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       What’s                                                                       a curious college coll

      October 2, 2008       Mount Holyoke News

       Haute                                                                  t
                                                                            ra Q&A with Wendy Watson         ion
       BY KATIE FRICK ’10
       MANAGING EDITOR                                              Cu
            Trying to track the next big
       wave in fashion? Well you don’t             BY KAYLA LAMBERT ’12                                                                                             MHN: Do you organize the exhibi-
       have to be a forecaster to see that         CONTRIBUTING WRITER                                                                                              tions to suit the Mount Holyoke
       Scottish inspired prints have                                                                                                                                students?
       taken the runways by storm. A                   Wendy Watson has been the cu-
       quick flick through any of the              rator for the Mount Holyoke College                                                                                  WW: Yeah, absolutely. Every-
       fashion glossies over the past              Art Museum since 1974. As curator,                                                                                   thing we do, really, relates to the
       couple of months will have tipped           she has organized numerous exhibi-                                                                                   curriculum one way or another.
       you off that tartan and check are           tions that have ranged in subject mat-                                                                               When we’re considering exhibi-
       emerging as a top trend for this            ter to collaborate with many of the                                                                                  tions, we organize a lot of the ex-
       fall/winter.                                departments across the liberal arts                                                                                  hibitions ourselves. We have one
            Dolce & Gabbana, House of              curriculum. Many of her original ex-                                                                                 that’s Jane Hammond, who is a
       Holland, Ralph Lauren, Chanel               hibitions have gone on to be shown at                                                                                contemporary artist, who hap-
       and Vivienne Westwood are just              other museums around the country.                                                                                    pens also to be a Mount Holyoke
       some of the big names putting               The Mount Holyoke News sat down                                                                                      alum, and that show was used
       plaid back in the limelight, using          with Watson to discuss her career as                                                                                 very much by people in art his-
       it for everything from elegant tai-         an academic curator.                                                                                                 tory and studio art, but also by
       lored coats and jackets, to shift                                                                                                                                people in English literature and
       and maxi dresses, trousers and              Mount Holyoke News: When you first                                                                                   some of the languages and all dif-
       even tights.                                came to work as curator for the                                                                                      ferent kinds of departments.
            But tartan is most definitely          Mount Holyoke College Art Museum,                                                                                    And the show we have now is An-
       not a new thing. Designer heavy-            the museum was very small. There                                                                                     cient Bronzes from the Asian
       weight, Alexander McQueen is                were only two employees, including                                                                                   Grasslands, and that one is being
                                                   the receptionist. So, why did you                                                          Photo by Sadie Shillieto
       notorious for his plaid inspira-                                                                                                                                used by students in Russian stud-
       tion. No one will ever forget               choose to work here instead of at a               objects now and anybody can come in and ies and even science students who are
       Sarah Jessica Parker’s quirky               bigger institute?                                 handle any of them, anytime. And we’ve ac- studying composition of bronzes and things
       tartan gown, courtesy of Mr. Mc-                                                              tually got an online database now and you like that. So every show that we do relates
       Queen. He has always loved the              Wendy Watson: There were three of us, actu-       can look things up and see what we have. If in one way or another to the curriculum, al-
       Scottish inspired print and we are          ally, and now we have about eight or so. I        somebody wants to come in and look at a ways.
       finally catching on.                        came here because I am really interested in       Greek vase or a New Guinea sculpture or
            However, the print that once           academic museums and museums where                Japanese scrolls or anything like that they MHN: What was your favorite exhibition so
                    represented anarchy            teaching is the most important thing, and it’s    can come and look at things. When you look far since you’ve been working here?
                     and rebellion during          interesting. In an academic museum, you’re        at prints and drawings and they’re inside be-
                    the 70s and then               dealing with a really high level of students      hind glass you really don’t get a sense of WW: One of them I found really fascinating.
                  youthful grunge in the           and faculty, and you know what they’re try-       what the ink looks like on the paper, but It was called “Altered States: Conservation,
                       90s is today creat-         ing to learn. And I just thought it was much      when you can turn the paper over you see Analysis and the Interpretation of Works of
                        ing a classic new          more fun to watch works of art being put to       things that might be written on the back or Art.” And that was great for me and for the
                        twist which is all         use for teaching and learning in a situation      collectors’ marks. There are all kinds of in- students because it was, again, another one
                         about     heritage        like this. Also, I chose to work at an aca-       teresting stuff that’s hidden that, ordinarily, of these combinations of science and art. It
                       and dressing for a          demic museum because my own experience            museum visitors don’t see.                          had to do with analyzing works of art, study-
                       delightful stroll in        at Smith was very interesting. I started out                                                          ing them scientifically, studying paint layers,
                       the country. As a           taking art history classes and they had an        MHN: What is it like to curate for the Mount and all of that sort of thing. But also study-
                       die-hard Vivienne           art museum, so one of my first assignments        Holyoke community?                                  ing the ways in which we conserve works of
                       Westwood fan, I             was to go to the art museum and pick out a                                                            art if they become old and damaged. There
                       find this transition        work of art that I wanted to learn more           WW: I love doing it because it’s such a great are all kinds of philosophical issues involved,
                        from rebel to tight-       about. So, I went over to the art museum          audience, and it’s students who are really cu- and just the scientific aspect about it is re-
                        lipped      gentle-        and I said, “Well I think I’d like to work on a   rious and people who are interested in ally interesting. When you go into a mu-
                       woman         rather        Greek vase.” I expected the faculty to take       many, many different fields. We’ve been seum, you look at things and they look like
                        confusing but I            me to the gallery and say, “Here’s a Greek        doing a lot more with classes across the cur- they’re in perfect condition, but if you study
                          must say, I am           vase in a case, write about it, here’s some in-   riculum, not just art history and studio art. them scientifically you discover that many
                           rather drawn in         formation.” Instead, they brought in a Greek      This semester, a neurobiology course is now have been repaired a million times.
                            by the sweet-          vase and handed it to me. They said, you can      meeting in the museum and the students
                            ness of it all.        work on this. You can lift it and turn it and     look at all different kinds of works of art, MHN: Would you ever plan on doing an exhi-
                                Yet even           play with it and look at it really close up and   thinking about how the brain perceives bition again of the same kind, or something
                           when fashion            not inside a case. And I really learned so        things. We also have classes in chemistry similar?
                 has fallen head over hills        much from looking at it from not inside a         that are coming here using technical equip-
               for all things Scottish,            case. Academic museums have places                ment to look at under drawing. We use cer- WW: Well, we’re always doing something
               many are finding the                where you get to do that kind of work.            tain kinds of infrared light. You can actually new. Of course, the objects and the ideas al-
                perennial appearance of                                                              look through the paint layers and see the ways stay with you and they affect what you
                tartan on international            MHN: So, does this museum offer that to stu-      drawing underneath, so you can get a sense plan in the future, but we try and keep the
       catwalks a bit, well, tricky. But           dents too?                                        of what the artist’s original idea was for com- offerings really varied and different. We

                                                   MHN’s little weekend movie review
       don’t be so quick to judge! This                                                              position.                                           have a lot of exciting things planned for the
       striking cross-hatched pattern is           WW: We do. We have more than 15,000                                                                   future.
       versatile, as it can made even
       more dynamic by using bold hues
       and dramatic tonal contrasts or
       toned down with subtle, sophisti-
       cated colors. Rather than the tra-
                                                   BY KIMBERLY BOYD ’10
       ditional red tartans, 2008’s plaid          CONTRIBUTING WRITER
       embraces a palette of muted
                                                                                                                                                                October 10
       greys, blues, greens and browns.
                                                   October 3                                                                                                   Body of Lies
            Depending on the look of the
       item, plaid may propose a diverse
                                                   Blindness                                                                                                   Fresh from gripping performances in
       array of style options including            Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo and Gael Garcia Bernal star in the film                                        The Departed and Blood Diamond,
       youthful, classic, quirky, elegant,         adaption of Jose Saramago’s 1995 novel. Blindness tells the story of                                      Leonardo DiCaprio joins Russell Crowe
       edgy or casual. Also, find inter-           an epidemic where people mysteriously lose their sight. When they                                         in director Ridley Scott’s Body of Lies.
       esting variations on check pat-             go blind, the government moves the victims into camps so that the                                         Similar to 2005’s Syriana, Body of Lies
       terns and plaids; if you want to            victims can create their own society. Moore plays the wife of a victim      follows two CIA agents who are searching for a terrorist. One agent
       play it safe stick to a single plaid        (Ruffalo), and feigns the symptoms in order to take care of her hus-        hunts on the ground in Jordan (DiCaprio) while the other hunts from
       piece per outfit; if you’re more            band (apparently people don’t notice). Directed by Fernando                 his office chair in Washington D.C. (Crowe). This gripping political
       daring try different pieces in mis-         Meirelles (The Constant Gardener), this drama/thriller showcases            thriller, based on the 2007 David Ignatius’ spy thriller, looks at a dan-
       matching plaid and tartan pat-              the human spirit and what happens once the civilization we know             gerous alliance that could cause a major cultural and moral conlfict.
       terns.                                      comes tumbling down.
            Whether dressed head-to-toe                                                                                        Also opening:
       in plaid, or subtly popping up in           Also opening:                                                               The Express - A feel-good based-on-a-true-story flick about Ernie
       select pieces, if you want to be on         Rachel Getting Married - In a far cry from her earlier roles, Anne          David (played by newcomer Omar Benson), the first African-Ameri-
       trend this fall/winter, invest in           Hathaway portrays a recovering drug addict who attends her sister’s         can to win the Heisman trophy. Also stars Dennis Quaid.
       something tartan and give your              wedding in this compelling family drama, directed by Jonathan               Ashes of Time Redux - From Hong Kong comes world-renowned di-
       salute to Scotland!                         Demme.                                                                      rector Wong Kar Wai’s rerelease and remastering of his 1994 epic
                                                   Appaloosa - Ed Harris directs and co-stars in this Western that             Ashes of Time. It features an updated narrative and new score.
      Fashion illustration by Katie Frick, in-     boasts a stellar cast: Jeremy Irons, Viggo Mortenson and Renee Zell-        Breakfast with Scot - This Canadian comedy stars Tom Cavanagh
      spired by Marc by Marc Jacobs Fall 2008      weger.
                                                                                                                               and Ben Shenkman, as Eric and Sam, a gay couple who unexpectedly
      Ready-to-Wear Collection.                    RocknRolla - Guy Ritchie returns to his roots and directs this gang-        become the legal guardian of Sam’s nephew.
                                                   ster film, starring Gerard Butler and Thandie Newton.
a&e 10.02.08:Layout 1     5/7/10    1:06 PM     Page 2

       6                                                                                   A&E                                                                         October 2, 2008   G
                                                                                                                                                                                             Mount Holyoke News

                                   A quick bar review
      BY CAITLIN HEALEY ’09                                     and chat and doodle and write. “We want to be com-
      PUBLISHER                                                 fortable for people who aren’t usually comfortable
                                                                in a bar,” said Berger. He added, “We want to be a
                  t The Rendezvous in Turners Falls,            bar that women will walk in by themselves.” The

          A       Tuesday night is craft night. Wednesday
                  is game night. This Thursday you can go
      see the Ghost Quartet jazz group. Friday is, well,
                                                                Voo is certainly part of the renaissance that’s been
                                                                brewing in the town since the 1970s.
                                                                     Emily and Chris lived next to The Voo’s prede-
      Friday, and at this bar you can stuff your self silly     cessor, Yesterday’s, which had a kind of raunchy
      with nachos or panini or a TV dinner advertised as        reputation as a loud, neighborhood nuisance. The
      “frozen like Walt Disney.” You can drink anything         couple decided they either had to move or buy the
      from coffee to PBR to wine to whiskey. There is a         bar. So they bought the bar.
      gay night, Rockitqueer, once a month. But no matter            What started out as a mostly drinking operation
      how you spin it, everyday The Rendezvous is for           has become a 50 percent drink 50 percent food es-
      everybody.                                                tablishment. After some renovations, like the instal-
           Never heard of Turners Falls? The village of         lation of a kitchen in the basement, The Voo now
      Turners Falls is 30 minutes north of Mount Holyoke,       offers an eclectic line up of foodstuffs. They have                 BY SARAH SCHAEFER ’11
                                                                                                                                    CONTRIBUTING WRITER
      a straight shot on Interstate 91. It’s got a population   one fancy special a night (like Asian Salad Nicoise,
      of about 4,500 folks and takes up two square miles        $11.99), appetizers (grilled asparagus, $3.99) and bar
      of land in Franklin Country–that’s the one next to        snacks (“healthy cereal du jour…better than card-                   Black Kids - “Partie Traumatic”
      us. By the way, we’re in Hampshire County, but you        board,” $1.99).
      knew that.                                                     The Voo’s other major draw is the music. With                  Black Kids are back and they still aren’t going to teach your
           Four people own The Voo: Jamie Berger, a             a sweet little intimate set up, The Voo tries to book               boyfriend how to dance, but they might inspire him into some fancy
      writer in the MFA program at UMass Amherst,               super-local acts—like Turners Falls local, not                      hip thrusts. With their full length debut Black Kids deliver a campy,
      Emily Brewster, a lexicographer for Meriman-Web-          Greenfield local. Trying to maintain the peace,                     synth tour-du-disco blast which is accessible to your grandmother,
                 ster in Springfield, Christopher Janke,        there aren’t really any loud rock acts, mostly qui-                 baby sister and clubbing cousin. As a real skeptic of Wizards of Ah-
                    who runs the kitchen and a laundromat       eter folk and jazz, with the occasional indie/techno                hhhs I was surprised and excited to find my head bouncing to their
                    and writes and Mark Wisnewski, a            twist. You can expect acts like Jeffrey Foucault,                   enthusiasm, androgynous vocals, vivid bass lines and quirkily syn-
                   UMass graduate and Greenfield town           Jones Trio and sometimes a national draw like                       thetic harmonies. Mellow enough for cleaning your room on a rainy
                  councilor. The idea behind having four        Death Vessel.                                                       day, bright enough to play at a real partaaay.
                  partners was so that every owner could             So bring a backpack filled with reading, bring
                    still maintain their other non-bar-         your knitting needles or just bring friends to lounge               Okkervil River - “The Stand-Ins”
                          owner lives. “It’s weird because      with and listen to some music. Beers are on tap for
                          there is no average day,” said        as little as 2.75 a pop and the place is pretty perfect.            The New Hampshire/Texas rockers of Okkervil River have certainly
                       Berger over a Red Stripe, sitting on                                                                         done some transforming. Where they were once refined post punk
                    the deck.                                                                                                       rockers ala “For Real” they have exchanged their angsty (albeit
                         September brought in The Voo’s                                                                             lovely) earlier sound for banjos, hand claps and subtle yet fun brass
                     one-year anniversary. A local, Jake,                                                                           arrangements. Their newest release, which sounds like Arcade Fire
                     who grew up in Turner Fall’s, said that                                                                        and Wilco’s dream baby, jumps off the speakers in a way which will
                     a year and a half ago people in their                                                                          surely highlight your already colorful fall.
                      early 20s were never downtown. It                                                     78
                                                                                              Rendezvous art courtesy Anju Schutz
                      was too dangerous and there was no        Third Street

                                                                         Valley’s best play benefit concert
                       comfy bar to hang out in, only sports    Turners Falls, Massachusetts
                      bars. But The Voo has become a com-       (413) 863-2866
      munity hang out, a place to sit and eat and drink

        Interested in movies, art,                                       BY ANNIKA YATES ’11
                                                                         A&E CO-EDITOR
                                                                                                            A Stone for Adam Nodel-
                                                                                                        man at the Florence VFW
                                                                                                                                               stage was a beauti-
                                                                                                                                               fully       layered
            fashion or music?                                            presented the best attributes of the local music scene on
                                                                         Sunday, Sept. 28. The show was a benefit for the family of
                                                                                                                                               sound. Some of
                                                                                                                                               the elements of
                                                                         Adam Nodelman, a musician who recently passed away.                   the music may
                                                                              The VFW had a distinct feeling from the moment you               seem familiar, a
                                                                         walked in the room. The décor, which is probably as old               bluesy guitar riff,
              Want to explore the                                        as the building, was wood-paneled walls and kitschy                   tribal drums, but so
                                                                         army paraphernalia. One side of the room is completely                much about Jow
              Valley’s art scene?                                        full of musical equipment. It is quiet considering the
                                                                         number of people and the nature of the event. Even more
                                                                                                                                               Jow is out of the
                                                                                                                                               ordinary. Some of
                                                                         striking than these details is the fact that the crowd as-            the vocals filter
                                                                         sembled is so much older in age than that of an average               through micro-
       Love getting into concerts                                        experimental music concert. Most of the people sitting in
                                                                         the folding chairs are forty years old or older. There are
                                                                         lots of beards, some grey hair, a lot like a room full of             phones. One musician used a
              for FREE?                                                  dads. They are the coolest dads, as many of them have
                                                                         been very instrumental in the evolution of experimental
                                                                                                                                               snare drum as a slide on his guitar. The music builds into
                                                                                                                                               a dark orchestral sound and then transitions to a noisy
                                                                         and noise rock.                                                       conglomeration and then back again.
                                                                                         The show began with Shitsweat, of whom                     Northampton Wools, a guitar duo made of Bill Nace
                                                                                    Adam Nodelman was a member. The trio pres-                 and Thurston Moore (a member of the band Sonic

       Then come write for                                                          ent accompanied a video of a former Shitsweat
                                                                                 performance that featured Nodelman sing vocals.
                                                                                It was a frenzied display of psych-punk music. One
                                                                                                                                               Youth), was one of the most exciting acts of the evening.
                                                                                                                                               Seeing Moore as enthusiastic and wrapped up in the
                                                                                                                                               music as he was at the VFW is a rare event. The two mu-

             A&E!                                                                  of the two percussionists physically tore apart a
                                                                                    snare drum, constantly slipping on the worn
                                                                                       linoleum in the old tap shoes he was wear-
                                                                                                                                               sicians both attacked their guitars to produce ear split-
                                                                                                                                               ting mindless noise, playing with feedback and, in
                                                                                                                                               Moore’s case, running a metal screwdriver across the
                                                                                          ing. The set was short but the impact of             strings. The two musicians worked the music into a
                                                                                           the band bringing in the video of Nodel-            frenzy in a way that was frantic and intense.
                                                                                             man was huge.                                          Directly following Northampton Wools was Dredd
                    Email us at:                                                                   In between sets seemed to be the
                                                                                              planning time for the rest of the show.
                                                                                                                                               Foole and the Din, which boasted J Mascis (guitarist of
                                                                                                                                               Dinosaur Jr.) on guitar. Instead of the noise and experi-
                                                                                              Amid ambient background music you                mental music that had been the standard for the evening,
                mhnews-                                                                    could hear the squeaking of wet sneakers
                                                                                           on linoleum, as amps and equipment
                                                                                                                                               and the style of Dredd Foole’s normal repertoire, the
                                                                                                                                               band busted out covers of songs by The Stooges. With his
                                                                                            were moved, and conversations between              dancing and dynamic stage presence, Foole’s impression
                                                                  the musicians. Seeing how the whole
                                                                                            concert was organized very casually, the
                                                                                                                                               of Iggy was better than the real thing. J Mascis’ guitar
                                                                                                                                               added a darker ad heavier tone to the songs. The crowd
                                                                                           set list was determined by who could set            let loose and danced, something that rarely happens at a
                                                                                           up equipment the fastest.                           noise show.
                                                                                               Following Shitsweat was Jow Jow, a
                                                                                          band from Northampton with about ten
                                                                                         members. The result of having such a full
                                                                                Photos by Annika Yates

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A&E - October 2, 2008

  • 1. a&e 10.02.08:Layout 1 5/7/10 1:05 PM Page 1 A&E 5 What’s a curious college coll ing G ect October 2, 2008 Mount Holyoke News Haute t ra Q&A with Wendy Watson ion BY KATIE FRICK ’10 MANAGING EDITOR Cu Trying to track the next big wave in fashion? Well you don’t BY KAYLA LAMBERT ’12 MHN: Do you organize the exhibi- have to be a forecaster to see that CONTRIBUTING WRITER tions to suit the Mount Holyoke Scottish inspired prints have students? taken the runways by storm. A Wendy Watson has been the cu- quick flick through any of the rator for the Mount Holyoke College WW: Yeah, absolutely. Every- fashion glossies over the past Art Museum since 1974. As curator, thing we do, really, relates to the couple of months will have tipped she has organized numerous exhibi- curriculum one way or another. you off that tartan and check are tions that have ranged in subject mat- When we’re considering exhibi- emerging as a top trend for this ter to collaborate with many of the tions, we organize a lot of the ex- fall/winter. departments across the liberal arts hibitions ourselves. We have one Dolce & Gabbana, House of curriculum. Many of her original ex- that’s Jane Hammond, who is a Holland, Ralph Lauren, Chanel hibitions have gone on to be shown at contemporary artist, who hap- and Vivienne Westwood are just other museums around the country. pens also to be a Mount Holyoke some of the big names putting The Mount Holyoke News sat down alum, and that show was used plaid back in the limelight, using with Watson to discuss her career as very much by people in art his- it for everything from elegant tai- an academic curator. tory and studio art, but also by lored coats and jackets, to shift people in English literature and and maxi dresses, trousers and Mount Holyoke News: When you first some of the languages and all dif- even tights. came to work as curator for the ferent kinds of departments. But tartan is most definitely Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, And the show we have now is An- not a new thing. Designer heavy- the museum was very small. There cient Bronzes from the Asian weight, Alexander McQueen is were only two employees, including Grasslands, and that one is being the receptionist. So, why did you Photo by Sadie Shillieto notorious for his plaid inspira- used by students in Russian stud- tion. No one will ever forget choose to work here instead of at a objects now and anybody can come in and ies and even science students who are Sarah Jessica Parker’s quirky bigger institute? handle any of them, anytime. And we’ve ac- studying composition of bronzes and things tartan gown, courtesy of Mr. Mc- tually got an online database now and you like that. So every show that we do relates Queen. He has always loved the Wendy Watson: There were three of us, actu- can look things up and see what we have. If in one way or another to the curriculum, al- Scottish inspired print and we are ally, and now we have about eight or so. I somebody wants to come in and look at a ways. finally catching on. came here because I am really interested in Greek vase or a New Guinea sculpture or However, the print that once academic museums and museums where Japanese scrolls or anything like that they MHN: What was your favorite exhibition so represented anarchy teaching is the most important thing, and it’s can come and look at things. When you look far since you’ve been working here? and rebellion during interesting. In an academic museum, you’re at prints and drawings and they’re inside be- the 70s and then dealing with a really high level of students hind glass you really don’t get a sense of WW: One of them I found really fascinating. youthful grunge in the and faculty, and you know what they’re try- what the ink looks like on the paper, but It was called “Altered States: Conservation, 90s is today creat- ing to learn. And I just thought it was much when you can turn the paper over you see Analysis and the Interpretation of Works of ing a classic new more fun to watch works of art being put to things that might be written on the back or Art.” And that was great for me and for the twist which is all use for teaching and learning in a situation collectors’ marks. There are all kinds of in- students because it was, again, another one about heritage like this. Also, I chose to work at an aca- teresting stuff that’s hidden that, ordinarily, of these combinations of science and art. It and dressing for a demic museum because my own experience museum visitors don’t see. had to do with analyzing works of art, study- delightful stroll in at Smith was very interesting. I started out ing them scientifically, studying paint layers, the country. As a taking art history classes and they had an MHN: What is it like to curate for the Mount and all of that sort of thing. But also study- die-hard Vivienne art museum, so one of my first assignments Holyoke community? ing the ways in which we conserve works of Westwood fan, I was to go to the art museum and pick out a art if they become old and damaged. There find this transition work of art that I wanted to learn more WW: I love doing it because it’s such a great are all kinds of philosophical issues involved, from rebel to tight- about. So, I went over to the art museum audience, and it’s students who are really cu- and just the scientific aspect about it is re- lipped gentle- and I said, “Well I think I’d like to work on a rious and people who are interested in ally interesting. When you go into a mu- woman rather Greek vase.” I expected the faculty to take many, many different fields. We’ve been seum, you look at things and they look like confusing but I me to the gallery and say, “Here’s a Greek doing a lot more with classes across the cur- they’re in perfect condition, but if you study must say, I am vase in a case, write about it, here’s some in- riculum, not just art history and studio art. them scientifically you discover that many rather drawn in formation.” Instead, they brought in a Greek This semester, a neurobiology course is now have been repaired a million times. by the sweet- vase and handed it to me. They said, you can meeting in the museum and the students ness of it all. work on this. You can lift it and turn it and look at all different kinds of works of art, MHN: Would you ever plan on doing an exhi- Yet even play with it and look at it really close up and thinking about how the brain perceives bition again of the same kind, or something when fashion not inside a case. And I really learned so things. We also have classes in chemistry similar? has fallen head over hills much from looking at it from not inside a that are coming here using technical equip- for all things Scottish, case. Academic museums have places ment to look at under drawing. We use cer- WW: Well, we’re always doing something many are finding the where you get to do that kind of work. tain kinds of infrared light. You can actually new. Of course, the objects and the ideas al- perennial appearance of look through the paint layers and see the ways stay with you and they affect what you tartan on international MHN: So, does this museum offer that to stu- drawing underneath, so you can get a sense plan in the future, but we try and keep the catwalks a bit, well, tricky. But dents too? of what the artist’s original idea was for com- offerings really varied and different. We MHN’s little weekend movie review don’t be so quick to judge! This position. have a lot of exciting things planned for the striking cross-hatched pattern is WW: We do. We have more than 15,000 future. versatile, as it can made even more dynamic by using bold hues and dramatic tonal contrasts or toned down with subtle, sophisti- cated colors. Rather than the tra- BY KIMBERLY BOYD ’10 ditional red tartans, 2008’s plaid CONTRIBUTING WRITER embraces a palette of muted October 10 greys, blues, greens and browns. October 3 Body of Lies Depending on the look of the item, plaid may propose a diverse Blindness Fresh from gripping performances in array of style options including Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo and Gael Garcia Bernal star in the film The Departed and Blood Diamond, youthful, classic, quirky, elegant, adaption of Jose Saramago’s 1995 novel. Blindness tells the story of Leonardo DiCaprio joins Russell Crowe edgy or casual. Also, find inter- an epidemic where people mysteriously lose their sight. When they in director Ridley Scott’s Body of Lies. esting variations on check pat- go blind, the government moves the victims into camps so that the Similar to 2005’s Syriana, Body of Lies terns and plaids; if you want to victims can create their own society. Moore plays the wife of a victim follows two CIA agents who are searching for a terrorist. One agent play it safe stick to a single plaid (Ruffalo), and feigns the symptoms in order to take care of her hus- hunts on the ground in Jordan (DiCaprio) while the other hunts from piece per outfit; if you’re more band (apparently people don’t notice). Directed by Fernando his office chair in Washington D.C. (Crowe). This gripping political daring try different pieces in mis- Meirelles (The Constant Gardener), this drama/thriller showcases thriller, based on the 2007 David Ignatius’ spy thriller, looks at a dan- matching plaid and tartan pat- the human spirit and what happens once the civilization we know gerous alliance that could cause a major cultural and moral conlfict. terns. comes tumbling down. Whether dressed head-to-toe Also opening: in plaid, or subtly popping up in Also opening: The Express - A feel-good based-on-a-true-story flick about Ernie select pieces, if you want to be on Rachel Getting Married - In a far cry from her earlier roles, Anne David (played by newcomer Omar Benson), the first African-Ameri- trend this fall/winter, invest in Hathaway portrays a recovering drug addict who attends her sister’s can to win the Heisman trophy. Also stars Dennis Quaid. something tartan and give your wedding in this compelling family drama, directed by Jonathan Ashes of Time Redux - From Hong Kong comes world-renowned di- salute to Scotland! Demme. rector Wong Kar Wai’s rerelease and remastering of his 1994 epic Appaloosa - Ed Harris directs and co-stars in this Western that Ashes of Time. It features an updated narrative and new score. Fashion illustration by Katie Frick, in- boasts a stellar cast: Jeremy Irons, Viggo Mortenson and Renee Zell- Breakfast with Scot - This Canadian comedy stars Tom Cavanagh spired by Marc by Marc Jacobs Fall 2008 weger. and Ben Shenkman, as Eric and Sam, a gay couple who unexpectedly Ready-to-Wear Collection. RocknRolla - Guy Ritchie returns to his roots and directs this gang- become the legal guardian of Sam’s nephew. ster film, starring Gerard Butler and Thandie Newton.
  • 2. a&e 10.02.08:Layout 1 5/7/10 1:06 PM Page 2 6 A&E October 2, 2008 G Mount Holyoke News A quick bar review BY CAITLIN HEALEY ’09 and chat and doodle and write. “We want to be com- PUBLISHER fortable for people who aren’t usually comfortable in a bar,” said Berger. He added, “We want to be a t The Rendezvous in Turners Falls, bar that women will walk in by themselves.” The A Tuesday night is craft night. Wednesday is game night. This Thursday you can go see the Ghost Quartet jazz group. Friday is, well, Voo is certainly part of the renaissance that’s been brewing in the town since the 1970s. Emily and Chris lived next to The Voo’s prede- Friday, and at this bar you can stuff your self silly cessor, Yesterday’s, which had a kind of raunchy with nachos or panini or a TV dinner advertised as reputation as a loud, neighborhood nuisance. The “frozen like Walt Disney.” You can drink anything couple decided they either had to move or buy the from coffee to PBR to wine to whiskey. There is a bar. So they bought the bar. gay night, Rockitqueer, once a month. But no matter What started out as a mostly drinking operation how you spin it, everyday The Rendezvous is for has become a 50 percent drink 50 percent food es- everybody. tablishment. After some renovations, like the instal- Never heard of Turners Falls? The village of lation of a kitchen in the basement, The Voo now Turners Falls is 30 minutes north of Mount Holyoke, offers an eclectic line up of foodstuffs. They have BY SARAH SCHAEFER ’11 CONTRIBUTING WRITER a straight shot on Interstate 91. It’s got a population one fancy special a night (like Asian Salad Nicoise, of about 4,500 folks and takes up two square miles $11.99), appetizers (grilled asparagus, $3.99) and bar of land in Franklin Country–that’s the one next to snacks (“healthy cereal du jour…better than card- Black Kids - “Partie Traumatic” us. By the way, we’re in Hampshire County, but you board,” $1.99). knew that. The Voo’s other major draw is the music. With Black Kids are back and they still aren’t going to teach your Four people own The Voo: Jamie Berger, a a sweet little intimate set up, The Voo tries to book boyfriend how to dance, but they might inspire him into some fancy writer in the MFA program at UMass Amherst, super-local acts—like Turners Falls local, not hip thrusts. With their full length debut Black Kids deliver a campy, Emily Brewster, a lexicographer for Meriman-Web- Greenfield local. Trying to maintain the peace, synth tour-du-disco blast which is accessible to your grandmother, ster in Springfield, Christopher Janke, there aren’t really any loud rock acts, mostly qui- baby sister and clubbing cousin. As a real skeptic of Wizards of Ah- who runs the kitchen and a laundromat eter folk and jazz, with the occasional indie/techno hhhs I was surprised and excited to find my head bouncing to their and writes and Mark Wisnewski, a twist. You can expect acts like Jeffrey Foucault, enthusiasm, androgynous vocals, vivid bass lines and quirkily syn- UMass graduate and Greenfield town Jones Trio and sometimes a national draw like thetic harmonies. Mellow enough for cleaning your room on a rainy councilor. The idea behind having four Death Vessel. day, bright enough to play at a real partaaay. partners was so that every owner could So bring a backpack filled with reading, bring still maintain their other non-bar- your knitting needles or just bring friends to lounge Okkervil River - “The Stand-Ins” owner lives. “It’s weird because with and listen to some music. Beers are on tap for there is no average day,” said as little as 2.75 a pop and the place is pretty perfect. The New Hampshire/Texas rockers of Okkervil River have certainly Berger over a Red Stripe, sitting on done some transforming. Where they were once refined post punk the deck. rockers ala “For Real” they have exchanged their angsty (albeit September brought in The Voo’s lovely) earlier sound for banjos, hand claps and subtle yet fun brass one-year anniversary. A local, Jake, arrangements. Their newest release, which sounds like Arcade Fire who grew up in Turner Fall’s, said that and Wilco’s dream baby, jumps off the speakers in a way which will a year and a half ago people in their surely highlight your already colorful fall. early 20s were never downtown. It 78 Rendezvous art courtesy Anju Schutz was too dangerous and there was no Third Street Valley’s best play benefit concert comfy bar to hang out in, only sports Turners Falls, Massachusetts bars. But The Voo has become a com- (413) 863-2866 munity hang out, a place to sit and eat and drink Interested in movies, art, BY ANNIKA YATES ’11 A&E CO-EDITOR A Stone for Adam Nodel- man at the Florence VFW stage was a beauti- fully layered fashion or music? presented the best attributes of the local music scene on Sunday, Sept. 28. The show was a benefit for the family of sound. Some of the elements of Adam Nodelman, a musician who recently passed away. the music may The VFW had a distinct feeling from the moment you seem familiar, a walked in the room. The décor, which is probably as old bluesy guitar riff, Want to explore the as the building, was wood-paneled walls and kitschy tribal drums, but so army paraphernalia. One side of the room is completely much about Jow Valley’s art scene? full of musical equipment. It is quiet considering the number of people and the nature of the event. Even more Jow is out of the ordinary. Some of striking than these details is the fact that the crowd as- the vocals filter sembled is so much older in age than that of an average through micro- Love getting into concerts experimental music concert. Most of the people sitting in the folding chairs are forty years old or older. There are phones, through some mega- lots of beards, some grey hair, a lot like a room full of phones. One musician used a for FREE? dads. They are the coolest dads, as many of them have been very instrumental in the evolution of experimental snare drum as a slide on his guitar. The music builds into a dark orchestral sound and then transitions to a noisy and noise rock. conglomeration and then back again. The show began with Shitsweat, of whom Northampton Wools, a guitar duo made of Bill Nace Adam Nodelman was a member. The trio pres- and Thurston Moore (a member of the band Sonic Then come write for ent accompanied a video of a former Shitsweat performance that featured Nodelman sing vocals. It was a frenzied display of psych-punk music. One Youth), was one of the most exciting acts of the evening. Seeing Moore as enthusiastic and wrapped up in the music as he was at the VFW is a rare event. The two mu- A&E! of the two percussionists physically tore apart a snare drum, constantly slipping on the worn linoleum in the old tap shoes he was wear- sicians both attacked their guitars to produce ear split- ting mindless noise, playing with feedback and, in Moore’s case, running a metal screwdriver across the ing. The set was short but the impact of strings. The two musicians worked the music into a the band bringing in the video of Nodel- frenzy in a way that was frantic and intense. man was huge. Directly following Northampton Wools was Dredd Email us at: In between sets seemed to be the planning time for the rest of the show. Foole and the Din, which boasted J Mascis (guitarist of Dinosaur Jr.) on guitar. Instead of the noise and experi- Amid ambient background music you mental music that had been the standard for the evening, mhnews- could hear the squeaking of wet sneakers on linoleum, as amps and equipment and the style of Dredd Foole’s normal repertoire, the band busted out covers of songs by The Stooges. With his were moved, and conversations between dancing and dynamic stage presence, Foole’s impression the musicians. Seeing how the whole concert was organized very casually, the of Iggy was better than the real thing. J Mascis’ guitar added a darker ad heavier tone to the songs. The crowd set list was determined by who could set let loose and danced, something that rarely happens at a up equipment the fastest. noise show. Following Shitsweat was Jow Jow, a band from Northampton with about ten members. The result of having such a full Photos by Annika Yates