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 PERMIT NO. 3998
Benefits of a Fixed Indexed Annuity
                               By Stephen Hill, Advanced Planning Specialist, CLA-USA, Inc.

For the last 5 years, investors have had to make difficult decisions regarding their investments. Stock market declines and histori-
cally low interest rates have made choosing the right direction seem impossible. Staying the course in the equity markets without
insuring against risk has proven at the least to be risky.
During this same 5 year time frame, CLA clients who have purchased a FIA, have benefited with market participation in positive
years, while enjoying the peace of mind that their principal is always protected against losses in negative ones. We wanted to illus-
trate this point by showing an actual CLA client’s account for the past 5 years (We have omitted their personal information to protect
their privacy).
The chart below shows one of our client’s deposits of $100,074.93 in 2004. Each anniversary value is represented by a point in the
chart. During the first 3 years, their account value rose along with the gains in the S&P 500. These gains are locked in, and can
never be reduced after being credited. Every time an anniversary value is higher than the year before, a new guaranteed floor is estab-
lished locking in the higher value. During the market decline of 2008, this investor was completely protected against losing any of
their accumulated value. This protection led to our client outperforming the S&P alternative by over $42,000. When the market re-
covers, this client’s gains will start from the recent anniversary S&P 500 value. This “annual resetting feature” allows for our cli-
ent’s account value to appreciate even while the S&P 500 endeavors to get back to even.

We also wanted to demonstrate how this client’s annuity has outperformed the typical CD buyer. To illustrate this, we have included
the results of purchasing a 1 year CD each year over the past 5 years. This would have resulted in an account value of $118,909 at
the end of the 5 year term. Our client outperformed this alternative by $7,344. Some clients might have received a higher or lower
return, but no one has lost a single penny and can sleep well knowing their principal has never been at risk.
Even though past performance is no guarantee of future results (higher or lower returns), the client who placed $100,074 in this an-
nuity with a value now of $126,253 will never go lower than $126,253. CLA offers many different alternatives to meet your financial
goals. Contact our office at 1-888-404-6848 (toll-free) to learn how we can help you.
* CD interest rates provided by
* All S&P investment results assume no reinvestment of dividends

  CLA does not give legal, investment or tax advice. Only an attorney can provide legal advice. You should consult
  with your own attorney to discuss your specific estate planning needs. You should always consult with your tax
  professional on issues related to taxes.

CLA USA O AUGUST 2009 O 1-888-404-6848
Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk by 60%
                                                   By Marwan Sabbagh, MD

    Last year, the Alzheimer’s Association reported that one in six women and one in 10 men age 55 and older in the US will de-
velop Alzheimer’s disease. (More women get Alzheimer’s, in part, because they tend to live longer.) Many people think that not get-
ting Alzheimer’s is more about good genes than good health, but new research suggests that lifestyle factors, such as diet and exer-
cise, play key roles.
    Here’s what you need to know about the latest scientific advances in the battle against Alzheimer’s disease…

     New research shows that the primary feature of Alzheimer’s—the accu-
mulation of beta-amyloid, a protein by-product that wrecks brain cells—starts               Alzheimer’s Symptoms
decades before symptoms begin, perhaps even in a person’s 30s.
     How to help prevent or slow that process…                                    • Severe memory loss.
     Statins. Researchers from the Netherlands studied nearly 7,000 people • Language problems, including diffi-
age 55 and older. They found that those who regularly took a cholesterol-
lowering statin drug had a 43% lower risk for developing Alzheimer’s than             culty finding the right word.
those who didn’t take the drug.                                                   • Difficulty performing familiar tasks.
     Theory: Cholesterol may be a “cofactor” in beta-amyloid production.          • Disorientation regarding time and
     Bottom line: More studies are needed to show that taking a statin can pre-
vent Alzheimer’s, so it’s premature for your doctor to prescribe the drug for
that purpose. But if you take a statin to control cholesterol, you may experi-    • Changes in personality, such as in-
ence this very positive “side effect.”                                                creased irritability and hostility.
     Weight Control. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health analyzed
23 years of data from more than 2,300 people. Women who were obese at
ages 30, 35 or 50, with excess belly fat, had a nearly seven times higher risk
for developing Alzheimer’s. Men who gained a lot of weight between ages 30 and 50 had a nearly four times higher risk.
     Theory: Excess pounds increase chronic low-grade inflammation…increase insulin resistance (prediabetes)…and may increase
production of amyloid precursor protein—all factors that may increase the likelihood of Alzheimer’s.
     Bottom line: Keep you body weight within a healthy range by controlling calories and exercising regularly.
     Fruits and Vegetables. Oxidative stress—a kind of “internal rust” caused by factors such as a diet loaded with fat and refined
carbohydrates…air pollution…and hormones triggered by stress—is believed to play a role in the development of Alzheimer’s. In
the laboratory, researchers at Cornell University exposed brain cells to oxidative stress and added extracts of apples, bananas, and
oranges to the mix. The extracts reduced neurotoxicity—damage to brain cells.
     Theory: Fruits and vegetables are rich in cell-protecting and strengthening antioxi-
dants that fight the oxidative stress that contributes to Alzheimer’s.
     Bottom line: Fruits that deliver the most antioxidants include blueberries, blackber-
ries, cherries, red grapes, oranges, plums, raspberries and strawberries. Best vegetables
include arugula, bell peppers, broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, collard greens, kale and spin-
     Alcohol. Researchers at Stritch School of Medicine at Loyola University in Chicago
reviewed data on alcohol intake and health and found that more than half the studies
showed that a moderate intake of alcohol (one drink a day for women, one to two drinks a
day for men) reduced the risk for cognitive decline and dementia, including Alzheimer’s.
     Theory: Alcohol delivers potent antioxidants, and moderate intake reduces inflamma-
     Bottom line: One to two drinks a day may slightly decrease Alzheimer’s risk. One
drink is five ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer or 1.5 ounces of an 80-proof liquor, such
as vodka or gin.
     Exercise. Research shows that regular exercise can reduce Alzheimer’s risk by up to
60%. A new study shows that it also may help slow the progression of the disease. Scien-
tists at University of Kansas School of Medicine studied 57 people with early-stage Alz-
heimer’s disease and found that those who were sedentary had four times more brain
shrinkage (a sign of Alzheimer’s) than those who were physically fit.
     Bottom line: Aim for 30 minutes a day of exercise, such as brisk walking outdoors or
on a treadmill.
    Medications can slow the development of Alzheimer’s symptoms. Research now shows that
combining certain drugs maximizes their effectiveness. The FDA has approved two types of drugs to
treat Alzheimer’s—cholinesterase inhibitors, such as donepezil (Aricept), which work by slowing the
breakdown of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps brain cells communicate…and memantine
(Namenda), which calms excitotoxicity, a type of cellular hyperactivity that harms neurons.
     In a 30-month study of nearly 400 people with Alzheimer’s, researchers at Harvard Medical
School found that taking both drugs together is more effective in reducing Alzheimer’s symptoms
than taking either a cholinesterase inhibitor alone or a placebo.
     Bottom line: Patients who start both drugs at the time of diagnosis may significantly slow the
progress of Alzheimer’s disease.

    The following do not seem to be effective against Alzheimer’s…
    NSAIDs. Some studies have linked regular intake of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)—such as aspirin, ibu-
profen (Advil), naproxen (Aleve) and celecoxib (Celebrex)—with lower rates of Alzheimer’s. But in the Alzheimer’s Disease
Anti-Inflammatory Prevention Trial (ADAPT)—a study conducted by more than 125 researchers, involving more than 2,000 peo-
ple age 70 and older—celecoxib didn’t reduce the risk for developing Alzheimer’s. Naproxen had a minor effect that was out-
weighed by the fact that it increased the rate of heart attacks and strokes.
    Ginkgo biloba. A team of dozens of researchers led by scientists at University of Pittsburgh studied more than 3,000 people
age 75 and older, dividing them into two groups. One group took a daily dose of 240 milligrams (mg) of ginkgo biloba extract,
which is widely touted for invigorating the brain and improving memory. A second group took a placebo. Those taking ginkgo
did not have a lower rate of developing Alzheimer’s.
    B vitamins. Elevated blood levels of the amino acid homocysteine have been linked to Alzheimer’s. Because B vitamins can
lower homocysteine, scientists wondered if B vitamins could slow the development of Alzheimer’s.
    Researchers in the department of neurosciences at University of California, San Diego, studied 340 people with mild-to-
moderate Alzheimer’s disease for about four years and found that B vitamins reduced homocysteine levels but didn’t slow the
progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
    Antipsychotics. Alzheimer’s patients often develop behavioral disturbances, such as wandering, agitation, aggression, para-
noia, delusions, anxiety and hallucinations. A standard treatment is an antipsychotic drug, such as risperidone (Risperdal), zipra-
sidone (Geodon), olanzapine (Zyprexa), quetiapine (Seroquel) or aripiprazole (Abilify).
    New danger: For three years, researchers in England studied 165 Alzheimer’s patients who had taken antipsychotics—
continuing the drug in half the patients and switching the other half to placebos. After three years, 59% of those on the placebo
were alive, compared with 30% on the medication. In other words, those who continued the drug had twice the risk of dying.
    New approach: Researchers at Indiana University Center for Aging Research reviewed nine studies on the use of a choli-
nesterase inhibitor to manage behavioral symptoms and found it to be a “safe and effective alternative” to antipsychotics.

Reprinted with the permission of: Bottom Line Publications/Boardroom Inc.

                                                         Happiness Boosters
                                                             By Marjory Abrams
    Most people say they want to be happier, but how can they get there when they’re focused on what’s wrong instead of what’s
right? Here’s terrific advice from Joe Vitale, PhD, president of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc. (, and author of Life’s
Missing Instruction Manual (Wiley)…
    Don’t listen to negative self-talk. You can’t stop your thoughts, but you don’t have to listen to them. When a troubling
thought intrudes, remind yourself that “it’s just a thought, and I can let it go.” You may need to enlist a friend or coworker to
keep an ear open for negative comments. Ask him/her to ask you, “Do you really believe that?”
     Focus on the positive. There is no rule that says you must be depressed when life hits a rough stretch. Being unhappy won’t
help fix your problems, but it will make your life less pleasant while you endure them.
     Don’t look to blame. Blaming others won’t improve your life. Rather than ask, “Who’s fault is this?” ask, “What can I do to
make the best of this situation?”
     Change your ways. Your “nature” is just the role you’re currently playing. If you don’t like being considered argumentative,
for example, pick another role. To change your nature, change the way you act. The new behavior might feel phony at first, but
keep at it and it can become your nature.
Reprinted with the permission of: Bottom Line Publications/Boardroom Inc.
Install a pullout kitchen faucet. Lugging heavy pots of water to the stove can be
difficult and even dangerous. Many plumbing manufacturers now offer kitchen fau-
cets featuring high-arc, pullout spouts. You can remove the spout and use it as a
sprayer hose to fill pots within three to five feet of the stove.
Cost: About $150 plus plumber installation. Available at home-improvement stores.
Install a pull-down shelving system inside your kitchen wall cabinets. Top shelves
in cabinets are difficult to reach. This simple device rests in your upper cabinet until
you grab a handle on the shelf frame. A set of three or four shelves swings out of the
cabinet and down toward you. The shelves lock in place so you can get the item you
need. Afterward, the whole unit swings back into place.
My favorite: Rev-A-Shelf’s chrome pull-down shelving system for 24- and 36-inch
cabinets. You can do the installation yourself.
Cost: $300 (800-626-1126,

Add upscale grab bars near toilets and tubs. Some people have avoided installing
grab bars in their bathrooms because they look too institutional. Now, there are much
more attractive versions. Brushed nickel or oil-rubbed bronze grab bars by Moen are
designed to match other Moen bath accessories and faucets for a coordinated look.
The grab bars meet all federal government guidelines. They have a stainless steel
core and are 1¼ inches in diameter, making them easy to hold.
Cost: About $25 to $70 for the bar. Available at home-improvement stores. You can
install them yourself, but it requires drilling holes in the wall.

Reprinted with the permission of:
Bottom Line Publications/Boardroom Inc.

My car manual says I should put only pre-                                           * * * QUOTES * * *
mium gas in my car. Do I really need to do
that?                                                                 In a world where the big things make a little difference,
                                                                           it’s the little things that make a big difference.
Your car’s engine is designed to run on premium if the                                         Peter Thomas
manual tells you to use it. Premium gas is processed to
burn more slowly in high-compression engines, so it                   They that may have a little peace, even the best dogs are
provides power without causing knocking or pinging. In                           compelled to snarl occasionally.
an emergency, you can use regular fuel in an engine                                     William Feather
designed for premium, but your car will get signifi-
cantly better mileage on premium gas. In fact, despite                    The storm starts when the drops start dropping.
premium’s higher cost, you will get more miles per dol-                  When the drops stop dropping then the storm starts
lar from premium fuel. Frequent use of regular gas in an                                    stopping.
engine designed for premium can lead to a buildup of                                        Dr. Seuss
carbon deposits and a permanent drop in power and gas
mileage.                                                              Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit
Bottom line: Only buy a car designed for premium fuel                  of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed,
if you are prepared to put premium gas in it all the time.             else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will
                                                                                           wither and die.
Reprinted with the permission of:
Bottom Line Publications/Boardroom Inc.
                                                                                       Dwight D. Eisenhower

   Moving? Be sure to contact our office at 888-404-6848 and update your address and phone
   number so we may continue to provide you the excellent service you have come to expect.
CLA August 2009

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CLA August 2009

  • 2. Benefits of a Fixed Indexed Annuity By Stephen Hill, Advanced Planning Specialist, CLA-USA, Inc. For the last 5 years, investors have had to make difficult decisions regarding their investments. Stock market declines and histori- cally low interest rates have made choosing the right direction seem impossible. Staying the course in the equity markets without insuring against risk has proven at the least to be risky. During this same 5 year time frame, CLA clients who have purchased a FIA, have benefited with market participation in positive years, while enjoying the peace of mind that their principal is always protected against losses in negative ones. We wanted to illus- trate this point by showing an actual CLA client’s account for the past 5 years (We have omitted their personal information to protect their privacy). The chart below shows one of our client’s deposits of $100,074.93 in 2004. Each anniversary value is represented by a point in the chart. During the first 3 years, their account value rose along with the gains in the S&P 500. These gains are locked in, and can never be reduced after being credited. Every time an anniversary value is higher than the year before, a new guaranteed floor is estab- lished locking in the higher value. During the market decline of 2008, this investor was completely protected against losing any of their accumulated value. This protection led to our client outperforming the S&P alternative by over $42,000. When the market re- covers, this client’s gains will start from the recent anniversary S&P 500 value. This “annual resetting feature” allows for our cli- ent’s account value to appreciate even while the S&P 500 endeavors to get back to even. We also wanted to demonstrate how this client’s annuity has outperformed the typical CD buyer. To illustrate this, we have included the results of purchasing a 1 year CD each year over the past 5 years. This would have resulted in an account value of $118,909 at the end of the 5 year term. Our client outperformed this alternative by $7,344. Some clients might have received a higher or lower return, but no one has lost a single penny and can sleep well knowing their principal has never been at risk. Even though past performance is no guarantee of future results (higher or lower returns), the client who placed $100,074 in this an- nuity with a value now of $126,253 will never go lower than $126,253. CLA offers many different alternatives to meet your financial goals. Contact our office at 1-888-404-6848 (toll-free) to learn how we can help you. * CD interest rates provided by * All S&P investment results assume no reinvestment of dividends CLA does not give legal, investment or tax advice. Only an attorney can provide legal advice. You should consult with your own attorney to discuss your specific estate planning needs. You should always consult with your tax professional on issues related to taxes. CLA USA O AUGUST 2009 O 1-888-404-6848
  • 3. Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk by 60% By Marwan Sabbagh, MD Last year, the Alzheimer’s Association reported that one in six women and one in 10 men age 55 and older in the US will de- velop Alzheimer’s disease. (More women get Alzheimer’s, in part, because they tend to live longer.) Many people think that not get- ting Alzheimer’s is more about good genes than good health, but new research suggests that lifestyle factors, such as diet and exer- cise, play key roles. Here’s what you need to know about the latest scientific advances in the battle against Alzheimer’s disease… PREVENTION New research shows that the primary feature of Alzheimer’s—the accu- mulation of beta-amyloid, a protein by-product that wrecks brain cells—starts Alzheimer’s Symptoms decades before symptoms begin, perhaps even in a person’s 30s. How to help prevent or slow that process… • Severe memory loss. Statins. Researchers from the Netherlands studied nearly 7,000 people • Language problems, including diffi- age 55 and older. They found that those who regularly took a cholesterol- lowering statin drug had a 43% lower risk for developing Alzheimer’s than culty finding the right word. those who didn’t take the drug. • Difficulty performing familiar tasks. Theory: Cholesterol may be a “cofactor” in beta-amyloid production. • Disorientation regarding time and Bottom line: More studies are needed to show that taking a statin can pre- vent Alzheimer’s, so it’s premature for your doctor to prescribe the drug for place. that purpose. But if you take a statin to control cholesterol, you may experi- • Changes in personality, such as in- ence this very positive “side effect.” creased irritability and hostility. Weight Control. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health analyzed 23 years of data from more than 2,300 people. Women who were obese at ages 30, 35 or 50, with excess belly fat, had a nearly seven times higher risk for developing Alzheimer’s. Men who gained a lot of weight between ages 30 and 50 had a nearly four times higher risk. Theory: Excess pounds increase chronic low-grade inflammation…increase insulin resistance (prediabetes)…and may increase production of amyloid precursor protein—all factors that may increase the likelihood of Alzheimer’s. Bottom line: Keep you body weight within a healthy range by controlling calories and exercising regularly. Fruits and Vegetables. Oxidative stress—a kind of “internal rust” caused by factors such as a diet loaded with fat and refined carbohydrates…air pollution…and hormones triggered by stress—is believed to play a role in the development of Alzheimer’s. In the laboratory, researchers at Cornell University exposed brain cells to oxidative stress and added extracts of apples, bananas, and oranges to the mix. The extracts reduced neurotoxicity—damage to brain cells. Theory: Fruits and vegetables are rich in cell-protecting and strengthening antioxi- dants that fight the oxidative stress that contributes to Alzheimer’s. Bottom line: Fruits that deliver the most antioxidants include blueberries, blackber- ries, cherries, red grapes, oranges, plums, raspberries and strawberries. Best vegetables include arugula, bell peppers, broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, collard greens, kale and spin- ach. Alcohol. Researchers at Stritch School of Medicine at Loyola University in Chicago reviewed data on alcohol intake and health and found that more than half the studies showed that a moderate intake of alcohol (one drink a day for women, one to two drinks a day for men) reduced the risk for cognitive decline and dementia, including Alzheimer’s. Theory: Alcohol delivers potent antioxidants, and moderate intake reduces inflamma- tion. Bottom line: One to two drinks a day may slightly decrease Alzheimer’s risk. One drink is five ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer or 1.5 ounces of an 80-proof liquor, such as vodka or gin. Exercise. Research shows that regular exercise can reduce Alzheimer’s risk by up to 60%. A new study shows that it also may help slow the progression of the disease. Scien- tists at University of Kansas School of Medicine studied 57 people with early-stage Alz- heimer’s disease and found that those who were sedentary had four times more brain shrinkage (a sign of Alzheimer’s) than those who were physically fit. Bottom line: Aim for 30 minutes a day of exercise, such as brisk walking outdoors or on a treadmill.
  • 4. COMBINATION TREATMENT Medications can slow the development of Alzheimer’s symptoms. Research now shows that combining certain drugs maximizes their effectiveness. The FDA has approved two types of drugs to treat Alzheimer’s—cholinesterase inhibitors, such as donepezil (Aricept), which work by slowing the breakdown of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps brain cells communicate…and memantine (Namenda), which calms excitotoxicity, a type of cellular hyperactivity that harms neurons. In a 30-month study of nearly 400 people with Alzheimer’s, researchers at Harvard Medical School found that taking both drugs together is more effective in reducing Alzheimer’s symptoms than taking either a cholinesterase inhibitor alone or a placebo. Bottom line: Patients who start both drugs at the time of diagnosis may significantly slow the progress of Alzheimer’s disease. WHAT DOESN’T WORK The following do not seem to be effective against Alzheimer’s… NSAIDs. Some studies have linked regular intake of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)—such as aspirin, ibu- profen (Advil), naproxen (Aleve) and celecoxib (Celebrex)—with lower rates of Alzheimer’s. But in the Alzheimer’s Disease Anti-Inflammatory Prevention Trial (ADAPT)—a study conducted by more than 125 researchers, involving more than 2,000 peo- ple age 70 and older—celecoxib didn’t reduce the risk for developing Alzheimer’s. Naproxen had a minor effect that was out- weighed by the fact that it increased the rate of heart attacks and strokes. Ginkgo biloba. A team of dozens of researchers led by scientists at University of Pittsburgh studied more than 3,000 people age 75 and older, dividing them into two groups. One group took a daily dose of 240 milligrams (mg) of ginkgo biloba extract, which is widely touted for invigorating the brain and improving memory. A second group took a placebo. Those taking ginkgo did not have a lower rate of developing Alzheimer’s. B vitamins. Elevated blood levels of the amino acid homocysteine have been linked to Alzheimer’s. Because B vitamins can lower homocysteine, scientists wondered if B vitamins could slow the development of Alzheimer’s. Researchers in the department of neurosciences at University of California, San Diego, studied 340 people with mild-to- moderate Alzheimer’s disease for about four years and found that B vitamins reduced homocysteine levels but didn’t slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Antipsychotics. Alzheimer’s patients often develop behavioral disturbances, such as wandering, agitation, aggression, para- noia, delusions, anxiety and hallucinations. A standard treatment is an antipsychotic drug, such as risperidone (Risperdal), zipra- sidone (Geodon), olanzapine (Zyprexa), quetiapine (Seroquel) or aripiprazole (Abilify). New danger: For three years, researchers in England studied 165 Alzheimer’s patients who had taken antipsychotics— continuing the drug in half the patients and switching the other half to placebos. After three years, 59% of those on the placebo were alive, compared with 30% on the medication. In other words, those who continued the drug had twice the risk of dying. New approach: Researchers at Indiana University Center for Aging Research reviewed nine studies on the use of a choli- nesterase inhibitor to manage behavioral symptoms and found it to be a “safe and effective alternative” to antipsychotics. Reprinted with the permission of: Bottom Line Publications/Boardroom Inc. Happiness Boosters By Marjory Abrams Most people say they want to be happier, but how can they get there when they’re focused on what’s wrong instead of what’s right? Here’s terrific advice from Joe Vitale, PhD, president of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc. (, and author of Life’s Missing Instruction Manual (Wiley)… Don’t listen to negative self-talk. You can’t stop your thoughts, but you don’t have to listen to them. When a troubling thought intrudes, remind yourself that “it’s just a thought, and I can let it go.” You may need to enlist a friend or coworker to keep an ear open for negative comments. Ask him/her to ask you, “Do you really believe that?” Focus on the positive. There is no rule that says you must be depressed when life hits a rough stretch. Being unhappy won’t help fix your problems, but it will make your life less pleasant while you endure them. Don’t look to blame. Blaming others won’t improve your life. Rather than ask, “Who’s fault is this?” ask, “What can I do to make the best of this situation?” Change your ways. Your “nature” is just the role you’re currently playing. If you don’t like being considered argumentative, for example, pick another role. To change your nature, change the way you act. The new behavior might feel phony at first, but keep at it and it can become your nature. Reprinted with the permission of: Bottom Line Publications/Boardroom Inc.
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  • 7. Install a pullout kitchen faucet. Lugging heavy pots of water to the stove can be difficult and even dangerous. Many plumbing manufacturers now offer kitchen fau- cets featuring high-arc, pullout spouts. You can remove the spout and use it as a sprayer hose to fill pots within three to five feet of the stove. Cost: About $150 plus plumber installation. Available at home-improvement stores. Install a pull-down shelving system inside your kitchen wall cabinets. Top shelves in cabinets are difficult to reach. This simple device rests in your upper cabinet until you grab a handle on the shelf frame. A set of three or four shelves swings out of the cabinet and down toward you. The shelves lock in place so you can get the item you need. Afterward, the whole unit swings back into place. My favorite: Rev-A-Shelf’s chrome pull-down shelving system for 24- and 36-inch cabinets. You can do the installation yourself. Cost: $300 (800-626-1126, BATHROOM Add upscale grab bars near toilets and tubs. Some people have avoided installing grab bars in their bathrooms because they look too institutional. Now, there are much more attractive versions. Brushed nickel or oil-rubbed bronze grab bars by Moen are designed to match other Moen bath accessories and faucets for a coordinated look. The grab bars meet all federal government guidelines. They have a stainless steel core and are 1¼ inches in diameter, making them easy to hold. Cost: About $25 to $70 for the bar. Available at home-improvement stores. You can install them yourself, but it requires drilling holes in the wall. Reprinted with the permission of: Bottom Line Publications/Boardroom Inc. My car manual says I should put only pre- * * * QUOTES * * * mium gas in my car. Do I really need to do that? In a world where the big things make a little difference, it’s the little things that make a big difference. Your car’s engine is designed to run on premium if the Peter Thomas manual tells you to use it. Premium gas is processed to burn more slowly in high-compression engines, so it They that may have a little peace, even the best dogs are provides power without causing knocking or pinging. In compelled to snarl occasionally. an emergency, you can use regular fuel in an engine William Feather designed for premium, but your car will get signifi- cantly better mileage on premium gas. In fact, despite The storm starts when the drops start dropping. premium’s higher cost, you will get more miles per dol- When the drops stop dropping then the storm starts lar from premium fuel. Frequent use of regular gas in an stopping. engine designed for premium can lead to a buildup of Dr. Seuss carbon deposits and a permanent drop in power and gas mileage. Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit Bottom line: Only buy a car designed for premium fuel of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed, if you are prepared to put premium gas in it all the time. else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die. Reprinted with the permission of: Bottom Line Publications/Boardroom Inc. Dwight D. Eisenhower Moving? Be sure to contact our office at 888-404-6848 and update your address and phone number so we may continue to provide you the excellent service you have come to expect.