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Object Oriented Concepts
PHP 4, PHP 5 & PHP 6
 There are substantial differences between PHP 4 and
PHP 5. Most of the hype was around the new object
model, which was completely rewritten in PHP5. The PHP
5 version is much more complete, and performs much
better as well. In PHP 4, objects were really just primitive
data types, and were referenced by value. In an attempt
to retain as much backward compatibility as possible in
PHP 5 allows compatibility with the version 4 methods.
 With the release of PHP 5 in 2004, PHP programmers
finally had the power to code like the Java and C#, PHP
finally had a complete OOP infrastructure.
 PHP 6 has more features of object Oriented Concepts.
Step by Step Process
 The difference between building a PHP application the old
fashioned (procedural) way versus the OOP way.
 What the basic OOP principles are, and how to use them in
 When to use OOP in your PHP scripts?
Object Oriented PHP
How to develop a OO PHP ?? to get into this we are going to divide the
process into 22 steps by which we can get a basic idea to develop an
application in OOP Concepts.
First lets create 2 PHP files
OOP is all about creating modular code, so our object oriented PHP
code will be contained in dedicated files that we will then insert into our
normal PHP page using PHP 'includes'.
In this case, all our OO PHP code will be in the PHP file: class_lib.php
In OOP codes revolves around a 'class', Classes are the templates that
are used to define objects.
Create a simple PHP class (in class_lib.php)
Instead of having a bunch of functions, variables and code floating
around, to design our PHP scripts in the OOP way, we need to create
our own classes.
keyword 'class'
STEP 2 ( conti ...)
class classname
STEP 3 (add data to your class)
Classes are the blueprints for php objects. One of the big differences
between functions and classes is that a class contains both data (variables)
and functions that form a package called an: 'object'.
When you create a variable inside a class, it is called a 'property'.
class classname
// var $name is called as properties of class var keyword
var $name;
STEP 4 (add functions/methods to your class)
Functions also referred by different name when created inside a class - they
are called 'methods'.
A class's methods are used to manipulate its own data / properties.
class mfs_employee
var $name;
function set_name($new_name)
$this->name = $new_name;
function get_name()
return $this->name;
STEP 5 (getter and setter functions)
We've created two interesting functions/methods: get_name() and set_name().
These methods follow a common OOP convention that you see in many
languages (including Java and Ruby) - where you create methods to 'set' and
'get' properties in a class.
NOTE : Another convention (a naming convention,) is that getter and setter
names should match the property names.
This way, when other PHP programmers want to use your objects, they will
know that if you have a method/function called 'set_name()', there will be a
property/variable called 'name'.
class mfs_employee
var $name;
function set_name($new_name)
$this->name = $new_name;
function get_name()
return $this->name;
STEP 6 (The '$this' variable)
$this->name = $new_name;
$this is a built-in variable which points to the current object. Or in other
words, $this is a special self-referencing variable. We use $this to access
properties and to call other methods of the current class.
STEP 7 (Use our class in our main PHP page : index.php )
We should not create the PHP classes in our main page, else it will
break the main purpose of building applications in OOP.
So in index.php include the file ( class_lib.php )
<?php include('class_lib.php'); ?>
STEP 8 ( Instantiate/create your object )
Classes are the blueprints/templates of php objects. Classes don't
actually become objects until you do something called: instantiation.
When you instantiate a class, you create an instance of it ... thus
creating the object.
In other words, instantiation is the process of creating an instance
of an object in memory. What memory? The server's memory of
$obj_mfsemp = new mfs_employee();
Note: The variable $obj_mfsemp becomes a handle/reference to
our newly created mfs_employee class. It is a 'handle', because we
will use $obj_mfsemp to control and use the mfs_employee class.
STEP 9 ( new keyword )
To create an object out of a class, you need to use the 'new'
When creating/instantiating a class, we can optionally add brackets
to the class name, as below example. To be clear, we can see in the
code below how we create multiple objects from the same class.
From the PHP's engine point of view, each object is its own entity.
$obj_mfsemp1 = new mfs_employee ();
$obj_mfsemp2 = new mfs_employee ;
STEP 10 ( Set an objects properties )
Now that we've created/instantiated our two separate
'mfs_employee' objects, we can set their properties using the
methods (the setters) we created.
Please keep in mind that though both our mfs_employee objects
($obj_mfsemp1 and $obj_mfsemp2) are based on the same
'mfs_employee' class, as far as php is concerned, they are totally
different objects.
$obj_mfsemp1 = new mfs_employee ();
$obj_mfsemp2 = new mfs_employee ;
$obj_mfsemp1->set_name("Abinash Grahacharya");
$obj_mfsemp2->set_name("Amitabh Pattnaik");
STEP 11 ( Accessing an object's data )
Now we use the getter methods to access the data held in our
objects … this is the same data we inserted into our objects
using the setter methods.
When accessing methods and properties of a class, we use the
arrow (->) operator.
$obj_mfsemp1 = new mfs_employee ();
$obj_mfsemp2 = new mfs_employee ;
//setting values in the object
$obj_mfsemp1->set_name("Abinash Grahacharya");
$obj_mfsemp2->set_name("Amitabh Pattnaik");
//getting each values from the object
echo $obj_mfsemp1 -> get_name();
echo "<br />";
echo $obj_mfsemp2 -> get_name();
In this short period of time, we have covered
Designed a PHP class.
Generate/created a couple of objects based on your class.
Inserted data into your objects.
Retrieved data from your objects.
Lets now focus on PHP OBJECT.
STEP 12 ( Directly accessing properties - don't do it! )
We don't have to use methods to access objects properties; you can
directly get to them using the arrow operator (->) and the name of
the variable.
For example: with the property $name (in object $obj_mfsemp1,) we
can get its' value like :
echo $obj_mfsemp1->name;
NOTE : Though doable, it is considered bad practice to do it
because it can lead to trouble down the road. We should use getter
methods instead.
STEP 13 ( Constructor )
All objects can have a special built-in method called a 'constructor'. Constructors
allow you to initialize your object's properties (give values to properties) when we
instantiate (create) an object.
Note: If you create a __construct() function PHP will automatically call the
__construct() method/function when you create an object from your class.
The 'construct' method starts with two underscores (__) and the word 'construct'.
class mfs_employee
var $name;
function __construct($con_name)
$this->name = $con_name;
function set_name($new_name)
$this->name = $new_name;
function get_name()
return $this->name;
STEP 14 ( Create an object with a constructor )
Now that we've created a constructor method, we can provide a
value for the $name property when we create our objects for the
class mfs_employee.
We 'feed' the constructor method by providing a list of arguments
(like we do with a function) after the class name at the time of object
Not a constructor
$obj_mfsemp1 = new mfs_employee ();
When have constructor
$obj_con_mfsemp3 = new mfs_employee (“Abinash Grahacharya”);
STEP 15 ( access modifiers )
One of the fundamental principles in OOP is 'encapsulation'. The
idea is that we create cleaner better code, if you restrict access to
the data structures (properties) in our objects.
Encapsulation : Storing data/properties and functions/methods in a
single unit (class) is encapsulation. Data cannot be accessible to
the outside world and only those functions which are stored in the
class can access it.
We restrict access to class properties using something called
'access modifiers'. There are 3 access modifiers:
1. public
2. private
3. protected
'Public' is the default modifier.
STEP 15 ( access modifiers ) conti...
class mfs_employee
var $name;
public $designation = 'SW Engineer';
protected $standard_charted_pin = '756472';
private $gps_password = 'mindfire';
function __construct($con_name)
$this->name = $con_name;
function set_name($new_name)
$this->name = $new_name;
function get_name()
return $this->name;
//NOTE : when ever we are using var it is treated as public
STEP 16 ( Restricting access to properties )
Properties declared as 'public' have no access restrictions, meaning anyone
can access them.
When you declare a property as 'private', only the same class can access the
When a property is declared 'protected', only the same class and classes
derived from that class can access the property - this has to do with inheritance
$obj_mfsemp1 = new mfs_employee (“Mindfire”);
echo $obj_mfsemp1-> get_name();
//when we try to access private or public properties outside class will through Fatal
echo $obj_mfsemp1-> standard_charted_pin;
STEP 17 ( Restricting access to methods )
Like properties, you can control access to methods using one of the three
access modifiers:
1. public
2. protected
3. private
class mfs_employee
var $name;
public $designation = 'SW Engineer';
protected $standard_charted_pin = '756472';
private $gps_password = 'mindfire';
private function getpin()
return $this->standard_charted_pin ;
Since the method getpin() is 'private', the only place you can use this method is in
the same class - typically in another method in class. If we wanted to call/use this
method directly in our PHP pages, we need to declare it as 'public'.
STEP 18 ( Inheritance - reusing code the OOP way )
Inheritance is a fundamental capability/construct in OOP where you can
use one class, as the base/basis for another class … or many other
Why do it?
Doing this allows help to efficiently reuse the code found in our base class.
Say, you wanted to create a new 'sales_people' class … since we can say
that 'mfs_employee' is a type/kind of 'peoples', they will share common
properties and methods.
In this type of situation, inheritance can make our code lighter … because
we are reusing the same code in two different classes.
1. You only have to type the code out once.
2. The actual code being reused, can be reused in many classes but it is
only typed out in one place … conceptually, this is sort-of like PHP
STEP 18 ( Inheritance - reusing code the OOP way ) conti..
// 'extends' is the keyword that enables
class sales_people extends mfs_employee
function __construct($employee_name)
$this ->
class mfs_employee
var $name;
public $designation = 'SW Engineer';
protected $standard_charted_pin = '756472';
private $gps_password = 'mindfire';
function __construct($con_name)
$this->name = $con_name;
function set_name($new_name)
$this->name = $new_name;
function get_name()
return $this->name;
//NOTE : when ever we are using var it is treated as public
STEP 19 ( Inheritance - reusing code the OOP way how to access )
Because the class 'sales_people' is based on the class ' mfs_employee ',
'sales_people' automatically has all the public and protected, properties
and methods of 'mfs_employee' class.
Notice how we are able to use set_name() in 'sales_people', even though we
did not declare that method in the 'sales_people' class. That's because we
already created set_name() in the class 'mfs_employee'.
Note: the 'sales_people' class is called children the 'base' class or the
'mfs_employee' class because it's the class that the 'sales_people' is based
on. This class hierarchy can become important down the road when our
projects become more complex.
// 'extends' is the keyword that enables
class sales_people extends mfs_employee
function __construct($employee_name)
$this ->
STEP 20 ( Inheritance - reusing code the OOP way- How to access )
class mfs_employee
var $name;
public $designation = 'SW Engineer';
protected $standard_charted_pin = '756472';
private $gps_password = 'mindfire';
function __construct($con_name)
$this->name = $con_name;
function set_name($new_name)
$this->name = $new_name;
function get_name()
return $this->name;
//NOTE : when ever we are using var it is treated as public
// 'extends' is the keyword that enables inheritance
class sales_people extends mfs_employee
function __construct($employee_name)
$this -> set_name($employee_name);
//In PHP file
$sp_obj_c2 = new sales_people("class2 names");
echo $sp_obj_c2 -> get_name() ;
This is a classic example of how OOP
can reduce the number of lines of code
(don't have to write the same methods
twice) while still keeping your code
modular and much easier to maintain.
STEP 21 ( Overriding Methods )
Sometimes (when using inheritance,) we may need to change how a
method works from the base class.
For example, let's say set_name() method in the 'sales_people' class, have
to do something different than what it does in the 'mfs_employee' class.
We have to 'override' the ''mfs_employee' classes version of set_name(),
by declaring the same method in 'sales_people'.
// 'extends' is the keyword that enables inheritance
class sales_people extends mfs_employee
function __construct($employee_name)
$this -> set_name($employee_name);
function set_name($new_name)
if ($new_name[0] == "S")
$this->name = $new_name;
//In PHP file
$sp_obj_c2 = new sales_people("class2 names");
echo $sp_obj_c2 -> get_name() ;
$sp_obj_c2 = new sales_people("So Check it");
echo $sp_obj_c2 -> get_name() ;
STEP 22 ( Overriding Methods ) cont..
Sometimes we may need to access our base class's version of a method over
lode in the derived (sometimes called 'child') class.
In our example, we overrode the set_name() method in the 'sales_people' class.
Now We have to used the following code :
to access the parent class' (mfs_employee) version of the set_name() method
// 'extends' is the keyword that enables inheritance
class sales_people extends mfs_employee
function __construct($employee_name)
$this -> set_name($employee_name);
function set_name($new_name)
if ($new_name == "Stefan Sucks")
$this->name = $new_name;
function set_name_old_style($new_name)
:: will tell to PHP to search for set_name() in
the 'base' class.
STEP 22 ( Overriding Methods ) cont..
Also by using the parent keyword we can call the parent methods if it is overloaded
// 'extends' is the keyword that enables inheritance
class sales_people extends mfs_employee
function __construct($employee_name)
$this -> set_name($employee_name);
function set_name($new_name)
if ($new_name == "Stefan Sucks")
$this->name = $new_name;
function set_name_old_style($new_name)

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Epistemic Interaction - tuning interfaces to provide information for AI support
Alan Dix

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Basic Oops concept of PHP

  • 2. PHP 4, PHP 5 & PHP 6  There are substantial differences between PHP 4 and PHP 5. Most of the hype was around the new object model, which was completely rewritten in PHP5. The PHP 5 version is much more complete, and performs much better as well. In PHP 4, objects were really just primitive data types, and were referenced by value. In an attempt to retain as much backward compatibility as possible in PHP 5 allows compatibility with the version 4 methods.  With the release of PHP 5 in 2004, PHP programmers finally had the power to code like the Java and C#, PHP finally had a complete OOP infrastructure.  PHP 6 has more features of object Oriented Concepts.
  • 3. Step by Step Process  The difference between building a PHP application the old fashioned (procedural) way versus the OOP way.  What the basic OOP principles are, and how to use them in PHP?  When to use OOP in your PHP scripts?
  • 4. Object Oriented PHP How to develop a OO PHP ?? to get into this we are going to divide the process into 22 steps by which we can get a basic idea to develop an application in OOP Concepts. STEP 1 First lets create 2 PHP files index.php class_lib.php OOP is all about creating modular code, so our object oriented PHP code will be contained in dedicated files that we will then insert into our normal PHP page using PHP 'includes'. In this case, all our OO PHP code will be in the PHP file: class_lib.php In OOP codes revolves around a 'class', Classes are the templates that are used to define objects. STEP 2 Create a simple PHP class (in class_lib.php) Instead of having a bunch of functions, variables and code floating around, to design our PHP scripts in the OOP way, we need to create our own classes. keyword 'class'
  • 5. STEP 2 ( conti ...) <?php class classname { } ?> STEP 3 (add data to your class) Classes are the blueprints for php objects. One of the big differences between functions and classes is that a class contains both data (variables) and functions that form a package called an: 'object'. When you create a variable inside a class, it is called a 'property'. <?php class classname { // var $name is called as properties of class var keyword var $name; } ?>
  • 6. STEP 4 (add functions/methods to your class) Functions also referred by different name when created inside a class - they are called 'methods'. A class's methods are used to manipulate its own data / properties. <?php class mfs_employee { var $name; function set_name($new_name) { $this->name = $new_name; } function get_name() { return $this->name; } } ?>
  • 7. STEP 5 (getter and setter functions) We've created two interesting functions/methods: get_name() and set_name(). These methods follow a common OOP convention that you see in many languages (including Java and Ruby) - where you create methods to 'set' and 'get' properties in a class. NOTE : Another convention (a naming convention,) is that getter and setter names should match the property names. This way, when other PHP programmers want to use your objects, they will know that if you have a method/function called 'set_name()', there will be a property/variable called 'name'. <?php class mfs_employee { var $name; function set_name($new_name) { $this->name = $new_name; } function get_name() { return $this->name; } } ?>
  • 8. STEP 6 (The '$this' variable) $this->name = $new_name; $this is a built-in variable which points to the current object. Or in other words, $this is a special self-referencing variable. We use $this to access properties and to call other methods of the current class. STEP 7 (Use our class in our main PHP page : index.php ) We should not create the PHP classes in our main page, else it will break the main purpose of building applications in OOP. So in index.php include the file ( class_lib.php ) <?php include('class_lib.php'); ?>
  • 9. STEP 8 ( Instantiate/create your object ) Classes are the blueprints/templates of php objects. Classes don't actually become objects until you do something called: instantiation. When you instantiate a class, you create an instance of it ... thus creating the object. In other words, instantiation is the process of creating an instance of an object in memory. What memory? The server's memory of course! <?php $obj_mfsemp = new mfs_employee(); ?> Note: The variable $obj_mfsemp becomes a handle/reference to our newly created mfs_employee class. It is a 'handle', because we will use $obj_mfsemp to control and use the mfs_employee class.
  • 10. STEP 9 ( new keyword ) To create an object out of a class, you need to use the 'new' keyword. When creating/instantiating a class, we can optionally add brackets to the class name, as below example. To be clear, we can see in the code below how we create multiple objects from the same class. From the PHP's engine point of view, each object is its own entity. <?php $obj_mfsemp1 = new mfs_employee (); $obj_mfsemp2 = new mfs_employee ; ?>
  • 11. STEP 10 ( Set an objects properties ) Now that we've created/instantiated our two separate 'mfs_employee' objects, we can set their properties using the methods (the setters) we created. Please keep in mind that though both our mfs_employee objects ($obj_mfsemp1 and $obj_mfsemp2) are based on the same 'mfs_employee' class, as far as php is concerned, they are totally different objects. <?php $obj_mfsemp1 = new mfs_employee (); $obj_mfsemp2 = new mfs_employee ; $obj_mfsemp1->set_name("Abinash Grahacharya"); $obj_mfsemp2->set_name("Amitabh Pattnaik"); ?>
  • 12. STEP 11 ( Accessing an object's data ) Now we use the getter methods to access the data held in our objects … this is the same data we inserted into our objects using the setter methods. When accessing methods and properties of a class, we use the arrow (->) operator. <?php $obj_mfsemp1 = new mfs_employee (); $obj_mfsemp2 = new mfs_employee ; //setting values in the object $obj_mfsemp1->set_name("Abinash Grahacharya"); $obj_mfsemp2->set_name("Amitabh Pattnaik"); //getting each values from the object echo $obj_mfsemp1 -> get_name(); echo "<br />"; echo $obj_mfsemp2 -> get_name(); ?>
  • 13. In this short period of time, we have covered Designed a PHP class. Generate/created a couple of objects based on your class. Inserted data into your objects. Retrieved data from your objects. Lets now focus on PHP OBJECT.
  • 14. STEP 12 ( Directly accessing properties - don't do it! ) We don't have to use methods to access objects properties; you can directly get to them using the arrow operator (->) and the name of the variable. For example: with the property $name (in object $obj_mfsemp1,) we can get its' value like : <?php echo $obj_mfsemp1->name; ?> NOTE : Though doable, it is considered bad practice to do it because it can lead to trouble down the road. We should use getter methods instead.
  • 15. STEP 13 ( Constructor ) All objects can have a special built-in method called a 'constructor'. Constructors allow you to initialize your object's properties (give values to properties) when we instantiate (create) an object. Note: If you create a __construct() function PHP will automatically call the __construct() method/function when you create an object from your class. The 'construct' method starts with two underscores (__) and the word 'construct'. <?php class mfs_employee { var $name; function __construct($con_name) { $this->name = $con_name; } function set_name($new_name) { $this->name = $new_name; } function get_name() { return $this->name; } } ?>
  • 16. STEP 14 ( Create an object with a constructor ) Now that we've created a constructor method, we can provide a value for the $name property when we create our objects for the class mfs_employee. We 'feed' the constructor method by providing a list of arguments (like we do with a function) after the class name at the time of object declaration. Not a constructor <?php $obj_mfsemp1 = new mfs_employee (); ?> When have constructor <?php $obj_con_mfsemp3 = new mfs_employee (“Abinash Grahacharya”); ?>
  • 17. STEP 15 ( access modifiers ) One of the fundamental principles in OOP is 'encapsulation'. The idea is that we create cleaner better code, if you restrict access to the data structures (properties) in our objects. Encapsulation : Storing data/properties and functions/methods in a single unit (class) is encapsulation. Data cannot be accessible to the outside world and only those functions which are stored in the class can access it. We restrict access to class properties using something called 'access modifiers'. There are 3 access modifiers: 1. public 2. private 3. protected 'Public' is the default modifier.
  • 18. STEP 15 ( access modifiers ) conti... <?php class mfs_employee { var $name; public $designation = 'SW Engineer'; protected $standard_charted_pin = '756472'; private $gps_password = 'mindfire'; function __construct($con_name) { $this->name = $con_name; } function set_name($new_name) { $this->name = $new_name; } function get_name() { return $this->name; } } //NOTE : when ever we are using var it is treated as public ?>
  • 19. STEP 16 ( Restricting access to properties ) Properties declared as 'public' have no access restrictions, meaning anyone can access them. When you declare a property as 'private', only the same class can access the property. When a property is declared 'protected', only the same class and classes derived from that class can access the property - this has to do with inheritance <?php $obj_mfsemp1 = new mfs_employee (“Mindfire”); echo $obj_mfsemp1-> get_name(); //when we try to access private or public properties outside class will through Fatal Error echo $obj_mfsemp1-> standard_charted_pin; ?>
  • 20. STEP 17 ( Restricting access to methods ) Like properties, you can control access to methods using one of the three access modifiers: 1. public 2. protected 3. private <?php class mfs_employee { var $name; public $designation = 'SW Engineer'; protected $standard_charted_pin = '756472'; private $gps_password = 'mindfire'; private function getpin() { return $this->standard_charted_pin ; } } ?> Since the method getpin() is 'private', the only place you can use this method is in the same class - typically in another method in class. If we wanted to call/use this method directly in our PHP pages, we need to declare it as 'public'.
  • 21. STEP 18 ( Inheritance - reusing code the OOP way ) Inheritance is a fundamental capability/construct in OOP where you can use one class, as the base/basis for another class … or many other classes. Why do it? Doing this allows help to efficiently reuse the code found in our base class. Say, you wanted to create a new 'sales_people' class … since we can say that 'mfs_employee' is a type/kind of 'peoples', they will share common properties and methods. In this type of situation, inheritance can make our code lighter … because we are reusing the same code in two different classes. 1. You only have to type the code out once. 2. The actual code being reused, can be reused in many classes but it is only typed out in one place … conceptually, this is sort-of like PHP includes().
  • 22. STEP 18 ( Inheritance - reusing code the OOP way ) conti.. // 'extends' is the keyword that enables inheritance class sales_people extends mfs_employee { function __construct($employee_name) { $this -> set_name($employee_name); } } <?php class mfs_employee { var $name; public $designation = 'SW Engineer'; protected $standard_charted_pin = '756472'; private $gps_password = 'mindfire'; function __construct($con_name) { $this->name = $con_name; } function set_name($new_name) { $this->name = $new_name; } function get_name() { return $this->name; } } //NOTE : when ever we are using var it is treated as public ?>
  • 23. STEP 19 ( Inheritance - reusing code the OOP way how to access ) Because the class 'sales_people' is based on the class ' mfs_employee ', 'sales_people' automatically has all the public and protected, properties and methods of 'mfs_employee' class. Notice how we are able to use set_name() in 'sales_people', even though we did not declare that method in the 'sales_people' class. That's because we already created set_name() in the class 'mfs_employee'. Note: the 'sales_people' class is called children the 'base' class or the 'mfs_employee' class because it's the class that the 'sales_people' is based on. This class hierarchy can become important down the road when our projects become more complex. // 'extends' is the keyword that enables inheritance class sales_people extends mfs_employee { function __construct($employee_name) { $this -> set_name($employee_name); } }
  • 24. STEP 20 ( Inheritance - reusing code the OOP way- How to access ) <?php class mfs_employee { var $name; public $designation = 'SW Engineer'; protected $standard_charted_pin = '756472'; private $gps_password = 'mindfire'; function __construct($con_name) { $this->name = $con_name; } function set_name($new_name) { $this->name = $new_name; } function get_name() { return $this->name; } } //NOTE : when ever we are using var it is treated as public ?> // 'extends' is the keyword that enables inheritance class sales_people extends mfs_employee { function __construct($employee_name) { $this -> set_name($employee_name); } } //In PHP file <?php $sp_obj_c2 = new sales_people("class2 names"); echo $sp_obj_c2 -> get_name() ; ?> This is a classic example of how OOP can reduce the number of lines of code (don't have to write the same methods twice) while still keeping your code modular and much easier to maintain.
  • 25. STEP 21 ( Overriding Methods ) Sometimes (when using inheritance,) we may need to change how a method works from the base class. For example, let's say set_name() method in the 'sales_people' class, have to do something different than what it does in the 'mfs_employee' class. We have to 'override' the ''mfs_employee' classes version of set_name(), by declaring the same method in 'sales_people'. // 'extends' is the keyword that enables inheritance class sales_people extends mfs_employee { function __construct($employee_name) { $this -> set_name($employee_name); } function set_name($new_name) { if ($new_name[0] == "S") { $this->name = $new_name; } } } //In PHP file <?php $sp_obj_c2 = new sales_people("class2 names"); echo $sp_obj_c2 -> get_name() ; $sp_obj_c2 = new sales_people("So Check it"); echo $sp_obj_c2 -> get_name() ; ?>
  • 26. STEP 22 ( Overriding Methods ) cont.. Sometimes we may need to access our base class's version of a method over lode in the derived (sometimes called 'child') class. In our example, we overrode the set_name() method in the 'sales_people' class. Now We have to used the following code : mfs_employee::set_name($new_name); to access the parent class' (mfs_employee) version of the set_name() method // 'extends' is the keyword that enables inheritance class sales_people extends mfs_employee { function __construct($employee_name) { $this -> set_name($employee_name); } function set_name($new_name) { if ($new_name == "Stefan Sucks") { $this->name = $new_name; } } function set_name_old_style($new_name) { mfs_employee::set_name($new_name); } } :: will tell to PHP to search for set_name() in the 'base' class.
  • 27. STEP 22 ( Overriding Methods ) cont.. Also by using the parent keyword we can call the parent methods if it is overloaded // 'extends' is the keyword that enables inheritance class sales_people extends mfs_employee { function __construct($employee_name) { $this -> set_name($employee_name); } function set_name($new_name) { if ($new_name == "Stefan Sucks") { $this->name = $new_name; } } function set_name_old_style($new_name) { parent::set_name($new_name); } }