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an original screenplay by
Jacob Lovett
Jacob Lovett
637 E. Henry St.
Savannah, Ga31401
(401) 864-1304
Al, 13, sits in the back seat, sinking awkwardly into an
oversized tuxedo his mother picked out for him. Al sits
back, admiring the large houses that riddle the countryside.
It is wintertime, and the landscape is blanketed with a sheet
of snow. He draws an abstract object in the fog of his window.
KAREN, his mother, looks back at him with concern.
You excited hun? Its gonna be a fun
night, lots of pretty girls.
He continues to stare blankly out of the window.
Ah, come on, it wont be so bad. This
is gonna be the last time you'll see
your friends until we move to Bristal,
you wouldn't want to end on a sour
note would you?
His eyes express mild submission.
...I guess not.
They pull into a long driveway encircling a large lodge. A
Al sits up, watching as they pass by classmates dressed in
nice clothes, taking pictures with family members and heading
into the building.
Nervously, Al pulls at his tie.
They stop in front of the lobby.
He takes one last moment to look himself in the mirror, eyes
expressing worry. His mother catches his glance.
Now have a good time hun, I know you
He smiles waveringly and steps out of the car.
She rolls her window down one last time and shoots him a
worried glance.
I'll pick you up at eleven. Kay?
She rolls the window up, smiling.
After a moment, he turns toward the lobby entrance. He takes
a deep breath and enters.
Al passes by a few familiar faces as they socialize in the
hallway, but does not stop to engage them. He stops at a
sign in table where TEACHER 1 sits expectantly.
Oh, hey Al, just one moment.
She scans her clipboard for his information.
Ah, here you are, table 18. Head on
in and have a good time.
As he heads toward his table, he notices a few kids he knows.
Anxiety takes over and he heads toward the bathroom.
He steps toward the sink and looks up at himself. He stares
into his own eyes. After a moment he looks around, the
bathroom is empty.
With hesitation, he calmly leans forward toward the mirror
and blows until there is a thin fog. He then reaches out and
begins to draw another abstract object, this one taking on
more twists and bends. Now relaxed, he leans back to admire
his work.
He quickly wipes it away and steps out.
He heads toward his table and acknowledges his classmates,
who look at him dismissively. He sits quietly and waits.
A few moments later, his classmates have all entered. The
principal takes the mic from an assistant and steps up onto
the stage.
Good Afternoon and welcome to the
Durham Homecoming Dance! We've got a
great night of fun and music lined
up and I know we're all going to
have a fantastic time.
The boys beside Al chuckle amongst themselves and point toward
their principal.
Ah man he's trying so hard to be
I just want to take a moment to remind
you all that that this night is for
you. We've gone through great lengths
to set up this event so that you may
all have a night of good experiences,
relishing the companionship we all
share. Lets make this a night we
will all remember!
There is applause. Al sits, staring out. MUSIC FADES IN as
the lights change. As we push slowly in toward Al, the music
muffles, forming an isolated space. He looks toward the
crowd around him.
Time has passed and we see Al as he sits alone at the table.
His classmates pass by around him, dancing and socializing
amongst themselves. He stares out in a state of discontent.
He takes a moment to look around and finally decides to stand.
He walks around the outside of the party and looks toward
the crowd. Standing in the corner by the window he watches
snow as it passes by.
The lake outside is iced over, and the trees that surround
are enveloped in a deep fog.
He stares out for a moment. The snow picks up. He leans in
closer, his nostrils creating a small circle of haze on the
glass. He leans back, noticing. He looks at the circle with
indifference, then glances over his shoulder.
He shrugs to himself and draws a small line through the fog.
He then draws another connecting to the line, squiggling
outward. He lowers his hand and sighs.
Looking down at the unfinished doodle, he notices something.
He kneels down to get a closer look and notices that within
the opening he created, the environment outside looks
different. Warmer and sunny. The BACKGROUND AMBIANCE FADES
astonishment he fogs more, and draws more, unveiling a larger
and clearer picture of the new outside form.
He continues, now taking larger swipes at the window, until
the entire window exposes a bright a beautiful environment
outside. He looks around him, the dance continues on, no
one seeming to notice. He puts his hand to the window and
begins to pass through.
He continues to push, and as his hand moves through, the
world around him fades to this new world. He pushes one last
time, the warm breeze blowing on his face. He stops to catch
himself, now fully immersed in this landscape.
He looks around him. He is now on a hillside, looking down
on a small island encased by a small rushing river that leads
to a waterfall. All music and voices have faded. The same
building lies behind him, however it is now rundown and
overgrown with vegetation.
His eyes reveal excitement, mixed with bewilderment. He takes
a moment and steps toward the island.
As he closes in, he passes by the breathtaking view of a
sunset, glimmering amongst the waterfalls edge. His eyes
begin to tear with admiration as he continues on.
The island is very small, with tall jungle-like trees looming
over its edges. He steps into the river and wades toward
it. As he approaches, the sound of a girl giggling is heard
from amidst the trees. Al looks around him. It is heard
again, this time closer.
He wades in to the island and steps upon the bank. He takes
a moment to wring out his pants, and takes off the top of
his tuxedo. He looks up and sees a familiar face of a
classmate standing in the tree above. Al is startled.
Jenny? Jenny Sampson? Its me, Al,
I'm in your Biology class!
She smiles and jumps backward into the trees. He follows.
Hey Wait, Jenny! What is this place?
He rolls up his pant legs and hops over a log, pushing his
way through the thickets. He sees her on an adjacent tree
limb. Running along.
He continues to press through, eventually losing sight of
her. He stands there for a moment collecting him self.
The atmosphere is warm, inviting, the sunlight falling through
the trees.
He closes his eyes and embraces this newfound serenity.
He turns back toward the shoreline and sits on a tree branch
extending out over the river. He looks toward the ruins of
the building in wonder, then shifts his glance to the sunset,
large and brilliant, unnatural in its mystical presence. The
scene becomes darker and assumes a purple tone.
He looks around, startled, as he hears a clamber of voices
and laughter, all familiar yet different. Classmates fall
out of the trees around him, dancing and jumping around.
Their clothes look disheveled and ragged: natives to the
The music and the laughter are cumbersome and Al sinks back
into the branches.
(Drowned out)
Hey, guys! Where are we? What is
this place.
They glance at him with unwavering eyes, continuing what
seems to be a ritual.
One of his classmates steps toward him.
Your in Sunset Valley, kid. Where
did you think you were?
Sunset... Valley?
Jenny steps forward, leaning on the branch beside him.
The land of love and freedom. What
did you think?
Well, uh...
Jenny grabs his arm.
Come on, your gonna miss the sunset.
The kids wade out toward the waterfall in SLOW-MOTION. Hair
flowing, droplets of water floating out.
The dancing continuing. The DRUMBEAT matches Al's anticipation
as he is pulled into the water.
We move up along the river, passing them overhead as they
march forward. We then pull up to see the massive sunset,
embodying every hue imaginable.
Al stands with the others at the edge of the fall. Tears
break from his eyes. They all stare in a peaceful awe.
The night is peaceful. A crackling fire stands alone
surrounded by the kids, all staring out in a state of
meditation. Al sits on his tree limb, analyzing them, yet in
a state of peace himself. He is dirty now. As the others
are silent, Jenny looks to Al. She silently steps out of the
circle and beside him.
So, what do you think of Sunset
His red eyes flutter with thought.
To be honest, I couldn't really tell
you what I think. Its all too unreal.
I look around, and I see the future.
Well, what I only imagined the future
to be. I thought places like this
only existed in my drawings.
Ah, so you're an artist?
I don't know, I guess.
You know, whether it is art you love
or whether your art loves you. To be
an artist is to have love. And I see
that you have a lot of love here.
Al's eyes begin to tear.
So, your telling me that you are my
Jenny smiles. She leans in close, her golden hair illuminated
by the fire.
We are your Love.
She kisses him on the cheek. His face goes flush. They are
silent for a moment.
(Silent, as if to
I'm just worried that this is all
going to end. Its all too good, too
(placing a finger
over his mouth)
Shh, get some sleep.
She walks back toward the fire and joins the others in their
Al leans back, finding a comfortable position in the tree.
The morning emerges. Al wakes, startled. He looks around.
The pit smokes, yet no one is around. He gets up, concerned,
and stretches to his feet.
Hello? Anyone here?
He pushes through the thickets until he reaches the other
side of the island. No one is present.
He runs back through to the other side and up the top of the
hill. Scanning the horizon, he sees no one.
All is silent. The sun is wide yet immersed by clouds. He
sighs and stares for a moment.
He then looks toward the ruins of the building.
Al wades his way through ancient debris. Old chairs lay turned
over, coated in dust and rubble. He can even make out the
stage that his principal stood on, now concaved and petrified
with age. He works his way down the narrow lobby, admiring
the vegetation that grows through the ceiling; warped and
distorted. He leans against a wall and slides down in pain.
He put his head between his knees, and begins to cry. Low,
deep sobs of pain.
(in between sobs)
I knew it was too good. Too unreal.
Love, Pft! Love is a fairytale.
After a beat he lifts his head up, eyes beat red. He repeats
to himself, slower.
Love Is a fairytale.
You know, whether it is art you love
or whether your art loves you. To be
an artist is to have love. And I see
that you have a lot of love here.
(Echoing into the
We are your love.
The drums and ambient music emerge once more, this time,
more enthusiastic.
Al runs into the water, pulling off his dress shirt entirely
and heading for the waterfall. The sun turns a deep red with
blue at its edges and quickly sinks toward the horizon line.
The music is powerful. He stands at the edge of the waterfall,
arms out, challenging the sun.
Come on! Give me your strength. The
The sun pulses with color and the world around him begins to
deteriorate, becoming a cyclone of trees, wood, leaves and
Al closes his eyes and leans forward, the color of the sunset
spreading across his face. From above, Al drops in SLOW-
MOTION, falling forward then straight down. The world turns
to black as we fall with Al.
We pull slowly back from Al. His face is somewhat pale. We
now see that he is lying in snow, snowflakes passing by his
His eyes shoot open. He looks around. No one is around him.
He gets up, collecting himself. He looks over his shoulder
and sees the party going on the adjacent snow-covered hill.
Al walks through the lobby entrance. His pants are damp, and
his shoes tracking snow. His teachers all look shocked as we
push passed them, but Al's self-possessed action keeps them
from intervening. He enters the ballroom.
The music continues, people are socializing, talking. He
stands at the doorway. VOICES quiet and faces turn toward
Al continues to walk through, his face assuming irresolution.
He heads toward the stage and sits on the edge. The DJ looks
at him confused and holds up the mic, pointing to it.
Al nods, and the DJ brings it to him.
He knocks it a few times on his hand. Then speaks into it.
(after a moment of
shared confusion)
He takes a moment.
I know you're all, really confused
as to why I'm up here. And to be
honest, so am I, but I've got a few
things that I think would be worth
He clears his throat.
So for those of you who may not know
me, I'm Al Bergman. I'm 13 years
old, and, well, I'm kind of
antisocial. Well, that's a bit of
an understatement. I take every
precaution I can not to talk to you
guys, its kind of a disorder really.
Its not that I don't like you, cause
I do, well , hm, what am I trying to
The principal steps toward him.
Enough of this, please give me the
Let him speak! Let the kid talk.
The principal backs off.
Al sighs.
What am I trying to say?
He looks to Jenny, standing beautifully amongst the crowd.
He smiles at her.
If you guys didn't know, I'm going
to be moving after this quarter. For
a lot of us, this will be the last
time I will see any of you and well,
I felt like tonight would be the
last opportunity for any of you to
know who I truly am...I am awkward.
The Crowd grunts in agreement.
I am self-conscious.
They grunt again.
And I am a little bit crazy.
They all nod to each other; this is the occasion which gave
him that title.
But that doesn't mean I don't value
all of your friendship. I have gone
through these 8 years, learning from
all of you, taking in the energy
that we all share as human beings.
When I stare off, in a blank stare,
I am thinking of you with admiration.
I find it hard to make eye contact
with people, as it is sometimes hard
to stare at things so beautiful, so
pristine. I am not a religious person.
My religion is people. And well,
although I can get lost in other
worlds, drawing pictures of worlds
beyond, it only took me to about now
to realize that you all are my
inspiration. You are my life. And
when I move away, and I am just a
faint memory in your past as you all
become successful doing whatever it
is you will do, I have to say, that
I love you. I cant really put it
any more bluntly than that.
He gives Jenny one last glance.
Whether or not that love is returned,
well, that will be decided with the
setting sun.
He gets up and places the mic on the stage. Everyone is
silent. They stare as he makes his way back to the window.
A NEW SONG PLAYS. This one, remarkably similar to the ambient
music played in the surreal world. He stares out of the
window. The others gather around, as if trying to see what
he sees. In SLOW-MOTION he begins to fog the windows. His
classmates watch with interest. He fogs a great area and
slowly begin to draw into it.
Group running through the water in the surreal world.
Al continues to draw, others begin to fog areas as well,
filling the window with fog.
The group stops at the edge of the waterfall looking out to
the great sunset.
They all continue to draw, now grabbing Al's shoulder with
friendship, they all smile with happiness.
Close up of Al in water. Looking out to the sun.
Close up of Al by window, friends all around. From behind,
we see we they have collectively created. We pull back to
see the heavenly world through the window.

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Allegory - Short Film Script

  • 1. Allegory an original screenplay by Jacob Lovett Jacob Lovett 637 E. Henry St. Savannah, Ga31401 (401) 864-1304
  • 2. INT. CAR - DAY Al, 13, sits in the back seat, sinking awkwardly into an oversized tuxedo his mother picked out for him. Al sits back, admiring the large houses that riddle the countryside. It is wintertime, and the landscape is blanketed with a sheet of snow. He draws an abstract object in the fog of his window. KAREN, his mother, looks back at him with concern. KAREN You excited hun? Its gonna be a fun night, lots of pretty girls. He continues to stare blankly out of the window. KAREN (CONT'D) Ah, come on, it wont be so bad. This is gonna be the last time you'll see your friends until we move to Bristal, you wouldn't want to end on a sour note would you? His eyes express mild submission. AL ...I guess not. They pull into a long driveway encircling a large lodge. A sign reads- WELCOME DURHAM MIDDLE SCHOOL'S EIGHT GRADERS. Al sits up, watching as they pass by classmates dressed in nice clothes, taking pictures with family members and heading into the building. Nervously, Al pulls at his tie. They stop in front of the lobby. He takes one last moment to look himself in the mirror, eyes expressing worry. His mother catches his glance. KAREN Now have a good time hun, I know you will. He smiles waveringly and steps out of the car. She rolls her window down one last time and shoots him a worried glance. KAREN (CONT'D) I'll pick you up at eleven. Kay? AL Mhm.
  • 3. 2. She rolls the window up, smiling. After a moment, he turns toward the lobby entrance. He takes a deep breath and enters. INT. LOBBY ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS Al passes by a few familiar faces as they socialize in the hallway, but does not stop to engage them. He stops at a sign in table where TEACHER 1 sits expectantly. TEACHER 1 Oh, hey Al, just one moment. She scans her clipboard for his information. TEACHER 1 (CONT'D) Ah, here you are, table 18. Head on in and have a good time. As he heads toward his table, he notices a few kids he knows. Anxiety takes over and he heads toward the bathroom. He steps toward the sink and looks up at himself. He stares into his own eyes. After a moment he looks around, the bathroom is empty. With hesitation, he calmly leans forward toward the mirror and blows until there is a thin fog. He then reaches out and begins to draw another abstract object, this one taking on more twists and bends. Now relaxed, he leans back to admire his work. He quickly wipes it away and steps out. CUT TO: INT. BALLROOM - DAY He heads toward his table and acknowledges his classmates, who look at him dismissively. He sits quietly and waits. A few moments later, his classmates have all entered. The principal takes the mic from an assistant and steps up onto the stage. PRINCIPAL Good Afternoon and welcome to the Durham Homecoming Dance! We've got a great night of fun and music lined up and I know we're all going to have a fantastic time. The boys beside Al chuckle amongst themselves and point toward their principal.
  • 4. 3. KID 1 Ah man he's trying so hard to be cool. KID 2 Hahah PRINCIPAL I just want to take a moment to remind you all that that this night is for you. We've gone through great lengths to set up this event so that you may all have a night of good experiences, relishing the companionship we all share. Lets make this a night we will all remember! There is applause. Al sits, staring out. MUSIC FADES IN as the lights change. As we push slowly in toward Al, the music muffles, forming an isolated space. He looks toward the crowd around him. Time has passed and we see Al as he sits alone at the table. His classmates pass by around him, dancing and socializing amongst themselves. He stares out in a state of discontent. He takes a moment to look around and finally decides to stand. He walks around the outside of the party and looks toward the crowd. Standing in the corner by the window he watches snow as it passes by. The lake outside is iced over, and the trees that surround are enveloped in a deep fog. He stares out for a moment. The snow picks up. He leans in closer, his nostrils creating a small circle of haze on the glass. He leans back, noticing. He looks at the circle with indifference, then glances over his shoulder. He shrugs to himself and draws a small line through the fog. He then draws another connecting to the line, squiggling outward. He lowers his hand and sighs. Looking down at the unfinished doodle, he notices something. He kneels down to get a closer look and notices that within the opening he created, the environment outside looks different. Warmer and sunny. The BACKGROUND AMBIANCE FADES OUT, with the EMERGENCE OF NEW, MAGICAL SOUND. In his astonishment he fogs more, and draws more, unveiling a larger and clearer picture of the new outside form. He continues, now taking larger swipes at the window, until the entire window exposes a bright a beautiful environment
  • 5. 4. outside. He looks around him, the dance continues on, no one seeming to notice. He puts his hand to the window and begins to pass through. He continues to push, and as his hand moves through, the world around him fades to this new world. He pushes one last time, the warm breeze blowing on his face. He stops to catch himself, now fully immersed in this landscape. He looks around him. He is now on a hillside, looking down on a small island encased by a small rushing river that leads to a waterfall. All music and voices have faded. The same building lies behind him, however it is now rundown and overgrown with vegetation. His eyes reveal excitement, mixed with bewilderment. He takes a moment and steps toward the island. As he closes in, he passes by the breathtaking view of a sunset, glimmering amongst the waterfalls edge. His eyes begin to tear with admiration as he continues on. The island is very small, with tall jungle-like trees looming over its edges. He steps into the river and wades toward it. As he approaches, the sound of a girl giggling is heard from amidst the trees. Al looks around him. It is heard again, this time closer. He wades in to the island and steps upon the bank. He takes a moment to wring out his pants, and takes off the top of his tuxedo. He looks up and sees a familiar face of a classmate standing in the tree above. Al is startled. AL Jenny? Jenny Sampson? Its me, Al, I'm in your Biology class! She smiles and jumps backward into the trees. He follows. AL (CONT'D) Hey Wait, Jenny! What is this place? He rolls up his pant legs and hops over a log, pushing his way through the thickets. He sees her on an adjacent tree limb. Running along. AL (CONT'D) Jenny! He continues to press through, eventually losing sight of her. He stands there for a moment collecting him self. The atmosphere is warm, inviting, the sunlight falling through the trees.
  • 6. 5. He closes his eyes and embraces this newfound serenity. He turns back toward the shoreline and sits on a tree branch extending out over the river. He looks toward the ruins of the building in wonder, then shifts his glance to the sunset, large and brilliant, unnatural in its mystical presence. The scene becomes darker and assumes a purple tone. DRUMBEATS EMERGE. He looks around, startled, as he hears a clamber of voices and laughter, all familiar yet different. Classmates fall out of the trees around him, dancing and jumping around. Their clothes look disheveled and ragged: natives to the area. The music and the laughter are cumbersome and Al sinks back into the branches. AL (CONT'D) (Drowned out) Hey, guys! Where are we? What is this place. They glance at him with unwavering eyes, continuing what seems to be a ritual. One of his classmates steps toward him. GEOFFREY Your in Sunset Valley, kid. Where did you think you were? AL Sunset... Valley? Jenny steps forward, leaning on the branch beside him. JENNY The land of love and freedom. What did you think? AL Well, uh... Jenny grabs his arm. JENNY (Chuckling) Come on, your gonna miss the sunset. Hopeful, AMBIENT MUSIC PLAYS. The kids wade out toward the waterfall in SLOW-MOTION. Hair flowing, droplets of water floating out.
  • 7. 6. The dancing continuing. The DRUMBEAT matches Al's anticipation as he is pulled into the water. We move up along the river, passing them overhead as they march forward. We then pull up to see the massive sunset, embodying every hue imaginable. Al stands with the others at the edge of the fall. Tears break from his eyes. They all stare in a peaceful awe. CUT TO: EXT. ISLAND BANK - NIGHT The night is peaceful. A crackling fire stands alone surrounded by the kids, all staring out in a state of meditation. Al sits on his tree limb, analyzing them, yet in a state of peace himself. He is dirty now. As the others are silent, Jenny looks to Al. She silently steps out of the circle and beside him. JENNY So, what do you think of Sunset Valley? His red eyes flutter with thought. AL To be honest, I couldn't really tell you what I think. Its all too unreal. I look around, and I see the future. Well, what I only imagined the future to be. I thought places like this only existed in my drawings. JENNY Ah, so you're an artist? AL I don't know, I guess. JENNY You know, whether it is art you love or whether your art loves you. To be an artist is to have love. And I see that you have a lot of love here. AL Really? JENNY Absolutely. Al's eyes begin to tear.
  • 8. 7. AL So, your telling me that you are my friends? Jenny smiles. She leans in close, her golden hair illuminated by the fire. JENNY We are your Love. She kisses him on the cheek. His face goes flush. They are silent for a moment. AL (Silent, as if to himself) I'm just worried that this is all going to end. Its all too good, too incredible. JENNY (placing a finger over his mouth) Shh, get some sleep. She walks back toward the fire and joins the others in their meditation. Al leans back, finding a comfortable position in the tree. FADE TO BLACK: FADE IN TO: EXT. ISLAND - MORNING The morning emerges. Al wakes, startled. He looks around. The pit smokes, yet no one is around. He gets up, concerned, and stretches to his feet. AL Hello? Anyone here? He pushes through the thickets until he reaches the other side of the island. No one is present. He runs back through to the other side and up the top of the hill. Scanning the horizon, he sees no one. AL (CONT'D) (yelling) HELLO? All is silent. The sun is wide yet immersed by clouds. He sighs and stares for a moment.
  • 9. 8. He then looks toward the ruins of the building. CUT TO: INT. RUINS - DAY Al wades his way through ancient debris. Old chairs lay turned over, coated in dust and rubble. He can even make out the stage that his principal stood on, now concaved and petrified with age. He works his way down the narrow lobby, admiring the vegetation that grows through the ceiling; warped and distorted. He leans against a wall and slides down in pain. He put his head between his knees, and begins to cry. Low, deep sobs of pain. AL (in between sobs) I knew it was too good. Too unreal. Love, Pft! Love is a fairytale. After a beat he lifts his head up, eyes beat red. He repeats to himself, slower. AL (CONT'D) Love Is a fairytale. FLASHBACK JENNY You know, whether it is art you love or whether your art loves you. To be an artist is to have love. And I see that you have a lot of love here. END FLASHBACK JENNY (Echoing into the present) We are your love. The drums and ambient music emerge once more, this time, more enthusiastic. Al runs into the water, pulling off his dress shirt entirely and heading for the waterfall. The sun turns a deep red with blue at its edges and quickly sinks toward the horizon line. The music is powerful. He stands at the edge of the waterfall, arms out, challenging the sun. AL Come on! Give me your strength. The power!
  • 10. 9. The sun pulses with color and the world around him begins to deteriorate, becoming a cyclone of trees, wood, leaves and color. Al closes his eyes and leans forward, the color of the sunset spreading across his face. From above, Al drops in SLOW- MOTION, falling forward then straight down. The world turns to black as we fall with Al. FADE TO BLACK: FADE IN: EXT. SNOWY HILLSIDE - NIGHT We pull slowly back from Al. His face is somewhat pale. We now see that he is lying in snow, snowflakes passing by his face. His eyes shoot open. He looks around. No one is around him. He gets up, collecting himself. He looks over his shoulder and sees the party going on the adjacent snow-covered hill. CUT TO: INT. BALLROOM - NIGHT Al walks through the lobby entrance. His pants are damp, and his shoes tracking snow. His teachers all look shocked as we push passed them, but Al's self-possessed action keeps them from intervening. He enters the ballroom. The music continues, people are socializing, talking. He stands at the doorway. VOICES quiet and faces turn toward Al. Al continues to walk through, his face assuming irresolution. He heads toward the stage and sits on the edge. The DJ looks at him confused and holds up the mic, pointing to it. Al nods, and the DJ brings it to him. He knocks it a few times on his hand. Then speaks into it. AL Hello? ALL (after a moment of shared confusion) Hey AL ..Hi
  • 11. 10. He takes a moment. AL (CONT'D) I know you're all, really confused as to why I'm up here. And to be honest, so am I, but I've got a few things that I think would be worth saying. He clears his throat. AL (CONT'D) So for those of you who may not know me, I'm Al Bergman. I'm 13 years old, and, well, I'm kind of antisocial. Well, that's a bit of an understatement. I take every precaution I can not to talk to you guys, its kind of a disorder really. Its not that I don't like you, cause I do, well , hm, what am I trying to say. The principal steps toward him. PRINCIPAL Enough of this, please give me the mic. THE CROWD Let him speak! Let the kid talk. The principal backs off. Al sighs. AL What am I trying to say? He looks to Jenny, standing beautifully amongst the crowd. He smiles at her. AL (CONT'D) If you guys didn't know, I'm going to be moving after this quarter. For a lot of us, this will be the last time I will see any of you and well, I felt like tonight would be the last opportunity for any of you to know who I truly am...I am awkward. The Crowd grunts in agreement.
  • 12. 11. AL (CONT'D) I am self-conscious. They grunt again. AL (CONT'D) And I am a little bit crazy. They all nod to each other; this is the occasion which gave him that title. AL (CONT'D) But that doesn't mean I don't value all of your friendship. I have gone through these 8 years, learning from all of you, taking in the energy that we all share as human beings. When I stare off, in a blank stare, I am thinking of you with admiration. I find it hard to make eye contact with people, as it is sometimes hard to stare at things so beautiful, so pristine. I am not a religious person. My religion is people. And well, although I can get lost in other worlds, drawing pictures of worlds beyond, it only took me to about now to realize that you all are my inspiration. You are my life. And when I move away, and I am just a faint memory in your past as you all become successful doing whatever it is you will do, I have to say, that I love you. I cant really put it any more bluntly than that. He gives Jenny one last glance. AL (CONT'D) Whether or not that love is returned, well, that will be decided with the setting sun. He gets up and places the mic on the stage. Everyone is silent. They stare as he makes his way back to the window. A NEW SONG PLAYS. This one, remarkably similar to the ambient music played in the surreal world. He stares out of the window. The others gather around, as if trying to see what he sees. In SLOW-MOTION he begins to fog the windows. His classmates watch with interest. He fogs a great area and slowly begin to draw into it. MONTAGE
  • 13. 12. Group running through the water in the surreal world. Al continues to draw, others begin to fog areas as well, filling the window with fog. The group stops at the edge of the waterfall looking out to the great sunset. They all continue to draw, now grabbing Al's shoulder with friendship, they all smile with happiness. Close up of Al in water. Looking out to the sun. Close up of Al by window, friends all around. From behind, we see we they have collectively created. We pull back to see the heavenly world through the window. FADE TO BLACK