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and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
and& summit & festival 2018
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
What are the key principles to fuel the age of consciousness?
Can artificial intelligence lead towards digital immortality?
Is creative responsibility a sole human thing?
Why should we shift towards a purpose-driven fulfillment society?
What is STEMpathy and why will it become our most valuable skill set?
and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways
and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways
Thierry Geerts - Google
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
Humanist Future Trends 2020
Key question: Do we have a body? Or do we are a body? Rudy De Waele - Human Works
1. Age of meaning
2. Consciousness everywhere
3. Children first world design
4. Return to nature
5. Physical communities
6. Human innovation
7. Plurality
8. Quantum love
9. Art of coexistence
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and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
“Convenience is king and the most powerful economic force.”
Rudy Van Daele
We live in a dopamine fed society. Everything is fast-fixed.
We want to make it serotonin-driven
> China: credit score - obligatory in 2020
> Education is based on knowledge, but this will become obsolete.
> What will give value in the future? Creativity, empathy…
> Business schools teach you how to generate short-term profit.
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
9 principles to design the future of learning
Meaning & Passion
Exponential Learning
Creative & Authentic Learning (NASA study)
Personalized Learning
Communal Learning
Learning by Doing
Assessment as Learning
Childlike Learning
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
4 best practices
WE POWER: green energy trading platform
TELEGRAM MESSENGER: privacy-driven messaging platform with its own cryptocurrency
FAIRCOOP: cooperative ecosystem for a fair economy (with faircoin)
FABCITY: Barcelona - use local players to become self-sustainable within a range of 1km
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
Next level steps
● In need of conscious leadership
● From ego to collaboration and co-creation
● From dopamine to serotonin-driven society
● From control to decentralisation
● Towards a cashless society
● Inclusiveness
● Knowledge education systems are irrelevant
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
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and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
The power of the tribe
- A community-driven society, where everyone has its value
- Working, creating & playing together
- Following Robin hood principles, working for good
#WeAreTribe ;-)
and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
Transhumanism: transcending from heaven into the cloud
Can artificial intelligence lead towards digital immortality? Yes, in a way, but in an
extremely limited formand with potentially great danger for humanity.
- ‘Singularity is Near’ - Ray Kurzweil
- ‘To Be a Machine’ - Mark O’Connell
- ‘Do Robots Make Love’ - from AI to immortality
- Avatar 2045:
- The artificial life route to artificial intelligence
- From Gnostics to transhumanists
- Human+ - The future of our species
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
DIGITAL DEATH refers to how we manage our digital assets after death
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
Faustian Pact
Pact with the devil, in exchange for its soul.
Faustian Plot:
Engages in a sinful behaviour that leads to
his moral downfall.
Reversal of the Faustian pact in FAUSTO:
Instead of the soul Mephisto covets Fausto’s
body. The body is seen as a necessary
component of intelligence emotions… life!
Fausto as a neo-gnostic, Margherita as an
uploaded mind.
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and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
NOT a place where creative people gather. BUT, cities that are
themselves creative.
Imagine a city that:
- can redesign itself to suit human behaviour better
- can adorn itself to be more beautiful in ways that humans find
novel and worthwhile
- can support and/or enhance the creativity of its inhabitants
“Creativity is a cinderella in AI” - Prof. Geraint Wiggins
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
- Not the same as generative art or creative computing
- Computational Creative systems are autonomous
- They are reflective, so they make their own decisions about ‘what to keep’
- We give creative responsibility to our machines
- “CC is to creativity as AI is to intelligence” - It’s the human way of dealing with life.
- Machine learning systems learn from observation and can make connections that humans
would not even think about. These systems build statistical models and infer things.
- Statistical Imagination / human-level creativity
Systems can identify structure in language and music with no training, like childs do.
Key point: These systems can predict/imagine things they have never perceived.
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
Is creativity the sole domain of humans, or can we give AI system
creative responsibility? A musical turing test: testing/making work
that people value as art turned out positive for AI.
Ongoing experiments
AARON (cohen)
DARCI (ventura et al)
IdyOM (pearce & wiggins)
Read more on AIVA, the music creating AI visual artist
and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
‘When tragedy strikes, he’s the first to be there’ - Shigeru Ban
In pursuit of balance:
Renowned for his disaster relief design and his ingenious use of lightweight, unconventional, and
environmentally responsible materials — in particular, paper and bamboo. His signature waterproof
and fireproof paper tube architecture is iconic around the world.
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
● Time from concept to consumer has been drastically reduced
● We’ve moved from mass production to hyper customization
● Access to funding, through platforms as Kickstarter and micro-investments
● Power of communication
and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways
Amin Toufani
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
- Passive, mass education to learn by doing
- Passive consumers to active makers (makerfair) (Quinn Etnyre)
- Big innovations, to more small innovations
New role in society for generalists
> prosumer = has the capacity to design and think, create and prototype products himself
> A lot more innovation because of this access to knowledge and processes
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
PowerSeeker FishFinder: underwater drones to
recognize fish species
Gelzen: making mastodon gummy bears
Hologram for freedom: the first hologram
Edible growth cracker-like yeast structures
containing seeds and spores that sprout over
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
Cyclical Time: Ghost in the Shell
Shattered Time: in the mood for love
Multidimensional Time: Arrival
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
Inverting reality and relationships: the connection, the relationship is more important than the
dots/objects itselves
Interval variants
Non-binary: how we think about nations, to what am I eating and how does this change me?
Embrace multitudes: we tend to simplify things and pick out one > the more possibilities we can
explore, the better solution
Infinite permutations: how can we combine different objects to get more options?
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
Smartphones and virtual assistants and are already human extensions today.
If there is no need to use our brain for a particular thing, we will stop doing it. (gps,
remembering phone numbers…)
Our brain produces enough data to stream 4HD movies every second
> but we are limited to a limited interface of the smartphone and other existing tools.
During every previous evolution higher GDP = more jobs
> but training and education people to be willing to do more interesting jobs than the
current bullshit jobs takes time.
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
We can already read a human brain. We already move from joystick control to brain control over
> But we need a brain OS to be able to read thousands of neurons at a time
> And it’s going to take a lot of time to get there: Moore's law 1 million neurons by 2020
Facebook is looking deeper into neurophotonics, Elon Musk into neurolinks to unlock our abilities.
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
Imagine a world where our brain can access all knowledge, integrated in the brain: from Wikipedia to entire
access to Google knowledge within thought’s speed. AI will help us make better decisions, if we will be able to
screen and research better information.
Language is the key to the brain. In essence, you can feel without language. But it’s very difficult to grasp it
without being able to order your thoughts - through language - in your brain.
Language map of the brain. Is language the left side and creativity right side of the brain? It’s more complex.
Organise language in a semantic way. Language is spread through the brain.
- Security and privacy concerns > Will we be willing to give someone access to our brain?
- Addiction to triggers, interactions, interconnectivity and social media.
- Threats to the democratic system and inequality > If one knows everything and the other is ‘just human’
- Fundamental human interaction is based on sharing knowledge today.
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
“The smartphones we have are 1000 times stronger than the ones NASA used to launch its first rockets…
And we’re stuck in taking selfies.” Cecilia Tham
"Since we were kids, we're trained to get on the social train, fueled by economics, results, profit… But if we
shift our measurement of success towards a purpose-driven fulfillment economy, our human spirit will
become stronger than any AI. We’re the only ones stopping ourselves, by building invisible, penetrable walls. I
don’t know anything about AI, 3D printing… " Cecilia Tham
Learning requires a lot of commitment.
Work and money will become words of the past > We will use data as a value set to fuel AI-driven forces
and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
The integrated distribution model is fuelled by changing customer behaviour
- Impatient & empowered: what is taking you so long?
- Knowledgeable: what do you offer that Google doesn’t?
- Integrated & connected: what do your customers say about you?
- Require relevance: what’s your added value?
Neuromorphic computing, brain-inspired chips & quantum computing will
enable endless complexity increase.
Acceleration of IoT rollout & wireless technology, 5G is imminent
Data fusion of multi-sensory systems is needed to shift from predictive to
adaptive and self-learning.
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
Augmented and virtual reality & gaming (Pokémon GO) will evolve into a mixed reality.
Towards high res displays using OLED en EOG based eye-tracking, EEG headsets and touch.
Augmenting the human skills, will have an impact on every field. Are we at the dawn of a
jobless future? Soft skills will become our most valuable human powers.
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
AI as a decision support.
AI as a monitoring tool > a vital sign monitor will be
integrated in a single chip instead of gadgets.
Revolutionize healthcare to become more easy,
non-invasive way of diagnosing.
Liquid biopsy, cell sorting and personalized therapy.
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
In the future we will need our human, soft skills more than ever: STEM + empathy.
We will have access to all the information through the internet. We will address diseases, climate
change, mobility issues… We will live in a better world and technology is going to help us to get there.
Our educational system should be changed radically in an exponentially fast changing world.
Adaptability and EQ are the next big thing for students. We will never ‘finish’ school.
"In the future we will need our social, soft skills more than ever, next to digital knowledge. We need
more STEMpathy. Our schools have to change radically to make our kids - who will live to become
100 years - future fit" Lisbeth Imbo
Access to education and knowledge will be the game maker.
and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
- A global world with flexible, personalized tracks
Reflect on diversity, integrity, intercultural skills
- Big data & Tech
Deep learning & educational technology
> dashboards for actionable feedback on skills / academic achievements
- Societal challenges: Motivation towards a disciplinary future self
Interdisciplinary reasoning
Global citizenship
Disciplinary expertise
Creativity & Innovation
- Persons & Teams
Skills, lifelong learning, flexible study tracks
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
Technology-enhanced learning
Digital is the new normal, but digital literacy is below par.
Potential of ICT in education remains largely untapped.
Pedagogical evolution next to a societal and economical
One size fits all > personalised and adaptive
Learning in the classroom > learning everywhere
Edtech - imec smart education / KU Leuven - Piet Desmet
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
1. Educational game - Monkeytales
Learner-centred math practice in an adaptive task sequencing
2. Learning through online video - LyricsTraining
3. Edulab Learning Spaces @Kulak - Tecol Projects
Interactive learning environment
4. Multilocation learning
Virtual classroom, HBX
5. Augmented reality
For on-the-job learning
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
How can art & design be integrated as a pedagogical tool for reflexivity?
Art & design are almost absent in our curricula
- Belgium is the lowest on the ladder of hours spent on artistic practica
- Art & science are two different knowledge systems. They do not follow the logic and have a
different purpose. Art-based research (stories, images, sounds, …) next to qualitative research.
Why should we invest in them?
A fast digitizing society we give body to society in a totally different manner. We will be more visually
Vibrant matter
Meeting the universe halfway
Judith butler
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
What if theories where houses we could walk in?
How would you rethink your theory as a matter of ‘thing power’, ‘interaction’ or ‘performativity’?
Students and researchers should develop websites, make videos as well as …
From sensory experience to draft creations.
Narratives of place experiences that are not verbal
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
What’s the meaning of learning?
ToekomstATELIERdelAvenir (TADA) is 100%
bilingual (NL/FR) non-profit organisation that
provides supplementary, voluntary,
motivational & society-oriented education to
children aged 10 to 14, who come from the
most socioeconomically disadvantaged
neighbourhoods in Brussels.
Through experiential learning & courses on
topics such as law or finances for kids,
TADA shows kids what ‘later’ could have in
store for them.
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
Shift from MDGs to SDGs > The SDG principles, signed by 179 nations
Universal, carried out by all countries and sectors.
The SDGs are transformative in the way we act, think. We commit to leave no one behind.
UNESCO associated schools project network.
- Learning by doing
- Making diversity work
- Dialogue and Collaboration
- Cooperative Learning
- Participatory Research
- Scenario Planning
- Soft (Power) Skills
UCLL Moving for Sustainable Development
and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
AI is the new electricity. Do we know what technology wants?
What if humans are the simple actors and technology is the vector?
RAND corporation - a research organization that develops solutions to public policy challenges to
help make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier and more prosperous.
RAND is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and committed to the public interest.
G-ZERO World - The New Economic Club Will Produce Conflict, Not Cooperation.
OPEN NOTES > data in healthcare > access to patient-centric platforms
and& summit & festival - Key takeaways
Questions or challenges?

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And& summit Key Takeaways

  • 1. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways and& summit & festival 2018 KEY TAKEAWAYS - DAY 1 & 2
  • 2. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways EXTRATITEL AGENDA What are the key principles to fuel the age of consciousness? Can artificial intelligence lead towards digital immortality? Is creative responsibility a sole human thing? Why should we shift towards a purpose-driven fulfillment society? What is STEMpathy and why will it become our most valuable skill set?
  • 3. and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways
  • 4. and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways Thierry Geerts - Google
  • 5. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways Humanist Future Trends 2020 Key question: Do we have a body? Or do we are a body? Rudy De Waele - Human Works 1. Age of meaning 2. Consciousness everywhere 3. Children first world design 4. Return to nature 5. Physical communities 6. Human innovation 7. Plurality 8. Quantum love 9. Art of coexistence Read more HUMANWORKS
  • 6. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways HUMANWORKS “Convenience is king and the most powerful economic force.” Rudy Van Daele We live in a dopamine fed society. Everything is fast-fixed. We want to make it serotonin-driven > China: credit score - obligatory in 2020 > Education is based on knowledge, but this will become obsolete. > What will give value in the future? Creativity, empathy… > Business schools teach you how to generate short-term profit.
  • 7. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways HUMANWORKS 9 principles to design the future of learning Meaning & Passion Exponential Learning Creative & Authentic Learning (NASA study) Personalized Learning Communal Learning Learning by Doing Assessment as Learning Empowerment Childlike Learning
  • 8. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways 4 best practices WE POWER: green energy trading platform TELEGRAM MESSENGER: privacy-driven messaging platform with its own cryptocurrency FAIRCOOP: cooperative ecosystem for a fair economy (with faircoin) FABCITY: Barcelona - use local players to become self-sustainable within a range of 1km HUMANWORKS
  • 9. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways HUMANWORKS
  • 10. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways Next level steps ● In need of conscious leadership ● From ego to collaboration and co-creation ● From dopamine to serotonin-driven society ● From control to decentralisation ● Towards a cashless society ● Inclusiveness ● Knowledge education systems are irrelevant HUMANWORKS
  • 11. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways Read more HUMANWORKS
  • 12. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways The power of the tribe - A community-driven society, where everyone has its value - Working, creating & playing together - Following Robin hood principles, working for good #WeAreTribe ;-) HUMANWORKS
  • 13. and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways
  • 14. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways Transhumanism: transcending from heaven into the cloud Can artificial intelligence lead towards digital immortality? Yes, in a way, but in an extremely limited formand with potentially great danger for humanity. - ‘Singularity is Near’ - Ray Kurzweil - ‘To Be a Machine’ - Mark O’Connell - ‘Do Robots Make Love’ - from AI to immortality - Avatar 2045: - The artificial life route to artificial intelligence - From Gnostics to transhumanists - Human+ - The future of our species DIGITALMORTALITY
  • 15. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways DIGITALMORTALITY DIGITAL DEATH refers to how we manage our digital assets after death
  • 16. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways DIGITALMORTALITY Faustian Pact Pact with the devil, in exchange for its soul. Faustian Plot: Engages in a sinful behaviour that leads to his moral downfall. Reversal of the Faustian pact in FAUSTO: Instead of the soul Mephisto covets Fausto’s body. The body is seen as a necessary component of intelligence emotions… life! Fausto as a neo-gnostic, Margherita as an uploaded mind. Read more
  • 17. and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways
  • 18. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways AI&CREATIVITY NOT a place where creative people gather. BUT, cities that are themselves creative. Imagine a city that: - can redesign itself to suit human behaviour better - can adorn itself to be more beautiful in ways that humans find novel and worthwhile - can support and/or enhance the creativity of its inhabitants “Creativity is a cinderella in AI” - Prof. Geraint Wiggins
  • 19. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways AI&CREATIVITY - Not the same as generative art or creative computing - Computational Creative systems are autonomous - They are reflective, so they make their own decisions about ‘what to keep’ - We give creative responsibility to our machines - “CC is to creativity as AI is to intelligence” - It’s the human way of dealing with life. - Machine learning systems learn from observation and can make connections that humans would not even think about. These systems build statistical models and infer things. - Statistical Imagination / human-level creativity Systems can identify structure in language and music with no training, like childs do. Key point: These systems can predict/imagine things they have never perceived.
  • 20. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways AI&CREATIVITY Is creativity the sole domain of humans, or can we give AI system creative responsibility? A musical turing test: testing/making work that people value as art turned out positive for AI. Ongoing experiments AARON (cohen) DARCI (ventura et al) IdyOM (pearce & wiggins) Read more on AIVA, the music creating AI visual artist
  • 21. and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways
  • 22. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways AI&CREATIVITY ‘When tragedy strikes, he’s the first to be there’ - Shigeru Ban In pursuit of balance: Renowned for his disaster relief design and his ingenious use of lightweight, unconventional, and environmentally responsible materials — in particular, paper and bamboo. His signature waterproof and fireproof paper tube architecture is iconic around the world.
  • 23. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways AI&CREATIVITY
  • 24. and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways
  • 25. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways AI&CREATIVITY ● Time from concept to consumer has been drastically reduced ● We’ve moved from mass production to hyper customization ● Access to funding, through platforms as Kickstarter and micro-investments ● Power of communication
  • 26. and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways Amin Toufani
  • 27. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways AI&CREATIVITY WE WILL MOVE FROM - Passive, mass education to learn by doing - Passive consumers to active makers (makerfair) (Quinn Etnyre) - Big innovations, to more small innovations New role in society for generalists > prosumer = has the capacity to design and think, create and prototype products himself > A lot more innovation because of this access to knowledge and processes
  • 28. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways AI&CREATIVITY PowerSeeker FishFinder: underwater drones to recognize fish species Gelzen: making mastodon gummy bears Hologram for freedom: the first hologram protest Edible growth cracker-like yeast structures containing seeds and spores that sprout over time.
  • 29. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways TECH&TIME Cyclical Time: Ghost in the Shell Shattered Time: in the mood for love Multidimensional Time: Arrival
  • 30. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways TECH&TIME Inverting reality and relationships: the connection, the relationship is more important than the dots/objects itselves Interval variants Non-binary: how we think about nations, to what am I eating and how does this change me? Embrace multitudes: we tend to simplify things and pick out one > the more possibilities we can explore, the better solution Infinite permutations: how can we combine different objects to get more options?
  • 31. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways HUMAN&AI Smartphones and virtual assistants and are already human extensions today. If there is no need to use our brain for a particular thing, we will stop doing it. (gps, remembering phone numbers…) Our brain produces enough data to stream 4HD movies every second > but we are limited to a limited interface of the smartphone and other existing tools. During every previous evolution higher GDP = more jobs > but training and education people to be willing to do more interesting jobs than the current bullshit jobs takes time.
  • 32. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways HUMAN&AI We can already read a human brain. We already move from joystick control to brain control over robots... > But we need a brain OS to be able to read thousands of neurons at a time > And it’s going to take a lot of time to get there: Moore's law 1 million neurons by 2020 Facebook is looking deeper into neurophotonics, Elon Musk into neurolinks to unlock our abilities.
  • 33. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways HUMAN&AI Imagine a world where our brain can access all knowledge, integrated in the brain: from Wikipedia to entire access to Google knowledge within thought’s speed. AI will help us make better decisions, if we will be able to screen and research better information. Language is the key to the brain. In essence, you can feel without language. But it’s very difficult to grasp it without being able to order your thoughts - through language - in your brain. Language map of the brain. Is language the left side and creativity right side of the brain? It’s more complex. Organise language in a semantic way. Language is spread through the brain. DANGERS - Security and privacy concerns > Will we be willing to give someone access to our brain? - Addiction to triggers, interactions, interconnectivity and social media. - Threats to the democratic system and inequality > If one knows everything and the other is ‘just human’ - Fundamental human interaction is based on sharing knowledge today.
  • 34. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways HUMAN&AI “The smartphones we have are 1000 times stronger than the ones NASA used to launch its first rockets… And we’re stuck in taking selfies.” Cecilia Tham "Since we were kids, we're trained to get on the social train, fueled by economics, results, profit… But if we shift our measurement of success towards a purpose-driven fulfillment economy, our human spirit will become stronger than any AI. We’re the only ones stopping ourselves, by building invisible, penetrable walls. I don’t know anything about AI, 3D printing… " Cecilia Tham Learning requires a lot of commitment. Work and money will become words of the past > We will use data as a value set to fuel AI-driven forces
  • 35. and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways
  • 36. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways HUMAN&AI The integrated distribution model is fuelled by changing customer behaviour - Impatient & empowered: what is taking you so long? - Knowledgeable: what do you offer that Google doesn’t? - Integrated & connected: what do your customers say about you? - Require relevance: what’s your added value? Neuromorphic computing, brain-inspired chips & quantum computing will enable endless complexity increase. Acceleration of IoT rollout & wireless technology, 5G is imminent Data fusion of multi-sensory systems is needed to shift from predictive to adaptive and self-learning.
  • 37. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways HUMAN&AI Augmented and virtual reality & gaming (Pokémon GO) will evolve into a mixed reality. Towards high res displays using OLED en EOG based eye-tracking, EEG headsets and touch. Augmenting the human skills, will have an impact on every field. Are we at the dawn of a jobless future? Soft skills will become our most valuable human powers.
  • 38. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways HUMAN&AI AI as a decision support. AI as a monitoring tool > a vital sign monitor will be integrated in a single chip instead of gadgets. Revolutionize healthcare to become more easy, non-invasive way of diagnosing. Liquid biopsy, cell sorting and personalized therapy.
  • 39. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways HUMAN&AI In the future we will need our human, soft skills more than ever: STEM + empathy. We will have access to all the information through the internet. We will address diseases, climate change, mobility issues… We will live in a better world and technology is going to help us to get there. Our educational system should be changed radically in an exponentially fast changing world. Adaptability and EQ are the next big thing for students. We will never ‘finish’ school. "In the future we will need our social, soft skills more than ever, next to digital knowledge. We need more STEMpathy. Our schools have to change radically to make our kids - who will live to become 100 years - future fit" Lisbeth Imbo Access to education and knowledge will be the game maker.
  • 40. and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways
  • 41. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways EDUCATION - A global world with flexible, personalized tracks Reflect on diversity, integrity, intercultural skills - Big data & Tech Deep learning & educational technology > dashboards for actionable feedback on skills / academic achievements - Societal challenges: Motivation towards a disciplinary future self Interdisciplinary reasoning Global citizenship Disciplinary expertise Creativity & Innovation Entrepreneurship - Persons & Teams Skills, lifelong learning, flexible study tracks
  • 42. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways EDUCATION Technology-enhanced learning Digital is the new normal, but digital literacy is below par. Potential of ICT in education remains largely untapped. Pedagogical evolution next to a societal and economical One size fits all > personalised and adaptive Learning in the classroom > learning everywhere Edtech - imec smart education / KU Leuven - Piet Desmet
  • 43. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways EDUCATION 1. Educational game - Monkeytales Learner-centred math practice in an adaptive task sequencing 2. Learning through online video - LyricsTraining 3. Edulab Learning Spaces @Kulak - Tecol Projects Interactive learning environment 4. Multilocation learning Virtual classroom, HBX 5. Augmented reality For on-the-job learning
  • 44. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways EDUCATION How can art & design be integrated as a pedagogical tool for reflexivity? Art & design are almost absent in our curricula - Belgium is the lowest on the ladder of hours spent on artistic practica - Art & science are two different knowledge systems. They do not follow the logic and have a different purpose. Art-based research (stories, images, sounds, …) next to qualitative research. Why should we invest in them? A fast digitizing society we give body to society in a totally different manner. We will be more visually oriented. Books Vibrant matter Meeting the universe halfway Judith butler
  • 45. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways EDUCATION What if theories where houses we could walk in? How would you rethink your theory as a matter of ‘thing power’, ‘interaction’ or ‘performativity’? Students and researchers should develop websites, make videos as well as … From sensory experience to draft creations. Narratives of place experiences that are not verbal
  • 46. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways EDUCATION What’s the meaning of learning? ToekomstATELIERdelAvenir (TADA) is 100% bilingual (NL/FR) non-profit organisation that provides supplementary, voluntary, motivational & society-oriented education to children aged 10 to 14, who come from the most socioeconomically disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Brussels. Through experiential learning & courses on topics such as law or finances for kids, TADA shows kids what ‘later’ could have in store for them.
  • 47. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways EDUCATION
  • 48. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways EDUCATION Shift from MDGs to SDGs > The SDG principles, signed by 179 nations Universal, carried out by all countries and sectors. The SDGs are transformative in the way we act, think. We commit to leave no one behind. UNESCO associated schools project network. - Learning by doing - Making diversity work - Dialogue and Collaboration - Cooperative Learning - Participatory Research - Scenario Planning - Soft (Power) Skills UCLL Moving for Sustainable Development
  • 49. and& summit & festival - Key takeawaysand& summit & festival - Key takeaways
  • 50. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways EDUCATION AI is the new electricity. Do we know what technology wants? What if humans are the simple actors and technology is the vector? RAND corporation - a research organization that develops solutions to public policy challenges to help make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier and more prosperous. RAND is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and committed to the public interest. G-ZERO World - The New Economic Club Will Produce Conflict, Not Cooperation. OPEN NOTES > data in healthcare > access to patient-centric platforms
  • 51. and& summit & festival - Key takeaways 0498/22.76.43 Questions or challenges?