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a moment
of grace
Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati
2013 Annual Report
“Grace is love that
cares and stoops
and rescues.”
John Stott
2013 Annual Report • Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati
dear friends,
As our volunteers visited homes across Cincinnati this year, they
found many families who were struggling — single mothers with
empty refrigerators, families sleeping on the floor, children without
coats in winter, and people on the verge of homelessness.
In the midst of the suffering and chaos, we brought help with
rent, utilities, food, clothing, medicine, furniture and more. In tiny
apartments and empty homes, as one hand reached for another,
our Vincentians provided a break from the stress, a pause from the
uncertainty…a moment of grace for those in need.
That moment, that pause in life when you feel that good really is
possible, doesn’t come often enough for the less fortunate in our com-
munity. But when it does, it is a gift for those giving help as well as
those receiving it.
A grandmother visited our West End Outreach Center one day,
overwhelmed at the responsibility that had suddenly been placed on
her. Her grandchildren had shown up on her doorstep with only the
clothes on their backs, covered in lice and bed bugs. Unknown to the
grandmother, the children had been living out of a car, never receiv-
ing proper healthcare, education or socialization. The boy was five
years old and struggled to even speak.
As our volunteer carried sheets and pillows to her car for the bed
we were going to provide, the grandmother asked the young boy to
step out of the car and say hello. The boy looked down at the ground,
struggling to mutter a hello. Then the grandmother told the boy, “This
nice person is going to give you a bed.” The boy looked up at the vol-
unteer with tears in his eyes and softly mumbled, “You give me bed?”
For the boy, the sentence was a major accomplishment — a sign
of how important this moment was to him. For the volunteer, it was
a sign to pause and reflect on the impact that she was having in
this child’s life. And for the grandmother, it meant one less thing to
worry about — her grandchildren would have a place to sleep. Just a
few seconds in a tumultuous day, but those seconds can be the most
meaningful…those moments of grace that you make possible.
In this annual report, you will read about more of the grace-filled
moments you created for struggling families through your love and
generosity. Those moments turned lives around. Those moments cre-
ated hope in times of darkness. Those moments made all the differ-
ence to someone in need and to all of us privileged to help them.
Thank you.
Liz Carter Andrew Curran
Executive Director President
AAA SSttt.. VVViinnccceeeennnntttt ddddeeee
PPPPaaaauuuullll vvvvoooolllluuuunnnntttteeeeeeeerrrr
a moment of grace • food & nutrition
After Emilie’s husband passed away, she felt lost.
“He dealt with all of our finances, business, every-
thing,” sighed Emilie. “I really miss that old turkey.”
While grieving, Emilie had to deal with the
added stress of piecing together their finances. She
thought the car was paid off and unknowingly fell
behind on payments. Then, unbeknownst to Emilie,
Social Security overpaid her. Once they realized
their mistake, they halted her payments for several
months, leaving her with no income, unable to buy
food or pay her bills.
Emilie’s granddaughter had moved in with her
to finish high school. She is graduating with honors
and Emilie beams when she talks about her. “She is
so good to me,” smiles Emilie. “Sometimes I call her
my babysitter because she’s always worrying about
me and checking in on me. She’s such a good girl; I
am so proud of her.”
Imagine Emilie’s depression when she didn’t
know how she was going to feed her granddaughter.
Then, she got a disconnect notice from Duke.
Emilie almost lost hope, until a neighbor told her
about St. Vincent de Paul. “God works in mysteri-
ous ways,” said Emilie. “I rarely spoke to that neigh-
bor, but she could tell I was struggling and helped
me find St. Vincent de Paul.”
St. Vincent de Paul volunteers visited Emilie’s
home to give emotional support and assistance
with food and bills until she got back on her feet.
“I thank God for the volunteers of St. Vincent de
Paul,” she said.
Growing up in food-
insecure families makes
children vulnerable to
poor health and stunted
development from
the earliest stages of
life (Source: Feeding
In 2013, you provided
groceries to struggling
families more than
100,000 times through
St. Vincent de Paul’s
many food services,
including our 9
pantries, numerous
food closets and
individual home visits.
In the midst of life’s many worries, you
can create a moment of grace for a family
in need. Your gift of $60 will feed three
families for one week.
a moment of grace • charitable pharmacy
Eddie graduated from the University of
Cincinnati with a business degree. He spent
most of his career at the Ohio Department of
Developmental Disabilities, helping people
with disabilities learn life skills. He never
dreamed he would one day be reaching out
for help himself.
When Eddie’s Medicare Part D prescrip-
tion insurance was cut, his prescription
costs skyrocketed to more than $2,000 a
month. Eddie lives on a fixed retirement
income and was already struggling to make
ends meet. Without his prescription insur-
ance to cover the cost of his diabetes-related
medication, Eddie didn’t know how he was
going to survive.
“I literally started wondering what I was
going to have to sell to live,” said Eddie. “My
family wanted to help me, but they didn’t
have that kind of money either.”
A friend saved Eddie’s life by telling him
about the St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy, the
only charitable pharmacy in Southwest
Ohio. Eddie knew it was his last hope. “There
are no other resources. I don’t know what I
would have done without St. Vincent de Paul,”
said Eddie. “The value of the Charitable Phar-
macy is immeasurable.”
Now, Eddie advocates for the pharmacy
whenever possible.
“I tell anyone I can about the Charitable
Pharmacy — friends, family, people at the bus
stop,” said Eddie. “It just might save their life,
like it saved mine.”
The St. Vincent de Paul Charitable
Pharmacy provides free medication
to people in need. Our patients
include the uninsured, people with
low income who have Affordable
Care Act plans with little or no pre-
scription insurance, elderly people
who face insurmountable gaps
in their Medicare coverage, the
chronically ill and the working poor.
This year, we are also focusing
on Medication Therapy Manage-
ment (MTM), a program to help
patients manage their medications
and improve their health while
reducing their doctor visits, emer-
gency room trips and other health-
care costs. Through the first half of
2014, the MTM program saved our
patients an estimated $181,000 in
additional healthcare costs!
Thanks to you, the Charitable
Pharmacy filled 47,043 prescrip-
tions valued at more than $5.8
million in 2013.
For every $1 invested in the Charitable
Pharmacy, we are able to provide $8 of
medication. You can help a sick neighbor
in their time of need. Your gift of $5,000
will fill 500 prescriptions.
“I tell anyone I can
about the Charitable
Pharmacy — friends,
family, people at
the bus stop. It
just might save
their life, like it
saved mine.”
“It’s a constant struggle
and I feel stuck. I have
a high school diploma
and took some
college courses,
but decent
paying jobs
require a
a moment of grace • homelessness prevention
Derik is a veteran who served our country dur-
ing the Gulf War. Haunted by the tragedies he
witnessed, he suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD).
Despite his disorder, Derik was determined
to succeed in the civilian world after his service
ended. He started his own car detailing company,
but lost everything during the recession. Soon after,
he gained full custody of his beautiful daughters,
Brittany, Simona, Natalie and Joelle.
A single father of four teenage girls, Derik tries
to provide for his daughters while keeping up with
their sports schedules, homework and dreams of
becoming actresses.
“It’s a constant struggle and I feel stuck,” said
Derik, who joined the military instead of finish-
ing college. “I have a high school diploma and
took some college courses, but decent paying jobs
require a degree.”
Derik keeps a tight budget, but any unexpected
expense can send the
family’s finances spiral-
ing. When a high utility
bill resulted in a discon-
nect notice, Derik didn’t
know how he would pay
his rent, feed his girls and keep the lights on.
“If it was just me on my own, I could go crash
on a friend’s couch, but it’s different with my girls,”
said Derik. “I can’t uproot their lives and no one has
the room to take in all five of us.”
St. Vincent de Paul volunteers visited Derik
and his girls at home. The importance of this call
for help was not lost on them — the slide toward
homelessness often begins with a high utility bill
that a family is unable to pay. They listened to
Derik’s struggles, went over a budget, and gave
him help with his bills. “I don’t know what we
would have done without their help,” said Derik.
“We are very grateful.”
Homelessness takes a
terrible toll on a family. In
Hamilton County, 50% of
homeless children show
developmental and
behavioral prob-
lems, compared to
16% for the general
population. A small
investment to keep
a family stable in
their home also
saves approximately
$4,565 in costs
to shelter and
re-house a family.
St. Vincent de
Paul is the oldest and
largest private provider
of Homlessness Pre-
vention services in
Cincinnati. In 2013,
our volunteers visited
the homes of neigh-
bors in need 7,876
times. Thanks to you,
5,344 families received
one-time emergency
rental or utility assis-
tance to keep them in
their homes.
The Homelessness Prevention Program keeps
families in their homes. More than 89% of those
helped are able to avoid eviction for at least six
months. Your gift of $500 can save a
family from homelessness.
“It was really, really
hard at first. I just
kept thinking
to myself, ‘You
have no idea
what you’re
a moment of grace • thrift store & donation centers
When 21-year-old Nina learned that her sister and
three brothers had been abandoned, she didn’t hesi-
tate to take them in.
“I heard that they were living with a neighbor in
a four bedroom apartment with eight other chil-
dren,” said Nina. “I just asked myself, ‘What is the
best thing you can do to help them?’”
Nina was already busy trying to earn her
nursing degree while working two jobs. But with-
out a second thought, she filed for an emergency
custody hearing.
“It was really, really hard at first,” Nina said.
“I was broke because I didn’t have any help. I just
kept thinking to myself, ‘What are you doing? You
have no idea what you’re doing!’”
Nina had nothing for the children. “All five of us
were sleeping in my bed,” said Nina. “I was getting
kicked in the face and pushed off every night.”
Nina turned to St. Vincent de
Paul for help. Volunteers visited
Nina and gave her beds and
clothing for the children. They
offered encouragement, budget-
ing advice, and connections to additional resources.
Nina applied for help with food and medical ex-
penses and learned how to manage her budget.
“Now I buy what the kids need first and then take
them out for something special if we can afford it
at the end of the month,” she explained.
“They’re such good kids,” said Nina. “I don’t
understand how someone could leave them.”
This fledgling family will receive one more
surprise. This year, Nina and her four siblings will
get all the help they need to have a magical Christ-
mas, complete with holiday meals and toys for
all the children.
Thanks to you, St. Vin-
cent de Paul Store and
Donations Centers
provided more than
$600,000 in
free cloth-
ing, furniture
and house-
hold items to
neighbors in
need in 2013
— items that
make a house
a home and
help children
feel secure. More than
988 beds were given
to struggling families
who were personally
visited by our volun-
teers. Donations can
be dropped-off at any
convenient Thrift Store
and Donation Center
location, or call 513-
421-CARE (4673) to
schedule a free pick-
up of large donations
and vehicles.
You can give hope to families in need by donating used
clothing, furniture, household items, and even unwanted
vehicles to St. Vincent de Paul. Or, a gift of $100 can
provide a new bed to a neighbor in need.
Inside a tiny Colerain apartment, an
elderly lady with COPD pulls her chair
closer to the window air conditioner
given to her by one of St. Vincent de
Paul’s volunteers, thanks to you…
A child’s face lights up with wonder
at the gifts under the tree on Christmas
morning, while her mother says a quiet
prayer of thanks, wishing she could
freeze this moment of grace, thanks
to you…
Two young brothers who went to
bed with hunger pains last night, come
home from a long day at school to find
dinner on the table… thanks to you.
At the Society of St. Vincent de Paul,
we are blessed to witness moments of
grace every day. Moments that touch
our hearts and remind us that Christ is
present in all we do. Moments made
possible by your support for our drives,
programs and events.
Bob and Sylvia Rahe
Mattress Fund
The Bob and Sylvia Rahe Mattress Fund pro-
vides a mattress, box spring and bed rail set
to neighbors in need
who are personally
visited by our vol-
unteers. In 2013, 988
local adults and chil-
dren were lifted from
the cold floor into a
warm bed because of
your generosity.
A special thank
you to our Kids
Dream Too! program
partners: Morris Home Furnishings, Ashley
Furniture Homestore, Olympic gold medalist
Mary Wineberg, WLWT and The Cincinnati
Enquirer. The Kids Dream Too! program gives
beds to local children in need.
a moment of grace • programs and drives
Fan and Air
Conditioner Drive
Many older apartments in Cincinnati have
poor ventilation and no cooling system,
making them dangerous in the hot summer
for those who are frail, sick, elderly or very
young. In 2013, 700 fans and 320 air con-
ditioners were given to neighbors in need,
thanks to you.
Thank you to our 2013 partners: WCPO,
Huntington National Bank, Braun Heating
and Air Conditioning, Coney Island, Tedia
Company, Inc. and Stor-All Self Storage.
Five Cares Coat Drive
When budgets are stretched to the breaking
point, getting a winter coat can be an impos-
sible expense. In 2013, 6,600 coats were col-
lected for local adults and children who had
no other protection against the harsh weather.
Thank you to our 2013 partners: WLWT
News 5, Gold Star Chili, Kemba Credit Union,
City Dash, Youthland Academy, participating
fire departments, Starr Printing, and many
other groups who collected coats.
Kroger and Fox 19
Food From the Heart
From Delhi to Anderson Township and
Bridgetown to Finneytown, our volunteers
visit families who live with the constant
worry about where their next meal will come
from. The Food From the Heart food drive, a
cherished Cincinnati tradition, places food
collection barrels and coin-boxes at Kroger
store locations to accept donations during
the holiday season. Kroger shoppers donated
more than 100,000 meals in 2013.
Thank you to our 2013 partners: Kroger
and Fox 19.
Cincinnati Reds Strike
Out Hunger Food Drive
St. Vincent de Paul pantries struggle
to keep their shelves stocked due to an
increased need for food when children are
on summer break. Your donations to the
Strike Out Hunger Food Drive provided
help to struggling neighbors when they
needed it most. In 2013, Reds fans donated
15,000 pounds of food,or 10,000 meals,
providing nourishment and hope for families
throughout Cincinnati.
Thank you to our 2013 partners: Cincinnati
Reds and WLWT News 5.
and Christmas
The holiday season is a time of joy, but for
families struggling to make ends meet, it
can be overwhelming and lonely. Through
Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets,
Adopt-A-Family, the Angel Toy Program,
Holiday Hearts Luncheon and Shop with
a Bengal, you embodied Christ’s love and
created grace-filled memories for neighbors
in need. You helped 6,634 people during the
2013 holiday season.
In 2013, 6,600 coats were
collected for local adults
and children in need.
All Saints
Bellarmine Chapel
at Xavier University
Cathedral of St. Peter
in Chains / St. Xavier
Christ the King
Church of
the Resurrection
Corpus Christi /
St. John Neumann
Good Shepherd
Guardian Angels
Holy Family
Holy Trinity
Immaculate Heart
of Mary
Little Flower
Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of the
Rosary / St. Matthias
Our Lady of Victory
Our Lady of Visitation
San Carlos /
St. Charles
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
St. Ann
St. Antoninus
St. Bartholomew
St. Bernard –
Spring Grove Village
St. Bernard –
Taylor Creek
St. Boniface
St. Catherine
St. Cecilia
St. Clare
St. Clement
St. Dominic
St. Gabriel
St. Gertrude
St. Ignatius
St. James the Greater
St. James
of the Valley
St. John
the Evangelist
St. John the Baptist –
St. John the Baptist –
St. Joseph –
West End
St. Joseph –
North Bend
St. Jude
St. Lawrence
St. Margaret
of Cortona
St. Margaret Mary
St. Martin of Tours
St. Mary – Hyde Park
St. Mary – Aurora
St. Michael
the Archangel
St. Pius Pantry
St. Saviour
St. Teresa of Avila
St. Vivian
St. William
Sts. Peter & Paul
Roger Bacon
High School
Mount Notre Dame
High School
cincinnati district
council conferences
St. Vincent de Paul partners with the Univer-
sity of Cincinnati College of Design, Archi-
tecture, Art and Planning (DAAP) to inspire
the spirit of giving through fashion. Students
design ensembles using just $10 worth of
goods selected from a St. Vincent de Paul
Thrift Store and Donation Center. The lively,
one-of-a-kind fashion show is the highlight of
the evening with all proceeds supporting St.
Vincent de Paul’s programs.
Prescription Fore Fun
Charity Golf Outing
Thanks to the 8th Annual Prescription Fore
Fun Charity Golf Outing, the Charitable
Pharmacy is able to fill crucial prescription
medications for our neighbors in need. In
2013, proceeds from the annual golf outing
provided $200,000 worth of prescriptions to
people in need.
Suburban poverty in Cincinnati has increased
by 83% since 2000, with many at-risk families
now isolated in suburban communities where few
services are available. St. Vincent de Paul’s network
of 910 parish-based volunteers serving more than 71
Cincinnati neighborhoods places us at the front lines
of suburban poverty, uniquely positioned to reach and
assist these families, regardless of race or religion.
During home visits, we personally witness the hardship
a family faces when the breadwinner loses their job or
has their hours cut, someone falls ill, or a car breaks
down. In spite of news stories about the recovering
economy, the families we serve are in crisis.
a moment of grace • giving
give a moment of grace
Give your time You can
share a moment of grace by either meeting
directly with those in need or working behind
the scenes. Whatever your age, interests, or
background, there is a place for you at St.
Vincent de Paul.
Participate in Service Learning
The Ozanam Center for Service Learning
offers immersion experiences for adults and
students that connect people from diverse
backgrounds, engage participants in poverty
and justice issues in Cincinnati, and cultivate
a commitment to long-term service and com-
munity engagement.
Give Financial Support You can help
a struggling neighbor through a difficult
time. Your gift will provide spiritual, emo-
tional and material assistance during a fam-
ily’s hour of greatest need. Nearly all of our
funding is from individual people and private
foundations who want to help people in need.
Make a Planned Gift You can leave a
legacy of hope through tax-favored and finan-
cial estate planning.
Give goods or your used vehicle
You can donate clothing, furniture, household
items and even a vehicle to help neighbors
in need.
Host a Drive Hosting a drive for food,
personal care items, clothing and other basic
necessities is a fun, easy way to work with
your friends, family or co-workers to help
local people in need.
• To volunteer, call (513) 562-8841 x 211.
• To participate in service learning,
call (513) 562-8841 x 231.
• To make a financial or planned
gift, or to host a drive, call
(513) 421-HOPE (4673).
• To donate goods or a vehicle, call
(513) 421-CARE (2273).
Thrift Store and Donation Center Locations
Colerain • 6900 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45239.............................(513) 741-1641
Este Superstore • 4530 Este Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45232......................(513) 681-9838
Evendale • 9864 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45241................................(513) 563-2949
Mason • 1065 Reading Rd., Mason, OH 45040 ..........................................(513) 492-7940
Milford • 813 Main St., Milford, OH 45150 .....................................................(513) 248-2664
Mt. Washington • 2300 Beechmont Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45230 ......(513) 231-1239
Western Hills • 5555 Glenway Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45238 ..................(513) 347-0342
Outreach Center Locations
West End • 1125 Bank St., Cincinnati, OH 45214.........................................(513) 562-8841
Winton Hills • 4848 Winneste Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45232....................(513) 641-0382
Assistance Provided
In 2013, volunteers contributed 106,832
hours of service:
Conference members (Parish-based volunteers):
910 members gave 62,563 hours
Edyth and Carl Lindner Choice Food Pantry,
Charitable Pharmacy, other services: 1,623 volunteers
gave 23,430 hours
Store and Donation Centers: 20,839 volunteer hours
In 2013, St. Vincent de Paul helped more
than 120,200 people:
Conferences (Parish-based volunteer groups) helped
50,667 people and made 7,498 home visits
Outreach Center Social Services helped 35,258 people
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantries helped people with
food more than 100,000 times
The Charitable Pharmacy filled 47,043 prescriptions
valued at $5.8 million
Other programs and events resulted in an additional
3,979 people helped
Sources of Support
Uses of Support
Assistance to needy
Food pantries
Furniture, clothing,
& other goods
Car donation program
Management & general3%
Contributions &
legal bequests
Donated food
& other goods
Auto & other 3%
Investment gain
a moment of grace • financials
Revenues, Gains, and Other Support
Contributions & legal bequests.................................................$4,184,916
Donated food & other goods.........................................................9,244,359
Investment gain..................................................................................... 578,341
Auto & other............................................................................................730,719
Total revenue, gains & other support.........................................$23,017,369
Program services
Food pantries....................................................................................$1,805,938
Furniture, clothing, & other goods........................................... 13,380,501
Other assistance to needy.............................................................3,641,693
Total program services............................................................... $18,828,132
Car donation program...........................................................................$552,160
Supporting services
Management & general ...................................................................$659,629
Total supporting services............................................................ $1,272,464
Total expenses......................................................................................$20,652,756
Change in net assets..........................................................................$2,364,613
Net assets, beginning of year ......................................................... $16,301,088
Net assets at end of year....................................................................$18,665,701
2013 Statement of Activities
St. Vincent de Paul relies almost ex-
clusively on the generosity of private
individuals, businesses, foundations
and organizations for support. Our
deepest gratitude goes to all our sup-
porters, both those who made gifts to
the Cincinnati District Council in 2013,
as well as those who donate to the
St. Vincent de Paul collection through
their parishes. Your gift created
moments of grace for strug-
gling families throughout
our community.
a moment of grace • donors
Society of Service ($100,000 and up)
The Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile Jr./U.S. Bank Foundation
Elaine and Henry Fischer
The Hamilton County Health and Hospitalization Levy
The Robert T. Keeler Foundation
Society of Humility ($50,000–$99,000)
The Ed and Joann Hubert Family Foundation, Inc. *
Jacob G. Schmidlapp Trusts, Fifth Third Bank, Trustee
The Kroger Company Foundation *
Mrs. Ellen M. Miller *
The Robert H. Reakirt Foundation
Society of Simplicity ($25,000–$49,999)
William and Anne Burleigh *
The Catino Family Foundation
CVS Health
The Estate of Laverne L. Kramer
The Estate of Richard Davis
The Estate of Wayne E. Williams
Protective Life Corporation
Society of Charity ($10,000–$24,999)
American Financial Group, Inc.
Sheldon and Norma Braun *
Catholics United for the Poor *
City Of Cincinnati
Marylyn and Ray Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Connelly
Theodore and Mary Lou Elchynski
The Farmer Family Foundation
The Hatton Foundation
The James J. and Joan A. Gardner
Family Foundation *
Michael and Kathleen
Jennings, M.D. *
William and Suzanne Joiner
C. Bart and Linda Kohler *
Ms. Mildred W. Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McNerney
Nehemiah Manufacturing
Company, LLC *
Niehaus Financial Services, LLC *
Order of Malta – Cincinnati
Paula M. Steiner Family
Foundation, Inc. *
Joseph A. and Susan E. Pichler
The Robert and Jeanne Diesel
John and Sherry Sawyer
SC Ministry Foundation *
Scripps Howard Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sedler *
Michael and Janet Sepela *
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati
Paul and Meg Tarvin
Tedia Company, Inc.
Western & Southern Financial Group
* These donors have financially contributed to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati District Council for five or more consecutive years.
Society of Justice ($5,000–$9,999)
American Fan Co.
Donna Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burns
Prentice and Liz Carter *
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Castellini *
Ron and Vicki Christian *
Carl and Linda DeBlasio *
Joseph and Michele Evelo *
GBBN Architects
Mr. James Gielty *
Bob and Sharon Hoverson
Krombholz Jewelers
The LeBlond Foundation of Makino
The Leser Family Fund *
Macy’s and a Friend of RetroFittings
Charles and Ann McCarthy *
Morris Furniture Co., Inc.
Thomas J. and Linda G. Mueller *
Mueller Roofing Distributors, Inc.
John and Mary Ann Mushaben
Urban and Barbara Neville *
Mr. and Mrs. Tom O’Brien
Jim and Dennie Patton *
Michael and E. Diane Rohs
William and Amy Schult *
St. Xavier High School *
Joseph and Barbara Trauth
Dorothy C. Wallace Trust
West Side Capital, LLC
Wildermuth Family Foundation
William H. Albers Foundation, Inc.
David and Barbara Witte
The Wohlgemuth Herschede
Foundation *
“Everybody can be great…because
anybody can serve. You don’t have to
have a college degree to serve. You
only need a heart full of grace. A soul
generated by love.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
Society of Spirit ($1,000–$2,499)
Tim and Bonnie Albers
Archdiocese of Cincinnati *
Paul and Gwen Arling
Rev. Thomas R. Axe
Bartlett & Co.
Gregory and Julie Bauke *
Myles and Elizabeth Berling *
John and Joyce Berning *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Besse
Blue Ash Protective
Association, Inc.
Stanley M. Boric *
Charles and Joan Brady
Kimberly Brannon
Nancy Bride
Sandy and Bruce Brielmaier *
The Helen and James G. Broe
(LGW) Fund
J. Robert and Dianne Brown *
Michael and Patricia Brunst
Jane Buehler
Robert A. and Kara Bult
Troy and Jennifer Burt
Steve Calme
Gus Camacko
Pat Cassedy
Steve Chapman
Joan and Richard Chouteau
The Christ Hospital
Medical Associates
City Dash, Inc.
David and Mary Kay Clark
Norma L. Clark *
Maryann Cleary *
Robert and Patricia Coffaro
Jackie Combs
Andrew and Liz Curran *
Mrs. Beverly Davis
Lucy Davis
Ms. Mary G. Davis
Gerard and Lisa Deehan
Scott and Mitzy DeNoma
The DeWine Family Foundation
Carmine and Michele DiLonardo
Rick Dodd
James and Janet Donnellon
Mr. Brad Dreier *
Robert J. and Nancy Dudero
Duke Energy Foundation –
Matching Gift Program
Louis and Diane Eichhold
The Elder Schwarzer Family Fund
Tripp and Margaret Eldredge
Electrodyne, Inc.
David and Mary Ann Ellerbrock *
Rev. David J. Endres
Jerome D. Fagel, Jr.
Patrick and Mary Fages
Bob and Paula Farrell
Nora Fink
Daniel T. and Susan Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fogarty
Mark Frey
Dr. and Mrs. Harry F. Fry
Dorothy J. Garland, Trust
Society of Truth ($2,500–$4,999)
Barbara Apking *
The Bank of Kentucky,
Crestview Hills
Mr. and Mrs. James Berg
Dr. and Mrs. Amar Bhati
Veronica Disimile
Jim and Elizabeth Dodd *
Mr. Frank Dowd *
Duke Energy
Esther Price Candies Corp.
George Hubert Family, LLC
Steven and Linda Giessler *
Robert and Carol Gramann *
Mary Dean Grote *
Haglage Construction, Inc. *
Huntington National Bank
Adam Jones
JTM Meats
Lisa and Steven Knutson
John and Mary Larson
Paul and Maureen Lechleiter
Vickie Magliano
Reynold Tala Maualuga
Mr. and Mrs. William McCloy
Dennis Nead *
Terence Newman
O.K.I. Auction, LLC
Ohio Valley Electrical Services, LLC
Domata U. and Anna M. Peko *
Mrs. Dorothy G. Roth *
RPP Containers
Thomas Schuster
Peter and Krista Settle
William and Jeanne Shoemaker
Andre Smith, Jr.
Mary Kotte Smyth
St. Rose Church
St. Susanna Parish
Katherine and Tim Stautberg *
James and Linda Steffen *
Taft, Stettinius & Hollister, LLP
Ms. Gail J. Taylor *
Truist – Matching Gift Program
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Andrew and Melissa Whitworth *
The Williams Family Fund
James Winter
“We are all sinners.
But God heals us
with an abundance
of grace, mercy and
tenderness.” Pope Francis
a moment of grace • donors
* These donors have financially contributed to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati District Council for five or more consecutive years.
Brian and Anne Marie Gibler
Give With Liberty –
Matching Gift Program
Jeanne Glassmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gorman *
Graydon, Head & Ritchey, LLP *
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Fred and Nancy Habegger
William and Lana Haller *
Clark and Joanne Handy
Mr. Richard H. Haneberg *
Michael F. and Mary J. Haverkamp
Jeffrey Herbert *
Brian and Allison Herriott
Janet Hickman
Phil and Gloria Hock *
Jack and Jacqueline Hoeting *
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Hoeting *
James Howe
Arthur and Rita Hudepohl *
Lawrence and Marlene Humbert *
Tricia and Eric Johnson *
Johnson Investment Counsel, Inc.
Johnson Investment Counsel, Inc. –
Charitable Gift Fund
Gregory and Jeannette Jones
Marcia Joseph
Ronald G. and Caroline Joseph, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jung
Arleene Keller
David A. and Sharon M. Kitzmiller
Tom and Stacey Koenigsfeld
Richard and Eva Komoroski
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Koopman
Chris and Victoria Kotsovos
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kramer
Mr. James H. Krueger
S. George and Joann Kurz *
La Salle High School
Al and Mary Lahti White *
Frank and Teresa Lamantia
Jean M. Lambert *
Mr. John Larkin
Mary Letty Lavely
Martin and Helen Lawson
Michael and Molly Lippert
Mr. Donald G. Lipps
Dave and Judy Lococo *
Virginia Stix Lurie Fund
John and Deborah Majoras
Michael Martin *
Steve and Mary Martin
Matlock Electric Company Inc.
The Manuel D. and
Rhoda Mayerson Foundation
Timothy and Jennifer McConnell *
Mary Sue McDuffie
Malcolm McElroy
Mr. Thomas G. McKenney *
Virginia and Denny Meador *
Daniel F. and Debi Meyer
Jeffrey and Peggy Mossbarger
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Motl
Chole Garibay and Timothy Mullen
Kenneth and Theresa Mullen *
Brian Murray
Don and Phyllis Neyer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Neyer, Sr.
Anne Niehaus
Rev. Thomas C. Nolker *
George and Carol Osterfeld
William and Renate Otteson
Julie and Michael Peters
Michael C. and Pamela R. Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Puccini *
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Rabe
Raveen Rajavarma
Jay and Beulah Raymond
Endowment Fund
Michele Reardon
Ms. Rita H. Riddell *
William and Jo Ann Ropp
Audrey and Thomas Ruthman *
Kevin Ryan
Michael and Christine Ryan
Safelite AutoGlass Foundation
Charles and Bre Sambuchino *
Timothy Sanders
Bill Schauble
Mary A. Schell Trust
Robert C. Schemenauer
David and Cheryl Schildmeyer
Loren Schramm
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Schulenberg *
Gregory Schultz
Schwab Charitable Fund
Harry and Carol Schweer *
Lana and Jason Scott
Terry and Ken Segerberg
Becky and Aaron Seurkamp
Anthony and Grace Severyn
Kathleen Shaut
Tony and Lynda Shipley *
Ken and Kathy Skau
St. Jude Church
Fred Stang
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Stautberg *
James and Kim Stegeman
Michael J. and Marianne Storck
David and Cheryl Stouffer *
Steven T. and Mary C. Sullivan
Lisa Summe
Verna Taylor
Scott and Helyn Teepe
Mrs. Mary Theresa Thiemann *
U.S. Bank
Lee and Kathleen Vonderhaar
Francis Wagner
Tracey Wagner
Geraldine Warner
Ronald and Alice T. Wehrle
Mary Werdmann
Jean Werning
Mr. Thomas E. Westerfield
Phyllis Weston
Ray and Elaine Westrich
Zachary and Karen Wiley
Christopher and Diane Williams
Rebecca Williams
Shane Winslow
Rick and Kathy Wissel *
Gary and Paula Yerke *
Sharon E. Ziegler
Society of Faith ($500–$999)
ABS Business Productions, Inc.
Thomas and Claire Ackerman
AdvancePierre Foods
Chris Aluotto
American Endowment Foundation
Ameriprise Financial, Inc.
Lorraine Austin *
Patricia and Joseph Baker
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Barden
BASF Corporation
Judith Bausher *
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bayliss
Bill Bayuk
Bob and Barb Becker
Berenfield Containers, Inc.
Bruce and Karen Berno *
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Berns, Jr. *
Noel J. and Romaine M. Biesik
John Craig Brinkman
Timothy and Catherine Brinkman
Lori Brison
Tom and Mary Brokamp
Dennis and Jennifer Brown
Jeff and Amy Bruns
W. Alan and Margaret M. Burke
Carol Burns
Charles J. Burridge
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burwinkel
Patricia Calo
Carespring Health Care
Management, LLC
Edward Castleberry, TTEE
Catholic Volunteer Network
Stephen and Kathleen Chambers
Manuel and Cynthia Chavez *
Hoon and Aesook Choi
Joseph Clasgens
J. H. Clasgens II *
Mr. Earle Clayton *
Michael J. and Nancy D. Conaton
Dr. and Mrs. C.J. Condorodis *
Contractors Choice
Rev. Ronald C. Cooper *
James and Eileen Creed
Steve and Gina Culbertson *
Brittney Curtis
Michael Danowski
Daniel and Melanie DeBrosse
Mrs. Nancy Debrunner *
Joseph Degaro
David and Susan Deye
William Diebold
Richard Donaldson
Terrence M. and Joyce Donnellon
Bryan Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Dyer
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Edgell
Lisa Egner
Marina Ellison
Ms. Mary E. Fay
Matthew E. Feldman
and Julie R. Baker
Mr. Frank Fellerhoff
Melvin Firestone
Rebecca Flesch
Flynn & Company
David and Anita Freeman *
Robert and Karla Gauger
Joseph Gockerman
Eileen Goode
Google – Matching Gift Program
Michael and Jennifer Goris
Lisa Grant
Alex and Amy Gray
Michael Grieff
Paul and Laura Griffith *
William Groneman
Thomas Hake
Richard Hansman, Jr. *
Jeff and Joy Harris
Rhonda Harris
Craig A. and Linda Hayden *
Jessie and Jason Heikenfeld
Mark and Mary Hennessey
John and Dianne Hergenrother
Stephen Hightower
Monica M. Hizer
Gary Hoffman
Ms. Margaret M. Hogan
Martin F. Hollenbeck
David Horn
Diana Housman
Hubert Company
Matthew and Heidi Hudson Flege
Huesing Family Foundation
Dan Hurley
Jon and Laureen Hussey
i-systems Corporation
Steve and Heidi Jark-Kenat
Oscar Jenkins
Elizabeth Johnston
Scott A. and Mary Johnstone *
Dorothy E. Kaiser *
Mr. Jerome Charles Kathman *
William and Nancy Keating, Jr.
Ms. Judith Marie Keiber
Neil Keller
Donald and Kathy King
Timothy Kinne
John and Sheila Kippley
Suzanne and James Kopcha
Mark and Diane Kosobud
Dan and Mary Kramer *
Mr. Robert Kramer
Thomas A. Kuhn
Lawrence H. Kyte
Kevin J. Lab
Rev. Francis G. Lammeier *
Ramon and Betty Landenwitch
Barbara Levy
Tom Lienhart
Dr. Jennifer Loggie *
Peggy Loux
Daniel and Anne Lovell *
Mary Ann Lynn
Arthur and Maryann Maines *
a moment of grace • donors
Don and Susan Mashni
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mayer *
Kevin and Julie McGehee
William J. and Carol J. McGowan
James and Constance McKiernan
Michael and Kathy McQueen
Brian and Hope McRedmond *
David Metz
Barry Miller
Montgomery Inn, Inc.
Carolyn and Richard Morin
Eric G. Mueller
Joyce Mukes
Jeff and Julia Muntel
Joseph and Marlene Nasello *
National Endowment
for Financial Education
Newman Foundation, Inc.
Raymond Neyer
Dan O’Connell
Rafaela Olanda
Christina Ostendorf
Jonathan and Michelle Ostrander
Nicholas Ostrosky
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Overbeck *
Parson-Bishop Services, Inc.
Patrick B. Points and Wijdan Jreisat
Peerless Printing Company
Brian and Anne Pellot
Richard and Bonnie Peterson *
Rosemarie Peterson
Michael Petrucci
Ronald J. Pfleghaar
David C. and Liane Phillips
John and Sue Pugh
Mr. Paul H. Ravenna
Kenneth and Bernice Reeder
Remke Markets
Amy Reynolds
Sean Reynolds
W. Emerson and JoAnn Rhodes
Michael and Barbara Ricke *
Frederick and Laura Riehle
Fran Rielag
Jean S. Ring
Lawrence J. Robert
Cliff and Mary Jo Roe
William and Joan Rohde
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rohling *
Patri Rolling
John T. and Carole Ruschulte
Sabre Holding,
Give Together Campaign
William H. and Judith M. Sander
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Sauer
Robert and Charlotte Schaengold
William C. Schmidter
Donald and Joan Schmitt
Thomas J. and Mary Schmitz *
Enid Schneider
Dan and Robin Schuckman
Stephen and Joann Schweitzer
SCS Construction Services, Inc.
Edward and Mary Jo Seibert
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Shawhan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Sholtes
Ed and Mary Jo Siebert
Kristen Simmons
Linn Sinnott
David and Linda Smith
Jennifer Smith
David and Linda Sparke
Emilio Spinosa
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
Michael and Kay Stefanics
Michael E. and Mary Elaine
Steiner, TTEE
Mike and Kathleen Stenger
Robert Stricker
George and Linda Strietmann *
Chris and Danielle Strotman
Karen Sturgeon
Russell E. Sunberg *
Tac Company, Inc.
Mr. Raymond A. Teepen *
Mr. Franklin D. Thomas *
Ms. Mary M. Thran
Connie Tracy
Jerry Trefzger *
Lawrence and Mary P. Uebel *
Union Savings Bank
United Way of Greater Cincinnati
Bob and Patricia VanStone *
Ms. Susan M. Vergamini
Richard A. and Marilyn Vogele
Barbara Vollmer
Herbert A. Vonderheide
William and Gail Waham
Allison Weber
Mr. Jonathan T. Weber *
Jerome W. and Dianne Wedig *
Keith Wells
Jay and Kathy Wertz
WesBanco Bank, Inc.
Michael and Susan West
Tim Whalen
Mike and Rosemary Whitney
David and Janet Willig
Sonya Wilson
Mary Wineberg
Mr. and Mrs. James Yunker
William Yusko
Brian Zappia
Gerald and Dee Zobrist
John W. Zorio, CLU, CHFC
* These donors have financially contributed to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati District Council for five or more consecutive years.
“In the end, the number of prayers we say may contribute to our
happiness, but the number of prayers we answer may be of
even greater importance.” Dieter F. Uchtdor
Society of Samaritans ($100–$499)
Paul and Barbara Abbinante
Joan Abbinate-Nissen
Elizabeth Abbott
Valerie Abbott
Kevin and Kim Abele
Bellkiss Abril-Roman
Mr. James W. Ahlrichs
Jagjeet and Claire Ahluwalia *
Mr. and Mrs. George Ainge
Teresa Albertson
Marc Alexander M.D.
Jeff Allan
Romola Allen *
Mark Altmayer
Thomas and Lynne Alverson
American Precision
Metalworks, LLC
Mark Amorini
Dolares M. Angel, CPA
Frank and Ann Antenucci
Eugene A. and Rosanna Ardine
Michael J. and
Ruth Anne Armentrout
Mary Armor
Mary Armstrong
Marie Arnult
Mr. Paul V. Arszman
Ms. Connie Arthur *
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Auciello
Katherine and Joseph Auger
Michael and Vicki Aylward
Albert and Patricia Babey
William Backs
Steven and Valerie Badinghaus
Chris and Julianne Badylak
Todd and Ann Bailey *
Rose Baker
Gregory Bakos
John and Linda Ball
Sheila Bandy
Mr.and Mrs. Donald C. Bang
Ms. Karen Bankston PhD,
Hillary Barhorst
David and Glenda Barkalow
Kip Barker
Rose Ann Barone-Wirth
C.F. Barrett
August Bauer
Helen Baur
Robert and Ruth Baur
Mrs. Mary L. Baurichter
Dominica Bazeley
Nancy Becker
Donald Beckert
Rev. Jason Bedel
Henry and Elsie Beekley
Margaret Beeman
Richard and Sara Bell
Robert P. and Karen Bell
Ms. Ann L. Bellersen
Cheryl Bennedict
Marilynn Bennett
George W. and Martha K. Bens
Herb and Darlene Benson
James L. and Nancy L. Berendt
Ann Berger
Kit Berger
Ms. Ellen Berghamer
Michael Bergman
Mildred Berning
Lucille Berninger
Julia Bernzott *
Mark Besanceney
C.M. Beyersdorfer
John Bibler
Claire Biebel
John J. and Marilyn E. Bishop
Bishop Family Fund
David and Joan Bittner
Glenn and Martha Bitzenhofer
Michael Black
Dave and Kathy Blandford
Harry A. Blaney, M.D.
Jeanne Bloemer
Shirlee Bloom *
Kelsey Blum
Mr. Leonard A. Blum, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Boardman
Michael and Pam Boehm
James and Dana Boeing *
Ms. Barbara A. Boggano
Mr. William A. Bohne
Maggie Bolin
William and Carol Bonapfel *
Jim and Moira Bonn
Book Exchange, Inc.
Andre Borders
Matthew and Christine Botica
James and Kimberly Bower
Steve and Diane Bowman *
Reid and Mary Bradford
Mr. William J. Bradley *
Ms. Mary Frances Bray *
Tom and Mary Anne Brennan
Ray Brenner
Mary Anne Bressler
Virginia Brezinski
Linda and Steve Brill
Christine Brinker
Ellen Brinker
Stephen and Lea Brinker
John and Cheryl Brinkmeyer
Marta Brockmeyer
Joseph D. Broderick, M.D.
Brenita Brooks
Carole Brown
Daniel Brown
Don and Terri Brown *
Lauren Brown
Ron and Linda Anne Brown
Chris and Stacey Browning
Leroy and Lois Bruck *
Walter and Tia Brueggemann *
Ms. Mary W. Bruening
John and Margaret Bruggeman
Daniel Brunck
Ms. Rosemary Brune
Robert Bruning
Allison and John Bruns
Michael and Ruth Brunsman
Rich and Julianne Bruzina
Mary Budde *
Roy and Derenda Buddenberg
Angie Buechner
David and Karen Bulman
Kathleen Bunnell
James Burgemeir
Robert R. and Felicia Burger
Susan Buring *
Marcia Burke
Mary Jo Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Burke *
Diedra Burns
Gary and Mary Ann Burns *
William D. Burnside
Ms. Karen Burr
Mr. David M. Burridge *
Lee Burroughs
John Burwinkel
Mrs. Mary B. Busch *
Mr. Fritz Buschmann
John and Mary Buse, Sr. *
Cheryl and Gary Bush *
Tim and Donna Butler
Christine Buttress
Ruth Bydash
Richard and Catherine Byrne
Robert E. and Virginia L Byrnes
Mr. Thomas S. Calder
Richard and Mary Alice Calme
Lanthan and Louise Camblin
Whitelaw and Carol Campbell
Mr. John H. Cannon
John and Mary Canny
David and Becky Capella
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Card
Greg and Maura Carpinello
Patrick Carrothers
Shannon Carter
Janet Case
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Casella
Peter and Nancy Cassady
David and Marie Catanzaro
Kurt Caudill
Michael Caudill
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Celmer *
Robert Chaloult
Mrs. Kathleen Chambers
R. Guy and Judy Chandler
Paul and Barbara Chenault
a moment of grace • donors
Nancy Ciarniello
Nancy C. Ciccarello
James Cimprich
Cincinnati Mennonite
Cincinnati Stage
Employees Local #5
Cincinnati USA
Regional Chamber
Edward and Shirley Clancy
Erin Clancy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clanton
Kevin and Kate Clarisay
Rory Clear
Mary C. Clifton, Trustee
Philip Codding
Cecil Cole
Timothy and Janie Colegate
Joseph Coll
Marguerite Comparetto
Coney Island
Maureen Conley
Mr. Andrew Connaughton
Mr. and Mrs.
Edward G. Connelly *
Dan and Jamie Constable
Sheila Conway
John Conwell
Ralph and Donna Cook
Gene and Rosemary Cooke
Nancy Cooke *
Ms. Nancy Coomer
Cooper Electric
Eugene Cordier *
John and Virginia Corsini *
Terrence Cosgrove
Janet Costello
Nancy Costello
Dennis P. and Patricia Coyne
Jeffery A. and Phyllis M. Cramer
Andrew Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Crew
Richard L. and Roberta J. Criss
Cristofoli-Keeling, Inc.
Ms. I. Joyce Cronin
Floyd Crouse *
Ms. Margaret Culkin
Charles J. and Rita A. Cullen
Ms. Karen Cullion
Pierce and Roberta Cunningham
Matthew and Rachel Curran
Steve and Laura Curran
Jenny Cussen
Anna Daddabbo
Dalton Roofing Co.
Betty Dance
James and Vivian Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. James Darnell
Mr. Jeffrey Darnell
Kevin and Barb Daugherty
Ms. Lucille Daugherty
Peter and Lisa Dayton
Thomas and Cheri Dean
Ms. Patricia Decker
Robert C. Dehner
Kathy DeLaura
Jamie and Gregory DeLorenzo
Peter Deltufo
Ronald and Barbara DeNamur
Angela Dennis
Stephen Derose *
John Di Silvestro
Teresa Dicaro
Stephen and Carolyn Dick *
Carl and Judith Dickhaus *
Teresa Dicolandrea
Thomas and Sandy Digman *
Bill and Kathy Dillhoff
Paul DiMario
Terence and Melenie Dinan
Michael and Jessica Disimile
Lucille Dixon
Barbara and Jeannette Doddy
Ann and Joseph Donahue
Mrs. Dianne M. Donlan
Mr. Robert Donovan
Paul Dorger
Robert Dorsey *
Michael and Carolyn Dowling
David and Kelley Downing *
Mariana Dragomir
Emilie Dressler
Carol and Jerry Drew
Robert and Rita Driehaus
Mr. and Mrs. William Dulle
Suzanne Dunbar
Albert A. Duplace, Jr.
Joyana Dvorak
Frederick Dwyer
Albert Early
Rich and Louise Easterly *
James and Theresa Eby
James Eckels
Mr. William Edmund
Maurice and Mary Edris
Cheryl Edwards
Goldie Edwards
Janet Edwards
Mrs. Mary Joanne Egbers *
Carol L. Egner, M.D.
Greg Eichhold
Jonathan Eichhold
Ms. Shirley L. Eiden *
Albert and Carla Eilers *
Joan Elder
Kenneth and Patricia Elder
Stephen and Kay Elliott
Anthony Elsass
Ed Emmerling
Marc Emral
Danita Enouen
Epoxy Systems
Blasting & Coating, Inc.
Omer Erdmann
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Erman *
Mary J. Esbenshade
James Esmail
Frank Espel
Mike and Mary Espel *
Group of Merrill Lynch
Everest Group
Mrs. Mary Jean Evers
Mary Jo Eyink
Noreen Eynden
Mary Ann Fagel *
Ms. Margaret Fanella *
Pam Farley
Jim and Peggy Farwig
Alan M. and Carol R. Faulhaber
Daniel and Raymond Fay
Mary A. Fay
Katherine Federle
George Fee *
William Fehn
Thomas and Ruth Feiertag
Mr. John Feighery *
Heidi Felton
David W. Ferguson
Candice Fern
Herman and Esther Ferris
Mary Jo Ferris
Mrs. Barbara A. Fiedler
Patricia Filak
Nancy Finch
Mr. Joe Finke
Bonnie Finn
Jim and Vivien Finnigan
JoAnne Fiorini
Ann Firestone
Renee Fischer
James T. and Leslie Fitzgerald
Laurel Fitzgerald
James Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs.
Robert R. Fitzpatrick, Jr.
Maureen Flanagan
Dr. David C. Flaspohler
Mildred Fluegemann
James Flynn
James and Mary Beth Flynn
Kevin Fogarty
Robert and Mary Fogler
Daniel and Lela Foley
Catherine Folyes
Mrs. Mary Lou Folzenlogen
Mr. Spencer Foote, Jr. *
Forest Hills Local School District
Deborah Foster
Ms. Diana Fowls
Barb France
Mary Frank
Thomas R. and Peggy V. Frank
Ellen L. Frankenberg
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Frazer
Mr. Thomas L. Frazer *
Christopher Frebis
Gary Fredensborg
Patricia Frey
Barbara Frey-Blum
Vanessa Freytag
* These donors have financially contributed to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati District Council for five or more consecutive years.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Friedmann *
Jonathan Friedmann
Mrs. Patricia Froehle
Jayne Fronk
William and Kathleen Fussinger
Steven and Kathleen Gallagher
Jeffrey and Lindsey Galles
James Gangloff
Earl E. and Mary Kay Gardner
Richard and Nancy Gardner
Linda Garrett
Carolyn Garriott
Timothy Garry
John and Camille Gartner III
Eleanor Gates
Harry and Mildred Gates *
Marianne Gatewood *
Bernard B. and
Suzanne J. Gawne
GE Fund
Kristine Geisen
J. Robert Geisen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gerhardt
Anthony Gerstner
Donna Gessler
Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Gettelfinger
Judy Gierl
Augustine and Pam Giglio
Jeffery and Margaret Gilbert
James and Jennifer Ginocchio
Tom Giordano Mary Jo Lane
Cynthia Marie Givens
Mary Ann Gleason
Gene and Cindy Gleeson
Glenmary Lay Missioners, Inc.
Thomas P. and Blanche M. Glenn
Ms. Marilyn J. Goldfeder
Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas W. Goldschmidt
Kenneth Golick
Susan Goodman
Marianne Gorby
Mr.and Mrs. Mark D. Gorman
Robert H and Diane Gottmer
David and Karen Gramke
Thomas and Cynthia Gravett
Great Oak Construction, Inc.
Greater Liberty Baptist Church
Linda Greenberg
Victoria Gregory
Susan and Gary Greiner
Richard and Rosemary Greiwe
Mrs. Patricia A. Greulich
Geoffrey Griffiths
John Griggs
Kathleen Grismer
David and Laura Groenke
Laura Groenko
Ms. Ardith A. Grote
Jo Anne Grote
Susan Grote
Tom Grote
David Gruber
John and Sue Gruber *
Richard L. Gruber
Donald Gruber
Guardian Angels Church
Doug and Michelle Guenther
Bruce and Amy Guiot
Clifford Gump
Elizabeth Gurley
Thomas Gutekunst
Ronald and Deb Gutzwiller
Rosemarie and
Jerome Gutzwiller
Jeffrey Haas
Thomas and Jane Habig *
Marwan and Sahar Haddad
Ronald C. Haft
Tom and Sandra Hagenbarth
Theodore L. Haglage *
Nick and Barb Hahn
Haire-Bohmer Wealth
Management Group, LLC
Fred and Eileen Hall
Mrs. Ruth Ann Halpin
David Hamilton
Mary K Hamilton
Kathy Hamm
Ms. Barbara Hammersmith
Mr. Robert Hammersmith
David and Cynthia
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Handel *
Keith and Patricia Hanley
Richard and Jeanne Hannan *
Mary Jo Hanrahan
Mrs. Nora Hanseman *
Michele Hardrich
Kenneth Hare
William Harmeyer
Anna Harmon
Ms. Joan E. Harpring *
Allyson, Joanne
and Chuck Harris
Nancy Hart
Robert Hartlaub
Deborah Hasken
Nitasha Hatcher
Kevin Havens
Andy and Tina Hawking
Lisa Hayes
Anthony and Nancy Heagney *
Mr. Raymond J. Healy
Marianne Heck
Janet Heiden
Carol Heidt *
Mr. Donald J. Heimbrock *
Sheila Heinen
Paul Heisel
Mark Hensler
Roger Henthron
Jack Herb
Joseph E. and
Patricia M. Herbers
Ms. Carol L. Herbert *
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Herbert
P. A. Heringer
Steve and Sally Hext
Henrietta Heywood
Mary Hilleary
Ray Hils
Joan Hilton
Ms. Mary R. Hilvert *
Carolyn Hinkle
Chris Hirsch
Steven and April Hoak
Robert and Carmen Hodge
Dennis and Maggie Hoerst
Charles and Ethel Hoffman *
David Hoffman
Denis M. Hoffmann *
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hogan
Richard Hohn
Charles and Jean Holder
John and Martha Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Holliday
Carl and Cynthia Hollister
Cydny Holt
Amy Holter
Roger W. and
Mary H. Honebrink *
Charles Hood
Juanita Hood
Dan Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Horton *
Nicholas and Jennifer Hosmer
Sandra Houck
Jerry and Nancy R. Howard
Jennifer Howe
Jim Howe
William and Jane Howe *
Fred and Dorothy Hudepohl *
Craig and Mary Hudson *
Art and Paula Huesman *
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hughes *
Mike and Lora Huhn
A. J. and Kathy Humbert, Jr.
Steven and Colleen Hunt
Ruth Hurley-Franchi
Tom Huster
Suzanne Jackson
David and Carol Jacob
Michael Jacobs
Lela Jaynes
Mrs. Avis Celeste M. Jenkins
Mary Jenkins
M. Jenkins
Mildred Jenks
Ms. Marva L. Johns *
Eugene and Eliane Johnson
Robert G. and Virginia Johnson
Ron and Gloria Johnson *
Ruth Jones
Stephen and Susan Jones *
Jay and Kim Jordan *
Ms. Mary Carol Joseph *
Jerry and Erika Judd
Robert and Anne Jurek *
Jeanne Kabenji
Dee Dee and Doug Kahn
Mary Kaiser
a moment of grace • donors
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaiser *
Robert Kaiser
Larry and Doris Kallmeyer *
Joseph C. Kammer Law Offices
Robert and Cynthia Kamp
Joan Karwisch
Anthony John and
Audrey Kasak
Clarence Kathman
Rebecca Keating
Max Keck
Geoffrey and Elizabeth Keenan
Michael and Lynne Kehoe
John and Rita Keim
Mr. and Mrs. Lorrence Kellar *
Ruth Keller *
Brian Kellett
Ellen A. Kellogg
Ken and Diane Kemen
Jeffrey Kemper
Patricia Kennedy
Steve W. and Grace Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Kennevan
Kenwood Women’s Club
Michael and Nancy Kern
Ms. Kate Kern
Prem Khosla
Chris Kief
Mary Lou Kiefer
Michael Kiefer
Joseph Kiesler
Bill and Joan Kimble
Tom and Colleen Kinder
Marilyn Kinne
Shannon and Brian Kinne
Jean A. Kinney *
David W. and Kristy M. Kissell
Beth Klaine
Mr. and Mrs. George Klapper
Timothy Klapper
Ken Kleeb
Mr. and Mrs.
James Kleingers
Charlotte Kleinhaus
Brian Kline
Bob Klocke
Thomas and Judith Kloenne
Tim and Elizabeth Kloppenborg
Thomas Klosterman
Mrs. Marilyn Klug
Joe and Laura Klunk
Richard and Nancy Klus *
Albert and Merrie Knopp
Rita M. Knueven
Dennis and Jeanne Koehler
James Kohrman
Mr. and Mrs.
Christopher Koob
Jonathan and
Jessica Koopman
Ms. Jane A. Koval *
Amy Krabbe
Donna Krabbe
Ryan and Abigail Kramer
Mr. Ronald Kratz
Carol Kreiner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kroger
Mr. John Kron
Ms. Mary Lou Kronke
Alexis Krulcik
Robert and Patricia Krumdieck *
James and Dorothy Krumme
Robert and Mary Krummen *
John and Julie Kruse *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krzeski
Samuel and Sandra Kuehn *
Sue Kuehnle *
James and Geri Kummer
Edward G. and
Cheryl L. Kunkemoeller
The John A. Kupfer and
Jean M. Kupfer Family Trust
Joyce Kupfer, D.D.S.
Jay Kurtz
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Kurzhals
Barbara Lachance
Gerald Lahrman
Thomas and Jane Lake *
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Lampe
Jack and Linda Langlitz
James C. LaPlant
Linda Larsen
Richard Lauch *
Mr. Peter J. Ledwedge *
David and Marla Ledwin
Mr. and Mrs. William Ledwin
Michelle Leeson
Sheila Lehrter
Lorrraine Leibel
Susan Lennert
H.M. and Barbara Libby
Amanda Lietz
Richard Lindhorst
Michael and Molly Lippert
Mary Lipps
Erin Loch-Henz
Marianne Locke
David Lockwood
Mary Loescher
Ina Loftspring
Catherine Logulo
Joseph Lohmueller *
Dan and Elizabeth Long *
Dolores Lorenz
Joseph and Meredith Loughran
Margaret Loux
Loveland City School District
The James C. and
Mary Ann Lowe Trust
Oliver Loyd
Ralph Luebbe
Ms. Dorothy A. Luebbers *
John and Kris Luebbers *
Mr. Donald and Joan Luebbert *
Mr. and Mrs.
William Luehrmann
Paul Luken
Amy Lund
Melissa Lutz
Kevin and Ann Lynch
Ms. Virginia A. Lynch
Mark and Julie Machuga
Kenneth and Alice Haven Mack
Mr. William E. Mack
Lisa and Mike
Maechling Debbeler
* These donors have financially contributed to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati District Council for five or more consecutive years.
Michael Maier
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Malec *
Dennis and Patricia Malik
Ken Maltry
Marianne Mandell-Brown
Lisa Manetta
Anthony M. and Jane F. Mankus
Kathy Marks
Al and Betty Marous
Michael Marrero
Carolyn Martin
David and Laura Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Martin
Russell J. Martin
Thomas and Linda Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Martini *
Mason High School
Mason Homestead Garden Club
Gary and Mary Massa
Joseph Massarelli
Lisa Mather
Robert and Marg Mathes
Marilyn Mathlie
Bruce Matthews
Mary-Morse Matthews
Kurt Matthys
John J. Mattscheck
John and Renee Mattson
James Mayer
Todd and Julie Mayer
Emily Maynard
Kevin and Judy McCabe *
Susan McCabe
Mr. James F. McCafferty
April McCane
John McClain
Malcolm and Mary McClellan
Richard H. McClure
Janie McCormick
Wendy McCormick
Joyce Ann McCoy *
Patrick and Mary Ellen
John and Dianne McGoron
Ann McGrath
Michael McGraw
Parnel C. McGreevy
Albert McGrover
Kern McKee
Jack and Marianne McKenney
Jeanette McKnight *
Ms. Sue A. McLaughlin
Cindy McMahon
Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph R. McSwiggin *
Linda McWilliams
Mary Mehmert
Sue Mehne
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Meibers
Karen Meiners
Mary R. Meiners
Chris Mendel
Mark Menden
Mark and Pattianne Menden
Michelle Menke
Richard and Mary Menke
Anthony Merchinsky
Claire Merryman
Bill and Lori Merz
Erica Messer
Mr. James Messer
Metal Spinners, Inc.
Jan E. Methlie
Mary Metz
Allen Meyer
Barb Meyer
David and Debbie Meyer
Greg Meyer
Harry J. Meyer
Karen Meyer
Kenneth and Carol Meyer
Mr. Thomas R. Meyer *
Tamara Miano
Pat and Kathy Michel *
Mr. Lawrence J. Mick
Mr. Paul E. Middlekamp
Donna L. Mierenfeld *
Robert and Star Mierenfeld *
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Miller *
Douglas and Ann Miller
Gary and Carolyn Miller
Gloria Miller
James Miller
Kristie Miller
Lawrence and Jane Miller *
Ray Miller *
Raymond and Ruth Miller
Emily Mitchell
Molly Mitchell
Mitchell’s Salon & Day Spa, Inc.
Jacqueline Mize
Ms. Mary Jo Mock *
Modern Aluminum
Castings Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Moeller
Paul and Nancy Mohr
J. R. Momper
Murray Monroe, Jr.
Dianna F. Moore
Joseph M. Moore
Patricia L. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Moore *
Charles and Barbara Moorman
Kathy Morgan
Steve Morgan
Frank and Marlene Morris
Marion Morrison
Sue Morrissey
Scott Morrow
Harriet E. Moster *
Mother of Mercy High School
Carolyn Motz
Mount Notre Dame High School
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mroz
Ms. Barbara Mueller
Sean Muldoon
Eileen Mullen
Kenneth and Christina Mullis
Mr. David Munroe
Molly Murphy
William and Julia Murphy
Mr. Gerald Mushaben *
Lisa Muvich
Sean and Maureen Napier
Rodney Napier, Sr.
Ahid and Joann Nashif *
May Nassef
Edward and Linda Neenan
Richard and Janet Neidhard
Mr. Timothy W. Neiheisel
Mr. and Mrs.
William A. Neiheisel
Mary Nemith
Jacqueline C. Neumann
Julia A. Neumann
Richard Newman
Esther Ng
Ms. Mary Nicolay *
Kenneth and Jean
Niederhausen *
Ms. Mary Niehaus-Fay *
Alan and Lynn Niergarth
Jim and Linda Niewahner
NNR Global Logistics USA, Inc.
Terrie and Chris Noe
Ms. Eleanor J. Noe, TTEE
Michael and Mary Nolan
Timothy and Margaret Nolan *
Donald and Matilda Nordmeyer
Sally Norman
Northend Gear & Machine, Inc.
Notre Dame Club
of Greater Cincinnati
Charles and Sally Nugent *
John and Joyce Nunns
Paul J. and Janis M. Obermeyer
Russ and Karen Obermeyer
Mr. Michael O’Brien *
Susan A. O’Brien *
James O’Connor, Trustee
Elizabeth Odley *
Ed and Judy O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O’Herron
MaryAnn O’Leary
Mr. Paul J. Olsen *
Martha Orabella
Patrick and Karen Orsary
Sybil Ortego
Eric Osborne
John and Patricia Osborne
Patricia Osborne
Nadine Ostermann
Greg and Angie Otis
Colleen O’Toole
Donald and M. Kathleen Ottke
Daniel and June Owens
Mary Owensby
Howard and Eileen Paff *
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pahren *
Mr. Joseph W. Palazzolo
a moment of grace • donors
Kathleen and David Palmer
Steve Palun
Tom Paquette
Estelle Partridge
Melanie Patrick
Mary Pearce
Norman and Debbie Pearson
Pediatric Associates, PSC
Mr. Theo M. Penker III
Barbara Perez
Felicitas Perez
Julie Perrino
Amy Perry *
Helene Perry
Mary Persinger
Nancy Peters
Amy Peterson
Mark D. and Eileen R. Pezzutti
John and Donna Pfiester *
Terry Pfister
Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Pfizenmayer
Amy Pflum
Betty Pflum
Jane Phelan
Bonnie Pickett
Richard and Rosina Pirchner
Cathy Pokorny
Daniel and Laura Pontzer
C. Douglas and Robin Postler *
Ryan and Kelly Postlewaite
Melanie Poston
Anthony and Stacey Potts
Mrs. Jeanette Preuth
Terri Price
Van Prince
Ellen Prudent
Robert Puthoff
David and Maria Quehl
Jane Rahill
Mukesh Ram
Jason Ramage
Robert Ramsay
Ms. Gayle Rapien *
Paul and Ann Rapien *
Charles Rasch
Jane L. Rasico, Trustee
Mary and Ranjit Rath
Mr. and Mrs.
Edward J. Rathman *
James and Carole Rauf
Norman and Virginia Rave *
Audrey E. Reddy
Julie Reed
Nancy Reed
Michael and Joyce Rees *
Mark and Linda Regensburger *
Rev. Paul L. Rehling
Nicholas and Katherine Reilly
Judith Reilman
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Reinstatler
Mrs. June Reisiger
Marilyn Renaker
John Rentz
Rho Chi Society
Richard and Kelly Riccetti
Todd and Anna Richardson
Steven and Susan Ridgway
Mr. Thomas Riehle
Candace Rinderle
Stephanie Ring
Mr. Tom Rinsky
P. Rixner
Ms. Amy Roark Carty
Anne and Mark Roberto
Mary Caroline Roberto *
Robertson & Company
Jaimie Robinson
Mike and Kathleen Robinson
Wm. T. Robinson III
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rocklin
Mike Rodarte
Lois Roell
Roger Bacon High School
Lynn Rogers
Steve and Susan Rogers
Donald and Donna Rogers
Joyce Rohan
David and Priya Rolfes
Leo H. Rolfes, Jr.
Raymond and Mary Roll *
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Romer *
Durwood and Margaret Rorie
Anthony and Laura Roth
Gail A. Roth
Round Bottom Recycling
Mary Routledge
Mr. and Mrs.
Jeffrey P. Rowekamp *
Thomas and Estelle Ruehl
Mike Ruggiero *
Mark and Kimberly Rumpke
Mr. Robert Rumpke *
Amy Ruschulte
John and Virginia Rush
Richard Rushing *
Shane and Aimee Russell
Lindsey Rutter
Ms. Kathy Ruwe
Marsha Ruwe
E.P. Ryan
James J. Ryan
John Ryan
Mary Jeanne Ryan
Ely M. T. and Joan M. Ryder
Mr. and Mrs.
Robert R. Saelinger *
Paul and Sue Ann Sallada
Deborah Sander
Audrey Sandman
James W. and Sandra Sauer
Martha Savage
Mrs. Patricia Scharf
Gerald Schatzman
Clara Schawe
Genevieve Scheibly *
Mr. Robert Scheid
Michael Schenk *
Mr. Norbert J. Scheper
Eric Schickli
Marlene A. Schirmer
Sally Schlotman
Lee and Mary Ann Schmidlin
Michael and Judith Schmidt
Thomas and Linda Schmidt *
Martin and Suzanne Schmitt *
Megan Schmitt
Rev. George Schmitz *
George Schmitz
James and Linda Schmitz
April Schneider
Ferd and Barbara Schneider
Jon W. and Alyce K. Schneider *
Mr. and Mrs. William Schneider
Schoenberger Tile & Marble, Inc.
Teresa Schofield
Mr. and Mrs.
Norbert B. Schomaker
Mrs. Marian R. Schott
Charles and Rebecca Schroer
Ralph R. and Carol Schroer *
Mr. Jerry O. Schuehler
Mark and Barbara Schuermann
Stephen and Jennie Schuermann
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schuler
Mark Alan Schultz
Michael Schumacher
Charlene Schuster
Michael N. Schuster
Charlene Schwab *
Brad and Molly Schwartz
Carol Ann Schwartz
David and Sandra Schwartz
Phyllis and Stephen Schwartz
Ms. Mary D. Schweitzer
Jim Scott *
Seapine Software, Inc.
Russell and Barbara Searing
John and Jackie Sehr
Gene Servizzi
Terese Severyn
Mary and Tricia Sexton
Ron and Alice Sexton
Mark and Sheila Shafer
Jane Sharkey
Kevin Shepard
Elizabeth Shepherd *
Martin and Joan Sheridan
Guy and Irene Sherman *
Mr. Joseph E. Sherman
Gregory and Margaret Shields
Christopher and
Meghan Shimala
Patricia Short
Margaret Sieber
Ms. Betty Siefke
Christian Sigman
Meghan Simonson
* These donors have financially contributed to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati District Council for five or more consecutive years.
Skilled Care Pharmacy
Skynet Innovations
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith
Doug and Shelby Smith
Larry Smith
Larry and Arlene Smith
Mark Smith
Steve Smith
Edie Smitson
Southeastern Ecumenical
Ministry, Inc.
Louis and Jeanne Spadafora
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Specht
Noviko Spiegel
Barbara Spinelli
The Spirit of Cincinnatus, Inc.
Chris Sprenkle
Jodi Squicciarini
St. Henry District High School
St. Nicholas Deaf Club
Carlin H. and Cheryl Stamm
Elizabeth Stautberg
Joan and Greg Steele
Randy Stegbauer
Donald F. Stegeman, Trust
Robert and Marian Stehlin *
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick L.
Steinbeck, D.D.M.S.D.
Steven F. and Sue F. Steller
Christopher and Janet Stenger
Bryan W. Stephens, CPA
Verna Stockmal
Samuel and Carole
Cleo Stoll
Kenneth and Cherie Stoll
Bradley R. Storck
Juanita Stork *
John and Cathy Strathern
Paul and Janet Street
Henry Striet
Phyllis Strizak
David Strode
Judith Stubenrauch
Mr. Wayne and
Vicki Stubenrauch *
Patrick Stucker
Al and Sue Stuempel
Joseph Stuhlreyer
John and Tamie Sullivan, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs.
Walter L. Sunderhaus
Douglas and Maria Sunnenberg
Supply Post Business Products
Robin Symes
Todd Szewc
James Taggart *
Catherine M. Tallen
Alan and Shelley Tarshis
Maureen Taylor
Mary Ann Tebbe *
Ted and Dianne Teixeira
Ms. Jacquelin Tepe
Robert and Mary Tepe
Yvonne Tepe
Mr. and Mrs. John Terbot
Mark Thaman
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thesing
Susan Thinnes
Thomas J. Dyer Co.
Carolyn Thompson
Doug and Kay Thompson
Anita Threet
Lisa Thrush
Mr. Andrew B. Thul
Elizabeth Tieman
Ms. Judith B. Titchener
Richard J. Tobin
Gerald A. Tonges *
Peggy Torbeck
Ms. Mary Tracey
George and Linda Trebbi
Kathryn Trent
Cindee Tresslar
Robert L. Trick
Mike and Giovanna Trimpe
Jim and Julie Triona
Victor Trouy
Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph E. Tuchfarber
Raymond Tull
John and Dawn Twarozynski
Ms. Rita E. Uehlein
Martha Uhl
Woodrow H. Uible
Alan and Marjorie Ullman
Grace Ulm
Gerard and Ann Umberg
Lynette Unger
Unified Capital Solutions, Inc.
Ursuline Academy
Kinn Valenti
Denise Vaughn
Mr. Rick A. Vaught
Linda Verrilli
Catherine Vicory
VIP Supply Chain Solutions
Kathy Voegele
Robert and Marilou Volkman
George and Jill Vonderhaar
VonLehman & Company, Inc.
Carolyn Voss
Matthew Voto
John and Connie Wagner *
Richard and Anne Wagner
Greg Wagner
David and Beverly Waligora
Andrea L. Wall *
Kevin Walsh
Edward and Glenda Walton
Sarella M. Walton
Edward and Carole Warfel
Mr. Michael C. Warmbier
Peggy Warren
Stacy Weatherbie
Martha Wehrle
Susanna Wehrman
Robert Weigel
Thomas and Janet
Weingartner *
Donald and Sandra Weinkam
Charles Weisbrod
Wilson G. Weisenfelder
David and Sandra Weiskittel
James and Jacquelyn Welborn
Kathleen Welch *
Mr. Randall Welch
Ruth Weller *
Stanley Welling
Ben and Judy Wells
Michael and Becky Wenger
Steven and Carolyn Wenstrup *
John Wernke
Ms. Helen J. Wess
Alvin and Evelyn Wessel
John Wessling
Harold M. and Carolyn H. West
Robert and Ruth Westerfield
Lynne Whang
Derek and Catherine Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Whitacre *
Ms. Katherine Whitehead
Doug and Michelle Whitmore
Dorothy Wietmarschen
Mary Paula Wiggins
Mr. David L. Wiles
Mary Wilkens
Kathleen Wilkins
Janet Willenborg
Emma Williams
Mr. and Mrs.
John Williams M.D.
Robert and Peggy Williamson
Mr. Edgar L. Willig
John E. Wilp
Linda Wilson
Rev. Barry Windholtz
Daniel E. and Wendy Wines
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winstel *
Lothar Witt, Jr.
John and Karen Wittenbrook
Dennis Wittenbrook
Kelly Wittick
Brian Woeste
Harry and Carol Wong
Sean Woock
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wright
Sharon Wright
J. Richard Wuest
Xavier University
Robert and Joanne Yeager
Darwin and Patricia Yung
Kenneth Zalewski
Mr. William E. Zenk
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zerhusen
Mark and Milia Ziegler
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zolg *
John and Michele Zompero
legacy society
You can bring hope where there is despair, love where there is loneliness
and faith where there is emptiness through a tax-favored estate gift to St.
Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati. We promise to carry your legacy of hope to
where it will do the most good — as our founder Blessed Frederic Oza-
nam said, “not in a comfortable meeting room, but rather in the cheerless
attic tenement, or in the sick room…the old age home or any place where
love is needed.” Please consider joining these generous donors who
have included St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati in their estate plans.
The Frederic Ozanam Legacy of Hope Society Members:
Ms. Mary J. Bonfield
Richard and Carole P. Cocks
Mr. Richard Davis
Carl and Linda DeBlasio
Jim and Elizabeth Dodd
Mr. Jerry Duwell
Jerome and Diane Eisele
Mr. Stephen J. Elsaesser
William and
Rosemary Erman
Ms. Dorothy Garland
Tim and Christine Jette
C. Bart and Linda Kohler
Mrs. Laverne L. Kramer
Mr. Ralph Luebbe
Bob and Liz Maxwell
Mrs. Celia Mileski
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller
Ms. Jacqueline C. Neumann
John T. and Carole Ruschulte
Audrey and
Thomas Ruthman
Mr. Robert H. Sparrow
Mrs. Mary Theresa Thiemann
Mr. James C. Vandivier
Mr. Wayne E. Williams
Edgar and Alice Willig
2013 General
Special Thanks
We offer our most heartfelt
thanks and gratitude to all who
partnered with us in 2013:
Chris and Wes Adamson
Addressed for Success
American Fan Company
Ashley Furniture Homestore
b graphic design
Dave Babcock
Batavia Floral
Creations & Gifts
Braco Window Company
Braun Heating and
Air Conditioning
Luke Brodbeck
Emily Buck
Caruso Produce –
Steve Caruso
Mary Casella
David and Marie Catanzaro
Cincinnati Bengals
Cincinnati Central Credit
Union – John Nunns
Cincinnati Enquirer
Cincinnati Reds
Cincy Chic
City Barbeque
City Dash
Clear Channel – Cincinnati
Coca Cola, Inc.
Coney Island
Amusement Park
Mary Beth Cooper
a moment of grace • special thanks
Cumulus Radio
Jen Dalton
Dental Care Plus
Dollar General
Eastern High School
Photography Class –
Tracey Staggs
Elder High School
Esther Price Fine Chocolates
Candy Company
Evergreen Baptist Church
EyeMed – Luxottica
Ann Firestone
Gregory L. Goetz
Gold Star Chili
David and Cindy
Andy and Tina Hawking
Artrell Hawkins
Heidelberg Distributors
Holiday Inn – Eastgate
Hubert Company
Huntington Bank
Mike and Kathleen Jennings
Megan Knapke
Kotsovos Bridal,
Fur and Prom
Dave Kramer – WCET
Kemba Credit Union
Michael Krienik
Krombholz Jewelers
Jilda Kvashilava
Dan and Deborah Meyer
Moeller High School
Morris Home Furnishings –
Kids Dream Too!
Mother of Mercy
High School
Gerald Motl
May Nassef
Nathaniel Green Lodge –
Green Township
Nehemiah Manufacturing Co.
Newport Aquarium
One Warm Coat
Papa John’s, Inc.
Peerless Printing
Press-Tige Dry Cleaners
Mike and Missy Puccini
Queen City Glass Arts
Joe Rigotti
Sacred Heart Radio
St. Bellermine
St. Ursula Academy
St. Xavier High School
Amy Scalia
Scarf It Up
Dave and Sandy Schwartz
Seton High School
Pete Settle
Starr Printing
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick L.
Steinbeck, D.D.M.S.D.
Stor-All Self Storage
Style Edit
Tamie Sullivan
Sweet Petit Desserts
Paul and Meg Tarvin
Tavern Restaurant Group
Tedia Company
Toys “R” Us – Eastgate
The Children’s Theater
of Cincinnati
The Paul Mitchell School
University of Cincinnati –
University of Cincinnati –
Interdisciplinary Clinic
Ursuline Academy
Julie Vehorn
Walgreen’s Co.
WCPO – Channel 9
WKRC – Channel 12
WLWT – Channel 5
WXIX – Channel 19
Mary Wineberg
Xavier University
Youthland Academy
2013 Coat Drive Special Thanks
A special thank you to the compassionate businesses, municipal
departments and community organizations that partnered with
us in 2013 for the Coat Drive:
Addyston United
Methodist Church
Anderson Township
Fire Departments
Anderson Township Hall
Blue Ash Fire Departments
Burlington Coat Factory
City Dash
Deerfield Township
Fire Departments
Gold Star Chili
Green Township
Fire Departments
Harrison Fire Department
Kemba Credit Union
Poul Lemasters
Liberty Township
Fire Departments
Little Miami Fire Department
Loveland Fire Department
Mariemont Fire Department
Mason Community Center
Mason Court House
Mason Fire Departments
Mason Municipal Center
Milford City Hall
Milford Fire Departments
Montgomery Fire
Montgomery Police
Mount Healthy
Fire Department
Northeast Pediatrics
Ohio Department
of Transportation
One Warm Coat
Press-Tige Dry Cleaners
Rhinestahl Corporation
St. Mary School
Scarf It Up
Sharonville Fire Department
Springdale Fire Departments
Springfield Township
Fire Department
Stor-All Self Storage
The Container Store
The Goddard School
WLWT News 5
Youthland Academy
Zion Christian
Temple Academy
“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may
obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16
2013 Charitable Pharmacy Special Thanks
A special thank you to the physicians, physician practices
and pharmacies that supported the efforts of our Charitable
Pharmacy in 2013:
ABS Business Products Inc.
Americares U.S. Partnerships
Catholic Health Partners
Christ Hospital Medical
Associates (Suites 200,
440, 334 &520)
Christ Hospital Medical
Associates – Bridgetown
Christ Hospital Medical
Associates Endocrine
Collaborative Care Pharmacy
Direct Relief International
Dr. Rasheed Ghani
Heart to Heart International
Dr. Michael Jennings
KeySource Medical, Inc.
Kenwood Pulmonary Clinic
Dr. Jason Mattingly
Medpace, Inc.
Merck, Inc.
Mercy – St. Raphael’s
Midwest Primary Care
Dr. Chole Mullen
Dr. Donald Nofziger
The Ohio Heart & Vascular
Center – Mt. Airy
Rho Chi Honor Society
Skilled Care Pharmacy
Dr. Mary Jo Slattery
Springdale Family Medicine
2013 Pantry Special Thanks
We would like to thank all the generous businesses, organizations and individuals that contributed
goods to the shelves of our choice food pantry:
85 Broads
American Lung Association
Pete Bushelman
Busken Bakery
Cathedral of St. Peter
in Chains
Cincinnati Children’s
Hospital Medical Center–
Psychology Fellowship
Cincinnati Hills Christian
Cincinnati Reds –
Strike Out Hunger
City Barbeque
City Dash
Coca-Cola Company –
Patrice Moore
Crossroads Church
Steve Culbertson
Custom Design Benefits, Inc.
Dental Care Plus
Tom DiNuoscio
Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc.
Bob Farrell
Fidelity Investments
Freestore Foodbank
GH Testing
Harrison Farms
Heritage Girls
JTM Meats
John Morrell & Co.
Ryan Kramer Family
Kroger – Anderson
The Kroger Co.
Kroger – Food from the Heart
Kroger – Woodlawn
La Salle High School
Demar Lewis
Loveland High School
Mane, Inc.
Matthew 25 Ministries
Tim Mayer Family
McCauley High School
Mercy High School
Miller Poultry
Mount Notre Dame
High School
Nehemiah Manufacturing
Our Lady of Visitation
Panera Bread
Papa John’s, Inc.
Princeton High School
Protective Life Insurance Co.
Chuck Rapp
Reinhart Foods
Roger Bacon High School
Rob Sander
St. Gertrude Parish
St. Mary’s School
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish
St. Rose Church
St. Thomas More School
St. Ursula Academy
St. Xavier High School
Sam’s Club
Sara Lee Corporation
Seapine Software, Inc.
Bill Settle
State Farm –
Leah Brantley Insurance
Sunrise Advertising
Mary Taylor
Ursuline Academy
Visitation School
Walmart – Scott Valentine
WCPO – Channel 9
WLWT – Channel 5
WXIX – Fox 19 –
Food from the Heart
“Grace is the power of God to do for us what we
cannot do for ourselves.” Unattributed
a moment of grace • boards
St. Vincent de Paul Board of Directors 2014
Andrew Curran, President
President & COO, DMR/Interactive
Becky Catino, Chairperson
Partner, 625 Investments
Chris Williams,
Vice President
Director of Consulting,
Operational Results, Inc.
Tricia Johnson, Treasurer
Executive Director, Ernst & Young, LLP
Ron Christian, Secretary
Charitable Pharmacy Board Rep.
Partner, Taft
Sr. Mary Ann Humbert, SC,
Spiritual Advisor
Sisters of Charity
Dr. Karen Bankston, PhD,
Assoc. Dean of Clinical Practice,
Partnership, & Community
Engagement, University of Cincinnati
Moira Clark Bonn
Senior VP of Corporate Marketing,
U.S. Bank
Fr. David Endres
Asst. Professor of Church History &
Historical Theology & Director of
Field Education, Athenaeum of Ohio/
Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary of the West
Joe Evelo
Managing Director, Wealth Mgmt./
Private Wealth Advisor, The Evelo/
Singer/Sullivan Group, Merrill Lynch
Private Banking & Investment Group
John B. Gartner III, SIOR
Brokerage Senior VP/Principal,
Cincinnati Industrial Services Group,
Colliers International
Cindy Givens
Customer Assistance Funds Program
Manager, Duke Energy
Bob Gramann
Chairman, GBBN Architects
Dan Hurley
Director, Leadership Cincinnati
Lisa Knutson
Senior Vice President & Chief
Administrative Officer, E.W. Scripps
Bart Kohler
President & CEO, Hubert Company
John Larson
Lead Independent Director, KAR
Auction, Inc.; Former CEO, Escort, Inc.
Dan Long
Partner, VR Business Brokers
Gary Massa
VP for University Relations,
Xavier University
Anne Niehaus
Attorney, Niehaus Law Offices, LLC
Mike Pratt
Retired, Procter & Gamble
John Sawyer
Senior Vice President & Chief
Distribution Officer, Protective Life
Liz Carter, ex officio
Executive Director, St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul Charitable Pharmacy Board
Mike Jennings, MD,
Chief Medical Officer, Christ Hospital
Kelley J. Downing,
Vice President
President/CEO, Bartlett & Co.
Brad Schwartz, CPA,
CFO, Mueller Roofing Dist. Inc.
Mike Puccini, RPh, Secretary
Pharmacy Business Dev. Mgr.
Cincinnati/Dayton KMA, Kroger
Amar Bhati, MD
Internist, Christ Hospital Clinic,
David Catanzaro, Pharm D
Medical Science Liaison,
Actelion Pharmaceuticals
Ron Christian
Partner, Taft Law Firm
Sandra Kuehn
President/CEO, Center for Chemical
Addictions Treatment
Susan Mashni, Pharm D
Drug Policy Dev. Specialist,
Catholic Health Partners
Julie McGehee
VP Benefits & Compensation/
Corporate Secretary, E.W. Scripps
Chole Mullen, MD
Outpatient Psychiatry Attending,
NorthKey Community Care
Donald Nofziger, MD
Former President,
Academy of Medicine
Bob Saelinger
Partner, Graydon Head & Ritchey LLP
Andrea Wall, R.Ph.
Assistant Dean for Student and
Alumni Affairs, University of Cincinnati/
James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy
Jay Wertz
Director, Wealth Advisory Services,
Johnson Investment Counsel, Inc.
Liz Carter, ex officio
Executive Director,
St. Vincent de Paul Cincinnati
St. Vincent de Paul Advisory Board
Ron Brown
Chief Operating Officer,
The Armor Group, Inc.
Willie Carden
Director of Parks,
Cincinnati Park District
Mark Casella
President/CEO, Coppertree, Ltd.
Mike Conaton
The Midland Company
Mike Connelly
President & CEO,
Catholic Health Partners
Robert Conway, Sr.
Chairman, The Bistro Group
Steve Culbertson
Jim Dodd
Retired Senior Vice President,
Fifth Third Bank
Ron Joseph, Jr.
Director, Joseph Auto Group
John Kron
Retired, Deloitte
Dan Meyer
CEO, Nehemiah Manufacturing Co.
Neil O’Connor
Clark, Schaefer, Hackett & Co
Chris Shimala
Commercial Regional Manager, Senior
Vice-President, Huntington Bank
Bob Stautberg
Retired Vice President,
St. Xavier High School
Tamara Sullivan
President, Sullivan
Communications, Inc.
Rev. Barry Windholtz
Pastor, St. Peter in Chains Cathedral
Management Team
Liz Carter,
Executive Director
Prentice Carter,
Operations Director
Mike Espel, R. PH.
Charitable Pharmacy Director
Matt Flege,
Strategic Initiatives Manager
Cindy Hammerstrom,
Finance Director
Gary Horton,
Volunteer and Member
Services Director
Kevin Lab,
Programs Director
LaMonica Sherman,
Site Winton Hills Manager
Kristen Klein,
Development Director
Elysa Hamlin,
Senior Communications
Production Credits
The 2013 Society of St. Vincent
de Paul Annual Report was made
possible through the dedication
and generosity of the following
team members:
Design & Production:
Scott Bruno, b graphic design
Merrilee Luke-Ebbeler,
Beebo Photography
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
1125 Bank St.
Cincinnati, OH 45214
(513) 562-8841
Find SVDPcincinnati on

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  • 1. a moment of grace Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati 2013 Annual Report
  • 2. “Grace is love that cares and stoops and rescues.” John Stott
  • 3. 3 2013 Annual Report • Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati dear friends, As our volunteers visited homes across Cincinnati this year, they found many families who were struggling — single mothers with empty refrigerators, families sleeping on the floor, children without coats in winter, and people on the verge of homelessness. In the midst of the suffering and chaos, we brought help with rent, utilities, food, clothing, medicine, furniture and more. In tiny apartments and empty homes, as one hand reached for another, our Vincentians provided a break from the stress, a pause from the uncertainty…a moment of grace for those in need. That moment, that pause in life when you feel that good really is possible, doesn’t come often enough for the less fortunate in our com- munity. But when it does, it is a gift for those giving help as well as those receiving it. A grandmother visited our West End Outreach Center one day, overwhelmed at the responsibility that had suddenly been placed on her. Her grandchildren had shown up on her doorstep with only the clothes on their backs, covered in lice and bed bugs. Unknown to the grandmother, the children had been living out of a car, never receiv- ing proper healthcare, education or socialization. The boy was five years old and struggled to even speak. As our volunteer carried sheets and pillows to her car for the bed we were going to provide, the grandmother asked the young boy to step out of the car and say hello. The boy looked down at the ground, struggling to mutter a hello. Then the grandmother told the boy, “This nice person is going to give you a bed.” The boy looked up at the vol- unteer with tears in his eyes and softly mumbled, “You give me bed?” For the boy, the sentence was a major accomplishment — a sign of how important this moment was to him. For the volunteer, it was a sign to pause and reflect on the impact that she was having in this child’s life. And for the grandmother, it meant one less thing to worry about — her grandchildren would have a place to sleep. Just a few seconds in a tumultuous day, but those seconds can be the most meaningful…those moments of grace that you make possible. In this annual report, you will read about more of the grace-filled moments you created for struggling families through your love and generosity. Those moments turned lives around. Those moments cre- ated hope in times of darkness. Those moments made all the differ- ence to someone in need and to all of us privileged to help them. Thank you. Liz Carter Andrew Curran Executive Director President
  • 4. AAA SSttt.. VVViinnccceeeennnntttt ddddeeee PPPPaaaauuuullll vvvvoooolllluuuunnnntttteeeeeeeerrrr
  • 5. 5 a moment of grace • food & nutrition emilie After Emilie’s husband passed away, she felt lost. “He dealt with all of our finances, business, every- thing,” sighed Emilie. “I really miss that old turkey.” While grieving, Emilie had to deal with the added stress of piecing together their finances. She thought the car was paid off and unknowingly fell behind on payments. Then, unbeknownst to Emilie, Social Security overpaid her. Once they realized their mistake, they halted her payments for several months, leaving her with no income, unable to buy food or pay her bills. Emilie’s granddaughter had moved in with her to finish high school. She is graduating with honors and Emilie beams when she talks about her. “She is so good to me,” smiles Emilie. “Sometimes I call her my babysitter because she’s always worrying about me and checking in on me. She’s such a good girl; I am so proud of her.” Imagine Emilie’s depression when she didn’t know how she was going to feed her granddaughter. Then, she got a disconnect notice from Duke. Emilie almost lost hope, until a neighbor told her about St. Vincent de Paul. “God works in mysteri- ous ways,” said Emilie. “I rarely spoke to that neigh- bor, but she could tell I was struggling and helped me find St. Vincent de Paul.” St. Vincent de Paul volunteers visited Emilie’s home to give emotional support and assistance with food and bills until she got back on her feet. “I thank God for the volunteers of St. Vincent de Paul,” she said. Growing up in food- insecure families makes children vulnerable to poor health and stunted development from the earliest stages of life (Source: Feeding America). In 2013, you provided groceries to struggling families more than 100,000 times through St. Vincent de Paul’s many food services, including our 9 neighborhood-based pantries, numerous food closets and individual home visits. In the midst of life’s many worries, you can create a moment of grace for a family in need. Your gift of $60 will feed three families for one week.
  • 6. 6 a moment of grace • charitable pharmacy eddie Eddie graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a business degree. He spent most of his career at the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, helping people with disabilities learn life skills. He never dreamed he would one day be reaching out for help himself. When Eddie’s Medicare Part D prescrip- tion insurance was cut, his prescription costs skyrocketed to more than $2,000 a month. Eddie lives on a fixed retirement income and was already struggling to make ends meet. Without his prescription insur- ance to cover the cost of his diabetes-related medication, Eddie didn’t know how he was going to survive. “I literally started wondering what I was going to have to sell to live,” said Eddie. “My family wanted to help me, but they didn’t have that kind of money either.” A friend saved Eddie’s life by telling him about the St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy, the only charitable pharmacy in Southwest Ohio. Eddie knew it was his last hope. “There are no other resources. I don’t know what I would have done without St. Vincent de Paul,” said Eddie. “The value of the Charitable Phar- macy is immeasurable.” Now, Eddie advocates for the pharmacy whenever possible. “I tell anyone I can about the Charitable Pharmacy — friends, family, people at the bus stop,” said Eddie. “It just might save their life, like it saved mine.” The St. Vincent de Paul Charitable Pharmacy provides free medication to people in need. Our patients include the uninsured, people with low income who have Affordable Care Act plans with little or no pre- scription insurance, elderly people who face insurmountable gaps in their Medicare coverage, the chronically ill and the working poor. This year, we are also focusing on Medication Therapy Manage- ment (MTM), a program to help patients manage their medications and improve their health while reducing their doctor visits, emer- gency room trips and other health- care costs. Through the first half of 2014, the MTM program saved our patients an estimated $181,000 in additional healthcare costs! Thanks to you, the Charitable Pharmacy filled 47,043 prescrip- tions valued at more than $5.8 million in 2013. For every $1 invested in the Charitable Pharmacy, we are able to provide $8 of medication. You can help a sick neighbor in their time of need. Your gift of $5,000 will fill 500 prescriptions.
  • 7. “I tell anyone I can about the Charitable Pharmacy — friends, family, people at the bus stop. It just might save their life, like it saved mine.”
  • 8. “It’s a constant struggle and I feel stuck. I have a high school diploma and took some college courses, but decent paying jobs require a degree.”
  • 9. 9 a moment of grace • homelessness prevention derik Derik is a veteran who served our country dur- ing the Gulf War. Haunted by the tragedies he witnessed, he suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Despite his disorder, Derik was determined to succeed in the civilian world after his service ended. He started his own car detailing company, but lost everything during the recession. Soon after, he gained full custody of his beautiful daughters, Brittany, Simona, Natalie and Joelle. A single father of four teenage girls, Derik tries to provide for his daughters while keeping up with their sports schedules, homework and dreams of becoming actresses. “It’s a constant struggle and I feel stuck,” said Derik, who joined the military instead of finish- ing college. “I have a high school diploma and took some college courses, but decent paying jobs require a degree.” Derik keeps a tight budget, but any unexpected expense can send the family’s finances spiral- ing. When a high utility bill resulted in a discon- nect notice, Derik didn’t know how he would pay his rent, feed his girls and keep the lights on. “If it was just me on my own, I could go crash on a friend’s couch, but it’s different with my girls,” said Derik. “I can’t uproot their lives and no one has the room to take in all five of us.” St. Vincent de Paul volunteers visited Derik and his girls at home. The importance of this call for help was not lost on them — the slide toward homelessness often begins with a high utility bill that a family is unable to pay. They listened to Derik’s struggles, went over a budget, and gave him help with his bills. “I don’t know what we would have done without their help,” said Derik. “We are very grateful.” Homelessness takes a terrible toll on a family. In Hamilton County, 50% of homeless children show developmental and behavioral prob- lems, compared to 16% for the general population. A small investment to keep a family stable in their home also saves approximately $4,565 in costs to shelter and re-house a family. St. Vincent de Paul is the oldest and largest private provider of Homlessness Pre- vention services in Cincinnati. In 2013, our volunteers visited the homes of neigh- bors in need 7,876 times. Thanks to you, 5,344 families received one-time emergency rental or utility assis- tance to keep them in their homes. The Homelessness Prevention Program keeps families in their homes. More than 89% of those helped are able to avoid eviction for at least six months. Your gift of $500 can save a family from homelessness.
  • 10. “It was really, really hard at first. I just kept thinking to myself, ‘You have no idea what you’re doing!’”
  • 11. 11 a moment of grace • thrift store & donation centers nina When 21-year-old Nina learned that her sister and three brothers had been abandoned, she didn’t hesi- tate to take them in. “I heard that they were living with a neighbor in a four bedroom apartment with eight other chil- dren,” said Nina. “I just asked myself, ‘What is the best thing you can do to help them?’” Nina was already busy trying to earn her nursing degree while working two jobs. But with- out a second thought, she filed for an emergency custody hearing. “It was really, really hard at first,” Nina said. “I was broke because I didn’t have any help. I just kept thinking to myself, ‘What are you doing? You have no idea what you’re doing!’” Nina had nothing for the children. “All five of us were sleeping in my bed,” said Nina. “I was getting kicked in the face and pushed off every night.” Nina turned to St. Vincent de Paul for help. Volunteers visited Nina and gave her beds and clothing for the children. They offered encouragement, budget- ing advice, and connections to additional resources. Nina applied for help with food and medical ex- penses and learned how to manage her budget. “Now I buy what the kids need first and then take them out for something special if we can afford it at the end of the month,” she explained. “They’re such good kids,” said Nina. “I don’t understand how someone could leave them.” This fledgling family will receive one more surprise. This year, Nina and her four siblings will get all the help they need to have a magical Christ- mas, complete with holiday meals and toys for all the children. Thanks to you, St. Vin- cent de Paul Store and Donations Centers provided more than $600,000 in free cloth- ing, furniture and house- hold items to neighbors in need in 2013 — items that make a house a home and help children feel secure. More than 988 beds were given to struggling families who were personally visited by our volun- teers. Donations can be dropped-off at any convenient Thrift Store and Donation Center location, or call 513- 421-CARE (4673) to schedule a free pick- up of large donations and vehicles. You can give hope to families in need by donating used clothing, furniture, household items, and even unwanted vehicles to St. Vincent de Paul. Or, a gift of $100 can provide a new bed to a neighbor in need.
  • 12. 12 programs anddrives Inside a tiny Colerain apartment, an elderly lady with COPD pulls her chair closer to the window air conditioner given to her by one of St. Vincent de Paul’s volunteers, thanks to you… A child’s face lights up with wonder at the gifts under the tree on Christmas morning, while her mother says a quiet prayer of thanks, wishing she could freeze this moment of grace, thanks to you… Two young brothers who went to bed with hunger pains last night, come home from a long day at school to find dinner on the table… thanks to you. At the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, we are blessed to witness moments of grace every day. Moments that touch our hearts and remind us that Christ is present in all we do. Moments made possible by your support for our drives, programs and events. Bob and Sylvia Rahe Mattress Fund The Bob and Sylvia Rahe Mattress Fund pro- vides a mattress, box spring and bed rail set to neighbors in need who are personally visited by our vol- unteers. In 2013, 988 local adults and chil- dren were lifted from the cold floor into a warm bed because of your generosity. A special thank you to our Kids Dream Too! program partners: Morris Home Furnishings, Ashley Furniture Homestore, Olympic gold medalist Mary Wineberg, WLWT and The Cincinnati Enquirer. The Kids Dream Too! program gives beds to local children in need.
  • 13. 13 a moment of grace • programs and drives Fan and Air Conditioner Drive Many older apartments in Cincinnati have poor ventilation and no cooling system, making them dangerous in the hot summer for those who are frail, sick, elderly or very young. In 2013, 700 fans and 320 air con- ditioners were given to neighbors in need, thanks to you. Thank you to our 2013 partners: WCPO, Huntington National Bank, Braun Heating and Air Conditioning, Coney Island, Tedia Company, Inc. and Stor-All Self Storage. Five Cares Coat Drive When budgets are stretched to the breaking point, getting a winter coat can be an impos- sible expense. In 2013, 6,600 coats were col- lected for local adults and children who had no other protection against the harsh weather. Thank you to our 2013 partners: WLWT News 5, Gold Star Chili, Kemba Credit Union, City Dash, Youthland Academy, participating fire departments, Starr Printing, and many other groups who collected coats. Kroger and Fox 19 Food From the Heart From Delhi to Anderson Township and Bridgetown to Finneytown, our volunteers visit families who live with the constant worry about where their next meal will come from. The Food From the Heart food drive, a cherished Cincinnati tradition, places food collection barrels and coin-boxes at Kroger store locations to accept donations during the holiday season. Kroger shoppers donated more than 100,000 meals in 2013. Thank you to our 2013 partners: Kroger and Fox 19. Cincinnati Reds Strike Out Hunger Food Drive St. Vincent de Paul pantries struggle to keep their shelves stocked due to an increased need for food when children are on summer break. Your donations to the Strike Out Hunger Food Drive provided help to struggling neighbors when they needed it most. In 2013, Reds fans donated 15,000 pounds of food,or 10,000 meals, providing nourishment and hope for families throughout Cincinnati. Thank you to our 2013 partners: Cincinnati Reds and WLWT News 5. Thanksgiving and Christmas Programs The holiday season is a time of joy, but for families struggling to make ends meet, it can be overwhelming and lonely. Through Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets, Adopt-A-Family, the Angel Toy Program, Holiday Hearts Luncheon and Shop with a Bengal, you embodied Christ’s love and created grace-filled memories for neighbors in need. You helped 6,634 people during the 2013 holiday season. In 2013, 6,600 coats were collected for local adults and children in need.
  • 14. 14 All Saints Annunciation Assumption Bellarmine Chapel at Xavier University Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains / St. Xavier Christ the King Church of the Resurrection Corpus Christi / St. John Neumann Good Shepherd Guardian Angels Holy Family Holy Trinity Immaculate Heart of Mary Little Flower Nativity Our Lady of Lourdes Our Lady of the Rosary / St. Matthias Our Lady of Victory Our Lady of Visitation Resurrection San Carlos / St. Charles St. Aloysius Gonzaga St. Ann St. Antoninus St. Bartholomew St. Bernard – Spring Grove Village St. Bernard – Taylor Creek St. Boniface St. Catherine St. Cecilia St. Clare St. Clement St. Dominic St. Gabriel St. Gertrude St. Ignatius St. James the Greater St. James of the Valley St. John the Evangelist St. John the Baptist – Northgate St. John the Baptist – Harrison St. Joseph – West End St. Joseph – North Bend St. Jude St. Lawrence St. Margaret of Cortona St. Margaret Mary St. Martin of Tours St. Mary – Hyde Park St. Mary – Aurora St. Michael the Archangel St. Pius Pantry St. Saviour St. Teresa of Avila St. Vivian St. William Sts. Peter & Paul Roger Bacon High School Mount Notre Dame High School cincinnati district council conferences RetroFittings St. Vincent de Paul partners with the Univer- sity of Cincinnati College of Design, Archi- tecture, Art and Planning (DAAP) to inspire the spirit of giving through fashion. Students design ensembles using just $10 worth of goods selected from a St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store and Donation Center. The lively, one-of-a-kind fashion show is the highlight of the evening with all proceeds supporting St. Vincent de Paul’s programs. Prescription Fore Fun Charity Golf Outing Thanks to the 8th Annual Prescription Fore Fun Charity Golf Outing, the Charitable Pharmacy is able to fill crucial prescription medications for our neighbors in need. In 2013, proceeds from the annual golf outing provided $200,000 worth of prescriptions to people in need. Suburban poverty in Cincinnati has increased by 83% since 2000, with many at-risk families now isolated in suburban communities where few services are available. St. Vincent de Paul’s network of 910 parish-based volunteers serving more than 71 Cincinnati neighborhoods places us at the front lines of suburban poverty, uniquely positioned to reach and assist these families, regardless of race or religion. During home visits, we personally witness the hardship a family faces when the breadwinner loses their job or has their hours cut, someone falls ill, or a car breaks down. In spite of news stories about the recovering economy, the families we serve are in crisis.
  • 15. 15 a moment of grace • giving give a moment of grace Give your time You can share a moment of grace by either meeting directly with those in need or working behind the scenes. Whatever your age, interests, or background, there is a place for you at St. Vincent de Paul. Participate in Service Learning The Ozanam Center for Service Learning offers immersion experiences for adults and students that connect people from diverse backgrounds, engage participants in poverty and justice issues in Cincinnati, and cultivate a commitment to long-term service and com- munity engagement. Give Financial Support You can help a struggling neighbor through a difficult time. Your gift will provide spiritual, emo- tional and material assistance during a fam- ily’s hour of greatest need. Nearly all of our funding is from individual people and private foundations who want to help people in need. Make a Planned Gift You can leave a legacy of hope through tax-favored and finan- cial estate planning. Give goods or your used vehicle You can donate clothing, furniture, household items and even a vehicle to help neighbors in need. Host a Drive Hosting a drive for food, personal care items, clothing and other basic necessities is a fun, easy way to work with your friends, family or co-workers to help local people in need. • To volunteer, call (513) 562-8841 x 211. • To participate in service learning, call (513) 562-8841 x 231. • To make a financial or planned gift, or to host a drive, call (513) 421-HOPE (4673). • To donate goods or a vehicle, call (513) 421-CARE (2273). Thrift Store and Donation Center Locations Colerain • 6900 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45239.............................(513) 741-1641 Este Superstore • 4530 Este Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45232......................(513) 681-9838 Evendale • 9864 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45241................................(513) 563-2949 Mason • 1065 Reading Rd., Mason, OH 45040 ..........................................(513) 492-7940 Milford • 813 Main St., Milford, OH 45150 .....................................................(513) 248-2664 Mt. Washington • 2300 Beechmont Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45230 ......(513) 231-1239 Western Hills • 5555 Glenway Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45238 ..................(513) 347-0342 Outreach Center Locations West End • 1125 Bank St., Cincinnati, OH 45214.........................................(513) 562-8841 Winton Hills • 4848 Winneste Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45232....................(513) 641-0382
  • 16. financials Assistance Provided In 2013, volunteers contributed 106,832 hours of service: Conference members (Parish-based volunteers): 910 members gave 62,563 hours Edyth and Carl Lindner Choice Food Pantry, Charitable Pharmacy, other services: 1,623 volunteers gave 23,430 hours Store and Donation Centers: 20,839 volunteer hours In 2013, St. Vincent de Paul helped more than 120,200 people: Conferences (Parish-based volunteer groups) helped 50,667 people and made 7,498 home visits Outreach Center Social Services helped 35,258 people St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantries helped people with food more than 100,000 times The Charitable Pharmacy filled 47,043 prescriptions valued at $5.8 million Other programs and events resulted in an additional 3,979 people helped
  • 17. Sources of Support Uses of Support 18% Assistance to needy 9% Food pantries 65% Furniture, clothing, & other goods 3% Car donation program 3% Management & general3% Fundraising 18% Contributions & legal bequests 40% Donated food & other goods 3% Auto & other 3% Investment gain 36% Stores 17 a moment of grace • financials Revenues, Gains, and Other Support Contributions & legal bequests.................................................$4,184,916 Donated food & other goods.........................................................9,244,359 Stores......................................................................................................8,279,034 Investment gain..................................................................................... 578,341 Auto & other............................................................................................730,719 Total revenue, gains & other support.........................................$23,017,369 Expenses Program services Food pantries....................................................................................$1,805,938 Furniture, clothing, & other goods........................................... 13,380,501 Other assistance to needy.............................................................3,641,693 Total program services............................................................... $18,828,132 Car donation program...........................................................................$552,160 Supporting services Management & general ...................................................................$659,629 Fundraising..............................................................................................612,835 Total supporting services............................................................ $1,272,464 Total expenses......................................................................................$20,652,756 Change in net assets..........................................................................$2,364,613 Net assets, beginning of year ......................................................... $16,301,088 Net assets at end of year....................................................................$18,665,701 2013 Statement of Activities
  • 18. donors St. Vincent de Paul relies almost ex- clusively on the generosity of private individuals, businesses, foundations and organizations for support. Our deepest gratitude goes to all our sup- porters, both those who made gifts to the Cincinnati District Council in 2013, as well as those who donate to the St. Vincent de Paul collection through their parishes. Your gift created moments of grace for strug- gling families throughout our community.
  • 19. 19 a moment of grace • donors Society of Service ($100,000 and up) The Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile Jr./U.S. Bank Foundation Elaine and Henry Fischer The Hamilton County Health and Hospitalization Levy The Robert T. Keeler Foundation Society of Humility ($50,000–$99,000) The Ed and Joann Hubert Family Foundation, Inc. * Jacob G. Schmidlapp Trusts, Fifth Third Bank, Trustee The Kroger Company Foundation * Mrs. Ellen M. Miller * The Robert H. Reakirt Foundation Society of Simplicity ($25,000–$49,999) William and Anne Burleigh * The Catino Family Foundation CVS Health The Estate of Laverne L. Kramer The Estate of Richard Davis The Estate of Wayne E. Williams Protective Life Corporation Society of Charity ($10,000–$24,999) American Financial Group, Inc. Sheldon and Norma Braun * Catholics United for the Poor * City Of Cincinnati Marylyn and Ray Clark Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Connelly Theodore and Mary Lou Elchynski The Farmer Family Foundation The Hatton Foundation The James J. and Joan A. Gardner Family Foundation * Michael and Kathleen Jennings, M.D. * William and Suzanne Joiner C. Bart and Linda Kohler * Ms. Mildred W. Kuhn Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McNerney Nehemiah Manufacturing Company, LLC * Niehaus Financial Services, LLC * Order of Malta – Cincinnati Paula M. Steiner Family Foundation, Inc. * Joseph A. and Susan E. Pichler The Robert and Jeanne Diesel Foundation John and Sherry Sawyer SC Ministry Foundation * Scripps Howard Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sedler * Michael and Janet Sepela * Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati Paul and Meg Tarvin Tedia Company, Inc. Western & Southern Financial Group * These donors have financially contributed to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati District Council for five or more consecutive years. Society of Justice ($5,000–$9,999) American Fan Co. Donna Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burns Prentice and Liz Carter * Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Castellini * Ron and Vicki Christian * Carl and Linda DeBlasio * Joseph and Michele Evelo * GBBN Architects Mr. James Gielty * Bob and Sharon Hoverson Krombholz Jewelers The LeBlond Foundation of Makino The Leser Family Fund * Macy’s and a Friend of RetroFittings Charles and Ann McCarthy * Morris Furniture Co., Inc. Thomas J. and Linda G. Mueller * Mueller Roofing Distributors, Inc. John and Mary Ann Mushaben Urban and Barbara Neville * Mr. and Mrs. Tom O’Brien Jim and Dennie Patton * Michael and E. Diane Rohs William and Amy Schult * St. Xavier High School * Joseph and Barbara Trauth TriHealth Dorothy C. Wallace Trust West Side Capital, LLC Wildermuth Family Foundation William H. Albers Foundation, Inc. David and Barbara Witte The Wohlgemuth Herschede Foundation * “Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • 20. 20 Society of Spirit ($1,000–$2,499) Tim and Bonnie Albers Archdiocese of Cincinnati * Paul and Gwen Arling Rev. Thomas R. Axe Bartlett & Co. Gregory and Julie Bauke * Myles and Elizabeth Berling * John and Joyce Berning * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Besse Blue Ash Protective Association, Inc. Stanley M. Boric * Charles and Joan Brady Kimberly Brannon Nancy Bride Sandy and Bruce Brielmaier * The Helen and James G. Broe (LGW) Fund J. Robert and Dianne Brown * Michael and Patricia Brunst Jane Buehler Robert A. and Kara Bult Troy and Jennifer Burt Steve Calme Gus Camacko Pat Cassedy Steve Chapman Joan and Richard Chouteau The Christ Hospital Medical Associates City Dash, Inc. David and Mary Kay Clark Norma L. Clark * Maryann Cleary * Robert and Patricia Coffaro Jackie Combs Andrew and Liz Curran * Mrs. Beverly Davis Lucy Davis Ms. Mary G. Davis Gerard and Lisa Deehan Scott and Mitzy DeNoma The DeWine Family Foundation Carmine and Michele DiLonardo Rick Dodd James and Janet Donnellon Mr. Brad Dreier * Robert J. and Nancy Dudero Duke Energy Foundation – Matching Gift Program Louis and Diane Eichhold The Elder Schwarzer Family Fund Tripp and Margaret Eldredge Electrodyne, Inc. David and Mary Ann Ellerbrock * Rev. David J. Endres Jerome D. Fagel, Jr. Patrick and Mary Fages Bob and Paula Farrell Nora Fink Daniel T. and Susan Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fogarty Mark Frey Frontgate Dr. and Mrs. Harry F. Fry Dorothy J. Garland, Trust Society of Truth ($2,500–$4,999) Barbara Apking * The Bank of Kentucky, Crestview Hills Mr. and Mrs. James Berg Dr. and Mrs. Amar Bhati Veronica Disimile Jim and Elizabeth Dodd * Mr. Frank Dowd * Duke Energy Esther Price Candies Corp. George Hubert Family, LLC Steven and Linda Giessler * Robert and Carol Gramann * Mary Dean Grote * Haglage Construction, Inc. * Huntington National Bank Adam Jones JTM Meats Lisa and Steven Knutson John and Mary Larson Paul and Maureen Lechleiter LPK Vickie Magliano Reynold Tala Maualuga Mr. and Mrs. William McCloy Dennis Nead * Terence Newman O.K.I. Auction, LLC Ohio Valley Electrical Services, LLC Domata U. and Anna M. Peko * Mrs. Dorothy G. Roth * RPP Containers Thomas Schuster Peter and Krista Settle William and Jeanne Shoemaker Andre Smith, Jr. Mary Kotte Smyth St. Rose Church St. Susanna Parish Katherine and Tim Stautberg * James and Linda Steffen * Taft, Stettinius & Hollister, LLP Ms. Gail J. Taylor * Truist – Matching Gift Program UBS Financial Services, Inc. Andrew and Melissa Whitworth * The Williams Family Fund James Winter “We are all sinners. But God heals us with an abundance of grace, mercy and tenderness.” Pope Francis
  • 21. 21 a moment of grace • donors * These donors have financially contributed to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati District Council for five or more consecutive years. Brian and Anne Marie Gibler Give With Liberty – Matching Gift Program Jeanne Glassmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gorman * Graydon, Head & Ritchey, LLP * The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Fred and Nancy Habegger William and Lana Haller * Clark and Joanne Handy Mr. Richard H. Haneberg * Michael F. and Mary J. Haverkamp Jeffrey Herbert * Brian and Allison Herriott Janet Hickman Phil and Gloria Hock * Jack and Jacqueline Hoeting * Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Hoeting * James Howe Arthur and Rita Hudepohl * Lawrence and Marlene Humbert * Tricia and Eric Johnson * Johnson Investment Counsel, Inc. Johnson Investment Counsel, Inc. – Charitable Gift Fund Gregory and Jeannette Jones Marcia Joseph Ronald G. and Caroline Joseph, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jung Arleene Keller David A. and Sharon M. Kitzmiller Tom and Stacey Koenigsfeld Richard and Eva Komoroski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Koopman Chris and Victoria Kotsovos Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kramer Mr. James H. Krueger S. George and Joann Kurz * La Salle High School Al and Mary Lahti White * Frank and Teresa Lamantia Jean M. Lambert * Mr. John Larkin Mary Letty Lavely Martin and Helen Lawson Michael and Molly Lippert Mr. Donald G. Lipps Dave and Judy Lococo * Virginia Stix Lurie Fund John and Deborah Majoras Michael Martin * Steve and Mary Martin Matlock Electric Company Inc. The Manuel D. and Rhoda Mayerson Foundation Timothy and Jennifer McConnell * Mary Sue McDuffie Malcolm McElroy Mr. Thomas G. McKenney * Virginia and Denny Meador * Daniel F. and Debi Meyer Jeffrey and Peggy Mossbarger Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Motl Chole Garibay and Timothy Mullen Kenneth and Theresa Mullen * Brian Murray Don and Phyllis Neyer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Neyer, Sr. Anne Niehaus Rev. Thomas C. Nolker * George and Carol Osterfeld William and Renate Otteson Julie and Michael Peters Michael C. and Pamela R. Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Puccini * Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Rabe Raveen Rajavarma Jay and Beulah Raymond Endowment Fund Michele Reardon Ms. Rita H. Riddell * William and Jo Ann Ropp Audrey and Thomas Ruthman * Kevin Ryan Michael and Christine Ryan Safelite AutoGlass Foundation SalonCentric Charles and Bre Sambuchino * Timothy Sanders Bill Schauble Mary A. Schell Trust Robert C. Schemenauer David and Cheryl Schildmeyer Loren Schramm Mrs. Elizabeth B. Schulenberg * Gregory Schultz Schwab Charitable Fund Harry and Carol Schweer * Lana and Jason Scott Terry and Ken Segerberg Becky and Aaron Seurkamp Anthony and Grace Severyn Kathleen Shaut Tony and Lynda Shipley * Ken and Kathy Skau St. Jude Church Fred Stang Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Stautberg * James and Kim Stegeman Michael J. and Marianne Storck David and Cheryl Stouffer * Steven T. and Mary C. Sullivan Lisa Summe Swapalease Verna Taylor Scott and Helyn Teepe Mrs. Mary Theresa Thiemann * U.S. Bank Lee and Kathleen Vonderhaar Francis Wagner Tracey Wagner Walmart Geraldine Warner Ronald and Alice T. Wehrle Mary Werdmann Jean Werning Mr. Thomas E. Westerfield Phyllis Weston Ray and Elaine Westrich Zachary and Karen Wiley Christopher and Diane Williams Rebecca Williams Shane Winslow Rick and Kathy Wissel * Gary and Paula Yerke * Sharon E. Ziegler
  • 22. 22 Society of Faith ($500–$999) ABS Business Productions, Inc. Thomas and Claire Ackerman AdvancePierre Foods Chris Aluotto American Endowment Foundation Ameriprise Financial, Inc. Lorraine Austin * Patricia and Joseph Baker Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Barden BASF Corporation Judith Bausher * Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bayliss Bill Bayuk Bob and Barb Becker Berenfield Containers, Inc. Bruce and Karen Berno * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Berns, Jr. * Noel J. and Romaine M. Biesik John Craig Brinkman Timothy and Catherine Brinkman Lori Brison Tom and Mary Brokamp Dennis and Jennifer Brown Jeff and Amy Bruns W. Alan and Margaret M. Burke Carol Burns Charles J. Burridge Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burwinkel Patricia Calo Carespring Health Care Management, LLC Edward Castleberry, TTEE Catholic Volunteer Network Stephen and Kathleen Chambers Manuel and Cynthia Chavez * Hoon and Aesook Choi Joseph Clasgens J. H. Clasgens II * Mr. Earle Clayton * Michael J. and Nancy D. Conaton Dr. and Mrs. C.J. Condorodis * Contractors Choice Rev. Ronald C. Cooper * Covidien James and Eileen Creed Steve and Gina Culbertson * Brittney Curtis Michael Danowski Daniel and Melanie DeBrosse Mrs. Nancy Debrunner * Joseph Degaro David and Susan Deye William Diebold DMR/Interactive Richard Donaldson Terrence M. and Joyce Donnellon Bryan Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Edgell Lisa Egner Marina Ellison Ms. Mary E. Fay Matthew E. Feldman and Julie R. Baker Mr. Frank Fellerhoff Melvin Firestone Rebecca Flesch Flynn & Company David and Anita Freeman * Robert and Karla Gauger Joseph Gockerman Eileen Goode Google – Matching Gift Program Michael and Jennifer Goris Lisa Grant Alex and Amy Gray Michael Grieff Paul and Laura Griffith * William Groneman Thomas Hake Richard Hansman, Jr. * Jeff and Joy Harris Rhonda Harris Craig A. and Linda Hayden * Jessie and Jason Heikenfeld Mark and Mary Hennessey John and Dianne Hergenrother Stephen Hightower Monica M. Hizer Gary Hoffman Ms. Margaret M. Hogan Martin F. Hollenbeck David Horn Diana Housman Hubert Company Matthew and Heidi Hudson Flege Huesing Family Foundation Dan Hurley Jon and Laureen Hussey i-systems Corporation Steve and Heidi Jark-Kenat Oscar Jenkins Elizabeth Johnston Scott A. and Mary Johnstone * Dorothy E. Kaiser * Mr. Jerome Charles Kathman * William and Nancy Keating, Jr. Ms. Judith Marie Keiber Neil Keller Donald and Kathy King Timothy Kinne John and Sheila Kippley Suzanne and James Kopcha Mark and Diane Kosobud Dan and Mary Kramer * Mr. Robert Kramer Thomas A. Kuhn Lawrence H. Kyte Kevin J. Lab Rev. Francis G. Lammeier * Ramon and Betty Landenwitch Barbara Levy Tom Lienhart Dr. Jennifer Loggie * Peggy Loux Daniel and Anne Lovell * Mary Ann Lynn Arthur and Maryann Maines *
  • 23. 23 a moment of grace • donors Don and Susan Mashni Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mayer * Kevin and Julie McGehee William J. and Carol J. McGowan James and Constance McKiernan Michael and Kathy McQueen Brian and Hope McRedmond * David Metz Barry Miller Montgomery Inn, Inc. Carolyn and Richard Morin Eric G. Mueller Joyce Mukes Jeff and Julia Muntel Joseph and Marlene Nasello * National Endowment for Financial Education Newman Foundation, Inc. Raymond Neyer Dan O’Connell Rafaela Olanda Christina Ostendorf Jonathan and Michelle Ostrander Nicholas Ostrosky Mr. and Mrs. Fred Overbeck * Parson-Bishop Services, Inc. Patrick B. Points and Wijdan Jreisat Peerless Printing Company Brian and Anne Pellot Richard and Bonnie Peterson * Rosemarie Peterson Michael Petrucci Ronald J. Pfleghaar David C. and Liane Phillips John and Sue Pugh Mr. Paul H. Ravenna Kenneth and Bernice Reeder Remke Markets Rent-A-Center Amy Reynolds Sean Reynolds W. Emerson and JoAnn Rhodes Michael and Barbara Ricke * Frederick and Laura Riehle Fran Rielag Jean S. Ring Lawrence J. Robert Cliff and Mary Jo Roe William and Joan Rohde Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rohling * Patri Rolling John T. and Carole Ruschulte Sabre Holding, Give Together Campaign William H. and Judith M. Sander Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Sauer Robert and Charlotte Schaengold William C. Schmidter Donald and Joan Schmitt Thomas J. and Mary Schmitz * Enid Schneider Dan and Robin Schuckman Stephen and Joann Schweitzer SCS Construction Services, Inc. Edward and Mary Jo Seibert Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Shawhan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Sholtes Ed and Mary Jo Siebert Kristen Simmons Linn Sinnott David and Linda Smith Jennifer Smith David and Linda Sparke Emilio Spinosa St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church Michael and Kay Stefanics Michael E. and Mary Elaine Steiner, TTEE Mike and Kathleen Stenger Robert Stricker George and Linda Strietmann * Chris and Danielle Strotman Karen Sturgeon Russell E. Sunberg * Tac Company, Inc. Mr. Raymond A. Teepen * Mr. Franklin D. Thomas * Ms. Mary M. Thran Connie Tracy Jerry Trefzger * Lawrence and Mary P. Uebel * Union Savings Bank United Way of Greater Cincinnati Bob and Patricia VanStone * Ms. Susan M. Vergamini Richard A. and Marilyn Vogele Barbara Vollmer Herbert A. Vonderheide William and Gail Waham Allison Weber Mr. Jonathan T. Weber * Jerome W. and Dianne Wedig * Keith Wells Jay and Kathy Wertz WesBanco Bank, Inc. Michael and Susan West Tim Whalen Mike and Rosemary Whitney David and Janet Willig Sonya Wilson Mary Wineberg Mr. and Mrs. James Yunker William Yusko Brian Zappia Gerald and Dee Zobrist John W. Zorio, CLU, CHFC * These donors have financially contributed to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati District Council for five or more consecutive years. “In the end, the number of prayers we say may contribute to our happiness, but the number of prayers we answer may be of even greater importance.” Dieter F. Uchtdor
  • 24. 24 Society of Samaritans ($100–$499) Paul and Barbara Abbinante Joan Abbinate-Nissen Elizabeth Abbott Valerie Abbott Kevin and Kim Abele Bellkiss Abril-Roman Mr. James W. Ahlrichs Jagjeet and Claire Ahluwalia * Mr. and Mrs. George Ainge Teresa Albertson Marc Alexander M.D. Jeff Allan Romola Allen * Mark Altmayer Thomas and Lynne Alverson American Precision Metalworks, LLC Mark Amorini Dolares M. Angel, CPA Frank and Ann Antenucci Eugene A. and Rosanna Ardine Michael J. and Ruth Anne Armentrout Mary Armor Mary Armstrong Marie Arnult Mr. Paul V. Arszman Ms. Connie Arthur * Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Auciello Katherine and Joseph Auger Michael and Vicki Aylward Albert and Patricia Babey William Backs Steven and Valerie Badinghaus Chris and Julianne Badylak Todd and Ann Bailey * Rose Baker Gregory Bakos John and Linda Ball Sheila Bandy Mr.and Mrs. Donald C. Bang Ms. Karen Bankston PhD, FACHE Hillary Barhorst David and Glenda Barkalow Kip Barker Rose Ann Barone-Wirth C.F. Barrett August Bauer Helen Baur Robert and Ruth Baur Mrs. Mary L. Baurichter Dominica Bazeley Nancy Becker Donald Beckert Rev. Jason Bedel Henry and Elsie Beekley Margaret Beeman Richard and Sara Bell Robert P. and Karen Bell Ms. Ann L. Bellersen Cheryl Bennedict Marilynn Bennett George W. and Martha K. Bens Herb and Darlene Benson James L. and Nancy L. Berendt Ann Berger Kit Berger Ms. Ellen Berghamer Michael Bergman Mildred Berning Lucille Berninger Julia Bernzott * Mark Besanceney C.M. Beyersdorfer John Bibler Claire Biebel John J. and Marilyn E. Bishop Bishop Family Fund David and Joan Bittner Glenn and Martha Bitzenhofer BKD, LLP Michael Black Dave and Kathy Blandford Harry A. Blaney, M.D. Jeanne Bloemer Shirlee Bloom * Kelsey Blum Mr. Leonard A. Blum, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Boardman Michael and Pam Boehm James and Dana Boeing * Ms. Barbara A. Boggano Mr. William A. Bohne Maggie Bolin William and Carol Bonapfel * Jim and Moira Bonn Book Exchange, Inc. Andre Borders Matthew and Christine Botica James and Kimberly Bower Steve and Diane Bowman * Reid and Mary Bradford Mr. William J. Bradley * Ms. Mary Frances Bray * Tom and Mary Anne Brennan Ray Brenner Mary Anne Bressler Virginia Brezinski Linda and Steve Brill Christine Brinker Ellen Brinker Stephen and Lea Brinker John and Cheryl Brinkmeyer Marta Brockmeyer Joseph D. Broderick, M.D. Brenita Brooks Carole Brown Daniel Brown Don and Terri Brown * Lauren Brown Ron and Linda Anne Brown Chris and Stacey Browning Leroy and Lois Bruck * Walter and Tia Brueggemann * Ms. Mary W. Bruening John and Margaret Bruggeman Daniel Brunck Ms. Rosemary Brune Robert Bruning Allison and John Bruns Michael and Ruth Brunsman Rich and Julianne Bruzina Mary Budde * Roy and Derenda Buddenberg Angie Buechner David and Karen Bulman Kathleen Bunnell James Burgemeir Robert R. and Felicia Burger Susan Buring * Marcia Burke Mary Jo Burke Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Burke * Diedra Burns Gary and Mary Ann Burns * William D. Burnside Ms. Karen Burr Mr. David M. Burridge * Lee Burroughs John Burwinkel Mrs. Mary B. Busch * Mr. Fritz Buschmann John and Mary Buse, Sr. * Cheryl and Gary Bush * Tim and Donna Butler Christine Buttress Ruth Bydash Richard and Catherine Byrne Robert E. and Virginia L Byrnes Mr. Thomas S. Calder Richard and Mary Alice Calme Lanthan and Louise Camblin Whitelaw and Carol Campbell Mr. John H. Cannon John and Mary Canny David and Becky Capella Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Card Greg and Maura Carpinello Patrick Carrothers Shannon Carter Janet Case Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Casella Peter and Nancy Cassady David and Marie Catanzaro Kurt Caudill Michael Caudill Mr. and Mrs. David R. Celmer * Robert Chaloult Mrs. Kathleen Chambers R. Guy and Judy Chandler Paul and Barbara Chenault
  • 25. 25 a moment of grace • donors Nancy Ciarniello Nancy C. Ciccarello James Cimprich Cincinnati Mennonite Fellowship Cincinnati Stage Employees Local #5 Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber Edward and Shirley Clancy Erin Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clanton Kevin and Kate Clarisay Rory Clear Mary C. Clifton, Trustee Philip Codding Cecil Cole Timothy and Janie Colegate Joseph Coll Marguerite Comparetto Coney Island Maureen Conley Mr. Andrew Connaughton Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Connelly * Dan and Jamie Constable Sheila Conway John Conwell Ralph and Donna Cook Gene and Rosemary Cooke Nancy Cooke * Ms. Nancy Coomer Cooper Electric Eugene Cordier * John and Virginia Corsini * Terrence Cosgrove Janet Costello Nancy Costello Dennis P. and Patricia Coyne Jeffery A. and Phyllis M. Cramer Andrew Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Crew Richard L. and Roberta J. Criss Cristofoli-Keeling, Inc. Ms. I. Joyce Cronin Floyd Crouse * Ms. Margaret Culkin Charles J. and Rita A. Cullen Ms. Karen Cullion Pierce and Roberta Cunningham Matthew and Rachel Curran Steve and Laura Curran Jenny Cussen Anna Daddabbo Dalton Roofing Co. Betty Dance James and Vivian Daniels Mr. and Mrs. James Darnell Mr. Jeffrey Darnell Kevin and Barb Daugherty Ms. Lucille Daugherty Peter and Lisa Dayton Thomas and Cheri Dean Ms. Patricia Decker Robert C. Dehner Kathy DeLaura Jamie and Gregory DeLorenzo Peter Deltufo Ronald and Barbara DeNamur Angela Dennis Stephen Derose * John Di Silvestro Teresa Dicaro Stephen and Carolyn Dick * Carl and Judith Dickhaus * Teresa Dicolandrea Thomas and Sandy Digman * Bill and Kathy Dillhoff Paul DiMario Terence and Melenie Dinan Michael and Jessica Disimile Lucille Dixon Barbara and Jeannette Doddy Ann and Joseph Donahue Mrs. Dianne M. Donlan Mr. Robert Donovan Paul Dorger Robert Dorsey * Michael and Carolyn Dowling David and Kelley Downing * Mariana Dragomir Emilie Dressler Carol and Jerry Drew Robert and Rita Driehaus Mr. and Mrs. William Dulle Suzanne Dunbar Albert A. Duplace, Jr. Joyana Dvorak Frederick Dwyer Albert Early Rich and Louise Easterly * James and Theresa Eby James Eckels Mr. William Edmund Maurice and Mary Edris Cheryl Edwards Goldie Edwards Janet Edwards Mrs. Mary Joanne Egbers * Carol L. Egner, M.D. Greg Eichhold Jonathan Eichhold Ms. Shirley L. Eiden * Albert and Carla Eilers * Joan Elder Kenneth and Patricia Elder Stephen and Kay Elliott Anthony Elsass Ed Emmerling Marc Emral Danita Enouen Epoxy Systems Blasting & Coating, Inc. Omer Erdmann Mr. and Mrs. William F. Erman * Mary J. Esbenshade James Esmail Frank Espel Mike and Mary Espel * Evelo/Singer/Sullivan Group of Merrill Lynch Everest Group Mrs. Mary Jean Evers Mary Jo Eyink Noreen Eynden Mary Ann Fagel * Ms. Margaret Fanella * Pam Farley Jim and Peggy Farwig Alan M. and Carol R. Faulhaber Daniel and Raymond Fay Mary A. Fay Katherine Federle George Fee * William Fehn Thomas and Ruth Feiertag Mr. John Feighery * Heidi Felton David W. Ferguson Candice Fern Herman and Esther Ferris Mary Jo Ferris Mrs. Barbara A. Fiedler Patricia Filak Nancy Finch Mr. Joe Finke Bonnie Finn Jim and Vivien Finnigan JoAnne Fiorini Ann Firestone Renee Fischer James T. and Leslie Fitzgerald Laurel Fitzgerald James Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Fitzpatrick, Jr. Maureen Flanagan Dr. David C. Flaspohler Mildred Fluegemann James Flynn James and Mary Beth Flynn Kevin Fogarty Robert and Mary Fogler Daniel and Lela Foley Catherine Folyes Mrs. Mary Lou Folzenlogen Mr. Spencer Foote, Jr. * Forest Hills Local School District Deborah Foster Ms. Diana Fowls Barb France Mary Frank Thomas R. and Peggy V. Frank Ellen L. Frankenberg Mr. and Mrs. David S. Frazer Mr. Thomas L. Frazer * Christopher Frebis Gary Fredensborg Patricia Frey Barbara Frey-Blum Vanessa Freytag * These donors have financially contributed to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati District Council for five or more consecutive years.
  • 26. 26 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Friedmann * Jonathan Friedmann Mrs. Patricia Froehle Jayne Fronk William and Kathleen Fussinger Steven and Kathleen Gallagher Jeffrey and Lindsey Galles James Gangloff Earl E. and Mary Kay Gardner Richard and Nancy Gardner Linda Garrett Carolyn Garriott Timothy Garry John and Camille Gartner III Eleanor Gates Harry and Mildred Gates * Marianne Gatewood * Bernard B. and Suzanne J. Gawne GE Fund Kristine Geisen J. Robert Geisen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gerhardt Anthony Gerstner Donna Gessler Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Gettelfinger Judy Gierl Augustine and Pam Giglio Jeffery and Margaret Gilbert James and Jennifer Ginocchio Tom Giordano Mary Jo Lane Cynthia Marie Givens Mary Ann Gleason Gene and Cindy Gleeson Glenmary Lay Missioners, Inc. Thomas P. and Blanche M. Glenn Ms. Marilyn J. Goldfeder Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Goldschmidt Kenneth Golick Susan Goodman Marianne Gorby Mr.and Mrs. Mark D. Gorman Robert H and Diane Gottmer David and Karen Gramke Thomas and Cynthia Gravett Great Oak Construction, Inc. Greater Liberty Baptist Church Linda Greenberg Victoria Gregory Susan and Gary Greiner Richard and Rosemary Greiwe Mrs. Patricia A. Greulich Geoffrey Griffiths John Griggs Kathleen Grismer David and Laura Groenke Laura Groenko Ms. Ardith A. Grote Jo Anne Grote Susan Grote Tom Grote David Gruber John and Sue Gruber * Richard L. Gruber Donald Gruber Guardian Angels Church Doug and Michelle Guenther Bruce and Amy Guiot Clifford Gump Elizabeth Gurley Thomas Gutekunst Ronald and Deb Gutzwiller Rosemarie and Jerome Gutzwiller Jeffrey Haas Thomas and Jane Habig * Marwan and Sahar Haddad Ronald C. Haft Tom and Sandra Hagenbarth Theodore L. Haglage * Nick and Barb Hahn Haire-Bohmer Wealth Management Group, LLC Fred and Eileen Hall Mrs. Ruth Ann Halpin David Hamilton Mary K Hamilton Kathy Hamm Ms. Barbara Hammersmith Mr. Robert Hammersmith David and Cynthia Hammerstrom Mr. and Mrs. Martin Handel * Keith and Patricia Hanley Richard and Jeanne Hannan * Mary Jo Hanrahan Mrs. Nora Hanseman * Michele Hardrich Kenneth Hare William Harmeyer Anna Harmon Ms. Joan E. Harpring * Allyson, Joanne and Chuck Harris Nancy Hart Robert Hartlaub Deborah Hasken Nitasha Hatcher Kevin Havens Andy and Tina Hawking Lisa Hayes Anthony and Nancy Heagney * Mr. Raymond J. Healy Marianne Heck Janet Heiden Carol Heidt * Mr. Donald J. Heimbrock * Sheila Heinen Paul Heisel Mark Hensler Roger Henthron Jack Herb Joseph E. and Patricia M. Herbers Ms. Carol L. Herbert * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Herbert P. A. Heringer Steve and Sally Hext Henrietta Heywood Mary Hilleary Ray Hils Joan Hilton Ms. Mary R. Hilvert * Carolyn Hinkle Chris Hirsch Steven and April Hoak Robert and Carmen Hodge Dennis and Maggie Hoerst Charles and Ethel Hoffman * David Hoffman Denis M. Hoffmann * Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hogan Richard Hohn Charles and Jean Holder John and Martha Holland Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Holliday Carl and Cynthia Hollister Cydny Holt Amy Holter Roger W. and Mary H. Honebrink * Charles Hood Juanita Hood Dan Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Horton * Nicholas and Jennifer Hosmer Sandra Houck Jerry and Nancy R. Howard Jennifer Howe Jim Howe William and Jane Howe * Fred and Dorothy Hudepohl * Craig and Mary Hudson * Art and Paula Huesman * Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hughes * Mike and Lora Huhn A. J. and Kathy Humbert, Jr. Steven and Colleen Hunt Ruth Hurley-Franchi Tom Huster Suzanne Jackson David and Carol Jacob Michael Jacobs Lela Jaynes Mrs. Avis Celeste M. Jenkins Mary Jenkins M. Jenkins Mildred Jenks Ms. Marva L. Johns * Eugene and Eliane Johnson Robert G. and Virginia Johnson Ron and Gloria Johnson * Ruth Jones Stephen and Susan Jones * Jay and Kim Jordan * Ms. Mary Carol Joseph * Jerry and Erika Judd Robert and Anne Jurek * Jeanne Kabenji Dee Dee and Doug Kahn Mary Kaiser
  • 27. 27 a moment of grace • donors Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaiser * Robert Kaiser Larry and Doris Kallmeyer * Joseph C. Kammer Law Offices Robert and Cynthia Kamp Joan Karwisch Anthony John and Audrey Kasak Clarence Kathman Rebecca Keating Max Keck Geoffrey and Elizabeth Keenan Michael and Lynne Kehoe John and Rita Keim Mr. and Mrs. Lorrence Kellar * Ruth Keller * Brian Kellett Ellen A. Kellogg Ken and Diane Kemen Jeffrey Kemper Patricia Kennedy Steve W. and Grace Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. John V. Kennevan Kenwood Women’s Club Michael and Nancy Kern Ms. Kate Kern Prem Khosla Chris Kief Mary Lou Kiefer Michael Kiefer Joseph Kiesler Bill and Joan Kimble Tom and Colleen Kinder Marilyn Kinne Shannon and Brian Kinne Jean A. Kinney * David W. and Kristy M. Kissell Beth Klaine Mr. and Mrs. George Klapper Timothy Klapper Ken Kleeb Mr. and Mrs. James Kleingers Charlotte Kleinhaus Brian Kline Bob Klocke Thomas and Judith Kloenne Tim and Elizabeth Kloppenborg Thomas Klosterman Mrs. Marilyn Klug Joe and Laura Klunk Richard and Nancy Klus * Albert and Merrie Knopp Rita M. Knueven Dennis and Jeanne Koehler James Kohrman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Koob Jonathan and Jessica Koopman Ms. Jane A. Koval * Amy Krabbe Donna Krabbe Ryan and Abigail Kramer Mr. Ronald Kratz Carol Kreiner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kroger Mr. John Kron Ms. Mary Lou Kronke Alexis Krulcik Robert and Patricia Krumdieck * James and Dorothy Krumme Robert and Mary Krummen * John and Julie Kruse * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krzeski Samuel and Sandra Kuehn * Sue Kuehnle * James and Geri Kummer Edward G. and Cheryl L. Kunkemoeller The John A. Kupfer and Jean M. Kupfer Family Trust Joyce Kupfer, D.D.S. Jay Kurtz Mr. and Mrs. Rick Kurzhals Barbara Lachance Gerald Lahrman Thomas and Jane Lake * Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Lampe Jack and Linda Langlitz James C. LaPlant Linda Larsen Richard Lauch * Mr. Peter J. Ledwedge * David and Marla Ledwin Mr. and Mrs. William Ledwin Michelle Leeson Sheila Lehrter Lorrraine Leibel Susan Lennert H.M. and Barbara Libby Amanda Lietz Richard Lindhorst Michael and Molly Lippert Mary Lipps Erin Loch-Henz Marianne Locke David Lockwood Mary Loescher Ina Loftspring Catherine Logulo Joseph Lohmueller * Dan and Elizabeth Long * Dolores Lorenz Joseph and Meredith Loughran Margaret Loux Loveland City School District The James C. and Mary Ann Lowe Trust Oliver Loyd Ralph Luebbe Ms. Dorothy A. Luebbers * John and Kris Luebbers * Mr. Donald and Joan Luebbert * Mr. and Mrs. William Luehrmann Paul Luken Amy Lund Melissa Lutz Kevin and Ann Lynch Ms. Virginia A. Lynch Mark and Julie Machuga Kenneth and Alice Haven Mack Mr. William E. Mack Lisa and Mike Maechling Debbeler * These donors have financially contributed to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati District Council for five or more consecutive years.
  • 28. 28 Michael Maier Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Malec * Dennis and Patricia Malik Ken Maltry Marianne Mandell-Brown Lisa Manetta Anthony M. and Jane F. Mankus Kathy Marks Al and Betty Marous Michael Marrero Carolyn Martin David and Laura Martin Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Martin Russell J. Martin Thomas and Linda Martin Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Martini * Mason High School Mason Homestead Garden Club Gary and Mary Massa Joseph Massarelli Lisa Mather Robert and Marg Mathes Marilyn Mathlie Bruce Matthews Mary-Morse Matthews Kurt Matthys John J. Mattscheck John and Renee Mattson James Mayer Todd and Julie Mayer Emily Maynard Kevin and Judy McCabe * Susan McCabe Mr. James F. McCafferty April McCane John McClain Malcolm and Mary McClellan Richard H. McClure Janie McCormick Wendy McCormick Joyce Ann McCoy * Patrick and Mary Ellen McCullough John and Dianne McGoron Ann McGrath Michael McGraw Parnel C. McGreevy Albert McGrover Kern McKee Jack and Marianne McKenney Jeanette McKnight * Ms. Sue A. McLaughlin Cindy McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. McSwiggin * Linda McWilliams Mary Mehmert Sue Mehne Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Meibers Karen Meiners Mary R. Meiners Chris Mendel Mark Menden Mark and Pattianne Menden Michelle Menke Richard and Mary Menke Anthony Merchinsky Claire Merryman Bill and Lori Merz Erica Messer Mr. James Messer Metal Spinners, Inc. Jan E. Methlie Mary Metz Allen Meyer Barb Meyer David and Debbie Meyer Greg Meyer Harry J. Meyer Karen Meyer Kenneth and Carol Meyer Mr. Thomas R. Meyer * Tamara Miano Pat and Kathy Michel * Mr. Lawrence J. Mick Mr. Paul E. Middlekamp Donna L. Mierenfeld * Robert and Star Mierenfeld * Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Miller * Douglas and Ann Miller Gary and Carolyn Miller Gloria Miller James Miller Kristie Miller Lawrence and Jane Miller * Ray Miller * Raymond and Ruth Miller Emily Mitchell Molly Mitchell Mitchell’s Salon & Day Spa, Inc. Jacqueline Mize Ms. Mary Jo Mock * Modern Aluminum Castings Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Al Moeller Paul and Nancy Mohr J. R. Momper Murray Monroe, Jr. Dianna F. Moore Joseph M. Moore Patricia L. Moore Mr. and Mrs. David L. Moore * Charles and Barbara Moorman Kathy Morgan Steve Morgan Frank and Marlene Morris Marion Morrison Sue Morrissey Scott Morrow Harriet E. Moster * Mother of Mercy High School Carolyn Motz Mount Notre Dame High School Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mroz Ms. Barbara Mueller Sean Muldoon Eileen Mullen Kenneth and Christina Mullis Mr. David Munroe Molly Murphy William and Julia Murphy Mr. Gerald Mushaben * Lisa Muvich Sean and Maureen Napier Rodney Napier, Sr. Ahid and Joann Nashif * May Nassef Edward and Linda Neenan Richard and Janet Neidhard Mr. Timothy W. Neiheisel Mr. and Mrs. William A. Neiheisel Mary Nemith Jacqueline C. Neumann Julia A. Neumann Richard Newman Esther Ng Ms. Mary Nicolay * Kenneth and Jean Niederhausen * Ms. Mary Niehaus-Fay * Alan and Lynn Niergarth Jim and Linda Niewahner NNR Global Logistics USA, Inc. Terrie and Chris Noe Ms. Eleanor J. Noe, TTEE Michael and Mary Nolan Timothy and Margaret Nolan * Donald and Matilda Nordmeyer Sally Norman Northend Gear & Machine, Inc. Notre Dame Club of Greater Cincinnati Charles and Sally Nugent * John and Joyce Nunns Paul J. and Janis M. Obermeyer Russ and Karen Obermeyer Mr. Michael O’Brien * Susan A. O’Brien * James O’Connor, Trustee Elizabeth Odley * Ed and Judy O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O’Herron MaryAnn O’Leary Mr. Paul J. Olsen * Martha Orabella Patrick and Karen Orsary Sybil Ortego Eric Osborne John and Patricia Osborne Patricia Osborne Nadine Ostermann Greg and Angie Otis Colleen O’Toole Donald and M. Kathleen Ottke Daniel and June Owens Mary Owensby Howard and Eileen Paff * Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pahren * Mr. Joseph W. Palazzolo
  • 29. 29 a moment of grace • donors Kathleen and David Palmer Steve Palun Tom Paquette Estelle Partridge Melanie Patrick Mary Pearce Norman and Debbie Pearson Pediatric Associates, PSC Mr. Theo M. Penker III Barbara Perez Felicitas Perez Julie Perrino Amy Perry * Helene Perry Mary Persinger Nancy Peters Amy Peterson Mark D. and Eileen R. Pezzutti John and Donna Pfiester * Terry Pfister Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pfizenmayer Amy Pflum Betty Pflum Jane Phelan Bonnie Pickett Richard and Rosina Pirchner Cathy Pokorny Daniel and Laura Pontzer C. Douglas and Robin Postler * Ryan and Kelly Postlewaite Melanie Poston Anthony and Stacey Potts Mrs. Jeanette Preuth Terri Price Van Prince Ellen Prudent Robert Puthoff David and Maria Quehl Jane Rahill Mukesh Ram Jason Ramage Robert Ramsay Ms. Gayle Rapien * Paul and Ann Rapien * Charles Rasch Jane L. Rasico, Trustee Mary and Ranjit Rath Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Rathman * James and Carole Rauf Norman and Virginia Rave * Audrey E. Reddy Julie Reed Nancy Reed Michael and Joyce Rees * Mark and Linda Regensburger * Rev. Paul L. Rehling Nicholas and Katherine Reilly Judith Reilman Mr. and Mrs. Greg Reinstatler Mrs. June Reisiger Marilyn Renaker John Rentz Rho Chi Society Richard and Kelly Riccetti Todd and Anna Richardson Steven and Susan Ridgway Mr. Thomas Riehle Candace Rinderle Stephanie Ring Mr. Tom Rinsky P. Rixner Ms. Amy Roark Carty Anne and Mark Roberto Mary Caroline Roberto * Robertson & Company Jaimie Robinson Mike and Kathleen Robinson Wm. T. Robinson III Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rocklin Mike Rodarte Lois Roell Roger Bacon High School Lynn Rogers Steve and Susan Rogers Donald and Donna Rogers Joyce Rohan David and Priya Rolfes Leo H. Rolfes, Jr. Raymond and Mary Roll * Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Romer * Durwood and Margaret Rorie Anthony and Laura Roth Gail A. Roth Round Bottom Recycling Mary Routledge Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Rowekamp * Thomas and Estelle Ruehl Mike Ruggiero * Mark and Kimberly Rumpke Mr. Robert Rumpke * Amy Ruschulte John and Virginia Rush Richard Rushing * Shane and Aimee Russell Lindsey Rutter Ms. Kathy Ruwe Marsha Ruwe E.P. Ryan James J. Ryan John Ryan Mary Jeanne Ryan Ely M. T. and Joan M. Ryder S.P. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Saelinger * Paul and Sue Ann Sallada Deborah Sander Audrey Sandman James W. and Sandra Sauer Martha Savage Mrs. Patricia Scharf Gerald Schatzman Clara Schawe Genevieve Scheibly * Mr. Robert Scheid Michael Schenk * Mr. Norbert J. Scheper Eric Schickli Marlene A. Schirmer Sally Schlotman Lee and Mary Ann Schmidlin Michael and Judith Schmidt Thomas and Linda Schmidt * Martin and Suzanne Schmitt * Megan Schmitt Rev. George Schmitz * George Schmitz James and Linda Schmitz April Schneider Ferd and Barbara Schneider Jon W. and Alyce K. Schneider * Mr. and Mrs. William Schneider Schoenberger Tile & Marble, Inc. Teresa Schofield Mr. and Mrs. Norbert B. Schomaker Mrs. Marian R. Schott Charles and Rebecca Schroer Ralph R. and Carol Schroer * Mr. Jerry O. Schuehler Mark and Barbara Schuermann Stephen and Jennie Schuermann Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schuler Mark Alan Schultz Michael Schumacher Charlene Schuster Michael N. Schuster Charlene Schwab * Brad and Molly Schwartz Carol Ann Schwartz David and Sandra Schwartz Phyllis and Stephen Schwartz Ms. Mary D. Schweitzer Jim Scott * Seapine Software, Inc. Russell and Barbara Searing John and Jackie Sehr Gene Servizzi Terese Severyn Mary and Tricia Sexton Ron and Alice Sexton Mark and Sheila Shafer Jane Sharkey Kevin Shepard Elizabeth Shepherd * Martin and Joan Sheridan Guy and Irene Sherman * Mr. Joseph E. Sherman Gregory and Margaret Shields Christopher and Meghan Shimala Patricia Short Margaret Sieber Ms. Betty Siefke Christian Sigman Meghan Simonson * These donors have financially contributed to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati District Council for five or more consecutive years.
  • 30. 30 Skilled Care Pharmacy Skynet Innovations Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith Doug and Shelby Smith Larry Smith Larry and Arlene Smith Mark Smith Steve Smith Edie Smitson Southeastern Ecumenical Ministry, Inc. Louis and Jeanne Spadafora Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Specht Noviko Spiegel Barbara Spinelli The Spirit of Cincinnatus, Inc. Chris Sprenkle Jodi Squicciarini St. Henry District High School St. Nicholas Deaf Club Carlin H. and Cheryl Stamm Elizabeth Stautberg Joan and Greg Steele Randy Stegbauer Donald F. Stegeman, Trust Robert and Marian Stehlin * Dr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Steinbeck, D.D.M.S.D. Steven F. and Sue F. Steller Christopher and Janet Stenger Bryan W. Stephens, CPA Verna Stockmal Samuel and Carole Stokes-Brewer Cleo Stoll Kenneth and Cherie Stoll Bradley R. Storck Juanita Stork * John and Cathy Strathern Paul and Janet Street Henry Striet Phyllis Strizak David Strode Judith Stubenrauch Mr. Wayne and Vicki Stubenrauch * Patrick Stucker Al and Sue Stuempel Joseph Stuhlreyer John and Tamie Sullivan, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Sunderhaus Douglas and Maria Sunnenberg Supply Post Business Products Robin Symes Todd Szewc James Taggart * Catherine M. Tallen Alan and Shelley Tarshis Maureen Taylor Mary Ann Tebbe * Ted and Dianne Teixeira Ms. Jacquelin Tepe Robert and Mary Tepe Yvonne Tepe Mr. and Mrs. John Terbot Mark Thaman Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thesing Susan Thinnes Thomas J. Dyer Co. Carolyn Thompson Doug and Kay Thompson Anita Threet Lisa Thrush Mr. Andrew B. Thul Elizabeth Tieman TIpm, LLC Ms. Judith B. Titchener Richard J. Tobin Gerald A. Tonges * Peggy Torbeck Ms. Mary Tracey George and Linda Trebbi Kathryn Trent Cindee Tresslar Robert L. Trick Mike and Giovanna Trimpe Jim and Julie Triona Victor Trouy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Tuchfarber Raymond Tull John and Dawn Twarozynski Ms. Rita E. Uehlein Martha Uhl Woodrow H. Uible Alan and Marjorie Ullman Grace Ulm Gerard and Ann Umberg Lynette Unger Unified Capital Solutions, Inc. Ursuline Academy Kinn Valenti Denise Vaughn Mr. Rick A. Vaught Linda Verrilli Catherine Vicory VIP Supply Chain Solutions Kathy Voegele Robert and Marilou Volkman George and Jill Vonderhaar VonLehman & Company, Inc. Carolyn Voss Matthew Voto John and Connie Wagner * Richard and Anne Wagner Greg Wagner David and Beverly Waligora Andrea L. Wall * Kevin Walsh Edward and Glenda Walton Sarella M. Walton Edward and Carole Warfel Mr. Michael C. Warmbier Peggy Warren Stacy Weatherbie Martha Wehrle Susanna Wehrman Robert Weigel Thomas and Janet Weingartner * Donald and Sandra Weinkam Charles Weisbrod Wilson G. Weisenfelder David and Sandra Weiskittel James and Jacquelyn Welborn Kathleen Welch * Mr. Randall Welch Ruth Weller * Stanley Welling Ben and Judy Wells Michael and Becky Wenger Steven and Carolyn Wenstrup * John Wernke Ms. Helen J. Wess Alvin and Evelyn Wessel John Wessling Harold M. and Carolyn H. West Robert and Ruth Westerfield Lynne Whang Derek and Catherine Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Whitacre * Ms. Katherine Whitehead Doug and Michelle Whitmore Dorothy Wietmarschen Mary Paula Wiggins Mr. David L. Wiles Mary Wilkens Kathleen Wilkins Janet Willenborg Emma Williams Mr. and Mrs. John Williams M.D. Robert and Peggy Williamson Mr. Edgar L. Willig John E. Wilp Linda Wilson Rev. Barry Windholtz Daniel E. and Wendy Wines Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winstel * Lothar Witt, Jr. John and Karen Wittenbrook Dennis Wittenbrook Kelly Wittick Brian Woeste Harry and Carol Wong Sean Woock Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wright Sharon Wright J. Richard Wuest Xavier University Robert and Joanne Yeager Darwin and Patricia Yung Kenneth Zalewski Mr. William E. Zenk Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zerhusen Mark and Milia Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zolg * John and Michele Zompero
  • 31. legacy society You can bring hope where there is despair, love where there is loneliness and faith where there is emptiness through a tax-favored estate gift to St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati. We promise to carry your legacy of hope to where it will do the most good — as our founder Blessed Frederic Oza- nam said, “not in a comfortable meeting room, but rather in the cheerless attic tenement, or in the sick room…the old age home or any place where love is needed.” Please consider joining these generous donors who have included St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati in their estate plans. The Frederic Ozanam Legacy of Hope Society Members: Ms. Mary J. Bonfield Richard and Carole P. Cocks Mr. Richard Davis Carl and Linda DeBlasio Jim and Elizabeth Dodd Mr. Jerry Duwell Jerome and Diane Eisele Mr. Stephen J. Elsaesser William and Rosemary Erman Ms. Dorothy Garland Tim and Christine Jette C. Bart and Linda Kohler Mrs. Laverne L. Kramer Mr. Ralph Luebbe Bob and Liz Maxwell Mrs. Celia Mileski Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller Ms. Jacqueline C. Neumann John T. and Carole Ruschulte Audrey and Thomas Ruthman Mr. Robert H. Sparrow Mrs. Mary Theresa Thiemann Mr. James C. Vandivier Mr. Wayne E. Williams Edgar and Alice Willig
  • 32. 2013 General Special Thanks We offer our most heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all who partnered with us in 2013: Chris and Wes Adamson Addressed for Success American Fan Company Ashley Furniture Homestore b graphic design Dave Babcock Batavia Floral Creations & Gifts Braco Window Company Braun Heating and Air Conditioning Luke Brodbeck Emily Buck Caruso Produce – Steve Caruso Mary Casella David and Marie Catanzaro Cincinnati Bengals Cincinnati Central Credit Union – John Nunns Cincinnati Enquirer Cincinnati Reds Cincy Chic City Barbeque City Dash Clear Channel – Cincinnati Coca Cola, Inc. Coney Island Amusement Park Mary Beth Cooper special thanks
  • 33. 33 a moment of grace • special thanks Cumulus Radio Jen Dalton Dental Care Plus Dollar General Eastern High School Photography Class – Tracey Staggs Elder High School Esther Price Fine Chocolates Candy Company Evergreen Baptist Church EyeMed – Luxottica Ann Firestone Graeter’s Gregory L. Goetz Gold Star Chili David and Cindy Hammerstrom Andy and Tina Hawking Artrell Hawkins Heidelberg Distributors Holiday Inn – Eastgate Hubert Company Huntington Bank Mike and Kathleen Jennings Jergens Megan Knapke Kotsovos Bridal, Fur and Prom Dave Kramer – WCET Kemba Credit Union Michael Krienik Krombholz Jewelers Jilda Kvashilava LPK Dan and Deborah Meyer Moeller High School Morris Home Furnishings – Kids Dream Too! Mother of Mercy High School Gerald Motl May Nassef Nathaniel Green Lodge – Green Township Nehemiah Manufacturing Co. Newport Aquarium One Warm Coat Papa John’s, Inc. Peerless Printing Press-Tige Dry Cleaners Mike and Missy Puccini Queen City Glass Arts Joe Rigotti Sacred Heart Radio St. Bellermine St. Ursula Academy St. Xavier High School Amy Scalia Scarf It Up Dave and Sandy Schwartz Seton High School Pete Settle Starr Printing Dr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Steinbeck, D.D.M.S.D. Stor-All Self Storage Style Edit Tamie Sullivan Sweet Petit Desserts Paul and Meg Tarvin Tavern Restaurant Group Tedia Company Toys “R” Us – Eastgate The Children’s Theater of Cincinnati The Paul Mitchell School University of Cincinnati – DAAP University of Cincinnati – Interdisciplinary Clinic Ursuline Academy Julie Vehorn WAKW Walgreen’s Co. WCPO – Channel 9 WKRC – Channel 12 WLWT – Channel 5 WMKV WVXU/WGUC WXIX – Channel 19 Mary Wineberg Xavier University Youthland Academy 2013 Coat Drive Special Thanks A special thank you to the compassionate businesses, municipal departments and community organizations that partnered with us in 2013 for the Coat Drive: Addyston United Methodist Church Anderson Township Fire Departments Anderson Township Hall Blue Ash Fire Departments Burlington Coat Factory City Dash Deerfield Township Fire Departments Gold Star Chili Green Township Fire Departments Harrison Fire Department Kemba Credit Union Poul Lemasters Liberty Township Fire Departments Little Miami Fire Department Loveland Fire Department Mariemont Fire Department Mason Community Center Mason Court House Mason Fire Departments Mason Municipal Center Milford City Hall Milford Fire Departments Montgomery Fire Departments Montgomery Police Departments Mount Healthy Fire Department Northeast Pediatrics Ohio Department of Transportation One Warm Coat Press-Tige Dry Cleaners Rhinestahl Corporation St. Mary School Scarf It Up Sharonville Fire Department Springdale Fire Departments Springfield Township Fire Department Stor-All Self Storage The Container Store The Goddard School WLWT News 5 Youthland Academy Zion Christian Temple Academy “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16
  • 34. 34 2013 Charitable Pharmacy Special Thanks A special thank you to the physicians, physician practices and pharmacies that supported the efforts of our Charitable Pharmacy in 2013: ABS Business Products Inc. Americares U.S. Partnerships AstraZeneca Catholic Health Partners Christ Hospital Medical Associates (Suites 200, 440, 334 &520) Christ Hospital Medical Associates – Bridgetown Christ Hospital Medical Associates Endocrine Collaborative Care Pharmacy Direct Relief International Dr. Rasheed Ghani Heart to Heart International Dr. Michael Jennings KeySource Medical, Inc. Kenwood Pulmonary Clinic Dr. Jason Mattingly Medpace, Inc. Merck, Inc. Mercy – St. Raphael’s Midwest Primary Care Dr. Chole Mullen Dr. Donald Nofziger Novartis The Ohio Heart & Vascular Center – Mt. Airy Pfizer Rho Chi Honor Society Skilled Care Pharmacy Dr. Mary Jo Slattery Springdale Family Medicine 2013 Pantry Special Thanks We would like to thank all the generous businesses, organizations and individuals that contributed goods to the shelves of our choice food pantry: 85 Broads Aldi American Lung Association Pete Bushelman Busken Bakery Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center– Psychology Fellowship Program Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy Cincinnati Reds – Strike Out Hunger City Barbeque City Dash Coca-Cola Company – Patrice Moore Crossroads Church Steve Culbertson Custom Design Benefits, Inc. Deloitte Dental Care Plus Tom DiNuoscio Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. Bob Farrell Fidelity Investments Freestore Foodbank GH Testing Harrison Farms Heritage Girls JTM Meats John Morrell & Co. Ryan Kramer Family Kroger – Anderson The Kroger Co. Kroger – Food from the Heart Kroger – Woodlawn La Salle High School Demar Lewis Loveland High School Mane, Inc. Matthew 25 Ministries Tim Mayer Family McCauley High School Mercy High School Miller Poultry Mount Notre Dame High School Nehemiah Manufacturing Our Lady of Visitation Panera Bread Papa John’s, Inc. Paycor Princeton High School Protective Life Insurance Co. Chuck Rapp Reinhart Foods Roger Bacon High School Rob Sander St. Gertrude Parish St. Mary’s School Sts. Peter and Paul Parish St. Rose Church St. Thomas More School St. Ursula Academy St. Xavier High School Sam’s Club Sara Lee Corporation Seapine Software, Inc. Bill Settle State Farm – Leah Brantley Insurance Sunrise Advertising Mary Taylor Ursuline Academy Visitation School Walmart – Scott Valentine WCPO – Channel 9 WLWT – Channel 5 WXIX – Fox 19 – Food from the Heart “Grace is the power of God to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.” Unattributed
  • 35. 35 a moment of grace • boards St. Vincent de Paul Board of Directors 2014 Andrew Curran, President President & COO, DMR/Interactive Becky Catino, Chairperson Partner, 625 Investments Chris Williams, Vice President Director of Consulting, Operational Results, Inc. Tricia Johnson, Treasurer Executive Director, Ernst & Young, LLP Ron Christian, Secretary Charitable Pharmacy Board Rep. Partner, Taft Sr. Mary Ann Humbert, SC, Spiritual Advisor Sisters of Charity Dr. Karen Bankston, PhD, Assoc. Dean of Clinical Practice, Partnership, & Community Engagement, University of Cincinnati Moira Clark Bonn Senior VP of Corporate Marketing, U.S. Bank Fr. David Endres Asst. Professor of Church History & Historical Theology & Director of Field Education, Athenaeum of Ohio/ Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary of the West Joe Evelo Managing Director, Wealth Mgmt./ Private Wealth Advisor, The Evelo/ Singer/Sullivan Group, Merrill Lynch Private Banking & Investment Group John B. Gartner III, SIOR Brokerage Senior VP/Principal, Cincinnati Industrial Services Group, Colliers International Cindy Givens Customer Assistance Funds Program Manager, Duke Energy Bob Gramann Chairman, GBBN Architects Dan Hurley Director, Leadership Cincinnati Lisa Knutson Senior Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer, E.W. Scripps Bart Kohler President & CEO, Hubert Company John Larson Lead Independent Director, KAR Auction, Inc.; Former CEO, Escort, Inc. Dan Long Partner, VR Business Brokers Gary Massa VP for University Relations, Xavier University Anne Niehaus Attorney, Niehaus Law Offices, LLC Mike Pratt Retired, Procter & Gamble John Sawyer Senior Vice President & Chief Distribution Officer, Protective Life Liz Carter, ex officio Executive Director, St. Vincent de Paul Cincinnati St. Vincent de Paul Charitable Pharmacy Board Mike Jennings, MD, President Chief Medical Officer, Christ Hospital Kelley J. Downing, Vice President President/CEO, Bartlett & Co. Brad Schwartz, CPA, Treasurer CFO, Mueller Roofing Dist. Inc. Mike Puccini, RPh, Secretary Pharmacy Business Dev. Mgr. Cincinnati/Dayton KMA, Kroger Amar Bhati, MD Internist, Christ Hospital Clinic, Norwood David Catanzaro, Pharm D Medical Science Liaison, Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ron Christian Partner, Taft Law Firm Sandra Kuehn President/CEO, Center for Chemical Addictions Treatment Susan Mashni, Pharm D Drug Policy Dev. Specialist, Catholic Health Partners Julie McGehee VP Benefits & Compensation/ Corporate Secretary, E.W. Scripps Chole Mullen, MD Outpatient Psychiatry Attending, NorthKey Community Care Donald Nofziger, MD Former President, Academy of Medicine Bob Saelinger Partner, Graydon Head & Ritchey LLP Andrea Wall, R.Ph. Assistant Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs, University of Cincinnati/ James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy Jay Wertz Director, Wealth Advisory Services, Johnson Investment Counsel, Inc. Liz Carter, ex officio Executive Director, St. Vincent de Paul Cincinnati St. Vincent de Paul Advisory Board Ron Brown Chief Operating Officer, The Armor Group, Inc. Willie Carden Director of Parks, Cincinnati Park District Mark Casella President/CEO, Coppertree, Ltd. Mike Conaton The Midland Company Mike Connelly President & CEO, Catholic Health Partners Robert Conway, Sr. Chairman, The Bistro Group Steve Culbertson Retired Jim Dodd Retired Senior Vice President, Fifth Third Bank Ron Joseph, Jr. Director, Joseph Auto Group John Kron Retired, Deloitte Dan Meyer CEO, Nehemiah Manufacturing Co. Neil O’Connor Clark, Schaefer, Hackett & Co Chris Shimala Commercial Regional Manager, Senior Vice-President, Huntington Bank Bob Stautberg Retired Vice President, St. Xavier High School Tamara Sullivan President, Sullivan Communications, Inc. Rev. Barry Windholtz Pastor, St. Peter in Chains Cathedral
  • 36. Management Team Liz Carter, Executive Director Prentice Carter, Operations Director Mike Espel, R. PH. Charitable Pharmacy Director Matt Flege, Strategic Initiatives Manager Cindy Hammerstrom, Finance Director Gary Horton, Volunteer and Member Services Director Kevin Lab, Programs Director LaMonica Sherman, Site Winton Hills Manager Kristen Klein, Development Director Elysa Hamlin, Senior Communications Coordinator Production Credits The 2013 Society of St. Vincent de Paul Annual Report was made possible through the dedication and generosity of the following team members: Design & Production: Scott Bruno, b graphic design Photography: Merrilee Luke-Ebbeler, Beebo Photography Society of St. Vincent de Paul 1125 Bank St. Cincinnati, OH 45214 (513) 562-8841 Find SVDPcincinnati on