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There’s lots of symbolism and ritual in royalty: but where does it come from?
During the coronation service the narrator mentioned that elements of the proceedings were so old that history itself could not fathom them. This obviously implies that the symbolism reaches back farther than the origins of Christianity. It also means that the ceremony is not wholly Christian, even though it appears so on the surface. BRITAIN The name  Britain  does not come from the Hebrew but from the Phoenician. It derives from  Baratana , a name which referred primarily to the sea- goddess of the maritime Phoenician-Irish peoples. This name can also be rendered  Bharat  (the name of India), and  Para, Parat, Pratt , etc. Baratana contains the syllable  Ana  meaning “heavens.” The symbol of the cross can be seen on early Phoenician coins, confirming that it is not Christian in origin.
Ireland was named after three goddesses: ERI, BANBA and FODLA Sweden was named after the goddess SVEA Scotland was named after the Egyptian queen SCOTA or SCOTIA Britain was named after the goddess BARATANA This practice of naming countries, continents (see “Europa”), nations, cities and towns, after female goddesses or queens is pagan in origin. It was the  habit of the western Arya or Aryans, the world’s foremost spiritual  ARI STOCRACY. The traditions of the Arya, the Goths, and the Saca of old, have been appropriated and cannibalized by their Atonist destroyers.
The Byzantine (Roman) Empire’s main symbol was the same Masonic Double-Headed Eagle. Masonry, Templarism, and Royalty are well and truly connected. They are all branches of Egyptian Atonism.
“ Curiouser and Curiouser!” It is not surprising that Druidic symbols appear on the regalia of British Royals. The Wand, the Cup, and Plate (or Disk) originate with the four sacred treasures of Ireland, which also gave rise to the four suits of the Tarot and the modern playing cards. The eagle is Atonist, although it was originally an emblem of the Arya and the Goths of ancient Britain and Scandinavia. It was has been a symbol of royalty from the earliest times, among the Irish, Phoenicians, Scythians, Sumerians, Hittites, and Egyptians.
Double-Headed Eagle on a Masonic Lodge in Yorkshire, England
Double-Headed Eagle on Albert Pike’s Memorial, Washington DC
The White House or Georgetown University. Which one controls the other? Wasn’t “George” a famous king of England? And why are there stars and Druidic oak leaves around a Jesuit (Catholic) emblem? The Eagle stands for the capital letter “A” – the signature of Aton and the Atonists.
A for ATON
Speaking of strange symbols, why is there a skull and bones symbol on the tunic of a member of the Knights of Columbus, a Jesuit/Catholic order to which many US politicians and public figures belong?
The lion (seen on the heraldry of England) is primarily Atonist. The Atonist solar eagle is used by the United States, and the Atonist lion by Britain. (See MGM logo, and British East India Company and Knights Templar emblem. See also the flag of Richard I with three lions.)
The lion was also considered a protector of sacred places. This included locales (hence the sphinx) and also buildings such as shrines, temples, government buildings, or stately houses. Strange that we should find the lion on British heraldry and on the door of number 10 Downing Street. Is there something sacred about this address? We are being told that there is.
Image of a lion discovered at Amarna, the city of Akhenaton. Across the river from Amarna lay Mallevi, the city of the Levites.  The so-called Levites, Judites, or Israelites, were none other than the notorious Hyksos Pharaohs of Lower Egypt. They were not a ragtag bunch of slaves, as generations of lying historians and clergymen have falsely proclaimed. Although it is possible that the Hyksos originated in western climes, they were enemies of the Egyptian Amenists and British Druids. The story of the conflict between these contingents is detailed in our book  The Irish Origins of Civilization.
Coronation Day Begins Outside the gates of the palace is the roundabout that represents the celestial zodiac. The Queen’s carriage drives around the structure and proceeds along Pall Mall.
Coronation Day Begins The carriage makes its way to the entrance of Westminster Abbey (not to be confused with Westminster Cathedral), for the ceremony.  Outside the Abbey was the royal crest depicting a lion and unicorn. These animal motifs are, esoterically speaking, the symbols for the astrological signs of Cancer and Leo respectively. The pale white unicorn is an ancient symbol for the moon. It also represents the Judaic House of Ephraim or, more correctly, the  followers  of the pharaonic House of Aton, symbolized by the red lion. The coat of arms is, therefore, an emblem symbolizing the elite Atonist dynasties and the lieutenants who have loyally served them throughout the generations.
The royal carriage represents the Chariot. This identifies it with the northerly sign of Cancer, known as the “Gate of Birth. The coronation of Elizabeth was symbolically speaking a “birth.” Cancer’s opposite sign Capricorn was known as the “Gate of Death.” A Stellar (or Astrological) rite was covertly performed during the coronation ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II, on June 2nd 1953 (Gemini). She became Queen of 16 countries and the most powerful head of state in the world. But is she merely a placeholder for another? After all, in the coronation ceremony the Queen is referred to as a “Maintenancer” of the realm. Coronation Day Begins
King Edward’s Crown Featuring Maltese Crosses and Fleur du Li, the crown surrounds the so-called “Cap of Maintenance.” The word “maintain” means to perpetuate or keep in order until some other event occurs, or until the arrival of a sovereign of greater rank. Interestingly, the word “entertain” also connotes the same idea, to  entertain in the interim , before the main event occurs. But in whose name or place does the Queen and her court preside and  maintain  the state as stewards or caretakers? The Cap  of Maintenance
Heraldry Within Westminster Abbey hang the banners and pennants of the many knightly families owing allegiance to the royal family of Britain. These bear many ancient Astro-Theological motifs. Note the inverted crosses behind the banners.
Phoenician images showing the raised hand that was later incorporated into the design for the flag of Northern Ireland. Allegedly, the raised red hand was a symbol of the O’Neill clan. In fact, it long predates the time of the Gaelic conquest of Ireland. Heraldry & Symbolism
Crest of Winston Churchill
Procession Kabalistic imagery is also used during the coronation ceremony. The Queen is positioned at the center of 6 maidens (or ladies in waiting). The form of the procession is reminiscent of the Kabalistic  Tree of Life . The procession then passes through the second portal into the church toward the altar. The company pass along a  blue  carpet symbolizing water - the river of life, time, or knowledge, etc. Interestingly, the word  Hebrew  means “Men of the River.”
Procession Passing through the inner door toward the altar we see the red train of the Queen held by her six ladies. This red train symbolizes the line of kings and queens historically preceding the Queen. She is the end of the royal Bloodline - the “Dragon Court” - that stretches back past the time of Akhenaton to more distant ages. The Lion (Dragon/Serpent) of the Hapsburg Dynasty to whom the Queen is related. The Windsors are also related to the Bowes Lyon, Battenberg (Mountbatten), Saxe Coburg-Gotha, Hanoverian (House of Orange), Savoy, Angevin, Capetian, and Guelph (Black Venetian) dynasties.
Procession The procession approaches the first set of steps. There are  six  to climb. This represents the Star of David, or of Aton. After this ascent the Queen moves slowly toward the members of the Protestant clergy before the altar and two thrones. On the backs of the robes of the bishops we see the letters IHS. These letters are believed to represent Jesus Christ but, in fact, they derive from the Irish god Iesa (or Esus), as well as from the Grecian and Roman god Dionysus (Bacchus) upon whom the Christian Jesus was partly based.
Before the Altars The Queen approaches the clergymen and the altar. Above the altar with the sacred emblems of royalty is a balcony where the family members of the Queen are seated. They rise and curtsey as she approaches. The red train is meticulously laid down and she turns to the Bible. Beside her stand four knights with four swords. They represent the compass points. The symbolism of the sword is complex. It is primarily a Martian symbol, although it also connotes the intellect and acquisition of knowledge.
The Dendera Zodiac, showing the twelve signs of the zodiac and the four cardinal points. This zodiac was dedicated to Hathor and Isis.
The Four Sons of Horus The Four Directions  of Heaven
Presented for Recognition The Queen moves toward the St. Edward’s Chair. At this time the Archbishop of Canterbury will present her before the people for recognition. This is an astromantic ritual in which the Queen represents the moon and the archbishop the sun. His light illumines (recognizes) her as the sun does the moon. The Chair of St. Edward is another ancient Irish symbol. It is the Coronation Seat of Tara and is of Atonist origins. It was used in Ireland after the Milesians (Atonists) conquered the land around 600 BC During this astrological ritual, the Queen faces each of the compass points while the same question is proclaimed as to whether she is accepted as regent by those gathered at the four points (the world).
The Oath Before the People The Queen is asked by the Archbishop if she will swear before the people to keep the promises she has made; to rule her realms and territories with justice and rightness. She answers “All this I promise to do.”
The Oath Before God The Queen proceeds toward the altar to kneel and swear before god that she will keep her oath. She kisses the Bible which appears to be opened at an early chapter. Immediately after the Bible is removed another book is brought forth on which she signs her name.
Crimson Robe Removed After being addressed by the Scottish minister, the Queen has her crimson robe removed. She rises and proceeds toward St. Edward’s Chair behind a knight carrying a sword. This is the moment before the “Anointing.”
The Anointing and Consecration During the televised coronation the narrator described the Anointing ceremony as: “ A moment so old history can scarcely go deep enough to contain it .” This curious description tells us that the rite  preceded  the time of Christ.” And we may ask: what dynasty or empire known to anoint its kings and queens was so old that history itself cannot fathom it? Is the narrator referencing and suggesting  Pre-Diluvian  empires? The Queen Anointed, Blessed, and Consecrated…  - narrator of televised ceremony, 1953
Four Lions and a Pyramid The Chair of St. Edward (the Irish Seat of Kings) stands upon four Atonist Lions. The back of the chair is suggestively pyramidical.
The Goat Throne - Used by kings  and priests before the symbol  of the lion became prominent. The god Horus was often  represented with the horns  of both a ram and a goat  –  Frank Higgins ( Ancient Freemasonry )
The Western Arya (Phoenicians, Goths, and early Scythian Gaels) worshipped horned animals. In particular they revered the goat and stag. The very name  Scythian  comes from Saca (from which we derive terms such as  sacred  and  sage ). This syllable  sac  (and also  sakh  or  zak ) connotes the stag. The syllable appears in the word “Saxon.” This word originally denoted “Sages” and not “Men of the Spears.”  The syllable  appears in names such as “Isaac.” This is correctly rendered  Ish Sac,  meaning “Man of the Saca,” of the “Sages,” “Magi,” “Prophets,” or “Wise Ones.” Does this imply that the Old Testament characters Isaac, Jacob, and Abraham, who entered Egypt from Babylon, were in fact western Scythians? Yes it does!
The lies told to us about our exceptional megalithic ancestors are without number. The lies disseminated about the Arya are also most pernicious. The very word  Aryan  has been thoroughly and deliberately misinterpreted. It referred not to race but to  caste . Specifically, it referred to the intellectual, spiritual, and moral status of any human being regardless of their racial background. In Proto Indo-European, the root is ARYO In Iranian the rendition was ASHA In Hindi the root was RTA In Greek the renditions were ARETE (meaning virtue), ARISTOS (meaning best), and ORTHO (meaning orthodox). In Latin it was RECTUS and ERECTUS (meaning upstanding, right or true). In German it was RECHT (meaning right). It also appeared as REICH (or more correctly AREICH), and in RIK or ARIK (meaning rich or high, as in the names Richard and Eric, etc). In English it was RIGHT and also terms such as ARIES, ART, ARISTOCRACY, ARABLE, AREA, HARRIS, etc. In Sanskrit, it was ARYA (meaning kind, favored, excellent, or devoted. Secondary meanings are lord, master, noble, respected). The root appears in personal names such as Aryabhata and Aaron, and in numerous place names such as BENARES, ARRAH, ARYAVARTA,   SUMERIA, BULGARIA, ARMENIA, IRAN, IRELAND, ERECH, etc.  (See  Irish Origins of Civilization , Vol. 1, for more on the Arya.)
It is stated on a parchment found in a brick wall in the foundations of Denderah at the time of King Pepi: “The Great Pyramid was built by the followers of Horus;” the Stellar Cult people were the followers of Horus in the same sense as the Christians are the followers  of Christ...The Architect who drew the plans  was Nu-er-nub-ari, “the Keeper of the Secrets”  –  Albert Churchward ( The Origins and Evolution of Religion )
The Irish stag god was known as Herne (and also Cernunnos). The word Hermes comes from the Irish Herne. Hermes was the Greek god of wisdom and secret knowledge. The horns that were once the symbol of divinity, spiritual wisdom and mystical rank can still be seen in the spiked crowns worn by monarchs. In the Bible, we here of Jesus and his so-called crown of thorns. Is this yet another cryptic references to Druidism in the scriptures? Certainly!  After all the Druids  employed the idea  of a cruciform tree  thousands of years  before the advent  of Christianity. Their sun king who was  hung on the tree of life  was Iesa or Esus. The very word  god derives from  gott ,  a word that originally  meant goat.
Herne (The Hunter)  – the ancient stag god of Druidism, wearing the original “crown of thorns.” The serpent and torque serve as his “Ring and Rod.” These are key symbols of royalty but spiritually they symbolize biunity, the nucleation of the masculine and feminine polarities and the unification of microcosm and macrocosm. They represent the “Chemycal Wedding” of the Alchemists and Mystery School adepts. The bracelet or torque of the prehistoric Herne appears during the Queen’s coronation ceremony. (See ahead.)
The Anointing and Consecration Four Knights of the Order of the Garter bring a canopy over the seat and over the queen. At this time, shielded from public view, the Queen is spoken to by the Archbishop of Canterbury. What passes between the two is not known. The scene was edited from the televised record.
The Queen is head of the Knights of the Garter that was allegedly founded in the fourteenth century by Edward III. She wears the Order’s tunic and emblem with solar rays and red cross.
Various crests and emblems of the Order of the Garter, carved for the Queen and for display at the palace. Note the owl, serpent, and the phoenix (symbolizing Akhenaton).
The symbol of the blue garter, as well as red cross symbol, referred to as St. George’s Cross, belong to the Egyptian god Set. He was worshipped by the Hyksos Pharaohs who, during and after the time of Akhenaton, became the Atonists. The Atonists conquered Britain approximately 600 years BC. This is the reason why Egyptian symbolism appears on so much British and European heraldry. For more information on these symbols and their meaning, refer to Chapter 41 of  The Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol. 2
Clothed in Gold The Lunar Queen becomes the Solar Queen. After being anointed, Elizabeth is clothed in a golden robe. She resumes her place on the chair and is presented with a unsheathed jeweled sword. The  female  Queen takes the Sword of Mars from the  male  Knight. This interaction between the Queen and Knight is a key aspect of the ceremony. Its secret is revealed by way of an understanding of Astrology and Tarot.
Aries and Libra The image of the royal lady holding the Martian sword can be seen in the Tarot card named the  Queen of Swords.  This court card is associated with the sign of Libra.
Libra is the seventh sign of the twelve. Importantly, it is directly opposite from the sign of Aries.  Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. And the symbol of Mars is, as we have said, the sword. Moreover, the sign of Aries is especially revered by Atonists. It was during the Age of Aries (approx 1400 BC) that Pharaoh Akhenaton instigated the exclusive worship of Aton. Egypt was brought to wreck and ruin due to his fanaticism. Eventually, after seventeen years of religious despotism, the crazed pharaoh was exiled. The Queen represents the feminine Libra because of this sign’s astrological opposition with the masculine Aries. The coronation is, therefore, not only an astrological rite but an  alchemical  one. It is a form of Hieros Gamos, or Chemycal Wedding.
The Sword of Justice The Archbishop approaches and says: “With this sword do justice.” The Tarot card which corresponds to the sign of Libra is known as “Justice.” It is card number 11.
Bracelets of Sincerity and Wisdom The Queen stands and walks toward to altar to return the sword. She resumes the throne and the Archbishop then brings forth the bracelets of Sincerity and Wisdom. These bracelets again originate from Irish Mythology. According to Irish legend, Moses gave his own bracelets to a Gaedal, son of Niul, the Milesian (Atonist) who brought them to Ireland after leaving Egypt. The ceremonial bracelets are given to the Queen as “bonds between her and her people,” and also as “symbols of protection…embracing you on every side, defending you against all enemies BODILY OR GHOSTLY…” “… Bodily  or  Ghostly”
The Imperial Robe of Righteousness & Salvation The Queen is then adorned in the golden Imperial Robe. It is another symbol of protection. Immediately afterward she is also presented with the orb - “the world under Christ’s dominion,” and the ring of sapphire and ruby.
The Two Wands of Power In her right hand she holds the scepter of kingly power and justice, and in her left hand she holds the rod of equity and mercy. This corresponds with the Kabalistic schemata of the Tree of Life and its masculine and feminine pillars, known as  Mercy  and  Severity . These pillars are the “Jachin” and “Boaz” of Masonry. The central path on the Tree of Life is made up entirely of feminine “paths.” This central pillar (named “Equilibrium”) would be the body of the Queen herself, as seen in the Tarot. (See Card 2 - The High Priestess.)
In the Book of Enoch, in speaking of the fallen angels it is said: "The name of the first is Yekun: he it was who seduced all the sons of the Holy Angel; and causing them to descend on earth, led astray the offspring of men...and the name, as Yekain, is fitly represented by a phallic column"  - Albert Pike ( Book of the Words ) Yekun becomes Jakin ,  one of the pillars at the gates of Solomon's (Aton's) Temple. We see these two stately pillars at the portals of all masonic lodges and important government buildings. These phallic altars to Lucifer (Aton) can be found in most civic centers in the world as the obelisk, tower, or single erect stone monument. They stand in the center of prominent city "squares" and near important banks, churches, and educational institutions. The very word  phallic  comes from  phalos  which meaning "white" or "bright." It is akin to  phaos  that also means "light."  By the very name, it (the phallus) was connected with the Sun -  Albert Pike
The front cover of Francis Bacon’s book NEW ATLANTIS,  featuring the Masonic Jachin and Boaz Jachin and Boaz with the Egyptian pyramid in Israel
In the Book of Enoch, in speaking of the fallen angels it is said: "The name of the first is Yekun: he it was who seduced all the sons of the Holy Angel; and causing them to descend on earth, led astray the offspring of men...and the name, as Yekain, is fitly represented by a phallic column"  - Albert Pike ( Book of the Words )
BY HOOK OR BY CROOK The idea of two pillars is not Jewish but Egyptian. As said, Jachin and Boaz are based on the esoteric so-called “Kabalistic” tradition and on the Tree of Life’s pillars entitled Mercy and Severity. These terms apparently also refer to two ancient symbols of royalty, namely the crook and flail of the pharaohs. Egyptian pharaohs bore the symbol of the crook and also the flail or whip. This symbol of the flail connoted self-mastery not dominance over others, as lying “experts” contend. Interestingly, the Hyksos Pharaohs were known as the “Shepherd Kings.” The King of Egypt was regarded as a Seer. He was the “Shepherd.” This term distinguished him as a master astrologer. He flocks were the stars of heaven.
On Queen Elizabeth’s shoulder, what appears to be two tassels is in fact a figurative Egyptian flail. Old pharaohs, new pharaohs. meet the new boss...same as the old boss
The  Ring  and the  Rod
The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until he comes to whom it belongs and the obedience of the nations is his  –  Genesis 49:10 The House of Commons
The Crowning Moment The Archbishop raises the crown high above the Queen’s head before setting it in place. Suggestively, nothing organic exists during the ceremony and men alone undertake the main ceremonial duties
The Cross - not unique to Christianity or modern royals
Ascent to the Throne Once crowned, the Queen, while adorned in the golden Imperial Robe, and carrying the two scepters, begins to ascend  five  stairs to her throne, to assume full possession of the kingdom Five is the number of transcendence. It signifies mastery over the four elements of fire, water, air, and earth
Six Stairs, then Five Stairs – You think it’s Masonic? Smile, you’ve just graduated!
Homage of Her Subjects Now that the Queen has sworn to uphold the teachings of the Protestant faith and to support and protect its clergymen, the  three  bishops go down on their knees in homage before her. At this point she is made supreme over her male  subjects . In the early Babylonian stele we see the sun disk, the four directions, and the three attendants to the enshrined king within his sacred precinct. Above the priest-king’s head are the symbols of the planets and stars. The temple stands upon the water symbolized by wavy lines. As we saw earlier, the Queen’s procession moved along a blue carpet. Moreover, the very Abbey is on the River Thames (Tammuz, Thomas, Time)
Homage of Her Subjects The Queen is then approached by four more subjects: her husband the Duke of Edinburgh, her uncle the Duke of Gloucester, her cousin the Duke of Kent, and finally the Earl Marshall of England. Each kneel and kiss her on the left cheek. In the first, second, and fourth case  the dedication to the Queen is  spoken aloud. In the case of  the Duke of Kent it is read silently  from a paper presented in front of  him by one of the Bishops (See Photo).  The Duke of Kent is the head of  the Freemasonic Orders of Britain.  It is therefore very suggestive that  his statement and proclamation  before and to the Queen is  silent  and secret . The narrator of the  coronation service passed by this  specific episode without a  comment. Perhaps it is also  suggestive that the Duke of Kent  is the third in line to approach the  Queen, the number 3 being  sacred to Freemasons
It gat nathin’ to do with Freemasonry!
Taking a Bow Royals expect their  subjects  to bow or kneel before them. However, symbolically bowing low the head signifies death. It signifies that one is “headless” before their liege lords. In Latin, the word  head  is “caput” (as in the elite Capetian Dynasty). The word  capitulation , connotes cutting off of a head. And that is what one symbolically does when they bow before monarchs or political dignitaries. One is symbolically lower and lesser than the regent. One indicates that they surrender their selfhood and sovereignty. The same thing applies when the knees are bent or genuflected. This occurs when knighthoods are granted.
Kneeling Before the Altar The Queen removes her crown and she and Prince Philip (the Duke of Edinburgh) both kneel before the altar to receive communion, the bread and the wine. This is the final rite before the service ends and they rise to leave the church and meet the people outside. Prince Philip was made Duke of Edinburgh, a place which is, in esoteric doctrine, considered the true Jerusalem. He is therefore the Duke of Jerusalem.
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These families constitute a financier oligarchy; they are the power behind the Windsor throne. They view themselves as the heirs to the Venetian oligarchy, which infiltrated and subverted England from the period 1509-1715, and established a new, more virulent, Anglo-Dutch-Swiss strain of the oligarchic system of imperial Babylon, Persia, Rome, and Byzantium - Jeffrey Steinberg ( The Largest Empire In the History of the World ) TUDORS = TUTORS = TEACHERS TUDOR = TUDA = JUDAH JUDAH = JUDGES JUDAH = ATON STUARTS = STEWARTS = STEWARDS
Service End Six hours later the service ends, and the royal procession returns the way it came. The Queen’s train is now black not red.
Return to the Palace Emerging from Westminster Abbey, after the six-hour long coronation service, the Queen enters her carriage and makes her way back to Buckingham Palace, passing through Whitehall, Pall Mall, St. James’ street and Piccadilly, through streets thronged with onlookers and regimented marching troops from every one of her territories.
The Carriage A close look at the design of the royal carriage reveals four lions, and two winged humanoid figures, one carrying the trident of Poseidon, god of the sea, of earthquakes, and of Atlantis. The trident was originally the symbol of Baratana, Phoenician queen after whom Britain was named.
The Crowds Rush Forward and Cheer The bemused symbolically-illiterate masses wait for the royal carriage to pass into the palace before rushing forward to the gates to wait for the Queen to appear on her balcony. That their fathers and sons died in many wars orchestrated by the Windsors and their European cousins does not dampen their patriotism. The sky cries as they grin and wave their flags
As the royal party emerge onto the palace balcony, the women move to the viewers left and the men to the right. This arrangement fits the Kabalistic model of the masculine and feminine paths. The Queen Waves to the Subjects of the Crown
Earth Geometry and Geomancy Unknown to the congregating hordes whose energy becomes a key factor in civic rituals of this kind, the zodiacal Pall Mall, with its Gates of Birth and Death, sits at the apex of a pyramidical design upon which Buckingham Palace is based. The letter “A” for Aton and Akhenaton (the Sun King) can clearly be seen from the air. (See following photo for greater perspective.)
No Similarity Whatsoever Pure Coincidence Accident
The center of the circle in which the crowds patiently wait features three concentric circles - the age old symbol for Atlantis. These three circles are suggested in the “Jewish” menorah. They are also featured in the US Congress Room, along with the twin Fasces.
Masonic design for the so-called “New Jerusalem.”
Earth Geometry and Geomancy The geographical positioning of Buckingham Palace, Pall Mall, and Westminster Abbey, is important also. Many of these sites in London stand on ancient Druidic sites and near to ancient Druidic emblems and sacred trees, as well as being astrologically positioned beneath important stars and constellations. During the months of May and June the constellations of Scorpio are prominent in the early morning and evening sky. This sign and that of Ophiuchus (the 13th Sign of the Zodiac) are important to the elite royals and to their lieutenants within religion and government. Ophiuchus is actually made from two constellations, namely Serpens and Serpentarius.
For more information on these fascinating subjects, consult: The Irish Origins of Civilization (Volumes 1 and 2) & Astro-Theology  & Sidereal Mythology
And did those feet in ancient time, Walk upon England’s mountains green: And was the holy Lamb of God, On England’s pleasant pastures seen!   And did the Countenance Divine, Shine forth upon our clouded hills? And was Jerusalem builded here, Among these dark Satanic Mills?   Bring me my Bow of burning gold: Bring me my Arrows of desire: Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold! Bring me my Chariot of fire!   I will not cease from Mental Fight, Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand: ‘Till we have built Jerusalem, In England’s green and pleasant Land. - William Blake - (Noble Arch-Druid of Albion)

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Astrotheology Symbolism & Subliminals Sun Worship Ancient Bloodlines

  • 1.  
  • 2. There’s lots of symbolism and ritual in royalty: but where does it come from?
  • 3. During the coronation service the narrator mentioned that elements of the proceedings were so old that history itself could not fathom them. This obviously implies that the symbolism reaches back farther than the origins of Christianity. It also means that the ceremony is not wholly Christian, even though it appears so on the surface. BRITAIN The name Britain does not come from the Hebrew but from the Phoenician. It derives from Baratana , a name which referred primarily to the sea- goddess of the maritime Phoenician-Irish peoples. This name can also be rendered Bharat (the name of India), and Para, Parat, Pratt , etc. Baratana contains the syllable Ana meaning “heavens.” The symbol of the cross can be seen on early Phoenician coins, confirming that it is not Christian in origin.
  • 4.  
  • 5. Ireland was named after three goddesses: ERI, BANBA and FODLA Sweden was named after the goddess SVEA Scotland was named after the Egyptian queen SCOTA or SCOTIA Britain was named after the goddess BARATANA This practice of naming countries, continents (see “Europa”), nations, cities and towns, after female goddesses or queens is pagan in origin. It was the habit of the western Arya or Aryans, the world’s foremost spiritual ARI STOCRACY. The traditions of the Arya, the Goths, and the Saca of old, have been appropriated and cannibalized by their Atonist destroyers.
  • 6. The Byzantine (Roman) Empire’s main symbol was the same Masonic Double-Headed Eagle. Masonry, Templarism, and Royalty are well and truly connected. They are all branches of Egyptian Atonism.
  • 7. “ Curiouser and Curiouser!” It is not surprising that Druidic symbols appear on the regalia of British Royals. The Wand, the Cup, and Plate (or Disk) originate with the four sacred treasures of Ireland, which also gave rise to the four suits of the Tarot and the modern playing cards. The eagle is Atonist, although it was originally an emblem of the Arya and the Goths of ancient Britain and Scandinavia. It was has been a symbol of royalty from the earliest times, among the Irish, Phoenicians, Scythians, Sumerians, Hittites, and Egyptians.
  • 8. Double-Headed Eagle on a Masonic Lodge in Yorkshire, England
  • 9. Double-Headed Eagle on Albert Pike’s Memorial, Washington DC
  • 10. The White House or Georgetown University. Which one controls the other? Wasn’t “George” a famous king of England? And why are there stars and Druidic oak leaves around a Jesuit (Catholic) emblem? The Eagle stands for the capital letter “A” – the signature of Aton and the Atonists.
  • 12. Speaking of strange symbols, why is there a skull and bones symbol on the tunic of a member of the Knights of Columbus, a Jesuit/Catholic order to which many US politicians and public figures belong?
  • 13. The lion (seen on the heraldry of England) is primarily Atonist. The Atonist solar eagle is used by the United States, and the Atonist lion by Britain. (See MGM logo, and British East India Company and Knights Templar emblem. See also the flag of Richard I with three lions.)
  • 14. The lion was also considered a protector of sacred places. This included locales (hence the sphinx) and also buildings such as shrines, temples, government buildings, or stately houses. Strange that we should find the lion on British heraldry and on the door of number 10 Downing Street. Is there something sacred about this address? We are being told that there is.
  • 15. Image of a lion discovered at Amarna, the city of Akhenaton. Across the river from Amarna lay Mallevi, the city of the Levites. The so-called Levites, Judites, or Israelites, were none other than the notorious Hyksos Pharaohs of Lower Egypt. They were not a ragtag bunch of slaves, as generations of lying historians and clergymen have falsely proclaimed. Although it is possible that the Hyksos originated in western climes, they were enemies of the Egyptian Amenists and British Druids. The story of the conflict between these contingents is detailed in our book The Irish Origins of Civilization.
  • 17.  
  • 18. Coronation Day Begins Outside the gates of the palace is the roundabout that represents the celestial zodiac. The Queen’s carriage drives around the structure and proceeds along Pall Mall.
  • 19. Coronation Day Begins The carriage makes its way to the entrance of Westminster Abbey (not to be confused with Westminster Cathedral), for the ceremony. Outside the Abbey was the royal crest depicting a lion and unicorn. These animal motifs are, esoterically speaking, the symbols for the astrological signs of Cancer and Leo respectively. The pale white unicorn is an ancient symbol for the moon. It also represents the Judaic House of Ephraim or, more correctly, the followers of the pharaonic House of Aton, symbolized by the red lion. The coat of arms is, therefore, an emblem symbolizing the elite Atonist dynasties and the lieutenants who have loyally served them throughout the generations.
  • 20. The royal carriage represents the Chariot. This identifies it with the northerly sign of Cancer, known as the “Gate of Birth. The coronation of Elizabeth was symbolically speaking a “birth.” Cancer’s opposite sign Capricorn was known as the “Gate of Death.” A Stellar (or Astrological) rite was covertly performed during the coronation ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II, on June 2nd 1953 (Gemini). She became Queen of 16 countries and the most powerful head of state in the world. But is she merely a placeholder for another? After all, in the coronation ceremony the Queen is referred to as a “Maintenancer” of the realm. Coronation Day Begins
  • 21. King Edward’s Crown Featuring Maltese Crosses and Fleur du Li, the crown surrounds the so-called “Cap of Maintenance.” The word “maintain” means to perpetuate or keep in order until some other event occurs, or until the arrival of a sovereign of greater rank. Interestingly, the word “entertain” also connotes the same idea, to entertain in the interim , before the main event occurs. But in whose name or place does the Queen and her court preside and maintain the state as stewards or caretakers? The Cap of Maintenance
  • 22. Heraldry Within Westminster Abbey hang the banners and pennants of the many knightly families owing allegiance to the royal family of Britain. These bear many ancient Astro-Theological motifs. Note the inverted crosses behind the banners.
  • 23. Phoenician images showing the raised hand that was later incorporated into the design for the flag of Northern Ireland. Allegedly, the raised red hand was a symbol of the O’Neill clan. In fact, it long predates the time of the Gaelic conquest of Ireland. Heraldry & Symbolism
  • 24. Crest of Winston Churchill
  • 25. Procession Kabalistic imagery is also used during the coronation ceremony. The Queen is positioned at the center of 6 maidens (or ladies in waiting). The form of the procession is reminiscent of the Kabalistic Tree of Life . The procession then passes through the second portal into the church toward the altar. The company pass along a blue carpet symbolizing water - the river of life, time, or knowledge, etc. Interestingly, the word Hebrew means “Men of the River.”
  • 26. Procession Passing through the inner door toward the altar we see the red train of the Queen held by her six ladies. This red train symbolizes the line of kings and queens historically preceding the Queen. She is the end of the royal Bloodline - the “Dragon Court” - that stretches back past the time of Akhenaton to more distant ages. The Lion (Dragon/Serpent) of the Hapsburg Dynasty to whom the Queen is related. The Windsors are also related to the Bowes Lyon, Battenberg (Mountbatten), Saxe Coburg-Gotha, Hanoverian (House of Orange), Savoy, Angevin, Capetian, and Guelph (Black Venetian) dynasties.
  • 27. Procession The procession approaches the first set of steps. There are six to climb. This represents the Star of David, or of Aton. After this ascent the Queen moves slowly toward the members of the Protestant clergy before the altar and two thrones. On the backs of the robes of the bishops we see the letters IHS. These letters are believed to represent Jesus Christ but, in fact, they derive from the Irish god Iesa (or Esus), as well as from the Grecian and Roman god Dionysus (Bacchus) upon whom the Christian Jesus was partly based.
  • 28. Before the Altars The Queen approaches the clergymen and the altar. Above the altar with the sacred emblems of royalty is a balcony where the family members of the Queen are seated. They rise and curtsey as she approaches. The red train is meticulously laid down and she turns to the Bible. Beside her stand four knights with four swords. They represent the compass points. The symbolism of the sword is complex. It is primarily a Martian symbol, although it also connotes the intellect and acquisition of knowledge.
  • 29. The Dendera Zodiac, showing the twelve signs of the zodiac and the four cardinal points. This zodiac was dedicated to Hathor and Isis.
  • 30. The Four Sons of Horus The Four Directions of Heaven
  • 31. Presented for Recognition The Queen moves toward the St. Edward’s Chair. At this time the Archbishop of Canterbury will present her before the people for recognition. This is an astromantic ritual in which the Queen represents the moon and the archbishop the sun. His light illumines (recognizes) her as the sun does the moon. The Chair of St. Edward is another ancient Irish symbol. It is the Coronation Seat of Tara and is of Atonist origins. It was used in Ireland after the Milesians (Atonists) conquered the land around 600 BC During this astrological ritual, the Queen faces each of the compass points while the same question is proclaimed as to whether she is accepted as regent by those gathered at the four points (the world).
  • 32. The Oath Before the People The Queen is asked by the Archbishop if she will swear before the people to keep the promises she has made; to rule her realms and territories with justice and rightness. She answers “All this I promise to do.”
  • 33. The Oath Before God The Queen proceeds toward the altar to kneel and swear before god that she will keep her oath. She kisses the Bible which appears to be opened at an early chapter. Immediately after the Bible is removed another book is brought forth on which she signs her name.
  • 34. Crimson Robe Removed After being addressed by the Scottish minister, the Queen has her crimson robe removed. She rises and proceeds toward St. Edward’s Chair behind a knight carrying a sword. This is the moment before the “Anointing.”
  • 35. The Anointing and Consecration During the televised coronation the narrator described the Anointing ceremony as: “ A moment so old history can scarcely go deep enough to contain it .” This curious description tells us that the rite preceded the time of Christ.” And we may ask: what dynasty or empire known to anoint its kings and queens was so old that history itself cannot fathom it? Is the narrator referencing and suggesting Pre-Diluvian empires? The Queen Anointed, Blessed, and Consecrated… - narrator of televised ceremony, 1953
  • 36. Four Lions and a Pyramid The Chair of St. Edward (the Irish Seat of Kings) stands upon four Atonist Lions. The back of the chair is suggestively pyramidical.
  • 37. The Goat Throne - Used by kings and priests before the symbol of the lion became prominent. The god Horus was often represented with the horns of both a ram and a goat – Frank Higgins ( Ancient Freemasonry )
  • 38. The Western Arya (Phoenicians, Goths, and early Scythian Gaels) worshipped horned animals. In particular they revered the goat and stag. The very name Scythian comes from Saca (from which we derive terms such as sacred and sage ). This syllable sac (and also sakh or zak ) connotes the stag. The syllable appears in the word “Saxon.” This word originally denoted “Sages” and not “Men of the Spears.” The syllable appears in names such as “Isaac.” This is correctly rendered Ish Sac, meaning “Man of the Saca,” of the “Sages,” “Magi,” “Prophets,” or “Wise Ones.” Does this imply that the Old Testament characters Isaac, Jacob, and Abraham, who entered Egypt from Babylon, were in fact western Scythians? Yes it does!
  • 39. The lies told to us about our exceptional megalithic ancestors are without number. The lies disseminated about the Arya are also most pernicious. The very word Aryan has been thoroughly and deliberately misinterpreted. It referred not to race but to caste . Specifically, it referred to the intellectual, spiritual, and moral status of any human being regardless of their racial background. In Proto Indo-European, the root is ARYO In Iranian the rendition was ASHA In Hindi the root was RTA In Greek the renditions were ARETE (meaning virtue), ARISTOS (meaning best), and ORTHO (meaning orthodox). In Latin it was RECTUS and ERECTUS (meaning upstanding, right or true). In German it was RECHT (meaning right). It also appeared as REICH (or more correctly AREICH), and in RIK or ARIK (meaning rich or high, as in the names Richard and Eric, etc). In English it was RIGHT and also terms such as ARIES, ART, ARISTOCRACY, ARABLE, AREA, HARRIS, etc. In Sanskrit, it was ARYA (meaning kind, favored, excellent, or devoted. Secondary meanings are lord, master, noble, respected). The root appears in personal names such as Aryabhata and Aaron, and in numerous place names such as BENARES, ARRAH, ARYAVARTA, SUMERIA, BULGARIA, ARMENIA, IRAN, IRELAND, ERECH, etc. (See Irish Origins of Civilization , Vol. 1, for more on the Arya.)
  • 40. It is stated on a parchment found in a brick wall in the foundations of Denderah at the time of King Pepi: “The Great Pyramid was built by the followers of Horus;” the Stellar Cult people were the followers of Horus in the same sense as the Christians are the followers of Christ...The Architect who drew the plans was Nu-er-nub-ari, “the Keeper of the Secrets” – Albert Churchward ( The Origins and Evolution of Religion )
  • 41. The Irish stag god was known as Herne (and also Cernunnos). The word Hermes comes from the Irish Herne. Hermes was the Greek god of wisdom and secret knowledge. The horns that were once the symbol of divinity, spiritual wisdom and mystical rank can still be seen in the spiked crowns worn by monarchs. In the Bible, we here of Jesus and his so-called crown of thorns. Is this yet another cryptic references to Druidism in the scriptures? Certainly! After all the Druids employed the idea of a cruciform tree thousands of years before the advent of Christianity. Their sun king who was hung on the tree of life was Iesa or Esus. The very word god derives from gott , a word that originally meant goat.
  • 42. Herne (The Hunter) – the ancient stag god of Druidism, wearing the original “crown of thorns.” The serpent and torque serve as his “Ring and Rod.” These are key symbols of royalty but spiritually they symbolize biunity, the nucleation of the masculine and feminine polarities and the unification of microcosm and macrocosm. They represent the “Chemycal Wedding” of the Alchemists and Mystery School adepts. The bracelet or torque of the prehistoric Herne appears during the Queen’s coronation ceremony. (See ahead.)
  • 43. The Anointing and Consecration Four Knights of the Order of the Garter bring a canopy over the seat and over the queen. At this time, shielded from public view, the Queen is spoken to by the Archbishop of Canterbury. What passes between the two is not known. The scene was edited from the televised record.
  • 44. The Queen is head of the Knights of the Garter that was allegedly founded in the fourteenth century by Edward III. She wears the Order’s tunic and emblem with solar rays and red cross.
  • 45. Various crests and emblems of the Order of the Garter, carved for the Queen and for display at the palace. Note the owl, serpent, and the phoenix (symbolizing Akhenaton).
  • 46. The symbol of the blue garter, as well as red cross symbol, referred to as St. George’s Cross, belong to the Egyptian god Set. He was worshipped by the Hyksos Pharaohs who, during and after the time of Akhenaton, became the Atonists. The Atonists conquered Britain approximately 600 years BC. This is the reason why Egyptian symbolism appears on so much British and European heraldry. For more information on these symbols and their meaning, refer to Chapter 41 of The Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol. 2
  • 47. Clothed in Gold The Lunar Queen becomes the Solar Queen. After being anointed, Elizabeth is clothed in a golden robe. She resumes her place on the chair and is presented with a unsheathed jeweled sword. The female Queen takes the Sword of Mars from the male Knight. This interaction between the Queen and Knight is a key aspect of the ceremony. Its secret is revealed by way of an understanding of Astrology and Tarot.
  • 48. Aries and Libra The image of the royal lady holding the Martian sword can be seen in the Tarot card named the Queen of Swords. This court card is associated with the sign of Libra.
  • 49. Libra is the seventh sign of the twelve. Importantly, it is directly opposite from the sign of Aries. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. And the symbol of Mars is, as we have said, the sword. Moreover, the sign of Aries is especially revered by Atonists. It was during the Age of Aries (approx 1400 BC) that Pharaoh Akhenaton instigated the exclusive worship of Aton. Egypt was brought to wreck and ruin due to his fanaticism. Eventually, after seventeen years of religious despotism, the crazed pharaoh was exiled. The Queen represents the feminine Libra because of this sign’s astrological opposition with the masculine Aries. The coronation is, therefore, not only an astrological rite but an alchemical one. It is a form of Hieros Gamos, or Chemycal Wedding.
  • 50. The Sword of Justice The Archbishop approaches and says: “With this sword do justice.” The Tarot card which corresponds to the sign of Libra is known as “Justice.” It is card number 11.
  • 51. Bracelets of Sincerity and Wisdom The Queen stands and walks toward to altar to return the sword. She resumes the throne and the Archbishop then brings forth the bracelets of Sincerity and Wisdom. These bracelets again originate from Irish Mythology. According to Irish legend, Moses gave his own bracelets to a Gaedal, son of Niul, the Milesian (Atonist) who brought them to Ireland after leaving Egypt. The ceremonial bracelets are given to the Queen as “bonds between her and her people,” and also as “symbols of protection…embracing you on every side, defending you against all enemies BODILY OR GHOSTLY…” “… Bodily or Ghostly”
  • 52. The Imperial Robe of Righteousness & Salvation The Queen is then adorned in the golden Imperial Robe. It is another symbol of protection. Immediately afterward she is also presented with the orb - “the world under Christ’s dominion,” and the ring of sapphire and ruby.
  • 53. The Two Wands of Power In her right hand she holds the scepter of kingly power and justice, and in her left hand she holds the rod of equity and mercy. This corresponds with the Kabalistic schemata of the Tree of Life and its masculine and feminine pillars, known as Mercy and Severity . These pillars are the “Jachin” and “Boaz” of Masonry. The central path on the Tree of Life is made up entirely of feminine “paths.” This central pillar (named “Equilibrium”) would be the body of the Queen herself, as seen in the Tarot. (See Card 2 - The High Priestess.)
  • 54. In the Book of Enoch, in speaking of the fallen angels it is said: "The name of the first is Yekun: he it was who seduced all the sons of the Holy Angel; and causing them to descend on earth, led astray the offspring of men...and the name, as Yekain, is fitly represented by a phallic column" - Albert Pike ( Book of the Words ) Yekun becomes Jakin , one of the pillars at the gates of Solomon's (Aton's) Temple. We see these two stately pillars at the portals of all masonic lodges and important government buildings. These phallic altars to Lucifer (Aton) can be found in most civic centers in the world as the obelisk, tower, or single erect stone monument. They stand in the center of prominent city "squares" and near important banks, churches, and educational institutions. The very word phallic comes from phalos which meaning "white" or "bright." It is akin to phaos that also means "light." By the very name, it (the phallus) was connected with the Sun - Albert Pike
  • 55. The front cover of Francis Bacon’s book NEW ATLANTIS, featuring the Masonic Jachin and Boaz Jachin and Boaz with the Egyptian pyramid in Israel
  • 56. In the Book of Enoch, in speaking of the fallen angels it is said: "The name of the first is Yekun: he it was who seduced all the sons of the Holy Angel; and causing them to descend on earth, led astray the offspring of men...and the name, as Yekain, is fitly represented by a phallic column" - Albert Pike ( Book of the Words )
  • 57. BY HOOK OR BY CROOK The idea of two pillars is not Jewish but Egyptian. As said, Jachin and Boaz are based on the esoteric so-called “Kabalistic” tradition and on the Tree of Life’s pillars entitled Mercy and Severity. These terms apparently also refer to two ancient symbols of royalty, namely the crook and flail of the pharaohs. Egyptian pharaohs bore the symbol of the crook and also the flail or whip. This symbol of the flail connoted self-mastery not dominance over others, as lying “experts” contend. Interestingly, the Hyksos Pharaohs were known as the “Shepherd Kings.” The King of Egypt was regarded as a Seer. He was the “Shepherd.” This term distinguished him as a master astrologer. He flocks were the stars of heaven.
  • 58. On Queen Elizabeth’s shoulder, what appears to be two tassels is in fact a figurative Egyptian flail. Old pharaohs, new pharaohs. meet the new boss...same as the old boss
  • 59. The Ring and the Rod
  • 60. The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until he comes to whom it belongs and the obedience of the nations is his – Genesis 49:10 The House of Commons
  • 61. The Crowning Moment The Archbishop raises the crown high above the Queen’s head before setting it in place. Suggestively, nothing organic exists during the ceremony and men alone undertake the main ceremonial duties
  • 62.  
  • 63. The Cross - not unique to Christianity or modern royals
  • 64. Ascent to the Throne Once crowned, the Queen, while adorned in the golden Imperial Robe, and carrying the two scepters, begins to ascend five stairs to her throne, to assume full possession of the kingdom Five is the number of transcendence. It signifies mastery over the four elements of fire, water, air, and earth
  • 65. Six Stairs, then Five Stairs – You think it’s Masonic? Smile, you’ve just graduated!
  • 66. Homage of Her Subjects Now that the Queen has sworn to uphold the teachings of the Protestant faith and to support and protect its clergymen, the three bishops go down on their knees in homage before her. At this point she is made supreme over her male subjects . In the early Babylonian stele we see the sun disk, the four directions, and the three attendants to the enshrined king within his sacred precinct. Above the priest-king’s head are the symbols of the planets and stars. The temple stands upon the water symbolized by wavy lines. As we saw earlier, the Queen’s procession moved along a blue carpet. Moreover, the very Abbey is on the River Thames (Tammuz, Thomas, Time)
  • 67. Homage of Her Subjects The Queen is then approached by four more subjects: her husband the Duke of Edinburgh, her uncle the Duke of Gloucester, her cousin the Duke of Kent, and finally the Earl Marshall of England. Each kneel and kiss her on the left cheek. In the first, second, and fourth case the dedication to the Queen is spoken aloud. In the case of the Duke of Kent it is read silently from a paper presented in front of him by one of the Bishops (See Photo). The Duke of Kent is the head of the Freemasonic Orders of Britain. It is therefore very suggestive that his statement and proclamation before and to the Queen is silent and secret . The narrator of the coronation service passed by this specific episode without a comment. Perhaps it is also suggestive that the Duke of Kent is the third in line to approach the Queen, the number 3 being sacred to Freemasons
  • 68. It gat nathin’ to do with Freemasonry!
  • 69. Taking a Bow Royals expect their subjects to bow or kneel before them. However, symbolically bowing low the head signifies death. It signifies that one is “headless” before their liege lords. In Latin, the word head is “caput” (as in the elite Capetian Dynasty). The word capitulation , connotes cutting off of a head. And that is what one symbolically does when they bow before monarchs or political dignitaries. One is symbolically lower and lesser than the regent. One indicates that they surrender their selfhood and sovereignty. The same thing applies when the knees are bent or genuflected. This occurs when knighthoods are granted.
  • 70. Kneeling Before the Altar The Queen removes her crown and she and Prince Philip (the Duke of Edinburgh) both kneel before the altar to receive communion, the bread and the wine. This is the final rite before the service ends and they rise to leave the church and meet the people outside. Prince Philip was made Duke of Edinburgh, a place which is, in esoteric doctrine, considered the true Jerusalem. He is therefore the Duke of Jerusalem.
  • 71.
  • 72. These families constitute a financier oligarchy; they are the power behind the Windsor throne. They view themselves as the heirs to the Venetian oligarchy, which infiltrated and subverted England from the period 1509-1715, and established a new, more virulent, Anglo-Dutch-Swiss strain of the oligarchic system of imperial Babylon, Persia, Rome, and Byzantium - Jeffrey Steinberg ( The Largest Empire In the History of the World ) TUDORS = TUTORS = TEACHERS TUDOR = TUDA = JUDAH JUDAH = JUDGES JUDAH = ATON STUARTS = STEWARTS = STEWARDS
  • 73. Service End Six hours later the service ends, and the royal procession returns the way it came. The Queen’s train is now black not red.
  • 74. Return to the Palace Emerging from Westminster Abbey, after the six-hour long coronation service, the Queen enters her carriage and makes her way back to Buckingham Palace, passing through Whitehall, Pall Mall, St. James’ street and Piccadilly, through streets thronged with onlookers and regimented marching troops from every one of her territories.
  • 75. The Carriage A close look at the design of the royal carriage reveals four lions, and two winged humanoid figures, one carrying the trident of Poseidon, god of the sea, of earthquakes, and of Atlantis. The trident was originally the symbol of Baratana, Phoenician queen after whom Britain was named.
  • 76. The Crowds Rush Forward and Cheer The bemused symbolically-illiterate masses wait for the royal carriage to pass into the palace before rushing forward to the gates to wait for the Queen to appear on her balcony. That their fathers and sons died in many wars orchestrated by the Windsors and their European cousins does not dampen their patriotism. The sky cries as they grin and wave their flags
  • 77. As the royal party emerge onto the palace balcony, the women move to the viewers left and the men to the right. This arrangement fits the Kabalistic model of the masculine and feminine paths. The Queen Waves to the Subjects of the Crown
  • 78. Earth Geometry and Geomancy Unknown to the congregating hordes whose energy becomes a key factor in civic rituals of this kind, the zodiacal Pall Mall, with its Gates of Birth and Death, sits at the apex of a pyramidical design upon which Buckingham Palace is based. The letter “A” for Aton and Akhenaton (the Sun King) can clearly be seen from the air. (See following photo for greater perspective.)
  • 79.  
  • 80. No Similarity Whatsoever Pure Coincidence Accident
  • 81. The center of the circle in which the crowds patiently wait features three concentric circles - the age old symbol for Atlantis. These three circles are suggested in the “Jewish” menorah. They are also featured in the US Congress Room, along with the twin Fasces.
  • 82.  
  • 83. Masonic design for the so-called “New Jerusalem.”
  • 84. Earth Geometry and Geomancy The geographical positioning of Buckingham Palace, Pall Mall, and Westminster Abbey, is important also. Many of these sites in London stand on ancient Druidic sites and near to ancient Druidic emblems and sacred trees, as well as being astrologically positioned beneath important stars and constellations. During the months of May and June the constellations of Scorpio are prominent in the early morning and evening sky. This sign and that of Ophiuchus (the 13th Sign of the Zodiac) are important to the elite royals and to their lieutenants within religion and government. Ophiuchus is actually made from two constellations, namely Serpens and Serpentarius.
  • 85. For more information on these fascinating subjects, consult: The Irish Origins of Civilization (Volumes 1 and 2) & Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology
  • 86. And did those feet in ancient time, Walk upon England’s mountains green: And was the holy Lamb of God, On England’s pleasant pastures seen!   And did the Countenance Divine, Shine forth upon our clouded hills? And was Jerusalem builded here, Among these dark Satanic Mills?   Bring me my Bow of burning gold: Bring me my Arrows of desire: Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold! Bring me my Chariot of fire!   I will not cease from Mental Fight, Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand: ‘Till we have built Jerusalem, In England’s green and pleasant Land. - William Blake - (Noble Arch-Druid of Albion)