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Annual Report 2007-2008  |	   1
2	   |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc.

                 Vern Archibald & Charles Idelson

                            Letter from CEO & Chairman
     40-year old Miguel Velez, a licensed electrician by trade, became a Habitat homeowner five years ago. Due
     to the economic downturn in 2008, Velez lost his job of seven years, leaving his family of five without income
     to pay their mortgage. Miguel’s story echoed that of many in Lee County over the past couple of years;
     presenting a challenge to the housing industry.

     Habitat for Humanity of Lee County launched a new program over the last year to help prevent a foreclosure
     fiasco with Habitat homeowners by employing those in need of part-time work. More than a dozen
     homeowners perform general maintenance and handyman tasks in the community a few hours a week.
     The new division offers affordable prices to the community and in turn provides an income for homeowners
     paying on their mortgage.

     2008 also altered Habitat’s production with an affordable buying alternative to building. In most cases,
     Habitat found buying foreclosures and vacancies more affordable than building new structures. Utilizing
     volunteers to rehab these purchased properties proved to be a good fit for fulfilling Habitat’s mission;
     providing homes for those in need at an affordable price. This buying/building blend also extended a
     hand-up to the community by removing vacancies that invited vandals and replacing them with deserving

     Habitat for Humanity of Lee County continues to look for new and innovative ways to help solve the housing
     crisis facing many in our community today. Thank you for your support over the last year and may God bless
     you in the new.
Annual Report 2007-2008  |	           3

 Table of Contents

 Our Stories                   Awards                     Donations                   Financial Reports       Board Members
 Families, Volunteers &        Donor Awards               Gifts Received              Statements Reflect      20 Members
 Donors                        2008                       Between Oct. 1, 2007        October 1, 2007 thru    2008
                                                          & December 31, 2008         September 30, 2008

•	 Oram Family                 •	 Corporate Sponsor       •	 Home Sponsors            •	 Financial Position   •	 James Adams - Vice Chairman
•	 Boswell Family              •	 Community Sponsor       •	 Foundation Club          •	 Assets               •	 Donny Andrews
•	 Boyce Family                •	 Faithful Giver          •	 Framing Club             •	 Expenses             •	 Glenn Bailey
•	 Evesson Family              •	 Faith-in-Action Award   •	 Wall Raisers Club        •	 Tithe                •	 Roger Brownell
•	 Mendoza Family                                         •	 Finish Carpenters Club                           •	 Brian Crowley
•	 Masterson Family                                       •	 Hope Builders Club                               •	 Dave Dale
•	 Patino Family                                          •	 Master Builders Club                             •	 Katherine Green - Secretary
•	 Methodist Churches                                     •	 Legacy Club                                      •	 Willie Green
•	 Pine Island Residents                                  •	 Individual Donors                                •	 Charles Idelson - Chairman
•	 Elephant Bar Restaurant                                •	 Congregational Donors                            •	 Brian Lucas
•	 Wright Construction Group                              •	 Corporation/Civic/ 	                             •	 Denis Noah
                                                          	 Foundation Donors
•	 Shell Point Retirement                                                                                     •	 Debbie Prather
                                                          •	 In-Kind Donors
•	 Pedaling Partners                                                                                          •	 Scott Robertson
•	 Miromar Lakes                                                                                              •	 Sandy Robinson
•	 Twins & Pins                                                                                               •	 Duane Swanson, Jr.
•	 Shadow Wood Residents                                                                                      •	 Brenda Tate
•	 Congress Jewelers                                                                                          •	 Sharon Thompson
•	 World Habitat Day                                                                                          •	 Bill Valenti
•	 Presbyterian Churches                                                                                      •	 Mercedes Vergne
•	 Bonita Bay Residents                                                                                       •	 Janet Watermeier
•	 First Christian Church
•	 Pelican Landing
4	   |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc.

      Oram Family                                                                     Moving from house to house
                                                                                      was how Shannon Oram grew
                                                                                      up. In fact, when this Indiana
                                                                                      native was old enough to be
                                                                                      on her own she hopped from
                                                                                      house to house with friends. It
                                                                                      was only after Shannon became
                                                                                      a mom did she realize things
                                                                                      needed to change. “The house
                                                                                      I was living in was basically
                                                                                      condemned. The father of
                                                                                      my child took off and I was
                                                                                      left with a leaky roof in dire
                                                                                      need of repairs. I worked hard
                                                                                      to support my daughter, but
                                                                                      couldn’t afford to fix our place,”
                                                                                      says Oram.
                                                                                       A friend of Shannon’s was a

   Habitat homeowner and told Oram about the program. “I had
   a child, a decent life and yet no future. When I stopped to think
   about it, I realized I had nothing,” she says. A couple months
   later, Shannon was standing at the dedication of her brand new
   home. “I want you to understand what this opportunity has
   done for me. Habitat has given me everything. I have a future
   for me and my daughter. I don’t know how to repay Habitat
   except to continue volunteering and start giving back.

      Boswell Family
      Tiffeny Boswell and her four children lived in a Fort Myers
      apartment complex where it wasn’t uncommon to see
      drug activity and break-ins daily. “I just prayed for a better
      living for my children. I work hard for my kids, but I still
      couldn’t afford a decent place to live in,” she says. A friend
      advised Tiffeny to look at Habitat for a hand up. “We
      prayed about it; I cleaned up my credit, applied and was
      accepted,” says the pre-kindergarten assistant.

      The most difficult part of Habitat’s program for Tiffeny was finding time to finish her hours. “The weekend is
      usually my resting time from work. So I had to give up rest to put in my hours. I also had to get a baby sitter
      every weekend I came out because my kids weren’t old enough to be alone. It was a lot of planning and
      hard work,” Boswell says. In the end, her new home gave Tiffeny a new sense of pride. “I set out to accomplish
      this and I didn’t give up on my dream. I followed through and today I have a great place for my kids and I to
      grow old in. I feel a sense of inner peace having a safe place for my kids and actually look forward to coming
      home,” she says. And for Tiffeny, the dream of homeownership didn’t end with new walls; it was just the
      beginning. “We just thank God for all the people involved in making this dream come true. It’s given us new
      dreams to aim for,” says Boswell.
Annual Report 2007-2008  |	     5

Boyce Family                                                    Christine and Ronald Boyce tried to make

                                                                their two bedroom house in Labelle work
                                                                for the family of six. “It was a very old house
                                                                in poor condition. There were pests getting
                                                                 into our home and the floors were lifting
                                                                 up. The house was just falling apart and
                                                                  all four of my kids were sharing a space
                                                                  about the size of a large walk-in closet,”
                                                                   says Christine Boyce. With Christine
                                                                   working full-time at McDonalds and
                                                                    Ronald a full-time student, the couple
                                                                    couldn’t find the funds to afford a home
                                                                     in Lee County. One day the couple’s
                                                                      youngest son came home from school
                                                                       with an application for the Habitat
                                                                       program. “I wasn’t sure if we would be
                                                                accepted or not, but I thought our situation
                                       couldn’t get any worse than what we were living in and I was tired
                           of moving from house to house,” says Christine. It only took a matter of months
                           for the Boyce family to finish the program and be handed the keys to their four
                           bedroom, Cape Coral home. “The house is absolutely beautiful. There is so much
                           room to move around in it and I pay only $100 more than I did for that old house
                           that was falling apart,” says Christine.

                                          Evesson Family
Karen Evesson and her daughter moved in with her parents                                            when
the divorce left Karen without a home. “I couldn’t afford a
home on my own and I wanted my daughter to stay close to
her father so moving in with my parents seemed like a good
decision at the time,” says Evesson. Over time, Karen says
her parent’s health started to decline and they decided to
downsize and move north; forcing Karen to find a place of
her own. Evesson says she first learned about the Habitat
program through a commercial with President Jimmy
Carter. “I didn’t have much money for a home working as a
Customer Service Rep. at Healthpark, but what I did have
I didn’t want to give toward rent. I wanted something to
own,” says the single mom. Karen spent most of her sweat
equity hours working on Habitat’s construction sites while
her parents helped with hours in Habitat’s Thrift Store.
“When I found out that my mortgage payments would
be about 30 percent of my salary, I was scared. I didn’t
know if I could afford that. During the mortgage class, I had an
opportunity to sit down with a financial planner and figure out my budget and I found I could afford
the payments each month by cutting my expenses and spending what I had wisely. Anyone who wants a
house has to work hard to hang onto it and I plan to do just that,” says Evesson.
6	   |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc.

                                                                            Mendoza Family
                                                                  It wasn’t the way Maria Mendoza would have
                                                                  wanted her life to turn out, but after 16 years of
                                                                  marriage, the mother of four was single, homeless
                                                                   and had a family to feed. “The only thing I could
                                                                    do was stay with relatives. My kids and I would
                                                                    shower at one house and sleep at another. I slept
                                                                     in the truck just to make sure my kids had a
                                                                      place to sleep,” says Mendoza.

                                                                      Maria says she had applied to Habitat’s
                                                                       program once before but was denied due
                                                                       to her husband’s credit. “After the divorce,
                                                                  I cleaned up my credit and reapplied for the
                                                                  program. I needed to do something for my kids
     and for myself. Today I’m so blessed to be standing in my own
     home,” says Mendoza.

     Knowing what its like to be homeless, Maria says she never
     forgets to count her blessings in her home everyday. “I still can’t
     believe it. It’s not easy to do something like this by yourself. But
     I tried and succeeded. I think my favorite part of the house is
     my kitchen because I can actually spend time cooking for my
     kids, preparing food on counter tops and all. What little I have,
     I can take such joy in by having a place for it. This is my happy
     place,” she says.

         Masterson Family
     When a job also provided housing to Bridget and Cory
     Masterson’s family of five, the couple thought they were set
     for life. “I was working for a great, generous company, but
     as time went on I found I was working six or seven days a
     week and didn’t have time to give to God or my family,” he
     says. With housing prices out of reach, Cory used the family
     savings to purchase a RV for the family to live in while he
     started a new job. “It was very cramped but the expenses
     were low. Really, we needed a bigger place for the kids and
     for mom and dad too,” he says. After two years of RV living,
     with a child on the way, the Masterson family entered
     Habitat’s program. “I once heard a wise man say that as
     far as land, that’s not what they’re making more of. My wife and I felt that a
     place to call your own was something worth investing your time and money into,” says Cory.

     The Masterson family moved into their Labelle home in June 2008. “We just feel wonderful about the
     program. The classes taught us that owning a home is a big responsibility. You know, I’ve never been lazy, I
     just didn’t invest my money wisely. I’ve learned so many helpful things through Habitat’s program and we
     owe everything to our Lord Jesus Christ for giving us the ability to do this, for providing us with a job to
     afford it and with people to help us through. One thing I’ve learned is to trust the Lord your God with all your
     heart and lean not on your own understanding and He will lead you in all your ways,” says the father of four.
Annual Report 2007-2008  |	    7

                                     Patino Family
For some homeowners, paying off their mortgage is one of the proudest moments in life. Habitat for
Humanity of Lee County has seen it’s fair share of mortgage payoffs since it first started building in 1979. In
2008 alone, Habitat reported six mortgages paid in full. One of those families is Eduardo and Maria Patino.
“The mortgage wasn’t my last bill, but it was a goal accomplished. My priority was to pay the house first. The
next project will be to get a new car,” says Eduardo. The Patino‘s house was built in 1995 as part of Habitat’s
Harlem Heights clean-up. More than 200 volunteers raised the roof, walls and brushed on the finishing
touches of paint in just 24 hours! As Habitat’s Construction Superintendent, Eduardo has put his own
finishing touches on his home by closing in the garage, building a deck and adding decorative flair to the
interior walls. Today, the Patino family is surrounded with more than a hundred other Habitat homeowners
in the South Fort Myers neighborhood and says they are thrilled to be a part of the Harlem Height’s
community. “We have such good neighbors here. It’s quiet and everyone is friendly and looks out for each
other,” says Maria. And with four children all grown, the Patino’s have even more space, time and money to
share their Habitat home with family and friends. “I expect in the coming year, now that we don’t have that
mortgage payment, we’ll make more trips to see family in Columbia and Puerto Rico. Instead of visiting once
every three or four years, we should be able to travel at least once a year. Plus, we can have family come stay
with us now that we have the rooms for guests,” says Eduardo. “I feel good. I never thought I’d reach the day
the house was paid. You know, when you get your house, it’s not really yours. It’s yours when you pay the
mortgage off. Now we have something for the kids. I never thought I’d reach that goal in my lifetime... at
least not at this age. It’s a very proud moment,” he says.
8	   |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc.

                                                 Methodist Churches

                                                                Pictured above: Mildred Howarter – Beach United

    Pine Island Residents                                       Methodist Church (left) and JoAnn Landes-Ross Christ
                                                                United Methodist Church (right) at the dedication of
                                                                their sponsored home.
    Residents of Pine Island worked hard for their
    Habitat money through a variety of fundraisers              In 2007/2008, the Methodist congregations in Lee
    this year. It was an effort not only to raise money         County decided to collaborate their fundraising efforts
    for the second Habitat home on the island, but              to sponsor and build a Habitat home together. The
    also awareness of what Habitat for Humanity                 following Methodist churches participated in the
    stands for. The community gave tips to have their           partnership during Habitat’s Building on Faith: Central
    groceries bagged by celebrities at the local Winn           UMC of Fort Myers, Faith UMC of Fort Myers, Christ
    Dixie grocery store. Also, folks on the island took         UMC of Lehigh Acres, Grace UMC of Cape Coral, Wesley
    part in dinner and music at Woody’s Waterside               Memorial UMC of Fort Myers, Fort Myers Beach UMC,
    Restaurant for the first “Harmony for Habitat”              First UMC of Fort Myers, Good Shepherd UMC of North
    fundraiser. The Pine Island Habitat Steering                Fort Myers.
    Committee offered excitement in the community
    while helping a deserving family fulfill the dream
    of homeownership.
                                                                Elephant Bar
                                                               April 2008, Elephant Bar Restaurant opened its
                                                               doors to diners and donated 25% of the food sales
                                                               to Habitat for Humanity of Lee County. At the end
                                                               of the day, Habitat received more than $2500 from
                                                               the event! Elephant Bar Restaurant noted it was
                                                               the best Habitat event they’ve been a part of. Hats
                                                               off to all those who participated in the event. The
    funds from this charity event will go towards the building of a Lee County home for a deserving family.
Annual Report 2007-2008  |	   9

                                                               Home Builders Blitz took place nationwide
                                                               in June 2008.

                                                                It allowed
                                                                affiliates like Lee
                                                                County to increase capacity
                                                                by continuing with regular production
                                                                schedules while professional builders
                                                                organized and executed the blitz

                                        Wright Construction Group
In Lee County, Wright Construction Group donated their time and talent to complete the project from
frame to finish! The construction company organized their subs and suppliers to completely built the house
as a donation to Habitat for Humanity and the community. The subcontractors that took part in the build
included: ABC Electric, Cheney Landscaping, Ciano’s Tile, Collier Irrigation, Crowther Roofing, Ferguson,
Ken Bunting Carpentry, Leisure Time Cleaning, Murton Roofing, Oscars & Sons Plumbing, Philbin Brothers,
Powers, Safe Site, Service Painting, Wall Systems, Waterside Mechanical, West Coast Insulation and Wright

In all, 263 homes went up around the country with 109 Habitat affiliates as part of the Home Builders Blitz

In an effort to support the construction team building a Habitat home in five days, many Lee County
restaurants donated breakfast and lunch to the crew during the build. Those participating include Bob Evans
Restaurant, Chik-Fil-A, Prawnbrokers Restaurant Group, Sanibel Bean Island Coffees, Elephant Bar Restaurant
and Costco.
10	 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc.

        Shell Point Retirement Community

    Habitat is always pleased when new communities join the call to action with Habitat for Humanity. In Lee
    County, the Shell Point Retirement Community joined Habitat’s “Community Sponsorship” family by raising
    and sponsoring a Habitat home in 2008. Now the group is working on their second sponsorship in hopes
    to raise another Habitat home in 2009. “I am honored to be part of something as meaningful as changing
    a family’s life,” states Al Park, Steering Committee Chairman for the Shell Point Residents for Habitat. “Never
    doubt that working together, you can make a difference.”

        Pedaling Partners
    This summer, a group of bike
    riders from Estero took a 4,000
    mile trek across America to
    raise money and awareness for
    Habitat for Humanity! The group
    of cyclists pedaled their way
    from St. Augustine to Florence,
    Oregon, backed by donor bucks!
    Scott Cain, a minister of New Day
    Christian Church in Estero, Florida
    led the 55-day trek, covering 11
    states and with the help of his
    crew was able to raise $2,765.42!
    Thanks to these riders, Habitat
    will help house needy families in
    Lee County.
Annual Report 2007-2008  |	 11

Miromar Lakes                                                         Miromar Lakes Community
                                                                      completed their fundraising

                                                                       to build a Habitat home for a
                                                                        family in the Habitat program. In
                                                                         addition to providing $50,000
                                                                          to pay for the cost of materials
                                                                           to build the home, they also
                                                                            participated in the construction
                                                                            of the home.

                                                                          Residents tell us that this is
                                                                          a great way for them to give
                                                                           back to the community while
                                                                           enjoying the socialization
                                                                            that working together for
                                                                             Habitat provides them. “We
                                                                             enjoy working on Habitat
                                                                            houses, but for those of us
                                                           who cannot do the building, we can become
                                           involved through our fundraising efforts”, says Janis Wolfson,
                            Steering Committee Member at Miromar Lakes.

                                                                           Twins & Pins
 February 2008, the Minnesota
 Twins Baseball Team partnered
 with Habitat for Humanity of Lee
 County to become one team
 in the Twins & Pins Bowling
 Tournament. The effort was
 to raise money for Habitat’s
 mission in the community.
 24 lanes were filled at Gator
 Lanes Bowling Alley in Fort
 Myers as lane sponsors and
 guests raised nearly $8,000
 for the cause! Each team
 was comprised of a baseball
 player and three sponsors.
 The Minnesota Twins
 have been sponsoring and
 volunteering with Habitat for Humanity of Lee
 County since 2006 when the team sponsored an entire home. The
 players are planning another bowling tournament for 2009 in hopes the Twins & Pins
 event becomes a staple fundraiser for Habitat supporters. Lee County businesses that helped support
 Habitat through the Twins & Pins event were: White House / Black Market, RDG, Steven’s Construction,
 Hammer Commercial, Inc., Simplex Grinnell, B & I Contractors, SW Construction SVC, Florida Glass &
 Aluminum, Inc., Skanska, Naples-Ft. Myers Greyhound Track, Thomas Sign & Awning Company, Inc., Miami
 Dolphins, Tom Mogren, Fort Myers Miracle, Vic’s Painting and Premier Community Bank.
12	 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc.

                                                                      Shadow Wood
            With a golf tournament and auction that nets over
            $150,000 each year, Shadow Wood residents have
            encouraged and engaged their neighbors in fund-
            raising events and outright gifts to Habitat for Humanity
            of Lee County year after year. “We have been so blessed
            in our lives. This gives us a chance to share those
            blessings with our neighbors,” says Shadow Wood

                                                                         resident Bill Lentz. Since 2003, the Bonita
                                                                         Springs gated community has sponsored
                                                                         more than a dozen homes in Lee County.
                                                                         The residents extend their hand-up to Collier
                                                                         County Habitat as well by volunteering in
                                                                         Imokalee. In 2009, the residents will raise
                                                                         a Lee County Habitat roof in their Bonita
                                                                         Springs backyard.

        Congress Jewelers                                                                  Since 2002, Congress
                                                                                           Jewelers has been a part
                                                                                           of donating to Habitat for
                                                                                           Humanity of Lee County;
                                                                                           sponsoring at least three
                                                                                           homes a year. Today
                                                                                           their contributions total
                                                                                           nearly $900,000. But the
                                                                                           partnership between
                                                                                           Congress Jewelers and
                                                                                           Habitat doesn’t end there.
                                                                                           Employees from the
                                                                                           company spend a few
                                                                                           days a year volunteering
                                                                                           on the job site with
                                                                                           Habitat. In this photo,
                                                                                           the group is taking a
                                                                                           break from hanging
                                                                                           sheetrock at a Habitat for
                                                                                           Humanity construction
                                                                                           site in Cape Coral. The
                                                                                           retailer’s contributions
                                                                                           have covered the cost of
    materials and the work of licensed professionals for 18 homes in Lee County so far. “Working together on a home
    construction site supports Habitat for Humanity and their work with families in our community,” said President
    Scot Congress.
        H o m e                           S w e e t                     H o m e
Annual Report 2007-2008  |	 13

                                                             Studies show more than 1.6 billion people around
                                                             the world are suffering from some sort of shelter
                                                             deprivation. Of these, an estimated 10 million
                                                             people die each year from a lack of adequate
                                                             shelter, clean water or sanitation. As part of the
                                                             mission to make safe, decent, affordable housing
                                                             a matter of conscience and action, Habitat for
                                                             Humanity of Lee County celebrated World Habitat
                                                             Day on October 4th with more than a dozen
                                                             homeowners. The homeowners raised a roof
                                                             together in Fort Myers while Sanibel’s Girl Scout
                                                             Troop 228 provided lunch to the volunteers.
                       Scout Troo
    San      ibel Girl                     at Day b
                                                                 World Habitat Day
                             Wo rld Habit nity
                    lebrated      t for Hum
     Troo p 228 ce      t
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               g lunch            ee
     providin rs, who volunt                   of housin
                n e                 rs in need
      homeow her homeowne
               r ot
      build fo

Urbanization continues at a rapid
rate, with half of humanity now living
in towns and cities. Today, one-third
of the current urban population—a
staggering 1 billion people—live in
slums. By 2030, estimates are that
two-thirds of the world’s population
will be urban dwellers, exponentially     Habita
increasing the number of people                 t Hom
living in slums if action is not taken    Five H                       eowne
to provide decent and affordable
                                         Habita itat homeow
                                                 tD               n
housing.                                 Marion ay. From le er families l
                                                                ft to ri         i
                                                 , Maria
                                                          Reyes,         ght: A nked arms o
                                                S                Maria         shley C          n Worl
                                        Eduard oto and Mig               and Ca       arrero
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                                                o, Jaso       uel Ve            rlos Be              ha
                                       John H           n             lez               ss
                                               aughe Pearson, Sh , Carlos, Duc a, Sherry Be
                                                      y                annon           k               tz
                                                                               Oram, , Mario Leite ,
Habitat for Humanity affiliates worldwide took                                               e Mitc ,
part in the celebration as a way to demonstrate the need
for more affordable housing for the world’s poor. World Habitat Day is an
annual event created by the United Nations and unites various housing organizations
aimed at solving the poverty crisis. It’s to remind the world of its collective responsibility for the
future of the human habitat.
14	 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc.

                                                                      Presbyterian Churches
            After years of trying to sponsor Habitat homes
            on their own, the Presbyterian Churches in
            Lee County decided to build and fundraise
            together. This year, about a dozen churches
            came together during the Faith
            and collected
            funding for
            a Habitat
            house as well
            as volunteered
            on site as one
            group. Those
            participating in
            the Presbyterian
            include Covenant
            Presbyterian of
            Fort Myers, First
            Presbyterian of Fort                                                                                      First
            Myers,                                                                                        Presbyterian of
                                                                                       Bonita Springs, First Presbyterian of
                                                                      Lehigh Acres, Chapel By The Sea of Fort Myers Beach,
            Cypress Lake Presbyterian of Fort Myers, Faith Presbyterian of Cape Coral and Bay Presbyterian Church of
            Bonita Springs. Of the churches, Chapel By the Sea gave $10,000 alone and has been sponsoring Habitat
            homes since 1990.

            Bonita Bay Residents
                 The Bonita Bay Residents have raised nearly a million dollars toward Habitat homes in Lee County.
                                      The gated community began fundraising for Habitat in 2002. Since then, these
                                                            builders have raised 19 homes in the community. “We
                                                                                   have fun building houses. We get
                                                                                             about 30 nailpounders
                                                                                             together and go to work
                                                                                            together,” says Bonita Bay
                                                                                            Resident Cal Walker.
                                                                                           Walker helps organize
                                                                                           Habitat’s Bonita Bay volunteers.
                                                                                          It was after a growing need for
                                                                                          affordable housing in Bonita
                                                                                         Springs that the group jumped
                                                                                         on board with Habitat’s mission
                                                                                        in the community. “We live in
                                                                                       Bonita Springs and are well
                                                                                       aware that so many workers are
                                                                                      traveling from Cape Coral, Fort
                                                                                      Myers and Lehigh to come work
                                                                                     in our community. We want to be
                                                                                    able to provide housing for them
                                                                                    here,” he says.
Annual Report 2007-2008  |	 15

First Christian Church                                                                     First Christian Church

                                                                                           of Fort Myers has
                                                                                           been providing
                                                                                           volunteers to Habitat
                                                                                           sites for more than
                                                                                           eight years and
                                                                                           has given almost
                                                                                           $70,000 toward
                                                                                           Habitat homes in Lee
                                                                                           County. In January
                                                                                           2008, the FCC Habitat
                                                                                           Team averaged
                                                                                           two to three dozen
                                                                                           volunteers each
 month. “The group first got involved with Habitat when First Baptist Church and First Methodist Church
 (both of Fort Myers) joined with First Christian to form the Downtown Alliance. The group sponsored Habitat
 homes together. This year, First Christian took their partnership to a new level by forming a FCC Habitat logo
 and marking their Habitat pride on t-shirts and a trailer. 31-year old Matt Bochetti took charge of the crusade
 after spending his career as a contractor in Lee County. “This was a way we could bring cohesiveness to the
 team. Whether they volunteer one time or on every build, I want to communicate that they are all a big part
 of our FCC Habitat Team. The goal is just to serve and love on each construction site the way Christ did while
 on earth,” Bochetti says.

 Pelican Landing residents
                                                                           Pelican Landing
 first volunteered with
 Habitat for Humanity
 of Lee County in 2002,
 when the group began
 fundraising for a home.
 At the end of 2007, the
 gated community had
 raised nearly $300,000
 for families in need
 of safe, decent,
 affordable housing
 in Lee County.
 In November
 2008, the group
 raised the walls
 their seventh
 home in Bonita
 Springs. “I think
 most of us feel we’ve gotten
 so much out of life that it’s time in our
 retirement years to give a lot back and this is one of
 the ways we can do that. There are a lot of wonderful charities out
 there, but I think Habitat really does get the resources into the hands of those
 who need to benefit the most,” says Ted Smith, Pelican Landing Resident.
16	 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc.

         Community Sponsor

         Shell Point Retirement Community has been named Habitat’s 2009
         Community Sponsor of the Year. The group started sponsoring Habitat
         homes just a year ago and are currently working on their second
         houseraising. “Our primary interests have been to increase our support for
         a most worthy cause and to give more people at Shell Point a chance to
         be more aware and closely involved with Habitat for Humanity. As a result,
         we have had a lot of fun from our efforts, both to raise funds and also to
         contribute some manual labor to the cause. This success has spurred us to
         try again and we expect to continue - a house at a time,” says Shell Point’s
         Steering Committee Chair, Al Park.

         Corporate Partner
         Scott Whitaker and his company, Bean, Whitaker, Lutz & Kareh, Inc., have been a
         part of Habitat’s donor family since 1990. It was then that Habitat for Humanity
         of Lee County transformed the Harlem Heights neighborhood into a welcoming
         community. “We were proud to be part of the effort replacing old delapidated
         buildings with Habitat homes. Today, it is amazing to see the difference Habitat’s
         work has made in the community. I particularly enjoyed working with Habitat’s
         President Vern Archibald, as he could never take no for an answer and just wanted
         to get things done. It’s that kind of attitude and Habitat’s ‘hand up, not a hand out’
         philosophy that we stand behind,” says company president Scott Whitaker, P.S.M.

         Rev. Andrew Brown and Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church date their
         partnership with Habitat back to 1991. “My congregation and I support Habitat
         for Humanity of Lee County because Habitat saw a need to help local Harlem
         Heights families in need and stepped in to do something. My friends and I,
         along with members of my congregation, helped to build those homes and now
         homeowners that live in Harlem Heights sit in the pews in my church,” says Rev.
         Brown. Today, the church has helped contribute almost $10,000 to Habitat’s cause,
         plus volunteered to build with the organization.

         Faithful Giver
         For more than 20 years, Rhoda Todd has faithfully supported Habitat for
         Humanity. Todd says it’s because of what Habitat stands for that inspires
         her to get keep giving. “I have always liked Habitat’s philosophy that they
         give a hand up, not a hand out; which instills pride of ownership and
         a sense of accomplishment. Because affordable housing isn’t always a
         priority, it falls to non-profits like Habitat to help turn dreams into reality.
         I believe the richest nation in the world should provide adequate housing
         for its citizens. If a member of our community can show a work history and
         the ability to pay, I feel an affordable house should be available,” says Todd.
Annual Report 2007-2008  |	 17

                                            Home Sponsors
                                  January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2008

                                             Bonita Bay Group
                                           Bonita Bay Residents
                                        David and Cheryl Copham
                                             Denmark Interiors
                                     Fort Myers Lincoln –Mercury, Inc.
                                             Gulf Coast Dodge
                                        Pelican Landing Residents
                                      Publix Super Markets Charities
                                   Raymond Building Supply Corporation

                                            Sam Galloway Ford
                                         Shadow Wood Residents
                                           Val Ward Cadillac, Inc.
                                          Verandah Development

                                           Foundation Club
                                              $100 - $499
                                  January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2008

Mr. & Mrs. William Abbott            Mr. & Mrs. Bruce P. Anderson          Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Abeles            Mr. John R. Anderson                  Mr. & Mrs. Armand B. Ball, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Achkio         Ms. Dorothy V. Andersson              Mr. James E. Banahan
Ms. Sherrie Adam                     Mr. & Mrs. W.T. Andersson             Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Barber
Ms. Juliette G. Adams                Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Andrews          Mr. & Mrs. Roger Barna
Mr. Robert L. Adams                  Ms. Corinne D. Antol                  Mr. Robert H. Barnes
Ms. Carrie H. Adams                  Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Antonelli       Mrs. Elsie Barney
Ms. Doris Adinolfi                   Mr. Victor F. Apa                     Ms. Joan A. Baron
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Agricola        Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Apple            Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Barr
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Ahlborg        Mr. Louis J. Armbruster               Ms. Catherine B. Barrett
Ms. Laverne B. Ahrens                Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Armstrong        Mr. & Mrs. James P. Barry
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Aiken          Mr. Patrick Arnall                    Mr. & Mrs. John S. Barth
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Ainsworth       Mr. Robert M. Arnold                  Mr. & Mrs. Ray C. Bartholomew
Mr. & Mrs. Ollie J. Akel             Mr. & Mrs. John A. Artz               Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Bartholomew
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Akitt             Mr. & Mrs. Phillip D. Ashkettle       Mr. & Mrs. David I. Barton
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey G. Albertson      Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Aspegren         Mr. & Mrs. Leon Bartos
Mr. & Mrs. Ignatius Alcamo           Mr. John Attwood                      Mr. Charles J. Basinait
Mrs. Judy Alcorn                     Mr. & Mrs. Joesph T. Aveni            Mr. & Mrs. Dann W. Battina
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Allemong       Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Avril         Mr. & Mrs. James C. Beachum
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell F. Allen          Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bacig             Mr. & Mrs. Henry D. Bean, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Allison            Mr. & Mrs. Archie Baker               Mr. Philip Beardslee
Ms. Margaret M. Altman                In Honor of Ann Hermann              Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Beasley
Mr. James J. Amann                    In Honor of Evelyn Sprague	          Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Beaupre
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Ambelang       Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Baker            Mr. Charles A. Bebber
Ms. Virginia L. Amsler               Mr. & Mrs. John Balducci              Ms. Mary M. Becker
 In memory of Tom Taylor             Mr. William A. Baldwin                Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Becker
18	 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc.

            Mr. & Mrs. David W. Beckley              Mr. Terry L. Bowen                    Mr. & Mrs. Roland J. Campbell
            Mr. & Mrs. Michael Beebe                 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Bowlin             Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Campbell
            Mr. & Mrs. Norman Beecher                Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Boyle, III            Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Campbell
            Mr. & Mrs. Leland Behnken                Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Bracy       Mr. Edward P. Canterbury
            Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Behr                Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Brady            Ms. Bunny Caravello
            Mr. Richard E. Beightol                  Mr. & Mrs. Edward Braniff             Dr. & Mrs. Jack P. Carey, M.D.
            Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Beimfohr            Mr. & Mrs. David P. Brannin           Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Carlton-Jones
            Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Beirne              Mr. & Mrs. Leon P. Brassard           Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Carney
            Mr. Edward T. Beitenman                  Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Breen           Mr. & Mrs. William A. Carr
            Mr. & Mrs. Jerome F. Bejbl               Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Breen            Ms. Ruth M. Carrell
            Mr. John M. Belcastro                    Mr. & Mrs. Francis V. Breeze          Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Carroll
            Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Bell                  Mr. & Mrs. John F. Breitengross       Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Carroll
            Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Bell                Mr. & Mrs. James Brent                Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Carsillo
            Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bendall               Mr. & Mrs. William L. Bridge          Mr. Terry R. Carter

            Ms. Mary Ann Bennett                     Mr. Gary J. Bridgeford                Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore V. Casamento
            Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Berglund               Ms. Dana S. Briggs                    Ms. Dorothy M. Cascio
            Mr. & Mrs. William J. Bergold            Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Brink              Mr. & Mrs. John F. Casey
            Dr. & Mrs. Andrew E. Berkow              Mr. & Mrs. Willard W. Brittain, Jr.   Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Casseri
            Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Bernaciak           Ms. Virginia V. Brodbeck              Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Cassidy
            Mr. & Mrs. Fred H. Bertrand              Mr. & Mrs. John R. Brown              Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Castrogiovanni
            Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Bessette            Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Brown            Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cavanaugh
            Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Betchkal             Dr. & Mrs. William J. Brown           Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Cavuto
            Ms. Jean S. Bidwell                      Ms. Geraldine C. Brown                Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Celiberti
            Mr. & Mrs. Clement A. Bieker             Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Brownell          Mr. & Mrs. Chauncey R. Charlson
            Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Bigelow            Ms. Heather E. Browning               Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Cherubino
            Ms. Covella H. Biggers                   Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Bruning           Mr. & Mrs. F. E. Chippendale
            Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Biggs               Dr. Joseph M. Bryan, MD               Mr. & Mrs. John J. Chopack
            Mrs. Monica Billings                     Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Buch               Mr. Werner Christinger
            Mr. & Mrs. John S. Bitow                 Dr. & Mrs. Richard L. Buechel         Mr. J. A. Christopher
            Mr. & Mrs. H. Kenyon Bixby               Mr. Harvey M. Bujold                  Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cicon
            Mr. Willis P. Blackwood                  Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Bunting          Mr. Armond J. Civera
            Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Blanchard           Mr. & Mrs. F. John Bunting            Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Claffey
            Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Blazek              Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Burdett            Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Clay
            Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Bloom               Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Burgess           Mr. & Mrs. Harry F. Clayton
            Ms. Nancy C. Blum                        Mr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Burns            Ms. Linda S. Cobb
            Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Blumstead             Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Burns           Mr. & Mrs. John R. Coble
            Mr. David M. Boardman                    Mr. & Mrs. G. Roy Burton              Mr. & Mrs. Leslie H. Cochran
            Mr. & Mrs. Richard Boe                   Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Busalacchi       Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Cocozza
            Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Bondi              Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Busch              Mr. Michael S. Collins
            Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bongard              Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Buscher          Mr. & Mrs. John Collins
            Mr. & Mrs. Ren Bookman                   Mr. & Mrs. Alvin O. Butler            Mr. & Mrs. Jerry E. Colton
            Mr. & Mrs. Jackson J. Boone              Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Butler          Ms. Mary A. Condit
            Mr. & Mrs. William R. Borchert           Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Butters          Ms. Carol E. Conley
            Mr. & Mrs. Ray Bosso                     Mr. & Mrs. John R. Byrd               Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Conroy
            Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Boudreau            Mr. & Mrs. Norman Byrne               Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Cookson
            Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Bouffard            Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Byron            Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Cooling, Jr.
            Mr. Walter Bourne                        Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Caffrey          Mr. & Mrs. Nelson B. Cooney, Jr.
            Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Bouyea               Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Calabrese        Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Copeland
            Mr. & Mrs. James P. Bovard               Mr. &^ Mrs. Tom Caldwell              Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Copeland
            Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Bowden                 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Callans          Mr. Daniel E. Corbin, Jr.
Annual Report 2007-2008  |	 19

Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Corley          Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Davidson             Mr. & Mrs. David C. Egberg
Mr. Michael J. Corso                 Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Davis               Mr. & Mrs. John M. Eikenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. Corvelli, Jr.   Ms. Diane E. Davis                      Mr. & Mrs. George L. Eiker
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Costello     Ms. Sharon L. DeSpain                   Mr. & Mrs. James B. Eisenhart
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Cote             Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Decesare           Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Eisner
Ms. Camille Cotran                   Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Degroft, Jr.       Mr. Walter G. Eissler
Mr. Sam Cottone                      Ms. Sandra J. Dekker                    Mr. & Mrs. John B. Elliff
Mr. & Mrs. J. Douglas Court           in honor of Harry Dekker               Mr. & Mrs. Kendall Ellingson
Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand Couture          Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Dellaquila          Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Elliott
Ms. Glenda Craft                     Mr. & Mrs. James Deneffe                Ms. Madeline Ells
Ms. Jane Craig                       Mr. & Mrs. William E. Des Jardins       Mr. James R. Ellsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Stan C. Cramton           Mr. & Mrs. Alan Diamond                 Mr. & Mrs. James Engelhuber
Ms. Norma Anne Crawford              Mr. & Mrs. Jack S. Dibie                Mr. & Mrs. James E. Englehart
Mr. & Mrs. Rollie H. Crawford        Ms. Mary K. Dice                        Ms. Susan M. English

Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Cregar         Mr. & Mrs. Randy E. Diener              Mr. & Mrs. David W. English
Ms. Amanda B. Cross                  Ms. Collette M. Dierker                 Mr. & Mrs. Karl H. Erickson
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Crothers        Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Dissinger          Mr. William N. Erickson
Dr. John F. Crowe                    Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Dix                Mr. & Mrs. James L. Ericksson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Culberson       Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Dixson             Mr. John C. Ernst
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Culver               Mr. Sidney L. Dobson                    Mr. & Mrs. Roger Espe
Mr. & Mrs. William Cummings          Ms. Donita I. Dobson                    Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Cummings   Mr. Alan L. Doerman                     Mr. & Mrs. Gene Ewing
Ms. Patricia D. Cunningham           Capt. & Mrs. Walter W. Doescher, Jr.    Mr. & Mrs. George V. Exner
Ms. Julie A. Cunningham              Ms. Patricia F. Doberty                 Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fabi
Mr. & Mrs. G. Mark Curry             Mr. & Mrs. Martin E. Dolence, Jr.       Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Fairfield
Dr. & Mrs. Richard R. Curtin, M.D.   Mr. & Mrs. Holland H. Donaldson, III    Mr. & Mrs. Warren W. Farr, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Curtin          Mr. & Mrs. James C. Donnelly            Mr. & Mrs. William D. Faude
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Cyrus          Mr. David A. Coran                      Mr. & Mrs. John A. Fazackerley
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick D. D’Alessio    Ms. Francine C. Dorval                  Mr. & Mrs. Paul I. Fear
Mr. Joseph M. D’Ambrosio             Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd                Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth K. Feinthel
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Dachille        Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Downey             Ms. Mary Lou Fenton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Dacks           Mr. & Mrs. John D. Doyle                Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ferro
Mr. Dennis Daigneault                Mr. & Mrs. Derick L. Driemeyer          Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Fetsko
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Dalton         Dr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Dries              Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Fibbe
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Daly             Ms. Laura C. Drinkall                   Ms. Patricia L. Fiduccia
Ms. Dorothy L. Daly                  Mr. Jerome E. Druen                     Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fiedler
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert H. Damman         Mr. & Mrs. William E. Drum              Mr. & Mrs. Steven Fields
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Danco                Ms. Doris W. Duesing                     In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vitek
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Dandurand        Mr. & Mrs. John B. Dunn                 Mr. Allen C. Finatri
Mr. & Mrs. Albro D. Daniel           Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Dunn                Ms. Barbara Findley
Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Daniher        Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Dunn                 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis D. Finnigan
Ms. Graham N. Dare                   Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Dunn              Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Bill A. Darin             Ms. Barbara A. Dupont                   Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Fisi
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Darland        Mr. & Mrs. John C. Duritsch             Mr. & Mrs. Dean M. Fjelstul
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Darling           Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Dwier              Mr. & Mrs. J.F. Flaherty, Jr.
Mr. John P. Dasilva                  Ms. Elizabeth M. Eastburn               Mr. Michael T. Flood
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Dattilo           Mr. & Mrs. David A. Edgerton            Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. James Dauwalter            In memory of Bob Joyce                 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Davi               Mr. Howard W. Edison                    Ms. Louise H. Foley
Ms. Elizabeth H. Davidse             Ms. Sara O. Edwards                     Mr. & Mrs. John P. Foody
20	 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc.

            Mr. Daniel Foote                         Mr. & Mrs. William L. Gorman               Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Hannigan
            Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Forbes             Mr. Michael J. Gorno                       Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hansen
            Ms. Mildred L. Ford                      Ms. Kathleen G. Goss                       Mr. & Mrs. Leo B. Hansen
            Mr. & Mrs. William D. Ford               Mr. Richard Goulazian                      Ms. Jane A. Hanzel
            Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Ford                 Ms. Delphine Graber                        Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hardin
            Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Forsythe             Mr. & Mrs. Max H. Graff, Jr.               Dr. & Mrs. John S. Harding
            Mr. Joseph Fossella                      Mr. & Mrs. Richard Graffis                 Mr. & Mrs. George F. Harman
            Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Foster             Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Graham                Ms. Noreen Harrington
            Mr. & Mrs. L. D. Foster, Jr.              In memory of Frank Bireley                Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell J. Harris
            Ms. Diane Foster                         Mr. Anthony S. Gramer                      Mr. & Mrs. James M. Harris
            Mr. & Mrs. Jerry I. Fournier             Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Gramse             Ms. Malinda W. Harris
            Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Francese           Mr. Alexander Grantt                       Mr. & Mrs. David Hartley
            Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Frank                 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Grappone              Ms. Janet L. Hartman
            Mr. & Mrs. B.M. Frankel                  Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Grattarola           Ms. Michele Hastings

            Mr. Chuck Frederick                      Mr. J. Gerald Gray                         Ms. Marion K. Hatfield
            Mr. Robert B. Frieler                    Mr. & Mrs. H. Rhea Gray                    Mr. William G. Hawkins
            Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Fritz                Mr. & Mrs. David C. Gray                   Mr. & Mrs. James E. Head
            Mr. & Mrs. Walter Fuehrer                Mr. & Mrs. George R. Green                 Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Headley
            Dr. & Mrs. Dick Fullerton                Mr. & Mrs. Joseph I. Greenberg             Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Heard, Jr.
            Mr. & Mrs. James Fullerton               Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Greenland                  Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Heck
            Mr. & Mrs. Terry Furhovden               Mr. & Mrs. Keith Greuling                  Mr. & Mrs. Larry S. Hedrick
            Mr. & Mrs. Bill L. Gaddis                Mr. Robert T. Griffore                     Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth N. Hehman
            Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gaffney               Mr. & Mrs. Al A. Grigaliunas               Mr. & Mrs. Barry A. Helm
            Mr. & Mrs. Marty J. Gallagher            Mr. & Mrs. John J. Grisik                  Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Hendershot
            Mr. & Mrs. Joseph I. Gallo               Dr. Teresa A. Grissom                      Mr. & Mrs. Rodger P. Hendricks
            Mr. & Mrs. Lutfu Gani                    Mr. & Mrs. Clyde G. Gross, Jr.             Mr. Richard A. Hendricks
            Mr. Raymond O. Garcia                    Mr. & Mrs. Harry Groth, II                 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon J. Hendricks
            Ms. Tena K. Gard                         Mr. & Mrs. Glenn K. Groves                 Mr. & Mrs. J. Hendrix
            Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Gareau                Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Grunawalt             Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Henricks
            Mr. Grant R. Garritson                   Ms. Patricia Guckert                       Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Herbold
            Mr. & Mrs. John P. Garvey                Dr. & Mrs. Gerrit B. Gucky                 Mr. Daniel J. Herbst
            Mr. & Mrs. William T. Gaus               Mr. Dario C. Guernieri                     Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Herdman
            Mr. & Mrs. Maurice R. Gebhardt           Mr. & Mrs. Rosemary M. Gulati              Mr. Arthur T. Herman
            Mr. & Mrs. Emory C. Geller               Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gumerman             Ms. Ann L. Hermann
            Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Gembarski           Mr. Frank Gumma                            Ms. Barbara A. Hermann
            Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Gempeler             Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gunderson             Ms. Joni Hermansen
            Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Gerwin                Ms. Grace Gutierrez                        Mr. & Mrs. Rondey E. Hermes
            Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Giblin             Mr. & Mrs. John J. Haberkorn               Mr. & Mrs. David Herring
            Mr. & Mrs. Lewis M. Gill, Jr.            Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Hacker               Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Hiatt
            Mr. & Mrs. John Robert Gillette          Ms. Jean R. Haffenreffer                   Mr. & Mrs. Jack I. Hill
            Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Gillis              Mr. & Mrs. Ernst W. Hagen                  Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce M. Hill
            Ms. Jean C. Gilman                       Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hague                 Ms. Dawne Rene Hilliard
            Mr. & Mrs. S. I. Gilman                  Mr. Jonathan Hague                         Mr. & Mrs. E. Richard Hittinger
            Mr. & Mrs. J. Brian Gilmer                In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W Hague   Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Hock
            Mr. Jerome D. Girsch                     Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Hale                 Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Hochberg
            Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Givens              Mr. & Mrs. James T. Hale                   Mr. Lawrence L. Hock
            Mr. & Mrs. Harold D. Gleitz              Mr. & Mrs. E. Clifford Hall                Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Hoehn
            Mr. A. W. Goetschel                      Mr. David P. Hamacher                      Mr. & Mrs. William B. Hofmann
            Dr. Kalman Gold, M.D.                    Mr. & Mrs. WM J. Hamel                     Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence T. Hofmann
            Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Goldsmith              Mr. & Mrs. H. Russell Hamm, Jr.            Mr. Wayne F. Hohn
Annual Report 2007-2008  |	 21

Ms. Jacqueline Hohn                Dr. & Mrs. C. B. Jenney              Ms. Constance C. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hollister    Mr. & Mrs. Wayland E. Jensen         Ms. Irene P. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Richard. W. Holmes      Mr. & Mrs. Jerome P. Jermain         Ms. Jane Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Holsworth    Mr. & Mrs. George F. Johanssen       Ms. Mary Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Holzhauer     Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Johns             Mr. & Mrs. James E. Kenney
Mr. & Mrs. James Pl Honohan        Ms. Louise M. Johnson                Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Kepler
Ms. Mary E. Honsaker               Dr. & Mrs. Irving S. Johnson         Mr. & Mrs. Jack D. Kerth
Ms. Linda Hooper                   Mr. & Mrs. John W. Johnson           Mr. Malcolm A. Kessinger
Mr. & Mrs. R. David Hoover         Mr. & Mrs. Gene H. Johnson           Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Ketteler
Mr. & Mrs. Terrance M. Hopkins     Mr. Richard C. Johnson               Mr. & Mrs. William E. Kidd
Ms. Barbara S. Hopkins             Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Johnson        Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Kiernan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hornick       Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Johnson        Mr. Theodore P. Kill
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Horwitz       Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Johnson         Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Kilpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Hosch         Mr. & Mrs. Randal M. Jones           Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Kitsberg

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore J. Host        Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Jones             Ms. Jessica Kittel
Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Hotarek        Ms. Janice M. Jones                  Mr. & Mrs. Ernest R. Klaudt
Ms. Louise C. Hough                Mr. Thomas G. Jones                  Mr. & Mrs. William A. Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Houseman          Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Jones            Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Howald       Mr. & Mrs. Jon P. Jontz              Mr. & Mrs. Gary Y. Klie
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Howard         Mr. & Mrs. James H. Jordan           Mr. & Mrs. Winton A. Kloosterman
Mr. & Mrs. Walter T. Hoynoski      Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Jorgensen       Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Knell
 In honor of Frances Hoynoski      Ms. Patricia M. Jornt                Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Hrdlicka     Mr. Duane E. Joseph                  Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Knutson
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Hubert, Jr.   Mr. & Mrs. Roger Joslin              Mr. & Mrs. Lee Koenig
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne R. Huey           Mr. & Mrs. John M. Joyce             Mr. & Mrs. William C. Kolias
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Hughes       Mr. & Mrs. James R. Julow            Mr. Arthur Konig
Mr. Donald F. Hunt                 Mr. & Mrs. J. Paul Kadlic            Ms. Joyce C. Koons
Mr. & Mrs. Elmo J. Hurst           Mr. Donald R. Kaegebein              Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Kopf
Mr. & Mrs. John Huston             Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Kahl            Mr. & Mrs. Glenn H. Korfhage
Ms. Mary E. Huttenlocher           Mr. & Mrs. James R. Kahl             Mr. & Mrs. Ray Kostelc
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hynden         Dr. & Mrs. Steven Kahn               Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Kotula
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Laconelli        Ms. Angela Kaiser                    Mr. & Mrs. Kingston Kovac
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Ilg           Ms. Laura Kaminsky                   Mr. & Mrs. John a. Kozacki
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Ingersoll       Mr. & Mrs. James Kaneaster           Mr. Laurence C. Kozlicki
Mr. & Mrs. James Ingledue          Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Karn            Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Kral
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley K. Ink          Mr. & Mrs. B. J. Karnas              Ms. Joan D. Krall
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Iorizzo       Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Karp              Mr. Robert Krause
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Irwin          Mr. Arthur D. Katz                   Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Krawczyk
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Jackson         Mr. Ken Kaufman                      Mr. Gordon Kreth
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Jackson      Mr. & Mrs. Wayne C. Kaufmann         Ms. Robin C. Krivanek
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Erling Jacobsen   Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Kavanagh        Mr. & Mrs. Kurt R. Krohne, Jr.
Mr. Darel M. Jacobsen              Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Keating         Mr. & Mrs. John A. Krol
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Jacobsen        Mr. & Mrs. William Keck              Mr. & Mrs. Geroge R. Krouse, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. James         Ms. Arlene H. Keehan                 Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Krulak
Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Janson         Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Keenan          Mr. & Mrs. Dale Kruse
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Jarrell         Mr. & Mrs. James J. Kelley           Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Kuester
Mr. William J. Jaworski            Mr. & Mrs. Dean A. Kelly             Ms. Kristina Kulpa
Mr. Richard L. Jaycox              Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Kelly           Ms. Dawn Kurtz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Jaycox        Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Kelly           Mr. and Mrs. Grant W. Kurtz
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Jazwa           Mr. & Mrs. William R. Kelly          Ms. Martha A. La Ponsa
22	 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc.

            Mrs. Elizabeth Lachner                     Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Lusebrink       Mr. & Mrs. Michael McKoane
            Mr. William A. Lamarra                     Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Lusky           Mr. Jerome F. McMahon
            Mr. & Mrs. John Lambert                    Mr. & Mrs. James M. Lustenader      Mr. & Mrs. John A. McMahon
            Mr. & Mrs. Norman A. Landis                Mr. & Mrs. Glen S. Lyall            Mr. & Mrs. David R. McMahon
            Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Lang                    Mr. & Mrs. James A. Lynch, III      Mr. & Mrs. James P. McManus
            Mr. & Mrs. Bernie P. Langlois               In memory of Jonathan Doughty      Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. McManus
            Mr. Richard Langlois                       Mr. Jerry Lyons                     Mr. & Mrs. John S. McMichael
            Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lapelle                   Dr. & Mrs. Larry H. Lytle           Mr. & Mrs. Bernard M. McNamee
            Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Larry                 Mr. & Mrs. Alan MacDonald           Miss Nancy C. McNealy
            Mr. & Mrs. Gale L. Larsen                  Mr. & Mrs. F. Scott MacFarlane      Mr. & Mrs. David E. McPherson
            Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Larson                  Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mackenzie        Ms. Lynn Mcgarvah Kurtz
            Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Larson               Ms. Carol A. Mackimm                Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Meadows
            Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lasota                   Ms. Sharon L. Maclean-Hart          Mr. Brian M. Megibow
            Mr. & Mrs. David R. Lauderback             Mr. & Mrs. Larry C. Maddox          Mr. & Mrs. John E. Mehrholz

            Mr. & Mrs. William J. Lawson               Mr. & Mrs. George P. Maginness      Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Meier
            Mr. & Mrs. David H. Lawton                 Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Maglietta      Mr. & Mrs. Gerald T. Meier
            Ms. Kimberly LeFebvre                      Mr. & Mrs. Ron M. Mahan             Mr. & Mrs. Derek G. Melven
             In honor of Donald Berglund               Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Mahrdt, Jr.         Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Meshboum
            Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Leander                Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Maier           Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Mesjak
            Mr. Raymond A. Lenhardt                    Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Malayter      Mr. & Mrs. John P. Mettler
            Mr. & Mrs. R. Dale Lentz                   Dr. & Mrs. James A. Malayter        Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Meyer
            Mr. & Mrs. Vito S. Leone                   Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Malmstrom      Mr. & Mrs. Leslie G Meyers
            Ms. Adele H. Leskera                       Mr. Anthony V. Manley               Mr. & Mrs. Leo C. Michels
            Mr. & Mrs. Bill R Lester                   Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Manuel         Mr. & Mrs. John C. Miles, III
            Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Lestina               Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Marsh          Mr. & Mrs. Ben Miller
            Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Levinsohn               Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Martens, Jr.   Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Miller
            Mr. John W. Lewis                          Ms. Maurine L. Martin               Mr. Dale L. Miller
            Mr. & Mrs. George R. Lieberman             Mr. & Mrs. Angelo A. Martini        Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Miller
            Mr. & Mrs. M. William Lightner             Mr. & Mrs. J. Paul Martz            Ms. Gayle M. Miller
             In memory of Chuck Pipher                 Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey S. Mason        Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey W. Miller
            Mr. & Mrs. Harvey M. Lincoln               Mr. R. Fraser Mason                 Mr. & Mrs. George H. Miller, Jr.
            Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Lindahl               Mr. & Mrs. George Mason             Mr. H. Blaine Miller
            Ms. Barbara E. Linder                      Mr. Charles K. Matheny              Ms. Linda Miller
            Mr. & Mrs. Robert P Linesch                 In memory of Pauline Matheny       Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Miller, Jr.
            Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Linkins              Mr. & Mrs. Charles Matthews         Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Miller
            Mr. & Mrs. Leonard I. Linkon               Mr. & Mrs. David E. Maule           Mr. & Mrs. Ron Miller
            Mr. & Mrs. Bob Linz                        Ms. Gail S. Mc Lellan               Mr. & Mrs. Sol C. Miller
            Dr. & Mrs. Morris J. Lipnik                Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. McAndrews      Mr. Bruce L. Milligan
            Ms. Margaret B. Logan                      Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. McAuley          Mr. & Mrs. Warren P. Miner
            Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. London               Ms. Julie M. McCarter               Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Mitchell
            Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Longo                    Ms. Carolyn R. McCombs              Ms. Margaret A. Mitchell
            Mr. George Longtin                         Mr. & Mrs. Walter T. McCormick      Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Moe
            Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lovejoy                   Ms. M. Jacqueline McCurdy           Mr. & Mrs. Tom J. Moehring
            Mr. & Mrs. John C. Lowman                  Mr. & Mrs. Max McDade                In honor of Ron Lopes, John Mustermann,
            Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Loyd             Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McDermott     James King
            Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Luba                  Ms. Anne McDonough                  Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Mohan
            Mr. Michael D. Lubratovich                 Mr. & Mrs. Dale McElroy             Mr. Liberatore Monaco
            Mr. Paul Lubratt                           Mr. & Mrs. Paul McGrath             Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Monaghan
            Ms. Alicia C. Lunay                        Mr. & Mrs. Tomas D. Mcllrot         Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Monestere
            Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Lund                   Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. McKindree        Ms. Sharon L. Monroe
Annual Report 2007-2008  |	 23

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Montalto        Ms. Karen S. Nicholson              Mr. Roger C. Parsons
Ms. Kathleen M. Montesano          Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Niehaus       Mr. & Mrs. John J. Paskus
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Montlack     Mr. & Mrs. James D. Nolan           Ms. Mary Ann Pathy
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome P. Montopoli     Mr. & Mrs. Roger T. Nolan           Ms. Pati Patrick
Ms. Betty A. Moore                 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Nordstrom           Ms. Julien G. Patterson
Mr. Robert D. Moore                Mr. & Mrs. Ken Novinska             Dr. William E. Pease
Mr. J. Handy Moore                 Mr. & Mrs. Dick Noyce               Mr. & Mrs. Matteo Pecorella
Mr. Francis E. Moore, Jr.          Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence T. O’Connell    Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Pellecchia
Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Moore         Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. O’Dea          Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Penland
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Moran                Mr. & Mrs. James J. O’Hagan         Mr. B. K. Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Morande       Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. O’Hara          Mr. Mark B Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Morello       Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. O’Hara         Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Persson
Mr. & Mrs. Roger T. Morgan         Mr. Thomas M. O’Leary               Mr. & Mrs. William Peterson
Ms. Nancy F. Morgan                Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. O’Leary        In honor of Fred & Elsie Peterson, James &

Mr. & Mrs. George D Morgan, III    Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. O’Malley       Lisa Karle, Brad & Lauri Enterline,
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Morris         Ms. Karen O’Neil                    Bruce & Sheryl Lefavi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Morris        Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. O’Rourke       Ms. Sandra E. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Morrow        Mr. & Mrs. William F. Obrien        Mr. & Mrs. Gregg S. Peterson
Ms. Mary Jo Morrow                 Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Odell, Jr.    Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Petrovich
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse S. Mosheim        Mr. & Mrs. Dick Oggero              Ms. Clara Pettengill
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Moss          Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Ogle          Mr. & Mrs. William W. Pettine
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Moynahan      Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Ohara          Mr. & Mrs. J. William Petty
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Muckerheide    Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Ohradzansky    Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Phelan
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Muehr           Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Oleff            Mr. & Mrs. Lyman C. Phillips
Ms. Shirley A. Mueller             Mr. & Mrs. John Oliver, III         Mr. & Mrs. J. Terrille Phillips
Ms. Jean M. Muenchen               Ms. Barbara A. Orpin                Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Philp
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence J. Mulligan    Mr. & Mrs. John J. Orzalli          Ms. Grace A. Phipps
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Mund         Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Osborn, Sr.   Dr. & Mrs. Robert Picchiotti
Mr. & Mrs. Albin Muren             Mr. & Mrs. C. David Osbun           Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Pickering
Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Murl          Mr. & Mrs. Philip V. Otero          Dr. & Mrs. Guy Pierret, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Murphy        Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Quellette      Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Pipher
Mr. William J. Murphy, III         Mr. Charles Owens                   Mr. Steven Pires
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Murphy, Jr.   Mr. & Mrs. George A. Owens          Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Pirog
Mr. Charles F. Murphy              Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Ozment         Ms. Marcy H. Plant
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Murphy         Mr. & Mrs. Santo A. Paci            Mr. & Mrs. James A Plesh
Mr. James Murphy                   Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Pagano         Mr. & Mrs. Mike Plotz
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Musick        Mr. & Mrs. J. Palmer                Mr. & Mrs. A. Robert Poggi
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley H. Nahigian     Mr. & Mrs. John A. Plavino          Mr. William Poinsatte
Ms. Jean Bush Nankivell            Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Paniccia        Mr. & Mrs. Sam Pollock, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald F. Nate          Mr. & Mrs. James J. Papandrea       Mr. & Mrs. Stewart N. Pool
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Neel           Mr. & Mrs. E. T. Pappert            Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Poposki
Mr. William F. Nelson              Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Paquette      Mr. & Mrs. J. Roger Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Nero          Mr. & Mrs.. James R. Paquette       Mr. & Mrs. Ronald V. Porter
Ms. Mary E. Nesi                   Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Parent         Mr. & Mrs. James R. Porter
Mr. Gary Neubauer                  Mr. & Mrs. Neil W. Parker           Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Poterack
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Neuser       Mr. & Mrs. Clifford J. Parker       Mr. Roger Povech
Ms. Sarah G. Newi                  Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Parker        Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Powell
Mr. David S. Newman                Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Parker         Mr. Hollis W. Powers
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Newsom             Mr. William B. Parker               Mr. & Mrs. James F. Powers
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Nichols        Mr. & Mrs. David S. Parkinson       Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Powers
24	 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc.

        Mr. & Mrs. Jay Pownall                        Mr. & Mrs. Ross H. Roberts        Mr. & Mrs. Carmen J. Scarpa
        Mr. & Mrs. William E. Pritts, II              Mr. William C. Roberts            Mr. & Mrs. Roy J. Scarpato
        Mr. & Mrs. Bill B. Prokopow                   Mr. & Mrs. Norman M. Roberts      Mr. & Mrs. Randy C. Schaaf
            In memory of David Wallace                Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Robinson    Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Schaeffer
        Dr. & Mrs. Thaddeus P. Pruss                  Mr. & Mrs. Charles N. Robinson    Mr. Thomas C. Schafer
        Mr. Woodrow G. Quimby                         Ms. Sandy Robinson                Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Schalk
        Mr. & Mrs. D. C. Rackiewicz                   Mr. & Mrs. James P. Roemer        Ms. June Schanbacher
        Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ramsey                        Mr. John K. Roessner, III         Mr. & Mrs. S. James Schill
        Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Randlett                 Ms. Glynnis M. Rogero             Mr. Dean R. Schladorn
        Rev. Richard E. Raney                         Mr. & Mrs. William J. Rogers      Mr. & Mrs. Dale Schneider
        Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Rasmussen                  Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Rogers       Mr. & Mrs. Eugene R. Schoenleber
            In memory of Pauline Morris               Mr. & Mrs. John Rogers            Mr. & Mrs. Walter Scholer, Jr.
        Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Ray                      Mr. & Mrs. Virginia S. Rogers     Mr. Russell P. Schropp
        Mr. & Mrs. George F. Raymond                  Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Roll         Mr. & Mrs. William H. Schuler, Jr.

        Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Reardon                  Mr. Michael J. Rolland            Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schultz
        Mr. & Mrs. Gordon L. Rebresh                  Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Romano      Mr. & Mrs. William J. Schultz
        Mr. & Mrs. James C. Redding                   Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Romanovich     Mr. & Mrs. Elmer H. J. Schultz
        Mr. Donald B. Reece                           Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rometty           Mr. Dennis Schutz
        Mr. 7 Mrs. William W. Reel, Jr.               Mr. & Mrs. John H. Rose           Mr. & Mrs. Hugo B. Schwandt
        Mr. Alan Refkin                               Mr. Harold A. Rose                Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Schwinn
        Mr. & Mrs. R. D. Reichow                      Mr. & Mrs. Harry T. Rose          Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Scialabba
        Mr. & Mrs. Jonas P. Reid, Jr.                 Mr. & Mrs. Jack I. Rosenstock     Mr. William E. Scollard
        Mr. Glenn Reid                                Mr. & Mrs. Lyle A. Rosenzweig     Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Scolnick
        Mr. & Mrs. Pat J. Reidy                       Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Ross          Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Scott
        Mr. & Mrs. Dennis H. Reilley                  Mr. & Mrs. James A. Rossi         Mr. Timothy Scott
        Mr. & Mrs. Peter Reines                       Mr. Richard A. Rossi              Mr. Robert D. Scott
        Ms. Cynthia Reisenfeld                        Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Rowe            Mr. & Mrs. F. Ron Seager
        Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Resch                    Mr. & Mrs. Denis J. Roza          Mr. & Mrs. Philip N. Seamon
        Mr. & Mrs. Ray G. Rezner                      Dr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Rubacky      Ms. Rhoda Segal
        Mr. & Mrs. J. Jeffrey Rice                    Ms. Sandra J. Ruck                Mr. & Mrs. Seymour A. Seligman
        Mr. 7 Mrs. James H. Richards                  Mr. & Mrs. James A Rudolf         Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Semcer
        Ms. Patsy L. Richardson                       Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Rudolph      Mr. & Mrs. Walter Serafin
            In memory of George Ferris                Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rued             Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Shaffer
        Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Richardson, Jr.              Mr. John A. Russell               Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin D. Shane
        Ms. Renee R. Richter                          Mr. Stephen T. Russian            Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. Shannon
        Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Rickey                  Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Rutledge     Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Share
        Mr. & Mrs. Derek Ridout                       Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Ryan         Ms. Alice Sharp
        Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Riley               Ms. Carol Ryan                    Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Shearer
        Mr. & Mrs. W. Patrick Riley                   Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rzasnicki        Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shearman
        Mr. & Mrs. Dick Riley                         Ms. Valerie Saft                  Mr. & Mrs. George S. Shegog, Jr.
        Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Rinella                     Mr. & Mrs. Denis J. Salamone      Mr. & Mrs. David F. Shellenbarger
        Mr. & Mrs. J. Allan Ringler                   Mr. Carl Salyers, PA              Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Serick
        Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Rios                        Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Sampson     Mr. & Mrs. William D. Shroyer
        Mr. & Mrs. John W. Risk                       Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Sanfelippo   Mr. Ed Shults
        Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Risso                   Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Santoro     Ms. Barbara Hager Sibley
        Ms. Jane M. Ritchie                           Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Saputo        Ms. Anne C. Sidner
        Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rittenhouse                Mr. Raymond A. Sarlo              Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Sieve
        Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Robbins                  Mr. Frederick A. Sauer            Mr. & Mrs. Henry V. Sikorski
        Mr. & Mrs. William A. Robblee                 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard G. Saulter     Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sikorski
        Mr. & Mrs. Bruce P. Robert                    Mr. & Mrs. John H. Scanlon        Ms. Margaret M. Silberg
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009
Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009

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Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2009

  • 2. 2 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc. Vern Archibald & Charles Idelson Letter from CEO & Chairman 40-year old Miguel Velez, a licensed electrician by trade, became a Habitat homeowner five years ago. Due to the economic downturn in 2008, Velez lost his job of seven years, leaving his family of five without income to pay their mortgage. Miguel’s story echoed that of many in Lee County over the past couple of years; presenting a challenge to the housing industry. Habitat for Humanity of Lee County launched a new program over the last year to help prevent a foreclosure fiasco with Habitat homeowners by employing those in need of part-time work. More than a dozen homeowners perform general maintenance and handyman tasks in the community a few hours a week. The new division offers affordable prices to the community and in turn provides an income for homeowners paying on their mortgage. 2008 also altered Habitat’s production with an affordable buying alternative to building. In most cases, Habitat found buying foreclosures and vacancies more affordable than building new structures. Utilizing volunteers to rehab these purchased properties proved to be a good fit for fulfilling Habitat’s mission; providing homes for those in need at an affordable price. This buying/building blend also extended a hand-up to the community by removing vacancies that invited vandals and replacing them with deserving families. Habitat for Humanity of Lee County continues to look for new and innovative ways to help solve the housing crisis facing many in our community today. Thank you for your support over the last year and may God bless you in the new.
  • 3. Annual Report 2007-2008  | 3 Table of Contents Our Stories Awards Donations Financial Reports Board Members Families, Volunteers & Donor Awards Gifts Received Statements Reflect 20 Members Donors 2008 Between Oct. 1, 2007 October 1, 2007 thru 2008 & December 31, 2008 September 30, 2008 • Oram Family • Corporate Sponsor • Home Sponsors • Financial Position • James Adams - Vice Chairman • Boswell Family • Community Sponsor • Foundation Club • Assets • Donny Andrews • Boyce Family • Faithful Giver • Framing Club • Expenses • Glenn Bailey • Evesson Family • Faith-in-Action Award • Wall Raisers Club • Tithe • Roger Brownell • Mendoza Family • Finish Carpenters Club • Brian Crowley • Masterson Family • Hope Builders Club • Dave Dale • Patino Family • Master Builders Club • Katherine Green - Secretary • Methodist Churches • Legacy Club • Willie Green • Pine Island Residents • Individual Donors • Charles Idelson - Chairman • Elephant Bar Restaurant • Congregational Donors • Brian Lucas • Wright Construction Group • Corporation/Civic/ • Denis Noah Foundation Donors • Shell Point Retirement • Debbie Prather • In-Kind Donors • Pedaling Partners • Scott Robertson • Miromar Lakes • Sandy Robinson • Twins & Pins • Duane Swanson, Jr. • Shadow Wood Residents • Brenda Tate • Congress Jewelers • Sharon Thompson • World Habitat Day • Bill Valenti • Presbyterian Churches • Mercedes Vergne • Bonita Bay Residents • Janet Watermeier • First Christian Church • Pelican Landing
  • 4. 4 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc. Oram Family Moving from house to house Family was how Shannon Oram grew up. In fact, when this Indiana native was old enough to be on her own she hopped from house to house with friends. It was only after Shannon became a mom did she realize things needed to change. “The house I was living in was basically condemned. The father of my child took off and I was left with a leaky roof in dire need of repairs. I worked hard to support my daughter, but couldn’t afford to fix our place,” says Oram. A friend of Shannon’s was a Habitat homeowner and told Oram about the program. “I had a child, a decent life and yet no future. When I stopped to think about it, I realized I had nothing,” she says. A couple months later, Shannon was standing at the dedication of her brand new home. “I want you to understand what this opportunity has done for me. Habitat has given me everything. I have a future for me and my daughter. I don’t know how to repay Habitat except to continue volunteering and start giving back. Boswell Family Tiffeny Boswell and her four children lived in a Fort Myers apartment complex where it wasn’t uncommon to see drug activity and break-ins daily. “I just prayed for a better living for my children. I work hard for my kids, but I still couldn’t afford a decent place to live in,” she says. A friend advised Tiffeny to look at Habitat for a hand up. “We prayed about it; I cleaned up my credit, applied and was accepted,” says the pre-kindergarten assistant. The most difficult part of Habitat’s program for Tiffeny was finding time to finish her hours. “The weekend is usually my resting time from work. So I had to give up rest to put in my hours. I also had to get a baby sitter every weekend I came out because my kids weren’t old enough to be alone. It was a lot of planning and hard work,” Boswell says. In the end, her new home gave Tiffeny a new sense of pride. “I set out to accomplish this and I didn’t give up on my dream. I followed through and today I have a great place for my kids and I to grow old in. I feel a sense of inner peace having a safe place for my kids and actually look forward to coming home,” she says. And for Tiffeny, the dream of homeownership didn’t end with new walls; it was just the beginning. “We just thank God for all the people involved in making this dream come true. It’s given us new dreams to aim for,” says Boswell.
  • 5. Annual Report 2007-2008  | 5 Boyce Family Christine and Ronald Boyce tried to make Family their two bedroom house in Labelle work for the family of six. “It was a very old house in poor condition. There were pests getting into our home and the floors were lifting up. The house was just falling apart and all four of my kids were sharing a space about the size of a large walk-in closet,” says Christine Boyce. With Christine working full-time at McDonalds and Ronald a full-time student, the couple couldn’t find the funds to afford a home in Lee County. One day the couple’s youngest son came home from school with an application for the Habitat program. “I wasn’t sure if we would be accepted or not, but I thought our situation couldn’t get any worse than what we were living in and I was tired of moving from house to house,” says Christine. It only took a matter of months for the Boyce family to finish the program and be handed the keys to their four bedroom, Cape Coral home. “The house is absolutely beautiful. There is so much room to move around in it and I pay only $100 more than I did for that old house that was falling apart,” says Christine. Evesson Family Karen Evesson and her daughter moved in with her parents when the divorce left Karen without a home. “I couldn’t afford a home on my own and I wanted my daughter to stay close to her father so moving in with my parents seemed like a good decision at the time,” says Evesson. Over time, Karen says her parent’s health started to decline and they decided to downsize and move north; forcing Karen to find a place of her own. Evesson says she first learned about the Habitat program through a commercial with President Jimmy Carter. “I didn’t have much money for a home working as a Customer Service Rep. at Healthpark, but what I did have I didn’t want to give toward rent. I wanted something to own,” says the single mom. Karen spent most of her sweat equity hours working on Habitat’s construction sites while her parents helped with hours in Habitat’s Thrift Store. “When I found out that my mortgage payments would be about 30 percent of my salary, I was scared. I didn’t know if I could afford that. During the mortgage class, I had an opportunity to sit down with a financial planner and figure out my budget and I found I could afford the payments each month by cutting my expenses and spending what I had wisely. Anyone who wants a house has to work hard to hang onto it and I plan to do just that,” says Evesson.
  • 6. 6 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc. Mendoza Family Family It wasn’t the way Maria Mendoza would have wanted her life to turn out, but after 16 years of marriage, the mother of four was single, homeless and had a family to feed. “The only thing I could do was stay with relatives. My kids and I would shower at one house and sleep at another. I slept in the truck just to make sure my kids had a place to sleep,” says Mendoza. Maria says she had applied to Habitat’s program once before but was denied due to her husband’s credit. “After the divorce, I cleaned up my credit and reapplied for the program. I needed to do something for my kids and for myself. Today I’m so blessed to be standing in my own home,” says Mendoza. Knowing what its like to be homeless, Maria says she never forgets to count her blessings in her home everyday. “I still can’t believe it. It’s not easy to do something like this by yourself. But I tried and succeeded. I think my favorite part of the house is my kitchen because I can actually spend time cooking for my kids, preparing food on counter tops and all. What little I have, I can take such joy in by having a place for it. This is my happy place,” she says. Masterson Family When a job also provided housing to Bridget and Cory Masterson’s family of five, the couple thought they were set for life. “I was working for a great, generous company, but as time went on I found I was working six or seven days a week and didn’t have time to give to God or my family,” he says. With housing prices out of reach, Cory used the family savings to purchase a RV for the family to live in while he started a new job. “It was very cramped but the expenses were low. Really, we needed a bigger place for the kids and for mom and dad too,” he says. After two years of RV living, with a child on the way, the Masterson family entered Habitat’s program. “I once heard a wise man say that as far as land, that’s not what they’re making more of. My wife and I felt that a place to call your own was something worth investing your time and money into,” says Cory. The Masterson family moved into their Labelle home in June 2008. “We just feel wonderful about the program. The classes taught us that owning a home is a big responsibility. You know, I’ve never been lazy, I just didn’t invest my money wisely. I’ve learned so many helpful things through Habitat’s program and we owe everything to our Lord Jesus Christ for giving us the ability to do this, for providing us with a job to afford it and with people to help us through. One thing I’ve learned is to trust the Lord your God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and He will lead you in all your ways,” says the father of four.
  • 7. Annual Report 2007-2008  | 7 Family Patino Family For some homeowners, paying off their mortgage is one of the proudest moments in life. Habitat for Humanity of Lee County has seen it’s fair share of mortgage payoffs since it first started building in 1979. In 2008 alone, Habitat reported six mortgages paid in full. One of those families is Eduardo and Maria Patino. “The mortgage wasn’t my last bill, but it was a goal accomplished. My priority was to pay the house first. The next project will be to get a new car,” says Eduardo. The Patino‘s house was built in 1995 as part of Habitat’s Harlem Heights clean-up. More than 200 volunteers raised the roof, walls and brushed on the finishing touches of paint in just 24 hours! As Habitat’s Construction Superintendent, Eduardo has put his own finishing touches on his home by closing in the garage, building a deck and adding decorative flair to the interior walls. Today, the Patino family is surrounded with more than a hundred other Habitat homeowners in the South Fort Myers neighborhood and says they are thrilled to be a part of the Harlem Height’s community. “We have such good neighbors here. It’s quiet and everyone is friendly and looks out for each other,” says Maria. And with four children all grown, the Patino’s have even more space, time and money to share their Habitat home with family and friends. “I expect in the coming year, now that we don’t have that mortgage payment, we’ll make more trips to see family in Columbia and Puerto Rico. Instead of visiting once every three or four years, we should be able to travel at least once a year. Plus, we can have family come stay with us now that we have the rooms for guests,” says Eduardo. “I feel good. I never thought I’d reach the day the house was paid. You know, when you get your house, it’s not really yours. It’s yours when you pay the mortgage off. Now we have something for the kids. I never thought I’d reach that goal in my lifetime... at least not at this age. It’s a very proud moment,” he says.
  • 8. 8 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc. Methodist Churches Donor Pictured above: Mildred Howarter – Beach United Pine Island Residents Methodist Church (left) and JoAnn Landes-Ross Christ United Methodist Church (right) at the dedication of their sponsored home. Residents of Pine Island worked hard for their Habitat money through a variety of fundraisers In 2007/2008, the Methodist congregations in Lee this year. It was an effort not only to raise money County decided to collaborate their fundraising efforts for the second Habitat home on the island, but to sponsor and build a Habitat home together. The also awareness of what Habitat for Humanity following Methodist churches participated in the stands for. The community gave tips to have their partnership during Habitat’s Building on Faith: Central groceries bagged by celebrities at the local Winn UMC of Fort Myers, Faith UMC of Fort Myers, Christ Dixie grocery store. Also, folks on the island took UMC of Lehigh Acres, Grace UMC of Cape Coral, Wesley part in dinner and music at Woody’s Waterside Memorial UMC of Fort Myers, Fort Myers Beach UMC, Restaurant for the first “Harmony for Habitat” First UMC of Fort Myers, Good Shepherd UMC of North fundraiser. The Pine Island Habitat Steering Fort Myers. Committee offered excitement in the community while helping a deserving family fulfill the dream of homeownership. Elephant Bar Restaurant April 2008, Elephant Bar Restaurant opened its doors to diners and donated 25% of the food sales to Habitat for Humanity of Lee County. At the end of the day, Habitat received more than $2500 from the event! Elephant Bar Restaurant noted it was the best Habitat event they’ve been a part of. Hats off to all those who participated in the event. The funds from this charity event will go towards the building of a Lee County home for a deserving family.
  • 9. Annual Report 2007-2008  | 9 Donor Home Builders Blitz took place nationwide in June 2008. It allowed affiliates like Lee County to increase capacity by continuing with regular production schedules while professional builders organized and executed the blitz build. Wright Construction Group In Lee County, Wright Construction Group donated their time and talent to complete the project from frame to finish! The construction company organized their subs and suppliers to completely built the house as a donation to Habitat for Humanity and the community. The subcontractors that took part in the build included: ABC Electric, Cheney Landscaping, Ciano’s Tile, Collier Irrigation, Crowther Roofing, Ferguson, Ken Bunting Carpentry, Leisure Time Cleaning, Murton Roofing, Oscars & Sons Plumbing, Philbin Brothers, Powers, Safe Site, Service Painting, Wall Systems, Waterside Mechanical, West Coast Insulation and Wright Construction. In all, 263 homes went up around the country with 109 Habitat affiliates as part of the Home Builders Blitz 2008. In an effort to support the construction team building a Habitat home in five days, many Lee County restaurants donated breakfast and lunch to the crew during the build. Those participating include Bob Evans Restaurant, Chik-Fil-A, Prawnbrokers Restaurant Group, Sanibel Bean Island Coffees, Elephant Bar Restaurant and Costco.
  • 10. 10 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc. Shell Point Retirement Community Donor Habitat is always pleased when new communities join the call to action with Habitat for Humanity. In Lee County, the Shell Point Retirement Community joined Habitat’s “Community Sponsorship” family by raising and sponsoring a Habitat home in 2008. Now the group is working on their second sponsorship in hopes to raise another Habitat home in 2009. “I am honored to be part of something as meaningful as changing a family’s life,” states Al Park, Steering Committee Chairman for the Shell Point Residents for Habitat. “Never doubt that working together, you can make a difference.” Pedaling Partners This summer, a group of bike riders from Estero took a 4,000 mile trek across America to raise money and awareness for Habitat for Humanity! The group of cyclists pedaled their way from St. Augustine to Florence, Oregon, backed by donor bucks! Scott Cain, a minister of New Day Christian Church in Estero, Florida led the 55-day trek, covering 11 states and with the help of his crew was able to raise $2,765.42! Thanks to these riders, Habitat will help house needy families in Lee County.
  • 11. Annual Report 2007-2008  | 11 Miromar Lakes Miromar Lakes Community completed their fundraising Donor to build a Habitat home for a family in the Habitat program. In addition to providing $50,000 to pay for the cost of materials to build the home, they also participated in the construction of the home. Residents tell us that this is a great way for them to give back to the community while enjoying the socialization that working together for Habitat provides them. “We enjoy working on Habitat houses, but for those of us who cannot do the building, we can become involved through our fundraising efforts”, says Janis Wolfson, Steering Committee Member at Miromar Lakes. Twins & Pins February 2008, the Minnesota Twins Baseball Team partnered with Habitat for Humanity of Lee County to become one team in the Twins & Pins Bowling Tournament. The effort was to raise money for Habitat’s mission in the community. 24 lanes were filled at Gator Lanes Bowling Alley in Fort Myers as lane sponsors and guests raised nearly $8,000 for the cause! Each team was comprised of a baseball player and three sponsors. The Minnesota Twins have been sponsoring and volunteering with Habitat for Humanity of Lee County since 2006 when the team sponsored an entire home. The players are planning another bowling tournament for 2009 in hopes the Twins & Pins event becomes a staple fundraiser for Habitat supporters. Lee County businesses that helped support Habitat through the Twins & Pins event were: White House / Black Market, RDG, Steven’s Construction, Hammer Commercial, Inc., Simplex Grinnell, B & I Contractors, SW Construction SVC, Florida Glass & Aluminum, Inc., Skanska, Naples-Ft. Myers Greyhound Track, Thomas Sign & Awning Company, Inc., Miami Dolphins, Tom Mogren, Fort Myers Miracle, Vic’s Painting and Premier Community Bank.
  • 12. 12 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc. Shadow Wood Volunteer With a golf tournament and auction that nets over $150,000 each year, Shadow Wood residents have encouraged and engaged their neighbors in fund- raising events and outright gifts to Habitat for Humanity of Lee County year after year. “We have been so blessed in our lives. This gives us a chance to share those blessings with our neighbors,” says Shadow Wood resident Bill Lentz. Since 2003, the Bonita Springs gated community has sponsored more than a dozen homes in Lee County. The residents extend their hand-up to Collier County Habitat as well by volunteering in Imokalee. In 2009, the residents will raise a Lee County Habitat roof in their Bonita Springs backyard. Congress Jewelers Since 2002, Congress Jewelers has been a part of donating to Habitat for Humanity of Lee County; sponsoring at least three homes a year. Today their contributions total nearly $900,000. But the partnership between Congress Jewelers and Habitat doesn’t end there. Employees from the company spend a few days a year volunteering on the job site with Habitat. In this photo, the group is taking a break from hanging sheetrock at a Habitat for Humanity construction site in Cape Coral. The retailer’s contributions have covered the cost of materials and the work of licensed professionals for 18 homes in Lee County so far. “Working together on a home construction site supports Habitat for Humanity and their work with families in our community,” said President Scot Congress. H o m e S w e e t H o m e
  • 13. Annual Report 2007-2008  | 13 Volunteer Studies show more than 1.6 billion people around the world are suffering from some sort of shelter deprivation. Of these, an estimated 10 million people die each year from a lack of adequate shelter, clean water or sanitation. As part of the mission to make safe, decent, affordable housing a matter of conscience and action, Habitat for Humanity of Lee County celebrated World Habitat Day on October 4th with more than a dozen homeowners. The homeowners raised a roof together in Fort Myers while Sanibel’s Girl Scout Troop 228 provided lunch to the volunteers. p Scout Troo San ibel Girl at Day b y World Habitat Day Wo rld Habit nity lebrated t for Hum a Troo p 228 ce t o o Habita red for the day t g. g lunch ee providin rs, who volunt of housin n e rs in need homeow her homeowne r ot build fo Urbanization continues at a rapid rate, with half of humanity now living in towns and cities. Today, one-third of the current urban population—a staggering 1 billion people—live in slums. By 2030, estimates are that two-thirds of the world’s population will be urban dwellers, exponentially Habita increasing the number of people t Hom living in slums if action is not taken Five H eowne to provide decent and affordable ab Habita itat homeow tD n rs housing. Marion ay. From le er families l ft to ri i Myrna , Maria Reyes, ght: A nked arms o S Maria shley C n Worl Eduard oto and Mig and Ca arrero , Lakes d o, Jaso uel Ve rlos Be ha John H n lez ss aughe Pearson, Sh , Carlos, Duc a, Sherry Be y annon k tz Oram, , Mario Leite , Charli Habitat for Humanity affiliates worldwide took e Mitc , hell, part in the celebration as a way to demonstrate the need for more affordable housing for the world’s poor. World Habitat Day is an annual event created by the United Nations and unites various housing organizations aimed at solving the poverty crisis. It’s to remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of the human habitat.
  • 14. 14 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc. Presbyterian Churches Volunteer After years of trying to sponsor Habitat homes on their own, the Presbyterian Churches in Lee County decided to build and fundraise together. This year, about a dozen churches came together during the Faith Campaign and collected funding for a Habitat house as well as volunteered on site as one group. Those participating in the Presbyterian partnership include Covenant Presbyterian of Fort Myers, First Presbyterian of Fort First Myers, Presbyterian of Bonita Springs, First Presbyterian of Lehigh Acres, Chapel By The Sea of Fort Myers Beach, Cypress Lake Presbyterian of Fort Myers, Faith Presbyterian of Cape Coral and Bay Presbyterian Church of Bonita Springs. Of the churches, Chapel By the Sea gave $10,000 alone and has been sponsoring Habitat homes since 1990. Bonita Bay Residents The Bonita Bay Residents have raised nearly a million dollars toward Habitat homes in Lee County. The gated community began fundraising for Habitat in 2002. Since then, these builders have raised 19 homes in the community. “We have fun building houses. We get about 30 nailpounders together and go to work together,” says Bonita Bay Resident Cal Walker. Walker helps organize Habitat’s Bonita Bay volunteers. It was after a growing need for affordable housing in Bonita Springs that the group jumped on board with Habitat’s mission in the community. “We live in Bonita Springs and are well aware that so many workers are traveling from Cape Coral, Fort Myers and Lehigh to come work in our community. We want to be able to provide housing for them here,” he says.
  • 15. Annual Report 2007-2008  | 15 First Christian Church First Christian Church Volunteer of Fort Myers has been providing volunteers to Habitat sites for more than eight years and has given almost $70,000 toward Habitat homes in Lee County. In January 2008, the FCC Habitat Team averaged two to three dozen volunteers each month. “The group first got involved with Habitat when First Baptist Church and First Methodist Church (both of Fort Myers) joined with First Christian to form the Downtown Alliance. The group sponsored Habitat homes together. This year, First Christian took their partnership to a new level by forming a FCC Habitat logo and marking their Habitat pride on t-shirts and a trailer. 31-year old Matt Bochetti took charge of the crusade after spending his career as a contractor in Lee County. “This was a way we could bring cohesiveness to the team. Whether they volunteer one time or on every build, I want to communicate that they are all a big part of our FCC Habitat Team. The goal is just to serve and love on each construction site the way Christ did while on earth,” Bochetti says. Pelican Landing residents Pelican Landing first volunteered with Habitat for Humanity of Lee County in 2002, when the group began fundraising for a home. At the end of 2007, the gated community had raised nearly $300,000 for families in need of safe, decent, affordable housing in Lee County. In November 2008, the group raised the walls their seventh sponsored home in Bonita Springs. “I think most of us feel we’ve gotten so much out of life that it’s time in our retirement years to give a lot back and this is one of the ways we can do that. There are a lot of wonderful charities out there, but I think Habitat really does get the resources into the hands of those who need to benefit the most,” says Ted Smith, Pelican Landing Resident.
  • 16. 16 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc. Community Sponsor Awards Shell Point Retirement Community has been named Habitat’s 2009 Community Sponsor of the Year. The group started sponsoring Habitat homes just a year ago and are currently working on their second houseraising. “Our primary interests have been to increase our support for a most worthy cause and to give more people at Shell Point a chance to be more aware and closely involved with Habitat for Humanity. As a result, we have had a lot of fun from our efforts, both to raise funds and also to contribute some manual labor to the cause. This success has spurred us to try again and we expect to continue - a house at a time,” says Shell Point’s Steering Committee Chair, Al Park. Corporate Partner Scott Whitaker and his company, Bean, Whitaker, Lutz & Kareh, Inc., have been a part of Habitat’s donor family since 1990. It was then that Habitat for Humanity of Lee County transformed the Harlem Heights neighborhood into a welcoming community. “We were proud to be part of the effort replacing old delapidated buildings with Habitat homes. Today, it is amazing to see the difference Habitat’s work has made in the community. I particularly enjoyed working with Habitat’s President Vern Archibald, as he could never take no for an answer and just wanted to get things done. It’s that kind of attitude and Habitat’s ‘hand up, not a hand out’ philosophy that we stand behind,” says company president Scott Whitaker, P.S.M. Faith-in-Action Rev. Andrew Brown and Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church date their partnership with Habitat back to 1991. “My congregation and I support Habitat for Humanity of Lee County because Habitat saw a need to help local Harlem Heights families in need and stepped in to do something. My friends and I, along with members of my congregation, helped to build those homes and now homeowners that live in Harlem Heights sit in the pews in my church,” says Rev. Brown. Today, the church has helped contribute almost $10,000 to Habitat’s cause, plus volunteered to build with the organization. Faithful Giver For more than 20 years, Rhoda Todd has faithfully supported Habitat for Humanity. Todd says it’s because of what Habitat stands for that inspires her to get keep giving. “I have always liked Habitat’s philosophy that they give a hand up, not a hand out; which instills pride of ownership and a sense of accomplishment. Because affordable housing isn’t always a priority, it falls to non-profits like Habitat to help turn dreams into reality. I believe the richest nation in the world should provide adequate housing for its citizens. If a member of our community can show a work history and the ability to pay, I feel an affordable house should be available,” says Todd.
  • 17. Annual Report 2007-2008  | 17 Home Sponsors $50,000 January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2008 Bonita Bay Group Bonita Bay Residents David and Cheryl Copham Denmark Interiors Fort Myers Lincoln –Mercury, Inc. Gulf Coast Dodge Pelican Landing Residents Publix Super Markets Charities Raymond Building Supply Corporation Donations Sam Galloway Ford Shadow Wood Residents Val Ward Cadillac, Inc. Verandah Development Foundation Club $100 - $499 January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2008 Mr. & Mrs. William Abbott Mr. & Mrs. Bruce P. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. John H. Abeles Mr. John R. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Armand B. Ball, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Achkio Ms. Dorothy V. Andersson Mr. James E. Banahan Ms. Sherrie Adam Mr. & Mrs. W.T. Andersson Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Barber Ms. Juliette G. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Roger Barna Mr. Robert L. Adams Ms. Corinne D. Antol Mr. Robert H. Barnes Ms. Carrie H. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Antonelli Mrs. Elsie Barney Ms. Doris Adinolfi Mr. Victor F. Apa Ms. Joan A. Baron Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Agricola Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Apple Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Barr Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Ahlborg Mr. Louis J. Armbruster Ms. Catherine B. Barrett Ms. Laverne B. Ahrens Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. James P. Barry Mr. & Mrs. William F. Aiken Mr. Patrick Arnall Mr. & Mrs. John S. Barth Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Ainsworth Mr. Robert M. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Ray C. Bartholomew Mr. & Mrs. Ollie J. Akel Mr. & Mrs. John A. Artz Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Bartholomew Mr. & Mrs. John E. Akitt Mr. & Mrs. Phillip D. Ashkettle Mr. & Mrs. David I. Barton Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey G. Albertson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Aspegren Mr. & Mrs. Leon Bartos Mr. & Mrs. Ignatius Alcamo Mr. John Attwood Mr. Charles J. Basinait Mrs. Judy Alcorn Mr. & Mrs. Joesph T. Aveni Mr. & Mrs. Dann W. Battina Mr. and Mrs. David F. Allemong Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Avril Mr. & Mrs. James C. Beachum Mr. & Mrs. Wendell F. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bacig Mr. & Mrs. Henry D. Bean, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Allison Mr. & Mrs. Archie Baker Mr. Philip Beardslee Ms. Margaret M. Altman In Honor of Ann Hermann Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Beasley Mr. James J. Amann In Honor of Evelyn Sprague Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Beaupre Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Ambelang Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Baker Mr. Charles A. Bebber Ms. Virginia L. Amsler Mr. & Mrs. John Balducci Ms. Mary M. Becker In memory of Tom Taylor Mr. William A. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Becker
  • 18. 18 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. David W. Beckley Mr. Terry L. Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Roland J. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Michael Beebe Mr. & Mrs. John D. Bowlin Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Norman Beecher Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Boyle, III Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Leland Behnken Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Bracy Mr. Edward P. Canterbury Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Behr Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Brady Ms. Bunny Caravello Mr. Richard E. Beightol Mr. & Mrs. Edward Braniff Dr. & Mrs. Jack P. Carey, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Beimfohr Mr. & Mrs. David P. Brannin Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Carlton-Jones Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Beirne Mr. & Mrs. Leon P. Brassard Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Carney Mr. Edward T. Beitenman Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Breen Mr. & Mrs. William A. Carr Mr. & Mrs. Jerome F. Bejbl Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Breen Ms. Ruth M. Carrell Mr. John M. Belcastro Mr. & Mrs. Francis V. Breeze Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Bell Mr. & Mrs. John F. Breitengross Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Bell Mr. & Mrs. James Brent Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Carsillo Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bendall Mr. & Mrs. William L. Bridge Mr. Terry R. Carter Donations Ms. Mary Ann Bennett Mr. Gary J. Bridgeford Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore V. Casamento Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Berglund Ms. Dana S. Briggs Ms. Dorothy M. Cascio Mr. & Mrs. William J. Bergold Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Brink Mr. & Mrs. John F. Casey Dr. & Mrs. Andrew E. Berkow Mr. & Mrs. Willard W. Brittain, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Casseri Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Bernaciak Ms. Virginia V. Brodbeck Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. Fred H. Bertrand Mr. & Mrs. John R. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Castrogiovanni Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Bessette Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Betchkal Dr. & Mrs. William J. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Cavuto Ms. Jean S. Bidwell Ms. Geraldine C. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Celiberti Mr. & Mrs. Clement A. Bieker Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Brownell Mr. & Mrs. Chauncey R. Charlson Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Bigelow Ms. Heather E. Browning Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Cherubino Ms. Covella H. Biggers Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Bruning Mr. & Mrs. F. E. Chippendale Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Biggs Dr. Joseph M. Bryan, MD Mr. & Mrs. John J. Chopack Mrs. Monica Billings Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Buch Mr. Werner Christinger Mr. & Mrs. John S. Bitow Dr. & Mrs. Richard L. Buechel Mr. J. A. Christopher Mr. & Mrs. H. Kenyon Bixby Mr. Harvey M. Bujold Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cicon Mr. Willis P. Blackwood Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Bunting Mr. Armond J. Civera Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Blanchard Mr. & Mrs. F. John Bunting Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Claffey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Blazek Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Burdett Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Clay Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Bloom Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Burgess Mr. & Mrs. Harry F. Clayton Ms. Nancy C. Blum Mr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Burns Ms. Linda S. Cobb Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Blumstead Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Burns Mr. & Mrs. John R. Coble Mr. David M. Boardman Mr. & Mrs. G. Roy Burton Mr. & Mrs. Leslie H. Cochran Mr. & Mrs. Richard Boe Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Busalacchi Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Cocozza Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Bondi Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Busch Mr. Michael S. Collins Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bongard Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Buscher Mr. & Mrs. John Collins Mr. & Mrs. Ren Bookman Mr. & Mrs. Alvin O. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Jerry E. Colton Mr. & Mrs. Jackson J. Boone Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Butler Ms. Mary A. Condit Mr. & Mrs. William R. Borchert Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Butters Ms. Carol E. Conley Mr. & Mrs. Ray Bosso Mr. & Mrs. John R. Byrd Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Boudreau Mr. & Mrs. Norman Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Cookson Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Bouffard Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Byron Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Cooling, Jr. Mr. Walter Bourne Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Caffrey Mr. & Mrs. Nelson B. Cooney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Bouyea Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Calabrese Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Copeland Mr. & Mrs. James P. Bovard Mr. &^ Mrs. Tom Caldwell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Copeland Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Bowden Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Callans Mr. Daniel E. Corbin, Jr.
  • 19. Annual Report 2007-2008  | 19 Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Corley Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. David C. Egberg Mr. Michael J. Corso Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Davis Mr. & Mrs. John M. Eikenberg Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. Corvelli, Jr. Ms. Diane E. Davis Mr. & Mrs. George L. Eiker Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Costello Ms. Sharon L. DeSpain Mr. & Mrs. James B. Eisenhart Mr. & Mrs. James R. Cote Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Decesare Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Eisner Ms. Camille Cotran Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Degroft, Jr. Mr. Walter G. Eissler Mr. Sam Cottone Ms. Sandra J. Dekker Mr. & Mrs. John B. Elliff Mr. & Mrs. J. Douglas Court in honor of Harry Dekker Mr. & Mrs. Kendall Ellingson Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand Couture Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Dellaquila Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Elliott Ms. Glenda Craft Mr. & Mrs. James Deneffe Ms. Madeline Ells Ms. Jane Craig Mr. & Mrs. William E. Des Jardins Mr. James R. Ellsworth Mr. & Mrs. Stan C. Cramton Mr. & Mrs. Alan Diamond Mr. & Mrs. James Engelhuber Ms. Norma Anne Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Jack S. Dibie Mr. & Mrs. James E. Englehart Mr. & Mrs. Rollie H. Crawford Ms. Mary K. Dice Ms. Susan M. English Donations Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Cregar Mr. & Mrs. Randy E. Diener Mr. & Mrs. David W. English Ms. Amanda B. Cross Ms. Collette M. Dierker Mr. & Mrs. Karl H. Erickson Mr. & Mrs. George W. Crothers Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Dissinger Mr. William N. Erickson Dr. John F. Crowe Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Dix Mr. & Mrs. James L. Ericksson Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Culberson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Dixson Mr. John C. Ernst Mr. & Mrs. Stan Culver Mr. Sidney L. Dobson Mr. & Mrs. Roger Espe Mr. & Mrs. William Cummings Ms. Donita I. Dobson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Cummings Mr. Alan L. Doerman Mr. & Mrs. Gene Ewing Ms. Patricia D. Cunningham Capt. & Mrs. Walter W. Doescher, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George V. Exner Ms. Julie A. Cunningham Ms. Patricia F. Doberty Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fabi Mr. & Mrs. G. Mark Curry Mr. & Mrs. Martin E. Dolence, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Fairfield Dr. & Mrs. Richard R. Curtin, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Holland H. Donaldson, III Mr. & Mrs. Warren W. Farr, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Curtin Mr. & Mrs. James C. Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. William D. Faude Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Cyrus Mr. David A. Coran Mr. & Mrs. John A. Fazackerley Mr. & Mrs. Frederick D. D’Alessio Ms. Francine C. Dorval Mr. & Mrs. Paul I. Fear Mr. Joseph M. D’Ambrosio Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth K. Feinthel Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Dachille Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Downey Ms. Mary Lou Fenton Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Dacks Mr. & Mrs. John D. Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ferro Mr. Dennis Daigneault Mr. & Mrs. Derick L. Driemeyer Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Fetsko Mr. & Mrs. William J. Dalton Dr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Dries Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Fibbe Mr. & Mrs. David G. Daly Ms. Laura C. Drinkall Ms. Patricia L. Fiduccia Ms. Dorothy L. Daly Mr. Jerome E. Druen Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fiedler Mr. & Mrs. Herbert H. Damman Mr. & Mrs. William E. Drum Mr. & Mrs. Steven Fields Mr. & Mrs. Paul Danco Ms. Doris W. Duesing In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vitek Mr. & Mrs. James L. Dandurand Mr. & Mrs. John B. Dunn Mr. Allen C. Finatri Mr. & Mrs. Albro D. Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Dunn Ms. Barbara Findley Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Daniher Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Dennis D. Finnigan Ms. Graham N. Dare Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Bill A. Darin Ms. Barbara A. Dupont Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Fisi Mr. & Mrs. William F. Darland Mr. & Mrs. John C. Duritsch Mr. & Mrs. Dean M. Fjelstul Mr. & Mrs. Russell Darling Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Dwier Mr. & Mrs. J.F. Flaherty, Jr. Mr. John P. Dasilva Ms. Elizabeth M. Eastburn Mr. Michael T. Flood Mr. & Mrs. John J. Dattilo Mr. & Mrs. David A. Edgerton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. James Dauwalter In memory of Bob Joyce Mr. & Mrs. John P. Foley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Davi Mr. Howard W. Edison Ms. Louise H. Foley Ms. Elizabeth H. Davidse Ms. Sara O. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. John P. Foody
  • 20. 20 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc. Mr. Daniel Foote Mr. & Mrs. William L. Gorman Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Hannigan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Forbes Mr. Michael J. Gorno Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hansen Ms. Mildred L. Ford Ms. Kathleen G. Goss Mr. & Mrs. Leo B. Hansen Mr. & Mrs. William D. Ford Mr. Richard Goulazian Ms. Jane A. Hanzel Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Ford Ms. Delphine Graber Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hardin Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Forsythe Mr. & Mrs. Max H. Graff, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John S. Harding Mr. Joseph Fossella Mr. & Mrs. Richard Graffis Mr. & Mrs. George F. Harman Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Graham Ms. Noreen Harrington Mr. & Mrs. L. D. Foster, Jr. In memory of Frank Bireley Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell J. Harris Ms. Diane Foster Mr. Anthony S. Gramer Mr. & Mrs. James M. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Jerry I. Fournier Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Gramse Ms. Malinda W. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Francese Mr. Alexander Grantt Mr. & Mrs. David Hartley Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Frank Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Grappone Ms. Janet L. Hartman Mr. & Mrs. B.M. Frankel Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Grattarola Ms. Michele Hastings Donations Mr. Chuck Frederick Mr. J. Gerald Gray Ms. Marion K. Hatfield Mr. Robert B. Frieler Mr. & Mrs. H. Rhea Gray Mr. William G. Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Fritz Mr. & Mrs. David C. Gray Mr. & Mrs. James E. Head Mr. & Mrs. Walter Fuehrer Mr. & Mrs. George R. Green Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Headley Dr. & Mrs. Dick Fullerton Mr. & Mrs. Joseph I. Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Heard, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Fullerton Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Greenland Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Heck Mr. & Mrs. Terry Furhovden Mr. & Mrs. Keith Greuling Mr. & Mrs. Larry S. Hedrick Mr. & Mrs. Bill L. Gaddis Mr. Robert T. Griffore Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth N. Hehman Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gaffney Mr. & Mrs. Al A. Grigaliunas Mr. & Mrs. Barry A. Helm Mr. & Mrs. Marty J. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. John J. Grisik Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Hendershot Mr. & Mrs. Joseph I. Gallo Dr. Teresa A. Grissom Mr. & Mrs. Rodger P. Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. Lutfu Gani Mr. & Mrs. Clyde G. Gross, Jr. Mr. Richard A. Hendricks Mr. Raymond O. Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Harry Groth, II Mr. & Mrs. Gordon J. Hendricks Ms. Tena K. Gard Mr. & Mrs. Glenn K. Groves Mr. & Mrs. J. Hendrix Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Gareau Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Grunawalt Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Henricks Mr. Grant R. Garritson Ms. Patricia Guckert Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Herbold Mr. & Mrs. John P. Garvey Dr. & Mrs. Gerrit B. Gucky Mr. Daniel J. Herbst Mr. & Mrs. William T. Gaus Mr. Dario C. Guernieri Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Herdman Mr. & Mrs. Maurice R. Gebhardt Mr. & Mrs. Rosemary M. Gulati Mr. Arthur T. Herman Mr. & Mrs. Emory C. Geller Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gumerman Ms. Ann L. Hermann Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Gembarski Mr. Frank Gumma Ms. Barbara A. Hermann Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Gempeler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gunderson Ms. Joni Hermansen Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Gerwin Ms. Grace Gutierrez Mr. & Mrs. Rondey E. Hermes Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Giblin Mr. & Mrs. John J. Haberkorn Mr. & Mrs. David Herring Mr. & Mrs. Lewis M. Gill, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Hacker Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Hiatt Mr. & Mrs. John Robert Gillette Ms. Jean R. Haffenreffer Mr. & Mrs. Jack I. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Gillis Mr. & Mrs. Ernst W. Hagen Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce M. Hill Ms. Jean C. Gilman Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hague Ms. Dawne Rene Hilliard Mr. & Mrs. S. I. Gilman Mr. Jonathan Hague Mr. & Mrs. E. Richard Hittinger Mr. & Mrs. J. Brian Gilmer In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W Hague Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Hock Mr. Jerome D. Girsch Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Hale Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Hochberg Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Givens Mr. & Mrs. James T. Hale Mr. Lawrence L. Hock Mr. & Mrs. Harold D. Gleitz Mr. & Mrs. E. Clifford Hall Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Hoehn Mr. A. W. Goetschel Mr. David P. Hamacher Mr. & Mrs. William B. Hofmann Dr. Kalman Gold, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. WM J. Hamel Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence T. Hofmann Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Goldsmith Mr. & Mrs. H. Russell Hamm, Jr. Mr. Wayne F. Hohn
  • 21. Annual Report 2007-2008  | 21 Ms. Jacqueline Hohn Dr. & Mrs. C. B. Jenney Ms. Constance C. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hollister Mr. & Mrs. Wayland E. Jensen Ms. Irene P. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Richard. W. Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Jerome P. Jermain Ms. Jane Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. William C. Holsworth Mr. & Mrs. George F. Johanssen Ms. Mary Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Holzhauer Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Johns Mr. & Mrs. James E. Kenney Mr. & Mrs. James Pl Honohan Ms. Louise M. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Kepler Ms. Mary E. Honsaker Dr. & Mrs. Irving S. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Jack D. Kerth Ms. Linda Hooper Mr. & Mrs. John W. Johnson Mr. Malcolm A. Kessinger Mr. & Mrs. R. David Hoover Mr. & Mrs. Gene H. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Ketteler Mr. & Mrs. Terrance M. Hopkins Mr. Richard C. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. William E. Kidd Ms. Barbara S. Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Kiernan Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hornick Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Johnson Mr. Theodore P. Kill Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Horwitz Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Kilpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Hosch Mr. & Mrs. Randal M. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Kitsberg Donations Mr. & Mrs. Theodore J. Host Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Jones Ms. Jessica Kittel Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Hotarek Ms. Janice M. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Ernest R. Klaudt Ms. Louise C. Hough Mr. Thomas G. Jones Mr. & Mrs. William A. Klein Mr. & Mrs. Henry Houseman Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Klein Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Howald Mr. & Mrs. Jon P. Jontz Mr. & Mrs. Gary Y. Klie Mr. & Mrs. David B. Howard Mr. & Mrs. James H. Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Winton A. Kloosterman Mr. & Mrs. Walter T. Hoynoski Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Jorgensen Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Knell In honor of Frances Hoynoski Ms. Patricia M. Jornt Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Knight Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Hrdlicka Mr. Duane E. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Knutson Mr. & Mrs. George J. Hubert, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Joslin Mr. & Mrs. Lee Koenig Mr. & Mrs. Wayne R. Huey Mr. & Mrs. John M. Joyce Mr. & Mrs. William C. Kolias Mr. & Mrs. William M. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. James R. Julow Mr. Arthur Konig Mr. Donald F. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. J. Paul Kadlic Ms. Joyce C. Koons Mr. & Mrs. Elmo J. Hurst Mr. Donald R. Kaegebein Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Kopf Mr. & Mrs. John Huston Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Kahl Mr. & Mrs. Glenn H. Korfhage Ms. Mary E. Huttenlocher Mr. & Mrs. James R. Kahl Mr. & Mrs. Ray Kostelc Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hynden Dr. & Mrs. Steven Kahn Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Kotula Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Laconelli Ms. Angela Kaiser Mr. & Mrs. Kingston Kovac Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Ilg Ms. Laura Kaminsky Mr. & Mrs. John a. Kozacki Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Ingersoll Mr. & Mrs. James Kaneaster Mr. Laurence C. Kozlicki Mr. & Mrs. James Ingledue Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Karn Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Kral Mr. & Mrs. Stanley K. Ink Mr. & Mrs. B. J. Karnas Ms. Joan D. Krall Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Iorizzo Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Karp Mr. Robert Krause Mr. & Mrs. James R. Irwin Mr. Arthur D. Katz Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Krawczyk Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Jackson Mr. Ken Kaufman Mr. Gordon Kreth Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Wayne C. Kaufmann Ms. Robin C. Krivanek Mr. & Mrs. Peter Erling Jacobsen Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Kavanagh Mr. & Mrs. Kurt R. Krohne, Jr. Mr. Darel M. Jacobsen Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Keating Mr. & Mrs. John A. Krol Mr. & Mrs. John R. Jacobsen Mr. & Mrs. William Keck Mr. & Mrs. Geroge R. Krouse, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. James Ms. Arlene H. Keehan Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Krulak Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Janson Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Keenan Mr. & Mrs. Dale Kruse Mr. & Mrs. John W. Jarrell Mr. & Mrs. James J. Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Kuester Mr. William J. Jaworski Mr. & Mrs. Dean A. Kelly Ms. Kristina Kulpa Mr. Richard L. Jaycox Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Kelly Ms. Dawn Kurtz Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Jaycox Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Grant W. Kurtz Mr. & Mrs. John J. Jazwa Mr. & Mrs. William R. Kelly Ms. Martha A. La Ponsa
  • 22. 22 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc. Mrs. Elizabeth Lachner Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Lusebrink Mr. & Mrs. Michael McKoane Mr. William A. Lamarra Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Lusky Mr. Jerome F. McMahon Mr. & Mrs. John Lambert Mr. & Mrs. James M. Lustenader Mr. & Mrs. John A. McMahon Mr. & Mrs. Norman A. Landis Mr. & Mrs. Glen S. Lyall Mr. & Mrs. David R. McMahon Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Lang Mr. & Mrs. James A. Lynch, III Mr. & Mrs. James P. McManus Mr. & Mrs. Bernie P. Langlois In memory of Jonathan Doughty Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. McManus Mr. Richard Langlois Mr. Jerry Lyons Mr. & Mrs. John S. McMichael Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lapelle Dr. & Mrs. Larry H. Lytle Mr. & Mrs. Bernard M. McNamee Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Larry Mr. & Mrs. Alan MacDonald Miss Nancy C. McNealy Mr. & Mrs. Gale L. Larsen Mr. & Mrs. F. Scott MacFarlane Mr. & Mrs. David E. McPherson Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Larson Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mackenzie Ms. Lynn Mcgarvah Kurtz Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Larson Ms. Carol A. Mackimm Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Meadows Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lasota Ms. Sharon L. Maclean-Hart Mr. Brian M. Megibow Mr. & Mrs. David R. Lauderback Mr. & Mrs. Larry C. Maddox Mr. & Mrs. John E. Mehrholz Donations Mr. & Mrs. William J. Lawson Mr. & Mrs. George P. Maginness Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Meier Mr. & Mrs. David H. Lawton Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Maglietta Mr. & Mrs. Gerald T. Meier Ms. Kimberly LeFebvre Mr. & Mrs. Ron M. Mahan Mr. & Mrs. Derek G. Melven In honor of Donald Berglund Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Mahrdt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Meshboum Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Leander Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Maier Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Mesjak Mr. Raymond A. Lenhardt Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Malayter Mr. & Mrs. John P. Mettler Mr. & Mrs. R. Dale Lentz Dr. & Mrs. James A. Malayter Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Vito S. Leone Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Malmstrom Mr. & Mrs. Leslie G Meyers Ms. Adele H. Leskera Mr. Anthony V. Manley Mr. & Mrs. Leo C. Michels Mr. & Mrs. Bill R Lester Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Manuel Mr. & Mrs. John C. Miles, III Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Lestina Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Marsh Mr. & Mrs. Ben Miller Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Levinsohn Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Martens, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Miller Mr. John W. Lewis Ms. Maurine L. Martin Mr. Dale L. Miller Mr. & Mrs. George R. Lieberman Mr. & Mrs. Angelo A. Martini Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Miller Mr. & Mrs. M. William Lightner Mr. & Mrs. J. Paul Martz Ms. Gayle M. Miller In memory of Chuck Pipher Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey S. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey W. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Harvey M. Lincoln Mr. R. Fraser Mason Mr. & Mrs. George H. Miller, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Lindahl Mr. & Mrs. George Mason Mr. H. Blaine Miller Ms. Barbara E. Linder Mr. Charles K. Matheny Ms. Linda Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert P Linesch In memory of Pauline Matheny Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Miller, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Linkins Mr. & Mrs. Charles Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Leonard I. Linkon Mr. & Mrs. David E. Maule Mr. & Mrs. Ron Miller Mr. & Mrs. Bob Linz Ms. Gail S. Mc Lellan Mr. & Mrs. Sol C. Miller Dr. & Mrs. Morris J. Lipnik Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. McAndrews Mr. Bruce L. Milligan Ms. Margaret B. Logan Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. McAuley Mr. & Mrs. Warren P. Miner Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. London Ms. Julie M. McCarter Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Longo Ms. Carolyn R. McCombs Ms. Margaret A. Mitchell Mr. George Longtin Mr. & Mrs. Walter T. McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Moe Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lovejoy Ms. M. Jacqueline McCurdy Mr. & Mrs. Tom J. Moehring Mr. & Mrs. John C. Lowman Mr. & Mrs. Max McDade In honor of Ron Lopes, John Mustermann, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Loyd Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McDermott James King Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Luba Ms. Anne McDonough Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Mohan Mr. Michael D. Lubratovich Mr. & Mrs. Dale McElroy Mr. Liberatore Monaco Mr. Paul Lubratt Mr. & Mrs. Paul McGrath Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Monaghan Ms. Alicia C. Lunay Mr. & Mrs. Tomas D. Mcllrot Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Monestere Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Lund Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. McKindree Ms. Sharon L. Monroe
  • 23. Annual Report 2007-2008  | 23 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Montalto Ms. Karen S. Nicholson Mr. Roger C. Parsons Ms. Kathleen M. Montesano Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Niehaus Mr. & Mrs. John J. Paskus Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Montlack Mr. & Mrs. James D. Nolan Ms. Mary Ann Pathy Mr. & Mrs. Jerome P. Montopoli Mr. & Mrs. Roger T. Nolan Ms. Pati Patrick Ms. Betty A. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Fred Nordstrom Ms. Julien G. Patterson Mr. Robert D. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Ken Novinska Dr. William E. Pease Mr. J. Handy Moore Mr. & Mrs. Dick Noyce Mr. & Mrs. Matteo Pecorella Mr. Francis E. Moore, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence T. O’Connell Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Pellecchia Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. O’Dea Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Penland Mr. & Mrs. Ed Moran Mr. & Mrs. James J. O’Hagan Mr. B. K. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Morande Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. O’Hara Mr. Mark B Perry Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Morello Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. O’Hara Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Persson Mr. & Mrs. Roger T. Morgan Mr. Thomas M. O’Leary Mr. & Mrs. William Peterson Ms. Nancy F. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. O’Leary In honor of Fred & Elsie Peterson, James & Donations Mr. & Mrs. George D Morgan, III Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. O’Malley Lisa Karle, Brad & Lauri Enterline, Mr. & Mrs. David H. Morris Ms. Karen O’Neil Bruce & Sheryl Lefavi Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. O’Rourke Ms. Sandra E. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Morrow Mr. & Mrs. William F. Obrien Mr. & Mrs. Gregg S. Peterson Ms. Mary Jo Morrow Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Odell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Petrovich Mr. & Mrs. Jesse S. Mosheim Mr. & Mrs. Dick Oggero Ms. Clara Pettengill Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Moss Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Ogle Mr. & Mrs. William W. Pettine Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Moynahan Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Ohara Mr. & Mrs. J. William Petty Mr. & Mrs. James R. Muckerheide Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Ohradzansky Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Muehr Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Oleff Mr. & Mrs. Lyman C. Phillips Ms. Shirley A. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. John Oliver, III Mr. & Mrs. J. Terrille Phillips Ms. Jean M. Muenchen Ms. Barbara A. Orpin Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Philp Mr. & Mrs. Terrence J. Mulligan Mr. & Mrs. John J. Orzalli Ms. Grace A. Phipps Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Mund Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Osborn, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert Picchiotti Mr. & Mrs. Albin Muren Mr. & Mrs. C. David Osbun Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Pickering Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Murl Mr. & Mrs. Philip V. Otero Dr. & Mrs. Guy Pierret, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Quellette Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Pipher Mr. William J. Murphy, III Mr. Charles Owens Mr. Steven Pires Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Murphy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George A. Owens Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Pirog Mr. Charles F. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Ozment Ms. Marcy H. Plant Mr. & Mrs. James J. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Santo A. Paci Mr. & Mrs. James A Plesh Mr. James Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Pagano Mr. & Mrs. Mike Plotz Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Musick Mr. & Mrs. J. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. A. Robert Poggi Mr. & Mrs. Stanley H. Nahigian Mr. & Mrs. John A. Plavino Mr. William Poinsatte Ms. Jean Bush Nankivell Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Paniccia Mr. & Mrs. Sam Pollock, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald F. Nate Mr. & Mrs. James J. Papandrea Mr. & Mrs. Stewart N. Pool Mr. & Mrs. James R. Neel Mr. & Mrs. E. T. Pappert Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Poposki Mr. William F. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Paquette Mr. & Mrs. J. Roger Porter Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Nero Mr. & Mrs.. James R. Paquette Mr. & Mrs. Ronald V. Porter Ms. Mary E. Nesi Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Parent Mr. & Mrs. James R. Porter Mr. Gary Neubauer Mr. & Mrs. Neil W. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Poterack Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Neuser Mr. & Mrs. Clifford J. Parker Mr. Roger Povech Ms. Sarah G. Newi Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Parker Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Powell Mr. David S. Newman Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Parker Mr. Hollis W. Powers Mr. & Mrs. Jack Newsom Mr. William B. Parker Mr. & Mrs. James F. Powers Mr. & Mrs. David M. Nichols Mr. & Mrs. David S. Parkinson Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Powers
  • 24. 24 |  Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jay Pownall Mr. & Mrs. Ross H. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Carmen J. Scarpa Mr. & Mrs. William E. Pritts, II Mr. William C. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Roy J. Scarpato Mr. & Mrs. Bill B. Prokopow Mr. & Mrs. Norman M. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Randy C. Schaaf In memory of David Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Schaeffer Dr. & Mrs. Thaddeus P. Pruss Mr. & Mrs. Charles N. Robinson Mr. Thomas C. Schafer Mr. Woodrow G. Quimby Ms. Sandy Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Schalk Mr. & Mrs. D. C. Rackiewicz Mr. & Mrs. James P. Roemer Ms. June Schanbacher Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ramsey Mr. John K. Roessner, III Mr. & Mrs. S. James Schill Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Randlett Ms. Glynnis M. Rogero Mr. Dean R. Schladorn Rev. Richard E. Raney Mr. & Mrs. William J. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Dale Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Eugene R. Schoenleber In memory of Pauline Morris Mr. & Mrs. John Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Walter Scholer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Ray Mr. & Mrs. Virginia S. Rogers Mr. Russell P. Schropp Mr. & Mrs. George F. Raymond Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Roll Mr. & Mrs. William H. Schuler, Jr. Donations Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Reardon Mr. Michael J. Rolland Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Gordon L. Rebresh Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Romano Mr. & Mrs. William J. Schultz Mr. & Mrs. James C. Redding Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Romanovich Mr. & Mrs. Elmer H. J. Schultz Mr. Donald B. Reece Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rometty Mr. Dennis Schutz Mr. 7 Mrs. William W. Reel, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John H. Rose Mr. & Mrs. Hugo B. Schwandt Mr. Alan Refkin Mr. Harold A. Rose Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Schwinn Mr. & Mrs. R. D. Reichow Mr. & Mrs. Harry T. Rose Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Scialabba Mr. & Mrs. Jonas P. Reid, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jack I. Rosenstock Mr. William E. Scollard Mr. Glenn Reid Mr. & Mrs. Lyle A. Rosenzweig Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Scolnick Mr. & Mrs. Pat J. Reidy Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Ross Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Scott Mr. & Mrs. Dennis H. Reilley Mr. & Mrs. James A. Rossi Mr. Timothy Scott Mr. & Mrs. Peter Reines Mr. Richard A. Rossi Mr. Robert D. Scott Ms. Cynthia Reisenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Rowe Mr. & Mrs. F. Ron Seager Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Resch Mr. & Mrs. Denis J. Roza Mr. & Mrs. Philip N. Seamon Mr. & Mrs. Ray G. Rezner Dr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Rubacky Ms. Rhoda Segal Mr. & Mrs. J. Jeffrey Rice Ms. Sandra J. Ruck Mr. & Mrs. Seymour A. Seligman Mr. 7 Mrs. James H. Richards Mr. & Mrs. James A Rudolf Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Semcer Ms. Patsy L. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Rudolph Mr. & Mrs. Walter Serafin In memory of George Ferris Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rued Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Shaffer Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Richardson, Jr. Mr. John A. Russell Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin D. Shane Ms. Renee R. Richter Mr. Stephen T. Russian Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. Shannon Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Rickey Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Rutledge Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Share Mr. & Mrs. Derek Ridout Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Ryan Ms. Alice Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Riley Ms. Carol Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Shearer Mr. & Mrs. W. Patrick Riley Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rzasnicki Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shearman Mr. & Mrs. Dick Riley Ms. Valerie Saft Mr. & Mrs. George S. Shegog, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Rinella Mr. & Mrs. Denis J. Salamone Mr. & Mrs. David F. Shellenbarger Mr. & Mrs. J. Allan Ringler Mr. Carl Salyers, PA Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Serick Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Rios Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Sampson Mr. & Mrs. William D. Shroyer Mr. & Mrs. John W. Risk Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Sanfelippo Mr. Ed Shults Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Risso Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Santoro Ms. Barbara Hager Sibley Ms. Jane M. Ritchie Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Saputo Ms. Anne C. Sidner Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rittenhouse Mr. Raymond A. Sarlo Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Sieve Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Robbins Mr. Frederick A. Sauer Mr. & Mrs. Henry V. Sikorski Mr. & Mrs. William A. Robblee Mr. & Mrs. Leonard G. Saulter Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sikorski Mr. & Mrs. Bruce P. Robert Mr. & Mrs. John H. Scanlon Ms. Margaret M. Silberg