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Australian Beef
Safe, Healthy and Delicious
Australia’s Beef Safety Program
Integrity and Traceability Systems Summary
INTEGRITY                                                         TRACEABILITY
On-Farm                                                           On-Farm

Livestock Production Assurance (food safety                       •	 The	National	Livestock	Identification	System	(NLIS)	is	
and quality assurance)                                               an	electronic	tag	system	of	cattle	and	forms	part	of	
•	 Livestock	Production	Assurance	(LPA)	is	an	on-farm	               Australia’s	beef	traceability	systems.
   food	safety	and	quality	assurance	certification	program,	      •	 NLIS	has	been	mandatory	in	Australia	from	2005.
   providing	standards	to	assist	livestock	producers	to	
                                                                  •	 NLIS	provides	the	assurance	of	livestock	trace-back	to	
   declare	food	safety	and	quality	assurance	status	of	
                                                                     the	property	of	birth	and	trace-forward	from	the	property	
   livestock	including	chemical	use	and	animal	feeding.	
                                                                     of	birth.
•	 The	LPA	program	requires	livestock	producers	to	use	
   National	Vendor	Declaration	(NVD),	with	details	of	the	        •	 Individual	livestock	properties	are	identified	by	an		
   vendor,	including	Property	Identification	Code	(PIC)	             eight-digit	property	identification	code	(PIC)	issued	by	
   information	pre-printed	on	the	NVD.	                              State	Governments	and	underpin	the	NLIS	system.
•	 Vendors	providing	false	information	face	severe	penalties.     •	 The	PIC	is	printed	on	individual	NLIS	tags	which	must	be	
                                                                     applied	to	the	animal	before	it	leaves	the	property	of	birth.
•	 The	LPA	food	safety	standard	is	audited	at	random	
   throughout	the	year.	Farms	in	the	Quality	Assurance	           •	 The	PIC	is	sent	to	a	central	database	where	the	residue	
   program	are	audited	annually.	                                    status	is	checked.

Feedlot                                                           Feedlot

National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS)                      •	 The	movement	of	cattle,	including	those	from	the	farm	to	
                                                                     the	feedlot	must	be	recorded	in	the	NLIS	database.
•	 Grainfed	beef	for	export	is	produced	in	independently	
   audited	NFAS	accredited	feedlots.	                             •	 Records	must	be	kept	to	allow	the	health	and	feeding	
                                                                     history	of	each	individual	animal	to	be	traceable.
•	 The	scheme	controls	health	and	production	and	involves	
   strict	checks	for	feed	and	water	safety.                       •	 Each	feedlot	has	its	own	PIC.
•	 Records	must	be	kept	to	allow	the	health	and	feeding	          Saleyard
   history	of	each	individual	animal	to	be	traceable.
                                                                  •	 When	cattle	pass	though	the	saleyard,	transactions	are	
Transport and Saleyard                                               recorded	using	NLIS.

TruckCare                                                         Processing plant
•	 Applied	to	livestock	transportation	based	on	maximising	       •	 Underpinned	by	government	legislation	and	operating	in	
   animal	welfare,	meat	quality	and	meat	safety.	                    all	export	processing	plants.
National Saleyards Quality Assurance                              •	 Processing	plants	must	ensure	precise	trace	back	
(NSQA) program                                                       throughout	the	processing	plant
•	 Addresses	the	key	quality	issues/hazards	within	the	           •	 Beef	carcases	must	be	correlated	to	the	PIC	numbers,	
   saleyard	sector.                                                  which	are	stored	on	a	database.

Processing Plant                                                  Shipping

Australian Standard                                               •	 The	container	and	seal	numbers	for	all	beef	exports	are	
                                                                     stored	in	a	central	database	by	AQIS.
•	 Underpinned	by	the	Australian	Government	legislation.	All	
   exporting	plants	must	comply	with	the	Standard	to	ensure	
   meat	is	processed	hygienically.	
•	 Based	on	world’s	best	practice,	it	is	consistent	with	ISO	
   9002:1994	and	HACCP.	
•	 The	Australian	Government	authority-Australian	Quarantine	
   Inspection	Service	(AQIS)	verifies	the	legislation	is	being	
   correctly	implemented.
AQIS Health Certificate
•	 Certifies	that	the	meat	produced	by	the	export	meat	
   processor	has	received	an	ante-mortem	and	post-mortem	
   veterinary	inspection	and	is	suitable	for	human	consumption.
Monitoring Programs
•	 Microbiological	Assessment	-to	comply	with	the	Australian	
   Standard,	exporting	processing	plants	must	monitor		
   E.	coli	and	Salmonella.
•	 The	National	Residue	Survey	is	an	Australian	Government	
   program	that	monitors	meat	for	residues	of	agricultural,	
   veterinary,	environmental	and	industrial	contaminants.

Transport and Shipping
All	shipping	containers	destined	for	export	are	inspected	and	
sea-freighted	containers	sealed	under	AQIS	supervision.	
•	 The	container	cannot	be	opened	until	it	reaches	its		
   final	destination.
Australia’s Beef safety systems

                                                                     AUSTRALIA’S ANIMAL
                                                                     DISEASE FREEDOM
                                                                     Australia	has	a	widely	accepted	disease	free	status	and	is	
                                                                     recognised	as	having	the	highest	attainable	level	of	BSE	and	
                                                                     FMD	freedom.

                                                                     BSE,	a	Transmissible	Spongiform	Encephalopathy	(TSE)	that	
                                                                     affects	cattle,	is	an	incurable	central	nervous	system	illness.	
                                                                     Australia	has	strict	quarantine	measures	and	surveillance	
                                                                     programs	in	place	to	meet	international	standards	for	the	
                                                                     detection	of	TSEs.	

Supplying	over	100	markets	globally,	Australia	is	one	of	
the	world’s	largest	beef	exporters	and	we	are	proud	of	this	
achievement.	The	Australian	livestock	and	meat	industry	              •	 1966	–	a	ban	was	placed	on	the	importation	of	meat		
is	committed	to	food	safety,	integrity,	traceability	and	our	            and	bone	meal	from	all	countries	with	the	exception	of	
product	quality	complements	our	focus	on	responsibility	in	              New	Zealand.	
meeting	the	demands	of	our	international	customers.                   •	 1988	–	a	ban	was	implemented	on	importation	of	cattle	
                                                                         from	BSE	affected	countries,	including	the	UK.	
Australia	has	an	internationally	recognised	status	of	being	          •	 1990	–	commenced	targeted	testing	for	BSE	in	
free	of	all	major	epidemic	diseases	of	cattle,	including	Bovine	         Australian	cattle.	
Spongiform	Encephalopathy	(BSE)	and	Foot	and	Mouth	                   •	 1991	–	a	ban	was	applied	on	the	importation	of	cattle	
Disease	(FMD).                                                           from	France	and	Switzerland.	
                                                                      •	 1996	–	implemented	a	voluntary	ban	on	feeding	of	
                                                                         ruminant	material	to	ruminants	following	a	World	Health	
To	maintain	Australia’s	high	product	standards,	the	Australian	
                                                                         Organization	recommendation.	
beef	industry	and	all	levels	of	government	have	worked	
together	to	develop	stringent	standards	and	systems,	                 •	 1997	–	a	compulsory	ban	on	feeding	of	ruminant	
designed	to	ensure	the	integrity	and	traceability	of	the	product.	       material	to	ruminants	was	adopted	in	all	states	and	
These	standards	and	systems	are	based	on	an	assessment	                  territories	of	Australia	through	legislation.	
of	risk	and	sound	science	to	meet	the	requirements	of	our	            •	 1998	–	adopted	OIE	guidelines	for	surveillance	for		
international	customers.	                                                BSE	–	the	surveillance	program	applies	to	both	cattle		
                                                                         and	sheep.	
                                                                      •	 1999	–	the	compulsory	feeding	ban	was	extended		
The	Australian	Government	and	industry	have	established	                 to	include	feeding	specific	mammalian	material		
SAFEMEAT,	a	committee	consisting	of	representatives	from	                to	ruminants.	
government	and	industry.	SAFEMEAT’s	role	is	to	ensure	that	
                                                                      •	 2000	–	Australia	was	recognised	by	the	European	
all	beef	products	achieve	the	highest	safety	and	hygiene	
                                                                         Union	Scientific	Steering	Committee	to	have	the	lowest	
standards	from	the	farm	to	the	consumer.	
                                                                         possible	risk	of	BSE	detection	(Level	1).	
                                                                      •	 2001	–	Australia’s	Agricultural	Ministers	agreed	to	
When	customers	purchase	beef	products	from	Australia	                    legislate	a	ban	on	the	feeding	of	all	vertebrate	materials	
they	are	receiving	product	from	one	of	the	most	stringently	             to	ruminants	–	a	world	first.	
controlled	meat	industries	in	the	world,	with	independently	          •	 2004	–	Australia	was	recognised	by	the	European	Food	
audited	systems	for	animal	production	throughout	the	chain,	             Safety	Authority	to	have	the	lowest	possible	risk	of	BSE	
including	the	transport,	processing	and	export	sectors.	                 detection	(Level	1).
                                                                      •	 2006	–	Australia	was	recognised	by	the	World	
                                                                         Organisation	for	Animal	Health	(OIE)	as	a	country		
                                                                         free	of	BSE.
In	1997,	Australia	enacted	legislation	prohibiting	the	use	          INTEGRITY AND
of	meat	and	bone	meal	(MBM)	as	a	ruminant	feed.	These	               TRACEABILITY SYSTEMS
regulations	were	further	enhanced	in	2001	with	a	ban	on	the	
feeding	of	any	mammalian	material	to	ruminants.	Feeding	             All	sectors	of	Australia’s	beef	industry	from	the	farm,	through	
MBM	to	animals	has	been	linked	to	the	transmission	of	TSEs	          to	feedlots,	transport,	saleyards,	and	processing	plants	are	
in	animals.	                                                         able	to	implement	integrity	and	traceability	systems	that	
                                                                     operate	under	independently	audited	Quality	Assurance	(QA)	
                                                                     programs	developed	in	partnership	by	the	Australian	industry,	
Australia’s	TSE	status	is	further	enhanced	by	the	                   government	and	other	relevant	organisations.	
implementation	of	the	National	Transmissible	Spongiform	
Encephalopathy	Surveillance	Program	(NTSESP)	in	1998.	
                                                                     ON-FARM	AND	FEEDLOT	–	INTEGRITY
This	program	was	developed	to	meet	the	Office	International	
des	Epizooties	(OIE)	International	Animal	Health	Code	for	the	       Livestock Production Assurance – On-Farm
surveillance	of	BSE	in	cattle	and	Scrapie	in	sheep.	NTSESP	          Food Safety & Quality Assurance
is	an	integrated	national	program,	funded	by	industry	and	           The	Australian	cattle	industry	has	developed	integrity	systems	
government,	which	involves	identifying	and	testing	cattle	and	       to	verify	and	assure	the	food	safety	status	and	other	quality	
sheep	with	clinical	symptoms	that	could	be	mistaken	for	TSE.	        attributes	of	livestock.	Livestock	Production	Assurance	(LPA)	is	
                                                                     an	on-farm	food	safety	and	quality	assurance	(QA)	certification	
The	Australian	red	meat	industry	recognises	that	it	is	vital	to	     program.	These	standards	are	designed	to	strengthen	systems	
undertake	monitoring	and	surveillance	measures	in	order	to	          currently	in	place	for	the	grass-fed	production	sector.
protect	Australia’s	TSE	status.	These	measures	are	designed	
to	ensure	that	Australia’s	trading	partners	continue	to	be	          The	LPA	program	was	developed	in	accordance	with	ISO	
confident	about	Australia’s	TSE-free	status.	                        9002:1994	and	HACCP	principles	as	the	production	based	
                                                                     food	safety	and	quality	assurance	program	for	grass-fed	
As	a	result	of	these	programs	and	strict	quarantine	measures,	       beef.	Independent	audits,	both	random	and	targeted,	are	
Australia	is	recognised	by	the	World	Organisation	for	Animal	        conducted	to	ensure	the	program’s	integrity	is	maintained.
Health	(OIE)	as	a	country	free	of	BSE.	Australia	is	one	of	only	a	
few	countries	to	have	this	status	in	the	world.                      The	LPA	on-farm	food	safety	standard	consists	of	a	module,	
                                                                     Food	Safety	Management.	This	module	is	made	up	of	five	
                                                                     elements,	which	are:

                                                                     1. Property	risk	assessment.
                                                                     2. Safe	and	responsible	animal	treatments.
                                                                     3. Fodder	crop,	grain	and	pasture	treatments	and		
                                                                        stock	foods.
                                                                     4. Preparation	for	dispatch	of	livestock.
                                                                     5. Livestock	transactions	and	movements.
The	LPA	on-farm	quality	assurance	(QA)	                             National Vendor Declaration (NVD) for Cattle
standard,	incorporating	the	CATTLECARE	                             Underpinning	the	LPA	and	NFAS	integrity	programs	is	the	
program,	consists	of	the	module	Food	                               National	Vendor	Declaration	(NVD)	for	cattle;	this	links	
Safety	Management,	plus	an	extra	two	                               the	traceability	of	the	livestock	from	the	farm,	through	to	
modules,	Systems	Management	and	                                    feedlots,	saleyards,	transport	and	processing.	The	NVD	
Livestock	Management.	Both	of	these	                                contains	information	about	the	location	of	the	property,	
modules	are	each	made	of	five	elements,	                            contact	details	of	the	vendor,	the	property	identification	
which	are:                                                          code	(PIC),	exposure	of	the	livestock	to	agricultural	and	
                                                                    veterinary	chemicals,	grazing	history	and	supplementary	
SYSTEMS	MANAGEMENT               LIVESTOCK	MANAGEMENT               feeding.	The	NVD	declares	that	the	vendor	has	met	
1.	 Training                     1.	 Livestock	Husbandry	and	       the	requirements	of	LPA	Food	Safety,	LPA	QA	or	NFAS	
                                     preparation                    depending	on	what	program	they	are	involved.
2.	 Internal	auditing	and	       2.	 Livestock	handling	            Below	is	the	declaration	vendors	provide	after	they	have	
    document	control                 facilities                     answered	the	questions	within	the	NVD.
3.	 Quality	Records              3.	 Livestock	Transport
4.	 Document	Control             4.	 Animal	Welfare
5.	 Chemical	Inventory           5.	 Accredited	Livestock

National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS)
The	National	Feedlot	Accreditation	Scheme	(NFAS)	is	a	
mandatary	QA	integrity	system	for	feedlots	producing	grainfed	
beef	for	the	Australian	domestic	market	and	all	export	markets.	
A	feedlot	is	an	intensive	production	system	where	the	cattle	
are	fed	a	prepared	feed	ration	for	a	specific	length	of	time	
depending	on	the	final	customer.

Under	the	NFAS,	the	movement	of	cattle	from	the	farm	to	the	
feedlot	must	be	recorded	in	the	NLIS	database.	In	addition	
as	outlined	in	a	manual,	health	and	production	controls	for	
grainfed	cattle	are	applied	through	strict	checks	for	feed	and	
water	safety,	strict	regulations	are	adhered	to,	with	monitoring	
for	veterinary	treatments	and	inspection	for	pesticides	or		
trace	metals.	

Records	must	be	kept	to	allow	the	health	and	feeding	history	
                                                                     As	the	person	responsible	for	the	husbandry	of	the	
of	each	individual	animal	to	be	traceable.
                                                                     cattle,	I	also	declare	that	all	the	information	in	part	A	of	
                                                                     this	document	is	true	and	correct,	that	I	have	read	and	
                                                                     understood	all	the	questions	that	I	have	answered,	that	I	
                                                                     have	read	and	understood	the	explanatory	notes,	and	that,	
                                                                     while	under	my	control,	the	cattle	were	not	fed	restricted	
                                                                     animal	material	(including	meat	and	bone	meal)	in	breach	of	
                                                                     State	or	Territory	legislation.	

                                                                     Signed:	____________________________Date:	___________	
                                                                     Phone:	(	_____	)	_____________________________________	
                                                                     *	 nly	the	person	whose	name	appears	above	may	sign	this	
                                                                     	 declaration,	or	make	amendments	which	must	be	initialled.

                                                                    Commodity Vendor Declaration
                                                                    The	Commodity	Vendor	Declaration	(CVD)	is	a	part	
                                                                    of	Australia’s	red	meat,	grain	and	fodder	industry’s	
                                                                    commitment	to	deliver	safe	products.	If	a	commodity	
                                                                    supplier	to	a	farm	or	feedlot	has	used	chemicals	in	
                                                                    production	of	the	commodity,	it	must	be	declared	on	
                                                                    the	CVD.	LPA	and	NFAS	regulations	require	a	CVD	or	a	
                                                                    system	to	independently	ensure	the	feed	is	residue	free.
                                                                     TruckCare	is	a	voluntary	quality	assurance	program	applied	to	
                                                                     livestock	transportation	and	is	centred	on	maximising	animal	
                                                                     welfare,	meat	quality	and	meat	safety.	

                                                                     National Saleyards Quality Assurance
                                                                     (NSQA) program
                                                                     The	National	Standard	for	the	Construction	and	Operation	of	
                                                                     Australian	Saleyards	forms	the	basis	of	the	National	Saleyard	
                                                                     Quality	Assurance	(NSQA)	program.	The	Standard	addresses	
                                                                     the	key	quality	issues/hazards	within	the	saleyard	sector	
                                                                     including	food	safety,	product	quality,	stock	identification		
                                                                     and	traceability.
National Livestock
                                                                     TRANSPORT	AND	SALEYARD	–	TRACEABILITY
Identification System (Cattle)
The	core	basis	of	Australia’s	livestock	                             National Livestock Identification System (Cattle)
traceability	system	is	the	Property	                                 The	primary	responsibility	of	saleyards	participating	in	the	
Identification	Code	(PIC),	which	                                    NLIS	is	reading	and	then	recording	in	the	NLIS	database	
underpins	Australia’s	NVD	and	the	                                   cattle	transactions	that	occur	in	the	saleyard.	Legislation	
National	Livestock	Identification	System	                            requires	saleyards	selling	NLIS	identified	store	/	breeding	
(NLIS)	programs.	The	PIC	system	                                     cattle	to	up-load	cattle	movements	to	the	NLIS	database.
was	introduced	in	the	late	1960s	and	
identifies	each	property	with	an	eight	digit	alphanumeric	code.	     PROCESSING	PLANT
The	code	is	issued	by	State	Governments	and	identifies	the	
state,	region	and	location	of	the	property.	                         A	comprehensive	level	of	activities	to	ensure	integrity	and	
                                                                     traceability	are	carried	out	in	processing	plants.	The	Australian	
                                                                     Federal	and	State	Government	organisations	and	industry	
NLIS	is	the	Australian	traceability	                                 conduct	auditing	and	verification	processes	that	form	an	
system	for	grass-fed	and	grain-fed	                                  integral	part	of	Australian	control	systems.	Elements	of	these	
cattle.	It	was	developed	by	the	                                     systems	are	subject	to	Australian	Government	legislation.
Australian	Government	and	the	red	
meat	industry.	The	NLIS	is	based	
on	a	‘whole	of	life’	electronic	tag	on	
                                                                     PROCESSING	PLANT	–	INTEGRITY	
individual	cattle,	which	utilises	radio	                             The Australian Standard
frequency	technology	and	enables	
                                                                     All	export	licensed	processing	plants	operate	under	the	
individual	animal	transactions,	
                                                                     Australian	Standard	for	hygienic	production	and	transportation	
including	PIC	information,	to	
                                                                     of	meat	and	meat	products	for	human	consumption	
be	recorded	and	transmitted	
                                                                     (AS4696:2002)	which	is	based	on	world’s	best	practice	and	
electronically	by	the	producer	or	processor.	This	information	is	
                                                                     is	consistent	with	the	ISO	9002:1994	standard.	Additionally,	
transferred	to	a	central	database,	allowing	the	tracing	of	cattle	
                                                                     the	Australian	Federal	government	mandated	HACCP-based	
from	the	farm	to	the	point	of	slaughter	to	occur	swiftly	and	
                                                                     quality	assurance	programs	to	be	adopted	for	all	Australian	
efficiently	–	this	is	one	attribute	that	distinguishes	the	NLIS	
                                                                     export	abattoirs	since	1997.	
from	other	traceability	systems	around	the	world.
                                                                     All	registered	abattoirs	are	required	to	have	qualified	veterinary	
All	grainfed	cattle	in	Australia	                                    personnel	and	inspectors	stationed	in	each	export	meat	
destined	for	export	markets	                                         abattoir	to:	
are	required	by	the	NFAS	to	be	                                      •	 Carry	out	daily	hygiene	inspections	before	operations		
individually	identified	with	a	unique	                                  begin	each	day;	
identification	number	when	they	                                     •	 monitor	quality	assurance	and	meat	safety	throughout		
enter	a	feedlot.	                                                       the	production	process;	and	
                                                                     •	 conduct	ante-mortem	and	post-mortem	health	
                                                                        inspections	to	ensure	the	safety	and	suitability	
                                                                        of	products	for	human	consumption.
                                                                      National Livestock Identification System (Cattle)
                                                                      The	primary	responsibility	of	processors	participating	in	the	
                                                                      NLIS	traceability	program	is	reading	and	then	recording	in	the	
                                                                      NLIS	database	cattle	transactions	that	occur	at	the	processing	
                                                                      plant.	Legislation	requires	abattoirs	processing	NLIS	identified	
                                                                      cattle	to	up-load	information	to	the	NLIS	database.

                                                                      On-Plant Product Traceability
                                                                      Government	legislation	underpins	the	traceability	systems	
                                                                      in	all	Australian	beef	export	processing	plants.	Provisions	
                                                                      under	the	EMOs	require	processors	to	implement	traceability	
                                                                      systems	by	accurately	correlating	the	beef	carcases	with	the	
                                                                      PIC	numbers	for	identification.	

Australian Quarantine and Inspection                                  The	information	correlating	the	carcase	and	the	PIC	is	stored	
Service (AQIS)                                                        on	a	database	by	the	processing	plant	and	ensures	precise	
                                                                      trace	back	through	the	processing	plant	from	when	the	live	
Licensed	export	meat	processing	plants	in	Australia	are	
                                                                      animal	arrives	to	when	the	final	beef	products	are	exported.
required	to	operate	under	the	Export	Control	Act	1982.	Under	
this	Act,	Export	Meat	Orders	(EMOs)	provide	the	framework	
for	meeting	the	detailed	legislative	requirements	that	apply	to	
export	meat	plants.	

This	Act	governs	all	aspects	of	how	meat	is	handled	during	
processing.	Each	export	meat	abattoir	has	a	veterinary	officer	
from	AQIS	–	the	Australian	Government	agency	responsible	for	
meat	hygiene,	safety	regulation	and	certification	–	to	verify	that	
the	legislation	is	being	correctly	implemented.

AQIS Health Certificate
Once	the	meat	is	ready	for	exporting,	the	processing	plant	will	
electronically	request	an	AQIS	Health	Certificate.	The	AQIS	
Health	Certificate	states	that	beef	produced	was	processed	
in	an	hygienic	manner	and	was	derived	from	animals	which	
have	been	found	by	ante-mortem	and	post-mortem	veterinary	
inspection	to	be	free	from	diseases	designated	by	the	laws	
of	the	importing	country	and	suitable	in	every	way	for	human	

The	AQIS	Health	Certificate	includes	information	on	the	
exporter,	importer,	processing	plant,	boning	room,	a	
description	of	the	product	including	quantities,	container	
marks/numbers,	vessel	or	aircraft	and	the	port	of	loading	            TRANSPORT	AND	SHIPPING	–	TRACEABILITY
and	discharge.	The	information	obtained	from	the	Health	
                                                                      Cartons	of	beef	are	loaded	into	refrigerated	containers,	which	
Certificate	is	stored	by	AQIS	in	a	central	database.	
                                                                      are	then	inspected	and	sealed	under	the	supervision	of	AQIS.	
                                                                      The	container	is	not	reopened	until	it	reaches	its	final	destination.	
                                                                      To	maintain	the	optimal	shelf-life	and	quality	of	the	beef	product	
                                                                      during	transport,	the	temperature	of	chilled	beef	should	be	
                                                                      maintained	at	0°C	(±1°C)	and	below	-18°C	for	frozen	product.
In	order	to	verify	the	performance-based	monitoring	systems,	
which	underpin	the	Australian	Standards,	the	Australian	red	
meat	industry	and	AQIS	conduct	regular	assessment	and	
monitoring	programs	–
•	 the	generic	E.	coli	and	Salmonella	Monitoring	Program	–	a	
   national	program	of	microbiological	monitoring	of	carcase	
   surfaces.	Under	the	program,	carcase	surfaces	of	all	species	
   of	livestock	slaughtered	in	Australia	for	export	are	tested	for	
   generic	E.	coli	and	Salmonella.
•	 The	National	Residue	Survey	(NRS)	is	an	Australian	
   Government	program	that	monitors	agricultural	products	
   and	meat	producing	animals	for	residues	of	agricultural	and	
   veterinary	chemicals,	as	well	as	some	environmental	and	
   industrial	contaminants.	Testing	is	carried	out	for	a	range		
   of	chemical	compounds.	The	purpose	of	residue	monitoring	
   is	to	quantify	the	occurrence	of	residues	in	products	and	
   to	verify	that	residues	in	products	are	within	internationally	
   accepted	limits.	Appropriate	authorities	are	contacted	when	
   limits	are	exceeded	so	that	corrective	action	can	be	taken	
   and	affected	product	removed	from	the	food	chain.		
   Current	analytical	technology	can	detect	chemicals	at		
   very	low	concentrations.

FOOD SAFETY                                                 ©	Meat	&	Livestock	Australia	2006.	
WEB SITES                                                   All	rights	reserved                                         Published	by	Meat	&	Livestock	Australia	(MLA)		
                                                            ABN	39	081	678	364
ADDITIONAL	WEB	SITES	                                    September	2006	                                          Level	1,	                                        165	Walker	Street,                              North	Sydney	NSW	2060,	
                                                            Tel:	 +61	2	9463	9333	
                                                            Fax:	 +61	2	9463	9393	

Care	is	taken	to	ensure	the	accuracy	of	information	in	the	publication.	However,	MLA	cannot	accept	
responsibility	for	the	accuracy	or	completeness	of	the	information	or	opinions	contained	in	the	
publication.	Readers	should	rely	on	their	own	enquiries	in	making	decisions	concerning	their	interests.

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Beef Safety English

  • 2. Australia’s Beef Safety Program Integrity and Traceability Systems Summary INTEGRITY TRACEABILITY On-Farm On-Farm Livestock Production Assurance (food safety • The National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) is and quality assurance) an electronic tag system of cattle and forms part of • Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) is an on-farm Australia’s beef traceability systems. food safety and quality assurance certification program, • NLIS has been mandatory in Australia from 2005. providing standards to assist livestock producers to • NLIS provides the assurance of livestock trace-back to declare food safety and quality assurance status of the property of birth and trace-forward from the property livestock including chemical use and animal feeding. of birth. • The LPA program requires livestock producers to use National Vendor Declaration (NVD), with details of the • Individual livestock properties are identified by an vendor, including Property Identification Code (PIC) eight-digit property identification code (PIC) issued by information pre-printed on the NVD. State Governments and underpin the NLIS system. • Vendors providing false information face severe penalties. • The PIC is printed on individual NLIS tags which must be applied to the animal before it leaves the property of birth. • The LPA food safety standard is audited at random throughout the year. Farms in the Quality Assurance • The PIC is sent to a central database where the residue program are audited annually. status is checked. Feedlot Feedlot National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS) • The movement of cattle, including those from the farm to the feedlot must be recorded in the NLIS database. • Grainfed beef for export is produced in independently audited NFAS accredited feedlots. • Records must be kept to allow the health and feeding history of each individual animal to be traceable. • The scheme controls health and production and involves strict checks for feed and water safety. • Each feedlot has its own PIC. • Records must be kept to allow the health and feeding Saleyard history of each individual animal to be traceable. • When cattle pass though the saleyard, transactions are Transport and Saleyard recorded using NLIS. TruckCare Processing plant • Applied to livestock transportation based on maximising • Underpinned by government legislation and operating in animal welfare, meat quality and meat safety. all export processing plants. National Saleyards Quality Assurance • Processing plants must ensure precise trace back (NSQA) program throughout the processing plant • Addresses the key quality issues/hazards within the • Beef carcases must be correlated to the PIC numbers, saleyard sector. which are stored on a database. Processing Plant Shipping Australian Standard • The container and seal numbers for all beef exports are stored in a central database by AQIS. • Underpinned by the Australian Government legislation. All exporting plants must comply with the Standard to ensure meat is processed hygienically. • Based on world’s best practice, it is consistent with ISO 9002:1994 and HACCP. • The Australian Government authority-Australian Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS) verifies the legislation is being correctly implemented. AQIS Health Certificate • Certifies that the meat produced by the export meat processor has received an ante-mortem and post-mortem veterinary inspection and is suitable for human consumption. Monitoring Programs • Microbiological Assessment -to comply with the Australian Standard, exporting processing plants must monitor E. coli and Salmonella. • The National Residue Survey is an Australian Government program that monitors meat for residues of agricultural, veterinary, environmental and industrial contaminants. Transport and Shipping All shipping containers destined for export are inspected and sea-freighted containers sealed under AQIS supervision. • The container cannot be opened until it reaches its final destination.
  • 3. Australia’s Beef safety systems AUSTRALIA’S ANIMAL DISEASE FREEDOM Australia has a widely accepted disease free status and is recognised as having the highest attainable level of BSE and FMD freedom. BSE, a Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) that affects cattle, is an incurable central nervous system illness. Australia has strict quarantine measures and surveillance programs in place to meet international standards for the detection of TSEs. Supplying over 100 markets globally, Australia is one of the world’s largest beef exporters and we are proud of this achievement. The Australian livestock and meat industry • 1966 – a ban was placed on the importation of meat is committed to food safety, integrity, traceability and our and bone meal from all countries with the exception of product quality complements our focus on responsibility in New Zealand. meeting the demands of our international customers. • 1988 – a ban was implemented on importation of cattle from BSE affected countries, including the UK. Australia has an internationally recognised status of being • 1990 – commenced targeted testing for BSE in free of all major epidemic diseases of cattle, including Bovine Australian cattle. Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) and Foot and Mouth • 1991 – a ban was applied on the importation of cattle Disease (FMD). from France and Switzerland. • 1996 – implemented a voluntary ban on feeding of ruminant material to ruminants following a World Health To maintain Australia’s high product standards, the Australian Organization recommendation. beef industry and all levels of government have worked together to develop stringent standards and systems, • 1997 – a compulsory ban on feeding of ruminant designed to ensure the integrity and traceability of the product. material to ruminants was adopted in all states and These standards and systems are based on an assessment territories of Australia through legislation. of risk and sound science to meet the requirements of our • 1998 – adopted OIE guidelines for surveillance for international customers. BSE – the surveillance program applies to both cattle and sheep. • 1999 – the compulsory feeding ban was extended The Australian Government and industry have established to include feeding specific mammalian material SAFEMEAT, a committee consisting of representatives from to ruminants. government and industry. SAFEMEAT’s role is to ensure that • 2000 – Australia was recognised by the European all beef products achieve the highest safety and hygiene Union Scientific Steering Committee to have the lowest standards from the farm to the consumer. possible risk of BSE detection (Level 1). • 2001 – Australia’s Agricultural Ministers agreed to When customers purchase beef products from Australia legislate a ban on the feeding of all vertebrate materials they are receiving product from one of the most stringently to ruminants – a world first. controlled meat industries in the world, with independently • 2004 – Australia was recognised by the European Food audited systems for animal production throughout the chain, Safety Authority to have the lowest possible risk of BSE including the transport, processing and export sectors. detection (Level 1). • 2006 – Australia was recognised by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) as a country free of BSE.
  • 4. In 1997, Australia enacted legislation prohibiting the use INTEGRITY AND of meat and bone meal (MBM) as a ruminant feed. These TRACEABILITY SYSTEMS regulations were further enhanced in 2001 with a ban on the feeding of any mammalian material to ruminants. Feeding All sectors of Australia’s beef industry from the farm, through MBM to animals has been linked to the transmission of TSEs to feedlots, transport, saleyards, and processing plants are in animals. able to implement integrity and traceability systems that operate under independently audited Quality Assurance (QA) programs developed in partnership by the Australian industry, Australia’s TSE status is further enhanced by the government and other relevant organisations. implementation of the National Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy Surveillance Program (NTSESP) in 1998. ON-FARM AND FEEDLOT – INTEGRITY This program was developed to meet the Office International des Epizooties (OIE) International Animal Health Code for the Livestock Production Assurance – On-Farm surveillance of BSE in cattle and Scrapie in sheep. NTSESP Food Safety & Quality Assurance is an integrated national program, funded by industry and The Australian cattle industry has developed integrity systems government, which involves identifying and testing cattle and to verify and assure the food safety status and other quality sheep with clinical symptoms that could be mistaken for TSE. attributes of livestock. Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) is an on-farm food safety and quality assurance (QA) certification The Australian red meat industry recognises that it is vital to program. These standards are designed to strengthen systems undertake monitoring and surveillance measures in order to currently in place for the grass-fed production sector. protect Australia’s TSE status. These measures are designed to ensure that Australia’s trading partners continue to be The LPA program was developed in accordance with ISO confident about Australia’s TSE-free status. 9002:1994 and HACCP principles as the production based food safety and quality assurance program for grass-fed As a result of these programs and strict quarantine measures, beef. Independent audits, both random and targeted, are Australia is recognised by the World Organisation for Animal conducted to ensure the program’s integrity is maintained. Health (OIE) as a country free of BSE. Australia is one of only a few countries to have this status in the world. The LPA on-farm food safety standard consists of a module, Food Safety Management. This module is made up of five elements, which are: 1. Property risk assessment. 2. Safe and responsible animal treatments. 3. Fodder crop, grain and pasture treatments and stock foods. 4. Preparation for dispatch of livestock. 5. Livestock transactions and movements.
  • 5. The LPA on-farm quality assurance (QA) National Vendor Declaration (NVD) for Cattle standard, incorporating the CATTLECARE Underpinning the LPA and NFAS integrity programs is the program, consists of the module Food National Vendor Declaration (NVD) for cattle; this links Safety Management, plus an extra two the traceability of the livestock from the farm, through to modules, Systems Management and feedlots, saleyards, transport and processing. The NVD Livestock Management. Both of these contains information about the location of the property, modules are each made of five elements, contact details of the vendor, the property identification which are: code (PIC), exposure of the livestock to agricultural and veterinary chemicals, grazing history and supplementary SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT LIVESTOCK MANAGEMENT feeding. The NVD declares that the vendor has met 1. Training 1. Livestock Husbandry and the requirements of LPA Food Safety, LPA QA or NFAS preparation depending on what program they are involved. 2. Internal auditing and 2. Livestock handling Below is the declaration vendors provide after they have document control facilities answered the questions within the NVD. 3. Quality Records 3. Livestock Transport 4. Document Control 4. Animal Welfare 5. Chemical Inventory 5. Accredited Livestock National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS) The National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS) is a mandatary QA integrity system for feedlots producing grainfed beef for the Australian domestic market and all export markets. A feedlot is an intensive production system where the cattle are fed a prepared feed ration for a specific length of time depending on the final customer. Under the NFAS, the movement of cattle from the farm to the feedlot must be recorded in the NLIS database. In addition as outlined in a manual, health and production controls for grainfed cattle are applied through strict checks for feed and water safety, strict regulations are adhered to, with monitoring for veterinary treatments and inspection for pesticides or trace metals. Records must be kept to allow the health and feeding history As the person responsible for the husbandry of the of each individual animal to be traceable. cattle, I also declare that all the information in part A of this document is true and correct, that I have read and understood all the questions that I have answered, that I have read and understood the explanatory notes, and that, while under my control, the cattle were not fed restricted animal material (including meat and bone meal) in breach of State or Territory legislation. Signed: ____________________________Date: ___________ Phone: ( _____ ) _____________________________________ * nly the person whose name appears above may sign this O declaration, or make amendments which must be initialled. Commodity Vendor Declaration The Commodity Vendor Declaration (CVD) is a part of Australia’s red meat, grain and fodder industry’s commitment to deliver safe products. If a commodity supplier to a farm or feedlot has used chemicals in production of the commodity, it must be declared on the CVD. LPA and NFAS regulations require a CVD or a system to independently ensure the feed is residue free.
  • 6. TRANSPORT AND SALEYARD – INTEGRITY TruckCare TruckCare is a voluntary quality assurance program applied to livestock transportation and is centred on maximising animal welfare, meat quality and meat safety. National Saleyards Quality Assurance (NSQA) program The National Standard for the Construction and Operation of Australian Saleyards forms the basis of the National Saleyard Quality Assurance (NSQA) program. The Standard addresses the key quality issues/hazards within the saleyard sector including food safety, product quality, stock identification and traceability. ON-FARM AND FEEDLOT – TRACEABILITY National Livestock TRANSPORT AND SALEYARD – TRACEABILITY Identification System (Cattle) The core basis of Australia’s livestock National Livestock Identification System (Cattle) traceability system is the Property The primary responsibility of saleyards participating in the Identification Code (PIC), which NLIS is reading and then recording in the NLIS database underpins Australia’s NVD and the cattle transactions that occur in the saleyard. Legislation National Livestock Identification System requires saleyards selling NLIS identified store / breeding (NLIS) programs. The PIC system cattle to up-load cattle movements to the NLIS database. was introduced in the late 1960s and identifies each property with an eight digit alphanumeric code. PROCESSING PLANT The code is issued by State Governments and identifies the state, region and location of the property. A comprehensive level of activities to ensure integrity and traceability are carried out in processing plants. The Australian Federal and State Government organisations and industry NLIS is the Australian traceability conduct auditing and verification processes that form an system for grass-fed and grain-fed integral part of Australian control systems. Elements of these cattle. It was developed by the systems are subject to Australian Government legislation. Australian Government and the red meat industry. The NLIS is based on a ‘whole of life’ electronic tag on PROCESSING PLANT – INTEGRITY individual cattle, which utilises radio The Australian Standard frequency technology and enables All export licensed processing plants operate under the individual animal transactions, Australian Standard for hygienic production and transportation including PIC information, to of meat and meat products for human consumption be recorded and transmitted (AS4696:2002) which is based on world’s best practice and electronically by the producer or processor. This information is is consistent with the ISO 9002:1994 standard. Additionally, transferred to a central database, allowing the tracing of cattle the Australian Federal government mandated HACCP-based from the farm to the point of slaughter to occur swiftly and quality assurance programs to be adopted for all Australian efficiently – this is one attribute that distinguishes the NLIS export abattoirs since 1997. from other traceability systems around the world. All registered abattoirs are required to have qualified veterinary All grainfed cattle in Australia personnel and inspectors stationed in each export meat destined for export markets abattoir to: are required by the NFAS to be • Carry out daily hygiene inspections before operations individually identified with a unique begin each day; identification number when they • monitor quality assurance and meat safety throughout enter a feedlot. the production process; and • conduct ante-mortem and post-mortem health inspections to ensure the safety and suitability of products for human consumption.
  • 7. PROCESSING PLANT – TRACEABILITY National Livestock Identification System (Cattle) The primary responsibility of processors participating in the NLIS traceability program is reading and then recording in the NLIS database cattle transactions that occur at the processing plant. Legislation requires abattoirs processing NLIS identified cattle to up-load information to the NLIS database. On-Plant Product Traceability Government legislation underpins the traceability systems in all Australian beef export processing plants. Provisions under the EMOs require processors to implement traceability systems by accurately correlating the beef carcases with the PIC numbers for identification. Australian Quarantine and Inspection The information correlating the carcase and the PIC is stored Service (AQIS) on a database by the processing plant and ensures precise trace back through the processing plant from when the live Licensed export meat processing plants in Australia are animal arrives to when the final beef products are exported. required to operate under the Export Control Act 1982. Under this Act, Export Meat Orders (EMOs) provide the framework for meeting the detailed legislative requirements that apply to export meat plants. This Act governs all aspects of how meat is handled during processing. Each export meat abattoir has a veterinary officer from AQIS – the Australian Government agency responsible for meat hygiene, safety regulation and certification – to verify that the legislation is being correctly implemented. AQIS Health Certificate Once the meat is ready for exporting, the processing plant will electronically request an AQIS Health Certificate. The AQIS Health Certificate states that beef produced was processed in an hygienic manner and was derived from animals which have been found by ante-mortem and post-mortem veterinary inspection to be free from diseases designated by the laws of the importing country and suitable in every way for human consumption. The AQIS Health Certificate includes information on the exporter, importer, processing plant, boning room, a description of the product including quantities, container marks/numbers, vessel or aircraft and the port of loading TRANSPORT AND SHIPPING – TRACEABILITY and discharge. The information obtained from the Health Cartons of beef are loaded into refrigerated containers, which Certificate is stored by AQIS in a central database. are then inspected and sealed under the supervision of AQIS. The container is not reopened until it reaches its final destination. To maintain the optimal shelf-life and quality of the beef product during transport, the temperature of chilled beef should be maintained at 0°C (±1°C) and below -18°C for frozen product.
  • 8. MICROBIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT AND MONITORING PROGRAMS In order to verify the performance-based monitoring systems, which underpin the Australian Standards, the Australian red meat industry and AQIS conduct regular assessment and monitoring programs – • the generic E. coli and Salmonella Monitoring Program – a national program of microbiological monitoring of carcase surfaces. Under the program, carcase surfaces of all species of livestock slaughtered in Australia for export are tested for generic E. coli and Salmonella. • The National Residue Survey (NRS) is an Australian Government program that monitors agricultural products and meat producing animals for residues of agricultural and veterinary chemicals, as well as some environmental and industrial contaminants. Testing is carried out for a range of chemical compounds. The purpose of residue monitoring is to quantify the occurrence of residues in products and to verify that residues in products are within internationally accepted limits. Appropriate authorities are contacted when limits are exceeded so that corrective action can be taken and affected product removed from the food chain. Current analytical technology can detect chemicals at very low concentrations. FOOD SAFETY © Meat & Livestock Australia 2006. WEB SITES All rights reserved Published by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) ABN 39 081 678 364 ADDITIONAL WEB SITES September 2006 Level 1, 165 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW 2060, Tel: +61 2 9463 9333 Fax: +61 2 9463 9393 Care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information in the publication. However, MLA cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information or opinions contained in the publication. Readers should rely on their own enquiries in making decisions concerning their interests.