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AIL Buzz                     2,3

                                                             AIL Reporter
                                                                                                    15 April 2011│VOL 3, ISSUE 03
Cover Story                  4
Faculty Opinion              5
On the campus                6,7
Your Space                   8            ARMY INSTITUTE OF LAW, MOHALI
Leisure                      9                  A Fortnightly Newsletter

                                          V i b r a n t                       ●       Y o u n g                 ●        Y o u
                                                                                  EDITORIAL BOARD OPINION
                                                                  Unidentified Flying Objects: Myth or Reality
“If, in fact, we are able to find life or to answer
the question ‘Are we alone?’ then that
certainly is grand enough and noble enough to         “Universe is not only queerer than we suppose but queerer than
be the enduring legacy of our civilization”.
                         NASA, October 1999           we can suppose...there are more things in heaven and earth than

         Relive youR big day              are dreamed of, or can be dreamed of, in any philosophy”. These
 The entire team of ‘AIL Reporter’ wishes words of J.B.S. Haldane truly reveal the mysterious nature of the
a very Happy Birthday to its certain universe. The existence or non existence of UFOs is still a
                                          mystery to be resolved with scientific evidence inspite of the fact
                                                      that many people in the world have claimed to have seen them.
                                                      Those who have seen UFOs believe in their existence and those
                                                      who haven’t, reject their existence. Since it is a subjective matter
                                                      the question that whether UFOs exist or not should be left to the
See Page- 3                                           masses. The best part is that such research will undoubtedly lead
                                                      man to explore his talent.
            LEGAL SCANNER
             LAW LEXICON                              Calendar - 16 to 30 APRIL                          The AIL Reporter
Noscitur a sociis- a word is known by                 2011        | _Deblina, IV yr
the company it keeps
Expressio unius est exclusio alterius-                DATE           DAY            OCCASION
                                                                                                            Team wishes its
the express mention of one thing
excludes all others                                   16thApril      Saturday       Mahavir             readers a blessed Good
            LEGAL MAXIM                                 th
                                                      18 April       Sunday         Hanumaan                          Friday
Breve judiciale non cadit pro defectu
formae - A judicial writing does not fail                                           Jayanthi     and
through defect of form                                                              World
                                                                                    Heritage Day
         IMPORTANT JUDGEMENT                            nd
                                                      22 April       Friday         Good       Friday      Dear AILians,
                                                                                    and Earth Day          This issue of AIL Reporter
Relying on circumstantial evidence, a fast              th
                                                      24 April       Sunday         Easter Sunday          revolves    around    UFOs.
track court in Mumbai has convicted
Bollywood actor Shiney Ahuja for rape of                                                                   Scroll through, read, enjoy
his maid and sentenced him to seven years             29 April       Friday         AWES Raising           and try to find out the truth,
rigorous imprisonment though the victim                                             Day          and
had turned hostile during the trial.                                                                       if any, in UFOs…..
(Source: The Hindu Online edition March                                             Dance Day
31 2011)
We are all full of weaknesses and errors; let us mutually pardon each other for our follies; it is the first
law of nature- Voltaire                                                                              │ Page 1
AIL Buzz                                                 │ what’s up ● new● happening

        PLACEMENT INFORMATION                            WORLD CUP                                       │Navjyot II Yr

 Talwar and Talwar consultants have started The ever enthusiastic students of Army Institute of Law
 interviewing     various    students    for    campus watched the Semi Finals and the Finals of the Cricket World
 placements.                                             Cup, 2011 on the big screen in the Multi Purpose Hall with the

 [Source: Placement Cell]                                true spirit and good wishes on 30th March and 2nd April
                                        BEST OF LUCK!!   respectively. The victory of team India overwhelmed all and
                                                         made the AILians proud.
 Basketball Matches │                   Navjyot II yr

 7th April:      Basketball matches among -The            Mid Terms                                  │Navjyot II Yr
 bullets, The invincible, Invaders and Hell
                                                           The 2nd Mid Term exams were held from 28th March to 1st
 Hounds. Teams formed on the basis of bidding.
                                                          April for the 1st year.
 Finals will be held very soon.

                                                          CLUB ACTIVITIES                                 │Navjyot II yr
                  EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                          FINE ARTS CLUB
                AIL Reporter Incharge                     The club named “Fluxus” (to change) is engaged in clay
                      Ms. Sunaina                         modeling classes being conducted by an esteemed artist Mr.
                                                          Shyamlal Mehta. Various decorative items and beautiful pots
              (Assistant Professor of Law)                on the electronic potter’s wheel have been made by the
                                                          DEBATE CLUB
    Vikram Saini, Vyr,               Deblina, IVyr        The club organized a Turn Coat competition for its members.
                                                          The winners are Sirtaj, Mandira, Pratiksha and Tuhina.
         Assistant Editors and Reporters                                                           Congratulations!!
           Navjyot II yr Mannat II yr
                                                          DRAMATICS CLUB
            Saloni II yr      Gurbani, II yr              A ‘Street Play’ is to be performed by 2nd year students in the
                                                          college and for the events outside the college between 18th and
            Indhu II yr       Parvinder II yr             22nd April.
                     Deeksha II yr                        MUSIC CLUB
                                                          The Music club is practicing hard on their vocal and
                                                          instrumental and learning techniques in guitar, harmonium and
            ARTICLES INVITED                              keyboard.
Dear Readers,
                                                          SPORTS CLUB
Articles are invited for the next issue of AIL            Students are actively engaged in practicing cricket for the final
                                                          match to be held very soon.
Reporter. Write in your best poetry or cool
                                                          BOOKS AND MOVIE CLUB
random writing. Mail your articles to                     The latest movie to be watched is “The Kite Runner” based on
                                                          famous novel by ‘Khalid Hosseini’ which deals with the                                   comrade in between friends in the backdrop of Russian
                                                          invasion of Afghanistan.

 Page 2 │         Justice that love gives is surrender, justice that law gives is a punishment-
                                                                                           Mahatma Gandhi
AIL Buzz                   │ what’s             up ●       new●             happening

                                                              Upcoming Debate Competition
       BIRTH DAY WISHES {01-15 April}
                                                     NAME OF THE         DATE         VENUE
Name                    Class      Date       of          EVENT
                                   Birth             Trivium 2011     15th - 17th PEC
                                                     Parliamentary        April, 2011    Chandigarh
                                   15 April
Deepika BhaDwal         5th year
                                   15 April
Tusharanshu Walia       4 year

                                   14 April          Farewell: Beginning of A New Life
Shivika Choudhary       4th year                                               │Parvinder Kaur II yr
                                   02 April          22nd April- Farewell (Batch of 2006)
KartiKa Suhag           4th year

                                   01 April          As another batch of the final year is about to leave,
Deblina Mitra           4th year                     it’s time to bid them farewell.
                                   13 April
ArchAnA                 3rd year                     Saloni                                      │II yr
                                   07 April
Kalyan Singh Rana       3rd year

                                   04 April
NishaNt Bhardwaj        3rd year

                                   14 April
Meera Hari              3rd year

                                   01 April
ShubhaShree Sen         3rd year
                                   01 April
Devrath Singh           3rd year
                                   15 April
Arjun Singh             3rd year

Anirudh Singh           2nd year   05 April
                        2nd year   15 April
NidhaaN SiNgh Johal

                        2nd year   05 April
Sahil Randev

                        2nd year   14 April
Mehak Judge

                        2nd year   09 April
ShereyaS Kemparaj

                        1st year   05 April
TaranjiT Singh

                        1st year   15 April
Rubaina Singh

                        1st year   03 April
Gunjan Kamra
AmritA KAur             1st year   09 April

       Happy BirtH day to you all
Hatred does not cease through hatred at any time. Hatred ceases through love. This is an unalterable
law- Buddha                                                                                  │ Page 3
COVER STORY │                             Interview Of Our Dear Principal

                                                 │ Deblina        IV Yr     and     Deeksha Yadav         II Yr

Date: 08th April 2011
Time: 13:43 hrs
Venue: Principal’s Office

She is vibrant, energetic, enthusiastic, listens to everyone patiently, decides judiciously and above all a woman
with a vision. Yes, you guessed it rightly. She is none other than our dear, loving and charming Principal
Dr. Geeta Joshi. Here goes the interview…

Ques Good Afternoon ma’am. How has been your experience at AIL and what is your vision for the
Ans     Good Afternoon. My experience has been wonderful and different and absolutely beyond my
         comprehension. Since, it was a shift over from teaching profession to the administration and also
         because I come from a civil background, so I was apprehensive during the initial fifteen days and
         not very positive but gradually after having understood the purpose, aim and target of the college
         and after having interacted with the authorities, I started feeling at ease. Moreover, I have always
         enjoyed interacting with students. My vision for the college is to raise the standard of college
         higher and higher.
Ques     Ma’am, since you remain very busy, do you find free time to pursue your leisure
Ans     Since, I have a single daughter who is studying in UK and my husband who is a businessman by
           profession also stays out of the country most of the times due to his business, so my
           responsibilities towards my daughter and home are not that much.
Ques    What are your hobbies?
Ans      I like reading new books, going for a walk and working out at home during my free time.
Ques    Ma’am, had you not been a teacher, what else you would have been?
Ans     I completed my LL.M in the year 1983 and then tried for civil services but I missed it by 22 marks in
         the interview. So, I chose to pursue teaching profession. Moreover, positive thinking,
         determination, dedication, hard work, self-confidence and faith in God are always rewarding and
Ques    The theme for the upcoming issue of AIL Reporter is ‘Unidentified Flying Objects: Myth or
         Reality’. Ma’am, do you believe in UFOs and what reason would you like to state for your
Ans     No. Frankly speaking, I do not believe in Unidentified Flying Objects because I believe in facts.
Thank you ma’am for sparing your precious time from your busy schedule. It was completely our pleasure
and honour.
Page 4 │        The life of the law has not been logic; it has been reason-       Oliver Wendell Holmes
~} Faculty view {~
                        Unidentified Flying Objects: Myth or Reality

      Col (Dr) Jaswant Singh Sandhu                                 MS SUNAINA

     Since years there have been lots of            The universe is really mysterious. Fiction

     debates over the existence of UFOs.            is stranger than truth and sometimes truth
                                                    is   stranger     than     fiction.    These
     Are they a myth or reality? People
                                                    extraterrestrial bodies have been and still
     who have seen them believe and                 are a ‘wonder’ element for the scientists.
     those who haven’t don’t. There have            The question whether UFOs exist or not
                                                    certainly forces the man to explore his
     been certain reports also; various
                                                    vistas and intelligence. Such a research
     movies      have     also   depicted   the     will make him more inquisitive and

     existence    of     UFOs     and   aliens.     curious. It is this inquisitiveness which
                                                    will lead him to explore his intelligence as
     Scientists across the globe still do not
                                                    well as hidden talent. What is more
     have an answer to it and are still             important is the persistent effort and
     trying to figure out the hidden truth.         endeavour to find out the truth. This zeal
                                                    to find out the hidden truth must not end
     The day when UFOs are discovered
                                                    as it is this zeal only which has been able
     will really shake the world. Since             to help man in various discoveries and

     there is no scientific evidence to             inventions. In the words of Clifton
                                                    Fadiman, “Science fiction is a kind of
     prove their existence it is hard to say
                                                    archaeology of the future”. The more we
     that UFOs exist. It is a subjective            research and explore, the more we will
     matter based on one’s thinking and             achieve.


It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can keep him from lynching me, and I
think that’s pretty important - Martin Luther                                                 │ Page 5
On the Campus|                                         w e          ∙       u s           ∙       o u r s e l v e s

UFOs – Myth or Reality                                                  │ Garima I yr         UNIDENTIFIED        FLYING
What are these unidentified flying saucers? Well, many take to have seen these                OBJECTS : A MYSTERY
                                                                                                  │ Jatinder Randhawa II yr
oval or circular flying objects in the skies, but most of these incidents have been           If life can exist on earth then there are
reported in the continent of America. We all know that there are many theories                huge chances of existence of life on
regarding the existence of UFOs such as: these are the mere results of a                      other planets of our Solar System also.
person’s overactive imagination or it may the path taken by forgotten people                  Life on other planets might not be in
(mostly the celebrities) to try and come back into the news of the daily affairs or           the form that we perceive it to be but
it may just be an escape for some, from the real world, through which they plan               life can exist. Just like we humans
to make their lives joyous and happy. The facts regarding these are that                      carry out various space programmes in
according to a Roper poll conducted in 2002 for the Sci Fi channel, one in seven              our quest to know about other planets,
Americans say they or someone they know has had an experience relating to                     similarly it is possible that life-form of
UFOs...                                                                                       other planet is also curious about life-
A total of 14 per cent have had or know someone who has had at least one close                form on earth. There have been many
encounter of the “First,” “Second,” or “Third” kind. The largest proportion (12               UFO sightings all around the world.
per cent) say, they or someone else they know has seen a UFO at close quarters.               These sightings just open us to a
Various tests are performed to confirm. If I might use this term, whether these               whole new world of possibilities…
reportings are really true, is there really someone else living out there and is
more advanced than us and are they going to be our enemies or allies; or are all
these just plain reports and simple lies?
                                                                                              YES IT HAPPENED TO ME…
                                                                                              OR DID IT?
UFOs: A MYTH OR REALITY                                           │ Mannat II yr               │ Priyamvada Chaudhary II yr
Sometimes what we see is not what is real and what is real is not what we see. It
                                                                                              In the past three years, more than a
will not be right to say that UFOs aren’t real. If we humans can exist, if we can be
                                                                                              dozen people have claimed to be
REAL, so cannot be ALIENS? There have been so many incidents when people
                                                                                              abducted,   molested    and    raped   by
have actually witnessed UFOs. I don’t think there is any reason for us to be afraid
                                                                                              ‘ALIENS’, walking out of bright UFOs.
of these aliens; they are just another living species on earth. They are harmless.
                                                                                              Could such things have really happened?
If we can believe in God, if we can believe in spirits, then why not in UFOs? Is it
                                                                                              Or are they an outcome of the incessant
because we don’t have any evidence regarding the existence of UFOs? We also
                                                                                              talks of UFOs and aliens which take
don’t have any evidence regarding the existence of God, then why is it so that we
                                                                                              people to a parallel world?
spend so much time praying and worshiping Him? We keep fasts for Him. Why is it
                                                                                              Is it just a belief in the unknown? A
that when we lose all our hope, we expect that ‘the ultimate supernatural power,
                                                                                              belief where the strongest human power,
what we call God will come from somewhere and help us’? Why?
                                                                                              the power of ‘imagination’ takes over us
If it is all to do with our beliefs, then I would end up by saying that what might be a
                                                                                              to such an extent that we start believing
myth for someone could be reality for another and what might be reality for one
                                                                                              in something with no evidence!
could just be a figment of imagination for another…

Page 6 │             When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal-                  Richard Nixon
On the Campus|                                    w e          ∙      u s         ∙     o u r s e l v e s

UFOs- A MYSTERY                 │ Shubhpreet Kaur II yr        UFOs: A MYTH OR A REALITY
A huge disk like object with lights all over is how an                             │ Karan Handa II yr

unidentified object called UFO is imagined. If it is a         If life can exist on planet earth, then how can we
reality then why no evidence has been found and if not
                                                               negate the fact that there can be life somewhere else in
so, then is it just a wild imagination. The question is
unanswered. But the electronic media has taken                 the universe? I believe that the ‘eyes see what they
advantage of these Unidentified Flying Objects and have
                                                               choose to see’ and what we see might not be the truth.
used it for many games, movies etc. Some questions are a
mystery and this one is too…                                   So, I would say that unseen can still exist.

 Charisma                                                                                             │ Garima I Yr
Aah!! The topic of UFOs is a very unique and debatable one. The idea of existence of UFOs is a very fleeting one which
doesn’t have a very distinct and formulative identity. The issue of this debate is whether UFOs or what I may call as the
Unidentified Flying Objects, a myth or are they a reality? I stand at a point where I cannot say what might be true and
what not. We all know that most of the stories of encounters with the unknown are from America, the rest of the world
being a sleeping contributor to the subject of UFOs. But what I really think is that we can never be sure of what’s out
there in the space and beyond. We, so to admit in truth, know so less about ourselves and earth that we cannot be sure of
what is outside our world. The popular question regarding this is that, ‘Are we alone in the universe or are there more
living souls out there?’ This question hasn’t been answered. It would be affecting us all drastically if there was
something which we know is there but we still are not sure that is it really going to meet us in the coming years. Will it
be a friend or a foe? The space scientists, NASA and many other research centres are trying to find out an answer to this
question and also to the main question, is this really a reality or just a myth? Is the reporting of so many incidents really
true or not?
A survey of a sample group taken in our very own college determines that they do believe in the existence of the UFOs.
A detail regarding this is as follows:

                                         Do you believe in the
                                          existence of UFOs?

This sample survey concludes that we all do believe to some extent in the unknown and its existence. In my opinion also
the UFOs do exist and they are a part of our own reality.

 Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favour- Theodore Roosevelt                           │ Page 7
un c h a i n yo u r h e a r t ∙ f re e yo u r i m a g i na t io n |YOUR SPACE
UFOs                                                      │Chitresh Sharma V yr           HUMOUROSCOPE | SALONI II yr
Whenever we talk about UFOs, the only thing which comes to my mind is a guy with          Aries (March 21 to April 20)
                                                                                           It’s time to start thinking about your Halloween
                                                                                          costume, don’t dye your hair, it will be permanent.
a huge watermelon-sized and helmet-shaped head saying: “We come in peace” in an           You tend to make people mad, don’t worry they’ll
                                                                                          get over it. Watch out for bats when you take the
electronic voice.                                                                         garbage out Tuesday night.
                                                                                          Taurus (April 21 to May 21)
From the last few decades, in our media, print or digital (including the movies), we      You’ve been watching too much football lately;
                                                                                          don’t you think you should be outside? Watch
                                                                                          football outside somehow. Where there is smoke
have seen a lot of aliens coming and attacking us. And then, there are also few who       there is fireworks, take pictures. Don’t forget to say
                                                                                          Thank You.
come and help us survive.                                                                 Gemini (May 22 to June 21)
                                                                                           Your creative side comes out this week, give away
But the only question which strikes my mind was, is and will seemingly remain for all     what you make. A song will be stuck in your head
                                                                                          for a reason, listen close.
                                                                                          Cancer (June 22 to July 22)
in near future: Why always America? Why not Fiji or Uganda? Still haven’t                  It is what it isn’t and it’s not what it was, deep
                                                                                          down you already know that. Financial ties are
understood anything about it. May be it’s the weather or may be Las Vegas. Hrithik        holding you back, that’s too bad. You are emotional
                                                                                          this week. Keep an eye on your car keys or they
Roshan did try to bring a “Jadoo”. But with an amputated hand and a twisted tongue,       will end up under the bed forever.
                                                                                          Leo (July 23 to August 21)
                                                                                          Pick up an extra set of shoe laces; you’re going to
all I could think of is the Japanese nuclear disasters.                                   break a lace at work on Thursday. Rearrange your
                                                                                          furniture; you’re sitting way too close to the TV.
So let’s come back to the main issue from which I deviated some time back. When I         Virgo (August 22 to September 23)
                                                                                          Take time for star gazing, it’s good for your soul.
saw the last UFO... If they are real, then thank God we are not alone dumped in this      You need to exercise more, just walking to the mail
                                                                                          box and back does not equal a “work out”. You can
                                                                                          lead a horse to water.
never-ending vast space. But if we are the only ones around, then just wanna say:         Libra (September 24 to October 23)
                                                                                          Crowded rooms make you nervous, especially at the
what’s up big fella? Just go check out our new movies as you don’t have any other         canoe store. You feel the need to write, mostly
                                                                                          checks, not good. A strange call is not really what it
                                                                                          seems, fly south. Fun times are ahead, buy some
option... 
                                                                                          new skin cream.
                                                                                          Scorpio (October 24 to November 22)
                                                                                          You will receive a large amount of money if you
UFOs- A Hoax                                                     │B. Indhu II yr          keep scratching. Be careful when turning corners
                                                                                          by buildings, you may hit a house. People love to
Unidentified Flying Objects from Outer Space (UFOs). What an imagination?? There          play games with you, don’t cheat.
                                                                                          Sagittarius (November 23 to December 22)
has never been a real UFO and there will never be one. UFOs do not exist even              A new singing career may be on the horizon for
                                                                                          you, especially when driving. You have a special
though more than 60% of the public believe in them. Millions claim to have seen an        inner light; don’t let anyone mess with it. You
                                                                                          know exactly where to be and when to be there; it’s
alien space craft. It is similar to believing statements like “we can walk on water” or   never too late for ice cream.
“we have seen God”. So, UFOs are nothing more than a media myth. It has been              Capricorn (December 23 to January 20)
                                                                                          Share a special meal with a friend, something more
created by media for earning money, TRPs, fame etc. It is pretty evident that the         than a happy meal. There is a nail in your front left
                                                                                          tire. There is a special puppy waiting for you, go
concept of UFOs never came in 60s. It came in 90s with the growth of media. Now           get him. Drink lots of orange juice this week,
                                                                                          people you work with have colds.
this concept is being used by others to earn profits. We see various T-shirts, movies,    Aquarius (January 21 to February 19)
                                                                                          Travels towards the end of the week will take you
video games etc in the market coming up every day. This is because of such a myth         somewhere you’ve never been before, don’t forget
that people become fools and spend their hard earned money on such things. NASA           how to get home. A key you lost many years ago
                                                                                          will appear in a very strange place this week. Try
has spent billions of dollars to find aliens in the Milky Way Galaxy, but has failed.     new recipes, but no tofu.
                                                                                          Pisces (February 20 to March 20)
Nobody is out there. We are alone. So, it is not that hard for people to accept that      Music helps you relax, try something new, but not
                                                                                          rap. An animal is trying to talk to you, don’t poke it
UFOs do not exist. THEY are JUST a MYTH!!!                                                in the belly. Honey is good for your health.

Page 8│             The life of the law has not been logic; it has been reason- Oliver Wendell Holmes
LEISURE|                           f     u        n          •         j     o   y        •          p     e    a     c     e

 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ                                          │ Saloni IIyr       LEGAL LAUGHS                                | Saloni, II yr
 Ques1. Which Indian state is the largest producer in the world of the golden
 coloured ‘Muga’ silk?
 (A) Assam (B) Orissa (C) West Bengal (D) Karnataka
 Ques2. Which Indian freedom fighter was popularly called ‘Mahamana’?
 (A) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (B) Jai Prakash Narain (C) Gopal Hari Deshmukh
 (D) Madan Mohan Malaviya
 Ques3. Which Indian state would you be in if you were watching birds at
 Ranganathittu Birds Sanctuary, situated on an island in the Cauveri river?
 (A) Karnataka (B) Maharashtra (C) Tamil Nadu (D) Andhra Pradesh
 Ques4. Baglihar Dam, also known as Baglihar Hydroelectric Power Project, in
 Jammu & Kashmir is built across which river?
 (A) Beas (B) Chenab (C) Jhelum (D) Sutlej
 Ques5. Where was the first Indian Institute of Management (IIM) established
 in 1961?
 (A) Kolkata (B) Bengaluru (C) Ahmedabad (D) Lucknow
 Ques6. Which India born physicist invented the ‘Optical Fibre’?
 (A) C.V. Raman (B) Satyendra Nath Bose (C) Homi J. Bhabha (D) Narinder
 Singh Kapany
 Ques7. Which Australian state was formerly known as ‘Van Diemen’s Land’?
 (A) Victoria (B) Queensland (C) Tasmania (D) New South Wales
 Ques8. According to 2001 census, which state has the highest literacy rate?
 (A) Goa (B) Mizoram (C) Tripura (D) Kerala
 Ques9. Which Asian city was formerly known as ‘Batavia’?
 (A) Yangon (Myanmar) (B) Hanoi (Vietnam) (C) Jakarta (Indonesia)
 (D) Beijing (China)
 Ques10. Which country is also known as the ‘Rainbow Nation’?
 (A) Australia (B) United Kingdom (C) Switzerland (D) South Africa

                                   1. Assam           2. Madan Mohan Malaviya
                                   3. Karnataka       4. Chenab
                                   5. Kolkata         6. Narinder Singh Kapany
                                   7. Tasmania        8. Kerala
                                   9. Jakarta         10. South Africa

LATEST GADGET                            The Vocal Charismatic Ability-                  The Group JUMBLED SENTENCES
                                         Discussions                       │ Garima Kuthiala I Yr                        │ Saloni IIyr
________│___ Navjyot II yr               These are the discussions between individuals pertaining to
                                         certain topics of national or international interests. These
Diesel is one of the brands most                                                                         1. few words he a man is of.
                                         discussions help the common individual to be able to get a
popular with youth people: meet the      grip on their own personal speaking skills, a control over 2. everywhere looked her for
taste of young, because he manages       their body language and help in developing the responsive           we.
to costume with trend and simplicity.    and logical reasoning of an individual. These discussions 3. hear will from you short time
For this new season is tinged with a     are not just the extracurricular activities nor such activities     in a her.
very special feature, which is already   are limited to the academia of an individual but also add in 4. what cannot happen will say
understood by the name of the            aiding the full communication skills of an individual. They
collection: Glow in the Dark is the      help an individual to learn how to make their points in
                                         conversations, be aware of what they need to say and what       5. sorry my mistake for very I
line of Diesel watches that light up
the dark.                                not to say and at what point of time. Being aware of the            am.
                                         current affairs is an essential element to be a good speaker                ANSWERS
                                         in any speaking competition, be it a group discussion, a                 1.   He is a man of few
                                         panel discussion, a debate, or an extempore; as normally it                   words.
                                         is this awareness which helps one to speak properly on the               2.   We               looked
                                         topics given or the interpretations they have to make fo                      everywhere for her.
                                         r these topics. It is normally such awareness on which the               3.   You will hear from
                                                                                                                       her in a short time
                                         hosts of the competition pose their topics on. Thus, the
                                                                                                                  4.   One cannot say what
                                         group discussions are a great manner of making oneself
                                                                                                                       will happen
                                         aware of the current affairs, making one’s speaking skills
                                                                                                                  5.   I am very sorry for
                                         better and thus this overall helps in the overall development
                                                                                                                       my mistake.
                                         of the personality of the future advocates.

    Good men must not obey the laws too much-                                Ralph Waldo Emerson                                  │Page 9

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Ail reporter 150411

  • 1. AIL Buzz 2,3 AIL Reporter 15 April 2011│VOL 3, ISSUE 03 Cover Story 4 Faculty Opinion 5 On the campus 6,7 Your Space 8 ARMY INSTITUTE OF LAW, MOHALI Leisure 9 A Fortnightly Newsletter V i b r a n t ● Y o u n g ● Y o u EDITORIAL BOARD OPINION QUOTABLE QUOTE Unidentified Flying Objects: Myth or Reality “If, in fact, we are able to find life or to answer the question ‘Are we alone?’ then that certainly is grand enough and noble enough to “Universe is not only queerer than we suppose but queerer than be the enduring legacy of our civilization”. NASA, October 1999 we can suppose...there are more things in heaven and earth than Relive youR big day are dreamed of, or can be dreamed of, in any philosophy”. These The entire team of ‘AIL Reporter’ wishes words of J.B.S. Haldane truly reveal the mysterious nature of the a very Happy Birthday to its certain universe. The existence or non existence of UFOs is still a students. mystery to be resolved with scientific evidence inspite of the fact that many people in the world have claimed to have seen them. Those who have seen UFOs believe in their existence and those who haven’t, reject their existence. Since it is a subjective matter the question that whether UFOs exist or not should be left to the See Page- 3 masses. The best part is that such research will undoubtedly lead man to explore his talent. LEGAL SCANNER LAW LEXICON Calendar - 16 to 30 APRIL The AIL Reporter Noscitur a sociis- a word is known by 2011 | _Deblina, IV yr the company it keeps Expressio unius est exclusio alterius- DATE DAY OCCASION Team wishes its the express mention of one thing excludes all others 16thApril Saturday Mahavir readers a blessed Good Jayanti LEGAL MAXIM th 18 April Sunday Hanumaan Friday Breve judiciale non cadit pro defectu formae - A judicial writing does not fail Jayanthi and through defect of form World Heritage Day IMPORTANT JUDGEMENT nd 22 April Friday Good Friday Dear AILians, and Earth Day This issue of AIL Reporter Relying on circumstantial evidence, a fast th 24 April Sunday Easter Sunday revolves around UFOs. track court in Mumbai has convicted Bollywood actor Shiney Ahuja for rape of Scroll through, read, enjoy th his maid and sentenced him to seven years 29 April Friday AWES Raising and try to find out the truth, rigorous imprisonment though the victim Day and had turned hostile during the trial. if any, in UFOs….. International (Source: The Hindu Online edition March Dance Day 31 2011) We are all full of weaknesses and errors; let us mutually pardon each other for our follies; it is the first law of nature- Voltaire │ Page 1
  • 2. AIL Buzz │ what’s up ● new● happening PLACEMENT INFORMATION WORLD CUP │Navjyot II Yr Talwar and Talwar consultants have started The ever enthusiastic students of Army Institute of Law interviewing various students for campus watched the Semi Finals and the Finals of the Cricket World placements. Cup, 2011 on the big screen in the Multi Purpose Hall with the [Source: Placement Cell] true spirit and good wishes on 30th March and 2nd April BEST OF LUCK!! respectively. The victory of team India overwhelmed all and made the AILians proud. Basketball Matches │ Navjyot II yr 7th April: Basketball matches among -The Mid Terms │Navjyot II Yr bullets, The invincible, Invaders and Hell The 2nd Mid Term exams were held from 28th March to 1st Hounds. Teams formed on the basis of bidding. April for the 1st year. Finals will be held very soon. CLUB ACTIVITIES │Navjyot II yr EDITORIAL BOARD FINE ARTS CLUB AIL Reporter Incharge The club named “Fluxus” (to change) is engaged in clay Ms. Sunaina modeling classes being conducted by an esteemed artist Mr. Shyamlal Mehta. Various decorative items and beautiful pots (Assistant Professor of Law) on the electronic potter’s wheel have been made by the students. Editors DEBATE CLUB Vikram Saini, Vyr, Deblina, IVyr The club organized a Turn Coat competition for its members. The winners are Sirtaj, Mandira, Pratiksha and Tuhina. Assistant Editors and Reporters Congratulations!! Navjyot II yr Mannat II yr DRAMATICS CLUB Saloni II yr Gurbani, II yr A ‘Street Play’ is to be performed by 2nd year students in the college and for the events outside the college between 18th and Indhu II yr Parvinder II yr 22nd April. Deeksha II yr MUSIC CLUB The Music club is practicing hard on their vocal and instrumental and learning techniques in guitar, harmonium and ARTICLES INVITED keyboard. Dear Readers, SPORTS CLUB Articles are invited for the next issue of AIL Students are actively engaged in practicing cricket for the final match to be held very soon. Reporter. Write in your best poetry or cool BOOKS AND MOVIE CLUB random writing. Mail your articles to The latest movie to be watched is “The Kite Runner” based on famous novel by ‘Khalid Hosseini’ which deals with the comrade in between friends in the backdrop of Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Page 2 │ Justice that love gives is surrender, justice that law gives is a punishment- Mahatma Gandhi
  • 3. AIL Buzz │ what’s up ● new● happening Upcoming Debate Competition BIRTH DAY WISHES {01-15 April} NAME OF THE DATE VENUE Name Class Date of EVENT Birth Trivium 2011 15th - 17th PEC Parliamentary April, 2011 Chandigarh 15 April Deepika BhaDwal 5th year Debate 15 April Tusharanshu Walia 4 year th 14 April Farewell: Beginning of A New Life Shivika Choudhary 4th year │Parvinder Kaur II yr 02 April 22nd April- Farewell (Batch of 2006) KartiKa Suhag 4th year 01 April As another batch of the final year is about to leave, Deblina Mitra 4th year it’s time to bid them farewell. 13 April ArchAnA 3rd year Saloni │II yr 07 April Kalyan Singh Rana 3rd year 04 April NishaNt Bhardwaj 3rd year 14 April Meera Hari 3rd year 01 April ShubhaShree Sen 3rd year 01 April Devrath Singh 3rd year 15 April Arjun Singh 3rd year Anirudh Singh 2nd year 05 April Chauhan 2nd year 15 April NidhaaN SiNgh Johal 2nd year 05 April Sahil Randev 2nd year 14 April Mehak Judge 2nd year 09 April ShereyaS Kemparaj 1st year 05 April TaranjiT Singh 1st year 15 April Rubaina Singh 1st year 03 April Gunjan Kamra AmritA KAur 1st year 09 April Happy BirtH day to you all Hatred does not cease through hatred at any time. Hatred ceases through love. This is an unalterable law- Buddha │ Page 3
  • 4. COVER STORY │ Interview Of Our Dear Principal │ Deblina IV Yr and Deeksha Yadav II Yr Date: 08th April 2011 Time: 13:43 hrs Venue: Principal’s Office She is vibrant, energetic, enthusiastic, listens to everyone patiently, decides judiciously and above all a woman with a vision. Yes, you guessed it rightly. She is none other than our dear, loving and charming Principal Dr. Geeta Joshi. Here goes the interview… Ques Good Afternoon ma’am. How has been your experience at AIL and what is your vision for the future? Ans Good Afternoon. My experience has been wonderful and different and absolutely beyond my comprehension. Since, it was a shift over from teaching profession to the administration and also because I come from a civil background, so I was apprehensive during the initial fifteen days and not very positive but gradually after having understood the purpose, aim and target of the college and after having interacted with the authorities, I started feeling at ease. Moreover, I have always enjoyed interacting with students. My vision for the college is to raise the standard of college higher and higher. Ques Ma’am, since you remain very busy, do you find free time to pursue your leisure activities/hobbies? Ans Since, I have a single daughter who is studying in UK and my husband who is a businessman by profession also stays out of the country most of the times due to his business, so my responsibilities towards my daughter and home are not that much. Ques What are your hobbies? Ans I like reading new books, going for a walk and working out at home during my free time. Ques Ma’am, had you not been a teacher, what else you would have been? Ans I completed my LL.M in the year 1983 and then tried for civil services but I missed it by 22 marks in the interview. So, I chose to pursue teaching profession. Moreover, positive thinking, determination, dedication, hard work, self-confidence and faith in God are always rewarding and fruitful. Ques The theme for the upcoming issue of AIL Reporter is ‘Unidentified Flying Objects: Myth or Reality’. Ma’am, do you believe in UFOs and what reason would you like to state for your answer? Ans No. Frankly speaking, I do not believe in Unidentified Flying Objects because I believe in facts. Thank you ma’am for sparing your precious time from your busy schedule. It was completely our pleasure and honour. Page 4 │ The life of the law has not been logic; it has been reason- Oliver Wendell Holmes
  • 5. ~} Faculty view {~ Unidentified Flying Objects: Myth or Reality Col (Dr) Jaswant Singh Sandhu MS SUNAINA Since years there have been lots of The universe is really mysterious. Fiction debates over the existence of UFOs. is stranger than truth and sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. These Are they a myth or reality? People extraterrestrial bodies have been and still who have seen them believe and are a ‘wonder’ element for the scientists. those who haven’t don’t. There have The question whether UFOs exist or not certainly forces the man to explore his been certain reports also; various vistas and intelligence. Such a research movies have also depicted the will make him more inquisitive and existence of UFOs and aliens. curious. It is this inquisitiveness which will lead him to explore his intelligence as Scientists across the globe still do not well as hidden talent. What is more have an answer to it and are still important is the persistent effort and trying to figure out the hidden truth. endeavour to find out the truth. This zeal to find out the hidden truth must not end The day when UFOs are discovered as it is this zeal only which has been able will really shake the world. Since to help man in various discoveries and there is no scientific evidence to inventions. In the words of Clifton Fadiman, “Science fiction is a kind of prove their existence it is hard to say archaeology of the future”. The more we that UFOs exist. It is a subjective research and explore, the more we will matter based on one’s thinking and achieve. belief. It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can keep him from lynching me, and I think that’s pretty important - Martin Luther │ Page 5
  • 6. On the Campus| w e ∙ u s ∙ o u r s e l v e s UFOs – Myth or Reality │ Garima I yr UNIDENTIFIED FLYING What are these unidentified flying saucers? Well, many take to have seen these OBJECTS : A MYSTERY │ Jatinder Randhawa II yr oval or circular flying objects in the skies, but most of these incidents have been If life can exist on earth then there are reported in the continent of America. We all know that there are many theories huge chances of existence of life on regarding the existence of UFOs such as: these are the mere results of a other planets of our Solar System also. person’s overactive imagination or it may the path taken by forgotten people Life on other planets might not be in (mostly the celebrities) to try and come back into the news of the daily affairs or the form that we perceive it to be but it may just be an escape for some, from the real world, through which they plan life can exist. Just like we humans to make their lives joyous and happy. The facts regarding these are that carry out various space programmes in according to a Roper poll conducted in 2002 for the Sci Fi channel, one in seven our quest to know about other planets, Americans say they or someone they know has had an experience relating to similarly it is possible that life-form of UFOs... other planet is also curious about life- A total of 14 per cent have had or know someone who has had at least one close form on earth. There have been many encounter of the “First,” “Second,” or “Third” kind. The largest proportion (12 UFO sightings all around the world. per cent) say, they or someone else they know has seen a UFO at close quarters. These sightings just open us to a Various tests are performed to confirm. If I might use this term, whether these whole new world of possibilities… reportings are really true, is there really someone else living out there and is more advanced than us and are they going to be our enemies or allies; or are all these just plain reports and simple lies? YES IT HAPPENED TO ME… OR DID IT? UFOs: A MYTH OR REALITY │ Mannat II yr │ Priyamvada Chaudhary II yr Sometimes what we see is not what is real and what is real is not what we see. It In the past three years, more than a will not be right to say that UFOs aren’t real. If we humans can exist, if we can be dozen people have claimed to be REAL, so cannot be ALIENS? There have been so many incidents when people abducted, molested and raped by have actually witnessed UFOs. I don’t think there is any reason for us to be afraid ‘ALIENS’, walking out of bright UFOs. of these aliens; they are just another living species on earth. They are harmless. Could such things have really happened? If we can believe in God, if we can believe in spirits, then why not in UFOs? Is it Or are they an outcome of the incessant because we don’t have any evidence regarding the existence of UFOs? We also talks of UFOs and aliens which take don’t have any evidence regarding the existence of God, then why is it so that we people to a parallel world? spend so much time praying and worshiping Him? We keep fasts for Him. Why is it Is it just a belief in the unknown? A that when we lose all our hope, we expect that ‘the ultimate supernatural power, belief where the strongest human power, what we call God will come from somewhere and help us’? Why? the power of ‘imagination’ takes over us If it is all to do with our beliefs, then I would end up by saying that what might be a to such an extent that we start believing myth for someone could be reality for another and what might be reality for one in something with no evidence! could just be a figment of imagination for another… Page 6 │ When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal- Richard Nixon
  • 7. On the Campus| w e ∙ u s ∙ o u r s e l v e s UFOs- A MYSTERY │ Shubhpreet Kaur II yr UFOs: A MYTH OR A REALITY A huge disk like object with lights all over is how an │ Karan Handa II yr unidentified object called UFO is imagined. If it is a If life can exist on planet earth, then how can we reality then why no evidence has been found and if not negate the fact that there can be life somewhere else in so, then is it just a wild imagination. The question is unanswered. But the electronic media has taken the universe? I believe that the ‘eyes see what they advantage of these Unidentified Flying Objects and have choose to see’ and what we see might not be the truth. used it for many games, movies etc. Some questions are a mystery and this one is too… So, I would say that unseen can still exist. Charisma │ Garima I Yr Aah!! The topic of UFOs is a very unique and debatable one. The idea of existence of UFOs is a very fleeting one which doesn’t have a very distinct and formulative identity. The issue of this debate is whether UFOs or what I may call as the Unidentified Flying Objects, a myth or are they a reality? I stand at a point where I cannot say what might be true and what not. We all know that most of the stories of encounters with the unknown are from America, the rest of the world being a sleeping contributor to the subject of UFOs. But what I really think is that we can never be sure of what’s out there in the space and beyond. We, so to admit in truth, know so less about ourselves and earth that we cannot be sure of what is outside our world. The popular question regarding this is that, ‘Are we alone in the universe or are there more living souls out there?’ This question hasn’t been answered. It would be affecting us all drastically if there was something which we know is there but we still are not sure that is it really going to meet us in the coming years. Will it be a friend or a foe? The space scientists, NASA and many other research centres are trying to find out an answer to this question and also to the main question, is this really a reality or just a myth? Is the reporting of so many incidents really true or not? A survey of a sample group taken in our very own college determines that they do believe in the existence of the UFOs. A detail regarding this is as follows: Do you believe in the existence of UFOs? yes no maybe This sample survey concludes that we all do believe to some extent in the unknown and its existence. In my opinion also the UFOs do exist and they are a part of our own reality. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favour- Theodore Roosevelt │ Page 7
  • 8. un c h a i n yo u r h e a r t ∙ f re e yo u r i m a g i na t io n |YOUR SPACE UFOs │Chitresh Sharma V yr HUMOUROSCOPE | SALONI II yr Whenever we talk about UFOs, the only thing which comes to my mind is a guy with Aries (March 21 to April 20) It’s time to start thinking about your Halloween costume, don’t dye your hair, it will be permanent. a huge watermelon-sized and helmet-shaped head saying: “We come in peace” in an You tend to make people mad, don’t worry they’ll get over it. Watch out for bats when you take the electronic voice. garbage out Tuesday night. Taurus (April 21 to May 21) From the last few decades, in our media, print or digital (including the movies), we You’ve been watching too much football lately; don’t you think you should be outside? Watch football outside somehow. Where there is smoke have seen a lot of aliens coming and attacking us. And then, there are also few who there is fireworks, take pictures. Don’t forget to say Thank You. come and help us survive. Gemini (May 22 to June 21) Your creative side comes out this week, give away But the only question which strikes my mind was, is and will seemingly remain for all what you make. A song will be stuck in your head for a reason, listen close. Cancer (June 22 to July 22) in near future: Why always America? Why not Fiji or Uganda? Still haven’t It is what it isn’t and it’s not what it was, deep down you already know that. Financial ties are understood anything about it. May be it’s the weather or may be Las Vegas. Hrithik holding you back, that’s too bad. You are emotional this week. Keep an eye on your car keys or they Roshan did try to bring a “Jadoo”. But with an amputated hand and a twisted tongue, will end up under the bed forever. Leo (July 23 to August 21) Pick up an extra set of shoe laces; you’re going to all I could think of is the Japanese nuclear disasters. break a lace at work on Thursday. Rearrange your furniture; you’re sitting way too close to the TV. So let’s come back to the main issue from which I deviated some time back. When I Virgo (August 22 to September 23) Take time for star gazing, it’s good for your soul. saw the last UFO... If they are real, then thank God we are not alone dumped in this You need to exercise more, just walking to the mail box and back does not equal a “work out”. You can lead a horse to water. never-ending vast space. But if we are the only ones around, then just wanna say: Libra (September 24 to October 23) Crowded rooms make you nervous, especially at the what’s up big fella? Just go check out our new movies as you don’t have any other canoe store. You feel the need to write, mostly checks, not good. A strange call is not really what it seems, fly south. Fun times are ahead, buy some option...  new skin cream. Scorpio (October 24 to November 22) You will receive a large amount of money if you UFOs- A Hoax │B. Indhu II yr keep scratching. Be careful when turning corners by buildings, you may hit a house. People love to Unidentified Flying Objects from Outer Space (UFOs). What an imagination?? There play games with you, don’t cheat. Sagittarius (November 23 to December 22) has never been a real UFO and there will never be one. UFOs do not exist even A new singing career may be on the horizon for you, especially when driving. You have a special though more than 60% of the public believe in them. Millions claim to have seen an inner light; don’t let anyone mess with it. You know exactly where to be and when to be there; it’s alien space craft. It is similar to believing statements like “we can walk on water” or never too late for ice cream. “we have seen God”. So, UFOs are nothing more than a media myth. It has been Capricorn (December 23 to January 20) Share a special meal with a friend, something more created by media for earning money, TRPs, fame etc. It is pretty evident that the than a happy meal. There is a nail in your front left tire. There is a special puppy waiting for you, go concept of UFOs never came in 60s. It came in 90s with the growth of media. Now get him. Drink lots of orange juice this week, people you work with have colds. this concept is being used by others to earn profits. We see various T-shirts, movies, Aquarius (January 21 to February 19) Travels towards the end of the week will take you video games etc in the market coming up every day. This is because of such a myth somewhere you’ve never been before, don’t forget that people become fools and spend their hard earned money on such things. NASA how to get home. A key you lost many years ago will appear in a very strange place this week. Try has spent billions of dollars to find aliens in the Milky Way Galaxy, but has failed. new recipes, but no tofu. Pisces (February 20 to March 20) Nobody is out there. We are alone. So, it is not that hard for people to accept that Music helps you relax, try something new, but not rap. An animal is trying to talk to you, don’t poke it UFOs do not exist. THEY are JUST a MYTH!!! in the belly. Honey is good for your health. Page 8│ The life of the law has not been logic; it has been reason- Oliver Wendell Holmes
  • 9. LEISURE| f u n • j o y • p e a c e GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ │ Saloni IIyr LEGAL LAUGHS | Saloni, II yr Ques1. Which Indian state is the largest producer in the world of the golden coloured ‘Muga’ silk? (A) Assam (B) Orissa (C) West Bengal (D) Karnataka Ques2. Which Indian freedom fighter was popularly called ‘Mahamana’? (A) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (B) Jai Prakash Narain (C) Gopal Hari Deshmukh (D) Madan Mohan Malaviya Ques3. Which Indian state would you be in if you were watching birds at Ranganathittu Birds Sanctuary, situated on an island in the Cauveri river? GO (A) Karnataka (B) Maharashtra (C) Tamil Nadu (D) Andhra Pradesh Ques4. Baglihar Dam, also known as Baglihar Hydroelectric Power Project, in Jammu & Kashmir is built across which river? (A) Beas (B) Chenab (C) Jhelum (D) Sutlej Ques5. Where was the first Indian Institute of Management (IIM) established in 1961? (A) Kolkata (B) Bengaluru (C) Ahmedabad (D) Lucknow Ques6. Which India born physicist invented the ‘Optical Fibre’? (A) C.V. Raman (B) Satyendra Nath Bose (C) Homi J. Bhabha (D) Narinder Singh Kapany Ques7. Which Australian state was formerly known as ‘Van Diemen’s Land’? (A) Victoria (B) Queensland (C) Tasmania (D) New South Wales Ques8. According to 2001 census, which state has the highest literacy rate? (A) Goa (B) Mizoram (C) Tripura (D) Kerala Ques9. Which Asian city was formerly known as ‘Batavia’? (A) Yangon (Myanmar) (B) Hanoi (Vietnam) (C) Jakarta (Indonesia) (D) Beijing (China) Ques10. Which country is also known as the ‘Rainbow Nation’? (A) Australia (B) United Kingdom (C) Switzerland (D) South Africa ANSWERS 1. Assam 2. Madan Mohan Malaviya 3. Karnataka 4. Chenab 5. Kolkata 6. Narinder Singh Kapany 7. Tasmania 8. Kerala 9. Jakarta 10. South Africa LATEST GADGET The Vocal Charismatic Ability- The Group JUMBLED SENTENCES Discussions │ Garima Kuthiala I Yr │ Saloni IIyr ________│___ Navjyot II yr These are the discussions between individuals pertaining to certain topics of national or international interests. These Diesel is one of the brands most 1. few words he a man is of. discussions help the common individual to be able to get a popular with youth people: meet the grip on their own personal speaking skills, a control over 2. everywhere looked her for taste of young, because he manages their body language and help in developing the responsive we. to costume with trend and simplicity. and logical reasoning of an individual. These discussions 3. hear will from you short time For this new season is tinged with a are not just the extracurricular activities nor such activities in a her. very special feature, which is already are limited to the academia of an individual but also add in 4. what cannot happen will say understood by the name of the aiding the full communication skills of an individual. They one. collection: Glow in the Dark is the help an individual to learn how to make their points in conversations, be aware of what they need to say and what 5. sorry my mistake for very I line of Diesel watches that light up the dark. not to say and at what point of time. Being aware of the am. current affairs is an essential element to be a good speaker ANSWERS in any speaking competition, be it a group discussion, a 1. He is a man of few panel discussion, a debate, or an extempore; as normally it words. is this awareness which helps one to speak properly on the 2. We looked topics given or the interpretations they have to make fo everywhere for her. r these topics. It is normally such awareness on which the 3. You will hear from her in a short time hosts of the competition pose their topics on. Thus, the 4. One cannot say what group discussions are a great manner of making oneself will happen aware of the current affairs, making one’s speaking skills 5. I am very sorry for better and thus this overall helps in the overall development my mistake. of the personality of the future advocates. Good men must not obey the laws too much- Ralph Waldo Emerson │Page 9