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Autumn Schaffer
Spring 2010
                         What’s So Great About the Media Center?

Frame Description        Narration           Media List  Image
1- *Original photo of    “Welcome to         *Photo
exterior of school       Our School!         *Narration
(Long Shot Photo)        We are so glad      *PhotoStory
                         that you are        3 Music
*Used to introduce       here!”              Creation

*Narration played
over music
2- *Original photo of    “Come inside!       *Photo
entrance doors into      We would love       *Narration
school (Medium Shot      to show you
Photo)                   around!”

*Used to transition
viewers into the
interior of the school
3- *Original Photo of    “Oh Look!           *Photo
Outside of Media         Here is the         *Narration
Center (Medium Shot      media center!
Photo)                   This is one of
(From Hallway            our student’s
looking inside           favorite places
through windows)         to visit. There
                         are books,
*Used to introduce       DVDs, ebooks,
media center             magazines, and
                         computers here
                         to help you
                         research and
                         learn. Would
                         you like to see
                         what’s inside?”
4- *Original Photo of    “This is what       *Photo
Interior of Library      the inside of       *Narration
(full view-wide          the media
spread)                  center looks
                         like. This is the
*Focus on e-book         area where we
storage area and         store the e-
chapter book shelves    books. They
                        are books that
*Used in process of     you can read
showing audience        online or using
where materials are     a DVD player!
located in media        Also, there is a
center.                 special storage
                        area for
                        chapter books.
                        This media
                        center is used
                        by pre-k,
                        first and
                        second grade
                        students. Many
                        of the
                        readers love to
                        check out
                        books from
                        their favorite
                        chapter book
5- Original photo of    “This is where *Photo
stacks of shelves in    most of the      *Narration
the media center        books are
(wide view of stacks)   located in our
                        library! We
*Used in process of     have books of
showing audience        all kinds!
where materials are     Every book has
located in media        its own
center                  number, which
                        helps the
                        specialist find
                        where it
                        belongs. We
                        have different
                        categories of
and even a
                        reference area!
6- Original photo of    “There are          *Photo
whole-group area in     plenty of tables    *Narration
library (wide           for classes to
view/scan)              sit at in the
                        media center.
*Used in process of     Many come to
showing audience        learn about
where materials are     how to use the
located in media        library to help
center                  them conduct
                        research or
                        learn more
                        about certain
                        types of books.
                        The media
                        specialist uses
                        the active
                        board to help
                        the students
                        build their
                        literacy skills.”
7- Original photo of    “This is where      *Photo
tables used for small   small groups        *Narration
group as well as        can meet in the
student computers       media center.
(full range/wide view   They may
shot)                   come here to
*Used in process of     work on a
showing audience        project, to
where materials are     conduct some
located in media        research, or
center                  just read
                        quietly with
                        each other.
                        Also, there are
                        some student
                        used for
                        research or to
                        look up books
                        located within
                        the library.”
8- Original photo of    “This is where      *Photo
back area of library    story time         *Narration
(medium view)           takes place!       *Photo
                        Once a week        Story 3
*Used in process of     the media          Music
showing audience        specialist or
where materials are     the media clerk
located in media        meets with
center                  each pre-k
                        classroom to
                        read a fun and
9- Original photo of    “This is the       *Photo
Franklin stuffed        rocking chair      *Narration
animal in rocking       used by the
chair                   media
                        specialist or
*Used in process of     clerk during
showing audience        story time. Can
where materials are     you think of
located in media        your favorite
center                  read-aloud

10- Original photo of   “This is where     *Photo
lamination/storage      the media          *Narration
room (wide spread of    specialist
storage area)           stores some of
                        the extra
*Used in process of     reading
showing audience        materials,
where materials are     supplementary
located in media        materials, or
center                  class sets of
                        books. Also,
                        this is where
                        the laminating
                        machine is
                        located. The
                        teachers in this
                        certainly love
11- Original photo of   “Lights,           *Photo
the “press room”        Camera,            *Narration
(Close of up title      Action! This is
“press room”)           where the
*Used in process of     announcements
showing audience        take place. The
where materials are     principal,
located in media        assistant
center                  principal, and a
                        few lucky
                        students meet
                        here every
                        morning to tell
                        the rest of the
                        school about
                        the special
                        events going
                        on that day.”
12- Original photo of   “This is called    *Photo
check out/return area   the circulation    *Narrative
(regular photo shot)    desk. It is
                        where the
*Used in process of     students either
showing audience        turn in their
where materials are     old library
located in media        book or check
center                  out their new
                        one! There are
                        also some big
                        books located
                        here that the
                        teachers can
                        check out! You
                        can’t miss
                        them! ”
13- Original photo of   “Every book in     *Photo
library books being     the library has    *Narration
held so that call       a call number.
number shows. (close    It is located on
of of Dewey decimal     the spine of the
number)                 book. It helps
                        the librarians
keep the books
                        in a certain
                        order. Did you
                        know that you
                        can tell exactly
                        where a library
                        book should be
                        shelved based
                        upon that
14- Original photo of “You can             *Photo
a table full of library check out all      *Narration
books sorted by         types of books
content area. (high     from the
angle)                  library. There
                        are fiction,
*Used to show           nonfiction,
students what types of easy readers,
books are available to and even e-
them in the library.    books in the
(Aerial view of entire library. Look
table)                  at the different
                        types I’ve just
                        checked out!
15- Original photo of “Some                *Photo
a classroom library     teachers also      *Narration
(shelf of library books have libraries
categorized by topic) in their very
(medium angle)          own
                        Just like in the
                        library, the
                        books are
                        sorted so that
                        the students
                        can find what
                        they are
                        looking for!
                        Many of the
                        teachers even
                        check out
                        books from the
                        school library
                        to put in their
                        own classroom
16- Original photo of “This is a set          *Photo
set of books within       of books            *Narration
classroom library.        within a
(Close up shot)           teacher’s
                          library. She
                          has sorted all
                          of the
                          books and put
                          them in one
                          tub. When the
                          wanted to read
                          a “Clifford”
                          book, all they
                          have to do is
                          find this tub!”
17- *Original photo       “These are          *Photo
of diverse set of         some of my          *Narration
books within              favorite books
classroom library-        within the
checked out from          classroom
school library.           library. They
                          were checked
*Purpose is to show       out by the
that the libraries in the teacher from
school have a diverse the school
selection of books.       library. They
(High Angle)              are all different
                          types of
                          genres. That
                          means that
                          some are real,
                          biographies, or
                          easy readers!”
18- *Original photo       “This is a set      *Photo
of set of similar         of books            *Narration
books. (close up/high checked out
angle shot)               from the
                          library. The
*Used to show that        teacher made
one can make their        this set to go
own sets of books by within her
looking at what the     social studies
books are about.        section of the
                        library. You
                        see, all of these
                        books are
                        about the
                        American Flag
                        and other
                        Symbols. It is
                        easy to make
                        your own
19- *Original photo     “This is a set      *Photo
of me holding fiction   of fiction          *Narration
books.                  books located
(Medium Shot)           within the
                        classroom and
                        school library.
                        It is made up
                        of books that
                        are make-
                        believe or are
                        not real.
                        loved these
                        types of
20- *Original photo     “These are          *Photo
of me holding           called              *Narration
informational/          nonfiction
nonfiction books.       books.
(medium shot)           Sometimes you
                        will hear them
                        referred to as
                        text. These
                        types of books
                        have real facts
                        in them. They
                        are about real
                        people, places,
and things.
                        You will learn
                        to use these
                        when you
                        begin to write
                        reports or
                        projects. They
                        can also be fun
                        to read too
21- *Original photo     “We have all       *Photo
of me holding easy      different types    *Narration
readers books.          of books in the
(medium shot)           library. There
                        is a book
                        suited for
                        every student
                        there! Since we
                        have very
                        young students
                        at our school,
                        out libraries
                        have an “easy
                        section. This is
                        an area where
                        students who
                        are just
                        learning to
                        read can find
                        books on their
22-*Original photo of “We also have        *Photo
me holding              students within    *Narration
multicultural/bilingual our school that
books.                  speak other
(Medium shot)           languages or
                        are just
                        learning to
                        speak English.
                        These books
                        are designed
especially for
                        them. They are
                        books about
                        other cultures.
                        You may also
                        enjoy reading
                        them, however,
                        and learning
                        how other
                        people live!”
22- Original photo of   “These are our      *Photo
e-books and DVD         e-books! They       *Narration
(high, long shot)       are like books
                        on a DVD.
                        You can play,
                        listen, and read
                        them on the
                        books also
                        come with the
                        DVD so your
                        friends can
                        follow along
23- Original photo of   “Many               *Photo
me reading with big     teachers use        *Narration
book.                   larger text, also
(Long shot)             known as “big
                        books” to teach
                        their students.
                        The students
                        can see the
                        pages and read
                        the words
                        easier this way.
                        The school
                        library has
                        plenty of big
                        books that
                        teachers can
                        check out!”
24- Original photo of   “Look how big       *Photo
size comparison of      those big           *Narration
big book and regular    books really
sized book.             are! This is a
(Long shot-             regular sized
comparing sizes)        book standing
                        beside a big
                        book. Many of
                        the big books
                        are also made
                        in smaller
                        editions so that
                        the students
                        can follow
                        along in their
25-Orginal photo of     “Now that you      *Photo
me holding and          know where         *Narration
reading a book.         and what types
(Low angle long shot)   of books are
                        located within
                        the library, I
                        would like to
                        tell you a few
                        rules about
                        checking out
                        the books.
                        books are for
                        reading and

26- Original photo of   “You must        *Photo
me reading a book       make sure that *Narration
properly                you hold your
(Subjective close up    book properly
shot)                   when you read
                        it. Please don’t
                        bend the
                        pages! Books
                        can last a long
                        time and allow
                        many people to
                        read them- but
                        only if you
                        take care of
27- Original photo of   “You can also       *Photo
me taking notes from    learn a lot from    *Narration
a book                  books. Many
(Subjective close up    people take
shot)                   notes from the
                        books that they
                        read. This
                        helps them
                        when they
                        write papers or
                        study about
                        certain topics.”
28- Original photo of   “Some people        *Photo
me reading and using    also use books      *Narration
a book at the           to help them
computer                research other
(Subjective medium      topics. Some
shot)                   people may
                        read a book at
                        their computer
                        and look up
                        right there!
                        Again, people
                        can learn so
                        much from
29- Original photo of   “There are a        *Photo
me with my lost         few rules you       *Narration
books                   should try to
(long shot)             remember
                        when checking
                        out books.
                        First of all, try
                        not to lose
                        your library
                        books. They do
                        not belong to
                        you. They
                        belong to the
                        school. If you
                        lose them then
                        other students
                        cannot learn
                        from them!”
30-Orginal photo of      “Also, be        *Photo
me spilling drink on a   careful when     *Narration
set of library books.    you have food
(long shot)              or drink around
                         your library
                         books. Some
                         of these books
                         are very
                         expensive. If
                         you spill food
                         or drink on
                         them they
                         might have to
                         be replaced.
                         however, are
                         so original that
                         they cannot be
                         replaced at

31- Original photo of    “Please make      *Photo
me coloring on a         sure to avoid     *Narration
library book.            drawing,
(close up shot)          writing, or
                         coloring in
                         your library
                         books. They
                         are made for
                         you to read! If
                         you damage
                         them, then
                         other students
                         won’t be able
                         to read the
                         words or see
                         the pictures
                         very clearly.
                         Wouldn’t that
                         be sad?”
32-Orginal photo of      “Remember,
me holding and           the classroom
loving my library        and school
book (low angle full     libraries are
shot)                    here for you!
There are tons
of books that
you would
probably enjoy
reading there.
everyone is
welcome in the
library, but
everyone is
responsible for
keeping it
clean, safe, and

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Autumn schaffer story board

  • 1. Autumn Schaffer Storyboard Spring 2010 What’s So Great About the Media Center? Frame Description Narration Media List Image 1- *Original photo of “Welcome to *Photo exterior of school Our School! *Narration (Long Shot Photo) We are so glad *PhotoStory that you are 3 Music *Used to introduce here!” Creation location. *Narration played over music 2- *Original photo of “Come inside! *Photo entrance doors into We would love *Narration school (Medium Shot to show you Photo) around!” *Used to transition viewers into the interior of the school 3- *Original Photo of “Oh Look! *Photo Outside of Media Here is the *Narration Center (Medium Shot media center! Photo) This is one of (From Hallway our student’s looking inside favorite places through windows) to visit. There are books, *Used to introduce DVDs, ebooks, media center magazines, and computers here to help you research and learn. Would you like to see what’s inside?” 4- *Original Photo of “This is what *Photo Interior of Library the inside of *Narration (full view-wide the media spread) center looks like. This is the *Focus on e-book area where we storage area and store the e-
  • 2. chapter book shelves books. They are books that *Used in process of you can read showing audience online or using where materials are a DVD player! located in media Also, there is a center. special storage area for chapter books. This media center is used by pre-k, kindergarten, first and second grade students. Many of the advanced readers love to check out books from their favorite chapter book series!” 5- Original photo of “This is where *Photo stacks of shelves in most of the *Narration the media center books are (wide view of stacks) located in our library! We *Used in process of have books of showing audience all kinds! where materials are Every book has located in media its own center number, which helps the media specialist find where it belongs. We have different categories of books including fiction, nonfiction, biographies,
  • 3. and even a reference area! 6- Original photo of “There are *Photo whole-group area in plenty of tables *Narration library (wide for classes to view/scan) sit at in the media center. *Used in process of Many come to showing audience learn about where materials are how to use the located in media library to help center them conduct research or learn more about certain types of books. The media specialist uses the active board to help the students build their information literacy skills.” 7- Original photo of “This is where *Photo tables used for small small groups *Narration group as well as can meet in the student computers media center. (full range/wide view They may shot) come here to *Used in process of work on a showing audience project, to where materials are conduct some located in media research, or center just read quietly with each other. Also, there are some student computers used for research or to look up books located within the library.” 8- Original photo of “This is where *Photo
  • 4. back area of library story time *Narration (medium view) takes place! *Photo Once a week Story 3 *Used in process of the media Music showing audience specialist or where materials are the media clerk located in media meets with center each pre-k classroom to read a fun and exciting book!” 9- Original photo of “This is the *Photo Franklin stuffed rocking chair *Narration animal in rocking used by the chair media specialist or *Used in process of clerk during showing audience story time. Can where materials are you think of located in media your favorite center read-aloud book?” 10- Original photo of “This is where *Photo lamination/storage the media *Narration room (wide spread of specialist storage area) stores some of the extra *Used in process of reading showing audience materials, where materials are supplementary located in media materials, or center class sets of books. Also, this is where the laminating machine is located. The teachers in this school certainly love
  • 5. their laminating machine! 11- Original photo of “Lights, *Photo the “press room” Camera, *Narration (Close of up title Action! This is “press room”) where the morning *Used in process of announcements showing audience take place. The where materials are principal, located in media assistant center principal, and a few lucky students meet here every morning to tell the rest of the school about the special events going on that day.” 12- Original photo of “This is called *Photo check out/return area the circulation *Narrative (regular photo shot) desk. It is where the *Used in process of students either showing audience turn in their where materials are old library located in media book or check center out their new one! There are also some big books located here that the teachers can check out! You can’t miss them! ” 13- Original photo of “Every book in *Photo library books being the library has *Narration held so that call a call number. number shows. (close It is located on of of Dewey decimal the spine of the number) book. It helps the librarians
  • 6. keep the books in a certain order. Did you know that you can tell exactly where a library book should be shelved based upon that number?” 14- Original photo of “You can *Photo a table full of library check out all *Narration books sorted by types of books content area. (high from the angle) library. There are fiction, *Used to show nonfiction, students what types of easy readers, books are available to and even e- them in the library. books in the (Aerial view of entire library. Look table) at the different types I’ve just checked out! 15- Original photo of “Some *Photo a classroom library teachers also *Narration (shelf of library books have libraries categorized by topic) in their very (medium angle) own classrooms! Just like in the school’s library, the books are sorted so that the students can find what they are looking for! Many of the teachers even check out books from the school library to put in their own classroom
  • 7. library!” 16- Original photo of “This is a set *Photo set of books within of books *Narration classroom library. within a (Close up shot) teacher’s classroom library. She has sorted all of the “Clifford” books and put them in one tub. When the students wanted to read a “Clifford” book, all they have to do is find this tub!” 17- *Original photo “These are *Photo of diverse set of some of my *Narration books within favorite books classroom library- within the checked out from classroom school library. library. They were checked *Purpose is to show out by the that the libraries in the teacher from school have a diverse the school selection of books. library. They (High Angle) are all different types of genres. That means that some are real, fiction, biographies, or easy readers!” 18- *Original photo “This is a set *Photo of set of similar of books *Narration books. (close up/high checked out angle shot) from the library. The *Used to show that teacher made one can make their this set to go own sets of books by within her
  • 8. looking at what the social studies books are about. section of the classroom library. You see, all of these books are about the American Flag and other National Symbols. It is easy to make your own classroom sets.” 19- *Original photo “This is a set *Photo of me holding fiction of fiction *Narration books. books located (Medium Shot) within the classroom and school library. It is made up of books that are make- believe or are not real. Young students particularly loved these types of books!” 20- *Original photo “These are *Photo of me holding called *Narration informational/ nonfiction nonfiction books. books. (medium shot) Sometimes you will hear them referred to as informational text. These types of books have real facts in them. They are about real people, places,
  • 9. and things. You will learn to use these books especially when you begin to write reports or complete research projects. They can also be fun to read too though!” 21- *Original photo “We have all *Photo of me holding easy different types *Narration readers books. of books in the (medium shot) library. There is a book suited for every student there! Since we have very young students at our school, out libraries have an “easy reader” section. This is an area where students who are just learning to read can find books on their level!” 22-*Original photo of “We also have *Photo me holding students within *Narration multicultural/bilingual our school that books. speak other (Medium shot) languages or are just learning to speak English. These books are designed
  • 10. especially for them. They are books about other cultures. You may also enjoy reading them, however, and learning how other people live!” 22- Original photo of “These are our *Photo e-books and DVD e-books! They *Narration (high, long shot) are like books on a DVD. You can play, listen, and read them on the computer! Hardback books also come with the DVD so your friends can follow along too! 23- Original photo of “Many *Photo me reading with big teachers use *Narration book. larger text, also (Long shot) known as “big books” to teach their students. The students can see the pages and read the words easier this way. The school library has plenty of big books that teachers can check out!” 24- Original photo of “Look how big *Photo size comparison of those big *Narration big book and regular books really sized book. are! This is a
  • 11. (Long shot- regular sized comparing sizes) book standing beside a big book. Many of the big books are also made in smaller editions so that the students can follow along in their hand-held copy.” 25-Orginal photo of “Now that you *Photo me holding and know where *Narration reading a book. and what types (Low angle long shot) of books are located within the library, I would like to tell you a few rules about checking out the books. Remember- books are for reading and enjoyment!” 26- Original photo of “You must *Photo me reading a book make sure that *Narration properly you hold your (Subjective close up book properly shot) when you read it. Please don’t bend the pages! Books can last a long time and allow many people to read them- but only if you take care of them!”
  • 12. 27- Original photo of “You can also *Photo me taking notes from learn a lot from *Narration a book books. Many (Subjective close up people take shot) notes from the books that they read. This helps them when they write papers or study about certain topics.” 28- Original photo of “Some people *Photo me reading and using also use books *Narration a book at the to help them computer research other (Subjective medium topics. Some shot) people may read a book at their computer and look up other information right there! Again, people can learn so much from books!” 29- Original photo of “There are a *Photo me with my lost few rules you *Narration books should try to (long shot) remember when checking out books. First of all, try not to lose your library books. They do not belong to you. They belong to the school. If you lose them then other students cannot learn from them!”
  • 13. 30-Orginal photo of “Also, be *Photo me spilling drink on a careful when *Narration set of library books. you have food (long shot) or drink around your library books. Some of these books are very expensive. If you spill food or drink on them they might have to be replaced. Some, however, are so original that they cannot be replaced at all!” 31- Original photo of “Please make *Photo me coloring on a sure to avoid *Narration library book. drawing, (close up shot) writing, or coloring in your library books. They are made for you to read! If you damage them, then other students won’t be able to read the words or see the pictures very clearly. Wouldn’t that be sad?” 32-Orginal photo of “Remember, me holding and the classroom loving my library and school book (low angle full libraries are shot) here for you!
  • 14. There are tons of books that you would probably enjoy reading there. Please remember, however, everyone is welcome in the library, but everyone is also responsible for keeping it clean, safe, and happy!”