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The Worldwide Information Leader for Marine Business, Science & Engineering
©Copyright 2015 by Compass Publications, Inc. Sea Technology (ISSN 0093-3651) is published monthly by Compass Publications, Inc., Suite 1010,
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For more information on these news items, visit our website at
Soundings ...................................................9
Capital Report ...........................................55
Ocean Business.........................................60
Product Development ...............................62
Navy Currents ...........................................64
Marine Resources......................................65
Marine Electronics.....................................67
Environmental Monitoring.........................69
Ocean Research ........................................70
Offshore Oil & Ocean Engineering............72
Meetings ...................................................76
ST Looks Back ...........................................78
Professional Services Directory..................79
Advertiser Index ........................................82
COVER—A scenic view of platform Houchin, operated by Pacifc Operators Offshore LLC (Carpinteria, Califor-
nia). Houchin is a fxed-production platform located approximately 4 miles off the California coast, in the Santa
Barbara Channel. Platform Houchin is actively being used for the recovery of oil and gas on the U.S. Outer
Continental Shelf. (Photo Credit: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.)
NEXT MONTH—KVH advanced technology meeting broadband demands ... Applications for scaled-down sat-
com ... Big data management at Port of Rotterdam ... Diver tracking system ... Low-cost inertial sensors to mea-
sure subsurface mooring motions ... Conference previews: Clean Pacifc and Undersea Defence Technology.
April 2015, Volume 56, No. 4
Visit our website at for online versions of feature articles and news departments.
The editorial staff can be contacted at
Dr. Sara Lawrence (Shell Marine Products) describes monitoring and analysis to improve
offshore vessel performance.
— Conference Preview
Kell Sloan (Pro-Oceanus Systems) discusses the potential of methane hydrates to hold
the key to energy independence.
— Conference Preview
Randall Luthi (National Ocean Industries Association) explores how the offshore leasing
program and seismic survey permitting could shape the future.
— Conference Preview
Gina Millar and Linda Mackay (International Submarine Engineering Ltd.) review AUV
development in the Arctic.
Yvette Schmiz (INTEGRA Services Technologies Inc.) explains decommissioning tools for
the aftermath of natural disasters.
Karmjit Sidhu (American Sensor Technologies Inc.) provides an overview of how sensors
can remotely monitor gas and chemical leaks.
Kevin Delaney (BMT Scientifc Marine Services) demonstrates how a Kalman flter-based
technique prevents false alarms.
Dr. Águeda Vázquez (University of Cádiz, Spain), Dr. Francisco Criado-Aldeanueva (University
of Málaga, Spain) and Paz Rotllán García analyze wind drag effect of Lagrangian drifters.
Leaders in Low Logistics,
High Performance
A Teledyne Marine Company
See us at
OTC-Booth 1333
AUVSI -Booth 2311
Profling Floats
Autonomous Undersea Gliders
Autonomous Undersea Vehicles
Remotely Operated Vehicles
Flotation and Releases
Communication and Positioning
Deep Survey Systems April 2015 / st 19
Fart jokes aside, methane isn’t all that exciting. But for
energy-hungry nations such as Japan and India, methane
could be the key element to developing national energy in-
dependence. Methane in the form of methane hydrate, a
crystalline form of natural gas found at the bottom of oceans
and in the Arctic permafrost, will
within the next 20 years reshape
the global geopolitical landscape
of energy.
At room temperature, a solid
chunk of methane hydrate can be
lit with a single match, producing
intense heat. Colloquially known
as “fre ice,” there is an estimated 20 quadrillion (20 x 1015
cubic meters of the substance lying several hundred meters
below sea level, scattered along continental slopes and in
the Arctic permafrost. According to the U.S. Geological Sur-
vey, the enormous worldwide reservoirs of methane hydrate
potentially contain more energy than all previously discov-
ered conventional oil and gas reserves combined.
As mind-blowing as the numbers seem, until recently
methane hydrate had never been seriously considered as a
viable source of energy. According to oil and gas industry
professionals, methane hydrates are considered a nuisance
as the substance clogs up natural gas pipelines, disrupting
fow. Since the 1940s, natural gas pipeline operators have
spent considerable portions of their operating budgets de-
vising ways to get rid of chunks of methane hydrate that
form in areas where the pipeline has been exposed to cold
Methane may be the butt of any number of jokes, but
as the smallest and simplest molecule in the Alkane family,
this saturated hydrocarbon is found in nearly every crude
oil and natural gas. In fact, according to Canada’s largest
natural gas distributor, Enbridge (Calgary, Canada), natural
gas is 95 percent methane.
Why Does Methane Get a Bad Rap?
At standard pressure and temperature, methane is an
odorless and colorless gas that contains only two elements—
carbon and hydrogen—and is essentially insoluble in water.
Yet as scientists investigating pipeline blockages discovered,
when CH4
and water combine at cold temperatures (around
25°C) and pressures (30 to 50 bar) found at 300 to 500
meters ocean depth, methane gas can be trapped in ice-
like structures called methane clathrates. At the molecular
level, these methane clathrates,
or gas hydrates, consist of meth-
ane molecules surrounded by
tight cages of interlocking water
molecules. The hydrates contain
large amounts of gas in a rela-
tively small area; for example, 1
cubic meter of hydrate can hold
around 164 cubic meters of methane and 0.8 cubic meters
of water.
As a Fuel Source, Methane Is
No Longer a Laughing Matter
This is not to say that extracting methane gas from meth-
ane hydrates is a walk in the park. There are a multitude of
technical challenges, and until recently it has generally been
considered that other sources of fossil fuels—conventional
oil and gas and more recently shale oil and gas—have been
easier and cheaper to access. But that may be changing.
In 1998, the Mallik Gas Hydrate Production Research
Well became the frst site dedicated to drilling gas hydrates
bearing deposits. Located in the pristine beauty of the Ca-
nadian Beaufort Sea, the Mallik Gas Hydrate site has been
the site of extensive gas hydrate research and development
studies, including a 2008 proof of concept that showed that,
with some modifcations for the unique properties of gas
hydrates, production from a gas hydrate reservoir can be
achieved using the same completion and production meth-
ods used in conventional oil and gas industries. Since the
proof of concept, Japan and India have taken the lead in
methane hydrate research, with the goal of fnding extract-
able deposits and developing ways to extract methane eco-
A big breakthrough came in March 2013, when Tokyo-
based Japan Oil, Gas, and National Metals Corp. (JOGMEC)
announced that they had successfully extracted fuel from a
The Arctic as the Next
Global Energy Powerhouse
Methane Hydrates May Hold the Key to Energy Independence
By Kell Sloan
The Mini-Pro CH4
20 st / April 2015
sive to exploit. The feld and product development experi-
ence that the Pro-Oceanus team has with Arctic research is
proving to be valuable to researchers who are searching for
reliable methods of locating gas hydrates in the sediments of
permafrost regions and other marine sediments.
While a number of methods, including direct sampling
via drilling, have been used to detect and quantify resource
potentials, in-situ dissolved gas sensors offer both an ex-
tremely accurate and comparatively inexpensive option. Re-
cently, Pro-Oceanus Mini-Pro CH4
sensors have been used
to detect the existence and saturation of gas hydrates at far
less cost or potential environmental impact than moving a
drilling rig into place.
Working with researchers from CSnet International and
the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
(JAMSTEC), Pro-Oceanus supplied two prototype Mini-Pro
sensors that were used to map methane clouds in the
Nankal Trough. To measure dissolved methane concen-
tration during ROV dives, the Mini-Pro CH4
sensors were
subsea bed of methane hydrate in the Pacifc Ocean. With
that single announcement, the geopolitical landscape of en-
ergy production and distribution started to change.
Discovering useable methane hydrate deposits is still
a work in progress, but Pro-Oceanus Systems, based in
Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada, realizes the potential that
methane hydrates have as a new energy source for countries
lacking access to conventional oil and gas resources. Led by
Dr. Bruce Johnson, the inventor of a patented method to ac-
curately measure in-situ dissolved gas, Pro-Oceanus’s team
of highly skilled research scientists and engineers work with
leading environmental researchers and offshore energy op-
erators to address the challenges of researching the effects
of climate change on the ocean environment and develop
products to detect in-situ dissolved gases for use in indus-
trial applications.
Developing Solutions for Arctic
In-Situ Dissolved Gas Research
Through strategic partnerships with organizations such as
the National Oceanography Centre, Woods Hole Oceano-
graphic Institute, the U.S. Geological Survey and NOAA,
Pro-Oceanus has been in the forefront of Arctic and Ant-
arctic research and pioneered the development of sensors
especially designed to measure—with an extremely high
degree of accuracy, stability, and reliability—dissolved car-
bon dioxide in Arctic and Antarctic waters.
Many known deepwater methane hydrate deposits, such
as the Blake-Bahamas Plateau off the Carolinas, are very di-
lute or spread across relatively thin layers over wide areas,
making them both diffcult to accurately assess and expen-
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“The Arctic is thought by many
to be undergoing
some of the most dramatic
effects of climate change
anywhere in the world.” April 2015 / st 21
mounted parallel behind the upper
bumper bar of the ROV, allowing for
measurements of highly variable meth-
ane concentrations. Research within
the Nankal Trough is expected to give
helpful insights into the formation and
occurrence of natural gas hydrates
in one of the most active earthquake
zones on the planet.
Field Experience Makes a Difference
Field experience has shown that hy-
drates dissolve quickly when removed
from the unique conditions on the
ocean bottom, so if changes in ocean
bottom pressure or a rise in water tem-
perature passes a certain threshold, a
sizeable methane deposit could rap-
idly decompose and release a large
quantity of methane into the water
column. While high concentrations of
dissolved methane are easy to detect,
background CH4
in the ocean is on the
order of 2 parts per million. Detecting
low concentrations of dissolved CH4
against the backdrop of naturally oc-
curring hydrocarbon seeps and vents,
melting methane hydrate formations,
or in waters that are in near equilib-
rium with the surrounding air is no
easy task, yet it is vital to understand-
ing how a methane release can affect
the marine environment.
To detect concentrations of meth-
ane, the Pro-Oceanus Mini-Pro CH4
sensor utilizes a fat, hydrophobic
membrane that forms a semi-perme-
able phase boundary between liquids
and the interior of the instrument. Dis-
solved CH4
gases in the water pass into
an equilibrated internal headspace in
the form of a gas stream. The concen-
tration of CH4
is quantifed using an in-
dustry standard nondispersive infrared
detector that provides excellent detec-
tion limits at good signal-to-noise ra-
tios. While CH4
is a strong absorber of
infrared light, the absorption spectrum
of CH4
makes it diffcult to measure ac-
curately at low concentrations.
Field reports about the performance
of the Mini-Pro CH4
sensors have been
encouraging and have helped open up
new lines for research and product de-
However, scouting for useable
methane hydrates is only one of any
number of issues that need to be re-
solved before widespread commer-
cial development of methane hydrates
can be undertaken. Another stumbling
block is fguring out how to acquire the
gas from the solid.
Gold mining is a useful analogy
for extracting methane hydrates from
their locations. While gas hydrates
have been recovered in chunks or
veins with sediment, gas hydrates
don’t just form in thick seams like
gold ore. Instead, just like panning
for gold, methane hydrate solids
can be found in many forms in sedi-
ments, and vast reservoirs exist in
fne-grained sediments. The methane
hydrate can form small pores and ce-
ment the grains, but may not be vis-
ible to the naked eye.
Because the methane hydrate solid
is only stable within a set range of tem-
perature and pressures, altering those
conditions will liberate the gas from
its water cage, allowing for much eas-
ier extraction. The Mallik Gas Hydrate
Well and JOGMEC researchers have
been experimenting with a depressur-
ization method, which works by drill-
ing a wellbore into a vein of methane
hydrate and pumping out the excess
fuid. With less surrounding fuid, the
pressure drops, prompting the ice-like
solid to dissociate.
22 st / April 2015
What Happens to the Environment
If the Extracted Methane Escapes?
The Arctic is thought by many to be undergoing some of
the most dramatic effects of climate change anywhere in the
world. The Mallik Gas Hydrate Well may be modest in size,
but at 290 meters depth it is also the shallowest known de-
posit of methane hydrate and as such is vulnerable to decom-
position if there is a subtle warming of the overlying water.
As a greenhouse gas, methane is widely considered to be
20 to 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide in trapping
solar radiation in the atmosphere. Several scientifc studies
have revealed that methane gas has already started to slowly
leak from ocean water and soils in the Arctic. Given the en-
vironmental conditions in which the hydrates are found and
where future hydrate production facilities must be located—
the deep sea and the frozen expanses of the Arctic—there is
concern that as sediment-containing methane hydrates are
inherently unstable, a drilling accident could potentially set
off a landslide on the continental slope, sending massive
amounts of methane bubbling through the ocean and into
the atmosphere.
Recognizing that there exists a large knowledge gap in
this feld, Pro-Oceanus’s team is working with researchers to
develop a new prototype dual-gas CO2
sensor that may
not only help detect the changes in dissolved gas concentra-
tions prior to a massive release of methane but help combat
climate change as well.
Recently, ConocoPhillips (Houston, Texas) researchers
spent 13 days in Alaska’s North Shore injecting carbon di-
oxide and nitrogen into methane hydrate clusters and have
shown that carbon dioxide can replace methane within the
ice cage. Once the carbon dioxide is locked in, the water
cage binds even tighter, leaving no room for methane to en-
ter. The prototype Pro-Oceanus Dual-Gas CO2
could be used to show that this method of methane extrac-
tion for fuel could one day double as a way to sequester and
continuously monitor CO2
Recent advances show that commercial production of
methane hydrates is likely to happen in the next 10 to 15
years. While many challenges remain ahead for research-
ers, methane hydrates represent the world’s largest source
of extractable fossil energy. As with every other energy re-
source, not all of this resource will prove to be recoverable.
Yet, as the Pro-Oceanus in-situ dissolved gas technology
continues to evolve and sensors to commercially detect and
extract gas from hydrates are developed, the abundance of
technically challenging to recover but accessible methane
hydrates in permafrost will position the Arctic as the next
global energy powerhouse.
For a list of references, contact Pro-Oceanus at sales@ n
Kell Sloan was recently the sales and marketing di-
rector at Pro-Oceanus Systems, a Bridgewater, Nova
Scotia-based manufacturer of in-situ dissolved gas

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April 2015 Sea Technology Magazine

  • 1.
  • 2. April 2015 / st 5 The Worldwide Information Leader for Marine Business, Science & Engineering SEATECHNOLOGY® ©Copyright 2015 by Compass Publications, Inc. Sea Technology (ISSN 0093-3651) is published monthly by Compass Publications, Inc., Suite 1010, 1600 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22209; (703) 524-3136; FAX (703) 841-0852. All rights reserved. Neither this publication nor any part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Compass Publications Inc. Periodicals postage paid at Arlington, Virginia, and additional mailing offces. Subscrip- tions may be purchased at the following rates: domestic, $60 one year; $80 two years; foreign air mail, $133. Single copies $4.50 plus shipping and handling (current issue only). POSTMASTER: send address changes to Compass Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 600, Deer Isle, ME 04627-0600. Canada Publications Number 41450540. Canadian return address MSI Worldwide Mail, P.O. Box 2600, Mississauga, ON L4T 0A8, Canada. CUSTOMER SERVICE, Tel. 1-800-989-5253 or 1-207-348-1057. For more information on these news items, visit our website at Editorial.......................................................7 Soundings ...................................................9 Capital Report ...........................................55 International..............................................57 Ocean Business.........................................60 Product Development ...............................62 Navy Currents ...........................................64 Marine Resources......................................65 Marine Electronics.....................................67 Environmental Monitoring.........................69 Ocean Research ........................................70 Offshore Oil & Ocean Engineering............72 Books........................................................74 Contracts...................................................75 Meetings ...................................................76 People.......................................................77 ST Looks Back ...........................................78 Professional Services Directory..................79 Soapbox....................................................81 Advertiser Index ........................................82 COVER—A scenic view of platform Houchin, operated by Pacifc Operators Offshore LLC (Carpinteria, Califor- nia). Houchin is a fxed-production platform located approximately 4 miles off the California coast, in the Santa Barbara Channel. Platform Houchin is actively being used for the recovery of oil and gas on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf. (Photo Credit: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.) NEXT MONTH—KVH advanced technology meeting broadband demands ... Applications for scaled-down sat- com ... Big data management at Port of Rotterdam ... Diver tracking system ... Low-cost inertial sensors to mea- sure subsurface mooring motions ... Conference previews: Clean Pacifc and Undersea Defence Technology. April 2015, Volume 56, No. 4 Visit our website at for online versions of feature articles and news departments. The editorial staff can be contacted at 10 SHELL MARINE LUBRICANT TECHNICAL SERVICES BRING OPERATING DIVIDENDS Dr. Sara Lawrence (Shell Marine Products) describes monitoring and analysis to improve offshore vessel performance. 15 OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE — Conference Preview 19 THE ARCTIC AS THE NEXT GLOBAL ENERGY POWERHOUSE Kell Sloan (Pro-Oceanus Systems) discusses the potential of methane hydrates to hold the key to energy independence. 25 AUVSI’S UNMANNED SYSTEMS — Conference Preview 27 2015 TO DEFINE US OFFSHORE OIL AND GAS ACTIVITY FOR REMAINDER OF DECADE Randall Luthi (National Ocean Industries Association) explores how the offshore leasing program and seismic survey permitting could shape the future. 33 OCEANS’15 MTS/IEEE GENOVA — Conference Preview 35 MANEUVERING UNDER THE ICE Gina Millar and Linda Mackay (International Submarine Engineering Ltd.) review AUV development in the Arctic. 39 ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE POST-HURRICANE SEASON Yvette Schmiz (INTEGRA Services Technologies Inc.) explains decommissioning tools for the aftermath of natural disasters. 43 DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS FOR HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS Karmjit Sidhu (American Sensor Technologies Inc.) provides an overview of how sensors can remotely monitor gas and chemical leaks. 49 GPS ERROR REJECTION IMPROVES ACCURACY OF OFFSHORE PLATFORM WATCH CIRCLE Kevin Delaney (BMT Scientifc Marine Services) demonstrates how a Kalman flter-based technique prevents false alarms. 51 ERRORS IN TRACKING SURFACE CURRENTS WITH DIFFERENT FLOAT GEOMETRIES Dr. Águeda Vázquez (University of Cádiz, Spain), Dr. Francisco Criado-Aldeanueva (University of Málaga, Spain) and Paz Rotllán García analyze wind drag effect of Lagrangian drifters. UnderseaSystems thatDeliver Successinthe DeepOcean Leaders in Low Logistics, High Performance Systems A Teledyne Marine Company See us at OTC-Booth 1333 AUVSI -Booth 2311 Profling Floats Autonomous Undersea Gliders Autonomous Undersea Vehicles Remotely Operated Vehicles Flotation and Releases Communication and Positioning Deep Survey Systems
  • 3. April 2015 / st 19 Fart jokes aside, methane isn’t all that exciting. But for energy-hungry nations such as Japan and India, methane could be the key element to developing national energy in- dependence. Methane in the form of methane hydrate, a crystalline form of natural gas found at the bottom of oceans and in the Arctic permafrost, will within the next 20 years reshape the global geopolitical landscape of energy. At room temperature, a solid chunk of methane hydrate can be lit with a single match, producing intense heat. Colloquially known as “fre ice,” there is an estimated 20 quadrillion (20 x 1015 ) cubic meters of the substance lying several hundred meters below sea level, scattered along continental slopes and in the Arctic permafrost. According to the U.S. Geological Sur- vey, the enormous worldwide reservoirs of methane hydrate potentially contain more energy than all previously discov- ered conventional oil and gas reserves combined. As mind-blowing as the numbers seem, until recently methane hydrate had never been seriously considered as a viable source of energy. According to oil and gas industry professionals, methane hydrates are considered a nuisance as the substance clogs up natural gas pipelines, disrupting fow. Since the 1940s, natural gas pipeline operators have spent considerable portions of their operating budgets de- vising ways to get rid of chunks of methane hydrate that form in areas where the pipeline has been exposed to cold temperatures. Methane may be the butt of any number of jokes, but as the smallest and simplest molecule in the Alkane family, this saturated hydrocarbon is found in nearly every crude oil and natural gas. In fact, according to Canada’s largest natural gas distributor, Enbridge (Calgary, Canada), natural gas is 95 percent methane. Why Does Methane Get a Bad Rap? At standard pressure and temperature, methane is an odorless and colorless gas that contains only two elements— carbon and hydrogen—and is essentially insoluble in water. Yet as scientists investigating pipeline blockages discovered, when CH4 and water combine at cold temperatures (around 25°C) and pressures (30 to 50 bar) found at 300 to 500 meters ocean depth, methane gas can be trapped in ice- like structures called methane clathrates. At the molecular level, these methane clathrates, or gas hydrates, consist of meth- ane molecules surrounded by tight cages of interlocking water molecules. The hydrates contain large amounts of gas in a rela- tively small area; for example, 1 cubic meter of hydrate can hold around 164 cubic meters of methane and 0.8 cubic meters of water. As a Fuel Source, Methane Is No Longer a Laughing Matter This is not to say that extracting methane gas from meth- ane hydrates is a walk in the park. There are a multitude of technical challenges, and until recently it has generally been considered that other sources of fossil fuels—conventional oil and gas and more recently shale oil and gas—have been easier and cheaper to access. But that may be changing. In 1998, the Mallik Gas Hydrate Production Research Well became the frst site dedicated to drilling gas hydrates bearing deposits. Located in the pristine beauty of the Ca- nadian Beaufort Sea, the Mallik Gas Hydrate site has been the site of extensive gas hydrate research and development studies, including a 2008 proof of concept that showed that, with some modifcations for the unique properties of gas hydrates, production from a gas hydrate reservoir can be achieved using the same completion and production meth- ods used in conventional oil and gas industries. Since the proof of concept, Japan and India have taken the lead in methane hydrate research, with the goal of fnding extract- able deposits and developing ways to extract methane eco- nomically. A big breakthrough came in March 2013, when Tokyo- based Japan Oil, Gas, and National Metals Corp. (JOGMEC) announced that they had successfully extracted fuel from a The Arctic as the Next Global Energy Powerhouse Methane Hydrates May Hold the Key to Energy Independence By Kell Sloan The Mini-Pro CH4 sensor.
  • 4. 20 st / April 2015 sive to exploit. The feld and product development experi- ence that the Pro-Oceanus team has with Arctic research is proving to be valuable to researchers who are searching for reliable methods of locating gas hydrates in the sediments of permafrost regions and other marine sediments. While a number of methods, including direct sampling via drilling, have been used to detect and quantify resource potentials, in-situ dissolved gas sensors offer both an ex- tremely accurate and comparatively inexpensive option. Re- cently, Pro-Oceanus Mini-Pro CH4 sensors have been used to detect the existence and saturation of gas hydrates at far less cost or potential environmental impact than moving a drilling rig into place. Working with researchers from CSnet International and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Pro-Oceanus supplied two prototype Mini-Pro CH4 sensors that were used to map methane clouds in the Nankal Trough. To measure dissolved methane concen- tration during ROV dives, the Mini-Pro CH4 sensors were subsea bed of methane hydrate in the Pacifc Ocean. With that single announcement, the geopolitical landscape of en- ergy production and distribution started to change. Discovering useable methane hydrate deposits is still a work in progress, but Pro-Oceanus Systems, based in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada, realizes the potential that methane hydrates have as a new energy source for countries lacking access to conventional oil and gas resources. Led by Dr. Bruce Johnson, the inventor of a patented method to ac- curately measure in-situ dissolved gas, Pro-Oceanus’s team of highly skilled research scientists and engineers work with leading environmental researchers and offshore energy op- erators to address the challenges of researching the effects of climate change on the ocean environment and develop products to detect in-situ dissolved gases for use in indus- trial applications. Developing Solutions for Arctic In-Situ Dissolved Gas Research Through strategic partnerships with organizations such as the National Oceanography Centre, Woods Hole Oceano- graphic Institute, the U.S. Geological Survey and NOAA, Pro-Oceanus has been in the forefront of Arctic and Ant- arctic research and pioneered the development of sensors especially designed to measure—with an extremely high degree of accuracy, stability, and reliability—dissolved car- bon dioxide in Arctic and Antarctic waters. Many known deepwater methane hydrate deposits, such as the Blake-Bahamas Plateau off the Carolinas, are very di- lute or spread across relatively thin layers over wide areas, making them both diffcult to accurately assess and expen- -Jack Fisher, President Call for a free catalog or visit our web site: “Side scan sonars are one of the most effective tools for underwater searches because they create a detailed picture of what’s on the bottom. The display “removes the water” giving a clear image of the bottom. Fishers SSS-100K side scan lets you search large areas quickly, the SSS- 600K finds even the small soft targets, and the SSS-100/600K combines the best features of both. The image is displayed on a PC which gives a detailed high resolution picture of the bottom. An optional mapping window shows the boat’s path and the size of the area covered. 1953 County St., E. Taunton, MA 02718 USA • (800)822-4744 (508)822-7330 • FAX: (508)880-8949 • email: • MC-1 Mini Camera $2,095 DDW-1 Depressor Wing $1,295 Pingers Pingers and Receivers $795 ROVs $20,995 P12 Boat-towed Metal Detector $9,995 “Your search begins by removing the water with Fishers Side Scan Sonars” Fishing Boat on the Bottom Marine Magnetometer $12,995 Proton 4 Splash Proof PC Available Proton 4 Splash Proof PC Available Side ScanSide Scan Only $20,995 “The Arctic is thought by many to be undergoing some of the most dramatic effects of climate change anywhere in the world.”
  • 5. April 2015 / st 21 mounted parallel behind the upper bumper bar of the ROV, allowing for measurements of highly variable meth- ane concentrations. Research within the Nankal Trough is expected to give helpful insights into the formation and occurrence of natural gas hydrates in one of the most active earthquake zones on the planet. Field Experience Makes a Difference Field experience has shown that hy- drates dissolve quickly when removed from the unique conditions on the ocean bottom, so if changes in ocean bottom pressure or a rise in water tem- perature passes a certain threshold, a sizeable methane deposit could rap- idly decompose and release a large quantity of methane into the water column. While high concentrations of dissolved methane are easy to detect, background CH4 in the ocean is on the order of 2 parts per million. Detecting low concentrations of dissolved CH4 against the backdrop of naturally oc- curring hydrocarbon seeps and vents, melting methane hydrate formations, or in waters that are in near equilib- rium with the surrounding air is no easy task, yet it is vital to understand- ing how a methane release can affect the marine environment. To detect concentrations of meth- ane, the Pro-Oceanus Mini-Pro CH4 sensor utilizes a fat, hydrophobic membrane that forms a semi-perme- able phase boundary between liquids and the interior of the instrument. Dis- solved CH4 gases in the water pass into an equilibrated internal headspace in the form of a gas stream. The concen- tration of CH4 is quantifed using an in- dustry standard nondispersive infrared detector that provides excellent detec- tion limits at good signal-to-noise ra- tios. While CH4 is a strong absorber of infrared light, the absorption spectrum of CH4 makes it diffcult to measure ac- curately at low concentrations. Field reports about the performance of the Mini-Pro CH4 sensors have been encouraging and have helped open up new lines for research and product de- velopment. However, scouting for useable methane hydrates is only one of any number of issues that need to be re- solved before widespread commer- cial development of methane hydrates can be undertaken. Another stumbling block is fguring out how to acquire the gas from the solid. Gold mining is a useful analogy for extracting methane hydrates from their locations. While gas hydrates have been recovered in chunks or veins with sediment, gas hydrates don’t just form in thick seams like gold ore. Instead, just like panning for gold, methane hydrate solids can be found in many forms in sedi- ments, and vast reservoirs exist in fne-grained sediments. The methane hydrate can form small pores and ce- ment the grains, but may not be vis- ible to the naked eye. Because the methane hydrate solid is only stable within a set range of tem- perature and pressures, altering those conditions will liberate the gas from its water cage, allowing for much eas- ier extraction. The Mallik Gas Hydrate Well and JOGMEC researchers have been experimenting with a depressur- ization method, which works by drill- ing a wellbore into a vein of methane hydrate and pumping out the excess fuid. With less surrounding fuid, the pressure drops, prompting the ice-like solid to dissociate.
  • 6. 22 st / April 2015 What Happens to the Environment If the Extracted Methane Escapes? The Arctic is thought by many to be undergoing some of the most dramatic effects of climate change anywhere in the world. The Mallik Gas Hydrate Well may be modest in size, but at 290 meters depth it is also the shallowest known de- posit of methane hydrate and as such is vulnerable to decom- position if there is a subtle warming of the overlying water. As a greenhouse gas, methane is widely considered to be 20 to 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide in trapping solar radiation in the atmosphere. Several scientifc studies have revealed that methane gas has already started to slowly leak from ocean water and soils in the Arctic. Given the en- vironmental conditions in which the hydrates are found and where future hydrate production facilities must be located— the deep sea and the frozen expanses of the Arctic—there is concern that as sediment-containing methane hydrates are inherently unstable, a drilling accident could potentially set off a landslide on the continental slope, sending massive amounts of methane bubbling through the ocean and into the atmosphere. Recognizing that there exists a large knowledge gap in this feld, Pro-Oceanus’s team is working with researchers to develop a new prototype dual-gas CO2 /CH4 sensor that may not only help detect the changes in dissolved gas concentra- tions prior to a massive release of methane but help combat climate change as well. Recently, ConocoPhillips (Houston, Texas) researchers spent 13 days in Alaska’s North Shore injecting carbon di- oxide and nitrogen into methane hydrate clusters and have shown that carbon dioxide can replace methane within the ice cage. Once the carbon dioxide is locked in, the water cage binds even tighter, leaving no room for methane to en- ter. The prototype Pro-Oceanus Dual-Gas CO2 /CH4 sensor could be used to show that this method of methane extrac- tion for fuel could one day double as a way to sequester and continuously monitor CO2 . Conclusion Recent advances show that commercial production of methane hydrates is likely to happen in the next 10 to 15 years. While many challenges remain ahead for research- ers, methane hydrates represent the world’s largest source of extractable fossil energy. As with every other energy re- source, not all of this resource will prove to be recoverable. Yet, as the Pro-Oceanus in-situ dissolved gas technology continues to evolve and sensors to commercially detect and extract gas from hydrates are developed, the abundance of technically challenging to recover but accessible methane hydrates in permafrost will position the Arctic as the next global energy powerhouse. References For a list of references, contact Pro-Oceanus at sales@ n Kell Sloan was recently the sales and marketing di- rector at Pro-Oceanus Systems, a Bridgewater, Nova Scotia-based manufacturer of in-situ dissolved gas sensors.