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News Update as @ 1530 hours, Tuesday 24 June 2014
By Tawanda Musarurwa
Zimbabwe is not in the first batch of
ACP countries to receive EU support
under the 11th European Development
Fund (EDF). Zimbabwe has missed out
the last two EDFs due to the sanctions
the EU imposed on the country.
Imposition of the sanctions meant that
Zimbabwe could not benefit from the
EU's financing of budgetary support
and support for projects, and was
suspended from the 9th EDF National
Indicative Programme.
But Zimbabwe is likely to be part of the
11th EDF as the EU has been gradually
easing the sanctions since 2012, and
their complete elimination (which is
possible this year) will help revive capi-
tal flow in the country.
Although Zimbabwe has come up with
its National Indicative Programme
(NIP) for the 11th EDF - which will see
the country receiving over €200 million
for the three sectors of health, agricul-
ture-based economic development and
governance & institution building - it is
yet to be approved by the EU.
The NIPs outline the strategies and
priorities of how EU aid will be applied
in a country, and is a result of close
collaboration between the EU and the
partner country to reflect the Govern-
ment’s own policies and needs, as well
as ensuring support for national prior-
ities where the EU has a value added.
Last month Finance Minister Patrick
Chinamasa said Zimbabwe's NIP "was
in line with ZimAsset." It will therefore
be one key source of funding for pro-
jects outlined under the country's eco-
nomic blueprint. However, with the first
batch of ACP countries having had their
NIPs approved during the ACP-EU Joint
Council of Ministers held last week in
early next year to see if its NIP will be
approved. The NIPs for the remaining
and signed by early 2015.
The financial allocation available for
ACP countries under the 11th EDF
(covering 2014-2020) amounts to
more than €31.5 billion.
The first batch consists of 16 countries,
with a total of more than €4.6 billion of
EU support having committed towards
national development strategies in 16
ACP countries.
In a statement ACP said ministers from
15 African states (Botswana, Côte
d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Gabon,
Ghana, Kenya, Mauritania, Niger, Sao
Tome & Principe, Sierra Leone, Soma-
lia, Swaziland, and Tanzania) and one
Caribbean (Suriname) co-signed the
first National Indicative Programmes
(NIPs) under the 11th European Devel-
opment Fund for the period 2014-
2020, with European Commissioner for
Development Andris Piebalgs. •
Zim to wait until 2015 for 11th EDF approval
Minister Chinamasa
By Rumbidzayi Zinyuke
Econet Wireless is working expanding
its 3G and 4G services to pave way for
the introduction of an entirely Internet
Protocol (IP) network which will ena-
ble the transmission of information
between devices and individuals with
speed and ease.
Speaking at the launch of Econet’s Plat-
inum Suite in Borrowdale this morning,
chief executive Douglas Mboweni said
the network would allow them to cater
for customers’ needs as technology
“The kind of network we have to build
is what is known as the 20-20 network.
It is an entirely IP network that is smart
and enables communication between
devices,” he said.
Econet launched its 4G service last
year in preparation for the UNWTO
general assembly co-hosted with Zam-
bia, becoming the seventh network in
Africa to introduce the product.
Mboweni said the company would
invest an undisclosed amount in
expanding both its 3G and 4G services
while awaiting the roll out of the 5G
service by other players.
ence, speed and security are key. 4G is
already operational and we are looking
at expanding it to other areas as part
of the investment we are working on.
There is still a lot of work that needs to
be done in 3G and 4G but 5G is a tech-
players and we are watching it closely.
As soon as we find that it is ready for
roll out then we will go for it because
our issue is to make sure that our cus-
tomers continue to enjoy speed on
their devices,” he said.
He said Zimbabwe is lagging behind in
e-commerce and the new IP network
will encourage internet buying which is
faster and more convenient than going
to the shop physically.
“We continue to invest in infrastructure
for high speed access so that if you
want to do a transaction from home it
is done fast, securely and conveniently.
Why should l visit a shop to buy a shirt
when the shirt can come to me? Our
network will enable that connectivity,”
he added.
Mboweni added that Econet would
soon launch a tracking system which
can be used on cars and other devices.
“Your vehicle has so many components
which can communicate a message
and the network which we are building
will enable the transmission of these
messages to you.
This means your car can communicate
with you wherever you are. That is why
we are talking 4G and eventually 5G,”
he said.
Going into the future, Mboweni said
investment will be driven by the needs
of particular markets. •
Econet to introduce an entirely IP network
Mr Mboweni
'IMF report consistent with reality'
By Tawanda Musarurwa
Economic observers say the IMF report
on Zimbabwe released yesterday is
consistent with what is transpiring on
the ground.
The IMF report highlighted several
issues that are causing an economic
slowdown, notably revenue underper-
formance, structural bottlenecks and a
fragile global financial environment.
Economist Joseph Mverecha told BH24
that the concerns raised by the IMF
were mainly related to a tight liquidity
situation. "The IMF Report following
the recent Article IV is fairly consist-
ent with conditions observable on the
ground. Tight liquidity conditions per-
sist, against the background of declin-
ing domestic aggregate demand and
weakening external sector fundamen-
"Financial intermediation – necessary
for recovery and growth is hampered
by both liquidity constraints and bank-
ing sector vulnerabilities. Accordingly
distress conditions have widened
across key industry sectors, with cor-
responding loss of fiscal revenues,
aggravated by high local costs of doing
business. This means that there are
demand and supply structural issues
underpinning the current decline in
economic activity," he said. In one of
its key recommendations, the IMF
said enhancing financial sector stability
remains a priority and recommended
continued vigilance in monitoring weak
banks and a proactive approach to
ensure "an orderly resolution of insol-
vent non-systemic banks."
The international financier also said
restructuring and re-capitalising the
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe would
help mitigate vulnerabilities. Mverecha,
however, maintained that Zimbabwean
authorities are fully aware of the struc-
tural issues affecting the country and
are in the process of handling them.
"The most important thing to remem-
ber though is that both the Minister of
Finance and Economic Development
Patrick Chinamasa and RBZ governor
John Mangudya have already identi-
fied these structural issues and most
importantly have articulated what
needs to be done going forward.
"The minister has stated that, we need
to engage our international devel-
opment partners and international
financial institutions and continue on
the SMP as an integral aspect of an
external arrears clearance programme
so that Zimbabwe can again access
concessional bilateral and multilateral
financing," he said.
"Significantly, a number of proac-
tive measures are still pending, but it
seems to me that we are in the right
direction. Much more still needs to be
tainable growth is long, but not impos-
The IMF also acknowledged Gov-
ernment's commitment to continue
implementing the policies and reforms
agreed with the Fund under the Staff
Monitored Programme (SMP) and to
stay engaged with the international
financial institutions. •
By Lynn Murahwa
The Agricultural Marketing Authority
(AMA) has urged cotton farmers to
negotiate favourable prices on an indi-
vidual basis with buyers rather than
wait for a price to be announced.
This is despite the fact that AMA
recently set a price guide for the 2014
cotton marketing season at between
40 to 50 cents per kg depending on
In an interview with BH24, AMA chief
executive Rockie Mutenha said the
country’s cotton farmers should not
wait for prices to be announced but
should take it upon themselves to
negotiate prices with their buyers.
“Cotton farmers should not wait for
us to announce a price. They should
go and negotiate with their buyers
and look for opportunities for the best
prices,” he said
He said due to farmers requesting a
platform to negotiate prices last year,
this year they have been given that
opportunity. He added that AMA is,
however, releasing prices weekly in
The Sunday Mail but farmers should
still seek to negotiate.
tunity to be able to negotiate prices for
their cotton so this year we have given
them that platform. We have been
releasing weekly prices in The Sunday
Mail but we encourage the farmers to
go out and seek negotiable prices for
their crop,” said Mutenha.
Mutenha said AMA does not know
why some farmers are waiting to hear
prices being announced and that it was
decided that this year farmers should
negotiate towards the prices they hope
“I don’t understand why farmers would
wait to hear of a set price when it was
agreed that this year they have been
given the chance to negotiate for
favourable prices with their buyers,”
he said.
Mutenha's sentiments were backed by
agronomist Zivanayi Zigwadi who said
that negotiating on a personal basis
will give the farmers a greater chance
of survival. “Cotton farmers definitely
need to negotiate in order to survive,
otherwise you will not survive,” he said.
He added that farmers need to engage
the buyers before growing to get better
prices because the prices during last
year’s season were very low.
“The problem is that farmers need to
engage with the buyers before growing
the crop so as to agree on a set price.
We hope that through negotiations we
get better prices than the low ones
offered last year” he said. •
Negotiate prices for yourselves, cotton farmers told
Mobile phone company, NetOne is close
to securing a $218 million loan from
China, which will be used to finance its
migration from 3G broadband to 4G, an
official said on Tuesday.
NetOne chief executive officer Reward
Kangai said most details of the loan
had been thrashed out. “The loan has
been approved in China and we are now
waiting for it to be signed. From what I
gather, they are now asking for a num-
ber of things for example we need to
set up an escrow account so that when
the re-payments are due that escrow
accountwillbeabletopayourdues,” he
and perhaps what is now needed is a
high level delegation to go to China to
finalise the deal.” The loan, an agree-
ment between the Zimbabwean and the
Chinese government, will be processed
through the China Exim Bank. Kangai
said despite the progress made, some
competitors in the industry had allegedly
been pulling strings to derail the loan
He said this was because when the deal
sailed through it would result in NetOne
tors,whoforlong haveenjoyedanedge
over the state owned company due to
limited finances.
theyweretryingtokillthis project.There
was a big fight and up to now they have
not given up.
Muguti argued that the awarding of the
contract had been flawed as Huawei
had not gone through the tender pro-
cess. The lawsuit, which was withdrawn
this year, had stalled negotiations for
the $218 million Chinese loan.― New
Ziana •
Netone close to securing loan from China
Econet partners with Apple
*As the mobile company launches
Econet Wireless has entered a partner-
ship with multinational mobile phone
manufacturer Apple and is now an
exclusive provider of its products in Zim-
babwe. The company has other part-
nerships with Huawei, ZTE and Ericson
Econet’s third premium customers’ shop
in Borrowdale today, chief commercial
and customer services officer Stanley
Henning said this was a milestone in
offering customers a great selection of
smart devices at reasonable prices.
“It has taken us a long time to get here
but it has finally happened. We are now
the official exclusive provider of Apple
representatives from Apple were in the
country to finalise some aspects of the
deal. Apple is one of the largest phone
manufacturers with Samsung and Hua-
wei and offers a range of high end prod-
ucts such as smart phones and tablets.
high value customers’ general manager
Fungai Mandiveyi said platinum custom-
ers would be able to access top class
service and products from the shops.
“Our customers can get products like
Sumsung, Apple and others with ease.
We also have partnerships with Steward
Bank, African Sun, Edgars, Avis, Zimoco
among others,” he said. He said the
shops would also ensure convenience to
customers and comes with a number of
benefits that include access to top class
service, flexible payment plans for hand-
sets and devices.
The company already has outlets in
Avondale and Bradfield in Bulawayo and
another in South Africa. Mandiveyi also
said through their new look platinum
suite, they were not segregating their
customers. •
The equities market today bumped a
significant 1.21 percent, lifted by gains
in selected heavyweight stocks.
The industrial index expanded by 2.28
points to close at 190.31 points. Cig-
arette manufacturer BAT gained 50
cents to trade firmer at 1 300 cents,
while Natfoods added 5 cents to close
at 215 cents.
Another heavyweight Delta went up 4
cents to 129 cents and ZBFH increased
by a cent to trade at 4 cents.
Dairibord and Edgars both added 0.80
cents to close at 10 cents and 13 cents
respectively. A couple of heavyweights
also traded in the negative, but this
was not enough to offset the gains.
Telecoms giant Econet traded in nega-
tive territory, retreating a cent to trade
at 73 cents, while OK Zimbabwe eased
0.30 cents to 18 cents.
Padenga shed 0.10 cents to 8.90 cents
and Astra lost 0.50 cents to close at 4
cents, Bindura bounced back to push
the mining index up 3.93 percent as it
gained 2.32 points to close at 61.32
to 4.8 cents, and minings were also
bouyed by Hwange which moved up
2.99 cents to trade at 7.50 cents.
Falgold and Riozim maintained previ-
ous trading levels. — BH24 Reporter
Equities in significant gains
Zimbabwe has lost out unfairly as
a result of the anti-asbestos lobby.
Especially so, when the chrysot-
ile asbestos that the country pro-
duces is not the amphibole type
that is considered unsafe and has
been banned by several bodies.
It is a positive development that
the Government has come up with
specific position on our chrysotile
Government fully appreciates
importance of chrysotile asbes-
tos to the country, as Industry
and Commerce Minister's state-
ments at a Turnall event yesterday
"Government will strive to cre-
ate a conducive environment for
businesses to be sustainable in
their various operations in order
to produce quality and affordable
products and create employment
for our growing nation. Testimony
to this is the recent launch of the
Zimbabwe Chrysolite Asbestos
Position Paper.
The position paper reflects the
Government's position regarding
production, trading and safe use
of chrysotile asbestos and related
The position gives direction to both
primary producers and manufac-
turers who have traditionally been
dependent on the mineral.
In terms of chrysotile asbestos'
economic importance to Zimba-
bwe, at their peak the two chrys-
olite asbestos mines in Zimbabwe
employed around 5 000 workers
According to the new 'Zimbabwe
Chrysolite Asbestos Position Paper'
that was released by Government
last month, the same mines eco-
nomically sustained more than 20
000 people, predominantly in and
around the two mining towns of
Zvishavane and Mashava.
There are also numerous down-
stream benefits.
This clearly shows the value of
chrysotile asbestos to the econ-
omy of the country.
That value, however, has certainly
been decimated by the anti-asbes-
tos lobby, which seems to have
generalised - deliberately or not -
all asbestos as harmful.
Studies have shown that chrysot-
ile asbestos is not at all harmful,
and Zimbabwe needs to come out
and make this message heard both
locally and abroad.
Zimbabwe needs to get this mes-
sage "out there" because - along
with Russia - the country is a key
chrysolite asbestos producer.
The world has been misled about
the safety (or apparent lack
thereof) of asbestos produced by
We need to recover lost ground.
Reviving the chrysolite asbestos
exports will certainly provide a
boon for the Shabanie Mashava
Mines, which are set for revival.
Greater downstream benefits will
also accrue to companies such Tur-
nall, which is a principal processor
of chrysotile products, and to the
economy as a whole. •
Need for clarification campaign on chrysotile asbestos
South Africa's rand remained firm on
Tuesday after hitting two-week highs
in the previous session as relief swept
the market after the country's longest
strike ended.
The local unit was trading at 10.57
rand per dollar at 0715 GMT, slightly
stronger than its New York close of
10.59. On Monday it had gained 1
percent, breaking through 10.56 to
the dollar at one point for the first
time in a fortnight.
The five-month stoppage in the plat-
inum sector dragged Africa's most
advanced economy into contraction
in the first quarter, costing the world's
top three producers of the preci-
sious metal almost 24 billion rand
($2.25 billion) in lost revenue. [ID:
The reprieve may be short-lived as
metal workers' union NUMSA looks
set to go on strike next week in the
key auto sector.
"The good news is that the strike has
ended," said Carmen Nel of Rand
Merchant Bank in a morning market
"An additional concern is that the
increased activity in the platinum
sector will add to the existing strain in
the power grid, with Eskom recently
warning of tight supply," she added.
Government bond yields were steady
to slighty firmer, with the yield for the
bond maturing next year slipping 1.5
basis to 6.620 percent while the 2026
issue was down 2.5 basis points to
8.285 percent. ― Reuters •
Rand holds gains as South Africa platinum strike ends
enjoy the CAIO ride!
The black arrow indicate level of load shedding across the country.
Gen Station
23 June 2014
Hwange 485 MW
Kariba 750 MW
Harare 45 MW
Munyati 27 MW
Bulawayo -- MW
Imports 55 MW
Total 1362 MW
26 June - Pioneer 44th Annual
General Meeting of Sharehold-
ers, Venue: Pioneer Corporation
Africa Limited Boardroom, Corner
Hood/Hermes Roads, Southerton,
Harare, Time: 10:00 hrs
26 June - Masimba Holdings
Limited Thirty-Ninth Annual
General Meeting of Mem-
bers for the period ended 31
December 2013, Place: 44 Til-
bury Road, Willowvale, Harare,
Zimbabwe, Time: 12:00
30 June - TA Holdings 79th
Annual General Meeting of the
ordinary members Venue: Miti
Room, Sango Conference Centre,
Cresta Lodge, Harare, Time: 1400
30 June - ZIMRE 16th Annual
General Meeting of members,
rium, 7th Floor Insurance Centre,
30 Samora Machel Avenue, Time:
1230 hours
16 zse
Movers CHANGE Today Price USc SHAKERS Change TODAY Price USc
Mash 4.35% 2.40 Natfoods -2.33% 210.00
Innscor 1.24% 81.00 SeedCo -0.29% 71.00
BAT 1.21% 1,250.00 Dawn Properties 2.30 0.05
Barclays 1.08% 3.75
Delta 0.80% 125.00
Old Mutual 0.00% 260.01
Index Previous Today Move Change
Industrial 188.03 190.31 +2.28 points +1.21%
Mining 59.00 61.32 +2.32 points +3.93%
Stocks Exchange
17 AFRICA StockS
Botswana 8,664.65 -11.96 -0.14% 12July
Cote dIvoire 246.37 +2.18 +0.89% 07Mar
Egypt 7,949.60 -75.68 -0.94% 06Mar
Ghana 2,356.80 +2.31 +0.10% 20June
Kenya 4,825.52 +28.10 +0.59% 20June
Malawi 12,662.47 +0.00 +0.00% 07Mar
Mauritius 2,074.51 -3.51 -0.17% 07Mar
Morocco 9,544.10 +21.01 +0.22% 07Mar
Nigeria 41,129.29 +60.36 +0.15% 20June
Rwanda 131.27 +0.00 +0.00% 24Oct
Tanzania 2,018.97 +25.40 +1.27% 07Mar
Tunisia 4,624.39 -39.32 -0.84% 07Mar
Uganda 1,503.90 +0.81 +0.05% 10Sep
Zambia 4,242.74 +14.95 +0.35% 10April
Zimbabwe 187.40 +2.54 +1.37% 20June
African stock round up Commodity Prices
Name Price
Crude Oil 1,300.91 -0.21%
Spot Gold USD/oz 1,292.63 -0.26%
Spot Silver USD/oz 19.38 -0.46%
Spot Platinum USD/oz 1,421.25 -0.33%
Spot Palladium USD/oz 798.50 -0.64%
LME Copper USD/t 6,770 -0.18%
LME Aluminium USD/t 1,780 -1.17%
LME Nickel USD/t 18,230 -1.73%
LME Lead USD/t 2,095 -1.41%
Quote of the day —"Our business
in life is not to get ahead
of others, but to get
ahead of ourselves."
― Zig Ziglar
The government of India is likely to
raise the number of drugs deemed
essential and subject to price caps,
people directly involved in the process
A panel formed by India's health min-
istry is meeting for the first time on
to the list of essential medicines, all of
which would then come under price
caps, one of the people said. The move
would make the drugs more affordable
in a country where 70 percent of the
people live on less than $2 a day.
Making more drugs subject to price
caps will draw the ire of global drug-
makers like Pfizer Inc (PFE.N), Glax-
oSmithkline Plc (GSK.L) and Abbott
Laboratories (ABT.N), all of which have
a large presence in India's $15 billion
pharmaceutical industry.
The global drugmakers have already
been hit by wide-ranging govern-
ment-imposed price reductions and a
legal system with a history of disallow-
ing patent protection in recent years
in an emerging market that is a vital
growth driver for the firms.
Bringing more drugs under price con-
trols would dash hopes for an easing
of the populist drug policies of the pre-
vious federal government under new,
dra Modi, industry analysts said.
"It is surprising that yet another com-
mittee is being formed (on price con-
trol)," a top executive at the Indian
unit of a large global pharmaceutical
company said, declining to be named
due to sensitivity of the issue. "This
(is) quite the antithesis of what is the
purported philosophy of the new gov-
India last year raised the number of
drugs that are subject to price controls
to 348 from 74 earlier, covering up to
30 percent of the total drugs sold in the
country, according to industry officials.
India's pharmaceutical sector sub-in-
dex extended its loss after Reuters
reported the committee's formation,
trading down 0.2 percent at 0656 GMT,
while the main Mumbai market index
.BSESN was trading up 1.1 percent.
Shares of GlaxoSmithKline Pharma-
ceuticals Ltd (GLAX.NS), the India unit
of GlaxoSmithKline Plc, reversed their
gains to fall 0.1 percent. Lupin Ltd
(LUPN.NS), India's fourth-largest drug-
maker by revenue, was trading down
0.4 percent. ― Reuters •
India likely to extend price caps to more drugs - sources
By Victor Mukandatsama
A must-be-gleeful NetOne was granted
an unexpected boost ahead of its com-
petitors in the Zesa prepaid electricity
retailing facility. They are the only MNO
awarded the opportunity to sell prepaid
electricity tokens.
No surprises there if you have both-
ered to read a bit of Zimasset. I warn
NetOne not to celebrate prematurely
though. I have seen how they are
going about capitalising this opportu-
I say Pride goeth…
To pay for Zesa via OneWallet you need
to swap your 32k SIM for the 128k
SIM for free or buy a Netone SIM pack.
Once activated, you then need to reg-
ister (partially via your own phone and
fully via an agent) for One Wallet.
Once setup, a Netone services app
which you can conduct e-wallet trans-
actions. I suppose this is better than
You then need to apply to register your
meter number by dialing *120*8#. If
your registration is approved by One-
Wallet, you will receive a text mes-
sage advice and an extra menu item
for Zesa Prepaid. Anyone following the
process will realise two things. Firstly
their system requires pre-registering
biller details (account number etc.) the
derivative of which one can then pay
for the bill. In other words you don’t
just pay for any bills you want to any
biller you wish. Which is why you hav-
en’t seen any posters with biller codes.
Well also because they only have one
major biller; Zesa. Which brings me to
the second observation.
Other than Zesa, their system does
not seem to be very scalable (I may be
wrong). Either that, or their transaction
ideology is uncommon to the market.
This is unlike the EcoCash and Tele-
Cash system in which liberalisation of
the transactions and the transactions
origination exists. It’s a system where
agents, billers and merchants are
equally critical and solicit and consume
at will.
The One Wallet system follows a
bureaucratic mountain top approach.
Everything depends on an approval
process from OneWallet somehow.
Approval to register to pay Zesa?
Really? Thirdly, NetOne are seeking to
get maximum mileage in subscription
numbers making sure they sign on as
many users onto OneWallet as pos-
sible. Personally, I think this is where
they are getting it wrong. Rather than
sell the efficiency of the system to get
your bills done and set off a snow ball,
they are proving it to be riddled with so
many spanners.
As an example, it is not possible to
register more than two Zesa pre-
paid meters. Translated: You are not
allowed to buy prepaid electricity other
than for a maximum of two preregis-
tered meters because if you do, the
other beneficiaries won’t bother to join
Netone. If you want to pay Zesa from
your phone, then join OneWallet.
The fall….
NetOne is ranked third out of three
to sell prepaid electricity to NetOne and
not the rest of the networks, especially
EcoCash, is a true inconvenience. If the
Government were to change its policy
for whatever reason, Netone could be
the least prepared of the three in as far
as convenience, and that will be their
fall. ― TechZim •
20 Analysis
The Netone-ZESA marriage- Pride goeth before a fall

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Similar to Zimbabwe to wait until 2015 for 11th EDF approval

Agriculture gets biggest chunk of private sector credit
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
We are not going anywhere, BAT tells Govt
We are not going anywhere, BAT tells GovtWe are not going anywhere, BAT tells Govt
We are not going anywhere, BAT tells Govt
Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
Netherlands engaging ZIA, ZimTrade on investment & trade
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
IMF to appoint its first country head for Zimbabwe in a decade
IMF to appoint its first country head for Zimbabwe in a decadeIMF to appoint its first country head for Zimbabwe in a decade
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
IMF shifting gears on Zimbabwe?
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
Credit Reference Bureau to go online on July 31
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
Industry, Finance ministries working on Zimbabwe tariff order for EPA
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
Govt identifies 19 strategic minerals
Govt identifies 19 strategic mineralsGovt identifies 19 strategic minerals
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
We are up to date with licence fee payments, says Telecel Zimbabwe
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
EcoCash Diaspora partners UK-based remittance firm, Chitoro
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
IFC re-commences Zim private sector funding
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Dr Lendy Spires
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Dr Lendy Spires
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
Germany invites Zimbabwean delegation to Berlin for debt talks
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Zimpapers Group (1980)

Similar to Zimbabwe to wait until 2015 for 11th EDF approval (20)

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We are not going anywhere, BAT tells Govt
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IMF to appoint its first country head for Zimbabwe in a decade
IMF to appoint its first country head for Zimbabwe in a decadeIMF to appoint its first country head for Zimbabwe in a decade
IMF to appoint its first country head for Zimbabwe in a decade
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IMF shifting gears on Zimbabwe?
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Govt identifies 19 strategic minerals
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Govt identifies 19 strategic minerals
We are up to date with licence fee payments, says Telecel Zimbabwe
We are up to date with licence fee payments, says Telecel ZimbabweWe are up to date with licence fee payments, says Telecel Zimbabwe
We are up to date with licence fee payments, says Telecel Zimbabwe
EcoCash Diaspora partners UK-based remittance firm, Chitoro
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IFC re-commences Zim private sector funding
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Africa q1 2014
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Africa q1 2014
Africa q1 2014
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Germany invites Zimbabwean delegation to Berlin for debt talks
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
Expedite ease of doing business reforms, says VP Mnangagwa
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
Delta, Econet in Top250 African companies 2016
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
MFIs loaned $187m in 2015, but fell into consumptive lending trap
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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Zimpapers Group (1980)
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MFIs loaned $187m in 2015, but fell into consumptive lending trap
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Zimbabwe to wait until 2015 for 11th EDF approval

  • 1. News Update as @ 1530 hours, Tuesday 24 June 2014 Feedback: By Tawanda Musarurwa Zimbabwe is not in the first batch of ACP countries to receive EU support under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF). Zimbabwe has missed out the last two EDFs due to the sanctions the EU imposed on the country. Imposition of the sanctions meant that Zimbabwe could not benefit from the EU's financing of budgetary support and support for projects, and was suspended from the 9th EDF National Indicative Programme. But Zimbabwe is likely to be part of the 11th EDF as the EU has been gradually easing the sanctions since 2012, and their complete elimination (which is possible this year) will help revive capi- tal flow in the country. Although Zimbabwe has come up with its National Indicative Programme (NIP) for the 11th EDF - which will see the country receiving over €200 million for the three sectors of health, agricul- ture-based economic development and governance & institution building - it is yet to be approved by the EU. The NIPs outline the strategies and priorities of how EU aid will be applied in a country, and is a result of close collaboration between the EU and the partner country to reflect the Govern- ment’s own policies and needs, as well as ensuring support for national prior- ities where the EU has a value added. Last month Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa said Zimbabwe's NIP "was in line with ZimAsset." It will therefore be one key source of funding for pro- jects outlined under the country's eco- nomic blueprint. However, with the first batch of ACP countries having had their NIPs approved during the ACP-EU Joint Council of Ministers held last week in Kenya,Zimbabwewillhavetowaituntil early next year to see if its NIP will be approved. The NIPs for the remaining ACPstatesarescheduledtobefinalised and signed by early 2015. The financial allocation available for ACP countries under the 11th EDF (covering 2014-2020) amounts to more than €31.5 billion. The first batch consists of 16 countries, with a total of more than €4.6 billion of EU support having committed towards national development strategies in 16 ACP countries. In a statement ACP said ministers from 15 African states (Botswana, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritania, Niger, Sao Tome & Principe, Sierra Leone, Soma- lia, Swaziland, and Tanzania) and one Caribbean (Suriname) co-signed the first National Indicative Programmes (NIPs) under the 11th European Devel- opment Fund for the period 2014- 2020, with European Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs. • Zim to wait until 2015 for 11th EDF approval Minister Chinamasa
  • 2. 2 TECHNOLOGY By Rumbidzayi Zinyuke Econet Wireless is working expanding its 3G and 4G services to pave way for the introduction of an entirely Internet Protocol (IP) network which will ena- ble the transmission of information between devices and individuals with speed and ease. Speaking at the launch of Econet’s Plat- inum Suite in Borrowdale this morning, chief executive Douglas Mboweni said the network would allow them to cater for customers’ needs as technology evolves. “The kind of network we have to build is what is known as the 20-20 network. It is an entirely IP network that is smart and enables communication between devices,” he said. Econet launched its 4G service last year in preparation for the UNWTO general assembly co-hosted with Zam- bia, becoming the seventh network in Africa to introduce the product. Mboweni said the company would invest an undisclosed amount in expanding both its 3G and 4G services while awaiting the roll out of the 5G service by other players. “Wearelivinginanagewhereconveni- ence, speed and security are key. 4G is already operational and we are looking at expanding it to other areas as part of the investment we are working on. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done in 3G and 4G but 5G is a tech- nologyalreadybeinglookedatbyother players and we are watching it closely. As soon as we find that it is ready for roll out then we will go for it because our issue is to make sure that our cus- tomers continue to enjoy speed on their devices,” he said. He said Zimbabwe is lagging behind in e-commerce and the new IP network will encourage internet buying which is faster and more convenient than going to the shop physically. “We continue to invest in infrastructure for high speed access so that if you want to do a transaction from home it is done fast, securely and conveniently. Why should l visit a shop to buy a shirt when the shirt can come to me? Our network will enable that connectivity,” he added. Mboweni added that Econet would soon launch a tracking system which can be used on cars and other devices. “Your vehicle has so many components which can communicate a message and the network which we are building will enable the transmission of these messages to you. This means your car can communicate with you wherever you are. That is why we are talking 4G and eventually 5G,” he said. Going into the future, Mboweni said investment will be driven by the needs of particular markets. • Econet to introduce an entirely IP network Mr Mboweni
  • 3. 3 NEWS 'IMF report consistent with reality' By Tawanda Musarurwa Economic observers say the IMF report on Zimbabwe released yesterday is consistent with what is transpiring on the ground. The IMF report highlighted several issues that are causing an economic slowdown, notably revenue underper- formance, structural bottlenecks and a fragile global financial environment. Economist Joseph Mverecha told BH24 that the concerns raised by the IMF were mainly related to a tight liquidity situation. "The IMF Report following the recent Article IV is fairly consist- ent with conditions observable on the ground. Tight liquidity conditions per- sist, against the background of declin- ing domestic aggregate demand and weakening external sector fundamen- tals. "Financial intermediation – necessary for recovery and growth is hampered by both liquidity constraints and bank- ing sector vulnerabilities. Accordingly distress conditions have widened across key industry sectors, with cor- responding loss of fiscal revenues, aggravated by high local costs of doing business. This means that there are demand and supply structural issues underpinning the current decline in economic activity," he said. In one of its key recommendations, the IMF said enhancing financial sector stability remains a priority and recommended continued vigilance in monitoring weak banks and a proactive approach to ensure "an orderly resolution of insol- vent non-systemic banks." The international financier also said restructuring and re-capitalising the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe would help mitigate vulnerabilities. Mverecha, however, maintained that Zimbabwean authorities are fully aware of the struc- tural issues affecting the country and are in the process of handling them. "The most important thing to remem- ber though is that both the Minister of Finance and Economic Development Patrick Chinamasa and RBZ governor John Mangudya have already identi- fied these structural issues and most importantly have articulated what needs to be done going forward. "The minister has stated that, we need to engage our international devel- opment partners and international financial institutions and continue on the SMP as an integral aspect of an external arrears clearance programme so that Zimbabwe can again access concessional bilateral and multilateral financing," he said. "Significantly, a number of proac- tive measures are still pending, but it seems to me that we are in the right direction. Much more still needs to be done.Thejourneytorecoveryandsus- tainable growth is long, but not impos- sible." The IMF also acknowledged Gov- ernment's commitment to continue implementing the policies and reforms agreed with the Fund under the Staff Monitored Programme (SMP) and to stay engaged with the international financial institutions. •
  • 5. By Lynn Murahwa The Agricultural Marketing Authority (AMA) has urged cotton farmers to negotiate favourable prices on an indi- vidual basis with buyers rather than wait for a price to be announced. This is despite the fact that AMA recently set a price guide for the 2014 cotton marketing season at between 40 to 50 cents per kg depending on grade. In an interview with BH24, AMA chief executive Rockie Mutenha said the country’s cotton farmers should not wait for prices to be announced but should take it upon themselves to negotiate prices with their buyers. “Cotton farmers should not wait for us to announce a price. They should go and negotiate with their buyers and look for opportunities for the best prices,” he said He said due to farmers requesting a platform to negotiate prices last year, this year they have been given that opportunity. He added that AMA is, however, releasing prices weekly in The Sunday Mail but farmers should still seek to negotiate. “Lastyearfarmersaskedfortheoppor- tunity to be able to negotiate prices for their cotton so this year we have given them that platform. We have been releasing weekly prices in The Sunday Mail but we encourage the farmers to go out and seek negotiable prices for their crop,” said Mutenha. Mutenha said AMA does not know why some farmers are waiting to hear prices being announced and that it was decided that this year farmers should negotiate towards the prices they hope for. “I don’t understand why farmers would wait to hear of a set price when it was agreed that this year they have been given the chance to negotiate for favourable prices with their buyers,” he said. Mutenha's sentiments were backed by agronomist Zivanayi Zigwadi who said that negotiating on a personal basis will give the farmers a greater chance of survival. “Cotton farmers definitely need to negotiate in order to survive, otherwise you will not survive,” he said. He added that farmers need to engage the buyers before growing to get better prices because the prices during last year’s season were very low. “The problem is that farmers need to engage with the buyers before growing the crop so as to agree on a set price. We hope that through negotiations we get better prices than the low ones offered last year” he said. • 5 AGRICULTURE Negotiate prices for yourselves, cotton farmers told
  • 7. Mobile phone company, NetOne is close to securing a $218 million loan from China, which will be used to finance its migration from 3G broadband to 4G, an official said on Tuesday. NetOne chief executive officer Reward Kangai said most details of the loan had been thrashed out. “The loan has been approved in China and we are now waiting for it to be signed. From what I gather, they are now asking for a num- ber of things for example we need to set up an escrow account so that when the re-payments are due that escrow accountwillbeabletopayourdues,” he said. “Therewerenegotiationstwoweeksago and perhaps what is now needed is a high level delegation to go to China to finalise the deal.” The loan, an agree- ment between the Zimbabwean and the Chinese government, will be processed through the China Exim Bank. Kangai said despite the progress made, some competitors in the industry had allegedly been pulling strings to derail the loan deal. He said this was because when the deal sailed through it would result in NetOne offeringstiffercompetitiontoitscompeti- tors,whoforlong haveenjoyedanedge over the state owned company due to limited finances. “Therewereissueswithourcompetitors, theyweretryingtokillthis project.There was a big fight and up to now they have not given up. Muguti argued that the awarding of the contract had been flawed as Huawei had not gone through the tender pro- cess. The lawsuit, which was withdrawn this year, had stalled negotiations for the $218 million Chinese loan.― New Ziana • 7 TECHNOLOGY Netone close to securing loan from China Econet partners with Apple BH24Reporter *As the mobile company launches newpremiumcustomers’shop Econet Wireless has entered a partner- ship with multinational mobile phone manufacturer Apple and is now an exclusive provider of its products in Zim- babwe. The company has other part- nerships with Huawei, ZTE and Ericson amongothers.Speakingatthelaunchof Econet’s third premium customers’ shop in Borrowdale today, chief commercial and customer services officer Stanley Henning said this was a milestone in offering customers a great selection of smart devices at reasonable prices. “It has taken us a long time to get here but it has finally happened. We are now the official exclusive provider of Apple productsinthecountry,”hesaid.Hesaid representatives from Apple were in the country to finalise some aspects of the deal. Apple is one of the largest phone manufacturers with Samsung and Hua- wei and offers a range of high end prod- ucts such as smart phones and tablets. Speakingontheplatinumsuite,Econet’s high value customers’ general manager Fungai Mandiveyi said platinum custom- ers would be able to access top class service and products from the shops. “Our customers can get products like Sumsung, Apple and others with ease. We also have partnerships with Steward Bank, African Sun, Edgars, Avis, Zimoco among others,” he said. He said the shops would also ensure convenience to customers and comes with a number of benefits that include access to top class service, flexible payment plans for hand- sets and devices. The company already has outlets in Avondale and Bradfield in Bulawayo and another in South Africa. Mandiveyi also said through their new look platinum suite, they were not segregating their customers. •
  • 9. The equities market today bumped a significant 1.21 percent, lifted by gains in selected heavyweight stocks. The industrial index expanded by 2.28 points to close at 190.31 points. Cig- arette manufacturer BAT gained 50 cents to trade firmer at 1 300 cents, while Natfoods added 5 cents to close at 215 cents. Another heavyweight Delta went up 4 cents to 129 cents and ZBFH increased by a cent to trade at 4 cents. Dairibord and Edgars both added 0.80 cents to close at 10 cents and 13 cents respectively. A couple of heavyweights also traded in the negative, but this was not enough to offset the gains. Telecoms giant Econet traded in nega- tive territory, retreating a cent to trade at 73 cents, while OK Zimbabwe eased 0.30 cents to 18 cents. Padenga shed 0.10 cents to 8.90 cents and Astra lost 0.50 cents to close at 4 cents, Bindura bounced back to push the mining index up 3.93 percent as it gained 2.32 points to close at 61.32 points.Binduraincreasedby0.19cents to 4.8 cents, and minings were also bouyed by Hwange which moved up 2.99 cents to trade at 7.50 cents. Falgold and Riozim maintained previ- ous trading levels. — BH24 Reporter • 9 ZSE REVIEW Equities in significant gains
  • 10. Zimbabwe has lost out unfairly as a result of the anti-asbestos lobby. Especially so, when the chrysot- ile asbestos that the country pro- duces is not the amphibole type that is considered unsafe and has been banned by several bodies. It is a positive development that the Government has come up with specific position on our chrysotile asbestos. Government fully appreciates importance of chrysotile asbes- tos to the country, as Industry and Commerce Minister's state- ments at a Turnall event yesterday shows: "Government will strive to cre- ate a conducive environment for businesses to be sustainable in their various operations in order to produce quality and affordable products and create employment for our growing nation. Testimony to this is the recent launch of the Zimbabwe Chrysolite Asbestos Position Paper. The position paper reflects the Government's position regarding production, trading and safe use of chrysotile asbestos and related products." The position gives direction to both primary producers and manufac- turers who have traditionally been dependent on the mineral. In terms of chrysotile asbestos' economic importance to Zimba- bwe, at their peak the two chrys- olite asbestos mines in Zimbabwe employed around 5 000 workers directly. According to the new 'Zimbabwe Chrysolite Asbestos Position Paper' that was released by Government last month, the same mines eco- nomically sustained more than 20 000 people, predominantly in and around the two mining towns of Zvishavane and Mashava. There are also numerous down- stream benefits. This clearly shows the value of chrysotile asbestos to the econ- omy of the country. That value, however, has certainly been decimated by the anti-asbes- tos lobby, which seems to have generalised - deliberately or not - all asbestos as harmful. Studies have shown that chrysot- ile asbestos is not at all harmful, and Zimbabwe needs to come out and make this message heard both locally and abroad. Zimbabwe needs to get this mes- sage "out there" because - along with Russia - the country is a key chrysolite asbestos producer. The world has been misled about the safety (or apparent lack thereof) of asbestos produced by Zimbabwe. We need to recover lost ground. Reviving the chrysolite asbestos exports will certainly provide a boon for the Shabanie Mashava Mines, which are set for revival. Greater downstream benefits will also accrue to companies such Tur- nall, which is a principal processor of chrysotile products, and to the economy as a whole. • 10 BH24 COMMENT Need for clarification campaign on chrysotile asbestos
  • 11. BH24
  • 12. South Africa's rand remained firm on Tuesday after hitting two-week highs in the previous session as relief swept the market after the country's longest strike ended. The local unit was trading at 10.57 rand per dollar at 0715 GMT, slightly stronger than its New York close of 10.59. On Monday it had gained 1 percent, breaking through 10.56 to the dollar at one point for the first time in a fortnight. The five-month stoppage in the plat- inum sector dragged Africa's most advanced economy into contraction in the first quarter, costing the world's top three producers of the preci- sious metal almost 24 billion rand ($2.25 billion) in lost revenue. [ID: L6N0P420A] The reprieve may be short-lived as metal workers' union NUMSA looks set to go on strike next week in the key auto sector. "The good news is that the strike has ended," said Carmen Nel of Rand Merchant Bank in a morning market note. "An additional concern is that the increased activity in the platinum sector will add to the existing strain in the power grid, with Eskom recently warning of tight supply," she added. Government bond yields were steady to slighty firmer, with the yield for the bond maturing next year slipping 1.5 basis to 6.620 percent while the 2026 issue was down 2.5 basis points to 8.285 percent. ― Reuters • 12 REGIONAL News Rand holds gains as South Africa platinum strike ends enjoy the CAIO ride!
  • 14. 14 DIARY OF EVENTS The black arrow indicate level of load shedding across the country. POWER GENERATION STATS Gen Station 23 June 2014 Energy (Megawatts) Hwange 485 MW Kariba 750 MW Harare 45 MW Munyati 27 MW Bulawayo -- MW Imports 55 MW Total 1362 MW 26 June - Pioneer 44th Annual General Meeting of Sharehold- ers, Venue: Pioneer Corporation Africa Limited Boardroom, Corner Hood/Hermes Roads, Southerton, Harare, Time: 10:00 hrs 26 June - Masimba Holdings Limited Thirty-Ninth Annual General Meeting of Mem- bers for the period ended 31 December 2013, Place: 44 Til- bury Road, Willowvale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Time: 12:00 30 June - TA Holdings 79th Annual General Meeting of the ordinary members Venue: Miti Room, Sango Conference Centre, Cresta Lodge, Harare, Time: 1400 hours 30 June - ZIMRE 16th Annual General Meeting of members, Venue: NICOZDIAMOND Audito- rium, 7th Floor Insurance Centre, 30 Samora Machel Avenue, Time: 1230 hours THE BH24 DIARY
  • 15. BH24
  • 16. 16 zse ZSE Movers CHANGE Today Price USc SHAKERS Change TODAY Price USc Mash 4.35% 2.40 Natfoods -2.33% 210.00 Innscor 1.24% 81.00 SeedCo -0.29% 71.00 BAT 1.21% 1,250.00 Dawn Properties 2.30 0.05 Barclays 1.08% 3.75 Delta 0.80% 125.00 Old Mutual 0.00% 260.01 Indices Index Previous Today Move Change Industrial 188.03 190.31 +2.28 points +1.21% Mining 59.00 61.32 +2.32 points +3.93% Stocks Exchange Previous
  • 17. 17 AFRICA StockS Botswana 8,664.65 -11.96 -0.14% 12July Cote dIvoire 246.37 +2.18 +0.89% 07Mar Egypt 7,949.60 -75.68 -0.94% 06Mar Ghana 2,356.80 +2.31 +0.10% 20June Kenya 4,825.52 +28.10 +0.59% 20June Malawi 12,662.47 +0.00 +0.00% 07Mar Mauritius 2,074.51 -3.51 -0.17% 07Mar Morocco 9,544.10 +21.01 +0.22% 07Mar Nigeria 41,129.29 +60.36 +0.15% 20June Rwanda 131.27 +0.00 +0.00% 24Oct Tanzania 2,018.97 +25.40 +1.27% 07Mar Tunisia 4,624.39 -39.32 -0.84% 07Mar Uganda 1,503.90 +0.81 +0.05% 10Sep Zambia 4,242.74 +14.95 +0.35% 10April Zimbabwe 187.40 +2.54 +1.37% 20June African stock round up Commodity Prices Name Price Crude Oil 1,300.91 -0.21% Spot Gold USD/oz 1,292.63 -0.26% Spot Silver USD/oz 19.38 -0.46% Spot Platinum USD/oz 1,421.25 -0.33% Spot Palladium USD/oz 798.50 -0.64% LME Copper USD/t 6,770 -0.18% LME Aluminium USD/t 1,780 -1.17% LME Nickel USD/t 18,230 -1.73% LME Lead USD/t 2,095 -1.41% Quote of the day —"Our business in life is not to get ahead of others, but to get ahead of ourselves." ― Zig Ziglar
  • 18. BH24
  • 19. The government of India is likely to raise the number of drugs deemed essential and subject to price caps, people directly involved in the process said. A panel formed by India's health min- istry is meeting for the first time on Tuesdaytoconsideraddingmoredrugs to the list of essential medicines, all of which would then come under price caps, one of the people said. The move would make the drugs more affordable in a country where 70 percent of the people live on less than $2 a day. Making more drugs subject to price caps will draw the ire of global drug- makers like Pfizer Inc (PFE.N), Glax- oSmithkline Plc (GSK.L) and Abbott Laboratories (ABT.N), all of which have a large presence in India's $15 billion pharmaceutical industry. The global drugmakers have already been hit by wide-ranging govern- ment-imposed price reductions and a legal system with a history of disallow- ing patent protection in recent years in an emerging market that is a vital growth driver for the firms. Bringing more drugs under price con- trols would dash hopes for an easing of the populist drug policies of the pre- vious federal government under new, business-friendlyPrimeMinisterNaren- dra Modi, industry analysts said. "It is surprising that yet another com- mittee is being formed (on price con- trol)," a top executive at the Indian unit of a large global pharmaceutical company said, declining to be named due to sensitivity of the issue. "This (is) quite the antithesis of what is the purported philosophy of the new gov- ernment." India last year raised the number of drugs that are subject to price controls to 348 from 74 earlier, covering up to 30 percent of the total drugs sold in the country, according to industry officials. India's pharmaceutical sector sub-in- dex extended its loss after Reuters reported the committee's formation, trading down 0.2 percent at 0656 GMT, while the main Mumbai market index .BSESN was trading up 1.1 percent. Shares of GlaxoSmithKline Pharma- ceuticals Ltd (GLAX.NS), the India unit of GlaxoSmithKline Plc, reversed their gains to fall 0.1 percent. Lupin Ltd (LUPN.NS), India's fourth-largest drug- maker by revenue, was trading down 0.4 percent. ― Reuters • 19 INTERNATIONAL NEWS India likely to extend price caps to more drugs - sources
  • 20. By Victor Mukandatsama A must-be-gleeful NetOne was granted an unexpected boost ahead of its com- petitors in the Zesa prepaid electricity retailing facility. They are the only MNO awarded the opportunity to sell prepaid electricity tokens. No surprises there if you have both- ered to read a bit of Zimasset. I warn NetOne not to celebrate prematurely though. I have seen how they are going about capitalising this opportu- nityandIamdrivenbynomalicewhen I say Pride goeth… To pay for Zesa via OneWallet you need to swap your 32k SIM for the 128k SIM for free or buy a Netone SIM pack. Once activated, you then need to reg- ister (partially via your own phone and fully via an agent) for One Wallet. Once setup, a Netone services app appearsonyourlistofapplicationsfrom which you can conduct e-wallet trans- actions. I suppose this is better than directUSSDaswithEconetandTelecel. You then need to apply to register your meter number by dialing *120*8#. If your registration is approved by One- Wallet, you will receive a text mes- sage advice and an extra menu item for Zesa Prepaid. Anyone following the process will realise two things. Firstly their system requires pre-registering biller details (account number etc.) the derivative of which one can then pay for the bill. In other words you don’t just pay for any bills you want to any biller you wish. Which is why you hav- en’t seen any posters with biller codes. Well also because they only have one major biller; Zesa. Which brings me to the second observation. Other than Zesa, their system does not seem to be very scalable (I may be wrong). Either that, or their transaction ideology is uncommon to the market. This is unlike the EcoCash and Tele- Cash system in which liberalisation of the transactions and the transactions origination exists. It’s a system where agents, billers and merchants are equally critical and solicit and consume at will. The One Wallet system follows a bureaucratic mountain top approach. Everything depends on an approval process from OneWallet somehow. Approval to register to pay Zesa? Really? Thirdly, NetOne are seeking to get maximum mileage in subscription numbers making sure they sign on as many users onto OneWallet as pos- sible. Personally, I think this is where they are getting it wrong. Rather than sell the efficiency of the system to get your bills done and set off a snow ball, they are proving it to be riddled with so many spanners. As an example, it is not possible to register more than two Zesa pre- paid meters. Translated: You are not allowed to buy prepaid electricity other than for a maximum of two preregis- tered meters because if you do, the other beneficiaries won’t bother to join Netone. If you want to pay Zesa from your phone, then join OneWallet. The fall…. NetOne is ranked third out of three playersasfarassubscriberbase.Some criticsarguetheawardingofthislicence to sell prepaid electricity to NetOne and not the rest of the networks, especially EcoCash, is a true inconvenience. If the Government were to change its policy for whatever reason, Netone could be the least prepared of the three in as far as convenience, and that will be their fall. ― TechZim • 20 Analysis The Netone-ZESA marriage- Pride goeth before a fall