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By Farm
   George Orwell
Allegory - Satire - Fable

    Presented by :
   Mohammed Sabri
    ( Prime_Metin)

  “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”
Animal Farm in brief
   It was written in 1940's. It's an allegory of the Russian
    revolution, on how communism doesn't work. In the
    story, a bunch of farm animals overthrow the farmer
    who treated them badly. They set up an ideal society
    in which all the animals are equal, and all work for the
    benefit of each other (basically a communist society).
    The pigs take a leadership position, even though
    technically all the animals are equal. One pig,
    Napoleon, who is power hungry, kicks out his co-
    leader, Snowball, and then becomes a tyrant. He
    mistreats the other animals in a similar way as the
    farmer mistreated them. The animals are back to
    square one, and no improvement has been made.
Why Animals?
   In explaining how he came to write Animal Farm,
    Orwell says he once saw a little boy
    whipping(beating horse by whip) a horse and later
    he wrote,
       “It struck me that if only such animals became aware of
        their strength we should have no power over them, and
        that men exploit(use) animals in much the same way as
        the rich exploit the [worker].”
What is Animal Farm?
   A masterpiece of political satire, Animal Farm is a
    tale of oppressed individuals who long for
    freedom but ultimately are corrupted by
    assuming(arrogant) the very power that had
    originally oppressed(tyrannized) them.
   The story traces(sketches, describes) the
    deplorable(miserable) conditions of mistreated
    animals who can speak and who exhibit(present)
    many human characteristics(features). After
    extreme negligence(carelessness) by their owner,
    the animals revolt and expel(drive out) Mr. Jones
    and his wife from the farm.
   The tale of the society the animals form into a
    totalitarian(tyranny) regime is generally viewed as
    Orwell's critique(critic review) of the communist
    system in the former Soviet Union.
       Interesting Fact: Orwell initially struggled
       to find a publisher for Animal Farm .
Significance(importance) Today
   But why – now that Soviet Communism has
    fallen and the Cold War is over –does Animal
    Farm deserve our attention? The answer lies
    in the power of allegory. Allegorical fables,
    because they require us to make comparisons
    and connections, can be meaningful to any
    reader in any historical period. The story of
    Animal Farm will always have lessons to
    teach us about the ways that people abuse
    power and manipulate others.
   Orwell's chilling(bitter) story of the betrayal of
    idealism(utopian) through tyranny and
    corruption is as fresh and relevant today as
    when it was first published in 1945.
When History and Literature Merge
   Critics often consider Animal Farm to be an
    allegory of the Russian Revolution. In the early
    1900s, Russia’s Czar Nicholas II faced an
    increasingly discontented populace(offended
    people). Freed from feudal serfdom(slavery) in
    1861, many Russian peasants(farmers) were
    struggling to survive under an
    oppressive(unfair, tyrannical) government. By
    1917, amidst(among) the tremendous(terrible)
    suffering of World War I, a revolution began. In Czar Nicholas II
    two major battles, the Czar’s government was                     Vladimir Lenin
    overthrown and replaced by the Bolshevik
    leadership of Vladimir Lenin. When Lenin died
    in 1924, his former colleagues Leon Trotsky,
    hero of the early Revolution, and Joseph
    Stalin, head of the Communist Party, struggled
    for power. Stalin won the battle, and he
    deported(banished) Trotsky into permanent
    exile(banishment).                             Joseph Stalin        Leon Trotsky
Animalism = Communism
   Animalism                        Communism
       Taught by Old Major              Invented by Karl Marx
       No rich, but no poor             All people are equal
       Better life for workers          Government owns
       All animals are equal             everything
       Everyone owns the                People own the
        farm                              government
Animal Farm Revolution = Russian Revolution
   Animal Farm Revolution                     Russian Revolution
        Was supposed to make life                 Was supposed to fix the
         better for all, but . . .                  problems created by the
             Life was worse at the end.            Czar, but . . .
             The leaders became the                    Life was even worse after
              same as, or worse than the                 the revolution.
              other farmers (humans) they               Stalin made the Czar look
              rebelled against.                          like a nice guy.
George Orwell
      British Author & Journalist
     1903-1950
     Born in India
        At that time India was a part of the British Empire, and Blair's

          father, Richard, held a post as an agent in the Opium(kind of
          drugs) Department of the Indian Civil Service.
        The Blair family was not very wealthy - Orwell later described

          them ironically as "lower-upper-middle class". They owned no
          property, had no extensive investments; they were like many
          middle-class English families of the time, totally dependent on
          the British Empire for their livelihood(living) and prospects.
     Noted as a novelist and critic, as well as a political and cultural
     One of the most widely admired English-language essayists of the
      20th century
     Best known for two novels critical of totalitarianism in general, and
      Stalinism in particular:
          Animal Farm
        Nineteen Eighty-Four

“Liberty is telling people what they do not want to hear.”
     The novel, published in
      1949, takes place in 1984
      and presents an imaginary
      future where a totalitarian
      state controls every aspect
      of life, even people's
      thoughts. The state is
      called Oceania and is
      ruled by a group known as
      the Party; its leader and
      dictator is Big Brother.
George Orwell and His Beliefs
   Orwell was a person who had a reputation for standing apart and even
    making a virtue of his detachment(independence in opinion).
   This “outsider” position often led him to oppose the crowd(people whom
    work with).
   Orwell’s beliefs about politics were affected by his experiences fighting in
    the Spanish Civil War.
   He viewed socialists, communists, and fascists as repressive and self-
   He was skeptical(doubt) of governments and their willingness to
    forsake(leave) ideas in favor of power.

                                    Interesting Fact:
                                    George Orwell’s real name was Eric Blair.
George Orwell in India
   He was born in India and
    spent his early years there
    since his father held a post
       He was a lonely boy who liked
        to make up stories and talk
        with imaginary companions.
   As an adult, he worked for
    the Imperial Police in British
    occupied India.
   Orwell joined the police in Burma, where he had family
    connections. In 1924 he was promoted. In 1927 he
    contracted Dengue fever: in light of this he was allowed to
    return to England. It was at this time that he resigned from
    the police force with the intention of focusing on writing. It
    was this time in Burma that provided the inspiration for
    Orwell’s first novel, Burmese Days, published in 1934.
   Orwell took a job as a teacher in England, after living in
    Paris for a short time. It was a small school and allowed
    Orwell to focus on his writing. He was contributing on a
    regular basis to the magazine New Adelphi, where his
    essay "A Hanging" first appeared.
   Orwell, after suffering with pneumonia, would take a part-
    time job working in a book shop in Hampstead.
   When the Spanish Civil war began, Orwell
    volunteered to fight for the republicans against the
    uprising. He was injured after being shot in the
    neck by a sniper's bullet; following this he and his
    new wife, Eileen O’Shaughnessy, left Spain to
    return to England.
   Death
   Orwell became seriously ill around this time,
    suffering with tuberculosis. Orwell had been
    courting Sonia Brownell and married her while in
    hospital in October 1949. By Christmas Orwell
    was very weak and in January of 1950, aged 46,
    he died. In accordance with his wishes, Orwell
    was buried. He lies in All Saint’s Churchyard in
    Oxford, as it was impossible for him to be buried in
   Old Major                                 Karl Marx
       An old boar whose speech about            The inventor of communism
        the evils perpetrated(have done)          Wants to unite the working
        by humans rouses(awakes)the                class to overthrow the
        animals into rebelling.                    government.
       His philosophy concerning the             Dies before the Russian
        tyranny of Man is named                    Revolution
       He teaches the animals the song
        “Beasts of England”
       Dies before revolution
Who is Karl Marx?
   Many of the ideals behind the Soviet
    revolution were based on the
    writings and teachings of Karl Marx.
    A German intellectual who lived in
    the mid-1800s, Marx believed that
    societies are divided into two
    segments, a working class and an
    owner class. The working class
    creates all the products, while the
    owner class enjoys all the benefits of
    these products. This class division
    leads to inequality and oppression
    (tyranny , injustice) of the working
    class. Marx’s objective was to create
    a classless society in which the work
    is shared by all for the benefit of all,
    and he believed revolution was the
    way to achieve this goal.
Napoleon = Joseph Stalin
   Napoleon                                 Joseph Stain
       Boar who leads the rebellion
                                                 The communist dictator of the
        against Farmer Jones                      Soviet Union from 1922-1953
                                                  who killed all who opposed
       After the rebellion’s success,
        he systematically begins to
        control all aspects of the farm
                                                 He loved power and used the
        until he is an undisputed(no              KGB (secret police) to enforce
        one stand against him) tyrant.            his ruthless(unmerciful), corrupt
Joseph Stalin
   Once in power, Stalin began, with
    despotic(tyranny) urgency and
    exalted(glorified) nationalism, to move the
    Soviet Union into the modern industrial age.
    His government seized(captured) land in
    order to create collective(group) farms.
    Stalin’s Five Year Plan was an attempt(try,
    effort) to modernize Soviet industry. Many
    peasants(farmers) refused to give up their
    land, so to counter resistance Stalin used
    vicious(evil) military tactics. Rigged trials led
    to executions of an estimated 20 million
    government officials and ordinary citizens.
    The government controlled the flow and              Joseph Stalin
    content of information to the people, and all
    but outlawed churches.
Snowball = Leon Trotsky
   Snowball
       Boar who becomes one of the          Leon Trotsky
        rebellion’s most valuable
                                                 A pure communist leader
                                                  who was influenced by the
       After drawing complicated                 teachings of Karl Marx.
        plans for the construction of a          He wanted to improve life
        windmill, he is chased off of             for people in Russia, but
        the farm forever by                       was driven away by Lenin’s
        Napoleon’s dogs and                       KGB.
        thereafter used as a
        scapegoat for the animals’
Farmer Jones = Czar Nicholas II
   Farmer Jones                          Czar Nicholas II
       The irresponsible owner of            Weak Russian leader
        the farm                               during the early 1900s
       Lets his animals starve(feel          Often cruel and
        hungry) and beats them                 brutal(harsh) to his
        with a whip                            subjects
       Sometimes shows random                Displays
        kindness                               isolated(seperated)
Squealer & Boxer
   Squealer     
       A big mouth pig who becomes Napoleon’s mouthpiece.
        Throughout the novel, he displays his ability to
        manipulate(treat in proficiency) the animals’ thoughts
        through the use of hollow(tell lies), yet convincing rhetoric.
       Represents the propaganda department that worked to
        support Stalin’s image; the members of the department
        would use lies to convince the people to follow Stalin.

   Boxer     
       A dedicated but dim-witted(stupid) horse who aids(assists)
        in the building of the windmill but is sold to a glue-boiler
        after collapsing(crash down) from exhaustion.
       Represents the dedicated, but tricked(cheated) communist
        supporters of Stalin. Many stayed loyal even after it was
        obvious(clear) Stalin was a tyrant. Eventually(finaly) they
        were betrayed, ignored, and even killed by him.                   Boxer
Jessie & Moses
   Jessie
       The farm's sheepdog, she keeps tabs on the
        pigs and is among the first to suspect that
        something is wrong at Animal Farm.

   Moses     
       A tame(domesticated) raven and sometimes-
        pet of Jones who tells the animals stories
        about a paradise called Sugar-candy
       Moses represents religion. Stalin used
        religious principles to influence(affect on)
        people to work and to avoid revolt.
More Characters
Jones' neighbor, The easygoing gentleman farmer who runs Foxwood, a neighboring
       farm. Mr. Frederick’s bitter enemy, Mr. Pilkington represents the capitalist
                     governments of England and the United States.
                                    Mr. Frederick  
 The tough, shrewd operator of Pinchfield, a neighboring farm. Based on Adolf Hitler,
      the ruler of Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, Mr. Frederick proves an
                                  untrustworthy neighbor.
  A vain horse who resists the animal rebellion because she doesn't want to give up
   the petting and treats she receives from humans. Mollie represents vain, selfish
  people in Russia and throughout the world who ignored the revolution and sought
                           residence in more inviting countries.
The most cynical(ironical) of all the animals, the farm's donkey doubts the leadership
  of the pigs but is faithfully devoted to Boxer. Benjamin represents all the skeptical
people in Russia and elsewhere who weren’t sure revolution would change anything.
                                      The Sheep
Not tremendously clever, the sheep remind themselves of the principles of animalism
                       by chanting "four legs good, two legs bad."
                                      The Dogs
Napoleon’s private army that used fear to force the animals to work; they killed any
 opponent of Napoleon. The dogs represent Stalin’s loyal KGB (secret police). The
     KGB were not really police, but mercenaries used to force support for Stalin.
Plot Summary
   The story is set on the Manor Farm, owned and
    operated by Mr. Jones.
   One night the prize(something deserves to
    struggle for it) boar(male pig), Old Major, tells
    all the other farm animals he has realized that
    the misery of their daily lives is all due to the
    tyranny of human beings, and that if they work
    to overthrow(defeat) the humans their lives will
    become easy and comfortable.
Plot Summary
   After Old Major dies, the pigs (led by the
    two boars Snowball and Napoleon) start
    teaching his ideas (which they develop
    into a system of thought called Animalism)
    to the other animals. A few months later,
    Mr. Jones gets drunk and forgets to feed
    the animals, who become so hungry that
    they rebel and drive the human beings off
    the farm. They rename the farm 'Animal
    Farm' and write the Seven
    Commandments of Animalism up on the
    wall of the barn(fold, store for animals
    food). Jones comes back with a group of
    armed men and tries to recapture the
    farm, but the animals, led by Snowball,
    defeat the men.
Plot Summary
   Snowball and Napoleon argue constantly(never
    stopping) over plans for the future of the farm,
    never able to agree - especially over a windmill
    which Snowball wants to build to provide the
    farm with electric power, and which Napoleon
    ridicules. Napoleon calls in nine dogs whom he
    has specially trained and they chase Snowball
    off the farm. Squealer, the very persuasive
    pig(able to persuade other) who
    relays(broadcasts) most of Napoleon's
    decisions to the other animals, tells them that
    Snowball was a traitor in league(union,
    alliance) with Jones, and that the windmill was
    really Napoleon's idea anyway and will go
Plot Summary
   The animals work hard - work on the
    windmill is slow and they rely(depend)
    heavily on Boxer the cart-
    horse(strong horse suitable for heavy
    work), who is very strong and hard-
    working. Napoleon begins trading with
    nearby farms, and the pigs move into
    the farmhouse(Mr.Jones's house) and
    sleep in the beds there - even though
    sleeping in beds like humans was
    forbidden by the original
    principles(rules) of Animalism.
Plot Summary
   The winter is difficult - the animals have
    little food. Napoleon and Squealer blame
    Snowball for everything that goes wrong on
    the farm, from bad crops(harvest, product)
    to blocked drains(consumes). Then
    Napoleon's dogs attack four pigs, who then
    confess to plotting(conspiracy) with
    Snowball and start a series of confessions
    of various 'crimes' from other animals - all
    of those who confess are slaughtered(was
    slaying) by the dogs, leaving the survivors
    shaken(trembled) and miserable(hopeless).
Plot Summary
   The windmill is finally completed and to get
    money to buy the machinery for it, Napoleon
    decides to sell a pile(pack, heap) of
    timber(wood of trees) - after
    wavering(hesitation) between the two
    neighboring farmers Pilkington and Frederick,
    he sells it to Frederick only to discover that he
    has been paid with worthless(silly, valueless)
    forged(fake) banknotes(currency). Frederick
    and his men then come on to the farm and
    blow(blast) the windmill to pieces with
    explosives, although the animals manage to
    drive them off the farm again after a bloody
    battle. A few days later the pigs find a case of
    whisky(alcohol) in the farmhouse
    cellar(underground store) and get drunk.
Plot Summary
   Boxer is injured while working on repairs to the
    windmill, and Benjamin notices that the van(the great
    leader) Napoleon calls to send him to the
    vet(veterinary doctor), has 'Horse Slaughterer' painted
    on the side. After Boxer has 'died in hospital' under
    care of the vet, the pigs mysteriously(secretly) find
    money to buy another case of whiskey.
   After many years, life is just as hard as it ever was.
    The pigs start walking on two legs. None of the old
    Commandments(rules) are left on the barn wall. A
    group of human farmers come to see the farm, they
    quarrel(fight) with the pigs over a game of cards - and
    the animals discover they can no longer tell which is
    human and which is pig.
   Conflict and resolution :
     There are many conflicts in Animal Farm and I will
    write about the two that I look at as the most
    important. The first is in the beginning of the book –
    the rebellion. The animals on the farm chase Mr.
    Jones away and after they have done that, the
    problem is solved. The second isn’t solved at all: In
    the end of the book the animals see the pigs have a
    fight with the humans and they can’t see any
    difference between them. I think a new conflict is
    created at this moment and you, as the reader, must
    guess what happens next.
   Utopia/Dystopia –
   Animal Farm was intended to be a Utopia 
    but it became a dystopia when the pigs
    it into a communist society. Old Major's ideas 
    for the perfect society were well placed but 
    did not work. Not one animal was really equal 
    and most were not cared for as should be. 
   False Allegiance(loyalty)
   A final noteworthy (and again, satiric) theme is the way in which
    people proclaim their allegiance to each other, only to betray
    their true intentions at a later time. Directly related to the idea
    that the rulers of the rebellion (the pigs) eventually betray the
    ideals for which they presumably fought, this theme is
    dramatized in a number of relationships involving the novel's
    human characters. Pilkington and Jones;Frederick, for
    example, only listen to Jones in the Red Lion because they
    secretly hope to gain something from their neighbor's misery.
    Similarly, Frederick's buying the firewood from Napoleon seems
    to form an alliance that is shattered when the pig learns of
    Frederick's forged banknotes. The novel's final scene
    demonstrates that, despite all the.
Allegory (cont’d)
   Yet there is no reason that
    allegory must be limited to
    two levels. It is possible to
    argue that Animal Farm
    also has a third and more
    general level of meaning. For
    instance, the pigs need not
    only represent specific
    tyrannical soviet leaders.
    They could also be symbols
    for tyranny more broadly:
    their qualities are therefore
    not simply the historical
    characteristics of a set of     Squealer, Snowball, & Napoleon
    actual men but are the
    qualities of all leaders who
    rely on repression and
           The pigs began to spread
            propaganda to the animals when
            they told them that they were doing
            well. The animals, being naive,
            believed every word of it.
            Propaganda was spread to other
            farms, telling them about how
            Animal Farm was more prosperous.
            They were urged to rebel. 
            The animals also could be
Boxer       indoctrinated using propaganda.
             Ex: The sheep bleating.
   In a satire , the writer
    attacks a serious issue by
    presenting it in a ridiculous
    light or otherwise poking fun
    at it. Orwell uses satire to
    expose what he saw as the
    myth of Soviet socialism.
    Thus, the novel tells a story   Soviet Coat of Arms

    that people of all ages can
    understand, but it also tells
    us a second story— that of
    the real-life revolution.
   Irony results when there is a disparity
    between what an audience would
    expect and what really happens.
    Orwell uses a particular type of irony –
    dramatic irony. He relies on the
    difference between what the animals
    understand and what we, the
    audience, can conclude about the         Snowball below the commandments.
    situation at Animal Farm.
   We know just what the animals know,
    but we can see so much more of its
    significance than they can. The
    conclusions we reach that the animals
    never quite get to – that the pigs are
    decadent, corrupt, and immoral – are
    all the more powerful because we
    arrive at them ourselves, without the
    narrator pointing these things out
                                              Napoleon overindulging himself.
Irony (cont’d)
   Orwell uses dramatic irony to
    create a particularly subtle
    satire. Satire stages a
    critique of an individual,
    group, or idea by
    exaggerating faults and
    revealing hypocrisies. The
    dramatic irony of Animal
    Farm achieves this aim
    indirectly. We see the
    hypocrisy that the animals
    don't and therefore
    understand in this backward
    fashion that the book is deeply
    critical of the pigs.
   Religion and Tyranny
   Another theme of Orwell's novel that also strikes a satiric note is the idea of
    religion being the "opium of the people" (as Karl Marx famously
    wrote). Moses the raven's talk of Sugar-candy Mountain originally annoys
    many of the animals, since Moses, known as a "teller of tales," seems an
    unreliable(untruthful) source. At this point, the animals are still hopeful for a
    better future and therefore dismiss Moses' stories of a paradise elsewhere.
    As their lives worsen, however, the animals begin to believe him, because
    "Their lives now, they reasoned, were hungry and laborious(exhausting);
    Was it not right and just that a better world should exist somewhere else?"
    Here, Orwell mocks(ridicules) the futile(useless) dreaming of a better place
    that clearly does not exist. The pigs allow Moses to stay on the farm — and
    even encourage his presence by rewarding him with beer — because they
    know that his stories of Sugar-candy Mountain will keep the animals
    docile(obedient). Thus Orwell implies that religious devotion( — viewed by
    many as a noble character trait — can actually distort the ways in which one
    thinks of his or her life on earth.
Some definitions
   Definition of allegory :
    Extending a metaphor through an entire speech or
    passage so that objects, persons, and actions in the
    text are equated with meanings that lie outside the
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     miserable 

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Animal farm

  • 1. Animal By Farm George Orwell Allegory - Satire - Fable Presented by : Mohammed Sabri Bamerni ( Prime_Metin) “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”
  • 2. Animal Farm in brief  It was written in 1940's. It's an allegory of the Russian revolution, on how communism doesn't work. In the story, a bunch of farm animals overthrow the farmer who treated them badly. They set up an ideal society in which all the animals are equal, and all work for the benefit of each other (basically a communist society). The pigs take a leadership position, even though technically all the animals are equal. One pig, Napoleon, who is power hungry, kicks out his co- leader, Snowball, and then becomes a tyrant. He mistreats the other animals in a similar way as the farmer mistreated them. The animals are back to square one, and no improvement has been made.
  • 3. Why Animals?  In explaining how he came to write Animal Farm, Orwell says he once saw a little boy whipping(beating horse by whip) a horse and later he wrote,  “It struck me that if only such animals became aware of their strength we should have no power over them, and that men exploit(use) animals in much the same way as the rich exploit the [worker].”
  • 4. What is Animal Farm?  A masterpiece of political satire, Animal Farm is a tale of oppressed individuals who long for freedom but ultimately are corrupted by assuming(arrogant) the very power that had originally oppressed(tyrannized) them.  The story traces(sketches, describes) the deplorable(miserable) conditions of mistreated animals who can speak and who exhibit(present) many human characteristics(features). After extreme negligence(carelessness) by their owner, the animals revolt and expel(drive out) Mr. Jones and his wife from the farm.  The tale of the society the animals form into a totalitarian(tyranny) regime is generally viewed as Orwell's critique(critic review) of the communist system in the former Soviet Union. Interesting Fact: Orwell initially struggled to find a publisher for Animal Farm .
  • 5. Significance(importance) Today  But why – now that Soviet Communism has fallen and the Cold War is over –does Animal Farm deserve our attention? The answer lies in the power of allegory. Allegorical fables, because they require us to make comparisons and connections, can be meaningful to any reader in any historical period. The story of Animal Farm will always have lessons to teach us about the ways that people abuse power and manipulate others.  Orwell's chilling(bitter) story of the betrayal of idealism(utopian) through tyranny and corruption is as fresh and relevant today as when it was first published in 1945.
  • 6. When History and Literature Merge  Critics often consider Animal Farm to be an allegory of the Russian Revolution. In the early 1900s, Russia’s Czar Nicholas II faced an increasingly discontented populace(offended people). Freed from feudal serfdom(slavery) in 1861, many Russian peasants(farmers) were struggling to survive under an oppressive(unfair, tyrannical) government. By 1917, amidst(among) the tremendous(terrible) suffering of World War I, a revolution began. In Czar Nicholas II two major battles, the Czar’s government was Vladimir Lenin overthrown and replaced by the Bolshevik leadership of Vladimir Lenin. When Lenin died in 1924, his former colleagues Leon Trotsky, hero of the early Revolution, and Joseph Stalin, head of the Communist Party, struggled for power. Stalin won the battle, and he deported(banished) Trotsky into permanent exile(banishment). Joseph Stalin Leon Trotsky
  • 7. Animalism = Communism  Animalism  Communism  Taught by Old Major  Invented by Karl Marx  No rich, but no poor  All people are equal  Better life for workers  Government owns  All animals are equal everything  Everyone owns the  People own the farm government
  • 8. Animal Farm Revolution = Russian Revolution  Animal Farm Revolution  Russian Revolution  Was supposed to make life  Was supposed to fix the better for all, but . . . problems created by the  Life was worse at the end. Czar, but . . .  The leaders became the  Life was even worse after same as, or worse than the the revolution. other farmers (humans) they  Stalin made the Czar look rebelled against. like a nice guy.
  • 9. George Orwell British Author & Journalist  1903-1950  Born in India  At that time India was a part of the British Empire, and Blair's father, Richard, held a post as an agent in the Opium(kind of drugs) Department of the Indian Civil Service.  The Blair family was not very wealthy - Orwell later described them ironically as "lower-upper-middle class". They owned no property, had no extensive investments; they were like many middle-class English families of the time, totally dependent on the British Empire for their livelihood(living) and prospects.  Noted as a novelist and critic, as well as a political and cultural commentator  One of the most widely admired English-language essayists of the 20th century  Best known for two novels critical of totalitarianism in general, and Stalinism in particular:  Animal Farm  Nineteen Eighty-Four “Liberty is telling people what they do not want to hear.”
  • 10. 1984  The novel, published in 1949, takes place in 1984 and presents an imaginary future where a totalitarian state controls every aspect of life, even people's thoughts. The state is called Oceania and is ruled by a group known as the Party; its leader and dictator is Big Brother.
  • 11. George Orwell and His Beliefs  Orwell was a person who had a reputation for standing apart and even making a virtue of his detachment(independence in opinion).  This “outsider” position often led him to oppose the crowd(people whom work with).  Orwell’s beliefs about politics were affected by his experiences fighting in the Spanish Civil War.  He viewed socialists, communists, and fascists as repressive and self- serving.  He was skeptical(doubt) of governments and their willingness to forsake(leave) ideas in favor of power. Interesting Fact: George Orwell’s real name was Eric Blair.
  • 12. George Orwell in India  He was born in India and spent his early years there since his father held a post there.  He was a lonely boy who liked to make up stories and talk with imaginary companions.  As an adult, he worked for the Imperial Police in British occupied India.
  • 13. Work  Orwell joined the police in Burma, where he had family connections. In 1924 he was promoted. In 1927 he contracted Dengue fever: in light of this he was allowed to return to England. It was at this time that he resigned from the police force with the intention of focusing on writing. It was this time in Burma that provided the inspiration for Orwell’s first novel, Burmese Days, published in 1934.  Orwell took a job as a teacher in England, after living in Paris for a short time. It was a small school and allowed Orwell to focus on his writing. He was contributing on a regular basis to the magazine New Adelphi, where his essay "A Hanging" first appeared.  Orwell, after suffering with pneumonia, would take a part- time job working in a book shop in Hampstead.
  • 14. War  When the Spanish Civil war began, Orwell volunteered to fight for the republicans against the uprising. He was injured after being shot in the neck by a sniper's bullet; following this he and his new wife, Eileen O’Shaughnessy, left Spain to return to England.  Death  Orwell became seriously ill around this time, suffering with tuberculosis. Orwell had been courting Sonia Brownell and married her while in hospital in October 1949. By Christmas Orwell was very weak and in January of 1950, aged 46, he died. In accordance with his wishes, Orwell was buried. He lies in All Saint’s Churchyard in Oxford, as it was impossible for him to be buried in London.
  • 15. Characters  Old Major  Karl Marx  An old boar whose speech about  The inventor of communism the evils perpetrated(have done)  Wants to unite the working by humans rouses(awakes)the class to overthrow the animals into rebelling. government.  His philosophy concerning the  Dies before the Russian tyranny of Man is named Revolution Animalism.  He teaches the animals the song “Beasts of England”  Dies before revolution
  • 16. Who is Karl Marx?  Many of the ideals behind the Soviet revolution were based on the writings and teachings of Karl Marx. A German intellectual who lived in the mid-1800s, Marx believed that societies are divided into two segments, a working class and an owner class. The working class creates all the products, while the owner class enjoys all the benefits of these products. This class division leads to inequality and oppression (tyranny , injustice) of the working class. Marx’s objective was to create a classless society in which the work is shared by all for the benefit of all, and he believed revolution was the way to achieve this goal.
  • 17. Napoleon = Joseph Stalin  Napoleon  Joseph Stain  Boar who leads the rebellion  The communist dictator of the against Farmer Jones Soviet Union from 1922-1953 who killed all who opposed  After the rebellion’s success, him. he systematically begins to control all aspects of the farm  He loved power and used the until he is an undisputed(no KGB (secret police) to enforce one stand against him) tyrant. his ruthless(unmerciful), corrupt antics.
  • 18. Joseph Stalin  Once in power, Stalin began, with despotic(tyranny) urgency and exalted(glorified) nationalism, to move the Soviet Union into the modern industrial age. His government seized(captured) land in order to create collective(group) farms. Stalin’s Five Year Plan was an attempt(try, effort) to modernize Soviet industry. Many peasants(farmers) refused to give up their land, so to counter resistance Stalin used vicious(evil) military tactics. Rigged trials led to executions of an estimated 20 million government officials and ordinary citizens. The government controlled the flow and Joseph Stalin content of information to the people, and all but outlawed churches.
  • 19. Snowball = Leon Trotsky  Snowball  Boar who becomes one of the  Leon Trotsky rebellion’s most valuable leaders.  A pure communist leader who was influenced by the  After drawing complicated teachings of Karl Marx. plans for the construction of a  He wanted to improve life windmill, he is chased off of for people in Russia, but the farm forever by was driven away by Lenin’s Napoleon’s dogs and KGB. thereafter used as a scapegoat for the animals’ troubles.
  • 20. Farmer Jones = Czar Nicholas II  Farmer Jones  Czar Nicholas II  The irresponsible owner of  Weak Russian leader the farm during the early 1900s  Lets his animals starve(feel  Often cruel and hungry) and beats them brutal(harsh) to his with a whip subjects  Sometimes shows random  Displays kindness isolated(seperated) kindness
  • 21. Squealer & Boxer  Squealer       A big mouth pig who becomes Napoleon’s mouthpiece. Throughout the novel, he displays his ability to manipulate(treat in proficiency) the animals’ thoughts through the use of hollow(tell lies), yet convincing rhetoric.  Represents the propaganda department that worked to support Stalin’s image; the members of the department would use lies to convince the people to follow Stalin. Squealer  Boxer       A dedicated but dim-witted(stupid) horse who aids(assists) in the building of the windmill but is sold to a glue-boiler after collapsing(crash down) from exhaustion.  Represents the dedicated, but tricked(cheated) communist supporters of Stalin. Many stayed loyal even after it was obvious(clear) Stalin was a tyrant. Eventually(finaly) they were betrayed, ignored, and even killed by him. Boxer
  • 22. Jessie & Moses  Jessie  The farm's sheepdog, she keeps tabs on the pigs and is among the first to suspect that something is wrong at Animal Farm. Jessie  Moses       A tame(domesticated) raven and sometimes- pet of Jones who tells the animals stories about a paradise called Sugar-candy Mountain.  Moses represents religion. Stalin used religious principles to influence(affect on) people to work and to avoid revolt. Moses
  • 23. More Characters Pilkington Jones' neighbor, The easygoing gentleman farmer who runs Foxwood, a neighboring farm. Mr. Frederick’s bitter enemy, Mr. Pilkington represents the capitalist governments of England and the United States. Mr. Frederick   The tough, shrewd operator of Pinchfield, a neighboring farm. Based on Adolf Hitler, the ruler of Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, Mr. Frederick proves an untrustworthy neighbor. Mollie A vain horse who resists the animal rebellion because she doesn't want to give up the petting and treats she receives from humans. Mollie represents vain, selfish people in Russia and throughout the world who ignored the revolution and sought residence in more inviting countries. Benjamin The most cynical(ironical) of all the animals, the farm's donkey doubts the leadership of the pigs but is faithfully devoted to Boxer. Benjamin represents all the skeptical people in Russia and elsewhere who weren’t sure revolution would change anything. The Sheep Not tremendously clever, the sheep remind themselves of the principles of animalism by chanting "four legs good, two legs bad." The Dogs Napoleon’s private army that used fear to force the animals to work; they killed any opponent of Napoleon. The dogs represent Stalin’s loyal KGB (secret police). The KGB were not really police, but mercenaries used to force support for Stalin.
  • 24. Plot Summary  The story is set on the Manor Farm, owned and operated by Mr. Jones.  One night the prize(something deserves to struggle for it) boar(male pig), Old Major, tells all the other farm animals he has realized that the misery of their daily lives is all due to the tyranny of human beings, and that if they work to overthrow(defeat) the humans their lives will become easy and comfortable.
  • 25. Plot Summary  After Old Major dies, the pigs (led by the two boars Snowball and Napoleon) start teaching his ideas (which they develop into a system of thought called Animalism) to the other animals. A few months later, Mr. Jones gets drunk and forgets to feed the animals, who become so hungry that they rebel and drive the human beings off the farm. They rename the farm 'Animal Farm' and write the Seven Commandments of Animalism up on the wall of the barn(fold, store for animals food). Jones comes back with a group of armed men and tries to recapture the farm, but the animals, led by Snowball, defeat the men.
  • 26. Plot Summary  Snowball and Napoleon argue constantly(never stopping) over plans for the future of the farm, never able to agree - especially over a windmill which Snowball wants to build to provide the farm with electric power, and which Napoleon ridicules. Napoleon calls in nine dogs whom he has specially trained and they chase Snowball off the farm. Squealer, the very persuasive pig(able to persuade other) who relays(broadcasts) most of Napoleon's decisions to the other animals, tells them that Snowball was a traitor in league(union, alliance) with Jones, and that the windmill was really Napoleon's idea anyway and will go ahead.
  • 27. Plot Summary  The animals work hard - work on the windmill is slow and they rely(depend) heavily on Boxer the cart- horse(strong horse suitable for heavy work), who is very strong and hard- working. Napoleon begins trading with nearby farms, and the pigs move into the farmhouse(Mr.Jones's house) and sleep in the beds there - even though sleeping in beds like humans was forbidden by the original principles(rules) of Animalism.
  • 28. Plot Summary  The winter is difficult - the animals have little food. Napoleon and Squealer blame Snowball for everything that goes wrong on the farm, from bad crops(harvest, product) to blocked drains(consumes). Then Napoleon's dogs attack four pigs, who then confess to plotting(conspiracy) with Snowball and start a series of confessions of various 'crimes' from other animals - all of those who confess are slaughtered(was slaying) by the dogs, leaving the survivors shaken(trembled) and miserable(hopeless).
  • 29. Plot Summary  The windmill is finally completed and to get money to buy the machinery for it, Napoleon decides to sell a pile(pack, heap) of timber(wood of trees) - after wavering(hesitation) between the two neighboring farmers Pilkington and Frederick, he sells it to Frederick only to discover that he has been paid with worthless(silly, valueless) forged(fake) banknotes(currency). Frederick and his men then come on to the farm and blow(blast) the windmill to pieces with explosives, although the animals manage to drive them off the farm again after a bloody battle. A few days later the pigs find a case of whisky(alcohol) in the farmhouse cellar(underground store) and get drunk.
  • 30. Plot Summary  Boxer is injured while working on repairs to the windmill, and Benjamin notices that the van(the great leader) Napoleon calls to send him to the vet(veterinary doctor), has 'Horse Slaughterer' painted on the side. After Boxer has 'died in hospital' under care of the vet, the pigs mysteriously(secretly) find money to buy another case of whiskey.  After many years, life is just as hard as it ever was. The pigs start walking on two legs. None of the old Commandments(rules) are left on the barn wall. A group of human farmers come to see the farm, they quarrel(fight) with the pigs over a game of cards - and the animals discover they can no longer tell which is human and which is pig.
  • 31.
  • 32. Themes  Conflict and resolution :    There are many conflicts in Animal Farm and I will write about the two that I look at as the most important. The first is in the beginning of the book – the rebellion. The animals on the farm chase Mr. Jones away and after they have done that, the problem is solved. The second isn’t solved at all: In the end of the book the animals see the pigs have a fight with the humans and they can’t see any difference between them. I think a new conflict is created at this moment and you, as the reader, must guess what happens next.
  • 33. Themes  Utopia/Dystopia –  Animal Farm was intended to be a Utopia  but it became a dystopia when the pigs changed  it into a communist society. Old Major's ideas  for the perfect society were well placed but  did not work. Not one animal was really equal  and most were not cared for as should be. 
  • 34. Themes  False Allegiance(loyalty)  A final noteworthy (and again, satiric) theme is the way in which people proclaim their allegiance to each other, only to betray their true intentions at a later time. Directly related to the idea that the rulers of the rebellion (the pigs) eventually betray the ideals for which they presumably fought, this theme is dramatized in a number of relationships involving the novel's human characters. Pilkington and Jones;Frederick, for example, only listen to Jones in the Red Lion because they secretly hope to gain something from their neighbor's misery. Similarly, Frederick's buying the firewood from Napoleon seems to form an alliance that is shattered when the pig learns of Frederick's forged banknotes. The novel's final scene demonstrates that, despite all the.
  • 35. Allegory (cont’d)  Yet there is no reason that allegory must be limited to two levels. It is possible to argue that Animal Farm also has a third and more general level of meaning. For instance, the pigs need not only represent specific tyrannical soviet leaders. They could also be symbols for tyranny more broadly: their qualities are therefore not simply the historical characteristics of a set of Squealer, Snowball, & Napoleon actual men but are the qualities of all leaders who rely on repression and manipulation.
  • 36. Propaganda  The pigs began to spread propaganda to the animals when they told them that they were doing well. The animals, being naive, believed every word of it. Propaganda was spread to other farms, telling them about how Animal Farm was more prosperous. They were urged to rebel.  The animals also could be Boxer indoctrinated using propaganda. Ex: The sheep bleating.
  • 37. Satire  In a satire , the writer attacks a serious issue by presenting it in a ridiculous light or otherwise poking fun at it. Orwell uses satire to expose what he saw as the myth of Soviet socialism. Thus, the novel tells a story Soviet Coat of Arms that people of all ages can understand, but it also tells us a second story— that of the real-life revolution.
  • 38. Irony  Irony results when there is a disparity between what an audience would expect and what really happens. Orwell uses a particular type of irony – dramatic irony. He relies on the difference between what the animals understand and what we, the audience, can conclude about the Snowball below the commandments. situation at Animal Farm.  We know just what the animals know, but we can see so much more of its significance than they can. The conclusions we reach that the animals never quite get to – that the pigs are decadent, corrupt, and immoral – are all the more powerful because we arrive at them ourselves, without the narrator pointing these things out directly. Napoleon overindulging himself.
  • 39. Irony (cont’d)  Orwell uses dramatic irony to create a particularly subtle satire. Satire stages a critique of an individual, group, or idea by exaggerating faults and revealing hypocrisies. The dramatic irony of Animal Farm achieves this aim indirectly. We see the hypocrisy that the animals don't and therefore understand in this backward fashion that the book is deeply critical of the pigs.
  • 40. Themes  Religion and Tyranny  Another theme of Orwell's novel that also strikes a satiric note is the idea of religion being the "opium of the people" (as Karl Marx famously wrote). Moses the raven's talk of Sugar-candy Mountain originally annoys many of the animals, since Moses, known as a "teller of tales," seems an unreliable(untruthful) source. At this point, the animals are still hopeful for a better future and therefore dismiss Moses' stories of a paradise elsewhere. As their lives worsen, however, the animals begin to believe him, because "Their lives now, they reasoned, were hungry and laborious(exhausting); Was it not right and just that a better world should exist somewhere else?" Here, Orwell mocks(ridicules) the futile(useless) dreaming of a better place that clearly does not exist. The pigs allow Moses to stay on the farm — and even encourage his presence by rewarding him with beer — because they know that his stories of Sugar-candy Mountain will keep the animals docile(obedient). Thus Orwell implies that religious devotion( — viewed by many as a noble character trait — can actually distort the ways in which one thinks of his or her life on earth.
  • 41. Some definitions  Definition of allegory : Extending a metaphor through an entire speech or passage so that objects, persons, and actions in the text are equated with meanings that lie outside the text.
  • 42. Thank you for share our miserable 