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Vyom Nagrani - Manager, Product Management, Amazon Web Services
Richard McFarland - VP Data Services and Chief Data Scientist, Hearst Corp
November 2016
↑↑↓↓←→←→ BA Lambda Start
What to Expect from the Session
 Working with AWS Lambda
 Customer example
 Hearst clickstream and data pipeline
 Best practices and hacks across the lifecycle
 Development and testing
 Deployment and ALM
 Security and scaling
 Debugging and operations
 Questions & answers
Working with AWS Lambda
Working with AWS Lambda
Changes in
data state
Requests to
Changes in
resource state
Cost-effective and
No infrastructure
to manage
Pay only for what you use
Bring your
own code
Productivity-focused compute platform to build powerful, dynamic, modular
applications in the cloud
Run code in standard
Focus on business logic
Benefits of AWS Lambda
1 2 3
API Gateway
Cron events
Event sources that trigger AWS Lambda
… and the list will continue to grow!
Key scenarios and use cases for AWS Lambda
Data processing
Stateless processing of
discrete or streaming
updates to your data-store
or message bus
Control systems
Customize responses and
response workflows to state
and data changes within
App backend development
Execute server side
backend logic for web,
mobile, device, or voice user
Customer example:
Hearst clickstream and data
Lambda-fy! Lessons
What I will be talking about
What business is Hearst in?
20 U.S. titles & nearly 300 international titles
15 daily & 34 weekly titlesBroadcasting
30 television & 2 radio stations
Business Media
Operates more than 20 business-to businesses with
significant holdings in the auto, electronic, medical and
financial industriesHearst has over 300 websites world-wide, which
results in 1TB of data per day and over 20 billion
pageviews per year.
“Hearst is in the Data Creation Business”
Structured Data
DBA and
Cloud Engineering
Machine Learning
“Managing our clickstream is necessary for Hearst to extract
business value from our big data”
Single Source
Many Sources
Big Data
Hearst’s Cron-based Clickstream
Buzzing API
App- Proxy
Data Science
Amazon Redshift
Agg Data
Users to
Hearst’s data pipeline: cron-based
30 Seconds
100 Seconds
5 Seconds
DynamoDB API
5 min
5 min
5 min
5 min
Lambda-fy it!
Code must execute in
5 minutes or less
For every Lambda
process, create a
“watchdog” that checks
for failures and fills in the
Add “triggers” in S3
that are 0 byte files
with the name of the
Lambda function
trigger trigger trigger
Convert existing cron-driven process into trigger-based process
Buzzing API
Data Science
Amazon Redshift
DynamoDB API
Kinesis Firehose_to_S3
Deep dive: Python frameworks
What really “exploded” the use of Lambda functions at Hearst was the
introduction of Frameworks
Problem: Using Lambda functions to access multiple AWS tools and perform data
science requires access credentials and database frameworks
pandas pytz
numpy httplib2
Programmers have to configure Python modules not in the standard Python 2.7
library set
So Hearst created a standard set of Python frameworks that make this easy
from redshift_framework.redshift_session import RedshiftSession
# initiate Redshift session
rs = RedshiftSession(pgpass_key='HOSTNAME:PORT:DB:USERNAME')
# read table into pandas dataframe
df = rs.get_df(query='select url,title from {tbl} limit 10',tbl='tmp_fbinst')
# execute sql stored in S3, replace {dt} values in file with 2016/02/21
# execute query and save to tsv in S3
rs.save_query_to_csv(query='select * from tmp_fbinst where url is not null order by 12 desc;',
# execute sql and save table to json file in S3
rs.save_query_to_json(query='select * from tmp_fbinst where url is not null order by 12 desc;',
Deep dive: Redshift framework Redshift Framework
is our core
framework that
makes it easy to
create Lambda
functions that
communicate with
Amazon Redshift
Load framework
No password needed
Easily write
query results
Helpers framework
import redshift_framework.helpers as helpers
#write a data frame to a csv/json
helpers.df_to_csv(df1, 's3://hearst/df1.csv')
helpers.df_to_json(df1, 's3://hearst/df1.json')
#download/upload files to S3
#file exists in S3
file_exists = helpers.file_exists_in_s3('my-bucket','prefix/sub-prefix/my-file')
#get file from S3 and read into data frame
df = helpers.get_df_from_csv('s3://prefix/sub-prefix/my-file.csv', sep='t')
#get gzip file from S3 and read into string
content = helpers.get_file_content('s3://prefix/sub-prefix/my-file.csv.gz', compression='gzip')
Create Helpers Framework
to make it easier to
perform frequently
executed actions as well as
reading and writing to S3
Load framework
Simpler packaging of the pandas
function with direct connection to
Common task
Quickly get data in
S3 into a data
Hearst’s serverless data pipeline
Amazon S3
API Gateway
Amazon Redshift
Kinesis Firehose_to_S3
A look at our lessons learned
DB &
$$$$ $$$
DB &
$$$ $
AWS Lambda allows you to manage
your clickstream with less
You can actually
“Do More With
You don’t need a
big team: With
the right
frameworks in
place, this can all
be done with a
team of 2-3 FTEs
…Or one very rare
Best practices and hacks
across the lifecycle
Getting started on AWS Lambda
and Testing
and ALM
and Scaling
and Operations
Bring your own code
• Node.js 4.3, Java 8,
Python 2.7, C#
Simple resource model
• Select power rating from
128 MB to 1.5 GB
• CPU and network
allocated proportionately
• Persist data using
external storage
• No affinity or access to
underlying infrastructure
Flexible use
• Synchronous or
• Integrated with other
AWS services
Anatomy of a Lambda function
Handler() function
• The method in your
code where AWS
Lambda begins
Event object
• Pre-defined object
format for AWS
integrations & events
• Java & C# support
simple data types,
POJOs/POCOs, and
Stream input/output
Context object
• Use methods and
properties like
Millis(), identity,
and Testing
and ALM
and Scaling
and Operations
FunctionConfiguration metadata
• Enables private
communication with
other resources
within your VPC
• Provide EC2 security
group and subnets,
auto-creates ENIs
• Internet access can
be added though
NAT Gateway
• Failed events sent to
your SQS queue /
SNS topic
• Redrive messages
that Lambda could
not process
• Currently available
for asynchronous
invocations only
• Add custom
key/value pairs as
part of configuration
• Reuse code across
different setups or
• Encrypted with
specified KMS key
on server, decrypted
at container init
and Testing
and ALM
and Scaling
and Operations
AWS Lambda limits
Resource Limits Default Limit
Ephemeral disk capacity ("/tmp" space) 512 MB
Number of file descriptors 1024
Number of processes and threads (combined total) 1024
Maximum execution duration per request 300 seconds
Invoke request body payload size (RequestResponse) 6 MB
Invoke request body payload size (Event) 128 K
Invoke response body payload size (RequestResponse) 6 MB
Dead-letter payload size (Event) 128 K
Deployment Limits Default Limit
Lambda function deployment package size (.zip/.jar file) 50 MB
Size of code/dependencies that you can zip into a deployment package (uncompressed zip/jar size) 250 MB
Total size of all the deployment packages that can be uploaded per region 75 GB
Total size of environment variables set 4 KB
Throttling Limits (can request service limit increase) Default Limit
Concurrent executions 100
and Testing
and ALM
and Scaling
and Operations
The container model
Container reuse
• Declarations in your Lambda function
code outside handler()
• Disk content in /tmp
• Background processes or callbacks
• Make use of container reuse
opportunistically, e.g.
• Load additional libraries
• Cache static data
• Database connections
Cold starts
• Time to set up a new container and do
necessary bootstrapping when a
Lambda function is invoked for the first
time or after it has been updated
• Ways to reduce cold start latency
• More memory = faster
performance, lower start up time
• Smaller function ZIP loads faster
• Node.js and Python start execution
faster than Java and C#
and Testing
and ALM
and Scaling
and Operations
The execution environment
Underlying OS
• Public Amazon Linux AMI version
• Linux kernel version (4.4.23-
• Compile native binaries against this
environment – can be used to bring
your own runtime!
• Changes over time, always check the
latest versions supported here
Available libraries
• ImageMagick (nodejs wrapper and
native binary)
• OpenJDK 1.8, .NET Core 1.0.1
• AWS SDK for JavaScript version 2.6.9
• AWS SDK for Python (Boto 3) version
1.4.1, Botocore version 1.4.61
• Embed your own SDK/libraries if you
depend on a specific version
and Testing
and ALM
and Scaling
and Operations
Building a deployment package
Node.js & Python
• .zip file consisting of
your code and any
• Use npm/pip to
install libraries
• All dependencies
must be at root level
• Either .zip file with all
or standalone .jar
• Use Maven / Eclipse
IDE plugins
• Compiled class &
resource files at root
level, required jars in
/lib directory
C# (.NET Core)
• Either .zip file with all
or a standalone .dll
• Use Nuget /
VisualStudio plugins
• All assemblies (.dll)
at root level, platform
specific libraries
managed by VS
and Testing
and ALM
and Scaling
and Operations
Managing continuous delivery
Source Build Test Deploy
Amazon S3 AWS Lambda (DIY)
AWS CodeCommit
AWS CodePipeline
AWS CodeBuild
and Testing
and ALM
and Scaling
and Operations
… OR …
Deployment tools and frameworks available
• AWS Serverless
Application Model -
extension optimized
for Serverless
• New Serverless
resources – APIs,
Functions, Tables
• Open specification
(Apache 2.0)
• Python serverless
• Quickly create and
deploy applications
• Set up AWS Lambda
and Amazon API
Gateway endpoint
Third-party tools
• Serverless
• Apex Serverless
• DEEP Framework by
Mitoc Group
and Testing
and ALM
and Scaling
and Operations
Function versioning and aliases
• Versions = immutable copies of code +
• Aliases = mutable pointers to versions
• Development against $LATEST version
• Each version/alias gets its own ARN
• Enables rollbacks, staged promotions,
“locked” behavior for client
and Testing
and ALM
and Scaling
and Operations
The push model and resource policies
and Testing
and ALM
and Scaling
and Operations
Function (resource) policy
• Permissions you grant to your Lambda
function determine which service or
event source can invoke your function
• Resource policies make it easy to
grant cross-account permissions to
invoke your Lambda function
The pull model and IAM roles
and Testing
and ALM
and Scaling
and Operations
IAM (execution) role
• Permissions you grant to this role
determine what your AWS Lambda
function can do
• If event source is Amazon DynamoDB
or Amazon Kinesis, then add read
permissions in IAM role
Concurrent executions and throttling
Determining concurrency
• For stream-based event sources:
Number of shards per stream is the
unit of concurrency
• For all other event sources: Request
rate and duration drives concurrency
(concurrency = requests per second *
function duration)
Throttle behavior
• For stream-based event sources:
Automatically retried until data expires
• For Asynchronous invocations:
Automatically retried for up to six
hours, with delays between retries
• For Synchronous invocations: Invoking
application receives a 429 error and is
responsible for retries
and Testing
and ALM
and Scaling
and Operations
Other scaling considerations
For Lambda
• Remember, a throttle is NOT an error!
• If you expect sudden large spikes in
demand, consider Asynchronous
invocations to Lambda
• Proactively engage AWS Support to
increase your throttling limits
For upstream/downstream services
• Build retries/backoff in client
applications and upstream setup
• Make sure your downstream setup
“keeps up” with Lambda scaling
• Limit concurrency when connecting to
relational databases
and Testing
and ALM
and Scaling
and Operations
Errors and retries
Types of errors
• 4xx Client Error: Can be fixed by
developer, e.g. InvalidParameterValue
(400), ResourceNotFound (404),
RequestTooLarge (413), etc.
• 5xx Server Error: Most can be fixed by
admin, e.g. EC2 ENI management
errors (502)
Retry policy
• For stream-based event sources:
Automatically retried until data expires
• For Asynchronous invocations:
Automatically retried 2 extra times,
then published to dead-letter queue
• For Synchronous invocations: Invoking
application receives an error code and
is responsible for retries
and Testing
and ALM
and Scaling
and Operations
Tracing and tracking
Integration with AWS X-Ray
• Collects data about requests that your
application serves
• Visibility into the AWS Lambda service
(dwell time, number of retries, latency
and errors)
• Detailed breakdown of your function’s
performance, including calls made to
downstream services and endpoints
Integration with AWS CloudTrail
• Captures calls made to AWS Lambda
API; delivers log files to Amazon S3
• Tracks the request made to AWS
Lambda, the source IP address from
which the request was made, who
made the request, when it was made
• All control plane APIs can be tracked
(no versioning/aliasing and invoke API)
and Testing
and ALM
and Scaling
and Operations
Troubleshooting and monitoring
• Every invocation generates START, END,
and REPORT entries in CloudWatch Logs
• User logs included
• Node.js – console.log(), console.error(),
• Java – log4j.*, LambdaLogger.log(),
system.out(), system.err()
• Python – print, logging.*
• C# – LambdaLogger.Log(),
console.write(), console.writeline()
• Default (Free) Metrics: Invocations,
Duration, Throttles, Errors – available as
CloudWatch Metrics
• Additional Metrics: Create custom
metrics for tracking health/status
• Function code vs log-filters
• Ops-centric vs. business-centric
and Testing
and ALM
and Scaling
and Operations
Conclusion and next steps
Key takeaway
AWS Lambda is one of the core components of the
platform AWS provides to develop serverless applications
Next steps
1. Stay up to date with AWS Lambda on the Compute blog
and check out our detail page for more scenarios.
2. Send us your questions, comments, and feedback on
the AWS Lambda Forums.
Questions & Answers
Thank you!
Follow us on Twitter
Remember to complete
your evaluations!
Related Sessions
 SVR202 – What’s New with AWS Lambda
 SVR301 – Real-time Data Processing Using AWS Lambda
 SVR302 – Optimizing the Data Tier in Serverless Web Applications
 SVR304 – bots + serverless = ❤
 SVR307 – Application Lifecycle Management in a Serverless World
 SVR311 – The State of Serverless Computing
 SVR401 – Using AWS Lambda to Build Control Systems for Your AWS Infrastructure
 SVR402 – Operating Your Production API
 CMP211 – Getting Started with Serverless Architectures
 DEV205 – Monitoring, Hold the Infrastructure: Getting the Most from AWS Lambda
 DEV301 – Amazon CloudWatch Logs and AWS Lambda: A Match Made in Heaven
 DEV308 – Chalice: A Serverless Microframework for Python
See you at the re:Play party!

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AWS re:Invent 2016: ↑↑↓↓←→←→ BA Lambda Start (SVR305)

  • 1. © 2016, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. Vyom Nagrani - Manager, Product Management, Amazon Web Services Richard McFarland - VP Data Services and Chief Data Scientist, Hearst Corp November 2016 ↑↑↓↓←→←→ BA Lambda Start SVR305
  • 2. What to Expect from the Session  Working with AWS Lambda  Customer example  Hearst clickstream and data pipeline  Best practices and hacks across the lifecycle  Development and testing  Deployment and ALM  Security and scaling  Debugging and operations  Questions & answers
  • 4. Working with AWS Lambda EVENT SOURCE FUNCTION SERVICES (ANYTHING) Changes in data state Requests to endpoints Changes in resource state Node Python Java C#
  • 5. Cost-effective and efficient No infrastructure to manage Pay only for what you use Bring your own code Productivity-focused compute platform to build powerful, dynamic, modular applications in the cloud Run code in standard languages Focus on business logic Benefits of AWS Lambda 1 2 3
  • 6. Amazon S3 Amazon DynamoDB Amazon Kinesis AWS CloudFormation AWS CloudTrail Amazon CloudWatch Amazon SNS Amazon SES Amazon API Gateway Amazon Cognito Amazon Alexa Cron events DATA STORES ENDPOINTS CONFIGURATION REPOSITORIES EVENT/MESSAGE SERVICES Event sources that trigger AWS Lambda … and the list will continue to grow! AWS CodeCommit AWS IoT
  • 7. Key scenarios and use cases for AWS Lambda Data processing Stateless processing of discrete or streaming updates to your data-store or message bus Control systems Customize responses and response workflows to state and data changes within AWS App backend development Execute server side backend logic for web, mobile, device, or voice user interactions
  • 10. What business is Hearst in? Magazines 20 U.S. titles & nearly 300 international titles Newspapers 15 daily & 34 weekly titlesBroadcasting 30 television & 2 radio stations Business Media Operates more than 20 business-to businesses with significant holdings in the auto, electronic, medical and financial industriesHearst has over 300 websites world-wide, which results in 1TB of data per day and over 20 billion pageviews per year. “Hearst is in the Data Creation Business”
  • 11. VARIETY Structured Data Unstructured Data VELOCITY Batches Streaming VALUE EXTRACTION DBA and Analysts Cloud Engineering And Machine Learning “Managing our clickstream is necessary for Hearst to extract business value from our big data” VOLUME Single Source Many Sources Normal Data Big Data Clickstream Hearst’s Cron-based Clickstream
  • 12. Buzzing API API Ready Data Amazon Kinesis Node.JS App- Proxy Clickstream Data Science Application Amazon Redshift ETL on EMR Models Agg Data Amazon S3 Users to Hearst Properties Hearst’s data pipeline: cron-based LATENCY THROUGHPUT Milliseconds 100GB/Day 30 Seconds 5GB/Day 100 Seconds 1GB/Day 5 Seconds 1GB/Day DynamoDB API Gateway 5 min cron 5 min cron 5 min cron 5 min cron
  • 13. Lambda-fy it! Code must execute in 5 minutes or less Lambda Limit For every Lambda process, create a “watchdog” that checks for failures and fills in the gaps Lambda Tip Lambda etl_main etl_watchdog Lambda ds_main ds_watchdog Lambda translate Lambda push_to_DynamoDB Lambda api_integration Add “triggers” in S3 that are 0 byte files with the name of the Lambda function Lambda Tip trigger trigger trigger Convert existing cron-driven process into trigger-based process Buzzing API API Ready Data Data Science Application Amazon Redshift ETL on EMR DynamoDB API Gateway Amazon Kinesis Lambda Kinesis Firehose_to_S3
  • 14. Deep dive: Python frameworks What really “exploded” the use of Lambda functions at Hearst was the introduction of Frameworks Problem: Using Lambda functions to access multiple AWS tools and perform data science requires access credentials and database frameworks psycopg2 boto3 gzip pgpasslib pandas pytz numpy httplib2 Programmers have to configure Python modules not in the standard Python 2.7 library set So Hearst created a standard set of Python frameworks that make this easy
  • 15. from redshift_framework.redshift_session import RedshiftSession # initiate Redshift session rs = RedshiftSession(pgpass_key='HOSTNAME:PORT:DB:USERNAME') # read table into pandas dataframe df = rs.get_df(query='select url,title from {tbl} limit 10',tbl='tmp_fbinst') # execute sql stored in S3, replace {dt} values in file with 2016/02/21 rs.execute_file(file_name='s3://hearstdataservices/code/FBINST22.sql',dt='2016/02/21') # execute query and save to tsv in S3 rs.save_query_to_csv(query='select * from tmp_fbinst where url is not null order by 12 desc;', file_name='s3://hearstdataservices/report/test.csv',sep='t') # execute sql and save table to json file in S3 rs.save_query_to_json(query='select * from tmp_fbinst where url is not null order by 12 desc;', file_name='s3://hearstdataservices/report/test.json') Deep dive: Redshift framework Redshift Framework is our core framework that makes it easy to create Lambda functions that communicate with Amazon Redshift Lambda Tip Load framework No password needed “macro” variables! Easily write query results S3
  • 16. Helpers framework import redshift_framework.helpers as helpers #write a data frame to a csv/json helpers.df_to_csv(df1, 's3://hearst/df1.csv') helpers.df_to_json(df1, 's3://hearst/df1.json') #download/upload files to S3 helpers.download_s3_file('s3://my-bucket/prefix/sub-prefix/file-name','/path/to/file-name') helpers.upload_s3_file('/path/to/file-name','s3://my-bucket/prefix/sub-prefix/file-name‘) #file exists in S3 file_exists = helpers.file_exists_in_s3('my-bucket','prefix/sub-prefix/my-file') #get file from S3 and read into data frame df = helpers.get_df_from_csv('s3://prefix/sub-prefix/my-file.csv', sep='t') #get gzip file from S3 and read into string content = helpers.get_file_content('s3://prefix/sub-prefix/my-file.csv.gz', compression='gzip') Create Helpers Framework to make it easier to perform frequently executed actions as well as reading and writing to S3 Lambda Tip Load framework Simpler packaging of the pandas function with direct connection to S3 Common task Quickly get data in S3 into a data frame
  • 17. Hearst’s serverless data pipeline Amazon S3 Amazon DynamoDB Amazon Kinesis Amazon API Gateway Amazon Redshift Lambda etl_main etl_watchdog Lambda ds_main ds_watchdog Lambda translate Lambda push_to_DynamoDB Lambda Kinesis Firehose_to_S3 DATA API DATA STORAGE DATA PROCESSING
  • 18. A look at our lessons learned Amazon Kinesis Spark- Scala Amazon Redshift S3 Dynamo DB & API Gateway < 5min $$$$ $$$ Lambda Amazon Kinesis Amazon Redshift S3 Dynamo DB & API Gateway < 2min $$$ $
  • 19. AWS Lambda allows you to manage your clickstream with less You can actually “Do More With Less” You don’t need a big team: With the right frameworks in place, this can all be done with a team of 2-3 FTEs …Or one very rare individual
  • 20. Best practices and hacks across the lifecycle
  • 21. Getting started on AWS Lambda Development and Testing Deployment and ALM Security and Scaling Debugging and Operations Bring your own code • Node.js 4.3, Java 8, Python 2.7, C# Simple resource model • Select power rating from 128 MB to 1.5 GB • CPU and network allocated proportionately Stateless • Persist data using external storage • No affinity or access to underlying infrastructure Flexible use • Synchronous or asynchronous • Integrated with other AWS services NEW !
  • 22. Anatomy of a Lambda function Handler() function • The method in your code where AWS Lambda begins execution Event object • Pre-defined object format for AWS integrations & events • Java & C# support simple data types, POJOs/POCOs, and Stream input/output Context object • Use methods and properties like getRemainingTimeIn Millis(), identity, awsRequestId, invokedFunctionArn, clientContext, logStreamName Development and Testing Deployment and ALM Security and Scaling Debugging and Operations
  • 23. FunctionConfiguration metadata VpcConfig • Enables private communication with other resources within your VPC • Provide EC2 security group and subnets, auto-creates ENIs • Internet access can be added though NAT Gateway DeadLetterConfig • Failed events sent to your SQS queue / SNS topic • Redrive messages that Lambda could not process • Currently available for asynchronous invocations only Environment • Add custom key/value pairs as part of configuration • Reuse code across different setups or passwords • Encrypted with specified KMS key on server, decrypted at container init NEW ! NEW ! Development and Testing Deployment and ALM Security and Scaling Debugging and Operations
  • 24. AWS Lambda limits Resource Limits Default Limit Ephemeral disk capacity ("/tmp" space) 512 MB Number of file descriptors 1024 Number of processes and threads (combined total) 1024 Maximum execution duration per request 300 seconds Invoke request body payload size (RequestResponse) 6 MB Invoke request body payload size (Event) 128 K Invoke response body payload size (RequestResponse) 6 MB Dead-letter payload size (Event) 128 K Deployment Limits Default Limit Lambda function deployment package size (.zip/.jar file) 50 MB Size of code/dependencies that you can zip into a deployment package (uncompressed zip/jar size) 250 MB Total size of all the deployment packages that can be uploaded per region 75 GB Total size of environment variables set 4 KB Throttling Limits (can request service limit increase) Default Limit Concurrent executions 100 Development and Testing Deployment and ALM Security and Scaling Debugging and Operations
  • 25. The container model Container reuse • Declarations in your Lambda function code outside handler() • Disk content in /tmp • Background processes or callbacks • Make use of container reuse opportunistically, e.g. • Load additional libraries • Cache static data • Database connections Cold starts • Time to set up a new container and do necessary bootstrapping when a Lambda function is invoked for the first time or after it has been updated • Ways to reduce cold start latency • More memory = faster performance, lower start up time • Smaller function ZIP loads faster • Node.js and Python start execution faster than Java and C# Development and Testing Deployment and ALM Security and Scaling Debugging and Operations
  • 26. The execution environment Underlying OS • Public Amazon Linux AMI version (amzn-ami-hvm-2016.03.3.x86_64-gp2) • Linux kernel version (4.4.23- 31.54.amzn1.x86_64) • Compile native binaries against this environment – can be used to bring your own runtime! • Changes over time, always check the latest versions supported here Available libraries • ImageMagick (nodejs wrapper and native binary) • OpenJDK 1.8, .NET Core 1.0.1 • AWS SDK for JavaScript version 2.6.9 • AWS SDK for Python (Boto 3) version 1.4.1, Botocore version 1.4.61 • Embed your own SDK/libraries if you depend on a specific version Development and Testing Deployment and ALM Security and Scaling Debugging and Operations
  • 27. Building a deployment package Node.js & Python • .zip file consisting of your code and any dependencies • Use npm/pip to install libraries • All dependencies must be at root level Java • Either .zip file with all code/dependencies, or standalone .jar • Use Maven / Eclipse IDE plugins • Compiled class & resource files at root level, required jars in /lib directory C# (.NET Core) • Either .zip file with all code/dependencies, or a standalone .dll • Use Nuget / VisualStudio plugins • All assemblies (.dll) at root level, platform specific libraries managed by VS tooling Development and Testing Deployment and ALM Security and Scaling Debugging and Operations NEW !
  • 28. Managing continuous delivery Source Build Test Deploy Amazon S3 AWS Lambda (DIY) AWS CodeCommit GitHub AWS CodePipeline CodeshipJenkins AWS CodeBuild NEW ! Development and Testing Deployment and ALM Security and Scaling Debugging and Operations … OR …
  • 29. Deployment tools and frameworks available CloudFormation • AWS Serverless Application Model - extension optimized for Serverless • New Serverless resources – APIs, Functions, Tables • Open specification (Apache 2.0) Chalice • Python serverless micro-framework • Quickly create and deploy applications • Set up AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway endpoint • slabs/chalice Third-party tools • Serverless Framework ( • Apex Serverless Architecture ( • DEEP Framework by Mitoc Group ( Group/deep-framework) NEW ! Development and Testing Deployment and ALM Security and Scaling Debugging and Operations
  • 30. Function versioning and aliases • Versions = immutable copies of code + configuration • Aliases = mutable pointers to versions • Development against $LATEST version • Each version/alias gets its own ARN • Enables rollbacks, staged promotions, “locked” behavior for client Development and Testing Deployment and ALM Security and Scaling Debugging and Operations
  • 31. The push model and resource policies Development and Testing Deployment and ALM Security and Scaling Debugging and Operations Function (resource) policy • Permissions you grant to your Lambda function determine which service or event source can invoke your function • Resource policies make it easy to grant cross-account permissions to invoke your Lambda function
  • 32. The pull model and IAM roles Development and Testing Deployment and ALM Security and Scaling Debugging and Operations IAM (execution) role • Permissions you grant to this role determine what your AWS Lambda function can do • If event source is Amazon DynamoDB or Amazon Kinesis, then add read permissions in IAM role
  • 33. Concurrent executions and throttling Determining concurrency • For stream-based event sources: Number of shards per stream is the unit of concurrency • For all other event sources: Request rate and duration drives concurrency (concurrency = requests per second * function duration) Throttle behavior • For stream-based event sources: Automatically retried until data expires • For Asynchronous invocations: Automatically retried for up to six hours, with delays between retries • For Synchronous invocations: Invoking application receives a 429 error and is responsible for retries Development and Testing Deployment and ALM Security and Scaling Debugging and Operations
  • 34. Other scaling considerations For Lambda • Remember, a throttle is NOT an error! • If you expect sudden large spikes in demand, consider Asynchronous invocations to Lambda • Proactively engage AWS Support to increase your throttling limits For upstream/downstream services • Build retries/backoff in client applications and upstream setup • Make sure your downstream setup “keeps up” with Lambda scaling • Limit concurrency when connecting to relational databases Development and Testing Deployment and ALM Security and Scaling Debugging and Operations
  • 35. Errors and retries Types of errors • 4xx Client Error: Can be fixed by developer, e.g. InvalidParameterValue (400), ResourceNotFound (404), RequestTooLarge (413), etc. • 5xx Server Error: Most can be fixed by admin, e.g. EC2 ENI management errors (502) Retry policy • For stream-based event sources: Automatically retried until data expires • For Asynchronous invocations: Automatically retried 2 extra times, then published to dead-letter queue • For Synchronous invocations: Invoking application receives an error code and is responsible for retries Development and Testing Deployment and ALM Security and Scaling Debugging and Operations
  • 36. Tracing and tracking Integration with AWS X-Ray • Collects data about requests that your application serves • Visibility into the AWS Lambda service (dwell time, number of retries, latency and errors) • Detailed breakdown of your function’s performance, including calls made to downstream services and endpoints Integration with AWS CloudTrail • Captures calls made to AWS Lambda API; delivers log files to Amazon S3 • Tracks the request made to AWS Lambda, the source IP address from which the request was made, who made the request, when it was made • All control plane APIs can be tracked (no versioning/aliasing and invoke API) Development and Testing Deployment and ALM Security and Scaling Debugging and Operations COMING SOON!
  • 37. Troubleshooting and monitoring Logs • Every invocation generates START, END, and REPORT entries in CloudWatch Logs • User logs included • Node.js – console.log(), console.error(), console.warn(), • Java – log4j.*, LambdaLogger.log(), system.out(), system.err() • Python – print, logging.* • C# – LambdaLogger.Log(), ILambdaContext.Logger.Log(), console.write(), console.writeline() Metrics • Default (Free) Metrics: Invocations, Duration, Throttles, Errors – available as CloudWatch Metrics • Additional Metrics: Create custom metrics for tracking health/status • Function code vs log-filters • Ops-centric vs. business-centric Development and Testing Deployment and ALM Security and Scaling Debugging and Operations
  • 38. Conclusion and next steps Key takeaway AWS Lambda is one of the core components of the platform AWS provides to develop serverless applications Next steps 1. Stay up to date with AWS Lambda on the Compute blog and check out our detail page for more scenarios. 2. Send us your questions, comments, and feedback on the AWS Lambda Forums.
  • 40. Thank you! Follow us on Twitter @vyomnagrani @statsrick
  • 42. Related Sessions  SVR202 – What’s New with AWS Lambda  SVR301 – Real-time Data Processing Using AWS Lambda  SVR302 – Optimizing the Data Tier in Serverless Web Applications  SVR304 – bots + serverless = ❤  SVR307 – Application Lifecycle Management in a Serverless World  SVR311 – The State of Serverless Computing  SVR401 – Using AWS Lambda to Build Control Systems for Your AWS Infrastructure  SVR402 – Operating Your Production API  CMP211 – Getting Started with Serverless Architectures  DEV205 – Monitoring, Hold the Infrastructure: Getting the Most from AWS Lambda  DEV301 – Amazon CloudWatch Logs and AWS Lambda: A Match Made in Heaven  DEV308 – Chalice: A Serverless Microframework for Python
  • 43. See you at the re:Play party!