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Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 1
Elevating The United States engagement with Africa
President Barack Obama made a visit to Africa during the summer of 2013, and to follow
up with that very visit he decided to host a gathering that would potentially help the United
States to reinforce its economic and diplomatic ties with the African continent. Africa is home to
six of the world’s ten fastest growing economies.
This past August, 2014, President Barack Obama took a strategic leap of faith by inviting
all of the leaders of approximately fifty African nations to join together for the first ever “United
States-Africa Leaders’ Summit.” The Summit was held in Washington, D.C and consisted of
discussions on trade, security and governance. This Summit was similar of the events that the
European Union has held for several years.
“I’m here because I think the United States needs to engage with a continent full of
promise and possibility. It’s good for the U.S. and I welcome the attention that Africa is
receiving from China, Brazil, India, and Turkey” said Obama. China has become a much larger
trading partner for Africa than the United States with an annual trade of about two-hundred
billion. This is about twice the volume of the United States trade with the African continent.
Through the course of this paper I will write researched information about what is taking
place in Africa, where the United States can play a role, and whether or not it is strategically
important to have a presence in the continent.
The Summit took place between August 4th and 6th of 2014 making it a three day U.S.-
Africa Leaders’ Summit. The main theme of this Summit was “Investing in the Next Generation”
with goals to stimulate growth, unlock opportunities and create and enable environments for the
Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 2
next generation (White House). “I do not see the countries and peoples of Africa as a world
apart; I see Africa as a fundamental part of our interconnected world – partners with America on
behalf of the future we want for all of our children. That partnership must be grounded in mutual
responsibility and mutual respect” said President Barack Obama.
The Summit was the first event of this kind that any American president has hosted with
African heads of state and government. All African heads of state or government in good
standing with the United States and African Union were invited as well as the African Union
Chairperson. The visit was built on President Barack’s visit to Africa in 2013. This trip was
considered a “three-nation African trip” which began in Senegal and ended in Tanzania. The
purpose behind the event was to strengthen ties between the United States, explore investment
opportunities, address development issues such as food, security, and health, promote democracy
and most importantly to engage with “one of the world’s most dynamic and fastest growing
regions” (The White House.) Although China gives billions to Africa and is the largest trading
partner, Obama says he is not threatened by it. This event was proof that America is committed
to Africa’s security, democratic development and people, and committed to the continent in
general. The event also enabled discussions of concrete ideas to bring the partnership between
America and Africa to a higher, deeper, and even more meaningful level. This event advanced
Americas shared opportunity with Africa.
An overview of the USAID that was promised to African States was one of the
very popular discussions held during the course of the Summit. The United States
committed to $33 billion in AID while American companies planned $14 billion worth of
investments in Africa. Fundraising for ‘Power Africa’ is drawing an additional $12
Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 3
billion plus $7 billion from attracted investments in construction, clean energy, banking,
and information technology. The United States remains to be the largest source of
investment towards Africa, mostly and previously in oil and gas.
During the U.S-Africa Summit in Washington DC, many other discussions took
place such as how to encourage progress in key areas. These areas discussed are key to
what Africans define as critical for the future of their continent. Discussions include
expanding trade and investment ties, engaging the younger as leaders, promoting
inclusive and sustainable development, expanding cooperation on peace and security, and
gaining a better future for Africa’s next generation.
South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, and Tanzania are
countries in Africa currently undergoing issues that the United States have pledged to
help. Some of these issues include the Ebola outbreak, Boko Haram, and other terrorism.
Obama said, “Access to electricity is fundamental to opportunity in this age. It’s
the light that children study by, the energy that allows an idea to be transformed into a
real business…” In South Africa the U.S. pledged $47 billion towards combating power
outages that occur frequently in Sub Sharan Africa. Two thirds of the population is
lacking electricity access and eighty-five percent of those areas are rural. One point five
billion of the funds towards this project are coming from Private Investment Corporations
overseas in the U.S. and $5 billion is coming from Export-Import Bank. According to the
White House, more than $300 billion will be needed to achieve universal electricity by
the year 2030. Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Mozambique are
countries that “have set ambitious goals in electric power generation, and are making the
Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 4
utility and energy sector reforms to pave way for investment and growth” said the White
Ethiopia is African partners of peacekeepers. America pledged $110 million per
year over the course of three to five years for security which consist of helping African
militaries set up rapid response forces to support United Nations and African Union
Peacekeeping missions. Seventy million was pledged for equipment to African
peacekeepers and African Union forces in Somalia and Central Africa. Lastly, sixty five
million was pledged to a program focused on helping strengthen security institutions in
six countries against extremist groups such as Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, and Al-Qaeda.
Officially called Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’ Awati Wal Jihad which means
‘people committed to the prophets teachings for propagation and Jihad’, Boko Haram has
killed more than five thousand civilians between July 2009 and June of 2014. These
terrorist have abducted more than 200 school girls during the ‘Chibok Raid’ which is part
of what they call “war booty” and treat young girls as slaves and then marry them off.
Boko Haram stands for ‘western education is forbidden’ and was founded in
2002. The leader of this ruthless group is Mohammed Yusuf who died in 2009. This is a
Militant Islamist movement that is based in Northeast Nigeria and was declared a terrorist
group in the United States by 2013. It is estimated that the group consist of approximately
a few hundred to a few thousand members. This terrorizing group has caused much havoc
and chaos with bombings, assassinations, and even abductions. As a whole, their goal is
to overthrow the government and create and Islamic state. Followers of Boko Haram are
influenced by the Koranic phrase that says “anyone who is not governed by what Allah
Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 5
has revealed is among the transgressors.” Most associated with this group are Muslim and
are forbidden to take part in political or social activity that has any association with
western society. This includes events such as voting, wearing shirts and receiving secular
education. This group has attacked schools in Northern Nigeria and have an original
trademark of killing police, politicians, and anyone who criticizes them. They are
gunmen on motorbikes and they have been known to bomb churches, buses, police, bars,
and military barracks.
Aside from Boko Haram and his members, Sierra Leone and Liberia experience
an Ebola Outbreak. Ebola is a rare and deadly disease and Sierra Leone has had the Ebola
outbreak since May 2014. This is the largest and most complex outbreak in history.
Symptoms of Ebola include severe headache, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach
pain, unexplained bleedings or bruising, and a temp above 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
Bombali, Bo, Botne, Kailahun, Kambia, Kenema, Kono, Moyambia, Port Loko,
Pujehun, and Tonkolili are all infected districts in Sierra Leone along with the Western
rural and urban areas including the capital, Freetown. The countries way of combating
Ebola begin with new protocols for arrivals and departures at Lungi International Airport.
There has also been restrictions put on public gatherings as well as travel in and out of
infected communities. House to house searches have been put in place to quarantine
patients who outbreak as well as report deaths before the burial. Local government
officials now require laws to be established in supporting the prevention of Ebola while
police enforce the above.
Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 6
In the country of Liberia, specifically the city of Monrovia in the West Point
Slum, residents begin to raid a holding center because they are mad that residents from
other parts of Monrovia are being treated at their center for the Ebola outbreak. During
this disaster, 30 patients fled and needed to be located while angry residents raided the
medical equipment and mattresses from the center. All raided materials were infected
with blood and now officials are worried that all of West Point will be infected because
of this. “Some of the looted items were visibly stained with blood, vomit, and excrement”
said Richard Kien who lives in the area. In Liberia 413 people have died and 1,145
people have died in West Africa from Ebola (World Health.) Four doctors and over
ninety health workers counting nurses and physician assistants have also died from the
In Nigeria they are making progress in containing the outbreak. To contain the
disease Nigeria is tracking everyone who has had contact with Ebola patients. Two
hundred and forty two people are under surveillance, sixty one are cleared and would be
released after twenty one days of having no symptoms. There have only been twelve
confirmed cases of Ebola which have come from direct contact with Liberian-American
men who flew to Nigeria ill and infected the health workers who eventually died. Three
others have died from the disease in Nigeria, one doctor survived, and five others are in
recovery. In Kenya all passengers traveling from Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia are
banned. Kenya Airway suspended flights to Liberia and Sierra Leone when usually there
are more than 70 flights to West Africa. Along with Kenya Airways, British Airways,
Emirates Airlines, Arilic Air, and ASKY Airline have also suspended flights to the three
above countries. Cameroon suspended flights to all four Ebola infected countries while
Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 7
Korean Air is putting services to Kenya on hold even though there is no case of Ebola.
The above information shows just how deadly the disease is. Numerous countries are
taking extra precaution to protect their countries and the safety of their citizens.
Along with countries in Africa being affected by the Ebola outbreak, The United
States is also experiencing the outbreak. Thomas Eric Duncan was the first person
diagnosed with Ebola in America and he died in Dallas. Because if this tragedy
happening in the world, the United States is also taking part in steps to containing Ebola.
The U.S. is sending military and marines and has committed to a large number of
humanitarian resources. The U.S. military is working to build medical centers in Liberia
and are sending 4,000 soldiers to help with the crisis. British Defense Secretary Michael
Fallon said that they are also sending 750 troops to build treatment centers as well as
sending aviation support ships.
Based upon my research of the African countries Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa,
Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, and Tanzania, I am going to discuss with you what country I
would recommend concentrating on if I were to advise a company to go do business in.
The country I would advise is Nigeria because it is an important market. Nigeria is
Africans’ most populated with 150 million people. Nigeria is also one of the largest oil
producers on the continent which is huge for foreign income. It is also fairly simple and
easy to set up a company in Nigeria because there are no restrictions on foreign nationals
or foreign entities except that you must first get a local vehicle before launching a
business. All Nigerian businesses are set up and regulated by the Corporate Affairs
Commission and you must register with Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission
Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 8
before commencing a business. Reasons for doing business in Nigeria are to boost
cement production, free trade zones, stimulate the biofuel industry to establish a fuel as
well as an ethanol industry that thrives by utilizing agricultural products.
Doing business in Nigeria is also much safer than it is in most African countries.
The majority of people who visit have a safe and crime free experience. The most
dangerous part of traveling in Nigeria is driving because they have poor roads and poor
vehicle repair. Because of these dilemmas, most people doing business in Nigeria request
the best and safest vehicle as well as an appointed driver. Most business is done in the
city of Lagos because it is a commercial filled area, as well as in Abuja which is the
capital of Nigeria. If individuals ever have to travel further than these local destinations
they usually fly for safer travel. While doing business in Nigeria, never bribe, be patient
in developing long term relationships and mutual trust, beware of religious sensitivities,
and avoid inter-state road travel if possible.
A few more great reasons to do business in Nigeria is because it is a place for
entrepreneurs and investors as well as the number one place for foreign direct investment
in Africa. Nigeria is one of the fastest growing and developing economies in the world;
economically and technologically. Labor is also very cheap because of the large
population and lastly, Nigeria is full of problems that a business can be made out of such
as security, unemployment, power failure, and a fall in education (Fast Growing Business
Investment Opportunities in Nigeria.) To set up a business in Nigeria you can contact
‘Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission’ at or the ‘Corporate
Affairs Commission’ at (Doing Business in Nigeria.)
Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 9
China has a huge influence in Africa so I will be discussing what it is that China
is doing in Africa. China is devoted to the growth and expansion of Africa because it is
an influence economically. China is working on various projects in Africa including
railway in Kenya, construction of the African Union in Addis Ababa, new schools and
hospitals in Angola, and energy operations in Tanzania. China has invested more than ten
billion dollars to Zambia, Nigeria, and Ghana. Zambia has received this money for
copper trade, aid, civil construction, iron ore trade, hydroelectric dams, mining, rail and
road, and other projects. Nigeria received money for manufacturing, oil and natural gas,
rail and road as well as other investments and projects. Ghana has been given this money
for rail and road projects, oil and natural gas, hydroelectric dams, water, and other
projects. Five billion to ten billion dollars have went to South Africa, Tanzania, and Chad
while one billion to five billion dollars have been given to Zimbabwe, Angola, Uganda,
Ethiopia, Algeria, and Guinea from China. Many have thoughts that China has plans to
overthrow Africa because of how much they are investing. The total trade from China to
Africa is $128 billion dollars oppose to $100 billion dollars from the United States to
Africa. China trades only with countries full of natural resource and rich in oil and
minerals to meet their country’s needs. The African countries are being helped by China
with global growth, investment, and poverty reduction. In the countries of Africa
President Bush is liked because he is the one who started AIDs in Africa. Because of this
good deed the United States is liked by Africa and many Africans praise Bush for
“bringing Africa back to life.”
All in all, Africa as a whole continent would be a good investment for a company
but the country of Nigeria is the place I would first consider. The two main places that I
Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 10
feel a company would be best excelling in business in is in the security as well as
working closely with hospitals and healthcare benefits. The reason I fell that these areas
are best for investment is because they are important aspects to living a healthy and safe
life but are also areas that the continent of Africa needs to direct more attention towards.
Although nearly impossible I feel that the citizens of Africa should feel just as safe in
their country as we Americans do. Healthcare is huge as well because people of all ages
need medical attention for life threatening situations as well as the simplicity of a
children’s yearly physical. Investing more in hospitals and healthcare I believe will limit
the death rate and keep unwanted sicknesses away.
Gregory Adams once said, “African leaders are asking for US investment, while
Africans are asking for jobs. This disconnect hasn’t been completely dealt with…” the
following is a reason why a company may not want to invest in Africa; there is
disconnect between the people and the leaders which could cause potential conflicts. No
matter what it takes I believe that Africa is ready to sacrifice whatever they need too in
order to better their continent. Although there may be reasons not to invest in Africa like
the terrorism and the bad economics, Africa will be determined to make these changes.
Africa is full of opportunity and thriving entrepreneurship.
“ A light where currently there is darkness- the energy to lift people out of
poverty- that’s what opportunity looks like…so this is Americas vision: a partnership
with Africa for growth, and the potential for every citizen, not just a few at the top” said
President Barack Obama.

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Advanced Writing Internship Paper (1)

  • 1. Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 1 Elevating The United States engagement with Africa President Barack Obama made a visit to Africa during the summer of 2013, and to follow up with that very visit he decided to host a gathering that would potentially help the United States to reinforce its economic and diplomatic ties with the African continent. Africa is home to six of the world’s ten fastest growing economies. This past August, 2014, President Barack Obama took a strategic leap of faith by inviting all of the leaders of approximately fifty African nations to join together for the first ever “United States-Africa Leaders’ Summit.” The Summit was held in Washington, D.C and consisted of discussions on trade, security and governance. This Summit was similar of the events that the European Union has held for several years. “I’m here because I think the United States needs to engage with a continent full of promise and possibility. It’s good for the U.S. and I welcome the attention that Africa is receiving from China, Brazil, India, and Turkey” said Obama. China has become a much larger trading partner for Africa than the United States with an annual trade of about two-hundred billion. This is about twice the volume of the United States trade with the African continent. Through the course of this paper I will write researched information about what is taking place in Africa, where the United States can play a role, and whether or not it is strategically important to have a presence in the continent. The Summit took place between August 4th and 6th of 2014 making it a three day U.S.- Africa Leaders’ Summit. The main theme of this Summit was “Investing in the Next Generation” with goals to stimulate growth, unlock opportunities and create and enable environments for the
  • 2. Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 2 next generation (White House). “I do not see the countries and peoples of Africa as a world apart; I see Africa as a fundamental part of our interconnected world – partners with America on behalf of the future we want for all of our children. That partnership must be grounded in mutual responsibility and mutual respect” said President Barack Obama. The Summit was the first event of this kind that any American president has hosted with African heads of state and government. All African heads of state or government in good standing with the United States and African Union were invited as well as the African Union Chairperson. The visit was built on President Barack’s visit to Africa in 2013. This trip was considered a “three-nation African trip” which began in Senegal and ended in Tanzania. The purpose behind the event was to strengthen ties between the United States, explore investment opportunities, address development issues such as food, security, and health, promote democracy and most importantly to engage with “one of the world’s most dynamic and fastest growing regions” (The White House.) Although China gives billions to Africa and is the largest trading partner, Obama says he is not threatened by it. This event was proof that America is committed to Africa’s security, democratic development and people, and committed to the continent in general. The event also enabled discussions of concrete ideas to bring the partnership between America and Africa to a higher, deeper, and even more meaningful level. This event advanced Americas shared opportunity with Africa. An overview of the USAID that was promised to African States was one of the very popular discussions held during the course of the Summit. The United States committed to $33 billion in AID while American companies planned $14 billion worth of investments in Africa. Fundraising for ‘Power Africa’ is drawing an additional $12
  • 3. Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 3 billion plus $7 billion from attracted investments in construction, clean energy, banking, and information technology. The United States remains to be the largest source of investment towards Africa, mostly and previously in oil and gas. During the U.S-Africa Summit in Washington DC, many other discussions took place such as how to encourage progress in key areas. These areas discussed are key to what Africans define as critical for the future of their continent. Discussions include expanding trade and investment ties, engaging the younger as leaders, promoting inclusive and sustainable development, expanding cooperation on peace and security, and gaining a better future for Africa’s next generation. South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, and Tanzania are countries in Africa currently undergoing issues that the United States have pledged to help. Some of these issues include the Ebola outbreak, Boko Haram, and other terrorism. Obama said, “Access to electricity is fundamental to opportunity in this age. It’s the light that children study by, the energy that allows an idea to be transformed into a real business…” In South Africa the U.S. pledged $47 billion towards combating power outages that occur frequently in Sub Sharan Africa. Two thirds of the population is lacking electricity access and eighty-five percent of those areas are rural. One point five billion of the funds towards this project are coming from Private Investment Corporations overseas in the U.S. and $5 billion is coming from Export-Import Bank. According to the White House, more than $300 billion will be needed to achieve universal electricity by the year 2030. Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Mozambique are countries that “have set ambitious goals in electric power generation, and are making the
  • 4. Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 4 utility and energy sector reforms to pave way for investment and growth” said the White House. Ethiopia is African partners of peacekeepers. America pledged $110 million per year over the course of three to five years for security which consist of helping African militaries set up rapid response forces to support United Nations and African Union Peacekeeping missions. Seventy million was pledged for equipment to African peacekeepers and African Union forces in Somalia and Central Africa. Lastly, sixty five million was pledged to a program focused on helping strengthen security institutions in six countries against extremist groups such as Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, and Al-Qaeda. Officially called Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’ Awati Wal Jihad which means ‘people committed to the prophets teachings for propagation and Jihad’, Boko Haram has killed more than five thousand civilians between July 2009 and June of 2014. These terrorist have abducted more than 200 school girls during the ‘Chibok Raid’ which is part of what they call “war booty” and treat young girls as slaves and then marry them off. Boko Haram stands for ‘western education is forbidden’ and was founded in 2002. The leader of this ruthless group is Mohammed Yusuf who died in 2009. This is a Militant Islamist movement that is based in Northeast Nigeria and was declared a terrorist group in the United States by 2013. It is estimated that the group consist of approximately a few hundred to a few thousand members. This terrorizing group has caused much havoc and chaos with bombings, assassinations, and even abductions. As a whole, their goal is to overthrow the government and create and Islamic state. Followers of Boko Haram are influenced by the Koranic phrase that says “anyone who is not governed by what Allah
  • 5. Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 5 has revealed is among the transgressors.” Most associated with this group are Muslim and are forbidden to take part in political or social activity that has any association with western society. This includes events such as voting, wearing shirts and receiving secular education. This group has attacked schools in Northern Nigeria and have an original trademark of killing police, politicians, and anyone who criticizes them. They are gunmen on motorbikes and they have been known to bomb churches, buses, police, bars, and military barracks. Aside from Boko Haram and his members, Sierra Leone and Liberia experience an Ebola Outbreak. Ebola is a rare and deadly disease and Sierra Leone has had the Ebola outbreak since May 2014. This is the largest and most complex outbreak in history. Symptoms of Ebola include severe headache, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, unexplained bleedings or bruising, and a temp above 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Bombali, Bo, Botne, Kailahun, Kambia, Kenema, Kono, Moyambia, Port Loko, Pujehun, and Tonkolili are all infected districts in Sierra Leone along with the Western rural and urban areas including the capital, Freetown. The countries way of combating Ebola begin with new protocols for arrivals and departures at Lungi International Airport. There has also been restrictions put on public gatherings as well as travel in and out of infected communities. House to house searches have been put in place to quarantine patients who outbreak as well as report deaths before the burial. Local government officials now require laws to be established in supporting the prevention of Ebola while police enforce the above.
  • 6. Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 6 In the country of Liberia, specifically the city of Monrovia in the West Point Slum, residents begin to raid a holding center because they are mad that residents from other parts of Monrovia are being treated at their center for the Ebola outbreak. During this disaster, 30 patients fled and needed to be located while angry residents raided the medical equipment and mattresses from the center. All raided materials were infected with blood and now officials are worried that all of West Point will be infected because of this. “Some of the looted items were visibly stained with blood, vomit, and excrement” said Richard Kien who lives in the area. In Liberia 413 people have died and 1,145 people have died in West Africa from Ebola (World Health.) Four doctors and over ninety health workers counting nurses and physician assistants have also died from the outbreak. In Nigeria they are making progress in containing the outbreak. To contain the disease Nigeria is tracking everyone who has had contact with Ebola patients. Two hundred and forty two people are under surveillance, sixty one are cleared and would be released after twenty one days of having no symptoms. There have only been twelve confirmed cases of Ebola which have come from direct contact with Liberian-American men who flew to Nigeria ill and infected the health workers who eventually died. Three others have died from the disease in Nigeria, one doctor survived, and five others are in recovery. In Kenya all passengers traveling from Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia are banned. Kenya Airway suspended flights to Liberia and Sierra Leone when usually there are more than 70 flights to West Africa. Along with Kenya Airways, British Airways, Emirates Airlines, Arilic Air, and ASKY Airline have also suspended flights to the three above countries. Cameroon suspended flights to all four Ebola infected countries while
  • 7. Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 7 Korean Air is putting services to Kenya on hold even though there is no case of Ebola. The above information shows just how deadly the disease is. Numerous countries are taking extra precaution to protect their countries and the safety of their citizens. Along with countries in Africa being affected by the Ebola outbreak, The United States is also experiencing the outbreak. Thomas Eric Duncan was the first person diagnosed with Ebola in America and he died in Dallas. Because if this tragedy happening in the world, the United States is also taking part in steps to containing Ebola. The U.S. is sending military and marines and has committed to a large number of humanitarian resources. The U.S. military is working to build medical centers in Liberia and are sending 4,000 soldiers to help with the crisis. British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said that they are also sending 750 troops to build treatment centers as well as sending aviation support ships. Based upon my research of the African countries Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, and Tanzania, I am going to discuss with you what country I would recommend concentrating on if I were to advise a company to go do business in. The country I would advise is Nigeria because it is an important market. Nigeria is Africans’ most populated with 150 million people. Nigeria is also one of the largest oil producers on the continent which is huge for foreign income. It is also fairly simple and easy to set up a company in Nigeria because there are no restrictions on foreign nationals or foreign entities except that you must first get a local vehicle before launching a business. All Nigerian businesses are set up and regulated by the Corporate Affairs Commission and you must register with Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission
  • 8. Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 8 before commencing a business. Reasons for doing business in Nigeria are to boost cement production, free trade zones, stimulate the biofuel industry to establish a fuel as well as an ethanol industry that thrives by utilizing agricultural products. Doing business in Nigeria is also much safer than it is in most African countries. The majority of people who visit have a safe and crime free experience. The most dangerous part of traveling in Nigeria is driving because they have poor roads and poor vehicle repair. Because of these dilemmas, most people doing business in Nigeria request the best and safest vehicle as well as an appointed driver. Most business is done in the city of Lagos because it is a commercial filled area, as well as in Abuja which is the capital of Nigeria. If individuals ever have to travel further than these local destinations they usually fly for safer travel. While doing business in Nigeria, never bribe, be patient in developing long term relationships and mutual trust, beware of religious sensitivities, and avoid inter-state road travel if possible. A few more great reasons to do business in Nigeria is because it is a place for entrepreneurs and investors as well as the number one place for foreign direct investment in Africa. Nigeria is one of the fastest growing and developing economies in the world; economically and technologically. Labor is also very cheap because of the large population and lastly, Nigeria is full of problems that a business can be made out of such as security, unemployment, power failure, and a fall in education (Fast Growing Business Investment Opportunities in Nigeria.) To set up a business in Nigeria you can contact ‘Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission’ at or the ‘Corporate Affairs Commission’ at (Doing Business in Nigeria.)
  • 9. Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 9 China has a huge influence in Africa so I will be discussing what it is that China is doing in Africa. China is devoted to the growth and expansion of Africa because it is an influence economically. China is working on various projects in Africa including railway in Kenya, construction of the African Union in Addis Ababa, new schools and hospitals in Angola, and energy operations in Tanzania. China has invested more than ten billion dollars to Zambia, Nigeria, and Ghana. Zambia has received this money for copper trade, aid, civil construction, iron ore trade, hydroelectric dams, mining, rail and road, and other projects. Nigeria received money for manufacturing, oil and natural gas, rail and road as well as other investments and projects. Ghana has been given this money for rail and road projects, oil and natural gas, hydroelectric dams, water, and other projects. Five billion to ten billion dollars have went to South Africa, Tanzania, and Chad while one billion to five billion dollars have been given to Zimbabwe, Angola, Uganda, Ethiopia, Algeria, and Guinea from China. Many have thoughts that China has plans to overthrow Africa because of how much they are investing. The total trade from China to Africa is $128 billion dollars oppose to $100 billion dollars from the United States to Africa. China trades only with countries full of natural resource and rich in oil and minerals to meet their country’s needs. The African countries are being helped by China with global growth, investment, and poverty reduction. In the countries of Africa President Bush is liked because he is the one who started AIDs in Africa. Because of this good deed the United States is liked by Africa and many Africans praise Bush for “bringing Africa back to life.” All in all, Africa as a whole continent would be a good investment for a company but the country of Nigeria is the place I would first consider. The two main places that I
  • 10. Elevating The United States Engagement with Africa 10 feel a company would be best excelling in business in is in the security as well as working closely with hospitals and healthcare benefits. The reason I fell that these areas are best for investment is because they are important aspects to living a healthy and safe life but are also areas that the continent of Africa needs to direct more attention towards. Although nearly impossible I feel that the citizens of Africa should feel just as safe in their country as we Americans do. Healthcare is huge as well because people of all ages need medical attention for life threatening situations as well as the simplicity of a children’s yearly physical. Investing more in hospitals and healthcare I believe will limit the death rate and keep unwanted sicknesses away. Gregory Adams once said, “African leaders are asking for US investment, while Africans are asking for jobs. This disconnect hasn’t been completely dealt with…” the following is a reason why a company may not want to invest in Africa; there is disconnect between the people and the leaders which could cause potential conflicts. No matter what it takes I believe that Africa is ready to sacrifice whatever they need too in order to better their continent. Although there may be reasons not to invest in Africa like the terrorism and the bad economics, Africa will be determined to make these changes. Africa is full of opportunity and thriving entrepreneurship. “ A light where currently there is darkness- the energy to lift people out of poverty- that’s what opportunity looks like…so this is Americas vision: a partnership with Africa for growth, and the potential for every citizen, not just a few at the top” said President Barack Obama.