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How did you hear about us?
Are you tired of dealing with bothersome allergies that
disrupt your daily life? Look no further! Best Ayurvedic Clinic
in Pune, Maharashtra, Kalpataru Ayurvediya
Chikitsalaya™ is a premier destination for Ayurvedic
Allergy Treatment in Pune, Maharashtra. Under the expert
guidance of renowned Ayurvedic Doctors in Pune,
Maharashtra, Dr. Manoj Deshpande, with over 25 years of
experience, & Dr. Aparna Manoj Deshpande, With over 20
years of experience, we offer holistic and personalized
solutions for various allergic conditions.
Throughout his journey, Dr. Deshpande has garnered a deep
knowledge of Ayurveda’s principles and applications, making
him a trusted authority in the field. His passion for healing
and dedication to patient well-being have earned him an
exceptional reputation among his patients.
At Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™, we believe in the holistic
healing power of Ayurveda, a natural system of healing that
addresses the root cause of allergies. Dr. Manoj Deshpande’s
extensive expertise allows him to diagnose and treat a wide
range of allergic ailments with precision and care. Our
center is dedicated to offering personalized and natural
allergy treatment plans that cater to individual needs,
aiming to restore harmony and balance within the body.
Take the first step towards allergy comfort and improved
well-being. Book a consultation with Dr. Manoj Deshpande
and his team at Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™.
Embrace the healing touch of Ayurveda and experience a
harmonious, allergy-free life.
What is Allergy?
An allergy is an immune system response to substances that
are usually harmless to most people. These substances,
known as allergens, can trigger an allergic reaction in people
who are sensitive or allergic to them. Common allergens
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Ayurvedic Allergy Treatment in Pune
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1st floor, Mati Ganapati chowk, Patwardhangad apartment, 545, NC Kelkar Road, above new poona bakery, Narayan Peth, Pune - 411030
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include pollen, dust mites, pet dander, certain foods, insect
stings, mold spores, and certain medicines.
Types of Allergy
Respiratory Allergies
1. Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis): Caused by allergens like
pollen, mold spores, pet dander, and dust mites.
Symptoms include sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, itchy
or watery eyes, and nasal congestion.
2. Asthma: Allergic asthma is triggered by allergens,
leading to inflammation and narrowing of the airways.
Signs include wheezing, shortness of breath, chest
tightness, and coughing.
Skin Allergies
1. Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis): An allergic skin disorder
causing red, itchy, and inflamed skin patches.
2. Contact Dermatitis: Triggered by skin contact with
allergens like certain metals, cosmetics, latex, or
chemicals. Causes a rash, itching, and skin irritation.
Food Allergies
1. Common Food Allergens: Peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs,
soy, wheat, fish, and shellfish.
2. Symptoms can vary from mild reactions like hives and
itching to severe reactions like anaphylaxis, which is a
life-threatening condition.
Insect Sting Allergies
1. Allergic reactions to bee stings, wasp stings, hornet
stings, or fire ant bites can cause localized reactions or
systemic reactions, including anaphylaxis.
2. Can range from mild swelling and redness to intense
reactions, including anaphylaxis.
Drug Allergies
1. Allergic reactions to certain medications, such as
antibiotics (e.g., penicillin), nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and some vaccines.
2. Symptoms vary but can include skin rash, hives, swelling,
and in severe cases, anaphylaxis.
Eye Allergies
1. Allergic Conjunctivitis:Caused by allergens like pollen,
pet dander, and dust mites. Symptoms contain red,
itchy, and watery eyes.
Latex Allergy
1. Allergic reactions to latex products, such as gloves,
balloons, or medical devices made from latex
Occupational Allergies
1. Some people may develop allergies due to exposure to
specific substances in their workplace, like chemicals,
dust, or fumes.
It’s important to note that allergies can range in severity
from gentle to life-threatening. If you suspect you have an
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allergy, it’s vital to consult a healthcare professional for
proper evaluation, diagnosis, and management of your
allergy symptoms.
What is Ayurvedic Allergy
Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, focuses on
restoring the balance of energies within the body to boost
overall health and well-being. Ayurvedic Allergy Treatment
contains a natural approach that aims to identify and
address the root cause of allergies rather than merely
suppressing their signs. By harnessing the power of
traditional herbs, treatments, and personalized lifestyle
recommendations, Ayurveda aims to strengthen the
immune system, decrease sensitivity to allergens, and
improve the body’s natural healing procedures.
Ayurvedic causes of Allergy
According to Ayurveda, allergies are believed to be caused
by an imbalance in the body’s doshas, which are the
fundamental energies that control various physiological and
psychological functions.
Vata Imbalance
Pitta Imbalance
Kapha Imbalance
Excessive Toxins (Ama)
Unhealthy Diet
Seasonal Changes
Poor Digestion (Mandagni)
Weak Immunity (Bala Nasha)
Exposure to Environmental Allergens
Emotional Stress
Genetic Predisposition
Risk Factors for Allergies
Allergies are complex conditions affected by various genetic,
environmental, and lifestyle aspects. While not everyone
revealed to allergens will develop allergies, certain risk
factors can improve the likelihood of experiencing allergic
reactions. Here are some common risk factors for allergies:
1. Family History: If you have a family history of allergies,
such as hay fever, asthma, eczema, or food allergies, you
are more probable to conceive allergies yourself.
Allergic preferences can be passed down through
2. Genetics: Specific genetic factors play a role in
specifying an individual’s susceptibility to allergies.
Certain genes can affect how the immune system
responds to allergens, making some people more prone
to allergic reactions.
3. Environmental Allergen Exposure: Living in
environments with increased levels of allergens, such as
pollen, mold, dust mites, or animal dander, can improve
the risk of developing allergies.
4. Age: Allergies can form at any age, but they are more
common in children. Some allergies may enhance or
resolve as children grow older, while others may persist
into adulthood.
5. Air Pollution: Exposure to air pollution, such as vehicle
emissions and industrial pollutants, may contribute to
the development or exacerbation of allergies in
sensitive individuals.
6. Weakened Immune System: People with weakened
immune systems, whether due to certain medical
conditions or medications, may be more susceptible to
developing allergies.
7. Smoking: Tobacco smoke can aggravate existing
allergies and raise the risk of developing respiratory
allergies and asthma.
8. Climate and Weather: Changes in climate and weather
patterns can impact allergen levels. For example, warm
and dry climates may start pollen allergies, while cold
and damp environments can encourage mold growth.
9. Stress: Chronic stress may weaken the immune system
and make people more sensitive to allergic reactions.
10. Existing Health Conditions: People with certain pre-
existing health conditions, such as asthma or eczema,
may be more prone to developing additional allergies.
What are the complications
associated with Allergy?
Allergies can vary from mild to severe, and they can lead to
various complications depending on the person and the
specific allergen involved. Some of the common
complications associated with allergies include:
1. Anaphylaxis: This is a severe and potentially life-
threatening allergic reaction that happens rapidly and
concerns multiple body systems. It can lead to difficulty
breathing, a sudden drop in blood pressure, loss of
consciousness, and even cardiac arrest. Anaphylaxis
requires quick medical attention and the use of
epinephrine (adrenaline) to reverse the reaction.
2. Respiratory Complications: Allergies affecting the
respiratory system, such as allergic rhinitis (hay fever)
or asthma, can lead to complications like chronic
sinusitis, recurrent ear infections, and worsening of
asthma symptoms. In intense cases, poorly controlled
asthma can result in respiratory distress, decreased
lung function, and the need for emergency medical
3. Eczema and Skin Infections: Allergic skin disorders like
eczema (atopic dermatitis) can lead to open sores or
ruptures in the skin, raising the risk of bacterial, viral, or
fungal infections.
4. Gastrointestinal Issues: Some food allergies can cause
gastrointestinal complications, such as nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, and abdominal pain. In severe cases, an
allergic response to food can lead to anaphylaxis.
5. Allergic Conjunctivitis: This disorder affects the eyes,
causing redness, itching, and watery discharge. If not
properly managed, it can lead to corneal injury and
vision problems.
6. Allergic Asthma: For people with allergic asthma,
exposure to allergens can start asthma symptoms,
leading to bronchoconstriction and problem breathing.
Uncontrolled allergic asthma can negatively influence
lung function and overall quality of life.
7. Sleep Disturbances: Allergies, especially allergic rhinitis,
can interfere with sleep patterns due to symptoms like
nasal congestion, sneezing, and itching. Poor sleep can
have negative effects on overall health and well-being.
8. Psychosocial Impact: Chronic allergies can have a
substantial psychosocial impact, leading to enhanced
stress, anxiety, and reduced quality of life, particularly in
cases where allergens are difficult to avoid.
How Allergy is Diagnosed at
Kalpataru Ayurvediya
At Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™, the diagnosis of
allergies follows a comprehensive and holistic approach,
rooted in the principles of Ayurveda. Dr. Manoj Deshpande and
his team employ a combination of traditional Ayurvedic
methods and modern diagnostic tools to identify the
underlying causes of allergies and create personalized
treatment plans. Here’s an overview of how allergies are
diagnosed at Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™:
1. Initial Consultation: The diagnostic process starts with
an in-depth consultation with Dr. Manoj Deshpande.
During this session, the patient’s medical history, lifestyle
habits, dietary patterns, and specific allergy signs are
carefully assessed. Dr. Deshpande pays close attention
to the patient’s unique constitution (Prakriti) and any
imbalances (Vikriti) present.
2. Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Diagnosis): Pulse diagnosis is an
important part of Ayurvedic diagnosis. Dr. Deshpande
uses this method to assess the state of the doshas, the
energy flow in the body, and any disorders or blockages.
3. Prakriti Analysis: Prakriti refers to a person’s inherent
constitution, which is determined by the predominance
of specific doshas at the moment of birth.
Comprehending a patient’s prakriti helps in tailoring
treatment plans that suit their individual needs and
4. Tridosha Analysis: Ayurveda classifies the human
body’s functional principles into three doshas – Vata,
Pitta, and Kapha. By analyzing the balance of these
doshas in the patient, Dr. Deshpande can determine
dosha imbalances contributing to the allergy.
5. Modern Diagnostic Support: In some cases, modern
diagnostic tools like blood tests or allergy-specific tests
may be used to supplement the Ayurvedic diagnosis.
These tests can help determine allergens, immune
responses, and other appropriate markers.
By combining the wisdom of Ayurveda with modern
diagnostic techniques, Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™
strives to offer effective and long-lasting ease from
allergies, promoting overall well-being and a healthier, more
balanced life.
How Kalpataru Ayurvediya
Chikitsalaya™ Ayurvedic Doctors
Treat Allergy In Pune?
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, offers a
variety of treatment options for allergies. The approach
focuses on restoring balance to the body’s doshas (Vata,
Pitta, and Kapha) to maintain the immune system and ease
allergic reactions.
At Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™, Best Ayurvedic
Clinic in Pune, our Ayurvedic doctors follow a
comprehensive and personalized approach to treating
allergies. The treatment process involves the following
1. Herbal Formulations: Our Ayurvedic practitioners may
prescribe specific herbal formulations tailored to the
individual’s constitution and the nature of the allergy.
Herbs with anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and
immune-modulating properties, such as Turmeric
(Curcuma longa), Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), and
Triphala, are commonly used.
2. Detoxification (Panchakarma): Panchakarma is a well-
known Ayurvedic detoxification process that helps
eliminate toxins and impurities from the body. It involves
treatments like Vamana (emesis), Virechana
(purgation), Basti (enema), Nasya (nasal
administration), and Raktamokshana (bloodletting).
Detoxifying the body can relieve allergic symptoms and
improve the body’s ability to heal.
3. Nasya: Nasya is an Ayurvedic treatment that involves
administering herbal oils or medicated substances
through the nasal passages. It is useful for respiratory
allergies, sinusitis, and nasal congestion.
4. Dietary Modifications: Our ayurvedic practitioners
often advise dietary changes based on an individual’s
dosha constitution. Avoiding allergenic foods and
incorporating allergy-friendly, fresh, and seasonal foods
is emphasized.
5. Lifestyle Recommendations: Balancing daily habits and
incorporating stress-reducing methods like yoga,
meditation, and pranayama can help strengthen the
body’s immunity and reduce allergic responses.
6. Ayurvedic Massage (Abhyanga): Regular Abhyanga or
Ayurvedic massage with herbal oils can encourage
relaxation, improve circulation, and improve the body’s
natural healing abilities.
7. Triphala Churna: Triphala, a mixture of three fruits, is
used to support digestion and boost the immune
system, which can be helpful in managing allergies.
8. Follow-up and Monitoring: Regular follow-up
consultations are necessary to monitor progress and
make adjustments to the treatment plan as required.
Our doctors will be careful with your feedback and
modify the approach accordingly.
With our team of dedicated and professional Ayurvedic
doctors, you can trust Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™ to
provide effective, natural, and personalized ayurvedic
allergy treatment in Pune, Maharashtra.
Benefits of Ayurvedic Allergy
treatment in Pune
Ayurvedic allergy treatment in Pune offers numerous
benefits that make it a chosen choice for people seeking
natural and holistic solutions to manage and overcome their
allergies. Here are some of the key benefits:
1. Personalized Approach: Ayurvedic allergy treatment
takes into account a person’s unique constitution, known
as “Prakriti.” The therapy plans are personalized to
address the root cause of allergies specific to each
person, leading to more adequate and long-lasting
2. Natural Remedies: Ayurveda depends on natural
remedies derived from plants, herbs, and minerals.
These remedies are generally safe and have minimal
side effects compared to manufactured medications
used in traditional treatments.
3. Balancing the Doshas: Ayurveda believes that
imbalances in the three vital energies or doshas (Vata,
Pitta, and Kapha) lead to health problems, including
allergies. Ayurvedic treatments aim to restore the
balance of these doshas, boosting overall well-being.
4. Strengthening the Immune System: Ayurvedic
medicines and herbal formulations work to increase the
body’s immune system. A strengthened immune system
can help the body protect against allergens and
decrease the severity of allergic reactions.
5. Detoxification: Ayurvedic treatments include
Panchakarma, a detoxification procedure that aids
remove accumulated toxins from the body. Detoxifying
the system can have a positive influence on allergies
and overall health.
6. Holistic Healing: Ayurveda believes the mind, body, and
spirit as interconnected. By addressing all aspects of an
individual’s health, Ayurvedic treatment offers holistic
healing, leading to enhanced overall quality of life.
7. Long-Term Relief: Rather than delivering temporary
relief from symptoms, Ayurvedic allergy treatment
strives to address the underlying causes. This process
often leads to long-term relief from allergies,
decreasing the chances of recurrence.
Why Choose Kalpataru Ayurvediya
Chikitsalaya™ for Ayurvedic
Treatment in Pune
of Dr.
With over 25
years of
experience in
the field of
Ayurveda, Dr.
brings a worth
of knowledge
and expertise.
His deep
of Ayurvedic
principles and
We believe in
the holistic
healing power
of Ayurveda,
on addressing
the root cause
of conditions
rather than
just managing
aim to restore
balance and
harmony in
the body,
At Kalpataru
we understand
that every
person is
different, and
so are their
conditions. Dr.
plans that
take into
assures that
you receive
the best
tailored to
your individual
health needs.
mind, and
overall well-
account your
precise health
lifestyle, and
effective and
and Safe
concern the
use of
and dietary
making them
safe and free
from harmful
side effects
Whether you
suffer from
allergies, food
allergies, or
skin allergies,
our center
offers a wide
range of
therapies and
therapies to
address a wide
spectrum of
We prioritize
patient well-
being and
the treatment
You can
expect a
warm and
at our center,
where your
problems are
heard, and
your progress
is closely
Request a Call Back
Dr. Manoj Deshpande and Dr. Aparna Deshpande at
Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™ Clinic provide the
best Ayurvedic Treatment for various conditions in Pune.
For more information about our comprehensive treatment
options, or to request an appointment with the best
Ayurvedic Doctor in Pune, call +91 9422068682 / +91 97648
37167 / 02024480625 or Click on Book an Appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Ayurveda aims to treat the root cause of allergies and
strengthen the body’s natural defenses, which can lead to
long-term relief and reduction in allergic symptoms.
Can Ayurveda cure allergy permanently?
 
How we can remove allergies from the body?
 
Is allergy a serious problem?
 
Who is the best doctor for allergy treatment in
 
Email Us
Call Us
02024480625 | +91 9422068682
+91 9423591682 | +91 2024480625
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Ayurvedic Allergy Treatment in Pune- Dr. Manoj Deshpande

  • 1. Book An Appointment Name * Email * Mobile No * Required Treatment City How did you hear about us? Are you tired of dealing with bothersome allergies that disrupt your daily life? Look no further! Best Ayurvedic Clinic in Pune, Maharashtra, Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™ is a premier destination for Ayurvedic Allergy Treatment in Pune, Maharashtra. Under the expert guidance of renowned Ayurvedic Doctors in Pune, Maharashtra, Dr. Manoj Deshpande, with over 25 years of experience, & Dr. Aparna Manoj Deshpande, With over 20 years of experience, we offer holistic and personalized solutions for various allergic conditions. Throughout his journey, Dr. Deshpande has garnered a deep knowledge of Ayurveda’s principles and applications, making him a trusted authority in the field. His passion for healing and dedication to patient well-being have earned him an exceptional reputation among his patients. At Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™, we believe in the holistic healing power of Ayurveda, a natural system of healing that addresses the root cause of allergies. Dr. Manoj Deshpande’s extensive expertise allows him to diagnose and treat a wide range of allergic ailments with precision and care. Our center is dedicated to offering personalized and natural allergy treatment plans that cater to individual needs, aiming to restore harmony and balance within the body. Take the first step towards allergy comfort and improved well-being. Book a consultation with Dr. Manoj Deshpande and his team at Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™. Embrace the healing touch of Ayurveda and experience a harmonious, allergy-free life. What is Allergy? An allergy is an immune system response to substances that are usually harmless to most people. These substances, known as allergens, can trigger an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive or allergic to them. Common allergens  Panchakarma Treatment  Psoriasis  Allergy Treatment  Arthritis  Leucoderma  Kidney Stone  Piles & Fissure  Utricaria  Other Diseases Google Search Social Media YouTube Practo Ayurvedic Allergy Treatment in Pune Home  Ayurvedic Allergy Treatment in Pune 1st floor, Mati Ganapati chowk, Patwardhangad apartment, 545, NC Kelkar Road, above new poona bakery, Narayan Peth, Pune - 411030   Home About Us  Our Treatments  Patient Corner  Gallery  Latest Blogs Contact Us Online Consultation
  • 2. Message Submit include pollen, dust mites, pet dander, certain foods, insect stings, mold spores, and certain medicines. Types of Allergy Respiratory Allergies  1. Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis): Caused by allergens like pollen, mold spores, pet dander, and dust mites. Symptoms include sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, itchy or watery eyes, and nasal congestion. 2. Asthma: Allergic asthma is triggered by allergens, leading to inflammation and narrowing of the airways. Signs include wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. Skin Allergies  1. Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis): An allergic skin disorder causing red, itchy, and inflamed skin patches. 2. Contact Dermatitis: Triggered by skin contact with allergens like certain metals, cosmetics, latex, or chemicals. Causes a rash, itching, and skin irritation. Food Allergies  1. Common Food Allergens: Peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, soy, wheat, fish, and shellfish. 2. Symptoms can vary from mild reactions like hives and itching to severe reactions like anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening condition. Insect Sting Allergies  1. Allergic reactions to bee stings, wasp stings, hornet stings, or fire ant bites can cause localized reactions or systemic reactions, including anaphylaxis. 2. Can range from mild swelling and redness to intense reactions, including anaphylaxis. Drug Allergies  1. Allergic reactions to certain medications, such as antibiotics (e.g., penicillin), nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and some vaccines. 2. Symptoms vary but can include skin rash, hives, swelling, and in severe cases, anaphylaxis. Eye Allergies  1. Allergic Conjunctivitis:Caused by allergens like pollen, pet dander, and dust mites. Symptoms contain red, itchy, and watery eyes. Latex Allergy  1. Allergic reactions to latex products, such as gloves, balloons, or medical devices made from latex Occupational Allergies  1. Some people may develop allergies due to exposure to specific substances in their workplace, like chemicals, dust, or fumes. It’s important to note that allergies can range in severity from gentle to life-threatening. If you suspect you have an Justdial Friends OR Relatives Newspaper Radio
  • 3. allergy, it’s vital to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation, diagnosis, and management of your allergy symptoms. What is Ayurvedic Allergy Treatment? Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, focuses on restoring the balance of energies within the body to boost overall health and well-being. Ayurvedic Allergy Treatment contains a natural approach that aims to identify and address the root cause of allergies rather than merely suppressing their signs. By harnessing the power of traditional herbs, treatments, and personalized lifestyle recommendations, Ayurveda aims to strengthen the immune system, decrease sensitivity to allergens, and improve the body’s natural healing procedures. Ayurvedic causes of Allergy According to Ayurveda, allergies are believed to be caused by an imbalance in the body’s doshas, which are the fundamental energies that control various physiological and psychological functions. Vata Imbalance  Pitta Imbalance  Kapha Imbalance  Excessive Toxins (Ama)  Unhealthy Diet  Seasonal Changes  Poor Digestion (Mandagni)  Weak Immunity (Bala Nasha)  Exposure to Environmental Allergens  Emotional Stress  Genetic Predisposition  Risk Factors for Allergies Allergies are complex conditions affected by various genetic, environmental, and lifestyle aspects. While not everyone revealed to allergens will develop allergies, certain risk factors can improve the likelihood of experiencing allergic reactions. Here are some common risk factors for allergies: 1. Family History: If you have a family history of allergies, such as hay fever, asthma, eczema, or food allergies, you are more probable to conceive allergies yourself. Allergic preferences can be passed down through generations. 2. Genetics: Specific genetic factors play a role in specifying an individual’s susceptibility to allergies. Certain genes can affect how the immune system responds to allergens, making some people more prone to allergic reactions. 3. Environmental Allergen Exposure: Living in environments with increased levels of allergens, such as pollen, mold, dust mites, or animal dander, can improve the risk of developing allergies.
  • 4. 4. Age: Allergies can form at any age, but they are more common in children. Some allergies may enhance or resolve as children grow older, while others may persist into adulthood. 5. Air Pollution: Exposure to air pollution, such as vehicle emissions and industrial pollutants, may contribute to the development or exacerbation of allergies in sensitive individuals. 6. Weakened Immune System: People with weakened immune systems, whether due to certain medical conditions or medications, may be more susceptible to developing allergies. 7. Smoking: Tobacco smoke can aggravate existing allergies and raise the risk of developing respiratory allergies and asthma. 8. Climate and Weather: Changes in climate and weather patterns can impact allergen levels. For example, warm and dry climates may start pollen allergies, while cold and damp environments can encourage mold growth. 9. Stress: Chronic stress may weaken the immune system and make people more sensitive to allergic reactions. 10. Existing Health Conditions: People with certain pre- existing health conditions, such as asthma or eczema, may be more prone to developing additional allergies. What are the complications associated with Allergy? Allergies can vary from mild to severe, and they can lead to various complications depending on the person and the specific allergen involved. Some of the common complications associated with allergies include: 1. Anaphylaxis: This is a severe and potentially life- threatening allergic reaction that happens rapidly and concerns multiple body systems. It can lead to difficulty breathing, a sudden drop in blood pressure, loss of consciousness, and even cardiac arrest. Anaphylaxis requires quick medical attention and the use of epinephrine (adrenaline) to reverse the reaction. 2. Respiratory Complications: Allergies affecting the respiratory system, such as allergic rhinitis (hay fever) or asthma, can lead to complications like chronic sinusitis, recurrent ear infections, and worsening of asthma symptoms. In intense cases, poorly controlled asthma can result in respiratory distress, decreased lung function, and the need for emergency medical therapy. 3. Eczema and Skin Infections: Allergic skin disorders like eczema (atopic dermatitis) can lead to open sores or ruptures in the skin, raising the risk of bacterial, viral, or fungal infections. 4. Gastrointestinal Issues: Some food allergies can cause gastrointestinal complications, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. In severe cases, an allergic response to food can lead to anaphylaxis. 5. Allergic Conjunctivitis: This disorder affects the eyes, causing redness, itching, and watery discharge. If not properly managed, it can lead to corneal injury and vision problems. 6. Allergic Asthma: For people with allergic asthma, exposure to allergens can start asthma symptoms, leading to bronchoconstriction and problem breathing.
  • 5. Uncontrolled allergic asthma can negatively influence lung function and overall quality of life. 7. Sleep Disturbances: Allergies, especially allergic rhinitis, can interfere with sleep patterns due to symptoms like nasal congestion, sneezing, and itching. Poor sleep can have negative effects on overall health and well-being. 8. Psychosocial Impact: Chronic allergies can have a substantial psychosocial impact, leading to enhanced stress, anxiety, and reduced quality of life, particularly in cases where allergens are difficult to avoid. How Allergy is Diagnosed at Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™? At Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™, the diagnosis of allergies follows a comprehensive and holistic approach, rooted in the principles of Ayurveda. Dr. Manoj Deshpande and his team employ a combination of traditional Ayurvedic methods and modern diagnostic tools to identify the underlying causes of allergies and create personalized treatment plans. Here’s an overview of how allergies are diagnosed at Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™: 1. Initial Consultation: The diagnostic process starts with an in-depth consultation with Dr. Manoj Deshpande. During this session, the patient’s medical history, lifestyle habits, dietary patterns, and specific allergy signs are carefully assessed. Dr. Deshpande pays close attention to the patient’s unique constitution (Prakriti) and any imbalances (Vikriti) present. 2. Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Diagnosis): Pulse diagnosis is an important part of Ayurvedic diagnosis. Dr. Deshpande uses this method to assess the state of the doshas, the energy flow in the body, and any disorders or blockages. 3. Prakriti Analysis: Prakriti refers to a person’s inherent constitution, which is determined by the predominance of specific doshas at the moment of birth. Comprehending a patient’s prakriti helps in tailoring treatment plans that suit their individual needs and vulnerabilities. 4. Tridosha Analysis: Ayurveda classifies the human body’s functional principles into three doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. By analyzing the balance of these doshas in the patient, Dr. Deshpande can determine dosha imbalances contributing to the allergy. 5. Modern Diagnostic Support: In some cases, modern diagnostic tools like blood tests or allergy-specific tests may be used to supplement the Ayurvedic diagnosis. These tests can help determine allergens, immune responses, and other appropriate markers. By combining the wisdom of Ayurveda with modern diagnostic techniques, Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™ strives to offer effective and long-lasting ease from allergies, promoting overall well-being and a healthier, more balanced life. How Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™ Ayurvedic Doctors Treat Allergy In Pune? Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, offers a variety of treatment options for allergies. The approach focuses on restoring balance to the body’s doshas (Vata,
  • 6. Pitta, and Kapha) to maintain the immune system and ease allergic reactions. At Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™, Best Ayurvedic Clinic in Pune, our Ayurvedic doctors follow a comprehensive and personalized approach to treating allergies. The treatment process involves the following steps: 1. Herbal Formulations: Our Ayurvedic practitioners may prescribe specific herbal formulations tailored to the individual’s constitution and the nature of the allergy. Herbs with anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and immune-modulating properties, such as Turmeric (Curcuma longa), Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), and Triphala, are commonly used. 2. Detoxification (Panchakarma): Panchakarma is a well- known Ayurvedic detoxification process that helps eliminate toxins and impurities from the body. It involves treatments like Vamana (emesis), Virechana (purgation), Basti (enema), Nasya (nasal administration), and Raktamokshana (bloodletting). Detoxifying the body can relieve allergic symptoms and improve the body’s ability to heal. 3. Nasya: Nasya is an Ayurvedic treatment that involves administering herbal oils or medicated substances through the nasal passages. It is useful for respiratory allergies, sinusitis, and nasal congestion. 4. Dietary Modifications: Our ayurvedic practitioners often advise dietary changes based on an individual’s dosha constitution. Avoiding allergenic foods and incorporating allergy-friendly, fresh, and seasonal foods is emphasized. 5. Lifestyle Recommendations: Balancing daily habits and incorporating stress-reducing methods like yoga, meditation, and pranayama can help strengthen the body’s immunity and reduce allergic responses. 6. Ayurvedic Massage (Abhyanga): Regular Abhyanga or Ayurvedic massage with herbal oils can encourage relaxation, improve circulation, and improve the body’s natural healing abilities. 7. Triphala Churna: Triphala, a mixture of three fruits, is used to support digestion and boost the immune system, which can be helpful in managing allergies. 8. Follow-up and Monitoring: Regular follow-up consultations are necessary to monitor progress and make adjustments to the treatment plan as required. Our doctors will be careful with your feedback and modify the approach accordingly. With our team of dedicated and professional Ayurvedic doctors, you can trust Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™ to provide effective, natural, and personalized ayurvedic allergy treatment in Pune, Maharashtra. Benefits of Ayurvedic Allergy treatment in Pune Ayurvedic allergy treatment in Pune offers numerous benefits that make it a chosen choice for people seeking natural and holistic solutions to manage and overcome their allergies. Here are some of the key benefits:
  • 7. 1. Personalized Approach: Ayurvedic allergy treatment takes into account a person’s unique constitution, known as “Prakriti.” The therapy plans are personalized to address the root cause of allergies specific to each person, leading to more adequate and long-lasting results. 2. Natural Remedies: Ayurveda depends on natural remedies derived from plants, herbs, and minerals. These remedies are generally safe and have minimal side effects compared to manufactured medications used in traditional treatments. 3. Balancing the Doshas: Ayurveda believes that imbalances in the three vital energies or doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) lead to health problems, including allergies. Ayurvedic treatments aim to restore the balance of these doshas, boosting overall well-being. 4. Strengthening the Immune System: Ayurvedic medicines and herbal formulations work to increase the body’s immune system. A strengthened immune system can help the body protect against allergens and decrease the severity of allergic reactions. 5. Detoxification: Ayurvedic treatments include Panchakarma, a detoxification procedure that aids remove accumulated toxins from the body. Detoxifying the system can have a positive influence on allergies and overall health. 6. Holistic Healing: Ayurveda believes the mind, body, and spirit as interconnected. By addressing all aspects of an individual’s health, Ayurvedic treatment offers holistic healing, leading to enhanced overall quality of life. 7. Long-Term Relief: Rather than delivering temporary relief from symptoms, Ayurvedic allergy treatment strives to address the underlying causes. This process often leads to long-term relief from allergies, decreasing the chances of recurrence. Why Choose Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™ for Ayurvedic Treatment in Pune 01 The expertise of Dr. Manoj Deshpande With over 25 years of experience in the field of Ayurveda, Dr. Manoj Deshpande brings a worth of knowledge and expertise. His deep understanding of Ayurvedic principles and practices 02 Holistic Approach We believe in the holistic healing power of Ayurveda, which concentrates on addressing the root cause of conditions rather than just managing symptoms. Our treatments aim to restore balance and harmony in the body, 03 Personalized Treatment Plans At Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™, we understand that every person is different, and so are their health conditions. Dr. Manoj Deshpande provides personalized treatment plans that take into
  • 8. assures that you receive the best possible treatment tailored to your individual health needs. mind, and spirit, promoting overall well- being. account your precise health concerns, lifestyle, and body constitution, assuring effective and targeted results. 04 Natural and Safe Solutions Ayurvedic treatments concern the use of natural herbs, therapies, and dietary suggestions, making them safe and free from harmful side effects often associated with traditional medications. 05 Comprehensive Allergy Treatment Whether you suffer from seasonal allergies, food allergies, or skin allergies, our center offers a wide range of Ayurvedic therapies and therapies to address a wide spectrum of allergic conditions. 06 Patient- Centric Approach We prioritize patient well- being and comfort throughout the treatment procedure. You can expect a warm and welcoming environment at our center, where your problems are heard, and your progress is closely monitored. Request a Call Back Dr. Manoj Deshpande and Dr. Aparna Deshpande at Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™ Clinic provide the best Ayurvedic Treatment for various conditions in Pune. For more information about our comprehensive treatment options, or to request an appointment with the best Ayurvedic Doctor in Pune, call +91 9422068682 / +91 97648 37167 / 02024480625 or Click on Book an Appointment. Frequently Asked Questions Ayurveda aims to treat the root cause of allergies and strengthen the body’s natural defenses, which can lead to long-term relief and reduction in allergic symptoms. Can Ayurveda cure allergy permanently?   How we can remove allergies from the body?  
  • 9. Is allergy a serious problem?   Who is the best doctor for allergy treatment in Pune?    Email Us  Call Us 02024480625 | +91 9422068682 +91 9423591682 | +91 2024480625     © Copyright 2023 | All rights reserved By Kalpataru Ayurved Chikitsalaya™ Contact Us Our Treatments Panchakarma  Psoriasis  Allergy Treatment  Arthritis  Leucoderma  Kidney Stone  Piles & Fissure  Utricaria  Other Diseases  Useful Links Home  Achievements  FAQ's  Contact  OPD  Myths & Facts  Research Work  Videos  Location