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January 2010
Developed for WBI’s Program on Improving Governance in the Water Sector through Social Accountability and produced by WBI’s Governance Practice.

                                                                                                                                                   Advocacy by the Office of the Ombudsman:
                                                                                                                                                   Enabling Water Reforms Based on Citizens’
                                                                                                                                                   Feedback in Peru

                                                                                                                                                   T    his case examines how the Defensoría del
                                                                                                                                                        Pueblo (National Ombudsman) in Peru
                                                                                                                                                   amplified the voice of the community by estab-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Box 1. Good Practices Checklist

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Effective advocacy for water reforms includes:
                                                                                                                                                   lishing mechanisms for receiving and responding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             •   Establishing mechanisms that empower users to
                                                                                                                                                   to citizens’ complaints about water delivery. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 identify problems related to service delivery, water
                                                                                                                                                   new system allowed the Ombudsman to use
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 quality, and other key issues.
                                                                                                                                                   input from the public to improve national public
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             •   Facilitating dialogue among main stakeholders.
                                                                                                                                                   policy and regulations, and in so doing, helped
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             •   Disseminating information to the general public and
                                                                                                                                                   to bridge the disparate interests of service users,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 elected officials about the costs of water sector infra-
                                                                                                                                                   water suppliers, and the national regulator.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 structure and service delivery.
                                                                                                                                                      This type of public inclusion also raised
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             •   Depoliticizing water reforms and mitigating the effects
                                                                                                                                                   awareness of important aspects of service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of unpopular rate increases by improving service
                                                                                                                                                   delivery. Specifically, the Office of the
                                                                                                                                                   Ombudsman helped water users understand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             •   Building the capacity of policy and regulatory
                                                                                                                                                   that although the public has the right to access
                                                                                                                                                   safe and clean potable water, it must also pay
                                                                                                                                                   the costs of service delivery. In the process,
                                                                                                                                                   the Ombudsman had to correct the common                                            also for overseeing billing and collections, levying
                                                                                                                                                   assumption that water is a free and infinite                                       penalties for nonpayment, and connecting and
                                                                                                                                                   resource by increasing public awareness of                                         disconnecting users. Despite widespread need
                                                                                                                                                   the expenses associated with building and                                          for infrastructural improvements and increased
                                                                                                                                                   maintaining the infrastructure necessary for                                       coverage throughout the water sector, water
                                                                                                                                                   water delivery.                                                                    officials were often reluctant to implement poten-
                                                                                                                                                      Peru has tried to make water services                                           tially unpopular measures—such as enforcing rate
                                                                                                                                                   sustainable through reforms, but several                                           increases required by the regulator, or discon-
                                                                                                                                                   factors have blocked the way. Perhaps the                                          necting nonpaying users—for fear of political
                                                                                                                                                   most challenging was convincing the public                                         backlash. The governance situation of water
                                                                                                                                                   to pay higher prices for water. To make things                                     delivery services was therefore untenable and
                                                                                                                                                   more difficult, the provision of water services                                    jeopardized the financial sustainability of the
                                                                                                                                                   in Peru—and rate setting in particular—had                                         decentralized water companies.
                                                                                                                                                   long been politicized. Political actors controlled
                                                                                                                                                   critical decisions—including rate setting—and                                      Peru’s Water Sector Before the Ombudsman:
                                                                                                                                                   as a result, decisions often reflected political                                   Problems and Inefficiencies
                                                                                                                                                   priorities instead of the needs of the public. The                                 The constitution that Peru adopted in 1979
                                                                                                                                                   water boards, along with officials from the decen-                                 established that local public service delivery is
                                                                                                                                                   tralized water companies, were responsible for                                     the responsibility of municipal competencies.
                                                                                                                                                   not only managing and operating the utilities, but                                 The Municipalities Organic Law of 1981 intro-

                                                                                                                                                   Copyright © 2010 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. All rights reserved.
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                      duced further regulation of service delivery.          costs incurred by the EPS to provide services
                      Before 1990, urban water management was                since company boards, which are selected by
                      under the authority of the National Potable            elected officials, often refused to approve rate
                      Water and Sewerage Service (Servicio Nacional          increases requested by the utilities’ management.
                      de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado), a centralized       In some cases, the boards decided not to
                      public government agency under what was then           enforce rate increases approved by SUNASS.
                      the Ministry of Housing and Construction. The          The decisions of political actors not to enforce
                      promulgation of Peru’s new constitution in 1993        needed rate increases for fear of losing popular
                      did not substantially change municipal responsi-       support have made water services unsustainable
                      bilities for water service delivery.                   throughout the country.
                         During the 1990s, public services in Peru,             As the ideological debate over water sector
                      such as telecommunications and electricity,            privatization raged, Peru’s water utilities displayed
                      were privatized. Yet urban water and sanitation        huge inefficiencies. While privatization was an
                      services remained in the hands of municipal            option, it was clear that this would be a lengthy
                      public corporations, with the exception of             process that would initially occur only in selected
                      the Lima-based water and sanitation utility            parts of the country. Consequently, the impor-
                      SEDAPAL, which remained a state-owned                  tance of improving the sector as a whole was
                      company managed by the national government.            broadly recognized, particularly for those EPSs
                      In 1994, the Sanitation Services General Law was       that would not be privatized immediately.
                      implemented, creating a water and sanitation
                      regulator: the National Superintendency for            The Ombudsman As Facilitator
                      Water and Sanitation Services (SUNASS, Super-
                      intendencia Nacional de Servicios de Sanea-            A Decentralized Ombudsman. The Office of
                      miento). The regulator was established to              the Ombudsman was established in 1996 as
                      facilitate the privatization of water and sanitation   an independent body to which citizens could
                      services following the model of Peru’s previous        direct their concerns about and criticisms of
                      utility privatizations. SUNASS did not originally      government action. The office has a constitutional
                      focus on improving the water utilities’ services,      mandate to investigate citizens’ complaints,
                      but rather on justifying privatization by identi-      monitor the impact of state action on citizens’
                      fying inefficiencies. Opposition to privatization      rights, and advise the national government on
                      was too strong, however, and for years the             how to rectify problems. The Ombudsman is
                      regulator did nothing to improve water services.       also empowered to disseminate information
                         With privatization put on hold, a group of 50       to the public regarding how the government is
                      municipal sanitation service providers, or EPSs        addressing public concerns.
                      (Empresas Prestadoras de Servicios de Sanea-              In the water sector, the Office of the
                      miento), that were registered with SUNASS              Ombudsman has had several primary objectives:
                      continued to supply water and sanitation services.     to improve policies and regulations for the water
                      The EPSs were responsible for monitoring and           and sanitation sector, to enhance the utilities’
                      meeting SUNASS’s coverage and service quality          sustainability, to expand the utilities’ coverage,
                      standards and for approving rate increases             to improve water quality, and to enforce fair and
                      proposed by the general shareholders, who were         sustainable rate schedules.
                      principally provincial and district mayors. The           The Office of the Ombudsman coordinates its
                      link between the EPSs and the municipalities           activities with a network of 38 satellite offices. The
                      (whose leaders sat on the EPSs’ corporate boards       network comprises 28 regional offices distributed
                      and elected their board members) was critical          throughout Peru’s 24 regions and nine service
                      to the utilities’ decision making. Decisions were      modules in small towns. The Ombudsman relies
                      therefore often based on political consider-           on seven deputy ombudsmen, who support infor-
                      ations rather than technical ones, which impaired      mation gathering and research for investigations.
                      the companies’ development and viability. In           This high level of coordination has yielded critical
                      addition, the revenues from users continue to          information that informs conclusions and recom-
                      provide the main source of income for the EPSs.        mendations published in the Ombudsman’s
                      User rates, however, were typically less than the      reports. The reports have in turn led to regulatory
Advocacy by the Office of the Ombudsman: Enabling Water Reforms Based on Citizens’ Feedback in Peru   |   3

changes and public policy reforms.                     to pursue the issue in the court system. The
   The Office of the Ombudsman enjoys signif-          Office of the Ombudsman closes approximately
icant credibility throughout Peru. Peru’s Fourth       75 percent of cases without resorting to legal
National Anticorruption Survey, a report prepared      recourse.
by a Peruvian business association (Opinión
y Mercado, Confiep) and a nongovernmental              Complaints Concerning Water and Sanitation
organization (Proética), conducted interviews of       Services. Between 1996 and 1998—the first two
a broad sample of Peruvian citizens. Quantitative      years of the Ombudsman’s operation—approxi-
data compiled from survey results indicated that       mately 10 percent of the complaints and requests
the public trusted the Office of the Ombudsman         for investigation received by the office related
to fight corruption more effectively than other        to problems with public services, including
state institutions, including the national police,     water and sanitation. Particularly common were
the national government, and even religious            requests for improvements in service quality,
associations. Furthermore, opinion polls indicate      enforcement of fair rate schedules, and requests
that a majority of the Peruvian public trusts the      for expanded coverage. In 1999, citizens lodged
Ombudsman as the defender of citizens’ rights.         159 complaints against water and sanitation
                                                       in Lima alone, and that figure rose to 302
Launching an Investigation. The Ombudsman              complaints just one year later. In 2007, citizens
encourages citizens to contact any of the regional     across the nation filed more than two thousand
offices or service modules to register concerns        complaints with the Office of the Ombudsman
or file a complaint against a government utility       concerning water and sanitation service. The
or agency. Representatives of the Ombudsman            complaints were lodged against service providers
in each region review the circumstances                such as SEDAPAL, the 50 other private sanitation
surrounding complaints by conducting a                 service providers, and SUNASS. The complaints
contextual analysis and performing background          concerned rights violations, such as discrimi-
research on the legal and regulatory aspects           nation in access to water and sanitation services,
of the perceived problem. The Office then              arbitrary charges and other forms of incorrect
determines if the utility or agency has breached       billing, incorrect metering, and poor quality of
its obligations in any way—such as through             customer care.
delayed or absent service delivery, arbitrary or
unauthorized charges, or requests for kickbacks        Rights-Based Investigation. During the same
by a local service provider—and whether that           period, the Office of the Ombudsman was devel-
breach has violated citizens’ rights.                  oping a strategic roadmap to advocate and
   If the Office of the Ombudsman finds a              defend so-called second-generation rights—
concern or complaint credible, it then submits         social and economic rights, such as the rights to
verbal or written recommendations to the               health, education, security, and water. This effort
government utility or agency implicated. Each          led to the Ombudsman’s decision in 2003 to
government utility and agency is obliged to            launch an investigation of water and sanitation
cooperate with the Ombudsman by submitting to          services throughout Peru, based on the idea
information inquiries, evaluating any recommen-        that rights violations accounted for many of
dations set out by the Office of the Ombudsman,        the obstacles to effective water and sanitation
and announcing whether or not those recom-             management. The investigation was initially
mendations will be implemented (and if not, why        undertaken by the deputy ombudsman for public
not). Once the implicated government utility           utilities and the environment. The deputy’s
or agency responds to the recommendations,             office sampled eight regions (Lima, Arequipa,
the Ombudsman closes the case. If the recom-           La Libertad, Piura, Cusco, Ayacucho, Loreto,
mendations are not acted upon, the Office of           and Junín) in which 63.3 percent of Peru’s urban
the Ombudsman may help the citizen who filed           population (approximately 11 million people)
the complaint to appeal the decision using             reside. Those citizens are served by nine water
alternative dispute resolution techniques and          utilities comprised of eight municipal companies
continued dialogue. If these approaches are            and SEDAPAL in Lima. The goal was to compile
unsuccessful, the complainant retains the right        a report that would provide a series of recom-
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                      mendations to reform the legal and regulatory         Germany’s KfW Cooperation Development Bank
                      environment for water and sanitation services         and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation
                      throughout Peru.                                      (JBIC) worked with the Peruvian government to
                                                                            smooth the transition by calling for tenders to
                      The Ombudsman’s Findings: Challenges                  franchise water and sanitation services in the
                      to Effective Water and Sanitation Service             cities of Tumbes and Piura. Three additional cities
                      Delivery in Peru                                      (Huancayo, Trujillo and Pucallpa) were added to
                                                                            this push for privatized utilities, until eventually
                      Lack of Independence of Decision Makers. The          the water and sanitation services in Tumbes were
                      Ombudsman quickly discovered a high degree            franchised amid intense political debate. The
                      of overlap of leadership across sectors: local        privatization of drinking water and sanitation
                      leaders from various municipalities also served on    services was a source of significant public anxiety.
                      the corporate boards of the 50 private sanitation     Privatization was opposed by several civil society
                      services providers. This arrangement priori-          organizations, including the Utilities’ Workers
                      tized political expediency over public interest       Union, as well as by several public officials within
                      in decision making for the water and sanitation       these five cities.
                      utilities. The Ombudsman determined that undue
                      influence by sitting members of local and central     Good Practices Implemented by the
                      government had diminished the capacity of the         Ombudsman to Promote Good Governance
                      utility to respond to community concerns and          in the Water Sector
                      effectively deliver services. For example, the EPSs   In July 2005, the Office of the Ombudsman
                      relied on rates paid by users, many of whom were      published “Citizens without Water: Analysis of
                      charged incorrectly because service providers         a Rights Violation” (report no. 94). The report
                      failed to adhere to the rate structure mandated       included 19 recommendations for the Peruvian
                      by SUNASS.                                            government, in particular to the Peruvian
                                                                            congress; the Ministry of Housing, Infrastructure,
                      Financial Challenges. The Ombudsman found             and Sanitation; the Ministry of Health; regional,
                      that financial shortfalls were preventing water       provincial, and local governments; SUNASS; and
                      and sanitation service providers from expanding       the various water and sanitation service providers.
                      coverage and improving water quality. Approxi-        The Ombudsman presented the report on behalf
                      mately 45 percent of water and sanitation services    of the citizens, calling on government authorities
                      throughout Peru were either not being billed          to implement the recommendations.
                      because of illegal connections or not being paid          To gather data and evidence for the report,
                      because of widespread delinquency by users            the Office of the Ombudsman set in motion a
                      (payments were an average of six months late          number of measures, several of which took on a
                      across the country). As a result, coverage did not    life of their own and remained active after publi-
                      increase between 1998 and 2003 (it remained 83.6      cation of the report. Those measures included:
                      percent for water and 75.3 percent for sanitation).
                      Since service providers failed to adhere to rate       •   Decentralized Complaints System for
                      structures determined by the regulator, their              Public Service Users. Since 2004, a team
                      income was less than their outlay for services;            from the office of the deputy ombudsman
                      most were operating at a substantial deficit.              for public utilities and the environment has
                                                                                 provided technical assistance to officials in
                      Tension Over Privatization of Water Services.              the Ombudsman’s regional offices to properly
                      Despite widespread problems with state-run                 hear citizens’ complaints. The Office of the
                      water and sanitation services, there was intense           Ombudsman uses the collected complaints
                      public concern about efforts by the Government             in its annual report. The decentralized
                      of Peru to privatize these utilities. In the 1990s,        complaint system has empowered users to
                      the Peruvian government established PROIN-                 contribute to improved governance.
                      VERSION, a government-run private investment
                      promotion board to facilitate the privatization        •   Public Dialogue. The Ombudsman advised
                      of state-run industries. Between 2003 and 2005             that candid dialogue should be permanently
Advocacy by the Office of the Ombudsman: Enabling Water Reforms Based on Citizens’ Feedback in Peru   |   5

    institutionalized, enabling stakeholders                   of congress and other representatives from
    with widely divergent interests to air their               political parties. At the meetings, the Office
    concerns. Robust participatory dialogue                    of the Ombudsman shared the findings of its
    among service providers, the regulator, water              investigation and its recommendations for
    users, and local and national government                   public policy reforms.
    officials is integral to improving governance,
    accountability, and responsiveness. It also            •   Disseminating Information through the
    allows service providers and government                    Media. Print, broadcast, and digital media
    officials to share information regarding rate              are important channels for the dissemination
    schedules, the utilities’ financial situation, and         of information to the public. A well-informed
    the need for government investment. Service                public that understands pressing issues in
    providers should be encouraged to stimulate                the water sector is more likely to become
    public discussion, share analyses with the                 involved in the decision making processes
    public through horizontal information                      that affect it. To increase public awareness
    exchanges, and comment on government                       of its actions, the Office of the Ombudsman
    action—or lack thereof. Public scrutiny and                prepared a broad strategy to enable local
    analysis from diverse viewpoints will optimize             and national media outlets to cover the publi-
    the implementation and sustainability of                   cation of its report.
    governance improvements.                                         The Ombudsman’s report emphasized
                                                               that the country’s water sector needed
•   Training Plans for Citizens. To prepare Peru’s             improvement, while recognizing that
    people for the report to come, the Office                  public money must fund improvements.
    of the Ombudsman established a training                    As a result of the Ombudsman’s outreach
    program to clarify its rights-based approach               efforts, the report’s recommendations
    to water delivery. It is imperative that the               received wide coverage from newspapers,
    public understands that although all citizens              periodicals, specialized journals, commercial
    of Peru have a right to water access, they                 and community radio, television, and
    must bear the costs of water services. The                 online commentators for four consecutive
    training further explains that the financial               months. To facilitate media coverage, the
    constraints of the EPSs have prevented                     Ombudsman prepared executive summaries
    investments in better service delivery,                    of the report for newspapers; specialized
    resulting in low-quality water services. In                summaries with relevant material for period-
    particular, the training emphasizes the way                icals focusing on a particular subject; and
    the existing rate structure prevents water                 workshops run by experts within the Office
    utilities from improving services. The training            of the Ombudsman and covering relevant
    programs have disseminated critical infor-                 parts of the report in detail for broadcast,
    mation regarding Peru’s water sector to the                television, and digital media.
    public and encouraged citizens to partic-
    ipate in public hearings and submit their              •   Raising Awareness through Debate. The
    complaints to the Ombudsman.                               report recommended rate increases to allow
                                                               utilities to pay for improvements. The Office
•   Cooperative Diagnostics to Precipitate                     of the Ombudsman decided that water
    Action. In response to feedback from the                   users in Peru with incomes over a given
    public, the Office of the Ombudsman                        threshold should pay more for their utility
    organized meetings with officials from various             services. This proved to be an unpopular
    sectors to cooperatively identify critical areas           measure, but open discussion in a public
    for action. The officials included general                 forum assured the public of the need for
    directors from the ministries responsible for              rate increases. To promote public under-
    health, housing, sanitation, and the economy;              standing of Peru’s precarious water situation,
    vice-ministers for health and construction and             water management and sanitation experts
    sanitation; the mayors of the eight regions                phrased explanations in accessible language
    sampled for the investigation; and members                 and avoided technical jargon. The discus-
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                            sions changed many participants’ minds                 has increased citizens’ awareness of Peru’s
                            by informing them of the vulnerabilities               rights-based approach to safe and clean
                            of their fellow citizens who had little or no          water and empowered them to act on their
                            access to potable water and sanitation. The            own behalf.
                            Ombudsman proposed to maintain and
                            improve the “social tariff” to assure the poor     •   Improving Utilities’ Handling of Customer
                            of continued access to water services.                 Complaints. In 2006, SUNASS promul-
                                                                                   gated two resolutions reforming customer
                        •   Building the Capacity of the Office of the             complaint protocols.1 Water and sanitation
                            Ombudsman. The Office of the Ombudsman                 service providers are now obliged to address
                            recognized the importance of monitoring                complaints about operations (such as broken
                            and evaluation and personnel training. The             pipelines, floods, and blocked sewage)
                            Ombudsman therefore designed a course                  and business issues (such as construction
                            to train decentralized staff on issues and             matters, permits for service connection,
                            challenges in the water and sanitation sector.         and geographic availability of services). It
                            Monitoring and evaluation techniques were              also established guidelines for a Sanitation
                            also improved to better track the progress             Service Users’ Complaint Resolution Admin-
                            of government and service provider reforms             istrative Tribunal. This was intended to
                            towards successful implementation of recom-            standardize SUNASS’s criteria for resolving
                            mendations in the Ombudsman’s report.                  conflicts between water users and water and
                            To reinforce capacity development, all staff           sanitation service providers.
                            members of the Office of the Ombudsman
                            are required to participate in annual plans        •   Widespread Policy Reforms to Improve
                            conferences and workshops that focus on                Water and Sanitation Services. Throughout
                            reform and effective monitoring and evalu-             Peru, the government and other organi-
                            ation of public services.                              zations introduced policy reforms that
                                                                                   improved service delivery in the water and
                      Key Results                                                  sanitation sectors. The Ministry of Economy
                      The Ombudsman’s investigations and subse-                    and Finance substantially improved regula-
                      quent publication and dissemination of the July              tions that imposed duplicate restrictions on
                      2005 report yielded practical benefits in the                water and sanitation utilities. It also amended
                      water and sanitation sectors. The Ministry of                the rules governing utility users’ complaints
                      Sanitation and SUNASS pledged to adopt 18 of                 and customer service. SUNASS improved
                      its 19 recommendations. By 2008, the two bodies              systems to monitor water quality throughout
                      had completely or substantially implemented 14               the country and instituted staggered rate
                      of them, including efforts to improve water and              restructuring for 12 utilities—including water
                      sanitation services, scale up civic engagement               and sanitation—over five years to offset the
                      in utilities operations, foster community-driven             impact on service users. Finally, in an effort to
                      water and sanitation management, and improve                 increase public access to potable water and
                      policies and regulations.                                    improve national health outcomes, Congress
                                                                                   promulgated legislation that permits
                        •   Increasingly Empowered Water Users.                    “informal” occupants of houses, land, and
                            Between 2006 and 2007, water users filed               other property to connect to local water
                            more than two thousand complaints about                grids.
                            water and sanitation service nationwide, as
                            well as 535 requests for mediation in cases        •   New Composition of the Boards of Water
                            involving connection to the water system,              Firms. The Ombudsman recommended
                            emergency assistance, and others queries               that the water utilities alter the compo-
                            that required legal counsel. Clearly, the              sition of their boards of directors. Specifi-
                            Ombudsman’s offices have made it easier
                            for citizens throughout Peru to lodge their      1. Resolution no. 028-2006-CD-SUNASS and Resolution no.
                            complaints. The improved complaint system           006-2006-SUNASS-CD.
Advocacy by the Office of the Ombudsman: Enabling Water Reforms Based on Citizens’ Feedback in Peru   |   7

      cally, the office advised that representatives          •   A National Modernization Strategy for
      from the central government, the regional                   Making the Sector Sustainable. In 2005,
      government, and civil society organiza-                     SUNASS devised a business plan to increase
      tions should become more involved so as                     the efficiency of Peru’s decentralized water
      to improve the transparency of the utilities’               utilities. The plan lays out goals for Peru’s
      decision-making processes. The government                   water resource management and service
      soon enacted the Law for Improving Water                    delivery—including rate structures conducive
      and Sanitation Services Management (Ley                     to sustainable management—for the next
      para Optimizar la Gestión de los Servicios                  35 years, subject to review every five years.
      de Saneamiento),2 which established a new                   The same plan proposes reforms for water
      board configuration: up to two of the five                  subsidies. Prior to 2005, only 24 of Peru’s 50
      board members may be members of the                         water utilities had established a rate structure.
      municipality and must be elected by the                     New regulations, however, require that all
      shareholders of the utility company. As for                 utilities in the country have a business plan.
      the other three, one must represent the                     If a utility fails to develop a business plan,
      regional government, and two must be from                   then SUNASS has the authority to implement
      civic organizations such as the chamber of                  one, as it has done for several water utilities
      commerce, area industries, universities, or                 since the regulations were enacted. The new
      nongovernmental organizations. To add                       regulations have energized the utilities—to
      stability to the board’s decision-making                    such a great extent, in fact, that another case
      processes, the law also changed the                         study exploring SUNASS’s success might be
      mandatory duration of the board term from                   appropriate. Since 2003 SUNASS has played
      one year to three years.                                    a key role in changing the regulatory climate
                                                                  to allow for these reforms, at the urging of
  •   Rate Restructuring. In its July 2005 report,                the Ombudsman.
      the Office of the Ombudsman recommended
      that the utilities restructure the rates for water      •   Civic Engagement in Water and Sanitation
      services to more accurately reflect the true                Utilities Oversight. Water and sanitation
      cost of providing potable water. The old                    service providers have implemented more
      rate structure added to the growing national                robust feedback mechanisms to allow the
      deficit, and municipalities lacked the resources            public to express concerns and provide
      to improve the coverage and quality of service              suggestions for improving services. As of
      of water utilities. The Ministry of Housing,                2007, six municipalities across Peru had
      Infrastructure and Sanitation, which is respon-             adopted an innovative water and sanitation
      sible for water policy, approved a number                   management model in which community
      of changes in the rate-setting processes.                   members participate in community super-
      New policies and regulations governing the                  vision boards (comités de vigilancia) that make
      management of Peru’s water utilities came                   critical decisions regarding service-delivery
      into effect in 2006, and as a result SUNASS                 technology, local service quality, and tariff
      has approved new rate structures for 24                     levels. With technical assistance from the
      utilities with staggered rate increases in the              World Bank’s Water and Sanitation Program,
      first, third, and fifth year. Rate increases for an         the Ministry of Housing’s Small Town Pilot
      EPS are subject to the EPS meeting stated                   Project supported the new model.
      management goals. If the steering council of                      As of 2009, twelve water and sanitation
      an EPS fails to increase rates, the water utility           service providers in the eight regions under
      can appeal to the regulator to enforce the                  review by the Office of the Ombudsman have
      increase after a technical review. The changes              improved access to and quality of potable
      were designed to make EPSs more effective,                  water and sewerage services, and have insti-
      efficient, and financially and technical viable.            tuted micrometering, rate restructuring, and
                                                                  more effective bill collection.

2. Law Nº 28870.
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                        •   Continuing Attention to Water and Sanitation                                           a human right which, as any human right,
                            Issues in Peru. The Ombudsman’s report                                                 should not have cost for people.” The
                            focused attention on sustainable water and                                             Ombudsman held protracted dialogues with
                            sanitation management in Peru. Nongovern-                                              representatives of the activists to convince
                            mental organizations, international devel-                                             them—and by extension the public—of the
                            opment agencies, domestic political organi-                                            necessity of public funding for public services,
                            zations, and others have asked the Office                                              including water. The activists eventually recog-
                            of the Ombudsman to present the report                                                 nized the importance of paying for water
                            (and others3) to them. At the presentations,                                           services, and they are now considered allies of
                            the Ombudsman emphasizes the need for                                                  the Ombudsman.
                            continued attention to water and sanitation
                            issues as a way to combat poverty. The admin-                                      •   The Water Privatization Debate Rages.
                            istration of President Alan García also used the                                       The Office of the Ombudsman also joined
                            Ombudsman’s report to formally recognize the                                           the popular debate on the privatization of
                            country’s second-generation right to water and                                         the water utility. The Ombudsman used the
                            to inaugurate an ambitious investment plan for                                         debate as a platform for proposing reforms
                            Peru’s water and sanitation sector. The “Water                                         and disseminating research that demon-
                            for All” program (Agua para todos) seeks to                                            strated the critical vulnerability of citizens
                            provide water connections to all Peruvians,                                            who had low-quality water—or worse, none
                            including the poorest segments of society,                                             at all. Notwithstanding the Ombudsman’s
                            beginning with more than one million citizens                                          efforts, the debate reflects the conflicting
                            in Lima. While the program has yet to meet                                             priorities and ideologies of various segments
                            its goals, its existence alone demonstrates                                            of society. It appears that this debate will
                            increased awareness of the critical importance                                         continue for some time.
                            of water and sanitation issues by Peru’s public
                            sector and citizenry.                                                           Conclusion
                                                                                                            The Office of the Ombudsman contributed to
                      Challenges                                                                            building the coalition responsible for reforming
                                                                                                            Peru’s water sector.
                        •   Changing the Mission of the Regulator.                                             Throughout the reform process, the Office of
                            The regulatory framework that SUNASS                                            the Ombudsman has emphasized the necessity
                            maintained until 2005 demonstrated that                                         of cooperation in providing sustainable water
                            public water companies were not functioning                                     and sanitation services across Peru. Reform
                            properly but failed to outline strategies for                                   has not yet been completely successful, and
                            improving the situation. Changing the institu-                                  implementation of some aspects of the reforms
                            tional behavior of the regulator was a lengthy                                  remains a challenge. The progress, however, is
                            process, but SUNASS is now a collaborator in                                    visible. The Ombudsman has encouraged the
                            water reform efforts in Peru.                                                   Peruvian public to inform themselves about
                                                                                                            the issues surrounding the water sector. At
                        •   Civil Society Rights Activists Opposed Water                                    the same time, it has given various segments
                            Tariffs. Civil society activists in Peru opposed                                of society the opportunity to have their views
                            all tariffs for water services beginning in                                     heard and advocated. New mechanisms for
                            the 1990s. This may have been a result of a                                     hearing complaints and handling requests
                            widespread lack of awareness of the cost of                                     for investigations from users have given the
                            providing water services. Since access to water                                 public a new channel for involvement in the
                            was described as a right, activists demanded                                    water-management process. These innovations
                            that the government provide water for free.                                     have assisted the Ombudsman in identifying
                            The motto of their campaign was “defending                                      the critical instances of government misman-
                                                                                                            agement that hinder public service delivery.
                      3. Another report—Ombudsman’s Report No. 124, “The
                         Right to Water in Rural Areas: The Case of District Munici-
                         palities”—was published more recently.

                              This case study was written by Blanche Cotlear and Carlos Alza. Its findings,
                              interpretations, and conclusions are the authors’ own and should not be attributed to
                              the World Bank, its affiliated organizations, members of the Board, or the countries they
                              represent. For more information about this or other governance programs in the water
                              sector, please contact Karen Sirker at (+1.202.458.2362).

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Advocacy by the Ombudsman enabling Water Reforms

  • 1. January 2010 Developed for WBI’s Program on Improving Governance in the Water Sector through Social Accountability and produced by WBI’s Governance Practice. Advocacy by the Office of the Ombudsman: Enabling Water Reforms Based on Citizens’ Feedback in Peru T his case examines how the Defensoría del Pueblo (National Ombudsman) in Peru amplified the voice of the community by estab- Box 1. Good Practices Checklist Effective advocacy for water reforms includes: lishing mechanisms for receiving and responding • Establishing mechanisms that empower users to to citizens’ complaints about water delivery. The identify problems related to service delivery, water new system allowed the Ombudsman to use quality, and other key issues. input from the public to improve national public • Facilitating dialogue among main stakeholders. policy and regulations, and in so doing, helped • Disseminating information to the general public and to bridge the disparate interests of service users, elected officials about the costs of water sector infra- water suppliers, and the national regulator. structure and service delivery. This type of public inclusion also raised • Depoliticizing water reforms and mitigating the effects awareness of important aspects of service of unpopular rate increases by improving service delivery. Specifically, the Office of the delivery. Ombudsman helped water users understand • Building the capacity of policy and regulatory that although the public has the right to access reformers. safe and clean potable water, it must also pay the costs of service delivery. In the process, the Ombudsman had to correct the common also for overseeing billing and collections, levying assumption that water is a free and infinite penalties for nonpayment, and connecting and resource by increasing public awareness of disconnecting users. Despite widespread need the expenses associated with building and for infrastructural improvements and increased maintaining the infrastructure necessary for coverage throughout the water sector, water water delivery. officials were often reluctant to implement poten- Peru has tried to make water services tially unpopular measures—such as enforcing rate sustainable through reforms, but several increases required by the regulator, or discon- factors have blocked the way. Perhaps the necting nonpaying users—for fear of political most challenging was convincing the public backlash. The governance situation of water to pay higher prices for water. To make things delivery services was therefore untenable and more difficult, the provision of water services jeopardized the financial sustainability of the in Peru—and rate setting in particular—had decentralized water companies. long been politicized. Political actors controlled critical decisions—including rate setting—and Peru’s Water Sector Before the Ombudsman: as a result, decisions often reflected political Problems and Inefficiencies priorities instead of the needs of the public. The The constitution that Peru adopted in 1979 water boards, along with officials from the decen- established that local public service delivery is tralized water companies, were responsible for the responsibility of municipal competencies. not only managing and operating the utilities, but The Municipalities Organic Law of 1981 intro- Copyright © 2010 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. All rights reserved.
  • 2. 2 | Social Accountability Notes duced further regulation of service delivery. costs incurred by the EPS to provide services Before 1990, urban water management was since company boards, which are selected by under the authority of the National Potable elected officials, often refused to approve rate Water and Sewerage Service (Servicio Nacional increases requested by the utilities’ management. de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado), a centralized In some cases, the boards decided not to public government agency under what was then enforce rate increases approved by SUNASS. the Ministry of Housing and Construction. The The decisions of political actors not to enforce promulgation of Peru’s new constitution in 1993 needed rate increases for fear of losing popular did not substantially change municipal responsi- support have made water services unsustainable bilities for water service delivery. throughout the country. During the 1990s, public services in Peru, As the ideological debate over water sector such as telecommunications and electricity, privatization raged, Peru’s water utilities displayed were privatized. Yet urban water and sanitation huge inefficiencies. While privatization was an services remained in the hands of municipal option, it was clear that this would be a lengthy public corporations, with the exception of process that would initially occur only in selected the Lima-based water and sanitation utility parts of the country. Consequently, the impor- SEDAPAL, which remained a state-owned tance of improving the sector as a whole was company managed by the national government. broadly recognized, particularly for those EPSs In 1994, the Sanitation Services General Law was that would not be privatized immediately. implemented, creating a water and sanitation regulator: the National Superintendency for The Ombudsman As Facilitator Water and Sanitation Services (SUNASS, Super- intendencia Nacional de Servicios de Sanea- A Decentralized Ombudsman. The Office of miento). The regulator was established to the Ombudsman was established in 1996 as facilitate the privatization of water and sanitation an independent body to which citizens could services following the model of Peru’s previous direct their concerns about and criticisms of utility privatizations. SUNASS did not originally government action. The office has a constitutional focus on improving the water utilities’ services, mandate to investigate citizens’ complaints, but rather on justifying privatization by identi- monitor the impact of state action on citizens’ fying inefficiencies. Opposition to privatization rights, and advise the national government on was too strong, however, and for years the how to rectify problems. The Ombudsman is regulator did nothing to improve water services. also empowered to disseminate information With privatization put on hold, a group of 50 to the public regarding how the government is municipal sanitation service providers, or EPSs addressing public concerns. (Empresas Prestadoras de Servicios de Sanea- In the water sector, the Office of the miento), that were registered with SUNASS Ombudsman has had several primary objectives: continued to supply water and sanitation services. to improve policies and regulations for the water The EPSs were responsible for monitoring and and sanitation sector, to enhance the utilities’ meeting SUNASS’s coverage and service quality sustainability, to expand the utilities’ coverage, standards and for approving rate increases to improve water quality, and to enforce fair and proposed by the general shareholders, who were sustainable rate schedules. principally provincial and district mayors. The The Office of the Ombudsman coordinates its link between the EPSs and the municipalities activities with a network of 38 satellite offices. The (whose leaders sat on the EPSs’ corporate boards network comprises 28 regional offices distributed and elected their board members) was critical throughout Peru’s 24 regions and nine service to the utilities’ decision making. Decisions were modules in small towns. The Ombudsman relies therefore often based on political consider- on seven deputy ombudsmen, who support infor- ations rather than technical ones, which impaired mation gathering and research for investigations. the companies’ development and viability. In This high level of coordination has yielded critical addition, the revenues from users continue to information that informs conclusions and recom- provide the main source of income for the EPSs. mendations published in the Ombudsman’s User rates, however, were typically less than the reports. The reports have in turn led to regulatory
  • 3. Advocacy by the Office of the Ombudsman: Enabling Water Reforms Based on Citizens’ Feedback in Peru | 3 changes and public policy reforms. to pursue the issue in the court system. The The Office of the Ombudsman enjoys signif- Office of the Ombudsman closes approximately icant credibility throughout Peru. Peru’s Fourth 75 percent of cases without resorting to legal National Anticorruption Survey, a report prepared recourse. by a Peruvian business association (Opinión y Mercado, Confiep) and a nongovernmental Complaints Concerning Water and Sanitation organization (Proética), conducted interviews of Services. Between 1996 and 1998—the first two a broad sample of Peruvian citizens. Quantitative years of the Ombudsman’s operation—approxi- data compiled from survey results indicated that mately 10 percent of the complaints and requests the public trusted the Office of the Ombudsman for investigation received by the office related to fight corruption more effectively than other to problems with public services, including state institutions, including the national police, water and sanitation. Particularly common were the national government, and even religious requests for improvements in service quality, associations. Furthermore, opinion polls indicate enforcement of fair rate schedules, and requests that a majority of the Peruvian public trusts the for expanded coverage. In 1999, citizens lodged Ombudsman as the defender of citizens’ rights. 159 complaints against water and sanitation in Lima alone, and that figure rose to 302 Launching an Investigation. The Ombudsman complaints just one year later. In 2007, citizens encourages citizens to contact any of the regional across the nation filed more than two thousand offices or service modules to register concerns complaints with the Office of the Ombudsman or file a complaint against a government utility concerning water and sanitation service. The or agency. Representatives of the Ombudsman complaints were lodged against service providers in each region review the circumstances such as SEDAPAL, the 50 other private sanitation surrounding complaints by conducting a service providers, and SUNASS. The complaints contextual analysis and performing background concerned rights violations, such as discrimi- research on the legal and regulatory aspects nation in access to water and sanitation services, of the perceived problem. The Office then arbitrary charges and other forms of incorrect determines if the utility or agency has breached billing, incorrect metering, and poor quality of its obligations in any way—such as through customer care. delayed or absent service delivery, arbitrary or unauthorized charges, or requests for kickbacks Rights-Based Investigation. During the same by a local service provider—and whether that period, the Office of the Ombudsman was devel- breach has violated citizens’ rights. oping a strategic roadmap to advocate and If the Office of the Ombudsman finds a defend so-called second-generation rights— concern or complaint credible, it then submits social and economic rights, such as the rights to verbal or written recommendations to the health, education, security, and water. This effort government utility or agency implicated. Each led to the Ombudsman’s decision in 2003 to government utility and agency is obliged to launch an investigation of water and sanitation cooperate with the Ombudsman by submitting to services throughout Peru, based on the idea information inquiries, evaluating any recommen- that rights violations accounted for many of dations set out by the Office of the Ombudsman, the obstacles to effective water and sanitation and announcing whether or not those recom- management. The investigation was initially mendations will be implemented (and if not, why undertaken by the deputy ombudsman for public not). Once the implicated government utility utilities and the environment. The deputy’s or agency responds to the recommendations, office sampled eight regions (Lima, Arequipa, the Ombudsman closes the case. If the recom- La Libertad, Piura, Cusco, Ayacucho, Loreto, mendations are not acted upon, the Office of and Junín) in which 63.3 percent of Peru’s urban the Ombudsman may help the citizen who filed population (approximately 11 million people) the complaint to appeal the decision using reside. Those citizens are served by nine water alternative dispute resolution techniques and utilities comprised of eight municipal companies continued dialogue. If these approaches are and SEDAPAL in Lima. The goal was to compile unsuccessful, the complainant retains the right a report that would provide a series of recom-
  • 4. 4 | Social Accountability Notes mendations to reform the legal and regulatory Germany’s KfW Cooperation Development Bank environment for water and sanitation services and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation throughout Peru. (JBIC) worked with the Peruvian government to smooth the transition by calling for tenders to The Ombudsman’s Findings: Challenges franchise water and sanitation services in the to Effective Water and Sanitation Service cities of Tumbes and Piura. Three additional cities Delivery in Peru (Huancayo, Trujillo and Pucallpa) were added to this push for privatized utilities, until eventually Lack of Independence of Decision Makers. The the water and sanitation services in Tumbes were Ombudsman quickly discovered a high degree franchised amid intense political debate. The of overlap of leadership across sectors: local privatization of drinking water and sanitation leaders from various municipalities also served on services was a source of significant public anxiety. the corporate boards of the 50 private sanitation Privatization was opposed by several civil society services providers. This arrangement priori- organizations, including the Utilities’ Workers tized political expediency over public interest Union, as well as by several public officials within in decision making for the water and sanitation these five cities. utilities. The Ombudsman determined that undue influence by sitting members of local and central Good Practices Implemented by the government had diminished the capacity of the Ombudsman to Promote Good Governance utility to respond to community concerns and in the Water Sector effectively deliver services. For example, the EPSs In July 2005, the Office of the Ombudsman relied on rates paid by users, many of whom were published “Citizens without Water: Analysis of charged incorrectly because service providers a Rights Violation” (report no. 94). The report failed to adhere to the rate structure mandated included 19 recommendations for the Peruvian by SUNASS. government, in particular to the Peruvian congress; the Ministry of Housing, Infrastructure, Financial Challenges. The Ombudsman found and Sanitation; the Ministry of Health; regional, that financial shortfalls were preventing water provincial, and local governments; SUNASS; and and sanitation service providers from expanding the various water and sanitation service providers. coverage and improving water quality. Approxi- The Ombudsman presented the report on behalf mately 45 percent of water and sanitation services of the citizens, calling on government authorities throughout Peru were either not being billed to implement the recommendations. because of illegal connections or not being paid To gather data and evidence for the report, because of widespread delinquency by users the Office of the Ombudsman set in motion a (payments were an average of six months late number of measures, several of which took on a across the country). As a result, coverage did not life of their own and remained active after publi- increase between 1998 and 2003 (it remained 83.6 cation of the report. Those measures included: percent for water and 75.3 percent for sanitation). Since service providers failed to adhere to rate • Decentralized Complaints System for structures determined by the regulator, their Public Service Users. Since 2004, a team income was less than their outlay for services; from the office of the deputy ombudsman most were operating at a substantial deficit. for public utilities and the environment has provided technical assistance to officials in Tension Over Privatization of Water Services. the Ombudsman’s regional offices to properly Despite widespread problems with state-run hear citizens’ complaints. The Office of the water and sanitation services, there was intense Ombudsman uses the collected complaints public concern about efforts by the Government in its annual report. The decentralized of Peru to privatize these utilities. In the 1990s, complaint system has empowered users to the Peruvian government established PROIN- contribute to improved governance. VERSION, a government-run private investment promotion board to facilitate the privatization • Public Dialogue. The Ombudsman advised of state-run industries. Between 2003 and 2005 that candid dialogue should be permanently
  • 5. Advocacy by the Office of the Ombudsman: Enabling Water Reforms Based on Citizens’ Feedback in Peru | 5 institutionalized, enabling stakeholders of congress and other representatives from with widely divergent interests to air their political parties. At the meetings, the Office concerns. Robust participatory dialogue of the Ombudsman shared the findings of its among service providers, the regulator, water investigation and its recommendations for users, and local and national government public policy reforms. officials is integral to improving governance, accountability, and responsiveness. It also • Disseminating Information through the allows service providers and government Media. Print, broadcast, and digital media officials to share information regarding rate are important channels for the dissemination schedules, the utilities’ financial situation, and of information to the public. A well-informed the need for government investment. Service public that understands pressing issues in providers should be encouraged to stimulate the water sector is more likely to become public discussion, share analyses with the involved in the decision making processes public through horizontal information that affect it. To increase public awareness exchanges, and comment on government of its actions, the Office of the Ombudsman action—or lack thereof. Public scrutiny and prepared a broad strategy to enable local analysis from diverse viewpoints will optimize and national media outlets to cover the publi- the implementation and sustainability of cation of its report. governance improvements. The Ombudsman’s report emphasized that the country’s water sector needed • Training Plans for Citizens. To prepare Peru’s improvement, while recognizing that people for the report to come, the Office public money must fund improvements. of the Ombudsman established a training As a result of the Ombudsman’s outreach program to clarify its rights-based approach efforts, the report’s recommendations to water delivery. It is imperative that the received wide coverage from newspapers, public understands that although all citizens periodicals, specialized journals, commercial of Peru have a right to water access, they and community radio, television, and must bear the costs of water services. The online commentators for four consecutive training further explains that the financial months. To facilitate media coverage, the constraints of the EPSs have prevented Ombudsman prepared executive summaries investments in better service delivery, of the report for newspapers; specialized resulting in low-quality water services. In summaries with relevant material for period- particular, the training emphasizes the way icals focusing on a particular subject; and the existing rate structure prevents water workshops run by experts within the Office utilities from improving services. The training of the Ombudsman and covering relevant programs have disseminated critical infor- parts of the report in detail for broadcast, mation regarding Peru’s water sector to the television, and digital media. public and encouraged citizens to partic- ipate in public hearings and submit their • Raising Awareness through Debate. The complaints to the Ombudsman. report recommended rate increases to allow utilities to pay for improvements. The Office • Cooperative Diagnostics to Precipitate of the Ombudsman decided that water Action. In response to feedback from the users in Peru with incomes over a given public, the Office of the Ombudsman threshold should pay more for their utility organized meetings with officials from various services. This proved to be an unpopular sectors to cooperatively identify critical areas measure, but open discussion in a public for action. The officials included general forum assured the public of the need for directors from the ministries responsible for rate increases. To promote public under- health, housing, sanitation, and the economy; standing of Peru’s precarious water situation, vice-ministers for health and construction and water management and sanitation experts sanitation; the mayors of the eight regions phrased explanations in accessible language sampled for the investigation; and members and avoided technical jargon. The discus-
  • 6. 6 | Social Accountability Notes sions changed many participants’ minds has increased citizens’ awareness of Peru’s by informing them of the vulnerabilities rights-based approach to safe and clean of their fellow citizens who had little or no water and empowered them to act on their access to potable water and sanitation. The own behalf. Ombudsman proposed to maintain and improve the “social tariff” to assure the poor • Improving Utilities’ Handling of Customer of continued access to water services. Complaints. In 2006, SUNASS promul- gated two resolutions reforming customer • Building the Capacity of the Office of the complaint protocols.1 Water and sanitation Ombudsman. The Office of the Ombudsman service providers are now obliged to address recognized the importance of monitoring complaints about operations (such as broken and evaluation and personnel training. The pipelines, floods, and blocked sewage) Ombudsman therefore designed a course and business issues (such as construction to train decentralized staff on issues and matters, permits for service connection, challenges in the water and sanitation sector. and geographic availability of services). It Monitoring and evaluation techniques were also established guidelines for a Sanitation also improved to better track the progress Service Users’ Complaint Resolution Admin- of government and service provider reforms istrative Tribunal. This was intended to towards successful implementation of recom- standardize SUNASS’s criteria for resolving mendations in the Ombudsman’s report. conflicts between water users and water and To reinforce capacity development, all staff sanitation service providers. members of the Office of the Ombudsman are required to participate in annual plans • Widespread Policy Reforms to Improve conferences and workshops that focus on Water and Sanitation Services. Throughout reform and effective monitoring and evalu- Peru, the government and other organi- ation of public services. zations introduced policy reforms that improved service delivery in the water and Key Results sanitation sectors. The Ministry of Economy The Ombudsman’s investigations and subse- and Finance substantially improved regula- quent publication and dissemination of the July tions that imposed duplicate restrictions on 2005 report yielded practical benefits in the water and sanitation utilities. It also amended water and sanitation sectors. The Ministry of the rules governing utility users’ complaints Sanitation and SUNASS pledged to adopt 18 of and customer service. SUNASS improved its 19 recommendations. By 2008, the two bodies systems to monitor water quality throughout had completely or substantially implemented 14 the country and instituted staggered rate of them, including efforts to improve water and restructuring for 12 utilities—including water sanitation services, scale up civic engagement and sanitation—over five years to offset the in utilities operations, foster community-driven impact on service users. Finally, in an effort to water and sanitation management, and improve increase public access to potable water and policies and regulations. improve national health outcomes, Congress promulgated legislation that permits • Increasingly Empowered Water Users. “informal” occupants of houses, land, and Between 2006 and 2007, water users filed other property to connect to local water more than two thousand complaints about grids. water and sanitation service nationwide, as well as 535 requests for mediation in cases • New Composition of the Boards of Water involving connection to the water system, Firms. The Ombudsman recommended emergency assistance, and others queries that the water utilities alter the compo- that required legal counsel. Clearly, the sition of their boards of directors. Specifi- Ombudsman’s offices have made it easier for citizens throughout Peru to lodge their 1. Resolution no. 028-2006-CD-SUNASS and Resolution no. complaints. The improved complaint system 006-2006-SUNASS-CD.
  • 7. Advocacy by the Office of the Ombudsman: Enabling Water Reforms Based on Citizens’ Feedback in Peru | 7 cally, the office advised that representatives • A National Modernization Strategy for from the central government, the regional Making the Sector Sustainable. In 2005, government, and civil society organiza- SUNASS devised a business plan to increase tions should become more involved so as the efficiency of Peru’s decentralized water to improve the transparency of the utilities’ utilities. The plan lays out goals for Peru’s decision-making processes. The government water resource management and service soon enacted the Law for Improving Water delivery—including rate structures conducive and Sanitation Services Management (Ley to sustainable management—for the next para Optimizar la Gestión de los Servicios 35 years, subject to review every five years. de Saneamiento),2 which established a new The same plan proposes reforms for water board configuration: up to two of the five subsidies. Prior to 2005, only 24 of Peru’s 50 board members may be members of the water utilities had established a rate structure. municipality and must be elected by the New regulations, however, require that all shareholders of the utility company. As for utilities in the country have a business plan. the other three, one must represent the If a utility fails to develop a business plan, regional government, and two must be from then SUNASS has the authority to implement civic organizations such as the chamber of one, as it has done for several water utilities commerce, area industries, universities, or since the regulations were enacted. The new nongovernmental organizations. To add regulations have energized the utilities—to stability to the board’s decision-making such a great extent, in fact, that another case processes, the law also changed the study exploring SUNASS’s success might be mandatory duration of the board term from appropriate. Since 2003 SUNASS has played one year to three years. a key role in changing the regulatory climate to allow for these reforms, at the urging of • Rate Restructuring. In its July 2005 report, the Ombudsman. the Office of the Ombudsman recommended that the utilities restructure the rates for water • Civic Engagement in Water and Sanitation services to more accurately reflect the true Utilities Oversight. Water and sanitation cost of providing potable water. The old service providers have implemented more rate structure added to the growing national robust feedback mechanisms to allow the deficit, and municipalities lacked the resources public to express concerns and provide to improve the coverage and quality of service suggestions for improving services. As of of water utilities. The Ministry of Housing, 2007, six municipalities across Peru had Infrastructure and Sanitation, which is respon- adopted an innovative water and sanitation sible for water policy, approved a number management model in which community of changes in the rate-setting processes. members participate in community super- New policies and regulations governing the vision boards (comités de vigilancia) that make management of Peru’s water utilities came critical decisions regarding service-delivery into effect in 2006, and as a result SUNASS technology, local service quality, and tariff has approved new rate structures for 24 levels. With technical assistance from the utilities with staggered rate increases in the World Bank’s Water and Sanitation Program, first, third, and fifth year. Rate increases for an the Ministry of Housing’s Small Town Pilot EPS are subject to the EPS meeting stated Project supported the new model. management goals. If the steering council of As of 2009, twelve water and sanitation an EPS fails to increase rates, the water utility service providers in the eight regions under can appeal to the regulator to enforce the review by the Office of the Ombudsman have increase after a technical review. The changes improved access to and quality of potable were designed to make EPSs more effective, water and sewerage services, and have insti- efficient, and financially and technical viable. tuted micrometering, rate restructuring, and more effective bill collection. 2. Law Nº 28870.
  • 8. 8 | Social Accountability Notes • Continuing Attention to Water and Sanitation a human right which, as any human right, Issues in Peru. The Ombudsman’s report should not have cost for people.” The focused attention on sustainable water and Ombudsman held protracted dialogues with sanitation management in Peru. Nongovern- representatives of the activists to convince mental organizations, international devel- them—and by extension the public—of the opment agencies, domestic political organi- necessity of public funding for public services, zations, and others have asked the Office including water. The activists eventually recog- of the Ombudsman to present the report nized the importance of paying for water (and others3) to them. At the presentations, services, and they are now considered allies of the Ombudsman emphasizes the need for the Ombudsman. continued attention to water and sanitation issues as a way to combat poverty. The admin- • The Water Privatization Debate Rages. istration of President Alan García also used the The Office of the Ombudsman also joined Ombudsman’s report to formally recognize the the popular debate on the privatization of country’s second-generation right to water and the water utility. The Ombudsman used the to inaugurate an ambitious investment plan for debate as a platform for proposing reforms Peru’s water and sanitation sector. The “Water and disseminating research that demon- for All” program (Agua para todos) seeks to strated the critical vulnerability of citizens provide water connections to all Peruvians, who had low-quality water—or worse, none including the poorest segments of society, at all. Notwithstanding the Ombudsman’s beginning with more than one million citizens efforts, the debate reflects the conflicting in Lima. While the program has yet to meet priorities and ideologies of various segments its goals, its existence alone demonstrates of society. It appears that this debate will increased awareness of the critical importance continue for some time. of water and sanitation issues by Peru’s public sector and citizenry. Conclusion The Office of the Ombudsman contributed to Challenges building the coalition responsible for reforming Peru’s water sector. • Changing the Mission of the Regulator. Throughout the reform process, the Office of The regulatory framework that SUNASS the Ombudsman has emphasized the necessity maintained until 2005 demonstrated that of cooperation in providing sustainable water public water companies were not functioning and sanitation services across Peru. Reform properly but failed to outline strategies for has not yet been completely successful, and improving the situation. Changing the institu- implementation of some aspects of the reforms tional behavior of the regulator was a lengthy remains a challenge. The progress, however, is process, but SUNASS is now a collaborator in visible. The Ombudsman has encouraged the water reform efforts in Peru. Peruvian public to inform themselves about the issues surrounding the water sector. At • Civil Society Rights Activists Opposed Water the same time, it has given various segments Tariffs. Civil society activists in Peru opposed of society the opportunity to have their views all tariffs for water services beginning in heard and advocated. New mechanisms for the 1990s. This may have been a result of a hearing complaints and handling requests widespread lack of awareness of the cost of for investigations from users have given the providing water services. Since access to water public a new channel for involvement in the was described as a right, activists demanded water-management process. These innovations that the government provide water for free. have assisted the Ombudsman in identifying The motto of their campaign was “defending the critical instances of government misman- agement that hinder public service delivery. 3. Another report—Ombudsman’s Report No. 124, “The Right to Water in Rural Areas: The Case of District Munici- palities”—was published more recently. This case study was written by Blanche Cotlear and Carlos Alza. Its findings, interpretations, and conclusions are the authors’ own and should not be attributed to the World Bank, its affiliated organizations, members of the Board, or the countries they represent. For more information about this or other governance programs in the water sector, please contact Karen Sirker at (+1.202.458.2362).