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HIV and AIDS Essay
HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS. A member of a group of viruses
called retroviruses, HIV infects human cells and uses the energy and nutrients provided by those
cells to grow and reproduce. AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a disease in which the
body's immune system breaks down and is unable to fight off certain infections, known as
"opportunistic infections," and other illnesses that take advantage of a weakened immune system.
When a person is infected with HIV, the virus enters the body and lives and multiplies primarily in
the white blood cells. These are the immune cells that normally protect us from disease.
The hallmark of HIV infection is the progressive loss of a more content...
Most of them do not know they carry HIV and may be spreading the virus to others. Here in the
U.S., nearly one million people have HIV infection or AIDS, or roughly one out of every 250
people. At least 40,000 Americans become newly infected with HIV each year, and it is estimated
that half of all people with HIV in the U.S. have not been tested and do not know they are carrying
the virus.
Since the beginning of the epidemic, AIDS has killed more than 30 million people worldwide,
including more than 500,000 Americans. AIDS has replaced malaria and tuberculosis as the
world's deadliest infectious disease among adults and is the fourth leading cause of death
worldwide. Over 13 million children have been orphaned by the epidemic. A person who is
HIV–infected carries the virus in certain body fluids, including blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and
breast milk. The virus can be transmitted only if such HIV–infected fluids enter the bloodstream of
another person. This kind of direct entry can occur (1) through the linings of the vagina, rectum,
mouth, and the opening at the tip of the penis; (2) through intravenous injection with a syringe; or
(3) through a break in the skin, such as a cut or sore. Usually, HIV is transmitted through:
Unprotected sexual intercourse (either vaginal or anal) with someone who is HIV infected.
Women are at greater risk of HIV infection through vaginal sex than men, although
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Awareness To Aids Analysis
1. She is credible to speak on the matter because she has AIDS herself.
2. She shows a need for awareness to AIDS by giving statistical evidence in paragraph 2, also by
trying to pursuade people to not hide behind stereotypes or to feel forgotten. She also shows a need
by giving examples from the holocoust which shows that even when people think they are safe from
AIDS, they are not.
3. Her call to action is for the people to be aware of AIDS, She asks the audeince to be aware of the
danger of AIDS and to loose the false sense of security.
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Aids Awareness
World AIDS Day, observed on 1 December every year, is dedicated to raising awareness of the
AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. Government and health officials observe the
day, often with speeches or forums on the AIDS topics. Since 1995, the President of the United
States has made an official proclamation on WorldAIDS Day. Governments of other nations have
followed suit and issued similar announcements.
AIDS has killed more than 25 million people between 1981 and 2007,[1] and an estimated 33.2
million people worldwide live with HIV as of 2007,[2] making it one of the most destructive
epidemics in recorded history. Despite recent, improved access to antiretroviral treatment and care in
many regions of the world, the more content...
As of 2008, each year 's World AIDS Day theme is chosen by the World AIDS Campaign 's Global
Steering Committee after extensive consultation with people, organizations and government
agencies involved in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS.[7] For each World AIDS Day
from 2005 through 2010, the theme will be "Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise.", with a yearly
sub–theme.[7] This overarching theme is designed to encourage political leaders to keep their
commitment to achieve universal access to HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care, and support by
the year 2010.[7]
This theme is not specific to World AIDS Day, but is used year
–round in WAC 's efforts to highlight
HIV/AIDS awareness within the context of other major global events including the G8 Summit.
World AIDS Campaign also conducts "in–country" campaigns throughout the world, like the Student
Stop AIDS Campaign, an infection–awareness campaign targeting young people throughout the UK.
Today many people around the world are infected with a serious disease called AIDS. Unfortunately,
the disease has led to many deaths worldwide and yet it still remains untreatable. Many Public Health
Departments are now taking the lead in publicizing education about AIDS. Public awareness and
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Mary Fisher- a Whisper of Aids Essay
Someone has to speak out
The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) epidemic in America was a huge crisis during
the 1900s. Not knowing the true nature of AIDS, the society and policy makers simply alienated
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) positive population. The stigma of AIDS exacerbated
existing problems of prejudice and social inequity. However, Mary Fisher's inspiring speech cleverly
titled, "A Whisper ofAIDS," effectively promoted awareness of HIV and AIDS throughout the
United States, and brought a change to a public policy on AIDS related issues. Her speech
demonstrates the role of activist in shaping public policy in 1900s.
The human immune system disorder now known as AIDS was first identified in the United States in more content...
The government response to HIV/AIDS was a silence. Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush
rarely mentioned the epidemic. Many federal programs still actively discriminated against persons
with AIDS by 1990.
However during the 1992 Republican National Convention, the HIV–positive woman name Mary
Fisher spoke out for the AIDS crises. As a daughter of Max Fisher, the wealthy and powerful
Republican fund raiser and the honorary chairman of the Bush–Quayle National Finance Committee,
she knew she could bring home the reality of AIDS to people in positions of power and influence
in a way that few others could. She stood in front of the Republicans to tell the audience: "If you
believe you are safe, you are in danger." Previous speeches that night were given by Pat Buchanan
and Dan Quayle, and their speeches attacked homosexuals, single moms, the inner city poor,
people that are not typically Republican. This set a negative tone before Mary Fisher gave her
speech on AIDS. However, when she began speaking of AIDS and even used herself as a living
example, a 44 year old white woman from a wealthy background, and a mother of two was HIV
positive, the RNC audience became more receptive, because she was part of the audiences "herd".
As Mary Fisher stated, she was not
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Hiv Aids Conclusions
Conclusion to HIV Aids
Media has a powerful role to play in educating the world. It was years ago, that Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome, the disease now recognized all over the world as AIDS, was first detected
and recorded in Asia. Over the past two decades, the infection rate has grown rapidly in Asia, which
is now second number to Africa in the number of HIV positive people.
In Pakistan, HIV and AIDS was first detected in 1986 and according to UNAIDS estimates, this
country now has over 80,000 infected people...and counting.
HIV/AIDS programming needs to become part of the DNA of media companies globally. In the
beginning of the advertising campaign against AIDS in the initial years... a time when media men
were scared to even more content...
This ad explains that peer group discussions can be effective for creating awareness for safe sex.
In Pakistan recent days a condom ad with the song "suno zara khushi ki aahat" is running on PTV
(Pakistan television) with the collaboration of Green Star (family planning organization). This ad
is a song based story in which a happy newly married family with a new born baby has shown.
There is not mention in all the song that it's about the use of condom but at the end of the song 5–6
second logo of the condom has shown.
Although the mass media awareness campaigns have not been successful, some developing
countries have successfully used the media to combat the epidemic. Media does have the potential
to contribute significantly to disseminating this HIV/AIDS messages if utilized effectively and
efficiently. Radio is used by the majority of the people in the rural areas therefore radio can be
effectively used in the HIV/AIDS awareness.
The hypothesis of this research was that "HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns through the media were
not effective" was proved otherwise. Media was accessible to both the rural and urban areas and
people were aware of the mode of HIV transmission, however there was still misconception
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Reflection Paper On HIV
My goal since I have become a sexually active young adult is to stay healthy, preventing the
contraction of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and ultimately the HIV virus that causes the
AIDS infection. Though many organizations support the prevention strategies for no new cases of
the HIV infection I cannot ignore the globally estimated 35 million people living with HIV
("History of HIV," 2016). While I continue my efforts to prevent the infection, I share my behaviors
and assumptions about the infection, and fears and reactions because of my sexually active life as a
Hispanic and African American heterosexual female. The solutions and strategies I follow to prevent
HIV while chasing a long–term protection for myself and my sexual partner will allow us to
become less likely to contract HIV.
Since the beginnings of the HIV and AIDS in the pre–1980s we hear that only gay men and injected
drug users' behaviors contract the infection. But heterosexuals like myself and my sexual partner
also participate in unprotected sexual behavior placing ourselves at risk to contract the infection.
Yet today people are still only judgmental towards gay men and injected drug users. I am aware and
in acceptance of the people and the rights of the people living with HIV no matter the sexual
preference. In addition, I am conscientious of my risk as a heterosexual of contracting the virus. I
constantly remind my sexual partner of protecting each other while preventing the infection. I
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Prevention Of Hiv / Aids Essay
The theories, interventions and strategies currently used to treat individuals diagnosed with HIV
/AIDS involve several factors as it relates to a chronic disease. According to Auslander &
Freedenthal in Gehlert & Browne (2012), HIV/AIDS is a chronic disease that once diagnosed,
requires adherence to complex and challenging treatment regimens. Prevention of this disease
requires changes in behavior that would lead to the reduction of less risky sexual behaviors. Harm
reduction is a particular treatment approach that is used with HIV/AIDS individuals. As stated by
Straussner (2014), Harm reduction treatment is both a philosophy and treatment approach. It was
adapted in the United States in the 1980's to minimize the transmission of HIV among injection drug
users. Clean needles were distributed to injection drug users to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS The
combination of drug medications is another form of intervention used to treat HIV/AIDS. Highly
Advanced Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) is a multi– drug approach or drug cocktail used to treat
HIV/AIDS. This form of intervention was effective in the risk reduction of both HIV/AIDS as it
was able to provide durable suppression in the infected person. Cichocki (2016), states that HAART
is now being used to reverse infection rates in high–risk populations, and has been shown to reduce
the risk of HIV illnesses by as much as 58%. Treatment as Prevention (TasP) is another strategy
used and has shown a decrease in the
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Thesis on Hiv
An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to
The Faculty of the College of Nursing
University of Perpetual Help System DALTA
Molino, Bacoor Cavite
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
APPROVAL SHEET This thesis entitled "The Level of Awareness and Practice in the Prevention of
HIV/AIDS among Young Adult in Selected Areas in Cavite", prepared and submitted by, Charmaine
Rose P. Cabigunda, Ariel F. Dela Pena, Divine Grace M. Hifarva, Shield more content...
Adolescents do not have easy access to essential facts about HIV. The most–recent national survey
among young people on HIV and STI awareness showed 73% thought that they are immune to HIV.
Among high–risk 15–17 year olds, only 18–24% was able to answer 5 simple questions on HIV,
compared with 31–46% among adults. .Adolescents with high–risk behaviors often finds themselves
excluded from HIV services. For example, among 15–17 year old boys with high risk behaviors
surveyed, only up to 0.5% had ever been tested for HIV. (DOH NEC HIV AIDS Registry December
2010; 2009 DOH Integrated HIV Behavioral and Serologic Surveillance; Young Adult Fertility and
Sexuality Survey, 2003)
These initiatives become relevant in the face of growing threats of HIV/AIDS infection particularly
among young people. Worldwide, they are considered one of the more vulnerable segments of the
population insofar as HIV/AIDS infection is concerned. The population within the age range 15–24
continues to comprise the major bulk of HIV infections. Based on estimates by the UNAIDS, more
than half of new infections belong to this age group (UN, 2002). The vulnerability of young people
to sexually transmitted infection is associated with their growing involvement in risk behaviors such
as early and unprotected sex, having multiple partners, drug use and alcohol abuse. Recent statistics
on adolescent sexuality in the Philippines point to an increasing number of young
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Essay on The Spreading of HIV/AIDS
Globalisation is a form of transition that can not be prevented, as communities around the world are
keep evolving. The globalisation itself have improved the communication between people in
worldwide. In addition, travelling in between countries or continent have became more accessible as
the technology has improved greatly in the past few years. Today, distance is no longer an issue with
the profound of internet as a new tool for communication especially through social media. Thus,
people are able to connect with others and exchange their interests in customs and cultures. The
tremendous transformation of this lifestyle of people in around the world have also affected on how
the communities developed.
As a superpower country, more content...
Many people are concerned about the spreading of HIV/AIDS, as the people infected by this virus
will have a deterioration of their body's immune system and without any further treatment, it
would become worse. This is fatal, because when the body lost its immune system, it will be
prone to be affected by chronic disease. There are few symptoms that needs to be aware of in the
early stages of HIV/AIDS, such as fever, swollen glands, sore throat, rash, fatigue, muscle and
joint aches, and headache. If someone has been experiencing most of these symptoms for a long
period of time, there is high change of them in having AIDS although it is not always necessary true
as further examination will be needed (, 2014). Blood test for HIV have been held every
year to prevent and cope with HIV before it is too late. People who are infected by HIV/AIDS are
more likely to experience an AIDS–defining complication such as pneumocystis pneumonia,
cytomegalovirus, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis and cryptosporidiosis (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2014).
Due to numerous causes of HIV/AIDS, it is hard to prevent its spreading. The most common cause
of its infection is through sexual contact. Someone who is having unprotected sexual intercourse will
have a higher risk of being infected by this disease. Furthermore, there are
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Hiv/Aids Essay
Human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
brings a lot of cruel thoughts to an individual's mind because of the amount of misconceptions about
this disease. An example of this would be that there are a lot of people that will say you shouldn't
share a drink with someone who has HIV or AIDS because of the risk of contracting the virus,
which is untrue. A person will not contract the virus from sharing a drink, or utensil or even from
kissing. Another common misconception is that sharing a razor can also transmit HIV or AIDS.
For hygienic purposes sharing a razor is not a good idea in the first place but you cannot contract
HIV from doing so. With this being said there more content...
Two of the five men had died by the time the report was published, which marks the first official
reporting of what became known as the AIDS epidemic. By the end of 1981 there were a
cumulative total of 270 reported cases of AIDS among gay men, and 121 of those individuals
also died that year. It was not until January 1983 that there were reported cases of AIDS in female
sexual partners of males that also had the virus. March 4th in another edition of the Morbidity
and Mortality reported that AIDS may be caused by an infectious agent that could be transmitted
sexually or through exposure to blood and also provided recommendations for preventing
transmission. Finally in September 1983 the CDC identified all the major routes of HIV
transmission and ruled out transmission by casual contact, food, water, air, or environmental
surface. By 1986 more than 38000 cases of AIDS or HIV have been reported from 85 different
countries. A year later the first drug was approved for treating AIDS, which was called ATZ.
Shockingly it was estimated that by 1990 8 million people worldwide were living with HIV or
AIDS, and by 1997 22 million. The number of estimated infected people continues to drastically
jump to 33 million by 2007. This is a very brief history in truthfulness every year there has been
some type of progress with these diseases, but to date there is still no cure. (Public Health Agency of
Based on the studies from the 2011 HIV prevalence and
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AIDS and HIV Essay
HIV, or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus which damages and kills cells of the
immune system. It attacks the T–cells, key cells of the immune system, and uses them to make
copies of itself. After being infected with the virus it progressively interferes and eventually destroys
the immune system's ability to fight the anti–genes. HIV may develop into the syndrome AIDS, the
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. HIV is an STD – a sexually transmitted disease – and
therefore most commonly it is spread through sexual contact, and the virus mainly enters the body
through the penis, mouth, lining of the vagina or vulva during sexual activity. HIV can also be
spread through sharing syringes or needles with someone who is infected with more
This often leads to them being treated differently and badly. Often, they get the denial of education
for HIV positive children, the denial of equal opportunities for employment and the lack of access to
equal health care.
HIV is a virus that is spread almost all over the world. Although in some places health care isn't as
developed and therefore it spreads more in those regions. Sub–Saharan Africa holds more than 70%,
25 million, of all HIV positive people in the world. Second highest is Eastern Europe together with
Central Asia with 1.3 million. It is spread over most of the world, including Asia and the Pacific, the
Caribbean, Central and South America, North Africa and the Middle East and Western and Central
Europe ("The Regional Picture").
Currently, there are no vaccines and no cures for HIV or AIDS, although scientists are researching
and finding new drugs and treatments. So far, scientists have discovered a variety of drugs and
medication that can be used to control and slow the virus and the progression of the disease. There
are some drugs which interfere with the virus ability to make copies of itself by disabling a protein
it needs, like Non–nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. If someone is diagnosed with HIV, it
is important to start with treatments as soon as possible.
In Sweden, where I live, the disease is not even seen as deadly anymore. Only approximately 6,500
Swedes are today infected
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Aids Awareness
When AIDS first emerged, no–one could have predicted how the epidemic would spread across the
world and how many millions of lives it would change. There was no real idea what caused it, and
consequently, no real idea how to protect against it. Now, in 2004, we know from bitter experience
that AIDS is caused by the virus HIV, and that it can devastate families, communities and whole
continents. We have seen the epidemic knock decades off countries' national development, widen the
gulf between rich and poor nations and push already–stigmatized groups closer to the margins of
society. We are living in an В‘international' society, and HIV has become the first truly
В‘international' epidemic, easily crossing oceans and international more content...
National prevalence rates can remain low, while infection rates in certain populations can be very
high indeed.
Infection rates in East Africa, once the highest on the continent, hover above those in the West of the
continent but have been exceeded by the rates now being seen in the southern cone. The prevalence
rate among adults in Ethiopia and Kenya has reached double–digit figures and continues to rise.
These rises are not inevitable. Uganda has brought its estimated prevalence rate down to around
5% from a peak of close to 14% in the early 1990s with strong prevention campaigns, and there are
encouraging signs that Zambia's epidemic may be following the course charted by Uganda. Yet,
even in these countries, the suffering generated by HIV infections acquired years ago continues to
grow, and a falling prevalence rate usually indicates that a high number of deaths have already
Asia and the Pacific
The diversity of the AIDS epidemic is even greater in Asia than in Africa. The epidemic here
appears to be of more recent origin, and many Asian countries lack accurate systems for monitoring
the spread of HIV. Half of the world's population lives in Asia, so even small differences in the
absolute numbers of people infected, can make huge differences in the infection rates.
Around 1.2 million people in Asia and the Pacific acquired HIV in 2004, bringing the number of
people living with HIV to an estimated 8.2 million. A further 540,000 people are
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Aids Awareness Essay

  • 1. HIV and AIDS Essay HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS. A member of a group of viruses called retroviruses, HIV infects human cells and uses the energy and nutrients provided by those cells to grow and reproduce. AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a disease in which the body's immune system breaks down and is unable to fight off certain infections, known as "opportunistic infections," and other illnesses that take advantage of a weakened immune system. When a person is infected with HIV, the virus enters the body and lives and multiplies primarily in the white blood cells. These are the immune cells that normally protect us from disease. The hallmark of HIV infection is the progressive loss of a more content... Most of them do not know they carry HIV and may be spreading the virus to others. Here in the U.S., nearly one million people have HIV infection or AIDS, or roughly one out of every 250 people. At least 40,000 Americans become newly infected with HIV each year, and it is estimated that half of all people with HIV in the U.S. have not been tested and do not know they are carrying the virus. Since the beginning of the epidemic, AIDS has killed more than 30 million people worldwide, including more than 500,000 Americans. AIDS has replaced malaria and tuberculosis as the world's deadliest infectious disease among adults and is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide. Over 13 million children have been orphaned by the epidemic. A person who is HIV–infected carries the virus in certain body fluids, including blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk. The virus can be transmitted only if such HIV–infected fluids enter the bloodstream of another person. This kind of direct entry can occur (1) through the linings of the vagina, rectum, mouth, and the opening at the tip of the penis; (2) through intravenous injection with a syringe; or (3) through a break in the skin, such as a cut or sore. Usually, HIV is transmitted through: Unprotected sexual intercourse (either vaginal or anal) with someone who is HIV infected. Women are at greater risk of HIV infection through vaginal sex than men, although Get more content on
  • 2. Awareness To Aids Analysis 1. She is credible to speak on the matter because she has AIDS herself. 2. She shows a need for awareness to AIDS by giving statistical evidence in paragraph 2, also by trying to pursuade people to not hide behind stereotypes or to feel forgotten. She also shows a need by giving examples from the holocoust which shows that even when people think they are safe from AIDS, they are not. 3. Her call to action is for the people to be aware of AIDS, She asks the audeince to be aware of the danger of AIDS and to loose the false sense of security. Get more content on
  • 3. Aids Awareness World AIDS Day, observed on 1 December every year, is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. Government and health officials observe the day, often with speeches or forums on the AIDS topics. Since 1995, the President of the United States has made an official proclamation on WorldAIDS Day. Governments of other nations have followed suit and issued similar announcements. AIDS has killed more than 25 million people between 1981 and 2007,[1] and an estimated 33.2 million people worldwide live with HIV as of 2007,[2] making it one of the most destructive epidemics in recorded history. Despite recent, improved access to antiretroviral treatment and care in many regions of the world, the more content... As of 2008, each year 's World AIDS Day theme is chosen by the World AIDS Campaign 's Global Steering Committee after extensive consultation with people, organizations and government agencies involved in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS.[7] For each World AIDS Day from 2005 through 2010, the theme will be "Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise.", with a yearly sub–theme.[7] This overarching theme is designed to encourage political leaders to keep their commitment to achieve universal access to HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care, and support by the year 2010.[7] This theme is not specific to World AIDS Day, but is used year –round in WAC 's efforts to highlight HIV/AIDS awareness within the context of other major global events including the G8 Summit. World AIDS Campaign also conducts "in–country" campaigns throughout the world, like the Student Stop AIDS Campaign, an infection–awareness campaign targeting young people throughout the UK. Today many people around the world are infected with a serious disease called AIDS. Unfortunately, the disease has led to many deaths worldwide and yet it still remains untreatable. Many Public Health Departments are now taking the lead in publicizing education about AIDS. Public awareness and prevention Get more content on
  • 4. Mary Fisher- a Whisper of Aids Essay Someone has to speak out The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) epidemic in America was a huge crisis during the 1900s. Not knowing the true nature of AIDS, the society and policy makers simply alienated Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) positive population. The stigma of AIDS exacerbated existing problems of prejudice and social inequity. However, Mary Fisher's inspiring speech cleverly titled, "A Whisper ofAIDS," effectively promoted awareness of HIV and AIDS throughout the United States, and brought a change to a public policy on AIDS related issues. Her speech demonstrates the role of activist in shaping public policy in 1900s. The human immune system disorder now known as AIDS was first identified in the United States in more content... The government response to HIV/AIDS was a silence. Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush rarely mentioned the epidemic. Many federal programs still actively discriminated against persons with AIDS by 1990. However during the 1992 Republican National Convention, the HIV–positive woman name Mary Fisher spoke out for the AIDS crises. As a daughter of Max Fisher, the wealthy and powerful Republican fund raiser and the honorary chairman of the Bush–Quayle National Finance Committee, she knew she could bring home the reality of AIDS to people in positions of power and influence in a way that few others could. She stood in front of the Republicans to tell the audience: "If you believe you are safe, you are in danger." Previous speeches that night were given by Pat Buchanan and Dan Quayle, and their speeches attacked homosexuals, single moms, the inner city poor, people that are not typically Republican. This set a negative tone before Mary Fisher gave her speech on AIDS. However, when she began speaking of AIDS and even used herself as a living example, a 44 year old white woman from a wealthy background, and a mother of two was HIV positive, the RNC audience became more receptive, because she was part of the audiences "herd". As Mary Fisher stated, she was not Get more content on
  • 5. Hiv Aids Conclusions Conclusion to HIV Aids Media has a powerful role to play in educating the world. It was years ago, that Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, the disease now recognized all over the world as AIDS, was first detected and recorded in Asia. Over the past two decades, the infection rate has grown rapidly in Asia, which is now second number to Africa in the number of HIV positive people. In Pakistan, HIV and AIDS was first detected in 1986 and according to UNAIDS estimates, this country now has over 80,000 infected people...and counting. HIV/AIDS programming needs to become part of the DNA of media companies globally. In the beginning of the advertising campaign against AIDS in the initial years... a time when media men were scared to even more content... This ad explains that peer group discussions can be effective for creating awareness for safe sex. In Pakistan recent days a condom ad with the song "suno zara khushi ki aahat" is running on PTV (Pakistan television) with the collaboration of Green Star (family planning organization). This ad is a song based story in which a happy newly married family with a new born baby has shown. There is not mention in all the song that it's about the use of condom but at the end of the song 5–6 second logo of the condom has shown. Although the mass media awareness campaigns have not been successful, some developing countries have successfully used the media to combat the epidemic. Media does have the potential to contribute significantly to disseminating this HIV/AIDS messages if utilized effectively and efficiently. Radio is used by the majority of the people in the rural areas therefore radio can be effectively used in the HIV/AIDS awareness. The hypothesis of this research was that "HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns through the media were not effective" was proved otherwise. Media was accessible to both the rural and urban areas and people were aware of the mode of HIV transmission, however there was still misconception Get more content on
  • 6. Reflection Paper On HIV My goal since I have become a sexually active young adult is to stay healthy, preventing the contraction of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and ultimately the HIV virus that causes the AIDS infection. Though many organizations support the prevention strategies for no new cases of the HIV infection I cannot ignore the globally estimated 35 million people living with HIV ("History of HIV," 2016). While I continue my efforts to prevent the infection, I share my behaviors and assumptions about the infection, and fears and reactions because of my sexually active life as a Hispanic and African American heterosexual female. The solutions and strategies I follow to prevent HIV while chasing a long–term protection for myself and my sexual partner will allow us to become less likely to contract HIV. Since the beginnings of the HIV and AIDS in the pre–1980s we hear that only gay men and injected drug users' behaviors contract the infection. But heterosexuals like myself and my sexual partner also participate in unprotected sexual behavior placing ourselves at risk to contract the infection. Yet today people are still only judgmental towards gay men and injected drug users. I am aware and in acceptance of the people and the rights of the people living with HIV no matter the sexual preference. In addition, I am conscientious of my risk as a heterosexual of contracting the virus. I constantly remind my sexual partner of protecting each other while preventing the infection. I Get more content on
  • 7. Prevention Of Hiv / Aids Essay The theories, interventions and strategies currently used to treat individuals diagnosed with HIV /AIDS involve several factors as it relates to a chronic disease. According to Auslander & Freedenthal in Gehlert & Browne (2012), HIV/AIDS is a chronic disease that once diagnosed, requires adherence to complex and challenging treatment regimens. Prevention of this disease requires changes in behavior that would lead to the reduction of less risky sexual behaviors. Harm reduction is a particular treatment approach that is used with HIV/AIDS individuals. As stated by Straussner (2014), Harm reduction treatment is both a philosophy and treatment approach. It was adapted in the United States in the 1980's to minimize the transmission of HIV among injection drug users. Clean needles were distributed to injection drug users to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS The combination of drug medications is another form of intervention used to treat HIV/AIDS. Highly Advanced Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) is a multi– drug approach or drug cocktail used to treat HIV/AIDS. This form of intervention was effective in the risk reduction of both HIV/AIDS as it was able to provide durable suppression in the infected person. Cichocki (2016), states that HAART is now being used to reverse infection rates in high–risk populations, and has been shown to reduce the risk of HIV illnesses by as much as 58%. Treatment as Prevention (TasP) is another strategy used and has shown a decrease in the Get more content on
  • 8. Thesis on Hiv THE LEVEL OF AWARENESS AND PRACTICE IN THE PREVENTION OF HIV/AIDS AMONG MALE ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS IN SELECTED AREAS IN CAVITE An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to The Faculty of the College of Nursing University of Perpetual Help System DALTA Molino, Bacoor Cavite In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing CHARMAINE ROSE P. CABIGUNDADIVINE GRACE M. HIFARVA ARIEL F. DELA PENA SHIELD LYN B. MALANO FRANCIS T. MONTEHERMOSO APPROVAL SHEET This thesis entitled "The Level of Awareness and Practice in the Prevention of HIV/AIDS among Young Adult in Selected Areas in Cavite", prepared and submitted by, Charmaine Rose P. Cabigunda, Ariel F. Dela Pena, Divine Grace M. Hifarva, Shield more content... Adolescents do not have easy access to essential facts about HIV. The most–recent national survey among young people on HIV and STI awareness showed 73% thought that they are immune to HIV. Among high–risk 15–17 year olds, only 18–24% was able to answer 5 simple questions on HIV, compared with 31–46% among adults. .Adolescents with high–risk behaviors often finds themselves excluded from HIV services. For example, among 15–17 year old boys with high risk behaviors surveyed, only up to 0.5% had ever been tested for HIV. (DOH NEC HIV AIDS Registry December 2010; 2009 DOH Integrated HIV Behavioral and Serologic Surveillance; Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Survey, 2003) These initiatives become relevant in the face of growing threats of HIV/AIDS infection particularly among young people. Worldwide, they are considered one of the more vulnerable segments of the population insofar as HIV/AIDS infection is concerned. The population within the age range 15–24 continues to comprise the major bulk of HIV infections. Based on estimates by the UNAIDS, more than half of new infections belong to this age group (UN, 2002). The vulnerability of young people to sexually transmitted infection is associated with their growing involvement in risk behaviors such as early and unprotected sex, having multiple partners, drug use and alcohol abuse. Recent statistics on adolescent sexuality in the Philippines point to an increasing number of young Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on The Spreading of HIV/AIDS Globalisation is a form of transition that can not be prevented, as communities around the world are keep evolving. The globalisation itself have improved the communication between people in worldwide. In addition, travelling in between countries or continent have became more accessible as the technology has improved greatly in the past few years. Today, distance is no longer an issue with the profound of internet as a new tool for communication especially through social media. Thus, people are able to connect with others and exchange their interests in customs and cultures. The tremendous transformation of this lifestyle of people in around the world have also affected on how the communities developed. As a superpower country, more content... Many people are concerned about the spreading of HIV/AIDS, as the people infected by this virus will have a deterioration of their body's immune system and without any further treatment, it would become worse. This is fatal, because when the body lost its immune system, it will be prone to be affected by chronic disease. There are few symptoms that needs to be aware of in the early stages of HIV/AIDS, such as fever, swollen glands, sore throat, rash, fatigue, muscle and joint aches, and headache. If someone has been experiencing most of these symptoms for a long period of time, there is high change of them in having AIDS although it is not always necessary true as further examination will be needed (, 2014). Blood test for HIV have been held every year to prevent and cope with HIV before it is too late. People who are infected by HIV/AIDS are more likely to experience an AIDS–defining complication such as pneumocystis pneumonia, cytomegalovirus, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis and cryptosporidiosis (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2014). Due to numerous causes of HIV/AIDS, it is hard to prevent its spreading. The most common cause of its infection is through sexual contact. Someone who is having unprotected sexual intercourse will have a higher risk of being infected by this disease. Furthermore, there are Get more content on
  • 10. Hiv/Aids Essay HIV/AIDS AWARENESS Human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) brings a lot of cruel thoughts to an individual's mind because of the amount of misconceptions about this disease. An example of this would be that there are a lot of people that will say you shouldn't share a drink with someone who has HIV or AIDS because of the risk of contracting the virus, which is untrue. A person will not contract the virus from sharing a drink, or utensil or even from kissing. Another common misconception is that sharing a razor can also transmit HIV or AIDS. For hygienic purposes sharing a razor is not a good idea in the first place but you cannot contract HIV from doing so. With this being said there more content... Two of the five men had died by the time the report was published, which marks the first official reporting of what became known as the AIDS epidemic. By the end of 1981 there were a cumulative total of 270 reported cases of AIDS among gay men, and 121 of those individuals also died that year. It was not until January 1983 that there were reported cases of AIDS in female sexual partners of males that also had the virus. March 4th in another edition of the Morbidity and Mortality reported that AIDS may be caused by an infectious agent that could be transmitted sexually or through exposure to blood and also provided recommendations for preventing transmission. Finally in September 1983 the CDC identified all the major routes of HIV transmission and ruled out transmission by casual contact, food, water, air, or environmental surface. By 1986 more than 38000 cases of AIDS or HIV have been reported from 85 different countries. A year later the first drug was approved for treating AIDS, which was called ATZ. Shockingly it was estimated that by 1990 8 million people worldwide were living with HIV or AIDS, and by 1997 22 million. The number of estimated infected people continues to drastically jump to 33 million by 2007. This is a very brief history in truthfulness every year there has been some type of progress with these diseases, but to date there is still no cure. (Public Health Agency of Canada) Based on the studies from the 2011 HIV prevalence and Get more content on
  • 11. AIDS and HIV Essay HIV, or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus which damages and kills cells of the immune system. It attacks the T–cells, key cells of the immune system, and uses them to make copies of itself. After being infected with the virus it progressively interferes and eventually destroys the immune system's ability to fight the anti–genes. HIV may develop into the syndrome AIDS, the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. HIV is an STD – a sexually transmitted disease – and therefore most commonly it is spread through sexual contact, and the virus mainly enters the body through the penis, mouth, lining of the vagina or vulva during sexual activity. HIV can also be spread through sharing syringes or needles with someone who is infected with more content... This often leads to them being treated differently and badly. Often, they get the denial of education for HIV positive children, the denial of equal opportunities for employment and the lack of access to equal health care. HIV is a virus that is spread almost all over the world. Although in some places health care isn't as developed and therefore it spreads more in those regions. Sub–Saharan Africa holds more than 70%, 25 million, of all HIV positive people in the world. Second highest is Eastern Europe together with Central Asia with 1.3 million. It is spread over most of the world, including Asia and the Pacific, the Caribbean, Central and South America, North Africa and the Middle East and Western and Central Europe ("The Regional Picture"). Currently, there are no vaccines and no cures for HIV or AIDS, although scientists are researching and finding new drugs and treatments. So far, scientists have discovered a variety of drugs and medication that can be used to control and slow the virus and the progression of the disease. There are some drugs which interfere with the virus ability to make copies of itself by disabling a protein it needs, like Non–nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. If someone is diagnosed with HIV, it is important to start with treatments as soon as possible. In Sweden, where I live, the disease is not even seen as deadly anymore. Only approximately 6,500 Swedes are today infected Get more content on
  • 12. Aids Awareness When AIDS first emerged, no–one could have predicted how the epidemic would spread across the world and how many millions of lives it would change. There was no real idea what caused it, and consequently, no real idea how to protect against it. Now, in 2004, we know from bitter experience that AIDS is caused by the virus HIV, and that it can devastate families, communities and whole continents. We have seen the epidemic knock decades off countries' national development, widen the gulf between rich and poor nations and push already–stigmatized groups closer to the margins of society. We are living in an В‘international' society, and HIV has become the first truly В‘international' epidemic, easily crossing oceans and international more content... National prevalence rates can remain low, while infection rates in certain populations can be very high indeed. Infection rates in East Africa, once the highest on the continent, hover above those in the West of the continent but have been exceeded by the rates now being seen in the southern cone. The prevalence rate among adults in Ethiopia and Kenya has reached double–digit figures and continues to rise. These rises are not inevitable. Uganda has brought its estimated prevalence rate down to around 5% from a peak of close to 14% in the early 1990s with strong prevention campaigns, and there are encouraging signs that Zambia's epidemic may be following the course charted by Uganda. Yet, even in these countries, the suffering generated by HIV infections acquired years ago continues to grow, and a falling prevalence rate usually indicates that a high number of deaths have already occurred. Asia and the Pacific The diversity of the AIDS epidemic is even greater in Asia than in Africa. The epidemic here appears to be of more recent origin, and many Asian countries lack accurate systems for monitoring the spread of HIV. Half of the world's population lives in Asia, so even small differences in the absolute numbers of people infected, can make huge differences in the infection rates. Around 1.2 million people in Asia and the Pacific acquired HIV in 2004, bringing the number of people living with HIV to an estimated 8.2 million. A further 540,000 people are Get more content on