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Significance Of The ANZAC Legend
The ANZAC spirit was born on the twenty–fifth of April 1915, on this day Australian soldiers landed
upon the shores of Gallipoli to serve their country for the first time in war. Each year Australians
celebrate the mateship, courage and heroism the ANZAC soldiers showed on that day. Although,
people tend to depict these soldiers as victims of a catastrophic trauma, yet this passionate sacrifice
is what gave Australia its name. Furthermore, there is word of discussion about the truth behind the
accuracy of the ANZAC legend. Evidence demonstrates that the ANZAC legend is an accurate
portrayal of what occurred the day the ANZAC'S landed in Gallipoli. The legend of mateship,
heroism, courage and bravery is an accurate representation of the fighting Australian and New
Zealand soldiers in world war one.
After the ANZACs landed in Gallipoli, they were in combat for approximately eight and a half
months. Throughout this long and tedious period of time the soldiers went through many traumatic
experiences. Although, when looking in the face of death the soldiers were able to have a spirit of
mateship to make conditions bearable. To support this, a governor general stated in an article
posted in two thousand and eight, "they gave their lives for a supreme cause in gallant comradeship
with the rest of my soldiers who fought and died with them." This source is exclaiming that the
soldiers would put their fellow comrades before themselves as mateship was prioritised by them.
Because of
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Essay about Gallipoli
Gallipoli – The Anzac Legend The Anzac Legend is the source of the Aussie Fight and bravery
that will live on for future generations to understand and to acknowledge their courage and
bravery. Some would say The Anzac Legend all began when Britain declared they were in need of
help and it was Australia's duty to go to their aid. Australia tossed aside experience and opted for
youth. There were big incentives to go. To travel and visit foreign places, economic reasons, to be
with their mates but the most incentive of all was that Britain needed help. Although these facts are
all true one of the most important was that they would have the honour of representing their country
with honour and pride which is the more content...
On the 21st of April the Soldiers were given the nod to go ahead with the landing by Sir Ian
Hamilton who wrote an inspiring letter that probably gave the troops a great boost of confidence.
They landed on the 25th of April at Anzac Cove with no fear just a killer instinct and a do or die
attitude which had to be adopted for its the only way that a war can be fought . These
characteristics were underlined at the Nek, better known as The Battle of the Ridges. The
Anzacs charged at the Turks with Bayonets in hope to gain control of the heights as this would be
one of the only hopes of victory. Although there was very little gained out of the plan the Movie
"Gallipoli" shows the bravery and the fight of the troops even when they were to meet almost
certain doom they still fought on or did their best for the Anzacs and for their country. The
Anzacs who were under adversity in extremely hot summer conditions and many troops were
suffering from diseases. There was also a lack of suitable facilities to store the food and a lot of it
got spoiled, which caused illness among the troops. They still managed to keep their mateship and
camaraderie that is fitting of the Anzac Legend. There was a great admiration for the Intelligence of
the Australians and their initiative. These tactics were flawless for example they used to put a hat
on a stick to draw Turkish fire. They made bombs from old tin cans, nails, shrapnel and other metal.
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Essay about Anzac Sprit
The ANZAC legend is many things to many people, to me the legend is as relevant today as it
was 95 years ago, it is who we are as a people. The Anzac Legend is the Australian Spirit. This
Anzac spirit has changed little over the past 95 years, the fundamental appeal and Spirit of the
ANZAC legend is as relevant and strong today as it was on the day it was born, 25th April 1915,
they were united under a common flag, a common emblem and a common outlook. Over the ensuing
8 months of fighting at Gallipoli the Anzac legend, took hold and became a symbol of honour, a rite
of passage and an unwritten guide of Digger qualities and expectations. Simply put the Anzac Spirit
is, helping out a friend, regardless of the consequences and knowing more content...
I am now going to tell you about a brief timeline about how ANZAC was created and the ANZAC
Never forget the Anzac legend and spirit is the core characteristics and values of our nation, be
proud of our Nations achievements and those that have served and continue to serve our country.
During the war the legend of ANZAC became the proud possession of all in the AIF and most
Australians. Since then, the anniversary of 25 April 1915 has been commemorated each year as
ANZAC Day. The first ANZAC Day was conducted in 1916. The troops observed it in various
ways, and in London large crowds watched 2,000 Australians and New Zealanders march to
Westminster Abbey. InAustralia there was strong support for the day, with between 60,000 and
100,000 people packing the Domain in Sydney for a service. By 1925 huge ANZAC Day marches
were being conducted in all the main cities. Smaller places had their own observances. Most states
marked the day with a public holiday, and within two years they all did. Second World War
ex–servicemen, and later others, accepted ANZAC Day as theirs too. In immediate post–war years
they swelled the numbers of veterans marching. In 1990 a few ageing Gallipoli veterans,
accompanied by the Prime Minister, went back to Turkey for the 75th anniversary of the landing.
Australians watched emotionally as a handful of representatives of a near vanished army received
their salute.
Ninety years on, there are no longer any living survivors
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The Anzac Legacy Of The Australian World War
Last year, on the 25th of April was the centenary of the Gallipoli landing. Which, according to the
Australian Defence force website, was to be for Australians, "one of the most significant
commemorations to take place during their lifetime." With the centenary looming in the backs of the
minds of the Australian people, it is unsurprising that great pains have been taken to construct a three
year long celebration that would "encompass a number of historical milestones on Australia 's
involvement in conflicts", such as both World Wars, Korea and Vietnam.
Yet, the amount of emphasis that is placed on the Anzac legend could be argued to be incorrectly
placed and channelled by certain groups for their own gain. This essay will argue that the Anzac
legacy of the Australians being the perfect soldier is highly embellished and are no more remarkable
than any other soldier. Furthermore the importance and Australia's involvement in the First World
War has been grossly inflated. Additionally, this will analyse claims made by historians and other
academics about how the Anzac legend has changed overtime, and Australia's involvement in wars.
In order to understand why the Anzac legend became so prominent, an understanding of Australia's
reasons for entering the First World War must be understood. Firstly, it was the first major war
Australia would participate in as a state in its own right, less than two decades after Australian
became a federation in 1901. According to Stanley,
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Characteristics Of The Anzac Legend
Australians fought in many wars, but the most successful war was thought to be 'the war to end all
wars' (World War One). The Anzacs had experienced many hardships in this horrific war; special
qualities were developed throughout the war such as endurance, mateship and courage. On the 25th
of April the birth of the Anzac legend had risen. As they charged into enemy territories, in the early
morning of the 1900s, they were destined to succeed despite the raining gun fire by the Turkish
soldiers. Mateship, courage and endurance gradually strengthened deeper into the war; as a result, no
one could take away these three imperishable qualities. Many historical records show many different
perspectives about the Anzac legend. As a nation, we look upon three main attributes that the Anzacs
had demonstrated courage, mateship and endurance. Therefore, the Anzac legacy continues to
prosper in its purpose to motivate the modern Australian society. As the war progressed, Australian
troops made trenches; this protected them from gunfire. On the other hand diseases were introduced
such as the trench foot. Having a trench foot was painful, swollen conditions caused by feet
remaining wet for too long; if gangrene (progress) set in, the feet would have to be amputated
(Darlington, 2012). This shows determination, which the Anzac possessed regardless of the dangers
that may happen. These hard conditions that the Anzacs had faced are also reflected in an extract
from Eric Rapkins's Dairy. Eric
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ANZAC Legend Assignment
History Term 4: ANZAC Research Assignment
Australia participated in of one of the greatest global wars in history, World War 1, as a part of
the Allied Forces. This war was also believed to be, at the time, the war to end all wars. It started
on the 28th of July 1914 and was triggered by the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of
Austria. On the 25th of April 1915, the British Empire sent the Australian and New Zealand Army
Corp to Gallipoli in an invasion where the young soldiers were essentially led on a suicide mission.
They were outnumbered. The campaign ended in a gruesome and horrific massacre of the ANZAC
troops. The battle between Australia and Turkey on the Gallipoli Campaign during World War 1 is
often glorified in the recognition of the ANZAC's excessive qualities such as courage and endurance;
which is now known as the ANZAC Legend. However, it is undeniable that the reality of how the
ANZAC legend was altered through propaganda, exaggeration and misunderstanding to portray a
successful campaign.
The fact that the ANZAC Legend was highly exaggerated is not often debated for the purpose of
attempting to convince citizens that the deaths of the soldiers who fought in the Gallipoli
Campaign were not in vain. "we need to scrape off the barnacles and make sure the
commemorations are actually about the soldiers and the tragedy of what they endured" (Payne,
2015). Many of the legendary actions taken by ANZAC soldiers have been overstated so that the
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Anzac Legend Research Paper
World War One (WW1) one was one of the greatest wars between many countries. The War started
in 1914 after an Assassination was committed on Ark duke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian Nationalist
by the name of Gavrilo Princip. The assassination caused many countries to go into war, dividing
themselves into 2 sides, the Triple Entente (Brittan, France, Russia and turkey ) and the triple
alliance (Germany, Austria–Hungary and Italy). Because of The Wars commencement there was a
reason for Australia, a new Country to prove itself. The next few paragraphs will be proving the
importance of the Anzac legend as a part of our Australian Identity. To prove this point each
paragraph will elaborate on the topic in three different ways: The Anzac's more
On the 25th of April a day of remembrance occurs for all Australian Citizens to pay their respects to
the Veterans who fought 'our' war to make Australia as it is today (Civics and Citizenship
Education, 2013) . Even in a modern day society the Anzac legend has made such a big impact that
it is still celebrated each year (Skwirk education, 2014). An ex– Prime Minister Julia Gillard made a
comment on Anzac day about the importance of Anzac day–"When you can see that kind of
enthusiasm, I think we can say as a nation it's an important part of our national identity"– (Beaumont,
2015). It is stated from Civics and citizenship education that there is an increase in the amount of
people participation in the ceremonies. The Anzac legend has been implemented into the Australian
identity so much that some believe that Anzac is what it means to be Australian, from this we can
gather the significance and the positive view on the Anzac legend (Beaumont, 2015). This shows
that the modern appreciation of what the Anzac's did During WW1 hasn't depreciated a
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Anzac Legend Analysis
The Anzac spirit was born on the twenty–fifth of April 1915, when Australian soldiers landed upon
the shores of Gallipoli to serve their country for the first time. Each year Australians celebrate the
mateship, courage and heroism the Anzac soldiers showed during the Gallipoli campaign. Although,
people tend to depict these soldiers as victims of a catastrophic trauma, yet this passionate sacrifice
is what gave Australia its name. Furthermore, word of discussion argues the truth behind the
accuracy of the Anzac Legend. Through the analysis of sources, it is demonstrated that the Anzac
Legend displays numerous inspirational characteristics. Thus, the Legend of mateship, heroism and
courage is an accurate representation of the fighting Australian and New Zealand soldiers in world
war one.
After the Anzac's landed in Gallipoli, they were in combat for approximately eight and a half
months. Throughout this long and tedious period of time the soldiers went through many traumatic
experiences. Although, looking into the face of death the soldiers were able to have a spirit of
mateship to make conditions bearable. "They gave their lives for a supreme cause in gallant
comradeship with the rest of my soldiers who fought and died with them" (Di, 2008). This source
explains that the soldiers put their fellow comrades before themselves as mateship prioritised by
them. Because of this the word mateship stands out today and inspires many Australians. Therefore,
with determination, courage
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The Legend Of The ANZAC Legend
Ww1 IS regarded as one of the significant and fundamental event in history. It occurred due to the
assassination of the heir to the throne of the Austro–Hungarian Empire on 28 June 1914(Stephen
Tonge). The countries were divided to two main powers called 'Central power' where German and
Austria were included and 'Allied power where England and Russia and Australia fought for the
mother country England .One 25 April 1915, Australia sent troops to Gallipoli to fight against
Turkish .But accidently they landed at the amiss place which made them suffer from the under fire,
and the ANZAC legend was generated there. Although there was no military victory, the Australians
displayed great courage, mateship and endurance. The stories of these qualities are the proof of
ANZAC legend's undoubtable accurate portrayal of Australia's fighting men in WW1.
Mateship is one of fundamental quality which represents the ANZAC legend. Mateship was
showed through the experience of trench, warfare, concentration camps, injury, forced labour,
and the bored man and terror of war. The story of the brave solider Simpson was a great example
of the mateship through these experiences. The Return & Services League of Australia WA
Branch Incorporated which quotes ''The courage of a stretcher bearer named Simpson who, with
his donkey, risked bombs and bullets week after week to carry the wounded to safety only to finally
lose his own life on the beach of ANZAC Cove, will never be forgotten.'' And, "Win or
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The Anzac legend tells the spirit and qualities of the Anzacs whom fought on the battlefield during
the First World War, this legend tells the quality's and acts of bravery, mate ship, and courage that
the Anzacs are believed to have shown on the battlefield. The soldiers used these qualities to help
Australian and New Zealand earns its reputation in the world as being a strong and courageousness
country when in times of danger. During the Gallipoli Campaign there were many heroic and brave
acts but there was also many stories of pain and loss as the many of soldiers were lost during this
war campaign but these men tried their best to overcome the death and destruction around them
through these qualities and acts. These acts tell us that more content...
For the first 4 days he was theoretically a deserter until his commanding officer, seeing the value of
his work, agreed to turn a blind eye to rules and approved his actions. For almost 24 days Simpson
operated through the impossible conditions of Gallipoli and was credited with saving the lives of
almost 300 wounded soldiers. The Simpson was killed on the battlefield he was recommend for
the Victoria Cross twice (which is the highest military decoration awarded for conspicuous
bravery and acts of valor in the Commonwealth armed services) and also the Distinguished
Conduct Medal. An example of Simpson's qualities is mentioned by Padre George Green, who
led Simpson's burial service "If ever there was a man deserve the Victoria Cross it was Simpson. I
often remember now the scene I saw frequently in shrapnel Gully, of that cheerful soul calmly
walking down the gully with a Red Cross armlet tied round the donkey's head. That gully was under
direct fire from the enemy almost all the time." Many of the soldiers speak of him as cheerful man
when faced horrible situations. Simpson is only one of the many who showed the qualities of
bravery, valor, selflessness and endurance along with much more on battlefield, this shows the
qualities of the Anzac
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The Anzac Legend: The Legend Of Gallipoli
Even though the Gallipoli Campaign failed to achieve military victory, the Australian and New
Zealand Army Corps became a legend. The events at Gallipoli, not only made them an important part
of Australian culture, but helped the newly–federated nation of Australia, establish itself at an
international level.
The Anzac Legend was born on 25 April 1915, and is a concept which suggests that Australian and
New Zealand soldiers possess shared characteristics, specifically the qualities those soldiers
supposedly showed on the battlefields of World War Iin Gallipoli. In the eight months of fighting in
Gallipoli, the Australians and New Zealanders displayed great courage, endurance, initiative,
discipline, and mate ship. The qualities came to be
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The ANZAC Legend Essay
The ANZAC Legend
ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. The soldiers in those forces quickly
became known as ANZACS, and the pride they soon took in that name endures to this day.
The ANZAC legend began with the landing at Gallipoli on April 25 1915, signaling the start of the
disastrous Dardanelles campaign on the Turk Peninsula. This campaign saw thousands of ANZAC
fatalities before its conclusion in January 1916. Significantly, the ANZAC legend is the result of a
devastating loss, rather than a great victory. The soldiers are remembered for maintaining courage
and determination under hopeless conditions.
The ANZAC legend owes much to wartime correspondents who used more content...
In wartime propaganda, the ANZAC forces were portrayed as the loyal sons of the British Empire,
fighting as much for the 'mother country' as for their own. Beyond the military campaign, the
ANZAC soldiers represented the ethos of their rural Australian background. The values of equality,
good humor and mateship were transplanted to the situation in Turkey.
It is easy to understand why the ANZAC legend became so popular. TheGallipoli campaign was
described as the baptism of the newly federated Australia, and a chance for Australian soldiers to
prove themselves to the world. They were not ultimately victorious, but the soldiers came to
represent the character traits of the new country: fit and healthy, duty bound and courageous, good
humored and egalitarian. The ANZAC image allowed Australians to both demonstrate loyalty to
Britain, and claim an identity of their own.
There is much to challenge the factual accuracy of the ANZAC image. The idea that Australians
were loyal Britons was questionable even in 1915. At the time, over 80% of Australians were
Australian born, not English. Archbishop Mannix expressed the discrepancies in the ANZAC image
in a wartime statement that England 'is not my motherland ... indeed it is my stepsister'. Publications
in existence from the nineteenth century, such as 'The Bulletin', rejected
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Explain The Key Features Of The Anzaac Legend
History Essay– Key features of the ANZAC legend and explain how and why it was created. The
Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, later known as ANZAC, has a legend, although many
also refer to it as the ANZAC spirit. The ANZAC legend was created on April 25th 1915, but was
only really acknowledged after their eight months of fighting in Gallipoli. The legend that the men
created is something for our countries to be proud of but it does not refer to their fighting ability, as
they actually lost at battle, but instead, it refers to the Australians and New Zealanders great display
of mateship, discipline, ambition, endurance and courage during their fighting. The landing at
Gallipoli is seen as a story of courage, bravery and the endurance during a time filled with death and
despair. The fact that they were under the poor leadership from London, and their unsuccessful
strategies, cost most of them their lives. But even under London's poor leadership, they still held
strong in their bravery through their hard times, it was acts like these that earned them their legend.
But it was this act that earned them the ANZAC legend. Their unwavering bravery through this even
earned some praise from war correspondents, such as Charles more content...
It is a legend of free and independent spirits whose discipline derived less from military formalities
and customs than from the bonds of mateship and the demands of necessity. The ANZACs were
different from the rest of the soldiers, these differences can be put into five sections. Some may say
that these are their key
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The Importance Of The ANZAC Legend
World War One is regarded as a major turning point in history and modern warfare which has
impacted Australia monumentally, scarring the nation's history. Australia played a significant role in
World War One and the Gallipoli campaign, which is considered the birthplace of the ANZAC
legend. These events have immensely shaped Australia as the nation we know of today. World War
One began in 1914 from the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and ended in 1918 on
November the 11th which is now recognised as a day of mourning and a time given recognition to
the lives taken on the battlefield. To a prominent extent, the ANZAC legend is significant to the
concept of Australian identity and nationalism through the origins of the ANZAC legend, the key
events that have helped form Australia as an independent nation, and in addition to how ANZAC day
is commemorated today.
Many events have led up to the shaping of the ANZAC legend along with various individuals and
groups contributing to how these events took place. The ANZAC legend is also known as the
ANZAC myth, referring to the representation of Australians and New Zealanders that fought for
their countries (Australian War Memorial, n.d, online). A vast number of significant individuals
played a role in leading the ANZAC's to World War One and leaving lasting legacies behind them.
One of the men, named Battery Sergeant Major G Ellsworth served as an Australian solider and
upheld his duty as a proud ANZAC solider until his
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What is the Anzac Spirit or Legend? Who portrays it? Its characteristics are in no doubt displayed by
Australian and New Zealand defence force personnel. Arthur Bourke stated that the Anzac spirit is a
sensation that can only be felt in every Australian and New Zealander that nurtures intense patriotism
in the innermost soul of everyone.
The reasons that I will bring forward that emphasise what the Anzac Spirit includes the sacrifices
made by men and women, Anzac Day traditions, Australia's identity and the qualities of the Anzac
First and foremost, the Anzac Spirit is about the remembrance of the sacrifices made by men and
women who have and are still serving in the military.
With respect to sacrifice, there are multiple more content...
Some of these qualities include mateship, honour, courage, integrity, determination to win, discipline,
initiative, loyalty and patriotism. Charles Bean's book, Anzac to Amiens, wrote that the Anzac
stood, and still stands for reckless valour in good cause for enterprise, resourcefulness, fidelity,
comradeship, and endurance that will never own defeat.
The two most important qualities are mateship and courage. Mateship and teamwork are about
working together and looking after one another during the fight. When you talk with men like
yourselves or anyone who has served, they say mateship is about the men and women who stand by
you in the good times and when you are in a difficult situation. This quality also forms Australia's
Can you imagine that you are in a boat with 30 other souls, hearing the machine gun fire raining
down on you as you exit the boat. Fellow mates and other Anzac are falling to the ground, out of the
first 200 men who landed at Gallipoli only, 21 of them survived. These numbers just show how
much courage and bravery those men had for running across the beaches of Gallipoli. They love
their country, family and
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Anzac Legend Research Paper
Anzac Legend in Australian culture The Anzac legend began during the Gallipoli campaign where
thousands of Australian and New Zealand soldiers died fighting the Turkish. On the 25th April in
the year 1915 Australia and New Zealand troops landed on Gallipoli. Before WW1 Australia had
struggled to find a unique identity which would separate it from its English roots. Having recently
separated from England and becoming an independent nation Australia and its peoples were still
searching for a national identity when WW1 began. WW1 was the first instance were Australia
fielded its own national army after separating from England. This allowed Australian values, beliefs,
and popular culture to truly start to grow. The Qualities which the more content...
The values that the Anzac legend portraits still has a place in modern society and should be
encouraged. The most important characteristic of the Anzac that can be passed on to future
generations is Mate ship. The idea that you should always help out your friends and never let them
down is one of the defining characteristics of Australian culture. Many believe this is a value that is
lacking in modern Australian society. This ideal is presented through all types of Australian Popular
culture. Sport is where this ideal is represented the most in modern Australia. The ideal that
Teammates should always help each other out and have each other's back is empathized in most
popular Australian sports such as Cricket, AFL, and Rugby union and rugby league. The never die,
or never give u attitude is another characteristic that Australians pride themselves on and should be
passed on to future generations. Being a small nation Australians love to view themselves as
underdogs and pride themselves on always trying even when the odds are stacked against them. The
Anzac legend's place in Australian culture may be controversial but it also give a nation its own
identity and endorses patriotism. Without the Anzac legend Australia would struggle to find a
national identity and not
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ANZAC Legend Essay
"The ANZAC legend does not have to mean that any individual could be an ANZAC, but that the
ANZACs represented the values and behaviour and qualities of the whole society." (Robert Lewis'
account on ANZAC Day Society website, 2004). World War One, the first global conflict, resulted
in the death of over 27 million humans from over 32 countries. For Australia, a nation just fourteen
years young, a spirit was ignited from those who enlisted. They were known as the ANZACs
(Australia and New Zealand Army Corporation). For eight months they fought at the shores of
Gallipoli where their bravery, persistence, mateship and determination revealed to the world an
identity that will never be forgotten.
At this moment in history, imperialism was crucial to all nations, trying to prove more
When analyzing the First World War, we tend to focus immensely on Gallipoli. However, the
number of ANZAC deaths at Gallipoli compared to the Western Front is only a fraction. Australia's
fatality rate for World War One was 64.8%, the highest of all nations. The notable war record's site,
Australian War Memorial, states 416,809 men died at Gallipoli and 27 million fatalities over the
course of the war. Of these men at Gallipoli, only 8,709 were ANZACs. (Australian War Memorial,
2015) The notable mini–series, Gallipoli: The Story of Us, recognises the expanse of the death toll.
On the second episode one soldier at Monash Valley states, "before the assault the trenches were
connected by dirt, scrub and wildflowers. Now they were connected by corpses, flies and the fowl
stench of death." (Gallipoli: My Friend the Enemy, 2014) The Gallipoli campaign was fractional in
contribution to the fatalities, however was the central to the creation of the ANZAC
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The Anzac Legend : Anzacs, Courage, And Courage
On the 25th of April 1915, Australia took its first major step as a nation by sending soldiers off to
fight in Gallipoli; these soldiers charged and fought their way through countless challenges, forging
themselves a legend, but more importantly – forging Australia an identity. As time sparks
controversy and scepticism, many begin to doubt the validity of the ANZAC legend. This opinion
however, is unmistakably inaccurate as many diverse and credible sources document the
ANZACS battle against their trials and tribulations as being heroic. The ANZACs endurance,
mateship and courage are undoubtedly an accurate depiction of the ANZAC legend. The
ANZACS displayed admirable feats of bravery during WW1 before, during and after their charge
on Gallipoli. ANZACs stood tall and unwavering in the face of adversity, facing gun fire, shelling
and hunger in a land far from home with nothing but a sardonic smile and a pack of supplies on
their backs. The fact that their struggles amounted to no military victory shows that even though
they couldn't see any progress during their struggles, they were motivated and brave enough to keep
fighting for what they believed was right. Couple this with the words from The Australian War
Memorial stating "The ANZAC's rejected any unnecessary restrictions, possessed a sardonic sense
of humour...contentious of danger and proved himself equal to anyone on the battlefield" (2017)
and it is obvious how truly courageous the ANZAC soldiers were. Many soldiers
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Anzac Legend History
The Australian New Zealand Army Corps displayed great courage and leadership during World War
One, but what exactly made their so called 'ANZAC legend'? This piece of information and research
opens with what started the ANZAC's, going towards their involvement in the 'Great War' and
finally to what the ANZAC's truly experienced in the war.
The ANZAC's were created as a part of an operation under British rule and the British Empire
during the First World War; however the ANZAC legend was formed because of the soldiers
themselves. The soldiers displayed courage and initiative during the numerous battles they fought,
showing that the legend was forged by the soldiers who displayed those several characteristics. The
following information from 'Dawn of the legend' (2014) states that, "Although there was no victory,
they displayed endurance & mateship during the battle of Gallipoli". This demonstrates that even
without reward, soldiers still display their best selves at the worst times. An extract from the primary
source 'Forging the ANZAC tradition' Young, A. (1915) states that, "If Gallipoli is the birthplace of more content...
The ANZAC's contributed to the Great War by their courage and their several victories during the
war. As described in 'Australia's contribution to World War One' Vic. Government (2014) it says
"...the ANZAC's best assistances go towards the Gallipoli mission and helping on Western Front..."
This expresses that the ANZAC's backed the various missions on the Western Front and withheld
the tragedy yet example of the Gallipoli operations. From the same source... "420,000 Australians
served in the war, as many as 60,000 Australian's died trying to..." Australian's great sacrifice during
World War 1 was extraordinary since the country wasn't even federated for over 20 years before the
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Anzac Legend Essay
The Anzac legend is still relevant in today's society as it reminds Australians and New Zealands of
the sacrifice they made to protect our country and let us live in freedom. The legend defines our
national identity and helps shape our national reputation so that other countries can look at us as
and think of us as a country who are determined, brave, resilient and helps our mates when they are
in trouble. Almost a whole generation of young men was lost and they deserved to be remembered.
The soldiers continued to fight during challenging times and when they felt as though it was too
hard and should give up. They slept in wet and dirty clothes and barely had enough food to survive.
Australia wouldn't be Australia without the legend of the soldiers who sacrificed themselves for us.
Australian had only just become a federated country when war broke out and the British command
had asked for the Australian and New Zealanders to join them their military, this was Australia's first
war as an independant country. At the time Australia's government saw this as a chance to show the
world that they weren't just a nation descended from convicts and deserved a place in Britain's great
military tradition (Darlington, 2012; wiliam, 2017). The Anzacs (Australian and New Zealand Army
Corps) were then established, with approximately 500 000 Australian men enlisted thinking they
would be home by Christmas, 40% of these men were aged between 18 and 45 (Macmillan, 2012),
more than 60,000 of
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Anzac Legend Essay

  • 1. Significance Of The ANZAC Legend The ANZAC spirit was born on the twenty–fifth of April 1915, on this day Australian soldiers landed upon the shores of Gallipoli to serve their country for the first time in war. Each year Australians celebrate the mateship, courage and heroism the ANZAC soldiers showed on that day. Although, people tend to depict these soldiers as victims of a catastrophic trauma, yet this passionate sacrifice is what gave Australia its name. Furthermore, there is word of discussion about the truth behind the accuracy of the ANZAC legend. Evidence demonstrates that the ANZAC legend is an accurate portrayal of what occurred the day the ANZAC'S landed in Gallipoli. The legend of mateship, heroism, courage and bravery is an accurate representation of the fighting Australian and New Zealand soldiers in world war one. After the ANZACs landed in Gallipoli, they were in combat for approximately eight and a half months. Throughout this long and tedious period of time the soldiers went through many traumatic experiences. Although, when looking in the face of death the soldiers were able to have a spirit of mateship to make conditions bearable. To support this, a governor general stated in an article posted in two thousand and eight, "they gave their lives for a supreme cause in gallant comradeship with the rest of my soldiers who fought and died with them." This source is exclaiming that the soldiers would put their fellow comrades before themselves as mateship was prioritised by them. Because of Get more content on
  • 2. Essay about Gallipoli Gallipoli – The Anzac Legend The Anzac Legend is the source of the Aussie Fight and bravery that will live on for future generations to understand and to acknowledge their courage and bravery. Some would say The Anzac Legend all began when Britain declared they were in need of help and it was Australia's duty to go to their aid. Australia tossed aside experience and opted for youth. There were big incentives to go. To travel and visit foreign places, economic reasons, to be with their mates but the most incentive of all was that Britain needed help. Although these facts are all true one of the most important was that they would have the honour of representing their country with honour and pride which is the more content... On the 21st of April the Soldiers were given the nod to go ahead with the landing by Sir Ian Hamilton who wrote an inspiring letter that probably gave the troops a great boost of confidence. They landed on the 25th of April at Anzac Cove with no fear just a killer instinct and a do or die attitude which had to be adopted for its the only way that a war can be fought . These characteristics were underlined at the Nek, better known as The Battle of the Ridges. The Anzacs charged at the Turks with Bayonets in hope to gain control of the heights as this would be one of the only hopes of victory. Although there was very little gained out of the plan the Movie "Gallipoli" shows the bravery and the fight of the troops even when they were to meet almost certain doom they still fought on or did their best for the Anzacs and for their country. The Anzacs who were under adversity in extremely hot summer conditions and many troops were suffering from diseases. There was also a lack of suitable facilities to store the food and a lot of it got spoiled, which caused illness among the troops. They still managed to keep their mateship and camaraderie that is fitting of the Anzac Legend. There was a great admiration for the Intelligence of the Australians and their initiative. These tactics were flawless for example they used to put a hat on a stick to draw Turkish fire. They made bombs from old tin cans, nails, shrapnel and other metal. One Get more content on
  • 3. Essay about Anzac Sprit The ANZAC legend is many things to many people, to me the legend is as relevant today as it was 95 years ago, it is who we are as a people. The Anzac Legend is the Australian Spirit. This Anzac spirit has changed little over the past 95 years, the fundamental appeal and Spirit of the ANZAC legend is as relevant and strong today as it was on the day it was born, 25th April 1915, they were united under a common flag, a common emblem and a common outlook. Over the ensuing 8 months of fighting at Gallipoli the Anzac legend, took hold and became a symbol of honour, a rite of passage and an unwritten guide of Digger qualities and expectations. Simply put the Anzac Spirit is, helping out a friend, regardless of the consequences and knowing more content... I am now going to tell you about a brief timeline about how ANZAC was created and the ANZAC sprite Never forget the Anzac legend and spirit is the core characteristics and values of our nation, be proud of our Nations achievements and those that have served and continue to serve our country. During the war the legend of ANZAC became the proud possession of all in the AIF and most Australians. Since then, the anniversary of 25 April 1915 has been commemorated each year as ANZAC Day. The first ANZAC Day was conducted in 1916. The troops observed it in various ways, and in London large crowds watched 2,000 Australians and New Zealanders march to Westminster Abbey. InAustralia there was strong support for the day, with between 60,000 and 100,000 people packing the Domain in Sydney for a service. By 1925 huge ANZAC Day marches were being conducted in all the main cities. Smaller places had their own observances. Most states marked the day with a public holiday, and within two years they all did. Second World War ex–servicemen, and later others, accepted ANZAC Day as theirs too. In immediate post–war years they swelled the numbers of veterans marching. In 1990 a few ageing Gallipoli veterans, accompanied by the Prime Minister, went back to Turkey for the 75th anniversary of the landing. Australians watched emotionally as a handful of representatives of a near vanished army received their salute. Ninety years on, there are no longer any living survivors Get more content on
  • 4. The Anzac Legacy Of The Australian World War Last year, on the 25th of April was the centenary of the Gallipoli landing. Which, according to the Australian Defence force website, was to be for Australians, "one of the most significant commemorations to take place during their lifetime." With the centenary looming in the backs of the minds of the Australian people, it is unsurprising that great pains have been taken to construct a three year long celebration that would "encompass a number of historical milestones on Australia 's involvement in conflicts", such as both World Wars, Korea and Vietnam. Yet, the amount of emphasis that is placed on the Anzac legend could be argued to be incorrectly placed and channelled by certain groups for their own gain. This essay will argue that the Anzac legacy of the Australians being the perfect soldier is highly embellished and are no more remarkable than any other soldier. Furthermore the importance and Australia's involvement in the First World War has been grossly inflated. Additionally, this will analyse claims made by historians and other academics about how the Anzac legend has changed overtime, and Australia's involvement in wars. In order to understand why the Anzac legend became so prominent, an understanding of Australia's reasons for entering the First World War must be understood. Firstly, it was the first major war Australia would participate in as a state in its own right, less than two decades after Australian became a federation in 1901. According to Stanley, Get more content on
  • 5. Characteristics Of The Anzac Legend Australians fought in many wars, but the most successful war was thought to be 'the war to end all wars' (World War One). The Anzacs had experienced many hardships in this horrific war; special qualities were developed throughout the war such as endurance, mateship and courage. On the 25th of April the birth of the Anzac legend had risen. As they charged into enemy territories, in the early morning of the 1900s, they were destined to succeed despite the raining gun fire by the Turkish soldiers. Mateship, courage and endurance gradually strengthened deeper into the war; as a result, no one could take away these three imperishable qualities. Many historical records show many different perspectives about the Anzac legend. As a nation, we look upon three main attributes that the Anzacs had demonstrated courage, mateship and endurance. Therefore, the Anzac legacy continues to prosper in its purpose to motivate the modern Australian society. As the war progressed, Australian troops made trenches; this protected them from gunfire. On the other hand diseases were introduced such as the trench foot. Having a trench foot was painful, swollen conditions caused by feet remaining wet for too long; if gangrene (progress) set in, the feet would have to be amputated (Darlington, 2012). This shows determination, which the Anzac possessed regardless of the dangers that may happen. These hard conditions that the Anzacs had faced are also reflected in an extract from Eric Rapkins's Dairy. Eric Get more content on
  • 6. ANZAC Legend Assignment History Term 4: ANZAC Research Assignment Australia participated in of one of the greatest global wars in history, World War 1, as a part of the Allied Forces. This war was also believed to be, at the time, the war to end all wars. It started on the 28th of July 1914 and was triggered by the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria. On the 25th of April 1915, the British Empire sent the Australian and New Zealand Army Corp to Gallipoli in an invasion where the young soldiers were essentially led on a suicide mission. They were outnumbered. The campaign ended in a gruesome and horrific massacre of the ANZAC troops. The battle between Australia and Turkey on the Gallipoli Campaign during World War 1 is often glorified in the recognition of the ANZAC's excessive qualities such as courage and endurance; which is now known as the ANZAC Legend. However, it is undeniable that the reality of how the ANZAC legend was altered through propaganda, exaggeration and misunderstanding to portray a successful campaign. The fact that the ANZAC Legend was highly exaggerated is not often debated for the purpose of attempting to convince citizens that the deaths of the soldiers who fought in the Gallipoli Campaign were not in vain. "we need to scrape off the barnacles and make sure the commemorations are actually about the soldiers and the tragedy of what they endured" (Payne, 2015). Many of the legendary actions taken by ANZAC soldiers have been overstated so that the Get more content on
  • 7. Anzac Legend Research Paper World War One (WW1) one was one of the greatest wars between many countries. The War started in 1914 after an Assassination was committed on Ark duke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian Nationalist by the name of Gavrilo Princip. The assassination caused many countries to go into war, dividing themselves into 2 sides, the Triple Entente (Brittan, France, Russia and turkey ) and the triple alliance (Germany, Austria–Hungary and Italy). Because of The Wars commencement there was a reason for Australia, a new Country to prove itself. The next few paragraphs will be proving the importance of the Anzac legend as a part of our Australian Identity. To prove this point each paragraph will elaborate on the topic in three different ways: The Anzac's more content... On the 25th of April a day of remembrance occurs for all Australian Citizens to pay their respects to the Veterans who fought 'our' war to make Australia as it is today (Civics and Citizenship Education, 2013) . Even in a modern day society the Anzac legend has made such a big impact that it is still celebrated each year (Skwirk education, 2014). An ex– Prime Minister Julia Gillard made a comment on Anzac day about the importance of Anzac day–"When you can see that kind of enthusiasm, I think we can say as a nation it's an important part of our national identity"– (Beaumont, 2015). It is stated from Civics and citizenship education that there is an increase in the amount of people participation in the ceremonies. The Anzac legend has been implemented into the Australian identity so much that some believe that Anzac is what it means to be Australian, from this we can gather the significance and the positive view on the Anzac legend (Beaumont, 2015). This shows that the modern appreciation of what the Anzac's did During WW1 hasn't depreciated a Get more content on
  • 8. Anzac Legend Analysis The Anzac spirit was born on the twenty–fifth of April 1915, when Australian soldiers landed upon the shores of Gallipoli to serve their country for the first time. Each year Australians celebrate the mateship, courage and heroism the Anzac soldiers showed during the Gallipoli campaign. Although, people tend to depict these soldiers as victims of a catastrophic trauma, yet this passionate sacrifice is what gave Australia its name. Furthermore, word of discussion argues the truth behind the accuracy of the Anzac Legend. Through the analysis of sources, it is demonstrated that the Anzac Legend displays numerous inspirational characteristics. Thus, the Legend of mateship, heroism and courage is an accurate representation of the fighting Australian and New Zealand soldiers in world war one. After the Anzac's landed in Gallipoli, they were in combat for approximately eight and a half months. Throughout this long and tedious period of time the soldiers went through many traumatic experiences. Although, looking into the face of death the soldiers were able to have a spirit of mateship to make conditions bearable. "They gave their lives for a supreme cause in gallant comradeship with the rest of my soldiers who fought and died with them" (Di, 2008). This source explains that the soldiers put their fellow comrades before themselves as mateship prioritised by them. Because of this the word mateship stands out today and inspires many Australians. Therefore, with determination, courage Get more content on
  • 9. The Legend Of The ANZAC Legend Ww1 IS regarded as one of the significant and fundamental event in history. It occurred due to the assassination of the heir to the throne of the Austro–Hungarian Empire on 28 June 1914(Stephen Tonge). The countries were divided to two main powers called 'Central power' where German and Austria were included and 'Allied power where England and Russia and Australia fought for the mother country England .One 25 April 1915, Australia sent troops to Gallipoli to fight against Turkish .But accidently they landed at the amiss place which made them suffer from the under fire, and the ANZAC legend was generated there. Although there was no military victory, the Australians displayed great courage, mateship and endurance. The stories of these qualities are the proof of ANZAC legend's undoubtable accurate portrayal of Australia's fighting men in WW1. Mateship is one of fundamental quality which represents the ANZAC legend. Mateship was showed through the experience of trench, warfare, concentration camps, injury, forced labour, and the bored man and terror of war. The story of the brave solider Simpson was a great example of the mateship through these experiences. The Return & Services League of Australia WA Branch Incorporated which quotes ''The courage of a stretcher bearer named Simpson who, with his donkey, risked bombs and bullets week after week to carry the wounded to safety only to finally lose his own life on the beach of ANZAC Cove, will never be forgotten.'' And, "Win or Get more content on
  • 10. The Anzac legend tells the spirit and qualities of the Anzacs whom fought on the battlefield during the First World War, this legend tells the quality's and acts of bravery, mate ship, and courage that the Anzacs are believed to have shown on the battlefield. The soldiers used these qualities to help Australian and New Zealand earns its reputation in the world as being a strong and courageousness country when in times of danger. During the Gallipoli Campaign there were many heroic and brave acts but there was also many stories of pain and loss as the many of soldiers were lost during this war campaign but these men tried their best to overcome the death and destruction around them through these qualities and acts. These acts tell us that more content... For the first 4 days he was theoretically a deserter until his commanding officer, seeing the value of his work, agreed to turn a blind eye to rules and approved his actions. For almost 24 days Simpson operated through the impossible conditions of Gallipoli and was credited with saving the lives of almost 300 wounded soldiers. The Simpson was killed on the battlefield he was recommend for the Victoria Cross twice (which is the highest military decoration awarded for conspicuous bravery and acts of valor in the Commonwealth armed services) and also the Distinguished Conduct Medal. An example of Simpson's qualities is mentioned by Padre George Green, who led Simpson's burial service "If ever there was a man deserve the Victoria Cross it was Simpson. I often remember now the scene I saw frequently in shrapnel Gully, of that cheerful soul calmly walking down the gully with a Red Cross armlet tied round the donkey's head. That gully was under direct fire from the enemy almost all the time." Many of the soldiers speak of him as cheerful man when faced horrible situations. Simpson is only one of the many who showed the qualities of bravery, valor, selflessness and endurance along with much more on battlefield, this shows the qualities of the Anzac Get more content on
  • 11. The Anzac Legend: The Legend Of Gallipoli Even though the Gallipoli Campaign failed to achieve military victory, the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps became a legend. The events at Gallipoli, not only made them an important part of Australian culture, but helped the newly–federated nation of Australia, establish itself at an international level. The Anzac Legend was born on 25 April 1915, and is a concept which suggests that Australian and New Zealand soldiers possess shared characteristics, specifically the qualities those soldiers supposedly showed on the battlefields of World War Iin Gallipoli. In the eight months of fighting in Gallipoli, the Australians and New Zealanders displayed great courage, endurance, initiative, discipline, and mate ship. The qualities came to be Get more content on
  • 12. The ANZAC Legend Essay The ANZAC Legend ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. The soldiers in those forces quickly became known as ANZACS, and the pride they soon took in that name endures to this day. The ANZAC legend began with the landing at Gallipoli on April 25 1915, signaling the start of the disastrous Dardanelles campaign on the Turk Peninsula. This campaign saw thousands of ANZAC fatalities before its conclusion in January 1916. Significantly, the ANZAC legend is the result of a devastating loss, rather than a great victory. The soldiers are remembered for maintaining courage and determination under hopeless conditions. The ANZAC legend owes much to wartime correspondents who used more content... In wartime propaganda, the ANZAC forces were portrayed as the loyal sons of the British Empire, fighting as much for the 'mother country' as for their own. Beyond the military campaign, the ANZAC soldiers represented the ethos of their rural Australian background. The values of equality, good humor and mateship were transplanted to the situation in Turkey. It is easy to understand why the ANZAC legend became so popular. TheGallipoli campaign was described as the baptism of the newly federated Australia, and a chance for Australian soldiers to prove themselves to the world. They were not ultimately victorious, but the soldiers came to represent the character traits of the new country: fit and healthy, duty bound and courageous, good humored and egalitarian. The ANZAC image allowed Australians to both demonstrate loyalty to Britain, and claim an identity of their own. There is much to challenge the factual accuracy of the ANZAC image. The idea that Australians were loyal Britons was questionable even in 1915. At the time, over 80% of Australians were Australian born, not English. Archbishop Mannix expressed the discrepancies in the ANZAC image in a wartime statement that England 'is not my motherland ... indeed it is my stepsister'. Publications in existence from the nineteenth century, such as 'The Bulletin', rejected Get more content on
  • 13. Explain The Key Features Of The Anzaac Legend History Essay– Key features of the ANZAC legend and explain how and why it was created. The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, later known as ANZAC, has a legend, although many also refer to it as the ANZAC spirit. The ANZAC legend was created on April 25th 1915, but was only really acknowledged after their eight months of fighting in Gallipoli. The legend that the men created is something for our countries to be proud of but it does not refer to their fighting ability, as they actually lost at battle, but instead, it refers to the Australians and New Zealanders great display of mateship, discipline, ambition, endurance and courage during their fighting. The landing at Gallipoli is seen as a story of courage, bravery and the endurance during a time filled with death and despair. The fact that they were under the poor leadership from London, and their unsuccessful strategies, cost most of them their lives. But even under London's poor leadership, they still held strong in their bravery through their hard times, it was acts like these that earned them their legend. But it was this act that earned them the ANZAC legend. Their unwavering bravery through this even earned some praise from war correspondents, such as Charles more content... It is a legend of free and independent spirits whose discipline derived less from military formalities and customs than from the bonds of mateship and the demands of necessity. The ANZACs were different from the rest of the soldiers, these differences can be put into five sections. Some may say that these are their key Get more content on
  • 14. The Importance Of The ANZAC Legend World War One is regarded as a major turning point in history and modern warfare which has impacted Australia monumentally, scarring the nation's history. Australia played a significant role in World War One and the Gallipoli campaign, which is considered the birthplace of the ANZAC legend. These events have immensely shaped Australia as the nation we know of today. World War One began in 1914 from the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and ended in 1918 on November the 11th which is now recognised as a day of mourning and a time given recognition to the lives taken on the battlefield. To a prominent extent, the ANZAC legend is significant to the concept of Australian identity and nationalism through the origins of the ANZAC legend, the key events that have helped form Australia as an independent nation, and in addition to how ANZAC day is commemorated today. Many events have led up to the shaping of the ANZAC legend along with various individuals and groups contributing to how these events took place. The ANZAC legend is also known as the ANZAC myth, referring to the representation of Australians and New Zealanders that fought for their countries (Australian War Memorial, n.d, online). A vast number of significant individuals played a role in leading the ANZAC's to World War One and leaving lasting legacies behind them. One of the men, named Battery Sergeant Major G Ellsworth served as an Australian solider and upheld his duty as a proud ANZAC solider until his Get more content on
  • 15. What is the Anzac Spirit or Legend? Who portrays it? Its characteristics are in no doubt displayed by Australian and New Zealand defence force personnel. Arthur Bourke stated that the Anzac spirit is a sensation that can only be felt in every Australian and New Zealander that nurtures intense patriotism in the innermost soul of everyone. The reasons that I will bring forward that emphasise what the Anzac Spirit includes the sacrifices made by men and women, Anzac Day traditions, Australia's identity and the qualities of the Anzac Spirit. First and foremost, the Anzac Spirit is about the remembrance of the sacrifices made by men and women who have and are still serving in the military. With respect to sacrifice, there are multiple more content... Some of these qualities include mateship, honour, courage, integrity, determination to win, discipline, initiative, loyalty and patriotism. Charles Bean's book, Anzac to Amiens, wrote that the Anzac stood, and still stands for reckless valour in good cause for enterprise, resourcefulness, fidelity, comradeship, and endurance that will never own defeat. The two most important qualities are mateship and courage. Mateship and teamwork are about working together and looking after one another during the fight. When you talk with men like yourselves or anyone who has served, they say mateship is about the men and women who stand by you in the good times and when you are in a difficult situation. This quality also forms Australia's Identity. Can you imagine that you are in a boat with 30 other souls, hearing the machine gun fire raining down on you as you exit the boat. Fellow mates and other Anzac are falling to the ground, out of the first 200 men who landed at Gallipoli only, 21 of them survived. These numbers just show how much courage and bravery those men had for running across the beaches of Gallipoli. They love their country, family and Get more content on
  • 16. Anzac Legend Research Paper Anzac Legend in Australian culture The Anzac legend began during the Gallipoli campaign where thousands of Australian and New Zealand soldiers died fighting the Turkish. On the 25th April in the year 1915 Australia and New Zealand troops landed on Gallipoli. Before WW1 Australia had struggled to find a unique identity which would separate it from its English roots. Having recently separated from England and becoming an independent nation Australia and its peoples were still searching for a national identity when WW1 began. WW1 was the first instance were Australia fielded its own national army after separating from England. This allowed Australian values, beliefs, and popular culture to truly start to grow. The Qualities which the more content... The values that the Anzac legend portraits still has a place in modern society and should be encouraged. The most important characteristic of the Anzac that can be passed on to future generations is Mate ship. The idea that you should always help out your friends and never let them down is one of the defining characteristics of Australian culture. Many believe this is a value that is lacking in modern Australian society. This ideal is presented through all types of Australian Popular culture. Sport is where this ideal is represented the most in modern Australia. The ideal that Teammates should always help each other out and have each other's back is empathized in most popular Australian sports such as Cricket, AFL, and Rugby union and rugby league. The never die, or never give u attitude is another characteristic that Australians pride themselves on and should be passed on to future generations. Being a small nation Australians love to view themselves as underdogs and pride themselves on always trying even when the odds are stacked against them. The Anzac legend's place in Australian culture may be controversial but it also give a nation its own identity and endorses patriotism. Without the Anzac legend Australia would struggle to find a national identity and not Get more content on
  • 17. ANZAC Legend Essay "The ANZAC legend does not have to mean that any individual could be an ANZAC, but that the ANZACs represented the values and behaviour and qualities of the whole society." (Robert Lewis' account on ANZAC Day Society website, 2004). World War One, the first global conflict, resulted in the death of over 27 million humans from over 32 countries. For Australia, a nation just fourteen years young, a spirit was ignited from those who enlisted. They were known as the ANZACs (Australia and New Zealand Army Corporation). For eight months they fought at the shores of Gallipoli where their bravery, persistence, mateship and determination revealed to the world an identity that will never be forgotten. At this moment in history, imperialism was crucial to all nations, trying to prove more content... When analyzing the First World War, we tend to focus immensely on Gallipoli. However, the number of ANZAC deaths at Gallipoli compared to the Western Front is only a fraction. Australia's fatality rate for World War One was 64.8%, the highest of all nations. The notable war record's site, Australian War Memorial, states 416,809 men died at Gallipoli and 27 million fatalities over the course of the war. Of these men at Gallipoli, only 8,709 were ANZACs. (Australian War Memorial, 2015) The notable mini–series, Gallipoli: The Story of Us, recognises the expanse of the death toll. On the second episode one soldier at Monash Valley states, "before the assault the trenches were connected by dirt, scrub and wildflowers. Now they were connected by corpses, flies and the fowl stench of death." (Gallipoli: My Friend the Enemy, 2014) The Gallipoli campaign was fractional in contribution to the fatalities, however was the central to the creation of the ANZAC Get more content on
  • 18. The Anzac Legend : Anzacs, Courage, And Courage On the 25th of April 1915, Australia took its first major step as a nation by sending soldiers off to fight in Gallipoli; these soldiers charged and fought their way through countless challenges, forging themselves a legend, but more importantly – forging Australia an identity. As time sparks controversy and scepticism, many begin to doubt the validity of the ANZAC legend. This opinion however, is unmistakably inaccurate as many diverse and credible sources document the ANZACS battle against their trials and tribulations as being heroic. The ANZACs endurance, mateship and courage are undoubtedly an accurate depiction of the ANZAC legend. The ANZACS displayed admirable feats of bravery during WW1 before, during and after their charge on Gallipoli. ANZACs stood tall and unwavering in the face of adversity, facing gun fire, shelling and hunger in a land far from home with nothing but a sardonic smile and a pack of supplies on their backs. The fact that their struggles amounted to no military victory shows that even though they couldn't see any progress during their struggles, they were motivated and brave enough to keep fighting for what they believed was right. Couple this with the words from The Australian War Memorial stating "The ANZAC's rejected any unnecessary restrictions, possessed a sardonic sense of humour...contentious of danger and proved himself equal to anyone on the battlefield" (2017) and it is obvious how truly courageous the ANZAC soldiers were. Many soldiers Get more content on
  • 19. Anzac Legend History The Australian New Zealand Army Corps displayed great courage and leadership during World War One, but what exactly made their so called 'ANZAC legend'? This piece of information and research opens with what started the ANZAC's, going towards their involvement in the 'Great War' and finally to what the ANZAC's truly experienced in the war. The ANZAC's were created as a part of an operation under British rule and the British Empire during the First World War; however the ANZAC legend was formed because of the soldiers themselves. The soldiers displayed courage and initiative during the numerous battles they fought, showing that the legend was forged by the soldiers who displayed those several characteristics. The following information from 'Dawn of the legend' (2014) states that, "Although there was no victory, they displayed endurance & mateship during the battle of Gallipoli". This demonstrates that even without reward, soldiers still display their best selves at the worst times. An extract from the primary source 'Forging the ANZAC tradition' Young, A. (1915) states that, "If Gallipoli is the birthplace of more content... The ANZAC's contributed to the Great War by their courage and their several victories during the war. As described in 'Australia's contribution to World War One' Vic. Government (2014) it says "...the ANZAC's best assistances go towards the Gallipoli mission and helping on Western Front..." This expresses that the ANZAC's backed the various missions on the Western Front and withheld the tragedy yet example of the Gallipoli operations. From the same source... "420,000 Australians served in the war, as many as 60,000 Australian's died trying to..." Australian's great sacrifice during World War 1 was extraordinary since the country wasn't even federated for over 20 years before the war Get more content on
  • 20. Anzac Legend Essay The Anzac legend is still relevant in today's society as it reminds Australians and New Zealands of the sacrifice they made to protect our country and let us live in freedom. The legend defines our national identity and helps shape our national reputation so that other countries can look at us as and think of us as a country who are determined, brave, resilient and helps our mates when they are in trouble. Almost a whole generation of young men was lost and they deserved to be remembered. The soldiers continued to fight during challenging times and when they felt as though it was too hard and should give up. They slept in wet and dirty clothes and barely had enough food to survive. Australia wouldn't be Australia without the legend of the soldiers who sacrificed themselves for us. Australian had only just become a federated country when war broke out and the British command had asked for the Australian and New Zealanders to join them their military, this was Australia's first war as an independant country. At the time Australia's government saw this as a chance to show the world that they weren't just a nation descended from convicts and deserved a place in Britain's great military tradition (Darlington, 2012; wiliam, 2017). The Anzacs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) were then established, with approximately 500 000 Australian men enlisted thinking they would be home by Christmas, 40% of these men were aged between 18 and 45 (Macmillan, 2012), more than 60,000 of Get more content on