutional market saturation of medical history and
language.     Hand analysis, like other biometric              diagnostic applications. Future work of members of
observations, does not depend upon the subject’s test          IBMBS could bring health care back into the home
taking skills or reading or mathematical                       with full doctor visits as necessary. Future persons
comprehension in tests. The tests do not need to be            who would join in the market would be HM O’s, the
designed to identify untruthfulness, refusal to                insurance industry, labor and industry departm ents
respond, lack of attention of the subject during the           and employers who need to monitor health of
test. Just check the hand for foreign objects, such as         employees, as well as clinics and hospitals around
paste on fingerprint patterns.                                 the world.

                                                                        Biom etric analysis could play an
             VI. VOICE SCANNING                                indispensable roll in many future pharmaceutical
                                                               developm ents and applications, from discovery and
         A template of ones voice can be created               testing to prescriptions and follow up. We expect
based upon its distinctive qualities such as tone,             that this type of rapid analysis will aid the
pitch and volume. It is new in the digital                     pharmaceutical industry as an easily applicable
identification technologies uses, but the process of           research tool in establishing which patients are more
using voice assessment has quite a history and was             likely to respond favorably to what drugs and who
used in the Soviet judicial system for years. That             may be more likely to suffer adverse effects, and
scanning technology and should be am enable to                 perhaps assist on reducing time from developm ent to
further health and character identification purposes.          market.
Again, this is nothing new.      Mothers have been
listening for the different sound from their children                   Entire new structures for data management
since time immemorial to understand the needs.                 and storage of health information will be necessary,
                                                               with appropriate care for related laws concerning
                                                               various levels of privacy protection. As our work
                                                               underpins more and more the organic basis of mental
   VII. SIGNA TU RE SCAN NING (Dy namic                        infirmities, we will see behavioral biometrics used
Signature Verification)                                        extensively to understand and classify the nature of
                                                               the internal-external conflicts, socially unacceptable
         This is based on a variation of the long              drives and failures to thrive. We will also see
established and accepted practices of handwriting              behavioral biometrics used in career placement in
analysis, graphology, both used judicially and in              government and industry, and extensive use in career
Human Resource practices. It requires a digital print          counseling and individual curriculum developm ent.
of the signature that records key aspects, including           All of these benefits not only will result in a vast
pressure, speed of writing or stroke direction to              decreases in certain non productive current costs
create a template for later use.                               because of poor placement of human resources, but
                                                               allow more focused and productive use of human
                                                               effort and capital in the future. Indeed, industry and
                                                               accounting could begin to look to hum an resources
Shuster; and Psychological Testing 6 th Ed.                    not as a total expense item. but as part of the
                                                               capitalization of the enterprise as the result of
Anne Anastasi ©1988, Prentice Hall.

developing auditable values of these resources using           through the use of the speed gained through
the knowledge gained through the study of                      biometric scanning and computer analysis and is not
behavioral and m edical biometrics. In this era of             dependent on the language of the em ployee, so it is
globalization it will add human resources as a very            applicable to persons of all nationalities. CEO’s
tangible part of the balance sheet of any enterprise.          familiar with the general human resource needs of
                                                               their enterprises, could experience great relief from
               GROSS REVENUES                                  being at the mercy of their manager’s families,
                                                               friends and cronies in who is hired, fired and
         The total gross revenue from Biometric                promoted.
Disciplines, without the input of Behavioral and
Medical Biometrics, are expected to grow from $399                   INTERESTED IN FURTHER
million in 2000 to $1.9 billion by 2005. 18 We                 INFORMATION?
estimate that current technologies cover less than
.5% of potential applications for biometrics over the                   Contact Ed C ampbell, 206 783 3410, or
next ten to fifteen years, and most of the growth will, or write to Ed Campbell,
not be in identification but in analysis of the subjects       9534 14 th Avenue NW,
scanned.                                                       Seattle, WA 98117-2308
                                                               or send an inquiry through
          THE LABOR - HR MARKET                                this web site.         See
                                                               Appendix II for further
         This discussion does not include any detailed         reference to scientific
analysis of the potential markets for behavioral and           journals and literature on
medical Biometrics products and services in                    these subjects. R eturn to
medicine, education, defense, law enforcement, civil           original w eb site
service and government, all of which are large, and            ww
some of which will dwarf the human resource

         Business HR M arket: In the United States
there are almost 600,000 firms employing over                        APPENDIX I – NAIL DIAGNOSIS
twenty people and together they employ over 80% of
the private w orkforce, approximately 90 million                  TAKING A CLOSER LOOK
people.19 Behavioral Biometrics could offer the
only way verifiable way for CEO ’s, plant and                        AT YOUR NAILS
division managers and head hunters to evaluate and
track any detailed comparable analysis of the values           Changes in toenails and fingernails may indicate
of the aptitudes, character and potential reliability of       specific types of illnesses. Following are some of
these employees to his or her business, as                     the more com mon nail problems and what they
individuals, team members and in the aggregate.                could mean:
Such a survey, breakdown and individual evaluation,
                                                                        Nail bending - Rheumatoid arthritis.
                                                                       Brittle nails - Vitamin A, calcium or iron
                                                                       deficiency, thyroid problems, impaired
         18                                                            kidney function or circulation problems.
          Revenues:                            Clubbed purple nails (rise upward and
et_report.htm                                                          curl around the fingertip) - Lung, liver,
                                                                       colon or heart disorders.
         19                                                            Deep blue nails - Pulmonary obstruction
                                                                       such as asthma or emphysema.

Flat, spoon- shaped nails - Vitamin B. 12                           APPENDIX II
       deficiency, anemia or thyroid disease.                 DERMATOGLYPHIC REFERENCES
       Horizontal ridges (Beau's lines) - Flu,
       malnutrition, hormonal disorders or               STUDIES SHOWING SIGNIFICANCE OF
       anemia.                                                      DERMATOGLYPHICS
       Horizontal- white streaks 'Sickle cell
       disease, heart disease. Hodgkin's disease           FOR POTENTIAL DIAGNOSTIC USE
       or kidney failure.
       Lengthwise grooves -Kidney disorders
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                                                       Barsley, Michael, Left Handed People (1967)
                                                       Originally published as The Other Hand ©1966,
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Cum mins, Harold, and Midlo, Charles, Finger                 ©M IT 1987, MIT Press.
Prints, Palms and Soles An Introduction to
Dermatoglyphics, ©1943 The Blakiston Company                 Willson, Frank R. MD , The Hand, ©1998,
- Philadelphia                                               Vintage Books, division of Random House (1999)

Durham, Norris M and Plato, Chris C., editors                Wolff, Dr. Charlotte, Studies In Handreading,
Trends in Dermatoglyphic Research (Studies in                with preface by Aldous Huxley, Alfred A. Knopf,
Human Biology Vol. 1, Kenneth M. Weiss, Editor)              New York, 1937.
Kluwer A cadem ic Publishers, Dordrecht, Hoston
London, ©1990                                                Wolff, Charlotte, Human Hand, The, Alfred A.
                                                             Knopf, 1943.
Durham, Norris M., Kathleen M. Fox and Chris C.
Plato, The State of Dermatoglyphics, the Science             Wolff, Charlotte, Hand in Psychological
of Finger and Palm Prints, Mellen Studies in                 Diagnosis 1952 Philosophical Library, New Y ork
Anthropology, Vol. 2, Edwin M ellen Press,
Lewiston • Queenston • Lampeter ©2000.
                                                                     APPENDIX IV – IRIDOLOGY
Elbualy, Musallam and Schindeler, Joan D.,                            IRIDOLOGY REFERENCES
Handbook of Clinical Dermatoglyphs,
University of Miami Press, Coral Gables, Fla.,               Bamer, Donald R., Applied Iridology and
1971.                                                        Herbology © 1982, Bi World Publishers, Orem,
Holtzman, A rnold, Applied Handreading, (1983)
The Greenw ood Chase Press, Toronto. For more                Deck, Josef, Principles of Iris Diagnosis ©1965,
updated inform ation oh is work see                          English ©1985 published by author, U.S.
http://www                                        Distributor Medicina Biologica, Portland, Or.

Loesch, Danuta Z., Quantitative                              Deck, Josef, Differentiation of Iris Markings
Dermatoglyphics, Classification, Genetics, and               ©1980, English © 1983 published by author, U.S.
Pathology, Oxford Monographs on Medical                      Distributor Medicina Biologica, Portland, Or.
Genetics, Oxford University Press ©1983
                                                             Griffin, LaDean, Essentials of Iridology © 1984,
Mavalwala, Jamshed Editor, Dermatoglyphics,                  Woodland Books, Provo, Utah
An International Perspective, 1978, Moulton
Publishers,                                                  Jensen, Bernard, The Science and Practice of
                                                             Iridology © 1952 published by author (12th
Mosby's Guide to Physical Examination, Henry                 printing 1981)
M. Seidel, M.D., Jane W . Ball, R.N., C.P.N.P., Dr.
P.H., Joyce E. Dains, R.N., Dr. P.H., G. William             Johnson, Deny, What the Ey e Reveals, ©1984,
Benedict, M.D ., Ph.D . with illustrations by George         Rayid Model Publications, Goleta, CA.
J. Wassilchenko, C.V. M osby Company, St. Louis,
Washington D.C. and Toronto, 1987.                           Kriege, Theodor, Fundamental Basis of Iris
                                                             Diagnosis, English Translation © 1969 by A. W.
Napier, John, Hands, Pantheon Books, New York                Priest, Camelot Press Ltd., Southhampton, U.K.
©1980 (Not a palmistry book but a scientific book
on hands).                                                   Kriege, Theodor, Priest, A.W., Disease Signs In
                                                             the Iris, Interpretation and Medication, © 1985,
Poizner, H oward; Klima, Edward S.; and Bellugi,             L. N. Fowler & Co. Ltd., Romford, Essex, UK
Ursula, What the Hands Reveal About the Brain

Hall, Dorothy, Iridology, How the Eyes Reveal
Your Health and Y our Personality, © 1980,
Keats Publishing, Inc., New Canaan, CN.

Schimmel, H.W., Constitution and Disposition
from the Eye, © 1984 PASCOE , Giessen

Wolf, Harii, Applied Iridology, Vol One,

Wolf, Harii, Vahjen, James, Instructional Iris
Analysis, Vols 1 ©1979

Wolf, Harii, Instructional Iris Analysis, Vols 2
and 3 and ©1983

Zadoc, Clifford, Clinical Iridology: Neuro-Optic
Reflex A nalysis And Its Application in the Field
of Nutrition, A Ph.D. Dissertation presented to
Donsbach University, 1983.

Seattle, Washington

© 2002, 2003 Edward D. Campbell, JD
Amida Biometrics, L.L.C.
9534 14 th Avenue Northwest
Seattle, Washington 98117-2308
Phone (206) 783 3410
Facsimile (206) 784 2206


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Child brain

Biometric Futures

  • 1. BIOMETRIC FUTURES By Edward D. Campbell, JD This is taken from a paper originally developed for Amida Biometrics, L.L.C., in 2002, by Edward D. Campbell, and edited for use on the IBMBS web site in September, 2003. BIOMETRICS FUTURE & PROFIT The International Behavioral and Medical Biometrics Society, exists to foster the development of talent and foresight, to explore and understand the entire field of character and medical diagnostics and human resource valuations through the skillful use of the computer data processing and biometric scanning and observing comparative biological markers and behavioral patterns and health conditions, for use in daily living, private industry, civil service, education, law enforcement, military, medicine and psychology, throughout all aspects of human life. This paper outlines some of the field, the potentials and the goals, including more immediate goals and hints at the products that can be produced over the coming years. Biometrics, A Definition: The terms "Biometrics" and "Biometry" have been used since early in the 20th century to refer to the field of development of statistical and mathematical methods applicable to data analysis of problems in the biological sciences. Statistical methods for the analysis of data from agricultural field experiments to compare the yields of different varieties of wheat, for the analysis of data from human clinical trials evaluating the relative effectiveness of competing therapies for disease, or for the analysis of data from environmental studies on the effects of air or water pollution on the appearance of human disease in a region or country are all examples of problems that would fall under the umbrella of "Biometrics" as the term has been historically used. More recently the terms have been used to refer to identification technologies.1 Currently the principal use of the hardware and software dedicated to human biometrics is for identification purposes. This requires recording in some fashion an image of the subject that can later be utilized as a template to identify another image of the same part of that subject. It depends upon a digital form of matching. In the future, behavioral and medical diagnostics will utilize much the same type of equipment and pattern recognition and matching. IBMBS TECHNOLOGICAL DIRECTIONS IBMBS would like to see the expansion of the current identification technology to recognize basic patterns that may be identified with certain character evaluations and/or medical diagnoses. We believe that this will have immediate and potentially wide scale application in health 1 Biometrics Journal
  • 2. care delivery and human resource assessment intelligence contractor who reports that at least one applications from career and educational planning to of the agencies tried to do what we propose in either medical diagnostics, job placement and labor skills the 80's or perhaps early 90's but was not successful auditing. For example many of us believe that with its attempt. At that time, the state of the art as applications could, develop home m odules and be as published in the west depended upon an comm on as the current use of PCs for delivery of incompatible approach to character analysis, failing health care and hum an services significantly to take into account the other observers who had improving the future delivery systems, effectiveness more than a couple of thousand years of observations and profit potentials of HMO’s health insurance, to their credit and w ho knew from this long pharmaceuticals, and reducing the costly risks of experience certain basic information that could be mistakes that now plague the industry. Others see derived from the observed human anatomy, and the vast use in career development both in where this information could be found [hand analysts educational curric ulu m planning and job - serious palmists]. placements, while still others can see the potential use of this in governm ent, military and in profiling in How ever, scientists, working in the field this age where security is of such importance. known as dermatoglyphics, had opened the door to more scientific and comm ercial use of the Fortunately, we do not have to reinvent the information, through their repeated findings of wheel. Much of the information to implement these correspondences between the observed skin patterns applications is already available, even if not well and the human condition. Those of us familiar with known. New processing programs are required to both approaches have found many more. A couple fully integrate and test this data already available and of the author’s experiences may help explain. easily accessible. Some years ago Gloria came to see me. Your author has Gloria had a very interesting middle finger. She had been studying, developing been born with no pattern (Figure 24) on her middle, a n d w orkin g w ith, the number 3 finger. In a subsequent examination, I speaking and w riting mentioned to her com panion, a chiropractor, that in about parts of these palmistry this finger was know n as the balance or protocols for close to judgment finger. Gloria was notorious for being twenty years. In late 1998 flighty, not knowing from day to day even where in or early1999 he was asked the country she would be. The Chiropractor replied by an intelligence agency that my observation about balance was interesting, contractor if he would be because every time Gloria shut her eyes, she lost her interested in developing a balance. The eyes, the inner ears and the program for one of the proprioceptors control balance. His observation was services w i t h h is a clear indication to me that there this no print know ledge in the area, as the major problem was not developed by the 16 th week of gestation was a very with the very good equipment we possessed, but in probable indication of some abnormality in the base choosing the hum an teams that use it. While that did of the brain w here the proprioceptor information is not proceed swiftly in a budget tight time during the processed, because that area of the brain was being Clinton administration, it is a use that perhaps the developed during the period that the print was Russians have subsequently considered.2 developing. Prints are influenced by both environment and genetics. We have also spoken with another The next interesting print was seen on two persons, and involved distortions to the thumb print. 2 The first was on a lady who was accom panied by her See Appendix II, Selecting Military husband. The nail phalange of the thumb is related Specialists -1-
  • 3. to attention in palmistry, the attention needed for identify or authenticate persons based upon their taking action. I inquired if she ever found herself in physical characteristics stored as graphical the midst of doing something and suddenly couldn’t information and/or digital data and templates about recall why she was doing it. Her husband agreed this a person for identification or verification purposes. was common, as if it were far more common that is usually experienced by most people. The next no- I. FACIAL SCANNING print was seen on a young man in his mid or late thirties. When I asked him about problems with A digital pattern image of certain facial attention, he volunteered that he had been diagnosed landmarks, chin, nose, mouth, etc, for later matching as ADHD (A ttention D eficit Hyperactivity with the subject. Currently they are captured Disorder). The brain’s basil ganglia, consisting of through a series of photographs. Common the caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, distinctive features are extracted and recorded. subthalam ic nucleus, and substantia nigra, besides being know n for influencing movement and muscle Accuracy High but not fool proof. Masks, tone, are also integral circuits mediating higher chan ge of hairdo, surgery or ac cide nta l functions of attention and affective states. disfigurement, weight gains or losses, and simple Anomalies have been reported in male-predominant disguises can currently thwart this technique. pediatric disorders such as A DH D through brain scans. 3 METHODS We will explore in this paper the current Eigenface ("One's Own Face") MIT uses of human biometric hardware and softw are with patented technology based upon a series of gray comments on how that may be expanded and even scale two dimensional frontal images. some comments on the future of the markets, because these developments will spawn many Feature Analysis Similar to Eigenface, but markets while boosting others, most beyond the it can better accomm odate minor changes in scope or the current paper. appearance or facial expression. Neural Network M apping. Depends more Current Uses of Human Biometrics 4 on matching and identification than scanning but relies heavily on accurate facial scans to begin with. These use technologies that attempt to Can modify identification procedure to allow for weight or facial expression changes. Automatic Face Processing (Afp) Very 3 basic process built on rations distances, directions Toga, A. W., Mazziotta, J. C., Brain and sizes of key facial features. Not high quality but Mapping, The Systems, ©2000, Academic can use poor quality photographs for ID purposes. Press, Harcourt Science and Technology Company, pp 578-579. USES 4 Sources for current biometric Current uses include Forensics, to identify technologies unless otherwise noted: Jenn persons of interest, Security as at ATM’s in Banks Rosenberg, and governmental buildings, and Immigration Patrol to watch for people who try to come into the ect/web/; Nanavati S, Thieme M, Nanavati, country. R, Biometrics, Identity Verification in a Networked World, ©2002, Wiley Computer Health and Character Use Facial features Publishing can also be observed for health conditions and -2-
  • 4. character evaluation. One of the oldest character differences to measure such things as hemispheric signs was the smile, or frow n. M any immediate dominance. But the technologists point out that even conditions of the body can be read on the face. a scan taken during blinking, with the eyelid Schools have arisen to tell character from the face, covering two thirds of the eye, the error rate is still the tongue and the ears.5 While in the West the only 1/100,000. Of course the scan can be redone in doctor might have the patient stick out his tongue, in under a minute. the east they have developed diagnosis from the appearance of the tongue to a fine art. 6 The face, Uses. Currently uses include security, eyes, lips and ears are observed for diagnostic monitoring prisoner movements, on line purchasing purposes in the practice Ayurvedic medicine. 7 and banking, and it is envisioned as a replacement for other identifications, such as driver’s and other licenses, and ticket less air travel. II. IRIS SCANNING Fraud. Because both iris and retinal Based upon the iris of the eye, recording the (below) scanning involve images of the human eye, fibers patterns, rings, furrows and/or freckles, they are both highly resistant to fraud. Contacts will pigment spots, is currently the most accurate of the certainly be considered that might effect iris biometric recognition programs. Digital images of scanning. these features are compared for recognition. The actual scan takes about 30 seconds and is taken by a Health Signs The Iris has been used in camera at about 3 feet from the subject while Europe and N orth America as a diagnostic tool for recognition takes only a couple of seconds. well over a half century. It has been considered a window into the health of the vital organs, and an Accuracy is the highest as the IrisScan indicator of diseases of program recognizes about 266 points in the template the gastro-intestinal tract, as opposed to other biometric scans that rely on 13 to liver and gall bladder, 60 points. Only one Iris must be observed. The pancreas, resp irato r Identification Technologist rely on the argument that organs, cardiovascular the differences between the left and right eyes is s y s te m , ly mp hati c statistically insignificant and that the error rate is system, spleen, genitalia, something like 1 in a million of 1.2 million, auto nom ic nervous something like 1 in 10^52. Iridologist will point out s ys te m , b r a i n a n d that there can be and may be found significant disorders of the spinal differences in the left ane right irises and use these column. It has also been considered a marker of personality traits. While Iridology will not name 5 diseases from signs in the eye, iris examination is Example: Lee Siow Mong, The useful in determ ining the general health level, Chinese Art of Studying the Head, Face and constitution, inherent w eakness or strength , Hands ©1989, Eagle Trading Sdn Bhd, biochemical deficiencies, toxins and their location(s) Malaysia. and stages of inflammation.8 Two other forms of noninvasive eye examinations are Sclerology and 6 Lad, Vasant, Ayurveda, The pu pil tonus observations. From recen t Science of Self Healing ©1984, Lotus Press, correspondence on Sclerology we have seen claims Santa Fe, N.M., 60-62; Ros, Frank, The Lost of the sclera clearly identifying what was medically Secrets of Ayuvedic Acupuncture, ©1994, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, WI. 108-112. 8 See Appendix IV and 7 Ib Lad 62-68; and Ros, 112-115. . -3-
  • 5. diagnosed as liver cancer that had metastasised from Current Uses. Finger scans can accomplish the bowel. The sclera is the white area of the eye. for use in identification in two to three seconds. Of course the pupil is that dark spot in the middle They are used in forensics, security and even at that we look through and its shape and size, with home uses such as to lock ones computer. total or partial deformations may be observed as a Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems sign of many things, including impending Cerebral (AFIS) are used throughout the country and hemorrhages or clotting that could be accompanied Lockheed Martin recently completed a one hundred by coma or paralysis. These are all capable of million dollar contract for the FBI to install and biometric analysis. implement this program for its vast records. III. RETINA SCANNING Methods and Accuracy of Finger Scanning. Three methods of scanning are currently This technology has been around since the used, silicon plates, optical and ultrasound. The 1930 and is still one of the ultrasound may be the most accurate as it reads most accurate around, through the dirt and grime. The silicon plate is very depending on the scanning cost effective and can be incorporated into small- retinal patterns through scale devices. It depends on identification of the the pupil by a viewer patterns from the the DC current passing between placed about ½ inch from the finger and the silicon capacitor plate. Optical is the eye. The eye follows a the oldest method. green light that illuminates the inside of the eye to One aspect of finger scanning has long been reveal the unique pattern used in medicine. That is the observation of blood vessels. fingernails. Using the fingernails for medical diagnostics is found in basic Physical Examination Uses. Retina handbooks. See Appendix II, Nail Diagnosis. scans have historically be used for high end security applications. They benefit from having the smallest V. HAND SCANNING of the templates used in biometrics. They may be more easily disturbed by eye damage that iris A typical hand scan is produced by a digital scanning. camera taking a 100 digital measurements of the size and proportions of the hand and converting them into IV. FINGER SCANNING a template Typically it reads the top and sides, identifying shapes, sizes and internal measurements. Finger Scanning as understood by In health technologies the scan w ould go beyond this identification technologists and fingerprinting need not only to identify these features, but also the to be distinguished. The scanning equipm ent is still complete palmar surface, details of the fingernails, required to take an image of the entire fingerprint, and add in the fingerprints. So health uses would but the full print is not stored. Only certain key data require some expansion of the current scanning from the print is stored that is sufficient to match it modalities. to a later acquired image of the print, or partial print. From an original scan identified features are Part of hand scanning involves comparisons converted to a digital template and stored for later of finger lengths. It has long been suspected by hand use through mates by the computer softw are. This analysts that when the ring finger exceeds the length differs from the need of the Health Technologists of the index finger that reaches a normal length, it is who would require the storing for comparison complete patterns for reference w ith pattern types for diagnostic purposes. -4-
  • 6. a sign of a risk taker. 9 Interesting support for this markers in the hands, such as bipolar mood disorder, observation can be seen from the recent reports that cancer, congenital defects, coronary heart disease the length of the ring finger is specifically influenced and diabetes just to get us by the availability of testosterone during gestation.10 to D in the alphabet. Uses of Hand Scanning. Currently this The reason for this method is used for lower level security clearances can be found in where security is desired, but must live with understanding the w ay convenience and ease of use. Thus it is used in the these patterns develop. At INSPASS (Immigration and Naturalization Service the top of each palm below Passenger Accelerated Service System) at airports to the fingers, in the areas that speed frequent travelers and bypass passport control. the palmists call the mounts Israel is considering or implementing such of Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo technology (Basel) in turnstiles at check points and Mercury, are the apical between its territory and Gaza and the West Bank. pads. At the end of the Even Disneyland is considering using such a fingers, opposite the nails, on the distal phalange, the technology to speed crowds. But it is new , not as fingerprints form. On each site, the formation begins accurate yet as other methods nor is it the most at about the 10 th week of gestation at two places in inexpensive. each of these areas, at the tip, or distal end, and in the proximal (lower) third. In those locations we begin Health and Character Analysis. Parts of to see ridge development. The prints grow in a radial the hand have long been observed as a diagnostic manner from these two central foci. On the tool in medicine, and gesture has traditionally been fingertips will form the arches, w horls, loops or other observed in making character assessments. So using pints as the twin growths interact and are influenced the hand as a biometric diagnostic tool is not new. no only by their genetics, but by the surrounding Doctors are trained to observe the fingernails for environment. This allows for the tremendous variety signs of disease. (See nail diagnosis Appendix II). of possible patterns. Prints can reflect problems that The dermatoglyphics, those furrow s and ridges on occurred during development as possibly illustrated the palm side of the hand in figures 15, 16, 19, 21, 22 and 24 below (Appendix and the soles of the feet, I). Theoretically one could count the num ber of have long been the subject different prints, estimated from three to 48 or more, of diagnostic inqu iry. and vary their location on the five fingers of each Appendix III contains a hand and estimate there w ould be a near infinite long list of conditions that variety of fingerprint hand types. But practically far have been related to fewer combinations have been found.11 Estimates based on population studies appear to indicate that considering the actual varieties of fingerprints 9 displayed in populations in combinations over all ten . Campbell, E.D., Encyclopedia of fingers, there will typically be for a little over of Palmistry, ©1996, Perigee Division Berkley 7,000 differential pairs of hands based on fingerprint Putnam, N.Y. p. 60. types. Some prints are very rare, and even more 10 Manning, J.T. and P.E. Burdred (A new predictor of disease predisposition? 11 Medical Hypothesis 54:855-7. 2000; and J. T. Avdeychik, Oleg S.& Lagerstrom, Manning, J.T., Baron-Cohen, S. Wheelwright, Kenneth A., Dispensation of Dermatoglyphic S., and G. Sabders, G., The 2nd to 4th digit Whorl Patterns on the Hands' Nail Phalanges ratio in autism. 2001, Developmental Medicine © 1999 and Child Neurology 42:160-64. -5-
  • 7. comm on prints are rare rarer on certain fingers. To The new born baby is not a tabula rosa, a see some of the wondrous prints that can be blank slate to be written upon by life’s experiences, produced, refer to the Appendix I. or a blank hard drive to be programed.15 The child comes into the world w ith a full set of basic drives, The time of formation is critical. The character traits and abilities to react and programs proximal and m iddle phalanges begin to develop designed for his or her survival and propagation. He their papillary ridges in the 12 th week of gestation. or she has established biological templates of There is strong evidence that the afferent neural character at least since the establishment of the development plays an important role in the spatial flexion creases by the tenth or eleventh week of and temporal sequence of the papillary ridge gestation, and the dermatoglyphics set as early as the formation, thus, the dermatoglyphic map of the tenth to thirteenth week of gestation. We can read hand.12 The flexion creases have established before them in the fingerprints, the palmar dermatoglyphics the prints.13 Dermatoglyphics are formed during the and the flexion lines.16 The hand forms a true spring last part of the embryonic period under genetic sway board into modern biometric analysis of psychology and do not change thereafter. They also reflect and general health from the very birth of the child. environmental factors present at the time. They thus Individual identity is either a small part or the sum give indication of the stability or otherwise of total of all that, but current technologies are only development at that early stage. As such we believe focusing on the very smallest part of that puzzle. they form markers for nonspecific insults during the embryonic period that destabilizes the developmental Hand scanning for aptitudes and character control systems and may result in congenital traits has many advantages over most other major malformations of any organ undergoing current psychological assessments.17 The major tests can epigenesis.14 Dermatoglyphics in Congenital Spinal 12 Moore, SJ, Munger, BL, The Early Deformities Ontogeny of the Afferent Nerves and Papillary Spine 1997, Apr 22:775-9; A. C. Bogle, T. Ridges in Human Digital Glabrous Skin, Brain Reed, and R. J. Rose, Replication of Res Dev Brain Res 1989 Jul 1; 48(1):119-41 Asymmetry of a-b Ridge Count and See also Dermatoglyphic books below and Behavioral Discordance in Monozygotic Stevens CA, Carey JC, Shah M, Bafley GP, Twins, Behavior Genetics, 24 (1) Jan. 1994, Development of Human Palmar and Digital pp. 65-72. Flexion Creases, J Pediatr 1988 Jul; 113(1 PT 15 1):128-32. For example, see generally Ridgley, Mat, Nature via Nurture, Genes, Experience, 13 Kimura S, Kitagawa T, & What Makes Us Human ©2003, Harper Embryological Development of Human Collins, N.Y., N.Y. Palmar, Plantar, and digital Flexion Creases, 16 Anat Rec 1986 Oct; 216(2):191-7. See also Encyclopedia of Palmistry, supra., Lacroix B, Wolff-Q uenot MJ, Haffen K, Early and bibliography therein, and Human Hand Morphology: an Estimation of Fetal Age, Early Hum Dev 1984 Feb; m 9(2):127-36 17 For descriptions of leading current 14 Glodberg CJ, Fogarty EE, Moore DP, psychological assessments see generally Dowling FE, Fluctuating Asymmetry and Major Psychological Assessment Instrum ents Vertebral Malformation. A Study of Palmar 2 nd Ed. Sharles S. Newmark ©1996, Simon & -6-
  • 8. typically take from twenty five minutes to an hour FUTURE MARKETS and a half to adm inister. A hand scan should be adm inistered in under a minute. Most psychological A full home health care appliances and tests will depend on some language and software are possible long range future markets, communication skills, which can bring in the need either in modules or as complete units, probably for interpreters , or m ake th em unfeasible directly interfacing with primary care organizations. administering to persons who do not speak the This advance could follow the clinical and language of the tester. Hand scans do not depend on institutional market saturation of medical history and language. Hand analysis, like other biometric diagnostic applications. Future work of members of observations, does not depend upon the subject’s test IBMBS could bring health care back into the home taking skills or reading or mathematical with full doctor visits as necessary. Future persons comprehension in tests. The tests do not need to be who would join in the market would be HM O’s, the designed to identify untruthfulness, refusal to insurance industry, labor and industry departm ents respond, lack of attention of the subject during the and employers who need to monitor health of test. Just check the hand for foreign objects, such as employees, as well as clinics and hospitals around paste on fingerprint patterns. the world. Biom etric analysis could play an VI. VOICE SCANNING indispensable roll in many future pharmaceutical developm ents and applications, from discovery and A template of ones voice can be created testing to prescriptions and follow up. We expect based upon its distinctive qualities such as tone, that this type of rapid analysis will aid the pitch and volume. It is new in the digital pharmaceutical industry as an easily applicable identification technologies uses, but the process of research tool in establishing which patients are more using voice assessment has quite a history and was likely to respond favorably to what drugs and who used in the Soviet judicial system for years. That may be more likely to suffer adverse effects, and scanning technology and should be am enable to perhaps assist on reducing time from developm ent to further health and character identification purposes. market. Again, this is nothing new. Mothers have been listening for the different sound from their children Entire new structures for data management since time immemorial to understand the needs. and storage of health information will be necessary, with appropriate care for related laws concerning various levels of privacy protection. As our work underpins more and more the organic basis of mental VII. SIGNA TU RE SCAN NING (Dy namic infirmities, we will see behavioral biometrics used Signature Verification) extensively to understand and classify the nature of the internal-external conflicts, socially unacceptable This is based on a variation of the long drives and failures to thrive. We will also see established and accepted practices of handwriting behavioral biometrics used in career placement in analysis, graphology, both used judicially and in government and industry, and extensive use in career Human Resource practices. It requires a digital print counseling and individual curriculum developm ent. of the signature that records key aspects, including All of these benefits not only will result in a vast pressure, speed of writing or stroke direction to decreases in certain non productive current costs create a template for later use. because of poor placement of human resources, but allow more focused and productive use of human effort and capital in the future. Indeed, industry and accounting could begin to look to hum an resources Shuster; and Psychological Testing 6 th Ed. not as a total expense item. but as part of the capitalization of the enterprise as the result of Anne Anastasi ©1988, Prentice Hall. -7-
  • 9. developing auditable values of these resources using through the use of the speed gained through the knowledge gained through the study of biometric scanning and computer analysis and is not behavioral and m edical biometrics. In this era of dependent on the language of the em ployee, so it is globalization it will add human resources as a very applicable to persons of all nationalities. CEO’s tangible part of the balance sheet of any enterprise. familiar with the general human resource needs of their enterprises, could experience great relief from GROSS REVENUES being at the mercy of their manager’s families, friends and cronies in who is hired, fired and The total gross revenue from Biometric promoted. Disciplines, without the input of Behavioral and Medical Biometrics, are expected to grow from $399 INTERESTED IN FURTHER million in 2000 to $1.9 billion by 2005. 18 We INFORMATION? estimate that current technologies cover less than .5% of potential applications for biometrics over the Contact Ed C ampbell, 206 783 3410, or next ten to fifteen years, and most of the growth will, or write to Ed Campbell, not be in identification but in analysis of the subjects 9534 14 th Avenue NW, scanned. Seattle, WA 98117-2308 or send an inquiry through THE LABOR - HR MARKET this web site. See Appendix II for further This discussion does not include any detailed reference to scientific analysis of the potential markets for behavioral and journals and literature on medical Biometrics products and services in these subjects. R eturn to medicine, education, defense, law enforcement, civil original w eb site service and government, all of which are large, and ww some of which will dwarf the human resource markets. Business HR M arket: In the United States there are almost 600,000 firms employing over APPENDIX I – NAIL DIAGNOSIS twenty people and together they employ over 80% of the private w orkforce, approximately 90 million TAKING A CLOSER LOOK people.19 Behavioral Biometrics could offer the only way verifiable way for CEO ’s, plant and AT YOUR NAILS division managers and head hunters to evaluate and track any detailed comparable analysis of the values Changes in toenails and fingernails may indicate of the aptitudes, character and potential reliability of specific types of illnesses. Following are some of these employees to his or her business, as the more com mon nail problems and what they individuals, team members and in the aggregate. could mean: Such a survey, breakdown and individual evaluation, Nail bending - Rheumatoid arthritis. Brittle nails - Vitamin A, calcium or iron deficiency, thyroid problems, impaired 18 kidney function or circulation problems. Revenues: Clubbed purple nails (rise upward and et_report.htm curl around the fingertip) - Lung, liver, colon or heart disorders. 19 Deep blue nails - Pulmonary obstruction such as asthma or emphysema. i
  • 10. Flat, spoon- shaped nails - Vitamin B. 12 APPENDIX II deficiency, anemia or thyroid disease. DERMATOGLYPHIC REFERENCES Horizontal ridges (Beau's lines) - Flu, malnutrition, hormonal disorders or STUDIES SHOWING SIGNIFICANCE OF anemia. DERMATOGLYPHICS Horizontal- white streaks 'Sickle cell disease, heart disease. Hodgkin's disease FOR POTENTIAL DIAGNOSTIC USE or kidney failure. Lengthwise grooves -Kidney disorders and/or Associational Reference iron deficiency; also associated with- general aging. Affective Disorders Pitted nails - Psoriasis,-eczem a or Dermatoglyphic Studies in Affective parasites. Disorders> An Appraisal Splitting-vertical "nails Calcium Balgir RS: Biol Psychiatry 1982 Jan; deficiency-tendency to develop arthritis. 17:69-82 Thick nails - Blood is not circulating properly. Ankle and Foot Surgery Treatment Success Vertical red streaks Rheumatoid arthritis, Dynamic Footprints: Adjuvant Method for high blood pressure or psoriasis. Postoperative Assessment of Patients after White spots , Zinc deficiency Calcaneal Fractures. White nails - Liver or kidney disorders or Dudkiewicz I, Levi R , Blankstein A , et al.: anemia, Isr Med Assoc J (Israel), May 2002, 4(5) Yellow nails - Diabetes, liver problems, p349-52 trouble with the respiratory-or lymph systems. Anky losing Spondylitis White moon area turns red - Heart Dermatoglyphics and Ankylosing problems. Spondylitis White moon area turns slate blue - Lung Gömör B, Petrou P: Clin Rheumatol 1994 trouble or overexposure to silver. Jun 13:265-8 Downw ard curved nail ends - Heart, liver or respiratory problems. Autistic Children Nails that chip or crack easily - Comparative Dermatoglyphic Study of Nutritional and/or mineral deficiency. Autistic, Retarded, and N ormal Children Hartin, PJ, Barry, RJ, J. Autism Dev Source: Medical Resource Center, See also Discord 1979 (:233-46) Mosby’s Guide to Physical Examination, Seidel, Bipolar Mood Disorder Ball, Dains & Benedict ©1987, p 112-115. Dermatoglyphic analysis in Malay subjects with Bipolar Mood Disorder Charraborty D, Mazumdar P, Than M, Singh B, Med J. Malaysia 2001 Jun 56:223-6 Cancer Dermatoglyphics and Cancerous Diseases Polzik EV, Katsnel’son BA , Iakusheva Miu, Lezhnin VL, Kazantsev VS: Tsitol Genet 1994 Jul-Aug 28:72-9 ii
  • 11. Relationship between genetic anomalies of VS, Khalfina M E: Kardiologiia 1993 different levels and deviations in 33:43-5 dermatoglyphic traits. Part 7: Dermatoglyphic peculiarities of females Deaf-Mutism, Congenital with cervical and endometrial carcinoma. Characteristics of the D ermatoglyphics of Bejerano M , Yakovenko K, Katznelson the hand in Congenital Deaf-mutism MB, et al.: Z Morphol Anthropol Gagaeva, LF: Tsitol Genet, 1977 Mar- (Germany), 2001, 83(1) p75-108 Apr 11:109-13 Cerebral Palsy Diabetes Quantitative Analysis of Digitopalmar Palmar Flexion Creases and Dermatoglyphics in M ale Children with Dermatoglyphics Among Diabetic Patients Central Nervous System Lesion by Eswaraiah G, Ball, RS: Am J Phys Quantification of Clinical Parameters of Anthropology 1977 Jul 47:11-3 Locomotor Disorder Cyjeticanin M, Polovina A, Acta Med Croatica 1999, DOOR Syndrome 53:5-10 DOO R Syndrome: Aditional Case and Literature Review Childhood (prepubescent) Behavioral Patterns Bos CJ, Ippel PF, Beemer FA: Clin Prepubescent children show the adult Dysmorphol 1994 Jan 3:15-20 relationship betw een dermatoglyphic asymmetry and perform ance on sexually Down’s Syndrome dimorphic tasks. Dermatoglyphics in Down’s Syndrome Sanders G, Kadam A: Cortex (Italy), Feb Rajangram S, Janakiram S., Thomas IM: 2001, 37(1) p91-100 J Indian Med Assoc 1995 Jan; 93:10-3 Chromosome Aberrations Dy slexia Screening for Autosomal Aberrations Palmar Dermatoglyphics of Dyslexia Hqurashi M, Segewa M, Matsui I, Ihbuma Jamison C S: Am J Phys Anthropol 1988 K, Nakagome Y, Acta Peadiatr Scand Aug 76:505-13 1977 Jul 66:501-4 Epileptic Disorders Congenital Defects The Mechanisms of the Occurrence and Dermatoglyphics in Cleft Lip and Cleft Development of the Epileptic Range of Palate Anomalies Disorders Nalgir RS, Indian P ediatr 1993 Mar Bogdanov NN, Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S 30:341-6 Korsakova, 1999; 99:37-47 Fluctuating Asymmetry and vertebral Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Malformation. A Study of Palmar Dermatoglyphic Abnormalities in the Fetal Dermatoglyphics in Congenital Spinal Alcohol Syndrome Deformities Quzi QH, Masakawa A, McGann B, Glodberg CJ, Fogarty EE, Moore DP, Woods J: Teratology 1980 Apr; Dowling FE, Spine 1997, Apr 22:775-9 21(2):157-60 Coronary Heart Disease Dermatoglyphic Asymmetry in Fetal Genetic Markers of susceptibility to Alcohol Syndrome Myocardial Infarct Wilber E, New ell-Morris L, Streissguth Polzkk E V, Sidorovich SB, Kazantwev AP: Biol Neonate 1993;64(1):1-6 iii
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  • 15. Cum mins, Harold, and Midlo, Charles, Finger ©M IT 1987, MIT Press. Prints, Palms and Soles An Introduction to Dermatoglyphics, ©1943 The Blakiston Company Willson, Frank R. MD , The Hand, ©1998, - Philadelphia Vintage Books, division of Random House (1999) Durham, Norris M and Plato, Chris C., editors Wolff, Dr. Charlotte, Studies In Handreading, Trends in Dermatoglyphic Research (Studies in with preface by Aldous Huxley, Alfred A. Knopf, Human Biology Vol. 1, Kenneth M. Weiss, Editor) New York, 1937. Kluwer A cadem ic Publishers, Dordrecht, Hoston London, ©1990 Wolff, Charlotte, Human Hand, The, Alfred A. Knopf, 1943. Durham, Norris M., Kathleen M. Fox and Chris C. Plato, The State of Dermatoglyphics, the Science Wolff, Charlotte, Hand in Psychological of Finger and Palm Prints, Mellen Studies in Diagnosis 1952 Philosophical Library, New Y ork Anthropology, Vol. 2, Edwin M ellen Press, Lewiston • Queenston • Lampeter ©2000. APPENDIX IV – IRIDOLOGY Elbualy, Musallam and Schindeler, Joan D., IRIDOLOGY REFERENCES Handbook of Clinical Dermatoglyphs, University of Miami Press, Coral Gables, Fla., Bamer, Donald R., Applied Iridology and 1971. Herbology © 1982, Bi World Publishers, Orem, Utah Holtzman, A rnold, Applied Handreading, (1983) The Greenw ood Chase Press, Toronto. For more Deck, Josef, Principles of Iris Diagnosis ©1965, updated inform ation oh is work see English ©1985 published by author, U.S. http://www Distributor Medicina Biologica, Portland, Or. Loesch, Danuta Z., Quantitative Deck, Josef, Differentiation of Iris Markings Dermatoglyphics, Classification, Genetics, and ©1980, English © 1983 published by author, U.S. Pathology, Oxford Monographs on Medical Distributor Medicina Biologica, Portland, Or. Genetics, Oxford University Press ©1983 Griffin, LaDean, Essentials of Iridology © 1984, Mavalwala, Jamshed Editor, Dermatoglyphics, Woodland Books, Provo, Utah An International Perspective, 1978, Moulton Publishers, Jensen, Bernard, The Science and Practice of Iridology © 1952 published by author (12th Mosby's Guide to Physical Examination, Henry printing 1981) M. Seidel, M.D., Jane W . Ball, R.N., C.P.N.P., Dr. P.H., Joyce E. Dains, R.N., Dr. P.H., G. William Johnson, Deny, What the Ey e Reveals, ©1984, Benedict, M.D ., Ph.D . with illustrations by George Rayid Model Publications, Goleta, CA. J. Wassilchenko, C.V. M osby Company, St. Louis, Washington D.C. and Toronto, 1987. Kriege, Theodor, Fundamental Basis of Iris Diagnosis, English Translation © 1969 by A. W. Napier, John, Hands, Pantheon Books, New York Priest, Camelot Press Ltd., Southhampton, U.K. ©1980 (Not a palmistry book but a scientific book on hands). Kriege, Theodor, Priest, A.W., Disease Signs In the Iris, Interpretation and Medication, © 1985, Poizner, H oward; Klima, Edward S.; and Bellugi, L. N. Fowler & Co. Ltd., Romford, Essex, UK Ursula, What the Hands Reveal About the Brain vii
  • 16. Hall, Dorothy, Iridology, How the Eyes Reveal Your Health and Y our Personality, © 1980, Keats Publishing, Inc., New Canaan, CN. Schimmel, H.W., Constitution and Disposition from the Eye, © 1984 PASCOE , Giessen Wolf, Harii, Applied Iridology, Vol One, Wolf, Harii, Vahjen, James, Instructional Iris Analysis, Vols 1 ©1979 Wolf, Harii, Instructional Iris Analysis, Vols 2 and 3 and ©1983 Zadoc, Clifford, Clinical Iridology: Neuro-Optic Reflex A nalysis And Its Application in the Field of Nutrition, A Ph.D. Dissertation presented to Donsbach University, 1983. Seattle, Washington © 2002, 2003 Edward D. Campbell, JD Amida Biometrics, L.L.C. 9534 14 th Avenue Northwest Seattle, Washington 98117-2308 Phone (206) 783 3410 Facsimile (206) 784 2206 viii