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Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority
                               EGYPT THIS MONTH
April 2012                                                                     Issue 34

From Egypt with Love
                    Romantic spots in Egypt

                                                                                                                       Live Colors Egypt

             Egypt is one of the ideal places for couples to rekindle their romantic flame, or just
                                         keep the spark burning hot.
             Here are a few true and tried suggestions that are bound to help you sweep that
              special someone off their feet. Be it sea, sand, sun, or even historical sites, Egypt
                promises to offer you and your partner a vacation that will surely appease.

                                                                                                      April . 2012 1
Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter                                                                                                                                                                 Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter

                                                                                            El Gouna 2nd International                                                                                                                  Festival of Watersports,
                                                                                                          Squash Open                                                                                                            Culture and Desert Adventure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       14-20 April
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  What do Bedouin camel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                races, chilling windsurfing                  dahaB fEstival
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                stunts, photographic fish                     14-20th ap
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ril 2012

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                hunts, trash art and kundalini                                    dahaB intErnational fEstival of watEr
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  sports, culturE and dEsErt advEnturE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                yoga have in common?                                                          our seCond
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  dive into

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                They are all part of the spec-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Come and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Bigger and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                tacular programme of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Enjoy diving, frEEdiving, windsurfing, kitE surfing, yoga, hEaling,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     massagE, arts and crafts, BEdouin culturE, music, markEts, modErn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and oriEntal dancE, circus acts, raft racEs, camEl racEs, photography
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     compEtitions, facE painting and loads morE!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dahab International Festival                                              

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of Watersports, Culture and
                                                                                           Starting April 5 and until the 13th, El Gouna                                                                                        Desert Adventure – returning
                                                                                        International Squash Open will be featuring the world’                                                                                  for its second year bigger
                                                                                        top professional squash players competing for a new                                                                                     and better!
                                                                                        world rank and a prize fund of USD 120,000. Said to                  For a more relaxed daytime activity, opt for a day of                This year the Festival has
                                                                                        be one of the most demanding on the PSA World Tour,                swimming and tanning on one of the many secluded                     grown into an event of epic
                                                                                        this year and for the first time in Egypt the event will be        beaches scattered all across Marsa Alam.                             proportions, with people coming from all across the
                    Memories on the Mediterranean                                       held in the world’s most high-tech glass court.                                                                                         globe to this gorgeous, tucked-away, Red Sea trea-
                      The best of Alexandria is its long stretch of beaches from           Karim Darwish, the holder of the tournament’s                      Come night fall, cuddle under the stars in one of the             sure to showcase for you all it has to offer.
                    Qait Bey Fortress to the Montaza. Start your day with a hefty       title in 2010, who currently ranks 4th, tops the list of           Bedouin cafes located directly on the beach, and enjoy                 There is really something for everyone to enjoy, in
                    yet scrumptious breakfast of freshly baked pastries, on the pier    Egypt’s participating squash pros. Ramy Ashour, Amr                freshly brewed tea from the mountains.                               a week-long programme stuffed to the gills with fun
                    of the Helnan Palestine Hotel in Montaza, or on one of the          Shabana and Mohamed El Shorbagy ranking 5th,                                                                                            events.
                    beaches of the hotels there. The gardens of Montaza serve as        6th & 8th respectively will also compete side by side                For accommodation, there are several posh resorts or                 You can jump into the water and enjoy the mar-
                    ideal intimate picnic spots. While you are there, be sure to talk   with their Egyptian colleagues Omar Mosaad (13th),                 simple, eco-friendly huts and chalets to pick from; your call.       vellous wonders underneath the sea –surf over it and
                    a walk around its lavish gardens and tour the majestic palace       Hisham Ashour (14th), Tarek Momen (19th), Mohamed                                                                                       revel in speed and wind –relax into a meditation or
                    of Egypt’s last king, the late King Farouk. Another great spot      Reda (27th), Karim Abdel Gawad (32nd), Marwan El                   Desert Dreaming                                                      healing session or stretch yourself doing yoga and all
                    for a picnic is the pier near Gleem area. Let be warned, this       Shorbag (35th) and Mohamed Abbas the 40th.                           Camping in the desert is not for the faint-hearted. If you         kinds of dance exercise –discover the wonderfully
                    pier should be avoided during the overly crowded summer                The qualifying round matches will be played in                  love the outdoors, a couple of days in the White Desert in           diverse and historically rich Bedouin culture –taste all
                    months.                                                             Alexandria’s Sporting Club from the 5th till the 7th of            the Western Desert is definitely worth trying out. The White         the culinary delights on the menu of Dahab –check
                                                                                        April; while the following rounds throughout the final             Desert is famous for the unique white color of its diverse rock      out the marvellous young performers of the famous
                       For lunch and dinner dates, walk to the Eastern Harbor           will be played in El Gouna from the 8th until the 13th of          formations, the most common being its mushroom rock.                 Dahab children’s circus Circ Bonboni and try out
                    district near the Qait Bey Fortress and feast on tasty seafood      April.                                                                                                                                  some circus tricks in a very special workshop –see
                    and other eclectic dishes at the Greek Club overlooking the            With 56 of the world’s top professional squash play-                                                                                 how inspired the artists are by our beautiful town
                    Qait Bey Fortress and Alexandria port. Another great option,        ers competing in El Gouna, the event is said to be a                                                                                    and desert and become inspired yourself doing all
                    also in that area, is the Asian rooftop restaurant, at the Cecil    new tourism attraction allowing participants, cham-                                                                                     sorts of creative workshops –learn how to take good
                    Sofitel Hotel, with its sweeping view of the entire harbor.         pionship followers and tourists to enjoy Egypt’s most                                                                                   pictures under water and then compete in two
                    Alexandria also has many ethnic restaurants that you can            beautiful resort town and its unrivaled lifestyle when                                                                                  exciting photography competitions –have your face
                    try; Greek, Italian and Middle Eastern and others.                  engaging in the championship’s activities and players.                                                                                  painted, compete with your home-made kite made
                                                                                                                                                                                             of recyclable materials and dance till you drop to
                      For a more upscale weekend in this coastal city, opt for a                                                                                                                                                the music of talented bands and DJs.
                    stay at the Four Seasons Alexandria in San Stefano. The lavish                                                                                                                                                Throughout the week, there are scheduled activities
                    hotel is situated directly overlooking the Mediterranean, and       the coast. If you want to raise the bar a notch, prepare a play                                                                         and ongoing ones, and of course the Festival Square
                    hosts five-star restaurants plus a cook-out right on the beach,     list that your partner likes and play it during your ride.                                                                              near the central Dahab Bridge will be hopping with

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Live Colors Egypt
Live Colors Egypt

                    which is most famous for its seafood culinary delights. Be sure                                                                                                                                             activities, markets, culture and music the whole time.
                    to end your day with a special couples massage at their spa.        Mesmerizing Marsa Alam                                                                                                                  For full information on times and places check out the
                                                                                           If you are having trouble sealing the deal with someone, a                                                                           Festival website
                      If you are looking for something that will not leave a dent       trip to Marsa Alam will definitely do the trick – provided that
                    in your wallet, but is equally magical and still captures the       your special someone is a sea and nature lover of course.
                    essence of Alexandria of the 1950s and 1960s, opt for any                                                                                                                                                   If you are looking for an activity-free vacation in the desert,
                    of the recently renovated old hotels overlooking the Qait              During the day, go snorkeling with the dolphins at Samadi                                                                         where you will be waited on hand and foot, there are several
                    Bey Fortress in the Eastern Harbor, like the Metropolitan or the    Reef, more commonly known as the Dolphin House, or if you                                                                            luxurious eco-lodges including Al Tarfa in Dakhla Oasis. One of
                    Windsor hotel.                                                      are experienced divers opt for a one or two day excursion                                                                            the many perks you will get from your stay at Al Tarfa, is its spa,
                                                                                        and visit some of the world’s most captivating dive sites. These                                                                     ideally located atop a small hill. The spa also includes a fully
                      End your day with a ride on a hantour (horse-driven               sites include Marsa Abu Dabab, which is home to the famous                                                                           fledged gymnasium and a refreshing plunge pool.
                    carriage), along the corniche, while relishing an ice cream         sea cow Dugong. Try to keep an eye out for him. Another
                    cone from one of the many ice cream parlors scattered along         equally enchanting site is Elphinstone Reef.

                    2   April . 2012                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    April . 2012 3
Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter                                                                                                                                                               Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Partnering with the Media
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in Challenging Times:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2nd UNWTO International
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Conference on Tourism and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the Media
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        26 April 2012 - 27 April 2012
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Marsa Alam, Egypt

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The 2nd UNWTO International Conference on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Tourism and the Media will take place at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               InterContinental -The Palace Port Ghalib Resort.

                                                                                                                                                          overlooking a marina. One of the best places for an intimate            UNWTO as well as major names in tourism and the
                                                                                                                                                          dinner is a restaurant that offers a full on fondue menu. After      media industry will meet in Marsa Alam to debate
                                                                                                                                                          dinner, take a stroll along the marina, followed by a dance          tourism’s role in the evolving media landscape.
                                                                                                                                                          date.                                                                   The conference will discuss how the media works
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and where tourism comes in and how tourism
                                                                                                                                                             Whether you are in Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada or El Gouna,         can play an on-going role in media communica-
                                                                                                                                                          make sure you add a little bit of spice to your vacation, and        tions, beyond the travel pages. Other topics to be
                                                                                                                                                          try a water activity like kitesurfing or water skiing.               discussed will be on how to develop more effec-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               tive relations between the media and the tourism
                                                                                                                                                          A Perfect Getaway                                                    authorities.
                                                                                                                                                            Located just 20km, south of Hurghada, Sahl Hashish is the             To join in the conference, please refer to the
                                                                                                                                                          country’s ‘go to’ spot for couples, of all ages, looking for         UNWTO website
                                                                                                                                                          uninterrupted quality time and lots of pampering.
                                                                                                                                                            Sahl Hashish is a secluded romantic haven on the Red Sea           partnering-media-challenging-times-2nd-unwto-
                                                                                    Astounding Aswan                                                      coast, famous for its luxurious hotels, which offer its guests top   international-conference-tourism-and-media.
                         Citystars Properties Breaks                                   A good way to enjoy Aswan is by taking a Nile cruise on            notch suites and chalets with their own private swimming pool
                         the Guinness World Record                                  one of its luxurious boats. The cruise could be as short as a         and gardens, overlooking pristine blue waters.
                                                                                    single day, and as long as seven consecutive days. For history
                           with the Largest Crystal                                 buffs, visit the Sofitel Legend Old Cataract Hotel in Aswan, one
                              Lagoon on Earth                                       of the oldest and most captivating hotels there. It is ideally
                                                                                    located in the Nubian desert on the banks of the river Nile,
                                                             Crystal Lagoon         overlooking the Elephantine Island.
                                                           Sharm El Sheikh,
                                                           developed by               During your stay i n Aswan, be sure to pay a visit to some
                                                           Citystars Properties,    of its historical sites, including the Philae Temple, Edfu Temple,
                                                           has been officially      Nubian Village, Aswan Botanical Garden and the Philae
                                                           recognized by the        Sound and Light show.
                                                           Guinness World
                                                           Records™ as the
                                                           largest crystal lagoon
                        in the world. The 120,000 m2 Crystal Lagoon that

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Live Colors Egypt
                                                                                    Party Till You Drop
Live Colors Egypt

                        clinched the world title is designed by the world-
                        renowned Chilean Architect Fernando Fischmann.                 For the social butterflies and night life lovers, the coastal
                           Fischmann previously designed an 80,000 m2               cities of Sharm El Sheikh, El Gouna and Hurghada serve as
                        Lagoon in his homeland Chile, which had long held           your ideal getaway. Both cities are bursting with upscale
                        the Guinness title, before the Crystal Lagoon Sharm         hotels and more affordable ones, depending on your budget,
                        El Sheikh clinched it.                                      in addition to a vibrant night life of partying.
                           The state-of-the-art green design of Crystal
                        Lagoon Sharm El Sheikh is completely environmen-              Hurghada is a more crowded version of Sharm El Sheikh and
                        tally friendly, and fulfils the highest standards of        has one of the biggest clubs in the country. While Sharm has
                        environmental safety, stated the project’s general          several night clubs to choose from.
                                                                                       For a less hectic night out, El Gouna resort – a 40 minute drive
                                                                                    from Hurghada – offers an array of international restaurants

                    4    April . 2012                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     April . 2012 5
Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter                                                                                                                                                                                            Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter

                                                                                                                                                                                      Luxor has often been called the world’s biggest open-air                      d-CaF Festival 2012
                                                                                                                                                                                     museum.                                                                                  Arts FEstiVAl
                                                                                                                                                                                       Take a stroll with your companion around the monuments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         29 MArCH – 14 April
                                                                                                                                                                                     and then head to El Lokanda Street just south of the Temple             Downtown
                                                                                                                                                                                     of Karnak. There, you will find many restaurants, cafes and           Contemporary Arts
                                                                                                                                                                                     bazaars to pick from. You can also lunch at the Sofitel Winter        Festival (D-CAF),
                                                                                                                                                                                     Palace, a heritage building, where many celebrities stayed            Egypt’s first-ever
                                                                                                                                                                                     over the years.                                                       international multi-dis-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ciplinary contemporary
                                                                                                                                                                                       Then take a boat trip over to the West Bank to see the              arts festival, will take place for two weeks in April
                                                                                                                                                                                     Valley of the Kings or a horse-drawn carriage (Hantour) for           2012 at multiple sites in downtown Cairo. D-CAF
                                                                                                                                                                                     an overview of the city.                                              will include local, regional and international music,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           theatre, dance, visual arts and film by cutting-edge
                                                                                                                                                                                       A moonlit dinner on the terrace of one of the many five star        artists from Egypt, the Arab world, and beyond. In
                                                                                                                                                                                     hotels and a night out for dancing at one of the nightclubs,          addition to featuring established downtown cultural
                                                                                                                                                                                     would end your romantic stay in Luxor.                                spaces and theatres, D-CAF will break new ground
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           by using non-traditional sites such as historical build-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ings, storefronts, alleyways, and rooftops as sites for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           performance, events, and installations, to engage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           audiences and performers with the city in a new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             With its diverse and high-quality programming,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           D-CAF aspires to become one of the most impor-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           tant annual Arab art events, reaching out to a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           broad spectrum of Egyptian audiences, creating
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           bridges between Arab artists and international
                       For couples with an adventure streak, you could make a                      why. A tour of Cairo from a cute cozy felucca during sunset is                                                                                          curators and programmers, and capitalizing on
                    day trip to the neighboring historical city, Luxor. Go trekking                simply breath taking. If you have more time on your plate, turn                                                                                         downtown Cairo’s unique cultural, social and archi-
                    in the Eastern Desert or pay a visit to the ruins of the Roman                 your felucca into your own private dining room, by bringing                                                                                             tectural heritage.
                    site of Mons Claudianus, an ancient Roman quarry that dates                    food, candles and music.                                                                                                                                  For more information:
                    back to the 1st Century AD.
                                                                                                     Another non-conventional twist to a very conventional
                    Captivating Cairo                                                              activity is horseback riding by the pyramids. Instead of going
                      A staple activity on any couple visiting the capital’s                       during day time, go out on a full moon and take in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Caravan Festival oF the arts 2012
                    ‘must-do’ list is a felucca ride, and there is a very good reason              exquisite sights of the ancient pyramids under the moonlight.                                                                        26 April – 5 MAy 2012

                                                                                                                                                                                         The 4th annual CARAVAN Festival of the Arts (2012) with         renowned American
                                                                 tauChen aWard 2012                                                                                                    the theme “The Road Ahead” will open in Maadi/Cairo               sculptor Erik Blome.
                                                                                                                                                                                       on 26 April 2012.                                                    Special participat-
                           The M/Y Longimanus won for the fourth                                                                     Red Sea, the Barakuda Diving Center                 The goal of the CARAVAN Festival of the Arts is to build        ing guests to this year’s
                        year, the Tauchen Award awarded from                                                                         Lotus Bay Safaga was nominated for                bridges between creeds and cultures (East and West)               CARAVAN Festival of the
                        the German magazine Tauchen.                                                                                 the first time for the “Tauchen Award”,           through the visual arts, literature, film and music. This stra-   Arts are Ahdaf Soueif,
                           Meanwhile, it is the 4th time for                                                                         this means it is one of the best three div-       tegic inter-religious arts initiative over the last three years   the Anglo-Egyptian
                        Mahmoud Abd el Hady and the                                                                                  ing centers in the whole of the Red Sea.          has generated significant attention from the international        Booker Prize shortlist
                        Longimanus Crew to take this Award to                                                                          All in all, it was a successful evening for     media and art world.                                              author in international

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Live Colors Egypt
Live Colors Egypt

                        Egypt.                                                                                                       Mahmoud Abd el Hady and his team                    Hosted at the historic St. John’s Church in Maadi/Cairo,        acclaimed novels “Map
                           January 26th of 2012 was a success-                                                                       and hopefully also for the tourism in             the CARAVAN arts initiative comes out of a vision that            of Love and In the Eye of
                        ful evening for Mahmoud Abd el Hady                                                                          Egypt.                                            the Arts can be one of the most effective mediums to              the Sun,” Khalid Abdalla,
                        and his team around Barakuda Lotus Bay                                                                         M/Y Longimanus is a multi purpose div-          enhance understanding and encourage.                              British-Egyptian film actor
                        Safaga and M/Y Longimanus.                                                                                   ing boat which is 36 meters long and 8              The festival will be inaugurated by Yousra, the cele-           (star of The Kite Runner
                           A come-together from the “Who                                                                             meters wide. A well known diving boat in          brated Egyptian actress, and by Muslim and Christian              and Green Zone), and
                        is Who” in the diving scene and a                                            Kategorie:                      the Red Sea. Built in 2003 in Suez, one of        religious dignitaries, 45 premier Middle Eastern and              the Ana Masry Band.
                        great location called Nachtresidenz in                                                                       the dreams of Mahmoud Abd el Hady.                Western visual artists will come together for a selling exhi-        All attendance is free
                        Düsseldorf gave the right frame for this                                  Gewinner
                                                                                                    MY longimanus
                                                                                                                                       Since 2003 many divers are part of the          bition. The visual art exhibition, curated by participating       of charge, but 20% of all art sales go to Middle Eastern
                        celebration.                                                                 rotes Meer
                                                                                                                                     Longimanus family. An enjoyable atmo-             British artist Roland Prime, includes a diverse range of          charities assisting the poor.
                           Mahmoud Abd el Hady and his team                                                                          sphere and good dive operations are               noted Arab contemporary artists, such as Reda Abdel        
                        were proud to be part of this evening.                                                                       the reasons for the great success.                Rahman and Mohamed Abla, to expatriate artists such        
                           In the category Best Diving Center                                                                                                                          as the well-known Norwegian artist Britt Boutros Ghali and
                                                                   TA_12_Award_Urkunden.indd 28                     16.01.12 14:51

                    6    April . 2012                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   April . 2012 7
Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter                                                                                                                                                                                                          Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter

                                                                                                                                                                                 Small Hall, Cairo Opera House                         tronic. With Philippe Garcia (Battery), Mounir       posed by Cairo-based director Omar Ghayatt
                                                                                                                                                                                 Tel: (02) 2739 0132                                   Troudi (Violin and Vocal)                            in his performance. Together with dramaturge
                                                                                                                                                                                 Time: 8 pm. Also on April 2nd                         Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes-          Nicole Borgeat and Egyptian bestseller author
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       tival                                                Alaa Al Aswany, he looks for motives behind the
                                                                                     APRIL 2012                                                                                  4th - French Horn - Amr Abul Naga                     French Institute, 30 Nabi Daniel St. Alexandria      yearning for a better place elsewhere.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Malek Gabr Theatre, American University in Cairo,     Tel: (03) 392 0804                                    In 90 minutes of visual theatre, the real and fic-
                                           Art                            Al Masar Gallery, Baehler’s Mansion, 157b 26 July   Small Hall, Cairo Opera House                      New Campus.                                           Time: 8.30 pm                                        tional characters the performance takes us on a
                                                                          St. Zamalek.                                        Tel: (02) 2739 0132                                Tel: (02) 2615 1221                                                                                        journey to their personal paradise. A journey that
                    1st - 14th - Part of the Downtown Art Festival is     Tel: (02) 2736 8537                                 Time: 8 pm                                         Time: 1 pm                                            13th - “Bikya” - present trip hop/electronica and    makes us see everything, including ourselves, in
                    the art exhibition: “I’m Not There”                   Time: Opening at 7 pm. Gallery hours: 11 am to 9                                                                                                             Ramsi Lehner (Egypt). Drum and bass/break-           a new light.
                    This is comprised of an empty exhibition and a        pm daily except Fridays by appointment.             30th - “Entomo” - by Elias Aguirre and Alvaro      5th - “Munma & Engram” - present Aergri Som-          beat.                                                Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes-
                    nightly series of artist interventions.                                                                   Esteban (Spain). A duet where contemporary         nia (Lebanon). Electronic Audio-visual perfor-        Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes-          tival
                    Each ‘exhibited’ piece is one, which has been                             Opera                           and urban dance techniques mix to create animal    mance. DJ Sosta and Shaawaz (Egypt). Shaabi/          tival                                                Falaky Theatre, AUC Campus, Downtown
                    prevented from being exhibited – whether that                                                             and insect movement.                               Dance                                                 Radio Theater, 24 Talaat Harb St. Downtown           Time: 8 pm
                    was due to reasons of censorship, practical, eco-     7th - Massenet’s Manson - Live from the Metro-                                                         Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes-           Time: 10 pm
                    nomic, political, cultural reasons or plain bad       politan Opera                                       “Apparemment, ce qui ne se voit pag” - by Ex       tival                                                                                                                         Ethnic
                    luck.                                                 Small Hall, Cairo Opera House                       Nihil (France). This piece is a protean project:   Radio Theater, 24 Talaat Harb St. Downtown            14th - Classic Music - Cairo Symphony Orches-
                    In the place of each artwork is documentation         Tel: (02) 2739 0132                                 a shape for the scene, a shape for the outside,    Time: 10 pm.                                          tra                                                  3rd - Salma El Assal “Rayga” - Salma, originally
                    of the reasons behind the work’s absence; the         Time: 7 pm.                                         video installations, a book.                       5th - “Tanjaret Daght” - Syrian Rock Music.           - Felix Mendelssohn: Hebrides Overture (Fingal’s     from El Obaid in western Sudan, presents a suite
                    viewer will be able to get the insider’s story on                                                         Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes-         Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza           Cave), Op. 26                                        of traditional Sudanese songs, arranged for pop-
                    how and why the artwork did not appear.               14th - La Traviata - Live from the Metropolitan     tival                                              Tel: (02) 3346 1071                                   - Richard Strauss: Horn Concerto No.1 in Eb          ular audiences. The dynamic lead singer with the
                    Townhouse Gallery, 10 Nabrawy St, off Champolion,     Opera                                                                                                  Time: 10 pm                                           major, Op.11                                         powerful voice has been compared by her fans
                    Downtown                                              Small Hall, Cairo Opera House                       “Murikamifaction” - by Eric Kaiel/Archeopteryx                                                           - Johannes Brahms: Symphony No. 4 in E minor,        to the young queen of soul, Aretha Franklin.
                    Tel: (02) 2576 8086                                   Tel: (02) 2739 0132                                 8 (Netherlands). This work invites audiences to    6th - Fathy Salama Group - present Sultany            Op. 98                                               1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween.
                                                                          Time:7 pm.                                          step into the daydreams that unfold before their   (Egypt) a Neofolk performance. Jade (Lebanon)         Soloist: Amr Aboul Naga (horn)                       Tel: (02) 2792 0878
                    1st - 26th “The True Story of Mohannad’s Death”                                                           eyes. Using the magical, surrealistic stories of   presents The Middle Beast, dance/oriental             Conductor: Hisham Gabr                               Time: 9 pm
                    - by artist Ahmed Sabry. The artist introduces                            Ballet                          Haruki Murakami (JP) as a source of inspiration,   Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes-           Cairo Opera House, Main Hall
                    his next visual dialogue: playful and wide-                                                               Kaiel creates an intensely physical and absurd     tival                                                 Time: 8 pm                                           4th, 11th, 18th & 25th - Mazaher - Famous cus-
                    scoped, tapping into the Egyptian pop culture                                                             performance trail.                                 Radio Theater, 24 Talaat Harb St. Downtown                                                                 todians of the legacy of musical tradition, such
                    using the very language of this culture. This                                                                                                                Time: 9 pm.                                           17th - Cairo Choral Society - along with The         as Zar performers Om Sameh and Om Hassan
                    exhibition is informative and highly entertaining.                                                        “Entity” - Choreographed by Nadine Emile                                                                 Prague Mixed Choir presents: Mozart,Regina           join Sudanese Singer Asia, singer Sayed Imam
                    Mashrabia Gallery of Contemporary Art, 8                                                                  (Egypt) and “Small Story” by Mounir Saeed          7th - “Nassibian Orchestra” - Sound/Experimen-        Coeli, Haydn, Te Deum                                and Sayed Rekabi together with many unique
                    Champollion St. Downtown                                                                                  (Egypt)                                            tal (Egypt). Dijit (Egypt). Noise. Maurice Louca      Czech Folk Songs and Music of Antonin Dvorak,        instrumentalists.
                    Tel: (02) 2578 4494                                                                                       Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes-        (Egypt), Electronica                                  Leos Janacek, Zdenek Lukas                           Gypsy Music from the Delta joins hands with Zar
                    Time: Daily except Fridays, 11 am to 8 pm                                                                 tival                                              Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes-           by Jiri Petrdlik , Jan Steyer, John Baboukis, con-   songs.
                                                                                                                              All the above in front of Egyptian Stock Market,   tival                                                 ductors :David Hales and Jan Steyer, accompa-        1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween.
                                                              masar                                                           Downtown                                           Radio Theater, 24 Talaat Harb St. Downtown            nists: Amira Reda, soprano                           Tel: (02) 2792 0878
                                                                                                                              Time: 2- 4 pm                                      Time: 9 pm.                                           All Saint’s Cathedral, Zamalek                       Time: 9 pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Tel: (02) 2615 1221
                                                                                                                                                  Music                          11th - “Kareem Lotfy” - present North African         Time: 8 pm.                                          5th, 12th, 19th & 26th - Nass Makan - Mazaher
                                                                          5th - “Swan Lake” - Cairo Opera Ballet Company                                                         and Other (Egypt). Electronic Audio-visual per-                                                            is an ensemble in which women play a leading
                                                                          Main Hall, Cairo Opera House                        1st - Sharkiat - Fusion music by Grammy Award      formance. Mahmoud Refaat (Egypt). Dub/elec-           22nd - Latin Jazz - Cocoon Band                      role. Gypsy music from the Delta join hands with
                                                                          Tel: (02) 2739 0132                                 winner Fathy Salama                                tronica. Erik Truffaz Trio (France. Jazz/world/        Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza          Zar songs. The music of Mazaher is inspired by
                                                                          Time: 8 pm. Also on April 6th, 9th, 10th & 11th     Main Hall, Cairo Opera House                       electronic                                            Tel: (02) 3346 1071                                  the three different styles of Zar music practiced
                                                                          Modern Dance                                        Tel: (02) 2739 0132                                Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes-           Time: 10 pm                                          in upper Egypt, Abu Gheit Zar and the Sudanese
                    8th - 30th The Golden Calf - Artist Kareem El                                                             Time: 8 pm                                         tival                                                                                                      or African Zar.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Live Colors Egypt
                    Qurity. During Moses’ forty days of worship on        1st - “We Are Not From Outer Space” - by                                                               Radio Theater, 24 Talaat Harb St. Downtown            25th - Flute & piano recital - Rania Yehia           1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween.
Live Colors Egypt

                    the mountain, his people took advantage of his        Mohammad Shafik, Rita Vilhena, Thomas                1st - Choir Singing - David Heart’s Choir          Time: 9 pm.                                           Small Hall, Cairo Opera House                        Tel: (02) 2792 0878
                    absence and made a golden calf similar to the         Proksch (Egypt/Netherlands). Part of the Down-      Alexandria Opera House, Alexandria                                                                       Tel: (02) 2739 0132                                  Time: 9 pm
                    one they saw in Egypt as a holy god, something        town Contemporary Arts Festival                     Tel: (03) 483 9999                                 12th - “Dubosmium” - abstract dub (Morocco).          Time: 8 pm.
                    that was instigated by the Samaritans, who were       Falaky Theater, American University Campus,         Time: 8 pm                                         Electronic Audio-visual performance. Filas-                                                                5th - Modern Egyptian Folkloric - Basheer Troupe
                    against the message of Moses.                         Downtown                                                                                               tine (Spain/Indonesia). with Nova. Melodra-                                                                Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza
                    The artist, through this exhibition, shares a reen-   Time: 8 pm. Also on April 2nd                       1st - Finnish Egyptian Musical Bridge - A brain-   matic electronica. Di Weza/Okka/Ortega (Egypt).                          Theater                           Tel: (02) 3346 1071
                    actment of that scene from a contemporary                                                                 child of the famous Finnish pianist and con-       Shaabi/dance                                                                                               Time: 10 pm
                    perspective, within a whirlwind of ideas and con-     22nd - Carolyn Carlson - Performance from           ductor, Ralf Gothóni in cooperation with Cairo     Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes-           4th & 5th - “If I Weren’t Egyptian, ...”
                    flicting visions, seeing that some held on to the      France. A journey in the world of Carolyn through   Opera House, is back in Cairo. The Musical         tival                                                 Directed by Omar Ghayatt                             6th - “Tawsheeh El Hadeeth” - Syrian Folk Music.
                    truth from the moment it was revealed to some,        three women and their relationship with nature as   Bridge is a week of musical workshops, master      Radio Theater, 24 Talaat Harb St. Downtown            Hoping for a better life, young Egyptians flee        Jesuits Cultural Center, Alexandria
                    the Samaritans, wanted to hold on to the old          a source of inspiration. Dancers: Carolyn Carl-     classes and joint performances between virtu-      Time: 9 pm                                            to Europe where, paradoxically, suicide rates        Tel: (02) 3346 1071
                    ways promoting the ideas that belonged to an          son, Celine Maufroi and Sara Orselli. Part of the   oso Egyptian and Finnish musicians and opera                                                             are very high – especially in Switzerland. Para-     Time: 9 pm
                    era that was dominated by the misguided.              Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival                 singers.                                           12th - Erik Truffaz Trio (France.) Jazz/world/elec-   dise for some, hell for others? This is a question

                    8    April . 2012                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        April . 2012 9

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Newsletter of Egypt Tourism Apr 2012

  • 1. Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority EGYPT THIS MONTH April 2012 Issue 34 From Egypt with Love Romantic spots in Egypt Live Colors Egypt Egypt is one of the ideal places for couples to rekindle their romantic flame, or just keep the spark burning hot. Here are a few true and tried suggestions that are bound to help you sweep that special someone off their feet. Be it sea, sand, sun, or even historical sites, Egypt promises to offer you and your partner a vacation that will surely appease. April . 2012 1
  • 2. Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter El Gouna 2nd International Festival of Watersports, Squash Open Culture and Desert Adventure 14-20 April What do Bedouin camel races, chilling windsurfing dahaB fEstival stunts, photographic fish 14-20th ap ril 2012 hunts, trash art and kundalini dahaB intErnational fEstival of watEr sports, culturE and dEsErt advEnturE yoga have in common? our seCond Festival dive into They are all part of the spec- Come and Better! Bigger and tacular programme of the Enjoy diving, frEEdiving, windsurfing, kitE surfing, yoga, hEaling, massagE, arts and crafts, BEdouin culturE, music, markEts, modErn and oriEntal dancE, circus acts, raft racEs, camEl racEs, photography compEtitions, facE painting and loads morE! Dahab International Festival of Watersports, Culture and Starting April 5 and until the 13th, El Gouna Desert Adventure – returning International Squash Open will be featuring the world’ for its second year bigger top professional squash players competing for a new and better! world rank and a prize fund of USD 120,000. Said to For a more relaxed daytime activity, opt for a day of This year the Festival has be one of the most demanding on the PSA World Tour, swimming and tanning on one of the many secluded grown into an event of epic this year and for the first time in Egypt the event will be beaches scattered all across Marsa Alam. proportions, with people coming from all across the Memories on the Mediterranean held in the world’s most high-tech glass court. globe to this gorgeous, tucked-away, Red Sea trea- The best of Alexandria is its long stretch of beaches from Karim Darwish, the holder of the tournament’s Come night fall, cuddle under the stars in one of the sure to showcase for you all it has to offer. Qait Bey Fortress to the Montaza. Start your day with a hefty title in 2010, who currently ranks 4th, tops the list of Bedouin cafes located directly on the beach, and enjoy There is really something for everyone to enjoy, in yet scrumptious breakfast of freshly baked pastries, on the pier Egypt’s participating squash pros. Ramy Ashour, Amr freshly brewed tea from the mountains. a week-long programme stuffed to the gills with fun of the Helnan Palestine Hotel in Montaza, or on one of the Shabana and Mohamed El Shorbagy ranking 5th, events. beaches of the hotels there. The gardens of Montaza serve as 6th & 8th respectively will also compete side by side For accommodation, there are several posh resorts or You can jump into the water and enjoy the mar- ideal intimate picnic spots. While you are there, be sure to talk with their Egyptian colleagues Omar Mosaad (13th), simple, eco-friendly huts and chalets to pick from; your call. vellous wonders underneath the sea –surf over it and a walk around its lavish gardens and tour the majestic palace Hisham Ashour (14th), Tarek Momen (19th), Mohamed revel in speed and wind –relax into a meditation or of Egypt’s last king, the late King Farouk. Another great spot Reda (27th), Karim Abdel Gawad (32nd), Marwan El Desert Dreaming healing session or stretch yourself doing yoga and all for a picnic is the pier near Gleem area. Let be warned, this Shorbag (35th) and Mohamed Abbas the 40th. Camping in the desert is not for the faint-hearted. If you kinds of dance exercise –discover the wonderfully pier should be avoided during the overly crowded summer The qualifying round matches will be played in love the outdoors, a couple of days in the White Desert in diverse and historically rich Bedouin culture –taste all months. Alexandria’s Sporting Club from the 5th till the 7th of the Western Desert is definitely worth trying out. The White the culinary delights on the menu of Dahab –check April; while the following rounds throughout the final Desert is famous for the unique white color of its diverse rock out the marvellous young performers of the famous For lunch and dinner dates, walk to the Eastern Harbor will be played in El Gouna from the 8th until the 13th of formations, the most common being its mushroom rock. Dahab children’s circus Circ Bonboni and try out district near the Qait Bey Fortress and feast on tasty seafood April. some circus tricks in a very special workshop –see and other eclectic dishes at the Greek Club overlooking the With 56 of the world’s top professional squash play- how inspired the artists are by our beautiful town Qait Bey Fortress and Alexandria port. Another great option, ers competing in El Gouna, the event is said to be a and desert and become inspired yourself doing all also in that area, is the Asian rooftop restaurant, at the Cecil new tourism attraction allowing participants, cham- sorts of creative workshops –learn how to take good Sofitel Hotel, with its sweeping view of the entire harbor. pionship followers and tourists to enjoy Egypt’s most pictures under water and then compete in two Alexandria also has many ethnic restaurants that you can beautiful resort town and its unrivaled lifestyle when exciting photography competitions –have your face try; Greek, Italian and Middle Eastern and others. engaging in the championship’s activities and players. painted, compete with your home-made kite made of recyclable materials and dance till you drop to For a more upscale weekend in this coastal city, opt for a the music of talented bands and DJs. stay at the Four Seasons Alexandria in San Stefano. The lavish Throughout the week, there are scheduled activities hotel is situated directly overlooking the Mediterranean, and the coast. If you want to raise the bar a notch, prepare a play and ongoing ones, and of course the Festival Square hosts five-star restaurants plus a cook-out right on the beach, list that your partner likes and play it during your ride. near the central Dahab Bridge will be hopping with Live Colors Egypt Live Colors Egypt which is most famous for its seafood culinary delights. Be sure activities, markets, culture and music the whole time. to end your day with a special couples massage at their spa. Mesmerizing Marsa Alam For full information on times and places check out the If you are having trouble sealing the deal with someone, a Festival website If you are looking for something that will not leave a dent trip to Marsa Alam will definitely do the trick – provided that in your wallet, but is equally magical and still captures the your special someone is a sea and nature lover of course. essence of Alexandria of the 1950s and 1960s, opt for any If you are looking for an activity-free vacation in the desert, of the recently renovated old hotels overlooking the Qait During the day, go snorkeling with the dolphins at Samadi where you will be waited on hand and foot, there are several Bey Fortress in the Eastern Harbor, like the Metropolitan or the Reef, more commonly known as the Dolphin House, or if you luxurious eco-lodges including Al Tarfa in Dakhla Oasis. One of Windsor hotel. are experienced divers opt for a one or two day excursion the many perks you will get from your stay at Al Tarfa, is its spa, and visit some of the world’s most captivating dive sites. These ideally located atop a small hill. The spa also includes a fully End your day with a ride on a hantour (horse-driven sites include Marsa Abu Dabab, which is home to the famous fledged gymnasium and a refreshing plunge pool. carriage), along the corniche, while relishing an ice cream sea cow Dugong. Try to keep an eye out for him. Another cone from one of the many ice cream parlors scattered along equally enchanting site is Elphinstone Reef. 2 April . 2012 April . 2012 3
  • 3. Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter Partnering with the Media in Challenging Times: 2nd UNWTO International Conference on Tourism and the Media 26 April 2012 - 27 April 2012 Marsa Alam, Egypt The 2nd UNWTO International Conference on Tourism and the Media will take place at the InterContinental -The Palace Port Ghalib Resort. overlooking a marina. One of the best places for an intimate UNWTO as well as major names in tourism and the dinner is a restaurant that offers a full on fondue menu. After media industry will meet in Marsa Alam to debate dinner, take a stroll along the marina, followed by a dance tourism’s role in the evolving media landscape. date. The conference will discuss how the media works and where tourism comes in and how tourism Whether you are in Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada or El Gouna, can play an on-going role in media communica- make sure you add a little bit of spice to your vacation, and tions, beyond the travel pages. Other topics to be try a water activity like kitesurfing or water skiing. discussed will be on how to develop more effec- tive relations between the media and the tourism A Perfect Getaway authorities. Located just 20km, south of Hurghada, Sahl Hashish is the To join in the conference, please refer to the country’s ‘go to’ spot for couples, of all ages, looking for UNWTO website uninterrupted quality time and lots of pampering. Sahl Hashish is a secluded romantic haven on the Red Sea partnering-media-challenging-times-2nd-unwto- Astounding Aswan coast, famous for its luxurious hotels, which offer its guests top international-conference-tourism-and-media. Citystars Properties Breaks A good way to enjoy Aswan is by taking a Nile cruise on notch suites and chalets with their own private swimming pool the Guinness World Record one of its luxurious boats. The cruise could be as short as a and gardens, overlooking pristine blue waters. single day, and as long as seven consecutive days. For history with the Largest Crystal buffs, visit the Sofitel Legend Old Cataract Hotel in Aswan, one Lagoon on Earth of the oldest and most captivating hotels there. It is ideally located in the Nubian desert on the banks of the river Nile, Crystal Lagoon overlooking the Elephantine Island. Sharm El Sheikh, developed by During your stay i n Aswan, be sure to pay a visit to some Citystars Properties, of its historical sites, including the Philae Temple, Edfu Temple, has been officially Nubian Village, Aswan Botanical Garden and the Philae recognized by the Sound and Light show. Guinness World Records™ as the largest crystal lagoon in the world. The 120,000 m2 Crystal Lagoon that Live Colors Egypt Party Till You Drop Live Colors Egypt clinched the world title is designed by the world- renowned Chilean Architect Fernando Fischmann. For the social butterflies and night life lovers, the coastal Fischmann previously designed an 80,000 m2 cities of Sharm El Sheikh, El Gouna and Hurghada serve as Lagoon in his homeland Chile, which had long held your ideal getaway. Both cities are bursting with upscale the Guinness title, before the Crystal Lagoon Sharm hotels and more affordable ones, depending on your budget, El Sheikh clinched it. in addition to a vibrant night life of partying. The state-of-the-art green design of Crystal Lagoon Sharm El Sheikh is completely environmen- Hurghada is a more crowded version of Sharm El Sheikh and tally friendly, and fulfils the highest standards of has one of the biggest clubs in the country. While Sharm has environmental safety, stated the project’s general several night clubs to choose from. manager. For a less hectic night out, El Gouna resort – a 40 minute drive from Hurghada – offers an array of international restaurants 4 April . 2012 April . 2012 5
  • 4. Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter Luxor Luxor has often been called the world’s biggest open-air d-CaF Festival 2012 museum. Arts FEstiVAl Take a stroll with your companion around the monuments 29 MArCH – 14 April and then head to El Lokanda Street just south of the Temple Downtown of Karnak. There, you will find many restaurants, cafes and Contemporary Arts bazaars to pick from. You can also lunch at the Sofitel Winter Festival (D-CAF), Palace, a heritage building, where many celebrities stayed Egypt’s first-ever over the years. international multi-dis- ciplinary contemporary Then take a boat trip over to the West Bank to see the arts festival, will take place for two weeks in April Valley of the Kings or a horse-drawn carriage (Hantour) for 2012 at multiple sites in downtown Cairo. D-CAF an overview of the city. will include local, regional and international music, theatre, dance, visual arts and film by cutting-edge A moonlit dinner on the terrace of one of the many five star artists from Egypt, the Arab world, and beyond. In hotels and a night out for dancing at one of the nightclubs, addition to featuring established downtown cultural would end your romantic stay in Luxor. spaces and theatres, D-CAF will break new ground by using non-traditional sites such as historical build- ings, storefronts, alleyways, and rooftops as sites for performance, events, and installations, to engage audiences and performers with the city in a new way. With its diverse and high-quality programming, D-CAF aspires to become one of the most impor- tant annual Arab art events, reaching out to a broad spectrum of Egyptian audiences, creating bridges between Arab artists and international For couples with an adventure streak, you could make a why. A tour of Cairo from a cute cozy felucca during sunset is curators and programmers, and capitalizing on day trip to the neighboring historical city, Luxor. Go trekking simply breath taking. If you have more time on your plate, turn downtown Cairo’s unique cultural, social and archi- in the Eastern Desert or pay a visit to the ruins of the Roman your felucca into your own private dining room, by bringing tectural heritage. site of Mons Claudianus, an ancient Roman quarry that dates food, candles and music. For more information: back to the 1st Century AD. Another non-conventional twist to a very conventional Captivating Cairo activity is horseback riding by the pyramids. Instead of going A staple activity on any couple visiting the capital’s during day time, go out on a full moon and take in the Caravan Festival oF the arts 2012 ‘must-do’ list is a felucca ride, and there is a very good reason exquisite sights of the ancient pyramids under the moonlight. 26 April – 5 MAy 2012 The 4th annual CARAVAN Festival of the Arts (2012) with renowned American tauChen aWard 2012 the theme “The Road Ahead” will open in Maadi/Cairo sculptor Erik Blome. on 26 April 2012. Special participat- The M/Y Longimanus won for the fourth Red Sea, the Barakuda Diving Center The goal of the CARAVAN Festival of the Arts is to build ing guests to this year’s year, the Tauchen Award awarded from Lotus Bay Safaga was nominated for bridges between creeds and cultures (East and West) CARAVAN Festival of the the German magazine Tauchen. the first time for the “Tauchen Award”, through the visual arts, literature, film and music. This stra- Arts are Ahdaf Soueif, Meanwhile, it is the 4th time for this means it is one of the best three div- tegic inter-religious arts initiative over the last three years the Anglo-Egyptian Mahmoud Abd el Hady and the ing centers in the whole of the Red Sea. has generated significant attention from the international Booker Prize shortlist Longimanus Crew to take this Award to All in all, it was a successful evening for media and art world. author in international Live Colors Egypt Live Colors Egypt Egypt. Mahmoud Abd el Hady and his team Hosted at the historic St. John’s Church in Maadi/Cairo, acclaimed novels “Map January 26th of 2012 was a success- and hopefully also for the tourism in the CARAVAN arts initiative comes out of a vision that of Love and In the Eye of ful evening for Mahmoud Abd el Hady Egypt. the Arts can be one of the most effective mediums to the Sun,” Khalid Abdalla, and his team around Barakuda Lotus Bay M/Y Longimanus is a multi purpose div- enhance understanding and encourage. British-Egyptian film actor Safaga and M/Y Longimanus. ing boat which is 36 meters long and 8 The festival will be inaugurated by Yousra, the cele- (star of The Kite Runner A come-together from the “Who meters wide. A well known diving boat in brated Egyptian actress, and by Muslim and Christian and Green Zone), and is Who” in the diving scene and a Kategorie: the Red Sea. Built in 2003 in Suez, one of religious dignitaries, 45 premier Middle Eastern and the Ana Masry Band. saFaribOOT great location called Nachtresidenz in the dreams of Mahmoud Abd el Hady. Western visual artists will come together for a selling exhi- All attendance is free Düsseldorf gave the right frame for this Gewinner MY longimanus Since 2003 many divers are part of the bition. The visual art exhibition, curated by participating of charge, but 20% of all art sales go to Middle Eastern celebration. rotes Meer Longimanus family. An enjoyable atmo- British artist Roland Prime, includes a diverse range of charities assisting the poor. Mahmoud Abd el Hady and his team sphere and good dive operations are noted Arab contemporary artists, such as Reda Abdel were proud to be part of this evening. the reasons for the great success. Rahman and Mohamed Abla, to expatriate artists such In the category Best Diving Center as the well-known Norwegian artist Britt Boutros Ghali and TA_12_Award_Urkunden.indd 28 16.01.12 14:51 6 April . 2012 April . 2012 7
  • 5. Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority News letter CALENDAR Small Hall, Cairo Opera House tronic. With Philippe Garcia (Battery), Mounir posed by Cairo-based director Omar Ghayatt Tel: (02) 2739 0132 Troudi (Violin and Vocal) in his performance. Together with dramaturge Time: 8 pm. Also on April 2nd Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes- Nicole Borgeat and Egyptian bestseller author tival Alaa Al Aswany, he looks for motives behind the APRIL 2012 4th - French Horn - Amr Abul Naga French Institute, 30 Nabi Daniel St. Alexandria yearning for a better place elsewhere. Malek Gabr Theatre, American University in Cairo, Tel: (03) 392 0804 In 90 minutes of visual theatre, the real and fic- Art Al Masar Gallery, Baehler’s Mansion, 157b 26 July Small Hall, Cairo Opera House New Campus. Time: 8.30 pm tional characters the performance takes us on a St. Zamalek. Tel: (02) 2739 0132 Tel: (02) 2615 1221 journey to their personal paradise. A journey that 1st - 14th - Part of the Downtown Art Festival is Tel: (02) 2736 8537 Time: 8 pm Time: 1 pm 13th - “Bikya” - present trip hop/electronica and makes us see everything, including ourselves, in the art exhibition: “I’m Not There” Time: Opening at 7 pm. Gallery hours: 11 am to 9 Ramsi Lehner (Egypt). Drum and bass/break- a new light. This is comprised of an empty exhibition and a pm daily except Fridays by appointment. 30th - “Entomo” - by Elias Aguirre and Alvaro 5th - “Munma & Engram” - present Aergri Som- beat. Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes- nightly series of artist interventions. Esteban (Spain). A duet where contemporary nia (Lebanon). Electronic Audio-visual perfor- Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes- tival Each ‘exhibited’ piece is one, which has been Opera and urban dance techniques mix to create animal mance. DJ Sosta and Shaawaz (Egypt). Shaabi/ tival Falaky Theatre, AUC Campus, Downtown prevented from being exhibited – whether that and insect movement. Dance Radio Theater, 24 Talaat Harb St. Downtown Time: 8 pm was due to reasons of censorship, practical, eco- 7th - Massenet’s Manson - Live from the Metro- Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes- Time: 10 pm nomic, political, cultural reasons or plain bad politan Opera “Apparemment, ce qui ne se voit pag” - by Ex tival Ethnic luck. Small Hall, Cairo Opera House Nihil (France). This piece is a protean project: Radio Theater, 24 Talaat Harb St. Downtown 14th - Classic Music - Cairo Symphony Orches- In the place of each artwork is documentation Tel: (02) 2739 0132 a shape for the scene, a shape for the outside, Time: 10 pm. tra 3rd - Salma El Assal “Rayga” - Salma, originally of the reasons behind the work’s absence; the Time: 7 pm. video installations, a book. 5th - “Tanjaret Daght” - Syrian Rock Music. - Felix Mendelssohn: Hebrides Overture (Fingal’s from El Obaid in western Sudan, presents a suite viewer will be able to get the insider’s story on Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes- Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza Cave), Op. 26 of traditional Sudanese songs, arranged for pop- how and why the artwork did not appear. 14th - La Traviata - Live from the Metropolitan tival Tel: (02) 3346 1071 - Richard Strauss: Horn Concerto No.1 in Eb ular audiences. The dynamic lead singer with the Townhouse Gallery, 10 Nabrawy St, off Champolion, Opera Time: 10 pm major, Op.11 powerful voice has been compared by her fans Downtown Small Hall, Cairo Opera House “Murikamifaction” - by Eric Kaiel/Archeopteryx - Johannes Brahms: Symphony No. 4 in E minor, to the young queen of soul, Aretha Franklin. Tel: (02) 2576 8086 Tel: (02) 2739 0132 8 (Netherlands). This work invites audiences to 6th - Fathy Salama Group - present Sultany Op. 98 1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween. Time:7 pm. step into the daydreams that unfold before their (Egypt) a Neofolk performance. Jade (Lebanon) Soloist: Amr Aboul Naga (horn) Tel: (02) 2792 0878 1st - 26th “The True Story of Mohannad’s Death” eyes. Using the magical, surrealistic stories of presents The Middle Beast, dance/oriental Conductor: Hisham Gabr Time: 9 pm - by artist Ahmed Sabry. The artist introduces Ballet Haruki Murakami (JP) as a source of inspiration, Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes- Cairo Opera House, Main Hall his next visual dialogue: playful and wide- Kaiel creates an intensely physical and absurd tival Time: 8 pm 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th - Mazaher - Famous cus- scoped, tapping into the Egyptian pop culture performance trail. Radio Theater, 24 Talaat Harb St. Downtown todians of the legacy of musical tradition, such using the very language of this culture. This Time: 9 pm. 17th - Cairo Choral Society - along with The as Zar performers Om Sameh and Om Hassan exhibition is informative and highly entertaining. “Entity” - Choreographed by Nadine Emile Prague Mixed Choir presents: Mozart,Regina join Sudanese Singer Asia, singer Sayed Imam Mashrabia Gallery of Contemporary Art, 8 (Egypt) and “Small Story” by Mounir Saeed 7th - “Nassibian Orchestra” - Sound/Experimen- Coeli, Haydn, Te Deum and Sayed Rekabi together with many unique Champollion St. Downtown (Egypt) tal (Egypt). Dijit (Egypt). Noise. Maurice Louca Czech Folk Songs and Music of Antonin Dvorak, instrumentalists. Tel: (02) 2578 4494 Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes- (Egypt), Electronica Leos Janacek, Zdenek Lukas Gypsy Music from the Delta joins hands with Zar Time: Daily except Fridays, 11 am to 8 pm tival Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes- by Jiri Petrdlik , Jan Steyer, John Baboukis, con- songs. All the above in front of Egyptian Stock Market, tival ductors :David Hales and Jan Steyer, accompa- 1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween. masar Downtown Radio Theater, 24 Talaat Harb St. Downtown nists: Amira Reda, soprano Tel: (02) 2792 0878 Time: 2- 4 pm Time: 9 pm. All Saint’s Cathedral, Zamalek Time: 9 pm Tel: (02) 2615 1221 Music 11th - “Kareem Lotfy” - present North African Time: 8 pm. 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th - Nass Makan - Mazaher 5th - “Swan Lake” - Cairo Opera Ballet Company and Other (Egypt). Electronic Audio-visual per- is an ensemble in which women play a leading Main Hall, Cairo Opera House 1st - Sharkiat - Fusion music by Grammy Award formance. Mahmoud Refaat (Egypt). Dub/elec- 22nd - Latin Jazz - Cocoon Band role. Gypsy music from the Delta join hands with Tel: (02) 2739 0132 winner Fathy Salama tronica. Erik Truffaz Trio (France. Jazz/world/ Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza Zar songs. The music of Mazaher is inspired by Time: 8 pm. Also on April 6th, 9th, 10th & 11th Main Hall, Cairo Opera House electronic Tel: (02) 3346 1071 the three different styles of Zar music practiced Modern Dance Tel: (02) 2739 0132 Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes- Time: 10 pm in upper Egypt, Abu Gheit Zar and the Sudanese 8th - 30th The Golden Calf - Artist Kareem El Time: 8 pm tival or African Zar. Live Colors Egypt Qurity. During Moses’ forty days of worship on 1st - “We Are Not From Outer Space” - by Radio Theater, 24 Talaat Harb St. Downtown 25th - Flute & piano recital - Rania Yehia 1 Saad Zaghloul St. El Dawaween. Live Colors Egypt the mountain, his people took advantage of his Mohammad Shafik, Rita Vilhena, Thomas 1st - Choir Singing - David Heart’s Choir Time: 9 pm. Small Hall, Cairo Opera House Tel: (02) 2792 0878 absence and made a golden calf similar to the Proksch (Egypt/Netherlands). Part of the Down- Alexandria Opera House, Alexandria Tel: (02) 2739 0132 Time: 9 pm one they saw in Egypt as a holy god, something town Contemporary Arts Festival Tel: (03) 483 9999 12th - “Dubosmium” - abstract dub (Morocco). Time: 8 pm. that was instigated by the Samaritans, who were Falaky Theater, American University Campus, Time: 8 pm Electronic Audio-visual performance. Filas- 5th - Modern Egyptian Folkloric - Basheer Troupe against the message of Moses. Downtown tine (Spain/Indonesia). with Nova. Melodra- Cairo Jazz Club, 197, 26th July St. Agouza The artist, through this exhibition, shares a reen- Time: 8 pm. Also on April 2nd 1st - Finnish Egyptian Musical Bridge - A brain- matic electronica. Di Weza/Okka/Ortega (Egypt). Theater Tel: (02) 3346 1071 actment of that scene from a contemporary child of the famous Finnish pianist and con- Shaabi/dance Time: 10 pm perspective, within a whirlwind of ideas and con- 22nd - Carolyn Carlson - Performance from ductor, Ralf Gothóni in cooperation with Cairo Part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Fes- 4th & 5th - “If I Weren’t Egyptian, ...” flicting visions, seeing that some held on to the France. A journey in the world of Carolyn through Opera House, is back in Cairo. The Musical tival Directed by Omar Ghayatt 6th - “Tawsheeh El Hadeeth” - Syrian Folk Music. truth from the moment it was revealed to some, three women and their relationship with nature as Bridge is a week of musical workshops, master Radio Theater, 24 Talaat Harb St. Downtown Hoping for a better life, young Egyptians flee Jesuits Cultural Center, Alexandria the Samaritans, wanted to hold on to the old a source of inspiration. Dancers: Carolyn Carl- classes and joint performances between virtu- Time: 9 pm to Europe where, paradoxically, suicide rates Tel: (02) 3346 1071 ways promoting the ideas that belonged to an son, Celine Maufroi and Sara Orselli. Part of the oso Egyptian and Finnish musicians and opera are very high – especially in Switzerland. Para- Time: 9 pm era that was dominated by the misguided. Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival singers. 12th - Erik Truffaz Trio (France.) Jazz/world/elec- dise for some, hell for others? This is a question 8 April . 2012 April . 2012 9